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Course Guide

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Course Title Teaching Music in the Elementary Grades

Course Code/ Number Sc Music 1
Course Description Teaching Music in the Elementary Grades is a course designed to teach elementary education majors how to use music in the elementary classroom. This
course deals with the educational foundations of music as it applies to teaching and learning. Students will actively participate in music activities that
include singing, playing instruments, moving, creating, and listening. Various teaching strategies and assessment appropriate for each area be given
emphases in the course.
Credit Units 3 units
Course Prerequisites None
Link to Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
a b c d e f
1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the concept,
elements, and principles of music in the elementary grades

2. Understand varied teaching strategies in teaching music

in the elementary grades

3. Design assessment tools in assessing music in the

elementary grades
Legend ( for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal
supervision Program Outcomes:
Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas

a. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge of different subject areas
b. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes
c. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching
d. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional
e. Manifest desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development
Course Outcomes List three to five major outcomes that you expect students to strive for:
C.1 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the concept, elements, and principles of music in the elementary grades
C.2 Understand varied teaching strategies in teaching music in the elementary grades
C.3 Design assessment tools in assessing music in the elementary grades
Course Format Describe the teaching-learning strategies or activities that will be used in the course. e.g. lecture, fieldwork, research projects, laboratory
work, case analysis, problem solving, etc. Interactive instruction Lecture, Research projects,

Time Course Learning Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Learning Textbooks/
Assessment Tasks Resource Materials
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Matter/ Topic Activities References
1.5 1. Familiarize I. Orientation Lecture - Discussion Presentation  Copies of PSU University
Hours and explain the A. CTE Goals and Objectives  The teacher will  After the activity, Mission, Vision, Handbook
(Week 1) University’s B. Introduction of the course present the the students will CTE Goals and
Mission and including course university’s mission present Objectives
Vision references and and vision statements, their output.  Copy of the
statements as requirements CTE goals and An syllabus
well as its goals C. Classroom rules and objectives evaluation will be  Copies of course
and objectives policies  The teacher will done after the outline 
2. Contribute in present the course presentations to PowerPoint
the attainment of syllabus which also have a common Presentation
the college’s includes the understanding of (PPT) of the topic
goals and classroom rules and the university’s  Scoring rubric for
objectives and of policies. mission and vision presentation
the university’s Think-pair-share statements  LCD Projector
vision and  The students will pair Reflection The  Laptop
mission  up and discuss students will be
3. Follow the with each other the asked to write a
flow of meaning of the PSU reflection at the
discussions Mission and Vision end of
based on the and the college’s the
course syllabus goals and objectives. semester about
presented 4. how they have
Follow  Each student will think contributed
classroom about ways on how to
rules and they can contribute in university’s
policies the attainment of the mission
and vision
and the
colleges goals
C.1 1.Describe what II. Concept of Music -Anderson, W.
Demonstrate music is and (2007).
in-depth the importance A. Definition of Music Integrating
understanding of music B. Objectives of Teaching music into
of the Music the
concept, 2.Enumerate the C. History of Music elementary
elements, and objectives of classroom.
principles of Music Visual Presentation Australia:
music in the of the Lesson A Thompson.
elementary 3.Indicate the PowerPoint presentation
grades History of that define and explain
Music the concept of Music
C.2 according to
Understand its timeline Lecture-Discussion
3 Hours Pen-and-paper Laptop
(Week 1- test or Computer- Lectures Slides
teaching The Teacher will discuss
2) Generated Exam Modules
strategies in thoroughly what is the
teaching concept of music
music in the
elementary Individual Task
grades The students will have an
assessment about the
C.3 lecture of the teacher
tools in
music in the
3 Hours C.1 A.1 Define III. Music Notation Visual Presentation of Pen-and-paper Laptop
Demonstrate RussellBowie,
in-depth Music Notation Lesson D.
understanding Symbol and A PowerPoint (2009).
of the how is it presentation that explains What me?
concept, important to what the different types of Teach music
elements, and musicians Music Notations are to my
principles of primary
music in the A.2 Understand Lecture-Discussion class?
elementary Music Notation The teacher will discuss Challenges
grades Symbols and explain the different to teaching
types of Music Notation music in
C.2 B.1 Familiarize test or primary
Understand on how a Grand Individual Task ComputerGenerated schools in
varied Staff works -The students will have an Exam five
Lecture Slides
(Week 3) teaching assessment on what countries.
Penn and Paper
strategies in B.2 Describe the he/she has learned during Educational Music
teaching purpose of a the lecture Game Education
music in the Grand Staff . (Pictionary) Research,
elementary -The students will identify 11(1), 23–36.
grades B.3 Determine what symbols are being https://doi.or
the importance shown to them g/10.1080/1
C.3 of Grand staff to 4613800802
Design musicians Group Activity The 699549
assessment students will form into
tools in C.1 read and group and will have an
assessing understand A. Music Notation Symbol educational game to
music in the Lines in Musical B. Grand Staff in Music actively participate in the
elementary Notation C. Understanding Lines in lesson
grades Musical Notation
6 Hours C.1 A.1 Determine of IV. Rudiments/Elements of Visual Presentation Group Laptop Schmidt-
(Week 4- Demonstrate Rhythm and the Music The Teacher will provide Presentation Lecture Jones, C.
5) in-depth importance of visual presentation to Handouts (1999). The
understandin rhythm to a A. Rhythm thoroughly explain the Basic
g of the musician - Duration lesson. Handouts will Elements of
concept, - Beat also be given to the Music.
elements, and A.2 Differentiate - Meter students Retrieved from
principles of the different - Tempo https://www.t
music in the types of rhythm - Syncopation Lecture Run extbookequit
elementary down discussion y.org/Textbo
grades B.1 Determine B. Dynamic regarding the lesson to oks/TBQ_the -
how dynamics - Forte, Piano etc. be taught by the teacher basicelements
C.2 affect music - Cresendo, -ofmusic.pdf
Understand Decresento etc. Group Reporting
varied B.2 Understand Groups will be assigned
teaching the importance C. Melody to report a certain topic
strategies in of dynamics and - Pitch regarding Elements of
teaching its correlation to - Theme Music
music in the musicians - Conjuct
elementary - Disconjunct
grades C.1 Describe
Melody in Music D. Harmony
C.3 - Chord
Design C.2 Specify - Progression
assessment different types of - Consonance
tools in melody in music - Dissonance
assessing and - Key
music in the differentiation - Tonality
grades E. Tone Color
D.1 Difference - Register
between - Range
harmony and - Instrumentation

D.2 the proper

use of harmony
in music

E.1 Define Tone


what causes
tone color
Week 67 C.1 A.1 Determine V. Rudiments/ Element of Visual Presentation Lecture Laptop SchmidtJones,
Demonstrate the types of Music The Teacher will provide Presentation Lecture Slides C.
in-depth texture in music learning aid for student Handouts (1999). The
understandin and how it A. Texture properly guide the Educational Basic
g of the affects - Monophonic students regarding the Game (Hangman) Elements of
concept, musicians - Homophonic lesson Music.
elements, and - Polyphonic Retrieved from
principles of B.1 Define and - Imitation Guided Lesson https://www.t
music in the determine the - Counterpoint The teacher will lecture extbookequit
elementary different form the students regarding y.org/Textbo
grades and types in B. Form Elements of music with oks/TBQ_the -
music - Binary the proper assistance of basicelements-
C.2 - Ternary the hand-out given ofmusic.pdf
Understand C.1 Determine - Strophic
varied the use of - Through- Group Activity
teaching modes and Composed The students will have
strategies in scales in music an interactive
teaching C. Scales and Mode educational game to
D. Genre/Style help create
C.2 Determine
the correlation
between Modes
and Scales

D.1 Differentiate
music in the Genre and Style
grades D.2 Enumerate
the Different
C.3 Design kinds of genre
assessment and style in E. Articulation positivity to the lesson
tools in music
music in the E.1 Definition of
elementary Articulation in
grades music

E.2 Determine
the Importance
of Articulation in

Week 8 C.1 Identify the 10 VI. 10 Tips to Make Teaching Quiz Paper-and-Pencil Laptop Anderson, W.
Demonstrate Tips of teaching Music to Children More The students will Test Scoring Rubric (2007).
in-depth music to children Effective research the internet and Integrating
understanding effectivel7 list down the 10 tips to Reflection music into
of the make teaching music to the
concept, Determine and children more effective. elementary
elements, and give definition to This will serve as their classroom.
principles of the tips of assignment Australia:
music in the Thompson.

teaching Think-Pair-Share
strategies in The student will find a
teaching teaching music partner and choose 1 tip
music in the effective to per student and share
elementary children their thoughts on their
grades chosen tip to their
C.3 Design
tools in
music in the
Week C.1 Define the VII. Teaching Strategies in Visual Presentation Group Handouts RussellBowie,
910 Demonstrate Teaching Teaching Music to Children Visual aid will be provided Presentation Scoring Rubric D. (2009).
in-depth Strategies in by the teacher as well as What me?
understanding Teaching Music A. Orff Method handouts to have further Teach music
of the to children B. Kodaly Method understanding about the to my primary
concept, Differentiate the C. Suzuki Method topic class?
elements, and different Types D. Dalcroze Method Guided Lesson Challenges to
principles of of Teaching teaching
music in the Strategies Group Task music in
elementary Th students will be asked
grades primary
schools in
C.2 five countries.
Understand Music
varied Education
teaching Research,
strategies in 11(1), 23–36.
teaching to have a research and https://doi.org
music in the report on the /10.1080/146
elementary differentiation of each 13800802699
grades teaching strategies in 549
teaching music
C.3 Design
tools in
music in the
Week C.1 Define the four VIII. Innovative Teaching Visual Presentation Lecture Visual lecture Russell-Bowie,
11-12 Demonstrate innovative Strategies in Teaching Music provided by the teacher Reflection paper slides D. (2009).
in-depth Teaching for Today’s Diverse hand-outs will be Hand-outs What me?
understanding Strategies in Classroom included Scoring Rubric Teach music
of the Teaching Music to my primary
concept, for today’s A. Technology Guided Lesson class?
elements, and Diverse Incorporation Challenges to
principles of Classroom B. Create an Inclusive Quiz
The students will do a teaching
music in the Classroom
Determine the reflection paper based on music in
elementary C. Engagement focus
grades four effective what they learned about primary
D. Embrace the
music teaching the topic and this is a schools in five
ArtistTeacher Within
C.2 strategies for countries.
Understand today’s diverse Music
varied classrooms Education
teaching And the impact Research,
strategies in of each strategy 11(1), 23–36.
teaching in coping up with https://doi.org
music in the the new normal /10.1080/146
elementary good avenue to have
grades wider knowledge in
coping with distance 549
C.3 learning
tools in
music in the
Anderson, W. (2007). Integrating music into the elementary classroom. Australia: Thompson.
Russell-Bowie, D. (2009). What me? Teach music to my primary class? Challenges to teaching music in primary schools in five countries.
Music Education Research, 11(1), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.1080/14613800802699549
Course References Schmidt-Jones, C. (1999). The Basic Elements of Music. Retrieved from https://www.textbookequity.org/Textbooks/TBQ_the-

Additional Materials Laptop, Lecture slides, Hand-outs, video clip, e-books

Course Requirements Class Participation (Recitation & Assignments)-20%
Performance 25%
Quizzes – 25%
Major Exam 30%
Course Policies • Start and end class on time.
• Assign homework that adequately covers the material and meets the learning objectives of the course while adhering to the time
expectations for a 3-unit course.
• Give exams that accurately reflect the material covered in class and assigned in homework.  Come to class on time.
• Attentiveness and engaged in class.
• Refrain from using cell phones during class.
• Spend an adequate amount of time on the homework, trying to solve and understand each problem.
• Engage in classroom activities  Seek help when appropriate.

Supplementary Material/s E-books, Music books, books from the university library.
Consultation Period Tuesday to Friday 3:30-4:30 pm
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2. Font size: 11 pts
3. Document size: legal (8.5 x 13 inches)
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