Assessment of Water Supply-Demand Using Water Eval
Assessment of Water Supply-Demand Using Water Eval
Assessment of Water Supply-Demand Using Water Eval
Article in Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division · October 2018
DOI: 10.1007/s40030-018-0329-0
12 1,995
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Abstract Many watersheds experience scarcity of water using PEST tool, available in WEAP. The calibrated model
for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. was used for estimating future water demands and unmet
Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pra- demands by using future climate series, from 2015 to 2030,
desh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. of IPCC scenario- RCP 4.5 of GDFL-ESM2M model. As
Water allocation and management are essential for sus- per GFDLESM2M model (RCP4.5) predictions, rainfall is
tainable agriculture for this region. Water Evaluation and going to greatly vary in the coming years. The years
Planning system (WEAP)-based decision support system 2020–2021 and 2028–2029 may experience very dry cli-
can prove to be an effective tool for water allocation, matic conditions with 500 mm or less annual rainfall, while
supply and demand analysis. In the present study, spatially 2017–2018, 2023–2024 and 2025–2026 may experience
distributed model by using WEAP-MABIA method has heavy showers (1200 mm). Straight effects of this rainfall
been developed for analysis and simulation of agricultural pattern could be seen in future water availability for agri-
water demands in the Ur river watershed. WEAP-MABIA culture and resultant crop yield. A high unmet demand
method uses dual crop coefficient approach which helps in exists in the case of agriculture since the first priority for
computing the separate soil evaporation and transpiration water supply is meant to be for domestic purpose. Area
under various water availability situations. Year under agriculture in Ur river watershed is large, while
2012–2013 is used as base year for customizing WEAP respective water supply is low. This gap puts an extra
model for 8 subwatersheds. The model was calibrated pressure on water resources leading to over extraction of
groundwater and related problems. Looking at this sce-
nario, water allocation requires great attention to narrow
& Ajai Singh down the gap between existing demands and water supply.
Since area under agriculture is large, water-efficient crops
Sunny Agarwal should be more emphasized. Also, efficient agricultural
practices and rain water harvesting should be promoted in
Jyoti P. Patil the study area. Since the watershed falls in semiarid con-
dition and river flows are seasonal, different stress/deficit
V. C. Goyal irrigation scenarios can be built using customized WEAP
model to get higher yield.
Department of Civil Engineering, K.L. Education
Foundation, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522502, Keywords WEAP MABIA Ur river Water allocation
India Bundelkhand
National Institute of Hydrology, New Delhi 110002, India
Head of RMO Division, National Institute of Hydrology,
Roorkee, Uttrakhand 247667, India
Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central
University of Jharkhand, Ranchi 835205, India
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Most part of the study area is under agriculture (489 km2) In WEAP data requirements are Groundwater table depth,
which is about 49% of the total watershed area (Fig. 2). Reservoir storage, Hydrological Parameters, Land Use,
The economy of the district is predominantly based on Topographic and Geomorphic Features, Crop data, Soil
agriculture. Wheat, Jawar, Maize, Gram, Blackgram, properties, Metrological/Climatic, Irrigation, Yield of each
Soybean, Sesame, and vegetables are the major crops crop, Water Demand and Demographic details, etc. For
grown in the area. The agricultural area is spread all around modeling purpose, the Ur river watershed was divided into
the watershed, possibly because of the large number of 8-sub-watersheds according to drainage network, topogra-
tanks that provide irrigation and domestic demands. The phy and soil types (Fig. 3). GIS vector maps of river net-
scrub land is the second most dominant land use in the work along with map of 8 sub-watersheds were imported
study area covering an area of 166 km2. The area covered for building the model in WEAP. The detailed procedure
by the settlement is 16 km2, whereas dense forest occupies for WEAP model using MABIA method is given in
an area of 44 km2. The river and water bodies cover an flowchart as Fig. 4. The detailed procedure includes defi-
area of 39 km2, land with or without scrub land 135 km2, nition of the study area and time frame. Setting up of the
fallow land covers 25 km2 and barren land covers 76 km2 time frame includes the last year of scenario creation and
of the watershed. The forests are located toward the initial year of application. Creation of the Current Account
western portion of the watershed, whereas the scrubs are and creation of scenarios on the future assumptions for
located mostly toward the south-western, western and generation of the results from created scenarios. Further,
north-western parts of the watershed. Massive granite rocks the WEAP-MABIA module provide opportunity for mod-
are found in the district at the depth of 4–6 m. The possi- eling crop water requirement and prediction of different
bility of water bearing strata is therefore remote, and the water balance components including the irrigation
underground water is available at only shallow depth. scheduling. The MABIA Method is a daily simulation of
Several tanks have been constructed in the region for irri- transpiration, evaporation, irrigation requirements and
gation purpose. scheduling, crop growth and yields, and includes modules
for estimating reference evapotranspiration and soil water
Water Resources Information capacity. The three streamflow gauges were also placed in
the schematic to assist in model calibration, by comparing
The agriculture in Ur river watershed is purely dependent the model calculated stream flows with runoff/streamflow
on rainfall, but the availability of water from tanks and at same location. The first streamflow gauge was placed as
other surface bodies is very important to sustain irrigated the outlet of sub-watershed 1 and 2, other at the combined
agriculture and provide security to farmers. The need for outlet of sub-watersheds 3, 4, 5 and 6, and another was
security of water has always been felt and Bundelkhand placed at the outlet of Ur river watershed. The developed
region is known for well-distributed water bodies. The WEAP schematic of Ur river watershed is placed in Fig. 5.
reservoirs of watershed include Madan Sagar tank, which is Transmission links deliver water from surface water
a very large tank with its canal system is located toward the (reservoir nodes, and withdrawal nodes), groundwater and
north-west corner of the watershed. Gwal Sagar, Prem other supplies to satisfy final demand at demand sites. In
Sagar, Bahru Tal, Rayra Tal are the major tanks of the addition, transmission links can deliver wastewater out-
watershed. The details including designed capacity, present flows from demand sites and wastewater treatment plants
water level, culturable command area and beneficiary vil- to other demand sites. Runoff/infiltration links carry runoff
lages were obtained from tank gauge report of minor irri- and infiltration from catchments to rivers, reservoirs, and
gation scheme in Tikamgarh district. The net annual groundwater nodes. Water that is not consumed at a
ground water availability of the district is 530 MCM, demand site can be directed to one or more demand sites,
whereas existing gross ground water draft is 378 MCM. wastewater treatment plants, and surface or groundwater
The stage of ground water development of the district is nodes. Return flows are specified as a percentage of
only 71% [20]. The information related to net groundwater outflows.
availability, existing gross GW availability for domestic,
industrial and irrigation purposes, stage of GW develop- The Linear Programming (LP) Allocation Routine
ment is Table 1.
WEAP model calculates a water balance for every node
and link in the system at each time step.
A node represents a physical component such as a
demand site, wastewater treatment plant, groundwater
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Fig. 2 Land use/land cover map of the Ur river watershed. (Source: MPCST, Bhopal)
aquifer, reservoir or special location along a river. Nodes water conduits such as river channels, canals and pipelines.
are linked by lines that represent the natural or man-made These lines include rivers, diversions, and transmission
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Create eight sub watershed domestic demand nodes for population and livestock
(DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM5, DM6, DM7 and DM8)
Create eight sub-watershed and Culturable Command (CC) demand nodes for
agriculture and other land uses (SW1, SW2,---SW8; CC1, CC2---CC8)
Create eight representative Ground water (GW) supply nodes for each Subwatershed
(GW1,GW2,GW3,GW4,GW5, GW6, GW7 and GW8)
Create Reservoir nodes in each sub-watershed as per their capacities. Large reservoirs
were located and Small reservoirs were clubbed together
Connect all demand sites with respective Groundwater, River and Reservoir node with
the help of transmission links
Demand sites were given priority and supply resources were given preferences to meet
the various demands
The current account of the model was set as 2012-13 and all the available data as
discussed in previous sections was fed to the model.
Future climate data of GFDL-ESM2M model for RCP4.5 and period upto 2030 was
input to the model to generate various data
links and return flow links. Each period is independent of Demand Priorities and Supply Preferences
the previous, except for reservoir storage, aquifer storage,
and soil moisture. Thus, all of the water entering the system A standard linear program which uses mixed integer linear
in a given time period is either stored in the soil, an aquifer, programming (MILP) in WEAP model to solve the water
a river, a tributary, a reservoir, or leaves the system by the allocation problem whose objective is to maximize satis-
end of that period. All flows are assumed to occur instan- faction of demand, subject to supply priorities, demand site
taneously and a demand site can withdraw water from the preferences, mass balances, and other constraints. The
river, consume some, return the remaining to a wastewater constraint set is iteratively defined at each time step to
treatment plant, which then returns it to the river, all in the sequentially consider the ranking of the demand priorities
same time step. Given there is no routing, one should and supply preferences [21]. MILP involves problems in
choose a model time step at least as long as the residence which only some of the variables are constrained to be
time of water corresponding to the period of lowest flow. integers, while other variables are allowed to be non-inte-
Larger watersheds should adopt longer times steps (e.g., gers [19].The approach has some attributes of a more tra-
1 month for example), while smaller watersheds can apply ditional dynamic programming algorithm, where the model
shorter time steps (e.g., 1 day, 5 days, 10 days, etc.) as all is solved in sequence based on the knowledge of values
demands can be satisfied within the current time step. In derived from the previous variables and equations [22, 23].
case of Ur river watershed, monthly time steps were chosen Individual demand sites, reservoirs, and in-stream flow
to run the model. requirements are assigned a unique priority number, which
are integers that range from 1 (highest priority) to 99
(lowest priority). Those entities with a Priority 1 ranking
are members of Equity Group 1, those with a Priority 2
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ranking are members of Equity Group 2, and so on. Priority parameters until the discrepancies between selected model
number has to be assigned by user as per supply prefer- outputs and a complementary set of field or laboratory
ences. The LP constraint set is written to supply an equal measurements is reduced to a minimum in the weighted
percentage of water to the members of each equity group. least squares sense [24].
Similar to demand priorities, supply preferences apply an The calibration of Ur river WEAP model was performed
integer ranking scheme to define which sources will supply using monthly streamflow gauge data at three different
a single demand site. To achieve this effect in the alloca- locations as shown in Fig. 5. The monthly measured and
tion algorithm, each supply to the same demand site is simulated flows were compared by the correlation coeffi-
assigned a preference rank, and within the given priority, cient (R2), which yield satisfactory values varied between
the LP algorithm iterates across each supply preference to 0.67 and 0.70 for the monthly streamflow values.
maximize coverage at each demand site.
WEAP includes a linkage to a parameter estimation tool The calibrated WEAP model of Ur river watershed was
(PEST) that allows the user to automate the process of used for estimating water demands and unmet demands for
comparing WEAP outputs to historical observations and the future years. For this purpose, future climate series of
modifying model parameters to improve its accuracy. Global Circulation Model (GCM) GFDL-ESM2M under
Parameter Estimation Tool (PEST) is a computer software, Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5, for the
for model-independent parameter estimation and uncer- period 2015–2030 was input to the customized WEAP
tainty analysis. PEST is able to ‘‘take control’’ of a model, model of Ur river watershed. The annual rainfall pattern
running it as many times as it needs to while adjusting its over eight sub-watersheds of Ur river watershed during
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2015–2016 to 2029–2030 (15 years) is shown in Fig. 6. Table 2 Percentage share of domestic and livestock population over
The GCM predicted climate series shows the conditions to 8 sub-watersheds
be very dry with an average rainfall of nearly 450 mm for
DM Domestic % Share Livestock % Share
the year 2015–2016 and 2020–2021. The year 2028–2029
has been predicted to be the driest among all with an DM1 45,640 15.25 41,537 11.79
average rainfall of less than 400 mm. On contrary, 3 years DM2 32,399 10.82 34,775 9.87
(2017–2018, 2023–2024, and 2025–2026) would experi- DM3 39,334 13.14 51,080 14.50
ence an average rainfall of more than 1200 mm resulting in DM4 14,721 4.92 10,082 2.86
wet conditions. The rest all years are expected to receive DM5 57,882 19.33 72,299 20.53
normal rainfall, i.e., 800–1000 mm. DM6 36,021 12.03 48,719 13.83
The predicted dry and wet conditions set an alarm to the DM7 42,480 14.19 62,440 17.73
existing water conservation strategies. Efficiently harvested DM8 30,892 10.32 31,315 8.89
rainwater in wet years can become a savior for the dry Total 299,369 100 352,247 100
years. Effective management is required to deal with the 3
Annual water use rate per unit: domestic = 25.55 m /person; live-
upcoming dry and wet conditions otherwise the agricultural stock = 70 m3/livestock
sector would experience severe water problems in future.
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600 mm per unit area. The agriculture demand follows well as the following year. The evaporative demands are
normal distribution curve over the rabi season, from Mid low during normal and wet years.
October–November to March–April. It gradually increases
from Mid October–November, high in February and Unmet Demands
decreases in March–April. The reason behind this demand
pattern is the wheat crop, crown root initiation (CRI) and In Ur river watershed, agriculture is the main source of
flowering are the most critical stages of wheat, where livelihood for the people. Therefore, to maximize social
irrigation must be supplied to the crop. The CRI stage benefits by ensuring optimum water allocation for various
occurs in between 15 and 20 days after sowing, i.e., during uses in the watershed is the sole purpose of WEAP mod-
November and flowering 50–55 days after sowing, i.e., eling. This section elaborates unmet water demands of
during February. Therefore, agricultural demands are population, livestock and agriculture sector on average
highest during the month of February when flowering stage annual basis (2015–2030; 15 years). The results of future
occurs. The demand of SW1 and SW2 is highest during unmet demands are important for formulating sustainable
rabi season as area under wheat is about 73% and 64% of water management strategies in the watershed.
the respective sub-watershed areas.
Annual Domestic (Population) and Livestock Unmet
Annual Agricultural Demands Demands
The WEAP MABIA method computes agricultural water Annual (2015–2030) domestic (population) and livestock
demands on the basis of dual crop coefficients [basal crop unmet demand for the eight sub-watersheds is given in
coefficient (Kcb) to describe plant transpiration, and the soil Fig. 10. The unmet demands will decrease in the years
water evaporation coefficient (Ke)]. The demand varies 2017–2018, 2018–2019, 2023–2024, 2025–2026 etc. This
with the amount of rainfall to be received in the respective is directly related to the amount of predicted rainfall in
year. In the years 2020–2021 and 2028–2029, dry condi- these years, which is comparatively higher than in rest of
tions have been predicted; agricultural demands are thus the years (Fig. 6). Unmet demands will be high in the
expected to be high in these years because of more number predicted very dry years, i.e., 2015–2016, 2020–2021 and
of hot days, which leads to higher evaporative demands 2028–2029. DM5 will have the highest unmet water
(Fig. 9). Similarly, in 2017–2018, 2023–2024 and demands in future also, and DM4 will have the least, which
2025–2026, demands are expected to be low in same as
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is because of their percentage population shares (18.21%) years, and hence unmet demands are highest in these years,
and DM4 (4.63%). respectively.
The years receiving good amount of rainfall (e.g.,
Annual (2015–2030) Agricultural Unmet Demand The 2017–2018 and 2025–2026) have an effect on the unmet
annual (2015–2030) unmet demands of agriculture in Ur demands of succeeding year more than the current year.
river watershed predicted by WEAP are given in Fig. 11. The year that has encountered good amount of rainfall
Since rainfall is the main source of water supply to the would provide water for Rabi irrigation through surface
area, unmet demands follow the trend of amount of rainfall water sources, but aquifer recharge will take more time
received annually (Fig. 6). The years 2015–2016, (more than a year). Hence, agricultural water supply is
2020–2021, and 2028–2029 are the least rainfall receiving predicted to be better in the next year than in the same year
of heavy rainfall.
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