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Unit Test 7A

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 7A

3 Choose the correct word in italics.

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 Michael runs / swims / does judo 10 kilometres in
the park every day.
do do go take walk
2 We like to play tennis / swim / play football in the
sea when we go on holiday.
1 My office is near my house and I usually
3 In France in the winter, people do athletics / ski /
__________ to work, but I drive when it’s raining.
swim in the mountains because there’s lots of snow.
2 Try to __________ the stairs, not the lift, so you
4 Jim and Rui play basketball / cycle / go fishing on
can get some exercise.
the river most weekends.
3 Phil likes to __________ to the gym three times a
5 I do athletics / go to the gym / jog to use the
week. He even rides his bicycle there and back!
exercise machines.
4 I’m quite healthy because I __________ lots of
6 There is a stadium in our town and a lot of people
physical jobs around the house.
do athletics / go fishing / ski there.
5 At primary school, children __________ an hour of
7 Kate’s doctor told her to do judo / ski / do yoga
exercise each day.
because she has back pain.
2 points for each correct answer 10 8 We sometimes play basketball / cycle / go fishing in
the local sports centre.
2 Choose the correct word in italics. 9 I play football / cycle / do athletics to work because
the car parks in the city centre are very expensive.
1 Can I lend / borrow your phone to call my boss? 10 Dimitri plays football / goes fishing / jogs for his
2 Pippa said / told she was tired. university team.
3 We watched / looked at a great film at the cinema
last week. 1 point for each correct answer 10
4 You can come / go to my house for a coffee later.
5 When you go out, bring / take an umbrella with 4 Complete the conversation with negative past
you. tense verbs.
6 They told / said me the way to the bank.
Rani Hi Pedro, how are you?
7 Sonje lent / borrowed me her suitcase when I went
on holiday. Pedro A bit hungry actually. I 1__________
8 She looked at / watched the map before she left the breakfast this morning.
Rani Why not?
9 Do you want me to take / bring anything to your
birthday party on Friday? Pedro I got up late so I 2__________ time.
10 Let’s go / come for a walk. Rani Oh no! Well, do you want to come to the
gym with me later?
1 point for each correct answer 10
Pedro Yes, I do. I 3__________ to the gym
yesterday so today is good for me. Also, we
__________ tennis last week. Do you want
to play on Saturday?
Rani Yes, I’d like that. I 5__________ any
exercise last week so tennis is a good idea.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 7A

5 Complete the conversations with the past form

7 Choose the correct answer from the words in
of the verbs in the boxes.
italics to complete the text.

do drive eat make take

Recently, scientists studied how older married couples
can keep their brains healthy with some mental
Sophia So how’s your new healthy lifestyle?
exercises. An example of an exercise was the ‘holiday
Ashun It’s good, thanks. I feel a lot better. memory test’. 1 First / Next, the couples wrote a list of
Yesterday I 1__________ salad for lunch and all the holidays they had in their lives. 2 Then / Finally,
I 2__________ a healthy dinner for the they tried to remember details of each holiday.
family. And I 3__________ some exercise in 3
Lastly / Next, they asked about each other’s favourite
the evening! But I 4__________ to work memories. 4 Finally / After that, the scientists studied
because I was a bit late. Tomorrow, I want to the information.
walk. 5
Finally / Next, they decided this exercise helped older
Sophia That’s great! I’m trying to be healthy too. people’s memories. The couples agreed and said the
Yesterday I 5__________ the stairs up to my memory test helped them think about the past. Many
office on the 10th floor! couples decided to continue the exercise at home, e.g.
with memories of their children, pets and houses they
come have sit tell write
lived in before.
Miki Hi Raj, how was your evening?
2 points for each correct answer 10
Raj It was good, thanks. I 6__________ some
emails to a few friends and also 7__________
time to go for a run in the park. Then my
wife 8__________ home and she
__________ me about her day. Then we
__________ on the sofa and watched TV.
Miki It sounds very relaxing. I worked late at the
office and then just went home to bed.

1 point for each correct answer 10

6 Read the sentences and decide if they are right

or wrong. Circle Right or Wrong.

1 I woke up and lastly I had a shower. Right / Wrong

2 Firstly, cut the fruit into pieces and then add the
cream. Right / Wrong
3 We played tennis at 6.00 p.m. and then we went for
dinner. Right / Wrong
4 The journey was long but we first arrived home.
Right / Wrong
5 I arrived at work late this morning. After that, I
checked my emails. Right / Wrong

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 7A

9 Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true

8 Complete the conversation with the phrases in
(T) or false (F). If there is no information about
the box.
this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).
For me I don’t know about that Yes, but
Five healthy foods that are bad for you!
What do you think about What’s your opinion 1. Dried fruit

Debbie I watched a TV programme about sports This has lots of sugar in it. People usually eat it a lot
people and money yesterday. It was very because they snack on it when they are at work. Eating
interesting. half a cup of dried banana is like eating nine slices of
______________________________ sports bread. They have the same energy. Half a cup of
people that earn lots of money, Paul? raisins has the same sugar content as fifteen slices of
Paul ______________________________, it’s
OK. They are the best at their sport and they 2. Cereal
are a good example for young people. I don’t This is good for you before exercise like jogging or
mind that they earn a lot of money because going to the gym because the sugar gives you energy.
they can only work for a short time. But it can be full of fat as well. One cup of cereal can
Debbie 3
______________________________. A lot have over 20 grams of fat.
of them think they’re very important, but 3. Fruit yogurt
they just play a silly sport. There are more
Yogurt with fruit also has lots of sugar. Often the fruit
important things in life.
is in a sauce and that is full of sugar, too. But it’s fine
Paul ______________________________ a lot to eat it after doing sport for some extra energy.
of them work with children and give their
4. Fruit juice
time to help other people too.
5 People think fruit juices are healthy, but this is not
______________________________ of
that? always true. Again, lots of them are full of sugar and
don’t have a lot of real fruit.
Debbie Well, I agree it’s a good thing. Maybe
teachers should have the same pay! 5. Nuts
These are good for you but only eat a little. Nuts have
2 points for each correct answer 10
a lot of energy but also lots of fat, so it’s important not
to eat them all the time.

1 You shouldn’t eat dried banana with bread.

2 Cereal has sugar in it. __________
3 Yogurt without fruit has no sugar. __________
4 Fruit juice is very good for your health.
5 Eating lots of nuts is a good idea. __________

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 7A

10 Read the article again. Complete the sentences

with one or two words from the text.

1 People like to eat dried fruit at __________.

2 There is a lot of __________ in cereal.
3 After doing exercise, you can eat __________ to
have more energy.
4 Fruit juices have only a little bit of __________.
5 There is __________ and fat in nuts.

2 points for each correct answer 10

Unit test 7A total 100

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