MEN final
MEN final
MEN final
Handout of
Prof. Dr. Mohamed AbdelAziz
Chapter 1
Bioenergetics and Metabolism
- Metabolism;
Metabolism is the reaction series of biochemical of biomolecules in living organisms. They
include anabolic and catabolic reactions.
- Anabolism: Means synthesis of macromolecules from simple one. Anabolism is usually
endergonic (consumes energy).
- Bioenergetics:
There are two forms of energy stored in two types of bonds:
Low energy and high energy bonds.
l. Low Energy Bonds;( they give < 7.3 Kcal/mole on hydrolysis). They link food staffs:
a. Glycosidic bond in carbohydrates.
B. Carboxyl-ester bond in triacylglycerol.
c. Peptide bond in protein.
2. High Energy Bonds; ;( they give > 7.3 Kcal/mole on hydrolysis).
They are present in the form of 4 complexes, CoQ and cytochrome c.
- Complex I: It consists of: - FMN
- NADH, H dehydrogenase
- Many polypeptides
To transfer it to CoQ forming (CoQH2) with production of one ATP.
- Complex II: It consists of: - FAD
- Succinate dehydrogenase
- 2 FeS groups.
FADH2 transfers hydrogen from succinate to CoQ to form CoQH2
without production of ATP.
CoQ: is the main station between complex I and complex II
- Complex III: It consists of: - Cytochromes b & C
- One iron sulfur FeS group.
It transfers electrons from CoQH: to cytochrome c releasing two
protons with production of one ATP.
- Complex IV: It consists of: - Cytochromes a-a3 (a hemoprotein contains iron)
- 2 Copper atoms.
It transfers electrons from cytochrome c to oxygen which combines
with the two protons to form water with production of one ATP.
N.B.: 1- Flavoproteins are present in complex I as FMN and in complex II as FAD.
2 - Protons are pumped through complexes, I, III & IV
- P/O ratio :
- It is the ratio between inorganic phosphate consumed to form ATP in relation to
oxygen atom reduced to form water in the respiratory chain.
- In case of oxidation of NADH,H =2.5 ATPs, (formed at 3 coupling sites).
- In case of oxidation of FADH2 =1.5 ATPs, formed at 2 coupling sites).
- Storage of energy;
Storage of energy in the form of creatine phosphate in muscles. Energy collected in
the form of ATP and starts this reaction
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
Creatine + ATP Creatine ~P + ADP
- Uncouplers:
- Definition: They are compounds that dissociate oxidation from phosphorylation. they
I-physiological uncouplers
1- Calcium ions
2- Thyroxin hormone
3- Thermogenin (physiological uncoupler present in adipose tissue) it is
responsible for energy is released as heat also. It is important in
human babies, who cannot shiver to generate heat
II-Pharmacological uncouplers : 2,3 Dinitrophenol.
They affect ion and proton transport through the mitochondrial
membrane and abolish the electrochemical gradients. They allow
proton to pass through other gate named F2. Energy is released in the
form of heat.
Chapter II
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle = Citric Acid Cycle
(Kreb's Cycle)
- Definition: It is a cycle of chemical reactions for complete oxidation of active acetate
(acetyl ~ SCoA) derived from carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
- Site: All components of the cycle are located free inside the mitochondrial matrix except
succinate dehydrogenase which is present in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
(complex II of respioratory chain).
Chapter II
Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Introduction:
Intended learning outcome of this chapter are:
1. The important carbohydrates present in our body.
2. The important pathways of glucose oxidation and energy production.
3. The interconversion between different carbohydrates.
4. The storage of carbohydrates as glycogen and its metabolism.
5. The metabolic disorders resulting from defects in different enzymes of carbohydrate
metabolism and their biomedical importance.
- Dietary carbohydrates;
l. Monosaccharides:
They include glucose, fructose and galactose present in fruits and honey.
2. Disaccharides;
They include sucrose (in table sugar), lactose (in milk) and maltose
3. Polysaccharides;
Mainly starch in most vegetables and cereals. Cellulose in the wall of plants .
- Digestion of carbohydrates;
1. In the mouth:
Salivary Amylase
Starch Dextrin + Maltose
2. In the stomach :
HCL partially hydrolyzes carbohydrates into monosaccharides
3. In the intestine;
Pancreatic and intestinal enzymes hydrolyze, the oligo and polysaccharides into
monosaccharides as follows:
- Absorption of monosaccharides;
1. Simple diffusion:
Fructose and pentoses are absorbed by this mechanism.
2. Facllitated transport:
Fructose, glucose and gajactose are partially absorbed by glucose transporter-5 (GLUT-5).
3. Active transport (cotransport):
It is an active process that needs energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP. Glucose
and galactose are mainly absorbed by this process, it needs Sodium glucose transporter-
1 (SGLT-1).
- Glucose Oxidation
There are two main pathways for glucose oxidation:
1. Maior pathways:
Glycolysis followed by Kreb's Cycle The main aim of these pathways is production of
2. Minor pathways:
- Hexose monophosphate pathway
- Uronic acid pathway: The aim of these pathways is formation of important
metabolites (not energy production)
- Step 3: Phosphofructokinase-1enzyme phosphorylate Fructose-6-P to fructose- 1,6-
- Step 4: Aldolase-A enzyme splits Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to two
trioses:glyceraldehyde -3 P and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
- Step 5: Phosphotriose isomerase converts Dihydroxyacetone phosphate to
- Step 6: Glyceraldehydes-3-P dehydrogenase oxidize glyceraldehydes-3-Pto1,3-
- Step 7: Phosphoglycerate kinase converts two molecules of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to
3- phosphoglycerate.
- Step 8: 2- phosphoglycerate mutase converts The two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate
to 2-phosphoglycerate.
- Step 9: Enolase enzyme dehydrates The two molecules of 2-phosphoglycerate to 2-
- Step 10: Pyruvate kinase enzyme converts two molecules of 2-phosphoenolpyruvate to
enol pyruvate.
- Step 11: Enolpyruvate will be spontaneously changed into ketopyruvate.
- Comment on Glycolysis:
All enzymes of Glycolysis are reversible except for 3 irreversible enzymes which are:
1- Glucokinase and\or hexokinase.
2- Phosphofructokinase.
3- Pyruvate kinase.
- Comparison between hexokinase and glucokinase:
Hexokinase Glucokinase
Tissue site Extrahepatic tissues Liver &B-cells of pancreas
Substrates Glucose & other hexoses Glucose only
Affinity High affinity, so it acts under Low affinity, so it acts under high
low glucose concentration glucose concentration
Allosteric inhibition Feed back by G-6-P Not present
Hormonal Not affected by hormones Induced by insulin and repressed by
Feeding & fasting No effect Increased by feeding and in
inhibited by fasting
- Importance of glycolysis :
1. It provides energy to every cell under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Examples of anaerobic metabolism are contracting muscles (due to low oxygen
supply), and RBCs (due to absence of mitochondria).
2. It synthesizes important compounds from glycolytic intermediates :
3 phsophoglycerate as a source of non-essential amino acid serine
Dihydroxyacetone as a source of Glycerol 3 phosphate for Triaceylglycerol.
3. The importance of glycolysis in red blood cells :
It is only source of anaerobic energy to RBCs due to absence of
mitochondria. So, absence of pyruvate kinase enzymes leads to hemolytic
It helps the reduction of methemoglobin .
It is the source of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate formed by reaction of Rapoport –
Luebering cycle which decreases the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen and
help its delivery to tissues.
Regulation of transcription (change of enzyme amount):
Insulin induces the synthesis of the irreversible enzymes while glucagon
inhibits synthesis of them.
B. In vitro regulation:
Fluoride inhibits enolase enzyme by binding Mg++ ions. So, it is added in
test tubes of blood sample taken for glucose
estimation to inhibit glycolysis.
What is ment by phosphofructokinase-2?
- It is a bifunctional enzyme has two catalytic sites:
- First function is kinase.
- The second function acts as phosphatase .They are inversely regulated.
- Conversion Of Pyruvic Acid To Acetyl Coa:
Pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex:
3 enzymes and 5 coenzymes
3 enzymes are:
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase, dihydrolipoyl transacetylase and dihydrolipoyl
- Five coenzymes are: NAD, FAD, COASH, Lipoic acid and TPP
- Gain of energy in this reaction is 2.5 ATPs.
- Regulation of Pyruvate dehydrogenase:
- Reaction is Activated by: Insulin, pyruvate, CoASH, NAD,ADP&Ca2+ and
- Inhibited allostericallv by: Acetyl SCoA, NADH, ATP.
- Hexose Monophosphate Pathway (HMP)
- Pentose Phosphate Pathway:
It is a minor pathway for glucose oxidation occurring in certain tissues for production
of pentose-5-P and NADPH+H*.
- Site:
Cytoplasm of: Liver, adipose tissues, lactating mammary glands,RBCs, WBCs,
suprarenal glands, testis and ovaries.
- Key enzyme of HMP is Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase
- Steps: It occurs in two major phases:
- The first is the oxidative phase (irreversible):
6 molecules of glucose-6-P are converted into 6 molecules of pentose-5-P with the
release of 6 CO:, and 12 NADPH+H
- The second is the non oxidative phase (reversible);
6 molecules of pentose-5-P are rearranged to produce 5 molecules of glueose-6-P.
- Importance of HMP:
1. Minor Pathway for glucose oxidation
2. Formation of ribose-S-P:
It is mainly used for nucleotide synthesis.
Due to absence of pentokinase enzyme Dietary ribose is excreted in urine.
In absence of key enzyme of HMP (Favism), Ribose-5-P could be formed in
muscles and by reversal of HMP.
3. Formation of NADPH+H*:
NADPH, H is formed through: • Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase
• 6 Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase
- Importance of NADPH:
a. Co-.Hydroxylases:
Phenylalanine hydroxylase that converts phenylalanine into tyrosine.
Tryptophan hydroxylase that converts tryptophan into 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Hydroxylases needed for activation of vitamin D3 into calcitriol.
Hydroxylases needed for steroid hormones synthesis
b. Co-Reductases:
Enoyl and 3-ketoacyl reductases needed for fatty acid synthesis
HMG-CoA reductase needed for cholesterol synthesis
Retinal reductase that converts retinal into retinol.
Fotate and dihydrofolate reductases that forms tetrahydrofolate.
Glutathione reductase.
- Regulation of HMP:
- Activation: Insulin hormone induce the synthesis of glucose-6-P dehydrogenase and
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases.
-Inhibition: NADPH produce feedback inhibition on glucose-6-P dehydrogenase.
- Metabolic Error in HMP: (Fav ism) ;
It is a x linked genetic disease(common in males than females).
It is caused by deficiency of the enzyme glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
This will lead to decreased production of NADPH,H+ and reduced
The cell membranes of red blood cells become fragile.
Hemolytic attacks occur on exposure to oxidizing agents that increase H2O2
& free radical formation.
Free radicals are (eating fava beans or taking drugs as primaquine or
Heamolysis is a self limited condition to the aged RBCs only.
- Essential pentosuria:
- It is a genetic disease caused by absence of the enzyme L-xylulose reductase that
- L-xylulose into xylitol.
- Large amont of L-xylulose appears in the urine of the patients.
- Glycogen Metabolism:
a.Glycogenesis : It is synthesis of glycogen from glucose.
b.Glycogenolysis : It is the breakdown of glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate.
c.Gluconeogenesis : It is synthesis of glucose or glycogen from non carbohydrate sources.
- Glycogenesis:
It is synthesis of glycogen from glucose.
- Importance of the stored glycogen:
Liver glycogen maintains blood glucose level during fasting less than 18 hours.
Muscle glycogen provides contracting muscles with energy.
- Glycogenolysis
It is the breakdown of glycogen into glucose-1 -phosphate.
- Sites: Cytosol of liver and muscles
- Importance glycogenolvsis:
- Liver glycogen maintains blood glucose level during fasting less than 18 hours.
- Muscle glycogen provides contracting muscles with energy.
- Enzymes of Glycogenolysis:
The key enzyme of glycogenolysis is :Phosphorylase.
Liver phosphorylase is a monomer
Muscle phosphorylase is a dimmer each monomer contains one pyridoxal phosphate.
- Type I ;Von Gierke's disease;
It is caused by deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme in liver. This will lead to
accumulation of G-6-P and glycogen in liver. The patients suffer from hepatomegally
(enlarged liver) due to glycogen accumulation, fasting hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia due
to enhanced lipolysis and hyperuricemia due to activated HMP by the excess G-6-P.
- Gluconeogenesis
It is synthesis of glucose or glycogen from non carbohydrate sources.,during fasting more
than 18 hours when glycogen stores are depleted.
- Sites: It occurs in cytosol of liver the kidneys .
- Importance:
1. It provides blood glucose for different tissues:
The Brain:
1- It needs Glucose a source of energy.
2- It cannot utilize fatty acids because they are bound to albumin and cannot
pass the blood brain barrier.
3- It is the main source of oxaloacetate needed for working kreb's cycle to
allow complete oxidation of acetyl SCoA derived from fatty acid oxidation.
4- It utilizes ketone bodies after few days of fasting.
Skeletal muscles and RBCs
Glucose is the main source of energy due to the absence of mitochondria (it
cannot utilize fatty acids or ketone bodies).
- Enzymes of Gluconeogenesis
All the reactions are the reversal of glycolysis except those of the three irreversible
reactions, which are reversed as following:
Glucokinase and hexokinase both are reversed by glucose 6-phosphatase.
Phosphofructokinase-I is reversed by fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase.
Pyruvate kinase is reversed by two enzymes: Pyruvate carboxylase and
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.
N.B.: All enzymes are present in the cytosol except pyruvate carboxylase, which is
- Substrates for gluconeogenesis:
1. Lactate and Pyruvate;
a. Lactate is converted into pyruvate: by lactate dehydrogenase enzyme.
b. Pyruvate is converted into 2 phosphoenol pyruvate by two enzymes:
The mitochondrial pyruvate carboxylase enzyme converts pyruvic into
oxaloacetic acid.
This reaction needs energy derived from ATP.
Oxaloacetate by the cytosolic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is
converted into phospho-enolpyruvate.
Mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to oxaloacetate, so to be transported
into cytoplasm it should be converted into malate.
After crossing the mitochondrial membrane, malate is converted again into
oxaloacetate this is called (dicarboxylic acid shuttle).
c. Phosphoenol pyruvate is converted into glucose: By reversal of glycolysis.
2. Glycerol-3-P:
Enzyme glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase will give dihydroxyacetone-P. By phosphotriose
isomerase one molecule will give glyceraldehyde-3-P, by reversal of glycolysis they
give glucose.
3. Propionyl-SCoA resulted from oxidation of odd chain fatty acid:
N.B.: Even chain fatty acid gives acetyl CoA that cannot undergoes gluconeogenesis.
4. Glucogenic amino acids:
All amino acids are glucogenic except leucine and lysine. They gives intermediates
of kreb's then by reversal of glycolysis they give glucose.
- Regulation of gluconeogenesis
1. Effect of enzyme activity:
The rate of enzyme synthesis is the rate limiting step of gluconeogenesis
2. Effect of Hormones:
- Insulin suppresses the four enzymes of the irreversible reactions of gluconeogenesis.
- Glucagon induces the enzymes of the irreversible reactions.
- Growth hormone: Induces transamination of amino acids.
- Glucocorticoids: produce protein catabolism and gluconeogenesis from amino acids.
- Galactose Metabolism
- Site: Mainly in the cytosol of liver
- Importance: Galactose is present in:
1- Lactose of milk.
2- Galactolipids.
3- Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).
2) Galactose 1 Phosphsate also,inhibits the phosphorylase and
decrease ATP production.
- Treatment:
1- Galactose free diet.
2- There will be induction of other enzyme: Galactose Pyrophosphorylase enzyme
to overcome the depleted enzymes.
In absence of galactose the body can synthesize its needs by converting glucose
into galactose in liver cells as following:
- Fructose Metabolism
- Fructose has a more simple entry pathway into metabolism.
- In the liver, fructokinase converts fructose into fructose-1-phosphate
F1-P splits into DHAP and glyceraldehyde
Glyceraldehyde is converted into GAP by triose kinase
DHAP and GAP are both intermediates of the glycolysis pathway
- In adipose tissue, hexokinase converts fructose into fructose-6- phosphate, which can
continue directly through glycolysis.
Liver: the main regulator of glucose (glucostate)
After meals: During fasting:
It increases glucose uptake. It decreases glucose uptake.
It increases different pathways of glucose It decreases glucose oxidation.
oxidation. It stimulates glycogenolysis to supply blood
It helps the formation of other sugars from glucose during fasting less than
glucose. 18 hours.
It stores excess glucose as glycogen by It enhances gluconeogenesis to form glucose
glycogenesis. from non-carbohydrates during
fasting more than 18 hours.
It helps the conversion of other hexoses into
After meals: During fasting:
It increases glucose uptake. It decreases glucose uptake.
It increases glucose oxidation. It decreases glucose oxidation.
If blood glucose exceed the maximum It increases gluconeogenesis.
capacity of the kidney to reabsorb it from
glomerular filtrate (renal threshold =
180mg/dl), it is excreted in urine.
After meals: During fasting:
It increases glucose uptake. It decreases glucose uptake.
It increases glucose oxidation. It decreases glucose oxidation.
It increases glycogenesis It can supply blood glucose indirectly from
alanine and lactate through Con's cycle or
glucose alanine cycle
Adipose tissue
After meals: During fasting :
It increases glucose uptake. It decreases glucose uptake.
It increases glucose oxidation. It decreases glucose oxidation.
It increases lipogenesis It increases lipolysis.
Glycerol undergoes gluconeogenesis.
Fatty acid will be oxidized to give acetyl-
CoA, ATPs and NADH.
b. Adrenaline: Its effect is on the liver, muscles and adipose tissue:
- It increases glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
- It inhibits glycolysis and glycogenesis.
- It stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissues.
c. Glucocorticoids and Growth hormone;
- They enhance lipolysis in adipose tissues.
- They induce transaminase enzymes and gluconeogenesis from amino acids.
d. Thyroxine:
- It has some hypoglycemic and some hyperglycemic effects. The resultant is
- It increases glucose absorption from the intestine.
- It increases glucose uptake and oxidation by inducing the glucokinase
- It stimulates insulin secretion.
- It inhibits glycogenesis.
- It activates glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
- It stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissues.
- Hypoglycemia
It is the decrease of blood glucose below 45 mg/dl.
This will leads to:
- Adrenaline stimulation producing tremors, tachycardia and sweating.
- Decreased glucose supply to the brain will lead to headache, drowsiness, and if not
treated it leads to coma and death.
- Types of hypoglycemia;
a. Fasting hypoglycemia;
1. Liver diseases: Due to decreased glycogen stores, glycogenolysis and
2. Chronic renal disorders: Due to impaired gluconeogenesis and presence of
3. Increased insulin level: Due to tumor in beta cells of pancreas or overdose of
insulin in diabetic patient.
4. Decreased antiinsulin hormones: Due to hypofunction in pituitary, thyroid or
suprarenal glands 5.Hereditary metabolic diseases:
- Von Gierk's disease (decreased hepatic glucose 6 phosphatase)
- Decreased fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.
hours after meal in some people, which is usually
corrected by antiinsuiin hormones after short time.
3. Hereditary metabolic disorders:
Hereditary fructose intolerance: the absence of aldolase-B leads to accumulation
of fructose-1-P that inhibits phosphorylase enzyme and glycogenolysis.
- Glucosuria
It is the presence of detectable amount of glucose in urine (usually above 30 mg/dl).
- Types of Glucosuria:
a. Hyperglycemic glucosuria:
It occurs when the blood glucose level exceeds the renal threshold (180 mg/dl)
which is the maximum capacity of the kidneys to reabsorb glucose from the
glomerular filtrate. Causes of hyperglycemic glucosuria:
- Diabetes mellitus: Due to imbalance between insulin and antiinsulin hormones.
- Adrenaline glucosuria: In cases of stress, emotion or pheochromocytoma.
- Alimentary glucosuria: Following gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy due to
rapid evacuation of the stomach. This will lead to
increased rate of glucose absorption and sudden
elevation of blood glucose.
b. Normoglycemic glucosuria:
- Congenital renal glucosuria (diabetes innocens): Due to congenital decrease in
renal threshold.
- Renal diseases as nephritis.
- Pregnancy due to the pressure of the fetus on renal vessels.
Chapter III
Lipids Metabolism
- Forms of Dietary lipids:
Most of dietary lipids consist of: • Triacylglycerols
• Phospholipids
• Cholesterol esters
• Fat-soluble vitamins.
- Digestion of lipids:
I-Lingual and Gastric Lipases:
Their function is not important for adult because food remains for short time in the
mouth and stomach.
- Absorption of Lipids
Lipids will undergo the following within the mucosal cells;
- Long chain fatty acids are converted to acyl-CoA,.
- l-monoacylglycerol is completely hydrolyzed by the intestinal lipase into glycerol
and FFA..
- 2- monoacylglycerol is esterified by acyl-CoA into triacylglycerols.
- Lysophospholipid is esterified by acyl-CoA into phospholipids.
- Cholesterol is esterified by acyl-CoA into cholesteryl esters.
- Formation of chylomicron:
- Chylomicron transport lipids from the intestinal mucosal cells to portal circulation.
- It is formed of triacylglycerols, phospholipids, cholesteryl esters, cholesterol and fat-
soluble vitamins conjugated with proteins.
- Chylomicron, causes the turbidity of the plasma after fatty meal.
- They are cleared by the lipoprotein lipase enzyme (clearing factor).
- Metabolism of Triacylglycerol
1- Metabolism of glycerol,
2- Metabolism of fatty acids.
3- Metabolism of TAG .
- Metabolism of Glycerol
- Glycerol metabolism occurs:
1. Liver and kidneys by kinase enzyme.
2. In other tissues, due to absence of glycerol- kinase, glycerol 3-phosphate is formed
from dihydroxyacetone phosphate derived from glycolysis.
- Fate of glycerol 3 phosphate:
- It is used for synthesis of triacylglycerol & phospholipids.
- It can give glucose by gluconeogenesis in liver and kidneys.
- It can give dihydroxyacetone phosphate then undergoes oxidation by glycolysis.
- Short chain fatty acyl-CoA can pass through the inner mitochondrial
- Long-chain acyl-CoA requires the presence of a carrier called carnitine ( β-
hydroxy -γ- trimethyl ammonium butyrate).
Steps of β-oxidation:
3- Oxidation of Acyl-CoA;
Fatty acid oxidation occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
It is a multicyclic process, in each cycle two carbons are removed as active
acetate (acetyl-CoA)
Reduced coenzymes (FADH2 and NADH, H+) are produced.
80 ATP + 17.5 ATP + 10.5 ATP = 108 ATP
2~ P (used for Acyl CoA synthetase) = - 2 ATP
Total energy gained = 106 ATP
- Refsum's Disease
- It is a congenital deficiency disease of the enzymes of α - oxidation.
- It leads to accumulation of phytanic acid in nervous system.
- Complications of the disease are deafness, blindness, and polyneuritis.
- It is a minor pathway for fatty acid oxidation in liver microsome.
- It is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 hydroxylase that oxidizes the terminal CH3 group.
- It then undergoes β- oxidation from both ends.
1. The first step is the conversion of 7 molecules of acetyl-CoA to 7 molecules of
malonyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase enzyme.
- Glucose by HMP provides NADPH needed for fatty acid synthesis in the cytosol.
II- Microsomal System For Chain Elongation
- Importance: Elongation of C10 saturated and unsaturated acyl - CoA to provide C24
fatty acids needed for formation of cerebroside essential for the myelination
process in brain.
- Site: It is highly active in the brain microsome.
- Needs: It needs malonyl- CoA for the elongation process and NADPH, as a source of
Regulation of lipolysis;
- Hormone sensitive lipase is the key enzyme of lipolysis. It is present in an active
phosphorylated form (a) and an inactive dephosphorylated form (b).
- Its activation requires the presence of active protein kinase enzyme, which is
activated by cAMP.
- Metabolism of Eicosanoids
- Eicosanoids are physiologically active compounds derived from C20 PUFA (eicosa
means 20).
- They are derived from Arachidonic acid.
- Arachidonic acid is released from phospholipids of cell membrane by the enzyme
phospholipase A2.
- Eicosanoids are classified into two main groups, Prostanoids and leukotrienes.
- Prostanoids includes (prostaglandins, prostacyclin and thromboxan)
- Leukotrienes include leukotrienes and lipoxins.
- Eicosanoids are formed by two main pathways;
A- Cyclo-oxygenase pathway;
- It is catalyzed by prostaglandin synthase.
- It has two enzyme activities (cyclooxygenase and peroxidase). prostaglandin
synthase forms (PGE and PGF).
- Prostacyclin synthase forms prostacyclins (PGI) .
- Thromboxane synthase forms thromboxanes (TX). According to the number of
double bonds present each type is classified into three subgroups(PGE1, PGF1,
TXAI ); (PGE2, PGF2, PGI2 ,TXA2) and (PGE3, PGF3, TXA3).
- Phospholipids Metabolism
Phospholipids are classified according to the alcohol they contain into: phosphoglycerides
(contain glycerol) and sphingoliplds (contain sphingomylin),
A- Phosphoglycerides include:
1- Phoaphatldic acid
2- Phosphatidyl – serine
3- Phosphatidyl - ethanolamino (cephalln)
4- Phosphatidyl - cholinc (lecithin)
5- Phosphatidyl - inositol (lipositol)
B. Catabolism of phosphoglycerides
1- They are hydrolyzed by phospholipases A1, A2, B, and C enzymes
2- Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyl Transferase (LCAT)
Lecithin + Cholesterol Lysolecithin + Cholersterol Ester
- Importance of Phospholipids
1-They enter in the structure of cell membranes.
2-Phospholipids contain nonpolar group (fatty acid ) and polar group (phosphate &
bases), this gives them hydrotropic property important for:
- Emulsiflcation of dietary fats to help their digestion and absorpton.
- They prevents the formation of cholesterol stones in biliary system.
3-They enter in the structure of plasma lipoproteins which help the transfer of
different types of lipids in plasma.
4-Dipalmitoyl-lecithin acts as lung surfactant, to prevent the collapse of pulmonary
alveoli their deficieny in premature infants lead to respiratory distress syndrome.
5-They enter in the formation of platelet activating factor needed for blood clotting.
6-They are the main source of arachidonic acid that form the different eicosanoids.
7-They act as second messengers of hormone action:
- The binding of hormones with their receptors produces activation of G proteins
that activates phospholipase C enzyme.
- Phospholipase C hydrolyses phosphatidyl-inositol - 4,5 - bisphosphate (PIP2)
into inositol-triphosphate (IPS) and diacylglycerols (DAG).
- Both act as hormone second messengers.
- IP3 releases intracellular calcium from its stores .
- DAG activates protein kinase that lead to phosphorylation of cellular proteins
- Sphinsolipids
They includes;
- Sphingomyelin: It consists of sphingosine , fatty acid and phosphocholine.
- Glycolipids: Glucocerebrosides, galactocerebrosides and Gangliosides.
They consist of sphingosine , fatty acid and carbohydrates
- Sulfolipid. Consists of sphingosine , fatty acid and galactose 3 sulfate.
- Synthesis of Sphingolipids:
1. The first step of synthesis of sphingolipids is the formation of ceramide
(sphingosine + fatty acid).
2. Phosphocholine + Sphingomyelin =glycolipids
3. Phosphocholine + sulfate = sulfolipids.
- Sphingosine is synthesized from palmitoyl- CoA and the amino acid serine.
- Ceramide + Phosphatidylcholine Sphingomyelin + Diacylglycerol
- Ceramide + UDP-galactose Galactocerebroside Sulfolipids
- Ceramide + UDP-glucose Glucocerebrosides Gangliosides
C- Catabolism of sphingolipids;
Group of lysosomal hydrolase enzymes are responsible of sphingolipids catabolism.
- Sphingolipidosis:
- They are group of lipid storage diseases caused by deficiency of sphingolipid
catabolic enzymes/Complex lipids will accumulate in different tissues, producing
hepatomegaly (liver enlargement ), neurological disorders and mental retardation.
- Examples:
1- Gaucher's Disease: Due to deficiency of the enzyme p- Glucosidase lead to
accumulation of glucocerebrosides.
2- Niemann-Pick Disease: Due to deficiency of sphingomyelinase enzyme lead to
accumulation of sphingomyelin.
- Cholesterol Metabolism
- Sources of cholesterol:
Dietary sources: Brain, liver, kidney, red meat and egg yolk. -Endogenous-sources:
Active~acetate (acetyl-CoA).
- Cholesterol synthesis;
- Site :
1. Every cell can form its own cholesterol.
2. Plasma cholesterol is formed by the liver. The enzymes of cholesterol synthesis are
present in the microsome and cytosol of the cells.
- Regulation of Cholesterol Synthesis:
Regulation of key enzyme (HMG CoA reductase)
1. Carbohydrate feeding and insulin decrease cAMP level and increase the activity
of HMG - CoA reductase
2. Fasting and glucagon decrease its activity.
3. Feed back inhibition: both mevalonate and cholesterol inhibit HMG-CoA
Regulation: It occurs through covalent modification (phosphorylation-an active form)
and (dephosphorylation – inactive form of the enzyme):
- Importance of Cholesterol:
1-It is a component of cell membranes.
2-It enters in the formation of plasma lipoproteins.
3-Cholesterol is the precursor of Vitamin D3
4-It is the precursor of the different sex hormones (male and female sex hormones),
and steroid hormones (corticoids).
5-It is the source of bile acids and salts.
- Secondary bile acids (deoxycholic and lithocholic acids).
- They are formed in the intestine by intestinal bacteria.
- Intestinal bacteria remove the OH at C7 from primary bile acids by 7 dehydratase
- Plasma Cholesterol;
1-The total plasma cholesterol ranges form 100 - 200 mg/dl.
2-Cholesterol is carried mainly in the form of Cholesteryl esters.
3-⅔ of plasma cholesterol is carried on low density lipoproteins (LDL) risk cholesterol
and ⅓ on high density lipoproteins (HDL) safe cholesterol.
4-The ratio LDL/HDL (atherogenic index) if more than 4/1 it indicates high incidence to
develop atherosclerosis and its complications as hypertension and coronary heart
- Definition: It is the synthesis of ketone bodies from acetyl-CoA (active acetate).
- Overview:
- Ketogenesis is a preparatory step for oxidation of fatty acids in extrahepatic tissues
during starvation because they are oxidized more rapid than fatty acids.
- Also, ketone bodies could be oxidized by brain (5 to 6 days after starvation) that
cannot oxidize fatty acids.
- Site:
It occurs in the mitochondria of liver due to the presence of the enzymes, synthase and
HMG-CoA lyase.
- Pathway of Ketogenesis
1-Starvation due to hypersecretion of anti-insulin hormones.
2-Diet rich in fats and poor in carbohydrates due to decreased availability of
3-Diabetes mellitus lead to impaired glucose oxidation and increased fatty acid
- Ketolysis
- Definition: Ketolysis means oxidation of ketone bodies.
- Site:
- It occurs in the mitochondria of extra hepatic tissues due to the presence of succinyl- CoA -
acetoacetate-CoA transferase enzyme. Steps;
- β-hydroxybutyrate is converted to acetoacetate, then acetoacetate is activated and divided into 2
molecules of acetyl-CoA that complete oxidation in Krebs cycle.
- Importance of ketolvsis
It is the main source of energy in extrahepatic tissues during starvation and low
carbohydrate supply.
- Ketosis:
Ketosis is the increased level of ketone bodies in blood (Ketonemia) (mainly
acetoacetate and β - hydroxybutyrate ) and increased their excretion in urine (ketonuria),
It is due to increased rate of ketogenesis than that of ketolysis. The normal concentration
of ketone bodies in blood is about 1 mg/dl.
- Causes of Ketosis:
1-Prolonged starvation due to increased anti-insulin hormones, that increase the rate
of lipolysis and FA oxidation.
2-High fat and low carbohydrates diet that lead to elevated acetyl CoA and
decreased availability of oxaloacetate needed for their oxidation through kreb's
3-Severe uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
- Complication of Ketosis
1-Acidosis due to accumulation of acetoacetate and p- hydroxybutyrate. They are
buffered by bicarbonate system lead to a decrease in alkali reserve.
2-Osmotic diuresis will occur and Ketone bodies are excreted as sodium and
potassium salts.
3-It leads to electrolytes imbalance.
4-It leads to dehydraton.
5-Finally coma occurs that may be fatal.
- Treatment of Ketosis;
Treat the cause:
1-Intravenous glucose and insulin infusion in case of diabetics.
2-Intravenous glucose infusion in case of fasting or starvation.
3-Correct acidosis: By giving bicarbonate salts.
4-Correct dehydration: By fluids
5-Correct electrolyte imbalance by sodium and potassium in case of hypokalemia
- Ketogenic Substances;
These are substances that give active acetate without oxaloacetate:
1-Fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids.
2-Diabetes mellitus due to decreased glucose oxidation and oxaloacetate.
3-Starvation due to increased anti-insulin hormones that stimulate lipolysis, and FA
- Anti-Ketogenic Substances;
These are substances, that give pyruvate and oxaloacetate that help the oxidation of
active acetate by kreb's cycle.
- Carbohydrates, glycerol and glucogenic amino acids.
- Insulin: Stimulates glucose oxidation and lipogenesis and inhibits lipolysis .
- Plasma Lipoproteins
- Sources of plasma lipids;
- Dietary sources.
- Lipid synthesized in the liver.
- Lipids derived by lipolysis in adipose tissues.
2-In the middle part: polar lipids (phospholipids and non-esterified free
cholesterol), and proteins.
3-At the core:The non-polar lipids (triacylglycerols and cholesteryl-esters) are
1- Apolipoproteins:
It is present in two forms:
- Peripheral protein: Attached to the surface of lipoprotein and can be easily
separated from it.
- Integral protein: Inserted in the lipoprotein and cannot be separated from it.
I. Metabolism of Chylomicrons;
- Importance;
- Chylomicrons transport the absorbed dietary lipids from the intestine to lymphatics then to
- They are formed by intestinal mucosal cells
- Components :
- Apoproteins Apo A & Apo B-48.(Apo B-48 represents expression of 48% of apo B gene).
- Nascent chylomicrons are released from intestinal cells into intestinal lacteals to the
thoracic duct then to blood stream.
- d- Nascent chylomicrons are converted into mature chylomicrons by receiving apoproteins C
and E from HDL
- 2-Hydrolysis of TAG of chylomicron;
- Importance and synthesis:
- VLDL is formed in the liver to transport lipids (mainly TAG) from liver to extrahepatic
- It is synthesized by the following steps:
1- Synthesis of VLDL:
- Nascent VLDL is formed by liver and it has high TAG contents and also contain cholesterol
and phospholipid and the apo protein B-100.
- Mature VLDL: VLDL receives apo C and E from HDL, in the blood.
- Fate of LDL;
- LDL is the main source of cholesterol to extrahepatic tissues.
- Its uptake is througha specific apo B-100 receptors present, in both extrahepatic tissues
(30%) and liver (70%).
- Thyroid hormones help the formation of LDL receptors. So, hypercholesterolemia occurs in
cases of hypothyroidism.
III. Metabolism of HDL
- Importance of HDL:
- HDL are important for removal of cholesterol form the tissues to the liver (reverse
cholesterol transport) so, high levels of HDL protect against atherosclerosis.
- LCAT is activated by apo A.
- Cholesterol esters enter at the center of the particle separating the phospholipid bilayer apart
giving HDL spherical shape.
- It consists of:
1-Phospholipid bilayer.
2-Free cholesterol and apoproteins (A, C, E & D).
3-Enzyme lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT).
- Importance of HDL:
1-HDL supplies different apoproteins (C & E), to chylomicrons and VLDL.
2-Apo D helps the transfer of cholesteryl esters to chylomicron remnants and LDL in
exchange with triacylglycerols.
- Fate of HDL:
- HDL are taken by liver cells by endocytosis.
- Cholesterol esters are hydrolyzed and free cholesterol is either reused in the synthesis of
lipoproteins, or become converted into bile acids and secreted in bile.
6-Decrease of the risk by: Intake of antioxidants vitamins (A, C and E ) and selenium,
can decrease the risk of atherosclerosis.
- Fatty Liver:
Fatty liver means accumulation of excessive TAG in liver (up to 40% of its weight). This
leads to liver enlargement and fat will produce pressure atrophy on liver cells leading to
hepatic dysfunction and, later on liver cirrhosis.
5- Deficiency of lipotropic factors needed for mobilization of fat from the liver;
- These are factors needed for synthesis of lipoproteins that help the mobilization of
fat from the liver.
- They include factors needed for proteins and phospholipids synthesis.
a. Factors that affect protein synthesis:
- Decreased essential ami no acids.
- Hereditary abeta or hypobetalipoproteinemia.
- Liver toxins as CCU, chloroform, arsenic and phosphorus decreasing protein synthesis
b. Factors that affect phospholipids synthesis:
- Decreased essential fatty acids.
- Decreased inositol and choline.
- Decreased methyl donors and vitamins needed for choline synthesis.
- Excessive intake of nicotinic acid produces depletion of methyl donors as it is excreted in
urine as n-methylnicotinamide.
- Definition:
- They are substances that help the mobilization of fat from the liver.
- They are needed for the synthesis of plasma lipoproteins.
- They are used to treat patients with fatty liver.
- Glycine betaine (trimethylglycine).
- Folic acid and vitamin B12 needed for synthesis of methyl group.
Chapter IV:
Protein Metabolism
- Proteins are required for life of human being. They supply us with the essential amino acids
needed for normal growth.
- The requirements of proteins are not so much for anyone.
- It is only 0.8 g\kg body weight \ day. This requirement increases in case of growing infants,
during pregnancy and convalescence of diseases.
- Digestion of proteins
It is known that proteins are anitgenitic (they can cause immunologic response if pass to
blood directly) .The digestion of proteins prevents its antigenicity and helps its utilization.
- In the mouth: No digestion.
- In the stomach:
a) Pepsin enzyme digests proteins.It is secreted as inactive then it is activated by HCL
pepsin is an endopeptidase leads to denaturation of proteins.
b) Rennin: It is important in infants.It causes coagulation of proteins of milk.
- In the intestine:
Different enzymes are secreted from the intestine to digest proteins:
- Pancreatic enzymes:
- Pancreatic endopeptidase: Trypsin ,Chymotrypsin hydrolyse proteins to form
small peptides.
- Pancreatic carboxypeptidases: And intestinal aminopeptidases are the end of
protein digestion.
- Absorption of amino acids:
- Most of naturally occurring amino acids are in the form of L- form.
- It is an active process it needs either Sodium amino acid carrier or γ glutamyl cycle.
- Low biological value:
They are deficient in or more of the essential amino acids.
2. Glycine Oxidase
glycine oxidase
Glycine glyoxylate
3. L-Amino acid oxidase with coenzyme FMN, forms imino acid and then α keto acid
2) Transamination:
It is the transfer of amino group from amino acid to α keto acid, it needs (PLP/vit B6).
A) Alanine transaminase ALT or (GPT)
Alanine + α keto glutamic acid Pyruvate + glutamic.
3) Transdeamination
It is the main mechanism of Deamination in the body: It is a combined method of
transamination and oxidative
4) Specific methods of deaminations;
- Glycine cleavage system (glycine CO2 + NH3)
- Serine dehydrates (serine Pyruvic acid + NH3)
- Cysteine desulfhydrase (cysteine Pyruvic acid + NH3)
- Histidase (hisidine Urocanic)
Metabolism of Ammonia
- Sources of ammonia:
Deamination of amino acids derived from tissues or protein intake.
- Fate of ammonia:
1) Synthesis of:
Non essential amino acid.
Purine and pyrimidines.
Synthesis of amino sugars.
2) Catabolic pathway:
In the liver: It is converted to urea or to lesser extent glutamine.
In the brain and extra hepatic tissues: It combines ammonia with glutamic acid
forming glutamine.
In the kidneys: Urea and ammonia are excreted in urine.
- Urea cycle:
- It is the main mechanism for excretion of ammonia in the body.
- Pathway of urea synthesis occurs the liver: 1st 2 reactions occur in mitochondria and
then in the cytosol.
- Key enzyme: Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I (CPS I)
Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I (CPS I) Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I (CPS II)
Liver mitochondria Cytosol of cells
Urea synthesis Pyrimidine Synthesis
- Regulation:
(Feeding of proteins and increased N-acetyl glutamate) increase the activity of the
key enzyme.
- Hyperammonemia:
It is a condition in which ammonia increases in blood and this is due to many causes:
1. Liver failure
2. Renal failure
3. Genetic causes
2- Hyperammonemia type 2: It is x linked disease due to deficiency of ornithine
3- Citrullinemia deficiency of argininosuccinate synthase.
4- Argininosuccinateacidemia due to deficiency of argininosuccinase
5- Hyperargininemia due to deficiency of arginase.
- Complications of hyperammonemia:
1- It leads to disturbed sleep rhythm and irritability due to decrease of αketoglutarate
(normally αketoglutarate enters in Kreb’s cycle but in hyperammonemia it is
converted to glutamate and then to glutamine with decrease of Krebs cycle and
2- Increased ammonia leads to encephalitis and alkalosis
- Treatment of hyperammonemia
1) Decrease protein intake
2) Dialysis to reduce plasma ammonia.
3) Na phenyl acetate and Na benzoate to combine with glycine and glutamic acid to form
hippuric acid (glycine and glutamic amino acids catabolism constitute main bulk of
4) Diet must be fortified with arginine, as it becomes essential.
- Creatine metabolism
- Creatine phosphate is the storage form of energy in muscles.
- It is formed in the kidney liver and muscles.
- Causes of creatinurea:
- Physiological:
1) Childhood (due to deficiency of androgen)
2) After labor (due to decrease of uterine muscle bulk).
- Pathological:
1) Myopathies
2) Starvatoion
3) Hypogonadism
4) Diabetes mellitus
5) Vitamin E deficiency.
Nitrogen Balance
It is the difference between the nitrogen intake and nitrogen excretion. There are 3 forms of
nitrogen balance.
1. Positive nitrogen balance:
it occurs when the intake of proetins is more than its excretion. The best example
during childhood, adolescence and convalescence period s
2. Negative nitrogen balance :
It occurs when the intake is less than excretion or there is a disease leads to marked
loss of proteins as diabetes ,chronic infection, thyrotoxicosis and chronic blood loss.
3. Nitrogen equilibrium :
It occurs with a balanced normal adult when the intake is equal to excretion.
- Sources of glycine;
1) From Serine by hydroxymethyl transferase.
Serine Glycine
2) From threonine by aldolase.
threonine aldolase
Threonine Glycine + acetaldehyde
3) ByReversal of glycine cleavage system.
4) Transamination of glyoxylate.
Glycine glyoxylate
- Metabolic errors of glycine metabolism:
1) Primary Hyperoxalurea;
It is due to deficiency of decarboxylation of glyoxalate,there is excess oxalate in
urine.The condition leads to formation of urinary stones.
2) Hyperglycinemia;
It is an increase in glycine level in blood due to failure of the enzymes to utilize
3) Glycinurea;
It is due to failure of kidneys to reabsorb glycine back to blood.
- Serine:
- Nonessential
Being synthesized from glycine by hydroxymethyltransferase.
- Glucogenic:
It gives Pyruvate by serine dehydratase.
- Importance of serine
1) It gives the site for covalent modification of enzymes.
2) It gives glycine.
3) Synthesis of cystiene
- Importance of serine in lipidmetabolism
1) It synthesize phosphoglycerides (phosphatidyl serine,phosphatidyl thanolamine and
phosphatidyl choline)
2) It synthesizes sulfolipids
3) It synthesizes sphingomyeline.
- Alanine:
- It is a Nonessential and glucogenic amino acid.
- It gives Pyruvate by transamination.Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase its other name is
(Alanine Transaminase, ALT).
- Cystiene:
- It is a nonessential amino acid.It is formed from homocystiene and serine
- It is glucogenic amino acid.
- It gives Pyruvate by cystiene desulfhydrase.
- Importance of cystiene:
1) Synthesis of bile salts (sodium taurocholate and potassium taurocholate) from its
by product taurine.
2) Synthesis of glutathione = (cystiene + glycine + glutamic)
- Importance of glutathione:
A) Absorption of amino acids.
B) It acts as antioxidant for removal of H2O2 in RBCs.
C) Detoxication of compounds
D) Coenzyme of insulin glutathione transhydrogenase.
3) (SH) group of cystiene gives:
a) Active site(catalytic site) of many enzymes.
b) It gives cystine for synthesis of immunlglobulin and insulin.
C) H2S enters in the formation of Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate
(PAPS)(active sulfur donor)for formation of GAGS ,sulfolipids and
detoxication of aromatic amino acid
4) Decarboxylation of cystiene gives thioethanolamine,which enter in synthesis of
(CoASH) and Acyl Carrier Protein used in fatty acid synthesis.
- Threonine:
- It is an essential, glucogenic as it gives butyric acid by transamination,propionylCoA
and Succinyl CoA which gives oxaloacetate in Kreb’s cycle.
- Importance of threonine;it gives glycine (by threonine aldolase).
- Arginine:
- It is Semi essential, glucogenic gives (ornithine then α ketoglutarate)
- Importance of arginine;it gives urea, creatine and nitricoxide and spermine and
- Methionine:
It is essential and glucogenic (it gives homocystiene then homoserine then
αketobutyrate,prpionyl COA and succinyl CoA).
- Importance of methionine;
- It enters in the structure of cysteine
- It acts as a methyl donor
N.B.other methyl donors are (folic acid ,vitamin B12 and glycine betaine)
- Methyl acceptor:
- Guanido acetate +methyl Creatine
- ethanolamine +methyl Choline
- Norepinephrine +methyl Epinephrine
- N- acetyl sseritonine+methyl Melatonin
- Carnosine + methyl Anserine
***Metabolic error of methionine and homocysteine
1- Homocystinurea
It is excretion of large amounts of homocysteine in urine
- Type 1: It is due to deficiency of cystathionine synthase and excretion of large
amounts of methionine, SAM and homocystiene in urine.cysteine becomes
essential.Vascular thrombosis is a complication of the disease.
- Other types of Homocystinurea result from deficiency of methionine synthase or
vit B12 and folic acid.
- 2-cystathioninurea: It is due to deficiency of cystathioninase enzyme with
excretion of large amounts of cystathionine in urine
treatment by diet low in methionine and more vit B6 and
vit B12.
- Aspartic acid Non essential, glucogenic (by transamination gives oxaloacetate)
Important derivatives: 1- Purines
2- Pyrimidines
3- β –Alanine by decarboxylation.
4- Asparagine,needed for protein synthesis.
- Glutamic acid Non essemtial, glucogenic (by transamination gives glutaric acid).
- It is formed by catabolism of glutamate family (arginie,praline and histidine).
- Importance of glutamic acid:
1- Synthesis of arginine and praline.
2- Synthesis of glutathione.
3- Synthesis of GABA.
4- Synthesisof glutamine (removal of ammonia, synthesis of
Pyrimidines and detoxification).
- Glutamine:
Important for: 1) Detoxication of ammonia
2) Purine synthesis
3) Pyrimidine synthesis
4) Synthesis of amino sugars.
- Tyrosine:
- Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid.Tyrosine is synthesized from phenylalanine.
- They are mixed ketogenic giving acetoacetate and glucogenic giving fumarate.
- Phenylketonurea:
It is genetic autosomal recessive disease due to deficiency of phenylalanine
hydroxylase leading to increase of phenylalanine and its conversion to phenylpyruvate,
phenyllactate and phenylacetate . All metabolites are excreted in urine.
- Complications of tyrosine deficiency:
Mental retardation and seizures due to decrease in tyrosine and decrease of its
neurotransmitter derivatives .
- Treatment: By phenylalanine free diet, milk formula must be fortified with tyrosine.
- Derivatives of tyrosine
1) Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline
2) Thyroxine
3) Melanin
- Metabolic error of tyrosine
1) Tyrosinemia due to deficiency of catabolic enzymes of tyrosine metabolism as
fumaryl acetoacetate or tyrosine transaminase.there is mental
2) Alkaptonurea: Deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase and homogenitisic acid
accumulates in tissues and give the black color of urine.
3) Albinism due to deficiency of tyrosinase enzyme and decrease of melanin pigment.
- Tryptophan:
- Essential, mixed glucogenic and ketogenic(Alanine and acetoacetyl CoA).
- Important derivatives:
1) Niacin major catabolic pathway
2) Serotonin formed in GIT and catabolized by MAO enzyme
3) Melatonin is an antioxidant affects the sleep rythm
4) Indole and skatole in intestine by bacteria
- Pathway of conversion of tryptophan to melatonin;
2) Vitmin B6 deficiency: Leading to decrease conversion of tryptophan to kynurinine and
also decrease in synthesis of Niacin. Excretion of xanthurenic
acid in urine.
- Histidine:
- It is a Semi-essentialamino acid.
- It is glucogenic as it gives glutamic acid.
- Important derivatives:
1) Histamine- (vasodilator)
2) Anserine and carnosine (muscle buffers)
3) Ergothionine:it is the betaine of thiolhistidine (it acts as an antioxidant).
- Metabolic errors of histidine metabolism
1) Histidinemia: Defect in histidase with elevated histidine level in blood and urine
and delayed speech.
2) Urocanic acidurea: Deficiency in urocanase and elevation in urine.
3) Folic acid deficiency: Increase of FIGLU in is diagnostic for folic acid
Proline Nonessential, glucogenic (gives glutamic acid) important with hydroxyproline for
synthesis of collagen. Hydroxyproline gives pyruvate and glyoxylate
Both proline and hydroxyproline stabilize collagen structure
Interconversion of carbohydrates lipids and proteins
- Interconversion between carbohydrates and lipids:
Carbohydrates provide:
1) Glycerol 3 phosphate
2) Acetylcoa for fatty acid synthesis, then estrification of glycerol and fatty acids to form
Chapter V Purines&Pyrimidines
Biosynthesis of Purines
- Purine synthesis occurs either by DeNovo pathway in all tissues or salvage pathway in
RBCs, lymphocytes and brain cells.
- Salvage pathway occurs through adding phosphate and ribose (Adenine phosphoribosyl
transferase or HGPRTASE for guanine and hypoxanthine
- Salvage pathway may occur for adenosine by adding phosphate through kinase enzyme.
1- De novo
2- Salvage system.
- Every cell can perform de-novo system except the brain and RBCs.
- Folate is important for C2 and C4 of purine ring folate antagonists as methotrexate inhibit
purine synthsis and cell they are used as treatment of cancer.
Synthesis of deoxyribose of DNA: The enzyme requires protein factor:
Thioredoxin and NADPH .
- Diagram for Regulation of purine synthesis
b. Renal gout:
- Causes of renal gout:
- Primary causes of renal gout:
Primary defect of excretion of uric acid.
- Secondary causes of renal gout:
1- Nephritis.
2- Certain drugs reduce excretion of uric acid.
- Treatment of gout:
1- Reduce protein intake and use other forms of proteins like milk and eggs.
2- Alkalinzation of urine to dissolve uric acid in the form of urates.
3- Use of Allopurinol as a drug of choice to reduce synthesis of uric acid by
competitive inhibition of xanthine oxidase enzyme .
- Hypouricemia
- It is a genetic disease with deficiency of uric acid due to deficiency of:
- Xanthine Oxidase Enzyme, Adenosine Deaminase Enzyme Or Purine Nucleoside
Phosphorylase Enzyme
- There is deficiency of purine synthesis and decrease activity of B and T lymphocytes and
mental retardation and early death.
Pyrimidine synthesis
- Synthesized by DeNovo or Salvage pathway
- Key enzymeof de nove: carbamoyl phosphate synthesase II(CPS II) it takes nitrogen
from glutamine it is a cytosolic enzyme,it does not need N acetylglutamine.
- It differs from (CPSI of urea synthesis take its source nitrogen from ammonia,it is
mitochondrial enzyme)
- All enzymes are cytosolic except dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase
orotic acidurea
due to deficiency of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase or orotodyldecarboxylase
- Catabolism of pyrimidine
3 steps: (reduction – hydrolysis - reduction)
* Cytosine and uracil give (B alanine and CO2 NH3)
* Thymine give (B aminoisobutyric acid and CO2 and NH3).
Chapter VI
Fat Soluble Vitamins:
Fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E and K
Functions of Vitamin A
1) Vitamin A and vision : there are two types of receptors called rods and cones
present in the retina:
Rods the retinal light receptors responsible for night vision contain the
photosensitive pigment rhodopsin .
Cones : are the retinal light receptors containing the photosensitive pigment
(iodopsin or visual violet) and are responsible for day vision. On exposure to
light, these pigments undergo changes account for coloured vision.
In good exposure to light, rhodopsin is converted to the colourless protein (opsin)
+ trans-retinal.
This photochemical change is associated with the initiation of nerve impulse which
finally propagates along the optic nerve.Good vision in dim light requires rapid
regeneration of rhodopsin, which in turn requires a good supply of vitamin A. Thus,
in vitamin A deficiency we get night blindness (nyctalopia) .
Rhodopsin Cycle (Wald’s Visual Cycle
Light photon
Rhodopsin lumirhodopsin metarhodopdin I metarhodopin II
Deficiency manifestaitons of vitamin A
hyperkeratinization of epithelial tissues leads to 1) Dryness of the eyes (xero-ophthalmia)
2)repeated chest infection 3)repeated urinary infections 4) night blindness (nyctaopia).
5) rough skin 6)hyperkeratinization of the cornea
Vitamin D
Cholesterol 7- dehydrocholesterol UV (VITAMIN D3)
2 25 (oH)vit D 3
( Kidney)
1 hydroxylase
24 hydroxylase
Regulation of calcitriol level: PTH activates 1α hydroxylase, elevated calcitriol level causes feed back
on 1α Hydroxylase and stimulation of 24 hydroxylase.
Importance of vit D3
1)effect on intestine ;
a)it increases calcium absorption from intestine
Vitamin D (CALCITRIOL) is considered as a hormone it stimulates the nucleus to increase synthesis
of m RNA responsible for calcium binding protein(CBP) increasing calcium absorption.
b)it also increases phosphorus absorption from intestine
2)effect on kidneys it increases calcium and phosphorus reabsorption from kidneys
3)effects on bones it increases calcium and phosphorus in bones
Rickets is a disease diagnosed through laboratory and radiological findings
Laboratory finding in case of Rickets:
Early changes in Rickets
Calcium is normal and phosphorus is low , high alkaline phosphatase enzyme. This is due to over
activity of Parathyroid hormone.
Late changes in Rickets
Calcium is low and phosphorus is low. high alkaline phosphatase enzyme.
It is reduction of calcium level in adults mainly in females due to:
1. Repeated pregnancy and lactation.
2. Steatorhea.
3. Patients with renal failure may develop osteomalcia due to decrease of α1 hydroxylase
enzyme,needed for activation of vitamin D3.
Its main function is antioxidant vitamin.
**It protects PUFA in the membranes from free radicals (ROS).SO, increase of PUFA increases
the needs of vitamin E.
**Vitamin E deficiency leasds to vitamin A deficiency ,as it protects vitamin A from free radicals
and oxidizing agents.
**trace element SELENIUM acts as potent antioxidant (as it activates glutathione reductase)
So the requirement of vitamin E decreases in presence of selenium
Deficiency of vitamin E leads to;
1- increase fragility of RBCs
2- vascular thrombosis
3- liver necrosis
dicumarol and warfarin (act as anticoagulant) they are structurely similar to vitamin K compete
with vitamin K on epoxide reductase enzyme .