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InTouch HMI
formerly Wonderware

Application Management and Extension Guide

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

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Publication date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020
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AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Chapter 1 About InTouch HMI ........................................................................................... 13
Types of InTouch Applications ................................................................................................. 13
Standalone Applications .................................................................................................... 13
Managed InTouc h Applications .......................................................................................... 13
Published Applications....................................................................................................... 14
InTouchView Applications .................................................................................................. 15
Building Applications ............................................................................................................... 16
Running Applications............................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 2 Licensing in InTouch HMI ................................................................................ 17

Licensing in InTouch HMI About InTouch HMI Licensing.......................................................... 17
Licenses A vailable for InTouch HMI ......................................................................................... 17
InTouch Licensing in RDS and non -RDS Environments ............................................................. 18
About InTouchView Application Licensing ................................................................................. 18
InTouchView Application Licensing ..................................................................................... 18
Best Practices for Administering InTouch Licenses on the Server ............................................... 19
Reserving Licenses ........................................................................................................... 19
Floating Licenses .............................................................................................................. 20
Viewing License Information .................................................................................................... 21
Managing Consumption of a Different License After Startup ....................................................... 22
Working in Demo Mode ........................................................................................................... 24
Working with the Grace Period................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 3 Managing InTouch HMI Applications ............................................................. 27
About Managing InTouch HMI Applications ............................................................................... 27
About the InTouch Application Manager ................................................................................... 28
Starting the Application Manager ............................................................................................. 28
Using the Application Manager ................................................................................................ 28
Creating an InTouch Application .............................................................................................. 28
Creating a New InTouchView Application ............................................................................ 31
Changing an InTouc h Application to an InTouchView Application ......................................... 31
Using InTouch HMI Applications in AVEVA Edge ...................................................................... 32
Downloading the AVEVA Edge Zip File ............................................................................... 33
Uploading the AVEVA Edge Zip File ................................................................................... 33
Configuring Users for Edge Device ..................................................................................... 34
Configuring and Using the InTouch OP C UA Server .................................................................. 35
OPC UA Configuration Checklist ........................................................................................ 35
Configuring the InTouch OP C UA Server ............................................................................ 36

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Configuring the Firewall for the OPC UA Service ................................................................. 37

Configure the Run-Time Node Firewall ......................................................................... 37
Firewall Test ............................................................................................................... 39
Configuring Server and Client Certificates for Third-P arty OPC UA Client Applications .......... 41
Export the OPC UA server certificate to the OP C UA client node .................................... 41
Import the OP C UA Server Certific ate on the Client Computer ........................................ 44
Configure OPC UA Client Certificates on the OPC UA Server ........................................ 46
Port Usage.................................................................................................................. 46
Using OI Gat eway to Configure the Client Security Certificate .............................................. 47
Trusting the Certificate between the OPC UA Server and OP C UA Client ........................ 48
Verify OP C UA Certificate Installation ........................................................................... 49
Updating Web Client Settings Using the Application Manager .................................................... 51
Registering with the AVEVA Identity Manager ........................................................................... 52
Opening an Application in WindowMaker and WindowViewer .................................................... 52
Customizing the Application Manager Window .......................................................................... 53
Using the Application Ribbon ................................................................................................... 53
Locking and Unlocking InTouch Applications ............................................................................ 54
Modifying an InTouc h Application ............................................................................................. 54
Deleting an InTouch Application from the Application Manager .................................................. 56
Finding InTouch Applications ................................................................................................... 56
Working with Application Templates ......................................................................................... 57
Exporting InTouch Applications to use an Template .................................................................. 59
Converting InTouch Windows to Industrial Graphics .................................................................. 59
Preparing to Convert Windows ........................................................................................... 59
Converting Windows.......................................................................................................... 59
Converting Animation Scripts ............................................................................................. 60
Known Limitations of Windows Conversions ....................................................................... 60
After Converting Windows.................................................................................................. 61
Completing the Window Conversion Procedure ................................................................... 61
Diagnosing Window Conversion Errors ............................................................................... 63
Publishing Applications to Remote Nodes ................................................................................. 63
Cont ents of a Published File .............................................................................................. 64
Publishing a Standalone InTouch Application ...................................................................... 65
Publishing Applications to Insight ....................................................................................... 67

Chapter 4 Migrating and Upgrading Applications ........................................................... 69

Moving from a Legacy Application to the New Standalone Application ........................................ 69
Migrating and Upgrading Older Applications ............................................................................. 69
Migrating Earlier InTouch Applications to the Current Version .................................................... 69
Converting Legacy Alarm Displays ..................................................................................... 70
Managing Application Settings ........................................................................................... 71
Importing InTouc h Applications ................................................................................................ 71

Chapter 5 Distributing Applications ................................................................................... 73

Distributing Applications About Distributing Applications .......................................................... 73
Supported InTouch A rchitectures ............................................................................................. 73

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Single Computer Archit ecture............................................................................................. 73

Client -Based Arc hitecture .................................................................................................. 74
Server-Based Architecture ................................................................................................. 74
Network Application Development (NA D) ............................................................................ 75
Planning Considerations for Networked Applications ................................................................. 75
I/O Data Access for Net worked Applications ....................................................................... 75
Using Global I/O Addresses ......................................................................................... 76
Using Local I/O Addresses ........................................................................................... 76
SuiteLink ..................................................................................................................... 76
Access to Shared Files ...................................................................................................... 77
Using Global Addresses to File Data ............................................................................. 77
Using Local Addresses to File Data .............................................................................. 77
Access to Shared Files through UNC ............................................................................ 78
Logging Data in a Distribut ed Environment ......................................................................... 78
Configuring Remote History Providers .......................................................................... 80
Dynamically Configuring Remote History Providers ....................................................... 81
Configuring Distributed Historical Logging ..................................................................... 81
Considerations for Special Net works .................................................................................. 83
Configuring an InTouch Application for NA D ............................................................................. 83
Performing an Automatic NA D Update ................................................................................ 85
Performing a Manual NA D Update...................................................................................... 85
$ApplicationChanged System Tag ................................................................................ 86
$ApplicationVersion System Tag .................................................................................. 86
RestartWindowViewer() Function.................................................................................. 87
ReloadWindowViewer() Function .................................................................................. 87
Application Editing Locks ................................................................................................... 88
Changes to an Application During a NA D Update ................................................................ 88
Scaling the Application Resolution at Run Time ................................................................... 88
Locking the Application Resolution ..................................................................................... 90

Chapter 6 Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop
Services................................................................................................................................... 93
Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop Services Terminal Servic es
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 93
Planning Considerations for Terminal Server Applications .................................................... 93
Deploying InTouch Applications in a Terminal Services Environment .............................. 94
Alarms in a Terminal Services Environment .................................................................. 94
Security in a Terminal Services Environment ................................................................. 94
I/O in a Terminal Services Environment ........................................................................ 95
Script Execution in a Terminal Services Environment ..................................................... 95
Logging on to a Terminal Session Properly to Run InTouch ............................................ 95
Alarm Query Syntax in a Terminal Service Environment ................................................. 95
Miscellaneous Limitations in a Terminal Services Environment ....................................... 95
Retrieving Information A bout the InTouch Client Session Using Scripts ................................. 96
TseGetClient Id() Function ............................................................................................ 96
TseGetClientNodeName() Function .............................................................................. 97
TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function ....................................................................... 97
TseQueryRunningOnClient () Function .......................................................................... 97
Remote Desktop Servic es Overview ........................................................................................ 97
Remote Desktop Servic es Role Servic es ............................................................................ 98
Securing your Remote Desktop Servic es (RDS) Connections .............................................. 99
Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Services Best Practices ........................................ 100

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Chapter 7 Managing InTouch Services .......................................................................... 101

Managing InTouch S ervices About Managing InTouch Services ............................................. 101
Running WindowViewer as a Service ..................................................................................... 101
Configuring WindowViewer to Start as a Service ..................................................................... 102
Editing WIN. INI to Run Application as Service in WindowViewer .............................................. 104
Manually Starting a Service ................................................................................................... 104
Stopping a Service ................................................................................................................ 104
Configuring the User Account for InTouch Services ................................................................. 104
Troubleshooting InTouc h Services ......................................................................................... 105
Viewing Error Messages for Services ............................................................................... 105
Troubleshooting Problems with the Servic es User Account ................................................ 105
Deactivating Advised I/O It ems......................................................................................... 106
Registry Keys for the InTouch Services ............................................................................ 106

Chapter 8 Exporting and Importing InTouch Components .......................................... 107

Exporting and Importing InTouc h Components About Exporting and Importing InTouch
Components ........................................................................................................................ 107
Exporting Tag Definitions ....................................................................................................... 107
Viewing Exported Tag Definitions ..................................................................................... 108
Importing Tag Definitions ....................................................................................................... 108
Tagname Dictionary Import File Format ............................................................................ 109
Creating an Import File Template ..................................................................................... 110
Setting the Operating Mode for Dictionary Import Files ...................................................... 111
:MODE=REPLA CE .................................................................................................... 111
:MODE=UP DA TE ...................................................................................................... 111
:MODE=ASK ............................................................................................................. 112
:MODE=IGNORE ...................................................................................................... 112
:MODE= TERMINA TE ................................................................................................ 112
:MODE= TES T ........................................................................................................... 112
Setting Access Names and Alarm Groups ......................................................................... 112
:IOAccess Keyword Attributes .................................................................................... 113
:AlarmGroup Keyword Attribut es................................................................................. 114
Defining Tag Ty pe Keywords and Attribut es ...................................................................... 117
Tag Keyword Attributes .............................................................................................. 117
:Memory Disc Keyword Attributes ................................................................................ 124
:IODisc Keyword Attributes......................................................................................... 125
:Memory Int Keyword Attributes ................................................................................... 126
:IOInt Keyword Attribut es ........................................................................................... 128
:Memory Real Key word Attributes ................................................................................ 130
:IOReal Key word Attributes ........................................................................................ 132
:MemoryMsg Keyword Attributes ................................................................................ 134
:IOMsg Keyword Attributes ......................................................................................... 135
:GroupVar Keyword Attribut es .................................................................................... 136
:HistoryTrend Keyword Attributes ............................................................................... 136
:TagID Keyword Attributes ......................................................................................... 137
:IndirectDisc Keyword Attributes ................................................................................. 137
:IndirectAnalog Keyword Attributes ............................................................................. 137
:IndirectMsg Keyword Attributes ................................................................................. 138
Using Blank Strings in an Import File ................................................................................ 138

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Using Default Values for Fields ........................................................................................ 139

Creating SuperTag Instances ........................................................................................... 139
Importing Tag Definitions with DBLoad ............................................................................. 140
Importing Windows................................................................................................................ 140
Converting Placeholder Tags for an Imported Window ....................................................... 142
Exporting Windows ............................................................................................................... 143
Importing Scripts ................................................................................................................... 144
Converting Placeholder Tags in an Import ed Script ........................................................... 145
Tag Placeholders for Imported Windows and Scripts ............................................................... 147
Exporting Industrial Graphics from an Application .................................................................... 148
Importing Industrial Graphics to an Application ........................................................................ 149
Exporting Selected Symbols from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox ............................................. 150
Importing and Embedding Custom Client Cont rols .................................................................. 151
Resolving Conflicts When Importing Duplicat e Client Controls ............................................ 152
Embedding Client Cont rols in Industrial Graphics .............................................................. 154
Importing HTML5 Widgets ..................................................................................................... 155
Carousel Widget ............................................................................................................. 155
Web Browser Widget ....................................................................................................... 156
QR Code Scanner ........................................................................................................... 156
Importing Script Function Libraries to an InTouch Application ................................................... 157
Resolving Imports of Conflicting Methods in .NE T Script Libraries ...................................... 158
Configuring the Application Style Library for Applications ......................................................... 159
Exporting and Importing the Application Style Library .............................................................. 160
Configuring Alarm Priority Mapping for Applications ................................................................ 161
Exporting Industrial Graphic Text Strings from an Application ................................................... 162
Importing Text Strings of Industrial Graphics to an Application ................................................. 162
Exporting Localization Strings from a Symbol .......................................................................... 163
Importing the Industrial Graphic Library .................................................................................. 164

Chapter 9 Securing InTouch ............................................................................................ 167

About Securing InTouch ........................................................................................................ 167
InTouch Security Features ..................................................................................................... 167
Configuring an Inactivity Time-Out .................................................................................... 167
$InactivityTimeout System Tag ................................................................................... 170
$InactivityWarning System Tag .................................................................................. 170
Locking System Keys ...................................................................................................... 171
EnableDisableKeys() Function.................................................................................... 173
Hiding Menu Items at Run Time ....................................................................................... 173
Authentication and Authorization Based Security .................................................................... 175
Comparing Authentication and Aut horiz ation ..................................................................... 175
Different Authentication Security Modes............................................................................ 176
Using InTouch-B ased Security ................................................................................... 176
Using Operating System-Based Security ..................................................................... 176
Using ArchestrA-based Security ................................................................................. 177

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Using Smart Cards for Authentication ............................................................................... 177

Setting up Smart Card Authentication ......................................................................... 177
Enabling Smart Card Authentication in WindowMaker .................................................. 178
Logging on with Your Smart Card ............................................................................... 178
Using Secured and Verified Writes ................................................................................... 179
Performing a Secured Write ....................................................................................... 180
Performing a Verified Write ........................................................................................ 181
Customizing the Secured/Verified Write Dialog Box ..................................................... 183
Working with the SignedWrite() Function at Run Time .................................................. 183
Managing Users and Setting Their Aut horization Levels .......................................................... 184
Configuring InTouch Security Authentication and Authorization .......................................... 184
Changing an InTouc h Operator Password at Run Time ..................................................... 185
Setting Up Operating System-Based Authentication and Authorization ............................... 185
Setting Up ArchestrA-Based Security ............................................................................... 186
AddPermission() Function ................................................................................................ 186
ChangePassword() Function ............................................................................................ 187
$AccessLevel System Tag ............................................................................................... 187
$ChangePassword System Tag ....................................................................................... 188
$ConfigureUsers System Tag .......................................................................................... 189
Logging On and Off ............................................................................................................... 189
Logging on to an InTouch-Secured Application.................................................................. 189
Logging On to an Operating System-Secured Application .................................................. 190
Logging On to an ArchestrA-Secured Application .............................................................. 190
Logging Off from an InTouch Application .......................................................................... 191
Creating a Custom Logon Window ................................................................................... 191
PostLogonDialog() Function ............................................................................................. 191
LogonCurrentUser() Function ........................................................................................... 192
Logoff() Function ............................................................................................................. 192
AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function ..................................................................................... 192
$Operat orEnt ered System Tag......................................................................................... 193
$PasswordEntered System Tag ....................................................................................... 194
$Operat orDomainEntered System Tag ............................................................................. 194
Enabling and Disabling Functionality Based Upon Operator or Access Levels ........................... 195
InvisibleV erifyCredentials() Function ................................................................................. 195
Retrieving Information A bout the Currently Logged -on Operat or............................................... 196
GetAccountStatus() Function ........................................................................................... 196
IsAssignedRole() Function ............................................................................................... 197
QueryGroupMembership() Function ................................................................................. 197
$Operat orName System Tag ........................................................................................... 198
$Operat orDomain System Tag ......................................................................................... 198
$Operat or System Tag .................................................................................................... 199
$VerifiedUserName System Tag ...................................................................................... 199
Summary of Security System Tags and Functions ................................................................... 199
Application Manager Operations Allowed for a Non Administrator User .................................... 200

Chapter 10 Switching a Language at Run Time ........................................................... 203

About Switching a Language at Run Time .............................................................................. 203
Configuring Languages for Run-time Language Switching ....................................................... 203
Changing the Font Settings for a Configured Language ........................................................... 204
Adding Run-Time Language Switching Functionality ............................................................... 205

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

SwitchDisplayLanguage() Function ................................................................................... 207

$Language System Tag................................................................................................... 207
Exporting Application Text for Offline Translation .................................................................... 207
Exporting Text to an Existing Dictionary File ........................................................................... 208
Translating an Exported Dictionary File .................................................................................. 209
Importing Translated Dictionary Files...................................................................................... 210
Exporting Alarm Comments for Translation ............................................................................. 211
Understanding Two-Character Application IDs .................................................................. 211
Exporting Alarm Comments ............................................................................................. 211
Exporting to an Existing Alarm Comment File.......................................................................... 212
Editing the Dictionary File ................................................................................................ 213
Importing Translated Alarm Comments................................................................................... 214
Testing the Language Switching Functionality at Run Time ...................................................... 215
Distributing Localized Files to Net work Application Development Clients .................................. 216

Chapter 11 Viewing Applications at Run Time .............................................................. 217

Viewing Applications at Run Time About Viewing Applications at Runtime .............................. 217
Viewing Applications at Run Time in a Different Target Resolution Size .................................... 217
Original Application Resolution .............................................................................................. 218
About the InTouch Web Client ............................................................................................... 218
About WindowViewer ............................................................................................................ 219
Customizing Your Run time Environment .......................................................................... 219
Configuring General WindowViewer Properties ........................................................... 219
Configuring Visual Characteristics of WindowViewer .................................................... 222
Configuring User Access to Applications Running in Remote Sessions ............................... 223
About Managing Memory for WindowViewer ..................................................................... 224
Configuring Memory Us age for WindowViewer Windows .............................................. 224
Configuring the Memory Health Check Interval ............................................................ 226
Configuring wwHeap Memory Settings ........................................................................ 226
Setting Advanced Formatting Properties ..................................................................... 228
Select the Regional Settings WindowViewer Option ..................................................... 231
Set the Regional Locale of the Comput er Hosting the HMI/S CADA Software ................. 232
Configuring Core Affinity for WindowViewer in a Terminal Server Environment .............. 232
Working with WindowViewer Windows .............................................................................. 234
Common Dialog Box Features .................................................................................... 234
Opening Windows from WindowViewer....................................................................... 235
Closing Windows from WindowViewer ........................................................................ 235
Trans ferring from WindowViewer to WindowMaker ...................................................... 235
Working with Keyboard, Mouse and Touch Gestures to Pan and Zoom at Run Time ........... 236
Zooming at Run Time ................................................................................................ 236
Panning at Run Time ................................................................................................. 238
Animation Support for Touch Gestures ....................................................................... 239
Using the ShowGraphic() Function with Frame Windows .............................................. 240
Running InTouch Windows over the Internet ........................................................................... 240

Chapter 12 Setting Up a Multi-Monitor System............................................................. 243

About Setting Up a Multi-Monitor System................................................................................ 243

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Multi-Monitor Configurations .................................................................................................. 243

Single Video Card Configuration ...................................................................................... 243
Characteristics of a Single Card Configuration ............................................................. 243
Characteristics of Single Card Drivers ......................................................................... 244
Multiple Video Card Configuration .................................................................................... 244
Characteristics of a Multiple Card Configuration .......................................................... 244
Characteristics of Multiple Card Drivers....................................................................... 245
Planning a Multi-Monitor Application....................................................................................... 245
Choosing a Multi-Monitor Video Card ............................................................................... 245
Determining the Application Screen Resolution ................................................................. 246
Determining the Number of Monitors to Display the Application .......................................... 246
Determining the Placement of Application Windows .......................................................... 247
Windows Show in a Forced Location .......................................................................... 247
Windows Are Manually Moved.................................................................................... 247
Windows Are Placed Automatically Based on Environment .......................................... 247
Developing a Multi-Monitor InTouc h Application ...................................................................... 247
Configuring Multi -Monit or Paramet ers ............................................................................... 247
Configuring Screen Resolution Conversion ....................................................................... 248
Deploying the Application and Verifying Multi-Monitor Settings ................................................. 248
Verifying Multi-Monitor Support During Run Time .............................................................. 249

Chapter 13 Using InTouch on a Tablet PC.................................................................... 251

Using InTouch on a Tablet PC About Using InTouch on a Tablet PC ...................................... 251
Annotating and Sending Visualiz ation Screens as E-mail Messages......................................... 251
Making Window Annotations ............................................................................................ 252
Selecting, Copying, and Deleting Window Annotations ...................................................... 252
Saving, Printing, and E-Mailing an Annotated Window ....................................................... 252
AnnotateLayout() Function ............................................................................................... 253
Changing Screen Orient ation ................................................................................................. 253

Appendix A Customizing Applications Settings from the INTOUCH.ini File............. 255

Custom INTOUCH.ini Parameters .......................................................................................... 255
Setting Custom Logging Properties .................................................................................. 256
Setting Logging Frequency......................................................................................... 256
Logging Remote Referenced Tags ............................................................................. 257
Disabling WindowMaker Shortcut Menus .......................................................................... 257
Setting Custom WindowViewer Properties ........................................................................ 257
Adding a Script Loop Timer ........................................................................................ 257
Scaling InTouch Windows to Different Screen Resolutions ........................................... 258
Setting the Length of the Print Waiting Period .............................................................. 258
Logging Alarm Comments .......................................................................................... 258
Setting the Drawing Mode of a 16-P en Trend .............................................................. 258
Resizing a Numeric Keypad ....................................................................................... 259
Resizing the Input Fields of Analog and String User Input Links .................................... 259
Resolving Stuck Application Button or Displayed Value Problems ................................. 259

Appendix B Managing Security for InTouch HMI.......................................................... 261

Managing Security for InTouch HMI General Considerations for Security................................ 261
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 261
Securing the Host ................................................................................................................. 262

Contents AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

General Guidelines for Sec uring the Host ......................................................................... 262

Windows Updates ........................................................................................................... 263
ICS Software Updates ..................................................................................................... 263
Scanning the Host ........................................................................................................... 264
Protecting the Applications and Content on the Host.......................................................... 264
Securing the Network ............................................................................................................ 264
Segmenting the ICS Network ........................................................................................... 265
Managing Net work Services and Ports ............................................................................. 266
Securing Communic ation between the Client and Server ................................................... 266
Cloud-based Systems ........................................................................................................... 267
Securing Systems through Aut hentication and Authorization .................................................... 268
Managing Users and Groups through Windows ................................................................. 268
Managing Users and Groups through ICS Soft ware ........................................................... 269
Contingency Planning ........................................................................................................... 269
Auditing and Logging ....................................................................................................... 270
Business Continuity Planning ........................................................................................... 270
Disaster Recovery Planning ............................................................................................. 270
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 271
Security Configuration for InTouch HMI .................................................................................. 271

Index ....................................................................................................................................... 273

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

About InTouch HMI
A Human Machine Interface (HMI) software application shows a graphic al representation of a
manufacturing environment. The tools, materials, and processes used to create a product appear as
visual elements in an HMI application’s windows. Plant operators interact with an application’s graphical
interface to monitor and administer manufacturing processes.
You use Application Manager to create and manage InTouch applications. The application development
environment, called WindowMaker, includes a set of graphic and other development tools to build your
applications. You run your applications using WindowViewer.

Types of InTouch Applications

InTouch HMI, formerly Wonderware applications are categorized by how they are managed, the types of
symbols they support, and where they were published from:
 A standalone application is the default ap plication created in A pplication Manager that allows the
flexibility of InTouch symbols and Industrial Graphics.
 A managed application is created and managed with the ArchestrA IDE. For more information, see
Managed Applications.
 You can create a published application by exporting a managed application from the derived
InTouchViewApp template. For more information, see Published Applications.
 InTouchView application, which can be created either from Application Manager or the ArchestrA
IDE. For more information, see InTouchView Applications on page 15.
InTouch HMI supports the migration and upgrading of older Modern applications.

Standalone Applications
A standalone application is created and managed by Application Manager. A standalone application
consists of a set of files maintained by the InTouch HMI in the directory file system. It is built entirely with
WindowMaker and run with WindowViewer and can also cont ain Industrial Graphics. A standalone
application can be deployed across multiple network nodes and is not restricted to a single node. It can
be imported to the ArchestrA IDE and convert ed to a managed application.

Managed InTouch Applications

You can manage InTouch applications using the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE ) if
it is installed on the same computer as the InTouch HMI. These applications are called managed
InTouch applications. Unlike standalone InTouch applications, they are more integrated into the
ArchestrA environment and support advanced graphics.

About InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Managed InTouc h applic ations appear in the InTouch Application Manager as Managed and can be
edited only by starting WindowMak er from within the IDE. You can only start a managed application in
WindowViewer, from the Application Manager. When WindowViewer starts, it copies a managed
application’s files to a folder during run time.

Each managed application is associated with an ArchestrA InTouchViewApp object, which is derived
from a base template. The InTouchViewApp o bject only contains a reference to the managed InTouch
application folder and other behavior-specific information of the managed InTouch application.
Application files are stored in separate folders in the ArchestrA file repository. One folder cont ains the
most recent checked-in version of the InTouch application and the ot her contains the most recent
checked-out version. The ArchestrA IDE includes the Industrial Graphic Editor, which you can use to
create symbols that represent production processes in your InTouch HMI application. You can fast
switch from WindowMaker and WindowViewer to test a managed application only if the WindowMaker
was opened from the IDE.

Published Applications
You can publish a managed application from the derived In TouchViewA pp template. When you publish a
managed application, a user-defined folder is created containing InTouch application files and any
Industrial graphics embedded in the application. You use Application Manager’s Find utility to locate the
folder. Thereafter, the converted application appears in Application Manager as a published application.

ArchestrA IDE InTouch

$InTouchViewApp Application Manager
Base Template


$InTouchViewApp Find
Derived Template


Derived Published InTouch

Application Files
Derived Instance

About InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

You can use WindowMaker to migrate a published application from a version of InTouch prior to version
11.1 (2014 R2 Patch 01) to version 11. 1 Patch 01. You can then modify the published application by
updating the application source files and re-publishing. A fter you publish a managed application, you can
still use embedded Industrial graphics to write data to a Galaxy or visualize data. A published application
cannot be imported again into a Galaxy. After migrating a published Managed application, you need to
republish the application. The ArchestrA Embedded Alarm Cont rol will be upgraded to the new version
upon republishing.

InTouchView Applications
InTouchView applications show vis ual interfaces for use in an Application Server environment.
InTouchView applications run in WindowViewer, with Application Server providing most of the HMI
functionality. An application can also be configured to serve as InTouch Tag Server application,
providing other nodes with secure tag information. InTouchView applications are useful in scenarios
where a client node only needs to access dat a and does not need t he full functionality of a development
InTouchView applications offer only some of t he standard functions available from full -featured InTouch
applications. InTouchView applications:
 Cannot connect to I/O sourc es other than the ArchestrA Application Server Galaxy or InTouch Tag
 Cannot generate alarms. However, you can display and acknowledge alarms from remote alarm
providers, such as ArchestrA objects and InTouch alarms.
 Do not log application data or events. An InTouchView application generates only SYS and
USER-related events.
 When the application consumes data from a Galaxy, it can be secured only with ArchestrA security.
 Cannot reference tags within embedded Industrial Graphics.
You develop InTouch applications with WindowMaker, and run them in WindowViewer. You can then
change an InTouch application to an InTouchView application that will allow y ou to manage your InTouch
applications through the Application Server. Likewise, you can change an InTouchView applicatio n to an
InTouch application.
The following lists show which WindowMaker commands and Tagname Dictionary options are
unavailable when creating InTouchView applications.
 Unavailable Special menu commands:
o Access Names
o Alarm Groups
o Configure...Alarms
o Configure...Historical Logging
o Configure...Distributed Name Manager
 Unavailable Tagname Dictionary options:
o Alarms
o Details & Alarms
o Log Data
o Log E vents
o Priority

About InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Building Applications
WindowMaker provides graphic tools, a scripting language, and tag management utilities to define the
behavior of objects that appear in your application’s windows. Using WindowMaker, you can create tags
that represent data points associated with window objects. Data from a manufacturing process is
ultimately associated as a tag value. This tag data can be used in your application for alarm monitoring,
creating trends, and det ermining how the application behaves during run time.
The following figure shows some of WindowMaker’s tools to create InTouch HMI applications.

You can use a wide variety of graphic tools that range from simple shapes that can be combined to
create more complex objects to standard Industrial Graphics with predefined properties. You can create
different types of scripts based upon their triggering mechanism. You can also i nsert predefined InTouch
functions into your scripts. You can define a variety of tag value thresholds with the Tagname Dictionary
that determines when a tag is in a normal or an alarmed state.

Running Applications
You use WindowViewer to run all types of InTouch applications. After you deploy a managed application
from the ArchestrA IDE, you open it in WindowViewer from Application Manager. You can use a wide
variety of run-time triggers to start scripts while an application is running. You can configure
WindowViewer to store application dat a and alarms in files or SQL Server databases. You can enforc e
security by requiring operators to log on to WindowViewer and preventing operators from making any
changes to the computer running WindowViewer. Operators can start and stop an application’s historical
logging by selecting WindowViewer menu commands. You can configure the computer that runs
WindowViewer to act as a client or a server based upon how tag data is stored and distributed.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Licensing in InTouch HMI
About InTouch HMI Licensing
InTouch HMI us es the AVEVA Enterprise License Server to make licenses available to InTouch. The
AVEVA Enterprise License Manager manages one or more License Servers.
To make licenses available to InTouch HMI, complet e the following steps:
1. Import the entitlement XML file rec eived upon purchase of the license.
2. Using the License Manager interfac e, select the licenses on the entitlement that you want to activate
on the License Server.
3. Once the licenses are activated, they becomes available to WindowMak er or WindowViewer upon
start up.
The activated licenses appear in the License Manager under the License Grid.
InTouch releases and returns the consumed license to the Lic ense Server when:
 The machine running InTouch is shutdown or
 The InTouch application is shutdown

Note: In the event of InTouch HMI shutting down abnormally, licenses will not be returned. InTouc h HMI
must be restarted and manually shut down to release licenses.

The License Manager and License Server are installed with InTouc h HMI. InTouch HMI will point to your
local License Server by default. You can change this configuration in the post -install Configurator. Refer
to the AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Guide for the detailed procedure.

Licenses Available for InTouch HMI

InTouch HMI provides different types of licenses to manage various scenarios. Licenses are determined
based on various parameters such as:
1. Console Type: specifies the console type; Remote Desktop Servic es/Terminal Services or
non-RDS nodes. RDS/ TSE is a console running on a machine that is configured with terminal server,
while Non-RDS is a console running on a mac hine that is not configured with terminal server. For
more information, see Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop
2. Acce ss Type: specifies the access type the node is configured as - Read-Only or ReadWrite. For
more information see, Configuring User Access to Applications Running in Remote Sessions on
page 223.
3. Data Source: specifies the data source the application will use - Galaxy or InTouch Tag Server. For
more information, see InTouchView Applications on page 15.
InTouch HMI Unlimited RDS License
The InTouch HMI Unlimited RDS License is consumed by WindowViewer for unlimited client sessions,
only in an RDS enabled machine. When WindowViewer acquires the license, the application is licensed.
The Read/Write access depends on the Remote Access configuration. The same unlimited licens e will
provide both Read-Only and ReadWrit e access. If the license is not acquired, then the licensing will
depend on the existing RDS handling and Remote Access configuration.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

InTouch Licensing in RDS and non-RDS Environments

If an InTouch application is running on a server node enabled wit h Remot e Desktop Services (RDS ), the
console will behave the same as an RDS client session. Each session will consume a license. Each
session will also consume a separate InTouch development license.
In this case, the InTouch application's ReadWrite capability is defined by its remote access configuration
and confirmed by the consumed license. For example, if an application with ReadOnly remote access
configuration is launched in WindowViewer in an RDS client session, it will look for a ReadOnly InTouch
license. If an RDS ReadOnly license is not available in the License Server, startup l icense validation will
On a node without RDS enabled, you can also login with a RDS client session that is allowed by the
operating system. If an InTouch application is running in this non -RDS environment, the client session
will behave the same as a console. In this case, the application's remote access configuration does not
determine the ReadWrite access. ReadWrite access is determined only by the license in non -RDS

About InTouchView Application Licensing

An InTouchVi ew application shows vis ual interfaces designed specifically for use in an Application
Server environment. See InTouchView Applications on page 15 for details on this application type.
The type of license an InTouchView application consumes depends on whether it is running in an RDS
If an InTouchView application is running in a RDS client session, it will look for a ReadOnly or ReadWrite
client connection license, depending on the remote access t ype configuration of the application.
Only one connection license will be consumed per RDS session.

Note: An InTouchView application consumes the same license as the Graphic Run Time Module's
ViewApp application, if configured with a Galaxy data source.

InTouchView Application Licensing

You can configure an InTouch HMI application as an InTouchView Application, where it can be used as a
client to an InTouch Tag Server or Galaxy.
If you configure the InTouchView application to connect to data from an InTouch Tag Server then the
licenses available are:
InTouch HMI InTouch HMI InTouch HMI
Client ReadWrite Client Unlimited Client
License Read-Only License*

Remote Access ReadWrite Read-Only ReadWrite &

RDS/ TSE Yes Yes Yes

Non-RDS Yes Yes No

Supports Yes Yes N/A
* This license serves unlimited number of RDS clients.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If y ou configure the InTouchView application to connect to data from a Galaxy then the licenses available
Supervisory Client Supervisory Supervisory Client
ReadWrite Client Read-Only Server License
License License

Remote Access ReadWrite Read-Only ReadWrite &

RDS/ TSE Yes Yes Yes
Non-RDS Yes Yes No
Shared with OMI Yes Yes Yes
Supports Yes Yes N/A

Best Practices for Administering InTouch Licenses on the

There are several best practices to follow when administering InTouc h licenses that will ensure InTouch
license consumption is deterministic. Deterministic license consumption allows you to consume
appropriate licenses on demand for a particular system. This type of license consumption will make it
easier to administer InTouch licens es using the server-based AVEVA Enterprise Licensing system.
The two best practices for deterministic license consumption are license reservations and floating
licenses. Refer to the sections below for details.

Reserving Licenses
You can reserve licenses to specific devices in the License Manager. Reserving a license to a particular
devic e ensures that the license cannot be acquired by another InTouch application and interrupt or
prevent your application from running.
Reserving Licenses
You can reserve licenses to specific devices in the License Manager. Reserving a license to a particular
devic e ensures that the license cannot be acquired by another InTouch appl ication and interrupt or
prevent your application from running.
User-ba sed License Reservation
In the AVEVA Enterprise License Manager license reservation page, it is possible to mark a license to be
reserved to a specific user. While the reservation page allows this particular configuration, it's important
to know that neit her InTouch OMI nor InTouch HMI ViewApps support user -bas ed license reservations.
The end-result will be the inability for the soft ware to acquire the license reserved. Therefore, only use
devic e-based reservations for Supervisory Client licenses.
Device-based License Re servation
When res erving a Supervis ory Client license for a specific devic e, the Device Name needs to be the
name of the computer running the InTouch HMI/OMI ViewApp. In the case where the ViewA pp is running
inside of an RDS or Terminal Server, the Device Name needs to follow this naming pattern:
<RDS HostName>-< RDP ClientName>-<index>

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

where RDS HostName is the name of the RDS or Terminal Server, and RDPClientName is the name of
the PC running the RDP client software, and "index" is 1, unless there will be multiple RDP sessions from
a single client machine, in which case the index should be increment ed (starting at 1) for each
reservation for that specific RDP client, up to the total number of RDP sessions from that specific RDP
Example 1: A computer with a hostname of "ControlRoomA" runs InTouc h OMI
Device Name: "ControlRoomA"
Example 2: A computer with a hostname of "ControlRoomB" running a single Remote Desktop Client
(RDP), connecting to the Remote Desktop Server (aka: Terminal Server) with a hostname of
Device Name: "Primary RDS -ControlRoomB -1"
Example 3: Two comput ers with hostnames "SupervisorP C1" and "LineMgrA", respectively, each
running a single Rem ote Desktop Client (RDP ) connecting to the Remote Desktop S erver (aka: Terminal
Server) with a hostname of "PrimaryRDS"
Device Names:
License Reservation 1: "Primary RDS -SupervisorP C1-1"
License Reservation 2: "Primary RDS -LineMgrA-1"
Situation: A computer with a hostname of "ExecutiveDesktop" running four (4) Remote Desktop Clients
(RDPs), connecting to the Remote Desktop Server (aka: Terminal Server) with a hostname of
Device Names:
License Reservation 1: "Primary RDS -ExecutiveDesktop-1"
License Reservation 2: "Primary RDS -ExecutiveDesktop-2"
License Reservation 3: "Primary RDS -ExecutiveDesktop-3"
License Reservation 4: "Primary RDS -ExecutiveDesktop-4"
For RDS load balancing support, all RDS licenses can be activated on a single License Server that
multiple RDS client sessions can point to. The licenses on the server must be of the same capability so
that the licenses can be shared amongst each RDS client session. Licenses are considered to be of the
same capability if their internal parameters have the same value. No res ervations are needed in this
scenario. If different license types for different RDS client sessions are required, then a License Server
must be installed on each RDS server.
Refer to the AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Guide for detailed license reservation procedures.

Floating Licenses
Floating licenses are not reserved to any machine. It is recommended to have floating licens es of the
same product name and capabilities on a single License Server. For example, you could have a License
Server with several activated InTouc h 2017 Runtime 60K tags licenses with the same capabilities. This is
a recommended practice to ensure determi nistic license consumption.
However, it is not recommended to have licenses of the same product name but different capabilities
activated on t he same License Server. For example, you could have a mix of InTouch 2017 Runtime 60K
tags activated licens es with InTouc h 2017 Runtime 500 tags activated licens es on the same licens e
server. In this scenario, there is no way to ensure which instance of WindowViewer will consume the
license with the higher tag count.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Viewing License Information

You can view the specific information for the current license consumed by WindowMaker or
To View WindowMaker or WindowViewer License Information:
1. Do one of the following:
a. From WindowMaker, click Help, About WindowMaker. The About WindowMaker dialog box

The company name and license serial number do not appear in this dialog. This information
appears in the AVEVA Enterprise License Manager int erface.
b. From WindowViewer, click File, About WindowViewer. The About WindowViewer dialog box

Note: The View License option is disabled for InTouch Application Manager. Because Application
Manager does not consume a license, you can only view the EULA. The About Application Manager
dialog box does not display any license -related information.

2. For both WindowMaker and WindowViewer, click View License Agreement to view the E nd User
License Agreement.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. Select View License to view t he details for the license. The License Information dialog box displays.

The parameters displayed in the license information for WindowMak er and WindowViewer are as
o Acquired License Name: the full name of the license consumed by the product from the
License Server
o Tag Count: the number of tags allowed by the consumed license.
o Window Count: the number of windows allowed by the consumed license.
o ReadOnly: displays the I/O Read/Write permissions allowed by the license. No indicates that
the application can write to I/O tags.
o Runtime Timeout: the application runtime allotted by the license. The InTouch session will end
when the timeout period elapses.
o Language Lock: applies to licenses for InTouc h on Chinese operating systems only. A Chinese
license must be consumed for InTouch to run on a Chinese operating system.
The Language Lock restriction does not apply for a connection license.
o Expiration Date: the date the consumed license expires.
o Borrow Time Status: intended to notify the user when the license is 50% past whatever the
allotted borrow time is. The status will change to Active when the 50% has been reached. If the
license is not renewed when the borro w time has fully elapsed, InTouch will become unlicensed.

Managing Consumption of a Different License After Startup

As part of standard upgrade and maintenance activities, different licenses can be deactivated or
activated on the License Manager. If WindowMaker or WindowViewer consumes a valid license after
startup time and cannot renew the license, it can consume a dif ferent license, from the one initially
assigned or consumed. If this occurs, InTouch must then validate if the capabilities of the newer license
is appropriate. The comparison in license capabilities bet ween the last good license and the currently
consumed licenses will determine if the WindowMaker or WindowViewer can continue running without
entering the Grace Period. See Work ing with the Grace Period on page 24 for details on how to exit the
Grace Period.
The two possible scenarios for a different license being consumed after start up are described below.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Scenario 1: A less capable license is consumed after startup

In this scenario, the license consumed after startup time is of lesser capabilities than the last good
license. This is considered a license downgrade, and will result in WindowMaker or WindowViewer
entering the Grace P eriod.
A license downgrade is considered when the new license's parameters fall into the below check:
The parameter changes that will trigger the Grace Period are described below.
 Tag Count: if the tag count is reduced, the Grace Period is triggered.
 Window Count: if the window count is reduced, the Grace Period is triggered.
 Runtime Timeout: if the Timeout value changes from None to any other value, Grace Period is
 Language Lock: if the Language Lock value changes from No to Ye s, or vise versa, Grace Period is
 ReadOnly: if the ReadOnly parameter is changed from No to Ye s or vis e versa, Grace Period is
If a license downgrade occurs, the downgraded, or " violated" parameters display in the View License
dialog box. For example, if WindowMaker originally consumed a sixty -thousand tag count license and
downgraded to a three thousand tag count license, the tag count paramet er would display as follows:

Important: The application will continue to run with the capabilities of the last good license. In this
example, the original sixty-thousand tag count will remain when entering the Grace Period.

Scenario 2: A more capable license is consumed after startup

In this scenario, the license consumed after startup time is of greater or equal capability than the original.
This is a license upgrade, and will not cause WindowMaker or WindowViewer to enter the Grace Period.
If a license upgrade occurs, all parameters in the View License dialog box are updated to display the
higher capability values.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Working in Demo Mode

InTouch will run in Demo Mode when it cannot consume a valid license at startup time. If you attempt to
start WindowMak er or WindowViewer and a valid license is not available, you can select to run in Demo
Mode. You will be prompted with the following dialog:

In Demo Mode, InTouch will display a message stating that it will run in demo mode. WindowViewer will
only run in Demo Mode for two hours before timing out. WindowMaker will run in Demo Mode indefini tely.
In Demo Mode InTouch will:
 Allow 32 Local tags (Excluding system tags)
 Allow maximum of 32 windows
When Demo Mode timeout is reached, InTouc h will prompt to exit.

Note: While in Demo Mode, even if you activate a valid license, you need to exit Wi ndowMaker or
WindowViewer and restart InTouch to consume the valid license.

Configuring the ViewLicenseRetry Count key in the InTouch.ini file, will instruct WindowViewer to
continue to attempt acquiring a license in the background for the number of times s pecified in the
parameter. If a license is acquired, the dialog box will close and WindowViewer will be launched.

Working with the Grace Period

The Grace Period is a twenty-four hour period in whic h InTouch can continue to run with the last good
license's capabilities aft er certain conditions have occurred. Both WindowMaker and WindowViewer can
enter the Grace Period. At the end of the Grace Perio d InTouch will terminate if a valid license is not
reacquired within the allotted time.
The Grace Period will be triggered by the following scenarios. If valid license is not reacquired within
twenty-four hours, WindowMak er or WindowViewer will terminate.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

When WindowMaker or WindowViewer ent ers the Grac e Period, you will be prompted with the following

You have the options to be reminded again, to ret ry to acquire the license, or to exit the application.
Scenario 1: Consumed License is Lost
WindowMaker or WindowViewer will go in to Grace P eriod if it consumes a valid license from the License
Server and the license is deactivat ed while the product is still running.
To exit the Grace Period and resume normal operation, activate a valid license on the License Server.
When the license is consumed, WindowMaker or WindowViewer will exit the Grace Period and normal
operation will res ume.
Scenario 2: License Expired
WindowMaker or WindowViewer will go in to Grace P eriod if it consumes a valid license from the License
Server and the license expires. To exit the Grace Period and resume normal o peration, activate a valid
license on the License Server.
If WindowMaker or WindowViewer fails to acquire the license, the first dialog will appear again.
Scenario 3: License is Downgraded
AVEVA Enterprise License Manager is a server -based licensing system, which means that licenses
need to be renewed periodically. If a WindowMaker or WindowViewer license is downgraded during this
renewal to one of lesser capability, it will enter the Grace Period. See Managing Consumption of a
Different License After Startup on page 22 for a detailed description of downgrade scenarios.
To exit the Grace Period and resume normal operation, retry to acquire the last good license or a better

Important: The functionality enabled by your last good license will persist in Grace Period mode.

Licensing in InTouch HMI AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

In all of the above scenarios, if you select the option to retry to acquire the license and an appropriate
license is successfully acquired, you will see the following dialog:

If InTouch fails to acquire the licens e, the first dialog will appear again.

Note: Configuring the ViewLicenseRetry Count key in the InTouch.ini file, will instruct WindowViewer to
continue to attempt acquiring a license in the background for the number of times specified in the
parameter. If a license is acquired, the dialog box will close and Windo wViewer will be launched.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Managing InTouch HMI Applications
About Managing InTouch HMI Applications
When managing InTouch HMI applications, you:
 Create or delete InTouc h applications. See Creating an InTouch Application on page 28 and
Deleting an InTouch Application from the Application Manager on page 56.
 Open applications in either WindowMaker or WindowViewer. See Opening an A pplication in
WindowMak er and WindowViewer on page 52.
 Search for applications. See Finding InTouch Applications on page 56.
 Move an application to a different computer. See Publishing Applications to Remote Nodes on page
 Distribute applications among multiple comput ers. See About Distributing Applications on page 73.
 Manage InTouch services. See About Managing InTouch Services on page 101.
 Import or ex port tag definitions, windows, and scripts. See Exporting and Importing InTouch
Components on page 107.
 Configure security. See About Securing InTouch on page 167.
You can extend your application by:
 Translating text strings and alarm comments into different languages. See About S witching a
Language at Run Time on page 203.
 Integrating an application with ArchestrA. See Managed InTouch A pplications on page 13 and About
Viewing Applications at Runtime on page 217.
 Displaying applications on multiple monitors. See About Setting Up a Multi-Monitor System on page
 Using applications on a Tablet PC. See About Using InTouch on a Tablet PC on page 251.
For the Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 operating systems, a standard us er can
use the InTouch Application Manager to find an application and open WindowViewer. Application
properties will be read-only for the standard user. All read/write or configuration operations from
Application Manager require administrative privileges.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

About the InTouch Application Manager

You use the InTouch Application Ma nager to manage most global tasks such as creating, deleting, and
modifying your InTouch applications. Application Manager shows a list of your current InTouch
applications. You select an application from the list to open in WindowMaker or WindowViewer.

Starting the Application Manager

You can start the A pplication Manager from the Start menu or from a shortcut placed on your computer’s
To start the Application Manager for the first time
 On the taskbar, click Start, point to Programs, point to AVEV A InTouch HMI, and then click
InTouch HMI Application Manager. The AVEV A Application Manager appears.
The window shows InTouch applications on your computer that you created or found using the
Application Manager. In the Details view, the Version column shows the InTouch version that was last
used to save the application.

Using the Application Manager

The Application Manager is the first step in creating InTouch HMI applications and provides multiple
options for application management.
The interface is divided into tabs and each tab presents with different functionality depending on the
context. The menu options and other elements on the screen will be different for each tab.
 InTouch - All InTouch HMI related options.
 Web Client - Configure settings for the Web Client

Creating an InTouch Application

You can create a new InTouch application using the Application Manager. The application path cannot
exceed 114 characters, including the n etwork drive letter, colon, and all backslashes. If the limit is
exceeded, you cannot open the application in WindowMaker. Application name must be 32 characters or

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The INTOUCH.ini file is created when you create an application. The INTOUCH.ini file contains the
default configuration settings for your application. As you configure your application, the new settings are
written to the INTOUCH.ini file.
After you create an application, you can copy an existing INTOUCH.ini file to the application folder. This
way, you do not need to configure customized InTouch parameters each time you create a new
To create a new application
1. You can create a new application, using different options on the Application Manager.
a. Click File menu, click New.

b. Click on the toolbar.

c. Click at the right bottom.

d. Right -click in the empty space, and select New….

The Select a Template: page appears.

2. Select the Template. Click Next.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Blank template will not include the default Graphic toolbox symbols and SAL symbols. In all
templates you can use both InTouch Symbols and Industrial graphics in your application. If you have
created any application templates and they are available in the correct folder, those templates will
also be displayed.

3. In the Ent er Application Details, enter the following details:

o Type: Will display the type of application selected in the previous screen: Standalone.
o Application Name: Enter the name of the application
o Directory Name: Type the application folder name.
o Application Path: Click the … button to browse a folder other than the default location.
o Set Default Directory: Use the toggle to set the application path as the default directory.
o Resolution: Select the application target resolution from the dropdown list, if it is different from
the default Screen Resolution option. To edit the width and height, select Custom from the
Resolution dropdown list.
o Width: Specify the width of the application.
o Height: Specify the height of the application.
o Description: Type an optional description up to a maximum of 255 characters.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Click Finish.

A horizontal bar displays the progress of creating the application. After the application is created, it
appears in the Application Manager’s list of applications.

Creating a New InTouchView Application

You identify an InTouchView application by setting an option from Application Manager when you create
the application. You can configure an InTouch application to an InTouchView applic ation and vice versa.
A full InTouc h license is required to run applications converted from InTouchView to InTouch. When an
application is changed to an InTouchView application, the license acquired will differ based on the data
source selected. For more information, see InTouchView Applications on page 15.
For detailed instructions on how to create a new InTouchViewApp, see the InTouch HMI and ArchestrA
Integration Guide.

Changing an InTouch Application to an InTouchView Application

You can change an InTouch application to InTouchView if the application only needs to connect to data
from an Application Server or InTouc h Tag Server. Some WindowMaker functions are unavailable in an
InTouchView application.
To change an InTouch application to an InTouchView application
1. Open the InTouch application in WindowMaker.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Special menu, click Application Type.The Application Type dialog box appears.

3. Select the InTouchView Application check box.

4. To connect to data from a Galaxy, select Galaxy. To connect to data from InTouch Tag Servers,
select InTouch Tag Server.
5. Select Configure Acce ss Names.
a. If you select Galaxy, you must remove all Access Names other than Galaxy before converting
an InTouch application to InTouc hView. If they are not removed, a message is shown during the
conversion attempt.
b. If you select InTouch Tag Server, you can configure new access names, Click Add, and
provide the Access Name and Node Name.
The Application Name and Topic Name are grayed out. All Access Name other than Galaxy or
referencing to InTouch Tag Server must be removed prior to changing this application to
InTouchView. Only I/O references from access name(s) where Application is configured as view
will be binded, I/O reference from access name Galaxy will not be binded.
c. Click OK.
For more information on configuring Access Names, see Setting Up Access Names in the Data
Management guide.
6. Click Close.
7. Click OK. When a message appears, click OK.

Using InTouch HMI Applications in AVEVA Edge

AVEVA Edge provides users the option to deploy and reuse InTouch HMI applications. Using the
Application Manager, you can download applications to AVEVA Edge or upload them to AVEVA
The downloaded zip files are c ompressed versions of InTouch HMI applications, suitable for deploying to
edge devices and containers on account of their low file sizes. The same zip can also be uploaded to
AVEVA Connect, where it can be downloaded to other devices.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: If the AVEVA Edge related options are not enabled, launch WindowMaker.

Downloading the AVEVA Edge Zip File

1. Select the application.

2. Click the icon.

A compressed (.zip) file will be prepared and ready for download.
3. Save the file.
4. Use the AVEVA Edge Management portal and Add a New Device. Upload the zip file under the
Project Configuration option.
For further deployment and pairing instructions, see the AVEVA Edge Help.
5. Users can use the InTouch HMI Web Client to verify if the application is running correctly. For more
information on the Web Client, see Viewing Application Graphics in a Web Browser.

Uploading the AVEVA Edge Zip File

1. Click the AVEV A button on the far right of the Application Manager window.

2. Click SIGN IN.

3. Enter your AVEVA Connect credentials.
4. After you are logged in, select the application you want to upload.
Optionally you can change the Drive, but you cannot move applications bet ween drives.

5. Click .
A success message is displayed after the application is uploaded to AVEVA Connect.

The uploaded application is displayed in the application list, prefixed with Cloud | <Application

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The cloud application has the following options:

o Thumbnail
o Delet e
o Download
All other options are disabled.

Once the application is uploaded to the Shared Drive it is accessible to all users. Users can then
download and delete the application from the cloud store.

Configuring Users for Edge Device

Users that need to access the InTouch Web Client from the Edge device must be configured in
Application Manager. The same users must be present in the appropriate user groups for web client. You
can export or import the user list to a csv file. The template for the file is as follows:
Adding Users

1. Click .
The User Information dialog box appears.
2. Enter the username and password.
3. The password must comply with the following rules:
At least 6 characters long
1 lower case character
1 upper case character
1 number
1 special character
4. Select the access type.
5. Click Save.

6. Click to add new users.

7. Click to remove users.

8. After you have configured all the us ers, click to export the configured list.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

9. In AVEVA Edge Management, upload the list, during the ‘Add a device’ procedure under the User
Configuration option.
After the edge device is configured and paired, the list of users will be created on the edge device.
These users will be able to access the web client and view the application graphics.
Importing an existing user list
If you have a list of existing users to be included, prepare a .csv file in the required format.

1. Click and provide the path to the .cs v file.

2. The entries in the file will be included in the list of use rs.
3. Use the AVEVA Edge Management portal and Add a New Device. Upload the .cs v file under the
User Configuration option.
For further deployment and pairing instructions, see the AVEVA Edge Help.

Configuring and Using the InTouch OPC UA Server

InTouch HMI supports the OPC UA (Unified Architecture) protoc ol for machine-to-mac hine
This OPC UA Server functionality allows third party clients to interact with InTouch HMI and leverage
industry standards, such as OPC UA. When OP C UA Server functionality is enabled on InTouc h HMI, a
client can utilize the built-in OI Gateway or a third party client to connect to InTouch HMI, and use OI
Gateway or the client to securely browse the OPC UA namespace and interact with InTouch HMI.

OPC UA Configuration Checklist

Required tasks for end-to-end configuration of the OPC UA server and OPC UA client
The configuration tasks are shown in the order in which they must be completed.
1. Configure the System Management Server: The System Management Server is used for
establishing a trust relationship between machines, and must be configured to ensure secure
communications between nodes. The System Management Server is normally configured during
initial System Platform installation. See the System Platform Installation Guide, "Configuring the
System Management Server," for details.

Note: When enabled, all connecting clients must be using the same System Management Server as
the InTouch from which this OPC UA Server instance has been deployed. Also, InTouch HMI must
be run in the context of a user with Administrative privileges, which gives InTouch HMI access to the
encryption certificates that enable secure communications.

2. Configure the OPC UA server: S et the configuration options and deploy the OPC UA server to a
run-time node.
3. IT compliance/firewall validation: Firewall configuration and verification must be completed at this
point of the configuration. The node to whic h the OPC UA Server has been deployed must have
Inbound Rules for the firewall configured and verified.

IMPORTANT! A firewall test must be succe ssfully performed before proceeding with the
remaining configuration ta sks.

4. Configure the OPC UA Client: Client configuration may include the following:
 Define the OPC UA server address (in the format
 Select the correct OPC UA server security policy (Basic256Sha256).
 Add the users to the InTouchHMIOP CUAWriteUsers user group.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Enter the configured OP C UA User Credentials (username and password)

 Anonymous Connections are supported only for reading InTouch tags. To avoids any security
risks, it is recommended to access the data using authenticated credentials.
5. Security Certificate: Download and configure the OPC UA security certificate on the run -time node.
6. Validate connectivity: Open the OPC UA client and verify that you can connect to the OPC UA
Server, and can view items in the namespace.

Configuring the InTouch OPC UA Server

The InTouch OP C UA Server provides access from an OP C UA client to InTouch HMI data, without the
need for a gateway, or other protocol translation mechanism.
1. Launch AV EVA InTouch HMI Application Manager.

2. Click .
The OP C UA Server dialog box appears.
3. The OP C UA server will be disabled by default. To configure the server, click Enable OPCUA.

4. Edit the Port Number. By default the port will be set to 48032.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: The port number is unique for a user and RDS session. Assign alternate port numbers for
additional RDS sessions.

5. Security Configuration: It is strongly recommended that you enable this option, as this will encrypt
the payloads across the connection. Note that the client must match this configuration.
The Client Access Rules options allow you to determine the type of access the client will have to
InTouch data.
a. Select the Allow anonymous client connection (no username/password) checkbox to allow
anonymous access.
b. Select the Allow authenticated InTouch Users to write to attributes, depending on their
security role checkbox to allow only authenticated us ers.
6. Click OK.
7. After configuration, start the WindowViewer to launc h the OPC UA Server. OPC UA clients can now
access InTouch HMI data.

Configuring the Firewall for the OPC UA Service

OPC UA communications in InTouch HMI require that the run -time node firewall allows a connection with
an OPC UA client node. Before changing firewall settings, however, it is recommended that you perform
a Firewall Test on page 39.

Configure the Run-Time Node Firewall

Important: The firewall rules must be added to the node to whic h the OPC UA Server Service is

To configure the run-time node firewall:

On the run-time node(s) where the OPC UA Server Service is deployed, open the Windows firewall and
configure it as follows:
1. In the Windows Search bar, open Windows Firewall.
2. Select Advanced Settings and creat e an Inbound Rule.

3. Click "New Rule." The Rule Wizard opens. .

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Select Program for the Rule Type and click Next.

5. On the next screen, select the option "Allow the connection." Click Next.

6. The wizard will ask when the rule applies.

 For Domain environments: Select Domain and Private. We recommend that you deselect

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 For Workgroup environments: Select Public. The Domain and P rivate settings have no affect in
a Workgroup environment.

7. Finally, provide a name for this rule (for ex ample, "OP C UA Server"). If you will be configuring
multiple OP C UA services, be sure to use names that differentiat e each service from the others.
8. Now, check that the new rule has been added to the list of InB ound Rules in the Windows Firewall
and that it is enabled.

9. Verify that you can connect to the run-time node from the OPC UA client node by repeating the
Firewall Test.

Firewall Test
To perform a firewall test with Telnet
1. From a separate node from where the OP C UA Server service is running, enable Telnet by turning
on the Telnet Client Windows Feature.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: This test is ideally run from the OPC UA client node.

a. Open the Windows Control Panel.

b. Go to Program s and Features, then select Turn Windows features on or off.
c. Scroll down the list of features to Telnet Client and enable it. Telnet is disabled by default.

2. Prior to running this test, verify that WindowViewer is running. If the OPC UA Service Host is
configured, WindowViewer will start the InTouch OP C UA Service. See Configuring the InTouch
OPC UA Server on page 36 for det ails.
3. Run Telnet in a command window on the OPC UA client node by entering the following:
telnet <nodeName or ipAddress> <portNumber>
o nodeName is the machine name of the InTouch HMI run -time node. Use nodeName or
ipAddress, not both.
o ipAddre ss is the IP address of the InTouch HMI run -time node. Use nodeName or ipA ddress,
not both.
o portNumber is the port number you configured in InTouch HMI for the OPC UA Service. The
default port number 48032.
Example: telnet 48031
 If the command is not successful, it will time out with a message stating that the connection
failed. In this case, go to Configure the Run-Time Node Firewall on page 37.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 If the telnet command is successful, the command prompt changes to a Telnet prompt.

 If the Firewall Test is successful, configure the OPC UA client and OPC UA server certificates.
The next step in setting up your OP C UA connection depends on if you are using a third-party
OPC UA client application, or the OP C UA connection available with OI Gateway.

Configuring Server and Client Certificates for Third-Party OPC UA

Client Applications
IMPORTANT! Thes e procedures apply ONLY if you are using a third party OPC UA client. If you are
using OI Gateway as the OP C UA client, skip to Using OI Gateway to Configure the Client Security
Certificate on page 47.

To configure encrypted c ommunications between the InTouc h OP C UA s erver and a third-party OP C UA

client, both computers will need access the following certificates:
 <Computer Name> ASB OPC UA Server
 The client certific ate from your OPC UA client.
To complete this setup, you will need to perform three steps:
1. Copy the certificate from the OPC UA server node to the OPC UA client node. This step includes the
o Exporting the OPC UA server certificate.
o Installing the certificate on the client node.
2. Copy the certificate from the OPC UA client node to the OP C UA server node.
3. Make sure that the firewall has been configured to allow the InTouch.OP CUA.ServiceHost.exe

Export the OPC UA server certificate to the OPC UA client node

To export the OPC UA server certificate
1. Open the Windows Certificate Manager on the OPC UA server node.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To open the Certificate Manager, either type “Manage Computer Certificates” in the Windows
search box and select, or open the command prompt and run " certlm.msc."
2. In the tree view, expand the Personal node, then click on Certificates.

3. Locate the certificate “<computer name> ASB OPC UA Server”.

4. Right -click on the certificate and select ‘All Tasks\Export…”

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Certi ficate Export Wizard opens.

5. Depending on type of certificat es that your client application uses, you will need to export the
certificate as one of two certificate file types:
 .cer file, if the client uses the Windows Certificat e Store
 .der file, if the client uses file-based certificates.
E ven though the file extensions are different, the file formats are the same.
6. In the Certificate Export Wizard, select the following options.
 Export Private Key: select “No, do not export the private key” (default), then click Next.
 Export File Format: select either “DER encoded binary X. 509 (.CE R)” or “B ase-64 encoded
X.509 (.CE R),” depending on the requirements of your client application. Make the selection,
then click Next.
 File to Export: enter a file name to export the Root CA, for example “c:\temp\<machine
name> OPC UA Server.cer,” then click Next.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

7. When the Export Wizard finishes, you may need to change the file extension of the certificate from
“.cer” to “.der,” depending on what your client application is expecting. You will need to do this if your
OPC UA Client application stores certificates in a specific folder, rather than in the Windows
Certificate Store.

Import the OPC UA Server Certificate on the Client Computer

To complete the process of copying and installing the OP C UA server certificate to the OP C UA client
node, you need to import the OPC UA Server certificate to the OPC UA client computer.
Each OPC UA client application has its own mechanism to manage certificates. Generally, an OP C UA
client will use one of two mechanisms to manage certificates:
 Utilizing the Windows Certificat e Store
 Storing certificates in a specified folder, defined by the OPC UA Client application.
Refer to the documentation for your OPC UA client applications for more details on how to import a
server certificate.

To import a certificate into the OPC UA client Windows Certificate Store

1. Copy the certificate file (<mac hine name> OP C UA Server.cer) to the OPC UA client node. Where
you copy the file is not important.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Right click on the certificate file and select Install Certificate” from the context menu.

This opens the Certificate Import Wizard.

Note: Administrator privileges are required to import the certific ate.

3. In the Certificate Import Wizard, select the following options.

 Store location: Select "Local Machine," then click Next.
 Certificate store: Browse to "Personal," then click Next.
 Completing the Certificate Import Wizard: Review the settings, then click Finish.

To copy a certificate to specified location on the OPC UA client

1. Copy the certificate file (<machine name> OPC UA Server.cer) to the folder that is specified by your
OPC UA client applications. The following table shows the location of the certificate folder for a
number of common OP C UA clients.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

OPC UA Client Manufacturer Folder

Datafeed OP C UA Softing C:\ProgramData\Softing\OpcClient\pki\trusted\certs

UaExpert UnifiedAutomation C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\unifiedautomation\u
UA Client Getting UnifiedAutomation C:\ProgramData\ unifiedautomation\ UaSdk NetBundleE v
Started al\pkiclient\trusted\certs
Matrikon Matrikon C:\Users\Admin\Appdata\Local\Matrikon\OP CUAExplor
KEPServer Kepware C:\ProgramData\Kepware\KEPServerE X\V6\ UA\Client
Top Server Software Toolbox C:\ProgramData\Software Toolbox\ TOP
Server\V6\ UA\Client Driver\cert
Refer to the documentation for the OPC UA client application for additional information about
managing certificates.
2. Configure the OP C UA certificate, as described below.

Configure OPC UA Client Certificates on the OPC UA Server

The next step in the of configuring OP C UA server and client certificates is to trust the OPC UA client
certificate that has been installed on the OP C UA server node.
The easiest way is to attempt to connect an OPC UA client to the server. Since trust of t he client
certificate has not yet been established, the connection is expected to fail.
Once the connection fails, any OPC UA client certificates that are not installed on the OPC UA server are
placed in the “Rejected Certificate” folder on the OPC UA Server.
By default, the folder loc ation is:
C:\ProgramData\AVEVA\PCS\OPC UA Rejected Client Certificates\certs

Note: Access to this folder requires administrator rights, and the folder is hidden by default.

To import certificates placed in the Rejected Certificate folder

1. To import the OPC UA Client certificates, browse to the rejected certificate folder.
2. Right click on the certificate for the OP C UA Client that you want to trust and select “Install
Certificate”. This opens the Import certificate Wizard.
3. Select the following options in the wizard:
 Store location: Select "Local Machine," then click Next.
 Certificate store: Select “Trusted People, ” then click Next.
 Completing the Certificate Import Wizard: Review the settings, the click Finish.

Port Usage
OPC UA communicates via a single TCP port. This is specified in the Endpoint Connection setting in
the configuration of the OPC UA Server, and defaults to port 48032. For details, see Configuring the
InTouch OP C UA Server on page 36.
If you will run multiple OP C UA Servers on the same computer using RDS sessions, you must specify a
different port number for each subsequent server.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Confirm that this port is not blocked by any firewall software installed on your computer. For information
about testing and configuring communications through firewall, see Configuring the Firewall for the OPC
UA Service on page 37.

Using OI Gateway to Configure the Client Security Certificate

OI Gateway provides a convenient method for configuring security certification on the server and client
OPC UA nodes.
To configure the security certificate through OI Gateway
1. From the Start Menu on the run-time node, open the System Platform Management Console (SMC)
(Start, AV EVA, System Platform Management Console).

2. In the console tree, navigate to the OI.GATEWAY.3 node under Operations Integration Supervisory
Servers (1).
3. Create an OPC UA connection.
4. Configure OPC UA Server Det ails (2).

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Server Node: Enter the machine name of the run-time node.

 OPC UA Server: This is the URI (uniform resource identifier) for the OP C UA server (the
run-time node). The address must be entered manually because it is not currently discoverable.
Enter it in the format opc.tcp://<machine name>:<OPC UA port number>
Use the OPC UA port number that you entered when configuring the InTouch OPC UA Server in
InTouch HMI Application Manager. The default port number is 48032.
5. Enter the authorization and authentication credentials (3).
You must match the authorization settings configured in the OPC UA server dialog. If the Require
Security Authentication checkbox is checked, then you must select the following settings:
 Security Policy: Basic256Sha256.
 Security Message Mode: Sign and Encrypt.
 Under User Credentials, select Anonymous User to allow anonymous access. You can also
provide user credentials of authenticated users if the corresponding option was selected during
OPC UA configuration. The user credentials provided must be part of the
InTouchHMIOP CUAWriteUsers user group.
6. Click the Test button (4). The test will fail, but it will download the OP C UA certificate.

IMPORTANT! The reason for thi s initial test failure is because the certificates between the
client and server applications must be trusted. Installing the certificates will fix this.

7. Go to the next section.

Once the certificates are trusted, the OP C UA client configuration will need to be validated.

Trusting the Certificate between the OPC UA Server and OPC UA Client
In this release of the OP C UA Server service, the operation of creating the trust between the OPC UA
Server and the OPC UA client must be done manually. The Te st operation causes the OI Gateway to
submit its own certificate to the OPC UA Server node so it can be trusted. The following steps show how
to then trust the client certificate from the OPC UA Server node. If you are not using OI Gateway, follow
the procedures listed in Configuring Server and Client Certificates for Third -Party OP C UA Client
Applications on page 41.
1. Access the folder C:\ProgramData\AV EVA\PCS\OP C UA Rejected Client Certificates.
This is the location where the certificat e from the client is initially placed by default as an attempt to
connect to the OPC UA Server.

Note: The P rogramData folder is hidden by default. You may need to enable the hidden items option
in Windows Explorer in order to view it.

2. Right -click on the certificate name, for example, OI Gateway OPC UA@OP CUA client node{long
hex ID}.der.
3. Select Install Certificate from the context menu. This opens the Certificate Import Wizard.
4. Select Local Machine for the Store Location, then click Next.
5. From the Select Certificate Store list, select Trusted People as the certificate store. This is the
only choice that will work with the OPC UA certificate.
6. Close the wizard to complete installation.
7. Finally, delete the certificate from the OP C UA Rejected Client Certificates folder, since the
certificate is now installed.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Verify OPC UA Certificate Installation

To verify certificate installation
1. Open the certific ate manager by typing certifi cate in the Windows search window, then select
Manage Computer Certificate s from the search results. The Certificate Manager opens.
2. Navigate the Trusted People folder and check that the OPC UA certificate has been installed.

3. From the OP C UA client node, open the System Platform Management Console again, and click
the Test button in OPC UA parameters window. At the bottom of the window, the OPC UA
Namespace alias list will be automatically populat ed, indicating the connection was successful.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Add a group under the OPC UA Connection (named Group01 in the following figure). The device
group name prefixes OPCUA_ to the group name you enter.

5. Click the Brow se OPC UA Server button to browse the OPC UA hierarchy.
6. Optional: Add OPC UA tags to monitor in the alias list to help ens ure that you can browse the

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

7. Switch back to OI Gateway configuration in the System Platform Management Console , and
notice that the OPC UA tags are now listed in the Device Items window.

8. By default, item names in the list duplicate the complete item reference path. Rename the items as
needed to be more user-friendly.

Updating Web Client Settings Using the Application Manager

The Web Client tab of the AVEVA Application Manager provides options for the user to configure Web
Client related settings.
Updating the Web Client Settings:
1. In AVEVA Application Manager, click the Web Client tab. Configure the following settings:
a. Graphic Ref resh Rate (ms): Set the rate on how frequently the web b rowser will query the web
server for graphic data. The default is 1 second. For more information, see the System Platform
Installation Guide.
b. Alarm Refresh Rate (ms ): Set the rate on how frequently the web browser will query the web
server for alarm data. The default is 1 second. For more information, see the System Platform
Installation Guide.
c. Web Client Site Name: Provide a string that will replace the standard URL.
d. Show Header: Select the checkbox to display the Title Bar.
e. Enable NavBar: Select the checkbox to display the Navigation Bar.
This setting will be disabled if the Show Header setting is not selected.
f. Allow Anonymous Access: Select the checkbox to allow users access to web client without
For more information on settings c - f, see the Viewing Application Graphics in a Web Browser
2. On modifying the settings, click Apply.

Additionally, you can enable and disable the web client using the and icons.

3. Use the icon to launch the web client.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Registering with the AVEVA Identity Manager

Using the AVEVA Identity Manager you can configure the Web Client to use Single Sign On, instead of
the default Windows OS based authentication.
The steps to configure the Identity Server are:
1. In the System Platform Configurat or, configure the Common Platform > System Management
2. In AVEVA Application Manager, register the AIM server with user credentials.
The AIM Registration dialog box can also be used to configure the reverse proxy server:
1. Setup the reverse proxy server.
2. In the System Platform Configurat or, configure the Common Platform > System Management
3. Provide the S ecure Gateway address in the AIM registration dialog box.
You can select a remote or local System Management Server. For more information on configuring the
System Management Server, see the System Platform Installation Guide.
To register with the Identity Server:
1. In Application Manager, click the Web Client tab.
2. Click Tools and then AIM Regi stration...
The AIM Regi stration dialog box appears.
3. Click the Use AIM Server as the authentication server checkbox to enable the use of the AVEVA
Identity Manager.
The Identity Server field displays the Identity Server, configured in the Configurator.
4. Update the following settings:
a. User Name: Provide the us er name to connect to the Identity Server. The user must be part of
the Administrators user group.
b. Password: Provide the password for the corresponding user name.
5. To complete the reverse proxy setup, provide the URL of reverse proxy or DMZ server in the Secure
Gateway field.
This is an optional setting, and needs to be set only if the We Client is hosted behind a revers e proxy
6. Optionally you can also click the Allow Industrial Graphics to be embedded in any website
checkbox to view the web client within an HTML iframe in runtime.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Apply.

Opening an Application in WindowMaker and WindowViewer

You must open a new application in WindowMaker before you can open it in WindowViewer.
To open an application in WindowMaker
1. Select the application in the Application Manager window.
2. On the File menu, click WindowMaker.

Tip You can also double-click an applic ation to open it in WindowMaker.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To open an application in WindowViewer

1. Select the application in the Application Manager window.
2. On the File menu, click WindowViewer.

Customizing the Application Manager Window

You can hide the toolbar and status bar. You can also change how the applications are listed in the
Application Manager window. Applications can be shown as Details, List and Icon.
Application Manager Views
 Details – This view lists the application in a t abular form with all the application related properties like
path and res olution.
 List – This view displays the application name, type, thumbnail and the ribbon.
 Icon – This view displays the application name, type, resolution, description, thumbnail and ribbon.
To hide the toolbar
 On the View menu, click Toolbar so that no check mark is shown.
To hide the status bar
 On the View menu, click Status Bar so that no check mark is shown.
To change the view for the application list
 On the View menu, click the appropriate command or click the corresponding button on the toolbar.
To rearrange the order and availability of the Toolbar options

1. To customize the order of the options, click the icon and select Customize…
2. Under the Items tab, select an option (for example WindowMaker), and click the Move Up or Move
Down buttons to change the order the options appear on the toolbar.
To remove option from the Toolbar
 Click on the checkbox against the option.
For example, clear the checkbox against the option WindowMak er and click Close. The Window Maker
option will not appear on the toolbar.

Using the Application Ribbon

In the Icon or List view, each application displays a ribbon with application specific options.

The options are:

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Change Thumbnail: Click the icon, and select the image from the Brows e dialog box. The
image will be displayed in the Icon and List view.
o WindowMaker: Click to launch WindowMaker.
o WindowViewer: Click to launch WindowViewer.
o Delete: Click to delete the application.
o Open application folder: Click to navigate to the applicatio n folder.
o Application propertie s: Click to launch the application properties.

Click the icon to see additional options.

o DBLoad: Click to launch the DBLoad utility.
o DBDump: Click to launch the DBDump utility.
o Rename: Click and enter the new name of the application.
o Export a s Template: See Exporting InTouch Applications to use an Template on page 59.
o Export for Edge Management: Click to download the AVEVA Edge zip file.
o Upload on cloud: Click to upload the application to AVEVA Connect.

Locking and Unlocking InTouch Applications

During the use of WindowMaker and WindowViewer if the application was not closed correctly the
application may be locked. You must unlock the application using the Application Manager.
To unlock an InTouch application
 Launch Application Manager, select the application, and click the lock icon.

The application is unlocked and available for use. For more information, see Application Editing Lock s on
page 88.

Modifying an InTouch Application

You can rename an application and change the application properties.
To rename an application
1. Select the application in the list.
2. On the File menu, click Rename.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To modify application properties

1. Select the application in the list.
2. On the File menu, click Properties. The Propertie s dialog box appears.

3. Configure the application properties.

o In the Name box, type a new name for the application.
o In the window, type another description for the application.
4. Click OK.
To Change Target Resolution
You can change the specified target res olution while editing the application in WindowMaker. This
functionality is not available using command line.
Do the following:
1. Click Special -> Configure, and select Target Resolution.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Target Re solution dialog box appears.

2. Edit the target resolution as needed and click OK.

The boundary canvas will be modified to reflect the change. Graphics, window size and window
controls will remain the same.

Note: The Show target resolution boundary canvas is checked by default.

Deleting an InTouch Application from the Application

When you delete an application from the Application Manager, the application files remain on your
To delete an application
1. Select an application in the list.
2. On the File menu, click Delete.
3. In the message that appears, click Yes.
4. You can also delete an application in the following ways:
 Right -click the application and select Delete from the context menu.
 Click the delete icon from the application ribbon.
 Select the application and press the delete key on the keyboard.
You can select and delet e multiple applications.
Deleting earlier Modern Applications
If the node contains older Modern application and the node is upgraded to the current Product version,
you can select to delete the older Modern application. This action will permanently delet e the Modern
application folder and repository.

Finding InTouch Applications

You can search for existing InTouch applications. Application Manager shows any applications that are
An application cannot be opened in WindowMaker if the full path exceeds 114 characters (including the
network drive letter, colon, and all backslashes). If an application exceeds the character limit, rename the
folders in the path or move the application to a different location.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To find applications
1. On the Tool s menu, click Find Applications. The Brow se For Folder dialog box appears.

2. Select the folder in which you want to search for applications.

3. Click OK.

Working with Application Templates

You can develop your own application templat e from a Standalone application. Developing an
application template is a three-step process.
1. Create an application and set appropriate windo ws in the application to template windows.
2. Create an application thumbnail for preview in the Application Template Browser.
3. Export the application as an .aaPKG file to make it available as a template in the Browser.
To set application windows as template windows:
1. Create an application.
a. Develop your application using graphics, scripts and windows.
2. Do the following for all windows in the application:
a. Right -click each window and select Propertie s.
b. In the Window Properties dialog box, select the Template checkbox.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Upon click of OK, each window is automatically placed in the Template Windows folder in the
Windows & Scripts pane.
You must now create and assign a thumbnail to the application you want to make into a template.
To create and assign an application thumbnail:
1. Using any screen capture program, take a screen capture of your application at either configuration
or run time.
a. Save the image to any picture file format, such as a .bmp or .png file, and copy it to your
application folder.
2. From your application folder, open the INTOUCH.INI file with a standard text editor such as Notepad.
3. Edit the INTOUCH.INI file to include the file name of the image in the ApplicationThumbnail field.

Note: The ApplicationThumbnail field is case sensitive and must exactly match the name and
extension of the thumbnail image.

4. Save your changes and close.

The application must now be exported as a .aaPKG file that will populat e in the Application Template
Brow ser.
To export application and create template:
1. In the Application Manager, export your application to create an .aaPKG file.
For det ails on how to export an Application, see Exporting InTouch Applications to use an Template
on page 59.
2. Copy the export ed .aaPKG file into the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Wonderware\InTouch\ApplicationTemplates

Your application is now available as a template in the Application Template Browser.

Note: The application template thumbnail you created in the previous procedure is extracted from the
exported .aaPKG file. If your application template appears in the Application Template Browser with a
blank thumbnail, a valid image could not be extracted. Be sure a valid image file format was used to save
the thumbnail and the ex act filename is entered int o the ITOUCH.INI.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Exporting InTouch Applications to use an Template

The Export As Template option allows you to export an .aapkg file that contains all the graphic related
contents (symbols, client controls, script library, language, styles) and save it as a template. This
template file can then be us ed to creat e other Standalone or Managed Application.
To export an application as a template:
1. In the Application Manager, on the File menu select Export As Template.
The Export InTouch Application dialog box appears.
2. Provide a loc ation to store the .aapkg file.
The Export InTouch Application progress window appears.

3. After the export is complete, click Close. Click View Details, to check for any errors.
4. The .aapkg file will be available in the location specified, and can no w be used as an application
template to create new applications.

Converting InTouch Windows to Industrial Graphics

You can convert the windows of a managed InTouch application to Industrial Graphics. The converted
Industrial Graphics appear in the WindowMak er Graphic Toolbox and the IDE Graphic Toolbox. In
addition to graphics that appear in windows, InTouch scripts are convert ed to ArchestrA scripts.

Preparing to Convert Windows

Before you convert InTouch windows:
 Only windows from InTouc h standalone and managed applications can be converted to Industrial
 Windows must be closed in WindowMaker to be converted.

Converting Windows
Only the symbols and scripts of a window are convert ed. The window’s color, type, frame, title bar, size
control, and Close button are excluded from the converted symbol.
Based on the InTouc h graphic type, window graphics are converted as follows:
 All InTouch graphic primitives are converted to corres ponding Industrial Graphic primitives.
 An InTouch Smart Symbol is converted to an Industrial embedded graphic.
 An Industrial Graphic within a window is converted to an embedded symbol. No new symbol is
created for an embedded symbol.
 An InTouch symbol is converted to a group with the property TreatAsIcon=True.
 An InTouch cell is converted to a group with the property TreatAsIcon=False.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 InTouch Windows controls are converted to ArchestrA Windows controls.

 Some InTouch graphic components cannot be converted to Industrial Gr aphics:
o InTouch Real-time and Historic al trends cannot be converted.
o ActiveX cont rols and the Distributed Alarm Display cannot be converted.

Converting Animation Scripts

All InTouch animation links embedded in windows are converted to the corresponding ArchestrA
No validation warning or error messages are logged during the conversion. You should validate
converted scripts with Industrial Graphic script validation to find any unsupported script syntax.
The following exceptions occur when converting InTouch animation scripts:
 Discrete Alarm and Analog Alarm of Line Color and Fill Color animation links are converted to
Boolean and Truth Table of Line Style and Fill Style animations.
 The ShowWindow animation link is converted to an action script with the ShowGraphic script
function. The HideWindow animation link is converted to an action script with the HideGraphic script
 All InTouch tags configured in animation link expressions have the prefix "InTouch" added to the tag
name. For example, Tag1 is converted to Intouch: Tag1.
 The prefix "galaxy:" of ArchestrA attribute references configured in animation links are removed. For
example, galaxy:UD001.Value is con verted to UD001.Value.
 All InTouch script functions configured in action scripts are not converted. All scripts are copied over
except the InTouch tag and ArchestrA attribute reference handling.

Known Limitations of Windows Conversions

Converting an InTouch window to an Industrial Graphic does not always achieve complete fidelity. In
some cases, window components cannot be converted to a symbol. This section describes known
limitations when converting an InTouch window to an Industrial Grap hic and any alternative solutions.
 Converting a Window Containing a Vertical Mouse Release Slider SmartSymbol
A Vertical Mouse Release Slider SmartSymbol contains two types of animation. The symbol uses fill
animation to show the current measured value against a scale and a movable slider knob to set a
value. A window containing an embedded Vertical Mouse Release Slider SmartSymbol does not
retain the movable slider animation when converted to an Industrial Graphic.
 Converting a Window Containing a Symbol Factory Symbol
Not all types of animations incorporated in Symbol Factory symbols can be converted to an Industrial
Graphic. The following types of Symbol Factory symbol animations cannot be converted:
o Percent Fill
o Line Color
o Horiz ontal Movement
o Vertical Movement
 Migrating InTouch Translation Strings to Industrial graphics
InTouch translation strings are stored in an XML file in the application's folder. The translated strings
of each language are placed in separate XML files. Translations of all windows and SmartSymbols
strings are available from the XML file in the application directory after importing localized strings.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The following procedure explains how to use the Language Assistant tool to migrate InTouch window
localization strings to an Industrial graphic.
a. Convert an InTouch window to an Industrial Graphic.
b. Import the contents of an InTouch language XML file to Language Assistant to create a global
dictionary of phrases.
c. Export an Industrial Graphic to an XML file.
d. Import the symbol XML file to Language Assistant, which will automatically apply a global
dictionary translation to the Industrial Graphic phrases.
e. Publish the Industrial Graphic XML file from Language Assistant .
f. Import the XML file to the Industrial Graphic Toolbox containing the translated text strings.
 Migrating InTouch Scripts to Industrial Graphics
Scripts containing InTouch or QuickScript functions cannot be converted to an Industrial Graphic.
 Migrating InTouch History Objects to Industrial Graphics
InTouch windows containing an InTouch Historical Trend are not completely converted to Industrial
Graphics. Only some parts of the Historical Trend may appear in the converted symbol. Trend
components like scooter bars may not appear in the converted Industrial Graphic.

After Converting Windows

After conversion, the symbol is added to the ArchestrA IDE Toolbox and the WindowMaker Industrial
Graphic Toolbox. The original converted InTouch window is backed up. A new InTouch window is
created in the InTouch application, which embeds the newly created Industrial Graphics.
If only a subset of the window is converted, then the user must manually verify that the converted
windows will work with the non-convert ed window.
The name of the converted window is assigned by default as the name of the new Industrial Graphic. If
the InTouch window name contains unsupport ed ArchestrA characters, an underscore ( _ ) replaces
each unsupported character. If the symbol already exists, a numerical suffix is appended to the name of
the converted symbol. For example, Main_001.
The special characters dollar ($), pound (#) and underscore (_) are the only exceptions.
If an application is migrated, editing the window or modifying any of the window properties will replace
any special characters in the window name to underscore (_). This is applicable for all types of windows
including application, frame and, template.
A new toolset is created and assigned the InTouch application name for all convert ed symbols. The
InTouch folder hierarchy is maintained by the tools et after the windows conversion.
 A converted symbol from an unassigned InTouch window is added to a t oolset assigned the InTouch
application name.
 If the window belongs to an assigned area, the original folder structure is created in both toolboxes
and the name of the InTouc h application is assigned as the top root folder name.

Completing the Window Conversion Procedure

To convert windows to Industrial Graphics
1. Close all InTouch windows that will be convert ed to symbols.
2. Convert one or more windows to Industrial Graphics by one of the following methods:
Shortcut Menu Method

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

a. Select the window to be converted from the Windows & Scripts pane.

b. Right -click to show the shortcut menu and select Convert To Industrial Graphic....
c. Continue at Step 3.
File Menu Method
d. Click File from the menu bar and select Convert To Industrial Graphic....
3. The Windows to Convert dialog box appears, select the windows that you want to convert.
By default, the window selected in the previous screen will be checked. You can now select
additional windows.

4. Click OK.
A message appears and indicates the windows are being converted in succession. After the
windows are converted, a succession of Check In dialog boxes appear to enter an optional
comment for each window that was converted.
5. Observe the WindowMaker Industrial Graphic Toolbox and the ArchestrA IDE Graphic Toolbox.
The converted windows should appear as Industrial Graphics in both tool boxes.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Diagnosing Window Conversion Errors

During conversion, a progress bar shows warning or error messages that occur during the window
conversion. A custom log flag is created containing us eful diagnostic information for every element,
animation, or script while converting windows.
After conversion, click Window conversion Report from the conversion progress bar to export all
messages to an HTML conversion report that can be viewed in a message window.

Both the conversion progress dialog box and the conversion report include the following information
about a window conversion:
 Window name
 Conversion status that indicates if the window was converted successfully or if errors occurred.
 Warning messages that occurred during the conversion.
 Error messages that occurred during the window conversion.

Publishing Applications to Remote Nodes

Using Application Publisher, you can create a compressed, self-extracting package file that contains all
relevant files and setup procedures to install an InTouch application on another comput er. You use
Application Publisher to publish standalone InTouch applications. You publish managed InTouch
applications using the ArchestrA IDE.
You have two options to publish applications:
 Run-time only. A run-time only package includes the files needed to run the application, but not to
edit the application.
 Design-time and run-time. A design-time and run-time package includes all files needed to edit and
run the applic ation. Some run-time files, such as compiled *.wvw files, are excluded because they
can be re-created from the design-time files.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

You can post published applications to a web server where they can be downloaded and installed. The
following package information is shown for posted applications:
 Package description
 Publisher name
 Published file name (executable)
 Application resolution
For example:

Description Dairy Processing Application

Publisher Navin Johnson

File Name Dairy.exe / Video Resolution…(1024x768)

Description Dairy Processing Application

Publisher Navin Johnson

File Name Dairy _2.exe / Video Resolution…(800x600)

Contents of a Published File

The following table lists the included folders, files, and excluded files for all published stand -alone
InTouch applications.

Included Folders Included Files Excluded Files

Main application folder All Backup files. These files have

the .?bk file name extension.

Files with these extensions: Subfolders not in the Special

Directories list
.win, .dat, .lgh, .idx, .log, .fsm,
.stg, .$$$

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Included Folders Included Files Excluded Files

retentiv.x The appedit.lok file, which

indicates that the application is
retentiv. d
open in WindowMak er.
retentiv. a
retentiv..s (two dots)
retentiv. h

Any files with names of the form Compiled window files with the
SSD_*.xml. file name extension .wvw.

Dictionary subfolders for All files with the .xml extension.

run-time language switching

Symbol subfolders All files and subfolders.

wiz.ini file, if there are wizards
Copy of the wizard executable.
.dll files,
.wdo files
.wdf files

For a run-time only application, all files with a file names of SSD_*.xml are excluded.

Publishing a Standalone InTouch Application

Use the Application Publisher to publish a standalone InTouch application. If you want the published
application to run at a specific screen resolution, set the original application to that resolution before you
publish it. To publish a managed InTouch application, use the ArchestrA IDE.
To publish a standalone InTouch application
1. Start the Application Publisher.
a. Open WindowMaker.
b. Show the Classic View and expand the Tool s pane.
c. Expand Applications.
d. Double-click Application Publisher.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The InTouch Application Publisher – Step 1 of 4 dialog box appears.

2. Click Next. The InTouch Application Publi sher – Step 2 of 4 dialog box appears.

3. Configure the package details.

o In the Enter author name box, type the name of the person to contact regarding the application.
The name limit is 256 characters.
o In the De scription box, type a description of the application. The limit is 256 characters.
o In the Package Name box, type a unique name for the published application package. The limit
is 32 characters. If you use t he name of an existing package, the existing package is overwritten.
4. Click Next. The InTouch Application Publi sher – Step 3 of 4 dialog box appears.

5. Configure the publishing det ails.

o In the box, type the path to the InTouch application folder. The default path is the WindowMaker
application folder.
o Select the Runtime only check box to exclude the development WindowMaker files in the
published file.

Managing InTouch HMI ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

6. Click Next. The InTouch Application Publi sher – Step 4 of 4 dialog box appears.

7. Configure the details for the executable applicatio n package.

o In the first box, verify the ex ecutable name in the first box is correct. By default, the executable
name is the same as the package name.
o In the second box, type the path to t he folder in which to save the executable file, or click Brow se
to select a different folder. By default, the executable is saved in your current temporary folder.
8. Click Finish.

Publishing Applications to Insight

Using the Insight Publisher you can publish an application to the Insight website. You can use the
Application Manager or WindowMaker. In the Application Manager, select the AVEVA Insight Publisher
icon from the Toolbar. In InTouch WindowMaker, you can use the AVEV A Insight Publi sher from the
Tool s pane under Applications.
You can select one of the following options and proceed with the onscreen instructions.
 Publish - Create a new Insight data source from an existing InTouc h application.
 Import - Import an Excel spreadsheet listing items from an OPC, MQTT, or OI Server.
 Authorize - Create a data source.
For more information, refer to the Historian Documentation.

Note: You will need an Insight Account to publish the application.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Migrating and Upgrading Applications
Moving from a Legacy Application to the New Standalone
Prior to System Platform 2020, InTouc h HMI users could create the following types of applications:
 Standalone
 Modern
 Managed
 Published
Standalone applications were built using legacy symbols and controls. Modern applications supported
the use of Industrial Graphics (formerly known as ArchestrA graphics/symbols) in addition to legacy
symbols. Managed applications were built using the IDE and Galaxy Objects. Standalone applications
could be published into a package and then distributed to other nodes, resulting in Published
In InTouch HMI 2020, modern applications have been redesigned as more comprehensive standalone
applications. The new standalone application offers many improvements over legacy standalone
 Easy distribution – Copy and paste the application folder to a different node. No import or export
operations needed.
 Use of Industrial Graphics – The new standalone application combines the ease of use of earlier
legacy applications with modern industrial graphics.
 Ready for the cloud – Applications created on-premise nodes can now be viewed on a HTML5
compliant browser.
 Light weight – The applications files are light weight and allow for better performance and use.
There is no change in behavior of Managed and Published applications.

Migrating and Upgrading Older Applications

To support applications created in earlier versions of InTouch HMI, you can use two work flows to
transition to the new standalone application.
 In-place migration of older modern applications: If the node contains old Modern applications and the
product version on the node is upgraded, then you migrate the application using the Application
 Importing .aapkg files of modern applications exported from earlier versions of InTouch HMI.

Migrating Earlier InTouch Applications to the Current Version

You can migrate applications developed with older versions of the InTouch HMI to the current version.
When you attempt to open an older application with eit her WindowMake r or WindowViewer, you are
shown the Application Migration dialog box. Here you can:
 Choose to convert the application resolution.

Migrating and Upgrading ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Create a backup copy before migrating the old application to the current version of the InTouch HMI.
You can migrate existing standalone, modern, or published InTouch applications to the current InTouch
version. You must specify the folder to create the backup copy and if you want to exclude any files from
the backup.
1. From the application list, double -click on an application. The Application Migration dialog box
2. To convert the application resolution from the original to the current resolution, select the Convert the
application resolution from <existing resolution> to <new resolution> checkbox.
3. To change the default backup path (<Application Directory> \Bak), clear Use Default Backup Path
box. Then, type the path to the folder in the Backup Path box where you want to save the backup. If
the folder does not exist, you must create it, and then create the backup.
4. In the Ignore Files box, you can specify any files that you want to exclude from the backup. By
default, all files in the application directory are backed up. Type the file names you want to exclude
separated by a semicolon (;). Or, use standard wild card characters ('*' and '?') to exclude a set of
files by the common characters in their names.
5. After configuring the necessary options, click OK.

Converting Legacy Alarm Displays

When you open an application built with a version before InTouch 7. 11 in WindowViewer, a dialog box
appears prompting you to run WindowMaker to convert the application. If you continue with the
conversion, all of the Standard Alarm Objects are convert ed to Distributed Alarm Objects with default
values. Colors, fonts, expressions, and alarm query settings are not preserved.

Migrating and Upgrading ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Managing Application Settings

InTouch application settings, such as the application pat h, are stored in the Win.ini file. The Win.ini file is
located in the below directory:
C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Wonderware
WindowMaker runs as an administrative user and WindowViewer can run as an administrative or
standard user. The standard user cannot access the Win.ini directory of the administrative user profile.
Therefore, as the application developer, you need to copy the common Win.ini attributes to the standard
user’s Win.ini profile when you develop the application. This ens ures that all the attributes that are set
under the administrative us er are also available when WindowViewer is started by the standard user.
You must copy the attributes each time you make changes to the common Win.ini attributes.

Importing InTouch Applications

You can import existing modern applications using the Application Manager, which will be converted to a
Standalone application.

Note: Standalone applications can be copied from one node to another and found using the Find
Applications option, they do not need to be imported or ex port ed.

To import an existing modern application:

1. On the File menu, click Import.
The Create New Application: Select an application to import dialog box appears.
2. Use the Find Applications section to search for the application y ou want to import. Search for a folder
or a file to import.
3. Select the application and click Next >.
4. Make any changes to the settings. You will notice that the modern application is import ed as a
standalone application.
5. Click Finish.

Migrating and Upgrading ApplicationsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

A new application is created and displayed in the Application Manager.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Distributing Applications
About Distributing Applications
Distributed applications typically have a central development station, central data storage, and client
stations. You use InTouch Network Application Development (NAD) to build and maintain distribut ed
applications. NAD allows many client stations to maintain a copy of a single application without restricting
the development of that application. Using an individual copy of the application provides Viewer
redundancy. Client stations are aut omatically notified when the application changes. You can create
single computer, client-based, and server-based InTouch applications.
You can also manage and deploy InTouch applications using the ArchestrA IDE. For more information
about using the ArchestrA IDE with the InTouch HMI, see About InTouch HMI and ArchestrA Integration
in the InTouc h® HMI and A rchestrA® Int egration Guide.

Supported InTouch Architectures

Supported InTouch network arc hitectures are:
 Single computer
 Client -based
 Server-based

Single Computer Architecture

A single computer application typically consists of one non -net worked computer that functions as the
primary operator interface. This computer is connected to the industrial process with a direct connection,
such as a serial cable.
In this architecture, you develop the InTouc h application on the single computer. You c an copy the
application to another computer to modify it and then copy it back to the original comput er.
Development and View Node

InTouch Process
App. serial connection

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Client-Based Architecture
In a client -based arc hitecture, there is a unique copy of one InTouch application for each computer
running WindowViewer (View node) or in a unique location on a network server. In the following
example, an application is developed and tested on the development node and then copied to each View

There is inherent redundancy because each node can be self-sufficient, and there is no limit to the
number of View nodes you can use.
Each View node must have an identical copy of the application and identical access to any network data
sources, such as I/O Servers or the IndustrialSQL Server. However, each View node maintains a
separate conversation with the shared server, which can res ult in increase d net work loading.
You can modify and test the application on the development node without affecting the running process.
However, you must distribute the modified application to the View nodes. You must shut down each View
node locally, copy the new application to it, and then restart.

Server-Based Architecture
A server-based architecture distributes a common InTouch application to several View nodes. In the
following figure, two View nodes access the same application from the development node.

For each View node:

 A logical drive must be mapped to the shared net work drive of the development node.
 The shared application must be registered wit h the InTouch program.
 The computer must have identical access to any data sources referred to by the application. There
are also ways to define the data source locations by using a combination of scripts to identify the
node name and change each data location b ased on that name.
In this architecture, there is a single application to maintain. View nodes are automatically updated when
the application changes and WindowViewer restarts.
Disadvantages of this architecture are:
 Development of application is restricted
 No redundancy if the development node goes down
 All nodes must have the same screen resolution

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Network Application Development (NAD)

In the Network Application Development (NA D) architecture, you maintain a master copy of an
application on a central network location, whic h is usually the development node. Each View node copies
the application to a user-defined location and runs it.
When you notify clients of application changes (using the Notify Clients command on the WindowMaker
Special menu), a flag is set in the application directory, which is then read by the View nodes.
You can configure how you want application changes handled for the View nodes. These range from
ignoring the changes to automatically shutting down and restarting the View node, which reloads the
master application.
In the following figure, the two View nodes have the master application registered from the development
node, but actually run it locally on their computers.

Note: If you configure your application to write historical data to t he master application node's application
directory, all NA D nodes attempt to write their historical data to the master application. To avoid this, on
each NA D node, configure historical data to write to a local directory, not the master application node.

If you are distributing a large, complex application to numerous nodes, slow system response time may
be apparent on the initial download. Updates, however, are optimized. Applic ation transfer may be a
problem for slow net works or over serial connections.
Also, be aware of other network constraints, such as the user of routers that filter out certain types of
network traffic and addresses.

Planning Considerations for Networked Applications

Regardless of the architecture you choose when building your InTouch application, it is important to
 Access to I/O data sources.
 Access to shared files.
 Where data is logged.
 Any special network requirements.

I/O Data Access for Networked Applications

The InTouch HMI us es Access Names to reference real-time I/O dat a. Each Access Name equat es to an
I/O address, which consists of a node name, an application, and a topic. In a distributed application, I/O
references can be set as global addresses to a network I/ O Server or local addresses to a local I/O

Note: InTouchView is restricted to the single Galaxy Access Name. You cannot create ot her Access
Names for InTouchView. For more information about the restrictions of InTouchView, see Viewing
Applications at Run Time on page 217.

The View node must have the same access to data sources as the development node.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Using Global I/O Addresses

Global addresses to I/O data allow all View nodes to share a common network -based I/O Server. This
eliminates the need for multiple I/O Servers, but is less fault -tolerant and can result in lower overall
In the following figure, two View nodes are running a copy of t he same application. B oth View nodes refer
to the same I/O data source. Because eac h application uses a fully qualified I/O address for the data
source, all references point to the same I/O Server.

You can set up an InTouch application to identify an element of data stored on another node by using a
three-part addressing convention in an Access Name. The Access Name addressing convention
includes the node name, application name, and topic name where the remote data is located. An
InTouch application obtains remote data using the Access Name in combination with an item name. For
more information about defining an Access Name for a remote I/O Server, see Data Access with I/O in
the InTouch® HMI Data Management Guide

Note: When you create Access Names in WindowMaker, if the Access Name uses the SuiteLink
protocol, the software prevents Access Names from accessing the same node, application and topic. Do
not use the IOS etAccessName() function to redirect Access Names to duplicate ones during run time or
else the redirected Access Name will not work.

Using Local I/O Addresses

Local addresses to I/O data are used when each View node has its own I/O Server. This architecture
provides fault-tolerant operation, as each View node can continue to run independently if the network
goes down.
In the following figure, two View nodes run copies of the same application that refer to their own I/O data
source. Because eac h application uses a local I/O address for the data source, each reference points to
the local I/O Server.

Using a local I/O Server significantly increases the load on the process connection net work. For
example, three nodes triples the traffic created by one node, as each node's requests must be separately
For more information about defining an Access Name for a local I/O Server, see Dat a Access with I/O in
the InTouch® HMI Data Management Guide.

The SuiteLink communications protocol is based on the TCP/ IP protocol. Use SuiteLink for your
high-speed industrial applications, as it provides these features:

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Value Time Quality (V TQ), in which a timestamp and quality indicator are associated with all data
values delivered to V TQ-aware clients. The InTouch HMI is a VTQ-aware client whose tag dat a is
delivered wit h a VTQ indicat or.
 Extensive diagnostics of the data throughput, the server loading, comput er resource consumption,
and network transport are made accessible through the Microsoft Windows operating system
performance monitor.
 Consistent high data volumes can be maintained between applications regardless if the applications
are on a single node or distributed over a large number of nodes.
SuiteLink is not a replacement for DDE, FastDDE, or Net DDE. Each connection between a client and a
server depends on your network requirements.

Access to Shared Files

In a distributed application, file referenc es can be set up as:
 Global addresses to a net work file server.
 Local addresses to local files.
The View node must have the same access to data sources as the development node.

Using Global Addresses to File Data

You can set up global addresses to file data so that all View nodes share a common network -based set of
files. This provides single-s ourc e maintenance of the files, but it is less fault-tolerant than local copies.
In the following figure, two View nodes are eac h running a copy of the same application, but reference
the same recipe file. Because each application uses a drive letter mapped to a fully -qualified network
path for the file, all references point to the same file.

To set up a shared file

1. Map a network drive to the shared path containing the referenced files. For example,
G:\Directory\Recipe.cs v, where "G:\" is the mapped drive letter that refers to \\Moo\Share. You must
map this same drive on every View node.
2. In scripts, reference the shared pat h. For example:
RecipeSelectRecipe("G:\Directory\Recipe.csv", "review", "RecipeName");

Using Local Addresses to File Data

You can use local addresses to file data when each View node has its own copy of the file. In the
following figure, three View nodes are each running a copy of the same application and reference the
local copy of a recipe file.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

In this example, the local address is:

where "C:\" is the local drive.
In scripts, reference the loc al path. For example:
RecipeSelectRecipe("C:\Directory\Recipe.csv", "review", "RecipeName");
This architecture is fault-tolerant. However, you must copy any file changes to all the View nodes.
Any file access should be "Read Only" and modification to the local file should not be permitted.

Access to Shared Files through UNC

You can use a Univers al Naming Convention (UNC) address anywhere that you would normally enter a
file path, such as for application directory entries, configuration items, and distributed alarms. If you use
UNC names, you do not need to create mapped drives.
A UNC address is in the form of \\Node\Share\Path, where:
 Node is the name of the comput er that contains the file share.
 Share is the logical name assigned to the shared folder on that computer.
 Path is the normal path to that file with respect to the share.

Note: If you are using SuiteLink, the node name is limited to 15 characters.

Before you can access a file through UNC, you must create a file share on the computer you want to
access. For more information, see your Windows documentation.
For example, assume that you have a computer with the network name of "EngineRm" that you have
shared the root drive "C:\" with the share name of "Root". To set up a UNC path to t he " C:\IT\Apps\Boiler"
application you must use the following UNC:
If the "Boiler" directory itself was shared as "Boiler," the UNC could be shortened to:
No path is required if the share is a pat h specified in the PA TH environment variable.

Note: If you need to writ e to a file referred to by a UNC address, the share must be a read/write share,
even on a local node. If you create a share that is password-protected, you will not be able to access the
share with a UNC unless you first set up a network drive mapping. You can set up a drive mapping from
the remote node by using Windows Explorer.

Logging Data in a Distributed Environment

You can use the InTouch distributed history system to retrieve historical dat a from any InTouch
application on the network. This system also allows for remote retrieval of data from multiple history
databases simultaneously. These databas es are called history providers.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Only one InTouch node can log to a distributed history file. However, an unlimited number of InTouch
nodes can view the cont ents of the file.
View Node View Node View Node View Node

Retrieve Retrieve Retrieve Retrieve


History File History File


View Node (Logger)

A remote node ret rieving data from a history file may not see data for the last hour of data (based on the
logger node's time). Remote trends can only view data that has been written to the logging node's disk.
Data for each tag c hecked for 'Log Data' is automatically written to disk after 22 samples for that tag have
been collected. If the HTUpdat eToCurrent Time() function is called, data is written to disk regardless of
the number of samples collected. By default, data is written to disk once an hour. You can change this
interval by adding the following line to the INTOUCH.ini file:
Where X is minutes and can be set to any interval bet ween 5 and 120.

Note: The NetDDE Helper service must be running when you use the distributed history system.

The following figure shows the configuration of a typical distributed history system using Network
Application Development (NA D) to distribute the application.
Node 1 Node 2


Log/Retrieve Retrieve
Retrieve Retrieve

History File
History File

Nodes 1 and 2 contain copies of the same InTouch application; however, the application is configured to
allow only Node 1 to log to a local history file, whereas either node can retrieve from the local history file
or the remote history file. Node 3 is also logging to and retrieving from the remote history file location.
Node 3, the history provider, is assigned the name HistPrv1. Node 1 is both a development and run-time
station, while Node 2 is just a run-time station.
Do the following major steps to create this type of application:
1. Create a history provider list. See Configuring Remot e History Providers on page 80.
2. Create and configure a historical trend object. For mo re information, see Trending Tag Dat a in the
InTouch® HMI Data Management Guide
3. Configure the application for distributed logging. See Configuring Distributed Historical Logging on
page 81.
4. Distribute the application. See Configuring an InTouch Application for NA D on page 83.
You can distribut e your application manually or by using NA D. When you distribute your application, the
historical provider list file is distributed as part of the application.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

After you have distribut ed your application, you can run the View nodes and retrieve both local tags and
tags from a remote history provider. While the application runs on all the View nodes, only the logging
node logs to the historical log file; other nodes can only read from it.

Configuring Remote History Providers

You must specify a name and network location for each remote history provider that you want to us e with
the InTouch HMI. You can use either a remote InTouch history provider or a remote IndustrialS QL Server
history provider.

Note: A remote history provider cannot be configured for an InTouchView application. For more
information about the limitations of InTouchView applications, see InTouchView Applications on page

While the local InTouch application is considered a history provider, you do not need to define it for your
If you reference an undefined history provi der in an application, WindowViewer ignores the reference
and an error message is written to the Logger.
The HistData utility cannot retrieve historical information from a Historian provider.
To configure a history provider
1. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click Distributed Name Manager. The
Di stributed Name Manager dialog box appears.
2. Click the Di stributed Hi story tab.

3. In the Provider Name box, type the name you want to use for the new historical provider.
A provider name can be 16 alphanumeric characters or fewer.
4. To configure an InTouch history provider, do the following:
a. Click InTouch Provider.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

b. In theUNC box, type the UNC path to the InTouch application directory and then click Add.
The UNC path format is:
If the UNC location is password-protected, you must first establish a node connection using
Windows Explorer.
5. To configure a IndustrialSQL Server history provider, do the following:
a. Click InSQL Provider.
b. Click Configure InSQL Provider. The InSql History Provider Properties dialog box appears.

c. In the Data Source box, type the name, up to 35 characters, of the node where the IndustrialSQL
Server database resides.
d. In the User box, type the user name for the logon account. The user account must have
database permissions to retrieve data.
e. In the Password and Re-enter password boxes, type the password for the logon account.
f. Click Test to validat e the connection to the IndustrialSQL Server. When a message appears,
click OK.
g. Click OK to close the InSql History Providers Properties dialog box.
6. Click OK.

Dynamically Configuring Remote History Providers

At run time, you can also dynamically configure a historic al trend's remote history provider by creating a
script that specifies the remote history provider tag references in the HTSetPenName() function. For
HTSetPenName("HistTrendTag", 1, "HistPrv1.Boiler1");
Where a 1 specifies the trend pen that plots the specified remote history provider tag.
The run-time Hi storical Trend Setup dialog box and .Pen dotfield are not supported for remote history

Configuring Distributed Historical Logging

Only one InTouch node can log to the history file. However, multiple InTouc h nodes can view the file.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: Historical logging cannot be configured for an InTouchView application. For more information
about the limitations of InTouchView applications, see InTouchView Applications on page 15.

To configure distributed historical logging

1. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click Historical Logging. The Hi storical
Logging Properties dialog box appears.

2. Select the Enable Historical Logging check box to turn on global tag logging.
3. Select Store Log Files in Specific Directory, and then in the input box, type the pat h of the location
where the log files are stored.
You must type a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. For ex ample,
If you are using NAD, make sure the path points to a folder other than the application folder.
4. In the Name of Logging Node box, type the name of the node that will be logging to the history log
This setting only allows the node named here to log to the file.
5. Click OK.

Note: When an application with the Enable Historical Logging option selected is distributed to a
WindowViewer node, that node checks this option to determine if it should log or not. If Enable
Hi storical Logging is selected, the possible settings are:Field equals name of Node - Logging
enabled Field does not equal name of Node - Logging disabled.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Considerations for Special Networks

If you are working on a slow network and the InTouch HMI takes a long time to start or save information,
modify the win.ini settings on the NA D client:
ViewNADOnApplicationChanged=3 ( or 4)
For the ViewNADOnApplicationChanged parameter, a setting of 3 corresponds to the Load changes
into WindowViewer option on the Node Properties dialog box in the InTouch Application Manager. A
setting of 4 corresponds to the Prompt user to load changes into WindowViewer option. These
settings allow the application to continue to run whil e NA D downloads take plac e in parallel, on a
separate execution thread.
When NA D performs an update to an application, it copies only the changed files from the master. NAD
does not copy the SmartSymbol design -time dictionary files for run-time language switching.

Configuring an InTouch Application for NAD

Network Application Development or NA D is an architecture that combines the best of the client -based
and server-based archit ectures. NAD provides automatic notification of application cha nges and can
automatically distribute updated applications to View nodes
When configuring an application for NA D, you must specify the folder that you want WindowViewer to
copy the master application to.
 If this is the development node, you can type a local folder path, such as c: \InTouch\ NAD. You can
also type a networked remote UNC path, such as \\node\share\path. This is convenient for file
server-based net works where most file storage is kept in a central locat ion.
 If this is a client node (run-time only), you typically use a local folder pat h.
We recommend that you us e a local folder whenever possible to prevent network delays and failures
from affecting the operation of WindowViewer.

Caution: Do not use a root folder or a UNC pathname that points to a root folder. The View node
recursively deletes all files and subfolders in the specified destination application folder before copying
the master application directory. Therefore, never use the path of the master application folder or a UNC
to the master application folder.

If you do not specify a folder, WindowViewer automatically creates a local subfolder named NA D in the
folder from which WindowViewer is launched. The NA D folder should be considered a temporary folder
and no other files should be saved to it except those copied by NAD itself.
To configure an application for NAD
1. Start Application Manager.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Tool s menu, click Node Properties. The Node Properties dialog box appears.

3. Select the Enable Network Application Development radio button.

4. In the Local working directory box, type the path to the folder that you want WindowViewer to copy
the master application.
5. In the Polling period (sec) box, type the interval, in seconds, at which the View node checks the
development node for updat es.
o Be careful that you do not set this value too small. If WindowViewer checks for master
application changes too often, it can interfere with servicing the running application.
6. In the Change Mode area, select the option that determines the action WindowViewer takes when
the master application changes.
o Click Ignore changes to have the WindowViewer node ignore any changes made on the
development node.
o Click Restart WindowViewer to have the WindowViewer node copy over the updated master
application (if configured to do so) and then restart itself.
o Click Prompt user to Re start WindowViewer to show the operator a message that the
application has changed. The operator can either res tart WindowViewer with the application
updates or continue using the current application.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Click Load Changes into WindowViewer to dynamically load in WindowViewer the changes
made in the development node. This may affect performance for large updates.

Note: It is recommended that you use the Load Change s into WindowViewer option only if the
application changes are minor and few in number. Examples of minor changes include changes
made within an existing window, resizing of graphic toolbar elements, addi ng new graphic toolbar
elements, and reference substitutions. When making changes that require that WindowViewer be
restarted, such as adding new tags, adding new windows, or changing the configuration—or if in
doubt—use one of the Restart options instead.

o Click Prompt user to load changes into WindowViewer to show the operator a message that
the application has changed. The message prompts the operator to load the changes.
7. Click OK.

Performing an Automatic NAD Update

You can start an automatic NA D update during application development.
When you run the Notify Clients command, a flag is set to notify all remote View nodes that the master
application has changed. Clients can automatically start an update process based on the Change Mode
option defined for each node.
The first time a standalone application (wit h embedded Industrial graphics) is opened on a View node,
graphics may not appear and errors are logged in the SMC Logger. To avoid this, run the Notify Clients
command from the master node and t he Industrial graphics will be loaded on the View node based on the
Change Mode option.
To perform an automatic update
1. Open the application in WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, click Notify Clients.
3. Click Notify Clients Now to notify clients immediat ely.
4. Click Prompt to Notify Clients on Close , to be reminded to notify NAD clients, when WindowMaker
is closed.

Note: If the Prompt to Notify Clients on Close option is selected, every time WindowMaker is closed it
will verify if there are any changes from the last notification. If there are any changes, a dialog box wit h
the prompt ‘Do you want to notify the NAD clients?’ will appear. Click Yes to notify the clients, click No to
ignore the changes.

Performing a Manual NAD Update

You can write scripts that allow operators to manually start a NAD update on the View nodes in which
they work.
To manually update an application with NA D, you must set the Change Mode option to Ignore Changes
in the Node Properties dialog box. For more information, see Configuring an InTouch Application for
NAD on page 83.
Use the following system tags and functions in your script to perform a manual NA D update:
 $ApplicationChanged System Tag
 $ApplicationVersion System Tag
 RestartWindowViewer() Function
 ReloadWindowViewer() Function

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

$ApplicationChanged System Tag

Signals that the master application has changed in a Network Application Development (NAD)
This system tag changes to 1 every time the update signal is generated by selecting Notify Clients on
the WindowMaker Special menu. $ApplicationChanged is reset to 0 when the application is updated.
This tag can be used to generate a message that informs the operat or that the master application has
You can also use the $ApplicationChanged system tag in a data change script to build a node update
notification script. This script can launch your own dialog box es or stop running processes. Then, you
could use the ReloadWindowViewer() function to start the update process.
Data Type
Discrete (read only)
Using the following statement in t he tagname box of a data change script caus es the body of the script to
run. The script body could show a window informing the user to restart WindowViewer for the change to
take effect.
See Also

$ApplicationVersion System Tag

Cont ains the current version number of the application. This number changes with every change that can
be saved or undone.
The value associated with the $Applic ationVersion system tag is set to the current version of the InTouch
application. The version changes with every change to the application that can be saved or undone. This
tag can be us ed to generate a message that informs the operator that the master application has
Data Type
Real (read only)
If used in an analog display link, this system tag shows the current version of the application that is
running within WindowViewer.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

See Also

RestartWindowViewer() Function
Shuts down WindowViewer, copies the updated master application (if configured to do so), and then
restarts WindowViewer.
This function is used to update an application when the automatic update Network Application
Development (NA D) functions are not used.
Use the $ApplicationChanged system tag to determine when a NAD update has occurred.
You use t he Notify Clients command to initiate a NAD update. However, the operator may want to delay
the update until a later time. You can use this function with a button action script so that the operator can
restart WindowViewer when it is convenient.
You could instead use the ReloadWindowViewer() function, whic h updates the View node without
shutting down WindowViewer.
See Also
$ApplicationChanged, ReloadWindowViewer()

ReloadWindowViewer() Function
Dynamically updates WindowViewer wit h the updated master NAD application without any interruption in
Allows the user control over reloading WindowViewer.
Use this function to update an application when the automatic update Network Application Development
(NA D) functions are not used.
Use the $ApplicationChanged system tag to determine when a NAD update has occurred.
You use t he Notify Clients command to initiate a NAD update. However, the operator may want to delay
the update until a later time. You can use this function with a button action script so that the operator can
reload the application in WindowViewer when it is convenient.
See Also

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Application Editing Locks

To prevent multiple developers from trying to edit an application, WindowMaker locks an application
during the edit session. If you try to open a locked application, an error message is shown. The name of
the node editing the application is included in the message.
If WindowMaker is abnormally shut down with an application loaded, the appedit.lok file may not be
deleted. You can manually remove the lock by deleting the appedit.lok file from the application directory.

Changes to an Application During a NAD Update

When the WindowViewer node updates an application, it makes every attempt to retain the attributes
(read-only, system, hidden, and so on) of the master application during the copy process.
WindowViewer also copies all files and subfolders of the master application, except for these files:
*.WVW, *.DAT, *.LGH, *.IDX, *.LOG, *.LOK, *.FSM, *.STG, *.DBK, *.CBK, *.HBK, *.KBK, *.LBK, *.NBK,

Note: WindowViewer recursively deletes all files and sub folders in the destination application folder
except those required for run-time language switching. This folder should be considered a temporary
folder. No other files should be plac ed in it.

The NAD client starts an update by creating a local list of files and sub-directories that appear in the client
application directory. As it looks for updat es in the list of master files, the NAD client removes the
corresponding client file for each master file from the local list. The remaining entries in the local list are
obsolete files and sub-directories that should be delet ed from the application.
All downloaded files are copied to a temporary sub-directory called NA D_Temp. Files are only copied
from NA D_Temp to the application directory if all of the new and updated files are copied successfully
within the re-t ry limits. If the NAD client has to abandon an update, the running application is not
corrupted by the partial introduction of new or updated files.
If contact with the NA D master fails aft er all new and updated files have been downloaded, the update
can still be completed by copying the updat es from NAD_Temp and deleting the obsolete files. This
ensures that files are not erased simply because a lost connection makes it impossible to confirm their
existence on the master application.
NAD can detect whether additional changes have been made to the master application during
application download. If such a situation arises, NA D abandons the download of the application. If you
run the Noti fy Clients command after the latest update, NA D automatically begins downloading the
latest application files at the next polling period. Otherwise, it waits until the next Notify Clients
command issued before an application download takes place.

Scaling the Application Resolution at Run Time

You can use Dynamic Resolution Conversion (DRC) so that the distributed applications you creat e can
run on different screen resolutions.
Each View node can scale the application appropriately, including scaling to a custom resolution. This
scaling takes place while WindowViewer compiles the application and does not require WindowMaker.
Because eac h View node can use a different DRC setting, each View node must have its own settings

Caution: If you do not use DRC to scale the application, WindowViewer only runs the application if the
node's screen resolution is identical to the screen resolution of the application development node. If the
resolutions are different, WindowViewer prompts the operator to run WindowMaker to convert the
application to the node's resolution. Use caution when doing this if you have set up a UNC path to the
master application directory, as this will only modify the original application.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To configure an application for DRC

1. Start Application Manager.
2. On the Tool s menu, click Node Properties. The Node P roperties dialog box appears.
3. Click the Resolution tab.

4. Select the Allow WindowViewer to dynamically change resolution check box if you want
WindowViewer to locally scale the master application.
5. In the Dynamic Re solution area, select one of the following:
o Select Use application resolution if you want WindowViewer to run the application at the
resolution it was developed for and ignore the node's resolution. For example, if the application
was developed at 800x600 and the node's resolution is 1024x768, WindowViewer does not
dynamically scale the application. Instead, the application res olution remains at 800x600.
o Select Convert to screen video resolution if you want WindowViewer to run the application at
the node's resolution and ignore the resolution the application was developed at. For example, if
the node is running at 800x600 and the application was developed at 1280x1024,
WindowViewer dynamically scales the application to fit the node's 800x60 0 resolution.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

– If the target resolution is different from the screen resolution when the application was
created, then WindowViewer will scale to the current screen res olution from the original
application resolution instead. The original application resolution is the screen resolution
when the application was created regardless of the target resolution settings. For example, if
the application was developed at 1920x1080 with a target resolution of 1280x 1024 and the
view node is running the application at resolution of 800x600, WindowViewer will
dynamically scale the application to use the original application resolution of 1920x1080. For
more information, see Original Application Resolution on page 218.
o Select Custom resolution if you want WindowViewer to run the application at a specific
resolution you specify in the Width (X) and Height (Y) (must be integer values) boxes. The
application's resolution and the node's resolution are bot h ignored. For example, if Width (X )
and Height (Y) are set to 512 and 384, respectively, the application is dynamically scaled to fit in
a 512x384-pixel area on the node's screen.
– If the target resolution is different from the screen resolution when the application was
created, then WindowViewer will scale to the current screen res olution from the original
application resolution instead. The original application resolution is the screen resolution
when the application was created regardless of the target resolution settings.
6. Click OK.

Locking the Application Resolution

You can configure the WindowMak er properties to lock the size of InTouch application windows. This
allows you to convert applications to a different resolution wit hout scaling the windows and graphics.
If you select this option, the next time you open an application in a computer with a different resolution,
the system prompts you to specify whether you want to convert the application to the new resolution
without scaling the windows and graphic.
You can lock the application resolution from inside WindowMaker or from the Application Manager.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To lock the application resolution from WindowMaker

1. Open WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, point to Configure and then click WindowMaker. The WindowMaker
Properties dialog box appears.

3. Select the Lock Window Size check box. By default, the check box is not selected.
4. Click OK.
To lock the application resolution from Application Manager
1. Open Application Manager.Click to select the application you want to configure.
2. Click File on the menu bar, then click Properties. The Properties dialog box appears.

Distributing Applications AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. Select the Lock Window Size switch. By default, the check box is not selected.

4. Click OK.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Deploying and Working with Terminal
Services and Remote Desktop Services
Terminal Services Overview
Terminal Services is a configurable service included in the Microsoft Windows Server operating systems
that runs Windows-based applications centrally from a server. In Terminal Services, client computers
access the server node, where multiple instances of InTouch software applications run simultaneously.

The Terminal Services environment has three main parts:

 Terminal Services Server. The server manages the computing resources for each client session
and provides client users with their own unique en vironment. The server receives and processes all
keystrokes and mouse actions performed at the remote client and directs all display output for both
the operating system and applications to the appropriate client. All Terminal Services application
processing occurs on the server.
 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP ). A Remote Desktop Protoc ol (RDP) client application passes the
input dat a, such as keystrokes and mouse movements, to the server.
 Client. The Terminal Services client performs no local application processing; it just shows the
application output. You access Terminal Services from a client by running the Terminal Services
Client command on the Windows Program menu. When you connect to the Terminal server, the
client environment looks the same as the Windows server. The fact that the application is not running
locally is completely transparent.
For more information about Terminal Services, including features and benefits, see your Microsoft

Planning Considerations for Terminal Server Applications

Important: We recommend that you install applications on a test server before you deploy them in your
production environment.

Before you install Terminal Services:

 Identify the client applications (for example, InTouch) that you need to install on the server.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

 Identify the hardware requirements for your clients.

 Determine the server configuration required to support clients.
 Identify the licenses required for Terminal Services as well as other applications that you will be
 Understand how some aspects of InTouch applications run under Terminal Services, such as
alarms, security, I/O, and scripts.

Deploying InTouch Applications in a Terminal Services Environment

When deploying InTouc h applications in a Terminal Services environment, a separate InTouch
application should be deployed for each node.

Alarms in a Terminal Services Environment

By using the Distributed Alarm System with Terminal Services for InTouch, alarm clients running on
different terminal sessions can select what alarm to show and how to present it.
Alarm Providers identify themselves by a name that uniquely identifies their application, and the instance
of their application. This information is made available to the Distributed Alarm System when the Alarm
Provider or the Alarm Consumer registers wit h the Distributed Alarm System.
The node on which an Alarm Provider is running is identified by a name that uniquely identifies the
computer node in the system. This information is made available to the Distributed Alarm System when
an instance of it starts up on the computer node.
When an alarm event is logged, the node and complete Alarm Provider name identify the source of the
When an alarm is acknowledged in a Terminal Services environment, the Operator Node that gets
recorded is the name of the client computer running the Terminal Services session used by the opera tor.
If the node name of the computer cannot be ret rieved, its IP address is used instead.

Note: Alarm P roviders are not supported on Terminal sessions. They are only supported on the Terminal
Cons ole.

Security in a Terminal Services Environment

Use application security to secure your InTouch application, IndustrialSQL Server, and other sensitive
information systems.
 Use the $Operator system tag to secure your application. You can then control operator access to
specific functions by linking those functions to internal tags.
For more information about using the $Operator system tag, see About Securing InTouch on page
 Replace the GetNodeName() function with the newer TseGetClientId() function to identify the client
computer. When using Terminal Services, the Get NodeName() function ret urns the name of the
terminal server, not the name of the client computer.
Use security auditing to monitor intrusion attempts. If you suspect that your system is under any sort of
attack, then you can enable logging for an array of auditable events. By default, security logging/auditing
is disabled because it usually requires excessive processing resources.

Caution: Security auditing requires significant resources. Enable auditing when you evaluate your pilot
server to accurately estimate your InTouch application hardware requirements.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

I/O in a Terminal Services Environment

The InTouch HMI cannot start I/O Servers in a Terminal Services environment. Depending on the
sequence that view sessions start, you may need to use the IOReinitialize() function. All servers (I/O
devic es or view applications) must be running before starting an application that reads values from these
To avoid receiving an "initializing I/ O" error message when WindowViewer starts, clear the Start Local
Servers check box on the General tab on the WindowViewer Propertie s dialog box.

Script Execution in a Terminal Services Environment

Because all applications running in Terminal Services use a single timing reference (server clock),
scripts may not run during periods of excessive CP U loading. Abnormal CP U loading can be caused by
excessive video processing or when several applications have the same script triggers defined (such as
an End-of-S hift event). It is possible, therefore, that if the server is busy processing scripts from many
clients, it may not start a script on another client during the interval when the timer would normally start
the script. This can prevent the script from running on the client.
To ensure scripts run correctly, combine scripts with common triggers and move them to a single
application, such as a tag server. This is one of the primary reas ons for pilot deployment. Pilot
deployment gives you an opportunity to conduct stress testing to determine if your hardware selection is

Logging on to a Terminal Session Properly to Run InTouch

Each session must be logged on with a unique account. This can be done manually or Terminal S ervices
can be configured to enforce unique logons.

Note: Running with the same logon account on multiple sessions can cause corruption and other
unexpected results.

Alarm Query Syntax in a Terminal Service Environment

The alarm query syntax for a session's alarms is:
The alarm query syntax for console alarms includes a colon (:) after the node name; for example:

Miscellaneous Limitations in a Terminal Services Environment

The following table describes the limitations and suggested solutions to run applications on a terminal

Feature Supported? Comment

WindowViewer Yes WindowViewer is not supported running as a

service under Terminal Services.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

Feature Supported? Comment

DDE to an I/O Devic e or MS No Use a tag server (console or separate

Office (for example, Excel) computer). This includes DDE QuickScripts:
WWExecute(), WWpoke() and

DDE from MS Office (for Yes Excel and the InTouch HMI must be running
example, Hot-link configured in in the same session.

Historical Trending Yes Use a tag server or NAD to log values.

Multiple sessions may read the same
historical files, but only a console can write to
historical files.

InTouch Alarm Logger Yes --

MEM OLE Automation Yes --

Printing Alarms No --

Retentive tags Yes Must use NAD.

SQL Access (ODBC) Yes Database should be on a separate computer.

SuiteLink to an I/O Device or Yes When communicating to another view

another InTouch application. session, include the Terminal Server node
name and append the IP address of the
desired session to the application name. For
example, view10.103.25.6. I/O Servers are
not supported in client sessions.

Retrieving Information About the InTouch Client Session Using

You can use the following InTouch QuickScript functions for Terminal Services.
 TseGetClientId() Function on page 96
 TseGetClientNodeName() Function on page 97
 TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function on page 97
 TseQueryRunningOnClient () Function on page 97

TseGetClientId() Function
Returns a string version of the client ID (the TCP/IP address of the client) if the View application is
running on a Terminal Server client. This client ID is used internally to generat e SuiteLink server names
and logger file names. Otherwise, the TseGetClientId() function returns an empty string.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

The client IP address is saved to the MsgTag tag.

TseGetClientNodeName() Function
Returns the client node name if the View application is running on a Terminal Server client assigned a
name that can be identified by Windows. Otherwise, the TseGetClientNodeName() function returns an
empty string.
The client node name is returned as the value assigned to the MsgTag tag.

TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function
The TseQueryRunningOnConsole() function can be run from a script to indicate whether the View
application is running on a Terminal Services console.
Return Value
Returns a non-zero integer value if the View applic ation is running on a Terminal Services console.
Otherwise, the TseQueryRunningOnConsole() function returns a zero.
Int Tag is set to 1 if WindowViewer is running on a Terminal Services console.

TseQueryRunningOnClient() Function
Returns a non-zero integer value if the View applic ation is running on a Terminal Services client.
Otherwise, it returns a zero.
Return Value
Returns 0 if View is not running on a Terminal Services client.
Int Tag is set to 1 if WindowViewer is running on a Terminal Services client.

Remote Desktop Services Overview

Remote Desktop Servic es, formerly Terminal Servic es, is a server role in Windows Server® 2008 R2
and later versions that provides technologies that enable users to access Windows -based programs that
are installed on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server, or to access the full
Windows desktop. With Remote Desktop Services, users can access an RD Session Host server from
within a corporate network or from the Internet.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

When a user accesses a program on an RD Session Host server, the program runs on the server. Each
user sees only their individual session. The session is managed transparently by the server operating
system and is independent of any other client session. Additionally, you can configure Remote Desktop
Services to use Hy per-V™ to either assign virtual machines to users or have Remote Desktop Services
dynamically assign an available virtual machine to a user upon connection.
For more information about Remote Desktop Services, see the Remote Desktop Services page on the
Windows Server 2008 R2 TechCenter (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=138055).

Remote Desktop Services Role Services

Remote Desktop Servic es is a server role that consists of several role services. In Windows
Server 2008 R2 and lat er versions, Remot e Desktop Services consists of the following role servic es:
 RD Se ssion Host: Remot e Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host), formerly Terminal Server,
enables a server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop. Users can connect
to an RD Session Host server to run programs, to save files, and to use network resources on that
 RD Web Acce ss: Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access), formerly TS Web Access,
enables users to access Remot eApp and Desktop Connection through the Start menu on a
computer that is running Windows 7 or through a Web brows er. RemoteApp and Desktop
Connection provides a customized view of Remot eApp programs and virtual desktops to users.
 RD Licensing: Remote Desktop Licensing (RD Licensing), formerly TS Lic ensing, manages the
Remote Desktop Servic es client access licenses (RDS CALs) that are required for each device or
user to connect to an RD Session Host server. You use RD Licensing to install, issue, and track the
availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop licens e server.
 RD Gateway: Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway), formerly TS Gateway, enables authorized
remot e users to connect to resources on an internal corporate net work, from any Internet -connected
devic e.
 RD Connection Broker: Remote Desktop Connection Brok er (RD Connection Broker), formerly
TS Session Broker, supports session load balancing and session reconnection in a load-balanced
RD Session Host server farm. RD Connection Broker is also used to provide users access to
RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops through RemoteA pp and Desktop Conn ection.

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

 RD Virtualization Host: Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virt ualization Host) integrates
with Hyper-V to host virtual machines and provide them to users as virtual desktops. You can assign
a unique virt ual desktop to each user in your organization, or provide them shared access to a pool of
virtual desktops.

Securing your Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Connections

To safeguard against attacks, we recommend the following security practices:
1. Use strong passwords
Use a strong password on all accounts with access to Remote Desktop.
2. Update your soft ware
Make sure you are running the latest versions of both the client and server software by enabling and
auditing automatic Microsoft Updates.
3. Set an account lockout policy
By setting your computer to lock an account for a period of time after a number of incorrect guesses,
you will help prevent "brute-force" attack.
4. Use Two-factor authentication
RD Gateways support smartcard t wo-factor authentication.
5. Change the listening port for Remote Desktop
Prevents net work attacks and worms that attempt to access the default Remot e Desktop port (TCP
6. Use RD Gateways
RD Gateway restricts access to Remote Desktop ports while supporting remote connections through
a single " Gateway" server. When using an RD Gat eway server, all Remote Desktop services on y our
desktop and workstations are routed through the RD Gateway. The RD Gat eway server listens for
Remote Desktop requests over HTTPS (port 443), and connects the client to the Remote Desktop
service on the target machine. Refer to the steps here:

Deploying and Working with Terminal Services and Remote Desktop ServicesAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Man

7. Configure Network Level Authentication for Remote Desktop Services Connections

Network Level Authentication requires that the user be authenticated to the RD Session Host server
before a session is created. Network Level Aut hentication increasing availability of the RD Session
Host server (reduces the risk of denial-of-service attacks of the RD Session Host server).
8. Configure Server Authentication and Encryption Levels
By default, Terminal Services sessions use native Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) encryption.
However, RDP does not provide authentication to verify the ident ity of a terminal server. You can
enhance the security of Terminal Services sessions by using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 for
server authentication and to encrypt terminal server communications. The RDS and the client
computer must be correctly configured for TLS to provide enhanced security. By default, RDS
connections between the client and server are encrypted at the highest level of security available
(128-bit), ensuring integrity and confidentiality of the data transmitted.

Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Services Best Practices

For the Windows Server 2016 environment you can implement the below best practices for Remote
Desktop Services:
 Use Multi-Factor Authentication
Leverage the power of Active Directory with Multi-Factor Aut hentication to enforce high security
protection. Refer to the Microsoft documentation here:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/ remot e/remote-desktop-s ervices/rds-plan-mfa
 Secure data storage wit h User Profile Disks (UP Ds)
User Profile Disks (UPDs) allow user data, customizations, and application settings to follow a user
within a single collection. A UPD is a per-user, per-collection VHD file saved in a central share that is
mounted to a user’s session when they sign in - the UPD is treated as a local drive for the duration of
that session. Refer to the Microsoft documentation here:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/ remot e/remote-desktop-s ervices/rds-plan-secure-

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Managing InTouch Services
About Managing InTouch Services
A service is a Windows process that performs a specific unattended background system function without
a user interface or a required us er logon.
The following startup options are available for Windows services:
 Automatic. When Windows restarts, the service automatically starts without any user intervention.
 Manual. A user or an application process must explicitly start the servic e.
 Di sable. The service is prevented from starting. This is useful for troubleshooting.

Note: The parameters option in the InTouc h WindowViewer service is not support ed.

Services are started without compromising the Windows security system.

The InTouch HMI includes the following Windows services:
 Alarm DB Logger
 Alarm DB Purge/Arc hive
 NetDDE Helper
 SuiteLink
 WindowViewer

Running WindowViewer as a Service

If you configure WindowViewer to run as a Windows service, WindowViewer automatically starts when
the computer on which the application is installed starts. The WindowViewer servic e runs in the
background. If the WindowViewer service is running you c annot start another instance of WindowViewer.
Running WindowViewer as a service provides the following benefits:
 Most disaster recovery plans require that essential computer systems start immediately after
electrical power is restored. Microsoft Windows Servers can restart automatically after power is
restored. When WindowViewer runs as a service, your plant automation system can begin running
immediat ely. The last InTouch application that was opened in WindowViewer automatically starts
when the computer restarts.
 WindowViewer continues to log historical data, gather alarm information, process scripts, act as an
I/O Server, and write values as an I/O client, even as different operators log on and off.

Note: A logged on user must have proper access to the network location if a network application is
used to run as a service or a network path is used as a historical logging folder.

If WindowViewer is already running as a servic e and you attempt to start it again from a shortcut icon or
by clicking WindowViewer on the Windows Start menu, a message is logged in the ArchestrA Logger.
The message describes the restrictions to starting WindowViewer when it has been configured to run as
a service.

Managing InTouch Services AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If WindowViewer is already running as a service and you attempt to launch Application Manager or
WindowMaker, a warning message will be logged in the A rchestrA Logger. The message explains that
Application Manager and WindowMaker cannot open when WindowViewer is running as a service.

Important: When running WindowViewer as a servic e, the user account privileges have been set to
non-interactive to reduce the potential security exposure of running a servic e with administrator

Configuring WindowViewer to Start as a Service

Running WindowViewer as a Windows service provides continuous operation after the operator logs off
and automatic start up at system boot time without operator intervention. This allows unmanned station
start up of WindowViewer without compromising operating system security.
When WindowViewer is configured to start as a service, an InTouch application must also be specified to
run in WindowViewer as a service. You can specify the application directory in the Node Properties
dialog box or manually enter it into the WIN.INI file.
To configure WindowViewer to start as a service
1. Launch the InTouch Application Manager appears.

Managing InTouch Services AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Tool s menu, click Node Properties. The Node Properties dialog box appears.

3. Select the Start WindowViewer as a service check box to configure WindowViewer to aut omatically
run as a service.
The Application to run as a service group box will become enabled.
4. Click the ellipsis button to prompt a file explorer and navigate to your InTouch application.
The application directory will populate in the group box.
5. Click OK.
6. Click the WindowViewer icon in the Application Manager toolbar.
WindowViewer will now run as a service for the specified InTouch application.

Note: You can also fast switch from WindowMaker to WindowViewer to start the WindowViewer service
for the InTouch application if you have configured the Node Properties as described in the above steps.
You can do this in place of starting WindowViewer from the A pplication Manager.

Managing InTouch Services AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Editing WIN.INI to Run Application as Service in

If Start WindowViewer as a service is enabled in the Node Properties, you can manually ent er the
application directory into the WIN.INI file. If you updat e the W IN. INI file before selecting the application in
Application Manager, WindowViewer runs as a service for the application once selected.
You can also update the WIN.INI with the application open in WindowMaker. If you then fast -switch to run
time, WindowViewer runs as a service for the application.

Note: The above functionality is not supported for Managed InTouch applications. If you attempt to
fast-switch a Managed application from WindowMaker to run as a service in WindowViewer, a warni ng
message will be logged in the ArchestrA Logger.

The WIN.INI is located here:

Enter the directory of the application you want to run as a service, as in the example below:

Manually Starting a Service

You can manually start the InTouch WindowViewer service using the Windows Control Panel.
WindowViewer does not appear in the Services Control Panel unless you configured it to start as a
service. For more information, see Configuring WindowViewer to Start as a Service on page 102.
To start the WindowViewer service using Control Panel
1. Start the Control Panel.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools and then double-click Services. The Service s dialog box
3. In the details pane, right-click WindowViewer service and then click Start.

Important: The command prompt cannot be used to start WindowViewer as a service.

Stopping a Service
You can manually stop the WindowViewer service using the Control Panel.
To stop the WindowViewer service using the Control Panel
1. Start the Control Panel.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools and then double-click Services. The Service s dialog box
3. In the details pane, right-click WindowViewer and then click Stop.

Configuring the User Account for InTouch Services

By default, Windows services run using the local system account. InTouch services require a user
account with administrative privileges, which may not be provided by the loc al system account.

Managing InTouch Services AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

When you install the InTouc h HMI, you specify an administrative ac count that all ArchestrA services run
under, if the account was not created already. This account is considered the master ArchestrA account.
The InTouch services use the master A rchestrA account to automatically start up.

Note: The master account is also called the impersonation account. An impersonation account is the
user or group account that provides access to the restricted resource "area" of your site or server.

If you want to change the master account, use the ArchestrA Change Network Account Utility.

Caution: Changing the master account affects all ArchestrA services, not just InTouch services.

To change the ArchestrA master account

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to AVEV A, and then click Change Network Account.
The Change Network Account dialog box appears.
2. Change the user account. For more information, see the Change Network Account documentation.
3. Click OK.

Troubleshooting InTouch Services

If a service depends on other services starting before it can start, Windows verifies if the prerequisite
services are running before starting the service.
Depending on your requirements for running WindowViewer, be aware of the following dependencies:
 The NetDDE Helper servic e must be running if you plan to us e Distribut ed Alarming or Distributed
History or if you intend to access network DDE data.
The NetDDE Helper servic e also depends on both the Network DDE and Net work DDE DS DM
services being installed and configured for either Manual or Automatic startup. During installation,
the NetDDE Helper service is configured for Manual startup. WindowViewer automatically starts this
service when the computer starts.
 If you need WindowViewer to act as a SuiteLink server or client, then the SuiteLink service must be
The SuiteLink servic e also requires that Microsoft TCP/IP be installed.
 If you want to store any messages or errors while WindowViewer is running, you must make sure
that the ArchestrA Logger service is installed.
Both the SuiteLink and ArchestrA Logger services should be installed and configured to run in
automatic startup.

Viewing Error Messages for Services

Use the Windows E vent Viewer to troubles hoot error messages relat ed to services. For example, you
may see the error "One or more services failed to start …" The Windows E vent Viewer lists informational
messages, warnings, or errors that occurred while starting Windows services. For more information
about the E vent Viewer, see your Microsoft documentation.
You can see any warning or error messages that resulted from an InTouch service failing to start. If the
E vent Viewer indicates that the WindowViewer service failed to start, the most likely cause is a
dependency on a prerequisite service that is not running.

Troubleshooting Problems with the Services User Account

If InTouch services fail to install or start after you install the InTouch HMI, you could have a problem with
the user account that they run under.

Managing InTouch Services AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To troubleshoot services user account problems

1. Open the Windows User Manager window and create a new master user account.
This user account must have administrative privileges on the loc al computer to start an InTouch
component as a service. If you do not see your computer's node name in the domain list, then
manually type in the node name.
For more information, see Configuring the User Account for InTouch Services on page 104.
2. Verify that your comput er's node name is no longer than 14 characters. If the node name contains
underscore characters (_) or dashes (-), remove them.
3. During installation when you are prompted to enter the domain name, type in the node name of your
computer, not the domain name. Then, type the user name that was created in step 1 and your
4. If you already installed the InTouch HMI, you can still specify the domain name, user name, and
password by running the ArchestrA Change Network Account Utility.
5. Reboot your comput er.
6. Log onto your network domain with any valid user account. Even if your domain goes down, it does
not affect your InTouch application that is running on the local computer.

Deactivating Advised I/O Items

When you start up the Windows operating system, the services that are configured to automatically start
will start in the "background" with no visible user interfac e appearing on the desktop. The services in this
situation are running in the system context. When an operator logs on the system, any services that are
running in the system context that have an associated user interface automatically appear on the
desktop. In this situation, the services are now running in the desktop context.
If you configure the WindowViewer service to automatically start, the service runs in the system context
when the operating system starts. Then, when a user logs on, the WindowViewer service continues to
run but in the desktop context, and the WindowViewer user interface automatically appears.
If you have InTouch Access Names defined with the Advi se only active items option turned on, and
have I/O tags that are active only in certain InTouch application windows (the tags are not used
anywhere els e in the application), it is possible to " deactivate" those tags. For ex ample, if WindowViewer
is running as a service, and you close an application window using a script, the window automatic ally is
unloaded from memory, thus terminating the link to those tags.

Registry Keys for the InTouch Services

The InTouch services are listed as keys in the Windows registry:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\SLS
 HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\slssvc
 HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\SuiteLink
NetDDE Helper:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\WWNetDDE
 HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\SYSTEM\Current ControlSet\Services\VIEW

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Exporting and Importing InTouch
About Exporting and Importing InTouch Components
You can build InTouch applications more quickly by importing or exporting some or all of the components
of an existing application. You can import tag definitions, windows, scripts, application style libraries,
Industrial graphics, client controls, localization strings, HTML5 widgets, and script function libraries from
your existing application to a new application. Tag definitions are imported and exported from the
Application Manager, other components are imported and ex port ed via WindowMak er.

Exporting Tag Definitions

The figure below shows the steps to export and import tag definitions between an interim export file and
an application’s Tagname Dictionary.

InTouch Application Manager

InTouch Application


CSV File
PumpInP PumpRPM
PumpOutP PumpState
Outlet On/Off
Pressure State DBLoad

You use the DBDump utility within the Application Manager to export the contents of the Tagname
Dictionary to a Comma S eparated Value (CSV) file. You can view and edit the exported file with Mic rosoft
Notepad or Microsoft Excel. After making edits, you then import the tag definitions to an InTouch
application with the DBLoad utility, which is also an Applic ation Manager utility.
You must convert an application to the current version of the InTouch HMI soft ware before you can
export the tag definitions.
To export tag definitions
1. Close WindowMaker and WindowViewer.
2. Start Application Manager. The Application Manager dialog box shows a list of InTouch
3. Select the application from the list.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Click the DBDump icon. The CSV File to Dump To: dialog box appears.

5. In the Name of CSV Dump file box, type a name for the file with a .cs v file name extension.
6. Select the type of data grouping in the export file.
o Select the Group output by type s check box to group the data by the types of tags in the export
file. This is the default.
o Clear Group output by type s to save the output to the export file alphabetically by tag name.
7. Click OK to save the contents of the Tagname Dictionary to the selected file. A message appears
indicating the contents were saved successfully to the file.

Viewing Exported Tag Definitions

If you use Microsoft Excel to view an export file created with the DB Dump utility, each data record
appears in a separate spreadsheet cell.

The file consists of keywords, their attributes, and data from the Tagname Dictionary arranged in column
order beneath keyword attributes.
Notice the :MemoryDisc keyword in the ex ample of the Excel spreadsheet. This keyword identifies
memory discrete tags that were exported from a Tagname Dictionary. On the same spreadsheet row, the
attributes of a memory discrete tag appear in separate spreadsheet columns. For example, the Logged
attribute column shows whether a memory discrete tag’s dat a is logged or not.
Immediately beneath the keyword and attributes row are the exported tags and their associated
properties. In the example of the Excel spreadsheet, OutputValve is a memory discrete tag whose data is
not logged.
You can view or edit the ex port file created by DB Dump with a ny program that supports the .csv file
format. Typically, Excel is used because its columnar spreadsheet format makes it easy to organize tag
data. But, you can also use Microsoft Notepad if you prefer to view or edit the file’s contents in its native
comma-delimited string format.

Importing Tag Definitions

You can use the DBLoad utility within the Application Manager to import a .cs v file of tag definitions into
an application’s Tagname Dictionary. You can import a definition file that you originally created with the
DBDump utility. Or, you can create your own import file.
Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

You can also use the DBLoad utility instead of the InTouch TemplateMaker to create SuperTag
instances. For more information, see Creating SuperTag Instances on page 139.

Tagname Dictionary Import File Format

You can manually create DBLoad import files with any program that supports a .cs v file format. If you use
Excel to create an import file, each entry is placed in a separate spreadsheet cell. This makes it much
easier to read, and there is less chance of er ror.

For more information on creating import files, see Creating an Import File Template on page 110.
The DB Load import file contains a set of keywords that organize Access Names, alarm groups, and tag
data within the file.
 A colon (:) precedes all keywords.
 To continue a line, enter a backslash (\) at the end of the line.
 To enter comments, precede them with a semi -colon (;).
The following table lists the keywords within a DB Load import file. The table lists the keywords in the
order they are specified when you create the file with DBDump. But you can specify keywords in any
order wit hin the file.

Keyword Description

:mode Specifies how duplicate tag records are handled when importing the
contents of the DBLoad file to an application’s Tagname Dictionary.

:IOAcce ss Access names defined for the InTouch application.

:AlarmGroup Alarm groups defined for the InTouch application.

:MemoryDi sc Memory discrete tags.

:IODi sc I/O discrete tags.

:MemoryInt Memory integer tags.

:IOInt I/O integer tags.

:MemoryReal Memory real tags.

:IOReal I/O real tags.

:MemoryMsg Memory message tags.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Keyword Description

:IOMsg I/O message tags.

:GroupVar Group Var tags.

:Hi storyTrend Hist Trend tags.

:TagID Tag ID tags.

:IndirectDi sc Indirect discrete tags.

:IndirectAnalog Indirect analog tags.

:IndirectMsg Indirect message tags.

Each keyword includes a set of associated attributes that specify the properties of Access Names, alarm
groups, and tags. For example, the :IOAccess keyword includes attributes to specify the application,
topic, and communication protocol, which are properties of every InTouch Access Name.

Creating an Import File Template

You can manually creat e Tagname Dictionary import files with any application that supports the .csv file
format. But, creating an entire import file can be time consuming and prone to errors. Using an existing
.csv file as a template is faster and more reliable.
The following figure shows a template import file created by DB Dump. The figure shows a file created
from an InTouch application that has no windows nor tags. The resulting file only includes the required
keywords and attributes without tag data.

After creating a template, you then manually add tag dat a beneath the keyword that identifies the type of
tag. You insert the properties of your tags in the corresponding attribute columns associated with the tag
type keywords.
To create a template import file
1. Open the Application Manager.
2. Create a new InTouch application.
For more information about the steps to create an application, see Creating an InTouch Application
on page 28.
3. Select the new application from the list shown in Application Manager.
4. Export the contents of the application’s Tagname Dictionary with the DB Dump utility.
For more information about exporting tags, see Exporting Tag Definitions on page 107.
5. Edit the file to insert tag data that you want to import.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Setting the Operating Mode for Dictionary Import Files

You must specify how DBLoad handles duplicate tag rec ords while loading data from the import file into
an application’s Tagname Dictionary.
If you use a import file template created with DB Dump, the first line of the file cont ains the : mode
keyword. For example, you can assign the value ask to the :mode keyword in cell A1 of the Excel

You can assign the following values to a :mode keyword:


If a duplicate tag is encountered, the DB Load utility deletes the existing tag in the Tagname Dictionary
and replaces it with the tag from the import file with the same name.

If a duplicate tag is encount ered, the DBLoad utility overwrites the existing tag definition in the Tagname
Dictionary only with dat a explicitly specified from the import file. All other data associated with the tag
remains unchanged in the Tagname Dictionary.
Fields are considered explicitly defined if th e field is in the record and entered by you or is set by the
":KEYWORD= value" mechanism. If a field is not specified in the record, and the keyword has been reset
using the ":KEYWORD=" command, the current field value is not updated.
The following is an example of what occurs when an import file in the update mode is loaded/merged into
the Tagname Dictionary:
; Tagname1's Group updated to Group2 only
; Tagname2's Group updated to Group1 and the DConversion left as is
; Tagname3's Group updated to Group1 and the DConversion to "Reverse"
; the following line "resets" the Group field to its default value
; Data field "Group" is reset to its default value
; Tagname4 will be left alone

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The tag types must be compatible if the type is being changed and the tag is in use. For example, an
existing historical trend tag cannot be changed to an I/O Integer if the tag is in use by the application.
Also, a tag cannot be changed to ReadOnly=yes if the tag is being used on an input link in the
application. Because of these restrictions, update t he us e counts for t he target applic ation before running
the DBLoad utility.

DBLoad stops when a duplicat e tag is encountered while loading the Tagname Dictionary. The
Duplicate Name dialog box appears and shows a list of options to handle duplicate tags. This is the
default import mode.

Options for handing duplicat es are:

 Click Replace existing with new information to replace t he existing tag record with the record from
the import file.
 Click Update existing with new information to overwrite the existing tag record with only the fields
that are explicitly defined in the import file.
 Click Change Name to replace the name of the import ed tag with the name you type in the box of t he
Duplicate Name dialog box.
 Click Ignore this entry to ignore the tag and continue importing the cont ents of the file.
 Click Abort the Load to cancel the import process.

The DB Load import utility ignores the duplicat e tag and continues processing the remaining records of
the import file.

The DB Load import operation stops when a duplicate tag is encount ered.

DBLoad scans the import file for errors and does not attempt to load tag definitions into the Tagname
Dictionary. DBLoad generates a report that identifies any format errors by line number and location in the
import file.
Run DBLoad with :mode=test first to identify any errors in the import file. After correcting any errors,
change the mode keyword value to :mode=replace or :mode=update before running DBLoad.

Setting Access Names and Alarm Groups

The DB Load import file includes keywords that specify an InTouch application’s defined Access Names
and alarm groups.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

:IOAccess Keyword Attributes

The :IOAcce ss keyword identifies the Access Names defined for an InTouch application. The
:IOAcce ss keyword includes a set of attributes that describe the characteristics of a defined InTouch
Access Name.
The following figure shows how Access Names are defined in an Excel spreadsheet with the :IOAccess
keyword. Attributes are specified left to right in separate spreadsheet columns.

The following table shows the list of attributes associated with the :IOAccess keyword. The table lists the
attributes in the order they are specified when using a templat e import file created with the DB Dump

String Default
Posi tion Attribute s Acceptable Values Values

1 Application Application name defined for the Access None


2 Topic Topic name defined for the Access None


3 AdviseActive What information to poll from the server Yes

No = Advise all items
Yes = Advise only active items

4 DDEP rotocol Communication protocol defined for the No

Access Name
No = Suitelink
Yes = DDE
MX = Message Exchange

5 SecApplication Application name defined for the None

secondary source of the Access Name

6 SecTopic Topic name defined for the secondary None

source of the Access Name.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Default
Posi tion Attribute s Acceptable Values Values

7 SecAdviseActive When to poll information stored on the None

secondary server
NO = Advise all items
YES = Advise only active items

8 SecDDEProtocol Communication protocol defined for the None

secondary source of the Access Name
NO = Suitelink
MX = Message Exchange

9 FailoverExpression Failover expression that switches the None

Access Name to the secondary source
when TRUE

10 FailoverDeadband Integer number of seconds before None

starting failover to the secondary sourc e
defined by the Access Name

11 DFOFlag Disable Failover flag None

Yes = Disable Failover flag set
No = Disable Failover flag not set

12 FBDFlag Switch back to Primary flag None

YES = Switch back to the Primary
source after the failover condition clears
NO = Do not switch back to the Primary
source after the failover condition clears

13 FailbackDeadband Integer number of seconds before No value

switching back to the primary Access
Name source after the failover condition

:AlarmGroup Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file contains a keyword that identifies the alarm groups defined for an InTouch
application. The :AlarmGroup keyword includes a set of attribut es that describe the characteristics of
the InTouch application’s alarm groups.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The following table shows the list of attributes associated with the :AccessGroup keyword. The table lists
the attributes in the order they are specified when using a template import file created with the DBDump

String Default
Posi tion Attribute s Acceptable Values Values

1 Group Name of the alarm group $System

2 Comment Comment assigned to the alarm None

Any text string

3 E vent Logged E vent logging enabled or disabled No

Yes or On = E vent logging enabled
No or Off = E vent logging disabled

4 E vent LoggingPriority Priority assigned to events 0

1 to 999, 0 = not logged

5 LoLoAlarmDisable LoLo alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = LoLo alarm enabled
1 = LoLo alarm dis abled

6 LoAlarmDisable Low alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = Low alarm enabled
1 = Low alarm disabled

7 HiAlarmDisable High alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = High alarm enabled
1 = High alarm disabled

8 HiHiAlarmDisable HiHi alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = HiHi alarm enabled
1 = HiHi alarm disabled

9 MinDevAlarmDisable Minor Deviation alarm disabled or 0

0 = Minor Deviation alarm enabled
1 = Minor Deviation alarm dis abled

10 MajDevAlarmDisable Major Deviation alarm disabled or 0

0 = Major Deviation alarm enabled
1 = Major Deviation alarm dis abled

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Default
Posi tion Attribute s Acceptable Values Values

11 RocAlarmDisable Rate of Change alarm disabled or 0

0 = ROC alarm enabled
1 = ROC alarm dis abled

12 DSCAlarmDisable Discrete alarms disabled or enabled 0

0 = Discrete alarm enabled
1 = Discrete alarm disabled

13 LoLoAlarmInhibititor Name of the tag used to inhibit LoLo None

Tag reference: any discrete or
analog tag

14 LoAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit Low None

Tag reference: any discrete or
analog tag

15 HiAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit High None

Tag reference: Any discrete or
analog tag

16 HiHiAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit HiHi None

Tag reference: Any discrete or
analog tag

17 MinDevAlarmInhibitor Name of the t ag us ed to inhibit Minor None

Deviation alarms
Tag reference: Any discrete or
analog tag

18 MajDevAlarmInhibitor Name of the t ag us ed to inhibit Major None

Deviation alarms
Tag reference: Any discrete or
analog tag

19 RocAlarmInhibit or Name of the tag used to inhibit Rate None

of Change alarms
Tag reference: Any discrete or
analog tag

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Default
Posi tion Attribute s Acceptable Values Values

20 DSCAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit None

discrete alarms
Tag reference: any discrete or
analog tag

Defining Tag Type Keywords and Attributes

Tag records begin with a keyword line that identifies the type of tag. Each tag keyword includes a unique
set of attribut es to specify the characteristics of the data associated with the type of tag.
In the following example, the :IODi sc keyword identifies the I/O discrete tag type. The remaining values
in the keyword line identify the attribut es of the data associated with an I/O discrete tag. This example
shows the contents of the file with Notepad in its native comma -delimited string format.
AlarmComment,AlarmAckModel,DSCAlarmDisable, DSCAlarmInhibitor,SymbolicName
Beneath the tag type keyword line, individual rows specify the tags of that type with a set of attribute
values. In the following example, the HDWStatus tag belongs to the I/O Discrete tag type in the import
The record uses quotation marks to identify a blank string.
The following figure shows the same import file data in an Excel spreadsheet. The Comment cell is blank
because no tag comment is specified in the import file.

Tag Keyword Attributes

The following table lists all attributes associated with InTouch tag keywords. The table include columns
that describe the type of data associated with each tag attribute and its default value.
These tag attributes can be specified in any order in your DB Load import file as long as the
accompanying tag dat a matches its corresponding attribute. For example, if you insert a :IODisc keyword
in an Excel import file, then all I/O discrete tags’ engineering units must be placed in the same Excel
column as the EngUnits attribute.

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

AccessName InTouch Access Name assigned to tag None

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

AlarmAckModel Alarm acknowledgement model 0

0 = Condition
1 = Event Oriented
2 = Expanded Summary

AlarmComment Alarm comment assigned to the tag None

Text string

AlarmDevDeadband Tag deviation alarm deadband None


AlarmPri Alarm priority assigned to the tag 1

1 to 999

AlarmState Tag alarm state None

On, Off, or None

AlarmValueDeadband Tag alarm deadband 0


Comment Comment assigned to the tag None

Text string

Conversion Tag value conversion Linear

Linear or Square Root

Deadband Value deadband assigned to the tag 0


DevTarget Tag deviation target value 0


DSCAlarmDisable Discrete alarms disabled or enabled 0

0 = Discrete alarm enabled
1 = Discrete alarm disabled

DSCAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit a discrete alarm None

EngUnits Engineering units assigned to tag None

Text string

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

E vent Logged E vent logging enabled or disabled No

Yes or On = E vent logging enabled
No or Off = E vent logging disabled

E vent Logging Tag event logging enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Logging disabled
Yes or On = Logging enabled

E vent LoggingPriority Priority assigned to events 0

1 to 999, 0 = not logged

Group Name of the alarm group in which the tag $System


HiAlarmDisable High alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = High alarm enabled
1 = High alarm disabled

HiAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit High alarm None

Any discrete or analog tag

HiAlarmP ri Priority assigned to High alarm 1

1 to 999

HiAlarmStat e High alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

HiAlarmV alue High alarm point assigned to tag 0


HiHiAlarmDisable HiHi alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = HiHi alarm enabled
1 = HiHi alarm disabled

HiHiAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit HiHi alarm None

Any discrete or analog tag

HiHiAlarmPri Priority assigned to HiHi alarm 1

1 to 999

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

HiHiAlarmState HiHi alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

HiHiAlarmValue HiHi alarm point assigned to tag 0


InitialDisc Initial value assigned to discrete tag 0

0, Off, False, or No = Off
1, On, True, or Yes = On

InitialMessage Initial tag message None

Text string

InitialValue Initial value assigned to the tag 0


ItemName Name of the item assigned to the tag None

Text string

ItemUseTagname Use Tagname as Item Name option enabled No

or disabled
No or False = Disabled
Yes or True = Enabled

LoAlarmDisable Low alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = Low alarm enabled
1 = Low alarm disabled

LoAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit Low alarm None

Any discrete or analog tag

LoAlarmPri Priority assigned to Low alarm 1

1 to 999

LoAlarmState Low alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

LoAlarmValue Low alarm point assigned to tag 0


Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

LogDeadband Logging deadband assigned to the tag 0


Logged Tag value logging enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Logging disabled
Yes or On = Logging enabled

LoLoAlarmDisable LoLo alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = LoLo alarm enabled
1 = LoLo alarm dis abled

LoLoAlarmInhibit or Name of the tag used to inhibit LoLo alarm None

Any discrete or analog tag

LoLoAlarmPri Priority assigned to LoLo alarm 1

1 to 999

LoLoAlarmState LoLo alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

LoLoAlarmValue LoLo alarm point assigned to tag 0


MajDevAlarmDisable Major Deviation alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = Major Deviation alarm enabled
1 = Major Deviation alarm dis abled

MajDevAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit Major Deviation None

Any discrete or analog tag

MajorDevAlarmPri Priority assigned to Major Deviation alarm 1

1 to 999

MajorDevAlarmState Major deviation alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

MajorDevAlarmValue Major deviation alarm percentage assigned to 0


MaxEU Maximum engineering units value assigned to 32767

the tag

MaxLength Maximum message length 131


MaxRaw Maximum raw value assigned to tag 32767


MaxValue Maximum value assigned to the tag 32767


MinDevAlarmDisable Minor Deviation alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = Minor Deviation alarm enabled
1 = Minor Deviation alarm dis abled

MinDevAlarmInhibitor Name of the tag used to inhibit Minor Deviation None

Any discrete or analog tag

MinEU Minimum engineering units value assigned to -32768

the tag

MinorDevAlarmPri Priority assigned to Minor Deviation alarm 1

1 to 999

MinorDevAlarmState Minor deviation alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

MinorDevAlarmValue Minor deviation alarm percentage assigned to 0


MinRaw Minimum raw value assigned to tag -32768


Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

MinValue Minimum value assigned to the tag -32768


OffMsg Discrete tag Off message None

Text string

OnMsg Discrete tag On message None

Text string

ReadOnly Tag value read only or read/write No

Yes = Read Only
No = Read/Write

RetentiveAlarmP arameters Tag Retentive Paramet ers enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

RetentiveV alue Tag Retentive Value enabled or disabled No

0, Off, False, or No = Disabled
1, On, True, or Yes = Enabled

RocAlarmDisable Rate of Change alarm disabled or enabled 0

0 = ROC alarm enabled
1 = ROC alarm dis abled

RocAlarmInhibit or Name of the tag used to inhibit Rate of Change None

Any discrete or analog tag

ROCAlarmP ri Priority assigned to Rate of Change alarm 1

1 to 999

ROCAlarmSt ate Rate of Change alarm enabled or disabled No

No or Off = Disabled
Yes or On = Enabled

ROCAlarmV alue Change in tag value by perc ent 0


ROCTimeB ase Measurement period to calculate rate of change Min

Sec, Min or Hr

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Attribute Acceptable Value Value

SymbolicName Symbolic name assigned to input data blocks None

by the S7 Tag Creator product. Symbolic
names are listed in the S7 Tag Creator Symbol

:MemoryDisc Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :Memory Disc keyword to define memory discrete tags that can be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :MemoryDisc keyword
associated with the properties of a memory discrete tag.
The table shows the order that :MemoryDisc keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with attributes
and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 InitialDisc

8 OffMsg

9 OnMsg

10 AlarmState

11 AlarmPri

12 AlarmComment

13 AlarmAckModel

14 DSCAlarmDisable

15 DSCAlarmInhibitor

16 SymbolicName

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

:IODisc Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :IODisc keyword to define I/ O discrete tags that can be imported to
the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IODisc keyword associated wit h
the properties of an I/O discrete tag.
The table shows the order that :IODisc keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to create
the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the dat a associated with t hese attributes and
their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 InitialDisc

8 OffMsg

9 OnMsg

10 AlarmState

11 AlarmPri

12 Conversion

13 AccessName

14 ItemUseTagname

15 ItemName

16 ReadOnly

17 AlarmComment

18 AlarmAckModel

19 DSCAlarmDisable

20 DSCAlarmInhibitor

21 SymbolicName

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

:MemoryInt Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :Memory Int keyword to define memory integer tags that can be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :Memory Int keyword
associated with the properties of a memory integer tag.
The table shows the order that :MemoryInt keyword attributes are specified when the DB Dump utility is
used to creat e the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with
these attribut es and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 RetentiveAlarmP arameters

8 AlarmValueDeadband

9 AlarmDevDeadband

10 EngUnits

11 InitialValue

12 MinValue

13 MaxValue

14 Deadband

15 LogDeadband

16 LoLoAlarmState

17 LoLoAlarmValue

18 LoLoAlarmPri

19 LoAlarmState

20 LoAlarmValue

21 LoAlarmPri

22 HiAlarmStat e

23 HiAlarmV alue

24 HiAlarmP ri

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

25 HiHiAlarmState

26 HiHiAlarmValue

27 HiHIAlarmPri

28 MinorDevAlarmState

29 MinorDevAlarmValue

30 MinorDevAlarmPri

31 MajorDevAlarmState

32 MajorDevAlarmValue

33 MajorDevAlarmPri

34 DevTarget

35 ROCAlarmSt ate

36 ROCAlarmV alue

37 ROCAlarmP ri

38 ROCTimeB ase

39 AlarmComment

40 AlarmAckModel

41 LoLoAlarmDisable

42 LoAlarmDisable

43 HiAlarmDisable

44 HiHiAlarmDisable

45 MinDevAlarmDisable

46 MajDevAlarmDisable

47 RocAlarmDisable

48 LoLoAlarmInhibit or

49 LoAlarmInhibitor

50 HiAlarmInhibitor

51 HiHiAlarmInhibitor

52 MinDevAlarmInhibitor

53 MajDevAlarmInhibitor

54 RocAlarmInhibit or

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

55 SymbolicName

:IOInt Keyword Attributes

The DBLoad import file includes the :IOInt keyword to define I/O integer tags that can be imported to the
Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IOInt keyword associated with the
properties of an I/O integer tag.
The table shows the order that :IOInt keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to create
the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the dat a associated with t hese attributes and
their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 RetentiveAlarmP arameters

8 AlarmValueDeadband

9 AlarmDevDeadband

10 EngUnits

11 InitialValue

12 MinEU

13 MaxEU

14 Deadband

15 LogDeadband

16 LoLoAlarmState

17 LoLoAlarmValue

18 LoLoAlarmPri

19 LoAlarmState

20 LoAlarmValue

21 LoAlarmPri

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

22 HiAlarmStat e

23 HiAlarmV alue

24 HiAlarmP ri

25 HiHiAlarmState

26 HiHiAlarmValue

27 HiHIAlarmPri

28 MinorDevAlarmState

29 MinorDevAlarmValue

30 MinorDevAlarmPri

31 MajorDevAlarmState

32 MajorDevAlarmValue

33 MajorDevAlarmPri

34 DevTarget

35 ROCAlarmSt ate

36 ROCAlarmV alue

37 ROCAlarmP ri

38 ROCTimeB ase

39 AlarmComment

39 MinRaw

40 MaxRaw

41 Conversion

42 AccessName

43 ItemUseTagname

44 ItemName

45 ReadOnly

46 AlarmComment

47 AlarmAckModel

48 LoLoAlarmDisable

49 LoAlarmDisable

50 HiAlarmDisable

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

51 HiHiAlarmDisable

52 MinDevAlarmDisable

53 MajDevAlarmDisable

54 RocAlarmDisable

55 LoLoAlarmInhibit or

56 LoAlarmInhibitor

57 HiAlarmInhibitor

58 HiHiAlarmInhibitor

59 MinDevAlarmInhibitor

60 MajDevAlarmInhibitor

61 RocAlarmInhibit or

62 SymbolicName

:MemoryReal Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :Memory Real keyword to define memory real tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :MemoryReal keyword
associated with the properties of a memory real tag.
The table shows the order that :MemoryReal keyword attributes are specified when DB Dump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 RetentiveAlarmP arameters

8 AlarmValueDeadband

9 AlarmDevDeadband

10 EngUnits

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

11 InitialValue

12 MinValue

13 MaxValue

14 Deadband

15 LogDeadband

16 LoLoAlarmState

17 LoLoAlarmValue

18 LoLoAlarmPri

19 LoAlarmState

20 LoAlarmValue

21 LoAlarmPri

22 HiAlarmStat e

23 HiAlarmV alue

24 HiAlarmP ri

25 HiHiAlarmState

26 HiHiAlarmValue

27 HiHiAlarmPri

28 MinorDevAlarmState

29 MinorDevAlarmValue

30 MinorDevAlarmPri

31 MajorDevAlarmState

32 MajorDevAlarmValue

33 MajorDevAlarmPri

34 DevTarget

35 ROCAlarmSt ate

36 ROCAlarmV alue

37 ROCAlarmP ri

38 ROCTimeB ase

39 AlarmComment

40 AlarmAckModel

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

41 LoLoAlarmDisable

42 LoAlarmDisable

43 HiAlarmDisable

44 HiHiAlarmDisable

45 MinDevAlarmDisable

46 MajDevAlarmDisable

47 RocAlarmDisable

48 LoLoAlarmInhibit or

49 LoAlarmInhibitor

50 HiAlarmInhibitor

51 HiHiAlarmInhibitor

52 MinDevAlarmInhibitor

53 MajDevAlarmInhibitor

54 RocAlarmInhibit or

55 SymbolicName

:IOReal Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :IOReal keyword to define I/O real tags that can be imported to the
Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IOReal keyword associated with the
properties of an I/O real tag.
The table shows the order that :IOReal keyword attributes are specified when DB Dump is used to create
the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the dat a associated with t hese attributes and
their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 RetentiveAlarmP arameters

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

8 AlarmValueDeadband

9 AlarmDevDeadband

10 EngUnits

11 InitialValue

12 MinEU

13 MaxEU

14 Deadband

15 LogDeadband

16 LoLoAlarmState

17 LoLoAlarmValue

18 LoLoAlarmPri

19 LoAlarmState

20 LoAlarmValue

21 LoAlarmPri

22 HiAlarmStat e

23 HiAlarmV alue

24 HiAlarmP ri

25 HiHiAlarmState

26 HiHiAlarmValue

27 HiHiAlarmPri

28 MinorDevAlarmState

29 MinorDevAlarmValue

30 MinorDevAlarmPri

31 MajorDevAlarmState

32 MajorDevAlarmValue

33 MajorDevAlarmPri

34 DevTarget

35 ROCAlarmSt ate

36 ROCAlarmV alue

37 ROCAlarmP ri

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

38 ROCTimeB ase

39 MinRaw

40 MaxRaw

41 Conversion

42 AccessName

43 ItemUseTagname

44 ItemName

45 ReadOnly

46 AlarmComment

47 AlarmAckModel

48 LoLoAlarmDisable

49 LoAlarmDisable

50 HiAlarmDisable

51 HiHiAlarmDisable

52 MinDevAlarmDisable

53 MajDevAlarmDisable

54 RocAlarmDisable

55 LoLoAlarmInhibit or

56 LoAlarmInhibitor

57 HiAlarmInhibitor

58 HiHiAlarmInhibitor

59 MinDevAlarmInhibitor

60 MajDevAlarmInhibitor

61 RocAlarmInhibit or

62 SymbolicName

:MemoryMsg Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :MemoryMsg keyword to define memory message tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :MemoryMsg keyword
associated with the properties of a memory message tag.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The table shows the order that :MemoryMsg keyword attributes are specified when DB Dump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 MaxLength

8 InitialMessage

9 AlarmComment

10 SymbolicName

:IOMsg Keyword Attributes

The DBLoad import file includes the :IOMsg keyword to define I/O message tags that will be imported to
the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IOMs g keyword associated with
the properties of an I/O message tag.
The table shows the order that :IOMsg keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to create
the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the dat a associated with t hese attributes and
their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 Logged

4 E vent Logged

5 E vent LoggingPriority

6 RetentiveV alue

7 MaxLength

8 InitialMessage

9 AccessName

10 ItemUseTagname

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

11 ItemName

12 ReadOnly

13 AlarmComment

14 SymbolicName

:GroupVar Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :GroupVar keyword to define Group Variable tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :GroupVar keyword
associated with the properties of a Group Variable tag.

Note: InTouch Group Var tags are obsolet e. The :GroupV ar keyword is included to support legacy
applications only.

The table shows the order that :GroupVar key word attributes are specified when DBDump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 SymbolicName

:HistoryTrend Keyword Attributes

The DBLoad import file includes the :History Trend key word to define HistTrend tags that will be imported
to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :History Trend key word
associated with the properties of a HistTrend tag.
The table shows the order that :History Trend keyword attributes are specified when DB Dump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 SymbolicName

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

:TagID Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the : TagID keyword to define Tag ID tags that will be imported to the
Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :TagID keyword associated with the
properties of a Tag ID tag.
The table shows the order that :TagID keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to create
the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the dat a associated with t hese attributes and
their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

:IndirectDisc Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :IndirectDisc keyword to define indirect discrete tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IndirectDisc keyword
associated with the properties of an indirect discrete tag.
The table shows the order that :IndirectDisc keyword attribut es are specified when DBDump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 E vent Logging

4 E vent LoggingPriority

5 RetentiveV alue

6 SymbolicName

:IndirectAnalog Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :IndirectAnalog keyword to define indirect analog tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IndirectAnalog
keyword associated wit h the properties of an indirect analog tag.
The table shows the order that :IndirectAnalog keyword attributes are specified when DB Dump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

String Position Attribute

2 Comment

3 E vent Logging

4 E vent LoggingPriority

5 RetentiveV alue

6 SymbolicName

:IndirectMsg Keyword Attributes

The DB Load import file includes the :IndirectMsg keyword to define indirect message tags that will be
imported to the Tagname Dictionary. The following table lists the attributes of the :IndirectMsg keyword
associated with the properties of an indirect message tag.
The table shows the order that :IndirectMsg keyword attributes are specified when DBDump is used to
create the import file. See Tag Keyword Attributes on page 117 for the data associated with these
attributes and their default values.

String Position Attribute

1 Group

2 Comment

3 E vent Logging

4 E vent LoggingPriority

5 RetentiveV alue

6 SymbolicName

Using Blank Strings in an Import File

For a dictionary import file, there is a difference between a field containing a blank string and a field
without data. Keyword attributes that can be assigned a blank string are:

Comment Eng Units OffMsg

InitialMessage OnMsg Application
ItemName Topic

In the following example, a blank string is indicated by quotation marks (" "):

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The value of the Comment field for Tagname1 is Hi, and the value of the Comment field for Tagname2 is
a blank comment.
Microsoft Excel ignores quotation marks that denote a blank string when it saves the file, resulting in the
To ensure that a blank string is used with Excel, type a space in the cell as the attribute value.

Using Default Values for Fields

You can use keywords to set the default values for specific fields of a record. The default values are the
original InTouch values for the tag type. For example, a memory discrete tag uses the Group=$System,
E vent Logging=Off, InitialValue=Off, as default values.
For example:
This sets the default value of the referenced field for all subsequent data records. Use this feature to set
the default value for fields that should remain unchanged for a number of records. If a field has a default
value defined, the default value is used if there is no data in the record for the value.
For example, if you set :GROUP=Reactor_Site, then all tags that have a blank entry for the GROUP
column are assigned to the Reactor_Site Alarm Group. If the tag has, for example, $System entered for
the GROUP, the tag remains assigned to the Alarm Group $System.
You can reset an individual keyword to its original default value by omitting the value in the equation. For
example, :GROUP=.
To reset all keywords, use the :RESE T command. This command does not ha ve arguments and affects
all entries in the file that occur after the command.

Creating SuperTag Instances

You can create SuperTags using the DBLoad utility within the Application Manager. However, the
SuperTag instances you create are not reflected in the SuperTag template definition in the
Templat eMaker.
You must use the valid SuperTag format, and the SuperTag instance data records must begin with the
valid key word for the tag type. For example:

The following syntax examples are valid:

The following syntax examples are invalid:

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If you use an invalid format, an error message appears.

When you import the CSV file containing S uperTag instances, the instances are aut omatically added to
the Tagname Dictionary and are immediately available for use in animation links and InTouch

Importing Tag Definitions with DBLoad

When you import the contents of a file with DBLoad, all tag definitions are imported into the Tagname
Dictionary of the selected InTouch application.
If the import fails, a message appears describing the reason for the failure. The error messages are
written to the Logger.
To import tag definitions into an InTouch application
1. Close WindowMaker and WindowViewer.
2. Back up the application whose Tagname Dictionary will be loaded with tag definitions from an import
3. Start Application Manager.
4. Select the application from the list whose Tagname Dictionary will receive the imported tag
5. Click the DBLoad icon. A message appears requesting confirmation that you backed up the InTouch
6. Click Yes to confirm the application is backed up. The CSV File to Load From dialog box appears.

7. In the Name of CSV Load file box, locate and select the file you want to import.
8. Click OK.
The next step varies based upon whether DBLoad imports new or existing tag definitions to the
Tagname Dictionary.
o If you are importing new tag definitions, the new tag data is loaded into the application’s
Tagname Dictionary. A message appears confirming the dat a was successfully loaded and
o If you are importing existing tag definitions, the import stops if the :mode keyword is set to
:mode=ask and the import file contains duplicate tags. You are shown options to handle the
duplicate tags or you can cancel the import. For more information about keyword options, see
Setting the Operating Mode for Dictionary Import Files on page 111.

Importing Windows
Importing windows from an existing InTouch application into your current applicati on allows you to
reduce development time because y ou can reuse your previously created windows, objects, and window

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

You must convert an application to the current version of the InTouch HMI soft ware before you can
import windows.
By default, placeholders are created for the tags associated with an imported window. After importing,
you can convert the placeholders to local tags or remote tag references. For more information, see Tag
Placeholders for Imported Windows and Scripts on page 147. If the associated tags already exist in the
target application, during the import you can select to use these instead.
When you import windows containing SmartSymbols and select to use existing tags, the InTouch HMI
still keeps placeholders for the recovered symbols, even though the tags are available in the target
When you import a window from an application that contains SuperTags, only the SuperTag instances
actually used in the window are import ed into the new application. The entire SuperTag template
structure is not import ed. For example, if t he application has hundreds of SuperTag member t ags defined
in it, and only 50 of those are us ed in the imported window, only those 50 are imported.

Important: If you move InTouch window files using any method other than importing or exporting them,
the contents of the application Tagname Dictionary can become corrupt.

To import a window
1. Close all windows in your current application.
2. On the File menu, click Import, and then click Windows and Scripts. The Import from directory
dialog box appears.

3. Select the folder for the application containing the windows to import.
4. Click OK. The Application Data Import Options dialog box appears.

5. Select the Windows check box and then click Select to select the individual windows to import.
6. Select the Use Exi sting Tags (Conserve Placeholders) check box if the tags associated with the
imported windows already exist in your application and you want to use them instead of
7. Click Import.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

8. Convert the placeholder tags to either local tags or remot e tag references. For more information, see
Converting Placeholder Tags for an Imported W indow on page 142.
9. If an imported window contains one or more wizards, double -click on each wizard to open its
properties panel. If an imported window contains one or more SmartSymbols, edit each
SmartSymbol and create new instances.

Converting Placeholder Tags for an Imported Window

When you import or export a window or QuickScript to or from your current application, all the tags
associated with that window or QuickScript are transferred wit h the window. But, the tags are not added
to your new application's Tagname Dictionary. Instead, the tags are automatically marked as placeholder
tags unless the Conserve Placeholders options is selected on import. You must convert these
placeholder tags and, if required, define them in your new application Tagname Dictionary.
To convert tags for a window
1. Open the window in WindowMaker.
2. Press F2 to select all objects in the window.
3. On the Special menu, click Substitute Tags. The Substitute Tagnames dialog box appears.

4. Click Convert. The Convert dialog box appears.

5. Convert the tags.

o Click Local to convert the placeholder tags to local tags. You are prompted to define each tag in
the Tagname Dictionary.
o Click Remote to convert the placeholder tags to remote tag references. The Acce ss Names
dialog box appears. Select the Access Name and click Close.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

After the conversion, the Substi tute Tagnames dialog box shows the new tags.

6. Click OK.

Exporting Windows
You can export application windows to:
 Create or maintain a library application of all windows.
 Create remote tag referenc es in another application.
You must convert an application to the current version of the InTouch HMI soft ware before you can
export windows.
When you export a window, all objects and animation links associated with that window are exported.
The tags associated with the objects in the window are converted to placeholder tags to prevent existing
tags in the destination application from being overwritten. For more information on converting
placeholder tags, see Converting Placeholder Tags for an Imported Window on page 142.

Important: If you move InTouch window files using any method other than importing or exporting them,
the application’s Tagname Dictionary can be corrupted.

To export a window
1. Close all windows in your current application.
2. On the File menu, click Export, and then click Windows. The Export to directory dialog box

3. Select the folder of the application to which to export the windows.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Click OK. The Windows to Export dialog box appears.

5. Select the windows to export.

6. Click OK.
If a problem occurs, the Problem with Export Operation dialog box appears. Click the option for
the action you want to take and then click OK.

Importing Scripts
You can import existing QuickScripts from an InTouch application into your current application to save
development time.
You must convert an application to the current version of the InTouch HMI soft ware before you can
import scripts.
By default, placeholders are created for the tags associated with an imported QuickScript. After
importing, you can convert the placeholders to local tags or remot e tag references. For more information,
see Tag Placeholders for Imported Windows and Scripts on page 147. If the associated tags already
exist in the target application, during the import you can choose to use these instead.
To import a window script, you must import the entire window.
For an imported ActiveX E vent script to function properly in the target application, the same ActiveX
control and the same event for which the script was originally created must also be used in the target
application and it must be loaded into memory. If the window containing an ActiveX c ontrol is closed, any
scripts associated with it (either ActiveX E vent scripts or QuickScripts) do not run properly.
To import a QuickScript
1. Close all windows in your current application.
2. On the File menu, click Import, and then click Windows and Scripts. The Import from directory
dialog box appears.

3. Select the folder for the application that contains the s cripts to import.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Click OK. The Application Data Import Options dialog box appears.

5. Select the check box for the QuickScript type(s) that you want to import and then click Select to
select the individual script(s ) to import.

Note: To import a window script, you must import the entire window. For more information, see Importing
Windows on page 140.

6. Select the Use Exi sting Tags (Conserve Placeholders) check box if the tags associated with the
imported script(s) already exist in your application and y ou want to use them instead of placeholders.
7. Click Import. If your application has scripts with identical names, you are prompted to overwrite,
skip, or rename.
8. Convert the placeholder tags to either local tags or remot e tag references. For more information, see
Converting Placeholder Tags in an Import ed Script on page 145.

Converting Placeholder Tags in an Imported Script

When you import or export a QuickScript to or from your current application, all the tags associated with
that QuickScript are transferred. But, the tags are not added to your new application's Tagname
Dictionary. Instead, they are automatically marked as placeholder tags. You must convert these
placeholder tags and, if required, define them in your new application Tagn ame Dictionary.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To convert placeholder tags in an imported script

1. On the Special menu, point to Scripts, and then click the type of QuickScript you imported. The
QuickScript editor appears, showing the first QuickScript on file for the selected type of script.

2. Click Convert. The Convert dialog box appears.

3. Convert the tags.

o Click Local to convert the placeholder tags to local tags. You are prompted to define each tag in
the Tagname Dictionary.
o Click Remote to convert the placeholder tags to remote tag references. The Acce ss Names
dialog box appears. Select the Access Name and click Close.
4. After the tags are converted, click OK in the QuickScript editor.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Tag Placeholders for Imported Windows and Scripts

When you import a window or QuickScript, you can configure how you want the associated tags to be
 Use placeholder tags.
By default, imported tags are converted to "placeholder" (or "index") tags. A maximum of 4096
placeholders is allowed.
Placeholder tags include a three-character prefix. For example, if the original tag is WaterHeater,
then the placeholder tag is ?d:WaterHeater.
If you import a tag that contains 30, 31, or 32 characters, the placeholder prefix is still added to the
beginning of the tag, and the length of the existing tag is not truncated. For example, for placeholder
tags only, a 32 character tag is increased to 35 characters. This increase in tag length is not
supported for standard tags.
To use a plac eholder tag in the application, you must either:
Convert it to a regular (local) tag and define it in the Tagname Dictionary.
Convert it to a remote tag reference. An example of a remote tag is PLC2:WaterHeater. Remote tag
references allow your application to instantly receive data from a remote tag server and eliminates
the need to define a single tag in the local Tagname Dictionary.
 Using existing tags.
During an import, if you select to use existing tags, the InTouch HMI verifies that the imported tags
already exist in the Tagname Dictionary. If a tag already exists, then the tag is imported as a fully
qualified tag. Using this option reduces the total number of placeholders, allowing you to import
applications with larger tag dat abas es.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The following flowchart describes ho w tags are handled for imported windows and QuickScripts.


Import a window
or QuickScript

Yes Is the tag Yes The tag in the

Use existing currently in the
application is used.
tags? target app?

No No

A placeholder (index) is END

created for each tag.

Use the Substitute Tags

Convert to Yes command to convert tags to
local tag? local tags and add them to the
Tagname Dictionary


Use the Substitute

Local tags are
Tags command to
convert to remote tag

References to remote END

tags are created.


Exporting Industrial Graphics from an Application

You can export all Industrial graphics from an application to an aaPKG file. You can then import the
graphics from the file to another application on the same or different comput er.
You cannot select Industrial graphics individually to export from an application. All Industrial graphics are
exported from an application.
To export Industrial graphics from an application
1. Open the application in WindowMaker containing the Industrial graphics that you want to export.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the File menu, click Export, and then click All Industrial Graphics.
The Export Industrial Graphics dialog box appears to specify the destination folder and the name
of the export file.

3. Select the destination folder to export the aaPKG file.

4. If you want, enter the name of the export file in the File name field.
The default export file name is IndustrialGraphics.aaPKG.
5. Click Save.
A horizontal bar shows the progress of the Industrial Gr aphics being loaded into the export file.
6. Once the export process is finished, navigate to the destination folder in Windows Explorer, and
verify that the export file has been created.

Importing Industrial Graphics to an Application

You can import Industrial Graphics created in another application to the active application running in
Only Industrial Graphics from the aaPKG file are imported. The import ed graphics overwrit e any graphics
of the application open for editing in WindowMaker. If the aaPK G file contains non-supported
components, the import fails and a dialog box with an error is shown.
To import Industrial Graphics to an application
1. Open the application in WindowMaker that you want to import Industrial Graphics.
2. On the File menu, click Import, and then click Industrial Graphics.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Import Industrial Graphics dialog box appears to specify the folder containing an export file of
Industrial Graphics.

3. Using Windows Explorer, go to the folder containing an aaPKG file of exported Industrial Graphics.
4. Select the aaPKG file to import.
The File name field shows the name of the file you selected.
5. Click Open.
The Import Industrial Graphics dialog box appears wit h the following options for overwriting graphics:
o Skip: Do not Import - The graphics will not be imported
o Overwrite if the importing graphic change version is higher - Will import the graphics only if the
version of the file imported is higher than the installed version.
o Overwrite regardless of graphic change version - The graphics will be imported.
6. Click OK.
A horizontal bar shows the progress of the Industrial Graphics being imported into the active
application. When finished, the progress indicator disappears.

Exporting Selected Symbols from the Industrial Graphic

You can export selected Industrial Graphics from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox of an application to an
aaPKG file. You can then import these graphics from the file to another application on the same or
different computer.

Note: This procedure explains how to export selected Industrial Graphics. See Exporting Industrial
Graphics from an Application on page 148 for instructions to export all Industrial Graphics.

To export selected Industrial Graphics from an Application

1. Open the application in WindowMaker containing the Industrial Graphics that you want to select to
2. Select the symbols you want to export in the Industrial Graphic Toolbox.
3. Right -click on a selected symbol to show the shortcut menu.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Select Export and then Symbol(s)... from the shortcut menu.

The Export Industrial Graphics dialog box appears to specify the destination folder and the name
of the export file.

5. Select the destination folder to export the aaPKG file.

6. If you want, enter the name of the export file in the File name field.
The default export file name is the name of the first selected symbol from the Industrial Graphic
7. Click Save.
A horizontal bar shows the progress of the Industrial Graphics being loaded into the export file.

Importing and Embedding Custom Client Controls

You can create a custom Windows client cont rol and embed it in an Industrial Graphic in your application.
First, you must import the client control to WindowMaker’s Industrial Graphic Toolbox. This section
describes the steps to import and then embed a custom client control in separate procedures.
To import a custom client control
1. Create a custom client control for your application.
2. Place the client control in a folder accessible to the computer where InTouch WindowMaker is
3. On the File menu, click Import, and then click Client Control.

Important: Only standalone applications can import custom client controls. You cannot im port custom
client controls to legacy or published InTouch HMI applications.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Import Client Control (s) dialog box appears with a field to enter the name of a custom client
control you created.

4. Using Windows Explorer, go to the folder where you plac ed the client control .dll file.
5. Select the client control .dll file and click Open.
WindowMaker updates and shows the custom client control you imported in the Industrial Graphic
You can also remove an imported client control from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox. First, select the
client control within the Industrial Graphic Toolb ox. Then, right-click to show the shortcut menu and
select Delete.

Resolving Conflicts When Importing Duplicate Client Controls

You can import a different version of a client control and overwrite the existing control. The .dll hosting
the existing control will be replaced by the importing library. Conflicting client controls will be detected
upon import of the new client control .dll.

Note: Conflict detection is based solely on the name of the control. Library filenames or versions have no
affect on conflict detection.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

For example, if you import a client control .dll containing the two controls MathControl and TrendControl
and the current library contains cont rols of the same name, the Import Client Control dialog box will

The existing client control .dll will be replac ed, and the new control will now be avai lable in the library.
If you see "Remove" in t he "Proceeding will" column, it means there are controls in the current library that
are not in the importing library. Because the hosting .dll must be replaced to resolve the conflicting
controls, any controls that are in the current.dll but not in the importing .dll will be removed upon
proceeing with the import.
For example, importing a client control .dll c ontaining the controls MathControl and DatabaseControl and
the current library cont ains MathControl and TrendControl, TrendControl will be removed from t he library
upon import.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Import Client Cont rol dialog box will prompt you to acknowledge the removal:

The library will be replaced and TrendControl will be removed upon completion of the import.
Restart WindowMaker to updat e the controls in the Graphic Toolbox.

Note: If you have imported a newer version of client control already embedded in a symbol, restarting
WindowMaker and refreshing the graphic thumbnail will not update the contents of the control. You must
edit and save the symbol for the new client control to be reflected in the thumbnail.

Embedding Client Controls in Industrial Graphics

Client controls are embedded from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox. The Graphic Toolbox already
contains several client controls. You can embed these existing controls into Industrial Graphics, or you
can import custom controls and embed those.
To embed a client control into an Industrial graphic:
1. Open the application in WindowMaker that you intend to embed a custom client control.
2. Open the window cont aining the Industrial Graphic that you intend to embed a custom client control.
3. Select the Industrial Graphic.
4. From the menu bar, click the Embed Industrial Graphic icon.

Important: You cannot drag and drop the custom client control fr om the Industrial Graphic Toolbox onto
the Industrial Graphic. You must always embed the custom client control.

5. Configure your custom client control as needed for the application.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Importing HTML5 Widgets

Widgets are small web components that can extend the functionality of a webpage or website.
Custom-built websites can also incorporate widgets, by using open-source code or frameworks to
provide certain functionality in whole or in part. A widget is a self-contained code block that slots into a
website without changing any of its features. Widgets are most frequently used to provide on-screen user
interface elements that ingrate with other plat forms and data sources. A widget can be run on any web
page on a website, with consistent placement and user interface. For ex ample, social media, weather,
RSS or podcast widgets.
By default, the following widgets are available under the Widgets folder in the Graphic Toolbox:
 Carousel
 Web Browser
 QR Code Scanner
You can import a widget for a standalone and managed application. The file format is Custom Widget
Package (.cwp), which includes HTML5, CSS, and Javascript files.
Importing HTML Widgets
1. Launch WindowMak er.
2. From the File menu, click Import, then click HTML5 Widget.
3. Select a .cwp file.
4. Click OK.
The widget will appear in the toolbox.
After importing the widgets
1. Create a Symbol.
2. Edit the symbol and embed the widget.
3. Set the properties under the Widget Properties section. Each widget will have its own set of
4. Insert the widget on a window
The widget can now be viewed on WindowViewer and any web browser. Depending on the properties
set in the design time you can manipulate the widget in runtime. Scripts using Custom Properties under
‘Widget Properties’ to modify widgets are not support ed.

Carousel Widget
A carousel widget allows you to cycle through elements —images or slides of text—like a carousel,
without any input. This widget can be used to display dashboards, alerts or alarm information on large
monitors on the plant floor.
In addition to the standard graphics properties, you can also configure properties specific to the widget,
under Widget Properties.
Name Description Default

Autoplay If the Autoplay property is set to true, the carousel widget True
will automatically start on load. If it is set to false, the user
must select the next item to start the carousel.
BackgroundColor Sets a background color for the widget. Specify the color White

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Name Description Default

value in RGB, HTML Code (#FF0000) or valid HTML
color name.
GraphicNames A comma separated list of graphics the carousel will Empty
display in runtime.
Interval The amount of time delay (in milliseconds) bet ween 5000
automatically cycling an item.
Keyboard If the Keyboard property is set to true, the carousel will True
respond to keyboard inputs.
Loop If the Loop property is set to true, the carousel will cycle True
through the graphics continuously, else it will stop after a
single cycle.
Pause If the Pause property is set to true, the carousel will True
pause the cycling of the graphics, when it detects the
mouse hovering or a touch down event. The graphics will
resume cycling when the mous e is moved away.
The carousel widget is based on the Bootstrap 4. 0 Carousel component, for more information on
bootstrap, go here: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/carousel/

Web Browser Widget

Using the web browser widget, users can display a web site in WindowViewer and the Web Client.
If Web Client is running in HTTPS, then only HTTPS URL page c an be loaded. If Web Client is runnin g in
HTTP, then HTTP and HTTPS can both be loaded. If the policy of the web site blocks cross domain
access, then this widget will not work. The URL need not be in double quotes, but must be a valid URL.
URL: The address of the website.
 If no protocol is specified, by default the https protocol will be used.
 If the Web Client is configured to use the HTTPS protocol, then only the HTTPS URL page will be
loaded. If t he HTTP URL is used, the web browser widget will display a mes sage "Mixed Content:
The page at 'https://localhost/intouchweb' was loaded over HTTPS, but
requested an insecure frame 'http://**********'. this request has been
blocked: the content must be served over HTTPS."
 The web browser widget will not function, i f the web site policy blocks cross domain (cross origin)
access. A link will be provided to open the web page in a separate tab.

QR Code Scanner
The QRCode_Scanner widget connects to a camera to scan for a QR code and returns the resulting
Property Name Description Default Value

QRCode The resulting string of the scanned QR code. The Empty

default value is empty.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

AutoStart If set to true, the camera will start automatically. True

AutoStop If set to true, the camera will stop after scanning a QR True

Start If set to true, the camera will start. False

Stop If set to true, the camera will stop False

BackgroundColor Sets the background color of the widget. Specify the Black
color value in RGB, HTML Code (#FF0000) or valid
HTML color name.
 The device must have a camera.
 Using the QR Code on a physical machine instead of a virtual machine is recommended.
 Access the web client using the secure URL (https://) when using the web client remot ely.
You can configure a script to read the QR code and display a graphic based on the scanned value.
In RunTime, the QR Code Scanner widget will appear with a floating toolbar wit h the following buttons -
AutoStart, AutoStop and StartStop
When the widget is loaded, the camera will start automatically if AutoStart is set to True. To leave the
camera on, click AutoStop.
To manually start the camera, click StartStop and scan the QR Code.
The camera will stay on after you scan the QR code, allowing the user to scan additional QR codes. To
stop the camera, click StartStop.
The floating toolbar will display the QRCode derived from the QR Code scanned by the camera.
The user can script an action based on the QRCode returned.

Importing Script Function Libraries to an InTouch Application

You can import script function libraries to an InTouch Application. Different types of script function
libraries can be imported, including .NE T (*.dll and other .NE T file extensions), script library files
(*.aaSLIB ), and InTouch script extension files (*. wdf).
The script function library you imported to one application is automatically included when exporting the
application to create another Application. The script function library also is available when publishing the
application to which it was imported.
To import a script function library to an application
1. Open the InTouch application to which you want to import a script function library.
2. Click File on the WindowMaker main menu, then click Import, then click the Script Function
Library option.
The Import Script Function Library dialog opens.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. Browse to the function library you want to import.

4. Select the file to import and click Open to start importing the script function library.

Note: No progress bar or progress information window appears during the import. An information
window opens when the import successfully complet es.

Resolving Imports of Conflicting Methods in .NET Script Libraries

When importing a .NE T class script library into an application, the existing script library will be replaced
by the importing library. Conflicting script methods will be det ected at this time. Conflict detection is
based on name space, class name, method n ame and parameter declaration.

Note: The version or filename or either .dll have no affect on method conflict detection.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Upon import, conflicting methods will be displayed in the Import Sript Function Library dialog box:

In this example, the Math::Int32 Add(Int32, Int32) exists in the current library and contains t he
same class, method name and parameters as a method in t he importing library. It is marked " Replace" in
the "Proceeding will" column. Proceeding with the import will replace the entire script library in the
application with the importing library.
The Math::132 Subtract(Int32, Int32) is marked "Remove" because the importing library does
not contain the subtract method. Script method conflict resolution requires replacing the entire script
library, which will also result in the removal of this method if it is not in the importing library.
You cannot cancel the import of an individual method that would remove an existing method from the
library, as in the example above. You must proceed with all the conflicting met hods or canc el the entire

Important: Only .NE T class library files can be detected as duplicates at time of import. .aaSLIB library
and .wdf script extension files will not import if they conflict with methods in the existing library. In this
case, no notification of the conflict will be given.

Configuring the Application Style Library for Applications

You can configure style libraries for graphics in a InTouch application. You can configure application
styles for Quality and Status, Element Styles, and numeric Format Styles. Your configuration changes
are saved to the application’s repository.
 Quality and Status indicators are graphic icons that represent the current quality of application data
and the state of equipment shown by application symbols.
 Element Styles define a set of visual properties that determine the appearanc e of text, lines, graphic
outlines, and interior fill shown in Industrial graphics.
 Format Styles provide options to individually configure application -wide styles for common types of
numbers used in industrial graphics.

Important: This section describes the workflow within WindowMaker to access a application’s style
libraries. For more information about editing application styles, see WindowMaker online help or the
Industrial Graphic Editor Us er Guide.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To configure the Application Style Library

1. Open an application in WindowMak er.
2. On the Special menu, click Configure, and then click Application Style Library.
The Configure Application Style s dialog box appears with tabs to configure quality and status
indicators, graphic Element styles, and number format styles.

3. Select a tab for the application style you want to edit.

Note: WindowViewer can run only one application at a time. If a platform is deploy ed on a local node, the
configured styles of the Galaxy will take precedence over any configured styles in any other standalone
or managed applications.

Exporting and Importing the Application Style Library

You can export an Application Style Library from an application and then import it to another application.
The settings for quality, Element Styles, and numeric formats are exported to an XML file.
To export an Application Style Library from an Application
1. Open WindowMaker.
2. From the File menu, select Export and then Application Style Library.
The Export Application Style Library dialog box appears with fields to specify a file name.
3. Select the folder to place the exported XML file and the name for the file.
4. Click Save.
A dialog box confirms that the Application Style Library was exported successfully.
To import an Application Style Library into an Application
1. Open WindowMaker.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. From the File menu, select Import and then Application Style Library.
The Import Application Style Library dialog box appears with fields to specify a file name.
3. Select the folder where the exported XML file is located and select it to show the name of the export
file in the File Name field.
4. Click Open.
A dialog box confirms that the Application Style Library was imported successfully.

Configuring Alarm Priority Mapping for Applications

You can configure the alarm priority mapping of an InTouch application to set a priority range for each
alarm severity level.

Important: This section describes the workflow within WindowMaker to map alarm priority ranges to
alarm severities. While InTouch does not have built-in Alarm Severity management as does Application
Server, users can make use of InTouch tags to implement Alarm Border animation. In this case, the
priority to severity mapping in the dialog box is used only as a visual aid to associate priorities to alarm
border colors and alarm indicat or icons. For more information about configuring alarm priority mapping
and alarm shelving, see WindowMaker online help or the Industrial Graphic Editor User Guide.

To configure Alarm Priority Mappings for Applications

1. Open an application in WindowMak er.
2. On the Special menu, click Configure, and then click Alarm Priority Mapping.
The Alarm Priority Configuration dialog box appears with fields to map a priority range to each
alarm severity. The Alarms Priority Configuration dialog box also contains fields to enable alarm
shelving bas ed on alarm severity.

3. In the From Priority and To Priority Range fields, click and enter numbers from 1 to 999 to set the
lower and upper boundaries of an alarm priority range for each alarm severity.
Each priority range should be contiguous without overlap between priority ranges. Alarm severity 1
starts at priority 1 by default.
4. In the Shelve column, select or clear the check box to enable alarm shelving for each alarm severity.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
Your changes are saved to the application’s application folder.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Exporting Industrial Graphic Text Strings from an Application

If your application is intended to support run time language s witching, you can export the text strings of its
Industrial graphics to a dictionary file. You can then translat e the strings within the dictionary file to other
languages using a text editor, an XML editor, or a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or the
Language Assistant.
When you export the graphic text strings, you must specify an output folder for the dictionary file. A best
practice is to create a separate folder for each dictionary file whose strings will be translated into anot her
All exported dictionary files follow a naming convention: <AppFolderName>AA_< LanguageID>.xml. For
example, if an application folder name is PumpStation and the language being exported is French
(Language ID = 1036), then the file name is PumpStationAA_1036.xml.
If y ou will be exporting language strings for different objects at different times, use separate target folders
to prevent subsequent exports from overwriting the first export.
To export Industrial graphic text strings
1. Open the application in WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, click Language, and then select Export Industrial Graphics Localization.
The Export Locale Data dialog box appears with fields to select the exported language and a folder
to place the exported dictionary file.

3. Configure the symbol text strings to export.

o In the Languages to export list, select the language dictionary to export. The default language
is not listed.
o In the Path field, type the folder to which you want to export the dictionary file. Click Brow se to
select an existing folder or create a new folder.
4. Click Export. A bar shows the progress of the export operation.

Importing Text Strings of Industrial Graphics to an

For symbol text, you must import the translat ed dictionary files for each language to enable run -time
language switching for those languages. All dictionary files for a given language should be placed in the
same folder.
You can import files for only one language at a time. When you import, you select the desired language
and specify the dictionary files to import.
Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To import a translated dictionary file

1. Open the application in which you want to import Industrial graphic text.
2. On the Special menu, click Language, and then select Import Industrial Graphics Localization.

3. Configure the import settings.

o In the Language to import list, select the language dictionary to import.
o In the Path box, specify the folder that includes the dictionary file to import.
o In the Select files to Import box, select the .xml files to import. Only files that include the current
application folder name and the locale ID for the selected language are shown.
4. Click Import. The import progress is shown.
5. Click Close.

Exporting Localization Strings from a Symbol

If your application is intended to support run time language switching, you can export the text strings of
one or more symbols selected from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox. You can then translat e the exported
strings within the file to other languages using a text editor, an XML editor, or a spreadsheet program like
Microsoft Excel.
When you export the text strings from a symbol, you must specify an output folder. A best practice is to
create a separate folder for each file whose strings will be translated into another language.
All exported localization files follow a naming convention: <AppFolderName>AA_<LanguageID>.xml.
For example, if an application folder name is PumpStation1 and the language of the localization strings
being exported is Mexican Spanish (Language ID = 2058), then the file name is
To export localization strings from a symbol
1. Open the application in WindowMaker.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Select the symbols from the Industrial Graphic Toolbox whose localization strings you want to
o Left-click on a symbol name to select a single symbol.
o Press the Ctrl key and left-click on symbol names to select two or more symbols.
o Left-click on a symbol name and then press the Shift key and left -click on another symbol name
to select all symbols between the two selected symbols.
3. Right -click on a selected symbol to show the shortcut menu.
4. Select Export, then Localization, and finally Selected Symbols(s)....
The Export Locale Data dialog box appears.

5. Configure the symbol text strings to export.

o In the Language s to export list, select the localization strings to export from the symbols. The
default language is not listed.
o In the Path field, type the folder to which you want to export the localization strings. Click
Brow se to select an existing folder or create a new folder.
6. Click Export. A bar shows the progress of the export operation.
7. Click View Details and verify the localization strings within each selected symbol were ex port ed

Importing the Industrial Graphic Library

During application development you can import the Industrial Graphic Library and Situational A wareness
Library into a standalone application, if
 The application was created wit h a blank template and does not contain the Industrial Graphic
Library or Situational A wareness Library
 An older standalone application or modern application was migrated, but the libraries were not
To import the Industrial Graphic Library to an application:
 In the Industrial Graphic Toolbox, right -click the application name and select Import Industrial
Graphic Library.
The Import Industrial Graphics dialog appears. The Industrial Graphics Library is imported first
followed by the Situational Awareness Library.

Exporting and Importing InTouch ComponentsAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

On completion, the Industrial Graphic Library and the Situational Awareness Library appear in the
Industrial Graphic Toolbox.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Securing InTouch
About Securing InTouch
You can protect your InTouch applications using:
 Traditional InTouch-bas ed security
 Operating system-based security
 ArchestrA-based security
The following figure shows the relationship between the three types of security.

InTouch Security Features

To protect your InTouch application while it is running, you can:
 Set an inactivity time-out period
 Lock keys
 Hide menus

Configuring an Inactivity Time-Out

You can configure WindowViewer to automatically log off an inactive operator from an InTouch
application. An operator must log on again after being logged off for inactivity. Setting an automatic
inactivity log off period prevents unauthorized access to your InTouch application when operators leave
their workstations unattended.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

A timer measures the period the operator has not interacted with the running InTouch application. The
timer resets each time the operator uses a mouse or any other input device to enter data. If the timer
expires, the user is automatically logged off.

Note: The inactivity timer does not res et for Active-X controls, and OLE Aut omation controls.

Automatically logging off an operator is a two-step process:

1. WindowViewer sets the $InactivityWarning system tag to 1 when the operator’s inactivity period
exceeds a specified warning period. You can use the $InactivityWarning tag in a condition
QuickScript to show a window that warns the operator about the pending log off for inactivity. The
operator stays logged on by responding before the specified time -out period occurs. When the
operator takes some action, the $InactivityWarning tag and inactivity timer are reset to zero.
2. If the operator fails to respond after the inactivity warning, the $InactivityTimeout system tag is set to
1 when the time-out period has been reached. When $Inactivity Timeout is 1, WindowViewer equates
the logged on operat or name to the reserved name None and sets the $AccessLevel security tag to
0. The user is automatically logged off.
You can use the time-out feature independently of the warning feature.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To configure an inactivity time-out

1. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.

2. In the Inactivity area, configure the warning and time -out values. Do the following:
o In the Warning box, type the number of seconds that can elapse before the $InactivityWarning
tag is set to 1.
o In the Timeout box, type the number of seconds that can elapse before the $Inactivity Timeout
tag is set to 1 and the user is automatically logged off.
3. Click OK.
4. To show a window named "Warning - Logoff Pending" after the inactivity warning time elaps es,
create a condition script with "$InactivityWarning" as the condition and the following script body:
Show "Logoff Pending";
5. To show a window named "Logged Off" after the inactivity timeout elapses, create a condition script
with "$Inactivity Timeout" as the condition and the following script body:
Show "Logged Off";

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

$InactivityTimeout System Tag

Indicates that the time configured for inactivity elapsed.
Set to 1 when the inactivity timer elapses. For more information on setting the log off time, see
Configuring an Inactivity Time-Out on page 167.

Note: The inactivity timer does not res et for ActiveX controls, OLE and aut omation controls.

Data Type
Discrete (read only)
See Also
The following example is an "on true" condition script:
If $InactivityTimeout == 1 THEN
Show "Logged Off";
See Also

$InactivityWarning System Tag

Indicates that the time configured for warning the user that log off is about to occur elapsed.
Set to 1 when the inactivity warning time elapses. The inactivity timer is reset by mouse clicks or
keyboard activity only. For more information on setting the log off warning, see Configuring an Inactivity
Time-Out on page 167.

Note: The inactivity timer does not res et for ActiveX controls, OLE automation controls, and SPC

Data Type
Discrete (read only)
The following example is an "on true" condition script.
If $InactivityWarning == 1 THEN

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Show "Logoff Pending";

See Also

Locking System Keys

You can restrict operat or access to standard Windows functions by disabling system keys on the
computer running an InTouch application. For example, you can prevent an operator from using the
Windows CTRL+ALT+DE L key combination to show the Task Manager dialog box. Disabling system
keys prevents operators from switching from the InTouch HMI to another Windows application.
WindowViewer has key filter options that set the default state of system keys when an InTouch
application starts. A key filter disables a system key when it is active.
Disable system keys based on what tasks you expect your various InTouch users to complete. Most
function keys should be disabled for operators. Administrators still need function keys for their InTouc h
You can write a script that enables or disables system keys based on the access level of the person
logging on to WindowViewer. Use the EnableDisableK eys() function in a script to selectively enable or
disable Windows function keys.
To enable key filters
1. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Click the Window Configuration tab.

3. In the Mi scellaneous area, disable WindowViewer system keys. Do the following:

o Clear the Enable Fast Switch check box to remove the Development button from
WindowViewer that switches the user to WindowMak er.
o Select the Di sable ALT key check box to disable the ALT key on the computer running the
InTouch application.
o Select the Di sable WIN key check box to disable the WIN key on the computer running the
InTouch application.
o Select the Di sable ESC key check box to disable the ES C key on the computer running the
InTouch application.
4. Click OK.
5. Write a script that runs when WindowViewer starts running the InTouch application.
The script should include stateme nts to dynamically lock or unlock key based on the access level of
the person who logged on to WindowViewer.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Include the EnableDis ableK eys() function within the script to enable/disable the ALT, ESC, and WIN
keys. The EnableDisableKeys() function enables or disables system keys based on the discret e
values of its arguments:
An argument value of 1 enables the key filter to disable the key.

EnableDisableKeys() Function
Enables/disables key filters for the Alt, Escape, and Windows keys.
EnableDisableKeys(AltKey, EscKey, WinKey);
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Alt key:
1 = enable filter (disable Alt key)
0 = disable filter (enable Alt key)
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Escape key:
1 = enable filter (disable Esc key)
0 = disable filter (enable Esc key)
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Windows key:
1 = enable filter (disable Win key)
0 = disable filter (enable Win key)
Disabling the Alt key also disables the Win+L key combination (for locking the Windows desktop). Win+L
is the shortcut for another combination of keys that involves the Alt key. Thus, disabling the Alt key also
disables the shortcut for locking the Windows desktop.
Disabling the Esc key disables it for all actions.
EnableDisableKeys(0,0,0); // enable all three keys
EnableDisableKeys(1,1,1); // disable all three keys
EnableDisableKeys(0,0,1); // enable Alt and Escape keys, disable Windows key.

Hiding Menu Items at Run Time

You restrict operator access to WindowViewer menus and commands by hiding them while an In Touc h
application is running.
To hide menu items at run time
1. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Click the Window Configuration tab.

3. In the Menus area, select the WindowViewer menus and commands that you want to be visible t o an
operator. Do the following:
o Clear the WindowMaker check box to make the WindowMaker command unavailable from the
WindowViewer File menu. Clearing this option does not affect the fast switch to WindowMaker.
o Clear the Logic check box to hide the WindowViewer Logic menu that contains commands to
start and stop QuickScripts.

Note: You can use the $LogicRunning system tag to enable the operator to start and stop all
If you select the Allow CTRL-Break to stop scripts option, the operat or can stop all QuickScripts from
running regardless of whet her the Logic menu appears or not.
Currently executing asynchronous QuickFunctions cannot be stopped. However, you can prevent
operators from starting new asynchronous QuickFunc tions.

o Select the Debug check box if you are testing your application. Otherwise, clear the Debug
check box to hide the Debug menu during run time.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Clear the Special menu items to prevent operators from stopping ongoing InTouch functions like
logging and I/O connections.
o Clear the Security check box to prevent operators from changing security related options.
4. In the Window area, select the window controls that you want to make available to an operator from
WindowViewer. These options affect the window that is running the InTouch application. Do the
o Clear the Control Menu check box to hide the controls that close, minimize, maximize, and
resize the window.
o Clear the Minimize Box check box to prevent an operator from minimizing the window.
o Clear the Maximize Box check box to prevent an operator from maximizing the window.
o Clear the Size Control s check box to prevent an operator from resizing the window.
5. In the Title bar area, configure the title bar of the window running the InTouc h applic ation. Do the
o In the Title Bar Text box, type a title to be shown in the WindowViewer title bar.
o Select the Show Application Directory check box to include the path to the InTouch
application's folder in the title bar.
o Select the Hide Title Bar check box to hide the window’s title bar.
6. In the Mi scellaneous area, do the following:
o Select the Impossi ble to Close check box to prevent an operator from closing the
WindowViewer window running the InTouch application. Selecting this option disables the
window’s Close button.
If you want to hide the Close button, clear the Control Menu check box in the Window area.
o Clear the Allow CTRL-Break to stop scripts check box to disable the CTRL + BREAK key
combination that enables operators to stop QuickScripts.

Note: Currently executing asynchronous QuickFunctions cannot be stopped. However, you can prevent
new asynchronous QuickFunctions from exec uting.

o Select the Hide Cursor check box to hide the mouse pointer during run time. This is useful if you
are designing the application for a touc h-screen.
o Select the Always Maximize check box to keep the window running the InTouch application fully
maximized on the operator’s screen.
7. Click OK.
8. Restart WindowViewer to apply your changes.

Authentication and Authorization Based Security

InTouch security is a two-step process of first determining if the person attempting to use an application
is recognized as a valid user. The second step determines what InTouch privileges are granted to an
authenticated user.

Comparing Authentication and Authorization

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of the user. Typically, operators enter a user name
and password to authenticate themselves before using an InTouch application. All three types of s ecurity
verify the user’s credentials during the logon process as part of the authentication process.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Authorization is the proc ess of determining if an authenticated user has access to the requested
resources. Typically, access to InTouc h functions is grant ed bas ed upon the user’s membership in a
group or assigned access level.

Different Authentication Security Modes

All types of InTouch security authenticate users during the logon process with a user name and
password combination. Each type of security provides a different mechanism to verify the user name and
password during the authentication process.

Using InTouch-Based Security

Applying security to your application is optional. By default, an InTouch application is not secured.
However, you can restrict which functions an operator is allowed to perform by linking those functions to
internal tags. In addition, when you establish security on your application, audit trails can be created that
associate alarms and events to the operator logged on to the InTouch HMI.
When you set the InTouch Security Ty pe to InTouch, a pop-up dialog appears, suggesting to switch to
OS security mode. The dialog also appears on the launch of WindowMaker, if InTouch security is used
for the application. You can choose to turn off the notification.
Security is based on operators authenticating themselves by entering a user name and password to log
on to an InTouch application. You must assign user name, password, and access level for each operator.
When you create a new application, by default, the user name is set to Administrator with an access
level of 9999, which allows access to all security commands. The default administrator password is
wonderware. The maximum number of characters for a password is 29.
After you add a new user name to the security list and restart WindowMaker or WindowViewer, the
default user name is automatically reset to None with an access level of 0, which prevents access to the
Configure Users command in both WindowMaker and WindowViewer. However, the Administrator
account and password remain and can still be used.
After an operator logs on to the application, access to any protected function is granted upon verification
of the operator's password and access level against the value s pecified for the internal security tag linked
to the function.
For Standalone applications, only users with Administrator privileges are allowed to open and edit
applications in InTouch WindowMaker. If a user without administrat or privileges attempts to launch
InTouch WindowMaker, an error dialog box appears, informing users that they need administrative
privileges to proceed. Users without administrative privileges can launch WindowMaker via ArchestrA
IDE for Managed applications.

Using Operating System-Based Security

An operating system-based authentication met hod inherits enforcement of some account policies from
the Windows operating system, while other policies are enforced from the InTouch HMI. Password
policies such as maximum and minimum password age and minimum password length are enforced by
the operating system.
User names used during installation act as a part of the operating system. The Windows domain must be
set up with the desired account policies to enforce thes e standards. The InTouch HMI enforces the
inactivity time-out period.
In the operating system-based authentication met hod, user names can be chosen from the list of users
associated with a Windows Network Domain or Workgroup. Each user name has an assigned access
level that determines the us er's authorization for a given activity. Because the operating system
manages passwords internally, the InTouch HMI does not store passwords on the node hosting the

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Operating system-based security uses the InTouch AddP ermission() script function to define and
maintain a list of users and their corresponding access levels. This list, created after the execution of the
AddPermission() call, is written to disk. The file containing the authentication details of users is not
copied to NA D client nodes.
The operator can log on to the application by executing the Log on menu command under Security in
the WindowViewer Special menu (if the Special menu is shown), or you can create a custom log on
window with touch-sensitive input objects that are linked to internal security tags.
The commands used to establish security on an application are located under Security on the Special
menu in both WindowMaker and WindowViewer. The security commands are used to log on and off t he
application, change passwords, and to configure the list of valid user names, passwords, and access
For example, you can control access to a window, the visibility of an object, and so on, by specifying the
logged on operat or's access level must be greater than 2000.

Using ArchestrA-based Security

When you configure a node to use ArchestrA security, the InTouch HMI uses methods and dialog boxes
from Application Server for logon and logoff operations. Users are configured on the Application Server
Galaxy Repository node. For more information, see the Application Server documentation.
ArchestrA security enables you to easily define users and assign the operations they are allowed to
perform. Define security permissions in terms of the operations the users can perform using automation
objects. The basic approach consists of the following steps:
1. Define the security model.
2. Organize the automation objects according to the security model for protection.
3. Define the users according to the security model.
The system administrator defines the system users by creating corresponding us er profiles. The system
administrator then assigns one or more roles to each us er by selecting from a list of user roles predefined
in the security model.
If you are using InTouch wit h ArchestrA-based security, the maximum number of characters for a
password is 31.
InTouchView users are normally authenticated by means of a password-based log-on.

Using Smart Cards for Authentication

A Smart Card is a pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits. The card has secure storage for
data, including private keys and public key certificates. The card holder is authenticated through a
Personal Identification Number (PIN) and can be authoriz ed to access only particular data on the card.
You can configure an InTouch application to support Smart Cards for user aut hentication. Instead of the
application requiring a username, password, and domain to be provided, the Smart Card certificate and
associated PIN number can be used for authentication. You can also choose to log on with your name,
password, and domain instead of the Smart Card.
Operations that require user authentication, such as logging on or secured/ verified writes, can also take
advantage of Smart Card authentication. For more information, see Using Secured and Verified Writes
on page 179.

Setting up Smart Card Authentication

You must do the following to set up Smart Card authentication:

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Configure the InTouc h application to use either InTouch OS or A rchestrA OS security. The ArchestrA
security can be either user-based or group-based. You configure ArchestrA security using the
ArchestrA IDE. For more information, see the ArchestrA IDE documentation.
 Join the WindowViewer comput er to the correct domain for your net work.
 Within WindowMaker, enable Smart Card authentication for the InTouch application. For more
information, see Enabling Smart Card Aut hentication in WindowMak er on page 178.
 Configure the Smart Cards for the domain where you will use them.
 Install card drivers on the WindowViewer computer. Smart Card and their drivers are
hardware-specific. For information on installing and setting up your Smart Card reader, refer to the
documentation for your specific reader.
 Connect the Smart Card reader to the appropriate port of the WindowViewer computer. For
instructions, see the documentation that comes with the Smart Card.
o More than one Smart Card reader is required to perform verified write functions, which involve
more than one user.
o To use Smart Card with Terminal s erver and RDP clients, a Smart Card reader must be attached
to the client systems to enable Smart Card authentication. To connect a Smart Card reader to a
Terminal Server using RDP, you need to make sure that the RDP client connection settings have
the Smart Card option enabled under Local Devices and Re source s.

Enabling Smart Card Authentication in WindowMaker

You must enable Smart Card aut hentication in WindowMaker before you can use the Smart Card reader
for authentication.
To configure the Smart Card Option
1. Open WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, point to Security, point to Select Security Type, and then click ArchestrA or

Note: If you click Arche strA, be sure that you have c onfigured ArchestrA OS security (OS user-based or
OS group-based) using the ArchestrA IDE.

3. On the Special menu, click Smart Card Authentication so that a check mark appears. By default,
this is not checked.

Logging on with Your Smart Card

You can use a smart card to log on to InTouch WindowViewer. You must have an application with smart
card aut hentication enabled to use it to log on to the InTouch application.
Your smart card must contain at least one certificate that is configured in your domain. A smart card
reader must be attached to t he computer running WindowViewer. You will be required to ent er the P IN of
the smart card you are using.
If a smart card is not det ected in the reader when you try to log on, you are prompted to authenticate
using your user name and password instead.
You can use smart card for authentication for secured and verified data writes. For more information, see
Using Secured and Verified Writes on page 179.
To log on with your smart card
1. Run WindowViewer.
2. Insert your smart card if not already insert ed.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. On the Special menu, point to Security, and then click Log On. The Login dialog box appears.

If you have inserted your smart card, your log on certificate—the domain and the user name—is
shown in the dialog box.
The smart card log on dialog box also appears if the LogonCurrentUser() or PostLogonDialog()
functions execute from scripts in WindowViewer. These functions are available only in InTouc h
scripting, not in ArchestrA client scripting.
4. In the PIN box, enter the PIN for the smart card being used
If a smart card is not available, the system will prompt you to log on with your user ID and password.
5. Click OK. You are logged on to WindowViewer.

Note: Aft er you log on as a smart card user, you must keep the card in the smart card reader. If you
remove it, the system logs you off.

Using Secured and Verified Writes

You can configure an InTouch application so that operators can write data to Galaxy attributes that are
configured with certain security classifications:
 A "secured write" classification requires the run-time operator to enter his or her credentials to
complete the write operation.
 A "verified write" classification requires two signatures. An operat or can write data if the appropriate
credentials are provided, but authorization is also required by an additional verifier to complete the
write operation.
Secured and verified writes require the following:
 Security must be enabled for the Galaxy.
 ArchestrA security must be enabled for the InTouch application.
 Run-time operators must have the appropriate operational permissions configured within the Galaxy:
o An operator must have the "Can Modify Operate Attributes" operational permission to perform
either a S ecured Write or a Verified Write.
o A verifier must have the "Can Verify Writes" operational permission to confirm the verified write.
Regardless of who is currently logged on as the run-time user for the InTouch application, Secured or
Verified Writes always require user authentication. You can modify attributes configured with Secured or
Verified Write security classification even if you are not the logged-on user. This does not affect the
session of the logged-on us er.

Important: For Galaxies that have security enabled and are migrated to Application Server version 3.5,
the "Can Modify Operate Attributes" operational permission setting will be copied to the "Can Verify
Writes" attribute. Starting with Application Server 3. 5, Galaxies have the "Can Veri fy Writes" operational
permission setting disabled by default.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Within InTouch Tag Viewer, a run-time user can only writ e to an indirect tag with a reference to an
ArchestrA attribute.
You can use smart cards for authentication for secured and verified data writes. For more information,
see Using Secured and Verified Writes on page 179.

Performing a Secured Write

If you attempt to modify the value of an ArchestrA Galaxy attribute that has been configured with the
Secured Write security classification, you must authenticate yourself using either a valid security account
(domain name, username, and password) or a smart card. The smart card option is only available to you
if a smart card reader is attached to the WindowViewer computer.
You must have the "Can Modify Operate Attributes" operational permission within the Galaxy to perform
a secured write.
Your authentication for a secured write does not affect the session of the currently logged-on user. If you
previously logged on with your smart card, you must re -authenticate yourself.
To perform a secured write
1. Attempt to modify the value of an attribute configured with the Secured Write security classification.
The Secured Write dialog box appears. The Mode buttons are disabled if no smart card is available.

2. Add a comment for the write action by selecting from the predefined Comment list or by entering a
comment in the Comment text box. The comment is limited to 200 characters.
You can predefine a list of comments using the SignedWrite() script function, or you can enter a new
comment in the Comment text box. The predefined comments list is only accessible when using the
SignedWrite() script function.
3. If you are authenticating using a network user account, the user account options are shown.
Do the following.
a. In the Username box, type your user name. The name of the currently logged -on user is shown
by default. If no user is currently logged on, the box is blank.
b. In the Pa ssword box, type the password associated with the user name.
c. In the Domain box, type the domain name.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

d. Click OK.

4. If you are authenticating using a smart card, the smart card options appear.

Do the following to authenticate using a smart card.

a. In the Certificate list, select your smart card certificate. The certificate list appears as
domain_name/user_name. For a certificate to appear in the list, smart card must be currently
inserted into a reader attached to the computer. The certificate of the currently logged-on user is
shown by default. If you insert or remove a card while the Secured Write dialog box is open, the
certificate list automatically updates.
b. In the PIN box, the PIN for the smart card being used.
c. Click OK.
When a smart card is present, if you want to authenticate using your name, password, and domain
instead, click the Mode button. Go to Step 3.

Performing a Verified Write

If you attempt to modify the value for an ArchestrA Galaxy attribute that has been configured with the
Verified Write security classification, you must authenticate yours elf using either a valid security account
(domain name, username, and password) or a smart card. The writ e must also be verified by anot her
 The operator must have the "Can Modify Operate Attributes" operational permission to perform the
Verified Write.
 The verifier must also have the "Can Verify Writes" operational permission to confirm the Verified
Your authentication for a verified write do es not affect the session of the currently logged-on us er.
The smart card option is only available if a smart card reader is attached to the WindowViewer computer.
You can use smart cards for logging in as either an operator, a verifier, or both, but the operator and the
verifier must be two different people. If you previously logged on with your smart card, you must
re-authenticate yourself.
You have the following options:
 You can use two smart card readers and two smart cards.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 If you have only one smart card reader available, you can use one smart card reader with one smart
card for the Operator or for t he Verifier. When the Operator logs on using certificate number and P IN,
the Verifier needs to log on using the us ername and password or vice versa.
 You can use username and password aut hentication for both the operator and the verifier.
To perform a verified write
1. Attempt to Modify the value of an attribut e configured with the Verified Write security classification.
The Verified Write dialog box appears. The Mode buttons are disabled if no smart card is available.

2. Add a comment for the write action by selecting from the predefined Comment list or by entering
your own comment in the Comment box. The comment is limited to 200 characters.
The predefined comments list is only accessible when using the SignedWrite() script function.
3. If you are authenticating using a network user account, the user account options are shown.
Do the following.
a. In the Username box, type your user name. The name of the currently logged -on user is shown
by default. If no user is currently logged on, the box is blank.
b. In the Pa ssword box, type the password associated with the user name.
c. In the Domain box, type the domain name.
d. Click OK.
e. To Authenticate using a smart card instead, click the Certificate button. Go to Step 4.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. If you are authenticating using a smart card, the smart card options are shown.

Do the following to authenticate using a smart card.

a. In the Certificate list, select your smart card certificate. The certificate list appears as
domain_name/user_name. For a certificate to appear in the list, smart card must be currently
inserted into a reader attached to the computer. The certificate of the currently logged-on user is
shown by default, if the user logged on using a smart card. If you insert or remove a card while
the Secured Write dialog box is open, the certificate list automatically updates.
b. In the PIN box, type the PIN for the smart card being used.
c. Click OK.
d. When a smart card is present, if you want to authenticate using your name, password, and
domain instead, click the Mode button. Go to step 3.

Customizing the Secured/Verified Write Dialog Box

You can use the SignedW rite() script function to configure the following in the Secured Write or Verified
Write dialog box:
 Show a reas on message
 Populate the predefined Comment list

 Allow editing in the Comment text box

For information about the SignedWrite() function and how to use it, including syntax, parameters, and
detailed examples, see the Industrial Graphic Editor User Guide.

Working with the SignedWrite() Function at Run Time

It is possible to use the SignedWrite() function to directly assign a value to an attribute that requires a
Secured or Verified Write signature.
When you configure a value with Secured or Verified Write security classifications and modify it, the
Secured or Verified Writes dialog box appears. Depending on how the value is modified, the cont ent
appearing in the Secured or Verified Writes dialog box differs.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 If the value is modified using the SignedWrite() function, then the Secured or Verified Writes dialog
box shows options based on the parameter settings from the function.
 If the value is modified by a user operation, then the reason message area shows the field attribute
description, if there is one. If the attribute is not a field attribute or does not have a desc ription, then
the reason message area shows the description of the ApplicationObject to whic h the attribute
belongs. The predefined Comment list is not available.
You can view the reason message in the Secured Write or Verified Write dialog box when you try to
modify the value of the attribute in InTouch WIndowViewer. The dialog box displays the name of the
attribute and the new value that is written to the attribute.

Note: The reason description and the predefined Comment list and box are shown in the Secured Write
or Verified Write dialog box only in InTouch WindowViewer and not in Tag Viewer.

Managing Users and Setting Their Authorization Levels

To implement security for the group of users who need to use the InTouch HMI, you must:
 Assign user name and password authentication credentials to each user.
 Assign an InTouch authorization level (access level) to each user.

Configuring InTouch Security Authentication and Authorization

For each of your operators, you need to assign a user name, password, and access level.
The None and Admini strator names are res erved and only the password of the Administrat or can be
changed (the default is wonderware). After you configure user names for your application, change the
Administrator password. The Administrat or default access level (9999) is the highest and allows access
to all InTouch functions including the Configure Users command.
You can also link a User Input - Discrete button to the $ConfigureUs ers tag to allow an authorized
operator with an access level of equal to or greater than 9000 to access the Configure Users dialog box
to edit the security user name list. When the operator clicks the button, the value of the $ConfigureUsers
tag is set to 1 and the Configure Users dialog box appears. When the operator closes the dialog box,
the system resets the value to 0. This is a system discrete tag intended for write operation only.

Note: The $ConfigureUsers tag only works if the security type is set to InTouch. It does not work for
ArchestrA-based and operating system based security.

To configure security for operators of your application

1. On the WindowMaker Special menu, point to Security, and then click Log On.
2. Log on with your InTouch administrator account.
3. On the Special menu, point to Security, then click Configure Users. The Configure Users dialog
box appears.

4. To add a security account, do the following:

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

a. In the User Name box, type the name that you want to assign to the operator.
b. In the Pa ssword box, type an operator password up to a maximum of 29 characters.
c. In the Access Level box, type the operator’s access level (lowest = 0 to highest = 9999).
d. Click Add to add the user name to the InTouch security list.
5. To change a user name, select the name, mak e any changes, and then click Update.
6. To delet e a user name, select the name and then click Delete.
7. Click OK.

Changing an InTouch Operator Password at Run Time

Operators can change their passwords at run time using the Special menu in WindowViewer.
If you do not plan on showing the Special menu in WindowViewer, you can create a discrete button and
link it to the $ChangeP assword internal tag. W hen the value of $ChangeP assword tag is set to 1, the
Change Password dialog box appears. Operators can then change their passwords. When the operator
closes the dialog box, the system resets the $ChangePassword value to 0. This is a system discrete tag
intended for write operation only.
To change an operator password
1. On the Special menu, point to Security and then click Change Password. The Change Password
dialog box appears.

2. Configure the password. Do the following:

o In the Old Pa ssword box, type the old password.
o In the New Password box, type the new password.
o In the Verify Pa ssword box, type the new password again.
3. Click OK.

Setting Up Operating System-Based Authentication and Authorization

Operating system-based security authenticates InTouch users from a list of authorized Windows user
groups. You create Windows user groups either on the local computer or an Active Directory server. You
must associate Windows users to groups by adding them to specific groups. For more information on
creating user groups, see your Windows operating system documentation.
You then assign InTouc h access levels to the Windows groups using the AddP ermission() function in a
script. The AddPermission() function is typically called on application start -up so WindowViewer
recognizes all the authorized user groups when a user is ready to log on.
You typically specify operating system-based security immediately after you create an InTouc h
After you configure the InTouch application to use the operating system authentication and internal
InTouch authorization, the Change Password, LogOn, Configure Users and LogOff commands on
the Special...Security menu are unavailable.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To set operating system-based security and configure access levels

1. On the WindowMaker Special menu, point to Security, point to Select Security Type,and then click
2. On the Special menu, point to Scripts, and then click Application Scripts. The Application Script
dialog box appears.

3. In the Condition Type list, click On Startup.

4. Use the AddPermission() function to specify the group names and corresponding access levels. The
arguments for AddPermission() are operating system (or domain), group name, and access level.
5. Click OK.

Setting Up ArchestrA-Based Security

The ArchestrA security system is a global function that applies to every object in the Galaxy database. It
is a relationship-based system between users and the objects and functions of the Galaxy. This system
is based on security roles (configuration, system administration, and run-time permissions) and security
groups, which determine a particular security role’s run -time permissions on an object-level basis.
Configuration of the security system is done in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE ) and
applied to every object through its own editor.
After you configure the InTouch application to use ArchestrA aut hentication, the Change Password,
LogOn, Configure Users and LogOff commands on the Special...Security menu are unavailable in
To set ArchestrA-based security
1. Open a window in WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, point to Security, point to Select Security Type, and then click ArchestrA.

AddPermission() Function
Assigns a certain InTouch access level to a given user group on the local system or on the domain. When
a user belonging to t hat group logs on to t he InTouch HMI after t he AddPermission() function is called, he
or she receives the specified access level.
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "Domain", "Group", AccessLevel);

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Name of the domain or local computer in which the group is located.
Windows user group.
InTouch access level that you want to associate with the given group.
Valid for operating system security only. When this function is called, it checks for the presenc e of the
specified group in the specified domain or workgroup. If successful, TRUE is returned, and the specified
Access Level is associated with the group for subsequent user log ons. In all other cases, (that is, if an
invalid value is specified for any of the arguments) FALSE is returned.
This function is typically configured to run on application start up. It does not affect users that are currently
logged on. Only users that log on after AddPermission() is successfully called receive the access level
associated with their group.
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "corporate_hq", "InTouchAdmins", 9000);
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "johns01", "InTouchUsers", 5000);
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),

ChangePassword() Function
Shows the Change Password dialog box, allowing the logged on operator to change his/her password.
Return Value
Returns one of the following int eger values:
0 = Cancel was pressed.
1 = OK was pressed.
If the operat or uses a touch screen, the operator can use the alphanumeric keyboard to enter the new
The following script can be plac ed on a button or called from a condition script or data change script.

$AccessLevel System Tag

Defines the access level of the currently logged-in user .

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The value for this tag is determined by the access level assigned to the currently logged-in user's security
profile within the InTouch HMI. This profile can be accessed using the Configure Users menu in
The actual numeric value of $AccessLevel has no meaning to WindowViewer, except that a value of
9000 or greater indicates administrative privileges and enables the Security menu within
WindowViewer. Use the $AccessLevel system tag to further customize security within the system.
Data Type
Integer (read only)
Valid Values
0 through 9999
The following statement is used for t he visibility link to make an object, such as a button, visible based on
the logged on user's access level:
$AccessLevel >= 2000;
{Objects can have a "disable" link associated with them, with the expression based
on $AccessLevel.}
$AccessLevel < 5411;
IF $AccessLevel <=500 THEN
Show "Access Denied"; {popup window denying access}
Show "Access Granted"; {popup window granting access}
See Also
$Operat or, $OperatorEntered, $PasswordEntered; $ConfigureUsers

$ChangePassword System Tag

Shows the Change Password dialog box.
Set this value to 1 to show the Change Password dialog box. The value of the $ChangePassword
system tag resets to 0 when the dialog box closes. If you set this system tag to a value other than 1, the
results are undefined.
Data Type
Discrete (write only)

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Valid Values
You can create a discrete push button that opens the Change Password dialog box. Assign a single
discrete push button link, with the Set option selected, to the push button. When the button is pressed,
the $ChangeP assword system tag is set to 1, and the Change Password dialog box opens.
See Also
$AccessLevel, $OperatorEntered, $PasswordEntered, $Operator, $ConfigureUsers

$ConfigureUsers System Tag

Shows the Configure Users dialog box.
This function only works with InTouch security.
Set the value to 1 to open Configure Users dialog box.
The value of this system tag resets to 0 when the dialog box closes. If you set this system tag to a value
other than 1, the results are undefined.
The user must have an $AccessLevel of >9000 to show this dialog box.
Data Type
Discrete (write only)
Valid Values
You can create a discrete push button that opens the Configure Users dialog box. Assign a single
discrete push button link, with the Set option selected, to the push button. When the button is pressed,
the $ConfigureUsers system tag is set to 1, and the Configure Users dialog box opens.
See Also
$Operat or, $OperatorEntered, $ChangePassword, $P asswordEntered, $AccessLevel

Logging On and Off

Logging on to and logging off from an InTouch application varies by the type of security used to protect
an application.

Logging on to an InTouch-Secured Application

If the logon information is entered incorrectly or is invalid, a message indicates the log on attempt failed.
If t he log on is successful, the $AccessLevel system tag is set to the predefined value associated with the
user in the InTouch security user list.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: You can also show the Log On dialog box using the PostLogonDialog() function. For more
information, see PostLogonDialog() Function on page 191.

To log on to an application
1. On the Special menu, point to Security, and then click Log On. The Log On dialog box appears.
2. In the Name box, type your user name.
3. In the Pa ssword box, type your password.
4. Click OK.

Logging On to an Operating System-Secured Application

When a user logs on to an InTouch application, a dialog box appears requiring the following:
 User name
 Password
 Domain or local comput er name
The domain/ user name combination is passed to the operating system to authenticate the user’ s
credentials. An attempt is made to log on with or without enabling the operating system cache. If the user
cannot be logged on without the cache (due to a net work outage, for example), but the user was
previously authenticated with the cache enabled, then the user’s full name and access level is obtained
from the local InTouch cache.
If all of the security checks are cleared successfully, the user is considered to be logged on to the
InTouch HMI and the relevant data structures (for example, $Operator) are updat ed. Otherwise, an error
message is shown.
If the operator has never logged on successfully before and the domain is unavailable, the logon attempt
fails. The InTouch HMI logs a system event to the error log.
If the password is expired, an error message is shown. After the operat or clicks OK, the Change
Expired Password dialog box appears, so that the operator can change the password and attempt to
log on again with the new password.

Logging On to an ArchestrA-Secured Application

Users typically log on and log off from an ArchestrA-sec ured InTouch application by entering a valid user
name and password.
If your InTouch application has been configured for the ArchestrA security "None", the log on credentials
of the default user are used and the operator is not prompted to log on. The following procedure assumes
your system has been configured for ArchestrA authentication modes, such as "Galaxy", "OS User
based", or "OS Group based".
To log on
1. Start the ArchestrA-secured InTouch application. A log in dialog box appears.
2. Type a valid user name and password. If the system cannot authenticate you, you are prompted
again to log on.
After the system authenticates your logon credentials, access to all future operations is gra nted based on
your associated roles/permissions in the security model.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Logging Off from an InTouch Application

Operators log off from an InTouch application after completing their work. You can also configure an
application to automatically log off an operat or after a specified amount of time has elapsed without any
activity by the operator. For more information, see Configuring an Inactivity Time-Out on page 167.
To log off from an application
 On the Special menu, point to Security and then click Log Off.

Creating a Custom Logon Window

If the Special menu is not shown in WindowViewer, you can create a custom logon window for operator
to log on to the application.
To create a custom log on window
 Link the $OperatorE ntered, $PasswordEntered and $Operat orDomainEntered system tags to user
input objects or use them in a script to set the user name, password, and domain name. These tags
are internal message type tags that are int ended for write operation only.
The $OperatorDomainEntered tag is required only if the security mode is operating system -based.
Otherwise, this tag is ignored. If the security mode is operating system -based and the
$Operat orDomainEntered is null, it is treated as pointing to the local comput er.
When a value is written to the $PasswordEntered system tag, a logon attempt occurs using the
$Operat orEnt ered, $PasswordE ntered, and $OperatorDomainE ntered system tag values. No logon
occurs if values are written to only the $Operat orEntered or $Operat orDomainEntered system tags.
If the entries are valid, the $AccessLevel and $Operator internal tags are set to their predefined values
(configured in the security user list).
You can also link a User Input - Discrete button to the $ConfigureUs ers tag to allow an authorized
operator with an access level of equal to or greater than 9000 to access the Configure Users dialog box
to edit the security user name list. When the operator clicks the button, the value of the $ConfigureUsers
tag is set to 1 and the Configure Users dialog box appears. When the operator closes the dialog box,
the system resets the value to 0. (This is a system discrete tag intended for writ e operation only.)

Note: The $ConfigureUsers tag only works if the security type is set to InTouch. It does not work for
ArchestrA-based security.

PostLogonDialog() Function
Shows the InTouch Logon dialog box and returns TRUE.
See Also
InvisibleV erifyCredentials(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(), IsAssigne dRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

LogonCurrentUser() Function
Logs on to InTouch with a user account that is currently logged on to the Windows operating system.
 InTouch configured with OS security: the user is logged on to WindowViewer.
 InTouch configured with Arc hestrA security: the user must be a member of ArchestrA OS user-based
or OS group-based security.
 InTouch configured with A rchestrA OS user -based or OS group-based security and the user account
is configured with smart card credentials: user is logged on using the smart card credentials. The
user is logged off if the smart card is removed from the reader.
IntegerResult = LogonCurrentUser();
Return Value
Returns -1 and no change to the values assigned to $Operator, $OperatorName, $OperatorDomain, and
$AccessLevel if the logon fails.
This function is available only in InTouc h scripting, not in ArchestrA client scripting.
IntegerResult = LogonCurrentUser();
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),
QueryGroupMembership(), AddPermission()

Logoff() Function
Logs the user off from an InTouch application.
security (write only)
DiscreteTag = LogOff();
Logs off the currently logged on user and sets the current user status to the default none operator.
DiscreteTag = LogOff();
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),
QueryGroupMembership(), AddPermission()

AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function
The AttemptInvisibleLogon() function can be used in a script to log on a user to InTouch using the
supplied credentials. The us er is not required to enter a password or user ID.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon( "UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
A valid user account name.
Password of the user.
Name of the local c omput er, work group, or domain to which the user belongs. This argument applies
only if the current security type is operating system-based.
Return Value
Returns TRUE if authentication is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
An attempt is made to log on to the InTouch HMI using the supplied credentials.
 If the logon attempt succeeds, then TRUE is returned and the $OperatorDomain, $OperatorName,
$AccessLevel, and $Operator system tags are updated accordingly.
 If the log on attempt fails, then FA LSE is returned, and the currently logged on us er (if any) continues
to be the current user.
The Domain argument is only valid for operating system-bas ed security. If ArchestrA security mode is in
use and if ArchestrA security is in turn using operating system-based security, the UserId argument
should contain the fully qualified user name with domain name or computer name.
When security is operating system-bas ed:
DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon("UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
When security is either InTouch-based or ArchestrA-based:
DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon("UserId", "Password", "" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

$OperatorEntered System Tag

Used to enter a valid us er name.
You can use this tagname to create a custom log -on window. You can link touch-sensitive input objects
and/or QuickScripts to this tag to set the user name for the logon.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: When the $OperatorEntered system tag is valid, $AccessLevel and $Operator system tags are set
to their pre-defined values.

Data Type
Message (write only)
See Also
$AccessLevel, $Operator, $PasswordEnt ered, $ChangeP assword, $ConfigureUsers

$PasswordEntered System Tag

Used to enter a valid password.
The $PasswordE ntered system tag always reads as an empty string. Display links tied to this system tag
are always blank. Because the tag always returns an empty string, data change scripts never trigger off
of this tag. You can use this tagname to create a custom log-on window. You can link touch-sensitive
input objects and/or scripts to this tag to set the password for the user.

Note: When the $PasswordEntered is valid, the $AccessLevel and $Operator system tags are set to
their pre-defined values.

Data Type
Message (write only)
See Also
$AccessLevel, $Operator, $OperatorE ntered, $ChangePassword, $ConfigureUs ers

$OperatorDomainEntered System Tag

The domain name as entered by the operator.
Whenever the $PasswordE ntered tag changes, a log on is attempted without showing a dialog box. The
log on attempt uses the $*Entered tags as input user name and the string value of
$Operat orDomainEntered as the domain name (used only if t he current mode is operating system -based
security). If the mode is not operating system-based, this tag is ignored.
Data Type
$OperatorEntered == "john";
$OperatorDomainEntered == "Corporate_HQ";
$PasswordEntered == "password";

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

See Also
$Operat or

Enabling and Disabling Functionality Based Upon Operator or

Access Levels
After you implement security for your application, you can use the $AccessLevel and $Operat or security
tags on buttons, in animation link expressions, or in QuickScripts to control whet her or not the logged on
operator is allowed to perform specific application functions.
For example, to make an object become visible based on the access level of the logged on user, use the
following statement in a visibility animation link expression:
$AccessLevel >= 2000;
Or, a script can be bounded by an IF statement:
IF $Operator == "DayShift" THEN
Show "Control Panel Window";
{and other lines that only execute for the DayShift Operator}
You can also control an object's touch functionality based upon the value of an internal security tag by
using the Dis able animation link. For example:

By using this expression, the object or button is secured from tampering if no one is logged on.

InvisibleVerifyCredentials() Function
The InvisibleVerify Credentials() function can be used in a synchronous QuickScript to verify the
credentials of the given user without logging the user on to the I nTouch HMI.
AnalogTag=InvisibleVerifyCredentials( "UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
Windows operating system user account name that is part of local computer, work group, or domain.
Password for the account.
The Windows domain for the account.
If the supplied combination of user, password, and domain are valid then the corresponding access level
associated with the user is returned as an integer. Otherwise, -1 is returned.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: The InvisibleVerifyCredentials() function must be run from a synchronous QuickScript. The
function always returns -1 if run from an asynchronous QuickScript.

This function does not change the currently logged on user. The Domain argument is onl y valid for
operating system-based security. If ArchestrA security is in use and if ArchestrA security is in turn using
operating system-based security, the UserId argument should contain the fully qualified user name with
domain name or computer name.
AnalogTag=InvisibleVerifyCredentials( "john", "Password", "corporate_hq" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), Attempt InvisibleLogon(), IsAssignedRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

Retrieving Information About the Currently Logged-on

Auditing is a primary function of any security system. You can use a set of security system tags to identify
the users who logged on to an InTouch application, the domain from whic h the user log ged on, and when
the attempt was made.

GetAccountStatus() Function
Returns the number of days until the user’s password expires.
Result=GetAccountStatus(Domain, UserID);
Name of the domain or local computer in which the us er account is located.
UserI D
Windows user account name that is part of the loc al computer, workgroup, or domain.
Return Value
This function also returns the following values:

Result Description

-1 Account password expired

-2 Account password never expires

-3 Account locked out

-4 Account disabled

-5 Account info failed

Use this script function wit h operating system-based security. Do not use this function with the ArchestrA
security mode.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If the GetAccountStatus() function is used with ArchestrA security, the script attempts to retrieve the
account information directly from the domain controller. This works as long as the ArchestrA Galaxy
Repository is using operating system security with the same domain.
Status = GetAccountStatus("Corporate_HQ","Operator");

IsAssignedRole() Function
Determines whether the currently logged on user is a member of the s pecified user role. Only applies to
ArchestrA security.
DiscreteTag=IsAssignedRole( "RoleName" );
The role associated with an Application Server us er.
Valid for ArchestrA security mode only and applies to the currently logged on us er. If a user is currently
logged on and has the RoleName role assigned in the Galaxy IDE, then TRUE is returned. Otherwise,
FALSE is returned.
DiscreteTag=IsAssignedRole( "Administrators" );
See Also
AttemptInvisibleLogon(), PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), QueryGroupMembership(),

QueryGroupMembership() Function
Determines whet her the currently logged on user is a member of the specified user group. Only applies
to operating system security.
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "Domain", "Group" );
Name of the domain or local computer in which the group is located
Name of the group.
Valid for operating system security mode only and applies to the currently logged on us er. If a user is
currently logged on and if he or she is part of the group located on the domain, then TRUE is returned.
Otherwise, FALSE is returned.

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The QueryGroupMembership() function works with operating system-based security and with ArchestrA
security only when the ArchestrA security is set to operating system-based security.
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "corporate_hq", "InTouchAdmins" );
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "JohnS01", "InTouchUsers" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),

$OperatorName System Tag

Cont ains the full name of the operator if operating system-bas ed or A rchestrA authentication is us ed and
someone has logged on and has not logged off. Otherwise, the tag contains the name of the user logged
on (same contents as the $Operator tag).
Data Type
String (read-only)
IF $OperatorName <> "" THEN
{Configure some defaults}
See Also
$Operat or

$OperatorDomain System Tag

Cont ains a different value depending on the type of security used:
 If operating system-based security is selected and an operator has successfully logged on, the
$Operat orDomain tag cont ains the domain or node name that was specified at log on.
 If ArchestrA security is selected and a user is logged on, the $OperatorDomain cont ains "ArchestrA."
 If InTouch security is selected, the $OperatorDomain tag contains the string "InTouch".
 If "None" is selected, it is a empty string ("").
Data Type
IF $OperatorDomain == "PRODUCTION" THEN
{Allow change to setpoint}
{Change denied}
See Also
$Operat or

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

$Operator System Tag

Cont ains the logon name of the user logged on.
Data Type

$VerifiedUserName System Tag

Cont ains the verified user's full name if the call to the InvisibleVerifyCredentials() function is successful
and if the security mode is set to operating system-based or ArchestrA Application Server-bas ed
security. If the call fails, then the system tag is set to null.
When the $V erifiedUserName system tag changes (when the InvisibleVerifyCredentials() function is
called), an event is generat ed.
Data Type
Message (read only)
Valid Values
A user's full name.
Tag = InvisibleVerifyCredentials( "john","password" , "Plant_Floor");{ If the
call is successful, the $VerifiedUserName is set to "John Smith" and an Operator
Event is generated. If the above call is not successful, $VerifiedUserName is
set to "".}
See Also
InvisibleV erifyCredentials(); $OperatorName, $Oper ator

Summary of Security System Tags and Functions

The following table shows which security system tags and functions you can use with the different
security modes.

Operating System
Arche strA
InTouch Security Security Security

$AccessLevel Yes Yes Yes

$ChangePassword Yes Yes Yes

$ConfigureUsers Yes No No

$InactivityTimeout Yes Yes Yes

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Operating System
Arche strA
InTouch Security Security Security

$InactivityWarning Yes Yes Yes

$Operat or Yes Yes Yes

$Operat orDomain No Yes Yes*

$Operat orDomainEntered No Yes Yes*

$Operat orEnt ered Yes Yes Yes

$Operat orName Yes Yes Yes

$PasswordEntered Yes Yes Yes

$VerifiedUserName No Yes Yes

AddPermission() No Yes No

AttemptInvisibleLogon() Yes Yes Yes

ChangePassword() Yes No No

EnableDisableKeys() Yes Yes Yes

GetAccountStatus() No Yes Yes*

InvisibleV erifyCredentials() No Yes Yes*

IsAssignedRole() No No Yes

Logoff() Yes Yes Yes

LogonCurrentUser() No Yes Yes*

PostLogonDialog() Yes Yes Yes

QueryGroupMembership() No Yes Yes*

* When ArchestrA security is OS user or group based

Application Manager Operations Allowed for a Non

Administrator User
The operations allowed for a non-administrator users are a subs et of the operations allowed for a
administrator. Restricting access to essential operations for non -administrator users will prevent security
threats. The following table lists the operations under each tab of the InTouch HMI Application Manager.
InTouch Tab
Operation Non-Admini strator

New Application No

Launch WindowMak er No

Launch WindowViewer Yes

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Operation Non-Admini strator

DBLoad No

DBDump No

Delet e Application No

Rename Application No

Application Properties No

Export as Template No

Import Application No

OPC UA Server Setting Yes

Find Applications Yes

Export for IoT Yes

Upload to AVEVA Connect Yes

Configure Users for Edge Device No

Publish Tag data as AVEVA Insight data sourc e Yes

Node Properties

App Development > Start following application in No

WindowViewer as a Service
App Development > Enable Network Application Yes
Resolution Yes

Memory Settings No

Performance No

Refresh Yes

Views Yes

AVEVA Connect Login Yes

Change Thumbnail Yes

Open Application Folder Yes

Web Client Tab

Operation Non-Admini strator

Enable Web Client No

Securing InTouch AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Operation Non-Admini strator

Launch Web Client Yes

Web Client Settings

Graphic Refresh Rate No

Alarm Refresh Rate No

Web Client Site Name No

Show Header No

Enable NavBar No

Allow Anonymous Access No

AIM Registration Settings

Use AIM Server as the authentication server No

Identity Server N/A

User Name No

Password No

Secure Gateway No

Allow Industrial Graphics to be No

embedded in any website

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Switching a Language at Run Time
About Switching a Language at Run Time
You can develop applications that can be switched to another language at run time.
To enable run-time language switching, you must complet e the following tasks:
 Configure multiple languages for the application.
 Export your application text for offline translation.
 Translat e one or more exported dictionary files.
 Import one or more translated dictionary files.
As part of the setup for run-time language switching, you can also localize alarm comments and alarm
fields. In addition to switching the run-time language of text strings, you can also configure run-time
language switching of alarm comments, alarm states, alarm types, and alarm classes in the Alarm
Viewer and Alarm DB View controls.

Configuring Languages for Run-time Language Switching

E very InTouc h application is associated with a base language used to develop the application. You must
configure any additional languages that you want to support.

Note: If you are using language switching in combination with Network Application Development (NAD),
we recommended that you set the change mode to "Restart WindowViewer" or "Prompt user to restart
WindowViewer" instead of "Load changes into WindowViewer" or "Prompt user to load changes into
WindowViewer" for the NAD client node.

To configure languages for run-time language switching

1. In WindowMaker, open the application for which you want to configure languages.
2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Configure Languages. The Configure
Languages dialog box appears.

The Configure Languages dialog box shows the base language of the application.
3. Click Add. The Add Language dialog box appears.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

4. Specify the language and font settings. Configuring the font settings defines the default font
properties of your translated text.
o In the By Name or the Locale ID list, click the language to add. If you select the language by
name, the corres ponding locale ID appears in the Locale ID list, and vic e versa.
o Click Font. The Font dialog box opens. Configure the font and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Add Language dialog box. The language you configured is listed in the
Configure Languages dialog box.

6. To add more languages, repeat steps 3 through 5.

7. When you are done, click Close.
To remove a language:
a. Select the language you want to remove from the Configure Languages dialog box.
b. Click Remove.
The Confirm Delete dialog box appears to verify that you want to remove the language from the
c. Click Yes.
The Configure Languages dialog box refres hes and shows the language has been delet ed.
To set a default language:
a. Select the language you want to set as the default for the application on the Configure
Languages dialog box.
b. Click Set Default.
The Configure Languages dialog box refres hes and shows the default language of the
application in the bottom left corner.

Changing the Font Settings for a Configured Language

The default font for all languages is Tahoma. The font style and siz e depends on the corresponding
settings for the individual phrases in the base language. You can change the font setting for a language
that you have already configured. Because of the differences bet ween the textual dis play of different
languages, you can specify an appropriate font to ensure that your t ranslat ed text fits correctly on buttons
and ot her objects.
To change the font settings for a configured language
1. In WindowMaker, open the application for which you want to change font s ettings for a configured

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Configure Languages. The Configure
Languages dialog box appears.

3. In the list of languages, select the target language, and then click Modify Font. A standard Windows
Font dialog box appears.
4. Make your changes and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Configure Languages dialog box.

Adding Run-Time Language Switching Functionality

Run-time users can switch the language of an application interface by using the WindowViewer
Language command on the Special menu.
You can also add a button to your application to allow run-time users to switch the language. Before you
start, make sure that you have configured the additional language for the application and that you know
the locale ID for the language. For more information on configuring languages for an application, see
Configuring Languages for Run-time Language S witching on page 203.
To add a button for switching languages at run time
1. In WindowMaker, open the application window that you want to add the language switching button.
2. In the window, draw a button.
3. Assign a text label to the button that indicates the language to be switched to when selected.
4. Double-click the button. The animation selection dialog box appears.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

5. In the Touch Pushbuttons area, click Action. The Touch -> Action Script dialog box appears.

6. Double-click anywhere in the script area of the Touch -> Action Script dialog box. The Select Tag
dialog box appears.

7. Click the $Language system tag and then click OK.

Set the $Language system tag equal to the locale ID of t he language you are assigning t o the button
and click OK.

Note: You can also us e the script function SwitchDisplayLanguage(LocaleID) instead of the $Language

8. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

SwitchDisplayLanguage() Function
Switches the display of visible, static texts and alarm fields in a desired language for which translated
strings are provided.
LocaleI D
The language in which static text strings and alarm fields are to be shown at run time.
In this example, German is the language to be shown at run time.
See Also
$Language system tag

$Language System Tag

If multiple languages are defined for an InTouc h application, the $Language system tag reflects the value
of the Language ID for the currently shown language. By default this is the language ID (locale ID) of the
base InTouch system (E/F/G/J/SC). Setting this to another ID switches strings and alarm fields with
defined values in the new language.

Note: The $Language tag is configured as a local tag to allow independent language switching in the
Web Client. Multiple user sessions can view the web client in different languages. The change in
language in the web client will not affect the language selected in WindowViewer and vice versa.

Data Type
Integer (read / write)

Exporting Application Text for Offline Translation

If your InTouch application has many strings, you typically send the text strings out for bulk translation.
You can export your application’s strings for translation and keep them organized using a text ed itor, an
XML editor, or a spreadsheet program like Micros oft Excel.
You can export static text from the following:
 Text objects.
 Button text.
 Text inside SmartSymbols.
 Tooltip static text.
 User messages.
 On/off messages inside input links.
 On/off messages in out put links.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Text on wizards.
You cannot export the dictionary until you close all windows in WindowMaker. If you make changes to
your application after you export your dictionary files, you must export the dictionary file again. For more
information, see Exporting Text to an Existing Dictionary File on page 208.
You can only export the text strings for one language at a time. By default, the InTouc h HMI opens the My
InTouch Applications folder. If you choose any other folder, the InTouch HMI then defaults to that path.
Creating a new folder to export phrases for e ach language makes it easy to manage dictionary files. For
example, ...\My InTouch Applications\My German Files\.
The InTouch HMI creates a dictionary file for your application and a separate dictionary file for each
SmartSymbol within the application. The application dictionary name has a format of application
name_localeID whereas SmartSymbol dictionary files have a format of SSD_Name of the
When you export the dictionary for an application, the file is an .xml file that you can edit using Microsoft
Excel 2003 or later.
To export application text for offline translation
1. Start WindowMaker and open the application for which you want export text strings for offline
2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Export Dictionary. The Export Dictionary
dialog box appears.

3. Configure the export settings.

o In the Defined Languages list, click the language dictionary to export.
o In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to export the dictionary. Click Brow se to select
an existing folder or create a new folder.
4. Click Export. The export progress is shown. If the ex port is successful, the Export Succe ssful
dialog box appears.
5. Click Close to return to the WindowMaker window or click Close and Launch Explorer to open the
folder containing the dictionary files.

Exporting Text to an Existing Dictionary File

After you export your application text for offline translation, you might need to make changes to your
application. If you change the application, you need to export the text again. For more information, see
Exporting Application Text for Offline Translation on page 207.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If you export more than one time to the same directory, the Confirm File Replace dialog box appears.

If you click Yes, the existing .xml files are updated with any new strings and language information added
since you export ed last. If the existing dictionary file contains translations for any phrases and you
imported it to the InTouch HMI previously, those translations a re preserved. If you deleted any phrases
from the application since the last export, they are removed from the dictionary file.

Translating an Exported Dictionary File

After you export the dictionary file containing your application text, use Microsoft Excel 2003 or later to
edit the text.
The InTouch HMI creates a separate dictionary file for each language that you export. The InTouch HMI
also creates separat e dictionary files for each SmartSymbol in your application. Be sure to translate all
dictionary files for all languages and SmartSymbols.
To translate an exported dictionary file
1. Open the XML file in Excel. The Open XML dialog box appears.

2. Click As an XML list, then click OK. A message may appear.

3. Click OK.
The XML file opens in Excel with columns for the:
o Phrases in your application.
o Translat ed phras es from the translator.
o Translat ed font name.
o Translat ed font properties.
o Translat ed font size.
o Base font properties.
o Base font size.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Cont ext, phrase ID, language ID and foreign language ID.

Important: Only modify data in the Translation, TranslatedFontSize, TranslatedFontName, and

TranslatedFontProperty columns. Do not change any column header. Do not insert or delet e rows.

4. Type the language-specific text in the Translation column in the row that corresponds with the base
language string in the Phrase column.
5. If necessary, change the font parameters for the translated strings to fit the text in the space allowed
in WindowViewer.
o In TranslatedFontName column, type the font name.
o In the TranslatedFontP roperty column, type the not ation for the font properties:
B = bold
I = italic
U = underline
For example, if you want to the text to be bold, type B in the TranslatedFontProperty column. If
you want the text to be bold and underlined, type BU in the TranslatedFontProperty column.
6. Save the file using XML Data as the file type.

Important: If you save as another file type, such as XML Spreadsheet, Excel changes the schema and
the InTouch HMI cannot load the file. If you change the name of the XML file, run-time language
switching does not work.

Importing Translated Dictionary Files

The InTouch HMI creates a dictionary file for each language that you export. The InTouch HMI also
creates separate dictionary files for each SmartSymbol in your application. A fter translation, you must
import the dictionary files for eac h language to enable run-time language switching for those languages.
All dictionary files for a given language should be placed in the same folder.
To import a translated dictionary file
1. Start WindowMaker and open the application to import translated dictionary files into.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Import Dictionary. The Import Dictionary
dialog box opens.

3. Configure the import settings.

o In the Defined Languages list, click the language dictionary to import.
o In the Path box, type the path to the dictionary file to import. Click Browse to browse and select
the file.
4. Click Import.
5. If you are re-importing a SmartSymbol dictionary file, you are prompted to replace the existing file.
If the import is successful, the Import Successful dialog box appears.

Exporting Alarm Comments for Translation

You can export alarm comments for translation.
You export the Alarm State, Alarm Type, and Alarm Class fields for:
 All tags with an alarm comment.
 All tags with a tag comment.
 System tags so you can localize comments shown in clients when events are raised by system tags.

Understanding Two-Character Application IDs

When you export alarm and tag comments for localization, you must specify a two-c haracter application
ID. The ID is used internally by the system to distinguish between alarms generated by applications
having the same name.
Because a tag can contain both a tag comment and an alarm comment, 1 and 2 are added after the
two-character application ID to differentiat e between these two fields. Tag comments have a 1 bet ween
the ID and the tag name. Alarm comments have a 2 between the ID and the tag name. For example,
AA1TankLevel is a tag comment, and AA2TankLevel is an alarm comment.
If you export an application, the application ID information is removed.
If the alarm database contains old data without a two -character application ID and new records are
prefixed with an ID, then alarm comment queries in the Alarm DB View control do not work wit h the
following operators: <, <=, >, and >=.

Exporting Alarm Comments

You can export alarm comments for translation.

Caution: Before exporting alarm and tag comments, back up any files in your target directory in case of
possible dat a corruption or errors.

To export alarm comments for offline translation

1. Start WindowMaker and open the application for which you want export alarm comments for offline

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Export Alarm Fields. The Export Alarm
Fields dialog box appears.

3. In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to export the dictionary. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
4. In the Two characters representing Unique application box, type the two characters. The ID can
only contain alphanumeric characters and it is case-sensitive.

Caution: If you previously exported alarm or tag comments from this application, you must use the same
two-character application ID when you export them the next time. If you enter a new two -character
application ID, the InTouch HMI regenerates the IDs for all the alarms and tags, which causes all existing
translations to be lost.

5. Click Export to export the information to an XML dictionary file.

The InTouch HMI creates an individual ex port file for each configured language. All the dictionary
files for different languages are exported to the single directory you specify.
If a duplicate file exists for any language being exported, you are prompted with the name of the file.
You can cancel the export or continue the export operation.
If the export is successful, the Export Succe ssful dialog box appears.

Note: If the size of the alarm comment configured in the t ag dictionary is greater than 127 characters
or the tag comment is greater than 46 characters, the alarm or tag comment is not exported. You are
notified that the comment was not exported to the dictionary file at the end of the export process and
an AlarmComment.log or TagComment.log file is created in the export directory.

6. Click Close to return to the WindowMaker window or click Close and Launch Explorer to open the
folder containing the dictionary file.

Exporting to an Existing Alarm Comment File

After you export your alarm and tag comments for offline translation, you may need to make changes to
your application that require you to export alarm and tag comments again. For more information, see
Exporting Alarm Comments for Translation on page 211.
If you export more than one time to the same directory, the Confirm File Replace dialog box appears.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Click Yes to update the existing dictionary files wit h any new strings and language information added
since you export ed last. If the existing dictionary file contains translations for any phrases and you
imported it to InTouch previously, those translations are preserved. If you deleted any phrases from the
application since the last export, they are removed from the dictionary file.
Click Yes to All to update existing dictionary files for all languages configured in the InTouch HMI.
Click No or No to All to prevent overwriting the existing file or the existing files for all languages,
The existing translations for any alarm comments, alarm fields and tag comments are preserved if they
are exported again.

Editing the Dictionary File

After creating the dictionary file, you need to edit the strings.
The name of the dictionary file is created from the two -character application ID and the language being
exported. For example, if the configured language is Chinese(P RC)-2052 and two-c haracter application
ID is AA, the resulting file name is AA_2052_ AlarmComment.xml. The file is written using the same
XML schema used by the run-time language switching files.
The general structure of the dictionary file is as follows:

Enter the translation for the translation strings. Do not change any of the other information.
You can override some of the Alarm State, Alarm Type, and Alarm Class values. The maximum allowed
length for these values is 50 characters.
The following Alarm State values can be overridden for InTouch generated alarms:

Value to override Default string to be shown





The following Alarm Type values can be overridden for InTouch generated alarms:

Value to override Default string to be shown




Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Value to override Default string to be shown














The following Alarm Class values can be overridden for InTouch generat ed alarms:

Value to override Default string to be shown






Importing Translated Alarm Comments

After translating the strings, you must import the dictionary files for each language to enable run -time
language switching for those languages.
After you import the translated alarm comment dictionary files, they are copied into the respective
language folders inside the application directory.
Any translated alarm comments for an existing application are overwritten with the contents of the
imported files and the application version ($A ppVersion) increments by 1.
To import multiple dictionary files from other nodes to support localization of alarm fields from multiple
nodes, copy the translated dictionary files from the ot her nodes into a single di rectory. Select this
directory as the import path. Multiple dictionary files are imported on a single import operation. The
InTouch HMI automatically creates the file path based on the language being imported.

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To import a translated alarm comment file

1. Start WindowMaker and open the application to import translated dictionary files into.
2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click Import Alarm Fields. The Import Alarm
Fields dialog box appears.

3. In the Path box, type the path to the dictionary file to import or click Browse to browse and select the
4. Click Import. If there is no translation done in the dictionary file, a dialog box appears saying that
there are no translated dictionary files to import.
5. Click OK. If the import is successful, the Import Successful dialog box appears.

Testing the Language Switching Functionality at Run Time

After you enable run-time language switching in your application, test the language switching
functionality. Language switching of alarm and tag comments and alarm fields can be viewed only in the
Alarm Viewer and Alarm DB View controls.
As you work with localized alarm and tag comments, be aware of the following:
 If the alarm or tag comment hasn't been translated to the language specified by $Language, the
default comment appears in the alarm client.
 If an Alarm Viewer control is querying from multiple providers, the alarm comment, tag comment, and
alarm fields from remot e nodes also appear translated if the application has the translated dictionary
files of the remote node applications.
 If you acknowledge an alarm and provide a comment, this comment appears in the alarm client
instead of the localized alarm comment.
 When an Alarm Viewer control is in freeze mode, then the language does not appear switched even
though you s witched t he language. The moment you unfreeze the control, the control is updated with
the translated strings.
 The localization of the Alarm Viewer control is only for the display of the control. All script functions
still return the default strings even though the language is switched.
 The Alarm DB Logger only stores the data default language strings in the dat abase. The localized
strings are not stored in the database.
 The unique IDs for the alarm fields such as EVENT and ACK, are predefined and have the same ID
across multiple dictionary files in different nodes. Alarm clients pick the translation from the first
loaded dictionary file and the translations from other dictionary files are ignored. Ideally, the alarm
fields in all dictionary files should have the same translation in a language. Multiple alarm clients
(Alarm DB View and Alarm Viewer controls) use the same translation for the same alarm s tate for a
given language
 Translat ed text is truncated to 131 characters for alarm comments and to 50 characters for tag

Switching a Language at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To test the language switching functionality

1. Open the application in WindowViewer.
2. On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click the name of the language to switch to.
The information from the corres ponding translated dictionary file (if one exists) loads and appears.
3. If you added a button to switch the language, click the button to test the script.

Distributing Localized Files to Network Application

Development Clients
The files containing the localized alarm comments, tag comments, and alarm fields ar e distributed to
Network Application Development (NA D) clients as part of the InTouch application. When you rec eive
updated files containing alarm comments, you must restart WindowViewer before the translated alarm
comments can be seen in the supported alarm clients.
If y ou are using language s witching in combination with Net work Application Development (NA D), set the
change mode to "Restart WindowViewer" or "Prompt user to restart WindowViewer" for the NA D client

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Viewing Applications at Run Time
About Viewing Applications at Runtime
You use WindowViewer to run your InTouch applications. Applications that are designed specifically for
use in an ArchestrA Application Server environment are called InTouchView applications. You can us e
the InTouch Web Client to view Industrial graphics in any HTML5 supported web browser. These
applications run in WindowViewer, but the Application Server provides most of the HMI functionality.

Viewing Applications at Run Time in a Different Target

Resolution Size
If you have specified an application target resolution that is different than your screen resolution,
WindowViewer displays the application at the specified target resolution. Only windows, window controls
and graphics developed within the canvas boundary that outlines the target resolution size will display at
run time. The target resolution size is automatically adjusted at run time to account for WindowViewer's
menu and title bar controls.
The aspect ratio of embedded cont rols will be maintained at run t ime.
For example:

Note: If the specified target res olution is less than the screen res olution, the width and height of the
runtime window cannot be adjusted beyond the specified target resolution. Maximizing the
WindowViewer window will enlarge it only to the maximum of the target res olution.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

If the specified target resolution is greater than the screen resolution, vertical and horizontal scroll bars
will display at run time. Windows will scroll accordingly. Popup windows and popup graphics from
ShowSymbol animations and ShowGraphic scripts will not be scrolled.

Error messages and popup dialogs will display in the center of the application at its target resolution, not
the center of the screen. The same applies to keyboards and keypads.

Original Application Resolution

The original application resolution is the screen resolution when the application was created regardless
of the target resolution settings.
The original application resolution is updat ed only under the following conditions:
 At the time of application creation
 When conversion is applied on the application
If the application is later switched back to screen resolution, then application conversion will occur if, the
current screen resolution is different from the original application res olution. Else, no conversion will
occur. If a target resolution is used when the application is created it will impact the behavior of the
Dynamic Resolution Conversion.

About the InTouch Web Client

The InTouch Web Client feature allows you to view Industrial graphics used within an InTouch HMI
application on any HTML5 s upported web browser. A built-in Web Server provides web browsers access
to application graphics, from any Microsoft Windows client or server operating system without the use of
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP ) or Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft Windows Server.
You can view application graphics in a web browser for both standalone and managed applications.
Standalone application windows must be converted to Industrial Graphics before they can be viewed on
the Web Client.
For more information on the InTouch Web Client, refer to the Viewing InTouch Application Graphics in a
Web Browser guide. The Web Client is installed as part of the System Platform installation. For
information on configuring the Web Client, refer to the System Platform Installation Guide.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

About WindowViewer
WindowViewer provides the run-time environment for InTouc h applic ations. Based upon your
application’s operational requirements, you can configure how WindowViewer supports an applicati on.
For example, depending on your application’s security requirements, you can configure the menus and
commands available to operators from WindowViewer.

Customizing Your Run time Environment

You can set properties to customize your run time WindowViewer environment.
 General properties determine the environmental conditions to run an InTouch application.
 Window configuration properties determine the menus, commands, and window components
accessible to users as they interact with an InTouch application running in WindowViewer.

Configuring General WindowViewer Properties

You can configure a set of general properties that determine the characteristics of WindowViewer as it
runs an InTouch application. After you modify these general properties, you must restart WindowViewer
for your changes to become effective.

Note: Close WindowViewer before changing the Regional Formats of the Operating System.

1. Open WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. Click the General tab.

4. In the WindowViewer Startup area, do the following:

o Select the Start up as Icon check box if you want WindowViewer to start up minimized.
o Select the Enable Tag Viewer check box to allow the Tag Viewer application to be started at run
time. The Tag Viewer allows you to watch and monitor tags and modify tag values at run time.
For details, see the Enabling Tag Viewer section in the InTouch® HMI Tag Viewer Guide.
o In the Minimum Acce ss Level box, type the minimum security access level required to run the
Tag Viewer application. The value must be between 0 and 9999. For details, see the Enabling
Tag Viewer section in the InTouch® HMI Tag Viewer Guide.
5. In the Transfer to WindowMaker area, do the following:
o Select the Close WindowViewer check box if you want WindowViewer to automatically close
when you start WindowMak er.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

When you select this option, the Close on Transfer to WindowViewer option located on the
WindowMaker Properties/General tab is automatically selected too. If memory is not an issue,
and you are using the fast switch to move between WindowViewer and WindowMaker, this
option should be cleared.
o Select the Close all open windows check box if you want all open windows to close
automatically when you trans fer from WindowViewer to WindowMak er.
6. In the Inactivity area, set warning and time-out periods for operator inactivity.
For more information about setting warning and time-out periods, see Configuring an Inactivit y
Time-Out on page 167.
7. In the Time/Timer Control area, do the following:
o In the Tick Interval box, type the interval that the InTouch HMI uses to check its internal timers.
This interval det ermines when Application While Running, Window While Showing, Condition
While On True/On False, Key and Touch Pushbutton Action While Down QuickScripts can be
This option sets the value for TimerTickInterval paramet er in the INTOUCH.ini file. You should
set the Tick Interval no longer than 50 msec for a script scheduled to run every 100 msec. On
computers running Windows XP or Windows 2003, the lower tick interval is 10 msec.
o In the Update for Time Variables box, type the interval in milliseconds that time is updat ed for
system tags like $Msec, $Second, or $Minute.
We recommend that you use the default setting of 1000 milliseconds. Setting this option to zero
prevents time variables from being updated.
8. In the Mi scellaneous area, do the following:
o Select Beep when objects touched if you want the InTouch application to emit a beep sound
when operators select touch-sensitive objects on a window.
o Select Update all trends "Fa st" if you want your trend objects to be updated more quickly.
Select this option only if no objects overlap run -time trends on the application window. If you
select this option and any object overlaps a trend, the object can be drawn incorrectly.
o Select Debug Scripts if you want a message to be written to the Logger each time a QuickScript
If you select Debug from the Window Configuration property sheet, you can switch
QuickScript logging on and off from WindowViewer's Special menu.
o Select the Use old SendKeys check box if you are using an international application developed
with InTouch version 3. 26 or earlier.
9. In the Blink Frequency area, type the interval length in milliseconds for your Slow, Medium, and
Fast blink animation links.
10. In the I/O area, do the following:
o In the Retry Initiates box, type the number of seconds to wait before the InTouc h application
retries connecting to an I/O Server after a failed connection attempt. The I/O Retry Initiates box
has no effect when InTouch can successfully connect to the I/O server the first time.
o Select the Start local servers check box if you want a dialog box to appear when you start
WindowViewer and the I/O Server you are trying to communicate with is not running.
o Select the Reinitialize Default check box if you want to reinitialize Access Names with their
default settings. Current values assigned to Access Names are ignored and they are reinitialized
with their original settings.
11. In the Hotlinks area, do the following:

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Select the Show Halo around Hotlink check box if you want an object on the run time screen to
be highlighted when the user moves the cursor over it.
o Select the Halo follows object shape check box if you want a highlight halo around the
contours of an object when the user moves the cursor over it.
o If you want a halo around Active X controls, select the Show halo around Active X control
check box.
12. In the Keyboard area, select the type of keyboard you want to use, if any.
For more information about setting keyboard options in WindowViewer, see Animating Objectsin the
InTouch® HMI Visualization Guide.
13. Click OK.

Configuring Visual Characteristics of WindowViewer

You can configure properties that determine the visual characteristics of WindowViewer as it runs an
InTouch application. These properties determine the menus, commands, and standard cont rols that
appear on a WindowViewer window.
To configure WindowViewer visual characteristics
1. Open WindowMaker.
2. On the Special menu, point to Configure, and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click the Window Configuration tab.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Select the check boxes for the visual characteristics.

4. Restart WindowViewer.

Configuring User Access to Applications Running in Remote

You can assign Read Only access to a distributed InTouch application running in a Remot e Deskt op
Connection or Terminal Services session. Read Only access is appropriate for non -operators who need
to view an application, but who should not have write permission. For example, managers need the
capability to view an application on a mobile device with InTouch Access Anywhere over an unsecured
public net work. Using Read Only access provides better protection for distributed InTouch applications
accessible from public networks.
To configure user access to applications running on remote nodes
1. Open the application in WindowMaker.
2. Click Special, and then click Configure to show a list of configuration options.
3. Click Remote Acce ss from the list of configuration options.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

The Remote Acce ss Properties dialog box appears with options to grant Read/Write or Read Only
access to the application open in WindowMaker. Read/Write access is the default.

4. Make your selection and click OK to close the dialog box.

During initialization, WindowViewer verifies if the application is running in a remote session and is
specified as Read Only. Also, a check is made that the remote node has a Read Only license. If all of
these conditions are true, the application’s InTouch Links and User Input animations are viewable only in
Read Only mode.

About Managing Memory for WindowViewer

You can configure how WindowViewer uses memory for windows and popup symbols to improve
performance at run time. Windows and popup symbols display ed using ShowSymbol animation and the
ShowGraphic script function can be kept in memory at run time in certain conditions to allow for fast
In-memory caching of Industrial graphics is available only in Managed or Published InTouch
applications. This capability is disabled in Standalone InTouch applications.
You can also specify the interval for a periodic memory health check and settings for the heap memory
segment. Each time a new popup symbol opens, it triggers a memory health check regardless of the
pre-set interval.
Fast switching to WindowViewer or from WindowViewer to WindowMaker clears both the graphic cache
and the window memory cache.
For information on memory management for symbols displayed by the ShowGraphic function, see the
Industrial Graphic Editor Us er Guide.

Configuring Memory Usage for WindowViewer Windows

You can configure how WindowViewer uses memory for application windows to improve performance at
run time.
Reopening closed windows that have been cached retrieves them from memory rat her than loading
them from disk in certain conditions.
You can designat e certain windows to have a higher priority for memory usage and configure separat e
memory settings just for those windows.
After you modify any of the WindowViewer memory options, you must restart WindowViewer to apply
your changes.
To set the memory properties
1. On the Special menu, point to Configure and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Click the Viewer Memory tab.

3. In the In-Memory Caching area, do the following:

a. Select the Use In-Memory Cache check box if you want to save all closed windows to be
cached in memory at run time.
b. Select the Cache Industrial Graphics not embedded in InTouch Windows check box to
enable Industrial graphics symbol caching.
InTouch windows and Industrial graphics will share the in-memory cache.
If the memory limit set in step 3c is exceeded, the system automatically removes the oldest
in-memory graphic from the cache.
c. In the Memory Limit for In-Memory Windows box, enter the limit for keeping closed in-memory
windows in cache memory at run time. The default memory limit is 70% of process memory.
If the memory limit is exceeded, the system automatically removes the oldest closed in-memory
window from the cache at run time, unless it is marked as a high-priority window.
The memory limit for in-memory windows will always be less than the memory limit for
high-priority windows.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

d. In the In-Memory Window Expiration Time box, enter the maximum duration for which the
closed in-memory windows will remain in cache memory at run time. You can enter a value
between 0 and 8760 hours. The default value is 0 hours, which designates no time limit.
The memory limit or the expiration time limit is applied depending on which limit is reached first.
4. In the High Priority Window Caching area, do the following:
a. Select the Enable High Priority Window Caching check box to allow some windows to be
marked as high priority. These windows will always be kept in cached memory after they are
closed at run time.
b. In the Memory Limit for High Priority Windows box, enter the limit for keeping closed
high-priority windows in cac he memory at run time. The default memory limit is 90%. The system
removes the oldest in-memory window first, and then removes the oldest high -priority window
when the percentage of used memory exceeds this limit at run time.
c. In the High Priority Windows box, select the windows you want to mark as high priority.
5. Click OK.

Configuring the Memory Health Check Interval

The system checks the memory and Graphical Devic e Interface (GDI) count at regular intervals. If the
memory or GDI count limit is exceeded, the system starts removing windows. By default, this interval is
set at 5 minutes.
If you want to change the interval, you can add a new entry in the InTouch.ini file and then specify a new
interval value.
If you want to turn off the check, you can add the new ent ry and set the value to 0.
After modifying the interval, you must restart WindowViewer to apply the changes.
For more information on how windows will be removed, see Configuring Memory Usage for
WindowViewer Windows on page 224.
To configure the memory health check interval
1. In the application folder, open the InTouch.ini file.
2. Under the [Intouch] section, add the following script, where <interval> is the desired interval, in
MemoryHealthCheckInterval = <interval>
Opening a new popup symbol or a new window will trigger a memory health check regardless of the
pre-set interval.

Configuring wwHeap Memory Settings

wwHeap is a memory manager that manages the heap memory segment. The memory manager
provides a mechanism for one or more programs to share virtual memory.

Caution: Modify the wwHeap memory settings only if you are experiencing memory conflicts reported in
the SMC Logger.

You can configure the wwHeap Memory settings by specifying the wwHeap size and start location. The
default size, default start location, and allowable location range vary by operating system.
The default sizes are described in the following table:

Operating System Default Size

32-bit 1519 MB

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Operating System Default Size

32-bit with the /3GB switch enabled 2048 MB

64-bit 2048 MB

The default locations and allowable loc ation ranges are described in the following table:

Default Start
Operating System Location Allowable Range

32-bit 0x21000000 0x00010000 to


32-bit with the /3GB 0x40000000 0x00010000 to

switch enabled 0xBFFEFFFF

64-bit 0x80000000 0x00010000 to


To configure wwHeap Memory settings

1. Start Application Manager.
2. On the Tool s menu, click Node Properties. The Node Properties dialog box appears.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

3. Click the wwHeap Memory tab.

4. Do the following:
o In the Size box, enter the size of the wwHeap memory. You can enter any value between 1 MB
and 2048 MB.
o In the Start Location box, enter the start address.
5. To restore the default values, click Restore Default.
6. Click OK.

Setting Advanced Formatting Properties

You can configure the number of decimal places to be shown at run time in WindowViewer, based on the
size of the value. This feat ure is available only if you select Real in Value Display or User Input animation.
You can specify the special characters to be shown at run time if the data collected from the field devices
is of bad quality or too large to be shown.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Numbers that appear in Industrial Graphics can be shown in the format of the country set as the home
location with the Windows Control Panel’s Region setting. During run time, Industrial Graphic numeric
values can be displayed with thous ands and decimal separators that match the numeric format of the
country specified in the OS Regional Settings.
To set the advanced formatting properties
1. On the Special menu, point to Configure and then click WindowViewer. The WindowViewer
Properties dialog box appears.
2. Click the Advanced Format tab.

3. In the Real Formatting Decimal Precision area, enter the number of decimal places that you want
to be shown at run time for eac h real type number range.
4. In the Special Characters to Show at Runtime area, do the following:
o In the Bad Quality with No Value box, enter the character you want to be shown at run time
when the quality of the data point is bad and there is no last known good value. The default
character is !. You can enter any ASCII character, except a space.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o In the Value Too Large for Fixed Width box, enter the character you want to be displayed at
run time when the value is too large to be displayed. The default character is *. You can enter
any ASCII character, except space.
5. To show numbers within Industrial Graphics in the format of the country specified by computer’s
Region setting, select the checkbox in the Regional Settings area.
By default, the Regional Settings option is disabled.

Note: WindowViewer checks the OS Regional Settings only on start up. This means that you may
need to restart WindowViewer if you do either of the following:
1) Select the Regional Settings option while WindowViewer is running.
2) Change the OS Regional Settings while WindowViewer is running with the Regional Settings
option selected.

6. To restore the default values, click Restore Default

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Select the Regional Settings WindowViewer Option

InTouch WindowMaker includes a WindowViewer Advanced Format Regional Settings configuration

To enable numeric formatting by regional locale, the Regional Settings option must be selected during
design time to format Industrial graphic numbers to the country selected in the Region setting. By
default, the Regional Settings option is disabled.

Note: WindowViewer checks the OS Regional Settings only on startup. This means that you may need
to restart WindowViewer if you do either of the following:
1) Select the Regional Settings option while WindowViewer s running.
2) Change the OS Regional Settings while WindowViewer is running with the Regional Settings option

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Set the Regional Locale of the Computer Hosting the HMI/SCADA Software
To enable numeric formatting by regional locale, the computer a ViewApp runs on must have its re gion
set to the country in which you want Industrial graphic numbers to be formatted.

The Region setting is accessible from the Windows Control Panel. If you want to display Industrial
graphic numbers in a non-U.S. format, select the Formats tab and select a country in the Format field.

Configuring Core Affinity for WindowViewer in a Terminal Server Environment

When running on a Terminal Servic es client, WindowViewer can use a CP U (core) other than CPU 0 for
its execution, if the computer has multiple processors . This is so that InTouch applications that run in a
Terminal Server environment can take advantage of the multi -core capabilities of the Terminal Server.
When WindowViewer runs on a Terminal Server console, however, this option is not available. An
InTouch application always runs on a single processor, regardless of the number of processors
When WindowViewer starts, the system checks if the computer has multiple processors and which
processors are allowed to run WindowViewer instances. WindowVie wer then checks the processors
sequentially and starts running on the processor that has the least number of View instanc es running on
If you have administrative privileges to access the Performance tab, you can configure the "pool" of
processors from which WindowViewer selects the processor to run on.
You set the core affinity for WindowViewer within Application Manager. A void using Task Manager to
manually adjust the core affinity for WindowViewer, as the WindowViewer core selection process does
not take into consideration the core affinity settings configured in Task Manager.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To configure the processor "pool"

1. Start Application Manager.
2. On the Tool s menu, click Node Properties. The Node Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click the Performance tab.

4. To allow WindowViewer to use any available processor, click Allow WindowViewer to select from
all available processors.
5. To restrict the processors that WindowViewer can use, click WindowViewer is limited to use only
the processors selected below and then do any of the following:
o Make sure the CPU check box is selected for each processor you want WindowViewer to be
able to run on.
o Click Limit to 0 to only allow WindowViewer to run on processor 0. When you click this button,
the CPU 0 check box is automatically selected.
o Click Allow All to select all check boxes.
You can clear a selected processor at any time and select a new processor from the list. You can
also select multiple processors at a time. If you clear a processor check box, the WindowViewer
instance continues to run on that processor.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

6. Click OK. WindowViewer starts on the next CPU based on the other View sessions.

Working with WindowViewer Windows

A typical InTouch application includes at least several windows that operators interact with to manage
their industrial processes. Based on the properties you set from the Window Configuration tab on the
WindowViewer Propertie s dialog box, operators can run standard commands from the WindowViewer
File menu to open and close windows.

Common Dialog Box Features

If y ou configured WindowViewer to show the File menu, operators can open or close InTouch application
windows. When operators click either the Open Window or Close Window command from the File
menu, the respective dialog box for the selected command appears.
The names of all the windows that are applicable for the selected command appear in the list. For
example, the Window s to Show dialog box appears aft er clicking on the Open Window command.

Click Details to change from the list view to the details view. The det ails show the window's type and the
date and time when a window was last modified.

In the details view, you can select and deselect any unopened window by clicking on any portion of its
row, not just the check box. The entire row is highlighted when selected.
 To open selected windows click OK.
 To cancel your selections and close the dialog box, click Cancel.
 To return the dialog box to list view, click List.
 To select all listed windows, click Select All.
 To clear all selected windows, click Clear All.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 To sort the list in ascending or descending order, click the column header.

Opening Windows from W indowViewer

Operators can open InTouch application windows if WindowViewer is configured to show the File menu.
To open windows from WindowViewer
1. On the File menu, click Open Window. The Windows to Show dialog box appears.

2. Click the check box next to the name of each window that you want to open.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box and open windows you selected.

Note: If a "Replace" type window is selected, it closes any windows that it intersects.

Closing Windows from WindowViewer

Operators can close InTouch application windows if WindowViewer is configured to show the File menu.
To close open windows
1. On the File menu, click Close Window. The Window s to Hide dialog box appears.

2. Click the check box next to the name of one or more windows that you want to close.
3. Click OK to close the windows you selected.

Transferring from W indowViewer to WindowMaker

When you develop an InTouch application, you can easily transfer between WindowMaker and
WindowViewer by clicking the WindowMaker command in the File menu, or the Development command
in the toolbar. This is called fast-s witching.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Fast-switching is for rapid development testing only. Do not use it in a production environment. You can
hide the command for switching to WindowMaker.
To transfer from WindowViewer to WindowMaker
1. On the File menu, click WindowMaker. The Window s to Edit dialog box appears.

2. Click the check box next to the name of each window that you want to open when you trans fer to
3. Click OK to close the dialog box and transfer to WindowMaker.

Note: If the application developer selected the Close WindowViewer option when WindowViewer's
properties were configured during development, WindowViewer automatically closes when you transfer
to WindowMaker.

Working with Keyboard, Mouse and Touch Gestures to Pan and Zoom
at Run Time
Frame windows allow you to pan and zoom on Industrial Graphics at run time. This functionality is
enabled by the InteractionMode property in WindowMaker.
See the InTouch HMI Visualization Guide for additional information on configuring frames in

Zooming at Run Time

You can zoom in and out on the frame cont ents at run time. Be sure the frame has the correct pan and
zoom property enabled. You cannot zoom in above 5000% or below 100%.
You can edit a symbol's ZoomPercent property to change the visibility of an symbol or element at run
time. For example, add the following to a Visibility animation to allow you to dynamically change the
symbol according to the zoom percent level.
ZoomPercent => 200

Note: You can write to this property at run time.

When ZoomPercent is set for a symbol, the symbol will be zoomed to t he set percent at the c enter of the
viewable area.
When ZoomPercent is set for a symbol’s element, the symbol will be zoomed to the set percent but will
center on the element.
The following script is an example of ZoomPercent set for an element:
TextBox1.ZoomPercent = 500

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To zoom with mouse gestures:

Do the following
 Press the "Ctrl" key and scroll up wit h the mous e wheel to zoom in on the frame contents. The
contents will zoom in from the current position of the mouse pointer.

Note: You cannot zoom in on the frame contents if your mouse point er is outside the frame.

 Scroll down with the mouse wheel to zoom out on the frame contents.
 Select the zoom in and zoom out icons from the Pan and Zoom Control Toolbar. You must then left
click on the contents of the frame to zoom in.

 Double left mous e click on the frame contents to restore the zoom level to 100%
 Use the Zoom Level combobox to select a predefined zoom level:

 Select the Rubber Band Zoom icon from the Pan and Zoom Control Toolbar to select a specific area
to zoom in on.
To zoom with keyboard gestures:
Do the following:

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Press "Ctrl" and "+" keys together to zoom in

 Press "Ctrl" and "-" keys together to zoom out
To zoom with touch gestures:
Do the following:
 Place two fingers on the screen and expand them to zoom in
 Place two fingers on the screen and contract them to zoom out
 A double-tap will restore the zoom level back to 100%
Zoom Limitations
The following limitations apply to run time zoom functionality:
 Zooming for the Windows Common Controls and client controls is only supported within 500%.
These controls include:
o Customized controls: radio button group, checkbox, edit box, combo box, calendar, datetime
picker, and listbox
o Embedded Alarm Client and Trend Client Cont rols
o Third party client controls
 Windows Controls can override mouse, keyboard and touch input
 InTouch will not override custom fonts in Windows Controls

Panning at Run Time

Configure the applicable symbol properties to enable pan functionality within a frame at run time. You
can pan at run time using mous e and touch gestures. Panning wit h keyboard gestures is not
supported. The zoom level on the graphic must be greater than 100% to pan at run time.
To pan using mouse gestures
Do either of the following:
 Hold down the cent er mouse wheel.
The pan hand will display
 Select the pan hand from the Pan and Zoom Control toolbar. Hold down the left mouse button and
move the pan hand to pan the display.
The display will pan until the mous e button is released.
To pan using touch gestures:
1. Press one finger on the frame content.
2. Move your finger ac ross the screen to pan as needed.

Note: For both panning methods, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars will adjust in accordanc e with the
pan directions.

To pan and zoom simultaneously using touch gestures:

1. Place two fingers on the screen and move your fingers downwards, to the left and right to adjust the
center of the zoomed content.
2. Use one finger to pan over the frame cont ent.
3. Place your second finger on the frame content to zoom at the same time.

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Panning Limitations
The following limitations apply:
 panning is not supported using keyboard gestures
 Window Controls can override mouse, keyboard and touch input. As a result, panning may be
disabled over areas with Window Controls.

Animation Support for Touch Gestures

All action scripts configured for touch support should function the same no matter the zoom level. All
interaction and visualization animations behave the same while frame content is zoomed in as when
frame content is at its standard view. Interaction anim ations will function properly for touch.

Note: Industrial Graphic pop ups shown by the ShowSymbol animation or ShowSymbol script function
will have pan and zoom enabled by default. However, you cannot disable this configuration.

The following table lists action scripts commonly configured for touc h support.

Action S cript Touch Triggered

On Left Down Touch down

While Left Down Touch down and slide
On Left Up Touch up
On Left Double Click Double tap

On Right Click Touch down and hold

On Right Up Touch down and hold for square and
execute on release
On Right Double Click Not supported
While Right Down Touch down and hold square and
slide a bit while pressing
On Center Click Not supported
While Center Down Not supported
On Center Up Not supported
On Center Double Click Not supported

Note: When touch interaction is used on an area wit h animation, the animation will t ake precedence over
panning actions and panning actions will be ignored. If one finger retains touc h interaction, any
subsequent touch points will be ignored.

To enable panning in this scenario,select the Pan icon in the Pan and Zoom Toolbar.
Touch Gesture Limitations
Some limitations apply to touch gesture functionality for run time panning and zooming. The below
functionality is not supported:
 Scaling fonts for Windows Common Cont rols

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: Additionally, a symbol with an embedded windows control uses different mechanisms for scaling
than a symbol without a cont rol. A symbol with an embedded control has a maximum zoom limitation of
500%, while a symbol without a control can zoom up to 5000%. The advant age of a symbol without a
control is smoother scaling. An additional limitation of using symbols with embedded controls is, while
zooming is in progress, the control will flicker. This is particularly visible while zooming wit h touch

Using the ShowGraphic() Function with Frame W indows

You can run the ShowGraphic() script function to change the symbol associated with a frame window at
run time. Specify the frame window name and associated symbol as in the following example:
Dim graphicInfo as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
graphicInfo.Identity = "InTouch:FrameWindow01";
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "Symbol_002";
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo );
"Symbol_002" will display in "FrameWindow01" at run time regardless of the frame window’ s design time
configuration. You can use a ShowGraphic script to host different symbols in the same window.
Graphic caching occurs only for the symbol currently shown in the frame window at the time the window
is closed and cached. Replaced symbols will not be cached.

Running InTouch Windows over the Internet

The Information Server is a web portal application that can aggregate and pres ent plant production data
over the web or company intranet.

You can use InTouch with Information Server in the following ways:
 Process visualization
You can publish InTouch applications to the Information Server port al to show your production
process and controls through a Web browser.
 Data interaction
You can use the Information Server portal to read values from and write back values to InTouch t ags.
This enables you to interact with your plant processes without using an InTouch client.
 Alarm Display

Viewing Applications at Run TimeAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

You can use the Information Server portal to show InTouc h real time and historical alarm data.
 Historical Data Display
You can use the Information Server portal to show InTouc h historical dat a saved in a Historian
 Table Weaver display
You can use InTouch to create displays for Table Weaver content units.
For more information, see the Information Server documentation.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor System
About Setting Up a Multi-Monitor System
A multi-monitor system shows an InTouch application on several monitors simultaneously. Together, a
multi-monitor configuration creates a composite screen composed of all monitors connected to the
computer running an InTouch application. Each monitor can s how a portion of t he screen or only a single
window component like a keypad.
While running an InTouch application, you can move the mouse between monitors and drag windows
from one monitor to another. Also, in some multi-monitor configurations you can show an entire InTouch
application window across all monitors, as shown in the following figure.

Multi-Monitor Configurations
You can use two basic multi-monitor configurations.
 Single video card
 Multiple video card
Each configuration has unique hardware, software, and configuration requirements. Also, each
configuration supports a different set of multi-monitor features.

Single Video Card Configuration

In the single video card configuration, the computer has a single video card installed wit h multiple output
ports connected to monitors.

The composite screen resolution is the sum of the individual horizontal and vertical resolution of each
monitor. For example, a popular video card connects four 17 inch monit ors stacked as a c ube: two on the
bottom and two on the top. In the previous figure, each monitor runs at a screen resolution of 800 x 600
pixels. The composite virtual screen resolution is 1600 x 1200 pixels.

Characteristics of a Single Card Configuration

Single video card drivers have the following characteristics:

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 The single video card drives all monitors simultaneously to create a single, large screen.
 The properties of all attached monit ors can be configured using a single set of screen values.
 The composite screen shows the Windows taskbar across all of t he monitors in the bottom row of the
 Windows applications can be maximized to fit all monitors.

Characteristics of Single Card Drivers

The following figure shows the Windows Di splay Properties dialog box to configure the driver for all
monitors connected to a single video card with multiple output ports.

In this figure, the resolution setting is for four monitors arranged side by side in a single row. The
resolution for each monitor is 1024 x 768. Added together, the composite screen res olution is 40 96 x
768. You only need to configure a single monitor’s res olution, color depth, and refresh rate. The
resolution setting applies to all monitors connected to the single video card.

Multiple Video Card Configuration

In the multiple video card c onfiguration, the c omput er has multiple video cards installed. Each video c ard
connects a single monitor to the computer running an InTouch application.

Characteristics of a Multiple Card Configuration

Dynamic Resolution Conversion (DRC) works with ot her distributed features to provide independence
from screen resolution restrictions. In a NA D architecture, you create and maint ain an InTouch
application on a development node and then copy it to several View nodes. DRC allows all view nodes to
show the application, even if the nodes are running at different screen resolut ions.

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

DRC enables each View node to scale the application to a number of user-defined options, including a
custom resolution. This scaling takes place while WindowViewer compiles the application and does not
require WindowMaker. Because each View node can use a different DRC setting, you must configure
each individual View node.
DRC makes it easy to support multi-monitor systems. Simply select from the DRC res olution conversion
options to show an InTouch application over the entire composite screen or just a portion of it.

Characteristics of Multiple Card Drivers

The following figure shows the Windows Di splay Properties dialog box to configure the drivers for all
monitors connected to individual video cards installed on the computer running an InTouch application.

You click a numbered rectangle in the Di splay Properties dialog box to select the monitor you want to
configure. You arrange the numbered rectangles to match the physical placement of the monitors.
Screen resolution, color depth and refresh rate apply only to the monitor you select.

Planning a Multi-Monitor Application

To set up multiple monitors for your application, you must:
 Choose a multi-monitor video card
 Determine the application screen resolution
 Determine the number of monitors to display the application
 Determine the placement of application windows

Choosing a Multi-Monitor Video Card

Technical Support can provide you with a list of recommended video cards that support multi -monitor
InTouch applications.
Before you select a video card, get more information from Technic al Support to answer the following
 What versions of InTouch does the video card support?
 Does the card support a single or a multiple card configuration?
 What are the recommended drivers for the video card?

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 What are the recommended configuration settings for the video card?

Determining the Application Screen Resolution

Determining your overall screen res olution and knowing the exact size of your viewing area simplifies the
process of creating an application for a multi-monitor environment.
Create a drawing that shows the overall monitor configuration. The drawing should show the resolution
of each monit or and the combined resolution of all the monitors together. This drawing helps you
visualize the horizontal and vertical pixel r ange for each monitor.
For example, if you have a composite screen composed of two horizont al monitors with a screen
resolution of 800 x 600, then the top left pixel location of the second monitor would be at pixel 800 x 0.
The screen pixel count goes from 0 to 799 for the first monitor and 800 to 1599 for the second. Using t he
drawing as a guide, you can determine the placement of application windows on the composite
multi-monitor screen.

Determining the Number of Monitors to Display the Application

You can simplify the effort to create a multi -monit or InTouch application by using a development
environment similar to the production environment. Using a multi-monitor development environment may
not be possible in all cases. When you only have a single monitor attached to the computer used to
develop your InTouch application, you can still build a multi-monitor application by developing the
windows and configuring the windows dimensions and loc ations to your estimated display needs.
Use the WindowMaker Window Properties dialog box to modify the characteristics of a window. You
right-click on the name of the window listed in WindowMaker’s Windows &Scripts pane, and then click
Properties in the shortcut menu to show the Window Properties dialog box.

The X Location and Y Location values determine the horizontal and vertical pixel placement of a
window’s top left corner on a screen. The origin of horizontal and vertical pixel scales is at the top left
corner of a screen.
The Window Width and Window Height settings determine the overall size of the window. For
example, you can configure a window with the following settings:
 X location = 1024
 Y location = 0
 Window Width = 1024

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Window Height = 768

The multi-monitor configuration consists of four monitors arranged in a single horizont al row. Each
monitor has a resolution of 1024 X 768. The overall composite screen resolution is 4096 X 768.
By setting the window’s horizontal origin to 1024 and vertical origin to 0, you force this window to appear
on the second monit or during run time. The window covers the entire screen surface of the second

Determining the Placement of Application Windows

You can use several different configurations when developing InTouch windows for a multi -monitor

Windows Show in a Forced Location

One met hod is to simply develop and force windows to show where specified. Make sure that
WindowViewer is maximized across the total viewing area of all monitors. This allows the InTouch
application windows to show on specified monitors.
You can use InTouch security features to deny access to the Windows desktop.

Windows Are Manually Moved

Another option is to develop an application where windows are manually moved to the monitors of
choice, allowing a single application to run on different monitor configurations. This involves the
 All windows in the application must be of type Popup.
 The main WindowViewer parent window can be small and not covering all monitors. However, you
cannot use InTouch security for denying access to the W indows desktop in this configuration
because InTouch is not maximized.
In this configuration popup windows are used which can be easily moved to any monitors, regardless of
the main WindowViewer parent window location. P opup windows do not have to remain wit hin the parent
WindowViewer window. You can shrink the size of the main window and move it to a corner of a monitor,
allowing all the popup windows to be moved freely to the monitors of choice.

Windows Are Placed Automatically Based on Environment

The final method includes an additional step added to the above method. The step allows an application
to automatically place windows based on the environment used. This is the most complicated of
configurations and requires extensive scripting and planning.
In this configuration, the ShowAt() and ShowTopLeftAt() script functions dynamically place windows
based on a default set of coordinates and calculations. This can be configured many different ways
depending on your application requirements.

Developing a Multi-Monitor InTouch Application

You must assign values to selected parameters in the InTouc h.ini and Win.ini files to support
multi-monitors. These parameters enable you to place InTouch system dialogs and keypads in the
proper locations on the composite screen.

Configuring Multi-Monitor Parameters

To enable multi-monit or support, you add a set of InTouch parameters to t he Windows Win.ini file. These
parameters enable multi-monitor support for the node running the InTouch application and the resolution
of each monit or.

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

To configure the multi-monitor settings on a node

1. Edit the Win.ini file located in the Windows folder of the computer running t he InTouch HMI software.
2. Locate the [InTouch] section within the Win.ini file and add the following parameters:

Parameter Description

MultiScreen=1 A value of 1 enables multi-monitor mode. A

value of 0 disables multi-monitor mode.

MultiScreenWidth=nnnn Width of a single screen in pixels.

MultiScreenHeight=nnnn Height of a single screen in pixels.

For example, if you want to show your InTouc h application with a screen resolution of 2560 x 1024
on two horizontal monitors, enter the following:

Configuring Screen Resolution Conversion

You can specify a parameter value to maintain the current resolution of InTouch application windows
when migrating between nodes running different screen resolutions.
The ScaleForResolution parameter value determines whether application windows (*.win) are
automatically scaled by WindowMaker after the display resolution changes on the computer running
WindowViewer. The ScaleForResolution parameter does not affect the resolution of WindowViewer
dialog boxes.
To configure screen resolution conversion on a node
1. Edit the InTouch.ini file of the computer running InTouch.
2. Add the ScaleForResolution parameter to the file.
When set to 0, resolution conversion is disabled.
When set to 1, resolution conversion is enabled.

Note: If the ScaleForResolution parameter is not added to the InTouch.ini file, the default value is
enabled (ScaleForResolution=1). When you disable the parameter (ScaleForResolution=0), you are still
prompted to convert the res olution. But, the resolution conversion does not occur.

Deploying the Application and Verifying Multi-Monitor

The ScaleForResolution parameter becomes particularly important when you develop an application on
a single monitor system that is intended to run on a multi-monitor system. The value assigned to the
ScaleForRes olution parameter determines whether the application can be scaled when moved from one
environment to the other.

Important: It is recommended that you make a backup copy of the application before moving it to an
different environment.

Setting Up a Multi-Monitor SystemAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

For example, if an application is developed on a computer with a single monitor with a resolution of 1024
x 768 and is intended to run on a system with four monitors in a side-by -side configuration with a total
resolution of 4096 x 768, this requires an application conversion.
When you deploy the application on the multi-monitor system, a message appears prompting you to
convert the application.
If the ScaleForResolution .ini setting is configured, you still see this message but the application is not
converted and can then be run as designed. Simply click Yes to continue startup.
If the .ini s etting is not configured, the InTouch HMI converts and scale all of the graphics and windows in
the application to the new resolution. Doing so stretches and enlarge all windows and graphic displays,
thus creating some unwanted results.

Important: Make sure that the multi-monitor Win.ini parameter settings are also configured on the
destination computer before running your application. Win.ini settings do not automatically transfer wit h
an InTouch application.

Verifying Multi-Monitor Support During Run Time

You can download an optional script function from the Tec hnical Support script library that verifies if the
local node running the InTouch application provi des multi-monitor support.
The WWMultiMonitorNode() function determines if the node supports multi-monitors and the number of
monitors attached to the node.
Typically, you run the WWMultiMonitorNode() function from a QuickScript to determine the number of
monitors assigned to the node running the InTouch application.
The following example shows an example of a QuickScript statement with the value of the
WWMultiMonitorNode() function assigned to an InTouch integer tag. The QuickScript can be set to run
when the application starts in WindowViewer.
{MultiMonitors defined as an integer tag}
MultiMonitors = WWMultiMonitorNode();
{After executing this function Result = 4}
WWMultiMonitorNode() reads the MultiScreen parameter specified in the node’ s Win.ini file. The
WWMultiMonitorNode() function returns either a 0 or a positive integer.
 0 return value
WWMultiMonitorNode() returns a 0 if MultiScreen=0 or if the MultiScreenWidth or MultiScreenHeight
parameters are set incorrectly to 0 in the [InTouch] section of the Win.ini file.
 Positive integer return value
WWMultiMonitorNode() returns the number of monitors in the multi-monitor configuration if
MultiScreen= 1 and the MultiScreenWidth and MultiScreenHeight parameters have been assigned
correct screen resolution values.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Using InTouch on a Tablet PC
About Using InTouch on a Tablet PC
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition and InTouch comes pre-installed with a line of portable Tablet PCs.
These rugged Tablet PCs are waterproof and vibration resistant, making them suitable for most industrial
environments. Tablet PCs are also available from other computer manufacturers that can run InTouch
Operators carry a Tablet PC with them as they move around their plant. The Tablet PC runs an InTouch
application that represents their actual plant processes. Using a pen that acts as a screen pointer or an
input device, operators select InTouch objects on the screen or as a keyboard substitute to writ e notes
directly on the screen.

Operators can write notes and annotate a running InTouc h application with direct observations about
their actual plant processes.

Annotating and Sending Visualization Screens as E-mail

Use the AnnotateLayout () script function to capture screens shown on a Tablet PC. The
AnnotateLayout() function is available only when InTouch runs on a Tablet PC using the Windows XP
Tablet PC operating system.
The AnnotateLayout () function takes a screen capture of the visible portion of the active InTouch
window. The captured screen appears in the Annotate Layout dialog box.

The Annotate Layout dialog box contains a toolbar and menu options. The dialog box shows the screen
capture in its client area. You can annotate the image using various drawing tools, and save, print, or
send the screen capture in an e-mail message.

Using InTouch on a Tablet PC AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Making Window Annotations

To make annotations to the window, use the following tools:
 Pen: To draw and write comments.

 Highlighter: To highlight areas of the window using a semi-transparent color.

 Era ser: To delete parts of an annot ation.

Each of thes e tools has certain options such as size, color, or transparency.
 To set these options, click the downward arrow next to each tool’s icon and then click the command
for the option.
 To restore these options to their default settings, on the Tool s menu, click Restore Defaults.

Selecting, Copying, and Deleting Window Annotations

You can select, copy, and delete annotations that you make in the window.
To select annotations

1. Click the Lasso icon in the toolbar.

2. While holding down the stylus button, draw an area around the annotations that you want to select.
You can now cut, copy or delete the selected annotations.
To cut, copy, and paste annotations
 Use the standard Windows Cut, Copy, and Paste commands.
To delete annotations
 Do any of the following:
o To delet e all annotations on a window, on the Edi t menu, point to Clear and then click All.
o To delet e annotations that you selected using the lasso, on the Edit menu, point to Clear and
then tap Selection.

Saving, Printing, and E-Mailing an Annotated Window

After you make annotations to a window, you can save it as an image file, print it, or send it as an e -mail
You only need to configure the e-mail server one time.
To save an annotated window
1. On the File menu, click Save. A standard Windows Save As dialog box appears.
2. Enter a name and format for the file and click OK.
To print an annotated window
1. On the File menu, click Print. A standard Windows Print dialog box appears.

Using InTouch on a Tablet PC AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

2. Specify any printing options and click OK.

To send an annotated window as an e-mail attachment
1. On the Edit menu, click E-Mail Configuration. The E-Mail Configuration dialog box appears.
2. Enter the host name of the SMTP e-mail server to use for sending e-mail. If you are unsure, ask your
administrator for assistance. Click OK.
3. On the File menu, click E-Mail. The E-mail dialog box appears.
4. Enter sender and recipient addresses and write a message. An image file of the annotated window is
automatically added as an attachment.
5. Click Send to send the e-mail message.

AnnotateLayout() Function
Shows the Annotate Layout dialog box, where you can annotat e the current view screen from where
this script function is called. This function is only supported on the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
operating system.
When Annotate Layout dialog box appears, the screen image of WindowViewer is captured. Use the
dialog box to:
 Annotate the screen capture using the pen in conjunction with tool bar and menu item settings.
 Save the image and the annotation as a .gif or .jpeg file.
 Print the image and the annotation (if a printer is configured).
 Send the image and the annotation as an attachment of an e-mail message (if SMTP is configured).

Changing Screen Orientation

If the Tablet PC is running in tablet configuration, and WindowViewer is configured to dynamically
change the application resolution to the screen res olution, an InTouc h application developed in
landscape mode is scaled to fit port rait mode.
If WindowViewer is not configured to dynamically change the application resolution, the landscape
application is not scaled. In this case, some InTouch windows can be truncated on the Tablet PC.
When switching from one configuration to another, the screen resolution is switched by default. For
example, if the tablet PC running in laptop configuration is switched to tablet configuration, the screen
orientation switches from landscape (1024 x 768) to port rait (768 x 1024) mode.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Customizing Applications Settings from the
INTOUCH.ini File
The first time you run an InTouch application, the INTOUCH.ini file is creat ed in the application f older.
When the INTOUCH.ini file is creat ed, values are assigned to a set of parameters that determine the
operating characteristics of an individual InTouch application.
As you continue configuring your application from WindowMaker or WindowViewer, new IN TOUCH.ini
parameters are created or existing parameters are modified. For example, when you configure logging
from the WindowMaker Hi storical Logging Properties dialog box, logging paramet ers are added to the
INTOUCH.ini file.
Other configuration paramet ers must be manually added to the INTOUCH.ini file.
After you customize your application, you can copy the INTOUCH.ini file to a different application's
folder. This way, you can create consistent operating characteristics for your applications without havin g
to repeat all customization steps.

Custom INTOUCH.ini Parameters

The following table lists a set of parameters that you can manually enter in the INTOUCH.ini file to
provide additional custom properties to your InTouch applications.

INTOUCH.ini Parameter Purpose

16PenTrendDrawMode Determines whet her a 16-P en Trend shows data

values in average mode or min-max mode.

ApplicationThumbnail Sets the name of the application thumbnail file.

AllowPubAppE dit Sets the application flag, so that it can edit a published
application. If the value is 1, you can edit a published
InTouch file.
CommentRetentive Determines whet her run-time changes to the Alarm
Comment field are saved.

ForceLogCurrentValue Determines whet her the current value of logged tags

are written to the Historical Log file at an interval set
by the ForceLogging parameter.

ForceLogging Sets the length of the interval when tag values are
periodically written to the Historical Log file regardless
of their current values.

LoopTimeOut Sets the time out period of FOR-NE XT loop

processing in an InTouch script.

Customizing Applications Settings from the INTOUCH.ini FileAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Ex

INTOUCH.ini Parameter Purpose

MarkAppReadOnlyNonRDS On a non-RDS node, if this parameter is set to 1, it will

consider this a read-only node and consume a
read-only license for an InTouc hView application.
NoKeyboardResize Determines whet her the numeric keyboard is resized
to the resolution of the WindowViewer screen.

OldRightMouseBehavior Determines whether the right mouse button is enabled

in WindowMaker.

PrintScreenWait Sets the wait period before printing a screen from


PrintWindowWait Sets the wait period before printing an InTouch

window from WindowViewer.

RemoteTagsLogE vents Determines whet her an InTouch application logs

remot e referenc ed tag alarms and events.

RemoteTagsNoIOE vents Determines whet her an InTouch application logs

remot e referenc ed tag alarms.

ScaleForRes olution Determines whether InTouch application windows are

automatically resized when changing nodes that have
different screen resolutions.

ViewLicenseRetryCount Determines the times WindowViewer will attempt to

acquire the license in the background, during Startup
and when no license is available.

WindowNameWithSpecialCharacters If the parameter is set to 1, then new windows can be

created with special characters in the window name.

Setting Custom Logging Properties

You can add a set of parameters to the INTOUCH.ini file that specify how tag values are saved to the
InTouch historical log file. The values assigned to these parameters det ermine logging frequency and if
the values of remote referenced tags are logged.

Setting Logging Frequency

The InTouch HMI writes entries to the historical log file based upon t wo conditions:
 The InTouch HMI writes an immediate log ent ry whenever a tag value changes by an engineering
unit value greater than its log deadband value.
 The InTouch HMI writes the current values of all logged tags at a fixed interval. The default fixed
interval is 60 minutes.
You add two parameters to the INTOUCH.ini file to change the interval.
 ForceLogging

Customizing Applications Settings from the INTOUCH.ini FileAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Ex

ForceLogging specifies the length of the fixed logging interval in minutes. ForceLogging can be set to
a value from 5 to 120. The default is ForceLogging=60.
 ForceLogCurrentValue
ForceLogCurrentValue forces the InTouch HMI to write log entries for all logged tags even if the
current values are less than or equal to their log deadband ranges. The default is
In the following example, current tag values are written to the Historical Log file at 15 minute intervals or
when the value of the tag changes:

Logging Remote Referenced Tags

By default, remote referenced tags are not logged to the events log file. To log remote referenced tags,
you must enable event logging and then add the RemoteTagsLogE vents parameter to the INTOUCH.ini
To exclude I/O tags from being logged, add the RemoteTagsNoIOE vents parameter to the INTOUCH.ini
file. The RemoteTagsNoIOE vents parameter applies only if the RemoteTagsLogE vents parameter is set
to 1.

Disabling WindowMaker Shortcut Menus

By default, WindowMaker shows an shortcut menu when you right -click with your mouse over the
selected object. If you prefer to develop your application using the same mouse behavior as earlier
versions of the InTouch HMI, you can turn off WindowMaker’s right -click behavior by setting the
oldrightmousebehavior parameter to 1 in the INTOUCH.ini file.

Setting Custom WindowViewer Properties

You can add a set of INTOUCH.ini file parameters that set the behavior of WindowViewer to:
 Handle script looping.
 Scale InTouch windows for different screen resolutions.
 Set a waiting period to print windows or screens.
 Log run time changes to an alarm comment.
 Set the drawing mode of a 16-Pen Trend.
 Resize the numeric keypad.
 Resizing input fields of analog and string user input links.

Adding a Script Loop Timer

By default, a FOR-NE XT loop within an InTouch script must complete within five seconds.
WindowViewer stops the script automatically if the FOR-NE XT loop processing has not finished by the
time-out limit. This time-out limit prevents an infinite loop caused by a scripting error.
Occasionally, you may need to writ e a script in which the FOR-NE XT loop code processing exceeds the
five second time-out limit. You can change the length of the time-out limit by adding the LoopTimeout
parameter to your INTOUCH.ini file.
In this example, loop processing continues for a maximum of 20 seconds:

Customizing Applications Settings from the INTOUCH.ini FileAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Ex


Scaling InTouch Windows to Different Screen Resolutions

You can add a parameter to the INTOUCH.ini file to maintain the current resolution of InTouch windows
when you migrate the application to other nodes running different screen res olutions.
The ScaleForResolution parameter value determines if application windows are automatically scaled by
WindowMaker after the display resoluti on changes on the computer running WindowViewer. The
ScaleForRes olution parameter does not affect the resolution of WindowViewer dialog boxes. Resolution
conversion is enabled when the ScaleForResolution parameter is set to 1.

Setting the Length of the Print Waiting Period

When you select a window or screen to print, WindowViewer loads the selected window or screen into
memory. WindowViewer then waits 10 seconds to allow all DDE variables shown in the window or screen
to be updated. After the waiting period ends, WindowViewer sends the window or screen to the printer.
The WindowViewer print waiting period can be changed by adding the PrintWindowWait or
PrintScreenWait parameters to the INTOUCH.ini file. The wait period for either paramet er is expressed in

Logging Alarm Comments

Operators can add a comment when acknowledging an alarm. To write run time changes to the Alarm
Comment field in the tag database, add the following line to the INTOUCH.ini fil e for the current

Setting the Drawing Mode of a 16-Pen Trend

You can select the line drawing mode of a 16 -Pen Trend bas ed on the value of the
16PenTrendDrawMode parameter.
 A veraging mode: 16PenTrendDrawMode=0
Because of the time range and the buffer size of the 16-P en Trend, each pixel on the trend can
represent several seconds' worth of data. Each interval can contain several samples with different
values. As a result, the trend’s data point can appear as a vertical line between th e maximum and the
minimum values observed within the interval.
After the minimum to maximum vertical line is drawn, the trend pen moves to the calculated average
value for the interval. The next interval begins by drawing the line from the average value to the next
interval on the trend. The vertical minimum to maximum line is drawn and the pen rests at the
average value calculated for the interval. This proc ess repeats for each sampling interval.
A veraging is the default drawing mode of a 16-Pen Trend if the 16P enTrendDrawMode is not
specified in the INTOUCH.ini file.
 Min-Max mode: 16PenTrendDrawMode=1
In the Min-Max drawing mode the trend line is drawn by directly connecting the endpoints of each
data collection interval.

Customizing Applications Settings from the INTOUCH.ini FileAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Ex

Resizing a Numeric Keypad

You can add a parameter to the INTOUCH.ini file that det ermines whether an InTouch application’s
numeric keypad can be resized or not. Increasing the size of the keypad at higher screen resolutions
(1280 x 1024) keeps the text appearing on the keypad legible. But, you may have applications with
limited screen space that set practical limits on the size of the keypad.
You can add the NoKeyboardResize parameter to the INTOUCH.ini file. By default the parameter is not
included. Its default value is:
The default value permits the numeric keypad to be resized according to the screen resolution.
The alternative value you can assign to the parameter is:
In this case, the keypad does not resize based on screen resolution and the numeric keypad size
remains fixed.

Resizing the Input Fields of Analog and String User Input Links
You can add the Resizable InputLink parameter to the INTOUCH.ini file to resize the input box of the
Analog or String user input links with your mouse. The Resizable InputLink parameter must be set to a
non-zero value.
After the Input field is resized the first time, WindowViewer adds the Resizable InputLink Width and
Resizable InputLink Height parameters to the INTOUCH.ini file. These parameters specify the width and
height of Input boxes in pixels.
Resizable InputLink = 1
Resizable InputLink Width=300
Resizable InputLink Height=50
Also, you can edit the INTOUCH.ini file to manually modify the values assigned to thes e paramet ers.

Resolving Stuck Application Button or Displayed Value Problems

A parameter can be added to the InTouch.ini file to resolve problems in which an InTouch application
button is stuck in the down position or a displayed value does not change. The button and the value do
not respond to repeated mouse clicks.
Possible causes of this problem can be an OnK eyUp sc ript that does not run because a graphic element
with an OnKeyDown script hides the window. Also, the stuck button problem can be caused when there
are two scripts, OnKeyDown to set a bit and OnKeyUp to clear the bit. The operat or clicks the button, but
the window containing the button closes before the mouse is released.
To solve these problems, do the following:
 Insert the UseLegacyOnKeyUp=1 parameter in the Intouch.ini file.
 Select the Use In-Memory Window Cache check box in the WindowViewer Propertie s dialog box.

AVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Managing Security for InTouch HMI
General Considerations for Security
Before you review the information in this section, it is recommended that you go through the following
checklist to ensure you plan to cover the security areas that apply to your ICS and organization.
Security Area Reference Section

Physical and virt ual access to the host General Guidelines for Securing the Host on page
Latest Windows patches applied Windows Updates on page 263
Protecting the host from viruses and malware Scanning the Host on page 264
Access to content on the host Protecting the Applications and Content on the
Host on page 264
Securing your network Securing the Net work on page 264
Configuring services and ports Managing Net work Services and Ports on page
Securing client/server communication Securing Communic ation bet ween the Client and
Server on page 266
User and group management Securing Systems through Aut hentication and
Authorization on page 268
Planning for emergencies Contingency Planning on page 269
For a list of security feature help topics refer to the table at the end of this section.

This appendix provides a general overview on how to securely deploy your AVEVA software product as
an Industrial Control Systems (ICS) application.
AVEVA's approach to securing site networks and ICS software is driven by the following principles:
 View security from both Management and Tec hnical perspectives
 Ensure that security is addressed from both IT and ICS perspectives.
 Design and develop multiple network, system and software security layers.
 Ensure industry, regulatory and int ernational standards are taken int o account.
 Aim to prevent security breaches, support ed by detection and mitigation.
These principles are realized by implementing the following security recommendations:
 Prevent security breaches using the following components:
o Firewalls
o Network-based intrusion prevention/det ection
o Host-based intrusion prevention/detection

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

 Segregat e IT and Plant networks

 Include a clearly defined and clearly communicated change management policy. For example,
firewall configuration changes.
This appendix is not meant to be comprehensive, and it does not provide any detailed instructions. It is
only a collection of basic concepts and recommendations that you can use as a checklist to secure your
own systems. If you need help with a specific item in this guide, see the official documentation for that
item -- for example, if you need help with your anti -virus soft ware, see the documentation for that

Note: AVEVA strongly recommends following the guidelines prescribed by the U.S. Department of
Commerce for securing ICS software. The document "Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
Security" [NIS T Special Publication 800 -82 Revision
2](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.S P.800-82r2.pdf ) provides detailed
information about ICS, typical system topologies, security threats and vulnerabilities, and
recommendations for implementing security measures.

Securing the Host

Given the sensitive nature of industrial cont rol, it is important to secure not only the ICS soft ware, but
 the host on which it runs
 the network to which it is connected
 the hardware used for the ICS soft ware.

Note: The "host" is the Windows computer or Windows Embedded device on which your ICS software is
installed and running.

There are several factors to consider for securing the host including:
 Access to the host
 Keeping track of and applying the latest Windows updates
 Keeping the host computer free of viruses and malware
 Protecting the applications and content on the host
Each of thes e factors is covered in the sections below.

General Guidelines for Securing the Host

Here are a few guidelines to secure the host:
 Use an account with administrative privileges to install the ICS software, and one without
administrative privileges to run the ICS software.
 Restrict configuration of ICS to a limited set of users.
 Consider running the ICS soft ware as a Windows service, if that option is available. If the ICS
software is run as a service, run it as a low privileged virtual service account.
 Once the host is fully configured and placed in its permanent location, restrict physical access and
remot e access to it so that only authorized personnel (for example, system administrators,
application engineers, run-time operators) can use it.
 Consider dis abling or removing physical ports (for example, USB, memory card) that might be used
to connect external storage devices and then trans fer data.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Windows Updates
Check that the Windows operating system on the host is a version that is under what Microsoft calls
"mainstream support", which means Microsoft actively maintains and releases updates for it. Older
versions of Windows are under Micros oft "extended support", which means they are not actively
maintained and therefore might become vulnerable wit hout notice. For more information about the
different versions of Windows and the different levels of support, see [Windows lifecycle fact sheet](
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13853/ windows-lifec ycle-fact-sheet ).
Automate Micros oft product updat es using Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS ), which
enables you to manage and distribute updates to computers on your net work. For more information
about WSUS, see [Windows Server Update
Services](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ windows -server/administration/ windows -server-update-s erv
ices/get-started/ windows -server-update-servic es-wsus ). If the host does not or will not have a reliable
connection to the WSUS server, perhaps because it is located on a private net work, you can either
develop a procedure to manually apply updates or consider changing the operating system to a
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) version of Windows, which is updat ed less frequently.
In addition, AVEVA ICS software is tested for compatibility with Micros oft updates the results of which are
published on the Securit y Central site https://softwaresupportsp.aveva.com/#/securit ycentral. Security
advis ories and bulletins are also published on this site.

ICS Software Updates

Check that the ICS soft ware on the host has all the recommended patches and hot fixes installed.
Some AVEVA applications release regular updates, which should be applied as soon as possible as they
may contain security-related fixes.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Note: AVEVA's Global Customer Support (GCS) group publishes a Technology Mat rix
https://gcsresource.aveva.com/TechnologyMatrix/Home/Index for AVEVA software products. This
matrix lists the Windows operating system versions against which a software product has been t ested for
compatibility. In addition, it lists compatible runtime, browser and virtualization environments for the
software. It also includes a list of other products that can be installed on the same computer and lists
other products with whic h this software can communicate.

Scanning the Host

Use both anti-virus and anti-malware software and file integrity checking soft ware to regularly scan the
Windows includes Windows Defender by default, but you may choos e to install and use additional
software that scans for more types of malware or performs other functions. If you do that, make sure the
software is provided by a reputable company. And, as with the operating system, if the host does not or
will not have reliable access to the software's update service, develop a proc edure to manually apply
updates. If you develop a manual update procedure, it should account for all devic es on a network or at a
site, because a single outdat ed device can leave the entire network or site vulnerable.

Protecting the Applications and Content on the Host

To protect the applications and content on the host:
 Enable Windows Firewall, and configure it to close all ports that are not used by the ICS software.
For more information about port usage, see Managing Network Services and Ports.
 Disable Windows feat ures like remote desktop and file sharing, and remove unnec essary programs
like games and social media.
 Restrict access to the files, databases, resgistry and other resources on the host.
 Use Windows BitLocker to encry pt the hard drive of comput ers that are either mobile or not loc ated in
a secure facility. However, BitLocker may impact the performance of computers.
 Consider using server-class storage (SANs) infrastructure to avoid storing sensitive data on mobile
devic es.

Securing the Network

Usually the host computer will have some sort of network access; it is increasingly rare for an ICS device
to run as an entirely standalone device. The host may use the network to communicate with other ICS
components such as controllers, sensors, databases, remot e clients, and even other hosts in
peer-to-peer relationships. You may also use the net work to manage several ICS devices from a
development or supervisory workstation.
Once you determine that the host will have net work access, decide how it will connect to the network. In
recent years there has been a shift from wired networks (that is, "E thernet") to wireless net works
("Wi-Fi"), even for business and industrial uses. We recommend against using Wi -Fi for your ICS
network because you do not have physical control over who or what might access the network. Any
computer or device within range of the Wireless Access Point (WAP) can try to access the network, and
even if the network is ostensibly secure, an int ruder can intercept and analyze network traffic and
potentially discover a vulnerability.
Nevertheless, if you decide to use Wi-Fi for your ICS net work, enable all access control features on the
WAP including encryption (for example, WPA/WPA2), a strong password and a list of aut horiz ed MAC
addresses. Do not try to "hide" the Wi-Fi network by disabling broadc ast of the Service Set Identifier
(SSID), because doing so actually generates more net work traffic that can be intercept ed and analyzed.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Segmenting the ICS Network

The ICS net work itself can be either physically or logically segmented from your ot her corporate
networks. A physically segmented net work is by definition the most secure. The network hardware and
all computers and devic es connected to it form a single closed network with no physical connection to
any other net work, so an intruder cannot access the network unless they also have access to the
physical location.
In contrast, a logically segment ed network is physically connected to your other corporate network s
and/or the public internet, but it uses various methods to segregat e ICS network traffic from other
network traffic. This may include:
 Using a unidirectional gateway
 Implementing a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) network architecture with firewalls to prevent net work
traffic from passing directly between the corporate and ICS networks
 Having different authentication mec hanisms and credentials for users of the corporate and ICS
 The ICS should also use a network topology that has multiple layers, with the most critical
communications occurring in the most secure and reliable lay er.
Given below is a sample deployment topology.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

In no cas e should your ICS network and devices be directly accessible from t he public internet. If there is
some part of your ICS that you want to be accessible, (for example, if you want be able to view
web-enabled HMI screens from a browser or smart phone), your ICS soft ware should include features
that securely pass the necessary traffic between your ICS network and a public -facing server.

Managing Network Services and Ports

A network port is an endpoint of communic ation in an operating system. While the term is also used for
hardware devices, in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of
service. In other words, a network port is conceptually different from hardware ports like USB, memory
card, and even the wired network connection.
Computers and devices can access many different network services at the same time by communicating
on different net work ports. Each network service or communication protocol has an associated port
number. Some port numbers are specified by international standards, and therefore they are universally
recognized. Other port numbers are claimed by proprietary software, and in most cases they can be
changed in the software settings if there is a conflict with other software or services.
Firewalls control net work traffic by either accepting or refusing communication on these network ports. If
a port is open, it accepts communication, and if a port is closed, it refuses communication. Alm ost every
layer of a net work -- from the operating system on an individual computer or device, to the router that
manages traffic within a network, to the gateway that manages traffic between net works -- has its own
The documentation for your ICS software should include a list of network ports that are commonly used
by the software. Given the nature of ICS, the list typically includes services like web, email, file transfer,
external databases, device drivers, and the ICS software itself for serve r-client communications.
Configure the firewalls to open only those net work ports that are actually used by your ICS. Disable all
unused services and close all unused ports.

Securing Communication between the Client and Server

Like most server-client applications, your ICS soft ware should support secure communication between
the server and client in order to prevent the messages sent between those two stations from being read
by any other stations on the same network. Note that this is diff erent from securing the net work itself in
order to prevent unauthorized access to the network.
This sort of communication is also sometimes known as "Encrypted Channel" because it uses the
Trans port Layer Security (TLS) standard to encrypt the server-client messages. The latest version of the
standard is TLS 1.3 (releas ed August 2018), but it is not yet in common use. The latest version of the
standard in common use is TLS 1.2 (released A ugust 2008). TLS supersedes the earlier Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) standard, although SSL is still used in older applications.
Certificate s
TLS and SSL us e a system of certificates and keys to digitally "sign" the messages sent between the
server and client. When the server establishes communic ation with the client (and vice versa), it presents
its certificate which identifies its name, net work address, organization, physical location, and so on. The
client can then choos e to either accept or refus e the certificate as presented. If it accepts the certificate,
it agrees to accept messages encrypted with the same certificat e, and it uses the associated key to
decrypt those messages.
When you configure this sort of communication, you need to choose one of the following:
 Using self-signed certificate
 Using certificates signed by a Public Certificate Authority (CA )
 Using Domain-issued certificat es or certificat es signed by a Private Certificate Authority using
systems like Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Servic e (AD CS)

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

A self-signed certificate is issued and signed by the same application that presents it. Self-signed
certificates are easy to create and manage, but they are s ecure only if you control both the server and the
client and therefore cont rol which certificat es are installed on each.
In contrast, CA-signed certificates are slightly difficult and expensive to acquire, but they are more
flexible than self-signed certificates because you do not need to control both the server and the client. If
you configure the server to present a CA-signed certificate, the client will accept the certificate because it
recognizes the Certificat e Authority.
Domain-issued certificates are internal certific ates typically managed by your IT department. They are
issued and validated by an Active Directory Certificate Authority. Domain -issued certificat es are free and
can be issued instantly.
You need to renew CA -signed and Domain-issued certificates at regular intervals.
For more information about how to enable Encrypted Channel features and manage self -signed
certificates in your ICS software, see the documentation for that software. However, acquiring a
CA-signed certificate and then using it to sign other certificat es is typically beyond the scope of ICS
software documentation.

Note: Encrypted and unenc rypted communications typically use different network ports.

Cloud-based Systems
It is possible that your ICS software might access cloud-based solutions, or might itself be hosted on the
Cloud.It is import ant to mitigate the risks associated with cloud-based access and hosting.
Accessing Cloud-Based Solutions
Several AVEVA applications are now being made available through the Cloud, and ICS soft ware may
need to connect to these applications. One of the main risks associated with accessing cloud -based
applications is unauthorized access. Connecting ICS soft ware to Cloud solutions must be done in a
secure manner, and needs to use secure prot ocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS ).
It is important that data integrity is maintained at all times. Use data classification to identify data that is
sensitive and data that can be made public. Secure machines,storage and networking in order to secure
the data that is stored and transmitted. Work with your Cloud Service Provider (CSP) to configure users,
assign access levels and monitor and control access. Ensure that the CSP's buildings are ph ysically
secure and protected from unauthorized access.
Cloud-based ICS Software
While hosting ICS software on the Cloud provides several benefits such as flexibility, scalability and
availability, it is also fraught with security risks such as susceptibility to hacking resulting in damage to the
organization's reputation . Therefore, it is important to implement a security strategy before you make
your ICS soft ware accessible on the Cloud. For securing ICS soft ware on the Cloud, you need to
consider the following:
 Securing access points by putting in place authentication, monitoring and support mechanisms.
 Implementing cloud-based, cent ralized security measures including encrypting communications
using TLS.

Note: It is recommended that you review the NIST Cybersecurit y Framework

https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework for additional information.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Securing Systems through Authentication and Authorization

Typically, ICS software is comprised of a large number of systems, each accessed by a variety of users
including engineers, operat ors and managers. The level of access that each type of user requires is
different. So, it is necessary to manage user authentication and authorization to secure the system.
Authenti cation
Authentication is the process of verifying a user's/system's identity. Authentication can be managed in
the following ways:
 Within the ICS software through application accounts
 Through Windows accounts, which can be local to a single computer
 Through Authentication systems (see the next section for details)
While ICS software allows for us er and role management, it can become cumbersome and complicated
to manage a large number of us er accounts as employees and roles change. Because of this, use of
Windows accounts is generally preferred.
Authenti cation System s
Authentication systems such as Active Directory and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP),
referred to as authentication servers, are a repository of and provide centralized management for all
system accounts and individual user accounts. An authentication protocol is used for all communication
between authentication servers and the user or server requesting aut hentication.
E ven though use of authentication systems provides improved scalability, the following factors must be
considered depending upon the size and complexity of your operations:
 It is important that the authentication servers are highly secured.
 The authentication server system creates a single system for managing all system accounts.
Therefore, it requires to be available at all times. To ensure minimal disruption during an emergency,
redundancy must be considered.
 Permit caching of user credentials only for users who have authenticated their identity recently.
 Networks that support the authentication protocol must be reliable and secure to assist in
trouble-free authentication.
It may also be worthwhile implementing two -factor authentication using additional applications such as
Authorization is the process of providing the correct level of privileges to users by applying access rules
to authenticated users, systems (HMIs, field devices and SCADA servers) and networks (remote sites'

Managing Users and Groups through Windows

When you configure security, you may choose to do one of the following:
 Keep the configuration local to a single application.
 Share the configuration bet ween multiple applications.
 Manage the configuration as part of the network domain (for example, using Active Directory). This
option typically allows users to have the same user account for the network, the host, and the ICS
software. Using Active Directory gives you the following advantages:
o A centralized repository for user and group data, enabling effective implementation of security
policies and proc edures.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o Provides a single point of access to all network resources after the user is identified and
To manage users and groups:
 First define a specific role for each group, and then configure the group privileges to fit that role.
 Groups may overlap, but it is often better to have clearly separate groups and then assign individual
users to multiple groups, if necessary.
 Set or change the password for the ICS software's default user (e.g., "guest").
 Define stringent password policies to force users to creat e strong passwords. Enforce mandatory
password updat es on a regular basis.

Managing Users and Groups through ICS Software

Your ICS software should have a built-in security system that controls who may use the software and
what privileges they have.
Users should be assigned permissions that determine what each user is authorized to do within the ICS
system. Permissions can be managed eit her on a per-account basis or on a group basis by making use
of roles. Group or role-based access control is preferred as it greatly simplifies management. Users can
be moved from one role to another as the organization's needs change, and can also be members of
multiple roles if required.
Each user should have their own user account with a unique user name and a strong password. The user
account can then be assigned to one or more groups.
Accounts should always be assigned the least privileges necessary to perform their functions. Accounts
with Windows Administrator permissions should be reduced to the minimum, and typically only used to
install and configure the soft ware. Likewise, accounts with SQL Server SysAdmin privileges should be
reduced to the minimum, and typically only used to install and configure the software.
In most cases, the ICS software will allow associating Windows Groups with roles within the product.
While defining and assigning roles, consider the following:
 Roles should be defined to have the least privileges necessary for their functionality.
 Roles should be limited to a single purpose in order to simplify the permissions assigned to them.
 Users can be members of multiple roles if necessary.

Contingency Planning
Incidents are inevit able. It is, therefore, important to develop a strategy to detect an incident quickly and
respond to it in a timely manner in order to minimize loss and protect your system. An organiz ation must
consider contingencies arising from incidents such as fire, flood and so on, and those arising from failure
of hardware or software components. Cyber attacks such as ransomware are becoming more common
and must also be considered.
An organization should have contingency plans in plac e to cover the entire range of failures and
eventualities. Employees should be trained and be familiar with the contents of the contingency plans.
As part of planning for contingencies, it is important to establish a site, physically separated fro m the
central one, that has replication capability. Doing so will ensure the integrity of an operational system
where the central site is at risk from fire, floods or other disasters. The replication capability includes
having duplicated hardware, and requires soft ware configuration and key state information to be
periodically propagated from the central site to the recovery site. Each recovery scenario is unique, so it
is important to consult with system integration experts regarding the design of communic ations
equipment, hardware and the configuration of the soft ware.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Protecting the data stored in your system is also of paramount importance. Full and incremental backups
must be scheduled on a regular basis. Backups should be verified by running tests to restore from
backed up data. Backups should be stored offline so that they are safe from cyber attacks such as
Organizations should also have business continuity and disaster rec overy plans that are similar to
contingency plans. These plans are covered briefly in the sections to follow.

Auditing and Logging

As part of implementing security for ICS software, it is important to incorporate auditing and logging
activities on various systems and networks.
Auditing and logging provide information on the current state of your ICS, and help to ensure that the
system is functioning as expected. If an incident occurs, you can use t he activity logs to trace the origin of
the incident to a computer, user or network. Auditing and logging can als o help with troubleshooting
If you are connecting to cloud-based solutions, audit all virtual machines to ensure data integrity.

Business Continuity Planning

Business continuity planning addresses strategies to maintain or re -establish production in the event of
any disruption. Thes e disruptions may be caus ed by a nat ural dis aster (flood, earthquake, etc), by an
intentional or unintentional man-made event (arson, operator error, power outage, etc), or by system
Depending upon the duration of the potential ICS application outage caused by a disruption, operational
recovery plans for short-term outages and disaster recovery plans for long-term out ages must be
formulat ed. It is also important to employ physical security for areas of a production site that house data
acquisition and control systems that might have higher -level risks. Your business continuity plan should
specify system and data recovery procedures for your systems. Once the recovery procedures are
documented, a schedule should be developed to test the recovery procedures. Particular attention must
be paid to the verification of backups of system configuration data and product or production data. The
procedures should be reviewed periodically.
If you are accessing cloud-based solutions, ensure that systems are available at all times. In case of a
disaster, services should switch to a new physical location to provide continued service.

Disaster Recovery Planning

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a set of procedures to protect and recover an IT infrastructure in case
of a disaster. It contains the procedures to follow before, during and after a disaster. Disasters can be
natural, environmental or man-made (intentional or unint entional).
A DRP is essential for continued availability of the ICS, and should cover the following:
 When the DRP should be activated depending upon an event, its duration and its severity.
 Detailed course of action for operating the ICS manually until external connections are secured.
 Personnel responsible for each procedure.
 Processes for securely backing up data and restoring it. This should cover:
o Requirements for building redundancy.
o File backup procedures.
o Frequency of backups.
o Storage mechanism for full and incremental backups.
o Safe storage of installation media, license keys and configuration information.

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

o List of individuals responsible for performing, testing, maintaining and restoring backups.
 List of personnel with physical and virtual access to the ICS .
 Detailed configuration information about the components of the ICS.
 Schedule for testing the DRP.

Security lapses pres ent a serious threat to ICS software and infrastructure. Therefore, it is important for
every organization to:
 Be proactive about preventing security lapses
 Identify potential lapses
 Detect them in a timely manner when they occur
 Address lapses to ensure minimum dis ruption and maximum availability
To this end:
 Computers and networks must be secured
 Users and groups must be authenticated and authorized
 Contingency plans must be in place to recover from untoward or intentional events
Refer to the document "Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security" [NIS T Special Publication
800-82 Revision 2](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-82r2.pdf ) for
additional details and recommendations.

Security Configuration for InTouch HMI

The table below lists the security areas that you need to configure for InTouch HMI and the details of the
section(s) in this guide that provide the corres ponding instructions.
Security Area(s) Topic(s) in thi s guide Summary

Protecting the Applications and Configuring an Inactivity Configure WindowViewer to

Cont ent on the Host Time-Out on page 167 automatically log off an inactive
operator from an InTouc h
Securing Systems through Authentication and Authorization Users needs to authenticate
Authentication and Authorization Based Securit y themselves before using an
InTouch application. InTouch
verifies whet her the
authenticated user is authorized
to use specific functionality.
Using Virtual Accounts Using virtual accounts provides
an additional layer of security
when accessing alarm functions.
See Using Virtual Accounts in the
InTouch HMI Alarms and E vents

Managing Security for InTouch H MIAVEVA™ InTouch HMI formerly Wonderware Application Management and Extension Guide

Security Area(s) Topic(s) in thi s guide Summary

Protecting the Applications and Lock ing System Keys Restrict operator access to
Cont ent on the Host standard Windows functions by
disabling system keys on the
computer running an InTouch

Securing Systems through

Authentication and Authorization

Managing Users and Groups Using InTouch-B ased Security Restrict which functions an
through ICS Software operator is allowed to perform by
linking those functions to internal

Managing Users and Groups Using Operating S ystem-Based Inherit some user/group account
through Windows Security policies from the Windows
operating system.

$AccessLevel system tag • 187
$ApplicationChanged system tag • 86
$ChangePassword system tag • 188
$ConfigureUsers system tag • 184, 189, 190
$InactivityTimeout system tag • 167, 170
$InactivityWarning system tag • 167, 170
$Language system tag • 205, 207
$Operat or system tag • 190, 194
16PenTrendDrawMode parameter • 258
$Operat orEnt ered system tag • 193
$PasswordEntered system tag • 190, 193

16PenTrendDrawMode parameter • 258

AnnotateLayout() function • 251, 253
Application Manager
modifying an application • 54
opening an application with WindowViewer • 52
Application Publisher
description • 63
configuring for run-time language switching • 203
creating for InTouchView • 31
extending overview • 27
logging remote referenced tags • 257
securing in a Terminal Services environment • 94
task management oveview • 27
format of numbers within graphics • 228
master user acccount • 104
client-bas ed • 74
Network Application Development • 75
server-based • 74

beep sound for objects • 219
blinking speeds • 219

ChangePassword() function • 187
client-bas ed arc hitecture • 74
closing WindowViewer on transfer to WindowMak er • 219
closing/opening windows • 235
Net Start view • 104
Net Stop view • 104
Notify Clients • 75
unavailable from InTouchView • 15
core affinity • 232

description • 107
exporting tags • 107
viewing contents of exported file • 108
creating input file • 110
description • 107
input file • 109
IOAccess keyword • 112
mode keyword • 111
debugging scripts • 219
DRCSee Dynamic Resolution Conversion • 88

event logs
logging remote referenced tags • 257

Fast Switch • 219
files, INTOUCH.ini • 28
ForceLogCurrentValue parameter • 256
ForceLogging parameter • 256
AddPermission() function • 176, 186
AnnotateLayout() function • 251
AttemptInvisibleLogon() function • 192
EnableDisableKeys() function • 171, 173
GetAccountStatus() function • 196
GetNodeName() function • 94
HTSetPenName() function • 81
HTUpdateToCurrent Time() function • 78
InvisibleV erifyCredentials() function • 195
IOReinitialize() function • 95
IOSetAccessName() function • 76
IsAssignedRole() function • 196
Logoff() function • 192
PostLogonDialog() function • 189, 191
QueryGroupMembership() function • 197
SwitchDisplayLanguage() function • 205
TseGetClient Id() function • 94, 96
TseGetClientNodeName() function • 97
TseQueryRunni ngOnClient () function • 97
TseQueryRunningOnConsole() function • 97
WWMultiMonitorNode() function • 249

restrictions for InTouchView applications • 15
GetAccountStatus() function • 196

historical logging
restrictions for InTouchView applications • 15
setting logging frequency • 256

inactivity time-out • 167
INTOUCH.ini file
custom parameters • 255
creating an application • 31
description • 217
WindowMaker restrictions • 15
IOAccess keyword • 112

GroupVar keyword • 136
IndirectAnalog keyword • 137
IndirectMsg keyword • 138
IODisc keyword • 125
MemoryDisc keyword • 124
MemoryMsg keyword • 134
TagID keyword • 137

language switching
configuring • 203
LoopTimeout parameter • 257

Mode keyword • 111
multi-monitor system
description • 243
single video card configuration • 243

NADSee Network Application Development • 75
Net Start view command • 104
Net Stop view command • 104
Network Application Development
description • 75
network architectures
server-based • 74
single computer • 73
supported types • 73
NoKeyboardResize parameter • 259
Notify Clients command • 75, 87
number format • 228

blink speed • 219
objects, blink speed • 219
oldrightmousebehavior parameter • 257
opening/closing windows • 235

16PenTrendDrawMode • 258
CommentRetentive • 258
ForceLogCurrentValue • 256
ForceLogging • 256
LoopTimeout • 257
MultiScreen • 247
MultiScreenHeight • 247
MultiScreenWidt h • 247
NoKeyboardResize • 259
oldrightmousebehavior • 257
PrintScreenWait • 258
PrintWindow • 258
Resizable InputLink • 259
ScaleForRes olution • 258
PrintScreenWait parameter • 258
PrintWindow parameter • 258
processors • 232

Region setting • 228
ReloadWindowViewer() function • 87
RESET command • 139
Resizable InputLink parameter • 259
RestartWindowViewer() function • 87
run time
customizing • 219
Fast Switch • 219
run time, customizing for InTouchView • 219

ScaleForRes olution parameter • 248
setting loop timeout limit • 257
adding user permissions with a script • 186
change user password with a script • 187
determine us er group members hip with a script • 196
inactivity time-out feature • 167
InTouch-bas ed authentication • 176
log on a user to InTouch aut omatically with a script • 192
overview • 167
restricting access to InTouch functionality • 194
retrieving information about the current logged on user wit h a script • 197
show InTouch Logon dialog box with a script • 191
using operating system-bas ed authentication • 176
verifying user credentials with a script • 195
server-based arc hitecture • 74
configuring a user account • 104
configuring WindowViewer to start as a servic e • 102
description • 101
manually starting • 104
starting WindowViewer • 101
stopping using a command • 104
stopping using the Cont rol Panel • 104
system tags
$AccessLevel system tag • 187
$AccessLevel system tag • 190
$ApplicationVersion system tag • 86
$ChangePassword system tag • 188
$ChangePassword system tag • 184
$ConfigureUsers system tag • 189
$ConfigureUsers system tag • 184
$ConfigureUsers system tag • 190
$InactivityTimeout system tag • 170
$InactivityTimeout system tag • 167
$InactivityWarning system tag • 170
$InactivityWarning system tag • 167
$Language system tag • 205
$LogicRunning system tag • 173
$Operat or system tag • 94, 190, 198
$Operat orDomainEntered system tag • 194
$Operat orEnt ered system tag • 193
$Operat orEnt ered system tag • 190
$Operat orName system tag • 197
$PasswordEntered system tag • 193
$PasswordEntered system tag • 190

Tablet PC
description • 251
making window annotations • 252
Tagname Dictionary
creating DBLoad input file • 110
exporting contents with DBDump • 107
formatting an input file • 109
$InactivityTimeout system tag • 167
exporting contents of Tagname Dictionary • 107
logging remote referenced • 257
SuperTag instances • 139
Terminal Services
defining Read Only applications in remote sessions • 223
Terminal Services Client command • 93
tick interval • 219
transferring to WindowMaker from WindowViewer • 235
TseGetClient Id() function • 94

disabling trans fer from WindowViewer • 173
editing lock • 88
restrictions when developing InTouchView applications • 15
setting mouse behavior • 257
closing all open windows on transfer to WindowMaker • 219
closing on transfer to WindowMaker • 219
configuring to start as a Windows service • 102
customizing • 219
resizing the numeric keypad • 259
running as a service • 101
setting drawing mode of 16-Pen Trend • 258
setting print waiting period • 258
setting script looping timeout interval • 257
starting as a service • 102

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