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Mechanical Concrete Roads

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A Project Report On


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of




P. SAGARIKA 18R01A0144
P. NIHARIKA 18R01A0147


Mr. K. Karunakar
M. tech

Assistant Professor



(Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad)

Kandlakoya(v), Medchal road Hyderabad- 501401,



This is to certify that the project report “A DETAILED STUDY ON MCHANICAL CONCRETE

ROADS” being submitted by


P. SAGARIKA 18R01A0144
P. NIHARIKA 18R01A0147
In partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering to the

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University is a record of bonafide work carried out by him under my

guidance and supervision.

Signature of Internal Guide Signature of Head of the Department

Mr. K. Karunakar Prof. A. KRISHNA RAO
M. tech, MISTE M. Tech(PhD), MISTE

Assistant Professor Professor and Head

Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering

Signature of


We, grate to our project guide Mr. K. Karunakar Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, for initiating this project. He provided and
supported enthusiastic discussion and was always willing to help out in understanding and
verification methods and in providing valuable references.

Support and facilities was essential ingredient for creating this dissertation. We would, therefore,
like to express our gratitude to Prof. A. KRISHNA RAO, Head of the Department, Civil
Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, for his guidance.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. B. SATYANARAYANA Principal, CMR Institute of Technology,

Hyderabad, for providing all the necessary facilities to complete this dissertation.

We also thank all the other faculty members of Civil Engineering Department for their help
and support.


P. SAGARIKA 18R01A0144
P. NIHARIKA 18R01A0147



We, the undersigned student of Department of Civil Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology

declare the titled “A DETAILED STUDY ON MECHANICAL CONCRETE ROADS” is a bonafide work

carried out by me. Further, We declare that this has not formed the basis of award of any Degree,

Diploma, Associate ship or other similar degree or diploma and has not been submitted anywhere




P. SAGARIKA 18R01A0144
P. NIHARIKA 18R01A0147



Mechanical concrete is made by confining aggregates, soils and granular materials inside a thin walled geo
cylinder in which we used the waste tires, aggregates and waste concrete. It is a way of binding crushed
stone aggregates together into a load bearing cellular building unit which can support compressive loads
and resist lateral soil pressure. This tire derived cylinder performs functions similar to the cement or water
mixture, the rebar and the formwork in hydraulic cement concrete. Stones confined in this manner can
function in load supporting foundations; earth retention structures i. e. walls and dams, slope and channel
erosion protection i. e. as ditch and channel liners. It is strength of mechanical cement cylinder that
generally defines the overall strength of mechanical concrete and not the crushed stone. The preferred
cylinder is made from a recycled auto or truck tire with both sidewalls removed. The tire treated cylinder is
no longer a tire but through remanufacturing becomes tire derived-cylinder, TDS. 78% of construction
waste consists of concrete waste, bricks and tiles. Concrete waste with various fractions was used as coarse
aggregate in the research, as well as filler aggregates from the crushed concrete waste were used. Physical-
mechanical properties of the samples were analysed by comparing with reference samples where typical
aggregates were used.
Keywords: waste tires, TDC, geo cylinder, aggregate, waste concrete













Table 1 Factors affecting road damage of developing countries. 03

Table 2 Summary of the coupon tension test specimens from a TDGC. 07

Table 3 Summary of geo web compression tested specimens. 08

Table 4 Physical and mechanical properties of TDGC specimens. 09

Table 5 Test results obtained for behaviour of filler material. 11

Table 6 Equipment costs associated with a non-TDGC reinforced

HMA roadway. 15

Table 7 Labour costs for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway. 15

Table 8 Material costs for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway. 16

Table 9 Equipment costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway. 17

Table 10 Labour costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway. 17

Table 11 Material costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway. 18

Table 12 Activities involved in conventional and mechanical concrete road and

their corresponding time required. 20

Table 13 Terrain Classification recommended by IRC. 25

Table 14 Design speed to be adopted for different Terrain. 26

Table 15 Recommended Road way width. 26

Table 16 Recommended carriage way width. 26

Table 17 Side slope for Rural Roads 27



FIGURE 1 Examples of pavement base/sub base materials

tire-derived geo-cylinders 04
FIGURE 2 Tire-derived geo-cylinders (TDGC) 06

FIGURE 3 Tensile testing the TDGC 07

FIGURE 4 Stress vs. strain relationship for tensile tested

TDGC specimens 07
FIGURE 5 TDGC specimen used for compression test 08
FIGURE 6 Compression testing of the TDGC specimen 08
FIGURE 7 Failed compression specimen 09
FIGURE 8 Laboratory test on TDC by using UTM 10
FIGURE 9 Laying of tire 12
FIGURE 10 Potholes due to rain 21
FIGURE 11 Potholes formation 22
FIGURE 12 (a) Pothole formed on the road
(b) Application of mechanical concrete concept
(c) Mechanical concrete as a pothole terminators 23
FIGURE 13 Cross section of Road 27



Graph 1 Compression stress vs. strain graph 09

Graph 2 Load Vs Displacement for 20mm aggregates 10

Graph 3 Load Vs Displacement for waste Concrete. 10

Graph 4 Load Vs Displacement for Murom. 10

Graph 5 Time Vs activities of conventional and Mechanical concrete road 20





This project is explained completely about mechanical concrete roads. Roadway and
site related failures near roads are due to failure of the soil or aggregate material. This soil or
aggregate materials are used to support internal or external Most lateral forces. The internal
and external forces on roads are due to regular usage of roads. Due to regular usage of roads
the weight due to vehicle moment and deformation of soil strength due to change in
temperature occurs which leads to failure of roads. The research for solutions to this challenge
has done and found solution by the geo-synthetics industry with its wide range of products to
improve this condition including geocells, fabrics, grids, reinforcing straps, etc.

Globally approximately 1.4 billion waste tires are generated annually, 300 million in
the USA. Finding ways to reuse these waste tires is an ongoing challenge. Since the rubber is
mainly hydrocarbons most, over 50%, are burned as fuel. Between 30 and 40% are broken
down and recycled through grinding and other processes and used in a variety of recreational
and construction products and processes. However, not effective reuse of the tire structure as
originally engineered and manufactured has been discovered so waste tires are widely used
for development of Mechanical Concrete.
Mechanical concrete road introduces a new, cellular reinforced, aggregate building
material, confined aggregate, concrete. This material is made by using cylinder to confine
stone aggregates. The cylinder increases load-bearing capacity of all types of aggregates by
providing direct lateral support. It is comparable in bearing load applications to common
Portland cement (PC) concrete. In this report material behaviour and laboratory load tests
conducted on different types of filler material are described. In confined aggregate (CA) a
cylindrical device alone accomplishes lateral confinement and integration of stone
aggregates; verses in PC concrete, cement, water and sand mortar perform this. Main
materials which we used as filler is a waste concrete, which is very cheap in market and also
easily available. Because of geo synthetic tires the filler material are fixed and due to this the
road material does not move laterally.


Pam Kasey ET. al (2009), "W.Va. Engineer Patents Way to Reuse Old Tires". In State
Journal the pam Kasey was the one who took patents to reuse waste tires. She first developed
the concept of mechanical concrete roads using the waste tires aggregates and cement. She
published the concept of mechanical concrete roads in journal.

Adhikari ET al. (2017), Mechanical Properties of Soil-RAP-Geopolymer for the

Stabilization of Road. Soil-cement and soil-RAP (recycled asphalt pavement) – geo-polymer
were examined by Adhikari in the state of Louisiana as additives to improve the pavement
performance. Enhancement was observed in the mechanical properties such as strength,
stiffness, and shrinkage. Geo-polymer mixtures and soil-cement combinations were compared
by statistical based regression models.

Ntirenganya ET al. (2015), discussed the most effective materials to be incorporated in

the subgrade to provide necessary traffic load distribution with minimum damages. They
worked on roadway deterioration and failure modes in pavements such as ruts, cracks,
potholes, etc. Tests were conducted on interlayer granular base and lightly cemented sub
base to determine their ability in enhancing the pavement performance.

Wolfe ET al. (2011), examined the stiffness properties, moisture content (MC), and
density characteristics of pavement foundation materials. Resilient moduli from empirical
calculations were compared with the values obtained from laboratory experiments.
Analysis of resilient moduli behaviour was conducted in pavement foundations through
sampling. This research provided groundwork towards improving methodology for
pavement foundation design and quality control/ quality assurance (QC/QA).

Adhikari ET al. (2017), Pavements are subjected to dynamic loadings, and therefore, it is
important to know soil specimen characteristics. Soil characteristics such as strength,
stiffness, and durability play an important role in the life of a pavement system. Soil-
cement and soil-RAP (recycled asphalt pavement) – geo-polymer were examined by
Adhikari et al. (2017) in the state of Louisiana as additives to improve the pavement
performance. Enhancement was observed in the mechanical properties such as strength,
stiffness, and shrinkage. Geo-polymer mixtures and soil-cement combinations were
compared by statistical based Regression


Road damages are the common problem that happen due to overloading vehicle on
road and depends on the traffic condition during climax time (Magdi M, 2015). The causes
of pavement failures are separated into two types, which are an internal and external
failure. Internal failures of pavement are frequent because of lack of pavement mixture,
weaknesses of component materials and poor construction (Ndefo, 2012). In the meantime,
external failures are as a result of overloading, diesel spillage, flooding, sinkholes and
other unforeseen reason such as earthquake, volcanoes and others. The failures of flexible
pavement are separated into four categories, which are surface deformation, surface
defects, cracking and patching and potholes (AASHTO, 2001).

Based on the table listed in ranking below, it can be seen that heavy vehicles rank on
the first factor that affecting road damage in developing country. Followed by delamination,
cracking and potholes in second rank (Felix Enigo, 2016). This damage is sometimes
happening continuously in road especially during rainy season because it can lower the joint
between road pavement and decrease the workability of the pavement (Srinivasa, 2013).

Factors Fr Factors Fr Factors Fr

Heavy 8 Poor 3 Old age of the road pavement 1
vehicle supervision

Delaminatio n, cracking 7 Climatic 4 Damage to structure 1

and potholes effect

Poor construction quality 6 Low quality 2 Environmental condition 1

materials in
Rainy weather/ heavy 5 Natural 2 Mismanagement road by the M
rainfall disaster government

Poor drainage system 5 Expansive 2 Flooding 1


Table 1 Factors affecting road damage of developing countries

From Table 1 above, heavy vehicle is the main factor influencing road damage in
developing country (Zayyana, 2014). The most important factors according to the table above
are heavy vehicle, cracking and potholes followed by rainy weather/heavy rainfall intensity
that defines the level of road damage in the country. For instance, the force majeure used to
describe the act of god like flood, earthquake, but other studies put every one of them as
separate factors, and others called them as national disaster (Michal, 2015). With the variety
of the damage caused inconvenience for road users (Fatma Sarie, 2015). The maintenance
needs of a road network can be predicted fairly accurately from a set of structural
characteristics, such as age, climate, traffic, design standards, construction quality, and
subsequent maintenance. Of these, age, traffic, and construction quality are of particular
importance in the developing countries. Failures modes in flexible and rigid pavements are
influenced by above mentioned factors. Various measures are taken to minimize the failure
potential and improve the pavement performance. This report describes the evaluation of
enhancement of pavement base/sub base properties through the use of different polymeric

materials such as tire-derived geo-cylinders.

FIGURE 1 Examples of pavement base/sub base materials tire-derived geo-cylinders


Mechanical Concrete is a way of binding crushed stone aggregates together into a load
bearing cellular building unit. The Mechanical Concrete unit can support compressive loads
and resist lateral soil pressure. It is basically a compressive material. Mechanical Concrete
confines the stone within a Mechanical Cement, stay-in-place, cylinder. This tire-derived-
cylinder performs functions similar to the cement / water mixture, the rebar and the formwork
in hydraulic cement concrete. It actually improves the load supporting capacity of the
aggregate material be it sand, stone or sandy clay. Stones confined in this manner can

function in load

supporting foundations, earth retention structures i.e. walls and dams, slope and channel
erosion protection i.e. as ditch and channel liners.
A Mechanical Cement cylinder is a thin-walled cylinder which is made of a single material or
of composite material. For example, the cylinder can be made of steel or plastic. It can be
designed and made from any suitable material of adequate size and tensile strength to resist
the lateral pressure generated when the crushed stone is placed under load. It is the tensile
strength of the Mechanical Cement cylinder that generally defines the overall strength of
Mechanical Concrete and not the crushed stone. The preferred cylinder is made from a
recycled auto or truck tire with both sidewalls removed. The tire-tread cylinder is no longer a
tire but through remanufacturing becomes a tire-derived-cylinder, TDC. The confined
aggregates in geo- cylinders provide a stiffened base and help strengthening the pavement
against applied vehicular loading.
The objective of this research work is to evaluate the material and system behavior of
the Mechanical Concrete. Thin-walled tire-derived geo-cylinders (TDGC) are approximately
24-26 inches in diameter with an approximate depth of 8-9 inches. The smaller tire derived
cylinders (TDGC-S) are about 16-18 inches in diameter with a height of 6-8 inches. TDGCs
have been implemented in multiple pavement settings exposed to large vehicular traffic, such
as oil and gas drilling well-pads and road shoulder reinforcement in West Virginia and Texas
(Bonasso, 2013).


Increased load carrying capacity: The tire-derived-cylinders have a maximum operating

pressures of approximately 45psi plus a design factor. When used at low pressures as in
Mechanical Concrete, i.e. around 12 psi for an AASHTO Truck Wheel Loading, it can be
used effectively and economically in nearly all construction, on-road or off-road applications
for a maximum wheel loading of 50,000lbs. The results of Mechanical Concrete 50,000 lbs.
column lab load tests are available.

Mechanical Concrete technology developed in the USA. The technology is a simpler

stronger and more economical method for stabilising and strengthening aggregates and soils
used in road construction. It is used for the construction of the road or highway base or
shoulder by removing the side wall from waste auto tyres and filling the container with stone
particles. This method can triple the load supporting capacity of a typical base.

C. Laboratory load tests on TDGCS
Tire-derived geo-cylinders (TDGCs) that make-up Mechanical Concrete were
tested in tension and compression to determine their mechanical properties. The tire-
derived geo- cylinders are obtained by stripping their inner remnants which result in just
the outer wall or tread section (Bonasso 2013). Tire-derived geo-cylinders are obtained
from discarded automobile tires provide confinement effects to base/sub base. The TDGC
material typically consists of 34% natural rubber, 24% fillers (such as carbon black), 21%
steel, 11% synthetic polymers, and 10% curing compounds (U.S. Tire Manufacturers
Assoc., 2018). Overall, the internal pressure of a tire-derived geo-cylinder is within 25 psi
for light traffic tires and 50 psi for medium truck tires when exposed to AASHTO Truck
Wheel Load (Bonasso, 2013). Overall, two different sized diameters and thickness of geo-
cylinders were used for testing. The smaller geo-cylinders were approximately 16-18
inches in diameter with a 6-9inch height. The tire-derived geo-cylinders were about 24-26
inches in diameter with a height of 8-9 inches (Figure 3.18).

(a) small geo-cylinder (~16” diameter), or (b) large geo-cylinder (~24”diameter), or


FIGURE 2 Tire-derived geo-cylinders (TDGC) TDGC Material Properties

Tension and compression testing was performed on coupon test specimens obtained
from steel reinforced thin-walled tire specimens. Two specimens were obtained for tension
and three specimens for compression testing. Tensile stress, compressive stress, and the
elastic modulus were obtained from the test specimens. The dimensions for the tested
TDGC specimens are shown in Table 2

Specimen Thickness Width (in) Area (in2)
1 0.351 1.11 0.390
2 0.341 1.152 0.393

Table 2 Summary of the coupon tension test specimens from a TDGC

Cross section
FIGURE 3 Tensile testing the TDGC

Figure 3 shows the initial cross section for a TDGC tensile test coupon. The steel
reinforcement is noticeable in several layers within the tire wall. Initial material failure was
noticed within the rubber compound of the coupon specimen (Figure 3).

Final failure occurred as result of specimen stretching and twisting. It appears that
once in tension, the rubber peeled away from the steel reinforcement causing a reduction in
the load carrying capacity of the specimen resulting in failure as shown in Figure 3.20.
Stress-strain relationship is plotted in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4 Stress vs. strain relationship for tensile tested TDGC specimens

Compression testing was performed on compression specimens with the same
(steel strand reinforcement) as the tensile specimens. Figure 5 shows the cross section of
the compression specimen. Within the specimen, steel reinforcement can be observed in
three woven strands per reinforcement component. The test set-up and tested specimens
are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.

FIGURE 5 TDGC specimen used for compression testing

Table 2 shows the dimensions for the tensile tested TDGC specimens. Same specimens were
utilized to obtain their average density of the TDGC.
Length Width Area Thickness Mass Volume Density
Specimen (in) (in) (in2) (in) (lb) (in3) (lb/in3)
1 1.015 0.910 0.924 0.386 0.0179 0.357 0.050
2 0.960 0.905 0.869 0.380 0.0172 0.330 0.052
3 1.017 0.892 0.907 0.382 0.0184 0.347 0.053
Density 0.052
Table 3 Summary of geo web compression tested specimens

FIGURE 6 Compression testing of the TDGC specimen

(a) top view of the failed compression (b) back view of the failed compression
tire specimen specimen

FIGURE 7 Failed compression specimen

Failure occurred in the specimen due to the separation of rubber from the steel
reinforcement as shown in Figure 7. Compression stress vs. strain plot is shown in Figure8.
The plot shows a strong similarity between all tested specimens. The data shows material
relaxations at approximately 8 ksi and 35 ksi.

Specimen 1
70000 Specimen 2
60000 Specimen 3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Strain (in./in.)
Graph 1 Compression stress vs. strain graph
The summary of tension and compression tests for steel reinforced tire specimens are
shown in Table 3.

Average Maximum Compressive Stress (ksi) 60.0

Maximum Compressive Stress (ksi) 63.0
Average Maximum Tensile Stress (ksi) 2.8
Maximum Tensile Stress (ksi) 2.8
Average Maximum Modulus of Elasticity in Tension (ksi) 40.0
Average Maximum Modulus of Elasticity in Compression (ksi) 70.0
Density (lb/in3) 0.052
Table 4. Physical and mechanical properties of TDGC specimens

Test on TDC with different types of fillers:
Initial laboratory load tests were performed on aggregates, Murom and waste
concrete confined in tire-derived cylinder (TDC). A TDC was filled with aggregates of size
20mm. Its initial diameter was measured. This TDC was placed on a bearing plate for
supporting filler material. A uniformly varying compressive load was applied using Universal
Testing Machine (UTM) and corresponding lateral deflection was recorded on the graph.
Then final diameter of TDC with filler was measured manually. The procedure was repeated
for other fillers i.e. Murom and waste concrete.

FIGURE 8 Laboratory test on TDC by using Graph 3: Load Vs Displacement for waste
UTM aggregates

Graph 2: Load Vs Displacement for 20mm Graph 4: Load Vs Displacement for murum
The graphs show that deflections were generally linear in relation to the loading.
Increase in loading showed a proportional increase in deflection. While some creep did
occur when the loading was stopped at the sustained load level. These tests measured the
behaviour of filler materials and results are shown below:

Initial circumference Final circumference of
Bearing Plate Fillers of TDC TDC
A 2Omm aggregates 1749.55 1749.60
B Waste concrete 1662.70 1664.21
C Murom 1666.20 1691.64

Table 5 Test results obtained for behaviour of filler material


The purpose of this chapter is to develop an ideal means to design, install, and use
Mechanical concrete, or TDGC, as an option for engineering practice to construct stronger
base/sub base. This chapter provides case study overviews in which mechanical concrete is
used to provide reinforcement to pavement structure.

Procedure for laying of mechanical concrete road:

First the site is cleared and excavated and a flat surface is made. The edges of the tires
are cut by using specific machines. After this the geo cylinders are placed on the flat surface
and connected with each other. Each geo cylinder has a contact with adjacent one and those
in next row at one point. The each cylinder is connected with other three cylinders
compulsorily. This should proceed until the entire width of the roadway area is covered.
These cylinders are connected with each other by using rebating to maintain their
arrangement and geometry. The geo cylinder should be hand adjusted upward during rebating
so that the top surface is relatively flat. The filling material is filled in geo cylinders by using
trucks and a plain surface is made. It should achieve optimum density based on gradation
characteristics. Road rollers are used to make flat surface and strong shoulders of the road.
Prior to paving or other surfacing, a 0.02 to
0.04 mcrushed stone aggregates should then be placed on top of mechanical concrete.
Drainage requirements for roadways and State Highways specifications should be considered.

This field implementation of Mechanical Concrete consisting of tire-derived geo-

cylinders was carried out in proximity to Morgan’s Run Road/Israel Fork (Dodd ridge
County, WV) and consisted of 350 cylinders of 28” diameter x 8” width. Cylinders were
placed adjacent to one another and placed without separation fabric. The mechanical concrete
was installed in an area prone to flooding conditions that resulted due to seasonal winter
snowfall and spring rains. The tire-derived geo-cylinders of Mechanical Concrete® cells were
filled with AASHTO #57 stone and then topped with 6” of ¾ crusher run limestone. No

compaction was provided to the aggregate infill of the Mechanical Concrete®. The
rehabilitated road experienced intense

loading conditions as a result of traffic related to oil and gas drilling equipment, service
vehicles, and heavy construction equipment hauling vehicles. Due to seasonal and flash
floods in the area, the overlying material gets washed away occasionally. However, it is stated
that the West Virginia Division of Highway crew don’t have to exert immense time and effort
in correcting the roadway. The tire-derived geo-cylinders were observed to remain intact and
swift repair was possible in extreme conditions, if necessary. CR After 2.5 years following the
installation, it was concluded that the Mechanical Concrete systems can enhance the
performance of low volume unpaved roadways exposed to heavy vehicular loads. The
cylinders can provide washout prevention for roadway shoulders and resistance against water
damages from moderate.

FIGURE 9: Laying of tire

Application of mechanical concrete for enhancing the pavement performance:

An attempt is made to design pavements with the base and sub base properties
implementing the technique of Mechanical concrete next. The following case study Dodd
ridge County, WV Division of Highways Mechanical Concrete Roadway Installation in 2009.
This field implementation of Mechanical Concrete consisting of tire-derived geo-cylinders
was carried out in proximity to Morgan’s Run Road/Israel Fork (Dodd ridge County, WV)
and consisted of 350 cylinders of 28” diameter x 8” width. Cylinders were placed adjacent to
one another and placed without separation fabric. The mechanical concrete was installed in an
area prone to flooding conditions that resulted due to seasonal winter snowfall and spring
rains. The tire-derived geo-cylinders of Mechanical Concrete® cells were filled with
AASHTO #57 stone and then topped with 6” of ¾ crusher run limestone. No compaction was
provided to the aggregate infill of the Mechanical Concrete®. The rehabilitated road
experienced intense loading conditions as a result of traffic related to oil and gas drilling
equipment, service vehicles, and heavy construction equipment hauling vehicles. Due to
seasonal and flash floods in the area, the overlying material gets washed away occasionally.
However, it is stated that

the West Virginia Division of Highway crew don’t have to exert immense time and effort in
correcting the roadway. The tire-derived geo-cylinders were observed to remain intact and
swift repair was possible in extreme conditions, if necessary. CR After 2.5 years following the
installation, it was concluded that the Mechanical Concrete systems can enhance the
performance of low volume unpaved roadways exposed to heavy vehicular loads. The
cylinders can provide washout prevention for roadway shoulders and resistance against water
damages from moderate

Cost Analysis for Conventional and Mechanical Concrete HMA Roadway Construction:

This section examines the construction costs associated with developing a hot-mix
asphalt (HMA) road system with and without TDGC installation as base/sub base
reinforcement. This cost analysis incorporates activity time durations based on the activity
schedule presented in the work by Chakri and Pawar (2015). and the Indian Road Council
(IRC). Calculated costs are not associated to a specific activity, but they are associated with
unit rates for equipment, labour, and materials. Equipment, labour, and basic construction
material costs were estimated based on the designated activities as per Chakri and Pawar
(2015). The cost analyses calculation used for pavement (roadway) construction with TDGC
utilizes the same construction activities as listed by Chakri and Pawar (2015) related to the
use of mechanical concrete road (MCR) similar to the proposed feasible pavement design
with TDGC in this section. However, time durations have been slightly altered to reflect
construction feasibility in West Virginia. Equipment and labour costs were estimated based
on industry norms, Bluebook values, and the Bureau of Labour and Statistics. Equipment
idle costs were neglected for analysis. Materials were estimated by applying the calculated
volume and surface area for a road dimensioned at: 5,280 ft x 28 ft x Depth of Material (8.20
and 9.01 for aggregate; 4.31 and 3.84 for hot-mix asphalt). The material costs were projected
utilizing the average rates provided on the West Virginia Department of Transportation
(WVDOT) average unit bid prices and industry norms. This cost analysis does not take into
consideration production rates; however, trucking rates have been incorporated into the
materials needed for the calculated estimate. This cost analysis aims to provide an
understanding regarding the potential cost savings from the installation of TDGCs as a
reinforcement mechanism for pavement systems.

Units Associated with Calculations:

Hrs =hours

Ton = tonnage
SY = yards squared, or yd2
CY = cubic yards, yd3
The first series of cost analysis focuses on the prices associated with equipment,
labour, and materials in conjunction with a non-TDGC reinforced roadway following the
provided construction activity sequence. The analysis is as follows:

Estimated Non-TDGC Reinforced HMA Construction Costs:

General equipment costs have been provided via Bluebook. Hours associated to the
equipment have been allotted based on engineering judgement and practical construction
norms (Table 5.5). The CAT 330 excavator will perform excavation until it reaches the
proposed limits of the roadway. The excavator will also be utilized to place aggregate backfill
for the base/sub base. As per section 5.2, uniformity of the aggregate type is assumed
throughout the base/ sub base International haul trucks will aid in brining material to and
from the site. The trucks will be utilized once the crew begins paving. The CAT 242D skid
steer is estimated to be a mobile piece of equipment utilized in various working capacities
during construction. The CAT vibratory roller will be utilized for subgrade and aggregate
embankment compaction. The roller will also follow then paver once that operation begins.
The CAT 14M3 grader will aid obtaining final grade for the roadway system with the
utilization of a Trimble GPS system. A CAT model CT13 truck or similar piece of equipment
will provide the tack coat for the roadway system. Various other equipment is listed below
such as ¾ ton pick-up trucks, 389 Peterbilt truck tractor with a gooseneck trailer, and a
mechanics truck.

Type Quantity Item Rate Hours Cost

CAT 330 1 Excavator $ 62.76 34 $ 2,133.84
International 2 On-Road Trucks $ 71.03 38 $ 5,398.28
CAT 242D 1 Skid steer $ 16.09 10 $ 160.90
Roller 1 Roller $ 48.35 62 $ 2,997.70
CAT AP600F 1 Paver $ 231.67 18 $ 4,170.10

Company Trucks
(3/4 Tons Pick-up
Ford 2 Trucks) $ 13.40 49 $ 1,313.20

CAT D6N 1 Mid-size Dozer $ 85.26 44 $ 3,751.44
GPS for
Equipment (1
Dozer and $
Trimble 1 Grader) 2,000.00 - $ 2,000.00
389 Peterbilt 1 Truck Tractor $ 56.79 8 $ 454.32
Gooseneck Air Haul Trailer for
Ride Trailer Truck Tractor (10 $
1 Ton< ) 21.68 8 $ 173.44
CAT CT13 1 Mechanic Truck $ 73.5 $ 4,174.07
Model 56.79
CAT CT13 Tack Coat Applier $
Model 1 Truck 56.79 3 $ 170.37
CAT 14M3 1 Grader $ 10 $ 675.00
TOTALS $ 27,572.65

Table 6. Equipment costs associated with a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

Estimated labour costs are displayed in below Table (5% per Diem is factored into the rates
for engineers, the inspector, and the superintendent):

Quantity Item Rate ($/hr) Worked Cost
2 Surveyors $ 31.84 2.5 $ 159.18
4 Laborers (includes Foreman) $ 20.07 98.5 $ 7,907.58
1 Superintendent $ 38.38 98.5 $ 3,780.18
4 Operators $ 22.15 98.5 $ 8,727.10
1 Inspectors $ 38.38 98.5 $ 3,780.18
1 Engineers $ 38.38 98.5 $ 3,780.18
1 Diesel Mechanic/Lubricator $ 25.58 98.5 $ 2,519.80
Total $ 30,654.21

Table 7 Labour costs for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

Estimated materials reflect typical HMA application with appropriate means of

geotextile placement for separation purposes between the subgrade and base/sub base
layers. Material rates reflect values obtained from the WVDOT average unit bid prices and
from construction professionals.

Item CY Ton SY Rate Cost
HMA Without Reinforcement
($/Ton), depth of 4.5 " from Section $ $
5.2 1,967.00 3,934.00 80.00 314,720.00
Aggregate (AASHTO #57s)
($/Ton), depth of 8.23" from Section $ $
5.2 3,742.00 5,238.80 30.00 157,164.00
Woven Geotextile Separation Fabric $ $
($/SY) 16,426.67 1.30 21,354.67
Water Bound Macadam ($/SY) $ $
16,426.67 0.90 14,784.00
Total $
Table 8. Material costs for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

The overall estimated cost of construction for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA roadway
utilizing Chakri and Pawar (2015) activity schedule is the summation of equipment, labour,
and material costs. Summation of the estimated cost totals provides a value of $ 566,249.53.

Estimated TDGC Reinforced HMA Construction Costs:

Equipment will perform the same tasks as previously referred to in the non-TDGC
reinforcement section. The only modification is to the hours each piece of equipment is
operated. A diminished time duration is observed in Chakri and Pawar (2015) schedule due to
the potential for labour and materials costs associated with reinforcing the roadway system
with TDGCs. Estimated equipment costs for a TDGC reinforced roadway are shown in Table

Type Quantity Item Rate ($/hr) Hours Cost

CAT 330 1 Excavator $ 62.76 20 $ 1,255.20
International HX 2 On-Road $ 71.03 22 $ 3,125.32
CAT 242D 1 Skid steer $ 16.09 4 $ 64.36
Vibratory Roller 1 Roller $ 48.35 56 $ 2,707.60
CAT AP600F 1 Paver $ 231.67 16 $ 3,706.75
Trucks (3/4
Tons Pick-up
Ford 2 Trucks) $ 13.40 22 $ 589.60
CAT D6N 1 Mid-size $ 85.26 40 $ 3,410.40
GPS for
Trimble 1 Equipment $ 2,000.00 - $ 2,000.00

(1 Dozer
389 Peterbilt 1 Truck $ 56.79 5 $ 283.95
Haul Trailer
for Truck
Gooseneck Air Tractor (10
Ride Trailer 1 Ton< ) $ 21.68 5 $ 108.40
CAT CT13 Model 1 Mechanic $ 56.79 33 $ 1,874.07
CAT CT13 Model 1 Tack Coat $ 56.79 3 $ 170.37
CAT 14M3 1 Grader $ 67.50
6 $ 405.00
TOTAL $ 19,701.02
Table 9 Equipment costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

Estimated labour costs are displayed in Table 5.9 (5% per Diem is factored into the rates for
engineers, the inspector, and the superintendent):

Quantity Item Rate ($/hr) Hours Cost

2 Surveyors $ 31.84 2.5 $ 159.18
4 Laborers (includes $ 20.07 44 $ 3,532.32
1 Superintendent $ 38.38 44 $ 1,688.61
4 Operators $ 22.15 44 $ 3,898.40
1 Inspectors $ 38.38 44 $ 1,688.61
1 Engineers $ 38.38 44 $ 1,688.61
1 Diesel $ 25.58 44 $ 1,125.60
Total $ 13,781.33

Table 10 Labour costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

Item CY Ton SY TDGCs Rate Cost
HMA Without
Reinforcement ($/Ton), depth
of 4.5 " from Section 5.2
1,753.00 3,506.00 $ 80.00 $ 280,480.00
Aggregate (AASHTO
#57s) ($/Ton), depth of
8.23" from Section 5.2 3,721.00 5,209.40 $ 30.00 $ 156,282.00

Woven Geotextile Separation
Fabric ($/SY) 16,426.67 $ 1.30 $ 21,354.67
TDGCs (rate is $0.50-
$3.00/TDGC; this cost is to
recycle a standard truck tire)
29,568.00 $ 1.50 $ 44,352.00
Total $ 502,468.67

Table 11. Material costs associated with a TDGC reinforced HMA roadway

The overall estimated cost of construction for a non-TDGC reinforced HMA

roadway utilizing Chakri and Pawar (2015) schedule is the summation of equipment, crew,
and material costs. Summation of the estimated totals provides a value of $ 535,951.02.
Estimating construction costs based on the activities assumed by Chakri and Pawar (2015)
shows potential cost differences can be achieved with the use of TDGCs within the
pavement system. The non-TDGC reinforced roadway system’s final estimated cost was $
566,249.53 compared to that of the TDGC reinforced roadway system which provided a
final cost of $ 535,951.02. The overall cost difference between the non-TDGC and TDGC
reinforced HMA roadway is $ 30,298.51 (6%). The TDGC reinforced road system shows a
potential for cost savings. Further field data needs to be obtained, specifically in regards to
production and installation rates for TDGC reinforced road system versus a conventional

Maintenance: All road problems come from base failures. Mechanical Concrete Tire-
derived-geo-cylinders basically eliminates almost all road maintenance problems and
distresses including:

a) Settlement
b) Transverse joint spalling
c) Pressure damage
d) Transverse cracking
e) Corner breaks
f) Potholes
g) Shoulder erosion
3. Time utilization: Time required by Mechanical Concrete road is much less than
conventional road. Time utilized by these methods is compared below:

Mechanical concrete Road

Sr. Cumu Sr. Cumu

Activities Time Activities Time
No Time No Time
Forming of Forming of
alignment alignment
1 1 1 1 1 1
using total using total
station station
Marking of Marking of
various various
2 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 2.5
Length on Length on
road road
Excavation of Excavation of
road up to road up to
3 15 17.5 3 12 17.5
required required depth
Compaction Compaction of
4 2 19.5 4 0 17.5
of sub grade sub grade
Laying of sub Laying of tires
5 base with 6 25.5 5 4 21.5
Laying of Riveting tires
6 Base with 5 30.5 6 4 25.5
Laying of Laying of filler
7 WBM with 8 38.5 7 material in tires 6 31.5
Hold Laying of
8 24 62.5 8 3 34.5
Prime coat

Laying of Laying of
9 Prime coat 3 65.5 9 bituminous 4 38.5
Laying of Compaction of
10 bituminous 4 69.5 10 top surface 5 43.5
Mix using roller
Compaction Ready to use
11 of top surface 5 74.5 11 0.5 44
using roller
12 Ready to use 24 98.5

Table 12: Activities involved in conventional and mechanical concrete road and their
corresponding time required.

Graph 5: Time Vs activities of conventional and mechanical concrete roads

4. Simple and Effective Technology: Mechanical concrete road is simple and fast to
construct with three times the load supporting capacity of conventional design section
and use of unskilled labours.
5. Eco-friendly: Mechanical Concrete road reuses waste tires and uses less material, energy
and water during construction. Thus it is a Green Solution.

Rain is one of asphalt's worst enemies. If the asphalt has not been sealed by new
construction, or some sort of pavement preservation technique, there are likely cracks in the
roadway. As water penetrates the asphalt, water enters the base material under the asphalt.
This weakens the asphalt and reduces the load capacity of the underlayer. This causes
depressions in the asphalt. As traffic drives over the weakened area, the asphalt begins to
crack and a pothole is formed. This continues until the maintenance crews can get out to
repair it. Maintenance crews are not likely to go out and repair these areas when it is raining.
They want a clean dry surface to place the cold patch of asphalt in to the patch. The asphalt is
generally used as a quick fix to fill the pothole. A good repair would be to remove the asphalt
from the damaged area and rework the base material and repave it. If this were old material, it
is likely that the rain will enter the bad spots. Nowadays, there are usually pavement
preservation techniques that extend the life of the roadway. They have found that it more cost
effective to do the pavement preservation techniques than to have to repave. This is a
proactive approach to sealing the asphalt before water can create problems. It is very
successful. Potholes are generally repaired rather quickly and do not get the appropriate
compaction when they patch it. One of the reasons is how they compact the material. This is
much less effective than, say, a plate whacker. Without good compaction of the asphalt, there
is probably not a good seal. This is why they often reopen during the rain

FIGURE 10: Potholes due to rain

In areas like MORGANTOWN — According to the West Virginia Division of

Highways, despite its relatively small size, the Mountain State is home to approximately
36,000 miles of state-maintained highways. Imagine how many millions of potholes exist on


thousands of miles of country roads people drive each day. But if Morgantown inventor Samuel
G. Bonasso and his partner Jim Matuga get their wish, West Virginia’s millions of potholes
could very well be permanently repaired by the Mechanical Concrete. They have got a long-
term, permanent solution that can actually reduce the costs of road maintenance. They have
done a 3x3 pothole for less than $100, and said that "it will last indefinitely". He received a
U.S. Patent for the technology in 2008. During that period, Bonasso developed the idea
through the traditional technology development stages of modelling, field tests, lab tests and
three full- scale demonstration projects. In simplest explanation, the Pothole Terminator by
Mechanical Concrete is takes crushed stone and puts it inside a thin-walled cylinder, which is
an old tire with its sidewalls removed, and then it’s covered up. So when you confine this
aggregate, it’s solid; it’s not going anywhere, You can put asphalt, concrete or even more
stone over it. Once installed, the now-fixed roadway is permeable, allowing water to run
through it without causing damage.

FIGURE 11 Pothole formation

It’s like a structural French drain. A French drain is essentially a trench filled with
gravel or rock or a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from an
area to prevent damage to a foundation. In much the same way, the Pothole Terminator by
Mechanical Concrete, prevents the roadway base from being damaged. Most road surface
failures are caused by water penetrating into the compacted base-stone binder causing it to
fall apart. This causes road edge collapse, potholes, ruts and creates safety problems for
drivers. Another big problem can be warmer-than-average temperature days. Water freezes
then thaws underneath highway blacktop taking a toll on many state roads. State highways
workers use one of two typical pothole patching methods: The first is called the temporary
cold patch, used to simply cover potholes; the second, more permanent fix, uses hot mix with

actual blacktop. Such

problems can be solved easily, even there is no need of dig the hole out. The Pothole
Terminator’s inventors say it’s not only a cost-effective solution to the age-old pothole
dilemma, but it’s also a friend to the environment. It’s now a tire-derived cylinder and when
you pave over top of it, the tire become inert. Most road surface failures are caused by water
penetrating in to the compacted base-stone binder causing it to fall apart. This causes road
edge creates, potholes, ruts and creates safety problems for drivers. As shown in the above
figure potholes on the roads are get repaired by using mechanical concrete concept and
longlasted without causing any damages like reformation of potholes and cracks on the road
in future.

(a) Pothole formed on the (b) Application of (c ) Mechanical concrete as a

road mechanical concrete concept pothole terminators

FIGURE 12 The above figures indicates different road situations

Tendering is a process of documentation should be done before taking any project or
construction in this process various steps involved. In which entire cost of construction is
estimated and represented in the form of document. In this document entire cost for every
feet is shown with the work time in which project should be completed, labour cost, material
cost are also shown with additional supervisor cost. Before tendering following steps should
be verified.
Road Estimation: Roads estimation depends on the cost of road depends upon the materials
used, width of road, length of road, number of cross drainages structures across such as
bridges, culverts etc…for all the roads first earth work excavation, formation of roads
supplying materials spreading of materials rolling vibration, road side arboriculture is
required for 10% of amount is spend for proper drainage immediately as and when required

90% of roads expenditure can be saved.

Survey’s involved in road estimation: i). Levelling, ii). Plotting, iii). Soil exploration,iv).
Traffic survey
i). Levelling: Levelling is an art of surveying to measure elevations or height of object.
ii). Plotting: By plotting the levels on a graph papers we can get the quantities.
iii). Soil exploration: For any road design (or) bridge design it is very essential to know the
CBR of the foundation. Depending upon the type of structured area of terrain CBR will be
iv). Traffic survey: For road design it is quite essential to know the present traffic intensive
(or) anticipated traffic intensities.
The present traffic intensive is obtained by conduction of traffic survey on a road act at a
point for certain period. The feature traffic intensities is obtained multiplying the present
traffic intensity with expected percentage growth.
A. Design
Geometric design: The guidelines prescribed in the IRC: SP:62-2014 and IRC: SP:2007 are
adopted in general. These guidelines are applicable to other district roads and village roads.
These roads provide accessibility to the villages in rural area of the country. Geometric
design standards of the rural roads need not be restricted to the minimum set out and milder
values than the minimum should be preferred where conditions are favourable and the cost is
not excessive. Higher standards in the initial stages may be warranted in cases where
improvement of road geo-metric (like wending of foundation width)at a later date in
anticipated due to increased traffic. Considering the physical condition and cost effectiveness,
the improvement proposals are conceived developed under following standards.
 The desirable standards which could be adopted as a rule.
 The minimum standards, which could be accepted for difficult stretches where
application of the desirable standards, would lead to exorbitantareas.

These proposed standards are constituent with and fall within the parameters
recommended in the related standards of the Indian Road Congress. The following IRC codes
are following for geometric designs.
 Geometric design standards for rural (nonurban) high ways ,IRC72-2007(both
horizontal and vertical curves)
 Recommendations about the alignment surveys and geometric design of hill roads.
 Hill road manual IRC:SP:23

 Guide lines for design of horizontal curves for highways and design
tables (1st revision )IRC-62-2007.
B. Road design
Terrain Classification: The general slope of the country classifies the terrain across the area.
The terrain is an important parameter governing the geometric standards and the criteria
given in the table below, are used in classifying a terrain, short isolated stretches of verifying
terrain should not be taken into consideration

Roads Plain terrain & Rolling Mountainous terrain

classificati terrain
on Open area Built up area Open area Built up area
Norm Rang Norm Rang Norm Exception Rulin Exception
al e al e al al g al
Rural roads 15 15-25 15 15-20 12 12 12 9

Table 13: Terrain Classification recommended by IRC

C. Traffic Growth Rate

Estimation of growth rates: To arrive at a realistic and rational assessment of Growth
factor, effort was made to collect the various secondary data and statistical information, more
secondary data and recent trend of road transportation within the influential area could have
led to more realistic and rational assessment. To growth factor derived from past traffic data
on the stretch supplemented by registration trend and the statistical parameters would have
been the ideal method. However, due to irregular erratic and insufficient past traffic data
available, the derivation of elasticity and growth factor was based on population socio-
economic parameters like were considered in estimation of traffic.
The Growth trend has been derived for the following categories of vehicles.
 Pv = passenger Vehicles (car, jeep, taxi, van, etc…)
 T = Trucks (Mini, 2 axles and multi axles)
 B = Bus, Mini bus
 Tw = Two/ Three wheelers

Final Growth rates were obtained for horizon years by considering the projected economic
trend of the state.

D. Design Speed:
Design speed is the basic criterion for determining all geometric features of horizontal and
vertical alignments. The design speeds for the rural roads for various terrain conditions are
given in the table below.

Plain terrain Rolling terrain Steep terrain
Roads terrain
classificati Rulin Minimu Rulin Minimu Rulin Minimu Rulin Minimu
on g m g m g m g m

Rural roads
(ODR & 50 40 40 35 25 20 25 20
Table 14: Design speed to be adopted for different Terrain
Normally ruling design speed should be guiding criterion for the purpose of the
geometric design minimum design speed may, however, be adopted where site condition and
cost does not permit a design based on the ruling design speed.
Basic principles of geometric design: guidelines are intended for uniform practices to
achieve optimum design standards for rural roads. As a general rule, geometric features of a
road do not allow for stage construction. Improvement of features like grade, curvature and
widening of cross drainage structures at a later date can be very expensive and sometimes
impossible in remote and hilly areas.
Geometric design standards and specifications given in SP-20 will be followed for the
designing of rural roads. However, the minimum values should be applied only where serious
restrictions are implied from technical values as far as possible.
Cross Section of Road:
A. Roadway width: Road way width inclusive of parapet, side drains for rural rules for
different terrain conditions shall be as per the guidelines given in table.
Terrain classifications Road way width (m)
Plain and rolling 7.50
Mountainous and steep 6.00
Table 15: Recommended Road way width
B. Carriageway width: The standards width carriage way for both plain and rolling as
well as in mountainous and steep terrain shall be as per the table given below.
Road classifications Carriage way width (m)
Rural roads (ODR & VR) 3.75
Table 16: Recommended carriage way width

C. Shoulders width: The width of the shoulders for the rural roads in different terrain should
be equal to one half of the differences between road way width and carriage way width.
D. Side slopes: Side slopes for the rural roads where embankment height is less than 3m is
given in the table below.
Condition Slope (H:V)
Embankment in silty/sandy/gravel soil 2:1
Embankment in clay or clayey silt or 2 ½ to 1/2 :1
inundated conditions
Cutting in silty/sandy/gravel soil 1:1 to ½:1
Cutting in disintegrated rock or ½:1 to ¼:1
Cutting in soft rock like shale ¼:1 to 1/8:1
Cutting in medium like sand stone phyllite 1/12:1 to 1/16:1
Cutting in hard rock like quartzite granite Near vertical
Table 17 Side slope for Rural Roads

FIGURE 13 Cross section of Road

Flexible Pavement: Flexible pavement will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers
by grain to grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure.
Requirements of flexible pavement:
 Sufficient thickness to distribute the wheel load stresses to a safe value on the sub-grade
 Structurally strong to with stand all types of stresses imposed upon it.
 Adequate coefficient of friction to prevent skidding of vehicles.
 Smooth surface to provide comfort to road users even at high speed.
 Produce least noise from moving vehicles.
 Dust proof surface so that traffic safety is not impaired by reducing visibility.

 Impervious surface, so that sub-grade soil well protected.
 Long design life with low maintenance cost.


Mechanical concrete road introduces a new, cellular reinforced, aggregate building
material, confined aggregate, concrete. This material is made by using cylinder to confine
stone aggregates. The cylinder increases load-bearing capacity of all types of aggregates by
providing direct lateral support. It is comparable in bearing load applications to common
Portland cement (PC) concrete. In this report material behaviour and laboratory load tests
conducted on different types of filler material are described. In confined aggregate (CA) a
cylindrical device alone accomplishes lateral confinement and integration of stone
aggregates; verses in PC concrete, cement, water and sand mortar perform this. Main
materials which we used as filler is a waste concrete, which is very cheap in market and also
easily available. Because of geo synthetic tires the filler material are fixed and due to this the
road material does not move laterally.
The tire-derived-cylinders have a maximum operating pressures of approximately 45psi
plus a design factor. When used at low pressures as in Mechanical Concrete, i.e. around 12
psi for an AASHTO Truck Wheel Loading, it can be used effectively and economically in
nearly all construction, on-road or off-road applications for a maximum wheel loading of
50,000lbs. The results of Mechanical Concrete 50,000 lbs. column lab load tests are available
on this website. Mechanical Concrete technology developed in the USA. The technology is a
simpler stronger and more economical method for stabilising and strengthening aggregates
and soils used in road construction. It is used for the construction of the road or highway base
or shoulder by removing the side wall from waste auto tyres and filling the container with
stone particles. This method can triple the load supporting capacity of a typical base.
In areas like MORGANTOWN — According to the West Virginia Division of
Highways, despite its relatively small size, the Mountain State is home to approximately
36,000 miles of state-maintained highways. Imagine how many millions of potholes exist on
those thousands of miles of country roads people drive each day. But if Morgantown inventor
G. Bonasso and his partner Jim Matuga get their wish, West Virginia’s millions of potholes
could very well be permanently repaired by the Mechanical Concrete. They have got a long-
term, permanent solution that can actually reduce the costs of road maintenance. They have

done a 3x3 pothole for less than $100, and said that "it will last indefinitely". He received a

U.S. Patent for the technology in 2008. During that period, Bonasso developed the idea
through the traditional technology development stages of modelling, field tests, lab tests and
three full- scale demonstration projects. In simplest explanation, the Pothole Terminator by
Mechanical Concrete is takes crushed stone and puts it inside a thin-walled cylinder, which is
an old tire with its sidewalls removed, and then it’s covered up. So when you confine this
aggregate, it’s solid; it’s not going anywhere, You can put asphalt, concrete or even more
stone over it. Once installed, the now-fixed roadway is permeable, allowing water to run
through it without causing damage. Estimating construction costs based on the activities
assumed by Chakri and Pawar (2015) shows potential cost differences can be achieved with
the use of TDGCs within the pavement system. The non-TDGC reinforced roadway system’s
final estimated cost was $ 566,249.53 compared to that of the TDGC reinforced roadway
system which provided a final cost of $ 535,951.02. The overall cost difference between the
non-TDGC and TDGC reinforced HMA roadway is $ 30,298.51 (6%). The TDGC reinforced
road system shows a potential for cost savings. Further field data needs to be obtained,
specifically in regards to production and installation rates for TDGC reinforced road system
versus a conventional roadway.


Mechanical Concrete road bases have been on constructed on soft Appalachian clays and soft
southwest US desert sands and a wide range of soils in between. On the soft clay and sand,
woven separation fabric was laid and then the tire-derived-cylinders were placed and filled.
Our research shows that confining the aggregate in the tire-derived-cylinders actually
improves its load supporting capacity by double or more. Almost anyone can build a superior
road base using Mechanical Concrete. Its fast, uses simple equipment and is ready to instantly
support loads and resist erosion. Mechanical Concrete is sold through authorized distributors,
licensed contractors and Mechanical Concrete manufacturers. Distributorships as well as
project, contractor, government agency and manufacturing patent licenses are available
throughout the USA and globally


[1] Pam Kasey ET. al (2009). "W.Va. Engineer Patents Way to Reuse Old Tires". In
State Journal the pam Kasey was the one who took patents to reuse waste tires. She first
developed the concept of mechanical concrete roads using the waste tires aggregates and
cement. She published the concept of mechanical concrete roads in journal.
[2] Adhikari ET al. (2017), Mechanical Properties of Soil-RAP-Geopolymer for the
Stabilization of Road. Soil-cement and soil-RAP (recycled asphalt pavement) – geo-polymer
were examined by Adhikari in the state of Louisiana as additives to improve the pavement
performance. Enhancement was observed in the mechanical properties such as strength,
stiffness, and shrinkage. Geo-polymer mixtures and soil-cement combinations were
compared by statistical based regression models.
[3] Chakri, A., & Pawar, P. ET. al(2015). Advantages of Mechanical Concrete Road over
Conventional Road. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
[4] Cleveland, G. S., Button, J. W., & Lytton, R. L.ET. al (2002). Geosynthetics in
Flexible and Rigid Pavement Overlay Systems to Reduce Reflection
[5] Eck, Ron & Morgan, Andrew. (2018). West Virginia Local Technical Assistance
Program. West Virginia University. Country Roads & City Streets.
[6] WVDOH. (2009). Field Report Morgan’s Run Road/Israel Fork. Dodd ridge County,
WV.U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (2018). “What's In a Tire?”
[7] West Virginia Division of Highways Draft General Specification, Reinforced
Aggregate Company. (2013). Proposed Specification for the Construction of Mechanical
Concrete Geocylinder Confinement Systems For Roadway Base or Shoulders, Gravity
Retaining Walls or Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls, Load Bearing Walls,
Abutments or Load Bearing Pier Foundations.
[8] Yap, Pedro. ET.al (1989). Truck Tires and Road Contact Pressures. The Good year
Tire and Rubber Company.


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