2-Questions API 650 Question N°02 2022
2-Questions API 650 Question N°02 2022
2-Questions API 650 Question N°02 2022
API 650
Q1. In an AST built to API Standard 650, the minimum nominal thickness
of bottom plates, exclusive of specified corrosion allowance shall be:
a. 12.7 mm (1/2”)
b. 8 mm (5/16”)
c. 6.0 mm (1/4”)
d. 5 mm (3/16”)
Q2. The full course width for shell plate as per API 650 shall be minimum:
a. 72”
b. 96”
c. 60”
d. 90”
Q3. How many inches must project beyond the outside edge of the weld
attaching the bottom sketch plate to the shell plate?
Q4. AST fabricated to API 650 (Basic Standard) is normally designed not to
exceed an operating temperature of:
a) 260 deg C
b) 100 deg C
c) 90 deg C
d) 21 deg C
a. 2” for single-welded lap joints and 4” for double welded lap joints
b. 1” for single-welded lap joints and 2” for double welded lap joints
c. 1.5” for single-welded lap joints and 2” for double welded lap joints
d. 1.5” for single-welded lap joints and 1” for double welded lap joints
Q8. Vertical joints of a 28mm thick shell of an AST built to API Std. 650
shall be radiographed to the extent as given below:
a. Full
b. Partial
c. Spot
d. Nil
Q9. In an AST built to API Standard 650, the bottom annular plates have
radial weld joints, and are single butt welded with permanent back-up
bar, in
which case, the extent of radiographing radial joints shall be,
a. Not required
b. Required
c. Depends on opinion of design engineer
d. Depends on opinion of tank inspector
Working: mtls group Group V Normalized, Killed Fine-Grain Practice
a. 10 degrees F.
b. 15 degrees F.
c. 25 degrees
d. 30 degrees F.
Q13. When any new or unused plate and pipe material cannot be completely
identified by records that are satisfactory, the material may be used in the
construction of tanks covered by API 650 only if the:
Q14. Which of the following sets of the Transverse Charpy V-notch Impact
Test Values of a fully killed 0.75 “ thick plate of ASTM A 516 gr 60 for a design
metal temperature of -34 degree C, is acceptable as per API 650? Plates are
not normalized.