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Unit Test 11B

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 11B

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word. 2 Read the text and choose the correct part of
Choose very/really or really. speech for the underlined words.

1 American cars are __________ big. Working as a volunteer is a great way to help your
very/really OR really local community. It makes you feel worthy because
you are helping others. You can contribute your time
2 The film I watched last night was __________ or skills to a good cause. It’s a good thing for people to
excellent. work enthusiastically to help others.
very/really OR really
1 noun / verb / adjective / adverb
2 noun / verb / adjective / adverb
3 I went to New York for my holiday. It was
3 noun / verb / adjective / adverb
__________ amazing.
4 noun / verb / adjective / adverb
very/really OR really
5 noun / verb / adjective / adverb
4 Zara was __________ happy with her new car.
2 points for each correct answer 10
very/really OR really
3 Choose the word with a similar meaning to the
5 My team lost the football match 5–0. It underlined words in the sentences.
was__________ awful to watch.
very/really OR really 1 I don’t like driving in the city. It makes me feel
6 There is a __________ brilliant music teacher at happy / worried
my children’s school. 2 It’s vital that we all work together to make the
very/really OR really project successful.
very important / useless
7 John is a __________ good painter. 3 You should write accurately in the English test.
very/really OR really correctly / badly
4 My local park is really peaceful at six o’clock in the
8 I visited Russia last month. It’s a __________ huge morning when I go for a run. I’m often the only
country. person there.
very/really OR really quiet / busy
5 People shouldn’t abandon their pets in the street
9 Bob is a __________ important member of the when they don’t want them anymore.
team. leave / give food to
very/really OR really
2 points for each correct answer 10
10 Jana lives in a __________ tiny flat in the centre of
very/really OR really

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 11B

4 Complete the conversation with the correct form 5 Complete the conversations. Choose the correct
of going to. answer from the words in italics.

Sam Hi Victor, what 1____________________ do 1 A My old phone broke recently so I

this weekend? bought a
website / smartphone.
Victor Well, the weather forecast is bad so
____________________ play tennis in the B I can’t live without mine. It has 2
park. I think I’ll stay at home and paint the GPS /
living room instead. And you? a website so I don’t get lost anymore.
Sam My wife and I 3____________________ visit
her parents. I think it
2 A What’s that?
____________________ be nice because we
have a booking at their favourite restaurant B It’s my new 3 tablet / text. I love the
for dinner. size of the screen.

Victor 5
____________________ drive or take the A It looks better than my 4 smartphone /
train? app.

Sam The train is quicker and my wife doesn’t like

my driving! 3 A I’m starting my own company and I
Victor Well, have a good time! need a
website / tablet. Do you know anyone who
2 points for each correct answer 10 can build one for me?
B My brother is a computer programmer.
text / app him and ask if he can do it.

4 A My children play with their phones all

the time. They have so many game 7 apps /
B I know. My children are the same. I
bought them a 8 tablet / text and they use it
all the time.

5 A What’s that on your phone?

B It’s 9 a text / an app for listening to
music. It’s great and it was free.
A Can you 10 smartphone / text me the
B Of course.

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 11B

6 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct 7 Make one sentence using the infinitive of
answer from the words in italics. purpose from each pair.

1 Every morning, I make / look after sandwiches to 1 I’m learning English. I want to get a better job.
take to work for lunch. _________________________________________
2 Last week, Hattie’s neighbours were on holiday so 2 People often travel by bus. They want to save
she taught / looked after their cat. money.
3 I work for a charity. We teach / visit elderly people _________________________________________
every Saturday and help them with housework and 3 Boris is doing lots of exercise. He needs to lose
shopping. weight.
4 Maria is a Spanish teacher at a university and she _________________________________________
loves her job. She also teaches / organizes children 4 Donna joined a photography club. She wanted to
in her free time. meet new people.
5 My father helped me improve / repair my broken _________________________________________
sofa. 5 I’m going to visit my sister. I want to see her new
6 You can help the environment if you plant / paint a baby.
tree. _________________________________________
7 Some companies organize / make a sporting event
for employees and their families. 2 points for each correct answer 10
8 At my son’s school, the students paint / improve the
classrooms every year.
9 You can improve / make your office by putting
some pictures on the walls.
10 Katia likes to teach / help her grandfather with
cooking and cleaning his house.

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 11B

8 Read the text. Complete the sentences with 9 Read the text again. Decide if the sentences are
one or two words from the text. true (T) or false (F). If there is no information
about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).
Building a team at work
1 Managers only need to think about what the team is
Nowadays most people work in teams. For managers,
going to do, not the individuals. __________
it’s important to understand that the team is like a
2 Everyone thinks the manager is the most important
community where everyone works together. Firstly,
person in a team. __________
managers need to think about what the team is going to
3 The manager should learn about the team members
do. They also need to think about what each person is
and their skills. __________
going to do. Finally, they need to think about the
4 Working from home improves people’s team work.
problems the team might have during the work they’re
going to do.
5 The manager is the only person who can find
According to some people, the most important person answers to a team’s problems. __________
in a team is the manager because they help organize
the team. But in general all the team members are 2 points for each correct answer 10
really important. This is why the team should work
like a community. The job of the manager is to find out
what each team member is good at and organize the
team well. Some people might need training to
improve their skills; other people might need to work
from home. Managers need to think about all the
possibilities. Then they can have a better idea of how
the team is going to work. If you have a good team
who work well together, it should be really easy to
solve any problems.

1 These days colleagues in a company generally work

2 Managers should know that a team is similar to
3 Managers need to think about possible
____________________ the team might meet in
the future.
4 Managers should organize ____________________
for staff to make their skills better.
5 A good team means finding answers to problems
should be ____________________.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

A2 Unit test 11B

10 Complete the conversations with the phrases in

the box.

I’ll clean it for you.

Let me help you move it.

Shall I go to the supermarket?

Why don’t I drive you there?

Would you like me to check it for you?1 A We

don’t have any noodles for dinner.
B 1
A Yes, please.

2 A I think I’m going to be late for my

Chinese class.
B 2
A Oh, thank you.

3 A I’ve got so much to do before the

party. My flat is so messy!
B 3
A Thanks a lot.

4 A I think there are some spelling

mistakes in my homework.
B 4
A Yes, please.

5 A Can you lift the bed on your own?

B I’m not sure, it’s quite heavy.
A 5

2 points for each correct answer 10

Unit test 11B total 100

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