Project Title
1.0 GENERAL......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Introduction
This specification defines the minimum requirements for the design, procurement,
delivery, testing and commissioning of the cathodic protection system for all buried
flowlines and trunkline pipings at site ME01, ME02, ME03 and Manifold – North of the
Mehar Wellhead Facilities and Gathering Network Project in Pakistan.
1.2 Purpose
This specification supplements the international codes and standards listed in Section
2.0 of this document.
1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions shall apply:
The latest edition of the following international codes and standards shall establish the
minimum standards for the work. SUBCONTRACTOR may use alternate standards that
meet or exceed those listed if approved by COMPANY.
ASTM G57 Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the Winner Four-
Electrode Method
ISO 8501-1 (Part 1) Preparation Of Steel Substrate Before Application Of Paints And
Related Products-Visual Assessment Of Surface Cleanliness
ISO 9003 Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection
and Test
• Equipment Specification;
Any technical deviations to the Specification and it’s attachments including, but not
limited to, the Data Sheets and Narrative Specifications shall be obtained by the
CONCESSION REQUESTS require COMPANY's review/approval prior to
implementation of the proposed changes. Technical changes implemented prior to
COMPANY approval are subject to rejection.
The following climatic conditions shall govern the design of the CPS system:
Table 2.5
Soil Resistivity
- ( see Attachment – 2 )
Each drawing shall be provided with a title block in the bottom right-hand corner
incorporating the following information:
• Drawing title giving the description of contents whereby the drawing can be
Revisions to drawings and documents shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the
alterations, a brief description in tabular form of each revision shall be given, and if
applicable, the authority and date of the revision shall be listed. The term "Latest
Revision" shall not be used.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall execute and provide the detail design and engineering,
supervision, calculation and technical procedures of each and every item of expense
necessary for a complete design package of the Cathodic Protection System for ferrous
materials in contact with soil herein after called WORK which is to be done in Mehar,
The WORK shall include the following, by way of example but not by limitation, the
following tasks:
Provide detailed design for temporary and permanent cathodic protection systems in
compliance with this Specification and referenced international codes and standards and
suitable for the project’s environmental condition.
Provide detailed design on permanent testing facilities to monitor the cathodic protection
system from the Mehar GPF control room using latest technology available at the time of
system design.
Design for, locate and mitigate any shorts in the cathodic protection system.
Design for test, evaluate and mitigate possible interference caused by cathodic
protection system on communication and low energy control systems.
Design for, evaluate and mitigate stray currents generated by newly installed cathodic
protection systems.
Submit to the COMPANY a detailed cathodic protection design and installation methods
for review and approval. The design data shall include basis, calculations and drawings.
Prepare general cathodic protection system layout. Location of anodes, isolating joints,
or insulating flanges and other details shall be shown on applicable drawings.
The design of cathodic protection system shall be based on the following and other
factors which are identified in the COMPANY’s project specification and soil resistivity
• The new pipelines and associated structures shall be considered to have been
coated in accordance with referenced Pipeline Coating Specifications;
• The new pipelines shall be laid underground along the entire route of the
wellheads flowlines and trunkline up to the MEHAR GPF area;
• All design, installation, equipment and materials shall be suitable for continuous
operation under MEHAR, PAKISTAN environmental conditions during the stated
design life of the cathodic protection system.
Cathodic protection system with shorter design life may be designed subject to
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Project Title
COMPANY approval.
• With the D.C sources available, the primary type of cathodic protection system
shall be impressed current using mixed metal oxide (MMO) anodes consisting of
oxides of iridium, tantalum and titanium on titanium base. The MMO anodes shall
be canister, wire, mesh, rod, tubular, ribbon type or a combination thereof.
• The new cathodic protection systems shall provide corrosion protection to all
buried pipelines at levels of electrical potentials stated in the section 10.3 of this
The following minimum current densities shall be used as basis for current requirement
a) SubContractor shall verify the current demand and modify the current densities
mentioned here for preliminary current estimation. The actual current drain on the
system shall not exceed 60% of the designed current demand.
The following average current densities (based on bare surfaces) can be used to
estimate the current requirement, which shall be increased by 25% per 10°C rise
in temperature of the electrolyte above 30°C.
The above current densities are for estimation purpose only. The SUBCONTRACTOR
may have to increase current densities if he finds that they are required for the design
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SUBCONTRACTOR shall take into consideration steel bare coupons for monitoring and
externally coal tar polyurethane coated casing, if any.
The following initial and final (end of design life) current densities can be used to
estimate the current requirement for steel equipment, which shall be increased by 25%
per 10°C rise in temperature of the electrolyte above 30°C.
Initial - Final
NOTE: The design of the pipelines are provided with 3 layers of polypropylene coating.
The above current densities are for estimation purpose only, it may be increased as per
design requirement.
The end of life current density should take into account coating deterioration over the
design life and the nature of the soil condition in Mehar environment.
The installed system shall provide the levels of cathodic protection specified in Table 1.
Where such levels of protection are not achievable, and subject to COMPANY approval,
the system shall meet the criteria of the 100 mV polarizations decay as defined in NACE
RP0169 Section 6.
Cathodic Protection Potentials
CU/CUS04(1) Ag/AgCI(:.1)
1. CU/CUS04 reference may be used for buried piping when testing with portable
reference electrodes.
2. Ag/AgCI reference electrodes shall be used for permanent installations in soil and
3. Minimum protection potential shall not be differentiated for aerobic or anaerobic
environments; anaerobic conditions shall be assumed.
New cathodic protection equipment and materials shall be similar to those existing on
PAKISTAN's pipelines installations.
Unless otherwise approved by the COMPANY, the products listed in Table 2 shall be
used in designing and installing the cathodic protection systems.
Schedule of Equipment and Materials
Impressed current anodes shall be mixed metal oxides (iridium, tantalum and titanium
oxides) on titanium base or conductive polymeric cable anode.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit the following information to the COMPANY for product
• Cable data;
Zinc anodes shall be ASTM B-418, Type II with the following composition:
AI 0.01 percent
Cu 0.02 percent max
Fe 0.03 percent max
Mn 0.50-1.3 percent
Ni 0.001 percent max
Others 0.30 percent max
Mg Balance
Cast anodes shall be factory prepackaged with backfill. Each anode shall be clearly
marked with the type of material (trade name) and anode weight (without backfill). Full
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Backfill for sacrificial anodes, other than ribbon type, shall consist of a mixture of
Gypsum (75 percent), Bentonite clay (20 percent) and sodium sulfate (5 percent).
Moisture: - 0 percent
Volatiles: - 0 percent
Impressed current anode cables shall be tin coated stranded copper with Kynar primary
insulation and high molecular weight black polyethylene.
The minimum rating for all cables and wires shall be 600 Volts.
All other cables shall be tin coated stranded copper with HMWPE insulation.
All cables shall be able to withstand the prevailing chemical and mechanical (soil)
conditions. All cables shall be sized such that no excessive voltage drops occur which
reduce the capacity of the system. The minimum cable sizes shall be as follows:
• Zinc earthing electrode cable tail and bonding cable - 16mm2 (AWG#6)
11.7 CPS Supply Power (Solar Array Panels and Storage Batteries)
In Mehar wellhead site locations such as ME01 and ME02 where AC power is not
available, solar array panels and including back-up storage batteries (24V-DC system)
shall be provided to supply the required CPS current by others. Vendor to provide
suitable DC-DC converter for the CPS system.
But for wellhead site location as in ME03 and at the Manifold-North, the CPS supply
power shall be coming from 415/240V-AC, 3-Phase, 50Hz of the MCC in the GPF area
including the CPS equipment and associated connection cablings to the u.g. pipelines.
Terminal boxes shall be of stainless steel type 316L, painted and weatherproofed in
accordance with the minimum degree of protection IP 55 and in accordance with IEC
They shall be provided with a 6 mm thick phenolic panel with appropriate shunts, grid
coil resistors terminals, meters and hardware as indicated by the Vendor's detailed
design. The junction box shall be provided with one or more 75 mm diameter conduit
hub and conduit for cables.
Terminal boxes shall provide sufficient room for heat dissipation (i.e. resistors), control
and test equipment. The boxes shall be provided with hinged doors giving access to all
internal components.
Terminal boxes of suitable sizes with IP-56 degree of protection for stand alone outdoor
purpose shall be provided for the following:
Existing Bond/Test stations on pipeline corridors shall be used to connect the cable
coming from new pipelines. However, new test station shall be installed if existing ones
are found damaged, with not enough space or incorrectly located.
• Terminal board shall be easily removable for adding or deleting cables. The
Terminal boards shall be dimensionally stable up to 70°C and resistant to
ultraviolet light. Terminals shall be completely accessible with leads located
under the cover. The Terminal shall be designed to reduce shock hazard.
Maximum height shall be 2 meters with no component requiring adjustment or
monitoring higher than 1.5 meters... The test station post shall be Schedule 40 or
80, 3" ND galvanized steel pipe.
• Lid of the box shall have rubber seals on mating face to make it tight against
moisture ingress and condensing inside box.
• Inside face of lid shall be provided with neat and bold line diagram of all
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall clearly indicate the type of test post, bond box and
distribution box for each application in the detailed design.
Test posts shall provide sufficient room for the termination of test cables and for the
installation of bonding cables and/or resistors. Test posts head shall be orange color. Big
Fink test station with upright post shall be used in all areas except directly in the traffic
If test stations are required to be installed underground or in traffic areas, they shall be
Flush Fink type provided with a closure to avoid ingress of dirt and have adequate water
drainage facilities.
Test stations shall be provided with lockable access doors or caps, or have external
insulated contacts fitted to allow easy connection of tests clips for regular monitoring.
Cable entry shall be at the bottom through protective tubes.
• Test post shall be provided at every 1 kilometer distance reroute pipeline, across
isolation joints or any other test point.
• The test post shall be Big Fink type 1.5 above ground height, made of, UV
stabilized polyethylene pipe, cast in concrete base 0.5M buried.
All WORK consisting of stray current analysis, system selection, system design,
technical procedures for installation, testing and commissioning shall be under direct
supervision of SUBCONTRACTOR'S Registered Professional Corrosion Engineer or a
NACE certified Cathodic Protection / Corrosion Specialist.
Where an impressed current system is not practical or for temporary cathodic protection,
zinc anodes may be used provided the soil resistivity is less than 1,500 ohm-cm and
magnesium anodes if the soil resistivity is between 1,500 ohm-cm and 3,000 ohm-cm. If
the resistivity is more than 5,000 ohm-cm, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit a
description of technical options to the COMPANY.
Impressed current cathodic protection systems shall use surface (i.e. shallow) or deep
well ground anode beds located 150m distance minimum from buried structures.
The ground beds of an impressed current cathodic protection system shall be designed
such that:
• Its mass and quality are sufficient to meet the maximum current demand and last
for the design life of the system.
• Its resistance to earth allows the maximum calculated current demand to be met
at 80 percent or less of the voltage capacity of the DC source during the design
life of the system.
The selection of the location and the sizing of anode ground beds shall be based on and
take full account of local conditions such as:
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall include in the basic design a calculation of the ground
anode bed resistance based on the most accurate soil resistivity data available (see soil
resistivity report) using established methods and formula. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall
specify in the detailed design the method of drilling the deep well if required, establishing
the resistivity of the soil at depth during drilling, completion of the borehole and
installation of the anodes and backfill. Resistivity and resistance measurements to
remote earth shall be verified by the SUBCONTRACTOR to confirm the value obtained
in accordance with the design or if more information is required.
The borehole design and construction shall be such that undesirable transfer between
water bearing formations and pollution of underlying strata from the surface is prevented.
Metal casings may be used at the surface for stabilizing the borehole and in the active
section of the ground bed. Casing at depth shall be electrically isolated from metal
casing and structures at the surface. To achieve such isolation, plastic casing shall be
12.5.1 General
Cables routes shall be clearly marked using cable markers. These shall be installed at
approximately 25 meters intervals and at every change of direction of the cable route.
Markers to indicate CPS cable and include arrow to indicate the direction of cable run.
Cable markers at the sacrificial anodes location shall also include markings to indicate
the location of the sacrificial anodes.
Impressed current anode cable connection shall be insulated using epoxy resin and/or
heat shrinkable insulation sleeves. The cables shall be connected to the positive feeder
cable inside an above ground junction box to enable current monitoring. The cables of
sacrificial anodes shall be connected to the pipe via an above ground distribution box to
allow current monitoring and disconnection. No joint shall be permitted in buried anode
or cathode cables.
be used for cable connections. Welders shall be fully qualified for the applicable welding
Welding of cable connections shall not be carried out on bends or within 200 mm of
All below and aboveground electrical connections shall be fully encapsulated with a
coating Belzona 1121 before backfilling. Coating repair at cable connections shall
comply with Project coating specification requirements as applicable.
• Pin brazing process for all underground connections except drain points
The pin brazing process shall use specially designed cable lugs and brazing pins
to braze the cables to the structure and shall be approved by the CONTRACTOR
The brazing materials shall be compatible with the structure material. Penetration
of copper and/or other brazing metals into the structure shall not be deeper than
1 mm and the hardness shall remain inside the original structure requirements.
Stud material shall be similar to the structure material. Where a stud can not be
welded directly to the structure, a metal plate, 50 x 50 mm minimum, provided
with a welded M 10 threaded stud bolt shall be welded to the structure. The plate
shall be made of material similar to the structure.
The cable shall be connected to the threaded stud bolt using crimped or brazed
cable lugs, double nuts and serrated washers.
The stud material and consumable shall be compatible with the structure
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material. The process shall not influence the structure material properties to fall
outside from original specification.
• Cadwelding process when suitable with level grade for underground connections.
Cadwelding process, when suitable with steel pipe grade, shall be such that
copper penetration into the pipeline material shall not be deeper than 1 mm and
that the hardness shall meet the original pipeline requirements. Cadweld charges
shall not be greater than CA 15 for steel pipe and cable cores shall not be
heavier than 16 mm2. If heavier cables need to be attached, the core shall be
separated into smaller strands of less than 16 mm2 each and welded separately.
Charges for cast and ductible iron pipe shall not exceed CA32XF19. Cadwelding
shall not be used for austenitic stainless steel and duplex steel surfaces.
Cadwelds shall be visually inspected and gently impact tested with a hammer.
The welds shall be tested for electrical resistance using an electrical multi meter,
and shall have zero resistance. Any weld which does not meet these
requirements shall be discarded and the cable shall be re-welded. At connection-
to-pipe, half meter cable length shall be secured on top of the pipe.
The materials to be used and the connection procedure shall be approved by the
All cables shall be laid without coils or kinks, buried in sand at a depth of at least 0.75 m,
provided with cable protection tiles and warning tape installed 250 mm above the cable.
Where cables are to be routed in areas of hydrocarbons spillage, etc., a special
protection shall be specified.
All buried cables shall be of one continuous length without splices. Cable to cable
connections should be made aboveground inside test stations to reduce the risk of
damage and to allow monitoring.
Electrical safety earthing of the pipelines and associated structures and equipment shall
be made compatible with the cathodic protection systems.
The resistance across isolating joint shall be measured immediatly before welding onto
the pipeline and found 1 M ohm minimum.
All isolation materials shall be resistant to the product/service inside the pipe.
Common metal pipe supports shall be avoided or electrically isolated from the pipelines.
Safety or instrument earthing shall be compatible with the cathodic protection system.
Isolating joints should be painted or striped in a contrasting color for easy identification.
The color should be consistent in one area. The paint shall be compatible with the
pipeline coating. Paints containing metallic pigments (such as zinc or aluminium) shall
not be used for top-coating on isolating joints.
The CONTRACTOR shall carry out a survey for stray currents generated by the newly
installed cathodic protection systems.
Stray currents generated by the newly installed cathodic protection systems shall be
eliminated at the source by suitable insulation or other means. If this is not economically
feasible, other measures such as installation of a current drainage system shall be
designed and installed.
Sufficient number of test stations shall be installed to locally or remotely to monitor the
system performance:
At the drain points, each negative connection to the pipe shall be provided with current
measurement facilities. For single pipes, the ammeter built into the current source may
suffice. Where multiple negative connections are installed, separate shunts grid coils
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and blocking diodes shall be provided complete with ammeter and selector switch
installed in a distribution box.
At the drain point, a potential monitoring station shall be installed using a separate test
cable connected to the pipe for measurement of the drain point potential.
• Electrical continuity - Anode terminal boxes and test stations shall be installed
for bonding current carrying cables (including bonds between pipelines/
structures or across isolation joints). These test stations shall be located outside
hazardous areas. If this is not practical, a box approved for the relevant area
classification shall be used
• Electrical isolation - Each isolating joint and isolating flange shall be provided
with test facilities. At all isolating joints flanges, two cables shall be connected to
each side of the joint or flange. All cables shall be separately terminated in one
test post with suitable facilities to install direct or resistive bonds. The cables to
each side of the isolating joint shall be identified by stainless steel tags.
Remote monitoring equipment shall be installed at all C.P Stations and include output
voltage, output current, drain point potential of each pipeline and alarms. Remote
monitoring at each C.P Station shall include a reference electrode located close to the
pipe surface at the drain point.
In the case that the installation of the permanent cathodic protection system cannot be
finalized before the pipe is buried, or if specified by the COMPANY, a temporary
cathodic protection system shall be installed. Such a system shall be designed in the
same way as a permanent cathodic protection system with the exception that material
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quantities and quality shall be adequate to cover a lifetime equal to the time of the
pipeline construction until the expected commissioning of the permanent cathodic
protection system. In case of sacrificial anodes system, anode connections shall be
constructed such that they can easily be connected / disconnected when commissioning
of the permanent system.
For temporary cathodic protection system to be used for protection during construction
before power is available, other DC sources may be used such as batteries.
If the pipeline runs in the vicinity of high voltage power lines, the SUBCONTRACTOR
shall investigate whether high AC voltages can be present on the pipeline by induction or
otherwise and whether devices need to be installed for protection of the pipeline and
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall install suitable lightning protection to protect the pipeline
isolation and cathodic protection equipment. This shall consist of suitably rated surge
arrestors and/or earthing. Surge arrestors shall be mounted across isolating joints.
Surge arrestors required to prevent elevated voltages due to faults in adjacent electrical
power systems or lightning shall be of the spark gap type and shall be designed such
• The impulse breakdown voltage of the arrestor is lower than that of the isolating
joint across which they are mounted.
• The spark gap is capable of discharging the expected lightning currents without
sustaining damage.
The spark gaps are fully encapsulated to prevent sparks in open atmosphere and to
protect the spark gaps from moisture.
The basic design documents shall be submitted for approval by the COMPANY,
covering the following requirements:
• Results of any site surveys and soil investigations that have been carried out;
• The civil works required to install the cathodic protection system. Such works
include transformer/rectifier plinths, anode ground beds, mounting details of
distribution boxes and test posts, cable trenches, security fencing, etc.
• Any sensitivity in the proposed cathodic protection system that requires special
• Installation procedures.
• Commissioning procedures.
This schedule shall include the descriptions and quantities of all materials to install the
cathodic protection system.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall also include in the material schedule a list of proposed
monitoring equipment (hardware and software) required to carry out regular surveys of
the cathodic protection system.
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The SUBCONTRACTOR shall also include a list of proposed tools and spare parts
required for maintenance of the system during the first 5 years of operation.
Full construction details and installation procedures of the cathodic protection system
shall be submitted to the COMPANY for review and approval.
• A time schedule for the installation of the system, where required in relation to
the construction schedule of the structures.
• All relevant construction drawings including but not limited to plot plans, locations
of cathodic protection stations and test facilities, cable routing, single line
diagram, schematics and wiring diagrams, anode ground bed construction and
civil works.
• Written procedures to ensure safe working practices during the installation and
operation of the cathodic protection system.
The installation of the cathodic protection system shall start only after approval of the
installation procedures by the COMPANY.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide procedures for documenting the results of all tests for
inclusion in the commissioning manual.
Commissioning procedures are required to prove that the installed integrated cathodic
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protection system is in accordance with the design. The system shall be considered
satisfactory when the cathodic protection cirteria is met at test stations and any other
accessible points of the MEHAR WELLHEAD FACILITIES pipelines location where
COMPANY requires tests to confirm effectiveness of CP system. During CP testing if
interference is highlighted the SUBCONTRACTOR shall carry out investigation to
determine cause and perform any work required to mitigate the same.
A cathodic protection manual is required to ensure that the as-built cathodic protection
system is fully documented and that operating and maintenance procedures are
available for the future operation and maintenance works.
• Pre-commissioning results.
• The commissioning report which shall include copies of the relevant as-built
drawings marked up to show the location (with reference number) of all test
locations used during commissioning.
• As-built drawings.
14.7 Training
SUBCONTRACTOR shall include the requirement in the design package for the
presence of COMPANY operating personnel during installation, pre-commissioning,
commissioning and close interval potential survey of the cathodic protection system. The
SUBCONTRACTOR shall include for training of COMPANY personnel in the operation
and maintenance of the cathodic protection system with particular attention being paid to
any special features of the system and troubleshooting.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall address in his design all safety related topics regarding
the cathodic protection systems and indicate, in the installation and operating
documentation, procedures to ensure safe working practices. The SUBCONTRACTOR
shall be familiar with local safety rules and practices and implement these in his work.
Related safety topics are:
• Accidental sparking.
Specification covers the requirements for design, manufacture, supply, installing and
commissioning a CPS remote monitoring facility for cathodic protection system’s
related monitoring.
Monitor the values of analog signals such as Solar Array powered CPS unit DC
voltage, DC current, potential of permanent reference electrodes, soil to pipe
potential 'ON' and instant 'OFF'.
2.1 Monitoring
DC Power Monitoring
The presence of DC power before and after the circuit breaker at the charge
controller unit and battery shall be monitored.
Temperature Monitoring
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall be able to monitor the temperature where
typical sensing points shall be in CPS output unit and storage battery.
3.1 Packaging
3.2 Power
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall be powered from 24 volts DC distribution
board, enabling the use of the new solar array power available at ME01 and ME02
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For wellhead site location such as ME03 and Manifold–North, the CPS Remote
Monitoring Facility shall be powered from the 415/240V-AC mcc at GPF switch
The power shall use a rechargeable battery for internal backup. The battery shall be
sized to insure that the CPS Remote Monitoring Facility can generate alarm calls in
case of power failure. The battery shall always be kept at optimum charge when
power is available. In the event of power loss, the battery shall take over for a
minimum of one hour (1) to insure continuous operation.
When the battery voltage drops below a specified level, the whole system shall turn
OFF. Normal operation shall resume only after the power is restored to a normal
In addition, the data memory shall also be equipped with an independent back up
system to protect the integrity of the data recorded when no power is applied to the
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall be protected against surges of up to 1,000
Volts @ 10,000 Amps coming from the analog inputs, AC power lines and telephone
All of the analog input channels shall be sampled simultaneously, not sequentially.
Inputs used for reference cell measurement shall have input impedance of at least
10 M ohms.
Each analog input shall be able to be remotely configured to any of the following
The status of at least two digital inputs from dry contacts or optically isolated devices
shall be monitored.
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall be able to operate in a range of -40 C to
+70 C.
Local Communication
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall have an optically isolated RS232 or 485
port for local communication using a portable computer or hand held data logger.
This local port shall provide access to all functions and settings of the Remote
Monitoring system and communicate with the RTU panel of instrumentation.
Remote Communication
The remote communication port shall be used for communicating with the Remote
Monitoring system of the GPF area via the RTU panel. The port shall be configured
to interface with the different possible communication links. They shall specify and
may be of the following link (and coordinated with instrumentation discipline) as
• Radio modems;
3.10 Memory
The data memory shall be used to store historical information and the configuration
of the Remote Monitoring system. It shall consist of a minimum of 10 Kbytes, to a
maximum of 6 MB of CMOS static Random Access Memory with local internal
battery back up.
The CPS Remote Monitoring Facility shall be designed so that the operating
software can be upgraded remotely by using the existing communication channel.
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4.1 General
This module shall provide basic data entry for an individual site. All information
concerning the location, rectifier and monitored signals shall be entered through
this module. The other modules of the program shall then use this basic
information to call the CPS Remote Monitoring Facility and generate reports.
Once the basic programming is complete, the grouping module shall have the
capability to group any number of sites together. The communication module shall
then automatically generate calls to all sites within a group and generate
appropriate reports.
4.4 Communication