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Unit Test 4A

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B1+ Unit test 4A

1  Listen and write the number of words you 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
hear. Short forms (e.g. don’t) count as one word. The first letter of each word is given.
1 __________ 1 There used to be a regular f__________ service
2 __________ between these islands, but not all of them took
3 __________ vehicles.
4 __________ 2 Next weekend we are going out on a small boat to
5 __________ fish on the l__________ near my house.
3 Wales, England and Scotland are all part of the
2 points for each correct answer 10
m__________ of Great Britain, the largest island in
2  Listen and write the sentences or questions 4 Tourists go in their thousands to Greece every
you hear. summer, many of them to sunbathe on the sandy
1 ______________________________ 5 I would rather live i__________ than near the sea,
2 ______________________________ where the weather can be quite bad in the winter.
3 ______________________________ 6 Surfers travel the world looking for the biggest
4 ______________________________ w__________.
5 ______________________________ 7 Would you prefer a holiday by the c__________ so
6 ______________________________ we can stay by the sea, or a trip to the mountains
7 ______________________________ for a walking holiday?
8 ______________________________ 8 Have you ever thought about putting a message in a
9 ______________________________ bottle and watching it f__________ out to sea?
10 ______________________________ 9 The deepest part of the o__________, called the
Challenger Deep, is in the Pacific, and is over
eleven kilometres deep.
1 point for each correct answer 10
10 In Venice there are no roads, so people travel by
boat on the c__________ instead.

1 point for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Unit test 4A

4 Read the article about holidays in space. Decide years of ‘space training’ before the launch, and of
if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there course there are many potential risks. The main thing
is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ to consider before signing up, though, is the fact that
(NG). once there, you won’t be able to return to Earth again.
You might just decide to stick with that fortnight at the
Holidays in space beach after all!
Have you ever dreamed about spending your holidays 1 The first space hotel has already been completed.
somewhere completely different? Forget the sun- T / F / NG
soaked beaches, ignore the city breaks – your favourite 2 The cost of a trip into space will get less over time.
new destination might be right above your head. Yes, T / F / NG
space could soon be the newest, most exclusive 3 Only certain food and drink will be allowed at the
holiday destination for those prepared to make the trip. space hotels.
Space technology has progressed rapidly in recent T / F / NG
years; robots collect information on planets as far away 4 It’s possible to win a trip with the Mars One
as Mars, and space stations study the effects of long- project.
term space flight on the human body. In fact, T / F / NG
technology has developed to such an extent that some 5 People travelling with Mars One will have to
companies are now working on plans to create tourist remain on Mars forever.
destinations in space. T / F / NG
As far back as 2011, engineers started working on
2 points for each correct answer 10
Hotel in the Heavens, a four-room hotel in space that
will be home to up to seven guests at a time. Naturally, 5 Read the article again and complete the
only very wealthy individuals or researchers paid for sentences. Use one word from the text for each
by private companies will be able to take advantage of answer.
this out-of-this-world hospitality. However, as this
kind of holiday becomes more popular, prices will 1 Research is being done into the __________ effects
probably decrease. Companies predict that by the of space travel.
middle of the century people on average salaries 2 When holidays in space are more __________, it
should be able to afford the trip. will cost less to go.
But what kind of holiday would such a trip really 3 Many people will not be keen to make the
make? Well, the journey itself could be enough to put __________ into space.
most people off, and once there, they’d only be able to 4 It will be amazing to __________ what it’s like not
drink fruit juice or iced tea – alcohol would be banned to weigh anything!
– and food would have to be prepared on Earth, then 5 Preparation for the Mars One project will take a
reheated in space in a microwave. On the plus side, the number of __________.
views would be breath-taking and guests would be able
2 points for each correct answer 10
to see sixteen sunrises and sunsets every day. They’d
also be able to experience the thrills of weightlessness
in zero gravity.
If you’re really desperate to go into space, but can’t
afford the huge prices, you might consider joining the
Mars One project, which is looking for people aged
eighteen or over to join a settlement on Mars.
Successful applicants would need to undergo several

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Unit test 4A

6 Match 1–5 to a–g to make complete sentences. 8 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct
There are two letters that you don’t need. form of will or be going to.

1 You will really love your trip to Istanbul. Everyone Ahmed Do you have any holiday plans for the
is so friendly and you’ll definitely … summer?
2 They cancelled so many trains yesterday that when
Safir Yes, I 1 ____________________ go to Egypt
one finally departed …
for two weeks.
3 It can be very peaceful living miles from anywhere
but …
4 After twenty years living in the same city … Isabella What do you think life 2 __________ be like
5 Before you think about settling down … in 100 years’ time?
Yassir I have no idea – it’s so far away!
a make sure you’ve done all the things you want to
do first.
b you may miss the shops and entertainment
Seoung Oh no, I’ve left my diary at work!
c everyone was packed in like sardines. Yoon Don’t worry. I have to collect my coat from
d we will run out of space. the office so I 3 __________ get it for you.
e be all over the place.
f feel at home.
g he knew it like the back of his hand. Natalia I can’t believe I’ve lost my ticket for the
concert tonight!
2 points for each correct answer 10 Elena That’s such bad luck. And you 4 __________
7 Put the words in italics into the correct order to get another one now, it’s completely sold out.
make predictions about the future.

1 In the next twenty years, air travel quicker / Dean Have you heard that the forecast is for snow
probably / get / will than it is now. later?
2 By the end of this century, the world population Sandra Well, it doesn’t look like it
increase / to / likely / is even further. 5
____________________ snow yet – the
3 Our grandchildren have / possibly / will / cars that sun’s still shining.
fly in their lifetimes.
4 I’m not a fan of ebooks and I’m sure they won’t / 2 points for each correct answer 10
replace / definitely / books – at least, I hope not!
5 Most people are working / to / unlikely / stop and let
robots do everything for them!

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B1+ Unit test 4A

9 Complete the conversation between the 10 Complete the sentences with words from the
receptionist (R) and guest (G). Put the words in box. There are three words that you don’t need.
italics into the correct order.
cliffs forests pools scenery
R Hello, Gordon’s Hotel. 1 I / help / you / can / season soil sunset sunshine
G Good morning. I think I might have left my wallet
in my room yesterday. 2 you / could / wonder / if /
The luxury Segoda resort is located high up on
I / check if anyone has found it, please?
the 1 __________ offering beautiful views out to
R Of course, sir. First of all, 3 I / take / details / could / sea. Our resort offers three heated 2 __________
some? What’s your name? which are open all day for you to swim in – or
G Jeff Turner. just relax in the warm 3 __________ with a
book! You will also love exploring the island
R And what colour is it, sir? with its 4 __________ which are full of beautiful
G It’s brown and made of leather, and has my bank trees and exotic creatures. Whatever time of
cards inside. year you come, you will find that every
__________ has something special to offer. So
R Just one moment please, sir, I’ll have a look. Ah
call us now and book your holiday of a lifetime!
yes, the cleaner handed it in yesterday evening.
G That’s great, thank you. And 4 tell / you / could / me
if the bank cards are still inside? 2 points for each correct answer 10
R Yes, sir, they’re here, and there’s some cash,
Unit test 4A total 100
G Thanks very much. I’ll come and collect it
R All right, sir. Can I 5 else / with / you / help /
G No thanks – I’ll see you later. Goodbye.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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