Efectos de Un Cinturon en La Presion Intra-Abdominal Durante El Levantamiento de Pesas 1988
Efectos de Un Cinturon en La Presion Intra-Abdominal Durante El Levantamiento de Pesas 1988
Efectos de Un Cinturon en La Presion Intra-Abdominal Durante El Levantamiento de Pesas 1988
1I11 25 1111-
JRA J3A 16 3 As'
REP Om No.0704-08
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11. TITLE (Include Security Classification)
Effects of a belt on intra-abdominal pressure during weight lifting
Everett A. Harman, Richard M. Rosenstein, Peter N. Frykman and George A. Nigro
Manuqript I FROM TO 474? 22
17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Respiratory Mechanics, Force Plate, Ground Reaction Forces,
I Esophogeal Trandsucer, Support,
19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
Intra-abdominal pressure (lAP) has been widely hypothesized to reduce potentially injurious b
compressive forces on spinal discs during lifting. To investigate the effects of a standard
lifting belt on lAP and lifting mechanics, lAP and vertical ground reaction force (GRF) were
monitored by computer using a catheter transducer and force plate while 9 subjects aged
28.2+6.6 yrs. dead-lifted a barbell both with and without a lifting belt at 90% of maximum.
Both-IAP and GRF rose sharply from the time force was first exerted on the bar until shortly
after it left the floor, after which force usually plateaued while IAP either plateaued or
declined. lAP rose significantly (p(.05) earlier with than without the belt. When the belt Ak
was worn, but not without it, lAP rose significantly earlier than did GRF. For both condi- 0
tions, lAP reached plateau significantly sooner than did GRF. Variables significantly higher
with than without a belt included peak TAP, area under the TAP vs. time curve from start of
TAP rise to lift-off, peak rate of lAP increase after start of IAP plateau, and average
pressure from lift-off to lift completion. In contrast, average rate of IAP increase before
OD Form 1473. JUN 86 Previous editions am obsolete. -- SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE
Corresponding author:
Everett Harman
Exercise Physiology Division
Natick, MA 01760
Phone: 617-651-46888
d.~~ ~Q ODR461- r - - -
Effects of a belt on intra-abdominal pressure during weight lifting
Accession For
LUnanounced E
mill Justification.
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Avail and/or
of a standard
ground reaction
belt on IAP and lifting
28.2 6.6 yrs. dead-lifted a barbell both with and without a lifting belt at
90% of maximum. Both IAP and GRF rose sharply from the time force was first
exerted on the bar until shortly after it left the floor, after which force
usually plateaued while IAP either plateaued or declined. IAP rose
significantly (p(.05) earlier with than without the belt. When the belt was
worn, but not without it, IAP rose significantly earlier than did GRF. For
both conditions, IAP reached plateau significantly sooner than did GRF.
Variables significantly higher with than without a belt included peak IAP,
area under the IAP vs. time curve from start of IAP rise to lift-off, peak
rate of IAP increase after start of IAP plateau, and average pressure from
lift-off to lift completion. In contrast, average rate of IAP increase before
start of IAW plateau was significantly lower with the belt. Correlations
provide additional information about relationships between variables. Results
suggest the use of a lifting belt increases IAP, which may reduce disc
compressive force and improve lifting safety. ; ulr 1-'
Most disc compressive force during lifting has been attributed to tension
in the erector spinae muscles which serves to oppose spinal flexion and
accelerate the upper body and load (1,2,5,13). Although there has been some
dissenting opinion (8,11), it has been widely hypothesized that intra-
abdominal pressure (IAP) during lifting reduces the spinal compressive forces
(7,9). Both olympic and power lifters have used lifting belts for many years,
yet virtually no research has been reported which examines the efficacy of
collection was used in order to obtain more information about pressure changes
Exercise examined
The dead-lift was chosen since it is recognized as an exercise that places
considerable stress on the lower back muscles. It also simulates the lifting
with both hands a barbell resting on the floor and raising the weight until
the body is upright with the barbell suspended from the arms. To standardize
the lift, subjects were instructed to begin with straight back and bent knees,
and to avoid rounding the back or prematurely straightening the knees.
Subjects lifted Olympic style barbells and weight plates while standing on
a model LG6-1-1 AMTI (Newton MA) .6 meter by 1.2 meter force plate. The plates
at either end of the bar rested on surfaces adjacent to and level with the top
NY) transmitted a voltage signal when the barbell was lifted off the ground. A
hand-held switch allowed the experimenter to signal again when the subject had
reached the endpoint of the lift. Intra-abdominal pressure was measured using
kilopascals (kPa) or a .15 volt per 10 kPa (.2 volt per 100 m.Hg) signal
reflecting pressure at the catheter tip. Voltage signals from the pressure
transducer control unit, force plate and event marking switches were fed into
. . • S * .4
computer for statistical analysis using MOKP (Los Angeles, CA) programs.
ExperimentalI procedure
The experiment was conducted in accordance wit~h the pol icy statment of
(be) lifting capcity in the dead lift was determined. escriptive statistics
on subject age, height, body
m s and
1 RM lift are shown in table 1. The Ir
mtg ad 100 mHg calibration pulses, and the force plate with no mass and
with 200 kg cpton its surface. Factors derived from the calibration were
used to amhematically transform A/D converter output imaninful units of .
wearing, and again while not wearing a six inch wide weight lifting belt. The
order of the belt and no-belt lifts was randomized. Force, intra-abdominal
pressure and the event marker were monitored throughout the. lifts by the
computer. The event mrker signal stayed high while the weight rested on the
floor. When the weight left the floor (lift-off) the marker signal dropped to
a low level. When the lifter reached the upright position the experimenter's
button push brought the event marker high again. Subjects rested between the
two lifts until they felt fully recovered. Before the lifting bouts, subjects
inserted the catheter pressure transducer into a nostril and down the
catheter tip was determined by having the subjects sniff repeatedly during
reaction force data points collected during a typical dead-lift, with times of
bar lift-off and lift completion indicated by vertical dashed lines. Each lift
took 2-3 sec to complete. It can be seen that before lift-off, pressure and
force increased steeply. Force usually platesued shortly after lift-off while
lift-off for the pressure and force curves: 1) start of rise above baseline 2)
peak rate of increase after start of plateau and 6) lift completion. The event
* 7
times are listed in table 2, where a negative sign means an event occurred
before lift-off. In general, pressure began to 'rise 1/3 to 1/2 sec before
lift-off, reached its steepest rate of increase about 1/10 sec before lift-
off, plateaued about 1/5 sec after lift-off and peaked 1/4 sec thereafter.
Ground reaction force followed a similar pattern but reached plateau a bit
earlier and peaked somewhat later than did pressure. Pressure rose
significantly (p(.05) earlier with than without the belt. When the belt was
worn, but not without it, pressure rose significantly earlier than did ground
reaction force. For both conditions pressure reached plateau significantly
sooner than did force.
Table 3 shows intra-abdominal pressure magnitude, area under the pressure
versus time curve and pressure rate of change. The mean for peak pressure is
very similar to that previously reported for dead-lifts without a belt (7).
Variables significantly higher with than without a belt included peak
* pressure, area under the pressure versus time curve from start of pressure
rise to lift-off, peak rate of pressure increase after start of the pressure
plateau and average pressure from lift-off to lift completion. Interestingly,
average rate of pressure increase before start of the pressure plateau was
significantly lower with than without the belt. The earlier pressure rise with
the belt cannot fully explain the phenomenon since peak rate of pressure
increase before start of the pressure plateau was also lower with the belt,
though not significantly so, and peak rate is unaffected by total time of
rise. Those variables that did not differ significantly between the belt and
.5 no-belt conditions were area under the pressure versus time curve from lift-
of f to lift completion, peak rate of pressure increase before the start of
pressure plateau and average pressure from start of pressure rise to lift-off.
-~~~Y - . 'W7 -7,
Of the eight pressure variables, six mans were higher with than without the
belt, though two of the differences didn't reach significance. Clearly, a belt
increases intra-abdominal pressure during weight lifting.
Table 4 shows ground reaction force magnitudes and areas under the force
versus time curves (impulses). There were no significant differences between
the belt and no-belt conditions. Peak force averaged about 11% above body plus
bar weight. During a lift, whenever ground reaction force is above body plus )
bar weight the center of mass of the lifter-bar system accelerates vertically.F
When ground reaction force equals body plus bar weight the center of mass
moves upward at a constant speed. If ground reaction force is less than body
plus bar weight then the center of mass decelerates, as must occur towards the
end of a lift as the weight is brought to a stop.
Table 5 lists some correlations of interest. Peak pressure, which always
occurred after lift-off, correlated well with average pressure after lift-off
and area under the pressure versus time curve after lift-off, indicating that
pressure peaks were reflective of the magnitude of the entire curve and were
not irregular transients. Graphs of both pressure and force versus time show
that peaks did not generally rise much above the level of curve plateaus. Peak
pressure correlated well with peak pre-plateau rate of pressure increase,
indicating that individuals achieving higher peak pressures did so by
generating pressure at a faster rate. This effect was more consistent when the
belt was worn. Peak pre-plateau rates of pressure and force increase
correlated well with each other when the belt wasn't used and only moderately
when the belt was employed, indicating that use of the belt somehow weakened
the association of force and pressure rate of change. On the other hand, the
fact that there was a higher correlation when the belt was worn between area
.1 9
under the pressure versus time curve after lift-off and peak force shows that
is the belt heightened the association between force and area under the pressure
versus time curve after the weight left the ground. Time at which peak pre-
plateau rate of increase occurred correlated well between force and pressure,
The use of a standard lifting belt during dead lift exercise clearly
increases intra-abdominal pressure, probably reducing compressive force on
belt is used in training. Thus, a lifter accustomed to using a belt who tries O
lifting without one may generate less intra-abdominal pressure than if he had
trained regularly with no belt. Training with a belt may thus not reduce
vulnerability to injury during lifts without a belt. A conservative
recommendation would be that a belt always be employed for maximal or near
maximal lifting and that someone who lifts regularly with a belt should be
extremely cautious about lifting without one. Athletes or workers who want to
train for an activity during which a belt is not worn may be well advised to
do at least some of their training without a belt to both strengthen the deep
abdominal muscles and develop a pattern of muscle recruitment needed to
generate high IAP when a belt is not worn.
%7-. w7 -7 V Vw-- 17 K7l - W R -7 TV
IV 01
1. ANDREWS, J.G. On the relationship between resultant joint torques and
muscular activity. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 14(5):361-367, 1982.
2. ANDREWS, J.G. Biomechanical measures of muscular effort. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 15(3):199-207, 1983.
3. BARTELINK, DiL. The role of abdominal pressure in relieving the
pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs. J. Bone Joint Surg.
39B(4) :718-725, 1957.
4. CHAFFIN, D.B. Computerized biomechanical models: development of and use
in studying gross body actions. J. Biomech. 212(4):429-441, 1967.
5. GRACOVETSKY, S., H.F. FARFAN, and LAMY, C. The mechanism of the lumbar
spine. Spine 6(3):249-262, 1981.
6. ORILLNER, S., J. NILSSON, and A. THORSTENSSON. Intra-abdominal pressure
changes during natural movements in man. Acta Physiol. Scand.
103:275-283, 1978.
7. HARMAN, E., P. FRYKMAN, B. CLAGETT and W. KRAEMER. Intra-abdominal and
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9. LANDER, J.E., B.T. BATES and P. DEVITA. Biomechanics of. the squat
exercise using a modified center of mass bar. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.
18(4) :469-478, 1986.
dead-lift 1 RM 143.*27 kg
Table 2. Event times relative to bar lift-off (Mean*SD)
Table 3.
No Belt Belt
VLJII -jkW ril .. NtV6M I 91r. A
IV! W. ....
NO-belt Belt
Peak pressure with:
Peak pro-plateau rate of pressure increase .69 .84
pressureetime area: lift-off to end .71 .83
Average pressure: lift-off to end .83 .88
Area under the pressure versus time curve - lift-off to end with:
Peak force .58 .80
Peak pre-plateau rate of pressure increase with:
Peak pro-plateau rate of force increase .87 .4
Time of peak pro-plateau rate of pressure increase with:
Time of peak pro-plateau rate of force increase .83 .86
This manuscript represents original unpublished material, except in
abstract form, that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Further, it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until a
decision is made regarding its acceptability for publication in MEDICINE
AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. If accepted for publication, we agree
that it will not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part, without the
We the undersigned authors hereby transfer, assign, or otherwise convey
all copyrighted ownership of our manuscript entitled 'Effects of a belt on
intra-abdominal pressure during weight lifting' to the American College of
Sports Medicine if this manuscript is published in MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN
Signed:_____________ ___
Everett A. Harman
Richard M. Rosenstein
Peter N. Frykman
George A. Nigro
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