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Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory: Lab Manual

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IV-Semester B.E Mechanical Engineering

Ex. no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date Name of the Experiment Mark Page no Staff Signature

Code of Practice For Engineering Drawing Basic 2d drawing Solid Works Assembly of sleeve and cotter joint Assemblies of socket and spigot joint Assembly of gib & cotter joint Assembly of shaft coupling Assembly of knuckle joint Assembly of Plummer block Assembly of screw jack Assembly of lathe tailstock Assembly of universal joint

Ex.No: 1 Date: Aim:


To study the code for engineering drawing i) S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ii) ABBREVATIONS Term Abbreviation Across corners A/C Across flats A/ F Approved APPD Approximate APPROX Assembly ASSY Auxiliary AUX Bearing BRG Centimeter Cm Centers CRS Centre line CL Centre to centre C/L Chamfered CHMED Checked CHD Cheese head CH HD Circular pitch CP Circumference OCE Continued CONTD Counter bore CBORE Countersunk CSK Cylinder CYL Diameter DIA Diametral pitch DP Dimension DIM Drawing DRG Equi-spaced EQUI-SP External EXT Figure FIG. General GNL Ground level GL Ground GND Hexagonal HEX Inspection INSP Inside diameter ID Internal INT Left hand LH Machine M/C STANDARD CODES S.No 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Term Manufacture Material Maximum Meter Mechanical Millimeter Minimum Nominal Not to scale Number Opposite Outside diameter Pitch circle Pitch circle diameter Quantity Radius Radius in a note Reference Required Right hand Round Screw Serial number Specification Sphere/Spherical Spot face Square Standard Symmetrical Thick Thread Through Tolerance Typical Undercut Weight Abbreviation MFG MATL max m MECH mm min NOM NTC No. OPP OD PC PCD QTY R RAD REF REQD RH RD SCR Sl.No. SPEC SPHERE SF SQ STD SYM THK THD THRU TOL TYP U /C WT




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Lettering on Technical Drawing

IS:10711-1983 Size of drawing sheets IS:10713-1983 Scales for use on technical drawing IS:10714-1983 General Principles of Presentation IS:10715-1983 Presentation of threaded parts on technical drawing IS:10716-1983 Rules for presentation of springs IS:10717-1983 Conventional representation of gears on technical drawing IS:11663-1986 Conventional representation of common features IS:11664-1986 Folding of drawing prints IS:11665-1986 Technical drawing Title blocks IS:11669-1986 General principles of dimension on technical drawing IS:11670-1986 Abbreviations for use in Technical Drawing


Thus the code and symbols of practice for Engineering drawing were studied.

Ex.No: 2 Date:


Aim: 1. To understand drawing standards 2. Draw basic sketches and constraint them using Geometrical and Dimensional constraints Procedure: 1. Open Solid Works; Draw the Shape given in the Fig.1. 2. Add relations and Smart dimensions and make sure that the Sketch is Fully constraint 3. Change the dimensions according to Fig.1 4. Repeat the same for Fig.2 to Fig.6 Commands used: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, View

Result: The basic sketches were drawn using Solid Works as shown in Figures and the required parameters were added to modify the dimensions at later stage if necessary.

Ex. No: 3 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of Sleeve and Cotter Joint parts using Solid Works/CATIA. 2. To Create the Assembly of Sleeve and Cotter Joint using Solid Works/CATIA. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The modeling concepts Solid modeling, Surface modeling were trailed in Solid Works by creating 3D model of Sleeve and cotter Joint-connecting rod, sleeve, cotter. 2. The options available in each Feature command are tried to understand the capabilities of each command. 3. Design Methods: Bottom-up Design, Top down Design are discussed. 4. Assembly of Sleeve and Cotter Joint was created using Bottom-up design approach. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Sweep, and Loft, Fillet/Round, Chamfer, and Draft, Hole - Simple and Hole Wizard, Hole Series, Scale, Shell, Rib, Dome, Freeform, Shape, Deform, Indent, Flex, Pattern and Mirror, Curves, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Angle, Coincident, Concentric, Distance, Parallel, Perpendicular, Tangent.

Result: The 3D models of Sleeve and Cotter Joint parts are created using Solid Works. The type of fitsand tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No:8 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of Socket & spigot Joint parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Socket & spigot joint using Solid Works. Procedure: 1. The drawings of socket, spigot, and cotter are studied. 2. 3D models of socket, spigot, cotter are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of socket and spigot joint was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (Pad) and Cut, Revolve (Shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Socket and spigot joint parts (socket, spigot, cotter) are created using Solid Works.

Ex.No:9 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of GIB & COTTER JOINT parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Gib & Cotter Joint using Solid Works. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Gibb & Cotter parts (Gibb & Cotter, Fork, Square rod) are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Gibb & Cotter was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (Pad) and Cut, Revolve (Shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Gibb & Cotter parts (Gibb & Cotter, Fork, Square rod) are created using Solid Works. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No:10 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of Flanged Coupling parts using Solid Work. 2. To Create the Assembly of Flanged Coupling using Solid Works. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Flanges, Shaft, Taper key, Hexagonal Bolt and Nut are studied. 2. 3D models of Flanges, Shaft, Taper key, Hexagonal Bolt and Nut are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Flanged Coupling was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands : Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (Pad) and Cut, Revolve (Shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Flanged Coupling parts (Flanges, Shaft, Taper key, Hexagonal Bolt and Nut) arecreated using Solid Works.

Ex.No: 11 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of SIMPLE ECCENTRIC parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Simple Eccentric using Solid Works. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Simple Eccentric parts (straps, sheave, shim, cheese headed bolt, M12nut, M12 lock nut) are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Simple Eccentric was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands : Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Simple Eccentric parts (straps, sheave, shim, cheese headed bolt, M12 nut, M12lock nut) are created using Solid Works. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No:12 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of Knuckle Joint parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Knuckle Joint using Solid Works. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The modeling concepts Solid modeling, Surface modeling were trailed in Solid Works by creating 3D model of Knuckle Joint Parts Fork, Eye, Pin, Collar, Taper pin 2. The options available in each Feature command are tried to understand the capabilities of each command 3. Design Methods: Bottom-up Design, Top down Design are discussed 4. Assembly of Knuckle Joint was created using Bottom-up design approach Commands used: Sketcher Commands : Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Sweep, and Loft, Fillet/Round, Chamfer, and Draft, Hole - Simple and Hole Wizard, Hole Series, Scale, Shell, Rib, Dome, Freeform, Shape, Deform, Indent, Flex, Pattern and Mirror, Curves, Fastening Features.\ Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly Mating Commands: Angle, Coincident, Concentric, Distance, Parallel, Perpendicular, Tangent.

Result: The 3D models of Knuckle Joint parts are created using Solid Works. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No: 13 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of PLUMMER BLOCK parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Plummer blocks using Solid Works. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Body, Cap, Bearing top & Bottom half, Nuts and shaft are studied 2. 3D models of Body, Cap, Bearing top & Bottom half Nuts and shaft are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Plummer block was created as per the drawing specification Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Plummer block parts (Body, Cap, Bearing top & Bottom half, Nuts and shaft) are created using Solid Works.

Ex. No: 14 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of SCREW JACK parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Screw Jack using Solid Works. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Body, Nut, Screw Spindle, Cup, Washer Special, CSK Screw, and Tommy Bar are studied. 2. 3D models of Body, Nut, Screw Spindle, Cup, Washer Special, CSK Screw, and Tommy Bar are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Screw Jack was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance

Result: The 3D models of Screw Jack parts (Casting, Nut, Cup, Tommy bar, Setscrew, Screw, washer) are created using Solid Works.

Ex.No: 15 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of Lathe Tailstock parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Lathe Tailstock using Solid Works. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Body, Feather, Barrel, Screw Spindle, Flange, Screw, Feather key, Hand wheel, Washer M12 -M16- M22, Hex Nut M12 - M16- M22, Stud, Handle, Clamping plate, Sq. Head bolt and Centre are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Lathe Tailstock was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Lathe Tailstock parts (Body, Feather, Barrel, Screw Spindle, Flange, Screw, Feather key, Hand wheel, Washer M12 -M16- M22, Hex Nut M12 - M16- M22, Stud, Handle, Clamping plate, Sq. Head bolt and Centre) are created using Solid Works. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex. No: 16 Date:


Aim: 1. To create 3D models of UNIVERSAL JOINT parts using Solid Works. 2. To Create the Assembly of Universal Joint using Solid Works. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Fork, Shaft, Centre, Parallel key, Pin, Collar and Taper pin are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works. 3. The Assembly of Universal Joint was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern,Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Universal Joint parts (Fork, Centre block, Pin & Collar and Key) are created using Solid Works. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No: 17 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of MACHINE VICE parts using Solid Works/CATIA. 2. To Create the Assembly of Machine Vice using Solid Works/CATIA. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Body, Movable jaw, Jaw Grip, Screw M6, Screw Rod, Washer, Nut,Lock Nut and Clamping plate are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works/CATIA. 3. The Assembly of Machine Vice was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern,Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.Fig.16

Result: The 3D models of Machine Vice parts (Body, Movable jaw, Jaw Grip, Screw M6, Screw Rod, Washer, Nut, Lock Nut and Clamping plate) are created using Solid Works/CATIA. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

Ex.No: 18 Date: Aim:


1. To create 3D models of Connecting Rod parts using Solid Works/CATIA. 2. To Create the Assembly of Connecting Rod using Solid Works/CATIA. 3. To understand the type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly. Procedure: 1. The drawings of Connecting Rod, Bush, Stud, Pin, Bearing Brasses, Distance Piece, Cover, Washer, Nut, and Split pin are studied. 2. 3D models of all the parts are created using Solid Works/CATIA. 3. The Assembly of Connecting Rod was created as per the drawing specification. Commands used: Sketcher Commands: Line, Circle, Arc, Fillet, Trim, Smart Dimension, Relations, Show, and View. Features Commands: Extrude (pad) and Cut, Revolve (shaft), Fillet/Round, Chamfer, Hole Simple, Pattern, Fastening Features. Assembly Commands: Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly. Mating Commands: Coincident, Concentric, Distance.

Result: The 3D models of Connecting Rod parts (Connecting Rod, Bush, Stud, Pin, Bearing Brasses, Distance Piece, Cover, Washer, Nut, and Split pin) are created using Solid Works/CATIA. The type of fits and tolerances used in Assembly are studied.

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