Preparation Exam ICP API 510 API 650 Chapitre 1-3
Preparation Exam ICP API 510 API 650 Chapitre 1-3
Preparation Exam ICP API 510 API 650 Chapitre 1-3
API 650
Q1. API 650 covers material, design, fabrication, erection, and testing
requirements for aboveground welded steel storage tanks. Internal
allowed for these tanks approximates atmospheric pressure. However,
the internal pressures must not:
Q2. Tanks that have bottoms that are not uniformly supported are:
a. 500
b. 300
c. 200
d. 100
Q4. Who decides whether tanks constructed to API 650 will have SI
dimensions and comply with applicable SI unit standards or have US
Customary dimensions and comply with applicable US Customary unit
a. The jurisdiction.
b. the purchaser
c. the manufacturer
d. The Inspector .
Q 5. Appendix A provides alternative simplified design requirements for
where the stressed components, such as shell plates and reinforcing
are limited to a maximum nominal thickness of ½ inch, including
allowance. What is ½ inch in SI units?
a. 10 m
b. 12.7 cm
c. 25.4 mm
d. 12.5 mm
Q6. Who is responsible for complying with all of the provisions of API650
when a new tank is built?
a. The purchaser.
b. The inspector.
c. the jurisdiction.
d. the manufacturer.
a) A joint between two members that intersect at an angle between 0 degrees (a butt
joint) and 90 degrees (a corner joint).
b) A joint between two abutting parts lying in approximately the same plane that is
welded from both sides.
c) A joint whose size is equal to the thickness of the thinner jointed member.
d) A joint between two overlapping members in which the overlapped edge is welded.
Q9. A full-fillet weld is a weld that :-
a) 0.912°
b) 0.850°
c) 1"
d) 0.922°
Q12. Calculate by the 1-Foot method the hydrostatic test shell thickness Tt in
inches, of the above referred tank, when water is used for the test:
a) 0.935°
b) 0.985°
c) 1"
d) 0.922"