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Course Outline and Learning Plan

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Course Code: CPEC112A Professor: DR. TONY G. ZAMORA

Course Title: FIELD STUDY 1- Observations of Email: tigerwatersoul@yahoo.com
Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
No. of Units: 3 Consultation Hours: _____________
Prerequisite/s: PRED106A Class Schedule & Room: TTH0730-0930
Prerequisite to: PRACTICE TEACHING Section: EDUC3A


This course is the first experiential course, which will immerse a future teacher to actual virtual classroom situation and learning environment
in the NEW NORMAL caused by the spread of Covid19 not only in the Philippines but around the globe where direct observation of teaching learning
episodes that focuses on the application of educational theories learned in content and pedagogy courses will be made. Observations on learners’
behavior, motivation, and teacher’s strategies on teaching, classroom environment, and assessment in learning among others shall be given emphasis.
A portfolio shall be required in the course.


This course is designed to help Education students verify the behavior of the child in the actual or virtual classroom setting. It will require
them to recognize the feasible approaches to be utilized with the learner considering the different phase of his development. It will also provide them
with opportunities to examine the application of teaching theories and principles in the learning environment. They are expected to verify the
cognitive, metacognitive, individual differences and motivational factors that influence the acquisition of knowledge. The students are also given the
chance to examine the instructional materials and technology to facilitate and produce effective learning outcomes. They are expected to
demonstrate a meaningful understanding of the nature, application and production of innovative educational technologies through students’ outputs.


On the completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:
1. identify the physical, motor, linguistic, literacy, cognitive, social and emotional development of the children or adolescents as manifested in
the virtual and/or classroom setting.
2. 0bserve and reflect on the different approaches employed by the teacher in dealing with the learners in the different stages of
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3. analyze how the teaching and learning process should be conducted considering the difffeerent phases of child development.
4. enrich their knowledge on the teaching methods and strategies, appropriate instructuional and assessemtn tools used by teachers.
5. reflect on the application of different theories of learning and knowledge acquisition that promote the cognitive and metacognitive
processes, positive motivational processes, and the use of verified resources of learning in the actual learning environment.
6. develop alternative ways of teaching a lesson
7. develop the strategic skills in employing appropriate media, appropriate to particular teaching-learning situations and objectives.
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8. demonstrate the vital skills in designing instructional materials with the newer teaching technologies in relation to conventional strategies; and evaluate the
usefulness, credibility and accessibility of digital media production tools, internet communication utilities and sources of information to classroom learning and

To be a leading center of innovative teacher training in the country.

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To prepare Lasallian educators who are professionally competent, service oriented, and committed to lifelong learning.



This program provides an integrative approach to training students to teach at the secondary level and become ideal educators.
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This program is designed to teach students the necessary theories, skills and trainings that are relevant to childhood education.

1. Relevant, quality research and publication
To foster educators and learners’ development of competence as researchers including their knowledge of the ways in which studies may influence their
2. Innovative teaching and learning experience
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To foster learners' formation as innovative educators especially in the areas of classroom management, educational measurement, educational technologies,
and innovative teaching pedagogy based on the Lasallian Guiding Principles on education;
3. Sustainable community involvement on literacy
To provide general training and opportunities for the learners to do sustainable literacy initiatives for partner communities based on the Lasallian Guiding
Principles on social development.
4. Holistic formation program
To develop and implement a holistic formation program for educators and learners to commit to life-long learning anchored on Lasallian spirituality based
on the Lasallian Guiding Principles on formation.
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Midterm Exam (Epi1-3) 30% 97 – 100% 4.0
Final Exam (Epi4-6) 30% 91 – 96% 3.5
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Class Standing (Assignments, 20% 85 – 90% 3.0

Quizzes, Reaction papers, Essays, etc.) 78 – 84% 2.5
Final Product (Reflections) 20% 72 – 77% 2.0
66 – 71% 1.5
60 – 65% 1.0
__________________________________ ______ below 60 0.0
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Passing Score = 60%

Serrano, Ruby A. et al. (2014). Field Study 1 The Learner’s Development and Environment. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
De Leon – Abao et al. Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Boholano, Helen B. et al. Field Study 3. Technology in the Learning Environment. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Lucas, Maria Rita D. (2015). Field Study 1. The Learners; Development and Environment. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
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Corpuz, Brenda B. Field Study 2. Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.


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At the end of the course, the students are expected to submit a learning portfolio – is a purposeful documentation prepared by FSS
and PTs that showcases their learning experiences in the experiential learning courses. The online or softcopy version of the said documents is
referred to as electronic or e-portfolio.

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a. Content – relevant, truthful and authentic 20

b. Organization, language & mechanics – correct grammar, logical and coherent organization of ideas 15
c. Presentation – aesthetic value, presentable & cost-friendly. 10
d. Punctuality – on or before the targeted time. 5
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Week Learning Outcome Course Topics Teacher/Learning Activities (TLA)

1 Orientation Policy Guidelines on FSS Presentation of the documents. Discussion and providing examples.
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Syllabus Content &
Make the physical The School as a Learning Visit virtually and/or through photographs of the cooperating school.
environment safe and Environment Observe the facilities using a Checklist. Then, write your conclusions and
conducive to learning reflections.
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3 Create an environment that Classroom Management and Observe a virtual class. Using a checklist, identify whether the different
promotes fairness Learning classroom management activities and competencies are observed. Cite
your remarks. Indicate specific examples if the statements are observed
during the lesson proper.
Familiar with learner’s Individual Differences and Observe the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional characteristics
background knowledge and Learner’s Interaction of the learner. Ask also your Cooperating Teacher on hoe she addresses
experiences the varying needs of his/her students. Use the Interview Guide. Then,
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interview a chosen student using an IG. Then, write your conclusion and
4 reflections.
5 Establish learning Home-School Link Select a student, establish camaraderie and tell him to ask permission
environments that respond to from his/her parents for you to conduct virtual home visitation.
the aspirations of the Interview his parents using an IG. Write your learning on virtual home
community visitation in your learning log.
*Create a stimulating and Teaching-Learning *Create and structure a virtual classroom.
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challenging learning Environment *Conduct formal and informal interview between and among the
6 environment *Setting expectations among students.
*Set higher learning students and teachers
expectations toward each *Establishing classroom
learner routine and discipline
7 *Recognize general learning *Sharing of individual and *Interactive discussion on the expectation expressed by the students
processes as well as unique class expectations and teachers
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processes of individual *Designing varied and *General and virtual classroom assemblies/meetings with the students,
learners meaningful classroom teacher, parents and certain stakeholders respectively
*Communicate relevant activities
updates and issues promptly
and clearly to learners,
parents, and school leaders,
superiors and certain
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Demonstrate mastery of the Teaching and Learning Observe a class and focus on the learning content. Identify the
learning contents/elements Engagement principles of learning and discuss how they are applied to the learning
*Engaged into varied and process
8 meaningful learning
Select the teaching methods, On Pedagogies of Teaching Enumerate the different teaching methods, instructional materials and
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learning activities and *Observing virtual and/or assessment strategies used by the teacher in the virtual or video-taped
instructional videotaped classroom learning environment.
materials/resources engagements
appropriate to the learners
which are likewise aligned to
the objectives
9 Provide learners with a variety *The School’s profile on Conduct an appointment with Educational Management Information
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of learning activities educational technology System, the school’s learning resource area and record and classify the
materials existing instructional resources.
10 Demonstrate mastery of the Design a Virtual Display Board Take a photo of a bulletin board display. Assess the display based on the
subject principle of effective instructional board design. Then, create a virtual
display board according to your major or specialization.
11 Demonstrate skills in the use Create and evaluate Create and evaluate PowerPoint presentation, newsletter, brochure and
of Information Technology in PowerPoint presentation, website
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teaching and learning newsletter, brochure and




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The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared for individual and group outputs. They are also expected to take all examinations and
submit required materials on the date scheduled. They should read the assigned problems prior to class. They are expected to attend each class and
participate actively in the discussions.

All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any
student found guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will (at a minimum) receive an F or failure in the
course requirement or in the course. Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes or otherwise securing help in a test;
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copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; representing the work of another person as one’s own; collaborating without authority, with
another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; signing another student’s name on an attendance sheet; or otherwise
practicing scholastic dishonesty.

For excused absences or waiver of absences must be presented upon reporting back to class. Special examinations will be allowed only in special
cases, such as prolonged illness. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor her own tardy incidents and absences that might accumulate leading
to a grade of “0.0.” It is also his responsibility to consult with the teacher, chair or dean should his case be of special nature.
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Check by & Endorsed by:: Dr. Analiza L. Falculan

Dean, COED
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Approved by: Dr. Bernardo N. Sepeda


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Student’s copy:

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a
student of BEEd/BSE during the 2nd TERM of SY 2020-2021. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the abovementioned
requirements and expectations.
Printed name and signature of student
Date: ___________________________
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Teacher’s copy:

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a
student of BEEd/BSEd/during the 2nd TERM of SY 2020-2021. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the abovementioned
requirements and expectations.
Printed name and signature of student
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Date: ___________________________


1. The syllabus shall be distributed to students in various forms (hard copy or soft copy) at the beginning of the term.
2. The contents of the syllabus shall be presented and discussed to set the direction of the course and make them aware of the different activities to be
undertaken during the duration of the subject.
3. Oral Reports/Presentation of the modules shall be assigned individually or in groups to develop desirable attitudes and values necessary for a future teacher.
4. Real classroom observation shall be required as an enhancement activity to see the relationship between theory and practice.
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5. Regularity in attendance shall be imposed. The application of the sanctions provided in the Student Handbook shall be followed.
6. The students shall visit the Faculty during his/her consultation hours for guidance purposes.

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