Me 8381 - Computer Aided Machine Drawing
Me 8381 - Computer Aided Machine Drawing
Me 8381 - Computer Aided Machine Drawing
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Setting up of drawing environment by setting drawing limits, drawing units, naming the
1 drawing, naming layers, setting line types for different layers using various type of lines
in engineering drawing, saving the file with .dwg extension.
Layout drawing of a building using different layer and line colors indicating all Building
details. Name the details using text commands, Make a title Block.
To Draw Orthographic projection Drawings (Front, Top and side) of boiler safety valve
3 giving name the various components of the valve.
4 Make an Isometric dimensioned drawing of a connecting Rod using isometric grid and
Draw quarter sectional isometric view of a cotter joint.
Draw different types of bolts and nuts with internal and external threading in Acme and
square threading standards. Save the bolts and nuts as blocks suitable for insertion.
7 Draw 3D models by extruding simple 2D objects, dimension and name the objects.
Step 12-Chamfer.
Step 19-Draw a profile like this. Since pitch is 3mm so keep the length be little less than pitch since at
3mm it will have intersection error.
Step 21-Sweep cut.
Select the profile and the helix as the path.
Step 1-In order to make a helix, first we need to make a sketch with a circle. This Circle is going to be
the helix’s diameter. Select the Front Plane and make a sketch using the following dimensions. Exit the
sketch when done.
Step 2-In the Features tab select “Curves, Helix and Spiral” from the drop-down menu. When asked to
select a plane or a sketch, select the sketch we just drew
Step 3-The helix can be defined by the combination of any two parameters Between Pitch, Revolutions
and Height. For this example select “Pitch andRevolution” from the “Defined By:” drop down menu,
and make the pitch 0.325"and 6 Revolutions. The “Start Angle” value will define where the helix will
start.By making it 90 degrees it will start coincident with the Front Plane.
Step 4-Once the Helix is done, we need to make the Profile sketch for the sweep.Switch to a Right view,
and add a new sketch in the Right Plane as shown. Make the circle close to the Helix .
Step 5- Add a “Pie rce” geometric relation between the center of the circle and the helix. This way the
path will start at the beginning of the helix. This relation will make the sketch fully defined. Exit the
Sketch when done.
Step 6
Select the Sweep command and make the sweep using the last sketch as
a profile and the Helix as a Path. Notice the Preview.
Step 7
Finished spring.
Step 9-Open a sketch on the body and draw a line. Make parallel the line with the shown edge
Step 10-Open a sketch on the body and draw a line. Make parallel the line with the shown edge
Step 15-Draw two circles more and cut the body again. Use offset feature
Step 16-Draw a sketch on the body like shown
Step 12-Open a sketch on blue surface and draw a 11mm circle center of it
Step 20-Open a sketch on the front plane and draw shown sketch
Step 21-Add an axis
Step 9-Draw a rectangle with center at origin and coincident to the corners
Step 10-Extrude it in backward direction by 32mm
Step 15Select the right surface and direction be outwards the part. Click OK.
Step 16-Repeat the same step for other side and hide the surfaces.
STEP : 4 Now open the sketch on front plane and convert entities , and than take a centre line after that a
take a 3point arc and mirror about a centre line and join the arc by a line and give a proper dimension.A
gear teeth profile generated.
STEP : 5 Now ,Extrude it.
STEP : 6 Now go to freature >Circular Pattern >select the face on which the profile is generated and fill
the number of profile 10 and OK.