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Unit Test 4: 2 Points For Each Correct Answer

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B1 Unit test 4

1 Answer the questions about connected speech. spent some time abroad had a baby
lived with her partner changed career
1 When a word ends with a vowel sound and the next
word begins with a consonant, we sometimes add Marta studied economics at university in her
a /w/ or /j/ sound to link the words. True or false? hometown in Poland, and when she left in 2008, she 1
spent some time abroad .She returned to Poland in
2  Listen to the following phrases/sentences and 2009, and 2moved house in the capital city, Warsaw.
decide which two have a /w/ sound added to them. Not long after that, she met a wonderful man called
a The show is going to end now. Wojtek and they soon became a couple. Marta 3lived
b Come inside. with her partner for a few years and they 4got married
c So has he. in 2012. A year later, they 5had a baby a little girl
d So do they. called Kasia.
e Go upstairs.-
2 points for each correct answer 10
3 Listen to the following phrases and decide which
two have a /j/ sound added to them. 4 Complete the diary entry. Use one word in each
a We hope so. space.
b We are busy.
c He never does that. I can’t wait for Saturday! I’m travelling to Budapest to
d the funny story catch up with my friend Reka. She’s Hungarian, and
e me and my friend we met many years 1ago while we were both working
for a large software company in Australia. I haven’t
2 points for each correct answer 10 seen her for about fifteen years. We 2began
communicating again on Facebook 3last month, and I
2  Jack has left a voicemail message for his learnt that she only lives an hour away from Debrecen
colleague. Listen to the message and write the – the town where I live now. That’s why I love 4the
missing words. internet! We’re having lunch together at one o’clock,
and then in the 5afternoon we’re going to a concert.
Hi, Andrew. It’s Jack. I just wanted to let you know
that my train’s a bit late this morning. Don’t worry, 2 points for each correct answer 10
though – I’m on my way! But I don’t want 1 me and
you both to be late for the appointment, so could you
go ahead to Mr Blackwell’s office? I think that’s 2
easiest thing to do. When you get to the offices, 3go
inside and wait in the reception area. I’ll come straight
there. I think I’ll be there at about twenty 4two eight
Text me if there’s a problem. See you in about half an
hour. Bye.

 2 points for each correct answer 10

3 Complete the text about Marta with phrases in

the box. There are three extra phrases that you
don’t need.

passed her exams got married

started her own business moved house

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Name _______________________________________

B1 Unit test 4

5 Complete the sentences using the correct form of Eva I’m fine.
the verb in brackets. Use be going to or the
Igor 1
you / doing / are / anything Are you doing
present continuous.
anything tomorrow?
1 I am going to meet my boss at three o’clock to Eva Tomorrow? No … Why?
discuss plans for next year. (meet)
Igor Well, a few of us are going ice skating.
2 Vlad is going to see his dentist later today. (see) 2
fancy / you / joining / do Would you fancy
3 Are you going to send a tweet about the concert to
joining us?
everyone later? (you send)
4 We are going to have pizza and salad for dinner Eva That’d be awesome! I used to go ice skating
tonight. (have) all the time when I lived in Sweden!
5 I am going to download that new film about China Igor Cool. You’re probably really good at it, then!
at the weekend. (download)
6 We are going to use our new barbecue at our party Eva Well, I wouldn’t win any medals!
tomorrow. (use) Igor So, let’s decide when we should meet you.
7 Kazumi is going to get married at the end of June. 3
any / the morning / is / for / you / good Is any
(get married) morning good for you?
8 Everyone is going to play football after work. Why
Eva Yes, that’s fine.
don’t you join us? (play)
9 Stefan is going to buy some new furniture for his Igor 4
we / shall / meet Shall we meet at the ice
apartment when he moves in. (buy) rink at 11?
10 Jacek and Anya gave up drinking coffee. (give up)
Eva 5
meet / we / could Could we meet at the
1 point for each correct answer 10
station instead? I’m not sure where the ice
rink is.
6 Match 1–5 to a–e to make complete sentences.
Igor Of course!
There is one ending that you don’t need.
Eva Great. I’m really looking forward to it!
1 I thought I would be late for my interview, _d_
2 I get really annoyed sometimes _f__ 2 points for each correct answer 10
3 I was wondering where you got your tablet _c__
4 My friends love sending texts, __e_
5 I got a very good grade for my essay, ___a

a so I’m in a good mood today.

b because I decided to get the train.
c because I’m thinking of buying a new one.
d but luckily I got there just in time.
e so I get lots of them every day.
f when my colleagues don’t do their work properly.

2 points for each correct answer 10

7 Read the dialogue between two friends. Put the
words in italics in the correct order to complete
the dialogue.

Igor Hi, Eva! How are things?

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Name _______________________________________

B1 Unit test 4

8 Read the notices on a university noticeboard.

Choose the correct heading 1–5 for each notice.
There are two notices that you don’t need. Group X Concert – 24 May
The coach leaves from the car park on Tuesday at 6.30.
1 This activity takes place once a week for a limited
time. _E__ Limited number of seats left
2 You can go here if you’re a beginner. __b_ No entry to coach without a concert ticket
3 It’s important to arrive at this place on time. A_
4 You can buy something at a good price from this To book your place, email carla@coachseat.com
person. _F__ E
5 You must show something if you want to use this.
_D_ Asian Film Evening
A Come and watch Bollywood Bonanza this Wednesday
University Basketball Team Training Session @ 20.00 at The New Theatre

Where: Cavendish Hall Free admission and a selection of Indian snacks are
When: Thursday 6th May
One night only!
Time: 7 p.m.
We’re going to choose the team for the next match, so
don’t be late! Musical instruments for sale

B Selection of second-hand violins and guitars

Japanese Language Classes Going cheap for a quick sale

New Time: 6.30 every Tuesday and Thursday Contact: Jan Mortier, Room 152, C Block

Intermediate Class: Room D520 Tel: 079399 251 251

Advanced Class: Room D521 G

Beginner’s Class: cancelled until further notice Fancy learning to dance?

C Classes every Monday night at 8 p.m. in Woodward

University Film Club
Choose from Spanish Flamenco Dancing or Egyptian
Help needed every Wednesday evening until June to Belly Dancing
set up room for Film Club meeting
All levels welcome
Maximum 1 hour
No special clothes necessary
No pay, but as many free films as you want!
Call Gosia for more information – 01965 412 412 2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B1 Unit test 4

9 Complete the text with the correct form of the 10 Complete the sentences with a, b or c.
verb in brackets. Use the infinitive with to or the
-ing form. 1 I prefer to ____________________ online. It’s
more up to date.
Will Scott is a scientist who lives in London. He loves a deal with emails b read the news
his job and enjoys 1working (work) in the laboratory c log on
with his colleagues. At the moment, Will’s doing some 2 A Do you ____________________?
research and he hopes 2to develop (develop) some B No, but I’m going to start using Twitter soon.
medicine to help people with heart problems. In fact, a use social media b do online banking
his dream is 3to see (see) a world where everyone has a c download films
healthy heart. Will spent some time at a hospital in 3 When I get up, I b, check my emails and then my
Miami in the US last year and he plans 4to go (go) back Facebook page.
there later this year. He’d like 5_to move_____ (move) a chat online b log on
to Miami one day because he likes 6___to be___ (be) c use social media
in the sun, but his girlfriend, Laura, can’t imagine 4 Nowadays, many people ____________________.
living (live) anywhere apart from London. They’ve It’s great because you don’t even have to leave
decided 8to stay (stay) where they are for now because home for that!
Laura needs 9to complete (complete) her studies, and a deal with emails b do research
she’s agreed 10to think (think) about going abroad c do online banking
when she has some work experience. 5 I miss my boyfriend when he’s away on business,
but we ____________________ all the time.
1 point for each correct answer 10 a do research b chat online
c download apps

2 points for each correct answer 10

Unit test 4 total 100

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