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Chapter 22 Hypoxia 2017 Nunn S Applied Respiratory Physiology

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C H A P T E R 2 2 


phosphate molecule adenosine triphosphate

(ATP) per mole of glucose, compared with
■ Intracellular acidosis from anaerobic aerobic metabolism (page 191). In organs with a
metabolism occurs soon after the onset high metabolic rate such as the brain, it is impos-
of cellular hypoxia and is worse when sible to increase glucose transport sufficiently to
there is a plentiful supply of blood and maintain the normal level of ATP production.
glucose to the cell. Therefore, during hypoxia, the ATP/adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) ratio falls and there is a rapid
■ Lack of high-energy substrates such decline in the level of all high-energy compounds
as ATP and direct effects of hypoxia (Fig. 22.1). Similar changes occur in response to
both inhibit the activity of ion channels, arterial hypotension. These changes will rapidly
decreasing the transmembrane block cerebral function, but organs with a lower
potential of the cell, leading to increased energy requirement will continue to function for
intracellular calcium levels. a longer time and are thus more resistant to
■ In nervous tissue the uncontrolled hypoxia (see later).
release of excitatory amino acids Under hypoxic conditions, there are two ways
exacerbates the hypoxic damage. in which reductions in ATP levels may be mini-
■ Hypoxia causes the activation of a mized, both of which are effective for only a
transcription protein HIF-1, which short time. First, the high-energy phosphate
induces the production of numerous bond in phosphocreatine may be used to create
proteins with diverse biological ATP,2 and initially this slows the rate of reduc-
functions. tion of ATP (Fig. 22.1). Second, two molecules
of ADP may combine to form one of ATP and
one of AMP (adenosine monophosphate; the
adenylate kinase reaction). This reaction is
All but the simplest forms of life have evolved to driven forward by the removal of AMP, which is
exploit the immense advantages of oxidative converted to adenosine (a potent vasodilator)
metabolism. The price they have paid is to and thence to inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine
become dependent on oxygen for their survival. and uric acid, with irreversible loss of adenine
The essential feature of hypoxia is the cessation nucleotides. The implications for production of
of oxidative phosphorylation (page 190) when reactive oxygen species by this pathway are dis-
the mitochondrial Po2 falls below a critical level. cussed on page 345.
Anaerobic pathways, in particular the glycolytic
pathway (see Fig. 10.12), then come into play.
These trigger a complex series of cellular changes End Products of Metabolism
leading first to reduced cellular function and The end products of aerobic metabolism are
ultimately to cell death. carbon dioxide and water, both of which are
easily diffusible and lost from the body. The
main anaerobic pathway produces hydrogen and
BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES lactate ions which, from most of the body, escape
IN HYPOXIA into the circulation, where they may be meas-
ured or quantified in terms of the base deficit or
Depletion of High-Energy lactate/pyruvate ratio. However, the blood-brain
Compounds barrier is relatively impermeable to charged ions,
therefore hydrogen and lactate ions are retained
Anaerobic metabolism produces only one- within the neurones of the hypoxic brain.
nineteenth of the yield of the high-energy Lactacidosis can only occur when circulation is
328 PART 2  Applied Physiology

gas partial pressure (kPa)


Blood lactate Arterial blood gas

(mmol.l–1) partial pressure

Arterial blood

5 PO2

0 0

5 0
concentrations (mmol.kg–1)

4 Phosphocreatine
Brain tissue



0 10

tissue ratios
NADH x10–3 ATP


0 0
0 1 2 3 4
Minutes of apnoea
FIG. 22.1  ■  Biochemical changes during 4 minutes of respiratory arrest in rats previously breathing 30% oxygen.
Recovery of all values, except blood lactate, was complete within 5 minutes of restarting pulmonary ventilation.
(Data from reference 1.)

maintained to provide the large quantities of formation of ATP from glucose. The intracel-
glucose required for conversion to lactic acid. lular production of phosphate from ATP break-
In severe cerebral hypoxia, a major part of the down also promotes the activity of glycogen
dysfunction and damage is due to intracellular phosphorylase, which cleaves glycogen mole-
acidosis rather than simply depletion of high- cules to produce fructose-1,6-diphosphate. This
energy compounds (see later). Gross hypoper- enters the glycolytic pathway below the rate-
fusion is more damaging than total ischaemia, limiting PFK reaction, avoiding the expenditure
because the latter limits glucose supply and of two molecules of ATP in its derivation from
therefore the formation of lactic acid. Similarly, glucose. Therefore four molecules of ATP are
patients who have an episode of cerebral ischae- produced from one of fructose-1,6-diphosphate
mia whilst hyperglycaemic (e.g. a stroke) have in comparison with two from one molecule
been found to have more severe brain injury than of glucose. There is no subsequent stage in
those with normal or low blood glucose levels at the glycolytic pathway that is significantly rate
the time of the hypoxic event.3 limited by acidosis. Provided glycogen is avail-
able within the cell; this second pathway there-
fore provides a valuable reserve for the production
Initiation of Glycolysis of ATP.
The enzyme 6-phosphofructokinase (PFK) is
the rate-limiting step of the glycolytic pathway
(see Fig. 10.12). Activity of PFK is enhanced by MECHANISMS OF HYPOXIC
the presence of ADP, AMP and phosphate, CELL DAMAGE
which will rapidly accumulate during hypoxia,
thus accelerating glycolysis. PFK is, however, Many mechanisms contribute to cell damage or
inhibited by acidosis, which will quickly limit the death from hypoxia. The precise role of each is
22  Hypoxia 329

unclear, but there is general agreement that dif- and extracellular ionic gradients are abolished,
ferent tissues respond to hypoxia in quite varied leading to cell death.
ways. Also, the nature of the hypoxic insult has
a large effect with differing speed of onset,
Potassium and Sodium Flux
degree of hypoxia, blood flow, blood glucose
concentration and tissue metabolic activity all Hypoxia has a direct effect on potassium channels
influencing the resulting tissue dysfunction. (page 100), increasing transmembrane potassium
conductance and causing the immediate hyper-
Immediate Cellular Responses polarization. Potassium begins to leak out from
the cell, increasing the extracellular potassium
to Hypoxia4 concentration, thus tending to depolarize the cell
Because of the dramatic clinical consequences of membrane. Potassium leakage, along with sodium
nervous system damage, neuronal cells are the influx, are accelerated when falling ATP levels
most widely studied and therefore form the basis cause failure of the Na/K ATPase pump. Follow-
for the mechanisms described in this section.2 ing rapid depolarization, sodium and potassium
Changes in the transmembrane potential of a channels probably simply remain open, allowing
hypoxic neurone are shown in Figure 22.2, along free passage of ions across the cell membrane
with the major physiological changes that occur. leading to cellular destruction.
At the onset of anoxia, central nervous system
cells immediately become either slightly hyper- Calcium
polarized (as shown in Fig. 22.2) or depolarized,
depending on the cell type. This is followed by Intracellular calcium concentration increases
a gradual reduction in membrane potential shortly after the onset of hypoxia. Voltage-gated
until a ‘threshold’ value is reached, when a calcium channels open in response to the falling
spontaneous rapid depolarization occurs. At transmembrane potential, and the increasing
this stage there are gross abnormalities in ion intracellular sodium concentration causes the
channel function and the normal intracellular membrane-bound Na/Ca exchanger to reverse
its activity. An altered transmembrane potential
is detected within the cell by ryanodine receptors
on intracellular organelles leading to release of
Potassium leakage from within cell begins
calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum and
Increasing intracellular calcium
Glutamate release begins
mitochondria. This increase in intracellular
Na+/K+ pump failure
calcium is generally harmful, causing the activa-
Synaptic transmission failure
tion of ATPase enzymes just when ATP may be
Rapid depolarization
critically low, the activation of proteases to
damage sarcolemma and the cytoskeleton and
pHi Cell membrane potential (mV)

Cell death likely

the uncontrolled release of neurotransmitters
(see later). At this stage, the cell has probably not
been irretrievably damaged by spontaneous
–30 depolarization, but derangement of calcium
channel function effectively prevents normal
–60 synaptic transmission and therefore cellular
function. Extracellular adenosine, formed from
–90 the degradation of AMP, is also believed to play
7.2 a role in blocking calcium channels during
Time Excitatory Amino Acid Release5
The excitatory amino acids glutamate and aspar-
FIG. 22.2  ■  Changes in transmembrane potential and tate are released from many neurones at concen-
intracellular pH (pHi) in a neuronal cell following the
sudden onset of anoxia. Significant physiological trations of 2 to 5 times the normal early in the
events in the course of the hypoxic insult are shown. course of a hypoxic insult, followed by further
Once membrane potential reaches zero, cell death is dramatic increases following rapid depolariza-
almost inevitable (see text for details). The time tion. Glutamate reuptake mechanisms also fail,
between anoxia and rapid depolarization is highly
variable, between about 4 minutes with complete
and extracellular concentrations quickly reach
ischaemia to almost 1 h with hypoxia and preserved neurotoxic levels,5,6 acting via the N-methyl-d-
blood flow. (After reference 2.) aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Cells with depleted
330 PART 2  Applied Physiology

energy stores are particularly susceptible, but the normal conditions cytoplasmic HIF-1 is ubiqui-
mechanism by which glutamate and aspartate tous, but a prolyl-hydroxylase protein (PHD-1)
bring about cell damage is unknown. rapidly hydroxylates HIF-1 rendering it inactive.
Oxygen is required as a cosubstrate for this
reaction such that when cellular hypoxia occurs
Delayed Cellular Responses hydroxylation by PHD-1 fails and HIF-1 remains
to Hypoxia stable for long enough to initiate transcription
Following brain injury in humans, cerebral of hundreds of hypoxia-induced genes, the best
oedema often continues to develop for some known of which are shown in Table 22.1. The
hours after the initial insult. There are several HIF-1 system is involved in oxygen sensing in
possible explanations for this delayed neuronal the pulmonary vasculature (page 100) and is now
damage with activation of many different cellular seen as a major potential target for therapeutic
systems implicated. However, it is a quite differ- agents to treat peripheral vascular disease,
ent clinical problem that has recently focussed cerebral ischaemia, pulmonary hypertension and
attention on cellular adaptations to hypoxia. The cancer.10
core of many solid malignant tumours has a poor
blood supply, caused by the failure of angiogen-
esis to keep up with the rapid tumour growth.
Ischaemic Preconditioning12,13
Tumour hypoxia is associated with highly malig- Prior exposure of a tissue to a series of short
nant, aggressive tumours, which often respond periods of hypoxia, interspersed with normal
poorly to treatment. For this reason, much oxygen levels, has been found to influence
recent research has focussed on understanding the tissue’s subsequent response to a prolonged
the cellular effects of hypoxia, with a view to ischaemic insult, a phenomenon known as
developing new therapeutic approaches. ischaemic preconditioning. Though ischaemic
Table 22.1 shows the numerous genes that preconditioning has been demonstrated in many
may be induced by hypoxia. Most of the systems tissues the phenomenon has mostly been studied
activated by hypoxia assist the cell in overcoming in heart muscle, and three forms are described.
the hypoxic conditions, for example, erythropoi-
etin to increase haemoglobin concentration, or Early Protection
glycolytic enzymes to increase anaerobic ATP
formation. Some activated genes may accelerate Reduction in the damage occurring from an
cell proliferation and therefore increase tumour ischaemic period begins immediately after the
malignancy, whereas other genes are activated preconditioning has occurred, and lasts for
that encourage apoptosis and impair tumour 2 to 3 h. Activation of sarcolemmal and mito-
growth.7 chondrial ATP-dependent K channels (KATP) is
believed to be the main mechanism by which
protection from ischaemia occurs. After precon-
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 18-11
ditioning, the enhanced activity of KATP channels
Many of these cellular adaptations to hypoxia are helps to maintain the transmembrane potential
mediated by a transcription regulating protein nearer to normal values, slowing the rate of pro-
called hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). Under gression of the immediate cellular responses to

TABLE 22.1  Genes Induced by Hypoxia and Their Effects

Function Gene Biological Action

Oxygen transport Erythropoietin Stimulation of red cell production
Transferrin Iron transport
Increased blood flow VEGF Angiogenesis
NO synthase Vasodilatation
ATP production Glucose transporter-1 Transfer of glucose into cell

Glycolysis (see Fig. 10.12)
Pyruvate kinase
Lactate dehydrogenase
pH correction Carbonic anhydrase Buffering of metabolic acidosis
Inflammation Interleukin-6 and 8 Activation of inflammatory cells

VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; NO, nitric oxide.

22  Hypoxia 331

hypoxia described earlier. During prolonged enormous potential for situations where ischae-
hypoxia, fluid and electrolyte imbalances also mia can be predicted in advance.
occur across the mitochondrial membrane
impairing the ability of the cell to make the best
use of any oxygen remaining in the cell. Acti- PO2 LEVELS AT WHICH
vated mitochondrial KATP channels will again HYPOXIA OCCURS
reduce the rate at which these changes occur.
Extracellular triggers that bring about precondi- Cellular PO2
tioning include adenosine, purines, bradykinin
or catecholamines, all acting via G-proteins and ‘Critical Po2’ refers to the oxygen partial pres-
protein kinase C to cause activation of the KATP sure below which oxidative cellular metabolism
channels. fails. For isolated mitochondria, this is known to
be less than 0.13 kPa (1 mm Hg), and possibly
as low as 0.01 kPa (0.1 mm Hg) in muscle cells
Late Protection despite their large oxygen consumption. Venous
This describes the protection from ischaemia Po2 approximates to end-capillary Po2 and,
seen about 12 h after the preconditioning and is though highly variable, is usually in excess of 3
less effective than early protection. It is again kPa (∼20 mm Hg) even in maximally working
mediated by activation of KATP channels, this skeletal muscle. Thus when the minimal Po2 in
time brought about by gene transcription of pro- the nearby capillary is approximately 200 times
teins such as inducible nitric oxide synthase, greater than that required by the mitochondria,
superoxide dismutase (page 347) or cyclooxyge- it is difficult to envisage how cellular hypoxia can
nase (page 210). occur in all but the most extreme situations.
There are reasons why this is not the case
in vivo.
Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning14,15 Measurement of intracellular Po2 is difficult.
This phenomenon offers the most potential for The most widely used technique is applicable
future clinical use. The technique involves mul- only to muscle cells and involves measurement
tiple (usually—three to four) short periods of of myoglobin saturation, from which Po2 may be
ischaemia induced in an arm or leg by inflating determined. These studies have indicated that
a blood pressure cuff above systolic blood pres- intracellular Po2 is in the range 0.5 to 2 kPa
sure for 5 minutes. Damage caused by ischaemia (3–15 mm Hg) depending on cell activity. Diffu-
in a remote organ, usually the heart during sion of oxygen within cells is believed to be slow
revascularization surgery, has then been demon- because of the proteinaceous nature of the cyto-
strated to be less in the ‘preconditioned’ patients. plasm, and therefore large variations in intracel-
The mechanisms remain largely a mystery, lular Po2 are likely to exist. Thus in intact cells,
including identifying the messenger system as opposed to isolated mitochondria, critical Po2
between the tissues and even whether this is is more likely to be of the order of 0.5 to 1.3 kPa
humoral, neuronal or immune cell in nature.14 (3–10 mm Hg), which is much closer to the end-
capillary value.21
Agents Used for Preconditioning
Critical Arterial Po2 for
Several drugs, but particularly inhalational
anaesthetics, can precondition cardiac muscle in
Cerebral Function
a manner similar to brief ischaemic episodes.12,16 The minimal safe level of arterial Po2 is that
The mechanism is also similar, with most of the which will maintain a safe tissue Po2. This will
effective drugs somehow enhancing KATP channel depend on many factors besides arterial Po2,
activity. Similar responses occur to the noble including haemoglobin concentration, tissue
gases helium and xenon, possibly mediated by perfusion and tissue oxygen consumption. These
modulation of nitric oxide,17 antagonism of the factors are in accord with Barcroft’s classification
NMDA receptor18 or activation of KATP chan- of ‘anoxia’ into anoxic, anaemic and stagnant
nels.19 Xenon is currently undergoing clinical (page 192).
trials for neuroprotection against encephalopa- This argument may be extended to consider
thy from cerebral ischaemia in neonates.20 in which circumstances the venous Po2 (and by
Therefore unfortunately, despite impressive implication tissue Po2) may fall below its critical
laboratory results, ischaemic preconditioning level corresponding, in normal blood, to 32%
has thus far failed to translate into a useful option saturation and oxygen content of 6.4 ml.dl−1. If
in routine clinical practice, but it does show the brain has a mean oxygen consumption of
332 PART 2  Applied Physiology

46 ml.min−1 and a blood flow of 620 ml.min−1, to similar levels of arterial Po2. However, both
the arterial/venous oxygen content difference acclimatized mountaineers and patients with
will be 7.4 ml.dl−1. Therefore, with normal cere- chronic respiratory disease have com­pensatory
bral perfusion, haemoglobin concentration, pH, etc., polycythaemia and maximal cerebral vasodilata-
this would correspond to a critical arterial oxygen tion. Uncompensated subjects who are acutely
content of 13.8 ml.dl−1, saturation 68% and Po2 exposed to hypoxia are unlikely to remain con-
4.8 kPa (36 mm Hg). This calculation and others scious at such low values for arterial Po2,
under various different conditions are set out in but considerable individual variation must be
Table 22.2. However, the other factors previ- expected.
ously listed will probably not be normal. They
may be unfavourable as a result of multiple
pathologies in the patient (e.g. anaemia or a EFFECTS OF HYPOXIA
decreased cerebral blood flow). Alternatively,
there may be favourable factors, such as poly- The clinical effects of acute hypoxia are described
cythaemia in chronic hypoxaemia, or reduced on page 247. Hypoxia presents a serious threat
cerebral oxygen requirements during hypother- to the body, and compensatory mechanisms
mia or anaesthesia. The possible combinations usually take priority over other changes. Thus,
of circumstances are so great that it is not feasi- for example, in hypoxia with concomitant hypoc-
ble to consider every possible situation. Instead, apnia, hyperventilation and an increase in cere-
certain important examples have been selected bral blood flow occur in spite of the decreased
which illustrate the fundamentals of the problem, Pco2. Certain compensatory mechanisms will
and these are shown in Table 22.2. come into play whatever the reason for the
Uncompensated ischaemia is dangerous, and, hypoxia, although their effectiveness will depend
with a 45% reduction in cerebral blood flow, any to a large extent on the cause. For example,
reduction of arterial Po2 exposes the brain to the hyperventilation will be largely ineffective in
risk of hypoxia. Uncompensated anaemia is stagnant or anaemic hypoxia because hyperven-
almost equally dangerous, although an increase tilation while breathing air can do little to
in cerebral blood flow restores a satisfactory increase the oxygen content of arterial blood,
safety margin. In the example in Table 22.2, a and usually nothing to increase perfusion.
40% reduction of blood oxygen-carrying capac- Hyperventilation results from a decreased
ity and a 40% increase of cerebral blood flow arterial Po2 but the response is nonlinear
permits the arterial Po2 to fall to 5.3 kPa (40 mm (see Fig. 4.8). There is little effect until arterial
Hg) without the cerebral venous Po2 falling Po2 is reduced to about 7 kPa (52 mm Hg):
below 2.7 kPa (20 mm Hg). The last line in maximal response is at 4 kPa (30 mm Hg). The
Table 22.2 shows the very dangerous combina- interrelationship between hypoxia and other
tion of anaemia (haemoglobin concentration factors in the control of breathing is discussed in
111 g.l−1) and cerebral blood flow three-quarters Chapter 4.
of normal. Neither abnormality is very serious Pulmonary distribution of blood flow is improved
considered separately, but in combination the by hypoxia as a result of hypoxic pulmonary
arterial Po2 cannot be reduced below its normal vasoconstriction (page 98).
value without the risk of cerebral hypoxia. The sympathetic system is concerned in many of
Table 22.2 is not to be taken too literally, the responses to hypoxia, particularly the increase
because there are many minor factors that have in organ perfusion. The immediate response is
not been considered. However, it is a general reflex and is initiated by chemoreceptor stimula-
rule that maximal cerebral vasodilatation may be tion: it occurs before there is any measurable
expected to occur in any condition (other than increase in circulating catecholamines, although
cerebral ischaemia) that threatens cerebral oxy- this does occur in due course. Reduction of cer-
genation. Also, there are circumstances in which ebral and probably myocardial vascular resist-
the critical organ is not the brain but the heart, ance is not dependent on the autonomic system
liver or kidney. but depends on local responses in the vicinity of
The most important message of this discus- the vessels themselves. With the exception of
sion is that there is no simple answer to pulmonary vessels, hypoxia causes vasodilatation
the question: What is the safe lower limit of of blood vessels almost everywhere in the body.
arterial Po2? Acclimatized mountaineers have This results mainly from a direct effect of adeno-
remained conscious at high altitude with arterial sine and other metabolites generated by hypoxia.
Po2 values as low as 3.28 kPa (25 mm Hg; Cardiac output is increased by hypoxia,
Chapter 15). Patients presenting with severe res- together with the regional blood flow to almost
piratory disease tend to remain conscious down every major organ, particularly the brain.

TABLE 22.2  Lowest Arterial Oxygen Levels Compatible with a Cerebral Venous PO2 of 2.7 kPa (20 mm Hg) under Various

Cerebral Venous Blood Arterial/ Arterial Blood

Venous O2
Blood O2 Brain O2 Cerebral PO2 Content PO2
Capacity Consumption Blood Flow SAT. O2 CONTENT Difference O2 CONTENT SAT.
(ml.dl−1) (ml.min−1) (ml.min−1) kPa mm Hg (%) (ml.dl−1) (ml.dl−1) (ml.dl−1) (%) kPa mm Hg
Normal values 20 46 620 4.4 33 63 12.6 7.4 20.0 98 13.8 100
Uncompensated arterial 20 46 620 2.7 20 32 6.4 7.4 13.8 68 4.8 36
Arterial hypoxaemia with 20 46 1240 2.7 20 32 6.4 3.7 10.1 50 3.6 27
increased cerebral blood
Arterial hypoxaemia with 25 46 620 2.7 20 32 8.0 7.4 15.4 61 4.3 32
Arterial hypoxaemia with 20 46 620 2.7 20 46 9.2 7.4 16.6 82 4.9 37
Arterial hypoxaemia with 20 23 620 2.7 20 57 11.4 3.7 15.1 75 3.6 27
Uncompensated cerebral 20 46 340 2.7 20 32 6.4 13.5 19.9 98 15 112
Uncompensated anaemia 12 46 620 2.7 20 32 3.8 7.4 11.2 93 8.9 67
Anaemia with increased 12 46 870 2.7 20 32 3.8 5.3 9.1 75 5.3 40
cerebral blood flow
Combined anaemia and 15 46 460 2.7 20 32 4.8 10.0 14.8 97 12 92

*pH 7.6.

Temperature 30°C; cerebral O2 consumption reduced to half normal.
22  Hypoxia
334 PART 2  Applied Physiology

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22  Hypoxia 334.e1

which in its active form modifies transcrip-

CHAPTER 22  HYPOXIA tion of many genes to attenuate the effects of
longer term hypoxia. These include eryth-
• When a cell becomes hypoxic the high-energy ropoietin to increase oxygen carriage, vascu-
molecule ATP is quickly depleted and cellu- lar growth factors to improve blood supply
lar functions fail. Initially phosphocreatine to the region, various enzymes involved in
and ADP can be used to produce an emer- glycolysis to improve anaerobic ATP produc-
gency supply of ATP, but when these are tion and inflammatory mediators.
exhausted inefficient anaerobic metabolism • Ischaemic preconditioning describes a tech-
must be used. This produces large amounts nique of deliberately inducing ischaemia in
of intracellular lactic acid, particularly if the tissues before a predicted ischaemic insult to
tissue is still receiving blood flow and a supply activate the cellular response to hypoxia and
of glucose. so attenuate the damage. Early and late
• In neuronal tissue, potassium channels are forms of protection have been demonstrated
also affected by hypoxia, leading to an initial and are believed to arise from activation of
hyperpolarization of the cell followed by a mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium
gradual depolarization due to leakage of channels. Preconditioning may also work
potassium from the cell and failure of the remotely, for example, inducing ischaemia
sodium/potassium ATPase pump. The in limbs before cardiac surgery reduces the
depolarization also causes a gradual increase hypoxic damage to the myocardium during
in intracellular calcium. When a threshold surgery.
membrane potential is reached the cell fully • Clinical effects of hypoxia include hyperven-
depolarizes and the ion channels remain tilation, redistribution of pulmonary blood
open. Excitatory neurotransmitters such flow from hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstric-
as glutamate are often released and cause tion, activation of the sympathetic system and
further damage by reactivating the cell ion increases in haemoglobin concentration.
• Hypoxia also activates a ubiquitous intracel-
lular protein called hypoxia-inducible factor

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