EMP Handbook Electric Power Systems
EMP Handbook Electric Power Systems
EMP Handbook Electric Power Systems
Prepared for:
Defense Nuclear Agency
4 February 1975
DNA 3466F 11 44
Final Report for Period
OWEHANDBOOK FOR June 1973-15,June 1974
EMP Handbook, SRI Project 2709
7T, DISTRiBuTION STATEMENT (oall. shaIatrt enhe.ed In Block 20, It dilhervnO from RepOPI)
It. KPv WORnS (CnoinLte "M revorer axir It nrecera r), and Iderntify by block number)
This handbook provides formulas and data for evaluating coupling of the
high-altitude EMP to electric power systems and to facilities served with
commercial electric power. The subjects covered Include coupling to power
transmission and distribution lines, transient coupling through transformers,
lightning-arrestor firing characteristics, and coupling through the service
entrance. Grounding, EMP protective measures, and testing are also discussed.
The emphasis of the handbook Is on the, EMP effects of concern to the power user,
but much of the information 'eontainedIn the handbook can also be umud Lu .'valuaLe
the effects of the EMP on electric power systems.
.{. . . . . .
This handbook has been prepared primarily for the power, communications, and
systems engineer who must be concerned with the offects of the nuclear electromagnetic
pulse on his system. The power engineer should be aware of the effects of EMP on his
transmission and distribution system, and the power users must protect their equipment
from the pulse conducted into their facilities on the power lines. The contents of this
handbook draw heavily on the results of research conducted at Stanford Research Institute
for the Air Force Weapons Laboratory under Contract F29601-69-C-0127 and on the
extensive work conducted by D. B. Nelson, J. K. Baird, and J. H, Marable at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory.
This handbook was prepared under the auspices of the Defense Nuclear Agency
under Contract DNA001-73-C-0238. Project Officers for this task were Mal. Frank Vajda
and Maj, William Adams.
........ ... 1
2.2.2 Line of Finite Length ...... .............. 66 Uniform Plane Wave ... .......... ... 66 Spherical Wave at Glazing Incidence .... 68
2.2.3 Rate of Rise of the Open-Circuit Voltage ..... 73
2.3 Response of a Vertical Element .... .............. ... 77
2.3.1 Current at Top of Vertical Element ..... ......... 77
2.3.2 Current at Base of Vertical Element ........ 81
2.3.3 Comparison of Voltage In Vertical and Horizontal
Elements ........ ... ..... ..... ... ... 83
2.3.4 General Analysis of Vertical Elements ............ 84
2.3.5 Impedance of a Ground Rod ..... ........... 86
2.3.6 Response of Horizontal Conductor with Vertical
Risers ............ .................. 88
2.3.7 Periodically Grounded Line ...... ............ 91
2.4 Transmission Properties of Power Lines ..... ...... ... 98
2.4.1 Attenuation and Phase Characteristics ... . 98
2.4.2 Junctions in Transmission Lines ........ .. . . 106
2.4.3 Bends in Power Lines ...... ......... ...
. 109
2.4.4 Other Effects ....... ............ ...
. 112
2-9 Comparison of the Transmission-Line Approximation and the Exact
Solution for the Current in a Wire Over a Perfectly Conducting Ground
Plane - Step-Function Incident Field, Horizontally Polarized ... ..... 56
2-23 Vertical Element at the End of a Transmission Line ..... ......... 77
2-39 Wave Front of Unit Step Current After Propagation for a Distance
of 10 km (6.2 miles) Along Copper Conductors of 1 mm and 1 cm
Radius ........ ........................... ... 105
2-40 Wave Front of Unit Step Current Aftur Propagation for a Distance
of 10 km (6.2 miles) Along a Copper Conductor of 1 mm Radius
at a Height of 10 m, for Various Soil Conductivities .... ......... 106
2-52 Open-Circuit Differential-Voltage Waveform Induced in a Semi-
Infinite, Two-Wire Line by an Exponential Pulse (Wires in a
Vertical Plane) ....... ........................ ... 124
3-2 Potheads for Single- and Three.-Conductor Cables ............ .... 140
3-6 Feeder Transfer Functions for Resistive Loads ...... ........... 147
3-7 Feeder Transfer runctlons for Inductive Loads ............ .... 148
3-9 Voltage Across a Resistive Load Produced by a Unit Step Source . . . 150
3-10 Voltage Across aii Inductive Load Produced by a Unit Step Source . 151
3-11 Voltage Across a Capacitive Load Produced by a Unit Step Source.. 154
3-12 Feeder Source Translated to the Load Terminals ..... .......... 155
3-18 Variation of Peak Conduit Current as Azimuth (ýo) and Elevation (0)
Angle of Incidence Change ...... ................... ... 166
3-20 Variation of Log (V/'26/,yoa) with Frequency and Conductor Radius . . 168
3-21 Waveform of the Conduit Current Near the End when Conduit End
is Open-Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
3-22 Magnitude of the Transfer Impedance of Rigid Steel Conduit ...... 175
3-27 Characteristic Impedance Zo and Propagation Factor for Conductors
in a Buried Nonmetallic Conduit ....... ................. 190
4-8 Spatial Distribution of Winding Voltage at Early Times .... ........ 218
4-9 Voltage Distribution Along Primary Winding at Late Times .... ...... 219
4-10 Voltage Distribution Along Secondary Winding at Late Times ... ..... 219
4-13 Magnitude of Transfer Function Relating Common-Mode Primary
Voltage to Differential-Mode Secondary Voltage Across a 100-ohm
Load for the Test Transformers ..... ................. ... 225
4-25 Lightning-Arrester Firing Characteristics for Fast Rates of fib ..... 247
5-1 Single- Line Diagram of Internal Low-Voltage Circuits ..... ........ 252
5-3 Typical Low-Voltage Wiring in Rigid Steel Conduit ..... ......... 255
5-4 Low-Voltage Wiring Inside a Main CIrcult-Breaker Panel .... ....... 256
5-9 Inductance per Unit Length of a Wire Over a Ground Plane ...... 268
6-3 Grounding System for a Telephone Switching Center .......... .... 281
6-6 Single-Point Tree Ground System ..... ................ ... 284
6-7, Loop Formed by Cable Shields and Metal Floor or Walls ....... 285
6-8 Single-Point Ground and One Trunk ..... ............... ... 286
6-9 Impedance of Metal Ground Planes and of a Ground Cable ....... 289
6-10 Tree with Trunk and Two Branches ..... ............... ... 290
6-13 Behavior of a king Counterpoise at Low and High Frequencies ..... 296
7-3 Impulse Test for Evaluating Power-Line Filtors for EMP Applications , . 309
8-6 Schematic Diagram of Power-Line Pulser and Coupler ..... ....... 330
8-8 Probe Adapters for a Tektronix P-6047 Passive Voltage Probe ..... 332
3-5 Shielding Parameters for Rigid Steel Conduit . . . ...... .......... 180
Chapter One
Until a few years ago, the nuclear EMP community gave little attention to commer-
cial power systems other than to recommend surge arrestors and line filters for the power
lines, It is now recognized, however, that the commercial power system can be a major path
for coupling the EMP into ground-based systems, The power distribution system forms a
very large, completely exposed antenna system that is hard-wired into the consumer's fa-
cility, Thus extremely high voltages may be developed on the power conductors, and even
if the commercial power is not relied on for system survival these voltages may be delivered
to the system either before commercial power is lost, or by the ground or neutral system
after transferring to auxiliary power,
In the last few years, considerable researuh has been performed on EMP coupling to
commercial power systems In an effort to characterize the power distribution lines as EMP
collectors and to determine the effects of major components, such as transformers, lightning
arresters, and low-voltage wiring, on the penetration of the received signal into ground-based
facilities. This research has entailed development and experimental verification of the theory
of coupling to transmission lines, and even though considerable research is still continuing
on the EMP interaction with power systems, it is felt that the preparation of a handbook on
the interaction of EMP with commercial power systems is in order so that designers and
systems engineers can benefit from the results of extensive data already accumulated.
The charge-separation mechanisms are similar for the high-altitude detonation, but
because the probability of the y-ray (photon) colliding with an air molecule is relatively low
until It has reached the more dense atmosphere,, iost of the Compton electron production
and charge separation occurs In or below the region of the upper atmosphere containing
the ionosphere D-dayer. In this region, the distance that a Compton electron travels
1 p,RTWS
before it loses its energy through collisions is great enough that the curvature of 'cs path pro-
duced by the earth's magnetic field and the resultant magnetic dipole moment, are also sig-
nificant, as is indicated in Figure 1 -(b), As is also illustrated in Figure 1-1 (b) the source
region where the charge separation occurs can cover a very large area, so that the EMP pro-
duced by a single high-altitude detonation may be quite strong over a region with dimen-
sions of several hundred miles.
The detailed characteristics of the high-altitude EMP waveform vary with weapon
chz-,acteristics and the positions of the observer relative to the burst point, but for the pur-
poses of most EMP coupling analysis a simple, approximate wavefolm is adequate. A useful
approximation for the incident electric field strength to be used in coupling calculations is
the two-exponential pulse given by
where rl is the pulse-decay time constant and 72 Isthe rise time constant, Since "1>> ,2,
E0 is approximately the peak value of the Incident electric field strength, The values given by
Marable et al.l * for E0 , rl1 , and r2 are
T1 6.7 X 10-7 s
A sketch of the waveform plotted from Eq. (1-1) using these values is shown in Figure 1-2.
T 1 -r•2
E( -) EoSE(11 +oJw7) ((1 + jJwr2) (1-2)
From this approximate waveform and its Fourier transform, It is apparent that the
EMP produced by a high-altitude detonation is characterized by a very fast rise to a peak
electric field strength of the order of 50 kV/m, and that the duration of the pulse is of the
order of lps. The spectrum of the pulse contains significant energy at frequencies approach-
Ing 100 MHz.
The magnetic field strength (outside the region of ionization) associated with the
EMP Isrelated to the electric field through the intriiisic impedance of air (120,7), so that the
incident magnetic field Is
Because both the nuclear EMP and lightning produce large electromagnetic tran-
sients it Is natural to compare their properties and characteristics. As is well known, light-
ning Is produced by the discharge of static electricity accumulated in clouds, The discharge
occurs as a long arc between the cloud and the earth, in which peak currents of tens of kA
(but occasionally hundreds) and charge transfers of about 1 coulomb occur. 2 , 3 Typical
current rise times are of the order of 1 ps, and the duration of individual current pulses
(time to decay to half the peak value) is of the order of 40 Ms. Each lightning flash normally
consists of several strokes or pulses of current. The lightning stroke-current rise-time and
duration are thus much greater than those of the EMP fields.
The effects of lightning are most severe when a direct strika is incurred. These effects
are often manifested as molten metal, charred Insulation, and exploded timber-the result
of a high energy density delivered by the stroke to Its point of attachment, Lightning
40 . f - - - :- --
LL 20-
0 on 1.0
TIMr:- •Ut
. .
• 10,3
U.1 1
10 "4 ..
transients propagated along transmission lines often produce peak voltages of several hun-
dred kilovolts with pulse rise-times of about 10 ps and durations of 50 ps or more. This
transient is not necessarily a common-mode (zero.sequence) voltage, since the stroke may
attach to only one conductor; the voltages induced in the remaining conductors are pro-
duced by mutual coupling.4
Because the nuclear EMP arrives at the surface as a plane, propagating wave, rather
than as a stroke channel, the melting, charring, and splintering effects associated with direct
lightning strikes do not usually occur with the EMP. The EMP exerts Its influence through
induced effects; the very large electromagnetic fields of the EMP induce large voltages or
currents in antenna-like elements of equipment. For example, a 5-meter-high vertical con-
ductor (monopole antenna) exposed to a 50-kV/m Incident electric field will have an open-
circuit voltage of 500 kV induced at Its base. The reader should adjust his thinking to
accomodate the fact that the very fast rise time of the EMP implies that conductors over a
few feet long are no longer electrically short. Thup, although a 20-ft-long ground wire on a
transformer pole may be treated as a lumped Inductance for lightning transients, 20 ft Is
twice the distance a wave will propagate during the buildup time of the EMP. Conductors
over a few feet long must therefore be analyzed as transmission lines, rather than lumped
elements, In the investigation of EMP effects, In addition, small inductances and capaci-
tances that are negligible in lightning analysis become important in EMP analysis because of
the large rate; ol change associated with the leading edge of
the EMP.
The primary effect of the EMP is, therefore, the production of large voltages or cur-
rents In conductors such as power lines, buried cables, antennas, etc. These Induced currents
and voltages may then cause secondary effects such as Insulation flashover and electronic
component damage or malfunction. Electronic logic circuits, In which infornation is trans-
ferred as a train of pulses, are particularly susceptible to transients of the type Induced by
the EMP. Even small transients In these circuits can cause a false count or status indication
that will lead to an error In the logic output, and large transients can destroy the junctions
of the solid-state devices used in these circuits. Furthermore, the techniques used for pro-
tecting equipment from the slowly rising lightning transients are not necessarily effective
against the fast-rising EMP-induced transients.
Some data are also available for system and component characteristics In the 50-to-
150-kHz range used for power-line carrier applications. 8 Although much of the supervisory
control, telemetering, and relaying Is now carried on microwave links, power-line carriers
are still in use and much data on the transmission properties of lines and components are
available to supplement the data available from lightning and switching transient analysis.
Because of the fairly narrow band of frequencies used for power-line carrier operations,
however, these data are of somewhat limited value,
Because the usual treatmont of lightning and switching transients is not concerned
with frequencies above about 1 MHz, high-frequency techniques must be Invoked for ana-
lyzing the power system's response to the EMP. Most useful in the EMP analysis at frequen-
cies above 1 MHz Isa good understanding of the fundamentals of electromagnetic waves and
transmission lines,"' 11 As was Indicated In Section 1.2.3 above, many conductors that are
electrically small at 1 MHz (300-meter wavelength) are large at 100 MHz (3-meter wave-
length), Thus the EMP analyst must be acutely aware of wave propagation times and the
transmitted and reflected waves at discontinuities In conductor configurations. To illustrate
this point, consider a lightning transient with a 1.5-Ms time-to-peak. The toe of this tran-
sient has propagated 1500 ft beyond an observer by the time the peak arrives. For a 1-Is-
wide pulse with a 10-ns time-to-peak, however, the toe of the pulse has propagated only 10
ft by the time the peak arrives, and by the time the toe has propagated 1500 ft beyond the
observer the trailing edge of the pulse has passed and propagated 500 ft beyond the observer
(the velocity of propagation is approximately 1 ft/ns). One consequence of this difference
is that the current at the top of a vertical ground wire on a pole may be radically different
from the current only 30 ft away at the base of the pole.
The power system Is described from the viewpoint of a consumer who Is concerned
about the EMP-induced transients entering his facility on the power conductors, As viewed
by the consumer, the most important parts of the power system are those that are closest
to his facility. Thus the service entrance, the distribution transformer, and the last mile of
distribution line are quite important, but parts of the distribution and transmission system
over a mile away decrease In interest as the distance increases.
Typical service at the end of a distribution line Is shown In Figure 1-4 for service
with ground-based transformers, The 3-phase aerial distribution line ends on the guyed
pole, where the line Is spliced to shielded cable, which enters a conduit running down the
pole and underground to the transformer, The top of the pole is shown in Figure 1-4 to
illustrate the installation of the lightning arresters, disconnect switches, and potheads. Rigid
steel conduit is normally used to protect the conductors on the drop down the pole, but
often fiber duct Is used for a segment of the buried horizontal run between the pole and
the transformers. There is almost always a ground wire for the lightning arresters running
down the pole to a ground rod ur butt wrap at the base of the pole.
The other end of the conduit and the distribution transformers are shown in Figure
1-5. In the case shown, the transformers are mounted outdoors on a concrete pad and
protected by a chain-link fence. The shielded cables exit the conduit through a moisture
barrier and are terminated in potheads, Connecting leads between the pothead terminals
and the transformer terminals can be seen In the figure, Three single-phase transformers
are used to reduce the distribution voltage (13,2 kV) to the consumer's voltage (440 V).
The neutral conductors and the transformer cases are grounded to ground rods just off
the concrete pad.
.. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .= • , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .
A view of the secondary side of the transformers and the low-voltage conductors
entering the weatherheads is shown in Figure 1-6. In the installation shown in this figure,
several conductors are used for each phase, so that three entrance conduits are required,
These conduits also may be either steel, part steel and part fiber duct, or fiber duct all the
way. The conduits are normally run underground into the building where they terminate in
the main circuit-breaker panel. The length of the conduit between the top of the pole and
the transformers ranges from about 50 ft to about 1000 ft, but a typical distance is about
100 ft. The length of the conduit between the transformers and the main circuit-breaker
panel Istypically 20 or 30 ft, but it can vary from about 10 ft up to about 200 ft.
The outdoor transformer arrangement shown in Figures 1-6 and 1-6 is quite com-
mon, but other common practices include installing the transformers in steel cabinets or
sheds outside the building or in a vault inside the building. Pole-mounted transformers are
common for light loads and at sites where real estate for ground-based Installations Is limited.
Some of the features of the service that are important in the analysis of EMP coup-
ling to the building electrical circuits are:
(1) The height and separation of the conductors of the distribution lines. These
affect the coupling of the EMP to the line.
(2) The lightning arresters, These protect the potheads and shielded cables from
Insulation breakdown,
(3) The characteristic Impedance of the shielded cables. A large mismatch between
the aerial line and the shielded cables limits the voltage delivered to the cables,
(4) The conduit between the pole and the transformers. If the conduit Is all steel,
the cables will be protected from the fields in the ground, but if it Is partly
plastic or fiber duct, additional coupling may occur along this path.
(5) The transformers and connecting leads. These behave as bandpass filters that
limit the very high frequencies and the very low frequencies. If the secondary
leads are exposed for significant lengths, however, some of the high-froquency
spectrum may be restored by direct coupling to the EMP.
(6) The conduit between the transformers and the main circuit-breaker parel, If
the conduit Is steel, the conductors are well shielded, but If partly plastic or
fiber, significant coupling to the conductors can occur.
(7) The lead lengths between the aerial lines and the shielded cables and between
the transformer terminals and the conduits. The inductance of these leads
limits the rise time of the transient propagating toward the building.
in Figure 1-7, only one 3-phase customer is close enough to the substation to be even
remotely concerned with EMP coupled to the subtransmission line. Also noteworthy is the
fact that even in this rather sparsely populated service area, the distance between branches or
spur lines is typically only about one mile. This fact is important in assessing the buildup of
inducvd current propagating into a facility from great distances, since spurs, branches, or
bends tend to limit the buildup and propagation of this current. In more densely populated
urban and suburban areas, of course, the distance between spurs and branches Is much less
than that shown in Figure 1-7.
Although the consumer is seldom concerned with the generation and transmission
system, this part of the power system is exposed to the EMP and may be susceptible to the
EMP-induced transients. The generation and trPnsmisslon system Is 6hown schematically in
Figure 1-8 to Illustrate the hierarchy of the system. In practice, however, there are many
interties at the transmission, subtransmission, and distribution levels, so that the transmission
and subtransmission systems form very complicated networks. These systems also contain
feedback in the form of supervisory control end relaying, so that a disturbance, (e.g, load
shedding, generator shutdown) in one part of the system causes changes In the remainder
of the system,
The goal of this handbook is to provide the formulas and numerical examples neces-
sary to evaluate the principal coupling problems a power-consumer might encounter, and to
provide some general information on grounding theory, protection techniques, and test
methods. Becau%i it has beei prepared as a handbook, rather than a treatise, the complete
derivation of coupling formulas has not been provided, although some of the more impor-
tant formulas have been partially derived, and an attempt has been made to provide refer--
ences to sources where the subjects are treated in more detail.
0 1 2 3 4 5 10
SCALE mileslIV
• 9!
I• e ,• .. =mOCUSTOMERS
wm-7,2/12,47 kV, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE
L-.- • • • 7.2-kV DISTr IBUTION LINE
Coupling of the EMP tu tranmtisslon lines and through the distribution transformer
and entrance con(;uits is covered In Chapters Two, Three, and Four. The partition of the
power system among these chapters is illustrated in Figure 1-9. Chapter Two contains
formulas and results for coupling to aerip.l transmission lines and includes the effects of
soil parameters and of polarization and angle of incidence of the EMP, as well as the
effects of vertical 0lements such as ground wires and service-entrance conduits,
Chapter Three treats the transmission of the transient through the entrance conduits,
Included in this chapter are transmission-line formulas for passive metal conduit systems and
for fiber conduits along which additional coupling occurs. Also discussed In this chapter are
the shielding properties of rigid steel conduit and tape-wound shields. Examples of the
waveforms delivered to the load-end of transmission lines simulating service-entrance con-
duits are given for resistive, capacitive, and inductive loads.
The linear and nonlinear characteristics of transformers and lightning arresters are
given In Chapter Four. Although the data available on transformers and lightning arresters
are still somewhat limited, the trends are evident and the bandpass behavior of the trans-
formers and data on firing voltage versus time to fire available are presented In this chapter.
Chapter Five discusse6 some aspects of coupling through internal building wiring.
Because the electrical wiring in a typical building has extremely complex high-frequency
characteristics, detailed analytical procedures for handling this part of the coupling are very
cumbersome and generally not very accurate. Nevertheless, some general guidelines and aids
to estimating major coupling parameters are presented.
Chapters Six, Seven, and Eight treat grounding, protection, and testing, respectively.
Grounding theory arid practice are reviewed in Chapter Six in a more or less qualitative man-
ner, primarily for the user who is not familiar with the subject. Effective and economical
protection methods using arresters and filters are described In Chapter Seven, Techniques
for evaluating component susceptibility to EMP-induced transients and for proof-testing
facilities are described in Chapter Eight.
Throughout this handbook coupling formulas in the frequency domain and the time
domain are used, Because of its wide use by electrical engineers, the Fourier transform has
been used for frequency-domain represuntations. The Fourier transform pair, as used
throughout this handbook, can be written as follows:
M f F(w)eJihtdw (1-5)
For those more accustomed to the Laplace transform, the transition Is very simple since
the Fourier variable jw and the Laplace variable s are interchangeable for all applications
encountered In this handbook. This is apparent from a comparison of Eqs. (1-4) and (1-5)
with the Laplace transform pair:
f = f F(s)eltds (11-7)
for the limiting case where b -* 0, (However, this simple change of variable cannot be used
for waveforms that are not zero tor negative time.)
The time dependence of alternating fields, voltages, and currents used in the hand-
book is eiw', consistent with common electrical engineering usage. This time dependence
is consistently suppressed (by the Fourier transform), however, so that the expression fM•r a
propagating field that represents
Is written
E(W) - Eo eijkz
The Important effect of the elJ1t time-dependence is that it makes inductive Impedances pos-
itive imaginary quantities (j•JL), and capacitive Impedances negative imaginary quantities (-.J/C),
The rationalized inks system of units is used exclusively in the analysis and formulas
presented, although dimensions and distances are sometimes discussed In the more familiar
English or engineering terms (e.g., feet, miles, mils), In the rationalized inks system, the
following dimensions and constants apply:
potential volt V
current ampere A
impedance ohm 0
electric field strength volt/meter V/m
magnetic field strength ampere/meter A/m
Inductance henry H
capacitance farad F
(o- 41r X 10-7 H/m) henry/meter H/m
= 8.85 X 10-12 F/m)
-eo farad/meter F/rn
conductivity mho/m
Conventional abbreviations for factors of 10•" are used:
p X 10"12
nano n X 10-9
micro x 10-6
m X 10-3
k X 103
mega M X 106
One exception io this convention occurs In the discussion of cable sizes, where MCM is
used to abbi iviate "thousand circular mils,"
9. S. Ramo and J. R. Whinnery, Fieldsdnd Waves in Modern Radio, 2nd Ed. (John
Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y., 1953).
10. S. A. Schelkunoff, Antennas: Theory and Practice (John Wiley & Sons, Inc,,
New York, N.Y., 1952).
11. R, W, P. King, Transmission Line Theory (Dover Publications, Inc.
New York, N.Y., 1965).
Chapter Two
Overhoad lines for power transmission, subtransmission, and distribution are used to
carry 3-plhase, 60-Hz power from the generating station to the consumer. The lines may
vary in length from a traction of a mile to hundreds of miles and may transmit 80-Hz volt-
ages varying frum a few kilovolts to a few hundred kilovolts. Although it is doubtful that
the power lines will be damaged by the EMP, they are very large, exposed collectors of the
EMP that can funnel the EMP energy Into the consumer's facility, the substations that control
line relaying and load control, and the generating stations. A primary consideration in the
analysis of coupling to the power lines is, therefore, the EMP-Induced voltages or currents
available from the ends of the lines that might affect critical components in the terminal
facilities of the consumer or the pcwer system. A second consideration, however, is the
possibility that the EMP-Induced voltages might produce insuldtion breakdown along the
line and thereby induce faults or protective reactions that cause widespread load-shedding o0
similar responses that the power system cannot cope with,
In this section, a brief description of the physical construction of power lines and
power-line components will be given, The emphasis in this description will be on those
aspects of the power lines that are believed to be important in the coupling and propagation
of EMP-induced transients - namely, their geometry and insulation.
Wood pole construction Is used almost exclusively for overhead distribution lines
that transmit power from the distribution substation to the consumer. Wood poles are also
very widely used for subtransmission
POLE TOP TWO ARM SINGLE ARM lines that carry power from the bulk-
power source to the distribution sub-
stations. Typical wood-pole line con-
figurations for 3-phase transmission are
shown in Figure 2-1, The conductors
are supported on crossarms, on pin or
post type insulators, A wood-pole line
may carry a single 3-phase circuit as
Iii SINOLE CIRCUIT shown In Figure 2-1 (a) or two 3-phase
Figure 2-1 WOOD POLE CONSTRUCTION FOR frame construction il1itrated in Figure
2-2(c) iscommon, Modern transmission lines d~esigned for l,1ghtning protection are provided
with ground wire's above the phase cdndyctqii (It thti.,p bt'66;:h pole In the H-frame con-
struction, for example).' These gi'oiind wires are geunold at'ea~h pole by wrapping several
turns aeopnd1 the butt of the pole
OR06NO below the ground level as illustrated In
WIA IES Figure 2-3(a). Grounding at the pole
riieyailo b~e achieved with a butt plate
attacho) to the bottom of the pole
ond, occasionally, with ground rods
driv~in near the base of the pole as
illustrated In Figuros 2-3(b) arid (c).
Figure 2-4STEEL TOWER CONSTRUCTION the pole or tower) of the lowest con-
FOR TRANSMISSION LINES AT VOLTAGES OF ductors, the span between poles, and
89 kV AND ABOVE typical transmission-line lengths. The
common-mode (zero sequence) surge
is 300 to 600 ohms,
impedance of typical power lines
Conductors for power lines are usually stranded cable of copper, aluminum, or
copperweld (copper-clad steel), although the conductors for the hligher voltages may be of
Table 2-1
the hollow type HH (Hederheim) construction, 1 ,2 Some typical power cables are Illustrated
In Figure 2-5, Cablle sizes range from No, 8 AWG (16,510 cIrcular miIs) for short lines with
light loads, to the equivalent of 1,000,000 circular mils of copper for long, high-power lines,
Cable for high-voltage transmission lines Is of the hollow or rope-core construction Illus-
trated in Figures 2-5(c) through (f) to give the cable a larger radius for a given cross section,
The larger radius is required for high-voltage lines to increase the corona threshold of the
conductor, Some of the larger hollow cables are over 2 Inches in diameter,
Insulators for transmission lines are madri of glazed porcelain and shaped to provide
long surface leakage paths, wet or dry, Hardware for attachirg the Insulator to the supporting
structure and for attaching the power
conductor to the insulator are pro-
vided. Figure 2-6 illustrates some
typical power-line insulators, The
(l) STRANDED ib) ALUMINUM CABLE pin-type Insulators shown In Fig-
STEEL ure 2-6(a) and the post-type shown
In Figure 2-6(0) are used for distrl-
bution, subtransmission, and low-
voltage transmission lines. Strings
of suspension-type insulators, such
as those Illustrated in Figure 2-6(c)
are used for all high-voltage trans-
ail STRANDED ROPE CORE (d) HOLLOW CORE mi6sion lineq, Such strings may he
provided with arcInq horns and
gpidlng rings on some of the older
transmission lines. As can be seen
in Table 2-1, the basic insulation
level for transmission lines, which
against lightning strikes along the line, but terminal equipment 6 almost always protected
with lightning arresters.
2.1.5 Interaction of the EMP with Transmission Lines
The EMP wave induces current in the horizontal conductors strung on poles or
towers, and it induces current in the vertical elements, such as steel towers, ground wires
on wood poles, or vertical runs of cable or conduit at the customer's service, It Is In these
parts of the transmission line that the EMP Induced currents are generated. The amount
delivered to a particular pair of terminals depends on the length and height of these elements
as well as the magnitude, waveform, and angle of Incidence of the EMP and the conductivity
of the soil, In addition, the propagation characteristics of the transmission line and Junctions
and bends in the vicinity of the terminals also influence the manner in which the Induced
currents propagate to the terminals. Formulas for evaluating these effects are contained In
the following sections.
The common-mode currents and voltages Induced In the horizontal conductors are
treated in Section 2.2 for long lines (extending from the terminals to Infinity) and for lines
of finite length, The currents induced In the horizontal conductors usually have the largest
peak values and the longest durations because they can propagate in from great distances,
and for small angles of Incidence of the EMP these currents can build up to large peak value3
(of the order of 10 kA for the high altitude EMP).
The currents and voltages induced In the vertical elements era treated In Section 2.3.
For poorly conducting soil, the current induced in vertical elements such as towers or
ground wires on poles Is smaller than that induced in the horizontal line (unless the line is
very short), but for highly conducting soils, the peak current induced In the vurtical element
may be comparable to that in the horizontal line. However, the latter result Is bocause the
peak current in the horizontal line is smaller for highly conducting soils, rather than because
the current induced in the vertical element Is larger. The Ieak current induced in a 10m
high vertical element by the high altitude EMP is typically a few kA,
Included in this section are the attenuation and phase factors for long, uniform lines over
finitely conducting soil and the effects of bends junctions, line sag, and some other devia-
tions from the ideal transmission line. The topics discussed in this section are useful for
refining the estimates of induced current or voltage made from the formulas in Sections
2.2 and 2.3
Differential coupling to transmission lines is treated in Section 2.5. The differential
voltage is the voltage induced between the wires of, say, a single-phase distribution line by
the EMP. This voltage is usually considerably smaller than the common mode voltage
induced between both conductors and ground, The differential voltage is often ot secondary
interest; howevwr, it may be necessary for the evaluation of stress on insulators and meterinq
distortion of the leading edge of the induced pulse after the ground-reflected wave returns,
but this distortion is often negligible - particularly if the pulse is filtered by the service
transformers and low -voltage circuits before it reaches the customer's equipment.
EIdz I + d9l dd
FIa di
V Y dz V++ d
Ez In Figure 2-8, this transmission line is identical to classical transmission lines, and the
techniques for determining the impedance per unit length Z and the admittance per unit
length Y are the same as for classical transmission lines. The source term has been labeled
Ez because it has the units of electric field strength (V/m),
The coupling calculations are based on the assumption that the height of
the horizontal conductor over ground can be considered small, In terms of wavelengths, so
that circuit analysis can be used, This assumption allows the low-frequency characteristic
impedance of the line to be used, In the circuit analysis, radiation from the line and the
uxistence of transmission modes other than the single simple TEM mode are also ignored.
The differential equations for the voltage and current along the trans-
mission line of Figure 2-8 for harmonically varying signals (ejwt) are
- Fz - IZ
-VY, (2-1b)
By differentiating one and substituting the other, the second-order differential equations
can be obtained:
d2V =
-- V (2-2a)
dz dz
d2 1
-- 21 -YEz (2-2b)
where y2 = ZY, Except for the terma containing Ez, Eqs. (2-1) and 2-2) are identical to the
equations for the more classical transmission-line formulation. The solutions to Eqs, (2-2)
are ,7
P(z) -
- e•v Ezdv (2-4a)
K1 and K2 are coefficients determined from the terminating impedances Zl and Z 2 , at the
ends of the line at z - z2 and z - z2 (z2 > z, ), respectively, and Z,, \/1Z7 as in conven-
tional transmission lines, K1 and K2 are constants given by
p 2 P(z2)e-' 12 Q(21)012
K, p- 1e_1•Q (2-5a)
p1Q(Zi)e1Yzl - p(z 2 )e"Z1z
K2 = p2e_7Z2 (2-5b)
e'Y(z2-Z1) _ PlP2e-I(•2-z)
• Pl
SZ1 Z1 +
-ZoZ0 P Z2
Z2 +
- Z0
Zo 2-6)
The electric field E,4V) In Eqs, (2-4) is the "undisturbed" field that would exist at the wire
height if the wire were not there, This resultant field is written Eu (h, z) below to indicate
that it is the z-component of the undistrubed field at height h, For an incident field of
amplitude El, the resultant field is
for a vertically polarized incident wave (magnetic vector parallel to the surface), and
for a horizontally polarized incident wave (electric vector parallel to the surface). The phase
is referred to the phase of the incident wave at tile wire height when z - 0, In these expres-
sions k -w=pc Is the propagation factor for the wave in free space, and Rv arid Rh are
the reflection factors for wave reflection at the air/earth interface, These reflectinn factors
18 19
are qiven by .
It ,;,'.nvenik-nt to separate the term 1 4 Re'ik 2hhln 0 in Eqs. (2-7) Into
two parts - ,)nl.given by 1 eijk 2mi1 ' that depends on the tine height and a phase-shifted
term given by e-lk2hs;i (1 + R) that depends on the properties of the soil. Here R -Rv
for vertical polarization and R Rh for horizontal polarization. For a >> we sin 2 ', the
terms 1 + R reduce to
2 sin
1+Rh A•---- (2-9a)
l'Rv~ - .1(2-9b)
a sin
These expressions can be used to obtain two components of the resultant field Eu (h,z)
from Eqs. (2-7) - one, depending on line height h, that would be obtained If the ground
were perfectly reflecting (I R I - 1), and one, depending on the soil properties contained in
1 + R, that is, in effect, a correction term to account for the fact that the ground is an
Imperfect reflector of the Incident wave. These two components can be used in Eqs. (2.4),
and thence in Eqs. (2.3), to obtain two solutions for the current or voltage.
h 100
4' 4e
20.- o* / -
10 ""
0 I I . ..
0 h 2h 3h 4h 5h
from the ground arrives at (1 + sin i) 2h/c. Subsequent multiply-scattered waves have a
very weak Influence, hut they eventually bring the exact late-time response into coincidence
with the transmission-line solution,
where c is the speed of light, = 2irf is the radian frequency, to (2h sin 4)/c, and D(/,O)
is a directivity function defined by
sin L cos 0 (vertical
(, c +S. cos 0 cos P polarization)
i• k
sin p (horizontal
where a and 3 are the attenuation and phase factors for the transmission line (for perfect
conductors,/3 k and a - 0). Although a, i3,and k are In general frequency-dependent,
the value of 1(0,0) depends primarily on the angles of Incidence, and It Is almost Independ-
ent of frequency for many power line configurations. Plots of the directivity functions are
shown in Figures 2-10 and 2-11 for/3/k
O 1 and for ce/k negligible or constant. The assump-
tions that [3/k - 1 and a/k Is negligible are valid for finite soil conductivity If h ;0 6 and the
angles of Incidence 0 and ,p are large, For small angles of incidence, however, cos 0 cos 0
-• 1, and the assumption that 0 - k may cause an overestimate of D(i,,), and thus of the
Induced voltage and current, particularly at low frequencies, The value of 3/k for conductors
over soil are given In Section 2,4,1,
The corroction that must be applied to V.. to account for the Imperfect
reflection from the soil when I Rh,v 1 1 and o >> •e is
2 eJj/t- (vertical
AV c 134,0 -sin 0 v/J polarization)
where r@ - co/O,a is the soil conductivity and co Is the permittivity of free space,
24'210' 10' 161f 120,
+ g1
Fiue-0 OERLN
20 0 1I0" 150
r ' . .. 8 ]
t h~• •) . .... ........... -.... - c s•
'1 - CO•Cc~oS • ,, k
01 C
300'' \ 6/
,04o)i, 3''0,3. A
where the exponent +1 is associated with horizontal polarization, and -1 Is associated with
vertical polarization, The voltage given by Eq. (2-13) Is caused by the horizontal component
of the electric field. For vertical polarization, there is an additional component of voltage
produced by the vertical component of the electric field, This component is discussed in
Section 2.3, where the voltage and current induced in the vertical elements of the transmls-
sion "!ieare discussed, Plots of the open-circuit voltage calculated from Eq. (2-13) are
shown ii Figure 2-12 for vertical polarization and in Figure 2-13 for horizontal polarization,
o 10 - _3
1 10- ' 30
E 30
h 10 mih-1m
30"''f 02
0 0
1~ 10 U1.1- 10
The source impedance for the semi-infinite transmission line is simply its
characteristic impedance Z. = V/7 For typical power transmicsIon,.lIne configurations,
this impedance deviatus very little from ,21
?to 2h
Z, log - (h>>a) (2-14)
where a is the radius (or effective radius) of the power conductors and p)j =V/'•'/0'- is the
intrinsic impedance of free space, The Thevenin equivalent circuit of the transmissinn line
is thus the open-circuit voltage gitun by Eq. (2-13) in series with Zo. The Norton equivalent
circuit is a current source Voc/Z 0 in parallul wg,' Zo.
h.- 10•2
x - go*
e1 Transient Waveforms for an Exponential Pulse
E(w) - E. -2-15)
JW + 1/7
V otlW ) Eoc D( 4, ,) -W + 1 /)
-w + ' (sir r, )' 1W)
X eU'2 du it 10 to)
where t', t + to,, and to (2h sin 0)/c. The first term in the braces In Eq. (2-17) is due to
the geometry (line height and angle of Incidence) and is independent of the properties of the
soil, The second term contains the effect of the soil conductivity in TI) - ro/o, as well as
geometric effects,
The open-circuit voltage vot(t) is plotted In Figure 2-14 for both polari-
zations with soil conductivity varying from 10O3 to - mho/m, The wavelurm for ri
VERTICAL. POLAnWhATION 6P~ 01 D,(30". 0") 3.73
----- 'ýP
- 96 D1 3 6
ZTM 30 E D
- 11f
a', oe
a 0)15produed
bythe fist tem of q. (2-7) alne. Te devAinsothohr
Figrms in1
FiguEN2-CIR4 indicate Ibecus the d OFunto
ENDvt gr
bha polrizatonE.(21)aoeThdvitnsfteohr
fothtfigre 2-1 and inusother illusfetraeletions indued
waveforIn of Iniefnrtthate bolo
the ampliund.Te ofpigcasdb
the noraliedtoIare D~then)the vaulues ofused by
asaparesont end-gonuncd-enfct~ 0)pln wth vertical polarizationand ~ondsideral inciener
than th0deres wopingto
horizontal polarization, aThoug thfeene reuls aen
graer tappie toe wany-
azimut anFglre of1 Incidecaep.Hwvr because the giecii
ound-cetio DteOirmeptend fon etia
tanforhoizota poarza 63n
InFgre21.adI. *,~,li.~Induced waeom. ha olw
(sin 0)4 1, as well as on D(ip), the results shown are applicable to only the 30 degree
elevation angle of incidence,
The effect of incident pulse duration (decay time constant) on the open-
circuit voltage waveform is illustrated in Figure 2-16, where the op•n-clrcuit voltage is
0D 30', 0') • 3,73
3 0 E QD h - 15lt 0t
3 0 1M 0"
0 10,13 10-6
plotted for incident pulse decay time constants of 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 Ms. As is apparent from
Eq. (2-17), the waveform for a given soil conductivity, line height, and angle of incidence
can be plotted as a function of a normalized time t/r, in which case the pulse decay time
constant 7 affects only the relative magnitudes of the two terms in braces in Eq. (2-17).
However, it is apparent in Figure 2-16 that the pulse duration affects both the peak voltage
and the time required to reach the peak value. The wider the pulse, the larger the peak
voltage because the wider the pulse, the longer the segment of line near the terminals over
which the ground effect Is integrated. Note that for perfect ground (dashed curves in Figure
2-16) the pulsewidth has little effect on the peak voltage, and the open-circuit voltage
li.,L -- ,(t) Eo,"'/)
30 EOD c 0
""1 . 10 m
o 110 0.
•'• •,•.2B0.21-
' 6
7'101.- ,
waveform is essentially the incident-field waveform except for the finite rise time to
(2h sin /)/c.
In Figures 2-14, 2-15, and 2-16, the waveforms for vertical polarization
have been plotted for an elevation angle i = 300 and an azimuth angle 0p= 0*, while the
waveforms for the horizontally polarized incident wave in Figure 2-14 were plotted for
= 300 and o = 900 (broadside), In all three Illustrations, it was assumed that C/k << 1 and
that a/k is not frequency-dependent. It Is also Important to recognize that changing the
angles of incidence In Eq. (2-13) affects the relative magnitude of the ground effect through
the (sin 4 )k1 coefficient as well as affecting the directivity function D(',O) and the delay
time to. In effect, there are two directivity functions - one for the response with perfect
ground, D(•I,), and one for the correction term, (sin 0)11 D(Pp),
S... .• i • i C...O
il •l l ll I - 1 :i - I tllN '
where Voc = (w) is the voltage induced in a semi-infinite line, and
"Y =+ j/c
ZQ - Zo
Z + Zo '
The open-circuit voltage Voc a (w) for the semi-infinite line is given by Eq. (2-13), the
directivity functions D(ý,Op) are given by Eq. 12-11), and the characteristic impedance ZO Is
given by Eq. (2-14). The reflection factor pQ at the end of the line opposite the terminals is
a function of the load impedance ZV at that end of the line (see Eq. (2-8)),
semi-infinite line, modified by the factor -pq Dj0g + After 29/c, the waveform
repeats, as illustrated in Figure 2-18 where the waveform for a line 150 m long, open-
circuited at bQth ends, and having negligible attenuation, is shown for an exponential pulse
of incident field, When the attenuation of the line Is not neglected, the abrupt changes
shown in Figure 2-18 become more rounded, and the amplitude of the oscillations becomes
smaller with increasing time,
The source impedance at the terminals of a line of finite length is
1 +
Z(O) = Z - - (2-19)
1 pye-2
and the short-circuit current at the terminals Is Isc(w) - Voc(w) / Z(O). The open-circuit
voltage given by Eq. (2-18) is only that part induced In the horizontal conductor by the
horizontal component of the Incident electric field. If a vertical element Is Included, the
vertical component of the electric field (in the case of a vertically polarized Incident wave)
will induce a voltawe In this vertical element, The voltage induced In the vertical element Is
discussed In Section 2.3.
1iltI /I0
E ' Eo --I
I 2•ohL)•.aOu 30 po 0
c/i2 , 150 m
10 Eod h 10 m
- 'ou Il c c
" ,0 AIR
CL.(.SE-IN H.(-LGIOCN_ • ,/
0 2
The horizontal component of the field at the wire height is
where tjo TM • and 71-.v/fJU'o/(o + jwe), If we neglect attenuation of the wave due to
losses to the ground, and apply a first-order correction to the field at the surface to obtain
"thefiea:i it the wire height. (Eo is the total vertical electric field, so that it corresponds to
2Eo in Lite ipace-wave case discussed in Section 2.2.11)
EohZ(Oie-•)9 -Jk)z
Z ~ 2 *(y-Jk)zj
+= h1
e('-P-k)v dv
X [12 .1v
where t, Z(O), and k are tlhe propagation factor, the source impedance given by Eq. (2-19),
and the free-space phase factor, respectively,
The coupling to the wire can be resolved Into three components according
to the nature of coupling: geometric, ground-effect, and phase-disparity, If the wire and
soil were perfect conductors, then qjw 0 and y jk, and the open-circuit voltage on the wire
at z 2 would be
The coupling In this case is the geometric component caused by the nonuniformity in the
magnitude of the incident electric field along the wire, which causes the potential at the
wire height at z 1 to differ from the potential at the wire height at z 2 -
If 3 jk and P?* 0, we obtain an additional ground-effect component
which is caused by the finite conductivity of the soil (?I - Vi,5-,), This component is the
integral (between z Ihand z 2 ) of the z-component of the electric field induced in the finitely
conducting soil by the incident wave,
Finally, if -t "*"
1k, both the geometric component and the ground-field
component are modified, and a third component, caused by the disparity In the propagation
characteristics of the Incident wave and the induced responses, Is obtained. This phase-
disparity component is
which exists only if there Is a disparity between the phase factors of the incident wave and
those of the transmission line,
For typical soil conductivities and line lengths, the geometric term given
by Eq. (2-22) Is significant only at very low frequencies unless the line Is very high or very
close to the source, and the phase-discrepancy term given by Eq. (2-24) Is small compared
to the ground-effect term given by Eq. (2-23). The open-circuit voltage induced in the
transmission line by an exponential pulse (Eo/z)e-t/r is thus
[ W](2-25)
-yz o
,/rOlor /A
z Ib
_ -I
The voltage waveform Is
EoZ(0) Z,2 t/
v z 2,t) • llog-- e-UI t < E'rTu
Zo /C-r? ZI
EoZ(0) 'TO-V221
I 229-
1o VIrr log-2
e d.
t> 6rse
for a zero-rise-time exponential pulse. For a two-exponential pulse with non-zero rise time,
the voltage waveform can be obtained by superposing two solutions such as in Eq. (2-26),
The waveforms for single and double exponential transient fields are shown In Figure 2-20
for a pulse decay time constant of 1 ps and soil conductivities varying from 10-1 to 10-3
mho/rn, The line is assumed to be terminated in its characteristic impedance at the end zX
opposite the terminals, For the two-exponential pulse (solid curves), the rise-time constant Tr
is4 ns. The early-time and late-time approximations, which do not meet at t merrs for the
lower conductivities, have been joined by a vertical line. The dashed curves are the zero rise
time (single exponential) responses,
The waveforms of Figure 2-18 are such short, high-amplitude pulses that
it was necessary to plot them on a log-log scale to view significant details. Note that the
peak value and the time to reach the peak value both increase as soil conductivity decreases,
because the more poorly conducting soil behaves as a dielectric longer and supports a larger
z-component of electric field when It behaves as a conductor.
Comparison of Figures 2-20 and 2-14 shows that the peak voltages obtained
with end-on illumination of, semi-infinite line can be much greater than those obtained 'Vith
oblique illumination of a line of finite length, Although some of the difference between
these two cases can be attributed to the nonuniform illumination, most of it can be attributed
to the length of the line. On the semi-infinite line, the peak voltage contains voltage that was
Induced at a distance Ctpk/(1 - cos 4) away from the terminals. Therefore, unless the
transmission line is straight and at least Ctpk/(l - cos 4) long, the open-circuit voltage will
never attain the peak value predicted for a semi-infinite line. One should therefore use
caution in applying the currents and voltages predicted for semi-infinite lines with small
angles of incidencu,
The rate of rise of the line voltage is important in evaluating lightning arrester per-
formance and insulation flashover characteristics, For typical line heights such that the
transit time h/c Is large compared to the rime time of the EMP and small compared to the
pulsewidth, the rate of rise of the voltage In response to a step-field Isa useful measure of
the early-time behavior of the line voltage, The open-circuit voltage Induced at the end of
a semi.-infinite line by a step of incident field Eou(t) Is
SOURCE 14o 300 12, tj 1000 m, 12 -2000 mn,exponential pulse). Source: Ref. 7.
where to = (2h sin t)/c. At t - to, the reflection of the incident wave from the ground
returns to the wire and the form of the voltage changes. At this time, however, the open-
circuit voltage for small , and 0p(where D(P,ýp) is large) can already be 2Eoh, which, for
typical EMP field strengths and line heights, is of the order of 1 MV. The time required to
rearph this voltage Is to for a zero-rise-time step function; for a finite-rise-time EMP, how-
ever, the minimum rise time Is the rise time T r of the EMP. The maximum rate of rise of the
open-circuit voltage is therefore
Av 2Eoh
A - ('r > to) (2-28)
at T'r
For E0 5 X 104 VWm, h = 10 m, and Tr v 10 ns, the maximum rate of rise is 100 kV/ns,
This rate of rise occurs for either horizontal or vertical polarization for grazing, end-on
Incidence on a semi-Infinite low-loss transmission line. (For vertical polarization, the
maximum net voltage between the end of the horizontal conductor and the top of the
vertical element between the ground and thle horizontal conductor at t - to is 2E 0 h; for
horizontal polarization the total voltage of the horizontal conductor is 2Eoh and none is
induced in the vertical element.)
For angles of Incidence such that rr < (2h sin O)/c, the rate of rise of the open
circuit voltage Is
whete D(00,ý) is given by Eq. (2-11). For Eo - 5 X 104 V/m, Av/At , 15 D(0,ýp) kV/ns.
Figure 2-21 shows, for various constant values of a/k, plots of Av/At with vertical polariza-
tion incident at an azimuth angle of op- 0, where D(O,ýp) is maximum (dashed curves) and
with horizontal polarization Incident at 0 - 0, where D(',p) is maximum (solid curves). As
Is apparent In Figure 2-21 the rate of rise of the open-circuit voltage Is strongly dependent
on angle of incidence, with the values approaching 100 kV/ns occurring only for small angels
angles of Incidence.
S- o ,Ina' - I-•
k k
- - s0o 10 v/m
a 30 so go
AlthouhJll thi0 initial rate of rise of the vol tage is not clet)indent on the hngthl of the
line, the time that this rate of rise lasts and the final voltage obtained are dependent on lino
"length. For a line of finite length ý, thirofore, the rate of rise EocD( •.p) lasts only for a time
100 if tt < to, If this open-circuit voltage is quite
small, the rate of rise may not be important
-- even though it is quite large, Note that Lhe
50 -open-circuit voltage is smallest for the angles
E of incidence that produee the largest rate of
rise, Figure 2-22 shows the minimum length
of time required to develop 100 kV at the
S20 small angles of Incidence before ond-effects
alter the rate of rise (assuming t! <to), In
Figure 2-22, ip- 0 and P is varied for vertical
I0 polarization, and 0 Is varied for horizontal
- h •,. polarization (I.e., the angle of Incidence Is
0i -h10 MO
rfor vertical polari?,tlon and p for horizontal
00 to
10 - 20polarization),
ANGLE OF INCIOINCE -It should he emphasized that the rates
Plgure 2-22 MINIMUM LENGTH OF of rise given by Eqs. (2-28) through (2-31) are
OPEN-CIRCUIT VOLTAGE OF 100 kV rates of rise of the open,'circuit voltage at the
WITH 60-kVm FIELD INCIDENT AT and of a long line, The actual rate of rise across
the terminals of distribution transformers or
across the potheads is much smaller, For
example, the maximum rate of rise of the voltage across the 50 pF bushing capacitances of
three delta-connected transformers supplied from a 300 ohm line Is
Av 2E, h 2 X 5 X 104 X 10
" :300X6X50X10"12
for E,, .. B X 104 V/mni ndhI- 10m, For tht! mime c(onditionr, the rate of rise of the volt-
age across three 20-ohm shielded ctibhis wuold be
Thu% the maximum rato of rise of thet vr• t lue actually [ppllind to erquippment torminals is of
the order of 10 kV/ns.
Vertical elements such as ground wires and service-entrance conduits also interact
with the incident wave and therefore have current induced in them. Because only tile
vertically polarized wave has a component of electric field In the vertical direction, the
vertical elements actively Interact with only the vertically polarized wave; for horizontally
polarized waves, the vertical elements behave as passive Impedances with delay times
associated with their length. The vertical element Is considered to be a biconic transmission
line with Its upper end terminated In Its characteristic Impedance and its lower end short-
circuited to the ground (see niguro 2-23). The current induced In the vertical element
opposes the current Induced In the horizontal conductor when Iý I < It/2 and aids it when
pI > ir/2, Since the coupling to the horizontal conductor Is greatest for nr/2 - when
D(ik,p) is large -* the current induced in the vertical element tends to reduce the maximum
current calculated for the horizontal conductor alone.
I.) (b)
2h (1-t1
1 1-e C
Eo cco-,
2Zo j 1 + sin
2h1 -'t,) 2h (2-32)
+1, - sin o•4+ 1/1.
abov theis1 e:
for an exponential pulse Eae-t/r and a semi-infinite horizontal line, In the expression
above, the ground is assumed to be a perfect conductor, and Zo Isthe characteristic Im-
pedance of the biconlc transmission line given by 1 9
n/o 2h !
Zo "(2-.33)
I~r a
where a Is the radius of the riser and h Is its height. Note that Zo for the vertical element is
essentially the same as the characteristic impedance of the horizontal conductor of radius a
and height h,. The waveform uf the current Mtthe top of the vertical element is7.B
The soUrce irnpedancr, of the vertical element viewed from the top and terminated in soil at
the base is
1 + pe C
Z(h) Za (2-36)
1_poe c
where po is the reflection coefficient at the base and losses in the vertical element are
negligible. For many power-system applications it can be assumed that the soil is a perfect
conductor, for which p0 = -1. (For the impedance of ground rods, see Section 2.3.5.) The
open-circuit voltage developed at the top of the vertical ulement ;s
Z(h) + Z
16,(h) - ---- - (h) (2-38)
A olot of the short-circuit current at the top of a 10-m-high element that is ter-
minated *he base by extending the conductor 2 m into the soil is snown in Figure 2-24.
The base resistance was calculated fiorn Eq. (2-50) with V = 2 m, r = 10-2 mho/m, and
a - 2 mm (81 mils). The short-circuit current shown in Fig, re 2-23 is for a uniform
incident field of 1 V/m at all frequencies, rather than for the rxponential pulse spectrum.
Plots of the current waveform are shown in Figure 2-25 for 4 = 0 and 4 = 30' for
an incident exponential pulse with a decay time constant r = 1/is and a riser height h = 10 m.
The waveforms for thuse two angles of incidence are quite similar, but the leading edge of
the waveform for 4 300 isrmore complex because of the difference in the time of arrival
of the upward and downward traveling current waves induced by the direct and ground-
reflected electric-field waves.
It is noted that the current given here is that induced in the vertical element only;
this current must be added to any current induced in the horizontal line with proper regard
.Z 10 . . . . .. . . . E -
S4mmý= w
C mho/m
0. 1 .. . .. .
10 4 105 100 10 7
0.04 30
002 24 fl I) 0 80
lIt p.1
for sign. The direction of positive current in the vertical element is toward the top, while
the dhiuction of positive current assumed for the horizontal conductor in Section 2.2 is
toward the terminals. Also note that the total source impedance at the top of the vertical
element is the sum of the Impedance of the vertical element and that of tho horizontal line.
Thus, for a semi-infinite horizontal line, the total source Impedance is Zo + Z(h) between
terminals at the top of the vertical elements,
for an exponential pulse Eoe't/T, In this expression, it is assumed that the ground behaves
as a perfect conductor, the vertical element Is terminated in its characteristic impedance at
th,. top (a matched or semi-infinite horizontal line), and the attenuation of the vertical
ulement is negligible. The meanings of the symbols are the same as in Eq. (2-32), and
to - (2h sin p)/c.
The waveform of the short-circuit current at the base of the vertical element is
ls(0,t) = 'I
Zo(Oil l 1 + sin . t' > 0 (2-40)
0/ -(hsn li/, ih to h to
The source impedance observed from the base of the element Is the characteristic
impedance Zo, and the open-circuit voltage at the base is lee(O) Z4. It is noted that lS(O)
is the short-circuit current generated In the vertical element only; the component of current
or voltage Induced In the horizontal conductor as given in Section 2.2 must be ak.Jed to these
these components from the vertical element to obtain the total current or voltage, It Is also
noted that the current in the vertical element is positive when it flows toward the top of the
element (see Figure 2-23).
r1 o0e I " 1A
LUI - 10 m
To illustrate the relative magnitudes of the voltages induced in the horizontal line
and the vertical element, the maximum open-circuit voltage induced in the semi-infinite
horizontdl line by a unit step incident field is
v(tC (2-41)
- -2h
The total voltage at the base of the vertical element is, therefore,
= 2h ( ('t h) (2-43)
The individual components and the total voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 2-27, The
voltage induced in the vertical element causes a negative response for a time h/c and reduces
the final value of the step-function response of the horizontal line by a factor of 2,0 when
the soil is a perfect conductor. If the soil Is a poor conductor, however, the peak voltage is
much greater than 4h (see Figure 2-14) but the peak voltage induced in thu vertical element
is changed only slightly. Therefore for very long horizontal conductors over average or
puorly conducting soil, the effect of the voltage induced in the vertical element is relatively
luss important.
The cases given in Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 are generally of widest use in analyzing
power systems, For certain special applications, however, more general formulas may be
required. The general solutions for the current and voltage at any distance x from the base,
from which Eqs. (2-32) and (2-39) were obtained, are
4 Ii -=ml
- -= - -r~m-- ~LINE
-- r -j m- -
h 2h 3h 4h 5h~ Sh 7h 8h
Ch C C C C C C
-2h a nn- ~
P(x) .-2ZJ E.tv)e'ydv
Z(O) - Zo
o Z(0) (2-47a)
O Z(O) +Z0o
- Z~h) - Zo (2-47b)
-Z(h) +Z
and where Z is the series impedance per unit length of the biconic transmission line, 'Yis Its
shunt admittan("J per unit length, Z(O) is the terminating impedance at the base (x - 0), and
Z(h) Is the terminating Impedance at the top (x - h). Sufficient accuracy for many engineer-
ing applications is obtained by letting
- 7 2h 2h
ZO -7 log -2h= 60 log 2 (2-48a)
27r a a
y - J- (2-48b)
where c Is the speed of light (3 X 108 m/s) a is the radius of the vertical element, and h is
its height. The current I(x) is positive when it flows in the positive x-direction, and the
voltage V(x) is positive when the vertical element is positive with respect to the ground plane.
The formulas above can be used to calculate the current or voltage at any point
0 < x < h for arbitrary terminal impedances Z(O) (see Section 2.3.5) at the base and Z(h) at
the top, and for arbitrary field Ex(x) incident on the vertical element. For a uniform
vertically polarized plane wave Incident at an elevation angle 0, the electric field is4,/8
Ex(x) * E1 cos • (1 + Rvy-i kx %in 0)e-ik(h-x) %in ' (2-49)
where El is the magnitude of the incident electric field, k = -,ýI'oo, and Ry Is the reflec-
tion factor at the air/earth interface given by Eq. (2-8b).
The surge Impedance of a single, short ground rod of radius a driven into the ground
a depth Qas Illustrated in Figure 2-28 Is4
where a is the soil conductivity, -'f . 1.781 .... and 6 is the skin depth in the soil given by
1 4irXlO 7 ) , (2-51)
The log term in the expression for Impedance is usually of the order of 10, as is illustrated
in Figure 2-29, so that the surge impedance is predominantly resistive and relatively
independent of frequency. This impedance formula is based on the transmission-line model
of the buried conductor. This impedance may be imsed for Z(O) in Section 2.3.4 for the
terminating impedance at the base of a vertical element.
2-20 VARIATION OF LOG (-,2/-/Tha) WITH fet8 atro
Figure conduclor radiul rdcstylm
(Note that a factor of 10 in
The dc resistance of a gcind rod is
1 4F 1
R a log--
41 >>a) (2-52)
21ru Q a
Plots of the dc resistance of a ground rod as a function of length are given in Figure 2-30.
The effect of the vertical elements (risers) on the finite-length horizontal conductor
(see Figure 2-31) is to add additional length to the line at each end for either polarization,
and to also add additional current to the system for vertical polarization. The frequency-
domain solution is obtained by considering the risers as passive loads on the horizontal
__ "II I ' "ili M l I- 1 1 1 l ll-7
10 70 0 0
Il•2b III
ZI o (1 3 b ----
/, 1,-1ki Cos ocos l
h, el 'h,1
conductor, witii Impedances Z1 and Z 2 . For perfectly conducting ground, these imped-
ances are:
Z3 Zo h (2-53a)
Z2-~ ~ -o1÷~
Z- poe.
7J (2-53b)
where/p1 and pj are the reflection coefficients at the base of the risers. The reflection
coefficients p, and P 2 in Eqs, (2-5) are then given by
pIle-2"yh Sý (2-54s)
P2 = p 2e 2
" (2-54b)
Thus, in Eqs. (2-5), the term iJP 2e "1 becomes p p~e-2 1 (' 12h), When these quantities
are substituted into Eq. (2-3a), the expression for the horizontal conductor with passive
risers becomes: 8
x 1 r,-ik acos 0
cos 0-2)•
+ Pl'jct 1 -•T
,le_.rV+h)l jct
*4j cos= cost°•p),, (2-55)
For a vertically polarized incident wave the current induced in the risers by the
vertical uomponent of the electric field must be superimposed on that induced In the
horizontal conductor by the horizontal component of the field. For an incident signal, the
current at the top of the riser at z - 0 can be shown to be:
-1 R -l l++k s in )h i .
+ i e ( ' v,- lk lin )h
The form of the current Ii (h,-V) at the top of the riser at z -• is the same as in
Eq. (2-56),(with p' and pý interchanged), but it contains a phase factor elk vcos'coio to
account for the phase difference between the wave at (h,-Q) and the wave at (h,O). This
current must be transferred to the other end of the horizontal conductor before it is
combined with 12 (h,0) and I(h,0), given by Eqs. (2-55) and (2-56), respectively. The current
at (h,0), Induced in the riser at z = -k, will be
-(7-jksln0lh 1 e-b7Jkhln0)h
+ y3- Jk si +Rv n 0
y + jk sin J "
The total current at (h,0) from the horizontal conductor and the two risers Is then
in which 12 (h,0) carries a negative sign because of the convention for the direction of
positive current In the risers, The current at (h,O) produced by each element, and the total
current caused by all three elements, are plotted In Figure 2-32 for an Incident step function
Eou(t) that Is vertically polarized. The earlier conditions that y-s jk, p•1 0 P2 - -1,- 0
300, Rv 1, and t - 2h are assumed, and only the first cycle of the response Is plotted.
From Figure 2-32 It Isapparent that the current Induced in the risers Is considerably greater
than that Induced In the horizontal conductor, and even though the currents oppose each
other, the net current is considerably larger than that Induced In the horizontal conductor
by the vertically polarized wave. Notice that tho vertical scale In Figure 2-32(a) Is twice as
large as the scale used in Figures 2-32(b), (c), and (d).
Consider a periodically grounded line as shown In Figure 2-33(a) with a height h and
a spacing between vertical ground leads of k. The line extends to Infinity at the left, and we
will assume that y and Zo are the same for the vertical leads and the horizontal conductors.
2~~~ v h••
'N~l•°•0 •VERTICAL
3 4 5 a O
7 a
TIME - hic
N1 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TIME --. h/c
AT 0L0
4 0 1 2 3 4 0 S 7 8
TIME -- h/c
N W2
L I 2 3 4 5
TIME --- hic
7 a
'Li U r1
We wsh to determine the Norton equivalent current source represented by the semi-infinite
periodically grounded line to the left of the terminals.
In Figure 2-33(b) the right-hand loop formed by the last two ground leads and the
horizontal conductor between them is redrawn, and in Figure 2-33(c) the pertinent admit-
tance and transmission-line lengths required to obtain the source admittance are shown. The
source admittance looking into the terminals In Figure 2-33(c) is Yr in series with YL, where
Yr is the input admittance at the ground lead and YL is the input admittance of the trans-
mission line of length 1 terminated in Yr + YL, If Yo - /Zo is the characteristic admittance
of the vertical and horizontal conductors (with ground as the second conductor in each case),
the Impedance Yr of the ground lead is
- p ge "2,Yh
YR 1-- - (2-59)
YO 1 + pge-2lh
where p9 is the reflection coefficient at the base of the ground lead given by
ZO - Zo (2O)
P9 Z9 + Zo
where Zg is the impedance of the ground connection at the base of the ground lead.
YQ 1 - pe"2 y6
YL (2-61)
•Y0 1 + pe"2•y
where p is the reflection coefficient at the left end of the circuit of Figure 2-33(c), It is
given by
Substituting this value into the expression for YL gives
The positive sign Is evidently the correct choice If realizable admittances are to be obtained.
The total source admittance at the terminals is then
Yn 0 SYL + YR -YO 1 (2-65)
Consider now the circuit of Figure 2-33(d) which shows the equivalent sources of
the last two ground wires Ir and Irl and of the transmission line to the left of the second
around wire ILI- Suppose we replace the ground wire on the right by a perfect short circuit.
Then the short-circuit current at the terminals will consist of the curfent delivered by the
sources I LI and Irl through the length Rof line plus the short-circuit current IVinduced by
the incident wave in the length 2 of horizontal line. The current delivered to the left end of
the circuit by the sources ILi and Irl is
1(-R) - (ILI + Irl) (2-66)
YR + Yr + Yi
where Yi is the input admittance ot the transmission line of length Qthat is short-circuited
at its terminals. That is,
1 + e-2-
YV Yo (2-67)
1 -e27
The short-circuit current IL at the terminals is
IL (-4) + IV (2-68)
1+ e-27
which is obtained by transforming the current I(-2) to the right end of the line and adding to
it the current I induced in the line by the Incident wave. Now because the line Issemi-
infinite in length, the current IL differs from the current ILI only by the phase of the Inci-
dent wave arriving at the terminals relative to its phase at the next-to-the-lest ground wire.
Similarly, Ir and Irl differ only by this phase. Thus,
1 (IL + Irle~f' (2-70)
SY• + Yr + :,
IL - OL + In) - V +l (2-71)
Y +Yr +Yi 1 +e-2-f
Y1 2e- (R-
l2+lr yr+yi 1+e-2-yR
Yi 2e--Y(R- R') (2-72)
Y + Yr + YI 1 + e-27ý
If we now recall that the right-hand ground lead has finite admittance Yr and a
source Ir, we can combine these with IL and its source admittance Yv to obtain the short-
circuit Ise at the terminals:
ILYr - Ir YQ
I= IL~r(2-73)
YV + Yr
The Norton equivalent source that replaces the periodically grounded line to the left of the
terminals is then the cu~rent Is. of Eq. (2-73) with a shunt admittance Y given by Eq.
(2-65). The current sources IVand Ir are obtained from the analysis of horizontal and
vertical conductors of finite length. The current It is the short-circuit current Induced in a
horizontal line of length Qterminated in a short circuit at the right end (z = 0) and
terminated in the impedance 1/(YV + Yr) at its left end (z - .). l•I can be obtained from
Eq. (2-18) by multiplying Voc(w) by YQ. The current Ir is the short-circuit current at the
top of a vertical conductor of height h that is terminated In an impedance ZO at its base
(x = 0). The current Ir is given by Eqs. (2-38) and (2-32) when Z(h) - 1/Yr. The Impedance
Zg may be calculated from Eq. (2-50).
The short-circuit current and source admittance at the end of the semi-infinite,
periodically grounded line are shown in Figure 2-35. Again the periodicities of the segment
length and line height are evident, but these are commingled in such a way that it Is more
difficult to relate cause and effect, It is apparent, however, that the source admittance is
between a few tenths of a mho and a few mhos. Therefore, the periodically grounded line
does have a low source impedance compared to the ungrounded line. In addition, a com-
parison of the magnitude of the short-circuit current with that of an ungrounded line
(e.g., the open-circuit voltage of Figure 2-12 divided by a characteristic impedance of a
few hundred ohms) indicates that the mean currents re of similar magnitudes to within n
factur ol 2 or 3, The peak short-circuit currents of the periodically grounded line are
. .
104 ",-
W V 1W)
10 102 mho/m
considerably larger than the mean, however, so that selected frequencies ;n the pulse spectrum
will be more strongly coupled to the periodically grounded line, :1
The propagation of a signal along a wire over earth of finite rnnductlvlty has been
analyzed by Sunde. 2 3 The propagation constant y is given by
t= Jk H(jI) - a + JO (2-74)
E to_ 1T00
¶ cIJ Y.......*
!. ..........
where k = w./c is the free-space propagation constant, c is the velocity of light in vacuum,
and H(jow) is a function that contains the earth and the line parameters. "The function H(jW)
is given by
H(JoJ log 1h-(iW7)11 1/2
+(2-75) ~ 1/2 (-5
) [1 + (lo3)'(oga(1wr.h) 1/2 (jWTa)11!2
For most cases of interest the second term on the right is small compared to I so that
2h /1 + Ujwrh) 1 /2 \
H(jw) 1 + 1/2 (log-) a 1
log + )
a \ (jwi.h) 1 /2 (I•T 1 ) 1/2
2 2
where Th -eh -ola
and h Is the line height over ground, a Is the tine radius, MIs the permeability, a is the soil
conductivity, and oil Is the wire conductivity. The terms VJW/ and VjW• may be
recognized as complex and related to the line height h and conductor radius a normalized to
the appropriate skin depth, since
The values of rl are plotted as a function of soil conductivity and line height in Figure 2-36.
If the complete expression for -yis manipulated to extract the attenuation and phase
constants separately, rather simple expi'essions result when the wire loss is neglected:
[ an 1 + 2h] (2-78a)
k ltog j~h
S1 + lg (2-78b)
k 2 log 2h
The attenuation constant a calculated from Eq. (2-78a) Is shown in Figure 2-37 as
a function of frequency for various values of the time constant "h = /o ah 2 , and the normal-
Ized attenuation constant and phase constant are shown In Figure 2-38. For a typical soil
conductivity (a, 10-2 mho/m) and line height (h - 10i) the value of r' I. about 1O-
a- - (2-79)
8 log
101 f
T-Y-FTTrFtl 1 TmIIl I-l•
1 /
1 1
for early times (hlgh frequencies), Under these conditions a varies with tr- and with1 f .
In addition, is inversely proportional to h when the variation of lg2/ sneglected,
8,2 X 10"-
.. .. . nepers/m. (2-81
_ 1.2
The step-function response of a line has also been calculated by Sunde, Although
there is no closed-form solution for all times, an analytic solution may he found for both
early times and late times, where the distinction between early and late times depends on
the value of h/S. If h/6 >-> 1, the early-time solution is appropriate; if n1/ << 1, the late-
time solution is appropriate.
For early times, the current at a point z down the line normalized to the current at
z 0 is
For most cases, r. >> h so that r, - T h, The transform of this expression for
current when a step function of current Is introduced at z - 0 is
for early times, where erfc (z) = complementary error function of z, and tz t - z/c,
The time-domain solution with stop-function input is
1 +2 tz1/2
•-- 1 -z -
I(O,t+) 2h (2-85)
4c tz log-a-
For many cases 2(tz/rrr,) 1/2 << 1, which further simplifies the solution. Note that
for late times the response Is independent of the value of soil conductivity and only weakly
dependent on the height above ground through the logarithmic term in h/a. This contrasts
with the early-time solution, which is a function of both a and h.
Figure 2-39 shows the wave front of a unitstep function after it has traveled a dis-
tance of 10 km (6.2 miles) along conductors of 1 mm and 1 cm radii, when the earth
conductivity is 10-2 mho/m.
01 10 100
TIME -js
RADIUS, Soil conductivity - 10-2 mho/m, Height on conductor, h - 10 m. Source:
Ref. 23,
Figure 2-40 shows the wave front for various soil conductivities for a conductor of
1 mm radius. The curves show that, for perfectly conducting soil, the wave-front distortion
due to the conductor resistance is small compared to that resulting from the finite con-
ductivity of the soil,
When a transmission line branches into two lines or when a spur line is connected to
a main line, an obvious discontinuity in high-frequency characteristics of the line Is formed.
The feed line and the two branches may be treated as transmission lines having individual
characteristic Impedances (which may be equal If the line heights and effective radii are the
same) and propagation factors. Near the junction, however, there will be mutual coupling
among the three lines. The treatment of transmlssion-line currents and voltages in the
vicinity of branches or junctions has been analyzed for junctions forming tees and crosses by
King 2 4 for the case where the line height is small compared to a wavelength. No theoreticul
analysis is available for the power-line EMP case where line height is greater than one wave-
length; however, experimental determination of the reflection and transmission characteristics
of symmetrical junctions have been made.
ud 0-6
0. 106 1 ,- 6-3
For a symmetrical wye junction, such as that illustrated in Figure 2-41, of a long
feed line with two long branch lines, the branch lines can be considcred as two loads of
impedance Zo in parallel at the end of the feed line if mutual coupling is neglected. The
current reflection coefficient and current transmission :oefficient are then
Iref Zo - ZL
linc Zo + ZL
- (ZL - Zo/2)
hinc Zo+
- (ZL Zo/2)
. ..... ...
where ri indicates the total current transmitted to both branches. The characteristic imped-
ance is, approximately,
Z. - 71 log 2
21r a
where h is the line height and a is the effective radius of the line for common-mode (zero
sequence) propagation. The load impedance ZL represented by the two branch lines in
parallel is Zo/2 if the lines are very long (in comparison to the pulsewidth cr) or are termin-
ated in their characteristic !-,,adance. For the symmetrical junction, therefore, 2/3 of the
incident current is transmitted to each branch line. If h and a are different for each line, the
load impedance will be ZL - Zol Z 2 /1Z4 1 + Zo 2 ), where Zoj and Zo2 are the characteristic
impedances of the individual branch lines, and tl,e total transmitted current will be divided
between the branch lines accordingly.
The effect of mutual coupling between the branch lines of a symmetrical wye
junction can be estimated from the characteristic impedance of two wires over ground given
ZO log
/ 2h\2\1/2 (h>>a) (2-87
4vr a d
where h is the height of the lines, a is their effective radius, and d is the spacing between
conductors (see Figure 2-42). Note that when the lines are very far apart (d >> 2h), the
common-mode impedance of the two-wire line is half that of Fn isolated single-wire line,
whereas when the lines are very close together (d -a a), the common-mode impedance
approaches that of isolated single-wire line.
The reflected and transmitted signals have been measured at symmetrical junctions
on scale models, 7 The line configuration and results are shown in Figure 2-43. The line
height used was 40 ft, or six times the equivalent length of the rise time (Leoci C-rW).
If two lines forming a symmetrical junction are considered as two lines of character-
istic impedance Zo in parallel and fed by a single input line of Zo, then the reflection coeffi-
cient would be 0,33 and the transmission cuefficlent would be 0.687 at the junction. These
values are indicated in Figure 2-43. The
experimental results show that this model
accurately reflects the interaction at the
junction when the junction angle is large.
However, when the angle is small, the junc-
tion lines are more tightly coupled to each
other, making the net impedance closer to
Zo. This reduces the reflection and trans-
Figure 2-42 TWO-CONDUCTOrf TRANS- mission coefficients. The reflection coeffl-
(common-mods excitation) cdent is shown In Figure 2-43 for early
times (-20 ns) and for late times ('-170 ns).
At early times the reflection coefficient is much lower than would be expected from the
uncoupled branch lines of characteristic impedance Zo. In the limit as 0 - 0, the value of
Zo beyond the junction almost equals the value of Zo for the input line, resulting in only a
very small reflection. This Is shown as the dashed portion of the early-time curve from
0 - 00 to 0 - 22.50, It is apparent, however, that the assumption that the brinch lines
behave as Independent isolated lines gives a good approximation to the reflected and trans-
mitted currents if the branch angle is of the order of 90* or greater.
The signals coupled to the power lines will not always propagate straight to the load,
In this section, theoretical and experimental results for propagation of signals around bends
are presented, Analysis Is usually restricted to the case where the line height is small com-
pared to the wavelength. However, experimental measurements have been made to see if
significant deviations from theory could be found when the line height was comparable to
the wavelength.
King has treated a simple bend in a two-wire line when 3h << 1 using the geometry
shown in Figure 2-.44,24 His analysis shows that the bend has the effect of lowering the
0.2 0
SI ... I 1 I
I , J. 'InnI
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
inductance L(w) and capacitance C(w) per unit length of line in the region arourld the bend,
The value: of L(w) and C(w) are
L(w) - - (K - F1 (w) + F2 (w)cOs 0) (2-88a)
K - 2 log-2 (2-8g)
Fj (w) = log w + V/w2 +'a2_ (2-90a)
The perturbance due to the bend is time-dependent. The values shown In Figure
2-45 are peak values. Generally the effect of bend has relaxed within a few tens of ns (or
equivalently, a few line heights). This result Is consistent with King's analysis, which shows
that the effects on L(w) and C(w) are strong only near the junction. At later times - or
longer wavelengths - the strong effects near the junction are smoothed, since perturbances
that extend over only a small fraction of a wavelength cannot be resolved.
Z 0.20
8- oJ.15 -- a- 20fti
Z a - 0.2 In,
i•: 9• MEASiURED
SEND ANGLE, 0 .- do
Scale-model measurements have been made for a single wire line 20 ft and 40 ft above
ground for a range of bend angles from 00 to 157.5g. A step-function signal with rise time
of about 6 ns was fed onto the line. The reflection and transmission coefficients for these
two line heights are shown In Figure 2-46, where it is apparent that the effect of line height
is quitte small,
The effect of radius of curvature on the reflection coefficient was also briefly inves-
tigated using scale models, 7 The results are shown in Figure 2-47. The reflection coefficient
decreases monotonically as the radius of curvature is increased.
There are many deviations from the circular cylinder over a plane, uniformly
conducting ground assumed in the analysis of coupling to, and propagation along,
I 1 I I I I , /
0.10 1
11-0 I WIREI
I I4 I .....
il, 00 W~EHEIGHT 20 I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 100
ANGLE. OF BEND, 0- doe
(1) Scatterers
0 Poles or towers
008 I 1
* 004
* Undulating terrain
b Aerial ground wires
The effect of such deviations from the abstract model Is almost always to reduce the signal
delivered to the power consumer's terminals. The scatterers reduce the excitation field at the
power conductors, and the variation In line height produces multiple reflections of the current
and voltage propagating along the line so that line losses are larger than those predicted for a
uniform transmission line. One can conceive of resonances in the power line matching
resonances in the consumer's low-voltage circuits to produce an enhanced overall EMP
response; however, it is expected that the occurrence of such a situation In practice would be
rather rare, particularly In view of the fact that resonances in wire-over-soil transmission
lines tend to be rather weak.
An indication of the effect of variations in line height can be obtained from the vari-
ation in the characteristic impedance caused by line sag shown in Figure 2-48, For this
example a line 10 m high at the crossarms sags to 5 m high midway between poles 100 m
apart, The average height of the line is 6.56 m, ot which height the characteristic impedance
is300 ohms. The characteristic impedance varies from 325 ohms at the poles to 284 ohms
at the midpoint. The reflection coefficient associated with these extremes is only 0.07;
therefore the effect of line height variations is relatively small unless the Induced signal prop-
agates over great distances,
3301 T 1 1
a -0.019m
n 10 7'0 30 40 50 60 70 so 90 100
+ YV YVu (2-91b)
where Ell (x,y,z) is the component of the resultant electric field parallel to the wire and at
the wire location but in the absence of the wire. Z and Y are the impedance and admittance
per unit length of the two-wire line, and Vu is given by
Vu - / F.y(h,y,z)dy (2-92)
- - f 2 V = -YZ1 Vu (2-93b)
where-y - .,/ZY and Zi is the internal
,v- , , impedance of the conductors (if
finitely conducting wires are as-
- ,sumed). The form of the field
y E' (h,O,z) is identical to that given
dd in Eq. (2-7) for the common-mode
"analysis. The field EU(h,d,z) differs
Figure 2-49 GEOMETRY OF TWO-WIRE TRANS- from Eu (h,O,z) by a phase term:
where d' = d sin 0 cos 4. The driving field in brackets In Eq. (2-93a) can thus be expressed
where the upper trigonometric function (sin 0) applies to horizontal polarization and the
lower applies to vertical polarization, The primed quantities are z' - z cos k cos 'P,h' -Mh
sin p, and d' - d sin p cos ý!i, and n is the appropriate reflection factor for horizontal or
vertical polarization. The solutions for the differential current are, therefore, identical to
those for the common-mode current given in Section 2.2.2 multiplied by the term
(ei d -1) if Zo and -f for the two-wire line are used instead of the corresponding quantities
for the single wire over ground. If ground effects and losses in the wire are neglected, Zo
end -f are
t d _
Z - log-- " j-
= (2-96)
7r a c
Separating the current into the part that would exist for a perfectly reflecting
ground and the part caused by a finitely conducting soil, the open-circuit voltage at the
terminals of a semi-infinite line due to Eu is, in the frequency domain,
_I (perfect ground)
V.,(w) - VU(w) - Eic D(i,O) - (eJ-.'/c-1) (2-97a)
when all attenuation factors are negligible. The + exponent applies to horizontal polarization,
the - to vertical polarization, and D(i,tp) and r. are defined in Section 2.2.3. The spectral
magnitudes shown In FioUres 2-12 and 2-13 are thus applicable to the differential-mode
voltages also if the spectra are multiplied by e -1,&d'1C~j,
which can be written
Eu(h~yIz) - EiJCOS ýP e-Jkt' (1 + Re-Jk 2h') elky cos ' sin 4 (2-99)
EV(' z) E i-sin ' sinl J
where the upper trigonometric function applies to horizontal polarization and the lower
applies to vertical polarization of the incident field. The open-circuit voltage V1 (w) pro-
duced by the y-component of the field Is then
AV -Ec 2
=(w) (sin
Feijw 2
h'/c (elwOd/c- 1 ) (ground effect
_-~___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (2-1 0b)
where the + exponent applies to horizontal polarization, the - exponent applies to verti'al
polarization, and
Cos 0o
Du(ý,ýp) = (horizontal polarization)
coo 0 sin •p
sin ýun
cos 0, sin # (vertical polarization) . (2.101)
The appaient poles In Du (Ovip) at , rr/2 and p 0 do not affect the solution because
i ewd/c(2-102)
2-• cos 0 sin •o=jodc(212
Note that the form of VU(w) is the same as that of V(ow) - VU(w) except for Du(Oip), so
that the spectra and waveforms for Vu and V - Vu are similar.
Because eiwd'/c and 1 transform into time delays in the time domain, the time-
domain responses are also similar to those obtained for the common-mode voltages. If
vc(t) is the common-mode voltage, the differential-mode voltage due to Eu 1,
and the total voltage caused by the z and y components of the Incident field Is
When ce = 0 and y = jk, the -coefficients (1 - Du/D) become
cos i• cos ~, (vertical polarization)
Because the term eIwd'/c-1 places a "window" on the leading edge of the voltage
waveform vc (t), and because the voltage vc (t) continues to increase long after the ground-
reflected wave arrives at the wires, the maximum differential voltage depends not only on
the directivity function (1 - Du/D), but also on the width d'/c of the window. For linearly
increasing voltage, which is a good approximation to the early-time behavior of the voltage
and current, the maximum voltage will be obtained when d'(1 - Du/D) Is maximum. This
product is
pi (2-.106)
The maximum open-circuit voltage will therefore occur when ýp -* 0 for horizontal polariza-
tion and when p -- ir/2 for vertical polarization. (Attenuation of the line will prevent the
product from going to infinity as •p -* 0, ir/2).
A typical waveform for the open-circuit differential voltage at the end of a semi-
infinite two-wire line 10 m high with 2--m spacing between the wires is shown in Figure
2-50. The waveform is chown for a horizontally polarized incident exponential pulse with
perfectly conducting ground (dashed curve) and for ground of average conductivity (10-2
mro/m) (solid curve). From a comparison of the differential voltage waveform of Figure
2-50 with the cot mon-mode waveform of Figure 2-14 (for o - 10-2, horizontal polariza-
tion) it Is seen that the peak voltage in the differential mode is only about one-seventh the
peak cornmon-mode voltage, and the duration of differential-mode voltage pulse Is only
about 30 ns, compared with a duration of a tew microseconds for the common-mode
| ~El Eoetr
U 300 0-90 0
- h-t0m d-2m
I AMs D I*1
,I- .2
"0 I
d TIME -gs
"L C
For a three-wire line with the wires equally spaced in a horizontal plane, a similar
voltage waveform would be obtained between the middle wire and the third wire at y - -d.
This voltage would be of opposite polarity and shifted by d'/c to the right of t a 0, however.
The voltage between the two outer lines would thus be approximately twice as large as the
voltage between the middle wire and either outer wire, and the time to reach the peak value
would be 2d'/c.
If the two-wire line lies in a vertical plane as illustrated in Figure 2-51, the analysis
Is quite similar to that for the wires in a horizontal plane except that the form of Vu and Eu
' d
a az
are different. The voltage Vu exists only for vertical polarization If the wires are In a vertical
plane, and its value is,
Vu J Ex(x,O,z) dx
r 12-107)
(eJiwd$/C-1) 1.1 + Rye=•(2h+d')/c
= -Ejc cotP
The horizontal electric field terms on the right side of Eq. (2-95) are replaced by
where the upper trigonometric function (sin p) applies to horizontal polarization and the
lower function applies to vertical polarization. When this expression for the field Is used and
the solution to the differential equations is separated into that part obtained with a perfectly
conducting ground and that part caused by the ground alone, the open-circuit differential
voltage for a semi-inflnite line is
1 + e-J(2h+d')/c (perfect
V.w) - V() EcD( -d'/ 1 ground)
e-jO(2h'+d')/c (ground
A(V - Vu) - -EicD(O,p) (1 + R) - (aJ..d'/C) offy)
TW_ only)
(2- 109b)
The expression for Vu for the differential voltage produced by the vertical component of the
incident field can be similarly separated to give (for vertical polarization only)
where 1 + RY ft 2. In all of these expressions, the phase is referred to the phase of the
Incident wave at the end of the lower wire.
for vertical polarization only, however, because Vu - 0 for horizontal polarization. Note
that the term 1I + exp (-iw (2h'+d')/cl I in Eq. (2-109) transforms into the sum of two
responses, one starting at t = 0 and the second starting at t = (2h'+d')/c,. When the wires
were in a horizontal plane, on the other hand, the negative sign of the exponential term made
the second (delayed) response virtually cancel the late-time part of the first response.
2 E00
f / a - 10"2
d' 2h h- lm d,,2 m
C c O - 30U
0"- Ijs D -3,73
E - Eo1't
.. ......... ~~~~~~.
Ii Zo
. * 1,2,3 (2-111)
14 Z. + Z
and for a balanced three-phase, 4-wire system in which I1 ft 12 , 13, the currents in the
phase conductors would be approximately equal, while the current In the neutral might be
significantly different from the phase-conductor currents, It Is apparent that if ZI is com-
parable to Z4, the differential current 311 - 14 - 14(310/14-1) created by the asymmetrical
load operating on the common-mode current can be significantly larger than the differential
current Induced directly by the Incident wave,
V --
SOIFuce '
The analysis of intera';tion of the EMP with power lines indicates that very large
voltages (several megavolts) may be induced between the line and ground. However, as
Indicated In Table 2-2, subtransmission and distribution lines are not designed to sustain
such voltages. As a result, it can b, expected that the EMP-induced voltages may be limited
by insulation breakdown or flashover or cause activation of lightning arresters. Insulation
breakdown, in the form of line insulator flashover or corona from the conductors may occur,
but little is known about the behavior of these mechanisms for very large rates of rise of the
conductor voltage. Fortunately, the very large voltages occur near the ends of the lines where
protective devices such as lightning arresters may be installed. Limited data are available on
the firing characteristic of distribution-type lightning arresters with large rates of rise, In
this section, the high-voltage properties of line insulators, lightning arresters, and conductors
are reviewed,
Table 2-2
7.5 36 30 95
15 50 45 110
23 70 60 150
34.5 95 80 200
46 120 100 250
60 175 145 350
92 225 190 450
115 280 230 550
138 335 275 650
161 385 315 750
196 465 385 900
230 545 445 1050
287 680 555 1300
345 810 665 1550
Source: Ref. 1.
As implied in Table 2-2, insulators used in transmission and distribution systems can
withstand an "impulse" voltage of 3 to 12 times tho line voltage (with the higher multiples
applying to the lower line-voltage ratings.) These ratings presumably apply to the "new-
equipment" state, so that deterioration in service may reduce these Insulation limits. Fur-
thermore, tie actual voltage the Insulator can withstand dopends on the polarity and the rate
of rise or duration of the transient applied voltage, Because Insulation flashover Involves the
formation of long (at least several inches) spark discharge channels, the arc formation time Is
significant In determining the magnitude and duration of the transient voltage that can be
sustained without a high current discharge. In addition, because the spark formation in air
is basically an electron avalanching process, in a nonuniform field, the breakdown conditions
are quite different when the wire is positive from when It is negative.
Figure 2-55 shows similar data (plotted In a different form) for strings of suspension
Insulator flashover voltage also depends somewhat on altitude (or barometric pres-
sure) and temperature, but the dependence on these parameters is relatively unimportant
from an EMP point of view (the altitude dependence may be significant for lines in high
mountainous region.', however). Contamination and adverse weather effects cause deviations
from the flashover characteristics at standard air conditions shown in Figures 2-54 and
2-55. These deviations are likely to be more important and less predictable than those
caused by variations in temperature or by normal fluctuations In surface barometric
300 400 1 1
200 300 10
B-/3200 Z N
I 0POS -- S
0 2 4 6 a 0 2 4 6 S
fal 7.5 kV CLASS lb) 15 kV CLAUS
>300 - 300 -
cc0 - M E
NG -o PO:: NE
4 a 8 10 12 0 2 4 e a
600 I 1100
400 I 700 25 -
Lm z46 ' 2 34613'
> 1300
xJ 4
900 - - -~
300 L .Li
2 6 10 114 lB 2 6 10 14 18
Thu time-to-fire and the firing voltage of the 9-kV distribution lightning arresters
used to protect the transformers are plotted in Figure 2-57 .26 'no maximum rate of rise of
the voltage applied across the lightning arresters was 2.5 kV/ns, or about 25 timets faster than
tnat normally specified for 9-ky arresters. With this rate of rise (also plotted in Figure 2-56),
the firing voltage was 100 kV, or about 2,15 times the static firing threshold, and the time-to*-
fire was only 40 ns.
20 3k
0 1 2 3 4 58
> so
u* 40 I 0g ••
201%j I, 0 --
0 0 00 11 1
0 50 1O0 150 200 250 300
The trend of increasing firing voltage with Increasing rate of rise of the applled volt-
ago is typical of spark-discharge devices and insulation flashover. Because lightning arrester
firing and line Insulator, transformer, or pothead bushing flashover involve similar air break-
down procusses, it is expected that the lightning arrester that Is designed to protect these
components for slowly rising transients will also protect them for fast-rising transients. If
solid or liquid insulation is protected by the lightning arrester, however, this generalization
may not be valid because the temporal characteristics of solid or liquid breakdown may be
different from those of air.
the electric-field strength at the surface of the conductor exceeds 3 X 106 V/m, the air will
break down and a corona discharge or arc leader will form. The field strength at the surface
of a round wire at a height h, of radius a, and at a voltage V relative to ground is
E -- h (2-112l
a log --
A plot of the static voltage V required to produce the corona-threshold field strength at the
surface of the wire 10 m above the ground is plotted In Figure 2-58 as a function of wire
radius. Since most distribution-line conductors are 1 cm or less in diameter, it Is apparent
from Figure 2-58 that the corona-threshold voltage of these conductors will be less than
250 kV.
If the transmission line is made up of three or more conductors, as Is usually the case,
the field strength at the surface of individual wires will be less, for a given potential, then for
a single wire, This decrease In surface field strength or increase in corona-threshold voltage
can, at the most, be In proportion to the number of wires, but it Is usually considerably
less, For three wires on a horizontal cross-arm, the corona-threshold potential of the two
outer wires will be only slightly greater than the threshold potential of a single wire of the
same size, but the threshold potential of the middle wire will be significantly higher because
It is shielded by the outer wires, (Note that the surface field strength does not decrease In
proportion to the increase In effective radius for a multiple-conductor system; the effective
radius for the purposes of computing common-mode capacitance and inductance per unit
length may increase by a factor of 100 if three codIIrtorb spaced a meter apart are used, but
the conductor surface over which the charge Is ,'Istributed has increased by only a factor of
3 over that of a singlq conductor.)
Corona losses on transmission lines have the effect of distorting the leading edge and
limiting the peak of a transient voltage pulse. 2 7"29 Therefore corona losses in combination
with lightning arresters will limit the wire-to-ground potential difference of typical
distribution lines to about 500 kV or less, Because these llmiti•, actions are not equal for
all of the conductors of the trdnsmission line, however, sizable differential voltages may be
generated on the transmission line, These differential-mode voltages, as well as the common-
mode voltages, must pass through the distribution transformer to affect the customer equip-
ments. A discussion of the behavior of the transformer is contained In Chapter Four.
I°? • I ~I M IillIII IIII' II
8 06 _.. ..
V* 0
104 1 1 1 I11I1
1 1 1 1 I I
1(r3 1 0 .2 10 "1 1
6. C. Flammer, "On the Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Perfectly Con-
ducting Cylinder Over a Finitely Conducting Ground," Interaction Note 145,
Contract F29601-69-C-0127, SRI Project 7995, Stanford Research Institute,
Menlo Park, Calif. (August 1973, unpublished roport).
7. W. E. S.:harfman and E. F. Vance, "EMP Coupling and Propagation to Power
Lines: Theory and Experiments," A FW L-T R-73-287, Contract F29601-69-
C-0127, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico
(May 1973).
8. W, E, Scharfman, K. A. Graf and E. F. Vance, "Analysis of Coupling to Horizontal
and Vertical Wires," Technical Memorandum 22, Contract F29601-69-C-0127,
SRI Project 7995, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. (January 1973,
unpublished report).
9. S. Frankel, "Field Coupling Parameters for a Single Round Wire Close to a
Ground Plane or Two Large Round Wires in Free Space," HDL-TM-72-14,
MIPR 2,00518, Subtask EB-088, HDL Project E05E6, Harry Diamond
Laboratories, Washington, D.C. (April 1972).
13. "Civil Defense Research Project Annual Progress Report," Contract No. W-7405-
eng-26, ORNL-4784, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(December 1972),
14. "Civil Defense Research Project Annual Progress Report," Contract No. W-7405-
eng-26, ORNL-4679, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(March 1972).
15. D. B. Nelson, "A Program to Counter the Effects of Nuclear Electromagnetic
Pulse in Commercial Power Systems," ORNL-TM-3562, Part I, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (October 1972).
17. "EMP and Electric Power Systems," TR-61-D, Defense Civil Preparedness
Ageny, WAshington, D.r. (December 1972).
18. E. C.Jordan, Electromagnetic Waves and RadiatingSystems (Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
New York, N.Y,, 1950).
19. S. A, Schelkunoff, Antennas: Theory end Practice (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, NVY., 1962).
20. S. Ramo and J. R. Whinnery, Fields and Waves In Modern Radio (John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1953).
21. Reference Data for Radio Engineers 5th Ed. (Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.,
A Subsidiary of ITT, New York, N.Y,, 1969).
22. G. A. Korn, Basic Tables In ElectricalEngineering (McGraw-HIll Book Co., New
York, NY., 1965).
23. E. D. Sunde, Earth Conduction Effects in TransmissionSystems D. Van Nostrand
Co., Inc., New York, N.Y., 1949).
24. R. W. P. King, Transmission-lineTheory (Dover Publications, Inc., New York,
N.Y., 1955).
25. C. D0. Taylor, R. S. Satterwhite, and C. W. Harrison, Jr., "The Response of a
Terminated Two-Wire Transmission Line Excited by a Nonuniform Electro-
magnetic Field," Proc. IEEE, Vol. AP-13, No. 6, pp. 987-989 (November 1965).
26, R. T. Bly, Jr. and E, F. Vance, "High-Voltage Transient Tests of Service Trans-
formers, Lightning Arresters, and an Automatic Switching Unit," AFWL-TR-74-
34, Contract F29601-69-C-0127, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air
Force Base, New Mexico (October 1973).
27. L. V, Bewley, Traveling Waves on TransmissionSystems (Dover Publications,
Inc., New York, N.Y., 1933).
28. R. Rudenberg, ElectricalShock Waves in PowerSystems (Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1968).
29. A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in PowerSystems (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, N.Y., 1971).
Chapter Three
For purposes of discusping their effects on EMP coupling, service entrance instal-
lations have been divided into two categories according to whether the service transformers
are pole-mounted, as in Figure 3-I (a), or ground-based, as in Figure 3-1 (b). For pole-
mounted transformer installations, the transformers are usually installed on the last pole of
the distribution line, and the low-voltage service drop is carried along a messenger cable to a
service-entrance weatherhead, where the low-voltage conductors enter rigid steel conduit.
*iThe service entrance may be on a separate pole, as shown in Figure 3-1 (a), It may be on the
roof or exterior wall of a building, or It may be on the same pole as the transformers. There
Is some variation in the mounting of the transformers, also. For example, they may be
mounted on a platform supported by four poles, rather than mounted directly on the
final pole.
(vault, khod, 1111f))
.. ..........
shielded cable used for the underground service entrance. Typical potheads for use with
single- and three-conductor lines are shown in Figure 3-2. Basically, they consist of insu-
lated high-voltage bushings, to which the aerial conductors are connected, and a
controlled-gradient termination for the shields and/or lead sheath of the underground cables, The
lower cavity of the pothead is usually filled with an asphalt-based compound to weatherproof and
seal the cable termination. The dielectric strength of the pothead should be commensurate
with the basic Insulation level required for the distribution voltage (see Table 3-1), To
prevent damage to the pothead and cable insulation, the pothead is usually protected with
lightning arrestors,
Cables for use at distribution voltages are stranded copper or aluminum insulated
with cross-linked polyethylene and shielded (for gradient control) with spiral-wound copper
tape, An overall lead sheath or vinyl jacket is sometimes provided for mechanical protection,
The construction of typical one- and three-conductor cables is shown in Figure 3-3. Semi-
conducting tape and semiconducting polyethylene are sometimes used adjacent to the inner
and outer conductors for electric gradient control. A concentric wrap of solid copper
strands may also be provided over the shield tape if the shield carries appreciable current
(the shield tape Is usually only a few mils thick arid is used for gradient control rather than
to carry return or neutral currents), In some older installations, paper-Insulated cable may
be foundt
Rigid steel conduit is almost always used at the ends of the conduit run (iLe., at the
pole and at the transformer) but plastic (styrene) or fiber conduit is often used along the
buried portion of the run, The plastic or fiber duct may be of the rigid, direct-burial type
(Type II), or of the concrete-encasement type (Type I) that is partially encased in concrete
after it is Installed in the trench. This encasement is normally accomplished by laying the
conduits on a bed of sand so that they are less than one-third embedded in sand, then pour-
Ing concrete over the conduits until the trench is filled to a few inches above the top of the
conduits. The remainder of the trench is then backfilled to grade level with local soil. From
an EMP coupling standpoint, the rigid steel conduit can provide excellent shielding for the
cables and it provides a uniform return conductor for the common-mode current on the
cables, Plastic and fiber conduits provide no shielding and no return path for the common-
mode current.
0 0
Table 3-1
1.2 30 78 94
2,5 45 78 94
5.0 60 94 113
8.7 75 141 189 - -
15 110 203 244 110 132
23 150 266 319 145 174
34.5 200 375 450 190 228
46 250 469 563 225 270
69 350 688 825 316 378
115 550 - - 480 575
138 Ob0 560 672
161 750 648 780
230 1050 925 1110
*Source: Ref, 1,
that they are separated from each other and from the rough edges of the metal hood,
A typical service entrance Is shown in Figure 3-4.
Although the cable and weetherhead insulation are not designed for high-voltage
applications, insulation breakdown In the low-voltage cable system seldom occurs in the
conduit or weatherhead unless the cable Isold and deteriorated, Breakdown usually occurs
where the Insulation has been removed or compromised, such as in the metering cabinet
where the cable insulation has been removed to make the meter voltage taps, or at the main
cIrcuit-breaker panel where the insulation Is removed to make the connection to the cir-
cuit breaker terminals.
It is also noteworthy that although large voltages may be induced in the low-voltage
service drop, there is some voltage-limiting built Into the secondary terminals of the trans-
former, which normally has a voltage-limiting spark gap built Into the hardware disoclated
with at least one of the secondary bushings, In addition, when long, exposed service drops
are used, it Is not uncommon to install secondary lightning arresters in the low-voltage cir-
cuit at the transformer, service entrance, or main circuit-breaker panel (or all three),
3" TFý.L
The consumer service entra ico is an important part of the power system for EMP
coupling considerations because It is closer to the consumer's equipment then the remainder
of the system, and because of the following:
(1) The service transformer behaves as a bandpass filter (see Chapter Four).
(3) Additional EMP coupling can occur along the unshielded low-voltage service
drop or along service-entrance cables in buried plastic or fiber ducts.
(4) Voltage limiting may occur at lightning arresters and in low-voltage circuits.
The difference In charactoristic Impedance between the aerial transmission lines and
the shielded service-entrance cables used In ground-based transformer installations causes a
large mismatch between these transmission lines, For times les than the round-trip propa-
gation time from the pothead to the transformer, the common-mode load impedance on the
aerial transmission line ls the parallel combination of the characteristic impedances of the
shielded service-entrance cables, Since the source Impedance of the aerial transmission lines
is several hundred ohms and the characteristic impedance of the shielded cables (in parallcl)
Is of the order of ten ohms, only a small fraction of the large open-circuit voltage induced
in the aerial transmission line Is transmitted through the shielded cables; the remainder Is
reflected buck down the aerial line.
At times greater than the round-trip propagation time on the shielded cables, the
transformer and the loads on Is secondary winding affect the Input Impedance at the pot-
head seen by the aerial line, In the frequency domain, however, the shielded cables may
behave as matching transformers that provide maximum coupling between the aerial trans-
mission line and the transformer for a band (or several bands) of frequencies In the pulse
spectrum, Because of the narrow bandwidth of the matching-transformer effect, this effect
Isusually not important in terms of transformer insulation breakdown, but It Is important
in determining the spectral content of the signal delivered to the consumer's low-voltage
Similar considerat;ons apply to the low-voltage conduit circuit between the service-
entrance and the main circuit-breaker panel in pole-mounted transformer installations, The
principal differences in thin case are: (1) the signal induced in the aerial transmission line Is
filtered by the transformers before it gets to the service-entrance weatherhead, and Q2) the
common-mode characteristic Impedance of the conductors in conduit is somewhat larger
than that of the shlulded service-entrance cables,
In the case of pole-mounted transformers with long, low-voltage service drops, sig-
nificant voltage can be Induced in the service drop by the EMP in much the same way as It is
induced In the aerial distribution line. This voltage will enter the conduit circuit before the
voltage Induced in the transmision line behind the transformer, and it may be larger than
that passing through the transformer (particularly if the transformer is protected with light-
-Ing arresters). Similarly, current may be Induced In the shields of the buried shielded cables
between the potheads and ground-based transformer when these cables are In plastic ducts,
but if the cable shields are effective, the voltage induced between the conductor and the
shield by this means is a major concern only If the cables are quite long (several hundred
feet). If steel conduit is used for the entire run instead of plastic conduit, the voltage induced
In the buried cables will usually be relatively small (compared to that delivered by the aerial
transmission line) unless the run Isseveral thousand feet long.
The conduit and conductors between the service-entrance weatherhead and the main
distribution panel, and the shielded cables between the potheads and the transformers can be
analyzed as transmission-line segments between the source (aerial transmk,sion lines) and the
load (low-voltage circuits or transformer primary). The equivalent circult for this part of the
system Is illustrated in Figure 3-5 where the source is represented by an open-circuit voltage
Vo and a source impedance ZI and the load is represented by ZR, The transmission line has
a characteristic impedance Zo and is of length Q. For a long(semi-infinite) aerial distribu-
tion line connected to shielded cables for transformer service, the source voltage Vo and
Impedance Zi are the open-circuit voltage induced in the semi-infinite line and Its character-
Istic Impedance, The load Impedance ZR Is the input impedance of the primary terminals of
the transformer, Including any lead Inductance and bushing capacitance.
The reflection coefficient at the lorid end of the transmission line Is defined by
ZR - Zo
"1P=Z + Zo
and the propagation factor for the line Is a .r j+, The ratio of the voltage V(R) across the
load to the source voltage Vo is
Plots of the magnitude of this transfer function are shown in Figure 3-6 for ZR resistive, Fig-
ure 3-7 for Zq inductive, and Figure 3-8 for Z2 capacitive, These results are for a lossless
air-insulated transmission line (, - Jk - jcw/c) 30 m long and a source impedance of 300 ohms
(typical of an aerial distribition line). A characteristic impedance of 10 ohms Is assumed for
the transmission line. However, these data can be applied to any similar circuit with
zi z0
v (Q) ZJ
ZI /Zo 30 for which the values of R/Z 0 , Lc/AZo, or cZoC/V shown are applicable, if the
upper normalized-frequency (kR) scale is used. (The speed of light, o, may be replaced by
the propagation velocity v - c/V,/ if insulation other than air is used,1
Note that for all load impedances except the matched resistive load (ZQ a R , Zo),
the transfor function is frequency-selective and tends to pass certain frequencies more
readily than others. Because the first few passbands lie in the range 01 < k' < 10, power-
system responses are often characterized by fundamental oscillations in this frequency range,
Time-domain responses of the circuit of Figure 3-5 have been obtained experimen-
tally using RF transmission line to simulate the conduit or shielded cable, This line is not
lossless, and the load elements are not pure resistances or reactances, so that the waveforms
obtained with the analog circuit are somewhat more representative of those that might be
observed in a power system. The waveforms for a step voltage Vo with source impedance
such that Zi/Zo - 30 are shown In Figure 3-9 for resistive loads. It is seen in Figure 3-9(a)
that the voltage V(Q) across the load resistance is a stair-step rising toward R/(R + Zi)
when R > Z4, The length of the steps Is 2R/c, and the "smoothed" stair-step for R > Zo
approaches an exponential function VI1[1 -exp (-t/r)] where
RZ1 1C
7=-... (3-3)
R + Z1
V1 -
R +Z Vo (3-4)
and C is the total capacitance of the transmission line (C -/cZo). Wheni R < Zo, as In Fig-
ure 3-9(b), a damped square wave of Initial amplitude 2 RZol/(R + Z0 )(Z1 + Zo) oscillating
0.1 110
Z1 300 v cv()
(1; 30 al
w ¶
0 .
0.3 1 13 10 30
about the value R/(Zj + R) is obtained, For a load R =4Z, the voltage V(M would be a step
of magnitude R/( R + Z)
The response with an inductive load is of more interest in practice because of the
large lead inductance associated with power circuits near transformer or circuit-breaker
terminals. The load voltage V(1?) for three values of inductance is shown in Figure 3-10
for the step-voltage source with ZI /Zo -30. In Figure 3-10(a), the time constant LIZ0 of
-- WQic
(L,1 10
(L - 10. PHI
- Lc
(L -3 PHI
(L "0.3 H) Z, V- (111
vo Ln Z( .io L
0.3 IL 00.1 Q- 30 m
0.3 1 to 30
the inductive load is smaller than the round-trip transient time 21/c of the line. During the
first 2k/c of the response, therefore, the response voltage is a decaying exponential with
time-constant L/Z0 , but beyond 2R/c the response becomes very complicated because of the
convolution of the exponential response with multiple reflections from the inductive load
and the resistive source impedance. The waveform of Figure 3-10(a) is quite representative of
the complexity of the power-system response waveforms that are observed in practice, however.
0.1 1 10
--CZoC 1-
0"0 10 PIP
-Z 30011
V0 Z~o onC
a30 M
0.3 1 10 30
Note that, although it Ismasked by the fine structure of the reflections, the response con-
tains afundamental oscillation with aperiod of 2rwQ/c2~o, about three cycles of which
can be seen in Figure 3-100(a)
The responses shown in Figure 3-10(b) and (c)are for larger Inductances. In Figure
3-10(b), the time constant L/ZO of the Inductance isabout equal to the round-trip trarnsit
time 22/c, so that the exponential decay of the voltage across the inductance iseasily
88 -
Be ) - -10
>44 -
> llb
0" 2 4 16 E 10 12 14 16
(Z1/Zo "'30, circuit of Figure 3-5)
0 4
'a L
TIME -- kc
The voltage developed across a capacitive load by a step voltage Vo with source impe-
dance Zl - 30ZO Is shown In Figure 3-11 for a capacitance whose time constant ZoC is
small compared to the transit time 21/c, The early-time voltage across the capacitor
behaves as
where 0 ZoC. After the first reflection returns, the waveform Is more complicated, but
generally lncrvases along an "average" curve given by
when ZI Is resistive, Therefore, If the capacitance is Increased, both the "average" time
constant ZI C and the short-term time constant ZOC increase so that the size of the ripples is
reduced and the average rate of rise is reduced. Waveforms such as that shown Ir Figure
3-11 are seldom observed in power systems because the capacitances in power circuits are
usually distributed capacitances associated with machine or component windings, so that they
behave as transmission lines rather than lumped capacitors,
The Thevenin-equivalent source voltage at the load end of the conduit or shielded
cable may be obtained from Eq. (3-2) by letting Zu so that p - 1, resulting in
0 " ZI (3-7)
- Zo
p' " (3-9)
A Thevenin-equlvalent source of voltage V' 0 and impedance Z's at the load end of the con-
duit can then be used to replace the source Vo, its impedance Zi, and the transmission line
ai Illustrated in Figure 3-12.
I o
.> 18,.
0 2 4 6 9 i0 12 14 16
TIME - /,
configuration and appropriate formulas for the common-mode characteristic Impedance are
shown In Figure 3-13(a) and (b). The formulas also assume u uniformly spaced, symmetri-
cal array of conductors as illustrated, The effects of eccentricity of the cable bundle in the
conduit can be estimated from the behavior of the characteristic impedance of the eccentric
"coaxial" cable shown in Figure 3-13(c),F If a, in Figure 3-13(c), is the effective radius of
the bundle of conductors, the common-mode characteristic Impedance of the bundle with an
offset from the c¢,-ter of the condfult can he estimated using the formula given in Figure
3-13(c). A plot of this variation with offset is shown in Figure 3-14, where it is apparent
that the bundle can be off-centered up to 50% with loss than 20% reductilon in character..
Istic impedance.
2 as the spacing varies from the maxi-
zI zo, i, c mum to the minimum permitted by
-.. =a.. the insulation If allowance is made
0.0 for the dielectric constant of the in-
sulation, all of the characteristic
(I) ORIGINAL CIRCUIT impedances shown in the table will
Z; be reduced somewhat,
Table 3-2
24 /IB- r 4,1 /A2-
hb+ lb4Ar A2
""IU -. 4 /I-
-bA5 L4 .3ej j ;, "- , A--"
20 1 ,.coth-t F 2 22 WHEN 1) 0.
LV2. ... J ' , 2 611
I 0.75 0.5
---.--------- 0.26
0 0.5 1'0
"2 1
Zo (3-10)
where c Is the speed of light, C is the capacitance per unit length, and Cr is the dielectric
constant of the insulation. The capacitive reactance uf cables is often tabulated in
ohms/mile at 60 Hz In terms of the reactance per mile, Xc, the characteristic impedance
in ohms is
A table of values of characteristic impedance for various sizes and voltage ratings of
single, paper-insulated shielded cables is given in Table 3-3. These values were deduced
from the reactance-per-mile data given In Ref. 1.
Modern shielded cables are commonly insulated with cross-linked polyethylene, al-
though some peper Insulation Is still In use. Polyethyline-lnsulated cables tend to have
similar characteristic Impedances because the ditlectrir constant of polyethylene Is smaller
than that of paper, but the extruded Insulation !s sllghi,:/ thinner than paper Insulation for
the same voltage rating,
Buried steel conduits, such as those between the serv s-entrance woatherhead and
the main circuit -breaker panel, may have current induced in them by the electromagnetic
field In the soil. Tho current Induced i1 the conduit will, In turn, induce a current In the
conductors Inside the conduit. This current is superimposed on the current injected at the
end of the conduit by the exposed aerial conduc=tors. A similar situation exists for the
shielded cables between the potheads and the transformers, although if these cables are
routed through rigid steel conduit, the conductors are shielded by both the conduit and the
cable shields.
Table 3-3
Voltage Rating
Size 1k J_ýJj '2kV3~k
(A WG or MCM ) . . .
Characteristic Impedance (ohms)
6 16 19 26 30 - -
4 13 16 22 26 33 - -
2 11 13 18 21 2B 35
1 97 12 12 19 26 31 -
0 8.7 10 14 17 23 28 36
00 7.9 9.5 12 15 20 26 33
000 7.1 8.6 11 13 18 23 30
0000 6.4 7.8 9.6 12 16 21 27
250 5.9 7.2 8.5 11 15 19 25
350 5.0 6.2 7.3 9 13 17 22
600 4.2 5.2 8.2 7.8 11 14 19
750 3.4 4.1 5.2 6,5 9,4 12 17
1000 3.1 3.8 4.4 5.7 8.7 11 15
1500 2.5 3,1 3,7 4.7 6.9 9.1 12
2000 . 22 27 3.2 41A 6.1 80 11
Gased an capacitive reactarnce vatues given in Roe. 1, Dielectric constant ik3.7.
The usual approach to calculating the currant or voltage on the conductors Inside
the conduit nonilsts of (1) determining the electric field In the soil parallel to the conduit,
(2) calculating the current In the conduit, (3) calculating the transfer impedance and satu-
ration characteristics of the conduit as a tubular shield, and (4) analyzing the conductors
and conduit as a coaxial transmission line with a dlst~lbuted driving source. 6 . 10 In the case
of shielded cables In plastic conduit, Steps 2, 3, and 4 are applied to the cable shields rather
than to the condultA, In the case of sh't-!,Jed cables inside steel conduit, Step 3 will Include
calculating transfer imroadance of the cable shield, and In Step 4 the coaxial transmission
line analyzed will be that formed by the cable conductor and Its shield,
A rigorous analysis of the signals induced on conductors inside steel conc'uits is
apparently very difficult.6 However, there are several properties of the conduit and of typi-
cal installations that may be used to simplify the problem and obtain good estimates of the
conductor voltage and current, First, it is noted that rigid steel conduit is a very effective
shield, particularly at high frequencies, so that very little of the external electromagnetic
field penetrates through the conduit walls to the conductors inside. Thus, unless the conduit
is very long (of the order of 106 ft or more), the signal induced through the walls of a con-
tinuous steel conduit with tight couplings is usually negligible compared to that Injented on
the conduit conductors by the aerial conductors at the entrance end, Even for long conduit
runs, the rise time of the ,urrent and voltage transient induced on the internal conductors is
very long (of the order of 1 ms if the steel is unsaturated), so that ordinary voltage limiting
and filtering techniques can he applied.
Second, since only the low-frequency spectrum can penetrate the steel conduit
walls, only the low-frequency currant in the conduit and the low-frequency fields in the
soil need be analyzed, 4, 10, " Because only the low-frequency spectrum Is of interest, the
conduit can be considered electrically short (i.e,, short compared to a wavelength of the
highest freqtiency of interest),
Finally, the depth of burial of conduits is ordinarily only a few meters, so that in
"thelow-frequency spectrum of interest In the analysis of the intornal conductors, the
fields in the soil at the depth of burial are approximately equal to those at the surface of
the ground. One can therefore often neglect the exp (-d/8) dependence of the field
strength on depth d and skin depth 8 - (7rfjuoP)"' in the coil.
The simplifications noted above are valid only for conductors in effectively contin-
uous rigid steel conduits (i.e., steel conduit with tight couplings for the entire run). If the
conductors are routed through plastic ',or other nonmetallic) conduit for all or part of the
run, the above simplifications do not apply, because these assumptions are all contingent on
the high-frequency shielding characteristics of the rigid steel conduit, Even shielded cables
in pleatic conduit may require special consideration because the electrostatic shields on
these cables may not be particularly effective at high frequencies (see Section 3A4).
This section presents formulas for calculating the total current induced in
a buried conduit by an incident uniform plane wave, for bare or thinly Insulated conduits.
The incident electromagnetic pulse is assumed to have an exponential waveform E0 exp
(-t/ The wave arrives on the surface of the earth from a directlun deflned by an elevation
angle pand an azimuth angle ipas illustrated in Figure 3-15. The depth of burial of the con-
duit is small compared to a skin depth In the soil, so that the fields at the conduit depth are
essentially the same as those at the surface. It is assumed that the conduit is a single, Isolated
conduit with no other conductors in its vicinity.
- 1+1
""= -
where 5 is the skin depth In the soil, o is the soil conductivity, and go and e are the perme-
abilitv and permittivity of the soil, respectively. A plot of the skin depth as a function of
frequericv and soil conductivity is given in Figure 3-16. The dashied line along the right-
hand side of Figure 3-16 indicates the limit of validity of the approximation 'Y (1 + j)/I.
Although this limit falls between a few hundred kHz and a few MHz for typical soil con-
ductivities, steel conduit walls have very large attenuation at frequencies above 100 kHz, so
that the bulk-current spectrum at these fre•quencies is usually of secondary interest.
Figur 3-16)
pared to the soil time constant re~- c/v. The smallI resistance of the cable Is neglected, and
it isassumed that the, depth of burial issmall compared to the soil skin depth at the highest
frequencies of interest.
The total current induced far from the ends of a long conduit by an Inci-
dent field Eoe-t/7 isgiven by10
I (w) ~ 0(3-13)
8.85X 10 1
The waveform for l(t) and the incident exponential pulse are shown in Figure 3-17 as a
function of time in incident-pulse-decay time constant.
i - oL
v J0 eu 2pk
du rna = 0.61 lo (3-15)
The variation of the peak current with azimuth angle of incidence ip and elevation angle of
incidence ý is shown in Figure 3-18. The magnitude of the peak current for maximum
coupling 1 D(0, o) - 1 1 Is plotted In Figure 3-19 as a function of soil conductivity for vari-
ous Incident-field time constants, The plots are truncated in the lower left-hand part of
the graph where r a to. The responses given in this section are valid only If r > to , Where the
approximations used here are valid, the peak current Is Inversely proportional to the square
root of the soil conductivity (L~e,, Vld lo - constant).
Useful insight into the physics of the coupling process can be obtained from
the frequency form of the current in the conduit given by
I(z,w) ,"uE~jr62
j I(, '2'83-17)
where E, is the component of the electric field (in the soil) parallel to the conduit, a Is the
radius of the conduit, and yo - 1.781. The current density in the soil is oE, (in the absence
of the conduit), and •62 i the area of a circle one skin-depth In radius in the soil. Thus the
total current induced in the conduit is approximately proportional to the current that would
flow in a circular cylinder of soil one skin depth in radius if the cable were not present.
Because E, o Eo/•Vý through (I + R)Eo [see Eqs. (2-9)], the conduit current Is also propor-
tional to Eo
0 •/', The approximation log (%,/Y/yoa) w.10 is valid (within a factor of 2) for e
wide range (if soil conductivities, conductor radii, and frequencies as can be seen In Figure
3-20. This approximation has been used in deriving Io in Eqs. (3-13) and (3-14).
,t 1- 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
TIME -- t/"
The conduit current formulas presented here are for points near the end of
a long (semi-infinite) conduit, The bulk current In the nondult Is based on the assumption that
the conduit is In contact with the soil and that the end of the conduit is terminated in a
very low impedance (short circuit) or a very high impedance (open circuit) compared to the
characteristic impedance. The short-circuit case might be representative of a conduit that is
terminated in a large counterpoise or similar low-impedance structure, The open-circuit
case is representative of a conduit that is dead-ended or insulated at the end of the run, The
assumptions that a > w' and a < 6 used for the long conduit above apply to these cases as
well. The results are presented for an exponential pulse with decay time constant r that is
large compared to the soil time constant T. - co/o. The electromagnetic pulse is incident
from a direction defined by an Rlevation angle 0 measured from horizontal and al, azimuth
angle p measured from the axis of the conduit (see Figure 3-15).
11) 4) tgo
V~nTWA1 6
UdO Ili
Tho total current induced nuar tho end of a Iong conduit that is short-
circuitr.d k idlentical to the current folr fromn thu ends and is!livon by Eqs. (3-1i3) mnd (3-1 41,
dndl has the waveform shown in Fiquire 3 17.
The total current indJuced near the end of a long conduit that is opii-,
vircuitr.d tit thp end by an inclirinit exponential pulse E0 etI is given I)yl10
T 1 /C(3-18)
10 Sa 10"3 _
02 t'104 o
C 4rT e
This current is zero (very small) at the end (z 00) and approaches the value given by Eq.
(3-14) at large distances from the end, Plots of the waveform at distances of 3,16, 10, and
31,6 m from the end of tne cable are shown in Figure 3-21 for a soil conductivity of
10-2 mho/m,
0.4 ____
I V-6
0 T 2 3 4
TIMV lit
Since the waveform is determined by -- (z/c)2 _ 0z 2 /eoc 2 ,
the waveforms shown in Fig-
ure 3-21 will represent different distances from the end of :he cable if the soil conductivity
differs from 10-2 mho/m. The magnitude of the current remains inversely proportional to
Ssquare ront of the soil conductivity (vu-Io
0 constant), Again, the approximation log
161 10 iRused in deriving I,.
3.3,2.4 Current in an Electrically Short Conduit
The conduit may be considered electrically short If its length Is short com-
pared to a skin depth in the soil of all frequencies of interest, From the analysis of conduit
shielding properties in Section 3,3.3, it is apparent that even if the steel in the conduit is
saturated, the frequencies penetrating the conduit walls lie principally ;n the spectrum below
6 kHz, and from Figure 3-16 the skin depth in average (a . 10-2) soil Is about 60 m and in
poorly conducting (u - 10-3) soil It is about 200 m, Thus, conduits a few tens of moters long
in soil of poor to average conductivity may be considered electrically short at the frequencies
penetrating to the interior of the conduits,
I 2-
2 (3-20)
where Ej Is the field strength In the soil and Y is admittance of a center-fed dipole of
length Vand radius a In the conductive medium. Neglecting the capacitive suceptance (since
u >> wd), the admittance Y is
: Y
Y • G
G •(3-21)
2 log Va
where u Is the soil conductivity and a is the radius of the conduit, The current at the
center Is thus
%-- (3-22)
4 log Va
The z-component of the electric field In the soil, from Eqs. (2-7) and
(2-9) with h = 0 and the phase kz cos 0 cos 0 neglected, is
E,- Elr~ýsinCosfe
psin {(323
where I - e0 /o, EI iLthe Incident field strength, and the upper and lower trigonometric
functions apply to horizontal and vertical polarization, respectively, For an exponential
pulse of the Incident field Eoe-t/t,
S2oV•aIsin 0 In
Ej 2EO {~ uln (3-24)
jW ÷ 1'
IruEOfR2 •• i osn•1
2 log/ Va
i snW
~_ (3-25),
jW + m,-
for the exponential pulse of Incident field (upper trigonometric functions for horizontal
polarization; lower for vertical polarization). The ratio of this current to the current In an
Infinitely long conduit is
i~ot 5 log",n
Slog Y/a j(3-26)
S 8 log W...
where rý _=Aot2, and the log term in the numerator is plotted In Figure 3-20. The ratio
Is thus of the order of j(rJJ. By definition of electrical shortness, wrk << 1; therefore the
magnitude of the current at the midpoint of a short conduit Is always smaller than the cur-
rent in an infinitely long conduit (or far from the ends of a long conduit). Observe also
that because multiplication by Jw In the frequency domain corresponds to differentiation
with respect to time In the time domain, the waveform. of the current in the time dompin
will correspond to the derivative of the waveform shown in Figure 3-17. This waveform
of the c'urrent at the center of the condLit is thus12
2log R/a
This waveform Is infinite at t a 0, but the sclut'on Is not valid for times less than r., because
for such times the soil does not behave as a good conductor.
Equations (3-25) and (3-27) give the current at the center of the short
conduit, Since the maximum current occurs at the center, the current anywhere else on the
conduit is less than the values given by these formulas. The variation of the current with position
along the conduit is frequency-dependent (or time-dependent) also, so that a transformable
current distribution or average current that can be used in the calculation of internal con-
ductor voltages and currents is not readily available, To within a factor of about 2 ior these
calculations, however, it may be assumed that ,he current in the conduit is uniform at the
midpoint value,
1 dV
II dZ 13-28)
where V is the cnnductor-to-shield voltage, I is the shield current, and Z is the distance
along the conduit,
ZT ', Ro s
(I+ j)T/ (3-29)
slnh (1 + I) T/6
Ro a,
27raTo (3-30)
end T is the wall thickness of the shield, a is the mean radius of the shield, a?is the conduc-
tivity of thu shield, and 6 is the skin depth in the shield given by
= • (3-31)
For ferroenagnetic chields such as steel conduit, the permeability, 1j,is an important factor,
rs= poT
ff PaT2 7 •S
the transfer impeeince may also be expressed in terms of the diffusion time-constant r, or
the frequency f6 at which the wall thickness is one skin depth, The dimensions of standard
steel contiult are given in Table 3-4. A plot of the magnitude of the t'ransfer impedance as a
function of frequency is ohown in Figure 3-22 in a normalized form that can be applied to
Table 3-4
SIZE (Hz 1.l_______
10-, S(inches) P Ur 1 -
ic- 3
011 10 100
any tubular shield, The norialization values of Roandf6 for standard rigid steel conduits
are shown in the table inset in Figure 3-22
Note that for frequencies significantly above f,, the transfer impedance is
quite small, so that only the frequencies below f1 , are effective in inducing current and voltage
on the conductors inside the conduit. Even if the conduit steel is saturated, the cutoff fre-
quency f, is less than 6 kHz, so that the conduit run may be considered electrically short (for
the analysis of internal current and voltage) if its length is
V&---' 50 km
Since most feeder conduits are only a few hundred feet long, they may usually be considered
electrically short for purposes of analyzing coupling through the conduit walls.
where ZT is the transfer impedance of the conduit, If the internal conductors are opon-
circuited with respect to the conduit at both ends, half of this voltage will appear between
the conductors and the conduit at each end,
When the current I is that derived from an exponential pulse I 0e-t/T and
the transfer impedance from Eq. (3-29) is used, the open-circuit voltage at one end of con-
ductors that are oper-circuited at both ends Is
V(W) - (3-34)
2 (iW +1 sinh VAr
The quantities a, u, 1, and T are the radius, conductivity, permeability, and wall thickness
of the conduit, respectively. The voltage waveform is
I 0 R0Q/R /\32(2
v(t) = -- . t/ exp 12n - 1)2 (1 1
The waveform for r <<,r, is r times the Impulse response of the conductors, and the wave-
form for >> 7s Is the step-function response of the conductors. Plots of these waveforms
and the response when r" -s are shown in Figure 3-23 normalized to IcRo0 /2 in magnitude
and to I,
In time,
V(t)peak = 2 (r i> -r
. . ... ........... 2
T <
> 2
0.5 - - - . - -
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0,4 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
TIME - Or7
0. 01 02 03 04 0 . . . . ,
Flgur.~~~~~~~~~ RDCDB
A XOETA ~~~~
US 0 -
OF~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~?
oV/Z 0 0 2
0 Ole 0 171
if the conductors are open-circuited (relative to the conduit) at both ends. The 10-to-90%
rise time for the voltage is
- 0,038 rs (r rj)
7 (3-38)
- 0.15rs (T . rs)
Plots of the asymptotic values of the peak voltage and rise time against r/Tr are shown in
Figure 3-24 as solid lines, and an estimate of their behavior between asymptotes is shown
as a dashed curve. Values of r, and Ro for rigid steel conduit are given in Table 3-5,
I- w
001 V., 0 01
Dl ( 0 1 10
Table 3-5
Conduit Ro ur - 500 ur = 1.0 Q5
Size (inches) (ohms/rn) (Ims) (ps) (A-9)
The voltage has the same magnitude and shape at both ends of the conduit;
however, the polarity at one end is opposite to the polarity at the other end. If the conductors
are shorted to the r'rndult at one n, '.Aie open-circuit voltage at the opposite end will have
the same waveform Lut it will double in magnitude,
180 Internal Voltage from Incident Field
The results presented here give the voltage between the conductors and th
conduit induced by an exponential pldne-wave pulse i,;cident on the surface of the ground.
The results apply to buried conduits that are short compared to the shortest wave-length
penetrating thb wall (see Figure 3-22) but long compared to a skin depth in soil. The results
are obtained from the convolution of the conduit current obtained in Section with
the impulse response of the conduit obtained In Section 3,3.3.2.
The open-circuit voltage induced between the conductor and the conduit
by an incident exponential pulse Eoet/1 is given by 10
This waveform, normalized to 2-lt- is plotted in Figure 3-25 for several Values of 7,/r.
In deriving Etjs, (3.40) and (3-41), it has been assumed that the conductors
xre oein circuited with respect to the conduit at both ends, and that the conduit run is long
enough that the conduit current may be considered uniform throughout the length of the
conduit (i,e,, end effects such as those described in Section 3,3.2,3 are negligible).
Much of the shielding effectiveness of steel conduit iscaused by the large rela-,
tive permeability of steel, When very large currents flow in the conduit, however, the magnetic
6 ~
) 1et
flux density in the steel may become large enough to saturate the steel mnd drastically reduce
its permeability. It has been demonstrated that most ferromagnetic materials do not become
completely saturated instantaneously.13 As saturation beginis, the surface impedance of the
saturated outer layer is much lower than the surface impedance of the interior unsaturated
region, so that most of the current flows in the saturated layer. I the current is of sufficient
magnitude and duration, it will eventually saturate the entire conduit wall, For transient
currents of short duration, however, the entire thickness of the wall may never saturate, so
that the ferromagnetic shielding properties may be maintained even if partial saturation occurs,
Based on an analysis that assumes that the shield material is either comr
pletely saturated (jAr - 1.0) or completely unsaturated, the depth of saturation Is found to
be dependent on the charge transferred by the shield. For complete saturation of a tubular
shield by a single transient, the saturation depth must approach the thickness, T, of the
shield at some time t <o9, giving
Q6 Idt ffaoBsT 2 (3-42)
where B, is the flux density at saturation, a is the radius of the shield, and IIs the conduc-
tivity of the shield. The charge Os is the total charge that must flow along the shield to
saturate the shield material completely. For a current step function, Qs Is therefore a
measure of the time required to ssturate all the way through thu shield, sinco
Any value of 1o greater than that required to begin saturation will oventually saturete the
shield all the way through, but theo smaller the value of 1o, the longer It will take to saturate
the shield completely. For a rectangular pulse of width r and amplitude 1, we ha~le
and the current 1o required to saturate the shield completely increases as the pulsewidth
decreases. Similar relations can be obtained for other pulse shapes. For an exponential
current loe-t1T, for example,
The values of Qs are tabulated in Table 3-5 for rigid steel conduit with a '. 6 X 106
mho/m and Bs = 1.6 w/m (16 kilogauss), Note that for pulse durations of about 1 ps, peak
currents of tens of megamperes are required to completely saturate 2-inch and larger con-
duits. Therefore, complete saturation of rigid steel conduits by the induced current from
the high-altitude EMP is unlikely.
As pointed out in Section 3.3, nonmetallic conduit offers no shielding to the conduc-
tors Inside the conduit, Therefore the electric field In the soil induces current and voltage
directly on the conductors In the conduit, and the high-frequency as well as the low-fre-
quency spectra are important, The current induced on the cables may, in fact, be compara-
ble to that induced on the metallic conduits discussed In Section 3,3, The current differs
from that induced in the metal conduit only because the conductors are not In direct con-
tact with the soil, Thus the coupling to the conductors is through the capacitance between
the conductor and the soil and through the terminating Impedances at the ends of the cable,
Because the cables are insulated from the soil by the conduit and by the air and cable
insulation inside the corndult, the attenuation of induced currents is somewhat less (particu-
larly at low frequencies) than it Is for conductors in difect contact with the soil. For conduc-
tors in direct contact with the soil (such as metallic conduits), the current Is attenuated as
exp (-z/6), where 8 is the skin depth in the soil, and z is the distance along the conductor,
At low frequencies such that
we logr1 /a
0 1 (3-46)
where rl Is the radius to the outside of the conduit and a is the effective radius of the con-
ductors, the admittance per unit length between the conductor and the soil is dcminated by
the capacitance of the insulation, and the attenuation constant is much smaller then 1/6.
At high frequencies where the admittance per unit length is dominated by the admittance of
the soil, however, the buried insulated conductor behaves in approximately the same man-
ner as the buried bare conductor. Because of the lower attenuation at low frequencies, the
conductors in nonmetallic conduits several hundred feet long may support current resonances
at frequencies of several hundred kilohertz (see Section 2.2.1).
When shielded cables are used in nonmetallic conduit, the cable shield provides some
protection for the conductor inside. The shields on power cables are usually designed pri-
marily for electrostatic gradient control, however, rather than electromagnetic shielding.
These shields arc often fabricated of thin copper tape spiraled around the conductor insula-
tion (with some overlap) to form a smooth outer conductor at low frequencies. Because
the contact resistance of the overlapped tape is large compared to the resistance of the cop-
per, the current in the shield tends to flow in the direction• of the tape rather thaih parallul
to the axis of the cable, Thus the tape-wound shield behaves as a solenoid, and at high fre-
quencies the jwLI drop along this solenoid can be quite large (large enough to cause arcing
between the turns of the tape), This jcwLl drop drives the conductor inside the shield, and
because of the w dependence, the shield tends to readily pass the high-frequency spectrum
(in contrast to the steel conduit, which almost completely eliminates the high-frequency
The current Induced in buried Insulated cables can be calculated in the same way as
the current in the aerial transmission lines described In Chapter Two, except the excitation
fieid is that at the surface (or just below the surface) of the ground and the characteristic
impedance Zo and propagation factor y of the huried conductor are used to replace those
of the aerial transmission line. Consider the buried, insulated conductor shown in Figure
3-26, If the conductor extenus from z - -• to z = 0, the current at the end z 0 is
SOIL (0 - 1 "INSULATION (t )
Z. Terminal impedance at z -z
ZO Terminal impedance at z - 0
Z4 - Zo
ZV + Zo
ZO - Zo
Ho (3-48b)
Zo + Zo
The current Izw is the short-circuit current at thw end z = 0 of a semi-infinite buried con-
ductor extending from z = -= to z - G. This short-circuit current is given by
where rp et¢/u (o is the soil conductivity), and the upper trigonometric function applies to
vertical polarization and the lower applies to horizontal polarization of the incident field
Ei (see Figure 3-15 for spherical coordinate system),
The propagation factor y and the characterlstic Impedance Z, are obtained from the
impedance per unit length Z and the admittance per unit length Y with
7o vi , 3-50)
For low frequencies (f -.. o/2,fe), the impedance per unit length is
LL4o /JTh
"Z....W-+ j-I o'"-
lug V3 b1)
8 2rr toa
where p. is the permeability of free space (and the soil), (Sis the skin depth in the soil, a is
the effective radlus of the conductors, and -Y, = 1.781,,.
The admittanc; per unit length Is
Y = jWCi (3-52)
1+ -
where CuIs the capacitance rir unit length between the conductor and the soil, and YJ is the
admittance per unit length of the soil, The capacitance Is
Ci = log21rrl/ (3-53)
wnere rl is the radius to the outside of the conduit. The admittance per unit length Y, of
the soil is given by
JWUOdT 21ro
N', W= Q P
-- - - lo g Io 2- (-4
8 2ir C1orl fhorl
lo g
we 'o0 rj
log- rl
it follows that
at low frequencies. The impedance per unit length Z is, therefore, primArily inductive reac-
tance with a small resistive component R = wpo/8, and the admittancr, per unit length Y is
primarily capacitive susceptance jwCi with a small conductive component
27r log
w2e2 forl (3-56) .
G = --- -- )
0 (,or-og-)
a ft Re(b') .... + (3-57)
2ZO 2
where R and G are given by the real part of Eq. (3-51) and Eq. (3-56k, respectively. The
characterlstic impedance Is
ZO - er log-log (3-58)
er log (3-59)
C logrl/a
The quantities a, O/k, and IZol are platted in Figures 3-27 and 3-28 for a typical 4-
Inch conduit In average soil. It Is apparent that IZo0 Is fairly Independent of frequency, N/k
is moderately Independent of frequency Pnd of the order of 3, and a Isstrongly dependent
on frequency but so small that attenuation in propagating a few hundred feet Is negligible at
frequencies below 1 MHz.
The values of Z and Y can be substituted into Eqs. (3-50), (3-49), and (3-47) to
evaluate the current in the conductors for frequencies f < -- , Numerical techniques can be
used to obtain the inverse transform of Eg. (3-47). Some approximations can be made that
permit estimates of the current to be obtained without extensive mac'hine computations. In
Eq. (3-49), for example, the term Zo-y can be approximated by
0 V21
Zo* Z f j- -log-9 - (3-60)
21r -too 27r
z 300--3
1 -4 0 10"2
•< r - 1.5
- 225 In,
a 1 In,
lu6- I
10 4 105 10a
IFIV'r (Cosp 1P
106 1 -kD/3 sin ksin)' 4/F (3-62)
For an exponential pulse Eoe-t/T whose transform is Eo/(Jw + I/r), the short-circuit
current Ilc - above Is the same as that given by Eq, (3-13) for a long, hare conduit. The
waveform of this current is shown in Figure 3-17 and its amplitude can be obtained from
Figures 3-18 and 3-19. For the finite length of conduit, this waveform Is modified by the
exponential terms in Eq. (3-47), which In the time domain represent combinations of the
basic waveform of Figure 3-17 with delay and attenuation.
A plot of the Induced current waveform for an incident exponential pulse of decay
time constantr - 0.5 ,s is shown in Figure 3-29 for a 100-ft-long ceble short-circuited at
both ends. For comparison, the short-circuit current Isc 0. induced in a semi-infinite cable
is also shown as a dashed curve in Figure 3-29. The short-circuit current is normalized to
the quantity
where v - w/j. The upper trigonometric function applies to vertical polarization, and the
lower applies to horizontal polarization. For the waveform of Figure 3-29 the attenuation
a was neglected, and the phase factor 0 was assumed to have a constant value of 3k (see
Figure 3-27). It is observed that the peak short-circuit current induced in the 100-ft-long
cables Is almost as large as that Induced In the semi-infinite cable, but it has more "fine
structure" because of the end effects associated with the finite length, It is also observed
that the value of 1o given above Is the same as that given In Eq, (3-14) for a long buried
conductor if v c, k/P << 1, and the approximation of Eq. (3-60) Is used for Zo/v Zoy/jW.
The source impedance of the Norton equivalent source associated with the short-
circuit current is
1 +p~e-2,yQ
Z(0) = Z (3-64)
I - pve-2,yV
where pV is given by Eq. (3-48). The open-circuit voltage at the end z 0, when the other
end has a reflection coefficient pQ is, therefore,
w t
p5 I-
U D 0
.. i Q - loo ft
X. I
5 o0
01,O 20 3.0
where Iscl0i)Is given by Eq, (3-47) when po, - -1. The voltage waveform Is thus similar to
the current waveform except that the reiiected waves alternate in polarity. This can be seen
by examining the last turm (outside the braces) in Eq. (3-47):
1 • Ep~e-27yVn (3-66)
1 PyPoe-2-V F.:0'
When po = -1, as is the case for the short-circuit current at z 0,
1 _. •
p•exi L-Ppe-2ýJ (short-circuit current) (3-67)
1 + pvte-27k! M=-0 .
1 o20
(0) - a Zo E [pe-2'Vn (open circuit voltage).
1 + p~e-2) 1 - pve-2 •• 0
The odd terms in the voltage series are thus opposite in sign to the corresponding terms in
the current series when PQ - -1.
The open-circuit voltage waveform is also plotted In Figure 3-29 (dotted curve) for
the 100-ft-long cable with the end z - -Q short-circuited, The voltage is normalized to
Vo - 1o Zo, For the conditions assumed here and In Figures 3-27 and 3-28, a 50-kV/m
exponential pulse with a 0 .5 -ps decay time constant would induce a short-circuit current of
600 A or an open-circuit voltage of 90 kV at the end of the 100-ft-long cables in non-
metallic conduit.
When the cables In the nonmetallic conduit are shielded cables, as is generally the
case for cables used between the potheads and ground-based transformers, 'the currents dis-
cussed in the preceding section are induced In the cable shields, As indicated in Section
3.4.1 the shields for these cables are often spiral-wound copper tape and the tape or spiral-
wound shield tends to behave as a solenoid wound about the internal conductors. There is,
therefore, strong coupling between the shield current and internal conductors. For large
dlI/dt (jw 0), the voltage developed pe. turn can become large enough to produce arcing
between turns. (When this occurs, the shield actually improves, because the coupling is reduced).
For a tape-wound shield in which the turns are ,oo *•verla~oed and have no contact
between turns,* the geometry of the shield can be -'<.ned by the radius, a, of the shield and
the width, w, of the tape as illustrated in Figure 3-30, This geometry may also be defined
in terms of the spiral ingle 0 or the turns per unit length N, which art related through
w sin O
cos ce , N s - (3-69)
27ra w
2iraN tan 0
The shield current I has the same pitch as the tape and is assumed to be uniformly distributed
across the tape width, w.
The transfer Impedance of the tape-wound shield Is
where ZTO uR and Zi a RoyT co h yT, T is the tape thickness and y (1 + j)/6
sinh yT
(6 is the skin depth in the tape). The magnitude of the transfer impedance ZT, normalized
to the low-frequency transfer Impedance Re of a cylindrical tube of the same wall thickness,
is shown in Figure 3-31 for various spiral angles 0. The low-frequency transfer Impedance
Re is the dc resistance per unit length of a tubular shield of radius a and thickness T. Under
this normalization we obtain
ZT yfT T1(-1
S slnhT + ,T coth yT + 21 tan 2 0 (3-71)
-T6 Losn TJ
*That it, the contact resistance is large compared to the resiktance of one turn of tape.
where 80 Is the skin depth for a nonferrous shield (p -jo), whether or not the material is
ferrous, with a conductivity a, In Figure 3-31, a/T u 10.
From Figure 3-31 It Is apparent that for low frequencies (T/6 0 << 1) the transfer
impedance increases with increasing spiral angle 0, This follows from the fact that a :arger
spiral angle 0 Is accompanied by a narrower tape (smaller w) and more turns per unit length
(larger N). Thus the tape required to wind a unit length of shield Is longer and narrower, and
has a large resistance, for large spiral angles.
At high frequencies (T/6 0 >> 1) the transfer impedance Is dominated by the induc-
tance term, which In proportional to (T/6,M) . The magnitude of the transfer impedance
again increases as the spiral angle o increases, because the number of turns per unit length and
the inductance per unit length increase.
0 so80
Nw, 5
'0 1.0 10
Similar expressions have not been developed for the overlapped tape-wound
shields, but the high-frequency characteristics of a single-layer-overlapped shield with tape
width w and overlap width w. can be obtained by substituting w - wo for w In Eq. (3-69).
At low frequencies (T/6 << 1)the transfer Impedance obtained with this substitution will
be too large by a factor w/(w - wo), however, and at very high frerniuncies, the capacitance
between the overlapped turns will begin to short out the inductance so that the magnitude
of the transfer impedance will reach a maximum and then begin to decrease,
L = tan2o (3-72)
which, for a winding angle 0- 45', is 0.1 JH/m. For current rates of rise of tens of kilo-
amperes per microsecond that might be induced in the cable shield by a 50-kV/m Incident
exponential field, the voltage Induced between the conductor and the shield would be
V - Ld-- 10-7 X 1010 103 V/m. (3-73)
Thus, several kilovolts per meter would be Induced on the conductors Inside the tape-wound
shield, compared to less than 1 V/m for conductors Inside steel conduit, Typical service-
entrance cables cannot be considered electrically short at the frequencies penetrating the
tape-wound shield, For this reason, a transmission-line solution such as that described In
Eqs. (2-3 through 2-5), In which Ez - IZT, Is required to obtain the waveform of the
Induced voltage.
cables routed through continuous steel conduit. When the cable shield is the only shield
protecting the conductors from the fields in the soil, however, its shielding properties are
important in the analysis of the current and voltage induced on the conductors.
3, S. Ramo and J, R. Whinnery, Fields and Waves in Modern Radio, 2nd Ed.,
(John Wiley & Sons, New York, N,Y,, 1953),
4. H, Kaden, Wirbelstrome und SchIrmung In der Nachrichtentechnik (Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1959).
5, W, R, Smythe, Static and Dynamic Electricity, 3rd Ed., pp. 77, 78, (McGrvw-
Hill Book Co, New York, N.Y., 1968).
6, E. D. Sunda, Earth Conduction Effects in Transmission Systems, (Dover
Publications, Inc., New York, NY., 1968).
7. DASA EMP (ElectromagneticPulse) Handbook, DASA 2114-1, Chap. 11,
(DASA Information and Analysis Center, Santa Barbara, CalIf., September 1968).
8. A, L. Whitson and E. F. Vance, "Measurement of Fields Near a Vertical
Monopole," Sensor and Simulation Note 152, Stanford Research Institute,
Menlo Park, Calif, (September 1965, unpublished report),
11. S. A. Schelkunoff, "The Electromagnetic Theory of Coaxial Transmission
Lines and Cylindrical Shields," Bell Svstem Tech. J., Vol. 13, pp. 532-579
(October 1934).
12, G. A. Korn, Basic Tables in ElectricalEngineering (McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, N.Y., 1965).
Chapter Four
higher voltages under the EMP excitation than they do with the more slowly rising lightning
The results of transient tests of the transformers at excitation levels below the
lightning-arrester firing threshold show that the rise times of the primary current and the
secondary voltages are stretched by the transformer bushing inductance, and the late-time
response of the secondary voltage is suppressed by the interwinding capacitance. Thus,
a fast-rising, wide-excitation pulse applied to the primary terminals produces a narrow
pulse with a slower rise time at the secondary terminals. The peak secondary-terminal
voltage for a 1-V common-mode step excitation of the primary terminals is 0.2 to 0.3V,
with a time-to-peak of about 70 ns and a principal response duration of about 200 to
400 ns.
At an excitation level of about four times their rated voltage, distribution lightning
arresters fire and limit the primary voltage. Near the threshold, 150 to 200 ns are required,
after application of primary excitation, for the lightning-arrester spark gaps to ionize and
become conducting. As the excitation level Is increased, this time lag is decreased, but
fast-rising excitation voltages may reach very large values before the lightning arresters
fire. Because of the Inductively limited rate of rise of the primary current, however, it is
theorized that most of the initial applied voltage appears across the bushing inductance,
rather than across the winding insulation. The shortest time-to-fire that has been observed
experimentally was 40 ns, at a firing voltage of about ten times the rated voltage (2.5
times the static firing voltage). It has been observed, however, that in spite of the large peak
volteges that can be attained befoie the lightning arrester fires, the lightning arrester always
fires before any of the transformer insulation (e.g., bushings, winding insulation) fails. Thus,
The effect of the lighttiing-arrester -firing on the secondary voltage waveform has
also been examined. At excitation levels onl' -lightly greater than the firing threshold, the
lightning-arrester firing has very little effect on the peak secondary voltage, because the
firing time-lag Is about as wide as the main secondary response (about 200 ns), At greater
excitatiun levels, where the firing time-lag Is significantly less than 200 ns, the peak
secondary voltage ceases to increase linearly with the excitation level, At still greater
excitation levels, where time-to-fire is equal to or less than the time-to-peak of the secondary
voltage (In the absence of the lightning arrester), the peak secondary voltage becomes virtually
Independent of the excitation level. For the 7.2/12.5-kV transformer exhibiting the
strongest common-mode coupling, this saturation level was about 30 kV at the secondary
terminals. The lightning arresters at the primary terminals are therefore effc.ctlve In limiting
the EMP-Induced throughput of the transformers as well as In protecting the transformer
from damage,
Power transformers are available in a variety of shapes and sizeg; the discussion here
is limited to a presentation of the major characteristics of the oil-insulated distribution
transformers of the type commonly used for single-custonmer service. In these transformers,
the transformer core and windings are submersed In a metal tank of Insulating oil that circu-
lates by natural ur forced convection. Glazed porcelain feedthrough bushings provide access
to the transformer windings; the larger primary bushings are commonly mounted on the tank
lid, while the smaller secondary bushings are usually arranged along one side of the tank (above
the internal oil lovel, Fýigure 4-1 shows a photograph of two pole-mounting transformers.
S~ ~ -,.
switch and knob visible In the photographs are part of the primary-side tap changer, The
single primary winding is actually split in the center and several taps aro made on each side;
this permits the number of primary turns to be varied somewhat to compensate for slight
undorvoltages (the adjustment range Is +0, -10% in 2.5% steps). The types of windings and
insulation used in the transformer depend on the time of manufacture of the transformer.
6L M
N 0,
Older transformers are wound with round or rectangular copper wire with paper or cambric
insulation (In addition to oil) between layers. At the tirs of this writing, however, common
practice is to use aluminum strip for the secondary windings. Because economic factors
dictate the design of power transformers, the relative costs of copper and aluminum and
the cost of manufacturing processes at the time of manufacture have strong influences on
transformer construction.
Basic types of cooling used for distribution transformers are referred to by the
following designations: 1
* FOW - Oil-Immersed Forced-Oil Cooled with Forced-Water Cooler. External
oil-to-water heat exchangers are used in this type to transfer heat from oil to
cooling water.
(1) The full-wave test with an Impulse that reaches its crest in 1.5 /s and decays
to half its crest voltage in 40 js.
(3) The low-frequency test In which about twice the rated voltage at about twice
the rated frequency is applied for no longer than 1 minute.
The transformer high-voltage bushings and windings must be capable of withstanding these
tests when applied between the two high-voltage terminals and when applied between either
Table 4-1
Impulse Tests
Rated Voltage Between Terminals Low-Frequency Oil-Immersed Trans-
of Power-Transformers(aI Tests formers 500 kVA or
Rated Single-Phase 3-Phase Oil- Chopped Full
Volt- For Y For Delta- Delta or Y Immersed Dry Wave Wave t1)
age| onnecton Connection Connected (o) Type Typelb Minimum -
( )_n 3-Phase on 3-Phase (kV rms) (kV rms) (kV rms) Time to
System(c) System Crest Flash- Crest
(kV ris) (kV rms) (kV) over(ps) (kV)
Notes (1) Intermediate voltage ratings are placed in the next higher ;nsulatIntn clats unlis$ otherwise &pacified.
ib) Standard Impulso tests have not been established for dry-type dlitribution and power transformers.
Present-day values for Impulte tests of such apparatus tre sofollows:
1.2-kV class, 10-kV; 2,5-kV class, 20 kV; 5,0-kV class, 25 kV; 8.66-kV gls, 35 kV; 15-kV class,
50 kV. These values apply to both chopped-wavo and full-wdve tests,
(c0 Y-connected transformers for operation with neutral solldly grounded or grnuded through an impedance
may have reduced insulation at the neultral. When this reduced insulation isbelow the level required for
delta operation, transformers cannol be ogerated celte.-'onnected,
Id) These transformers eru Insulated tor the test voltages corresponding to the Y connection, so that a Single
line of apparatus serves for the Y and delta applicationl, The lest voltages for surh delta.connected
single-phase transformers are therefore one step higher than needed for their voltage rating,
(el 1,5 x 0-ms wave,
Source: "If. t.
terminal and the case. The Impulse tests are to be conducted with normal 60-Hz energization,
and timed to ensure that the impulse is applied within 30" of the 60-Hz crest.
resistance decreases exponentially with the voltage across it, The valve elements are non-
linear resistors made of sillcoq-carbide crystals,
The spark-gap assembly Is designed to minimize the time from overvoltage onset to
firing and to minimize the time duration of any 60 Hz current flow, The first objective Is
frequently accomplished by use of a "prelonizer," Thu latter objective Isaccomo•lbhed by
extending the arc's path length and/or by breaking the arc up into a number of parallel,
series, or rotating arcs, This tends to cool (deionize) the arc and help ensure that the arc Is
extinguished at or before the end of the half-cycle In which the surge or overvoltage occurs.
The gap and valve assemblibs of a lightning arrester are generally hermetically sealed In a
glazed porcelain body and provided with an external, open-air spark-gap In series with the
arrester, Figure 4-3 shows the internal construction of a typical valve-type lightning arrester.
Lightning arresters may be designed as a part of another unit, such as a fuse or a cutout
twitch. Figure 4-4 shows three arresters; two are combination units that include open-link
fused cutout switches,
Lightning arresters are Installed with the gap side of the arrester cnnnected to the
line and the opposite end grounded, In the absence of a voltage surge, all of the line
voltage appears across the open gap and none Is impressed on the valve element (which
typically has a maximum resistance of a few thousand ohms). If the arrester is subjected to
an overvoltage wilh a magnitude sufficient to arc across the gap assembly, the resistance of
the gap assembly is reduced to a negligible value, subjecting the valve element to the entire
surge voltage. This causes the valve-element resistence to undergo a rapid decrease, thereby
forming a low-resistance path to ground through which the surge can bfi -",slpated.
I .... "" .., COIL
After discharge of the surge voltage, the voltage across the arrester drops back to
the normal line voltage. This voltage is not high enough to initially fire the arrester"s gap
assembly, but It woula be adequate to maintain the exterrial arc initiated by the overvoltage
if it were not toat (1) the line voltage la insufficient to maintain the low resistance of the
valve element (which therefore returns to a high value) and (2) the Internal gap assemblies
are designed to extinguish the lower current permitted by the high resistance of the valve
The rapid irctease in the valve clement's reoswtance causes a substantial reduction
in the 60-.cycle power current; older-style arresters relied on this to reduce the current flow
to a value low enough that the yap assembly ouUld d•t t( extitrguishi the arc at or before the
next system voltage zero. This subjects the valve element to considerable currents for a
potentially extended period of time; modern arrewters are designed to transfer much of this
responsibility for 60 Hz current-limiting to the arrester gap assembly Itself. The major
benefit of this design is that the valve elements can have lower discharge resistances, which
decrease the arrester's I R drop, This IR drop is the voltage applied to the devices or circuitry
that the arrester is intended to protect during an overvoltage surge, 1,2
The linear, high-freqUency behavior of power transformers has been studied in con-
nection with their response to lightning transients and their effect on the power-line carrier
communication systems. 3 '4,5 Unfortunately, the analytical treatments of the transformer,
in ordoir to be tractable, tend to be highly idealized; the models obtained therefrom must be
accepteu with due regard for these idealizations, Two areas in which the models fail to ade-
quately describe the transformer are in the primary bushing impedance (which is probably
not significant for lightning transients, but is for EMP), and in the symmetry of the windings.
In addition, most of the models seem to Imply that a common-mode primary excitation
produces no dlffercntiul-mode secondary response because both the primary and secondary
windings are assumed to be symmetrical with respect to the core and with respect to each
other. In practice those windings are far from symmetrical in either respect, so that
coupling in the above mode is signifIcaimt.
The linear response of power transformers can be analyzed by treating the primary
and secondary windings of the transformer as coupled transmission lines,3,4, 5 The windings
are characterized as illustrated In Figure 4-5 by (1) ,iductances Li and L2 and resistances
R 1 and R2 pet, unit length shunted by the turn-to-turn capacitances per unit length, Cx and
Ch; (2) capacitances per unit length C11 and C 22 between the winding and the core or
housing; and (3) a capacitance per unit length C 12 between the primary and secondary
windings and a mutual inductance M between the primary and secondary turns. Coupling
between the primary and secondary at low frequencies (e.g,, power frequencies) Is primarily
through the mutual inductance M, but at high frequencies the capacitances Cx and Ch carvy
most of the current between the terminals, and the coupling between primary and secondary
windings is primarily through the interwinding capacitance C 12. The manner in which one
divides all frequencies Into low and high frequencies Is dependent on the power and voltage
rating of the transformer, since the turn-to-turn capacitances Cx and Cjh and the primary-
to-secondary capaltance C 12 are dependent on number of turns, size of wire, and compact-
ness of windings,. For example, measurements on a 9.5 kV/220-V service transformer have
shown that the primary turn-to-turn capacitance Ch Is dominant above 24 kHz, but the
secondary turn-to-turn capacitance Cx Is not dominant until frequencies well above 23 kHz
are reached.
Thus, d coMplu)to and accurate analysis of the linear, transient behavior of a trans-
former at higher frequencies must take into account the interwinding capacitances, as well
as the self and mutual inductanc ; of the winding, Furthermore, as is pointed out in
Refs. 3 and 4, an important difference exists between the transmission--line model of the
transformer windings and the conventional transmission line, regardinU the self and mutual
T _ ' T T
1 mutual inductance bjtween
prinary arnd secondary
C12 capacitance betwerm primary
and itcicndar windingt
R2 windinlg I lsiltamuI
L b2 inductancel of bushing
Inductance per unit length, This difference is related to the fact that the inductance (self
or mutual) of a turn Is a function of the position of the turn in the whole winding. For
example, a turn In the center of the winding Is coupled to other turns on either side of It,
while a turn at the end of the winding Is coupled to other turns on only one side, Reference
3 proposes a parabolic variation of magnetic flux partially linking the turns, with a maximum
partial flux linkage at the center of the winding and the flux linkage decreasing toward the
ends of the winding and reaching zero at some point beyond the end of the winding. This
variation in flux linkage leads to self and mutual Inductances that are functions of position,
The result is a set of two coupled fourth-order differential equations relating the mutual and
self-inductance voltages of the primary and secondary windings - i.e.,
a 4 V,1 a
---..4 +j --- [LlILI + MIL2j= 0 (4-1)
ax 3
a4 V2 a
- +jw [L21L2 + MIL1]= 0 (4-2)
ax 4
Where V1 Is the voltage on the high-voltage winding and V2 is the voltage on the low..
voltage winding (both referrpJ to the transformer core and frame), and L 1 , L2 , and M are
the self and mutual inductances,
A detailed solution of Eqs. (4-1) and (4-2) appears in Refs. 3 through 5, The
results are
The solution to this eighth-order differential equation depends on access to a great deal of
information not normally available and not readily determined from measurements made
at the transformer's terminals, In addition, the winding resistances R1 and R2 have not been
Included in the voltage equations. Finally, for distribution-type power transformers, the
lumped bushing capacitance Ch and inductance Lb in Figure 4-5 play an important role In
determining the coupling between the primary and secondary windings, since they behave
as L-section filters between the transformer terminals and the windings at high
frequencies. ,7
It Is Informative to examine the behavior of the transformer at the extremes of the
frequency range. As w approaches zero, for example, all capacitive susceptances become
small and we are left with only the self- and mutual-inductance terms in the equivalent
circuit of Figure 4-5 (the winding resistances have been neglected). In addition, because
the windings are short compared to a wavelength at low frequencies, the distributed self
and mutual inductances can be adequately represented by lumped self and mutual Inductances
as Illustrated In Figure 4-6(a), where the equivalent circuit of an Ideal transformer Is shown.
The practical equivalent circuit containing copper losses (winding resistances) R 1 and R2 ,
and core loss Ac, is shown in Figure 4-6(b) with all impedances referred to primary side.
At the high-frequency extreme, ,.; approaches Infinity and the capacitive reactances
carry all of the current, leaving none to flow through the self and mutual inductances of
L1 LI M2
M12 2
H2 0 -- X2
Ri L, L21n2 R21n2
H ~ Ii *x I
V1 Lm Rc V2
H2 0 0 X2
L1 - L1 - M12 /L 2 L2 L2 - M1 2 /L.1
Figure 4-5 (except the bushing inductances), The differential equation for the voltage in
either winding becomes
and ua high-frequency equivalent circuit becomes that illustrated In Figure 4-7. The stray
Inductance and capacitance associated with the bushings has been retained in Figure 4-7(a)
because these small inductances are significant in the high-frequency response, and they
are not bypassed by capacitances as are the winding inductances, Notice that the distributed
capacitances Ch, Cx, C1 1 , C2 2 , and C1 2 form a capacitive network that couples:
(1) The primary terminals to each other and to the case or core
(2) The secondary terminals to each other and to the case or core
A rough lumped-element equivrkent circuit is shown in Figure 4-7(b) in which the distributed
winding capacitances have been replaced by lumped capacitances between windings,
between terminals, and, between terminals and ground (case or core), Even with this
simplification, the relation between primary and secondary currents and voltages is not
simple, but the coupling paths are more obvious and the bandpass nature of term nal-to-
terminal coupling caused by the bushing Inductances and the bushing and winding capacitances
is apparent.
........... ....
b 1 l C_h
h H
N 1,. H-,-.,, --.-....----- d fr H2
HIl0' C''' C
HI:2 2
C ~Ic
T f12 C 2f:r T~
Fi~qures 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 show plots of calculated voltages In the windings of a
single-phase transformer when stressed at the high-voltage terminal with a fast-rising voltage.
The neutral of the primary winding and both of the terminals of the secondary winding of
the transformer are assumed to rise to a peak of 330 kV in 10 ns.
H ý217
-PRIMARY VOLTAGE Figure 4-8 shows the spatial dis-
300EONAYVOTG tribution of the voltage inside the pri-
mary and secondary winding for early
260 - -___ -times during which only the winding
capacitances are playing arole. The
I200 - -spatial coordinate Is the distance along
Uj the axis of the winding, which Isas-
A150 - - -sumned to be cylindrical In shape. The
zero of the spatial coordinate isas-
- - -- -sumed to be at the high-voltage termi-
1,0 n;nal of the winding, with 100% of the
50_,-0n winding having been traversed upon
reaching the neutral. It Isclear from
Figure 4-8 that for times of the order
0 10 20 30 40 so at the rise time of the pulse, the voltage
AXIAL DISTANCE - percent total length
HV TERMINAL NEUTRAL applied to the hIgh-voltago' terminal
does not distribute Itself uniformly over
Figure 4-8 SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF the entire winding but tends to pile up
Source; Ref. 8. across the first 40% of the turns nearest
the high-voltage terminal. Hence, the
peak applied voltage of 330 kV isImpressed upon the Insulation of these first turns alone
and, depending upon the Insulation strength, could cause breakdown, From Figure 4-8 It
Isalso apparent that -the voltages In the secondary winding due to the various winding
capacitances are much less than those Inthe primary.
After the Initial transients shown In Figure 4-8, which propagate through the wind.-
ings by means of the turn-to-turn capacitance, the capacitance to ground, and the mutual
capacitance, oscillations are set up due to the combined effect of the winding Inductances
and capacitances. This behavior Isshown In Figures 4-9 and 4-10, The oscillations become
apparent only for times of the order of or greater than the first natural period of the wind-
Ings, which lies Inthe range of afew microseconds for the secondary winding, By these
times, the voltage at the high-voltage terminal of the primary Isalso beginning to decay, but
because th~e natural frequency of the primary winding Ismuch lower than that of the seco I~-
dary, only the beginnings of an oscillation are apparent in the primary voltage distribution.
The results shown in Figures
200 4-8 through 4-10 are indicative only
NN of the qualitative behavior of a station
-J 0
2 lis4
6 stressed by EMP, because
of the waveform assumed and because
~the circuit constants for the
0 10 20 30405060 7080 90 100 transformer cam be estimated only
AXIAL DISTANCE - PS!Qwfi total Iogt crudely. In addition, because the
Inductance and capacitance of the
VLTAE AONG bushings are neglected in the calcu*-
PRIMARY WINDING AT LATE TIMES. Source: latlon of the voltage distributions
Rot, 8.
shown In Figures 4-.8, 4-9, and 4-10,
the assumed rate of rise (33 kWns) is
I8I0 considerably greater than that actually
Inue0ot0.Fr xm~e 0-
04 0 applied to the winding by an EMP-
considerable complex algebra is required to apply the equivalent circuit to a practical trans-
former couplinq problem. To avoid this complexity, the complete definition of the equiv-
alent network has been compromised in favor of obtaining readily usable equivalent circuits
that are representative of those encountered in typical transformer Installations. 7 Thus,
instead of defining a 5- or 7-terminal network, we have defined the four 3-terminal
networks illustrated in Figure 4-11.
Table 4-2
The voltage transfer function for the common-mode configu,'ation of Figure 4-11(d)
is shown in Figure 4-12 for each of the four transformers. The average tansfer characteristic
for all four transformers is also shown in Figure 4-12. It is apparent from Figure 4-12 that
the coupling to the 100-ohm load is dominated by the Interwinding capacitance In the low-
frequency range between 10 kHz and about 1 MHz, The average interwinding capacitance
from Figure 4-12 Is about 1000 pF in 'his configuration, Also apparent is the effect of the
bushing capacitance and the lead Inductance associated with the primary bushings and the
leads to the 6econdary bushings in reducing the voltage transfer function above about
10 MHz. In spite of the fact that two different power ratings, two different winding types,
Il Xl
H2 X7
HI xi
40 0 (d)
and three difierent manufacturers are represented by the four transformers, their common-
mode voltage transfer characteristics are remarkably similar,
Similar results for the common-mode excitation and diff erential -mode output of
Figure 4-11 (a) are shown In Figure 4-13, Although the four transformers are similar In
this mode also, the deviations ot the Individual transformers from the mean is greater.
As can be seen in the approximate equivalent circuit of Figure 4-7, the coupling for
common-mode excitation (Hi and H2 driven against ground) and differential-inode loading
(X2 grounded arid 100 ohmns between X1 and ground) Isachieved through thle asymmetry
of the windings (the asymmetry occurring naturally due to the construction of the trans-
former as well aq that Introduced by grounding the terminal X2), This voltage transfer
function Isthus more dependent on the winding-to-case capacitance and the turn.-to-turn
capacitance thani are the common-mode transfer functions of Figure 4-12. Thus the type
and form of the secondary winding are probably responsible for thle greater variation affioing
the transformers in Figure 4-13. In spite of this, however, ~he similarity of the four trans-
formers is quiote striking, It is noteworthy that in this coupling mode also, the transformer
clisplays a likeness to a bandpass filter,
Figure 4-14 Illustrates the voltagii transfer characteristics for the common-mlode
secondary excitation and differential-~mode primary loading of Figure 4-11 Wb. The
coupling mechanism for this cunfiguration isslinilar to that in the preceding example, except
that the force(] unbalance (caused by grounding 1-121 is now in thle primary winding, Because
th~ere is only ono primary winding and It is, in oll four cases, placed between the sL'condary
windings, cu-iplinq i- this mode iqu''IdoUbtOdly morp strongly dependent on tile inter..
kvwndingq ctipaci tince thon on the prhI irV-vv~incliny. tu -ground cupacit~nce 'Thle observed
siminlarity among the trwtnsfur characteristics In FigJUre 4-14 Is qJuite strik Ing, and again the
bandpass-filter characteristics tire apparent.
L u~.
;ML ~~~~~~C
NOIL~Nl4wi~~vw ~ OI±~fl UdUNW. C aflINOVz
rrnymf- rr06
~ ~
T 1
jI I-II -I III I I I T0 -T
o w
f Co
* o U
i- 0
A .w
"m 0
NOI1Nfl I~dNV~ ~O~anhN~v~
(C' 11, C' 2 ) capacitances. In addition, the transformer, in this configuration, Is behaving
somewhat as a step-down transformer even though the primary current is being shunted
by the turn-to-turn capacitance (the primary resonance occurs below 10 kil-), In either
event, winding resonances that are. unique to the individual transformers occur above 100
Transient tests of the four transformers of Table 4-2 have also been conducted at
a low level to obtain the linear response characteristics of the transformers,7 The driving
level used for these tests ranged from about B kV to about 40 kV (the lightning arresters
fired at about 42 kV). At driving levels below the threshold for lightning-arrester firing,
the transformer behaves as a linear device, and the transient responses can be related to
the frequency-domain characteristics. The circulits of Figure 4-16 were used for these tests,
For the low-level tests, the 0,075-/F switched capacitor was used as the driving
source, so that the source-voltage waveform across the 100-ohm resistor at the pulser
output terminals (see Figure 4-16) was an exponential pulse with a 10-to-90% rise 'Lime of
about 20 ns and a decay time constant of about 7.5 ps, The voltage waveform appearing
at the terminals of the transformer is shown In Figure 4-17. A slight oscillation during the
first 400 ns caused by tlhe winding reactance Is apparent in Figure 4-17. Also of interest is
the waveform of the current entering the transformer, shown in Figure 4-18. (Figure 4-18
HI X1 VI 1x0 I4Io
3 V2 110 1
VC GAs 1 r
shows the total capacitor current, which includes albout 300 A through the 100-ohm load.)
it is observed that the rise time of the current is significantly longer than that of the driving
voltage. This observation is consistent with the contention that significant series inductance
is associated with the primary bushings. It k• also observed that the duration of the current,
8 kV
-.- 50 ms
-'- .---
13(b91.0W SWEEP
ohen thu loicI- resistor current is neglected, is much shorter than the duration of the im-
I"sed voltale, The primary current is mainly that required to charge the capacitances
assoLciated with the windings and bushings, and once these are charged, no more current,
other than that associated with the oscillations triggered by the transients, can flow, The
waveforms shown in Figures 4-17 and 4-18 were obtained with the 25-.kVA G,E, trans-
former in the common-mode drive configuration, but they are quite representative of the
general characteristics of all the transformers tested.
The waveforms of the voltage across the 100-ohm load on the secondary terminal
Xl are shown in Figure 4-19 for the four transformers tested in the configuration of
CURRENT (whic~h includes the cutirnt through the 100-ohm InhIsu loatd)
Fiqure 4-16. F~rom tile fast oscillograrns of Figure 4-19 it Is apparent thait the rise times
of the secondary voltage are of thle order of 50 ns although the primary-voltage rise tinme
was only 20 ns, Thus the rise time stretching caused by the primary bushing inductances
ISobservable in the secondary voltages as well as In thle primary current, From the slower
osciliograms, of Figure 4-19 it Isalso apparent that thle late-tIme volzage present in thle
driver hes boun suppressed, so that only about 200 ns of high-level response isobserved Lit
the suooidary terminal, The stretching of the rise time In thle timne-doinain curresponds to
the high-frequen01cy suppression observed In thle frequency domain, and the suppression of
the late. time response corresponds to the low-frecquency roilloff observed in the froquency
domain. Thus the transient waveforn-is are quite consistent with the frequoncy-doilain
data for voltageo transfer functions,
These ha~ic features of the secondary voltages .. the Stretching of the rise timle anld
the suppression of the late-timea response -. were common to all four transformers, and
were consistent with their fruquency-darn in transfer characteristics, There are obvious
differences in the fine structure of the waveforms, but these appear to be of secondary
Importance, as are the size and location of the peaks and valleys of the frequency-domlain
transfer functions, The peak output voltage at Terminal X1 for one-volt peak at the primary
Isalso quite similar for all four transformers, as isappirent in Table 4-3,
The bushing Inductance was responsible for the slow rise time of the current in the tcsts with d low
sourcu impedance; when sourco mrpedances of a few hundred olims are usad, the rise tim~of thme
terminal voltagig ;, Silm11ilrIly slowed by the bushingi capacitance.
Table 4-3
Type JI at X2
2 ~~25-.-kVA Allis Chalmers 02
I 3 2L1-kVA West inghouse 0.29
6040-.-,kV.A Allis.C-halme~rs 0,28
rhe osciilogrami of Figure 4-19 and Figure 4-2?0 also permit the voltages at Ter-
minials X1 arnd X3 to bu comipared for Trdnsformner No, 1, for thie configuration of
Figure 4-16. It is apparent that th4 peak vii t 'ge at 1erminal X1 is somnewh~at larger than
that. ut Termminl X3 for the comnion-mode primary excitation, This difference is produced
primarily by the asymmetry or unbdlance In the witirlings; in i qymnletrical bif ilat-wound
transformer those two voltages should be identizal, This differential secondary voltage is
shown in Figure 4-21 for the two excitation modes.
All of the waveforms in Figures 4- 1% 4-20, and 4-21 ware obtained with a cnommoii-
mode output configuration. Figure 41-22 slows thc voltage waveforms obtained at the sec-
ondary terminal X1 for a differential-mode output configuration such as that ihown In
I- -
Figurb 4-16(b). The peak secondary voltage produced by the common-mode prinmary exci-
tation with this secondary connection is largpr than the peak secondary voltage produced
by the differential-mode primary excitation, A comparison of Figure 4-22 with Figure 4-19,
however, shows that the peak secondary voltage for the difforential..node output confiqura-
tion is only about half as large as it is for the common-mode output configuration.
These and other data show that the trantformer responses are (1) highly linear,
(2) reasonably similar in comparison with one another, and (3) In good qualitative agree-
ment with the CW transfer function data presented In Section 4.2.3, The frequency-domain
data show that significant differences In amplitude can be expected for different drive con-
figurations, and this result Is confirmed by the transient-response data, Comparison of the
common- and differential-mode drive data plotted here shows the following:
(2) The peak output response varies by a factor of 2 or less from transformer to
At primary excitation levels above about 42 kV, the 10-kV lightning arresters on
the primary side of the transformers fire if the pulsewidth of the excitation waveform Is
large enough. At the threshold voltage of 42 kV, there is a time lag of 150 to 200 nsbetween
the time of application of the voltage and the closure of the lightning-arrester spark.-gap
switch, but as the applied voltage Increases, this time lag decreases. The transformer's
secondary response to a primary-side excitation at levels above about 42 kV Is therefore
influenced by the change in the excitation pulse when the lightning arrester fires, and by the
variable time lag between the application of the exciting pulse and the closure of the
lightning arrester.
"The only nonlinear effect observed during the transformer tests with the lightning
arresters installed was the Itghtning-arrester f iring. No other arcing or flashover was observed
ihwide or outsidu the transformer case (except when the secondary was driven), The non-
linear responses discussed here are, therefore, caused entirely by thle Iightning-arrester firing,
In addition to limiting the peak secondary voltage, the lightning-arrester firing tends
to reduce the width of the main socondary-voltage pulse, This L ipparent in Figure 4-23,
where it can be seen that as the excitation level increases, the time to reach the first zero
crossing In the secondary-voltage waveform decreases and the negative undershoot increases,
It Is also noteworthy that the effect of the firing of the lightning arrester on the secondary
voltage waveform Is so subtle that its occurrence Is very difficult to detect In the secondary
r " III
B kV
S Eu.|
200 ms
These tests were conducted with a low-Impedance source, so that even when the
lightning arresters fired, the excitation voltage at the primary terminals did not immediately
changw, When the source impedance was several hundred ohms, as It would be for an EMP-.
induced voltage wave incident on pole-mounted transformers driven by the distribution
lines, the excitation voltage collapsed very rapidly when the lightning arrester fired, This
value of source Impedance causes the peak secondary voltage to be limited even more
severely than was observed with the low-impedances sources used in the experiments
described above. Since the transformer Itself appears to remain linear, however, the effects
of source impedance and primary excitation voltage can be simulated analytically and the
secondary response determined from the linear transfer characteristics of the transformer,
The behavior of the 9-kV distribution lightning arresters used to protect the trans-
formers was also obtainud from the transient tests of the transformers with the lightning
arresters installed, The lightning-arrester characteristics of primary importance in this
evaluation are the time-to-fire and the firing voltage, These characteristics permit an
estimate to be made of the peak voltage that might be applied to the transformer by a
fast-rising transient,
The tests indicated that all three of the lightning arresters shown in Figure 4-4 were
essentially identical in their firing characteristics. A plot of these firing characteristics is
shro-wn in Figure 4-25, The 9-kV arresters would normally be tested with thu transient
rate of rise of 100 kV/ps plotted in Figure 4- 25; during the transformer tests, the maximum
rate of rise achieved was about 2.5 kV/ns, or 25 times faster than that normally used to test
lightning arresters of this voltage rating, With this rate of rise, which Is also plotted in
Figure 4-25, the firing voltage was 100 kV, or about 2.5 times the static firing threshold,
and the time-to-fire was only 40 ns, In general, the trend of the lightning-arrester firing
characteristics displayed In Figure 4-25 is that to be expected of spark-qap devices having
large overvolted gaps,
The ability of the lightning arrester to protect the transformer under fast transients
for which voltages of 100 kV are attained before the lightning arrester fires Is believed to be
related to two characteristics of the transformer. These are the ionization (or spark forrna-
tion) time for bushing flashover and the Impedance of the bushing and winding Insulation,
Because the arc formation tirno for the lightning arrester is less than the arc formation time
for the bushing, the lightning arrester always fires before bushing flashover occurs, It is not
apparent that this relationship should change even if greater rates of rise were encountered,
since the lightning-arrester firing and bushing flashover involve similar gas-breakdown
The ability of the lightning arrester to protect the winding Insulation against break-
down apparently depends on the fact that a finite time is required for the winding voltagfi
to rise because of the winding-to -cure capacitamcu and the b~ushring capacitance and induc"
tancLu For a typical tiansformer primary windint, the witnding- to core cdpacitance is a few
hundred picofdrads, the bushing copacitince is about 100 pF, and the bushing induutance is
a few hundred nanlohenrus. Furthwrinoru, ab illustrated in Fiiqur, 4 7 the bushirng iruluc
tance and bushing cupacitancu form a ow.. pass fi wi that limits thu rate uý rise (of the
voltage applied to the windinq oven if an infinite rate of rise is applied to the termindls,
Therefore, even If the lightnint. arrestor and hushing are subjecIed to very large rates ,,
rise, the rate of rise of the voltage across the winding insulation is much smaller, therehy
permitting the lightning arrester tu reach its firing voltage ibufhre the voltagle across tile
insulation reaches a dangerous level, Note that the CW-transfer- fnrction (dita indicate
that the hi(h- frequency rollioff, which is believed to be caused primarily by the !irimat -y
'V. IS........... . .
bushing inductaoce and capacitance, uugins at about 10 MHz, implying a 10-to-90% rise
time of the order of 50 ns.
The rat, of rise of the open-ci:cuit voltage induced on power transmission lines
oy the EMP is of the order ol a few Eoc, where E, is the peak incident field strength and
c is the speed of light (see Section 2.2,3). For realizable polarizations and angles of inci-
dence, the maximum rate of rise of the open-circuit voltage is of the order of 50 kV/ns and
the source impedance associated with this voltage is of the order of 300 ohms. This rate of
rise is over an order of magnitude greater.than the fastest rate of rise developed in the lab-
oratory; however, the voltage actually applied to the transformer terminals is the fraction
Zi/(Zi - 300), whuro Zi is the paraltel input impedance of the transformers. Since
Zi< 300 ohms, at high frequencies (early timed) only a fraction of the open. circuit voltage
will actually be applied to the transformer windings,
!i 120
L ) 10l)l 100
0 ino Iu 20 2io30
Studies of the transient throughput of the transformers with lightning arresters show
(1) The bandpass character of the transformer slows the secondary-voltage rise-
time to about 50 ns and limits the significant duration of the secondary re-
sponse to less than 1 Ms..
(2) When protected by lightning arresters, the transformer remains a linear device;
all nonlinear activity occurs In the lightning arresters,
(3) The key transformer parameters affecting the bandpass properties of the
transformer are the primary bushing inductance and capacitance, and the
Interwinding- and winding-to-case capacitances.
(4) There is little difference in the basic coupling characteristics among the different
secondary-winding types or arriong the transformers from different manu-
(6) Transients induced at the secondary terminals by the lightning arrevter firing
are barely detectable.
The test results show that the strongest coupling through the transformer occurs for
common- mode excitation arid common -miode loading, such as would occur if !he 3
phase transformer bank were delta-connected at both primary anid secondary sides. The
weakest coupling Occurs for differential miode excitation arid loading, such as would occur
for three phase wye-con nec ti ons at buoth sides,
The properties of the three models of 9-kV lightning arresters were virtually W01n-
tical insofar as tlwir firing characteristics are concerned, As the rate of rise of the voltagje
across the lighitning arresters increases, the timie-to.- fire decreases, but with the maximumn
rate of rise available in these tests (2,5 ky/~nsl the firing voltagle was only 100 kV arid the
time -to-fire was only 40 ns. This rate of rise is 25 times that for which the lightning
arresters are specified, while the firing voltage is only 2,5 times the static firing voltage.
It is significant that as the rate of rise increases, the firing voltage increases, and as the
time-tu.-fire decreases, the impulse fvdt passed by the lightning arrester does not change
vary much, Thus, the transformorfs secondary voltage for fust rates of rise tends to be
the impulse response and is relatively independent of the excitation voltage.
In operational systems, the use of lightning arresters between the primary terminals
of the transformer und groutnd Is recommonded for till service transformers to protect the
transformer, as well as to limit the high voltages Induced~ on the transmission linies anti
coupled through the transformer,
Chapter Five
The Iow-volttge circuits of concern In this chapter tire those between the main c(ir.-
cuit breaker and the loads (lights, appliances and equipment) it', the consumer's facility, The
source side of the mainicircuit breaker has heen discusse5d in Chapters Two and Three, This
part of the power system can be represented hy atsingle (though, perhaps, nmulticonductor)
transmission line whose characteristic impedance changes as its form changes from in aer ad
transmission line to a coaxial line at tho service entrance, On the load side of the main cir-
cuit breaker, however, the circuits branch out to serve the various requirements of the con..
sumer. The consumer's system may contain both single-phase and three phase lraadq
as illustrated ii Figure 5-1, and in general the loads may require two or more voltages,
necessitating more than one service entrince or tiar",.ormer bank, The system shown in
Figure 5.1 would be typical of a 120/208-V system in which single phase circuits are operated
on the 120 V between line and neutral and three-phase loadsare operated from the 208 V
(line-to-Iine) system. If other three -phase or Ringle-phase voltages are required, the low-vol-
tage system may also contain power transformers or other power-conversion equipment. A
more common practice where multiple voltages are required, however, is to bring the distri-
bution voltuwge into a vault where the transformers required to supply DIl of the consumer's
voltages are installed, Seperate feeders from the transformer vault may then be used to sup-
ply the main circuit breakers for the various three-phase and single-phase systems in the fa-
cility, If the three-phase service is delta-connected, a zig-zag transformer may be Included in
r- ANS
-- .=" -. ,LARGE PUMPS
the Iow-voltauge system to ground the low-voltage system. For somle Communications facili-
ties the commrciar~l power isusedI tO drive a motor-generator set which, in turn, supplies
the power fur Operating the facility. This system can piovide texcellent isolation 'if the, con
sumier %circuits from transients on the p)ower SYstem if separate machines (connected only
by the shaft) tire used and appropriate separation of the power circuit and the low-voltage
circuits is provided. Some large commercial computer installations use rectifier and storage-
battery systems to provide surge protection and short .-termstandby power,
Tho National Electrical Cude1 l sets standards for materials and practiCes Used inl low*
voltage wiring; inl add~ition, status, countius, and cities have their own 1w ildlni 00odes that are
of ten miore relitrnct ive than the natianal code. In spite of local variatitons, however, there
isconsideraible uniformity ;n the wviring prac tices ase I in conmmurc ia steel and masonry
buildings. The- low voltag irin in such ilitieS Nsusually instlled inl mtalliC condulit
andl raceways ot guLtters as illustrated ill Figure 5 3. All metal conduit, qutters, c~ircuit
blreaker Cabinets, out let boxes, etc. are reqa reid by the national codle to he "effectively
handed~ where necessary to assure electricifl cont inouit y ,. .". The low-voltai-le wiring i's
thas fairly Well endCOSed ill a mat allCIcshield Of SOrtN VXCepIt at p)lug ill app)IltaCC3 (Ccalculators,
typewriters, coffee- m~ikers, etc,), where the conductors are in4sulated buit Unshielded. We
shall limit ourtdiscu~ssion ill this chapter to low-vnltale systems with wiring in mutal conduits,
1 ~I
I i I
Al ( lSIN H
Table 5-1
Conduit Trade Size 1/21/4 2 2// 3 3.. 4 41/2 5 6
Insulating Conductor
Type Letters ( SizeM ..
;k....... - 9 ....
SUW,T, RUH, 14
1247 9 15 25 44 60 99 142, 171
XHHW (14 through 8) 10 5 9 15 2636 60 85 131 176~
8 3 5 . 42.3..4.729712
RHW and RHH 14 6 10 16 29 40 65 93 143 192
(without outer 12 4 8 1324 32 63 76 117 157
covering), 10 4 6 11 19 26 43 61 95127 163
THWTHW .... .•• . B
8 . =....14 6 11 15 25 36 56 "...--'-
75 96 121 152
TW, 6 12 4 710 162336 4862 78 97141
T, 4 1 1 3 5 7 12 17 27 36 47 58 73 106
THW, 3 1 12 4 6,10152331 4 0 63 91
RUH (6 through 2), 2 1 1 2 4 5 13 20 27 34 43 54 78
RUW (6 through 2), 1 1 1 3 4"63- 14 19 25 31 39 57
P EPB (6 through 2), 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 12 16 21 27 33 49
"RHWand 00 1 1 1 3 5 7 10 14 18 23 29 41
RHH(without 000 111 24 6 9121519 24 35
outer covering) 0000 1 1 1 3 5 7 10 13 16 20 29
1 719 13
16 23
14 20
500 1 111
701 1 1 1 32I4~ 8 67
0 11
75 1
.;2 3L 6-- 6 9
T Thermoplastic
TW Moisture-resistant tliermnplastic
THW Moisture- and heat-resistant thermoplastic
RHW Moisture- afid beat-resistant rubber
RHH Heat-resistant rubber
RUH Heat-rusistaiit latex rubber
RUW Moisture-resistait latex rubber
XHHW Moisture- and heat-rimsistant cross-linked synthetic polymer.
of EMP-induced signal in the low-voltage wiring is usually the signal conducted in on the
service entrance.
At the main circuit--breaker panel, the voltage and current entering from the service
entrance are partially attenuated by the stray inductance of the wiring inside the circuit.-
breaker cabinet, and are partially transmitted to the load circuits. Because of the reflection,
attenuation, and division of the power at the main circuit-breaker panel, the EMP-induced
power transmitted to tile load-circuit conduits Is only a fraction of that Incident from the
service entrance, In addition, the stray inductances in the cabinets and junction boxes tend
to suppress the high-frequency portion of the incident pulse spectrum, so that the rise time
of the transient increases as the pulse propagates further into the low-voltage system, Each
load-circuit is also shock -excited by the incident transient and tends to oscillate at its natu-
ral frequer Jies, This shock excitation leads to voltage waveforms in the load circuits inoder-
Litely similar to the waveform shown in Figlure 3-10(a), Noedless to say, the EMP-Inducod
waveforms at any point In the low-voltage gystem are quite complex nlwivery difficult to
calculate accurately. As a roug h rule of thumb, however, the lurther from the main circuit,-
breaker panel, the smaller the peak voltage and the smller the rates of change in the waveform,
simple; however, they must be applied to each segment and the results for the segments must
be combined In an orderly fashion,
In the transmission-line network of Figure 5-5, -for example, the upper branch of seg-
ments might represent a lighting circuit containing a wall switch lZs) and two ceiling lights (Zk),
This ciruult contains four segments of transmission line downstream from the main circuit-
breaker panel, A common occurrence in large facilities is represented by the bottom branch in
Figure 5-5, In this case one circuit from the main circuit-breaker panel supplies a subsidial y cir-
cuit-breaker panel, which may, In turn, supply additional subsidiary circuits.
ol)tiain the load impedance for the condIuit to the left, and the currlnt translated from the
left must hie divided amon. these impedances to obtain the co'I unt to translakte to the ;iqlht
toward the lUadi%,
(4) The load impedances Z Ln at the right ends of the right-hand segments
(5) The stray inductances Lt. at the junctions of the conduit segments
If these properties of the transmission line are determined, the load impedances tit the right ends
of the right-hand segments In Figure 5-6(a) can be translated to the left ends of the segments
1 )11ee2 )1
Z,. ,. kIi Z .1 ..... (5-li)
ZLn -Zo
. . . . (5-2)
ZL +Zon
This translatiori converts tile original circuit of Figure 5-.6(a) to the equivalent circuit of
Figure 5 6(hi, The inl)ut imt)edtanc Z,11 at the left end of the CIonduit it then added to the
impedance joL, of the stray inductance at the junction, and the impedancesZi, f j1Ln
L zL 1 Z,
4 211.1 4 i4
are combinud in pairallel as illustroted in Figjure 5-13(c), The loadI impedance on the right end
of the conduit S091ment to the left of the junction (see F igure 5-6(d) I is then
- --------------.
. ------------ )
This cycle can then livý repeated to translate the impedances toward the next junction to the
left and so forth, until theý load impedance at the end of the service -entrance conduit
is establlshe.d.
The object of the Impedance translation is to combine the impedances of the branches
to obtain the lumped equivalent load for the service entrance. The voltage and current trans-
lations involve a reversal of this process, in that the starting point is the Thevenin equivalent
source representing the signal entering from the service entrance, and the object of the trans-
lations of the voltage and current from this source to the right Is to determine how this sig-
nal fans out Into the conduit network. Therefore we start with the Thavenin equivalent
source and its load ZoL In Figure 6-7(a) and calculate the junction voltage VI and total cur-
rent li as shown In Figure 5-7(b), The junction voltage Is
V Zl + Zip + jLo Vo (5-5)
Zi + Zip + jWLo
where Vo and Z 1 are open-circuit voltage and source Impedance represented by the service
entrance at, for example, the main circuit-bieaker panel (see Chapter Three, Eqs, (3-7) and
(3-8) ). The voltage applied to each conduit to the right of the junction Is a fraction of the
junction voltage, however, as can be seen In Figure 5-7(c), The voltage V, applied to the
left end of the conduits is
Zin + jwLn
v r,
L i v .... .. V 1L.
Thu wurrunt onld vultoige ot tho riiht e;ndis oI the conduits ii F iqjure 5-7(d) are then
• I,,
-. .... (6-9)
1 / o1I In{
V V,510)
This cycle may be repeated for further translations to the right if it is observed that the source
impedance ut the right er.d of the conduit is
This Thevenin-equiwlent source drives the junction (if any) at the right ends of the conduits.
In the Introduction to the transmission-line analysis above, it was stated that six
properties of the low-voltage system must be determined prior to performing the analysis
of the low-voltage circuits. One of these properties - the equivalent source representing the
signal entering on the service-entrance conductors -- is the subject of Chapter Throe. An-
other, the lengthv of the conduit segments, can often be measured directly, The remaining
four, the characteristic impedance Z0 , the propagation factor y, the load impedance ZL, and
the stray inductance I may be measured, or they can be estimated by techniques discussed
in this section.
a conduit, The formulas for concentric or eccentric cylinders can also be used to estimate
the characteristic impedance of a bundle of conductors in a conduit. The coaxWa -cylinder
formulas require an ustimated effective radius for the wire bundle, but since the characteristic
impedance varies as the logarithm of this radius, sizable error in tle effective radius can he
electrolytic tank can be used as illustrated in Figure 5-8(a) to measure the resistance between
the conductors (all in parallel) and the corduit, This resistance is related to the Oharacteristic
impedance of a transmission line having geometrically similar cross section by
R 1Ir f207
where R is the measured resistance between the simulated conductors and the conduit, and
Rs is the resistance per squaru of the resistance paper or electrolyte, The resistance per square
is the resistance (for uniform current) of the medium (paper or electrolyte) one unit wide
and one unit long,
Z) 50 (5-14)
e li e l- - --
where p is the reflection coefficient obtained hy attaching the LinktlioWn' line to the mid of
the 50.-ohn line. Tthe veloc'ity of p~ropi~gationi is
V (5-15)
where V is the lenyth of the unknown lihe alid SI is the time elapsed between the arrival of
the reflections from the beginning and the end of the unknown line. The TDR method has
the important advantage that it can measure the characteristic impedance and velocity of
propagation regardless of how complex the geometry and the dielectric, between the conduc-
tors arid the conduit are.
; jo .M -- (I1
2r =(5-17)
but a separate measurement Is required to obtain V and v explicitly, This measurement can
be made on a similar circuit of kc-,own length, such as on one section of conduit with the
same number and size of wires. Then the velocity of propagation is determined from TDR
measurements on the sample of known length, and the length of the unknown circuit can
be determined from Eq. (5-17) above.
P 0 h Mo 2h I'l
L cosh. 1 - log -1(5-18)
21r a 27r a
where h Is the height of the wire above the ground plane and a is the radius of the wire, A
plot of the inductance per unit length as a function of the height-to-radius ratio h/a is
shown in Figure 5-9. For h/a between 10 and 100, the inductance is between 0.5 and
1,0 MH/m, A convenient rule of thumb, allowing for some mutual coupling In coiled or
folded wire in lunction boxes, is 1 MH/m for lead Inductance,
transmission-line segments. If tile total length of conductor protruding from the conduit
is short and it is ungrounded, as is the case for an incandescent lamp mounted on an outlet
box, the load will be capacitive. For such loads, the impedance is
ZL cjw• 1
jwC• (short, ungrounded) (519)
where k is the length of the protruding condututor, Z. is Its characteristic impedance, C is Its
capecitance per unit length, and c is the ,ipeud of light, If the length of the cunductor is
short and it Is grounded, the Impedance Is
ZL • jw -- -• jc L (short, grounded) (5-20)
wherr, k 'w/c, and if the conductor is long and grounded .t its end, its input impedance is
The Inductance and capacitance per unit length, and the characteristic Impedance for paral--
lei-wire, conic, coaxial, and parallel plate transmision-line configurations are plotted in
Figure 5-10. These data, the inductance data of Figure 5*-9, and the formulas above are use-
ful for estimating the common load impedlanceu of power equipment such as lamps or heaters
that have relatively small exposed conductors.
Becaust circuit elements with time constants shorter than 10 ns, will
probably have no effect on the response of the low-voltage system, we may neglect the
Inductance or capacitance of protruding conductors shorter than
1113m (ungrounded)
where Z0 Is the characteristic Impedance of the conduit circuit, and L is the Inductance per
0: cc
10 bo
Three-phase and single-phase motors used to power pumps, blowers, etc., often
represent the loads on conduit circuits. Measurements have been made of the line-to-case imped-
ance and line-to-neutral impedance of two three-phase induction motors. The impedances be-
tween the three-phase conductors and the motor frame have been measured for both the
7-.1/2-hp and the 1/2--hp three-phase motors. This impedance is shown in Figure. 5-11 and
5-12. It is apparent that this Impedance behaves as a capacitance at frequencies up to almost
10 MHz, although the value of the capacitance changes near 100 kHz. At 10 kHz, the capaci-
tance of all three windings to the case is 0.0051 MF for the 7-1/2-hp motor and 0.0013 piF for
IT,-T-lT11 Ty T -I I 7T
.C' 0.0013 pF
- iW)TOH.
No 1' hp 3 PHASE _
270 V 60 fieL'
ho (lh LoL'S
CtI1C0) SlIi( I( ~ fhltt ltta h us
0 A 1 C, 11210
10 4m1 TT 7TTFTrrY__-
"• 13 •C 0,0014 F T4
104 10 5 10 0 10 1 10a
of measurement is no concern for the 3-phiase induction motors, but for the single--phase :
capacitor-start motor it means that the measurements were made with tihe starting winding
connected, and that the results may be different on a running motor with the starting wind-
ing disengaged,
A potentially more exact analysis of power conductors in conduits than tne common-
mode analysis described above treats the conductors as a multiconductor transmission line.2"4
Each conductor is then coupled to every other conductor in the cnnutrit through mutual
capacitanc•s and mutual inductances, and loads at the ends of the conductors become
networks of elements, rather than single elementso a ssumed in the comrion-modt model.
Transmission-line voltages, currents, impedances, and admittances are represented by matrices
at points in the low-voltage wiring isvery difficulIt if there are more than two conductors
in each conduit. Because of the complexity of the rnUlticonnuctor -transrmission -I inti
analysis, all applications of this method to power wiring have involved developing computer
programs for performing the matrix manipulation and numerical eva~luations,
Although the multiconductor-transmlssion i~ne analysis has the potential for piro-
vidim. more arcurate results and for providing voltages between conductors as well atscom-
mon-mode voltages, this potential can only be realized if the properties of the power circuits
can lie accurately specified. In practice, wiring fished through conduit meanders somewhat
randomly along the circuit, so that the cross section of multiconductor circuit isnot uniform
along its length, Furthermore, to specifiy the load impedance of simple devices such as three-.
phase induction motors, a large number of measurements over a wide range of frequencies
are required, It isquostionable, therefore, that sufficient increase in accuracy can be
achieved to warrant the large increase in complexity (or effort) required tc* poi orm the
miulticoniductor tranismissioni-line analysis, Sinice power,-system anialyse ar~e usuailly p)er-.
formed primarily to determine p~eak voltages, that might damage insulation or components
and] to determine tho Lype andl quality of protection required for- sensitive eq~i ilment, a
very rigorous analysis is seldom required.
Chapter Six
Grounding systems, although seemingly simple, are In fact quite complex and often
controversial, The grounding system designed by the utility must be compatible with the
lightning protection system, the protective relaying system, the system Insulation, and the
grounding systems of other utilities with which it is intertied, 1' 2 Th!)power grounding sys-
tem rniquired of the consumer by national or local electrical codes is specified primarlly for
personnel aIri property protection. The consumer's equipment grounding system may be
designed primarily for interference reduct,,'n so that objectional crosstalk hetw'en subsys-
tems is minimized, Therefore, there are at least three ground systems serving essentially
different functions within the utility's and consumer's combined system.
Grounding in the transmission and distribution systems is necessary to prevent the
conductors from "floating" to high potentials and inducing insulation failure, High poten-
tials on floating systems can be generated by lightning, transients associated with switching
or faults, leakage f¶om a high-voltage system to a lower-voltage system, or from static
electrification during ,now, sleet, or dust storms. A system ground also facilitates fault
detection and relaying because a fault on any phase can he detected and localized more
readily if the grounding system is properly designed, A typical neutral grounding system for
a three-phase transmission system is illustrated in Figure 6-1, Tile generators feeding the
trantmission bus are either ungrounded, or grounded through sufficient impedance that
fault current through the generator is limited to a safe level. The transmission line is grounded
at the neutral of the wye-connected transformer secondary, as is the subtransmlsslon line
and the distribution line, Tronsmission and subtransmission are normally over three-wire
lines, while distribution lines serving both three-phase and single-phase loads are usually
four-wire line%,
Not shown in Figure 6-1 is the overhead ground-wire system used for lightning pro-
tection on transmission and subtransmission lines. The overhead ground wires are usually
grounded at each pole or tower, but they are not connected Lo the neutral except through
the soil, The overhead ground wires thus form a separate ground system, essentilvly inde-
pendent of the three-phase neutral,
At the consumer end of the distribution system the distribution transformers miy he
connected in any of the four possible delta and wye combinations shown in Figure 6-2,
When the primary side is wye--connected and a four-wire distribution line is uged, however,
the neutral line is usually not connected to the neutral of the transformer bank, This is Ibe-
cause a phase-to-groind fault would then place line-to-line voltage ,L-ross tile transformers
on the unfaulted )hases, with the co',sequent overvoltage und probable damage to the trans-
former and consumer equipment. To avoid this situation, thc neutral of the distribution line
is sometimes grounded one pole bar k from the transrormers and the transformer neutral is
grounded at the transformer pole so that the soil resistance limits the neutral current flow.
However, this method hias the disadvwntage that large voltage gradients in the soil near the
consurner's facility may accompany a phase-to- ground fault.
BUS 1 skis Bus
- Ii
The delta-connected secondary shown in Figures 6-2(b) and 0 -2(d) may be pro-
vided with a grounded neutral through a zig-,zag transformer or some other means to meet
the electrical codes, The delta-connected secondary is not uncommon, however, where
460 V (or higher) 3-phase service is required in addition to 120/240-V single-phase service,
The National Electrical Code requires all 4.-wire, three phase circuits of 480 V or
less to be grounded if the neutral is used as a circuit conductor. 3 In general, If ground on
any ac circuit can be achieved so that the voltage of the ungrounded conductors does not
exceed 150 V the system must be grounded, Thus, one side of 120-V single-phase systems
and the center tap of 120/240-.V single-phase systems are grounded, A single-point ground
Is recommended (but not required), with the ground electrode being one of the following:
(6) Specially installed rod, pipe, or plate glround electrodes wnerc resistance to
ground does not exceed 25 ohms,
All metal conduit (rikqi( or flexiblh), raceways, gutters, metal equipment enclosures, and
boxes must be horded fnr ;'lectriu:al continuity. Although the naticnal code establishes
these bonding and grounding recluirements, there are few (lual iy-control checks to ensure
that the reqoirements arev met, ant11,
the requirements are often so vaue alb tO be subject to a
wide range of interpretutions. The phrimary purpose of these requirements is to prevent per-
sonnel hazords aod *il•Imunwt
,l( ilmnatqrl' thut might result if un(JIoun0ded equipment cabinets
or outlet boxes inadvertently became energized; as they are practiced, the code require-.
ments appear to be satisfactory for this purpose,
As is pointed out in Section 6.1 above, the grounds for the transmission system, the
building wiring, and the electronic equipment in the building are for quite different purpobes,
In general, the reasons for grounding are varied, and it would be presumptuous to attempt to
specify grounding procedures without first establishing the reasons for grounding and the
goals that the grounding system should achieve. These reasons and goals are usually based on
system functional, safety, and RF interference considerations and aro inherently prescribed
by the system specifications, When th,. EMP is included as a consideration in the ground-
system design, at least one more goal hiv been added (EMP hardness), but the reasons for
grounding may remain unchanged. It i- therefore prudent for the designor to avoid becoming
so engrossed in the method of grounding the system that he forgets why it is grounded.
i Eli
.... t''Ni
I ....
. .....
Lf., 1(..
iH I n
(MO ' UNtD
.01 0010 1 0- 1- ll CHASSIS '1 0,o 0.-1-0l0 0-1
flucuatins I pocr*-~ppl
curentmigh indce di/t vot~qS1o ojetiNAL ppr
on the cable shields from coupfling to the signal conductors. Now a third reference system,
the shield, has been created, It must be connected to the signal and power-supply reference
conductors to prevent excessive potential differences between the shield and the internal
circuits, but if the shield and the other grounds are connected together at more than one
point, voltage drops along the shield may induce malfunction of the receiver, In addition,
because the shield Is presumably exposed to operating personnel, it must be grounded to
earth or building structure to prevent shock hazards, The or!glnally simple receiver is now a
complex, Interconnected system with three "ground" systems,
The simple radio receiver, made complex by regressive evolution, provides an excel-
lent example of the advantages of the popular single-point, tree ground system illustrated In
Figure 6-6, The entire ground system is grounded at one point, and each subsidiary ground
branches out from this trunk attached to the single ground point, If any of the branchor
had been connected to each other at more than one point there would be a reasonable doubt
that the system could achieve the desired performance (even in the absence of extraneous
in:luences such as tho EMP). However, If we examine the shield system of Figure 6-5 care-
fully we observe a situation that poses a paradox for the tree concept of grounding. Although
the signal and power-supply grounds follow the single-point, tree concept, the qhirold system
does riot, because there are loops between the shielded cables interconnectinq each pair of
modules, Thus, the shield system is a mesh, rather than a tree.
While it would be easy to redesign the simple radio receiver of Figure 6-5 to elimin-
ate the loops in the shield system, in more complicated systems It is sometimev virtually
impossible to eliminate dlI loops in all of the ground systems, Consider, for example, a
large system with a feedback loop
such that the output of one module
...iis operated on by a second module
and fed back to an upstream module
interconnected with the first, In this
case it is likely that the shield, signal
common, and power-system common
will ail contain loops. The problem
Flgute 6-6 SINGLE POINT TREE GROUND can be even further complicated If
SYSTEM the module enrlosures are installed in
a steel building so that each enclosure
is grounded through its mounting
hardware as well as through the shield system. The latter problem is illustrated in Figure
6-7(a) where two modules are interconnected through the cable shield and the mounting
structure, Even it the cabinets are insulated fromn the metal floor, the capacitance between
the cabinets and the floor would close the loop, as is suggested by the dashed capacitances in
Figure 6-77(a), Opening the loop by breaking the shield, as indicated in Figure 6-7jb), does
not eliminate the problem; it merely changes its form. Whereas the short-circuit current
induced in the loop of Figure 6-7(a) flows in the cable shield, the open-circuit voltagle
induced In the loop can drive the internal (circuits when the shield is hrokwn as in Figure
The examples in the preceding section illustrate thdt implementing the single-point
tree ground concept in systems with many racks mounted on a common metal structure or
in systems with complex feedback loops may be very difficult or even undesirable, In this
vo' of
section, an attempt will be made to evaluate the relative merits of the tree ground system
and some violations of the tree ground, For this discussion, two aspects of the grounding
systems will be considered: how it affects normal system performance, and how it affects
coupling to the system from external effects such as the EMP.
Consider a single-point ground consisting of only the ground point and trunk as
illustrated In Figure 6-8. The ground point is assumed to be a point on a metal plane, such
as the steel liner of a shielded building, and the trunk is of length V and of height h above
the ground plane. If this ground trunk is illuminated with a plane wave, incident at an ele-
vation angle 0 to the ground plane and an azimuth angle p to the axis of the wire, the open-
circuit voltage developed between the open end of the wire and the ground plane can be
h 10C v
calculated from Eq. (2-18) with pq - -1 and r. ft 0. The impedance looking into the open
and of the wire is
At frequencies such that Q<<c/f, the Impedance and open-circuit voltage expres-
sions reduce to
sin ýpsin
Z(0) * jW cosh_1
2ir a
The answer to this question will depend on the system requirements. If the ground
tree is that formed by the interconnecting cdble shields, the circulating current will usually
be less objectionable than the potential difference because the cable shields eliminate much
of the effect of this current on the conductors inside the shield. If the ground tree is the
signal common, however, the same potential difference will be induced in the signal load as
is induced in the common lead, so that the potential difference between the signal and com-
mon leads is ntqligible. Unless the terminating impedance is balanced and the terminal cir-
cults have adequate common-mode rejetinn, however, part of the common-mode induced
voltage may be converted to differential voltage.
In general the impedance of a wire ground connection varies widely with frequency.
At low frequencies, such that the ground lead inductance is small compared to Its Internal
impedance, the impedance of the ground is determined by the internal impedance of the
lead and/or ground plane plus any contact resistance (in fact, the contact or junction resis-
tance is often larger than the resistance of the metal). The low-frequency resistance applies for
f R (6-4)
27r L
where R is the resistance of the metal in the ground conductor and L is its inductance.
L ( R<
f < (6-5)
where Qis the length of the ground lead, Zo Is its characteristic impedance as a transmission
line, and c is the speed of light (3 X 108 m/s), Since wires over ground planes have charac-
teristic impedances of a few hundred ohms, ground lead inductances are often about 1 AH
per meter of length, The upper limit on the lumped-inductance behavior of the ground
lead Impedance Indicated above is the frequency at which the length of the ground lead
approaches a quarter wavelength. For high frequencies such that f > c/4Q, the impedance of
the ground lead changes radically with frequency, alternating between a very large value and
a very small value as is Illustrated by the cable impedance In Figure 6-9 for frequencies
above 10 MHz. The impedance of the ground lead is then
for perfect conductors, which varies between - and + oc as the frequency increases.
Suppose that two branches are added to the ground wire of Figure 6-8 so that we
obtain a ground wire with a trunk and two branches as shown in Figure 6-10. Now if this
ground tree is the signal ground for the system, and signal return currents I1 and 12 are
flowing to the single ground point, their sum I1 + 12 must flow through the single trunk. The
voltage Vo developed by these return currents Is
-1 1000
2 c
2 Prn
1 10 100
where Zc isthe Impedance of the line between the Junction and the ground point, In
addition, the voltages V1 and V2 between the right ends of the tree branches anld the
ground plane are
V2 = 12 (Z 2 + Z:) + l1 Zc (6-9)
so that the signal-ground voltage at the end of Line 2 depends on the return current I1. If
the numerical values obtained earlier are used, the impedance of the trunk and each branch
is 5 ohms at 1 MHz, so that 1 A of return current in either branch will produce 5 V in the
other branch, and vice versa. Thus, the common trunk has introduced mutual coupling
between the subsystem at the end of Branch 1 and the one at the end f Branch 2. Such
mutual coupling may be undesirable (or intolerable) from the point of view of system
. -V2
+ ~1
.V 1
The mutual coupling in the trunk can be greatly reduced by grounding the junction
to the structure as illustrated in Figure 6-11. If the junction grounding lean is of length h,
and radius a, its Impedance will be
ljoh 2h.
Zn W=-2- 10 7o- (6-10)
which is about h/V times the impedance of the trunk of length Q( >> h > a). This reduc-
tion of coupling through the trunk has been achieved at the expense of forming a "ground
loop" containing the trunk. This loop may be quite acceptable for many systems; however,
it may be objectionable under either of the following conditions:
(1) Grounding the signal common merely forces a common-mode signal conver-
sion to take place at the junction (for either the desired signal or the externally
Induced signal),
(2) The loop currents in the trunk can induce significant signals in the branches
(e.g., if the trunk and branch are in the same cable or bundle),
An alternative method of reducing the coupling between the branches caused by the
common trunk is to eliminate the common trunk by forming a 'star" ground with three
spokes as Illugirated in Figure 6-12, For the simple example being considered here, the
single-point star ground system would be preferred for a signal ground system In which there
Is negligible coupling between the branches (spokes), It should be pointed out, however, that
If the three branches are In the same cable, there Is a possibility of coupling (crosstalk) among
them from both mutual capacitance and mutual inductance between the conductors.
2I;In practice, twisted pairs (or, if neces-
v1 sary, twisted shielded pairs) can be
used for the signal and signal common
leads to minimize cross-talk between
// / /• /4 / //////// /4 the circuits in a common cable. For
more complex systems involving feed-
A STAR GROUND back loops, the star ground with
twisted pairs does not offer a solution
to the problem of potential differences between separate parts of the system 1e.g,, V 2 , V1 ).
It is evident from these discussions that one cannot a priori specify an optimum
grounding system -that is applicable to all systems or even to all parts of a given system. Each
system and each part of a complex system has its own peculiar requirements based on func-
tional and safety considerations, The design of the grounding system Is therefore an integral
part of the system design; It cannot, In general, be designed separately and added to the
remainder of the system, Neither can rigid specification of a particular ground type ensure
that the system will function properly or be immune to external interference such as the
EMP. In the final analysis, it is the circuit (system) designer's responsibility to ensure that
the system performs Its Intended function reliably and safely In the environments specified.
The following guidelines are offered to assist the designer In achieving his objectivos:
(1) Use a tree or star ground system with twisted pairs and balanced signal circuits
wherever practical,
(2) When loops are formed by the Interconnecting cables between separate modules,
use balanced input and output stages with large common-mode rejection for
the signal pairs.
(3) Use separate ground returns for circuits that have large signal return currents or
large rates of change of signal return currents to avoid mutual interference In
common trunks or branches,
14) If the system is installed inside a welded steel (or other metal) shielded enclo-
sure, hono all cabinets anti equipment racks to the shield. The 9hields of shielded
interconnecting cables should he connected to the cabinets (or racks) at hUth
un(N evuen if this forms a loop.
(5) If the system is Inside a closed shield, the walls of the shield should be used as
the common ground for the system. The signal common should be connected
to the inside of the shielded enclosure, and the ac power ground should be con-
nected to the outside of the shielded enclosure (e.g,, in an entry vault contain-
Ing all other penetratlor.s such as communications cables, antenna leads, etc.).
(6) Avoid connecting the power neutral and external cable shields to the same
point on the room shield that the signal ground is connected to. This will min-
imize the possibility of coupling large EMP-induced signals on these external
conductors to the signal common through the ground-point impedance (see
Items 3 and. 5 above).
(7) The building or site ground for the ac power (as required by the electrical code)
should be connected to earth external to the facility shield. This earth connec-
tion may also serve as the external ground for the facility shield if the voltage
drop between the shield and the earth Is not a safety hazard or is not other-
wise objectionable.
(8) The use of balanced signal circuits with twisted pairs for interconnecting the
subsystems and common-mode rejecting schemes (e.g,, Isolation transformers)
on those circuits subject to externally Induced signals, together with adequate
overall shielding, can usually be implemented to minimize the effect of the
EMP on the system.
(9) The use of nonzero ground impedances (capacitances for high frequencies,
inductances for low fiequencles, and resistance for statlc-electricity bleeders)
can often be used to advantage, particularly In view of the fact that zero-impe-
dance grounds can be approached only at low frequencies. Often devices such
as surge filters, chokes, and high-resistance bleeders can contribute to better
overall system performance,
The use of a grounding counterpoise to reduce the surge impedance of the ground
(earth) connection is a common practice for transmission lines and stations. For transmis--
slon lines, the counterpoise mny be an array or grid of buried conductors fanning out from
the tower footings, or it may be one or more continuous buried conductors under and par-
allel to the power conductors to which the towers are connected. 1' 2, 3 For the transmission
lines, a primary consideration Is to obtain an Impedance to ground sufficiently low that when
lightning strikes the tower, the IZ drop at the tower footing does not exceed the flashover
voltage of the line Insulators. Another consideration Is that gradients In the soil be mini.
mized for safety reasons (particularly in populated areas) In the event of a line fault. Station
grounds may be large buried grids, rings, or metal pipes. The station counterpoise serves the
same general purpose as the transmission-line counterpoise as well as providing the reference
for relaying and other protective and control systems.
In an EMP environment, the counterpoise (or at least the common ground point) may
have some effect In reducing potential differences between cable systems and power systems,
but because of the lengths of the grounding conductors Involved, this affect is usually second-
ary. In addition, the EMP induces gradients directly in the soil, so that the counterpoise
does not reduce soil gradients In the same sense that it does for lightning surges; it merely
dlstorts the gradients induced by the EMP. Finally, because the attenuation of currents con-
ducted by buried conductora is very large at high frequencies, only a few meters of the
counterpoise may be effective in grounding the system in the high-frequency part of the
EMP spectrum. The attenuation constant o is
-- -- (0 Wt ) (66.12)
where a is the soil conductivity, = 41 X 10-1, and (; is the permittivity of the soil, Fol
avE~rage soil ((; = 10-2 mho/m, (: = 8.85 X 10-11 F/m), the attenuation constant is 0.14 m- 1
at 1 MHz (v>>dc)and 0.60 m- above 18 MHz (o, ), Since 1/(Y is the distance in
which the current is attenuated by e-1, this distance is only 7 m at 1 MHz and about 1.7 m
at frequencies where the soil b',huves as a lossy dielectric.
Because of this large attenuation, the input impedance of a single cable or well casing
used as a counterpoise s essentially the characteristic impedance of the buried conductor,
For a horizontal conductor a few feet deep, this impedance is
11 +j J26
log - ((I w(.)
uP (6-13)
i ' 21rob ^toa
where 6 is the skin depth in the soil, ii is the radius of the conductor, o is the soil conduc-
tivity, and -ro - 1,7811.... For a horizontal conductor with the attachment point along the
run, the impedances will be smaller by 1,1since there are then two impedances in plarlth.l.
Fur average soil ((u- 10-2 niho/m, t = 8.85 X 10-11 F/m), the impedance of a 1 inch -dii
meter horizontal cable is 26 ohms at 1 MHz ((j "--> wc ) and 320 ohms at 100 MHz (f) ' W,
if the cable is long compared to 1/o (i.(., long compared to 7 m at 1MHz). The surge impe-
dance of the counterpoiso at high frequencies is therefore large, independent of length, and
relatively independont of conductor radius, Although the counterpoise impedance can be
reduced by using multiple conductors in a grid, the high-frequency impedance of the
counterpoise will still be tens of ohms in the vicinity of 100 MHz, so that 100-A surges will
produce kOovolt potentials at the ground point,
The difference in the behavior of the counterpoise at hi qh frequencies is illustrated
in Figure 6-13. intriure 6 13 (u), the dimensions of the counterpoine urn smallr than a
skin-depth in the soil, so tlhit the entire ring is eilective in carrying uwidI dissipatinog grolind
currents, Its surge impedance ;- low, and its "region of influence," taken as the area within
one skin depth of the counterpoise conductors, is large. At high frequencies, however, the
skin depth (or 1/A if u -X< •(e) may be small compared to the dimensions of the counter-
poise as illustrated in Figure 6-13(b). Then the surge impedance is large and the "region of
influence" is small, Furthermore, only that part of the counterpoise within about a few
skin depths in the soil is effective in carrying ground current; the remainder of the ring has
virtually no effect on either the surge Impedance of the counterpoise or the ground-current
distribution in the soil. Thus if two or more attachment points separated by several skin
depths are used, each mcy behave as essentially independent ground points at high frequencies.
Chapter Seven
The protection of electric power systems from the effects of the EMP requires U
determination of the EMP .induced transients in the system and an undurstanding of the tol-
erances of components of the system for these transients. At present, the transients induced
by the EMP are better understoad than are the tolerances of the power system to these tran-
sients - particularly the tolerances of the generation, transmisk, .n, and distribution systems.
The tolerances of the distribution transformer, insulators, and lightning arresters, as presently
understood, are discussed in Chapters Two and Four. The effect of the EMP-induced tran-
sients on supervisory-control systems, relaying equipment, and turbine control systems conl-
taining solid-state devices, or on other equipment in the generation and transmission portions
of the power system is unknown, These components are apparently sufficiently tolerant to
withstand normal switching and lightning transients (although early versions of some equip-
ment containing silicon- controlled rectifiers were apparently susceptahle to switching tran-
sientsl. However, one it inherently suspicious of eqtoipment L.sing solid- state electronics
unless the electronic circuits are heavily protected from the direct EMP fields and from
induced currents conducted into the electronic circuits. 1 ' 2
The behavior of the consumer's end of the power system is considerably better
understood because this portion of the system has been analyzed and tested in connection
with several facility hardening and evaluation programs. The object of these programs has
always been to protect the consumer facility from the effects of EMP on the power system,
however, rather than to protect the power system from the EMP. In most such assessments,
the commercial power system is considered expendable In the event of nuclear warfare; the
primary concern Isthat EMP transients conducted into the facility on the power conductors
do not cause vital equipment in the facility to malfunction. Such a hardening philosophy is
the only prudent one to profess for critical communication and weapon systems that must
function during or immediately after a nuclear engagement. For surface or air bursts of nu-
clear weapons, the blast and thermal damage will undoubtedly incapacitate power transmis-
sion and distribution equipment within a few kilometers of the burst,3
Weapons detonated at high altitudes do not produce significant blast and thermal
effects at the surface, however. Their principal effect at the surface will be Ohe EMP, which
will be experienced over a large area (hundreds of kilometers) under the burst. Thus, while
it will remain prudent for the designer of critical facilities to consider the commercial power
system expendable, it may also be prudent to consider making the power system invulnerable
to the EMP from a high-altitude weapon detonation - particularly If such hardening can be
achieved in the course of providing protection from lightning and switching transients.
As has already been stated, there are insufficient date on the behavior of generation
and transmission equipment to prescribe specific protection measures. For this reason, the
protective measures described in this chapter are separated Into two categories: measures
that protect the consumer from transients conducted Into his facility on the power lines,
and some rather general measures for protecting the electric utility system from the effects
of the EMP.
'Studies are curt antly in progress under the auspices of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. Date from
these studies may help to fill the presont void,
From the consumer's EMP-protection viewpo,nt, the power system is a large collec-
tor of the EMP that penetrates his facility. The objective of consumer EMP-protection is,
therefore, to eliminate the EMP-induced transients on the power conductors before they
reach sensitive components In the facility, Inasmuch as the open-circuit voltage induced on
distribution lines may be of the order of megavolts, while some electronic circuits may be
upset or damaged by volts, 1,, clear that some kind of protective measures will almost al-
ways be required for an electronic system that is to survive and operate immediately after
the EMP,
As is evident from Chapters Two, Three, and Fuur, some of this protection will come
from the power system itself, If the distribution transformers or potheads are protected with
lightning arresters, the voltage delivered by the secondary of the transformer will be reduced
to tens of kilovolts, Mismatches at the service entry also reduce the voltage that enters the
low-voltage wiring, and the stray Inductance of wiring in metering boxes and circuit -breaker
panels slows the rise time of the transient, Thus, for facilities served by their own lightning-
protected distribution transformers, the transient delivered to the main circuit breaker may
have a rise time of 30 to 100 ns and a peak voltage of 10 to 50 kV. The task for the facility
designer is then to suppress this remaining EMP-Induced transient and provide a standby
power source to carry the load If the commercial power sourco fails,
they prevent insulation breakdown in the low-voltage circuits (including the power-line fil-
ters) and they limit the low-frequency (late-time) content of the transient propagating be-
yond the arresters. Line filters suitable for use on circuits carrying up to 100 kVA are also
available commercially, These filters are usually low-pass ir-sections containing a series in-
ductance with shunt capacitors across the input and output terminals. These filters usually
have some specified minimum attenuation (e.g., 100 dB) at frequencies above a corner fre-
quency such as 100 kHz so that they suppress the high frequencies passed by the lIght-
ning arresters.
The placement of the secondary arresters and line filters will be determined to a
large extent by the nature of the facility, Two possible applications are suggested In Figure
7-1. In Figure 7-1 (a), a portion of the raw power Is used for station-keeping equipment that
Is either expendable or Insensitive to transients. Only the portion that is essential for sensi-
tive and essential equipment is filtered, but all of the low-voltage circuits are protected by
the voltage-limiting action of the secondary lightning arresters Installed on the incoming con-
ductors at the main circuit-breaker panel, since Insulation damage must be provided even
for the parts of the system that are not susceptible to transients. In Figure 7-1 (b), all the
Incoming power is filtered upon entering the facility, A standby generator to provide power
In the event of commercial power failure Is also shown in Figure 1-7(b). Some or all of the
external equipment shown In Figure 7-1 (b) may be enclosed in the entry vault along with
the line filters In some installations.
The secondary lightning arresters used for limiting transient voltage on the low-
voltage wiring should be reliable, maintenance-free units designed for use on 60-Hz power
circuits. Such components are commercially available and relatively Inexpensive, They are
designed to fire at voltages 5 to 10 times the peak 60-Hz voltage and will extinguish with
tho rated 60-Hz voltage applied. The latter property Is Important; surge arresters that con-
duct appreciable 60-Hz follow-on current tend to be short-lived because of the excessive
electrode erosion and deformation caused by the follow-on current (failure then often occurs
as a destructive short-circuit). In addition, the transient caused by the follow-on current
flowing through surge arresters may be almost as objectionable as the original surge that
triggered the arrester. The secondary lightning arresters should be essentially trouble-free
for the life of the installation (unless a direct lightning strike to the low-voltage system
i. incurred).
The minimum firing voltage of secondary lightning arresters Is determined by the 60-
Hz voltage of the circuit being protected. Thus, for a 120-volt circuit the firing voltage of
the secondary lightning arrester is usually at least 1000 V. The time-to-fire and the rate of
rise of the current through the arrester are somewhat more variable In that they depend on
the construction of the surge arrester and the wiring through which It Is connected to the
power conductor and ground, Adequate protection is usually obtained If the tIme-to-fire Is
less than 20 ns at twice the rated firing voltage of the arrester and If the effective time con-
stant for the current buildup is 50 ns or less,
The time-to-fire is a property of the lightning arrester that can be determined exper-
Imentally by applying a fast-rising voltage step across the arrester and observing the time lag
before conduction begins. However, the time constant for current buildup depends mainly
on external-circuit properties, although the Internal construction of the lightning arrester
may also be a factor. For example, if the lightning arrester has an effective Internal Induc-
tance of 60 nH and Is connected to a long entrance conductor, whose characteristic Impe-
dance is 20 ohms, through 30 Inches of lead (with 10 nH/Inch), the current rise time constant
is determined by the 360 nH of inductance and the 20-ohm source:
L. .. 360 nH
. .• 1l"".ns ,(7-1)
R 20 il
Only the 60-nH internal inductance is attributahle to the lightning arrester; the controlling
resistance and external inductnce are properties of the external circuits. hi is evident, there-
fore, that the method of installing a secondary lightning arrester has a strong influence on
Its ability to dissipate short transients of current, A typical installation of secondary light-
ning arresters at the main circuit breaker panel is Illustrated in Figure 7-2.
The following guidelines are provided for the installation of secondary lightning
arresters for EMP protection:
* Use short leads. The leads that connect the lightning arrester to the power con-
ductor and to the ground should be as short as possible to minimize the external
inductance in series with the arrester. This is particularly important for low
source-Impedance installations such as the main bus shown in Figure 7-1 (a) where
the lightning arrester is fed by many conduit conductors in parallel,
0 Use external grotind, The ground side of the lightning arrester should he connected
to a ground point ouki;Je the shielded area (preferably to the circuit-breaker Vab-
Inet or service-entrance conduit), The surge-arrester discharge current should
never be allowed to flow directly into the internal ground point used for sensitive
electronics equipment inside the shielded ý.rea.
0 Follow lightning arresters with filters. Power supplied to sensitive electronic sys-
tems should always be filtered between the lightning arresters and the sensitive
equipment, The lightning arrester only limits the transient voltage; it does not
eliminate transients on the power conductors (sometimes the rates of change of
the voltage or current are actually increased by the lightning arrester), Low-pass
filters (either in the power system or in the equipment) are requiied to protect the
equipment from the transient passed by the lightning arresters.
The discharge-current requirements for the secondary lightning arresters are also
determined by the external circuit. For times less than the round-trip propagation time on
the service-entrance conduit or cable, the current through the surge arrester is limited by
the characteristic impedance of the conductor, Thus, for example, a 20-kV (open-circuit)
transient entering on a 20-ohm conductor can deliver only 1000 A to a short-circuit until the
discharge-current wave has propagated to the opposite end of the conductor and back to the
discharge point, At later times, the discharge current will depend on the source impedance
at the opposite end of the entrance conductor, This impedance Is often tens or hundreds of
ohms on phase conductors, however, so that peak surge-arrester currents seldom exceed the
value obtained by dividing the open-circuit voltage by the characteristic impedance of the
entrance conductor (see Chapter Three for more exact techniques for determining the short-
circuit current at the end of the service entrance),
Since the duration of the high-level transient passed by the distribution transformers
is usually less than 1 jus, the total charge transferred through the surge arrester by an EMP-
induced transient with a peak open-circuit voltage of tens of kilovolts is only tens of milli.-
coulombs, The current and charge transfer ratings required of secondary lightning arresters
for EMP protection are thus lower than those required for lightning protection, for which
longer pulses of similar magnitudes are usually specifled.
As has been discussed in the preceeding sections, secondary lightning arresters can be
used to limit the peak transient voltage to a few kilovolts so that insulration breakdown and(
flashover in the low-voltage wiring is limited. Transient voltages of a lew kiluvolts are per
mitted to propagate along the conductors beyond the lightning arresterts, however, and fast
acting lightning urresters can cause fast-changinc, voltage and current transients in these cir.
cults. The purpose of power-line filters is to remove these fast-changinq components of
the transient that remains after the lightning arresters have acted. Commprcially availhihle
line filters are typically low-pass v-section filters with a Inrqo insertion loss at frequencies
well above the 60-Hz or 400-Hz power frequency, but fairly low-loss at the power frequen-
cies. These filters can thus greatly suppress the large rates of change in current and voltage
conducted past the lightning arresters.
Power-line filters should, like the secondary lightning arresters, be reliable and main-
tenance-free for the life of the Installation except in extenuating circumstances such as a
direct lightning strike to the low-voltage conductors or a short-circuit In the filtered circuit
that Is not cleared by circuit breakers or fuses. Most filters will tolerate sufficient temporary
overcurrents that faults on properly protected circuits will not damage the filters. Thus, for
example, a 100-A line filter on a circuit protected by a 100-A fuse or circuit breaker should
not be damaged by the fault current required to blow the fuse or open the circuit breaker.
The primary factors, other than line voltage and current ratings, that Influence the
choice of line filters for EMP protection are the high-frequency attenuation and the Insula-
tion breakdown or flashover characteristics of the input terminals. The filter must be able
to tolerate the peak voltage, rate-of-change of voltage, and rate-of-change of current passed
by the secondary lightning arresters, i-section filters with shunt capacitors can usually tol-
erate large transients of short duration since the input capacitance of the filter can absorb
the transient charges without large voltage changes, Their ability to do so, however, depends
on the quality and size of the Input capacitor. Very large capacitors that could, in principle,
absorb large currents without big voltage changes, may, In fact, behave as Inductors at high
frequencies. Therefore, for EMP applications in which large amplitude, short-duration volt-
age transients may be delivered to the filter, the filter Input characteristics must be care-
fully examined.
down. Because a dielectric breakdown in the input capacitor would be a catastrophic fail-
ure of the filter, it is recommended that the filter be tested with a fused 60-Hz source of
rated voltage applied to the output terminals so that insulation failure resulting in 60-Hz
follow-on current can be detected, A suggested pulser for generating the test pulse Is shown
in Figure 7-3(c).
V(li .1ITR
I TO 60 H
10 kV
5 kV
as ft-
20 kV s0of
- 0
INSERTION LOSS - 20 logo1 -- dB
50 .50,
11 12
V0o V0 FILTER W0 1
automatically) and the facility load is transferred from the commercial power service to the
engine-generator, The enrgine-generators can supply power for days, or weeks, if necessary,
to wall; phase
and neutral
mop conductors
shut-down of an emergency power source after a return to normal puwer. Time delays
should be used to prevent unnecessary transfers due to momentary dips or transient outages,
Switching, once Initiated, should be fast (less than 10 cycles) to reduce contact burning and
coMM,,CI,...___-______I®60 Ht
O5EAT~ L .
~_ - "..
pitting during make and break operations. Other useful attributes of an automatic transfer switch
include minimum maintenance, quiet normal operation, and minimum spice requirements,
Because the automatic transfer switch must be located in the main or second-
ary branch circuits, the switch and its component parts may be subjected to the full magnitude
of any EMP-Induced voltages and currents coupled through the service transformer bank and
service-entrance condult to the main circuit-breaker panel. Therefore, the transfer switch
must be resistant to the EMP-induced transients coming In on the power conductors. Trans-
fer switches that contain only electromechanical relays for sensing and logic functions are
usually relatively immune to EMP-Induced transients that do not exceed the Insulation
strength of the switch compnnents. However, there is a tendency to use solid-state elec-
tronic circuits for sensing and for providing time delays in modern transfer switches, Such
components are much more susceptible to failure induced by the EMP transients, Therefore
the transfer switch itself must be protected from transients on the commercial power system
by voltage limiting and filtering if the switch is to function during or after an EMP environment.
UVI uv2
L- IF - - - - -- - - - - - - - J
As was indicated in the beginning of this chapter, the tolerance of the power system
to the effects of the EMP are largely unknown. It it suspected that transmission and distri-
bution lines that are adequately protected against lightning will be relatively immune to the
effects of the EMP. 4 , s Similar Immunity is suspected in the case of transformers and elec-
tromechanical switch gear installed in accordance with modern lightning-protection practice,
The principal uncertainty In these components is the ability of the solid dielectric to with-
stand the large EMP-Induced voltages that might be developed before the lightning arresters
fire. Insufficient testing has been conducted to provide assurance that the solid insulation is
adequately protected by conventional lightning arresters, although the results to date suggest
that conventional protection may be adequate. For the present, therefore, the primary EMP-
protection policy for the transmission and distribution lines, transformers, and switchgear is
an effective lightning-protection policy, 6 , I For utilities in areas of high lightning incidence,
lightning protection is probably already practiced; utilities In areas of low lightning incidence
may need to upgrade their lightning-protection systems to reduce vulnerability to the EMP.
Because very little is known about the vulnerability of many crucial partsof the power
system, however, only the most general recommendations can be made. Modern supervisory con-
trol systems, turbine control systems, and relaying equipment, for example, use solid-state
electronic components in varying degrees. It is strongly suspected that some or all of this
equipment may be susceptible to damage from the EMP-induced transients, but no data on
the nature or levels of susceptibility are available.
The utilities can, without expensive EMP testing, make a crude assessment of the vul-
nerability of their equipment by observing the types of equipment that fail and the nature
of the failures in an environment of transient activity such as that accompanyin~g thunder-
storm activity or fault-clearing operations, Components that malfunction or are damaged
in these environments may also be susceptible to the EMP transients. An occasional mal-
function under severe lightning or fault conditions may be tolerable in one part of the system,
but in the EMP environment, the entire utility system and most of its neighboring utilities
may be exposed to the high level fast transient excitation. Thus, if a component is vulnerable,
all such components in the power network may malfunction simultaneously to cause a dis-
astrous disruption of the system, Therefore in assessing the vulnerability of the system to
the EMP, even rare malfunctions associated with severe transient activity may be significant.
(1) Making maximum use of existing shielding afforded by cabinets and housings
through operating and maintenance procedures,
For new systems and components, considerable EMP immunity can be incorporated
in the design by taking precautions to ensure that housings, cabinets, etc, are designed for
shielding integrity as well as mechanical protection, etc, In addition, surge filters and surge
limiters can often be incorporated into new designs at little additional cost. Power-system
components have the advantage, from the EMP-hardening point of view, that they must be
Inherently immuno to lightning and switching transients, Hence, the odditional protection
required to reduce their vulnerability to the EMP-induced transients may be quite minimal.
Chapter Eight
The tests of power-system components and consumer facility and consumer com-
ponent sensitivity to EMP-induced transients on the power system can be divided into three
(1) Standard tests - established by the IEEE and the American Standards Asso-
ciation and designed to determine transmission-system component insulaton
levels and tolerance to lightning and switching transients.
(2) Component tests - with simulated EMP to determine the tolerance and trans-
fer characteristics of power system and consumer components or Items of
(3) Facility tests - with simulated EMP transients injected at the service entrance
to evaluate the tolerance of the facility wiring and components for the EMP-
induced transients on the distribution system and to determine the excitation
of internal equipment.
A fourth category of test could be postulated to determine the response of the power
transmission and distribution network to the EMP. At present, however, no practical method
of performing such a test has been proposed. Until such a method is developed, therefore,
power network response must be assessed by a combination of direct-injection tests at the
"nodes" (consumer facilities, switching centers, substations, etc.) and network stability
analysis. It is quite likely that network assessment will never progress beyond this state
because of the very serious technical and political problems associated with wide-area
illumination of a power transmission network, In any event, much work remains to be done
at the node end network analysis level before the implications of EMP Interaction with
power networks can be evaluated,
Tests of equipment and facilities are usually required to (1) determine the coupling
between the incident EMP and a component or subsystem, (2) evaluate the sensitivity of
the equipment to the coupled signal (iLe., threshold for damage or upset), and (3) assess the
effectiveness of designs for reducing vulnerability to the EMP. The complexity of EMP tests
varies from fairly simple laboratory tests of components to very complex tests of entire
facilities, The nature of the test requirements is also Influenced by the state of evolution of
the system, Existing facilities that are to be upgraded usually require all forms of Lesting
listed above, while new systems designed to be immune to the EMP may require primarily
the design-elfectivenuss tusts,
Experimental determination of the EMP tolerance and throughput is the only reliable
means of obtaining these characteristics of most electrical systems because the broadband
and nonlinear pruperties of most components are not well known, To illustrate this,
consider a typical electric appliance designed to operate on 120 V, single-phase, 60 Hz,
Its functional characteristics at 120 V, 60 Hz are usually well understood, but what can be
said of its electrical properties at frequencies between 100 kHz and 50 MHz, and what will
happen to the applicance if it is subjected to a 5-kV common-mode voltage transient on
the power conductors? The nameplate data offer little help in answering these questions,
and often even the design data are of little value in evaluating the high-frequency and high-
voltage characteristics of the appliance.
Because many items of equipment that are designed to operate from low-voltage,
60-Hz power are not designed to have specific high-voltage or high-frequency characteristics,
these characteristics may alio vary considerably among supposedly interchangeable Items.
This is attributable to the fact that manufacturing techniques and tolerances that affect the
high-voltage and high-frequency characteristics are not controlled unless they also affect
the 60-Hz performance. Because of this variability from unit to unit, it is important that
the basic coupling mechanisms (or malfunction mechanisms) for each piece of equipment
be understood, and that more than one item be tested, If possible, to ascertain that the
same mechanism prevails in each case,
Th( urpose of standard Insulation testing Is to demonstrate that the design, work-
manship, a, materials of electrical equipment are adequate, Such testing originated from
the need to design and certify transmission and distribution system components capable
of withstanding the transients associated with lightning and line switching. These tests are
not nuclear EMP tests; they are quality-control tests esttablished by the industry. They are
described briefly here to illustrate the insulation standards used in the design of transformers,
bushings, insulators, etc.
a basic insulation level, each individual component is not necessarily subjected to the tests
specified for that basic insulation level.
The full-wave impulse test is conducted with a high-voltage pulse applied across the
initilation. The pulse shape is basically an exponential pulse with a finite rise time such as
that illustrated in Figure 8-1. The pulse is specified in terms of its crest value V, the time to
crest T, and the time to half-crest T,,,,, The method of determining the time to crest and
the time to half-crest Is illustrated in Figure 8-1, The commonly-used impulse for insu-
lation testing is the 1.5 X 40-ps pulse, which means Tr - 1.5 .s and T/, - 40 As. The crest
value V is a function of insulation class (voltage rating) of the equipment. Crest voltages
for full-wave impulse tests are given in Tables 4-1 and 2-2 for most transmission adrd dis-
tribution voltages.
0.9 V .. . .
The threshnld for equipment malfunction is a measure ,nf the tolerance of the equip-.
ment for the EMP..induced transient, This tolerance for the transients induced through the
power system may be determined by injecting transients on the power leads supplying the
equipment, In general, however, there may be several other coupling modes to which the
equipment is sensitive, so the susceptibility to transients conducted on the power leads
should not be considered the only susceptibility of the equipment. As is illustrated In
Figure 8-2, the equipment may also have ground conductors and signal Input and output
conductors, and the equipment and Its interconnecting conductors may be exposed to the
incident EMP field or some fraction thereof, The equipment may be susceptible to the
fields and to EMP-induced transients conducted on any (or all) of the other conductors.
Thus although the emphasis of this handbook is on susceptibility to transients related to
the power system, it Is Important to recognize that these other paths also exist,
(1) What are the Thevenin or Norton source characteristics of the signal to be
(2) How are the other conductors (i.e., input, output, ground) terminated?
(4) Is it necessary to establish and hold a particular state or operating mode during
the test?
(5) Is the equipment part of a system with feedback such that its output affects
its input?
For the case where one end of a power circuit is accessible for injection of test
signals, a common-mode test voltage can be directly injected at the end through an imped-
ance matrix as illustrated in Figure 8-3. The impedance matrix may simulate the
impedances usually connected between individual conductors and between -theconductors
and the conduit. In the case of a very long conduit, the voltage delivered to the conductors
Vn -- V (8-1)
Z + ZIn
where V Is the source voltage, Zin is the input impedance of the conductcrs with their
normal load on the right-hand side (see Figure 8-3), and Z is the common-mowe Inpedance
of the terminating resistors between the source and-the conductors. It should be noted that,
If the righthand end of the conduit circuit is also terminated In Its characteristic impedance,
only helf of the source voltage is applied to the conduit.
This method of driving power conductors Is perhaps the most straightforward and
commonly used of all the direct-Injection methods. It can also be used with unshielded
cables that are routed along a metal structure or are placed In metal cable trays. With
unshielded cables of this type, the conductors are driven against the metal structure or
trays rather than against the conduit, One disadvantage of this method'is that the conductors
being driven must be dlsconnnected at one end; hence, the equipment may not be operating
in its normal state during the test,
When one end of the circuit is not accessible, a different injection method must be
used. Such cases arise where disconnecting the power precludes operating the system in its
normal mode. In these cases, it may be necessary to accept some compromise In the quality
of the simulation to perform tests economically. One approach that can be used under
certain conditions is illustrated in Figure 8-4. At some suitable junction in the power system
the excitation source is capacitively coupled to the conductors and permitted to drive them
with respect to the local ground or conduit. As illustrated in the figure, however, the current
injected at this point is divided into two parts, one flowing in each direction from the Injec-
tion point. Because this method of distributing the current differs radically from the current
dist,'ibution that would have resulted from the EMP excitation of the system, some care is
required in designing a valid test using this approach.
A test usinq the injection method shown in Figure 8-4 will be valid only if the
equipment response is not affected by the attachment of the energy source. Because the
equipment to the right of the injection point in Figure 8-4 is of primary interest In the test,
for the test to be valid the portion of the current that flows to the left from the injection
point must not be reflected back into the right-hand circuitry during the period when the
system is being observed to determine its response to the EMP. This condition implies that
no significant reflections should return from the left end of the circuit, Thus the circuit to
the left must be very long ( a round-trip transit time that Is longer than viewing time), or
very short ( a round-trip transit time that is shorter than any response of Interest), or It
must be terminated in a matched load (no reflections).
If the driven conductors cannot be made very long, the stipulation that attachment
of the excitation source should not significantly affect the system response usually Implies
that the coupling between the direct-injection source and the system conductors must be
so loose that the system impedances are not significantly affected, It is important to
observe that the loose-coupling requirement applies to the differential-mode Impedances
as well as to the common-mode, or line-to-ground, impedances. That is, the attachment
of the energy source should, in general, disturb neither the line-to-ground impedances nor
the line-to-line impedances of the power circuit at the injection point. The loose-coupling
requirement usually requires that much of the source voltage be dissipated in the coupling
Tests at the facility luvel are also performed primarily to extablish thresholds for
malfunctions and to determine transfer functions from the power service (e~g., the dis-
tribution lines ur service entrance) to points of interest in the facility, For existiriq faicilities,
diagnostic testing may be performed to locate and rank malfunctions as well ais to l)roof-test
Iboth enids
the facility after modifications have been made to increase its tolerance for the EMP-Induced
transients. New facilities designed to be immune to EMP must also be tested to evaluate the
success of the design.
In almost all cases in which EMP coupling into facilities is to be examined experi-
mentally, it is necessary to perform the test without disconnecting the power. There is
usually a significant change in the state of the circuits and equipment inside the facility
when the commercial power is disconnected, because of relays becoming deenergized, auto-
matic transfer switches becoming activated, and active electronic systems becoming dormant.
Thus, unless the facility is very simple or totally passive in its function, it will probably be
necessary to test with the power on to obtain valid results, For this reason, the capacitive
or inductive coupling methods have been used for injection of the simulated EMP on the
service-entrance conductors.
L Iii!-!iw
adherence to preservation-of-impedence concepts might requIre a 10-MV loosely coupled
Because the insulation and coupler design requirements arc more severe and the
personnel hazards are greater if the pulse is coupled to the primary side of the distribution
transformer, it is usually preferable to perform the injection on the secondary side. This
often has the additional advantage that a substantially lower voltage is required, Because
of the filtering action of the transformer and the mismatch between the aerial line and the
conductors in the conduit, only a fraction of the open-circuit voltage induced in the dis-
tribution lines is transmitted into the service-entrance conduit. This is another reason that
a low-voltage source (e.g., 100 kV) can be used to simulate the effect of several megavolt.
induced on the distribution lines,
The schematic of a capacitor discharge pulser with capacitive coupling to the power
conductors Is shown in Figure 8-6, This direct injection pulser was designed so that the
high-voltage energy storage capacitor could be placed at ground level, The capacitive
coupler unit Is mounted near the service-entrance weatherhead and connected to the energy
storage unit through four 50-ohm coaxial transmission lines operated in parallel, The reac-
tance of the coupling capacitors is large enough that little 60-Hz current flows through
them, but throughout most of the EMP spectrum, their reactance is so small thet virtually
all of the pulser voltage is applied to the power conductors, The coupler installed at the
weatherhead (but not yet connected to the power conductor) is shown In Figure 8-7,
For the simplest form of proof-test, the system response may by judged on the
basis of whether or not the system functions properly during and after the simulated EMP
is injected into the service entrance, Visual and aural observations to detect any spurious
arcing are usually included in such a test. It is more common, however, to provide some
instrumentation to make quantitative measurements of selected internal currents and
voltages so that the margin by which the system passed or failed the test can be determined.
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The basic instrumentation required for measuring the system response Is a selection
of current probes, high-voltage probes, and a low-power, wideband oscilloscope with a
camera capable of recording at fast writing rates 01 cm/ns), Commercial wideband
(;;P100 MHz), low-power (<150 W) oscilloscopes and cameras are readily available, If
shielded operation Is necessary, Inverters for operating the oscilloscope In a shielded
enclosure from a 12-V storage battery are also available. (One of the advantages of direct-
Injection testing Isthat large external fields and the instrumentation problems associated
with them are not produced).
Curre*nt probes with a variety of window sizes, amplitude and frequency character-
istics, and attachment provisions are also available commercially. Most of these current
probes have transfer impedances (ratio of output voltage to current through the window)
that decrease with decreasing frequency below a few kilohertz so that they tend to suppress
the response to 60-Hz current in the power conductors, This property Is desirable for
making measurements of transients whose peak current value is equal to or loss than the
60-Hz current in the conductors. The hinged, clamp-on type of probe is also very conve-
nient because it eliminates the necessity of disconnecting conductors to thread them
through the window of the probe.
Passive wideband voltage probes are also available for measuring voltages ranging
from a few hundred volts to about 30 kV. The high-voltage probes are excellent for
measuring voltages with peak values greater than a few hundred volts on 120/240-V power
IA 11I1111,
10 o~ 10 ppF
id ki 10o 0OFt
PR M1.1b
Prw4 '~
V u i
REMAINDER conductors. For smaller transients,
OF FACILITY however, the 60-Hz voltage on which
-COMPONENT the transient is superimposed makes
INTERIEST the measurement more difficult. This
Angle of incidence . . . . .... .. .... .561 Conductors, low voltrrye . . ... ..... 254
Electr ic fie~ld . 24 Impedance, intrinsic . . . .. .. . ... ... .860
.. .. .. .276by
.. .. .. ... ...
Groud Compton electrons . .. .. . . .. 22,68
Grud.........26of l,uhtning arrester *,. .. . ,. 209,245
butt wiap, plate . . .. ... . .. .. .. 44 Lg t ig......................2
counterpoise . .. . . . . .. .,.........292
, Lih.n
impedance ....... . ....
. .. . 7Lightning
. . . .. atrestisrs . .. .. . ...... 29, 210
rod ... .... .. .I I. .114283 distribution . ... . .. .. .. . ... ... 141
ogngl .p
...... .. .. .. .. .. . . .24 286 firing character istics ... .. ....
. 129, 144
ongre..nt....... .... . .......... 4428 secondairy ,. ... ,... . .. .. .. ..... 301
Impiedarnce . . ........
. ......... 3 Messenger cable . . . . .. .. . . .. ....
. 137
Of gI ound cdhHable ..... 289 Multlcoriductor transmission lines . ... 153
. .
of gioumrd connuction .. .. .. .. .. ... 290 aerial ... .,. .. . . .. . .. .. .... 106
of motor windings ............. 271 condlull. ...
., . .. .. . . .. .. . . 273
of transformers .. .. . .. . ... 219 model of transformer . . . .. . .. .. , 213
Impedance, characteristic ,. . .
,.,.. ,.. ,. . 0properties of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 156
calcul"Itioll of . .. ... . . .. 108, 117,270 Neutral . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . 29,308
measurement of .. ... . .. .. ..... 265 grounding .,.,,.,,.,.,,,,I . 29,.278, 305
of buried cohle . .. .. .. ...... . . '87 conductor In conduit . .,,.,..,..,.,,., 274
of power litle . .. .. ........... 60
of shielded cable .... 153, 159 Nuclear detonation. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 22
Periodically grounded line ............. 91 of incident pulse ..... .......... 64
soil , . .... . . ..... . 57,62,162
stray inductance ................
Pothead ...... ..... .. ....... 29,138 Tower, steel .. .... ..... .
.. ...... 44
Propagation factor ................ 98 description ........ ........... 45
in free space ......... ......... 54 grnunding ........... . .. 45,294
in toll .......... .. .......... 151 Transfor function .............. 145,223
for aerial line .... ......... 67,98 n u 1457,3
for buried cable . .............. 181 Transforms . ................... 38
Protection ......... .. ......... 298 Transformer ,. ............... 29,202
lightning .. ... ......... 45,248 classes ......... ...... ... . 206
of low-voltage circuits ... ....... . 254 construction .......... ....... 203
distribution .. ... ............ . 204
Reflection coefficient transfer characteristics ........ 219,248
Reflectometer, time-domain ......... 265 transient tests of .. .......... . 207