UP TO 24kV 630A 21ka Modular Rmu: Maintenance Free, Compact & Modular SF Gas Insulated Distribution Switchgear
UP TO 24kV 630A 21ka Modular Rmu: Maintenance Free, Compact & Modular SF Gas Insulated Distribution Switchgear
UP TO 24kV 630A 21ka Modular Rmu: Maintenance Free, Compact & Modular SF Gas Insulated Distribution Switchgear
TAMCO has been manufacturing and selling GIS & RMUs since early 90s. At TAMCO,
operator safety has always been given top priority & is of utmost concern. Hence
the compact GR2-L (400mm width modules) has been successfully tested @ 25kA IAC
for 1 sec rating with gas duct arrangement. Moreover mimic diagram with fixed facia
provides safe “behind close door operation” with no or minimal operator training.
GR2-L’s modular design provides a perfect platform for building reliable distribution
network in compact space.
With a wide after sales and service network, TAMCO ensures that the experts nearest to
customer region are available for customer support at all the time.
Partition Class : PM
Internal Arc Classification : IAC AFLR 25kA – 1s
Ingress Protection Class : IP4X
VCB UNIT LBS UNIT LBSF UNIT * Height may vary based on different configuration.
Rated s. c. making current kAp 52.5 • Operational safety due to incorporation of PERMISSIVE
Rated s.c.sym.breaking current kA 21
• Comprehensive pad – locking facilities
Rated impulse voltage (1.2/50) kVp 125 / 145
• Mimic diagrams and position indicators to guide the operators
Rated A.C. 1 min pf voltage kV-rms 50 / 60
Height mm 2110*
Depth mm 1348
Ring main and transformer Most compact foot print with rigid structure Reduces cubicle space by > 35%
feeder panels SF6 gas insulated switch Suitable for highly polluted
Bus Sectionaliser Air Insulated busbars and cable termination environment
Bus Riser No SF6 gas handling at site Safe operation behind close door
Metering panels Safe, positive and fool proof interlocks Ease of installation sealed for life
Bus VT & Line VT Cable door & earthing switch interlocked Peace of mind with maintenance free
Pad-lockable VCB & 3-position motorized Productivity maximization
switches No or minimal training to the operator
Fully modular design with extension
on both sides
SF6 content approx. 1.5Kg
Separate gas duct
IAC 25kA for 1sec tested
TAMCO Switchgear (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd The information in this document contains general
Sublot 24, Lot 16505, Jalan Keluli 1, P.O.Box 2100, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja, Seksyen 7 description of products, which may not be presented
40802 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. in particular cases/version.
Tel: +603-3361-8200 Fax: +603-3341-6200 Email: sales@tamco.com.my Web: www.tamco.com.my Manufacturer has a right to make changes in course
of technical development and to meet specific
Global Network Offices: Malaysia / Indonesia / KSA / UAE / Qatar / Oman / India requirements. As the standard and specification can
subject to change please take confirmation of
information provided in the publication.