Engineering Graphics: Unit - 1 Introduction
Engineering Graphics: Unit - 1 Introduction
Engineering Graphics: Unit - 1 Introduction
Q1. Define Engineering Drawing. Why Drawing is called the Universal
Language of Engineers?
Engineering drawing is a graphical language of an engineer to convey
one's ideas most effectively, easily, conveniently and with high speed.
• So, Engineering drawing is a starting point of all engineering branches
such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Computer
science, Chemical etc.
• It is spoken, read, and written in its own way. Engineering drawing
has its own grammar in terms of projections, conventional
representations, types of lines, abbreviations, symbols and various
geometric constructions.
Q1. What are conic sections and why are they called so?
Ans. Ellipse, parabola and hyperbola are called conic sections because
these curves appear on the surface of the cone when it is cut by some
typical cutting planes.
Q4. What Do You Mean By H.T & V.T Of A Line & A Plane?
Ans - The Point Where the True Lengths of a Line Inclined To H.P or V.P
Will Meet H.P & V.P.
When Produced Will Be H.T & V.T Respectively,
H.T Stands For Horizontal Trace . V.T Stands For Vertical Trace
Trace of a Lines are Points Where as Traces of Planes Are Lines.
Q5. What is the Difference B/W True Inclination of a Line and Apparent
The angles which the true length of a line makes with h.p or v.p is true
inclination. when a line is inclined to both the planes, its projection are
shorter than the true length & inclined to xy at angles greater than the
true inclination. these angles viz. alpha & bita are called apparent
angles of inclination.
Q6. What is the Difference in The Shape of Trace of a Line & Trace of a
The Trace of a Line is a Point; Whereas the trace of a plane is a line.
Q7. What Are Auxiliary Planes? What Is The Use Of Auxiliary Planes?
Use Of Auxiliary Planes?
Ans-Plane Perpendicular To Both The Principal Planes Is Called Auxiliary
Plane. Side Views Of The Objects Are Taken On It.
Q8. Name The Principal Planes Of Projection Ans- The principal planes
of projection are three:
• P-Vertical plane for a front view
• P-Horizontal plane for the top view of the object.
• P-Profile plane for left or right side view of an object. NOTE: All these
planes (HP, VP and PP) are at right angles to each other.
Q9. What Is The Most Important Type Of Problems On The Projections
Of A Straight Line?
There are two main types of problems on the projections of a straight
• The projections of a line are given. Find the true length and its true
inclinations with HP and VP.
• The true length and its true inclinations with HP and VP are given.
Draw its projections.
Q3. What Do You Mean By Right & Regular Prism, Pyramid Cone &
Ans -
Right Means Axis Vertical & Perpendicular To Base & Regular Means All
Sides Equal.
Q8. Name The Methods Used For Obtaining The Development Of Cones
& Pyramids.
Ans- Radial- Line Development Method.
Q3. What do you mean by First Angle and Third Angle Projection