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Esia Final Km500

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Pearl Petroleum Company Limited

Khor Mor 250A MMscfd Expansion for

KM500 Gas Treatment Plant,
Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
182279-17 (05)

APRIL 2020
Project No.: 182279-17 (05)

Title: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500
Gas Treatment Plant - Khor Mor, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Client: Pearl Petroleum Company Limited

Date: 08 April 2020

Office: Abu Dhabi

Status: Final for upload

Author Robert Gould Technical reviewer Ruba Farkh

Signature Signature
Date: 01 April 2020 Date: 20 December 2019

Social technical
Project manager Cyndi Teulon reviewer Corinne Kennedy

Signature Signature
Date: 08 April 2020 Date: 01 April 2020

RSK Environment LLC (RSK) has prepared this report for the sole use of the client, showing reasonable skill and care, for the
intended purposes as stated in the agreement under which this work was completed. The report may not be relied upon by
any other party without the express agreement of the client and RSK. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to
the professional advice included in this report.
Where any data supplied by the client or from other sources have been used, it has been assumed that the information is
correct. No responsibility can be accepted by RSK for inaccuracies in the data supplied by any other party. The conclusions
and recommendations in this report are based on the assumption that all relevant information has been supplied by those
bodies from whom it was requested.
No part of this report may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of RSK and the party for whom it was
Where field investigations have been carried out, these have been restricted to a level of detail required to achieve the stated
objectives of the work.
This work has been undertaken in accordance with the quality management system of RSK Environment LLC.

Pearl Petroleum
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Operator's name and contact information ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Key personnel – environmental consultant .............................................................................. 1
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIES ............................................................ 3
2.1 Background and project purpose ............................................................................................. 3
2.2 KM250A Project schedule ........................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Project location and site description ......................................................................................... 4
2.4 Current activities at the site ...................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Description of KM250A Project ................................................................................................ 8
2.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.2 Project components ...................................................................................................... 8
2.5.3 Expansion Area ............................................................................................................ 9
2.5.4 Development Area ........................................................................................................ 9
2.5.5 Tie-ins .........................................................................................................................10
2.5.6 Process description ....................................................................................................10
2.5.7 Utilities for the KM250A Project..................................................................................17
2.5.8 Flares ..........................................................................................................................18
2.5.9 Thermal oxidiser .........................................................................................................18
2.5.10 Drainage .....................................................................................................................18
2.5.11 Venting .......................................................................................................................19
2.5.12 Produced water ..........................................................................................................20
2.5.13 Hot oil circulation and heater ......................................................................................20
2.5.14 Power supply ..............................................................................................................20
2.5.15 Safety exclusion/buffer zones ....................................................................................20
2.6 Project activities for all Project phases ...................................................................................21
2.6.1 Construction phase.....................................................................................................21
2.6.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning .....................................................................28
2.6.3 Operations phase .......................................................................................................29
2.6.4 Decommissioning .......................................................................................................32
2.7 Resource consumption ...........................................................................................................33
2.7.1 Construction phase.....................................................................................................33
2.7.2 Operations phase .......................................................................................................33
2.7.3 Decommissioning phase ............................................................................................34
2.8 Emissions, wastes and other environmental issues ...............................................................34
2.8.1 Air emissions ..............................................................................................................34
2.8.2 Noise ..........................................................................................................................35
2.8.3 Liquids ........................................................................................................................36
2.8.4 Waste .........................................................................................................................37
2.8.5 Visual effects ..............................................................................................................39
2.8.6 Traffic ..........................................................................................................................40
2.8.7 Land use .....................................................................................................................41
2.9 Future development................................................................................................................41

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
2.10 Associated facilities ................................................................................................................41
2.10.1 Site clearance and mobilisation ..................................................................................42
2.10.2 Drilling .........................................................................................................................43
2.10.3 Demobilisation ............................................................................................................46
2.10.4 Emissions, discharges and wastes ............................................................................46
2.10.5 Schedule .....................................................................................................................47
3 BASELINE PROPERTIES OF THE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................... 48
3.1 Methodology ...........................................................................................................................48
3.2 Physical environment .............................................................................................................48
3.2.1 Geography, climate and meteorology ........................................................................48
3.2.2 Geology ......................................................................................................................49
3.2.3 Soil ..............................................................................................................................51
3.2.4 Water resources .........................................................................................................57
3.2.5 Noise ..........................................................................................................................68
3.2.6 Air quality ....................................................................................................................72
3.3 Biological environment ...........................................................................................................80
3.3.1 Area of influence - biodiversity ...................................................................................80
3.3.2 Past field data collection in the Project area ..............................................................82
3.3.3 Current field data collection in the Project area .........................................................82
3.3.4 Critical habitat assessment ........................................................................................86
3.3.5 Biodiversity baseline conditions .................................................................................89
3.4 Social baseline .....................................................................................................................100
3.4.1 Methodology .............................................................................................................100
3.4.2 Political history..........................................................................................................105
3.4.3 Administrative structure and governance .................................................................106
3.4.4 Demographics ..........................................................................................................107
3.4.5 Health .......................................................................................................................112
3.4.6 Education ..................................................................................................................117
3.4.7 Economy and livelihoods ..........................................................................................119
3.4.8 Workers’ rights and working practices......................................................................128
3.4.9 Land ..........................................................................................................................130
3.4.10 Infrastructure and services .......................................................................................139
3.4.11 Community safety, security and welfare...................................................................146
3.4.12 Cultural heritage and archaeology ...........................................................................156
3.5 Ecosystems services ............................................................................................................159
3.5.1 Provisioning services ................................................................................................159
3.5.2 Regulating services ..................................................................................................161
3.5.3 Cultural services .......................................................................................................161
3.5.4 Supporting services ..................................................................................................161
4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 162
4.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................162
4.2 Objectives of the stakeholder engagement ..........................................................................162
4.3 Stakeholder identification and analysis ................................................................................162
4.3.1 Stakeholder identification .........................................................................................162
4.3.2 Scoping phase ..........................................................................................................163
4.3.3 Disclosure phase ......................................................................................................170
4.4 Stakeholder engagement activities ......................................................................................170

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
4.4.1 Scoping phase ..........................................................................................................170
4.4.2 Disclosure phase ......................................................................................................176
4.5 Analysis of stakeholder issues and concerns raised............................................................176
4.6 Community Grievance Management Procedure ..................................................................179
4.7 Ongoing engagement ...........................................................................................................181
5 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................ 182
5.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................182
5.2 Scope of the environmental and social impact assessment ................................................183
5.3 Identification of Project aspects and potential impacts ........................................................184
5.3.1 Environmental impacts .............................................................................................184
5.3.2 Social impacts ..........................................................................................................184
5.4 Impact assessment approach ..............................................................................................188
5.5 Impact assessment methodology .........................................................................................189
5.5.1 Planned activities......................................................................................................189
5.5.2 Risk assessment methodology for unplanned activities...........................................192
5.6 Identification of mitigation measures and assessment of residual impacts .........................193
5.7 Impact assessment for planned activities ............................................................................194
5.7.1 Air quality ..................................................................................................................194
5.7.2 Soil ............................................................................................................................216
5.7.3 Water resources .......................................................................................................220
5.7.4 Noise ........................................................................................................................223
5.7.5 Biological environment .............................................................................................236
5.7.6 Waste management .................................................................................................246
5.7.7 Socio-economic ........................................................................................................250
5.8 Cumulative impacts ..............................................................................................................280
5.9 Ecosystems services ............................................................................................................280
5.10 Impact assessment for unplanned activities ........................................................................283
5.10.1 Impact assessment for unplanned activities ............................................................283
5.10.2 Hazard Identification study .......................................................................................283
5.10.3 Facility Fire & Dispersion Hazard Analysis ..............................................................284
5.10.4 Hazard and Operability study ...................................................................................286
5.10.5 General conclusions .................................................................................................287
5.11 Associated facilities ..............................................................................................................288
6 MITIGATION MEASURES ........................................................................................................... 295
6.1 Air quality ..............................................................................................................................295
6.1.1 Construction phase...................................................................................................295
6.1.2 Operations phase .....................................................................................................295
6.2 Soil 296
6.3 Water resources ...................................................................................................................297
6.3.1 Construction phase...................................................................................................297
6.3.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase ........................................................298
6.3.3 Operations phase .....................................................................................................298
6.3.4 Decommissioning .....................................................................................................298
6.4 Noise 298
6.5 Biological environment .........................................................................................................299
6.5.1 Construction phase...................................................................................................299
6.5.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase ........................................................302

Pearl Petroleum iv
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
6.5.3 Operations phase .....................................................................................................302
6.5.4 Decommissioning phase ..........................................................................................303
6.6 Waste management .............................................................................................................303
6.7 Socio-economic ....................................................................................................................303
6.7.1 Construction phase...................................................................................................304
6.7.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phases ......................................................323
6.7.3 Operations phase .....................................................................................................324
6.7.4 Decommissioning phase ..........................................................................................327
6.8 Associated facilities ..............................................................................................................328
7 KEY OPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES........................................................................................ 331
7.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................331
7.2 Technical alternatives considered ........................................................................................331
7.3 ‘Do nothing’ alternative .........................................................................................................332
8 UNCERTAINTIES......................................................................................................................... 339
8.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................339
8.1 Key uncertainties ..................................................................................................................340
8.1.1 Lender requirements ................................................................................................340
8.1.2 Stakeholder engagement .........................................................................................340
8.1.3 Baseline socio-economic conditions ........................................................................340
8.1.4 Air quality ..................................................................................................................341
8.1.5 Soil and water resources ..........................................................................................342
8.1.6 Noise ........................................................................................................................343
8.1.7 Biodiversity/ecology ..................................................................................................343
8.1.8 Cultural heritage .......................................................................................................344
8.2 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................344
9 RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC REGULATIONS ...........................................345
9.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................345
9.2 International conventions and agreements ..........................................................................345
9.3 Iraq federal and regional legal system .................................................................................346
9.4 Kurdistan Region of Iraq institutional framework ..................................................................347
9.5 Environmental legislation in Kurdistan .................................................................................347
9.5.1 Environmental protection improvement and environmental impact assessment
requirements .............................................................................................................348
9.5.2 Legal basis for categorisation of projects and environmental conditions .................350
9.5.3 Oil and Gas Law .......................................................................................................353
9.5.4 Petroleum Development Agreement ........................................................................354
9.5.5 Investment law..........................................................................................................354
9.6 Land and property legislation in Iraq and Kurdistan .............................................................354
9.7 Selection of Project Standards .............................................................................................355
9.7.1 Soil quality standards ...............................................................................................356
9.7.2 Water quality standards ............................................................................................356
9.7.3 Noise standards........................................................................................................357
9.7.4 Air quality standards .................................................................................................357
9.8 Requirements for Project financing ......................................................................................358
9.8.1 International Finance Corporation Performance Standards .....................................358
9.8.2 International Finance Corporation Environmental, Health and Safety guidelines ....360
9.8.3 U.S. International Development Finance Corporation..............................................362

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
10 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 364
10.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................364
10.2 Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS ...........................................................................................365
10.2.1 Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP requirements ...............................................................365
10.2.2 HSSE&SP Policy, Standards and Procedures .........................................................366
10.3 KM250A HSSE&SP MP .......................................................................................................370
10.4 Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................372
10.4.1 Globally at Pearl Petroleum ......................................................................................372
10.4.2 Current Pearl Petroleum HSSE and SP teams ........................................................372
10.4.3 Contractors ...............................................................................................................374
10.5 Communication.....................................................................................................................374
10.5.1 Internal communications ..........................................................................................374
10.5.2 External communications and stakeholder engagement principles .........................375
10.6 Management of Change .......................................................................................................375
11 SAFEGUARDS, MEASURES AND PLANS ................................................................................ 377
11.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................377
11.2 General approach .................................................................................................................377
11.3 Construction phase...............................................................................................................378
11.3.1 Social Investment Program ......................................................................................380
11.3.2 Local Community Employment Plan ........................................................................381
11.3.3 Influx Management Strategy ....................................................................................381
11.3.4 Livelihood Restoration Plan ......................................................................................381
11.3.5 Traffic Management Plan .........................................................................................382
11.3.6 Biodiversity Plans .....................................................................................................382
11.4 Monitoring and reporting ......................................................................................................383
11.5 Operations phase .................................................................................................................383
11.6 Decommissioning .................................................................................................................384
12 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 385


Soil standards
Water standards
Noise standards
Air quality standards

Table 1-1 Operator’s name and contact information .............................................................................. 1
Table 1-2 Environmental consultant contact details ............................................................................... 2
Table 2-1 Key project activities ............................................................................................................... 4

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Table 2-2 KM250A tie-ins......................................................................................................................10
Table 2-3 Cut and fill earthworks ..........................................................................................................22
Table 2-4 Indicative list of construction phase equipment ....................................................................24
Table 2-5 Estimated quantities of construction phase materials ..........................................................33
Table 2-6 Expected Project water use during operations .....................................................................34
Table 2-7 Waste management at the existing Pearl Petroleum KM facility (CPDG, 2018h) ................38
Table 3-1 AOI - soil ...............................................................................................................................51
Table 3-2 Soil sampling locations .........................................................................................................53
Table 3-3 Laboratory results of the current soil sampling survey in 2019 (mg/kg) ...............................55
Table 3-4 AOI - water resources ...........................................................................................................57
Table 3-5 Status of existing abstraction wells in the Khor Mor area .....................................................59
Table 3-6 Water sampling locations (MapCom, 2018) .........................................................................59
Table 3-7 Summary of spring and groundwater results (MapCom, 2018) ............................................60
Table 3-8 Groundwater sampling locations (RSK, 2019) .....................................................................61
Table 3-9 Field parameter data for water resources (RSK, 2019) ........................................................62
Table 3-10 Field parameter data for water samples (RSK, 2019) ........................................................62
Table 3-11 Groundwater depths ...........................................................................................................63
Table 3-12 Laboratory results of the current water resources sampling survey in 2019 (mg/L or as
stated) ...................................................................................................................................................65
Table 3-13 AOI - noise ..........................................................................................................................68
Table 3-14 Nearest noise sensitive receptors to the facility .................................................................68
Table 3-15 Ambient noise levels (dB (A)) at Khor Mor (MapCom, 2010) .............................................69
Table 3-16 Current noise survey results in 2019 ..................................................................................71
Table 3-17 AOI - air quality ...................................................................................................................72
Table 3-18 Ambient air quality results (MapCom, 2010) ......................................................................75
Table 3-19 Ambient air quality results for VOCs (MapCom, 2010).......................................................75
Table 3-20 Ambient air quality results (ERM, 2015) .............................................................................76
Table 3-21 Ambient air quality results (MapCom, 2018) ......................................................................77
Table 3-22 Current air quality monitoring results in 2019 .....................................................................79
Table 3-23 AOI - biodiversity.................................................................................................................80
Table 3-24 Locations of small mammal traps .......................................................................................85
Table 3-25 Locations of camera traps ..................................................................................................85
Table 3-26 Summary of findings of the CHA ........................................................................................88
Table 3-27 Rare and threatened bat species within ranges that overlap the AOI ................................95
Table 3-28 Mammal species identified during baseline surveys in the study area in 2019 ..................96
Table 3-29 PACs within the AOI .........................................................................................................101
Table 3-30 Data collection activities in the PACs ...............................................................................104
Table 3-31 Population and households (HH) in the PACs..................................................................108
Table 3-32 Leading causes of death in the KRI in 2014 (Moore et al, 2014) .....................................113
Table 3-33 Number of livestock owned amongst households ............................................................124
Table 3-34 Traffic survey locations .....................................................................................................145
Table 3-35 GII values for the KRI, Iraq and other countries in the region ..........................................149
Table 3-36 Key findings and analysis of vulnerable groups ...............................................................152
Table 4-1 Project level of influence and impact on the Project ...........................................................164
Table 5-1 Environmental impact identification matrix .........................................................................186
Table 5-2 Socio-economic impact identification matrix .......................................................................187
Table 5-3 Criteria for determining receptor sensitivity ........................................................................190

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Table 5-4 Matrix of significance for planned activities ........................................................................191
Table 5-5 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on air quality during construction ...................196
Table 5-6 Point source specifications .................................................................................................197
Table 5-7 Flare specifications .............................................................................................................197
Table 5-8 Point source stack parameters for modelling .....................................................................198
Table 5-9: List of sensitive receptors ..................................................................................................200
Table 5-10 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – NO2 ................................................201
Table 5-11 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – NO2 ..............................................201
Table 5-12 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – NO2 ................................................202
Table 5-13 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – SO2 ................................................205
Table 5-14 Model predictions for the 3-hour averaging period – SO2 ................................................205
Table 5-15 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – SO2 ..............................................206
Table 5-16 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – SO2 ................................................207
Table 5-17 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – CO .................................................209
Table 5-18 Model predictions for the 8-hour averaging period – CO .................................................210
Table 5-19 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – PM10 .............................................211
Table 5-20 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – PM10 ..............................................212
Table 5-21 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on air quality during operation ......................214
Table 5-22 Estimate of GHG emissions during KM250A operations ..................................................215
Table 5-23 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts of GHG emissions during operations ...........215
Table 5-24 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during construction............................217
Table 5-25 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during pre-commissioning and
commissioning ....................................................................................................................................218
Table 5-26 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during operations ..............................219
Table 5-27 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during decommissioning ...................220
Table 5-28 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during construction .......221
Table 5-29 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during pre-commissioning
and commissioning .............................................................................................................................222
Table 5-30 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during operations ..........223
Table 5-31 Noise from construction phase HGV movements on highway network............................224
Table 5-32 Construction phase plant list .............................................................................................225
Table 5-33 Predicted construction phase noise levels at sensitive receptors ....................................227
Table 5-34 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during construction ........................228
Table 5-35 Noise from operations phase HGV movements on highway network ..............................229
Table 5-36 Operational phase modelling parameters .........................................................................230
Table 5-37 Baseline and predicted operations phase noise levels ....................................................234
Table 5-38 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during operations ...........................235
Table 5-39 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during decommissioning ................236
Table 5-40 Estimation of habitat loss through site clearance activities ..............................................238
Table 5-41 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on ecology and biological environment during
construction .........................................................................................................................................242
Table 5-42 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on ecology and biological environment during
Table 5-43 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during construction .248
Table 5-44 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during operations ....249
Table 5-45 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during decommissioning

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Table 5-46 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on the local economy unmitigated during
construction .........................................................................................................................................252
Table 5-47 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on employment and skills development during
construction .........................................................................................................................................254
Table 5-48 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on labour and working conditions during
construction .........................................................................................................................................256
Table 5-49 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on land access and livelihoods during
construction .........................................................................................................................................258
Table 5-50 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on community safety and security during
construction .........................................................................................................................................260
Table 5-51 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on public health during construction .............262
Table 5-52 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services during
construction .........................................................................................................................................264
Table 5-53 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on cultural heritage during construction .......265
Table 5-54 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on traffic during construction ........................266
Table 5-55 Summary of unmitigated potential visual impacts during construction .............................268
Table 5-56 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on vulnerable groups during construction ....270
Table 5-57 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services during pre-
commissioning and commissioning ....................................................................................................273
Table 5-58 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on the regional economy during operations .277
Table 5-59 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on land access and livelihoods during
Table 5-60 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on community safety and security during
Table 5-61 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on traffic during operations ...........................278
Table 5-62 Summary of unmitigated potential visual impacts during operations ...............................278
Table 5-63 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services during
decommissioning ................................................................................................................................280
Table 5-64 Summary of possible KM250A Project ecosystems and impacts ....................................281
Table 5-65 Potential offsite impacts for unplanned events .................................................................287
Table 5-66 Potential impacts for associated facilities (five production wells) .....................................290
Table 6-1 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts - air quality .....296
Table 6-2 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts – water
Table 6-3 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts - noise ..........299
Table 6-4 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts – ecology and
biodiversity ..........................................................................................................................................301
Table 6-5 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts – ecology and
biodiversity ..........................................................................................................................................303
Table 6-6 Summary of decommissioning phase mitigation measures and residual impacts - waste
management .......................................................................................................................................303
Table 6-7 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on the local
economy ..............................................................................................................................................305
Table 6-8 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on employment
and skills development ........................................................................................................................309
Table 6-9 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on labour and
working conditions ...............................................................................................................................311
Table 6-10 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on land access
and livelihoods ....................................................................................................................................313
Table 6-11 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on community
safety and security ..............................................................................................................................316

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Table 6-12 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on public health
Table 6-13 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on
infrastructure and services ..................................................................................................................319
Table 6-14 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on traffic.....320
Table 6-15 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on vulnerable
groups .................................................................................................................................................322
Table 6-16 Summary of pre-commissioning and commissioning phase mitigation measures and
residual impacts on infrastructure and services ..................................................................................323
Table 6-17 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on the regional
economy ..............................................................................................................................................324
Table 6-18 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on land access
and livelihoods ....................................................................................................................................325
Table 6-19 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on community
safety and security ..............................................................................................................................326
Table 6-20 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual visual impacts ............327
Table 6-21 Summary of decommissioning phase mitigation measures and residual impacts on
infrastructure and services ..................................................................................................................328
Table 6-22 Mitigation measures for associated facilities (five production wells) ................................329
Table 7-1 Key alternatives considered in the KM250A Project...........................................................333
Table 9-1 International conventions signed/ratified by Iraq ................................................................345
Table 9-2 Acceptable limit of noise for construction activities ............................................................352
Table 9-3 Sound intensity inside the workplace and indoor places ....................................................352
Table 9-4 Overview of IFC PSs ..........................................................................................................358
Table 9-5 Applicable IFC/World Bank EHS guidelines .......................................................................361
Table 10-1 HSSE&SP policy, standards, procedures and supporting tools .......................................367

Figure 2-1 KM location ............................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2-2 KM area ................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2-3 KM site plan ........................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-4 Location of existing and proposed future KM production wells and flowlines .......................7
Figure 2-5 KM250A Project gas plant flow diagram .............................................................................12
Figure 2-6 Planned access routes during construction phase of KM250A Project...............................26
Figure 3-1 Soil map of Iraq (Buringh, 1960)..........................................................................................52
Figure 3-2 Soil sampling locations ........................................................................................................56
Figure 3-3 Water resources and sampling locations ............................................................................58
Figure 3-4 Noise monitoring locations (RSK, 2019) .............................................................................70
Figure 3-5 Ambient air quality monitoring locations ..............................................................................74
Figure 3-6 AOA and AOI - biodiversity ..................................................................................................81
Figure 3-7 Biodiversity baseline survey locations .................................................................................83
Figure 3-8 Photograph of Chemchemal KBA and IBA (Nature Iraq, 2017) ..........................................90
Figure 3-9 Habitat map .........................................................................................................................92
Figure 3-10 Steppe grassland habitat ...................................................................................................93
Figure 3-11 Typical cropland habitat with shrubs .................................................................................93
Figure 3-12 Pond and reedbed .............................................................................................................93
Figure 3-13 Khor Mor perimeter fence at coordinate 35.143803°(N), 44.815793° (E) .........................95
Figure 3-14 Khor Mor perimeter fence at coordinate 35.141154°(N), 44.829062° (E) .........................95
Figure 3-15 Photographs from cameral trapping survey ......................................................................97
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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Figure 3-16 Social baseline primary and secondary spheres of influence .........................................102
Figure 3-17 Age structure in Governorate of Sulaymaniyah and KRI, 2017 (IOM, 2018a) ................108
Figure 3-18 Treatment type sought by households ............................................................................116
Figure 3-19 Students enrolled in public and private schools in the KRI, 2017 – 2018 (KRSO, 2019)118
Figure 3-20 Children attending school within versus outside the AOI ................................................118
Figure 3-21 Distribution of GDP by sector, 2017 (PwC, 2018) ...........................................................120
Figure 3-22 Primary crops grown by households ...............................................................................122
Figure 3-23 Livestock owned by households ......................................................................................123
Figure 3-24 Livestock well in Takhta Mina Saru .................................................................................125
Figure 3-25 Percentage of formally employed household members ..................................................126
Figure 3-26 Unemployment by governorate, 2017 (KRSO, 2019)......................................................127
Figure 3-27 Percentage of unemployed household members ............................................................127
Figure 3-28 Access to arable land amongst households ....................................................................131
Figure 3-29 Number of plots owned or used by households ..............................................................132
Figure 3-30 Profile of flowline land owners and land users ................................................................134
Figure 3-31 Methods of solid waste disposal ......................................................................................141
Figure 3-32 Public electricity supply by governorate, 2018 (IOM, 2018a) ..........................................142
Figure 3-33 Example housing in Khor Mor Gawra ..............................................................................143
Figure 3-34 Age of household structures ............................................................................................144
Figure 3-35 Poverty rates in the KRI, 2018 (KRSO, 2019) .................................................................147
Figure 3-36 Archaeological sites in the general Project area .............................................................158
Figure 3-37 View of the area of Sarcham Tepe (left) and Tape Julaka (right) archaeological sites ..159
Figure 4-1 Stakeholder mapping .........................................................................................................170
Figure 4-2 Locations of community level stakeholder engagement meetings ....................................171
Figure 4-3 Community meeting at Khor Mor Bichuk, 5 October 2019 ................................................174
Figure 4-4 Community meeting at Shekh Hameed, 5 October 2019 ..................................................174
Figure 4-5 Community meeting at Awaye Jalal, 8 October 2019 .......................................................175
Figure 4-6 Women’s focus group discussion at Khor Mor Gawra, 5 October 2019 ...........................175
Figure 4-7 Frequency of issues raised by topic across community meetings ....................................178
Figure 4-8 Frequency of issues raised by social sub-topic across community meetings ...................178
Figure 4-9 Project community Grievance Management Procedure ....................................................180
Figure 5-1 Schematic of the impact assessment process ..................................................................188
Figure 5-2 Buildings assessed in BPIP for downwash effects ............................................................199
Figure 5-3 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period (Scenario 2) - NO2 ...................................203
Figure 5-4 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period (Scenario 2) - NO2 .................................203
Figure 5-5 Model predictions for annual averaging period - NO2 .......................................................204
Figure 5-6 Model predictions for 3-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2 ..........................207
Figure 5-7 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2 ..........................208
Figure 5-8 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2 ........................208
Figure 5-9 Model predictions for annual averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2 ..........................209
Figure 5-10 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period – CO ......................................................211
Figure 5-11 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period – PM10 ..................................................213
Figure 5-12 Predicted operations phase noise levels under routine conditions (1.5 m above ground
level) ....................................................................................................................................................232
Figure 5-13 Predicted operations phase noise levels under non-routine conditions (1.5 m above
ground level) .......................................................................................................................................233
Figure 9-1 MNR submission and review process ...............................................................................350

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Figure 10-1 KM environmental and social framework ........................................................................365
Figure 10-2 HSSE mangement structure ............................................................................................366
Figure 10-3 Corporate standard elements ..........................................................................................367
Figure 10-4 Structure of Pearl Petroleum SP Standard ......................................................................370
Figure 10-5 Plan-do-act-check methodology ......................................................................................376

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Term Definition
°C degrees Celsius
µg/m3 micrograms per cubic metre
µS/cm micro Siemen per centimetre
ADMS atmospheric air dispersion modelling study
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable
Am3 Am3 is gas volume in cubic metres at the actual operating conditions of the process
AOI area of influence
AOO area of occurrence
BAT best available technology
BID Background Information Document
BOD biochemical oxygen demand
bpd barrels per day
BPIP Building Profile Input Program
BS British Standard
cfu colony forming units
CHA critical habitat assessment
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
CoC Code of Conduct
CPDG Crescent Petroleum and Dana Gas
dB(A) decibel (A weighted)
DEA di-ethylamine
DFC U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
DG diesel generator
DO dissolved oxygen
EHS environment, health and safety
EIA environmental impact assessment
EN endangered
EOO extent of occurrence
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPC engineering, procurement and construction
EPF early production facility
EPH extractable petroleum hydrocarbons

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Term Definition
ERP emergency response plan
ES ecosystem services
ESD emergency shut down
ESIA environmental and social impact assessment
ESMP environmental and social management plan
ESMS environmental and social management system
FDP field development plan
FEED front-end engineering design
FGD focus group discussion
GBV gender-based violence
GDP gross domestic product
GHG greenhouse gases
GII Gender Inequality Index
GIIP good international industry practice
GoI Government of Iraq
H2S hydrogen sulphide
ha hectare
HAZID Hazard Identification study
HAZOP Hazard and Operability study
HDI Human Development Index
HDPE high density polyethylene
HGV heavy goods vehicle
HH household
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HP high pressure
HSSE&SP Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Performance
IDP internally displaced person
IEMA Institute of Environmental Management Association
IFC International Finance Corporation
IGA income generating activities
ILO International Labour Organisation
IPs indigenous peoples
IOM International Organisation for Migration
IQD Iraqi Dinar
ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature

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Term Definition
KBA key biodiversity area
KII key informant interviews
KM Khor Mor
km kilometre
KM250A Khor Mor 250A expansion
KM500 Khor Mor 500 expansion
KO Knock-out
KPI key performance indicator
KRG Kurdistan Regional Government
KRI Kurdistan Region of Iraq
KRSO Kurdistan Regional Statistics Office
L litre
LA10 noise level exceeded for 10% of the measurement period (A-weighted)
LA90 noise level exceeded for 90% of the measurement period (A-weighted)
LAeq equivalent continuous sound pressure level (A-weighted)
LAmax maximum value sound pressure level during a measurement period (A-weighted)
LC least concern
LLP low-low pressure
LP low pressure
LPG liquified petroleum gas
LRP Livelihood Restoration Plan
LCEP Local Community Employment Plan
LT low temperature
m metre
m/s metres per second
mbtoc metres below top of casing
MDEA methyl-di-ethylamine
mg/kg milligrams per kilogram
mg/L milligrams per litre
mg/m3 milligrams per cubic metre
MMIF Mesoscale Model Interface Program
MMscfd million metric standard cubic feet per day
MNR Ministry of Natural Resources
MoAWR Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
MP Management Plan
MS Management System

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Term Definition
MSW municipal solid waste
MW megawatt
NA not analysed
NAAQS national ambient air quality standards
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NCD non-communicable diseases
ND not detected
NGL natural gas liquids
NGO non-governmental organisation
NM not measured
NOx nitrogen oxides
NS not specified
NTS Non-technical Summary
NTU Nephelometric turbidity unit
O3 ozone
OHS occupational health and safety
OPF Oil Police Force
PAC Project-affected community
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PAP Project-affected person
PDA Production Development Agreement
PHC primary health care
PM10 particulate matter (PM10 particles smaller than 10 microns)
PM2.5 particulate matter (PM2.5 particles smaller than 2.5 microns)
PMT Pearl Petroleum management team
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million
PS Performance Standard
QRA qualitative risk assessment
RoW right of way
RP Retrenchment Plan
RSK RSK Environment LLC
SDM Sub-District Manager
SIMOPS simultaneous operations
SIP Social Investment Programmes
SLO Social Liaison Officer

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Term Definition
SO2 sulphur dioxide
SOx sulphur oxides
SPD Social Performance Department
SPL sound pressure level
SRU sulphur recovery unit
STP sanitary treatment plant
SWL static water level below datum
tCO2 total carbon dioxide
TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons
VCP vehicle check point
VOC volatile organic compound
VPH volatile petroleum hydrocarbons
VU vulnerable
WHO World Health Organisation
WMP Waste Management Procedure
WRF Weather Research Forecast

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
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This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) presents the findings of the detailed Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) undertaken by RSK Environment (RSK) for the expansion of an
existing gas treatment and liquified petroleum gas (LPG) extraction facility operated by Pearl
Petroleum Company Limited (Pearl Petroleum) at Khor Mor (KM) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
(KRI). The expansion will process 250 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) of natural gas
and liquid petroleum product and is known as the ‘KM250A Project’.
Construction is anticipated to start at the end of the second quarter (Q2) of 2020, with first
production of sales gas, LPG and condensate expected during Q1 2022.

Justification for the Project

The KM250A Project will increase the production of natural gas and liquid petroleum products at
the site, contributing further to the KRI’s energy supply through more efficient, cleaner electricity
generation, and will provide local employment and business opportunities for provision of goods
and services. As the only gas supplier to regional power stations, Pearl Petroleum provides a clean
and highly cost-effective alternative solution to diesel-fuelled power generation.

ESIA purpose and process

The ESIA has been conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements of Iraq and
the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), especially KRI
Law Number (8) of 2008 ‘Environmental Protection and Improvement in Iraqi Kurdistan Region’ as
well as World Bank Group/International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PS)
and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines. All aspects of petroleum operations (that
is exploration, marketing, transportation, storage) require an environmental impact assessment in
the KRI.
The purpose of the ESIA is to identify how people and the environment could be affected by the
KM250A Project (positively or negatively) and to put forward control measures (mitigations) to
avoid, minimise or offset any negative effects. Environmental and social baseline data on the
physical environment (air quality, noise, soil and water resources), the biological environment
(habitat, flora and fauna, biodiversity) and the social environment (such as demographics,
economy and livelihoods and health and education) was collected from a variety of data sources
including previous studies undertaken in the Project area and desktop data. This was
supplemented by additional environmental and social baseline surveys, undertaken within a pre-
defined area of influence (AOI), to identify baseline conditions.
The ESIA process is presented in Figure 1. The KM250A Project activities for each phase
(construction, pre-commissioning/commissioning, operations and decommissioning) were
identified and the potential significance of impacts were assessed based on baseline
environmental and social conditions, receptor (such as people, water resources, biological
environment), sensitivity and impact magnitude.
Predicted impacts were assessed against the KM250A Project Standards, which were selected
from applicable KRI and Government of Iraq regulations and relevant international standards,
including IFC PS and World Health Organisation (WHO) standards.

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Mitigation measures were recommended to avoid or reduce impacts with moderate, high or major
significance. Impacts were re-assessed with the mitigation(s) applied to determine any residual
impact. Actions to maximise positive benefits were also identified.
The mitigation measures are due to be implemented for the KM250A Project via the KM250A
Project Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Performance Management Plan
(KM250A HSSE&SP MP). This will include the requirement for monitoring key parameters.

Figure 1 ESIA process

KM250A Project context

Site location
The KM250A Project site is located in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in the KRI, approximately
195 km south-east of Mosul (Figure 2). The KM250A Project site comprises 225 hectares (ha)
within the existing 600 ha site and new flowlines that will be constructed to connect wells to the
site. The various parts of the KM site where KM250A Project infrastructure will be installed are
shown in Figure 3. The main KM250A Project gas plant infrastructure will be placed in the KM
Expansion Area.

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Figure 2 KM250A Project site location

Figure 3 KM site

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Local communities
Several communities are located within 10 km of the KM250A Project site (Figure 4), most of which
are relatively small, with less than 100 residents. The average distance of the three nearest
communities - Awaye Jalal, Khor Mor Bichuk and Khor Mor Gawra - from the nearest boundary of
the KM Expansion Area is 2 km.
Land ownership and usage
The KM250A Project will be mostly constructed on land which is already occupied by Pearl
Petroleum. New flowlines will, however, be installed outside the existing site on land currently used
for livestock rearing and crop farming. To allow the flowlines to be laid during construction and to
ensure that the flowlines are not damaged during operations, permissions to acquire or access the
land within the flowline corridors will need to be obtained, and restrictions to land use will be put in
place (e.g. through restricting digging activities or the construction of buildings).

Figure 4 KM25A Project site and surrounding area

Water and power supply

Groundwater wells are the main source of water for the local communities. Some of these are
privately owned by Pearl Petroleum whereas others have been drilled by local residents and are
community-owned. Some community members also obtain water from ponds and seasonal
springs. Challenges with regard to the quality, quantity and reliability of water are widespread and
have reportedly increased in recent years.
Electricity provided by Pearl Petroleum (as part of the Pearl Petroleum Social Investment Plan)
and/or the Government are the main sources of energy for lighting in local communities in the
Project area. Electricity generated at the KM site is provided to some communities directly by Pearl

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Petroleum via power lines. Diesel-powered generators and traditional energy sources (e.g.
candles, oil lamps) provide alternative means of energy supply for households in communities
without access to the electricity grid or to provision of electricity by Pearl Petroleum. Pearl
Petroleum provides diesel for generators in some communities.
The existing operations are an important source of formal employment in the local communities
(either directly or indirectly through contractors and sub-contractors) and business opportunities
for local and regional companies. The majority of households in the local communities are,
however, engaged in agricultural activities such as crop farming and/or livestock rearing. The
resulting produce is both consumed within households and sold for cash income.
Waste management
In most of the local communities, solid waste is either burned in private waste pits or disposed of
at waste collection points. Waste deposited at collection points is collected by a private company,
contracted by the local government, and burned or deposited in landfills. Almost all food waste is
fed to livestock. There are landfill sites in the general Project area approved by the KRG that
receive unsorted non-hazardous municipal waste (food waste, plastic, cans, bottles, aluminium,
scrap metal). Current practice in Iraq is to send these types of waste to landfill sites until recycling
options become available. A facility for managing hazardous wastes to international standards
does not currently exist in Kurdistan.

KM250A Project description

The KM250A Project comprises the construction of a new gas processing facility within the existing
KM site boundary and up to five new flowlines that will transport raw gas from new production wells
(considered as associated facilities and subject to an additional detailed ESIA) to the KM250A
Project site. The KM250A Project will also include the following components:
• a central control building and laboratory
• new site utilities and power generation
• workshops, yards, offices and an accommodation camp
• flares for routine and non-routine flaring events
• lined evaporation pond.
The ESIA includes details of alternatives that Pearl Petroleum considered for the KM250A Project
for gas dehydration, desulphurisation, acid gas disposal, condensate storage tank venting,
compression, as well as the ‘do nothing’ option.
During all phases of the KM250A Project, labour will be employed from the local area to the
maximum extent possible and training and development opportunities will be provided to all staff.
Contracting and procurement procedures will be fair and equitable, and preference will be given to
procurement of goods and services originating from Kurdistan, when such goods and services are
internationally competitive with respect to quality, availability, price and performance.
KM250A Project activities
Construction phase
Early works activities will include site preparation (civil works), including levelling, clearance of
vegetation, excavation for foundations) and the construction of internal roads, culverts and ditches.
The site will be cleared of vegetation as necessary. The areas designated for the gas plant and
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associated infrastructure will be levelled. The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
Contractor will address any issues related to geo-hazards (for example landslides) that are
identified at the site. Where the foundations of the process train are to be constructed, natural soil
will be removed before constructing shallow or spread foundations for critical and heavy
equipment. Material backfilled over the foundations will be compacted. Cut and fill earthworks will
be undertaken. No net soil will be required for levelling the gas plant site. Gravel and aggregate
will be sourced from a local quarry.
The roadways on the site will be excavated to the road structural thickness below ground level.
The construction contractor will excavate conduits for drains, perimeter drainage ditches and
wastewater evaporation ponds.
Water will be sprayed to suppress dust while earthworks are undertaken.
Construction of the gas processing facility and associated flares and infrastructure will be pre-
assembled as far as possible, given transport limitations, to minimise site construction work.
Flowlines will be below ground and will require excavation, pipelaying and backfilling. The section
of the existing condensate export line located within the fenceline will be re-routed as part of the
KM250A Project.
The process equipment, pipe racks and piping will be pre-assembled as far as possible, with a
view to minimising site construction work based on compliance with the transport envelope and
adherence to the design, operability and maintainability of equipment. Modules of process
equipment will have been hydrostatically tested (hydrotested) before leaving the supplier. New
welds will be hydrotested at the site.
The buried flowline installation stages are as follows:
• right of way (RoW) preparation, stripping and grading
• pipe stringing
• welding
• excavating the trench
• lowering flowline segments into the trench
• backfilling the trench.
Flat-bed trailers will transport the pipe sections to the laydown areas where they will be stockpiled.
When the RoW has been marked out, trucks will set down sections of pipe along the route, laying
the ends on sandbags or pipe holders to protect the pipeline coating. A mechanical excavator will
dig a trench of suitable width and depth for the diameter of the pipeline in question along the
marked pipeline route. Soil from excavating the trench will be placed into heaps running beside
the trench. The trench will be deep enough to allow the pipeline to be buried with 1.2 m of fill over
the top of the pipe.
Where a new flowline is to be installed alongside an existing hydrocarbon pipeline, appropriate
separation distances will be observed to prevent accidental damage to the existing pipeline.
Much of the construction material (including equipment modules) will be delivered to Mercin Port
in Turkey and transported by road to the KM250A Project site. Construction traffic will use existing
Chemicals and hazardous materials will be used during construction, including diesel fuel,
lubricating oil and hydraulic oil. Hazardous wastes (such as batteries, tyres, waste hazardous
substance packaging waste, oil filters, paint) and non-hazardous waste (such as domestic and
packaging) will be generated.
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During the construction phase, Pearl Petroleum and their contractors will utilise vehicles ,
machinery and site equipment powered by internal combustion engines. This can result in the
emission of exhaust gases containing air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate
matter particles smaller than 10 microns (PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon
monoxide (CO). The quantities of exhaust gas emitted will depend on factors such as engine type,
service history, pattern of usage and fuel composition.
Site preparation will involve the use of equipment that generate noise, especially:
• construction plant including excavators, bulldozers, asphalt pavers and rollers
• graders, concrete mixer trucks and dump trucks
• large power generators
Delivery of process modules by road will involve the use of haulage trucks that generate relatively
noise. Installation and erection of process modules will involve the use of cranes and welding set
generators also generate noise.
Pipeline construction will involve the use of:
• excavators, side booms and welding sets
• dump trucks
• a rock breaker
Noise sources related to pipeline construction will be mobile within the limits of the Project site and
the flowline RoWs.
An estimated 300 L of sanitary wastewater per person per day (6,000 m3/month) will be generated
during the Project construction period. This will be stored in sewage holding tanks at the
construction camp and at the various construction sites and treated at a temporary sanitary
treatment plant at the construction camp. Sewage sludge from the septic tanks will be removed by
vacuum truck. Waste lubricating and hydraulic oils generated during construction or by
maintenance will be contained in a slop tank and sent to an authorised waste oil recycling facility
Non-hazardous solid wastes including packaging, food waste, plastic and glass containers,
wastepaper, card and wood will be generated during the construction period. Segregation of these
wastes will be implemented following current KM site recycling practices. Surplus excavated soil
will be spread over the Project site. Hazardous waste such as batteries, tyres, hazardous
substance packaging waste, oil filters, paint and used PPE will be handled, stored and disposed
in accordance with Pearl Petroleum’s Waste Management Procedure (WMP), the EPC Contractor
Waste Management Plan and current KM site practice.
Construction activities are not planned to take place at night, but this may be necessary at times.
The construction phase will require 500 to 1000 workers who will travel to the site from the local
area or will stay at the construction accommodation camp. An area in the south of the KM
Expansion Area has been selected for the construction camp. The construction camp will be self-
contained and include contractor accommodation, catering/welfare facilities, workshops,
warehouses and equipment/piping/materials laydown areas. Some workers will travel to the site
from the Chemchemal and Kirkuk areas. Pearl Petroleum expects the construction contractor’s
workforce to start at low levels when the site is being cleared and the construction camp being

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Transport of people and equipment will be required during the construction phase of the Project.
Logistics will be assessed and specified during the EPC phase of the Project. Access routes will
be required for bringing the construction workforce to the site and for importing equipment and raw
materials. Local construction workers are expected to use the local roads to commute to site.
Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase
The goal of pre-commissioning is to ensure that all equipment functions safely and performs as
expected. Individual process units will be tested before delivery to the site. Once installed, the
flowlines will be pressure-tested with inert gas and hydrotested using water so that any leaks can
be identified and repaired. The use of water and chemicals will be minimised by re-using hydrotest
water where possible. When hydrotesting is complete, the spent hydrotest water will be tested to
determine if it can be discharged to land, treated or discharged to the lined evaporation pond.
Following pre-commissioning, the commissioning team will then put the flowlines and KM250A
Project gas plant into operation. The process train modules will be tested individually and will flare
gas for a short duration until the export product specifications are met.
Operations phase
Once the KM250A Project has been commissioned, the facility will operate 24 hours a day; Pearl
Petroleum will have dedicated management and operations teams with autonomy over the
KM250A Project process facilities, utilities, power supply and emergency systems. The control
centre will also electronically monitor the operation of the flowlines. Plant lighting at night will be
Following processing at the KM250A Project site, sales gas will be routed through an existing 24’’
sales gas pipeline to Erbil, Chemchemal and Sulaymaniyah (Bazian) power stations. LPG and
condensate will continue to be exported by truck on existing roadways.
Some of the KM250A Project facilities will be shared with the existing facility, including produced
water treatment, water supply, power generation and fuel supply. Processing at the KM250A
Project site will include desulphurisation, dehydration, mercury removal, fractionation and
compression in order to meet export product specifications.
Operations will require water (abstracted groundwater) for process purposes, domestic usage and
utilities including firewater.
Power for the KM250A Project will be temporarily generated using gas engine driven generators
however, a permanent electric power supply from a central power plant based on gas turbine
generators is planned in the next phase of plant expansions. Fuel gas will be taken from on-site
gas production for hot oil heaters and flare pilots.
Operation of the process equipment at the KM250A Project site will involve routine emissions of
combusted gas from hot oil heaters, flare pilots, gas engine driven compressors and generators,
thermal oxidiser and incinerator. Fuel gas combustion and hydrocarbon components of waste
gases will emit greenhouse gases and the atmospheric pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). In addition to fuel gas combustion, the thermal oxidizer
will emit SO2, NOx and particulate matter. KM250A Project traffic will release exhaust gas.
Other than flaring of small quantities of condensate storage tank vent gas, routine flaring will not
occur during operations; however, several non-routine flaring events are planned. Flare systems
will be available for use when required and flare pilots will remain lit at all times. A thermal oxidiser
will be installed to combust acid gas from desulphurisation; emissions from this unit will include
sulphur dioxide.
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Vent gas from condensate tanker truck filling operations will be released to the atmosphere (1300
tonnes/year) after mixing with air. Pearl Petroleum is also considering various abatement
measures, including flaring and a vapour recovery unit. These options will be further investigated
during the detailed engineering phase of the Project. This is expected to be a short-term activity
as a new condensate export pipeline to Chemchemal is planned for a future expansion phase at
the KM site.
The volumes of produced water (water that is mixed with gas coming from production wells) will
be low initially but will increase over time. Produced water shall be treated and discharged to a
lined evaporation pond.
Noise will be generated from plant and equipment operation and flaring.
Chemicals and hazardous material will be required during the operations phase; these include
diesel, oils (lubricating, hydraulic, transformer), molecular sieve, methanol, water treatment
chemicals, and mercury absorbent. Both hazardous and non-hazardous waste will be generated
during operations. Some hazardous waste will be stored at the site until management options in
the KRI receive certification by KRI authorities. Other hazardous wastes will be managed offsite or
incinerated at the site. Most non-hazardous wastes will be recycled offsite or sent to offsite public
landfills. All wastes will be managed in accordance with good international industry practice (GIIP).
The operations phase will require 80 to 100 workers, who will travel to the KM250A Project site
from the local area or stay at the construction on-site accommodation.
Decommissioning phase
KM250A Project infrastructure will be decommissioned and dismantled once Pearl Petroleum
determines that its effective life has been achieved. Specification of decommissioning activities will
be developed closer to the decommissioning date and will be in accordance with good international
industry practice and local requirements.
Decommissioning and dismantling will be performed by specialist contractors supported by a core
team of Project operations staff.
Resource use, air emissions, noise, chemical usage and workload is likely to be similar to
construction phase usage. Wastes are likely to be similar to construction waste but will also include
plant equipment and materials that could be re-used.
Project alternatives
Pearl Petroleum has considered various technology, process and operating regime alternatives
during the front-end engineering and design (FEED) stage of the Project. Final selection of
technology and processes will be recommended by the EPC Contractor to Pearl Petroleum once
that contractor has been selected. This is to be determined based on:
• potential environmental and social impacts and ensuing that the Project Standards
associated with emissions and effluent limits are achieved during routine operations
• occupational health and safety risks to the workforce and process safety risks to local
• reliability and operability
Alternative technologies
Alternative technologies and designs have been considered for various aspects of the Project
during the pre-FEED work. The key alternatives considered for the Project are as follows:

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• gas dehydration
• use of gas engine drivers for sales gas compression and power generation
• gas desulphurisation
• mercury removal
• disposal of acid waste gas from sulphur removal
• management of vent gas from new condensate storage tank
• export of sales gas.
‘Do nothing’ alternative
As per KRI ESIA legal requirements and guidelines, the ‘Do nothing’ alternative also need to be
was considered. Under this alternative, no positive or negative environmental or social impacts
would be realised. However, the ‘Do-nothing’ alternative is not a viable option since it would
compromise compliance of Pearl Petroleum’s commitment to the KRG under the Gas Sales
Agreement and, consequently, it would not fulfil the KRG’s goals to expand oil and gas exploration
and production capacity.

Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder engagement is an important part of the ESIA process and a national and international
requirement. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) was developed for the ESIA process and
engagements were undertaken to:
• inform stakeholders in an accessible and appropriate manner about the KM250A Project
and the ESIA and provide opportunities for them to engage and register grievances
• ensure that stakeholders understand how they might be affected by the KM250A Project
and their potential role in impact identification and management
• obtain the input of stakeholders into KM250A Project impact identification and impact
• provide opportunities for stakeholders to express their opinions and concerns about the
KM250A Project and the ESIA and ensure that these opinions and concerns are
considered in the ESIA and any related management decisions.
During the disclosure phase of the ESIA, further engagement will be undertaken to provide
feedback and obtain comments from stakeholders on the impact assessment and associated
management or mitigation measures.
Community stakeholder engagement
Ten community stakeholder engagement meetings, attended by 184 stakeholders, were held in
October 2019. The main issues and concerns raised during these meetings revolved around social
issues (including employment and community development, land use and worker safety), general
environmental impacts, stakeholder engagement and KM250A Project characteristics (for
example, security).
Non-community stakeholder engagement
Pearl Petroleum holds regular meetings with the MNR regarding the KM250A Project and general
matters. Feedback and input are obtained from the MNR, particularly on key issues such as social
impacts, water and waste. The MNR has advised waiting until disclosure before holding further
non-community engagement meetings, at which point a selection of other government ministries
and other non-community stakeholders will be contacted to discuss the Project.

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Environmental and social baseline studies
The baseline studies were conducted using a combination of secondary data (desktop studies and
data collected by others) and primary data (field surveys). The desk-based portion of the baseline
study was undertaken through a review of available documents and data sources. Environmental
field surveys were undertaken in cases where existing data and information were deemed
insufficient for soil quality, groundwater quality, noise, air quality and biodiversity. The new field
data ensure that local data and information are up to date. Social baseline surveys were
undertaken in conjunction with the stakeholder engagement process (see above). Areas of
influence (AOI) were defined for various topic areas. They represent the geographical area
expected to be affected by:
• impacts (direct and indirect) arising from Project activities and facilities (this includes the
Project site, flowlines and road transport network used for the transportation of personal
and materials)
• impacts from unplanned, non-routine events
• indirect impacts on biodiversity or on ecosystem services that are linked to the livelihoods
of affected communities
• associated facilities consisting of five new production wells
• cumulative impacts.
The Project AOI was used to guide baseline development and provide focus for ESIA baseline

ESIA findings for planned activities

Planned activities are either those that correspond to routine or non-routine operations of the
KM250A Project. Routine operations concern normal functioning of all plant processes. Non-
routine operations concern response to upsets at the plant requiring flaring or blowdown to avoid
overpressure, or minor spills or leaks that only affect the immediate process area. Non-routine
events will be minimised through implementation of controls developed and implemented by the
KM250A process safety team.
The main findings of the ESIA are related to soil, water resources, air quality, noise, biological
environment and social (including socio-economic) impacts. These are topics where un-mitigated
impacts have been identified as significant, and some level of residual impact are expected.
Mitigation measures are included where impacts have been rated as significant. Opportunities to
maximise positive impacts have also been identified.
An environmental aspect is ‘an element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that
can interact with the environment’ (International Standards Organisation 14001). In the ESIA, an
‘aspect’ of the proposed activities that can cause changes to the environmental and social baseline
conditions has a possible ‘impact’.
The identified impacts are assessed according to the following criteria and associated scores:
• the magnitude of impact
• the sensitivity of impact.
The significance of an impact (rated major, high, moderate, minor, slight or positive) is a function
of the magnitude of the impact and sensitivity of the potentially affected receptor(s).

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Where necessary, mitigation measures have been proposed to further reduce the potential impact
to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) or to maximise any potential benefits.
The following sections present results in terms of impacts that were derived based on various
criteria specified in the ESIA report, baseline conditions, and KM250A Project activities and
infrastructure. Discussion only concerns impacts rated as significant (that is, moderate or higher).
Soils within the Project area are characterised by rough broken and stony land or brown silty clay
to sandy clay soil with high pH (8.1 to 8.5) and high electrical conductivity. The presence of organic
matter in the soil is low but supports agricultural activities such as livestock rearing and crop
Soil samples were collected by RSK in November 2019 at 13 locations. None of the concentrations
of analysed parameters exceeded the Project Standards, except for nickel, which may represent
background soil composition.
The KM250A Project is expected to lead to insignificant (minor to slight) residual impacts on soil
quality during all Project stages, and allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce
residual impacts ratings below ‘significant’.
Water resources
The Awa Spi river, the only perennial river in the general Project area, flows to the south-west/west.
At its nearest, the river runs approximately 3.5 km from the existing KM facility, which is outside of
the surface water area of influence for the KM250A Project. The Awa Spi has three tributaries;
these and other surface water features within the general Project area are seasonal. Additionally,
there are several springs present within the AOI.
Previous groundwater sampling and analysis in the Project area (conducted in 2010 and 2018)
showed concentrations of some parameters exceeding the Project Standards at some locations in
the Project area. In particular, bacterial contamination exceeding Iraqi standards has been
identified at many locations.
In November 2019, RSK conducted groundwater sampling at 13 wells and springs in the AOI. The
results indicate the presence of total coliforms at all locations exceeding the Project Standard. At
Zhazh Spring, concentrations of chloride, sulphate, total dissolved solids, magnesium and calcium
exceeded the Project Standards. Calcium concentrations exceeded the Project Standards at
several locations. No further exceedances were detected; the presence of other analysed
parameters, including Escherichia coli and hydrocarbons were not detected.
The significance of Project impact on groundwater resource abstraction leading to aquifer
drawdown was rated as high. The significance of Project impact on problems with storage and
handling of fuels and chemicals leading to leaks/spills and thus reduced groundwater quality was
rated as moderate. The following proposed mitigation measures bring impact significance ratings
down to minor in both cases:
• development of a Water Management Plan to ensure the sustainable management of
water resources.
• refuelling at designated areas in accordance with industry guidelines.
• storage of chemicals and hydrocarbons within secondary containers in accordance with
industry guidelines.

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These mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including but
not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce
residual impacts ratings below ‘significant’.
Noise monitoring was undertaken by RSK in August 2019 in the vicinity of the proposed KM250A
Project site and at nearby communities within the noise AOI. The results show that ambient day-
time noise levels were below the Project Standard residential limits and were typical of rural areas
with some domestic and commercial activities. Average night-time residential noise levels
exceeded the Project Standard at one location. The day-time industrial Project Standard was
exceeded at two industrial locations at the KM site fenceline.
Quantitative noise assessments and modelling were undertaken for construction and operations
phases of the KM250A Project based on Project activities, traffic movements and setback
distances. Night-time noise levels generated by the Project were predicted to result in high impact
Noise mitigation measures are expected to include, but not be limited to:
• the adoption of quiet working methods, where practicable, using plant with lower noise and
vibration emissions.
• avoiding or limiting noisy construction activities at night.
These mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including but
not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce
residual impacts ratings below ‘significant’.
Air quality
Air quality levels in the KRI are known to be degraded primarily due to industrial and petroleum
operations in the region. RSK conducted a baseline air quality monitoring survey (diffusion tubes
were deployed for 30 days) in August and September 2019 at eight locations within the AOI.
Existing baseline concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
exceeded the Project Standard at some locations.
The KM250A Project is expected to lead to insignificant (minor) residual impacts on air quality
during all Project stages.
Due to the substitution of KM250A Project sales gas in regional power plants that would otherwise
require diesel fuel for generation, decreases of emissions are expected to contribute to
improvements of regional air quality, and decreases in greenhouse gas emissions.
Impacts on air quality during the operations phase was predicted via an atmospheric air dispersion
modeling study conducted by RSK for routine and non-routine operations. The model showed an
exceedance of the Project Standards and/or WHO/IFC interim limit for the 1-hour averaging period
for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) maximum offsite concentrations and for the 1-hour, 3-hour and 24-hour
SO2 maximum offsite concentrations. However, the 95th percentile offsite concentration for N02
(1-hour) and SO2 (24-hour) did not exceed the Project Standard or interim limit, respectively
In the case of NO2, the exceedance can be attributed to the combined effects of all point sources
operating at the same time. In the case of SO2, the exceedance is almost entirely caused by
emissions from the thermal oxidiser, which oxidises acid gas (containing hydrogen sulphide, H2S)
from the amine desulphurisation unit. The elevated SO2 concentrations in the exit flue gas is
because of high hydrogen sulphide in the feed sour gas to the unit.

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Pearl Petroleum is committed to meeting the KM250A Project Standard for SO2 and NO2
emissions. Furthermore, the EPC Contractor is contractually obliged to meet the Project
Standards. Taking guidance from the World Health Organisation ambient air quality guidelines
(adopted by IFC, 2007), Pearl Petroleum will take a stepped-approach to meet the interim targets
and guideline values, closely monitoring and reviewing the design deliverables to ensure
compliance, with a focus on the thermal oxidiser. At the 95th percentile, operations will comply with
the WHO/IFC interim target 1, which is equivalent to the KRG standard.
Further evaluation of compliance solutions (such as a sulphur recovery unit, flue gas scrubbers,
thermal oxidiser design specifications, caustic wash) will be undertaken during the detailed
engineering phase. The air quality model will be re-run with detailed design specifications to
confirm compliance with the Project Standards. Pearl Petroleum is confident that this stepped-
approach will result in compliance with the Project Standards.
Air quality mitigations are expected to include:
• further evaluation during detailed engineering, procurement and construction stage and
additional air quality modelling
• installation of alternative treatments for sour gas and evaluate compliance solutions during
the detailed engineering phase.
These mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including but
not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce
residual impacts ratings below ‘significant’.
Biological environment
The KM250A Project site is not located within or near any nationally or internationally designated
protected areas for biodiversity. The closest designated area for biodiversity is the Chemchemal
Key Biodiversity Area and Important Bird Area, which are located approximately 12 km south-west
of the KM250A Project site.
An ecology survey of the AOI was conducted by RSK and Kurdish biologists familiar with the
biodiversity and ecology of the area in October 2019. The survey included placing trail cameras
and recording bat calls. The results of the survey provided an overview of species presence and
an understanding of the habitats within the KM250A Project area. This was used to supplement
existing biodiversity information from previous surveys at Khor Mor and online resources.
The majority of the habitats located within the ESIA survey area are categorised as modified
habitats including agro-pastoral land (predominantly cropland), scattered scrubs, unsurfaced
roads, cleared ground and urban settlements. Natural habitats comprising steppe grassland, an
ephemeral stream and a small pond were also found. The significance of the following potential
impacts were rated as moderate:
• direct permanent loss of ecologically significant habitat and vegetation and fragmentation
of breeding and foraging habitat
• temporary loss of ecologically significant terrestrial habitat and vegetation soil erosion or
compaction resulting in poor re-establishment of vegetation within flowline rights of way
and other temporary construction phase facilities (for example laydown areas)
• noise and disturbance to fauna
• direct mortality of species from collisions with equipment and vehicles
• inadvertent chemical spills leading to habitat loss and injury/mortality of flora and fauna
from food and surface water contamination

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• reduce the time between construction and reinstatement for works undertaken in sensitive
habitats to the extent possible
• disturbance from noise and vibration from people using the office area.

A critical habitat assessment was conducted as part of the ESIA that included consultation
with various experts (Nature Iraq, University of Sulaymaniyah and Polytechnic University of
Sulaymaniyah). Impacts on all of the critical habitat qualifying species were considered to be
insignificant (minor or slight) and no biodiversity offsetting/net gain is required.

While the habitats within the AOI are considered to have low conservation importance, the
habitat may support endangered or critically endangered species. A number of species and
habitats were considered. It was concluded that the habitat of these species and their possible
presence at the Project site are unlikely to be affected by KM250A Project activities.

Biodiversity or ecology-related mitigation measures are expected to include the following, thus
bringing all impact significance during all phases to minor:

• preparation of a Biodiversity Management Plan

• undertaking a pre-construction survey for important plant species in areas identified as
potential habitat in particular along flowlines where routes are likely to be re-surveyed
• evaluating practical alternatives to avoid or reduce impacts to the important plant species
if these species are identified within areas subject to land disturbing activities
• undertaking site clearance with due consideration to main breeding season
• limiting vegetation removal to the extent possible
• reducing the time between construction and reinstatement for works undertaken in
sensitive habitats to the extent possible
• undertaking toolbox talks with staff to educate them on what species are likely to be present
on-site and on correct actions to be taken if any animals are encountered
• the development and implementation of a Lighting Plan for the new and existing facilities
to limit spread by using directional lighting, hoods etc and only light the working areas
• develop and implement vehicle maintenance program to manage gaseous emissions from
• limit driving to designated routes
• design permanent truck route to avoid sensitive habitats
• limit office operations to daylight hours, where possible.
These mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including but
not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce
residual impacts ratings below ‘significant’
Social and social-economic environment
To inform the social baseline for the ESIA, existing reports and publicly available information were
collected from various sources to provide contextual information at the regional and governorate
level. This was followed by the collection of quantitative and qualitative primary data on local
communities by RSK and a team of Kurdish social consultants between September and November
2019 through 145 household interviews, focus group discussions with flowline land users and
women, key informant interviews with village leaders (Anjuman) or Sub-District Managers, schools
and health facilities. Visual observations of road conditions, traffic volumes, land use and an
archaeology and cultural heritage walkover survey were also undertaken.

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The KM250A Project is expected to lead to the following positive impacts on the socio-economic
baseline during construction and operations:
• opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods and services to the
KM250A Project, generating multiplier effects across the local economy
• direct employment and skills development through training
• contribution of the KM250A Project to the development of Kurdistan’s oil and gas sector
through regional economic growth.
Such positive impacts will be maximised where possible.
The following mitigation measures, presented by topic, were applied to social/socio-economic
impacts with significant (moderate or higher) impact ratings:
Local economy
• prioritise the sourcing of goods and services from local and regional businesses, providing
required quality and delivery timescales can be met
• support the development and capacity building of local and regional businesses, either
directly or as part of government of sector-wide initiatives
• develop an influx management strategy (including a 'no hiring at the gate' policy), providing
clear information on the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related
employment and business opportunities
• implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan that includes monitoring socio-
economic changes in local communities (e.g. in living standards, household well-being and
other daily necessities) through regular community meetings and through regular price
Employment and skills development
• provide on-the-job training to the Project workforce in order to enable workers to gain new
or improved skills and provide formal recognition of this training (e.g. through references
and/or certifications) to workers where possible
• where appropriate, develop a Local Community Employment Plan (LCEP), prioritising the
employment of people from local communities, followed by people from other parts of the
Kurdistan Region
• during the recruitment process, and for the duration of their employment, be transparent
about the temporary nature of workers’ employment on the Project and regularly remind
workers of this fact
Land access and livelihoods
• develop and implement a Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) to address the short- and long-
term economic impacts from temporary and permanent (life of Project) loss of access to
• undertake regular meetings with village Anjuman and local communities to ensure that
information about the Project’s land acquisition and compensation strategy is clearly
communicated and that stakeholder concerns are effectively addressed
• undertake pre-construction surveys to identify any watering wells and pasture land to which
access must be maintained
Community safety and security
• identify risks in health and safety plans and work management procedures and, within this,
include provisions to ensure community safety, including safety barriers (e.g. fences)
around open excavations to prevent local communities and livestock from falling into

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• develop and implement a community safety awareness campaign in local communities
with focus on high-risk groups (e.g. children), potentially involving school visits to raise
awareness on road safety risks
• where appropriate, develop a work-specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP) which
identifies sensitive social receptors along transportation routes and outlines mitigation
measures (for example speed limit restrictions, vehicle maintenance activities, awareness
campaigns, recruitment of traffic wardens) to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents
• develop and implement workers’ codes of conduct, inclusive of training for all Project
personnel on local customs, culture and tradition
• review established arrangements for security provision at the existing facility to ensure that
they are sufficiently robust to manage security issues which may arise as a result of the
Project (make changes to existing arrangements as appropriate)
Infrastructure and services
• monitor water supplies in local communities against baseline conditions; integrate the
monitoring plan into monitoring plans implemented at the existing facility
Vulnerable groups
• develop and implement a gender inclusion strategy containing various measures to
promote the inclusion of women in the Project.
Application of the mitigation measures and accepted international practices result in
manageable risks vis-à-vis sensitive receptors in relation to lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards.

ESIA findings for unplanned events

An unplanned event is defined as a reasonably foreseeable event that is not planned to occur as
part of a project, but which may conceivably occur as a result of project activities (e.g. accidents),
even with a low probability. Unplanned events may occur during any phase of a project. The risk
assessment is based on application of experience of events or incidents to predict risk in the future.
Consequences of potential impacts are first determined using severity levels and definitions.
The KRG requires that the impact of unplanned events on public health and safety and the
likelihood of their occurrence be taken into consideration, including:
• traffic likely to be generated, including the impact of increased traffic on the local
communities as well as the level of risk and methods of prevention of oil spills on roads
and highways
• fugitive emissions and unplanned gas releases (by flaring)
• fires, spills, or other accidents.
Unplanned events at KM250A (Phase 1 of KM500 expansion) were identified and assessed by
Hatch in the following studies executed during the basic engineering phase of the KM500
expansion project:
• Hazard Identification study
• Central Processing Facility Fire & Dispersion Hazard Analysis
• Hazard and Operability study.
A number of unplanned events, mainly relating to the release of process hydrocarbons, were
identified. The assessment showed that thermal radiation and explosion overpressure impacts
from these events are contained on-site.
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Four consequences of the unplanned events were considered to have the potential to result in
offsite impacts, should these events occur:
• noise and visual impact from flaring (flaring is a planned mitigation measure for an on-site
gas release and some major process upsets)
• decreased air quality due to smoke from a pool fire
• harm to flora or fauna and/or an odour impact at local communities due to low
concentrations of H2S (toxic gas)
• loss of services provided by Pearl Petroleum to local communities due to a plant shutdown
following a major process release or major process upset.

Cumulative impacts
Cumulative impacts result from the incremental impact from other existing, planned or reasonably
defined developments. Cumulative impacts for the KM250A Project may occur during further
expansion of the Khor Mor site. Although details regarding the potential configuration (and thus
impacts) of future expansion projects are not currently known, the likely adverse impacts are as
• increased air emissions
• increased groundwater consumption
• increased local traffic
• increased pressure on Pearl Petroleum Khor Mor waste management facilities
• additional pressure on habitat and biodiversity via installation of additional flowlines.
Positive impacts include the ability to recruit construction workers for future projects as a partial
solution to retrenchment, and increased use of local goods and services (including labour).

Associated facilities
Five production wells will be developed in association with the KM250A Project. A comprehensive
separate ESIA will be developed for these facilities in late 2020. A high-level impact assessment
was developed based on baseline information collected for this (KM250A Project) ESIA, on the
existing ESIA undertaken for wells KM9, KM10 and KM12 by MapCom (2018), and on RSK
experience with onshore oil and gas drilling. High-level mitigation measures (similar to those
described for the KM250A Project) were identified for impacts that may be significant. These
potential impacts and mitigations will be further evaluated as part of the ESIA specific to the five

Environmental and social management

Pearl Petroleum is committed to control or reduce potential impacts. The KM250A Project Health,
Safety, Security Environmental and Social Performance Management Plan (HSSE&SP MP)
includes various safeguards, measures and plans and outlines the mitigation measures and
commitments made as part of the ESIA process. The KM250A Project HSSE&SP MP will extend
through all phases of the KM250A Project and is intended to inform Pearl Petroleum and contractor
personnel of their roles and responsibilities in delivering the KM250A Project. Implementation of
the HSSE&SP MP, including any mitigation measures listed in the Commitments Register, will be
undertaken within the framework of the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP Management System.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
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This document is the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report for the
first 250 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) train for the KM500 gas treatment
plant expansion (the ‘KM250A Project’ or ‘the Project’) and has been prepared in
accordance with legal and regulatory requirements of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG).
This ESIA was based in part on the findings of desktop research concerning existing data
and information, and supplemental field surveys conducted to date. Stakeholder
engagement has been undertaken to supplement the existing studies and further reduce
uncertainties ahead of the detailed engineering, purchasing and construction phase of
the KM250A Project. The ESIA was also based on the details of Project activities (the
Project description) and modelling (concerning operations phase air emissions and
noise). All analysis took into consideration the selected Project Standards.

1.1 Operator's name and contact information

Contact information for the key Operator’s personnel are presented in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Operator’s name and contact information

Personnel Title – Contact details

Project ESIA for first 250 MMscfd Train for Khor Mor 500 Gas Treatment Plant in the
Title Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Corporate Head of HSSE (Sharjah)
Stuart Harrower E-mail: sharrower@crescent.ae
Tel.: +97165070454
Construction HSE Manager for KM500 (Khor
Matthew Brown E-mail: mbrown@crescent.ae
Pearl Tel.: +9647707702964 (Khor Mor 24-hour
Operator’s Petroleum Movcon Command)
name Company Social Performance Field Manager (Khor
Limited Mor)
Steven Bungay E-mail: kmspfieldmgr@crescent.ae
Tel.: +9647707702964 (Khor Mor 24-hour
Movcon Command)
Senior HSSE Manager (Erbil)
Mark Mincheau E-mail: MMinchaeau@crescent.ae
Tel.: +9647712321984

1.2 Key personnel – environmental consultant

This ESIA has been prepared on behalf of Pearl Petroleum Company Limited (‘Pearl
Petroleum’) by RSK Environment LLC (RSK), 902 Silver Wave Tower, Mina Road, PO

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250 MMscfd for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
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Box 45103, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In 2017, the Iraq Ministry of Health and
Environment accredited RSK as an advisory office for environmental consultancy and
RSK is an approved supplier with the KRG Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). Contact
details for RSK is presented in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Environmental consultant contact details

Name Address Personnel Title activity

Robert Gould
Cyndi Teulon
Grace Rigby
Corin Simmonds
P.O. Box 46211 Abraham Jacob
Abu Dhabi Hamdi El-Ghonemy
RSK United Arab Emirates Daniel Clare Environmental
Environment consultants - ESIA
LLC Tel: +971 2 611 8500 Zhanar Zhakeyeva experts
Fax: +971 2 627 5764 Ruth Brooker
www.rsk.co.uk Corinne Kennedy
Mark Underhill
Lucinda Knight
Jessica Hommelhoff
Ruba Farkh

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This section presents a description of all aspects of the Project that is the subject of this
environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA).

2.1 Background and project purpose

The existing Pearl Petroleum Company Limited (hereafter to be referred to as Pearl
Petroleum Khor Mor (KM) facility, located in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate, in the
Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), was constructed from 2007 to 2011 and comprises a gas
plant and liquified petroleum gas (LPG) extraction facilities that produce sales gas, LPG
and condensate from the KM reservoir. The facility is sited within an overall fenced
Development Area of 600 hectares (ha), approximately 50 ha of which is currently
Sales gas from the existing facility is exported via a 24-inch (“) pipeline to power stations
in Chemchemal, Sulaymaniyah and Erbil, respectively 65, 70 and 180 kilometres (km)
from the site. As the only gas supplier to regional power stations, Pearl Petroleum
provides a clean and highly cost-effective alternative solution to diesel-fuelled power
Pearl Petroleum is planning the expansion of its existing KM gas processing facility. The
Project is part of longer-term development plans to increase gas production at KM. The
KM500 Expansion Project (concerning the first 250 million metric standard cubic feet per
day (MMscfd) of increased gas capacity, (‘KM250A’) is a natural extension to the existing
project at the KM gas field and will continue to provide benefits through natural gas to the
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) under a Gas Sales Agreement and additional
condensate and LPG sales into the local market.
The KM250A Project will increase production of sales gas, condensate and LPG products
at the existing facility, thereby contributing to the KRG’s goal of expanding oil and gas
exploration and production capacity in the region. The Project comprises engineering,
design, procurement, construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of a new
gas processing facility (within the existing site boundary) as well as up to five additional
flowlines from new gas field production wells to the processing facility and new access
roads (external to the site boundary).

2.2 KM250A Project schedule

The indicative KM250A Project schedule is presented in Table 2-1.

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Table 2-1 Key project activities

Activity Estimated date

Early works Q3 2019 to Q3 2020
Start of construction works for KM250A End Q2 2020
Commissioning End Q4 2021 to Q1 2022
Operations (first gas) at KM250A begin Q1 2022

2.3 Project location and site description

The KM field is located in the KRI, approximately 50 km to the south-east of Kirkuk. Figure
2-1 illustrates the Project location. Figure 2-2 is a view of the whole KM area, including
the Expansion Area (the area that will be allocated to the KM250A expansion). Figure 2-3
presents the site plan schematic, including the existing gas plant and the main parts of
the site to be utilised by this project (the Expansion Area, the Development Area and the
Offsites Area).

Figure 2-1 KM location

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Figure 2-2 KM area

Source: Pearl Petroleum

Figure 2-3 KM site plan

Source: Pearl Petroleum

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2.4 Current activities at the site
The existing site contains a gas plant and LPG extraction facilities that produce sales
gas, LPG and condensate from the KM reservoir. The facilities occupy approximately
50 ha within an overall fenced area of 600 ha, and consist of:
• two parallel LPG extraction trains (‘Cryo#’) (150 MMscfd sales gas capacity
• early production facility (EPF) (120 MMscfd sales gas capacity)
• condensate stabilisation, storage and export (13,000 barrels per day – bpd -
• LPG storage and truck loading (1,020 metric tons per day nominal)
• sales gas compression for LPG recovery trains and export by pipeline
• utilities.
Figure 2-4 shows existing KM production wells and flowlines. The gas plant is fed by gas
from the original production wells (KM3, KM4, KM5, KM6, KM7 and KM8) within or near
the KM site. KM9 has just been brought online. KM10 and KM12 have been drilled and
suspended; there are currently no plans to tie these into the gas plant. KM14 is a potential
appraisal well that has not been drilled yet.
The existing production well flowlines are buried at 1 m depth. The routings have been
extracted from a general site plot plan and will be confirmed via site survey during the
detailed project design phase by the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
Contractor. An underground survey has been commissioned by Pearl Petroleum. The
existing flowlines are routed to the north-west corner of the existing Cryo# plant.
As mentioned earlier, the main four areas (as shown in Figure 2-2) within the KM
fenceline are:
• existing EPF and Cryo# Plant
• KM Expansion Area (to the south of the existing EPF/Cryo plant)
• Development Area
• Offsites Area.

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Figure 2-4 Location of existing and proposed future KM production wells and flowlines

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2.5 Description of KM250A Project

2.5.1 Introduction
Pearl Petroleum intends to conduct a phased development of the existing gas plant with
capacity initially increased by debottlenecking of the EPF, which was completed in Q4
2018. The first phase (KM500 project) is to add a nominal 500 MMscfd of sales gas export
and 26,000 bpd of condensate export with two 250 MMscfd gas trains. These gas trains
will be phased with the first 250 MMscfd train (KM250A) to be completed in 2022. The
proposed KM250A Project (the subject of this ESIA) involves engineering design,
procurement and construction of a gas processing facility capable of producing sales gas,
LPG and condensate within the existing 600 ha site via the first of two gas treatment
trains. Up to five additional flowlines (from up to five new production wells) external to the
site boundary will also be required.
For the first 250 MMscfd gas train, sales gas will be routed through the existing 24’’ sales
gas pipeline to Erbil, Chemchemal, Sulaymaniyah (Bazian) power stations. Liquified
petroleum gas (LPG) will continue to be exported by truck. Condensate will continue to
be transported by truck and/or pipeline to Jambur.
Some of the existing facilities will be used in the KM250A Project, and there will be tie-
ins with the existing facilities. The Project will also include
• new flowlines
• rerouting of the existing condensate export pipeline to Jambur.
Construction is anticipated to start end of Q3 2020 with completion and first production
of gas/liquids by the end of Q1 2022.

2.5.2 Project components

The main components of the project are the following:
• new wells (not part of this ESIA)
• inlet separation
• amine unit for the gas desulphurisation
• amine regeneration unit
• molecular sieve dehydration unit
• dehydration regeneration unit
• mercury removal
• natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery
• de-ethaniser overhead compressor
• debutaniser
• condensate stabilisation feed separator
• flash gas compressor
• condensate stabiliser
• KM250A tie-ins with the existing pipelines
• thermal oxidiser
• additional condensate storage
• sales gas/booster compressors.
• new condensate tanker loading facilities.

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2.5.3 Expansion Area
The Expansion Area is about 1.5 km by 1.5 km. The main KM250A gas processing facility,
which will be located within the Expansion Area, will comprise
• new production manifold and test manifold
• common new reception facilities (new gas/liquid separator, hydrocarbon
liquid/water separator and test separator)
• one 262.5 MMscfd gas processing train (KM250A) consisting of the following
unit operations:
• de-ethylamine (DEA) unit for gas desulphurisation
• molecular sieve gas dehydration units
• mercury removal unit
• gas dew pointing and LPG recovery unit
• de-ethaniser and debutaniser to refine NGL to raw LPG to supply the local
• common condensate stabilisation unit
• common flash gas compression.
In addition to the gas processing plant and the new flowlines (as mentioned above), the
KM Expansion Area will also include the following developments:
• flares
• central control building and laboratory
• utilities and central power generation area
• KM Expansion Area project offices, construction workshops/yards/laydown
areas, designated muster areas and the construction accommodation camp.
The section of the existing condensate export line to Jambur located within the site
perimeter fence will be rerouted as part of the Project.

2.5.4 Development Area

The key features of planned Project activities within the Development Area include
decommissioning of various existing facilities, especially
• the warehouse and laydown area (Offsites Area)
• the evaporation pond (water will be transferred to the Expansion Area
evaporation pond).
Other changes include
• addition of a new condensate storage tank that will accommodate future
• addition of temporary compression capacity for KM250A sales gas and
temporary booster compression for EPF/Cryo# sales gas
• metering package for KM250A sales gas prior to injection into the existing 24”
sales gas pipeline
• new metering package and coalescer for EPF/Cryo# sales gas
• new condensate truck loading facilities and associated infrastructure including:
o decommissioning of existing NGL truck loading
o a new dedicated east vehicle checkpoint (VCP) for LPG and
condensate trucks with associated security infrastructure

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o new truck weighbridges or incoming trucks, two for outgoing trucks
o new truck access roads including new road to the LPG loading facility.

2.5.5 Tie-ins
As mentioned earlier, the Project requires various tie-ins to the existing facilities for the
gas processing operations and transportation of the sales gas, condensate and LPG. The
main tie-ins are shown in Table 2-2.
Condensate tie-ins and facilities will allow
• combined storage of condensate from KM250A and existing operations in the
existing and new condensate storage tanks
• Cryo# and KM250A condensate export to a new condensate truck loading
facility (located in the Development Area)
• KM250A condensate export to the existing Jambur export pipeline (a short
section of this pipeline within the site perimeter will be re-routed to run just north
of the KM Expansion Area footprint)
• tie-ins to storage and export facilities planned in future expansion phases.
Tie-ins will allow the use of Cryo# plant selected utilities and services to support the tie-
ins described above such as firewater, instrument air and fuel gas. Transfer of EPF/Cryo#
plant control from the existing control room to the KM central control building (located in
the KM Expansion Area) will be implemented.

Table 2-2 KM250A tie-ins

Fluid line Description Line size

Sales gas Pipeline to Chemchemal and Erbil 24”
Condensate Pipeline to Jambur 20”
KM250A to existing LPG storage and
truck export (LPG storage manifold)
To be agreed during
Raw water Underground pipe from Offsites Area
detailed design phase
Potable/domestic Underground pipe between KM To be agreed during
water Expansion Area detailed design phase
Underground pipe from Offsites Area To be agreed during
Sanitary waste
from KM Expansion Area detailed design phase
KM Expansion Area to east catchment
Stormwater -
KM500 main electrical substation to
Electric power (2) 6 kV cables
Offsites Area

2.5.6 Process description Production wells, flowlines and inlet gas separator

Up to five additional production wells will be required for the KM250A Project; these will
be the subject of a separate ESIA and therefore are not covered in this ESIA. The
proposed new wells for the KM250A Project (currently estimated as five in number) are

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all within a few kilometres of the site. New 10” flowlines (that are within the scope of the
current ESIA) will bring additional gas to the site from new production wells.
For the KM expansion a northern and southern flowline/trunk line corridor will be
established. The southern flowline/trunkline corridor runs approximately 20 m inside the
existing site eastern perimeter fence. This will allow installation of a planned security track
and inner fence. The northern flowline/trunk line corridor will be inside the export pipeline
corridor along the eastern perimeter fence.
KRG and Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) do not require formal restrictions on
access to the flowline corridors/right-of-way (RoW) during flowline construction.
Nonetheless, Pearl Petroleum will take precautions to avoid possible risks associated
with entry of non-Project personnel to the construction; areas by 1) marking the routes;
2) making concerned parties aware of construction activities within the corridors or below-
grade activities (although farming in the area may not be precluded); and 3) conducting
frequent inspections along the corridors conducted by dedicated inspection personnel.
At the inlet to each flowline there will be a removable spool to allow installation of a
temporary pig launcher to facilitate commissioning and periodic inspection of the flowline.
The outlet of the flowline is equipped with a removable spool to allow installation of a
temporary pig receiver to facilitate commissioning and periodic inspection of the flowline.
The inlet gas separator is a two-phase gas liquid separator designed for the full KM500
gas processing capacity; it is designed to operate during initial high pressure (HP)
operations at 76 barg. Liquid holdup in the separator is not expected; any liquids will drain
by gravity to the downstream inlet liquid/liquid separator. The separator separates liquid
from the gas stream before the gas is routed downstream for further processing. The
separator does not have any slug holdup volume.
The liquid/liquid separator is nominally a three-phase separator, although the vapour
space allowed for vapour separation is small, as very little vapour carried over from the
inlet gas separator is expected. Any vapour separated is routed back to the inlet gas
separator via a balance line. Gas processing

The KM250A Project includes a new gas processing facility that will operate
independently from the existing EPF and Cryo# plant. Product export activities from
existing operations will be integrated with that from the new plant. Process details are
provided in the following sections (see flow diagram in Figure 2-5). Gas desulphurisation

Gas desulphurisation will be accomplished via contact with amine. Raw gas entering the
KM250A gas train inlet gas separator will be routed to the inlet gas scrubber and an inlet
gas filter/coalescer to minimise carryover of liquids into the amine column (liquids can
cause problems with operation of the column). Liquids from the inlet gas scrubber and
inlet gas filter coalescer will be routed under level control to the condensate stabilisation
feed separator, from which gas will flow to the desulphurisation superheater.
The desulphurisation superheater adds one or two degrees Centigrade of superheat to
the gas entering the amine contactor by heating a side stream off the main gas flow (to
minimise equipment size). Gas then flows to the amine contactor.

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Figure 2-5 KM250A Project gas plant flow diagram

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182279-17 (05) Amine unit
The amine unit consists of the amine contactor and an amine regeneration system. The
amine contactor is a trayed column that uses DEA to remove hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
from the process gas so that the gas export specification can be met and to ensure that
downstream equipment does not need to be specified to standards required for H2S-
containing gas streams. The amine contactor has single block valve isolation at its inlet
and outlet such that the entire KM250A gas train would need to be depressurised but
would not need to be fully de-inventoried for maintenance to be affected on the amine
contactor. The contactor has a manual hydrocarbon skim facility to allow any hydrocarbon
build up in the vessel to be removed. Liquids (rich amine stream) in the amine contactor
are routed under level control to amine regeneration (amine flash drum). Fresh lean
(regenerated) amine is fed into the column at the top under flow control.
The amine regeneration system receives H2S-rich amine from the amine contactor. Its
pressure is let down to that of the amine flash drum, which operates at about 5 barg. The
amine flash drum also receives liquids from scrubbers and coalescers downstream of the
amine contactor that may contain amine carried over from the contactor. Rich amine from
the amine flash drum passes through the rich amine filters to remove solids (that can
cause foaming) and receives pre-heating by recovery of heat from the hot lean amine
stream exiting the amine still using the lean/rich amine exchanger.
Warm rich amine enters the amine still (under level control from the amine flash drum).
The amine still treats the rich amine to remove H2S (and co-absorbed carbon dioxide)
with heat provided by the amine reboiler and reflux by the amine reflux condenser air
cooler. The H2S-rich acid gas is routed to the thermal oxidiser (or future sulphur removal
package), joining the offgas stream from the amine flash drum.
From the amine still, hot lean amine is pumped back by amine booster pumps via the
lean/rich amine exchanger to recover heat. The amine cooler is provided to further cool
the amine to the required operating temperature for the amine contactor. The temperature
of the amine leaving the air cooler is controlled such that the exit temperature of the amine
is 5 to 10°C warmer than the process gas stream entering the amine contactor in order
to minimise condensation of hydrocarbons in the amine contactor.
Desulphurised gas leaves the amine contactor and enters the treated gas scrubber which
is designed to catch any amine carried over from the upstream contactor to both minimise
amine loss and protect the downstream dehydration molecular sieve. The treated gas
scrubber is equipped with a water wash system which circulates water to minimise the
amount of amine that is lost to the downstream system. The wash system has a single
pump as the wash system is not critical to operation of the gas train.
A gas analyser which measures the amount of H2S in the gas outlet stream will be
installed downstream of the treated gas scrubber. There is a spill-off valve to flare
downstream of the treated gas scrubber which allows gas to be vented to flare during
start-up such that the desulphurisation system can be brought up to minimum flowrate
operation and the correct H2S specification of the gas reached before gas is routed to the
downstream systems. The treated gas scrubber includes anti-foam chemical injection
points to minimise the risk of amine solution foaming. Make-up water is with weekly batch
injection of deaerated demineralised water.

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182279-17 (05) Dehydration and mercury removal
Dehydration of the desulphurised gas is achieved using molecular sieve beds. Gas flows
from the amine unit to a dehydration superheater, which adds one or two degrees of
superheat to the gas entering dehydration by heating a side stream off the main gas flow
(to minimise equipment size) thereby avoiding liquids condensing upstream and on
contact with the molecular sieve beds due to cooling or retrograde condensation (which
can cause problems with the beds).
Three molecular sieve beds are to be installed with two beds in dehydration mode via
adsorption, dehydrating the gas whilst the third bed is undergoing a regeneration cycle.
Each molecular sieve bed is equipped with double block and bleed valves on all inlets
and outlets such that a single bed can be taken offline for maintenance without the entire
KM250A gas train being taken out of service (although a 40-50% reduction in throughput
will be required). The molecular sieve system is designed for the raw gas flow through
the plant in addition to the recycled regeneration gas that enters the process upstream of
the molecular sieve beds.
Regeneration gas for the molecular sieve beds is taken from downstream of dehydration.
Gas is compressed to a high enough pressure to flow through the regeneration system
and be recycled back upstream of the inlet of the dehydration inlet coalescer. There are
three modes of operation for the recycle gas:
• Regeneration heating: In heating mode the regeneration gas is heated to about
260°C in the regeneration gas heater with the hot gas being routed through the
molecular sieve bed being regenerated with the flow routing controlled by
automated switching valves.
• Cooling: In cooling mode the regeneration gas is bypassed around the
regeneration gas heater. The gas then enters the hot molecular sieve bed
thereby bringing the molecular sieve bed down to the normal adsorption
• Standby: In standby mode regeneration gas is bypassed around the molecular
sieve beds (in between other operating modes or switching the molecular sieve
bed to be regenerated) such that there is no need to stop/start the regeneration
gas compressor and the system runs with a stable operating flow.
After exiting the molecular sieve beds, warm/hot regeneration gas, which is high in water
content, is routed through the regeneration aftercooler. After cooling, the regeneration
gas is routed to the regeneration knockout (KO) drum to separate the liquid water and
gas. Regeneration gas at its water dew point is routed back to the process upstream of
dehydration (or to flare if the regeneration gas compressor is bypassed). Removed water
is routed to the condensate stabiliser feed separator under level control such that any
bulk hydrocarbons are removed prior to the water being routed to the produced water
Gas next passes to the mercury removal unit (although mercury has not been present in
current operations, mercury removal has been included for KM250A). Mercury is
removed to avoid:
• damage to the downstream aluminium plate-fin exchanger
• hazards to personnel during maintenance of the downstream cryogenic

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A mercury guard bed downstream of the molecular sieve beds is used to absorb mercury
from the process gas using a non-regenerable absorbent. The mercury guard bed is
equipped with a single block valve at its inlet and outlet such that the entire KM250A gas
train would need to be depressurised but not fully de-inventoried to affect maintenance
on the unit.
All mercury wastes will be managed in accordance with good international industry
practice (GIIP). Liquified petroleum gas recovery

A heat exchanger will be located upstream of the inlet of the gas dew-pointing system.
This exchanger uses cold residue gas returning from the downstream dew-pointing
system and cold NGL knocked out in the HP cold separator to pre-cool incoming feed
gas before it is let down in pressure to cool further. Gas passing through the warm side
of the exchanger will condense some hydrocarbon liquid as it is cooled; this is removed
by the HP cold separator.
The recovered cold NGL liquids (after flashing across a level control valve to induce
further cooling) are routed to LPG fractionation under level control via the gas/gas/liquid
exchanger to recover cooling duty. The gas from the HP cold separator is routed to either
the turboexpander or J-T valve for pressure let down to cause further gas cooling.
Downstream of the turboexpander or J-T valve the gas is sufficiently cold to meet the
sales gas export hydrocarbon dew point, Wobbe Index and Higher Heating specifications
after removal of NGL liquids by the low pressure (LP) cold separator.
NGL from the LPG recovery plant (HP cold separator and LP cold separator) is routed to
LPG fractionation. In the initial phase of the KM500 project, raw LPG will only be
produced for export to the local Kurdistan market, which has a lower specification than
required for international export. Liquids from the HP and LP cold separators are routed
to the de-ethaniser.
The de-ethaniser is a trayed, single diameter column. Liquids from the HP cold separator
are first routed through the gas/gas/liquid exchanger. The de-ethaniser reboiler is a partial
kettle type reboiler with an overflow weir. Vapour from the de-ethaniser is routed to de-
ethaniser overhead compression, with an option to route part of this stream to LP fuel
gas. Liquids from the de-ethaniser are normally routed to the debutaniser. However, if
the debutaniser is out of service or zero LPG production is required (for operational
reasons) the liquids from the de-ethaniser can be routed to the condensate stabiliser feed
There is a single common debutaniser column to service both KM500 gas trains (that is,
the KM250A train concerned by this ESIA and the future KM250B train). Liquids from the
de-ethaniser are routed to a common inlet to the debutaniser under level control from the
de-ethaniser. The debutaniser is a trayed single diameter column. The reboiler is a partial
kettle type reboiler with an overflow weir. Vapour from the debutaniser is routed to an air
cooler, which acts as the overhead condenser (total condenser).
Liquid from the debutaniser bottom (condensate product) is routed to condensate export
via the condensate inlet heater for heat recovery and the condensate product cooler.
Pumps boost the pressure of the debutaniser reflux drum liquid (LPG). Part of this stream
is recycled back to the debutaniser column under flow control as the reflux stream to

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provide cooling flow to the column. The remaining portion is taken off as raw LPG product
under pressure control and routed to existing LPG storage. KM250A sales gas export

Sales gas from KM250A will be temporarily exported through the existing 24” sales gas
export pipeline to Chemchemal and Erbil, along with gas from the existing Cryo# plants
and the EPF. Due to the larger amount of gas being exported through the line the
pressure required to enter the pipeline is increased (up to 104 barg) dependent on the
total gas export rate, Chemchemal to Erbil sales gas split, and minimum Erbil sales gas
arrival pressure. This means that the residue gas from:
• KM250A sales gas needs to be compressed from 37 to 104 barg
• existing Cryo# and EPF plants needs to be boosted in pressure from 65 to 104
During this phase of the gas plant expansion the KM250A gas and Cryo#/EPF gas will
be compressed using, respectively, sales gas and booster rental compressors to
minimise CAPEX and project schedule. Separate sets of rental compressors will be used
for the existing Cryo#/EPF plant and the new KM250A plant although all the compressors
will be located next to each other in the same plant area (adjacent to the existing Cryo#
plant for ease of access to the existing gas export pipeline). Reciprocating compressors
driven by gas engines will be used. The rental compressors are spared to provide
sufficient equipment availability and each compressor has sufficient isolation to allow a
single compressor to be taken offline for maintenance without affecting plant throughput. Condensate feed separator and inlet filter

Condensate collected in the plant reception facilities (in the inlet liquid/liquid separator)
will be routed under level control to the condensate stabiliser feed separator. The
condensate stabiliser feed separator is a conventional 3-phase separator that removes
gas flashed from the condensate as it is reduced in pressure from the gas train operating
pressure and removes any water that has been carried over from the upstream
separation system, before the condensate is routed to the condensate stabiliser. Gas
from the vessel is routed to the stabiliser overhead compressor. Condensate is routed to
the condensate stabiliser (via coalescing filtration and heat exchange) under level control.
Water is routed to the produced water degasser. Condensate stabiliser

The condensate stabiliser ensures that the Reid vapour pressure and H2S content of the
condensate routed to export is within specification. Vapour from the condensate stabiliser
is routed to the stabiliser overhead compressor. A relatively high required operating
pressure for the condensate stabiliser calls for a relatively high temperature in the
condensate stabiliser reboiler for the condensate to meet specification. The reboiler is a
partial kettle type reboiler with an overflow weir.
The column is equipped with a mist matt on the outlet to minimise liquid carryover to the
downstream Compressor Suction Scrubber. The stabiliser is a trayed column. Water
trapped within the stabiliser will be removed by manually draining liquid from the column.
Liquids from the condensate stabiliser are routed via the feed/treated condensate heat
exchanger to recover heat by the feed stream to the stabiliser before being routed to the
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condensate product cooler. Condensate from the condensate stabiliser and the
condensate from the debutaniser bottoms are cooled by an air cooler, combined and then
routed to storage. Condensate and liquified petroleum gas storage and export

New condensate storage will be provided as part of KM250A project. The storage will be
sized for seven days of production as part of KM250A project and will be located in the
Development Area. LPG will be stored in the existing facility for the KM250A project and
no new LPG storage is anticipated as part of the present project.
Condensate will be exported from the site by either pipeline or truck. If by pipeline,
condensate will be exported via the existing 20” condensate pipeline to Jambur. The
pipeline route crosses the proposed KM Expansion Area. The rerouted pipeline size will
be 20” to accommodate export from the EPF/Cryo# and KM500 plants.
KM250A will include a truck loading station for condensate produced. The condensate
loading capacity for KM250A will be 13,000 bpd. Considering a condensate truck loading
rate of one truck per hour per loading bay, seven loading bays, of which six will be
operational and one spare at any time, will be designed as part of KM250A project.
The condensate truck loading station will have the following:
• truck bottom loading
• truck vapor recovery system
• spillage control including
• emergency shutdown valves
• drainage and interception arrangements
• capacity control and over-fill protection system.
There will be truck weighbridges (four in total – two for incoming trucks and two for
outgoing trucks). Appropriate fencing will separate the truck loading bays from the
process plant areas and offsite areas.

2.5.7 Utilities for the KM250A Project

The main utilities dedicated to the KM250A Project are the:
• HP/LT flare
• LP flare
• LLP flare (for condensate tank vent gas)
• thermal oxidiser
• tanker loading (air diluted) cold vent
• compression cold vent
• drainage system (closed, open and local drains).
The following will be shared with future KM expansion projects:
• produced water treatment
• domestic water
• plant water
• utility water
• hot oil circulation and heater

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• power generation
• fuel gas
• plant and instrument air
• nitrogen generation
• demineralised water
• firewater system.
Further details on key utilities are provided in the following sections.

2.5.8 Flares
The design includes the following flare systems:
• HP flare system, with two separate headers
• HP flare header (for hot/wet releases)
• low temperature (LT) flare header (for cold/dry releases)
• LP flare system, with a single header
• low-low pressure (LLP) flare system for condensate storage where a very low
backpressure is required.
Each of the flare systems will be provided with its own dedicated KO drum, associated
pumps and flare stack with pilot and ignition systems. Liquids collected in the HP flare
KO drum are pumped to the LP flare KO drum from where combined liquids are pumped
to the condensate stabiliser feed separator for reprocessing. The LP flare KO drum will
also receive liquids for reprocessing from the closed drain drum.
Common HP and LP flare systems shall be provided for KM500 (that is, suitable for both
KM250A and KM250B combined). These shall be provided initially in a temporary
location, close to the KM500 plot space south of the KM250A gas plant site, within the
existing site fenceline, and will be moved at a later stage to a remote flare system area
outside of the southern site fenceline. All flare hydraulics shall be based on the final flare
location and the HP and LP flare headers provided with flanged tie-ins, without valves, to
allow future tie-in of the permanent flare systems. It is intended that the temporary flare
systems initially provided for KM500 will be used for later gas plants (that is, KM1000).
There will be no routine flaring during operations.

2.5.9 Thermal oxidiser

The H2S-rich acid (sour) gas from the amine still is routed to the thermal oxidiser, joining
the off-gas stream from the amine flash drum. The thermal oxidiser combusts the acid
gas using fuel gas, resulting in the release of sulphur dioxide (SO2) to the atmosphere.
There is provision in the design to install a future sulphur recovery unit (or other solution)
upstream of the thermal oxidiser so that sulphur emissions to the atmosphere can be
reduced. The thermal oxidiser will be located in the liquids fractionation area.

2.5.10 Drainage
The drainage system is designed to allow the disposal of liquid inventory and surface
water runoff from the Project site in a safe manner. The Project will have closed and open
drains. Aqueous and hydrocarbon fluids will be segregated in both systems.

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182279-17 (05) Closed drain
Closed drains will be provided to collect the hydrocarbon residual liquids from process
equipment. The closed drain system will be a hard-piped collection system based on
gravity flow for the collection of drain liquids. The closed drain system will have vent lines
connected to the LP flare system.
No process system will be drained to the closed drain system unless the process system
is fully depressurised. Hydrocarbon liquids collected in the closed drain drum will be
pumped to the condensate separator, which is an automatically initiated operation. An
alternative disposal route to the new condensate storage tank will also be provided for
use during the full plant shutdown. Aqueous fluids collected from the closed drain drum
will be pumped to the produced water treatment facility. Open drain

Equipment drains (predominantly water) will be collected in the open drain. Open drains
will be provided in each area to handle water that has been accidently contaminated with
oil. It will also receive runoff water from paved areas within the plant utilities, which may
contain traces of oil, grease and chemicals. The sources of water include precipitation,
vessel wash water and firewater. The open drain system will be a hard-piped collection
system, with drain liquids flowing by gravity to the collection sump.
The collection system will be provided with traps to prevent possible hydrocarbon vapours
from being released within the plant area. The sump will be open to atmosphere and
provided with an oil skimmer. The collected liquid will be sent to an oily water treatment
package; the treated water will be discharged via the stormwater interceptor. The
skimmed oil will be pumped to a slop oil tank and disposed with other hydrocarbon waste
to an offsite waste oil processing facility. Local drains

Local equipment drains will be provided to allow drainage into a temporary container via
flexible hose connections or to the closest open drain system via drip tray.

2.5.11 Venting
An air assisted vent will be provided to dispose of gases vented from condensate trucks
during filling operations. Vapours released from the tankers during filling will be diluted
with air using forced draught and the vapours released to atmosphere via a vent
(approximately 1300 tonnes/year). Pearl Petroleum is considering various abatement
measures, including flaring and a vapour recovery unit. These options will be further
investigated during the detailed engineering phase of the Project. A new condensate
export pipeline to Chemchemal will be installed in the near future which would obviate
the need for tanker loading operations at KM.
A cold vent is provided for the rental sales gas compressors. The cold vent will be used
for emergency blowdown of the compressors and for maintenance depressurisation.
Volumes vented are expected to be low and infrequent.
Atmospheric vents will be provided for the release of air and inert gases if required.
Atmospheric vents will be blinded during routine operation to prevent accidental releases.

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2.5.12 Produced water
Production wells are initially expected to produce very little water (based on experience
of existing wells), such that only condensation water will be produced. Later in field life
produced water is expected to break through into the wells such that the design flow of
water is to be 11,000 bpd. The timing of increased produced water production is difficult
to predict. Consequently, the produced water treatment system is designed such that its
capacity can be easily expanded when required.
Produced water will be sent to the produced water degasser. The KM250A produced
water treatment plant shall initially be designed with a capacity of 2,000 bpd, with the
capability to be expanded up to 11,000 bpd. Produced water shall be treated to a
standard where it can be safely discharged to the environment. Water from the degasser
is routed to a skimming tank via a coalescer to remove any hydrocarbons; water from the
skimming tank is routed to a lined evaporation pond for disposal. Water in the evaporation
pond will contain less than 100 mg/L of condensate (Hatch, 2019c). Gas from the
produced water degasser will be routed to the LP fuel gas system.

2.5.13 Hot oil circulation and heater

The hot oil circulation will provide heat to various process units (via heat exchangers)
using hot oil as the heating medium. The system includes the hot oil heater, the hot oil
expansion vessel, hot oil circulation pumps and hot oil filter. The hot oil circulation system
will have a design temperature of 305°C. The hot oil heater will be fuelled by fuel gas.

2.5.14 Power supply

The KM500 expansion project, including the KM250A Project, will be developed on a new
site with no existing power supply available. There will be no connection to the existing
Cryo# plant electrical supply system, although there will be flexibility to do this in the
future. The permanent electric power supply for KM500 project shall be supplied from a
central power plant based on gas turbine generators that is planned in the next project
phase of KM expansion (KM1000). Initially, temporary rental gas engine generator sets
shall be used to supply KM500 (including KM250A) project loads to minimise initial capital
cost. Central power generation, temporary and permanent, will be located in the utility
area near the electrical main substation. Power generation will be at 11kV.
A 400V emergency diesel generator shall be installed to serve critical electricity loads
during shutdowns at the electrical main substation.

2.5.15 Safety exclusion/buffer zones

Neither KRI legal requirements nor MNR policies or environmental guidelines prescribe
safety zones in relation to industrial facilities. The International Finance Corporation
Environmental, Health and Social General Guidelines call for ‘[r]educing offsite impacts
of releases through measures intended to contain explosions and fires, alert the public,
provide for evacuation of surrounding areas, establish safety zones around a site, and
ensure the provision of emergency medical services to the public.’ Project KM250A-
related hazard analyses provide estimated safety zones for a variety of unplanned
events, including jet flames, flammable gas dispersion, pool fires, toxic gas dispersion
and explosion overpressure (see Fire & Dispersion Hazard Analysis, Hatch, 2018 and
Section 5.10 Impact assessment for unplanned activities). The size of the KM site and

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the distance to the nearest sensitive receptors outside of the site fenceline imply that
safety zones extending outside of the fenceline may not be necessary; this will be further
evaluated by Pearl Petroleum during the detailed design phase (see Section 5.10).
Nonetheless Pearl Petroleum will continue to work with Project-affected communities with
regard to emergency response planning and exercises; the existing Emergency
Response Plan will be extended to incorporate the KM250A Project (see Section 11
Safeguards, Measures and Plans).
Buffer zones could eventually be designated in relation to recognised biodiversity or
critical habitat zones within the KM250A Project biodiversity/ecology area of influence
following further evaluation (see Section 6 Mitigations measures). The engineering,
procurement and construction (EPC) Contractor will establish a temporary exclusion
zone around the flowline construction sites. Once the flowlines are covered and the area
revegetated, the flowline RoWs will be reopened to local stakeholders, although certain
activities within the exclusion zone for the life of the KM250A Project (especially digging
and installation of structures).

2.6 Project activities for all Project phases

2.6.1 Construction phase

The expected duration of the construction phase of the KM250A Project is from end Q2
2020 to Q1 2022, and first gas is due in Q1 2022. Activities to be carried out during the
various construction activities are described in the following sections. Construction
activities are not planned to be conducted over 24 hours each day, but certain activities
may be implemented past the normal working day. Early works

Construction at the Project site will commence with site preparation works by the early
works contractor. The site will be cleared of vegetation as necessary. The areas
designated for the gas plant and associated infrastructure will be levelled with the
associated surface drainage structures to manage surface run-off. Construction of
retention ponds will ensure that the impact on the receiving environment is minimised. In
addition, a diversion channel will be constructed to minimise water management within
the new KM Development.
Where the foundations of the process train are to be constructed, natural soil will be
excavated for the installation of shallow or spread foundations. All materials used for
backfilling over foundations shall be compacted as per civil specifications requirements.
Piles may need to be driven for some structures to ensure stability.
Cut and fill bulk earthworks will be required with estimated excavation and backfill
volumes presented in Table 2-3.

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Table 2-3 Cut and fill earthworks

Volume (cubic metres)

Site area
Stripping Cutting Filling
KM development 238,500 694,000 630,000
North development 18,000 55,000 149,000
Camp/offices 29,000 73,000 67,000
New warehouse 12,000 73,000 68,000
Total 297,500 895,000 914,000

Aggregate required for backfilling will be transported from a quarry by truck. The volume
of aggregate and other materials required will be specified during the EPC phase of the
Project. Further earthworks will be required after early works, with required volumes of
backfilling to be determined during that stage of the Project.
The surface will be sealed concrete paving in equipment areas where hydrocarbon
spillage could occur. Specific activities will include grading and drainage of:
• KM250A Project site
• Development Area.
A road layout will be designed. For road structures, sub-base and base layers shall be
put in place before paving and other areas with no traffic might require paving to favour
surface drainage. Gravel surface will be placed at places where there is no paving or
The early works contractor will excavate culverts and ditches.
Water will be sprayed to suppress dust while earthworks are undertaken.
The following other activities are due to take place as part of the early construction work:
• demolition or removal of warehouses/equipment laydown area and the drilling
equipment warehouse located in the North Development
• relocation of Cryo# LPG offices and car parking
• cutting of 20” Jambur pipeline and removal of the parts of the pipeline that are
within the Khor Mor site and rerouting
• protection of existing Flowlines and other services within the limits of the
The elevation of the Project equipment pads will be developed to achieve a cut and fill
balance, so no materials will need to be sourced from outside the site to be used as
general backfill. Granular material will nonetheless be required and will need to be
sourced outside the plant from existing nearby quarries.
Early works will be managed under a specific Project HSE Plan for each scope. Bridging
will be in place between the relevant contractor and Pearl Petroleum. The specific Project
HSE procedures (for example for control of work) have already been established. The e
bridge will determine whether the contractor, an existing Pearl Petroleum operation, or a
Project-specific procedure will apply

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182279-17 (05) Installation of main equipment Gas plant

The process equipment, pipe racks and piping will be modularized as far as possible,
with a view to minimising site construction work based on compliance with the transport
envelope and adherence to the design, operability and maintainability of equipment.
Modules of process equipment will have been hydrostatically tested (hydrotested) before
leaving the supplier. New welds will be hydrotested at the site. After Pearl Petroleum
verifies that they conform to the facility design, they will be moved into their final position
using trucks and cranes. Utilities and pipelines will be connected. Flowlines
The flowlines from production wells to the gas plant will have the same stages of
construction. Where a new flowline is to be installed alongside an existing hydrocarbon
pipeline, appropriate separation distances will be observed to prevent accidental damage
to the existing pipeline.
The buried flowline installation stages are as follows:
• RoW preparation, stripping and grading
• pipe stringing
• welding
• excavating the trench
• lowering flowline segments into the trench
• backfilling the trench.
The flowline RoW will be surveyed and marked out. As necessary, stakeholder
engagement will determine whether (and where) the working corridor may disturb
farmland, and where land is sufficiently fertile to warrant clearing of vegetation, stripping
of topsoil and stockpiling vegetation and topsoil for re-use during reinstatement work. The
flowline contractor will grade the RoW to create a suitable work surface for construction
vehicles and erect temporary security barriers around the section of the RoW where work
is in progress.
Flat-bed trailers will transport the pipe sections to the laydown areas where they will be
stockpiled. When the RoW has been marked out, trucks will set down sections of pipe
along the route, laying the ends on sandbags or pipe holders to protect the pipeline
coating. A mechanical excavator will dig a trench of suitable width and depth for the
diameter of the pipeline in question along the marked pipeline route.
Soil from excavating the trench will be placed into heaps running beside the trench. The
trench will be deep enough to allow the pipeline to be buried with 1.2 m of fill over the top
of the pipe. If the trench bottom has abrasive soils that could damage the pipeline’s
polyethylene coating, clean sand from local commercial sources will used as padding to
line the bottom of the trench and give the pipeline a smooth bed to lie on.
The pipeline contractor will line up the pipeline sections, fixing the ends with clamps, and
weld the sections together to form a continuous pipeline. Once the welds have been
inspected radiographically or by ultrasound and the welds approved, polyethylene shrink
wrap coatings will be applied to protect the field joints. Side-boom tractors will lift the
pipeline and lower it into the trench. When it has been installed in a section of trench, the

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pipeline coating, field joints, fittings, and bends will be inspected and repaired as
necessary, before backfilling.
Mechanical excavators will use rock-free sand to backfill around the pipe and to cover
the pipe to a depth of 30 cm from the surface. The contractor will then backfill the rest of
the trench using native material excavated during trenching. The backfilled earth will be
compacted using a roller or hydraulic tamper. Construction equipment

The use of construction equipment and expected duration is shown in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Indicative list of construction phase equipment

Total months of use of

Equipment type all pieces within each
300 ton crane 8
120 ton crane 16
60 ton crane 62
30 ton crane hi-up 318
Flatbed truck 84
Trailer truck 18
Manlift 322
Telescopic handlers 58
Forklift 22
Concrete batching plant 8
Excavator 30
Shovel 26
Grader 19
Compactor 17
Truck 38
Water tank 28 Construction camps and workforce

There will be a requirement of 500 to 1000 workers during the construction phase. As
process equipment is commissioned, the size of the construction workforce is expected
to decrease rapidly. A large number of these workers will reside in the construction
accommodation camp within the current KM site fenceline. Other workers will come from
the Chemchemal and Kirkuk areas or locally and will commute to the site by buses to be
provided by Pearl Petroleum. Pearl Petroleum expects the construction contractor’s
workforce to start at low numbers when the site is being cleared and the construction
camp being prepared. The work force will then ramp up as main construction activities
(especially installation of equipment) begin. All construction workers will be part of the
contractor or sub-contractor workforce.

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The majority of construction workers will reside at the site. The construction camp will be
self-contained and include contractor accommodation, catering/welfare facilities,
workshops, warehouses and equipment/piping/materials laydown areas, as well as
security, office buildings, accommodation units, catering and laundry services, mosque,
medical clinic and recreational facilities. Camp utilities typically include diesel power
generators, diesel fuel storage, potable water storage, sewage and wastewater
treatment, irrigation water storage and treated wastewater evaporation pond (lined). Car
parking areas for cars and buses stop will facilitate worker transportation.
An area in the south of the KM Expansion Area has been selected for the KM250A Project
construction camp. Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials

In addition to standard construction materials, to be specified during the EPC phase of
the Project, the following materials are of note because of possible implications in terms
of environmental impacts (for example in the case of spills):
• lubricating and hydraulic oils for moving and stationary equipment
• diesel oil for moving and stationary equipment (including gensets).
Further details in terms of required quantities will be developed during the EPC phase of
the Project. Transport and access routes

Transport of people and other equipment will be required during the construction phase
of the Project. Logistics will be assessed and specified during the EPC phase of the
Project. Access routes for bringing the construction workforce to the site and for importing
equipment and raw materials have been defined (see Figure 2-6). Local construction
workers are expected to use the local roads to commute to site.
It is anticipated that much of the construction material (including equipment modules) will
be delivered to Mercin Port in Turkey. Equipment will be transported by road to the
laydown areas at the KM site via the Habur Border Gate/Zakho Border and either
Chemchemal and/or Kirkuk. The size specification for transporting modules depends on
the size and weight constraints along the transportation route. Some civil materials such
as rocks and gravel will be sourced from local quarries.
The construction camp will be confined to the east of the central road and all construction
traffic will enter/leave the site by the South VCP (for KM Expansion Area) or by the new
East VCP (for Development Area). The South VCP gatehouse will prevent construction
traffic travelling up the central road.

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Figure 2-6 Planned access routes during construction phase of KM250A Project
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182279-17 (05) Site security
The KRG Ministry of Interior provides and manages an Oil Police Force (OPF) of 125
persons to protect and secure the immediate local area of the KM oil and gas production
fields and gas processing facility. This service includes permanent road checkpoints on
roads outside of the KM processing facility fenceline as well as protection of the 11 km
processing facility perimeter. Pearl is invoiced by MNR for services provided by the OPF
at an agreed rate that applies to all oil and gas operators in the KRI.
A further 52 Peshmerga personnel are deployed by the KRG for area security; additional
forces are provided by the Counter Terrorist Unit based within the KM area as required.
The Asaish (local police force) also support protection of the site.
Security within the KM site is the responsibility of a private security company that was
contracted by Pearl Petroleum for two years via an open tender process that conformed
to MNR procurement guidelines. This group provides mobile armed escort services, static
guarding services, explosive detection and canine search teams. The contract is re-
tendered bi-annually to ensure that the services provided are in line with the latest KRG
security threat matrix and the current security situation at the KM site. Pearl Petroleum
policy and standard procedures are integral to this contract.
The MNR have a full-time representative at the site; this person participates at many of
the regular business meetings held at the site, and has the right to participate at all
meetings. Pearl Petroleum actively engages and consults with the MNR representative
on all matters. Pearl Petroleum’s regional General Manager, based in Erbil, has weekly
meetings scheduled with the senior MNR representative to address all aspects of the
business. Topic-specific engagement occurs on a frequent basis.
The current permanent asset protection/security presence on-site will be maintained
throughout the construction phase of the Project. Access to the site will be via the South
and East VCP where vehicles will be security screened. Within the site, a new asset
protection control building will be constructed to provide overall services, and as access
to the process plant. This system will be in place for all Project phases (that is,
construction, pre-commissioning/commissioning, operations and decommissioning) and
is therefore not covered in those sections.
Pearl Petroleum supports voluntary principles regarding security and human rights in the
extractive sector, concerning risk assessment, relations with public security, and relations
with private security: 1: Key features of these principles, which are in place at the existing
KM site, are as follows:
• The ability to accurately assess risks present in the operating environment is
critical to the security of personnel, local communities and assets, the success
of Pearl Petroleum's short and long- term operations; and to the promotion and
protection of human rights. Civil society, home and host government
representatives, and other sources are consulted to identify risks presented by
the potential for violence. Pearl Petroleum will examine any patterns of violence
in areas of their operations. Available human rights records of public security
forces, paramilitaries, local and national law enforcement, as well as the
reputation of private security, are considered. Identification of and

1 Adapted by Pearl Petroleum based on Khor Mor LPG Recovery Plant CPDG Corporate Security Policy
(document KM-P-SEC-001 Rev. 4).
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understanding the root causes and nature of local conflicts, as well as the level
of adherence to human rights and international humanitarian law standards by
key factors is instructive for the development of strategies for managing
relations between Pearl Petroleum, local communities, Pearl Petroleum
employees and their unions, and host governments.
• Pearl Petroleum recognises that Iraqi and Kurdish regional governments have
the primary role of maintaining law and order, security and respect for human
rights. Pearl Petroleum have an interest in ensuring that actions taken by those
governments, particularly the actions of public security providers, are
consistent with the protection and promotion of human rights. Pearl Petroleum
consults regularly with host governments and local communities about the
impact of their security arrangements on those communities and
communicates their policies regarding ethical conduct and human rights to
public security providers.
• Pearl Petroleum records and reports any credible allegations of human rights
abuses by public security in their areas of operation to appropriate host
government authorities. Where appropriate, investigations are undertaken and
actions are taken, as required, to prevent any recurrence.
• Private security entities employed by Pearl Petroleum must observe Pearl
Petroleum policies regarding ethical conduct and human rights; the law and
professional standards of the country in which they operate; emerging best
practices developed by industry, civil society, and governments; and
observance of international humanitarian law. Private security must maintain
high levels of technical and professional proficiency, particularly with regard to
the local use of force and firearms. Private security must exercise restraint and
caution in a manner consistent with applicable international guidelines
regarding the local use of force, including the United Nations Principles on the
Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials and the United
Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, as well as with
emerging best practices developed by Pearl Petroleum, civil society, and
No formal memorandum of understanding is in place concerning provision of the above
services; however, Pearl Petroleum has outlined its expectations regarding the voluntary
principles and use of force with the MNR and OPF representatives, who have verbally
confirmed that the principles have been established for government forces. Pearl
Petroleum maintains regular and frequent contact with public security forces, ranging
from field level contacts (between Pearl Petroleum’s Asset Protection Manager and local
security forces) to senior level contacts (between Pearl Petroleum’s senior leadership
and KRG/MNR/Ministry of Interior representatives).

2.6.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning Gas plant

The overall goal of pre-commissioning is to ensure that all equipment functions safely
and performs as expected. The EPC Contractor will test individual process units before
delivery to the site. Flanged pipe spools will be hydrotested remotely before installation.
Fully welded pipework will be hydrotested in situ and dried or pressure tested with inert
Utility systems will be tested, including water supply and treatment, heating and cooling
systems, instrument air systems and emergency shutdown systems and firefighting
systems. The instrumentation and the power systems will be tested.
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During commissioning, process train modules will be tested individually, flaring gas until
the export product specifications are met. The use of water and chemicals will be
minimised by reusing hydrotest water where possible.
Pipelines are typically tested in sections isolated by block valves in order to minimize the
water required for the test. The water will be stored for re-use when testing subsequent
pipeline sections. During the hydrotest, water in the pipeline will be held at a pressure
above the pipeline’s operating pressure for the test period. Any pressure losses indicative
of leaks will be investigated.
When hydrotesting is complete, the spent hydrotest water will be tested to determine if it
meets Iraqi standards for irrigation water, treated to ensure that it complies with Iraqi and
KRG water quality requirements for disposal to land, and if so, it will be discharged to the
ground directly. If the water cannot be treated to meet the standards, it will not be
discharged the environment. Instead it will be discharged to a lined evaporation pond or
After the hydrotest, pigs will be run to remove the water from the pipeline. Any water
remaining in valve body cavities and dead ends of piping will be drained. Flowlines will
be dewatered before use by forcing dry air or nitrogen through the pipeline, or by pumping
methanol or glycol ahead of the first gas or liquids.
Control equipment, communications system, pressure and flow monitoring systems and
safety systems (including emergency shutdown) for each flowline will be tested to verify
that they have been properly installed and are functioning correctly before Pearl
Petroleum accepts the flowlines as mechanically complete and operational. The flowlines
will be purged and filled with gas.
The flowlines will be commissioned at the same time as the process units of the Pearl
Petroleum gas plant. The pipeline will then be handed over to the Pearl Petroleum
operations team. Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials

Hydrotest water is usually treated with biocide and oxygen scavenger to inhibit corrosion
and its pH is adjusted with caustic soda and buffered with bicarbonate. Methanol may
need to be injected into the flowlines during commissioning to inhibit hydrate formation.

2.6.3 Operations phase

The plant will be operational for the initial KM250A phase and the products (mainly sales
gas, LPG and condensate) will be exported to the end-users via export pipelines or
through trucks. KM250A Project operations will require additional workforce for their
routine operations (see Section below). There will be a regular requirement for
raw materials, chemicals and additives for routine operations.
Pearl Petroleum will have its own dedicated management and operations teams with
responsibility for managing the Project process facilities, utilities, power supply and
emergency systems. Control room personnel will control and monitor production
parameters 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The control centre will also electronically
monitor the operation of the pipelines.

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Pearl Petroleum will operate plant lighting at night for safety. The plant is designed not to
require flaring during routine operations, but flare systems will be available for use when
required and flare pilots will remain lit at all times.
During operations there will be significant logistics activity. Supplies of, proprietary oil for
the hot oil system, amine, and water treatment chemicals will be procured and delivered
to the Project site by road. Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials

The following materials are of note because of possible implications in terms of
environmental impacts (for example in the case of spills):
• methanol for LPG recovery section hydrate inhibition (to be injected as
required) and flowline start-up/shutdown.
• lubricating and hydraulic oils for moving and stationary equipment
• diesel oil for stationary equipment (especially during unplanned situations)
• molecular sieve/silica gel (for the dehydration unit)
• electrical transformer oil
• chemicals for produced water treatment package
• chemicals for raw water treatment systems (possibly including biocide and
oxygen scavenger)
• corrosion inhibitor to be injected into flowlines on a continuous basis once
formation water is entrained with gas from production wells (Hatch, 2019)
• corrosion inhibitor for the amine unit (desulphurisation)
• DEA for the amine unit
• anti-foaming agent for the amine unit
• de-emulsifier for raw gas inlet separation
• mercury absorbent for mercury guard bed (typically replaced every 5 to 10
Further details in terms of required quantities will be developed during the EPC phase of
the Project. All chemicals and wastes are managed in accordance with GIIP. Emergency situations

Correct design of the relief, flare and blowdown systems ensures that process fluids
required to be removed from pressure equipment to maintain equipment containment can
be safely disposed of. The blowdown system ensures that pressure equipment can be
depressurised quickly and safely if there is a threat to containment from external fire or
minimise the release size in the event of a loss of containment. These systems reduce
the potential for loss of containment due to overpressure and hence ensure personnel
and equipment are protected. The flare system provides safe and effective disposal of all
flammable hydrocarbon inventory from process equipment.
The relief sources are therefore routed to either the HP or LT flare header according to
the following principles:
• Any relief/blowdown source which has a temperature less than -44°C after let-
down is routed to the LT flare header.
• Any relief/blowdown source that is warmer than -44°C after let-down but does
not have appreciative amounts of water may be routed into the LT flare header

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if routing to the HP flare header would be more costly (e.g. if a separate HP
sub header would need to the area for that source). Otherwise it can be routed
to the HP flare header.
• Any relief source that has appreciative amounts of water must be routed to the
HP flare header.
• LP vent sources are routed to the LP flare header.
• Vents/blowdown of temporary sales gas/booster compression is routed to a
local cold vent.
• Vent gas from the new condensate storage tank is routed to a dedicated LLP
flare. Maintenance
Pearl Petroleum has a permanent maintenance team with its own maintenance storage
and warehouse which will be based at the KM site. The maintenance team performs
routine maintenance of rotating equipment and pumps, such as topping up lube oils and
fitting replacement parts. Firefighting systems will be function tested regularly.
Planned major maintenance will be conducted in accordance with the plant maintenance
strategy and plan, based on criticality analysis, reliability and availability requirements.
This will allow for the internal inspection of vessels and contactor beds, and the
replacement of spent catalysts and mol sieve. It will also allow safety critical equipment
to be tested.
Pearl Petroleum staff will drive the pipeline routes on a regular basis to inspect the
pipelines for problems that may lead to damage and to look for any sign of leaks. Planned
maintenance of the pipelines will include running pigs for condition monitoring and
corrosion management. Permanent workforce

Approximately 80-100 additional operational staff will be required for the KM250A
operations. A philosophy of minimum permanent manning will be adopted for the project
based on simple, robust, proven and reliable production system design, and multi-skilled
technicians. Accommodation
Operations staff will be based in the site accommodation block and have a rotational
cycle with equal time off. Therefore, two postholders (‘back-to-back’) will occupy each
position. Production staff will provide 24-hour cover working 12-hour shifts. Maintenance
staff will work day shifts but will provide night and emergency cover. Recruitment
Local labour will be employed by Pearl Petroleum at the KM site to the maximum extent
possible, with due consideration to the technical job description and availability of local
workers who meet the requirements laid out therein. The workforce will travel to the
KM250A Project site from the local area or stay at the construction accommodation camp. Training
Pearl Petroleum provides in-house training for all positions related to the existing (LPG
plant) site. This will be extended to the KM250A Project. Induction training for new
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employees is offered in security and health, safety and environment (HSE). Regular
training will be provided to workers according to their respective positions, include
• emergency response
• workplace safety (e.g. working in confined spaces and at height)
• first aid
• personal protective equipment (PPE).
Third party training is also offered. Local procurement

Contracting and procurement procedures will be fair and equitable. Pearl Petroleum will
give preferential treatment to the procurement of goods and services originating from
Kurdistan, when such goods and services are internationally competitive with respect to
quality, availability, price and performance.

2.6.4 Decommissioning
The plant will be decommissioned once Pearl Petroleum determines that its effective life
has been achieved. Specification of decommissioning activities will be developed closer
to the decommissioning date. Decommissioning activities will be executed in a manner
consistent with the Decommissioning Plan which will be agreed with the MNR prior to
commencing decommissioning activities. For safety of personnel and the environment,
decommissioning activities will be implemented after operations have been ceased and
equipment properly deactivated.
Pearl Petroleum is likely to return the site to its pre-development condition following
decommissioning, although the decision regarding the state of the site to be achieved
following closure will be based in part on further assessment by Pearl Petroleum and
consultation with responsible authorities and other stakeholders, which will take place
closer to the expected date of plant closure. Typically, decommissioning a facility involves
the following stages:
• depressurise plant
• remove all hydrocarbons to render the plant inert
• remove all chemicals and certify that the whole plant is hydrocarbon and
hazardous chemical-free
• disconnect and dismantle the equipment, and remove modules and scrap from
the site for refurbishment or recycling
• demolish structures and paving and remove the materials from site as inert
• level the site and undertake soil and groundwater survey to determine whether
any remediation is needed.
• spread stored topsoil for site rehabilitation.
Typically, decommissioning pipelines by cleaning and abandonment in-situ involves little
environmental disturbance. If the flowlines are removed, decommissioning would involve
the following stages:
• flush and inert the pipelines using water and pig trains, then empty them
• excavate the pipeline trenches

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• cut the pipeline into sections, lift them from the trench and remove as scrap for
• backfill the trench and restore the RoW to its original profile, spreading topsoil
and replanting where appropriate.
A Decommissioning Plan for the KM site and wells will be developed. The detailed
programme for decommissioning will be determined and agreed with the KRG authorities
prior to shut down. Decommissioning and dismantling will be performed by specialist
contractors supported by a core team of project operations and maintenance personnel
and will need to follow the waste hierarchy to minimise waste.

2.7 Resource consumption

2.7.1 Construction phase

Estimated material volumes that will be used is presented in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Estimated quantities of construction phase materials

Category Unit Quantity

Earthworks, roads, fencing, infrastructure m2 920,000
Foundations and structures m3 3,573
Buildings each 16
Steel ton 4,255
Piping lump 34,640
Mechanical equipment ton 4,498 (377 nos.)
Electrical work cable lump 89,338
Instrumentation & telecoms cable lump 101,570
Water for dust suppression* m3 43,200*
* Based on 30 days for 4 months at 360,000 L/day
m3 – cubic metres

2.7.2 Operations phase

Resources required will be as follows:
• Anticipated power generation requirement for the KM250A gas processing
plant during operations is 8.9 MW (including a 20% growth factor)
• DEA and other chemicals will be consumed at the site (see Section
• Molecular sieve will be required for occasional replacement
• Fuel gas will be taken from on-site gas production.
Hot oil heaters are estimated to consume 2.33 metric tons of fuel gas per hour, and the
flare pilots will consume 0.58 metric tons of fuel gas per hour. Annual fuel gas
consumption at the Project site is expected to be about 7800 m3/h (about 5.9 metric tons
per hour). Water use has been estimated as per Table 2-6. These quantities will be further
defined during detailed design.

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Table 2-6 Expected Project water use during operations

End use Estimated volume Source

Direct from well via Offsites
Raw water 45 m3/h
Demineralised water 300 L/h Tank
Domestic water 14 m3/day Tank
Utility water 10 m3/h (intermittent) Tank
Firewater test* 125,500 L/month Tank
* Based on 25 hydrants fully opened for flush and visual flow check for approximately 30 seconds
each = 12.5 mins @ 5,833 L/minute = 72,913 L Random hydrant flow testing for approximately 3
minutes each = 9 mins @ 5,833 L/minute = 52,497 L

2.7.3 Decommissioning phase

Resource consumption during the decommissioning phase will be similar to that during
the construction phase of the Project.

2.8 Emissions, wastes and other environmental issues

2.8.1 Air emissions Construction phase

During the construction phase, Pearl Petroleum and their contractors will utilise vehicles2,
machinery and site equipment powered by internal combustion engines. This can result
in the emission of exhaust gases containing air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx),
particulate matter particles smaller than 10 microns (PM10), volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and carbon monoxide (CO). The quantities of exhaust gas emitted will depend
on factors such as engine type, service history, pattern of usage and fuel composition.
Construction traffic will comprise haulage/construction vehicles and vehicles used for
workers’ trips to and from the site. Fugitive dust emissions arising from construction
activities are likely to be variable in nature and will depend upon the type and extent of
the activity, soil type and moisture, road surface conditions and weather conditions. For
example, periods of dry weather combined with higher than average wind speeds have
the potential to generate more dust.
The Project construction activities considered to be the most significant potential sources
of fugitive dust emissions are:
• size reduction and handling of materials including rocks
• clearing, trenching, backfilling and other earth moving activities – due to
handling, storage and disposal of soil and subsoil materials
• construction aggregate usage - due to the transport, unloading, storage and
use of dry and dusty materials (such as cement and sand)
• movement of heavy site vehicles on dry or untreated haul routes

2 Construction traffic will comprise haulage/construction vehicles and vehicles used for workers’ trips to and from
the site.
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• movement of vehicles over surfaces where muddy materials have been
transferred offsite (for example, on to public roads). Operations phase

Operation of the process equipment at the Pearl Petroleum gas plant site will involve
routine emissions of combusted gas from hot oil heaters, flare pilots, gas engine driven
compressors and generators, thermal oxidiser and incinerator. Fuel gas combustion and
hydrocarbon components of waste gases will emit greenhouse gases and the
atmospheric pollutants CO, NOx and SO2. In addition to fuel gas combustion, the thermal
oxidiser will emit SO2, NOx and PM10.
The main point sources of air emissions at the KM250A Project site during routine
operations will be the following:
• gas driven booster and sales gas compressor
• acid gas thermal oxidiser
• gas driven power generation
• hot oil heater
• flare pilot emissions
• fuel gas purge for the HP and LP flares
• emissions from the LLP flare
• cold vent for the compressor area.
• tanker loading venting.
Emissions will be generated by the waste incinerator, which will run on an intermittent
basis (waste will be incinerated batchwise). The supplier of the incinerator and auxiliary
equipment will specify controls that will allow emissions to meet Project Standards. While
the facility is in operation, small quantities of non-combusted hydrocarbons may escape
as fugitive emissions from pipe flanges, valves compressors and pumps. Vehicles
operating at the site during operations and delivering supplies to the site or carrying out
inspections along the pipeline routes will run on diesel fuel and will emit exhaust gases.
There should not be any flaring during routine operations, except for the LLP flare
(concerning condensate storage tank vent gas) and pilot flaring. As mentioned earlier,
some flaring may take place prior to maintenance of certain plant equipment. The tanker
loading station vent will vent VOCs almost continuously (approximately 1300
tonnes/year) directly to the atmosphere (with an air purge).
In certain unplanned scenarios requiring blowdown of the plant, gas will be routed to the
HP/LT and/or LP flares leading to combustion emissions for a temporary period. The
emergency diesel power generation unit is also likely to be operated.

2.8.2 Noise Construction phase

Site preparation will involve the use of:
• construction plant including excavators, bulldozers, asphalt pavers and rollers
that typically generate less than 75 decibels (dB) A-weighted (perceived by
human ear) equivalent continuous sound pressure level (LAeq) at 10 m

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• graders, concrete mixer trucks and dump trucks that typically generate 75-80
dB LAeq at 10 m
• large power generators that typically generate 80-85 dB LAeq at 10 m.
Installation and erection of process modules will involve the use of cranes and welding
set generators that typically generate less than 75dB LAeq at 10 m.
Pipeline construction will involve the use of:
• excavators, side booms and welding sets that typically generate less than 75
dB LAeq at 10 m
• dump trucks that typically generate 75-80 dB LAeq at 10 m
• a rock breaker that typically generate 80-85 dB LAeq at 10 m.
All these noise sources will be mobile within the limits of the Project site and the flowline
RoWs. Furthermore, delivery of process modules by road will involve the use of haulage
trucks that typically generate less than 75 dB LAeq at 10 m. Operations phase

Operating the buried flowlines will not generate noise along the pipeline routes. The
electric motors, gas engines and reciprocating compressors at the gas plant site are likely
to be the loudest pieces of equipment routinely in use when the plant is operational. Pearl
Petroleum’s design specification is that engineering solutions will reduce noise levels in
the workplace to less than 85 dB(A) at 1 m.
Routine operation of the flare pilots will generate very little noise, but unplanned flares,
which are generally used only for short periods, will generate noise. Similarly, air coolers
may generate noise. Pearl Petroleum’s design specification is that the sound pressure
level during flaring shall not exceed 115 dB(A), impulse noise shall not exceed 135 dB
and peak noise levels should be kept below 140 dB(A).

2.8.3 Liquids Construction phase

The main expected uses of water during the construction phase would lead to the
following sources of wastewater:
• Water used for dust suppression during construction will meet the Iraqi
irrigation water quality standard. Daily consumption of 360,000 L has been
estimated (Section 2.7.1). This gives approximately 43,200 m3 of water
required over four months of civil engineering works (assuming 30 days of dust
suppression per month).
• Water requirement for compaction is estimated at 120,000 m3, based on
optimal water content of approximately 12% or 120 L per m3 of fill material and
approximately 1,000,000 m3 of fill material.
• An estimated 300 L per person of water will be consumed on a daily basis at
the construction worker camp, giving an estimated 300 L sanitary wastewater
per person per day (6,000 m3/month), which will be stored in sewage holding
tanks at the construction camp and at the various construction sites and treated
at a temporary sanitary treatment plant (STP) at the construction camp.
Sewage sludge from the septic tanks will be removed by vacuum truck.

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• Waste lubricating and hydraulic oils generated during construction or by
maintenance will be contained in a slop tank and sent to an authorised waste
oil recycling facility offsite. Pre-commissioning and commissioning phases

The main expected uses of water during the pre-commissioning phase is related to
hydrotesting of KM250A flowlines. Assuming a flowline pipe diameter of 10” and a total
of 10 km of flowlines, maximum pipeline hydrotesting requirement is estimated at up to
710 m3 of water, which may need to be treated. Hydrotest water will be reused where
possible among the various flowline hydrotest sections to minimise use. When
hydrotesting is complete, spent hydrotest water will be treated as necessary to the
appropriate irrigation or discharge standard before it is discharged to ground. Water will
also be required for testing of the firewater system.
Commissioning phase wastewater generation will be similar to that during the operations
phase, although for a much shorter period. Operations phase

The main expected uses of water during the operations phase would lead to the following
sources of wastewater:
• process wastewater from the plant, which will be discharged to a lined
evaporation pond (the initial flow volume to be disposed of is less than 2000
bpd increasing up to a maximum of 11,000 bpd in late field life)
• 300 L sanitary wastewater per person per day from the site will be sent to the
Plant water will be used periodically for wash down of equipment and process areas.
The firewater system will be tested periodically.
Clean rainwater will run off and soak away. Water from non-routine events, including fire
water from the response to fires will be contained in the evaporation basins if

2.8.4 Waste
There are landfill sites in the KRI approved by the KRG that receive unsorted non-
hazardous municipal waste (food waste, plastic, cans, bottles, aluminium, scrap metal).
Current practice in Iraq is to send these types of waste to landfill sites until recycling
options become available.
The destination of various waste streams generated at the existing Pearl Petroleum
facility is presented in Table 2-7 and will be adapted for all phases of the Project. A facility
for managing hazardous wastes to international standards does not currently exist in
Kurdistan. Waste oil is considered a hazardous waste. Current practice at the Pearl
Petroleum site relies on a third-party contractor to transport used oils to Asia Oil and
Dubai Oil facilities at Diyala for reprocessing. Other hazardous wastes (for example
batteries and waste liquids) are stored in a temporary waste storage facility at the site.
Batteries are removed from the site by a third-party contractor for processing and reuse.

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Table 2-7 Waste management at the existing Pearl Petroleum KM facility (CPDG,

management Description of waste Destination
Food, cardboards, used water
Collected by approved third-party waste
Existing landfill bottles, foam products (plates,
contractor for offsite management
Collected by approved third-party waste
Barrels and scrap metals
contractor for offsite management
Collected by approved third-party waste
Used lube oil
contractor for offsite management
Collected by approved third-party waste
contractor for offsite management
Recycled and Collected by approved third-party waste
Electric waste
reused contractor for offsite management
Collected by approved third-party waste
contractor for offsite management
Electronic office equipment
Donated to Chemchemal schools
(printers etc)
Reuse for animal shelters and landscaping
(tree support)
Collected by approved third-party waste
Used filters
Incineration contractor
Medical wastes Sardam Hospital
Evaporation Produced water Produced water evaporation pond (lined)
Treatment Sewage On-site STP Construction phase

The construction camp will generate non-hazardous domestic waste including food
waste, plastic and glass containers, wastepaper, card and wood. Segregation of these
wastes will be implemented following current KM site recycling practices. Construction
activities will generate non-hazardous inert solid wastes (for example packaging waste).
Surplus excavated soil will be spread over the Project site. Scrap metal and wood may
be reused on-site or transported for recycling.
Construction will generate hazardous waste such as batteries, tyres, hazardous
substance packaging waste, oil filters, paint and used PPE. These will be handled, stored
and disposed in accordance with Pearl Petroleum’s Waste Management Procedure
(WMP), the EPC Contractor Waste Management Plan and current KM site practice.
Project waste lube and hydraulic oils generated by maintenance of construction
equipment will be contained in a slop tank prior to being sent offsite for recycling.
Further details on expected construction waste will be provided during the EPC phase of
the Project.

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182279-17 (05) Pre-commissioning and commissioning phases
Wastes generating during pre-commissioning are expected to be similar to those
generated during construction, but much lower in quantity. Commissioning phase wastes
will be similar to those generated during the operations phase of the Project, but in lower
volume as the pre-commissioning has a much shorter duration than the operations
phase. Operations phase

The operations workers camp and on-site offices will generate non-hazardous domestic
waste including food waste, plastic and glass containers, wastepaper and card and wood.
Hazardous waste including empty chemical drums as well as clinical waste medical or
first aid treatments will be generated.
Maintenance during major maintenance shutdowns could generate hazardous wastes
including spent catalyst, molecular sieves, chemicals, used filters, spent solvent, scrap
metal and paint. Solids residues from the evaporation pond may be periodically removed
as hazardous waste. Waste lube and hydraulic oils generated by maintenance will be
contained in a slop tank and sent offsite to an appropriate treatment facility. Hazardous
wastes will be handled, stored and disposed in accordance with Pearl Petroleum’s Waste
Management Procedure. Maintenance of equipment containing gas, condensate or LPG
will result in some flaring of inventory preceding maintenance of this equipment. This may
be required on a fairly regular basis as reciprocating machinery will in particular need
regular maintenance.
Types and volumes of waste expected during the operations phase are expected to be
similar to those generated by current KM site operations (see Table 2-7).
Pearl Petroleum estimated that based on current KM site operations, the KM250A
incinerator will receive fluorescent bulbs, medical wastes and filters. However, KM250A
Project medical waste is only expected to be 20% of the quantity currently incinerated,
and filters about 40%. Decommissioning phase

Towards the end of plant life, Pearl Petroleum will prepare a Decommissioning Plan to
identify any equipment fit for refurbishment and reuse elsewhere. Hydrocarbons and
chemicals removed from the site will be disposed of properly as hazardous waste.
Structures and paving will be demolished, and the resulting waste materials removed
from the site as inert waste.

2.8.5 Visual effects

During the construction phase, construction cranes may be visible from nearby villages
during the daytime. Night lighting of cranes and Project structures similarly may be visible.
This will be the case for all Project phases once the flare towers are installed.
During routine operations flare pilots, which will burn continuously, produce much less
light and therefore not likely to be visible at night at nearby villages. During operations,
the HP and LP flares will only be used for start-up, maintenance venting, process upsets
and emergencies. The LLP flare (which will receive condensate storage tank vent gas)
will be in operation on a more or less continuous basis. The volume of flared vent gas is

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expected to be small, therefore the flame would not be expected to be visible at nearby
During emergency (unplanned) situations, flare flames will be visible when lit; the visible
impact will be particularly noticeable at night. The height of high-level flares during
shutdowns of the gas treatment trains will determine the distance from which they are
visible. When process gases are flared, the flame of an 50 m high flare would, typically,
be visible at 30 km from the site under clear atmospheric conditions.
The various Project fractionation towers (including the de-propaniser and de-ethaniser
may be visible during the day at surrounding villages, and at night because they will
feature lighting for worker safety.

2.8.6 Traffic Construction phase

As discussed earlier (see Section, all earthworks at the Project construction sites
will be addressed with materials currently in site i.e. cut and fill balanced. Aggregate and
structural fill material will be transported from a local quarry. The estimated volume
required (and the number of truck journeys per day) will be further defined during the
EPC stage. Project transport would involve movement of light vehicles and heavy
vehicles each day to deliver equipment and materials for construction at the Project site.
Traffic management plans and transport safety arrangements have been established for
existing operations; these plans and arrangements will be applied to all phases of the
KM250A Project. Measures implemented within the framework of these plans include
driver training, vehicle equipment specification, in-vehicle monitoring, and regular
awareness-raising through stand downs and safety meetings. Tanker driver training is
included. All tankers undergo thorough visual inspection on entry to the facility; any non-
compliant vehicles are not allowed entry. Operations phase

Various products will be transported to the site on a regular basis, including approximately
DEA (the volume required is based on an estimated 0.0525 kg/h consumed). Molecular
sieve will be delivered to the plant periodically (approximately 3 x 56 m3 every three to
four years). Buses and cars will be used throughout the plant’s operational life for the
transport of the workforce. During operations 80 to 100 persons will be employed;
majority of this workforce will be present for the day shift only. Transportation of the
workforce will in general be done by small buses.
No deviations are expected from the current transport routes for condensate and LPG
export. Additional vehicle traffic will exist along these routes due to increased production
of condensate from the site. No additional LPG traffic is expected as net export volumes
from the site will remain at current levels in light of demand levels. Furthermore, a new
truck access route around the site will be installed. Decommissioning phase

In addition to transport of workers, scrap and other materials will be hauled from the site
to appropriate disposal destinations.

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2.8.7 Land use Construction phase

All construction activities will occur within the existing site, except for activities related to
the installation of flowlines between the production wells and the plant. Operations phase

There will be no change in land use during the operations phase of the Project. Decommissioning phase

The plant is expected to be decommissioned once Pearl Petroleum judges that the design
life has been attained. Options for restoration and reclamation will be identified and
assessed at a future date, in collaboration with the competent authorities and following
stakeholder consultation.

2.9 Future development

The KM reservoir has the potential to
• increase gas plant capacity up to 2500 MMscfd above the current sales gas
export capacity of 420 MMscfd
• produce up to 400,000 bpd of oil.
Development of the KM250A Project will take into consideration the potential for future
expansion by adopting a phased approach. Subsequent to completion of the first gas
processing train (KM250A Project) and subject to gas demand in the KRI, additional gas
processing trains (which will be identical to the first gas processing train) may then be
installed. The current indicative plan includes the following:
• As part of the first phase of the expansion following the KM250A Project, sales
gas expansion will be through the addition of a second 250-MMscfd gas plant
based on a standardised design with the KM250A Project, including common
utilities and common product export facilities.
• LPG recovery will initially be minimised as there is insufficient demand but have
the flexibility to be maximised in the future.
• Additional sales gas capacity will be routed by a new common user pipeline
from KM via Chemchemal and Erbil to the Turkish border for export to Turkey
and supply of power stations at Dohuk and Zakho.
• LPG and condensate will be exported by pipeline to a new storage and
distribution centre at Chemchemal to minimise truck movements to the remote
KM location.
These future developments are not within the scope of the current ESIA; it is assumed
that these expansion projects will be subject to separate ESIAs.

2.10 Associated facilities

Associated facilities are defined by the International Finance Corporation (2012) as
‘facilities that are not funded as part of the project and that would not have been
constructed or expanded if the project did not exist and without which the project would
not be viable.’ Five new production wells (PW_KM_Dev1 though Dev5) will be developed

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in association with the KM250A Project, at the preliminary locations specified in Figure
2-4. The five new production wells will be subject to an additional detailed Environmental
and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). Potential impacts and associated mitigation
measures to reduce potential impacts associated with the production wells are presented
in Section 5.11 and 6.8, respectively.
The well locations have been selected based on a review of satellite imagery,
geomorphological mapping and the results of seismic studies that indicated the potential
for hydrocarbon reserves. Development of these wells will be sequential.
The technical description of development of each of the wells will be similar, and will be
in line with the following general steps:
• site clearance and construction and/or upgrading of well pads and access
• mobilisation (drilling rigs and auxiliary equipment and facilities)
• drilling operations
• demobilisation (removal of all other equipment and restoration of the
surrounding site to its original condition).

2.10.1 Site clearance and mobilisation

An expected area of approximately 3,200 m2 will be dedicated to drilling operations at
each well site. The well sites will be cleared of rocks and any vegetation and then graded.
The surface soil that is removed will be stockpiled at the edge of the worksites; these
soils will be used for backfilling after completion of the work to aid in restoration of the
area to its original state. Erosion/siltation controls in the form of silt fences or similar will
be erected in areas where soils are to be removed to prevent impacts on nearby sensitive
environments. A fence will be constructed around the well sites to limit access by local
populations, livestock, and/or wildlife to the extent possible.
The well site (including base camp) will be appropriately graded so that rainwater flows
away from the work areas. Rainwater accumulating on-site will be visually inspected.
Surface skimming and/or sorbents will remove oil and other pollutants, which will be
stored with other waste material for disposal at a designated offsite facility.
Uncontaminated water will be allowed to leach into the underlying sediments for
groundwater recharge or placed into the waste pits.
When the locations of the wells have been finalised, Pearl Petroleum will carry out a
detailed survey to find access road routes that reduce the requirement to clear vegetation
or to fell mature trees and trees that are of economic benefit to local people. The road
will be compacted, graded and surfaced with gravel, forming a strip of land approximately
6 m wide that can support heavy vehicles. The access road will be designed to avoid
obstruction of drainage of the area or increase the likelihood of localised flooding. As
necessary, the road will incorporate conduit pipes or other features that will allow annual
water flows to cross the line of the road without obstruction.
Auxiliary facilities at each well location during drilling will include worker and OPF base
camps, diesel power generators, chemical storage, laydown areas (especially for pipe
strings), and a (temporary) flare. The well sites will also feature rainwater drainage,
wastewater treatment and soak away pits, parking areas, an explosives bunker,

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aboveground diesel storage tanks, compressors, drilling mud product processing area, a
flare pit, and a guard shack.
Power required for the camps and well site will be sourced from primary and backup
diesel generator (DG) sets, including stacks for exhaust emissions. These generators will
likely have ratings of 400 to 600 kVA each. The DG units will run 24 hours per day.
At each well site, fuel will be stored in two storage tanks within dedicated areas equipped
with spill containment measures to contain any unplanned discharges (spills and leaks).
The fuel dispensing area will be constructed with impervious flooring and/or drip collection
trays will be provided adjacent to the vehicle fuel storage area. Diesel tanks will have
secondary containment with a berm perimeter and a 2 mm high density polyethylene
(HDPE) liner able to contain 110% of the largest tank volume. Oil spill clean-up kits will
be placed at strategic locations.
A maintenance workshop will also be installed. Materials and spare parts will be stored
in containers.

2.10.2 Drilling
Drilling of each well will require approximately 75 days to complete, if conducted 24 hours
per day. A detailed drilling program has not yet been developed. The drill rig consists of
typical mobile land-based drilling units. The rig will be equipped with standard operational
and critical safety devices that meet industry best practices and company requirements.
Drilling typically proceeds by applying the weight of a drilling assembly and rotating the
drill string to turn a drill bit at its lower end. The drill string is typically made up of 9 m
sections of hollow drill pipe, and a bottom hole assembly including drill collars and down-
hole measuring equipment. The drill bit has a larger diameter, so that an annular space
is formed around the drill pipe as drilling progresses. The drill string is rotated by the rig’s
rotary table or by using a down-hole motor driven by the drilling mud (see below)
circulation. The drill bit cuts into the rock formation and detaches cuttings. Water-based
drilling mud is pumped into the drill pipe and through nozzles in the drill bit. The drilling
mud flushes the cuttings up through the annular space between the drill string and the
borehole wall and carries them to the surface.
At the surface, mud carrying cuttings from the borehole flows down an inclined mud return
line and is distributed to a rank of shale shakers. The shale shakers have vibrating
screens that separate rock cuttings from the drilling mud. The mud passes through
apertures in the shale shaker screens, and through a sequence of tanks (including a sand
trap) where equipment (mud cleaner and centrifuge) and settling removes small particles
of rock from the circulating mud. The mud is then recycled through the well.
The separated drill cuttings and solids are discharged initially into an excavated, lined
waste pit on-site. The well will be vertical. Once a section has been drilled to its target
depth using a drill bit of a given diameter, a tubular steel casing is run into the hole and
cemented in place. Subsequent sections are drilled with smaller diameter drill bits.
Reserve pits are being considered for collection of drill cuttings and drilling fluid from the
operating rig. The proposed pits will be open-top and lined with impermeable geo-
membrane liner. The volume of cuttings pits at each well site will be approximately
5,200 m3. The pits will be used for disposal, dumping, or storage of fluids, wastes, or
other debris and fluids used or recovered while drilling and completing the wells. The pits

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will not be located within or near any water bodies or groundwater recharge or pumping
zones. They will be located such that they do not block natural drainage patterns. Fluids
from these pits will evaporate into the atmosphere during drilling and testing operations.
The pits will be of sufficient size to contain all the cuttings and fluids expected from the
drilling operations. In the case of stimulation/completion activities, the pits will be tested
to ensure the absence of any contaminants. Once this is confirmed, HDPE liners will be
placed over the top of the pits to enclose them. The pits will then be backfilled and
compacted using previously stockpiled surface soil and topsoil. The reclaimed pits will be
surface sloped, as practicable, to promote surface drainage away from the reclaimed pit
Flare pits will be constructed and available as needed. The pits will be concrete-lined and
waterproof, and of sufficient capacity to collect any produced water or condensate
collected from the bulk gas stream upstream of the flare. Once the flare pits are no longer
required, they will be backfilled and compacted using previously stockpiled soil. Pitless
drilling is also being considered.
A water supply pit of approximately 5,000 m3 capacity will be installed at each well site
adjacent to the well pad, but outside of the berm for the well pad. Water will be supplied
from existing or drilled water wells in the vicinity of the respective well sites. Upon
completion, the lining of the water pits will be removed and stored for future use. These
pits will be subsequently backfilled and compacted using stockpiled soil.
There will be an OPF camp constructed off the well pad along the access road to the well
site at each of the five production well sites. Each OPF camp will accommodate about 45
people. Power for the OPF camp will be supplied using a diesel-powered generator.
Blowout preventer systems will be installed at the wellheads to prevent fluids from
unintentionally escaping from the boreholes. American Petroleum Institute rated rams
and annular preventers and drilling spools equipped with outlets for the choke and kill
lines will also be used. In addition, blowout preventer stacks and diverter elements will
be used for drilling of the surface hole sections. The well test package shall be equipped
with an integrated emergency shutdown (ESD) system, capable of securing the well in
an emergency. A testing programme (approximately two weeks) shall be conducted rig-
Rig components include the mast, the draw work, a rotator table, a top drive, mud pump,
engines, and supporting generators. The rigs will have the following support equipment
in addition to the diesel engines: pickup trucks, a crane, a forklift, a cherry picker, an
ambulance, a passenger bus, a water truck, light plant generators, and a welding
machine. Welding machines will also be in use at the well sites and will run on diesel.
Some light vehicles may run on gasoline.
Drilling mud, which is required for lubrication of the drill bit and for removing cuttings from
the drilling face, will be water-based. Drilling mud will contain the following main
components: brine (base fluid), soda ash (for calcium removal), sodium chloride, caustic
(for pH control), xanthan gum (for viscosity control), and an H2S scavenger. The specific
drilling mud formulations for the lower portion of the hole will be adapted during drilling
operations depending on the type of material encountered during the drilling operation.
The drilling mud typically contains 80% water and the drill cuttings contain about 20%

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Two drilling mud tanks, to be hydrotested before the operation to ensure integrity, will be
installed. Mud tanks will have secondary containment with a berm perimeter and a liner
of HDPE (2 mm thickness) able to contain 110% of the largest tank volume.
All produced water will go to the wastewater pit, as described above.
In total, approximately 20 to 50 m3/hour of industrial quality water will be required for
drilling. Potable water will be sourced from existing drilled wells or new wells to be drilled
with the water pumped to end users by pipeline. Daily peak potable water consumption
will be approximately 480 L per person, or approximately 150 m3 per day total. Additional
water for drilling fluid will be used. A series of water storage pits located on and off the
well pad will hold a combined total of 5,000 m3. Water storage capacity will be provided
by tanks installed at the base camp. There will be three water tanks, each with 40 m3
The drilling program will require a work force of employees for manning the drilling rigs,
base camp operations (maintenance, kitchen, and housekeeping), and OPF operations.
To the extent possible, local people from within and around the project area will be
selected based on their skill sets and experience. Drill crews will be trained on HSE
topics, including necessary environmental requirements and the need to respect the
rights and interests of land owners and land users prior to the start of the drilling
operations. There will be approximately 100 people at the well site during the day; this
includes technical personnel, office workers, site logistics personnel, and security
A drill rig camp will be established at the well site at the same location as the base camp
to support the drilling operations. The drill rig camp will be located at the actual well site
and will be sized to minimise environmental impacts. The drill rig camp will be powered
by generators and house approximately ten people. Other site workers will be transported
to and from the well site daily from the main KM gas plant site or surrounding
Traffic volume during drilling operations will be light, consisting of transport vehicles for
workers and supervisory staff taking approximately 10 to 20 journeys each day. Traffic
will increase during short periods of mobilisation and demobilisation (of people and
equipment) as well as during certain drilling activities, including, but not limited to, casing
installation and cementing and well stimulation. These higher volume traffic periods will
involve the mobilisation and demobilisation of the drill rig and support equipment as well
as the delivery of supplies needed for drilling.
The movement of equipment and vehicles associated with drilling operations will adhere
to all local traffic ordinances and laws. About 30 cars or light vehicles (mostly light
pickups) and 15 heavy vehicles could be expected to be deployed for the proposed
drilling operations at the well site.
Once hydrocarbons are reached, well completion will be implemented. This usually
involves installing production tubing to isolate production from the well annulus. Following
well completion, the wells will be capped. Flowline connections will eventually be
installed. Extended well tests will not be required. Short-term testing of discrete sub-
surface zones will require approximately 15 to 30 days. Stimulation of the well with an
acid treatment may be used to improve performance.

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2.10.3 Demobilisation
Once drilling has been completed, the well site will be returned, to the extent possible, to
its original state and allow original uses to take place (including possible herding and
habitat for fauna). A small concrete pad to which access will be restricted will be left in
place directly surrounding the wellhead. All pipelines connecting the wellhead to the
nearest flowline will be underground. All residual water and oil in the pits (should the pit
option be selected) will be removed before the well sites are restored to their original
state. Once dehydrated, inert fly-ash, lime, or bio-remedial media will be mixed in with
the cuttings and other wastes to serve as a bulking agent.

2.10.4 Emissions, discharges and wastes

Construction and drilling activity, including construction equipment operations, drill rig
operations, and the operation of support equipment, generators, and vehicles, are
expected to produce air pollutants through their emissions. Primary pollutants produced
from emissions associated with this work will include CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, H2S, VOCs
and particulate matter.
Dust emissions may be generated from earthwork during pad and camp preparation or
upgrading, access road upgrading, and the movement of vehicles. If required, water will
be spread over unpaved or dirt roads to suppress dust generation, particularly during
summer months. Furthermore, all vehicles will operate in a responsible and mindful
manner with a goal of keeping dust generation to a minimum.
Oil and gas, possibly containing H2S and CO2 will be flared at the well site during drilling
and testing operations. The gas flared is expected to consist of mostly methane, with the
balance consisting of ethane, propane, butane, pentane, H2S, and CO2. The flare exhaust
will include SO2 emissions from the oxidation of H2S that occurs in natural gas. Up to
600,000 m3 of gas will be flared each day based on the capacity of the well test system
for each well. As per current program, well testing will only consist of a cleaning operation
with an expected 1 to 3 days of flaring. A contingency program is being developed with
plans to drill into deeper formations on one well. This may entail a full short term well
testing program.
Elevated noise levels are expected from the construction equipment, explosives use,
drilling rigs, generators, and vehicles. The primary sources of noise during drilling are
mechanical equipment, drilling rig and auxiliary equipment, and support trucks and
vehicles. The transport of people and materials to the work areas will also increase
ambient noise levels. In addition, noise will result from operation of the mobile DG units
used for power.
Sewage (black water) and wastewater (grey water) from the worker camp will be diverted
to an on-site sewage wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment unit will
remove solid waste/sludge, and the wastewater will then be discharged into a leach field
following on-site treatment.
Separate collection areas for restricted and non-restricted waste will be provided at the
camp. All restricted waste will be stored and secured in an area within the camp pending
identification of a suitable disposal facility or other appropriate treatment option.
Drill cuttings management will reflect the best practicable environmental option.

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2.10.5 Schedule
The required ESIA for the five wells will be completed during Q2 to Q3 2020. Drilling of
the first well is expected to take place in Q4 2020. The wells will be capped when drilling
has been completed and will come online at the expected KM250A gas plant start-up in
Q1 2022.

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3.1 Methodology
The baseline studies were conducted using a combination of secondary data (desk-
studies and data collected by others) and primary data (field surveys conducted by RSK).
The desk-based portion of the baseline study was undertaken through a review of various
documents and data sources that are referenced in the text. These included the following
ESIA and baseline studies, and various sources of information listed in the references
(Section 12):
• Environmental Social Impact Assessment Report (KM-9, KM-10 and KM-12)
Khor Mor Block, (MapCom, 2018)
• Khor Mor Gas Plant: Environmental Impact Assessment, (ERM, 2015)
• Environmental Baseline Survey, (MapCom, 2010)
• Kurdistan Gas Project Environmental Impact Assessment Volume i: Gas
Pipeline from Khor Mor to Erbil, (WorleyParsons, 2007).
Field surveys were undertaken in cases where existing data and information were
deemed insufficient, for noise, air quality, water quality, soil quality, and biodiversity, in
order to supplement desktop data and information (including information from previous
studies) and ensure that local data and information is up to date. Field survey
methodology is described in the sections below.
The area of influence (AOI) was defined for various topic areas based upon the definitions
given in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard (PS) 1 and
represent the geographical area expected to be affected by:
• impacts (direct and indirect) arising from Project activities and facilities (this
includes the Project site, flowlines, well pads, and road transport network used
for the transportation of personal and materials)
• impacts from unplanned, non-routine events
• indirect impacts on biodiversity or on ecosystem services that are linked to the
livelihoods of affected communities
• associated facilities consisting of five new production wells
• cumulative impacts.
The AOIs were used to guide baseline development and provide focus for environmental
and social impact assessment (ESIA) baseline activities. The specific AOI is presented
under each specific topic.

3.2 Physical environment

3.2.1 Geography, climate and meteorology Geography
The Khor Mor site is located within the Garmiyan Administration of Sulaymaniyah
Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). The Sulaymaniyah Governorate is

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one of four governorates in the KRI. The study area is situated within Qadir Karam sub-
district, Chemchemal district.
The Khor Mor existing facility is located at an approximate elevation of 450 m above sea
level. The general area is characterised by very rugged topography with anticlinal
mountains. In the Khor Mor area, the landscape is primarily rocky and barren with narrow
valleys, ridges, hills, slopes and plains. Surface water bodies are relatively rare and
generally seasonal. Climate and meteorology

Generally, the climate of the KRI is described as continental and subtropical semi-arid
type, characterised by wide diurnal and annual ranges of temperature, low relative
humidity, and cloudless summer months. The climate in the Khor Mor area is generally
characterised by hot dry summers and cold winters.
Meteorological data of the Chemchemal district were reviewed from January 2009 to
August 2019 (World Weather Online, 2019). The annual average temperature in the
Chemchemal area from 2009 to 2019 was 19.7°C, with an average minimum temperature
of 15°C and an average maximum temperature of 25°C. The average wind speed in the
Chemchemal area in 2018 was 8.9 km/hour. Light winds (<20 km/hour) are most common
from May to July, whilst the highest frequency of strong winds (41-61 km/hour) occur from
September to January. The prevailing wind direction is from the south-west to north-west.
The region is prone to dust storms in the summer. The annual average precipitation in
the Chemchemal area from 2009 to 2019 was 367 mm, with an average of 82 rainy days
a year. There is also an average of 2.6 snow days a year, with an average of 3.5 cm of

3.2.2 Geology Structural geology

The Khor Mor site is located within the Foothill Zone of the Unstable Shelf in Kurdistan
(Jassim & Goff, 2006). The series of anticlines and synclines trend in a north-west to
south-east direction. Stratigraphy
The surface geology in the block comprises primarily Tertiary and Quaternary age units.
Further details are provided below. Upper Fars formation (Tertiary formation)

The Upper Fars formation mainly consists of alternating beds of sandstones and
mudstones, which are reddish brown to light brown in colour, bedded or massive, and
fractured/jointed. This formation contains some carbonate veins, iron oxides, and
slickenside surfaces. This is rich in sedimentary structures, including lamination, graded
bedding, mud balls, ripple marks, cross bedding, borings, and burrows. The Upper Fars
formation is Late Miocene in age (Bellen et. al., 1959). The sediments of the Upper Fars
formation were deposited in transitional and fluvial environments. Geomorphologically,
the formation forms hilly areas with continuous strike ridges and valleys due to the

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alternation of hard and soft rocks. This formation constitutes much of the surface outcrop
in the Khor Mor concession (Pearl Petroleum, 2018). Lower Bakhtiari formation (Tertiary formation)

The Lower Bakhtiari formation is composed of 2,000 m of fining upward cyclic deposits
of gravelly sandstone, sandstone, and mudstone. Mudstone makes up about half of the
total thickness. The depositional environment for this formation was a rapidly subsiding
foredeep basin (Bellen et al, 1959). This formation is exposed at the surface in the north-
western portion of the Khor Mor Block. Upper Bakhtiari formation (Tertiary formation)

The Upper Bakhtiari formation consists of molasse sediments of alternating deposits of
claystone and conglomerates with some sandstone and siltstone beds. The
conglomerates make up most of the formation, forming more than half the thickness of
the formation in the upper parts. The pebbles in the conglomerates are spherical, bladed
and rod shaped, varying in size from less than 1 cm to up to 15 cm. Sand and calcareous
material cement the pebbles in the conglomerate layer. Lenses of sandstone are common
in the conglomerate.
This formation represents the youngest formation outcropping in the Khor Mor Block.
Relative to other formations and deposits, this formation occupies the largest surface
area exposure within the Khor Mor Block.
Locally, these land areas are anecdotally called "Bad Land Areas." The Upper Bakhtiari
formation is of Middle Pliocene age. The depositional environment for this formation is
alluvial fans originating from the High Folded Zone and the Zagros Suture. Quaternary deposits

Polygenic deposits are Pleistocene to Holocene in age, and include clay, silt, gypsum,
sand, and gravel. These sediments contain large and angular rock fragments, which are
restricted to slopes and are formed due to large rock falls or collapse. Rock fragments
are subsequently cemented by clayey and calcareous materials. The fragments are of
different types of limestone with angular edges and are of various shapes and sizes.
Slope deposits (Pleistocene-Holocene) occur in the Block as either angular rock falls on
slopes of hills or rounded gravels. The thicknesses of these deposits range from 20 to
60 m. These deposits cover a fairly sizable area in the north-western quadrant of the
Valley-fill sediments (Holocene) cover extensive valleys between anticlinal ridges. These
sediments are accumulated as thin beds with varying size particles, depending on the
geological properties, types of rocks exposed, and climatic conditions. Valley-fill
sediments consist of mixtures of clay, sand, and pebbles. Seismicity
Tectonically, the KRI Iraq is located in an active seismic zone, thus it experiences an
appreciable level of earthquake activity. Th KRI is directly influenced by the seismicity of
the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic system (Zagros-Tauros range). This system, identified
with high mountain ranges and shallow, somewhat diffuse seismicity constitutes one of
the most seismically active continental regions of the world with a long and well-

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documented history of earthquakes. The KRI is rated ‘very high’ for seismic hazards by
the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2010). Oil Serv (2018) conducted a seismic
investigation at the KM250A Project site and reported that the site is located in a Zone III
seismic zone. Past field data collection at the Project site

A site investigation was carried out by Map Group in May 2019 to collect geotechnical
data in the area of the proposed KM250A facility and plant. Boreholes were excavated to
a maximum depth of 10 m below ground level (thus concerning shallow ground for
Quaternary deposits; see previous section). The borehole logs suggest that the shallow
ground consists primarily of silty clay overlying siltstone and claystone.

3.2.3 Soil Area of influence - soil

The AOI for soil is summarised in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 AOI - soil

Topic Construction phase Operations phase

The physical footprint of the Project to
reflect the disturbance of soil within
Soils None
newly developed areas of the main site
and along the flowlines. Description of soil types

Desk study and previous findings
A soil map for Iraq is presented in Figure 3-1. It indicates that the general region of the
Project site is characterised by rough broken and stony land or brown soils.
Soil formations in the Block include alluvium, fluvisols, mollisols, calcisols, and mountain
soils that are generally brown in colour (MapCom, 2018). The surface layer is
approximately 50 to 60 cm in thickness, and the soil has a total depth ranging from 50 to
150 cm. Soil texture ranges from silty clay to sandy clay. The pH of the soil varies from
8.1 to 8.5. Electrical conductivity of the soil is high. The soil has a high calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) content at the surface (~26%) that decreases with depth.
The presence of organic matter in the soil is low due to present land uses in the general
Project area, including grazing and burning of crop residues. Soils with higher organic
matter are characterised by dark topsoil and are classified as a mollic horizon. In addition,
calcisols are also known to be present in the area.
The soils tend to be self-mulching 3. Due to the low organic content, soil crusting also
occurs, but not to the extent that seedling emergence is impeded. The vertic 4 properties

3A soil that mixes itself: its surface layers shrink and swell, forming deep cracks into which soil falls.
4This term is used to describe a subsoil with a field texture of 35% or more clay that experiences significant
shrinking and swelling, resulting from drying and wetting.
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of the soil are not sufficiently developed for a true vertisol. This is likely due to the high
CaCO3 content, which tends to suppress the swelling behaviour of the clay.
Upland/hilly soils in the Block consist of deep, brown soils and deeply eroded brown soils.
These brown soils yield important dry farming lands upon which wheat is grown or which
are used for grazing. The thickness of the soils varies with relief, whereby the deepest
soils exist on level plains and the shallower soils exist on the upper slopes and summits
of hills. Leaching and accumulation of lime and swelling and shrinking of clays in the
upland areas are generally more pronounced than in the plains and valleys. The lime
accumulation horizon tends to start slightly deeper in the upland areas than in the plains
and valleys due to higher rainfall in the upland areas.
In the valleys and river embankments, the soil is mainly alluvium consisting of gravel and
sand. The fluvisols present in the block have visible stratification and irregular amounts
of organic material.

Figure 3-1 Soil map of Iraq (Buringh, 1960) Past field data collection in the Project area`

Historical soil sampling within the soil AOI has not been conducted. However, soil
sampling was undertaken by MapCom at four villages (Qarah Chewar, Zhazh, Mamisik
and Sheik Jalal) outside AOI in the Khor Mor region and at the existing KM site (2010).
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Shallow subsurface soil samples (depths between 0.15 m to 1 m) were collected using a
stainless-steel hand auger. The results (see Appendix 1, Table A1.1) indicated
concentrations of cadmium exceeded the Project Standard (Appendix 3 Table A3.1) in
two locations (Zhazh and Shekh Jalal). None of the parameters exceeded the Project
Standard at the existing KM site. The MapCom report (2010) did not specify the valance
of the chromium analysed. If the analysis was for chromium VI then the concentration of
chromium exceeded the Project Standard at all locations.
Soil sampling was also undertaken by MapCom at three well sites (KM-9, KM-10 and
KM-12) outside the soil AOI in the Khor Mor region (2018). The results (see Appendix 1,
Table A1.2) indicated that concentrations of manganese and nickel exceeded the Project
Standard in several location. The MapCom report (2018) did not specify the valance of
the chromium analysed. If the analysis was for chromium VI then the concentration of
chromium exceeded the Project Standard at all locations Current field data collection in the Project area

Soil sampling was undertaken by RSK in November 2019 at thirteen locations in the AOI.
Shallow soil samples were collected at a depth of no more than 0.4 m below ground level
using a shovel and trowel. Locations SS1 to SS8 were selected to provide geographical
coverage of the site and SS9 to SS13 were selected where future plant/facilities will be
located and are therefore potential sources of contamination to soil. All locations are
tabulated in Table 3-2 below.

Table 3-2 Soil sampling locations

Coordinates (WGS84 38N)

Sample ID Rationale
Easting Northing
SS1 Geographical coverage 484346 3887945
SS2 Geographical coverage 483340 3887510
SS3 Geographical coverage 484181 3887266
SS4 Geographical coverage 483599 3886433
SS5 Geographical coverage 484681 3886904
SS6 Geographical coverage 483669 3887283
SS7 Geographical coverage 483823 3887283
SS8 Geographical coverage 483923 3886816
SS9 Power generation area 484210 3886672
SS10 Hot oil system (future) 484246 3886585
SS11 Condensate stabiliser (future) 484281 3887167
SS12 Produced water treatment (future) 484060 3887549
SS13 Lined evaporation pond 1 (future) 484346 3887945

All photographs of sampling locations are included in Appendix 2 (Table A2.1) along with
laboratory certificates. The sampling indicated that the soil is grey and brown silty and
sandy clay with root fragments. No evidence of visual or olfactory contamination was
observed at any of the locations.

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Sample storage was undertaken in accordance with the RSK quality management
system procedure and all samples were shipped to the Al Futtaim Element Materials
Technology Dubai laboratory for analysis.
The reported concentrations of all parameters were either below the laboratory detection
limit or below the Project Standard, with the exception of nickel concentrations as shown
in Table 3-3. Nickel concentrations exceeded the Project Standard at all locations and
may represent background soil conditions and composition. The KM250A Project will not
exacerbate nickel concentrations in soil. The soil sampling locations are presented as
Figure 3-2.

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Table 3-3 Laboratory results of the current soil sampling survey in 2019 (mg/kg)

Parameter SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 SS6 SS7 SS8 SS9 SS10 SS11 SS12 SS13 Standard

Arsenic 4.1 3.6 2 2.7 3.4 4.9 3.9 3.7 4.1 2.8 3.4 4.3 3.4 20
Barium 101 123 137 112 270 134 182 99.5 95.4 91 98.6 93.8 117 -
Cadmium <0.5 0.6 0.7 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.7 0.6 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 <0.5 3
Copper 19 21.1 20 17.9 21.7 20.5 19.4 17.6 17.1 16.8 22.1 19.7 19.7 100
Lead 8.1 9.4 7 6.7 7.1 6.9 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.4 7.6 7.9 6.9 300
Nickel 75.6 79.7 80.1 67.8 81.6 80.7 76 72.4 69.9 67.9 84.7 74.8 76.1 60
Selenium <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 -
Zinc 47.6 53.3 51.5 47.5 56.8 52.3 55.6 48.3 46.9 46.9 57.4 53.8 51.6 200
EPH C10-
53 <50 89 <50 72 <50 65 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 90
<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 -

Red – exceeds Project Standard

EPH – extractable petroleum hydrocarbons
VPH – volatile petroleum hydrocarbons

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Figure 3-2 Soil sampling locations

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3.2.4 Water resources Area of influence - water resources

The AOI is summarised in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 AOI - water resources

Topic Construction phase Operations phase

2 km radius from 2 km radius from fenceline to reflect
Surface fenceline where permanent physical presence of the site
Water changes in the surface where changes in the surface water could
water could occur occur
Groundwater None 10 km radius surrounding the three existing
boreholes to reflect the reduction in
groundwater elevation from abstraction (this
has been assumed to encompass a broader
area covering one, or more, groundwater
aquifers where impacts to other groundwater
users may occur) Description of water resources

The Awa Spi River, the only perennial river in the general Project area, is approximately
3.5 km north-west of the Khor Mor existing facility and is outside of the surface water AOI.
Awa Spi has three tributaries; these and other surface water features within the general
Project area are seasonal. The Awa Spi flows towards the south-west/west. Several
springs are present within the AOI. The river is shown in Figure 3-3.
The MapCom (2010) baseline survey indicated that local villages generally rely on
shallow wells that abstract groundwater from the Pila Spi limestone formations at depths
of less than 20 m. A geophysical survey was carried out using 2D electrical resistivity
methods (Aziz, 2018 and 2019) to identify aquifers near Khor Mor. The survey indicated
that the Lower Bakhtiari formation, composed mainly of gravel and sandstone and located
at depths of 20 m to 150 m in the survey area, can be a reliable local source of water
supply for the Project. In addition, Mohammed (2019b) reported that the Upper Bakhtiari
formation is also an aquifer of local importance.
Hydrogeological surveys were undertaken in January 2019 by Mohammed (2019a;b).
The survey comprised hydraulic testing of three existing wells (WW1-3) located south of
the Khor Mor site (Figure 3-3). The results of the hydraulic testing during the survey
indicated that abstraction should not exceed a rate of 6 L/second at any of the three
locations. The status of the wells is presented in Figure 3-3.
Groundwater is an important source of water for both domestic and commercial use
(including shops and small businesses) in communities in the Project area. Locations of
local village wells are presented in Figure 3-3. Groundwater is the only source of water
for Khor Mor operations and Pearl owns some of the wells in the villages.

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Figure 3-3 Water resources and sampling locations

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Table 3-5 Status of existing abstraction wells in the Khor Mor area

Well Easting Northing Status Lithology/formation name volume
Temporarily Upper Bakhtiari
WW1 482105 3885755 11 No data
abandoned (claystone/siltstone/sandstone)
Upper Bakhtiari
WW2 481888 3885416 36 Operating 22,082,000
Upper Bakhtiari
WW3 482156 3884612 32 Operating 1,635,000
WW4 482664 3884538 NM Abandoned no data No data
WW5 481461 3884598 NM Abandoned no data No data

SWL – Static water level below datum

NM – not measured
Source: Aziz (2018 and 2019) Past field data collection in the Project area

Surface water samples were taken at four locations along the Awa Spi river (locations
WQ1 through WQ4) and one at a permanent surface spring to the south of the river (WQ5,
just to the north-west of the KM existing facility by MapCom in 2010. Samples were
analysed for key physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Results (Appendix 1,
Table A1.3) indicated that BOD exceeded the Project Standard (see standards in
Appendix 3, Table A3.2 and A3.3) at all four locations along the river, ranging from 8 to
16 mg/L. The dissolved oxygen (DO) Project Standard (5 mg/L) was exceeded at two
sampling locations along the river and at WQ5. The Project Standard for nitrate
concentrations (15 mg/L) and sulphate concentrations (200 mg/L) was exceeded at all
sampling locations. Nitrates and sulphates are typically caused by runoff from agricultural
Sampling of springs and water wells was also undertaken in 2018 by MapCom at the
locations presented in Figure 3-3. The results were all below the Project Standards
except for alkalinity and bacteriological analyses which exceeded the criteria for Total
Plate Count values (Table 3-7).

Table 3-6 Water sampling locations (MapCom, 2018)

Sample ID Easting Northing Notes

GW1 486362 3881466 Natural spring - Shekh Hameed
GW2 486126 3881861 Natural spring
GW4 489326 3877456 Natural spring - Kani Qadir
GW3 489,472 3,877,835 Kani Qadir Qala well
GW5 487,253 3,887,473 Surface well in Mamisik
GW6 485,609 3,883,101 Well in Taza Shar village
GW8 485,609 3,883,101 Well in Taza Shar village

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Table 3-7 Summary of spring and groundwater results (MapCom, 2018)

Project Comment from

Parameter Minimum Maximum Standard* MapCom 2018

Not suitable for

Total plate count (colony
>1000 >1000 1.1 drinking water at any
forming units per litre)

Not suitable for

Most probable number per
1 240 - drinking water at
most locations

Total alkalinity (mg

106 567 500

Red – exceeds Project Standard

Note: The colony count as measured in a laboratory is multiplied by the dilution factor to yield the total
plate count. Indicator bacteria can be detected to give an estimate of pathogens. The most common
indicator organisms in water bacteriology are the coliform bacteria.

Regular testing of samples of groundwater from WW1, WW2 and WW3 is undertaken by
Pearl Petroleum. The samples are tested for lead, copper, iron, nitrate, nitrite, pH,
chlorine, hardness, alkalinity, bacteria and pesticides. Data for the period of September
2018 to February 2019 were provided by Pearl Petroleum. With the exception of one
sample, none of the results exceed the Project Standard; on 30/2/18, at WW1, copper
concentrations (1.4 mg/L) exceeded the Project Standard of 0.01 mg/L and bacteria
tested ‘positive’. Current field data collection in the Project area

A hydro-census was undertaken in November 2019 at the locations shown on Table 3-8
and presented on Figure 3-3. The objective of the survey was to collect baseline data
within the AOI in order to characterise the groundwater and springs and their sensitivity
to potential impacts. The sampling locations were identified following a detailed review of
baseline studies and environmental reports related to the Project. In addition, locations
were also identified based on the results of the socio-economic baseline survey
undertaken by RSK. Water samples were collected by an RSK site engineer from
groundwater wells and springs. The following field parameters were measured for each
sample on-site:
• temperature (° C)
• electrical conductivity (µS/cm)
• pH
• DO (mg/L)
• DO (%).
A total of 14 water samples (13 locations plus one duplicate) were collected and shipped
for laboratory analysis. Analysis was undertaken at the Al Futtaim Element Materials
Technology Dubai laboratory with the exception of the bacteriological testing which was

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completed at the EnviroLab laboratory in Basra (due to the fact that the samples required
testing within 24 hours). All samples were analysed in the laboratory for:
• turbidity
• selected inorganic parameters and dissolved heavy metals
• selected cations and anions
• hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
• pesticides
• bacteriological parameters (total coliforms and Escherichia coli).

Table 3-8 Groundwater sampling locations (RSK, 2019)

Coordinates (WGS84 38N)

Sample ID
Easting Northing
Paryawla well 476313 3892673

WW2 481888 3885416

WW3 482156 3884612

Khor Mor Gawra-Spring 480842 3886081

Taza Shaher-Spring 485378 3882854

Sheikh Hameed-Spring 486333 3881433

Sheikh Hameed village (SP2) 486130 3881866

Qadir Qala village (SP4) 489330 3877453

Surface well in Mamisik

487354 3887512
village (GW5)

Zhazh-Spring 478101 3889592

Takhta Mina-Spring 484711 3877719

Ibrahim Ghulam-Spring 492210 3887439

The following quality control measures were implemented to ensure that accurate and
reliable data are collected:
• single use bailer sampling in wells/boreholes to prevent cross-contamination of
• duplicate sample was taken to check reproducibility
• use of nitrile gloves to prevent contamination of samples.
• calibration of the multi-parameter probe prior to the survey
• daily calibration checks.
Table 3-9 and Table 3-10 present the field parameter readings for groundwater and
spring samples. The values are all typical of groundwater and springs. There are no
Project Standards for these parameters except for pH and DO. The pH is within the
Project Standard. The DO at some locations is < 5mg/L which does not meet the Project
Standard (> 5 mg/L).

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Table 3-9 Field parameter data for water resources (RSK, 2019)

Sample ID conductivity pH DO (mg/L) DO (%)
20.1 793 8.33 0.98 10.9
20.1 792 8.34 0.85 9.4
20.0 792 8.34 0.83 9.1
25.2 319.3 7.56 2.54 30.9
WW2 25.2 317.8 7.59 2.73 33.2
25.2 317.6 7.59 2.68 32.6
24.6 290.5 7.57 6.43 77.4
WW3 24.5 314.8 7.64 5.68 69.4
24.5 317.3 7.74 5.45 65.5
- - 6.5 to 8.5 >5 -
Red – does not meet Project Standard

Table 3-10 Field parameter data for water samples (RSK, 2019)

Sample ID conductivity pH DO (mg/L) DO (%)
21.7 283.7 7.35 6.07 69.0
Khor Mor
Gawra 21.7 279.5 7.36 5.91 67.8
21.7 274.6 7.41 5.82 66.1
24.7 446.5 7.39 5.32 64.0
Taza Shar
24.6 424.5 7.21 4.64 55.8
24.6 407.3 7.14 4.61 55.4
21.2 363.6 7.05 3.68 41.5
Hameed 21.1 360.8 7.04 3.49 39.3
21.1 355.7 7.06 3.29 37.1
23.4 353.4 7.33 3.31 38.9
SP2 23.4 353.2 7.32 3.31 38.9
23.4 351.9 7.31 3.33 39.2
23.9 264.4 7.38 4.68 55.5
SP4 23.9 263.8 7.36 4.56 54.1
23.9 263.6 7.35 4.58 54.3
21. 417.6 7.43 5.67 63.6
GW5 21 419.7 7.44 4.90 55.0
21 420.4 7.44 4.82 54.1

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Sample ID conductivity pH DO (mg/L) DO (%)
19.6 1273 7.62 5.36 58.7
Zhazh Spring 19.6 1289 7.61 5.33 58.4
19.6 1302 7.61 5.30 58
25.7 403 7.26 2.67 32.4
Takhta Mina
25.7 402 7.27 2.56 31.4
25.7 400 7.27 2.46 30.1
24 612 7.63 4.99 59.4
Ghulam 24 604 7.62 4.55 54.4
24 605 7.63 4.62 54.9
- - 6.5 to 8.5 >5 -
Red – does not meet Project Standard

Groundwater depth levels were measured where possible and the results are presented
in Table 3-11. Photographs of all sampling locations are presented in Appendix 2 (Table
A2.2) along with laboratory certificates.

Table 3-11 Groundwater depths

Sample ID Well depth (mbtoc) Water level (mbtoc)

Paryawla well 100 5.26
Well was covered so not Well was covered so not
accessible accessible
Well was covered so not Well was covered so not
accessible accessible

Note: mbtoc: metres below top of casing of well. No topographical data are available, so the levels
were not measured in relation to a local datum.

Laboratory results for the samples are shown in Table 3-12. All samples were compared
to the Project Standards (Appendix 3, Table A3.2 and A3.3). The results of the duplicate
sample that was tested (WW6 and SP3) indicated that the results are reproducible.
The results indicate the presence of total coliforms at all locations which exceeds the
Project Standard (1.1 colony forming units per litre) and water at these locations is not
considered potable without appropriate treatment. Concentrations of chloride, sulphate,
total dissolved solids, magnesium and calcium at Zhazh Spring exceeded the Project
Standards. Calcium concentrations exceeded the Project Standard at several locations.
No further exceedances were detected. All other parameters, including Escherichia coli,
hydrocarbons and PAHs were not detected. The coliform levels are due to improper
wastewater discharge in surrounding villages. The KM250A Project would not exacerbate
this problem. Similarly, regarding the high levels of TDS, chlorides, sulphate, magnesium
and calcium, raw groundwater is treated prior to human consumption, so there should be

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no threat to local drinking water supply. The KM250A Project will not exacerbate the low
quality of raw groundwater.
In some cases, the laboratory limit of detection exceeded (mercury, cadmium and
phenols) or was equivalent (chromium, selenium, arsenic and lead) to the Project

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Table 3-12 Laboratory results of the current water resources sampling survey in 2019 (mg/L or as stated)

Parameter Khor Mor Shekh SP3 Ibrahim WW6

Taza Shaher- SP2 SP4 GW5 Zhazh- Takhta Mina- Paryawla Well WW2 WW3 Project
Gawra Hameed- (duplicate of Ghulam- (duplicate of
(mg/L) Spring (spring) (spring0 (spring) Spring Spring (groundwater) (groundwater) (groundwater) Standard
Spring Spring SP2) Spring WW3)


Escherichia coli No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth <1.1*

Total coliforms
1000 100000 100 100 100 100000 1000 10000 100000 10000 10 10 10 100 <1.1


Chloride 7 9.5 11 10 8.5 24.5 9.5 334 10.5 20.5 50 7.5 7 8 200

Sulphate 23 33 42 61 12 66 50 437 13 97 192 33 24 36 200

Fluoride 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.9 1 0.5 0.4 0.6 -

Nitrate 0.66 0.49 1.02 0.58 1.24 1.86 0.66 0.89 1.99 0.66 2.17 0.4 0.71 0.18 15

Nitrite 0.016 0.02 0.026 0.02 <0.016 0.259 0.016 0.168 0.016 0.016 0.023 0.02 <0.016 0.02 3.0


Total hardness 191 370 370 185 178 218 262 677 210 147 60 140 134 141 500

Total dissolved solids 239 328 375 341 228 444 337 1450 306 398 600 215 203 215 1000

Surfactants anionic 0.015 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.015 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.3

Turbidity (NTU) 0.1 1.8 2.8 0.7 0.3 4.3 0.7 4.7 0.9 0.4 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.7 5

pH (units) 8.2 7.8 7.7 7.9 7.9 7.9 8 7.9 7.7 8.2 8.3 8.1 8.1 7.9 6.5-8.5

Chromium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Mercury <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 0.001
Aluminium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.1
Arsenic <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium 0.14 0.23 0.28 0.13 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.05 0.27 0.05 0.02 0.16 0.21 0.14 0.7
Cadmium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.003
Calcium 66 135 136 62.6 62.9 51.2 93.4 180 64.4 29.1 14 43 42 43 50
Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05
Iron <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.3
Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Magnesium 6.4 7.9 7.2 7 5.1 22 7.1 55.1 11.9 18.5 6.5 7.8 7.1 8.3 50
Manganese <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.1
Nickel <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02
Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium 11.6 12.2 8 6.6 7 60.9 6.6 186 16.2 76.7 165 13.2 12.2 14.4 200
Zinc <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.5
Total phenols <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.002

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Parameter Khor Mor Shekh SP3 Ibrahim WW6
Taza Shaher- SP2 SP4 GW5 Zhazh- Takhta Mina- Paryawla Well WW2 WW3 Project
Gawra Hameed- (duplicate of Ghulam- (duplicate of
(mg/L) Spring (spring) (spring0 (spring) Spring Spring (groundwater) (groundwater) (groundwater) Standard
Spring Spring SP2) Spring WW3)

Hydrocarbons (µg/l)
EPH C10-C40 <50 129 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
VPH C5-C10 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 -
PAHs (µg/l)
Acenaphthene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Acenapthylene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Anthracene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Benzo (a) anthracene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Benzo (a) pyrene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Benzo (b) fluoranthene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Benzo (g, h) perylene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Benzo (k) fluoranthene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Chrysene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Dibenzo (a,h)
<0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Fluoranthene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Fluorene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Indenol (1,2,3- c,d)
<0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Napthalene <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 -
Phenanthrene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Pyrene <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -
Pesticides – organochlorine (µg/l)
BHC alpha <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
BHC beta <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
BHC delta <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
BHC gamma (Lindane) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Chlordane <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
DDD-p, p’ <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
DDE-p, p’ <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
DDT-p,p <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Endosulfan alpha <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Endosulfan beta <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Endosulfan sulphate <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Endrin <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Endrin aldehyde <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Methoxychor <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 -
Heptachlor <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 -
Aldrin <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 -
Dieldrin <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 -

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Parameter Khor Mor Shekh SP3 Ibrahim WW6
Taza Shaher- SP2 SP4 GW5 Zhazh- Takhta Mina- Paryawla Well WW2 WW3 Project
Gawra Hameed- (duplicate of Ghulam- (duplicate of
(mg/L) Spring (spring) (spring0 (spring) Spring Spring (groundwater) (groundwater) (groundwater) Standard
Spring Spring SP2) Spring WW3)

Heptachlor epoxide <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 -
Chlorpyrifos <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Dichlorvos <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Dimethoate <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Disulfoton <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Fenchlorphos <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Methyl parathion <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Parathion <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Phorate <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Famphur <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Guthion <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
o, o, o-
<50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Sulfotep <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Thionazin <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Tokuthion <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -
Ethoprophos <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 -

Red - exceeds Project Standard

cfu/L - colony forming unit per litre
NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit
µg/l - micrograms per litre

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3.2.5 Noise Area of influence - noise

The AOI for noise is summarised in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13 AOI - noise

Topic Construction phase Operations phase

1 km from the existing facility
boundary to reflect noise generated
500 m from the main site
from power generation and other
equipment during routine
250 m either side of the flowlines to operations
reflect the use of mobile
Noise 1 km radial distance from the flare
construction plant and machinery
to reflect noise generated during
250 m either side of the roads used non-routine flaring events
for the transportation of
250 m either side of the public road
construction materials and workers
network to reflect the generation of
noise from road movements

Within the AOI the nearest noise sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the proposed
development are summarised in Table 3-14 below. Further details are provided in the
following sections.

Table 3-14 Nearest noise sensitive receptors to the facility

Direction relative
ID Receptor to Khor Mor
existing facility
R1 Khor Mor Gawra West
R2 Mamisik East
R3 Khor Mor Bichuk North-west
R4 Awaye Jalal South
R5 South-west
camp Past field data collection in the Project area

The ambient noise levels within the concession block were recorded as part of field
studies undertaken in 2010 (MapCom, 2010). The noise level measurements were
conducted using an Integrating and Logging Sound Level Meter (SLM), Quest, Model
2900 UL. Noise levels were measured for about 5 to 10 minutes at each location during
daytime (Figure 3-5). Weather conditions were normal and there was no excess wind
during the measurements. The results (see Table 3-15) show that ambient noise levels
were below the Project Standard residential limits and were typical of rural areas with
some domestic and commercial activities.

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Table 3-15 Ambient noise levels (dB (A)) at Khor Mor (MapCom, 2010)

Leq L5 L10 L50 L90 Project Standard*
(see note)
AQ1 35.5 30.5 30.0 30.0 30.0
AQ2 40.5 40.0 35.5 35.0 30.0
AQ3 45.0 40.5 40.0 35.5 30.0
AQ4 35.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
AQ5 45.5 45.0 40.5 40.0 35.0
AQ6 40.5 40.0 35.5 35.0 30.0

dB(A) – decibel (A-weighted)

- for residential land use
Note: noise monitoring conducted at same locations as air quality
Red – exceeds Project Standard Current field data collection in the Project area

A baseline noise survey was undertaken by RSK at several locations to establish the
existing noise climate at the surrounding receptor locations and in the vicinity of the
existing facility. Sample locations are presented in Figure 3-4. The survey was
undertaken in August 2019 and comprised unattended measurements taken over a 24-
hour period at 10 positions and short-term attended daytime monitoring around the
boundary of the existing facility (12 positions). Measurements were undertaken through
15 integration periods.
Sound level meters used for the baseline survey complied with the Class 1 requirements
defined by International Electrotechnical Commission 61672-1:2013 and British Standard
EN 61672-1:2013 ‘Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters – Part 1: Specifications’.
The meters have calibration certificates from a traceable laboratory, which demonstrate
that calibration was undertaken within one month of the date of survey. The calibration of
the meters was field checked before and after measurements with a suitable calibrator
which validated that the meters were within acceptable measurable limits. The calibrator
used conformed to the requirements of BS EN IEC 60942:2018 Electroacoustics, Sound
calibrators. The sound level meters were setup on a tripod between 1.2 m and 1.5 m
above local ground level, with the meters positioned a minimum of 3.5 m (free-field) from
any vertical reflective surfaces (i.e. buildings, fences and walls etc.).
An overview of the baseline measurements is provided in Table 3-16. As shown, average
night-time residential noise levels (Leq) exceeded the Project Standard (Appendix 3,
Table A3.4 and A3.5), at one location (M14) although episodic loud noise events resulted
in maximum readings (attributed to vehicular movements during the monitoring period).
The day-time industrial Project Standard was also exceeded at two industrial locations
(M2 and M3).

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Figure 3-4 Noise monitoring locations (RSK, 2019)
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Table 3-16 Current noise survey results in 2019

Measurement data (dB) Project

Ref. Survey location Period
LAeq LAFmax LA90 LA10 Standard

18:00-22:00 43 46-68 39 44 45-55

Khor Mor Gawra
R1 22:00-07:00 50 42-67 35 45 40-50
07:00-18:00 39 46-68 30 41 50-60
09:30-22:00 36 36-66 28 36 45-55
R2 22:00-07:00 40 29-83 27 35 40-50
07:00-09:30 38 52-66 21 34 50-60
15:05-22:00 42 50-70 31 45 45-55
Khor Mor Bichuk
R3 22:00-07:00 41 45-75 34 42 40-50
07:00-15:05 44 45-74 36 46 50-60
16:15-22:00 48 48-77 32 42 45-55
Awaye Jalal
R4 22:00-07:00 43 44-67 38 44 40-50
07:00-16:15 47 52-73 38 49 50-60
M1 10:57-11:12 66 69 64 67 60-70
M2 15:50-16:05 74 79 73 75 60-70
M3 16:08-16:23 76 78 75 77 60-70
M4 16:46-17:01 62 71 60 64 60-70
M5 Measurements 14:28-14:43 59 68 56 61 60-70
M6 adjacent to 14:02-14:17 56 63 54 58 60-70
boundary of
M7 existing facility 13:10-13:25 69 81 60 73 60-70
M8 (industrial) 12:48-13:03 69 73 68 70 60-70
M9 12:29-12:44 68 77 66 71 60-70
M10 12:07-12:22 64 67 62 65 60-70
M11 11:42-11:58 54 59 51 57 60-70
M12 11:19-11:34 63 67 62 64 60-70
19:00-22:00 43 46-51 39 45 55-65
Western boundary
M13 of existing facility 22:00-07:00 52 35-80 38 46 50-60
(industrial) 07:00-19:00 48 43-87 30 41 60-70*
18:00-22:00 47 47-56 42 47 45-55
Permanent camp
M14 22:00-07:00 51 51-62 47 52 40-50
07:00-18:00 53 45-85 40 47 50-60
17:20-22:00 51 51-81 47 52 55-65
Eastern boundary
M15 of existing facility 22:00-07:00 51 48-87 46 51 50-60
(industrial) 07:00-17:20 50 45-86 43 49 60-70
M16 06:30-07:00 49 58-68 47 50 50-60

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Measurement data (dB) Project
Ref. Survey location Period
LAeq LAFmax LA90 LA10 Standard

Existing facility 07:00-22:00 51 48-90 41 48 60-70*

access road
(industrial) 22:00-06:30 51 49-98 45 48 50-60

Northern 05:55-07:00 39 45-62 35 41 50-60

boundary of
M17 07:00-22:00 41 41-70 30 40 60-70*
existing facility
(industrial) 22:00-05:55 44 40-73 38 45 50-60
Southern 10:00-22:00 40 40-78 31 38 60-70*
boundary of
M18 22:00-07:00 40 34-73 33 38 50-60
existing facility
(industrial) 07:00-10:00 46 35-78 30 37 60-70

dB(A) – A-weighted decibel (as perceived by human ear)

LA10 noise level exceeded for 10% of the measurement period (A-weighted)
LA90 noise level exceeded for 90% of the measurement period (A-weighted)
LAeq equivalent continuous sound pressure level (A-weighted)
LAmax maximum value sound pressure level reached during a measurement period (A-weighted)
Note: Reported LAeq values are logarithmic averages of 15 minutes integration periods, LA90 and LA10 indices are
reported as arithmetic mean values.
Red - exceeds Project Standard
- lowest Project Standard selected when monitoring conducted over two time periods

3.2.6 Air quality Area of influence - air quality

Based on proposed activities during construction and operations and sensitive receptors,
the AOI for noise has been defined as shown in Table 3-17.

Table 3-17 AOI - air quality

Topic Construction phase Operations phase

250 m from the main
site, well sites and either 1 km from the flare (pilot flame) during routine
side of the flowlines to operations to reflect the dispersion of air
reflect the use of mobile emissions to background levels
construction plant and
machinery 10 km from flare during non-routine events
(such as an emergency blowdown) to reflect
Air Quality 150 m either side of the the dispersion of air emissions to background
roads used for the levels
transportation of
construction materials 150 m either side of the public road network to
and workers to reflect reflect the generation of noise from road
the generation of dust movements
and air emissions

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182279-17 (05) Description of Project area air quality
Air quality degradation has been observed in various regions in Iraq, including Kurdistan.
primarily due to industrial and petroleum operations.
Degradation of ambient air quality specific to Kurdistan stems mainly from increasing
vehicle numbers in the region generally, as well as increasing cement production and
increases of oil refining capacity (Hamid et al, 2013).
Further sources of air pollution in Kurdistan include the following:
• emissions from industrial facilities including power plants, petroleum refineries,
chemical production, brick kilns, and lead and aluminium smelters
• open burning of waste resulting from a lack of waste management facilities
• increase in illegal logging for fuel use.
Increasing frequency and severity of dust and sandstorms resulting from soil
disintegration and erosion, deterioration of vegetation, desertification, and deterioration
of green spaces has led to increased particulate emissions to the atmosphere (World
Bank, 2017).
Air quality in the Khor Mor area and the region could likely be affected by emissions from
industries, traffic and power generation in the area. Previous studies conducted in the
Project area indicate ambient concentrations of sulphur oxides (SOX) and particulate
matter (PM10 particles smaller than 10 microns) to be above Project Standards. Past field data collection in the Project area

An environmental baseline survey for the Liquified Petroleum Gas Development, Khor
Mor Gas Field Project was conducted by MapCom Environmental Consultants in 2010.
The field survey found no major industrial or commercial activities within the concession
area. The area was found to vary from a residential to rural setting with ambient air quality
expected to represent the general area type.
As part of the survey, passive diffusion tubes were deployed (for a three-week period) at
six locations in the Khor Mor area to measure atmospheric concentrations of sulphur
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and ozone (O3) (see Figure 3-5).
As shown in Table 3-18, in the 2010 survey, exceedance of the annual average limits
were reported for SO2 and NO2 concentrations. No other exceedances of the KRI air
quality guideline values were recorded. MapCom reported drilled oil wells and oil seeps
located south of the site in the vicinity of these sampling locations.

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Figure 3-5 Ambient air quality monitoring locations

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Table 3-18 Ambient air quality results (MapCom, 2010)

Concentration (μg/m3)
Location Location
SO2 NO2 O3
Qarah Chewar AQ1 45.63 45.63 85.97
Zhazh AQ2 59.51 59.51 112.05
Khor Mor AQ3 61.18 61.18 119.53
Mamisik AQ4 138.32 98.32 95.05
Shekh Jalal AQ5 93.76 83.76 76.14
Taza Shar AQ6 95.19 75.19 64.87
KM250A Project Standard (unless otherwise stated) 20* 40 100 (8 hour)**

µg/m3 – micrograms per cubic metre

Red – exceeds Project Standard
* - Annual (lower number in range for SO2)
* Air quality guideline value, as per IFC General Environmental Health and Safety Standards (2007) referencing
WHO (2005) Ambient Air Quality Guidelines (125 µg/m3 is the interim target value). Note: diffusion tube
measurement (which usually occurs over a period of a week to a month) normally cannot be directly compared to
the 8-hour limit, but an annual standard does not exist for O3.

MapCom (2010) also included measurement of dust levels at the above locations using
a direct reading particulate matter (PM) monitor. Measured dust concentrations were
found to vary from 61 μg/m3 near the settlements, to 127 μg/m3 at location AQ3 (Khor
Mor), adjacent to asphalt roads. These exceeded the Project annual standard for PM10
of 20 μg/m3.
Ground level O3 exceeded the Project Standard in Zhazh and Khor Mor village. Ozone is
formed in the atmosphere by photochemical reactions in the presence of sunlight and
precursor pollutants, such as NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ozone
precursors can come from car exhaust.
VOC monitoring at residential areas was undertaken using solid adsorption/solvent
extraction and gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. The results of the VOC
monitoring are summarized in Table 3-19. Benzene concentrations in ambient air were
reported to be above the Project annual standard of 0.003 milligrams per cubic metre
(mg/m3, 0.94 part per billion, ppb).

Table 3-19 Ambient air quality results for VOCs (MapCom, 2010)

Concentration KM250A Project

Sl No Pollutant
(ppb) Standard (ppb)
1 1,1 dichloroethane 6.22 None
2 Benzene 3.13 0.94
3 C-1,3-dichloropropene 4.08 None
4 Toluene 5.85 None
5 Xylene 3.44 None

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Concentration KM250A Project
Sl No Pollutant
(ppb) Standard (ppb)
6 P-dichlorobenzene 8.19 None
7 Ethyl benzene 0.80 None
8 Styrene 1.47 None
9 Bromobenzene 4.65 None
10 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 2.27 None
11 1,2,4-triethylbenzene 2.16 None
12 N-butyl benzene 5.0 None
13 Naphthalene 4.57 None
14 p-Isopropyletoluene 5.18 None
15 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene 5.4 None
Red – exceeds Project Standard

Ambient air quality data for Khor Mor was collected by ERM (2015) as part of an EIA
study for the Khor Mor Gas Project. The survey included ambient air quality data
collection from within the Project study area as well as three other locations for a 24-hour
period. The results are presented in Table 3-20 and show that ambient concentrations of
SOx and PM10 exceeded Project Standards. Dust levels were found to approach the first
target level indicating the ambient dust levels are elevated but may be expected on a
windy day at the end of a dry summer.

Table 3-20 Ambient air quality results (ERM, 2015)

Project Standard
Pollutant Results (μg/m3) 24-hour
SOX 25 20
NO2 21 94
Carbon monoxide (CO) 155 11456*
PM10 95 50
VOCs 0.30 765**
Red – exceeds Project Standard
* As there is no 24-hour standard prescribed for CO, the results have been compared to the 8-hour
averaging period limit.
** As there is no 24-hour standard prescribed for VOC, the results have been compared to the 3-
hour standard. For conversion average molecular weight has been assumed to be 78 g/mol

In 2018, MapCom conducted an air quality survey for SO2, NO2, VOC, CO, O3, PM10 and
PM2.5 (particles smaller than 2.5 microns) at 11 locations (Table 3-21). The results have
been compared to the annual average limits in the Project Standards. Concentrations of
SO2, CO and O3 were not detected or did not exceed the Project Standard at any location.
For NO2 concentrations, a minor exceedance is reported at location 10. VOC
concentrations exceeded the Project Standard at location 2 and 5 and exceedances were
reported at all locations for PM10 and PM2.5.

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Table 3-21 Ambient air quality results (MapCom, 2018)

ID Location Easting Northing SO2 NO2 VOC CO O3 PM10 PM2.5

(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (mg/m3) (mg/m3)

1 KM-9, KM-10 486623 3881892 ND ND 0.11 ND 0.008 35.6 6.7

2 KM-9, KM-10 486297 3881844 ND ND 0.39 ND ND 227 6.4
3 KM-10 489326 3877456 ND ND 0.11 ND ND 24 7
4 KM-10 490887 3880825 ND ND ND ND 0.019 16.2 6.2
5 KM-9, KM-10 487104 3887603 ND 0.02 0.83 ND 0.009 16.1 6.9
6 KM-9 485382 3882900 ND ND ND ND ND 24.5 7.2
7 KM-9 485609 3883101 ND ND ND ND 0.002 31 9
8 KM9, KM12 485004 3885899 ND ND 0.16 ND ND 30.5 7.1
9 KM-9 487311 3885416 ND ND 0.01 ND ND 26.2 6.8
10 KM-10 483519 3885186 0.01 0.04 0.09 ND 0.07 29.4 7.75
11 KM-9, KM-10 489017 3882232 ND ND NA NA NA 21.8 6.4
Project Standard (annual average unless otherwise 0.018 0.02 0.24* 9.1 100 0.02 0.01
stated) (20µg/m3)* (10µg/m3)*

ppm – parts per million

ND – not detected
NA – not analysed
Red – exceeds Project Standard
* As there is no 24-hour standard prescribed for VOC, the results have been compared to the 3-hour standard

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182279-17 (05) Current field data collection in the Project area
A baseline air quality monitoring survey for the KM250A Project was undertaken in August
2019 at eight sampling locations (Figure 3-5) within the Project AOI (Table 3-17) by RSK.
The survey was undertaken at the following locations:
• Khor Mor Gawra village (MP1)
• Awaye Jalal village (MP2)
• Taza Shah village (MP3)
• Shekh Hameed village (MP4)
• Khor Mor Bichuk village (MP5)
• Mamisik village (MP6)
• Qadir Karim village (MP7)
• Key location outside of villages (MP8).
Baseline air quality conditions at each of the eight sites was characterised in order to
effectively assess the potential impacts of the proposed development. Diffusion tubes
were deployed to measure concentrations of NO2, SO2, hydrogen sulphide (H2S), PM10,
CO, O3 and VOCs including benzene. The diffusion tubes were analysed after exposure
(approximately 30 days) by Gradko International, based in the UK. A field blank was also
A comparison of the air quality monitoring results with the Project Standards indicate the
measured pollutants are largely within the limits (Table 3-22).
The Project Standard for SO2 concentrations (20 μg/m3) was exceeded at:
• Jalal village (MP2) (23.54 μg/m3)
• Taza Shah village (MP3) (21.87 μg/m3)
• Khor Mor Bichuk village (MP5) (25.25 μg/m3).
The Project Standard for O3 concentrations (100 μg/m3) was exceeded at:
• Jalal village (MP2) (106.61 μg/m3)
• Taza Shah village (MP3) (118.27 μg/m3)
• Mamisik village (MP6) (125.42 μg/m3)
• Key location outside of villages (MP8) (119.23 μg/m3).

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Table 3-22 Current air quality monitoring results in 2019

Khor Mor Awaye Shekh Khor Mor Other KM250A

Taza Shar Mamisik Qadir Karim
Gawra Jalal Hameed Bichuk location Project
Parameter Unit
MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 MP7 MP8 (annual)
SO2 µg/m3 11.66 23.54 21.87 18.64 25.25 12.92 15.69 15.37 20 – 47
NOX µg/m3 2.5 2.2 1.4 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.5 4.6 -
NO2 µg/m3 2.5 2.2 1.4 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.5 4.6 40
H2S µg/m3 0.08 0.04 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 -
O3 µg/m3 68.1 106.61 118.27 79.55 99.9 125.42 85.54 119.23 100
Benzene µg/m3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 <0.5 0.7 3
Toluene µg/m3 0.5 <0.4 <0.4 0.5 <0.4 1 <0.4 0.9 -
Ethylbenzene µg/m3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 -
m/p-xylene µg/m3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 0.3 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 0.5 -
o-xylene µg/m3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 -
Top 5 VOC µg/m3 83 111.1 127.3 95.3 97.9 81.8 68.2 85.7 -
Total VOC (C6
µg/m3 74.4 114 133 120 117 113 73.6 101 -
- C16)
9 – 10
CO ppm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PM2.5 µg/m3 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.011 0.011 10
PM10 µg/m3 0.024 0.01 0.014 0.016 0.019 0.014 0.026 0.02 50

Red – exceeds Project Standard

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3.3 Biological environment

3.3.1 Area of influence - biodiversity

The AOI for biodiversity is shown in Table 3-23 and Figure 3-6. The literature review
covered the whole 10 km AOI, however, the survey area focused just on the Project
Development Area and a 50 m buffer to identify species and habitats that may be affected
by indirect impacts.

Table 3-23 AOI - biodiversity

Topic Construction phase Operations phase

2 km from the site boundary
to reflect the use of artificial
The physical footprint of 1 km radial distance from the
the Project plus a 50 m flare to reflect noise
buffer, to reflect the generated during non-routine
removal of vegetation flaring events (as above).
and loss of ecological 2 km radial distance from the
receptors within the flare (pilot flame) to reflect the
Biodiversity main site and along the change in visual setting
flowlines. during routine operations that
2 km from site may affect biodiversity.
boundary and flowlines 10 km from flare during non-
to reflect the use of routine events (such as an
artificial lights. emergency blowdown), as an
approximate distance from
where the flare is expected to
be visible.

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Figure 3-6 AOA and AOI - biodiversity

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3.3.2 Past field data collection in the Project area
Secondary data were used to characterise the biodiversity of the Project area, provide
context to the information returned from the biodiversity field surveys and to identify
potential critical habitat qualifying features. Secondary data sources in the Project area
• previous surveys undertaken by others:
o Nature Iraq (2008 and 2017) Key Biodiversity Surveys of Kurdistan,
Northern Iraq
o Ararat (2009) Key Biodiversity Areas: Rapid Assessment of Birds in
Kurdistan, Northern Iraq
• Integrated Biodiversity Tool for Business
• Protected Planet
• World Wildlife Fund Global Ecoregions
• Nature Conservancy Ecoregional Assessments
• Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Biodiversity Hotspots
• Wetlands International’s Critical Site Network Tool
• International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened Species
• freely available satellite imagery and land cover classification
• previous environmental impact studies:
o Worley Parsons (2007) Kurdistan Gas Project Environmental Impact
Assessment Volume i: Gas Pipeline from Khormor to Erbil. Crescent
Petroleum Dana Gas (CPDG)
o ERM (2015) Khor Mor Gas Plant: Environmental Impact Assessment,
o MapCom (2010) Environmental Baseline Study, Environmental Social
Impact Assessment Report Khor Mor Block.

3.3.3 Current field data collection in the Project area

Nature Iraq, a Kurdish group, was commissioned by RSK to undertake a biodiversity
baseline survey between 26 September and 1 October 2019. The Nature Iraq surveyors
were supported by experienced ecologists from RSK. The primary objective of the
surveys was to identify the priority biodiversity values for the Project. The study area for
the field survey comprised the Project footprint and a 50 m buffer area surrounding the
fenceline and along the flowlines. The survey locations within this study area are
presented in Figure 3-7. These biodiversity baseline surveys are discussed below in more

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Figure 3-7 Biodiversity baseline survey locations

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182279-17 (05) Habitats and flora
A rapid walkover habitat and botany survey was undertaken between 28 September and
2 October 2019 by Nature Iraq. The dominant habitat types located within the study area
were identified and their floristic composition was characterised by a botanical specialist.
The survey confirmed the presence/likely absence of any rare or threatened habitats of
conservation importance within the study area.
The survey also confirmed the presence/likely absence of any vascular plant species of
conservation importance. In the context of this baseline assessment, vascular plants of
conservation importance are defined as nationally and/or globally rare or threatened
species, and endemic and/or restricted range species. Focus was given to species that
may trigger critical habitat in accordance with PS6 (IFC, 2012).
Habitat mapping was undertaken using visual interpretation of satellite imagery,
supplemented by existing baseline data and ground-truthing conducted during the
surveys. Satellite imagery used for habitat mapping was based on Vivid Digital Globe
aerial imagery (2015). The mapping was further validated and refined based on the
findings of the field surveys to include any priority habitats that were not previously
Habitats were further categorised into modified and natural habitats in accordance with
IFC PS6 criteria (IFC, 2012) which defines these as follows:
• Natural habitats are areas composed of viable assemblages of plant and or
animal species of largely native origin, and or where human activity has not
essentially modified an area’s primary ecological functions and species
• Modified habitats are areas of land that support a large proportion of flora and
or fauna species that are non-native in origin, and or where human activity has
substantially modified an area’s primary ecological functions and species
Areas composed of shrubland habitat were considered to be transitional habitat 5. These
areas are included as modified habitats. Walkover priority fauna survey

A walkover priority fauna survey of the study area was undertaken between 28
September and 2 October 2019 by a fauna specialist. The primary objective of the survey
was to increase the current level of understanding regarding the presence/likely absence
of priority fauna species’ habitat usage in the study area including mammals, reptiles,
amphibians and invertebrates. Priority fauna of conservation importance are defined as
nationally and/or globally rare or threatened species, and endemic and/or restricted range
species and congregatory species present in significant numbers. Surveyors searched
for direct evidence (i.e. sightings, vocalisations) and indirect evidence of fauna activity
(i.e. prints, scats, feeding remains, scents-urine). Surveyors used binoculars to maximise
their field of vision.

5Transitional habitats are habitats in the process of becoming modified but that have the potential for restoration,
and which may support important ecosystem functions and connectivity.
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If evidence of a priority fauna or flora species was observed, the following parameters
were recorded:
• species
• location
• type of observation: direct evidence (i.e. sighting, call) and indirect evidence
(e.g. faeces, prints, feeding remains, nests, burrows etc.)
• number of observations
• surrounding habitat type
• photographs taken where possible. Small mammal trapping

Small mammal traps were deployed over the five-day field survey. The traps were baited
with nuts and meat to entice small mammals and reptiles, and positioned in suitable
habitat for reptiles and small mammals (scrub and long grass) in locations shown in Table
3-24 and Figure 3-7. The traps were checked early each morning and set again in the
late afternoon to ensure that animals are not trapped for long periods of time without food
or water. Species were photographed and identified before being released.

Table 3-24 Locations of small mammal traps

Equipment Northing Easting

Small mammal trap 1 35.127052° 44.824369°
Small mammal trap 2 35.143803° 44.815793°
Small mammal trap 3 35.138005° 44.811548° Camera trapping

Five high-definition infrared camera traps were strategically installed in a range of habitat
types of likely occurrence for priority fauna (i.e. in habitats where indirect evidence was
previously identified, near wildlife trails, potential watering points, etc.) based on prior
knowledge of the target species’ ecology and movement patterns. This aimed to increase
the likelihood of detecting priority species. Habitat condition is one factor that may affect
the movement of mammals throughout the study area, hence where possible, camera
traps were not placed amongst highly disturbed habitats. The cameras were left in-situ at
locations shown in Table 3-25 and Figure 3-7 for a period of up to 21 days. The camera
traps were collected, and the photographic data were then analysed.

Table 3-25 Locations of camera traps

Equipment Northing Easting

Camera trap 1 35.127052° 44.824369°
Camera trap 2 35.141154° 44.829062°
Camera trap 3 35.143803° 44.815793°
Camera trap 4 35.138005° 44.811548°
Camera trap 5 35.130278° 44.808541°

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182279-17 (05) Birds
A bird survey was undertaken between 28 September and 2 October 2019 by an
ornithologist. The survey began between one or two hours after sunrise to coincide with
peak bird activity. All bird species that were sighted or heard vocalising were recorded on
field maps along with notes of behavior. Binoculars and a scope were used to increase
the surveyor’s field of vision. Focus was given to priority bird species of conservation
importance namely: nationally and/or globally rare or threatened species, endemic and/or
restricted range species, and congregatory and migratory bird species present in
significant numbers. Bats
A Song Meter 4 (SM4) detector was placed close to aquatic habitat considered suitable
for foraging bats (Latitude N 35.138005° Longitude E 44.811548°) and set to record for
a period of two nights. The detector commenced recording 15 minutes before sunset and
ceased recording 15 minutes after sunrise. The bat calls obtained from the static bat
detector surveys were analysed using appropriate sound analysis software.
The data was analysed to:
• characterise the habitat usage of the study area by priority bats species (i.e.
nationally and/or globally rare or threatened species, endemic/restricted range
species and congregatory species)
• assess species composition in the study area
• gauge the presence of a significant number of roosting bats.

3.3.4 Critical habitat assessment

RSK conducted a critical habitat assessment (CHA) (RSK, 2020) which provided a
technical assessment of the extent of natural and critical habitats of relevance to the
proposed KM250A Project. Natural and critical habitats are areas of high biodiversity
value, where stringent requirements must be met if Project activities are to be permitted
within them. An impact assessment on the qualifying species was subsequently
conducted (which did not identify any significant impacts to any qualifying species or
Critical habitats are areas with high biodiversity value determined on the basis of meeting
one or more of the following criteria defined by IFC (2012):
• Criterion 1: habitats of significant importance to critically endangered (CR)
and/or endangered (EN) species
• Criterion 2: habitat of significant importance to endemic and/or restricted-range
• Criterion 3: habitat supporting globally important concentrations of migratory
and/or congregatory species
• Criterion 4: highly threatened and/or unique ecosystems
• Criterion 5: areas associated with key evolutionary processes.
The fulfilment of any one of these criteria is enough to qualify habitat as critical. Critical
habitats can be either natural habitats or modified. The presence of critical habitat does
not necessarily mean that the project will impact particular critical habitat-qualifying
features. A number of scenarios are possible, from impacts that are negligible, readily
avoided or temporary, to those that are significant, long-term and challenging to mitigate.
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However, being within critical habitat does mean that the project developer needs to pay
special attention to the management of biodiversity impacts. Methodology
The determination of critical habitat is initially undertaken in isolation of any proposed
project activities. The following steps were followed in assessing candidate species
against Criteria 1 to 3:
1. define the overall ecologically appropriate area of analysis (AOA)
2. prepare a list of candidate species to include in the assessment
3. obtain or calculate the global extent of occurrence6 (EOO), area of occupancy 7
(AOO), population size and/or number of known sites for candidate species
4. obtain or calculate:
a. the EOO, AOO, population size and/or number of known sites of each
candidate species within the area of analysis
b. for CR, EN and vulnerable (VU) species that are wide-ranging and/or
whose population distribution is not well understood, an assessment of
the importance of the broader landscape was made based on literature
review and professional judgement
5. calculate the proportion of the global or national EOO, AOO and/or population
represented by these results
6. screen outputs against significance thresholds.
The AOA was determined using interpretation of aerial imagery to select an appropriate
area of homogenous habitat type and supporting similar species, as shown in Figure 3-6.
The KM250A Project is located in moist steppe habitat in undulating terrain. This habitat
type extends out to the mountain range to the east and a similar ridge to the west. The
northern extent of the AOA includes a network of roads and settlements that are likely to
form a barrier to movement to most species. The southern boundary is represented by
the Awa Spi river running west to east which appears to delineate a flatter habitat area
comprising lower lying wetland type habitats and small river valleys which is likely to
support a different range of species than the KM250A Project AOA. The AOA is
approximately 4,785 km2 in area. The AOA is used as the basis for a landscape-based
approach to assess potential biodiversity risks so encompasses a much larger area than
the AOI for the KM250A Project construction phase, also shown in Figure 3-6.
For the Criterion 4 method, the IUCN is developing a Red List of Ecosystems (IUCN-
CEM, 2016; IFC, 2019), following a similar approach to the IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species (2019). Where formal IUCN assessments of ecosystems have been undertaken,
these should be used to assess habitats for Criterion 4. Where no formal IUCN
assessments have been undertaken, habitats may trigger Criterion 4 if they are
determined to be of high priority for conservation by regional or national systematic
conservation planning.

6 EOO is defined as the area contained within the shortest continuous imaginary boundary which can be drawn to
encompass all the known, inferred or projected sites of present occurrence of a species, excluding cases of
vagrancy This measure may exclude discontinuities or disjunctions within the overall distributions of taxa e.g.
large areas of obviously unsuitable habitat (IUCN, 2001).
7 AOO is defined as the area within a species extent of occurrence which is occupied by that species, excluding

cases of vagrancy. This measure reflects the fact that a species will not usually occur throughout the full area of
its EOO, which may contain unsuitable or unoccupied habitats (IUCN, 2001).
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For the Criterion 5 method, the structural attributes of a region, such as its topography,
geology, soil, temperature and vegetation, and combinations of these variables, can
influence the evolutionary processes that give rise to regional configurations of species
and ecological properties (IFC, 2019). This criterion will typically be triggered in areas
that have been previously investigated and that are already known or suspected to be
associated with unique evolutionary processes. It is further noted that while systematic
methods to measure and prioritise evolutionary processes in a landscape do exist, they
are typically beyond a reasonable expectation of studies conducted by the private sector. Critical Habitat Assessment findings

Table 3-26 summarises the Critical Habitat Assessment (RSK, 2020) key findings.
Consultation with various experts (Nature Iraq, University of Sulaymaniyah and Polytechnic
University of Sulaymaniyah) was undertaken to refine the findings of the Critical Habitat
Assessment. Implications of Project activities on potential critical habitat triggers are
discussed in Section

Table 3-26 Summary of findings of the CHA

IFC PS6 criteria IFC PS6 Critical habitat-qualifying features


Habitats of significant 1a Euphrates softshell turtle reptile

(Rafetus euphraticus)
importance to endangered or
critically endangered species 1b No critical habitat-qualifying features

1c Euphrates softshell turtle reptile

(Rafetus euphraticus)
steppe eagle (Aquila bird

Habitats of significant 2 Thymus neurophyllus plant

importance to endemic or yellowfin barbel fish
geographically restricted (Luciobarbus
species xanthopterus)

Siebenrock's Caspian reptile

turtle (Mauremys capsica)
binni (Mesopotamichthys fish

Habitats supporting globally 3a No critical habitat-qualifying features

significant (concentrations of)
migratory or congregatory 3b No critical habitat-qualifying features

4a No critical habitat-qualifying features

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IFC PS6 criteria IFC PS6 Critical habitat-qualifying features

Highly threatened or unique 4b No critical habitat-qualifying features


Areas associated with key not applicable No critical habitat-qualifying features

evolutionary processes

Protected areas and not applicable No critical habitat-qualifying features

internationally recognised
areas of high biodiversity value Impact assessment on critical habitat qualifying species

An impact assessment was conducted on the critical habitat qualifying species presented
in Table 3-26 and the results are presented in the full CHA report (RSK, 2020). The impact
assessment considered:
• species ecology
• habitat preference
• population and trends
• stake of knowledge
• species sensitivity.
The impact assessment did not identify significant impacts to the species presented in
Table 3-26..

3.3.5 Biodiversity baseline conditions Eco-regions
The Project is located in an area known as the Zagros Mountain Forest Steppe eco-
region. Zagros Mountain Forest Steppe is one of the most divergent eco-regions for plant
habitat as it is part of the Taurus-Zagros Mountain range, which has a unique
geographical formation that occupies 7 % of the entire KRI (Ahmad et al., 2018).
The Zagros Mountain Forest Steppe eco-region is mainly populated by oak-dominant
deciduous forests and pistachio-almond forest with a diverse population of steppe flora.
The key known fauna of this eco-region includes brown bear (Ursus arctos), Asiatic black
bear (Ursus thibetanus), eagles (Aquila sp), wild goats (Capra aegragus), sheep (Ovis
orientalis), wolves (Canis lupus), leopards (Panthera pardus) and other wild cats (Felis
sp). It should be noted that these species have not been recorded in the study area
according to available information. Anthropogenic activities within the study area (i.e.
cultivation and overgrazing) has resulted in extensive natural habitat loss in the region.

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The Project area is not located within any nationally or internationally designated
protected areas for biodiversity. The closest designated area for biodiversity to the Project
area is the Chemchemal Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) and Important Bird Area (IBA)
which are located approximately 12 km south-west of the Project area (Figure 3-8; site
#IQ035, Sulaimani-35.421389°N 44.618333°E). KBAs are sites that contribute
significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity, in terrestrial, freshwater and marine
ecosystems and IBAs are places of international significance for the conservation of birds
and other biodiversity (Birdlife International, 2019a).
Chemchemal KBA and IBA is located in the Moist Steppe Zone. The site is known to
support the Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliacal) during the winter months which is
categorised as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019). The
KBA/IBA also supports breeding populations of two Mediterranean, three Irano-Turanian
and three Sahara-Sindian Desert biome-restricted bird species (Birdlife International,
2019b). Other fauna species of conservation importance that have been recorded in the
KBA/IBA include the goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) which is categorised by
IUCN (2019) as VU at the global scale and CR in the Mediterranean. This KBA/IBA has
been adversely impacted by habitat loss and degradation arising from urban
development, grazing and poor urban waste management.

Figure 3-8 Photograph of Chemchemal KBA and IBA (Nature Iraq, 2017) Habitats
Nature Iraq (2019) has identified the following zones of plant communities in Kurdistan:
• dry steppe zones (recorded in Kalar and Fishkhaboor-Syrian Border)
• moist steppe zone (recorded in Dukan, Atrush Sangaw)
• forest zones - primarily Quercus sp forests however, pine forest is restricted to
the Amadiya district of Dohuk in Zawita.
A habitat map providing an overview of the habitats within the AOI and surrounding area
is presented as Figure 3-9 and photographs are shown in Figure 3-10 to Figure 3-12. The
area is located within the moist steppe zone in Kurdistan (Guest, 1966). The majority of
the habitats located within the survey area are categorised as modified habitats. These
modified habitats include agro-pastoral land (predominantly cropland), unsurfaced roads,

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cleared ground and urban settlements. Natural habitats comprised steppe grassland, an
ephemeral stream and a small pond with small stands of reedbeds located within the
riparian zone. The Project area is dominated by grazed steppe grassland that had been
modified by cutting in recent years. Small areas of scattered scrubs were present within
these modified habitats. Habitats of conservational importance at the Project level are
the steppe grassland, the pond and ephemeral waterbodies.

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Figure 3-9 Habitat map

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Figure 3-10 Steppe grassland habitat

Figure 3-11 Typical cropland habitat with shrubs

Figure 3-12 Pond and reedbed Flora
The botanical survey confirmed the presence of twenty vascular plant species within the
study area (Appendix 4, Table A4.1). Of these, the status of only seven species have
been assessed by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019). These assessed
species are common and widespread in nature and as such are categorised as least
concern (LC).
Most unassessed species are native to multiple countries and therefore not classed as
endemics. However, the Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist (Roskov et al., 2019)
indicates that Lomelosia leucactis (synonym Scabiosa leucactis) may have a range that
is restricted to north-west Iraq. Further analysis and consultation with biodiversity experts
have confirmed that these species are not of conservation importance for the KM250A
The literature review identified that a total of 56 species of flora were observed by
MapCom (2018) as part of surveys undertaken for the development of the Khor Mor LPG
facility, none of which are considered threatened (IUCN, 2019 and Nature Iraq, 2017).
Ecology surveys undertaken in the Chemchemal KBA and IBA by Nature Iraq in 2008

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(Nature Iraq, 2017) confirmed the presence of 57 species of vascular plants. At the time
of this survey, the ecological condition of the KBA/IBA was identified as being 75%
disturbed. The dominant recorded plants were the trees Salix aegyptiaca (not assessed
by IUCN (2019)) and white poplar (Populus alba; LC); the shrub Rubus sanctus (not
assessed by IUCN (2019)), the thistle (silybum marianum; LC) and common reed
(Phragmites australis; LC).
Two plant species were recorded for the first time in Kurdistan, namely: Brassica
tournefortii (LC) and Euphorbia boissieriana (not assessed by IUCN (2019)). Key flora
species found within the Chemchemal KBA and IBA with potential to occur in the Project
area are Carlina kurdica, Pisum sativum and Paronychia kurdica; three species endemic
to all four parts of Kurdistan (Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey) and two species which are
locally endemic (Kurdistan Iraq); Dianthus basianicus and Ornithogalum iraqense are
both CR according to the IUCN Red List. In addition, Xi Zang Xiao Mai (Triticum aestivum;
IUCN 2019 listed data deficient) and Triticum durum (not assessed by IUCN 2019) were
found in the Chemchemal area. These species are cultivars specific to the region and
therefore of significance as genetic resources.
A complete list of threatened, rare and/or endemic plants is not yet available for Iraq,
however Nature Iraq (2017) have proposed that five vascular plant species, presented in
Appendix 4 (Table A4.1) recorded in the northern region of Iraq in 2008 should be
considered. Habitats located within the study area have the potential to support these
species. The conservation status of these species has been categorised by IUCN (2019)
as LC, with the exception of Quercus macranthera and Linum velutinum, which have not
been assessed. The Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist (Roskov et al., 2019)
indicates that Quercus macranthera ranges across Iran, Lebanon-Syria, North Caucasus,
Transcaucasus and Turkey, whilst Linum velutinum may have a range that is restricted
to north-west Iraq. Further analysis and consultation with biodiversity experts have
confirmed that these species are not of conservation importance for the KM250A Project. Bats
The bat survey confirmed the presence of Kuhl's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii) within the
study area. This species is common and widespread in nature and as such is categorised
as LC by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019). This species is congregatory
in nature with summer colonies typically numbering 30-100 individuals (IUCN, 2019).
There are twenty species of bat present in Iraq included on the IUCN Rd List of
Threatened Species (2019). Of these, 17 are classified as LC, one is categorised as NT
(the Mediterranean horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus euryale)) and two species are
categorised as VU (the long-fingered bat (Myotis capaccinii) and Mehely’s horseshoe bat
(Rhinolophus mehelyi)) (Table 3-27).
The long-fingered bat is sparsely populated throughout its range and is in a state of
decline throughout its range. There are isolated populations from Iberia, through the
northern Mediterranean, Anatolia into Iran, Iraq and Northern Africa. The species is
dependent on aquatic habitats (including artificial waterbodies) for foraging and has a
roosting preference for caves. Although present in Iraq, the species range does not
directly overlap the Project AOI and this species presence cannot be discounted within
the wider study area.

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Mehely’s horseshoe bat forages in Mediterranean scrubland and woodland, in dry
steppes with particular links to water bodies (Salsamendi et al., 2012). This species
almost exclusively roosts in caves or abandoned mines and doesn’t use artificial habitats.
The species is largely restricted to the Mediterranean, but it does have a fragmented
distribution from north Africa and southern Europe, through Anatolia to Transcaucasia,
Iran and Afghanistan. The species is present in Iraq, but only in one isolated area north
of Erbil (north of the Project AOI). The Project AOI lies between this population and the
known range in Iran so whilst it is unlikely that the Mehely’s horseshoe bat is present in
the AOI, it cannot be discounted altogether.

Table 3-27 Rare and threatened bat species within ranges that overlap the AOI

Common Scientific IUCN Habitat of occurrence (IUCN, 2019)

name name (2019)
Wetlands (inland), Caves and
Long-fingered Myotis
Vulnerable Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic),
bat capaccinii
Rhinolophus Shrubland, Caves and Subterranean
Horseshoe Vulnerable
mehelyi Habitats (non-aquatic)
Bat Other mammals

The 50 m perimeter wire fencing that surrounds the Project is likely to prevent access by
fauna into this area thus restricting habitat usage of most medium and large sized, non-
burrowing fauna species within the Project footprint (Figure 3-13 and Figure 3-14).
However, gaps and push throughs were observed in some areas allowing access to

Figure 3-13 Khor Mor perimeter fence at coordinate 35.143803°(N), 44.815793° (E)

Figure 3-14 Khor Mor perimeter fence at coordinate 35.141154°(N), 44.829062° (E)

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The fauna baseline survey confirmed the presence of six mammal species (Table 3-28).
These species are common and widespread in nature and as such are categorised by
IUCN (2019) as LC. The presence of Indian grey mongoose, wild cat, red fox and short-
tailed bandicoot rat in the survey area was confirmed during the camera trapping survey
(Figure 3-15).
There was some uncertainty regarding the speciation of the short-tailed bandicoot rat
(Nesokia indica) based on the camera trapping data. Further examination of captured
animal would be required to exclude the possible presence of the Bunni's short-tailed
bandicoot rat (Nesokia bunni) as this species shares similar morphological characteristics
to the short-tailed bandicoot rat. Bunni's short-tailed bandicoot rat is IUCN listed EN at
the global scale and endemic to Iraq (IUCN, 2019) and as such would be of high
conservation importance for the Project. However, the likelihood of the occurrence of
Bunni's short-tailed bandicoot rat within the survey area is low as this species is
reportedly endemic to the marshlands of south-eastern Iraq in the Tigris and Euphrates
Valleys (IUCN, 2019).

Table 3-28 Mammal species identified during baseline surveys in the study area in

Common Scientific
(2019) Habitat of occurrence (IUCN, 2019)
name name
Indian grey Grassland, shrubland, urban areas,
mongoose LC dry secondary forests and thorn
(Figure 3-15) forests.
Inhabit a wide variety of habitats
wild cat including deserts, scrub grassland,
Felis silvestris LC
(Figure 3-15) forests, marsh boundaries and along
sea coasts and scrub desert.
Desert, forests, urban areas, mixed
landscapes with abundant "edge" of
red fox
Vulpes vulpes LC scrub and woodland, moorlands,
(Figure 3-15)
mountains, sand dunes and
agricultural areas.
Tropical and sub-tropical dry
deciduous forests, scrublands,
grasslands, arable land, pastures,
short-tailed plantations, natural grasslands,
bandicoot rat Nesokia indica LC cultivated fields & orchards.
(Figure 3-15) The species typically lives in moist
soils near permanent water sources in
areas of dense vegetation including
agricultural areas.
Inhabits a wide variety of habitats
golden jackal Canis aureus LC including forests, grassland,
shrubland and savanna
Very wide range of man-made
habitats, arable land, pastures,
house mouse Mus musculus LC coastal sand dunes, salt marshes,
and scrubby road verges. Tend not to
be found in forests and deserts.

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Indian grey mongooses (17/10/2019) Wild cat (09/10/2019)

Red fox (07/10/2019) Short-tailed bandicoot rat (12/10/2019)

Figure 3-15 Photographs from cameral trapping survey

The Chemchemal KBA and IBA has been recorded as supporting the goitered gazelle
(IUCN listed VU at the global scale and CR in the Mediterranean) (BirdLife International,
2019b; IUCN, 2019). The goitered gazelle inhabits a wide range of semi-desert and
desert habitats and has a range that extends from Mongolia and north-west China
through Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and a small portion of
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) through Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The global population
is in a state of decline due to illegal hunting for subsistence and trophy hunting, and
habitat loss due to economic development and agro-pastoral development. This species
habitat usage is reportedly restricted to protected areas in Iran (IUCN, 2019) and as such
is unlikely to inhabit the study area.
Based on secondary data, rapid screening was undertaken to determine the likely
occurrence of other fauna species of conservation importance for the Project within the
study area. The results are presented in Appendix 1 (Table A1.5 to A1.8). Surveys
undertaken by MapCom in 2008 identified a total 12 mammals and several

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domesticated/livestock mammals (MapCom, 2010) but none are considered threatened
(by IUCN, 2019 and Nature Iraq, 2017). In addition, the globally vulnerable goitered
gazelle Gazella subgutturosa was reported by locals during other surveys by Nature Iraq
in the region.
The literature review identified nine fauna species with IUCN ranges that overlap with the
study area (IUCN, 2019). Of these, only one species has potential to occur in the Project
footprint, marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna; global VU; Europe VU; Mediterranean
VU), assuming polecats are able to climb the perimeter fence. Other species of
conservation importance with potential to use habitats in the wider study area are Arabian
sand gazelle (Gazella maric; IUCN listed VU) and striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena; IUCN
listed NT on the global scale and VU in the Mediterranean). Avifauna
The ornithology survey confirmed the presence of 29 species of bird within the survey
area (Appendix 4, Table A4.2). These species are common and widespread in nature
and as such are categorised as LC by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019).
Of these, 16 species are migratory and five species are congregatory (and dispersive) in
nature. The literature review identified 12 species of rare and threatened birds with IUCN
ranges that overlap with the study area and 59 species known to be present in the area
from previous surveys by Nature Iraq in 2009 and 2013 as shown in Appendix 1, Table
A1.7). There is potential for these species to use habitats in the study area. The Project
footprint and wider study area are not considered to provide suitable habitat to support
globally significant numbers of migratory and/or congregatory bird species. Reptiles and amphibians

Two reptile species and one amphibian species were recorded by Nature Iraq during the
biodiversity baseline surveys in 2019. The two reptile species, the Caspian turtle
(Mauremys capsica) and the large-scaled agama (Laudakia nupta) have not been
assessed by the IUCN whilst the European marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) is
categorised as LC by IUCN (2019).
According to IUCN (2019), there are nine species of herpetofauna of conservation
importance that are found in Iraq which are listed as follows:
• Lake Urmia newt (Neurergus crocatus) - VU
• Uromastyx aegyptia - VU
• Kurdistan newt (Neurergus microspilotus) - VU
• Euphrates softshell turtle (Rafetus euphraticus) - EN
• Armenian viper (Vipera raddei) - NT
• common tortoise (Testudo graeca) - VU
• siirt lizard (Timon princeps) - LC
• black-headed snake (Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus) - LC
• Siebenrock’s Caspian turtle (Mauremys caspica) – near threatened.
According to IUCN (2019), the Lake Urmia newt and Kurdistan newt appear to have
ranges that are located in relatively close proximity to the AOI but do not overlap directly
with the Project area. The Euphrates softshell turtle and the common tortoise both have
a distribution that encompass the AOI.

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The Euphrates softshell turtle is almost exclusively riverine, preferring permanent and
temporary tributaries and oxbow lakes, as well as slow-flowing sections of main river
channels. The species has undergone a severe population decline over the last 15 years,
and with Iraq encompassing the majority of its range, the species has been classed as
EN. The major threat to the species has been the anthropogenic alteration and
destruction of suitable habitat. Within Iraq, several marshlands were drained in the years
post the Gulf war which significantly impacted the Iraqi population of the species. Oil
development is also seen as a major threat to the species within Iraq (Taskavak et al.
The common tortoise’s natural habitat includes semi-arid scrub and Mediterranean forest
to the verges of semi-desert, where it can be found inhabiting outcrops of Euphorbia. If
found in the southern parts of the species range, individuals are active during the warm
winter periods and then estivate during the hotter summer. In northern ranges, this cycle
is reversed (IUCN, 2019).
The Armenian viper is present in Turkey, Armenia, Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) and Iraq,
with fragmented populations also in the mountains of north-western Iran and is restricted
in range to these areas. Little is known about its range in Iraq. This species is generally
found in rocky montane areas with sparse scrubby vegetation at elevations above 1,000m
above sea level. Animals may occasionally be found at rocky sites within woodlands
(IUCN 2019).
The siirt lizard occurs in north-eastern Syria, south-eastern Turkey, south-western Iran
(the central Zagros Mountains), and possibly northern Iraq (IUCN 2019)
The black headed snake ranges discontinuously from eastern Turkey, southwards to
western Syria, Lebanon, Israel and western and central Jordan, possibly extreme north
Saudi Arabia and eastwards to Armenia, Azerbaijan, northern Iraq and western Iran
(Central Province and Khuzistan Province). It also occurs as an isolated population at
Santa Katarina on the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) (IUCN 2019).
Four subspecies of the Caspian turtle are recognized: the eastern Caspian turtle,
Siebenrock's Caspian turtle, the spotted-bellied Caspian turtle, and the western Caspian
turtle. Siebenrock's Caspian turtle (M. c. siebenrocki) occurs in Iran and Iraq, with relict
populations in Saudi Arabia and on the island of Bahrain; it intergrades with M. c. caspica
in Mesopotamia (Fritz et al 1997). Invertebrates
No specific invertebrate surveys were undertaken as part of the baseline surveys, as
such, no invertebrates were identified. In Iraq, there are 61 species of insect that have
been assessed on the IUCN Global Red list of threatened species. Of these, the majority
(41) are of the family Odonata – or dragonflies. Two dragonfly species, waved pincertail
(Onychogomphus flexuosus) and dark-winged groundling (Bracyhthemis fuscopalliata)
are classified as VU. The Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) is also listed as VU. Four
species of insect are classified as near threatened whilst the remaining 54 are either LC
or data deficient.

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182279-17 (05) Fish
According to IUCN (2019), there are five species of fish of conservation importance that
are found in Iraq which are listed as follows:
• Mesopotamian bream - LC
• yellowfin barbel (Luciobarbus xanthopterus) - VU
• pike barbel (Luciobarbus esocinus) - VU
• binni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) - VU
• leopard barbel (Luciobarbus subquincunciatus) - CR.
No riverine habitats were surveyed as part of the baseline survey.

3.4 Social baseline

The following section summarises the results of the social baseline surveys, which form
part of the ESIA.

3.4.1 Methodology Area of influence - social

The AOI for the social baseline is defined by a radius of approximately 10 km around the
proposed facility. There are a total of 18 Project-affected communities (PACs) within the
AOI. It is important to note that:
• This excludes the community of Aziz Bag which, although falling geographically
within the AOI, has been abandoned and is currently uninhabited.
• This includes the community of Takeya Jabari which, although falling
geographically outside the AOI (by approximately 5 km), has been included
based on its relatively large population size (1,575), availability of social
infrastructure and services (e.g. school, health care centre, local government
office, police post) and location (on the main transport routes to the Project
site) 8.
The AOI is divided into two spheres, based on the degree of potential influence by and
proximity to the Project. The two spheres are defined as follows:
• primary sphere of influence: comprising PACs that may be directly affected by
permanent and/or temporary loss of access to crop and/or pasture land as a
result of the Project, or may experience direct health and safety risks
• secondary sphere of influence: comprising PACs that may be indirectly
affected by the Project and the potential in-migration of people into the area.
Professional judgement, supported by a preliminary field assessment, was used to define
which PACs fell into which sphere of influence. The PACs located in the AOI,
disaggregated by sphere of influence, are outlined in Table 3-29 and shown in Figure

8 Aside from Takeya Jabari, there are no communities within 5 km of the AOI that have similarly large population
sizes and available social infrastructure and services. The closest community to the AOI, which possesses such
features, is Chemchemal, located approximately 65 km away.
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Table 3-29 PACs within the AOI

Primary sphere of influence Secondary sphere of influence

Awaye Jalal Aliawa
Kani Qadir Qala Ali Mustafa
Khor Mor Gawra Chala Dwana
Khor Mor Bichuk Cham Surkhaw
Mamisik Ibrahim Ghulam
Shekh Hameed Paryawla
Taza Shar Qadir Karim
Zhazh Qarah Chewar
Takeya Jabari
Takhta Mina Saru

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Figure 3-16 Social baseline primary and secondary spheres of influence
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182279-17 (05) Data collection
Qualitative and quantitative secondary data were collected from various sources to
provide contextual information at the regional and governorate level, including:
• environmental and social studies undertaken in recent years for the existing
facility and proposed projects:
• ERM (2015) Khor Mor Gas Plant: Environmental Impact Assessment
• HKN Energy Limited (2018) ESIA Report for the Wellsite Production Facility,
Sarsang Block, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
• the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (2018) Kurdistan Gas Project Impact
Assessment Report
• MapCom (2018) ESIA Report for KM-9, KM-10 and KM-12 in Khor Mor Block
• internal documents published by CPDG
• reports published by national agencies, research institutes and international
• research papers published in academic journals
• public internet sources.
Quantitative and qualitative primary data on the PACs were collected through household
interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), visual
observations of road conditions, traffic volumes and land use and an archaeology and
cultural heritage walkover survey. These activities were conducted by a field team 9
between 24 September and 07 November 2019.
Table 3-30 shows the different data collection activities which were conducted in each
PAC. The activities undertaken in each PAC were determined by whether the PAC was
located in the primary or secondary sphere of influence (as defined in Section
In the primary sphere, more in-depth data collection (e.g. household interviews, women’s
focus groups) was undertaken, reflecting the expectation that these PACs may be directly
affected by the Project and/or be exposed to direct health and safety risks. In the
secondary sphere, less intensive data collection was undertaken, reflecting the
expectation that these PACs may be indirectly affected by the Project and/or the potential
in-migration of people into the area. As described above, observations of land use were
made and an archaeology and cultural heritage walkover survey was also conducted in
the AOI. KII and FGD were also undertaken with flowline land owners and land users.
In total, 145 household interviews were held across eight PACs (representing 80% of
households in the primary sphere of influence, based on data provided by the village

9 The field team consisted of six local social consultants, one local environmental consultant and an archaeologist
from the University of Sulaymaniyah.
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Table 3-30 Data collection activities in the PACs

KII with village leader KII and KII and Observations of road
Household FGD with
Activities (Anjuman) or Sub- observations observations conditions and traffic
interviews women
District Manager (SDM) (schools) (health facilities) volumes
Primary sphere of influence
Zhazh   
Khor Mor Gawra     
Khor Mor Bichuk    
Awaye Jalal    
Taza Shar    
Shekh Hameed    
Kani Qadir Qala   
Mamisik    
Secondary sphere of influence
Chala Dwana 
Ali Mustafa 
Takhta Mina Saru 
Ibrahim Ghulam 
Qadir Karim    
Cham Surkhaw  
Aliawa 
Qarah Chewar 
Paryawla 
Takeya Jabari   

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Household survey data were entered into a Microsoft Access database. Data was
subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and descriptive qualitative analysis to inform
the social baseline.
The primary data has been compiled, interpreted, triangulated and embedded within
secondary data at the regional and governorate level to develop the socio-economic
baseline. The data has provided the basis for the identification and assessment of Project
impacts on social receptors and a robust basis for future comparison, enabling the
recording and monitoring of changes that take place in the socio-economic environment
as a result of the Project. Data assumptions and considerations

For the purpose of the social baseline, it has been assumed that no significant changes
will take place in the AOI between the time of data collection and the submission of the
ESIA report and that data provided by the most informants (e.g. households, village
Anjuman, women) is accurate and reliable.
Data considerations include (but are not limited to) the following:
• The last census was held in Iraq in 1997 and did not include the Kurdistan
Region; in the absence of a formal census, secondary data from trustworthy
sources (e.g. government ministries, international organisations such as the
World Bank) have been utilised.
• As of March 2014, the KRI comprises four governorates (see Section 3.4.3).
The most recently established governorate – Halabja – was previously part of
the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah. Secondary data on Halabja is often
subsumed within data on Sulaymaniyah at the governorate level and hence it
is not always possible to differentiate between the two. Disaggregated data on
Halabja has been provided as far as possible.
• Primary data on annual income and expenditure were difficult to obtain, with
70% of households interviewed being unwilling to disclose information due to
concerns that this would influence their eligibility for employment opportunities
and/or other benefits associated with the existing facility, or, in the case of low
income households, concerns about pride.
• The village Anjuman of Aliawa declined to participate in an interview at the time
of the social baseline surveys, the reason being that he was absent from the
area at the time and was unwilling to return for the interview. To manage this
problem, data provided by the Anjuman of the remaining PACs have been
relied upon.
• As outlined in Section 3.4.3, 80% of households in the primary sphere of
influence were interviewed. It was not possible to interview every household as
some only live in the PACs part time and were not present at the time of the
social baseline surveys (see Section 3.4.4). Data provided by the village
Anjuman, who have extensive knowledge and a comprehensive understanding
of their communities, has been used to supplement the household interview

3.4.2 Political history

The KRI is an autonomous federated region in Iraq which borders Iran to the east, Turkey
to the north and Syria to the west. It has a distinct culture, language and national identity.

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Numerous attempts at sovereignty were made during the 20th century, including revolts
against the British following the First World War and during the First Iraqi-Kurdish War of
the 1960s (The Kurdish Project, 2015). The KRI first became autonomous in March 1970,
following an agreement between the Iraqi government and the Kurds (also known as the
1970 Peace Accord).
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was established in 2003 and referendums
for independence were held in 2005 and 2017. Despite an overwhelming preference for
independence amongst voters, Iraq’s Supreme Court rejected the results of the 2017
referendum, ruling that the Constitution of Iraq does not allow any region to secede (DW,

3.4.3 Administrative structure and governance

The KRI has three main governance institutions:
• the KRG
• the Kurdistan Regional Presidency (KRP)
• the Kurdistan Parliament (KRG, 2019d).
The democratically elected KRG exercises executive power according to the KRI’s laws,
as enacted by the Kurdistan Parliament. The KRG has a total of 19 ministries and is
based in Erbil, the capital of the KRI (KRG, 2019d). It maintains constitutionally
recognised authority over four governorates – Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk and Halabja
– and ‘de facto’ authority over three governorates (Diyala, Ninawa and Kirkuk). Originally
part of Sulaymaniyah, Halabja was established as a separate governorate by the KRG
Council of Ministers in March 2014 (Goran, 2018). Each governorate is divided into
districts, sub-districts, cities, towns and villages.
The President of Kurdistan has the highest executive authority and is elected by a secret
ballot in a popular vote every four years. The President represents the people of
Kurdistan at national and international levels and oversees relations between the KRI
and the Iraqi federal authorities (KRG, 2019d).
The Kurdistan Parliament is the KRI’s democratically elected legislature which examines
proposals for new laws, scrutinises government policy and administration and debates
the major issues of the day (KRG, 2019d). The Parliament comprises 111 seats
representing sixteen political parties. By law, women are required to hold a minimum of
30% of the seats (KRG, 2019d) and 11 seats are reserved for parties representing
minorities such as Turkmen parties, Christian parties and Armenian parties.
Administrative and planning decisions at the governorate level are made by a Governor
and Governorate Council. Decision-making at the district and sub-district level are made
by District Managers and SDMs. The members of the Governorate Council are elected
by public vote every four years; the Council then elects the Governor. A similar process
is followed at the district level; members of a District Council are elected by public vote
who in turn elect a District Manager and SDMs. District Managers and SDMs are
responsible for all government departments within their jurisdiction, including health,
education, policing and security, agriculture, natural resources and utility services.
Neighbourhoods within cities and towns are presided over by Mukhtars. These figures
are responsible for keeping records of the population, reporting safety and security issues

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to the police and coordinating with different local government departments for any works
due to be conducted within their neighbourhood.
At the local level, decision-making falls under the remit of locally elected village leaders
known as village Anjuman (in some villages in Kurdistan, the word Mukhtar is used
instead of Anjuman). Anjuman play an important role in terms of representing
communities and addressing their concerns, including those that involve other villages.
With the SDM’s authorisation, village Anjuman are empowered to sign and issue formal
documents relating to the village. There are no other leaders at the village level, though
village elders are widely respected figures within the community.
The AOI covers the sub-districts of Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari in the District of
Chemchemal in the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah. Except for Takeya Jabari, all of the
PACs are located in the Sub-District of Qadir Karim, which has 53 villages in total (KII
with SDM, Qadir Karim).

3.4.4 Demographics
The KRI population is 6,033,814 with annual growth at 2.3% (KRSO, 2019). The
population of the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah was 2,021,175 in 2017, representing
approximately 34% of all persons in the region that year. In 2019, population density in
the KRI was 129 persons per km2. In this respect, Sulaymaniyah is the least densely
populated of Kurdistan’s four governorates, with 110 persons per km2 (KRSO, 2019).
Approximately 98% of the population of Kurdistan were born in Iraq and 99% are Iraqi
citizens; a small minority (2%) were born in neighbouring countries such as Syria, Turkey
and Iran (KRSO, 2019). Consistent with data at the regional level, the vast majority
(98.9%) of Sulaymaniyah’s population were born in Iraq and the majority (99.2%)
maintain Iraqi citizenship.
The gender distribution at regional level is balanced, with males and females representing
3,029,889 (50.2%) and 3,003,925 (49.8%) of the population respectively. Consistent with
the regional level, primary data in AOI showed that, of 145 households interviewed
(representing 866 household members across eight PACs), 50.5% were men and 49.5%
were women.
The average household size at regional level in KRI is 5.1 members, which is higher than
in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, where average household size is 4.6 members. In the
PACs, the average household size varied from seven in Khor Mor Bichuk to one in
As shown in Figure 3-17, the population of the KRI and the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah
is predominantly young, with 0-24-year olds representing more than half (54.3%) of the
total population at regional level and just over a half (50.8%) of the population at
governorate level.

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40% 36.3%38.6%
35% 31.9%
25% 19.8%
20% 18.9%
10% 5.1% 5.3% 4.3% 5.2%
0-14 years 15-24 years 25-54 years 55-64 years 65+ years

KRI Sulaymaniyah

Figure 3-17 Age structure in Governorate of Sulaymaniyah and KRI, 2017 (IOM, 2018a)

There is a wide variation in population size at local level across the PACs, ranging from
over 1,500 persons in Takeya Jabari to fewer than five persons in Mamisik. The majority
of the communities (72%) are relatively small with less than 100 residents in total.
Table 3-31 presents a population breakdown population for the PACs in the AOI.

Table 3-31 Population and households (HH) in the PACs

Total population
Full time Part Largest Smallest
PAC number
Males Females HH 10 time HH HH HH
of HH
(%) (%)

Ali Mustafa 19 19 - 10 3
50 50

Awaye Jalal 27 27 0 15 2
60 40

Chala Dwana 4 4 - 7 3
70 30

Cham Surkhaw 12 12 - 10 5
50 50

11 11 - 9 3
35 65

70 19 15 4 15 1

10 Full time households are households which live in the PACs on a permanent basis throughout the year. Part

time households are households which, for various reasons, are absent from the PACs at certain times in the
year and therefore do not live there permanently.
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Total population
Full time Part Largest Smallest
PAC number
Males Females HH 10 time HH HH HH
of HH
(%) (%)

Kani Qadir
60 40

Khor Mor 45
25 6 19 16 5
40 60

Khor Mor 187

41 41 0 30 3
Gawra 35 65
Mamisik 7 1 6 3 3
67 33
Paryawla 4 4 - 4 2
40 60
Qadir Karim 150 150 - 15 2
- -
Qarah Chewar 3 3 - 8 3
70 30
Shekh Hameed 34 11 23 12 2
55 45
Takeya Jabari - - - 12 2
50 50
Taza Shar 13 13 0 8 2
70 30

Takhta Mina 20
9 9 - 10 2
Saru 50 50
Zhazh 15 2 13 9 2
39 61

Source: KII with village Anjuman and SDMs

Note: No data available for Aliawa (see Section Data Assumptions and Considerations). Ethnic, tribal and religious affiliations and language

As an ethnic group, the Kurds are indigenous to the Middle East (National Geographic,
2019). Kurds represent approximately 15 - 20% of Iraq’s total population and the majority
of people in the KRI (including Sulaymaniyah) are Kurdish (Minority Rights Group
International, 2018). Other ethnic groups in the region include Arabs, Assyrians,
Turkmens, Armenians, Shabaks, Roma, Circassians, Yezidis and Mandeans.
There is little variation at the local level with regards to ethnicity. 89% of households
interviewed in the PACs are Kurdish; 11% are Arab. None of the aforementioned ethnic
groups (Assyrians, Turkmens, Armenians, Shabaks, Roma, Circassians, Yezidis and

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Mandeans) were identified in the AOI during primary baseline data collection. The Arab
households living in Awaye Jalal, Kani Qadir Qala, Khor Mor Bichuk, Shekh Hameed and
Taza Shar (16 in total) arrived in the PACs only recently, having been internally displaced
by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) conflict.
During the initial stages of the ESIA, the potential for indigenous peoples (IPs) in the AOI
was investigated through a review and screening of secondary data against the criteria
for IPs set forth by IFC PS7 11, supported by discussions with RSK’s local in-country
partner and personnel at the existing facility.
The initial finding was that, against the parameters for IPs set by IFC PS7, IPs were
unlikely to be present in the AOI and therefore unlikely to be affected by KM250A Project
activities. The primary data gathered during the social baseline surveys confirmed this
initial finding. As outlined above, the only ethnic groups in the AOI are Kurds and Arabs.
Neither groups are considered to fulfil international criteria for IPs, as set by the IFC, for
the reasons outlined below.
• Kurds:
o The KRI is a federated region in Iraq, consisting of three main institutions
(described in Section 3.4.3) which are responsible for governing the
population of the Region. The Kurdish people in the AOI (and KRI more
generally) are governed by these institutions; no separate or unique
institutions are associated with this group.
o There is no evidence that Kurdish persons in the AOI are experiencing
marginalisation and discrimination; though these may have been issues
historically, they no longer appear to be issues today.
o The majority of PAC members are Kurdish and thus cultural traits
associated with Kurds (e.g. certain foods, festivals and music) are not
regarded as distinguishing features which sets the group apart either
within the AOI or within the KRI.
o The land in the AOI is used by Kurdish households for crop farming and
livestock rearing (see Sections and respectively). These
activities are undertaken in addition to other activities (e.g. formal
employment – see Section Kurdish households predominantly
purchase items such as food and construction materials from towns and
cities, rather than relying on local habitats and territories to obtain them.
o Kurdish people speak Kurdish, one of the KRI’s two official languages.
• Arabs:
o Arab persons in the AOI (and KRI more generally) are governed by the
same institutions as Kurdish persons; no separate nor unique institutions
are associated with this group. Within the AOI, Arabs (like Kurds) fall

11 According to IFC PS7, the defining characteristics of IPs are: self-identification (as members of a distinct
indigenous cultural group and recognition of this identity by others), collective attachment (as persons who
identify as a group or community linked to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories and to the
natural resources in these habitats and territories), customary cultural, economic, social or political institutions
(separate from those of the dominant society or culture) and an indigenous language (often different from the
official language of the country or region in which they reside). Whilst not stated by IFC PS7, marginalisation and
discrimination are additional characteristics of IPs identified by other international organisations (e.g. the UN).
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under the leadership of village Anjuman and do not have separate
o Whilst Arab persons are a minority in the AOI, there is no evidence
indicating that they are experiencing marginalisation and discrimination.
On the contrary, data confirming benevolence towards Arab households
was collected during the social baseline surveys.
o As with Kurdish households, Arab households do not tend to rely on local
habitats or territories to obtain natural resources, typically purchasing
food and other items from towns and cities.
o Arab people speak Arabic. Although spoken less extensively in the AOI
than Kurdish, Arabic is one of the KRI’s two official languages and is not
considered to be distinctive in the broader regional context.
In terms of religion, all households in the PACs are Sunni Muslims.
As indicated above, the official languages of the KRI are Kurdish and Arabic. Kurdish is
the most widely spoken language of the two. The most commonly spoken dialects of
Kurdish are Sorani and Kurmanji; the KRG’s policy is to promote the teaching and use of
both dialects in the education system and the media (KRG, 2019b). The dialect of Kurdish
predominantly spoken in Sulaymaniyah is Sorani.
Of the 145 households interviewed, the vast majority of households (89%) primarily speak
Kurdish whilst a minority of households (11%) primarily speak Arabic. This correlates with
the ethnicity of the households interviewed (89% Kurdish and 11% Arab).
The Kurdistan Region is also home to a number of tribal groups, which are based on
family then clan affiliations. Tribal groups mentioned during household interviews
included the Zangana, the Gill, the Shekhanyi, the Jabari, the Dalo, the Lak and the
Talabany groups. The majority of households are affiliated with the Zangana (32%), Gill
(21%) and Talabany (14%). Migration
Conflict in the region and other parts of the country (both recently and historically) has
produced a highly mobile population and has played an important role in shaping
Kurdistan’s contemporary demographic profile.
Since 2014, Kurdistan has hosted many internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing
armed conflict between government forces and ISIS. The Syrian War, which began in
2011, also led to the arrival of significant numbers of refugees who regard the KRI as a
place of relative safety (World Bank, 2015).
As of 2019, the KRI hosts 226,000 Syrian refugees and approximately 1.5 million IDPs
(EASO, 2019; KRG, 2019c); only 32,000 IDPs have returned to their homes or migrated
abroad since arriving in the KRI. The Governorate of Sulaymaniyah currently hosts
approximately 150,000 persons displaced by the recent conflict involving ISIS (UNOCHA,
2019). Over 90% of these persons live outside of traditional IDP camp settings and do
not receive the same level of humanitarian support as those residing in camps, instead
relying largely on the generosity of host communities (UNOCHA, 2019).
Internal displacement is not a new phenomenon in Kurdistan. During the 1970s and
1980s, under Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime, the destruction of Kurdish towns and
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villages displaced thousands of Kurdish people living close to the borders with Iran and
Turkey. In 2003, there were approximately 800,000 Kurdish IDPs present in the
Governorates of Dohuk, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, the majority of whom had been
displaced by the Baathist regime (Lischer, 2008).
The regional context is reflected in the AOI. Whilst no refugees were identified during
primary baseline data collection, a total of 16 internally displaced families (all Sunni
Arabs) were identified across five PACs. These families reportedly come from the
Governorate of Diyala (including Kifri District), the Governorate of Kirkuk (including the
city of Kirkuk) and the Governorate of Saladin (including the cities of Tuz Khurmatu and
Tikrit). They arrived in the PACs as a result of the ISIS conflict and represent a population
of 104 IDPs, 48% of whom are male and 52% female.
Consistent with data at the regional level, internal displacement is not a new phenomenon
in the PACs. Several households fled from the local area during the 1970s and 1980s to
escape detainment and persecution by the Baathist government. This movement
intensified during the years of the Anfal campaign (KII with village Anjuman). Whilst a
number of households have since returned to the PACs, the impacts of the Baathist
regime and Anfal campaign can be observed in the presence of widows and other family
members who lost husbands and relatives during this period.
Similar to other parts of Iraq, the KRI has undergone urbanisation, with people seeking
economic opportunities not available in rural areas (Al Jarah et al., 2019). As many as
81.4% (4,911,795) of the region’s population now live in urban areas (KRSO, 2019).
The rural-urban transition has been particularly intense in the Governorates of Erbil and
Sulaymaniyah (IOM, 2018b). Data collected during the baseline surveys in the PACs
supports this trend with the rural-urban migration of households witnessed in Mamisik,
Kani Qadir Qala, Qarah Chewar and Takhta Mina Saru (KII with village Anjuman).
While many households live in the PACs full time, the AOI is characterised by a mobile
population. Many families own properties in cities such as Kirkuk and Tuz Khurmatu
where they live for several months of the year whilst their children attend school, returning
to the PACs only during the holidays. A number of households left PACs such as Khor
Mor Bichuk and Shekh Hameed several years ago in search of job opportunities and
better services in urban areas; these households have retained their properties in the
PACs, returning to them throughout the year for leisure and recreational or maintenance
purposes, or to undertake seasonal livelihood activities such as crop farming and
livestock rearing. Economic migrants from cities such as Mosul, Tikrit and Tuz Khurmatu
have migrated to some of the PACs in search of work as shepherds (KII with village
Anjuman in Ali Mustafa, Chala Dwana, Cham Surkhaw, Kani Qadir Qala and Ibrahim

3.4.5 Health
Life expectancy in the KRI is 75.3 years; this rate is slightly higher among women (76.7
years) compared to men (73.9 years) (KRSO, 2019).
The key regional health indicators show the following:
• total fertility rate of three children per woman, representing a decline from 3.3
children per woman in 2011 (IOM, 2018a)

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• overall infant mortality rate of 23 deaths per 1,000 births, representing a decline
from 28 deaths per 1,000 births in 2011 (IOM, 2018a)
• with 2.1% of children being classified as underweight, rates of malnutrition are
lower than the national rate of 2.9% (UNICEF, 2018b)
• number of doctors per 1,000 members of the population in 2017 was 1.2; this
figure rises to 1.6 in the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah and drops to 0.9 in the
Governorate of Dohuk (KRSO, 2019). Health problems

Table 3-32 presents the leading causes of death amongst people under and over the age
of five in the KRI.

Table 3-32 Leading causes of death in the KRI in 2014 (Moore et al, 2014)

Deaths in children <5 years Deaths in persons >5 years
1 Prematurity Injury (all types)
2 Septicaemia Cancer (multiples types)
3 Birth asphyxia Stroke
4 Dyspnoea Heart disease
5 Injury (all types) Heart attack
6 Congenital malformation Encephalitis
7 Pneumonia Kidney failure
8 Neonatal heart failure Diabetes
9 Gastroenteritis Respiratory failure
10 Peritonitis Hypertension

As shown in Table 3-32, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease and
cancer are amongst the leading causes of death in persons over five in Kurdistan. The
rise of NCDs in Kurdistan is consistent with national trends and can be attributed to
factors such as economic growth and lifestyle choices (Cetorelli et al., 2017). Prematurity,
septicaemia and birth asphyxia are the leading causes of mortality amongst children
under five.
Consistent with data at the regional level, NCDs such as diabetes and high blood
pressure are amongst the main health problems in the PACs. KII with medical staff in
Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari identified NCDs as being more common amongst elderly
persons (i.e. those over the age of 65). Women are particularly affected by migraines and
back pain; the latter was attributed to women’s role in carrying water between tanks and
homesteads as identified during a women’s focus group in Shekh Hameed.
Injuries rank highly as a leading cause of death amongst both categories. The majority of
injuries result from road traffic accidents; according to the Ministry of Health, vehicle
collisions lead to approximately 850 deaths and 10,000 injuries annually (Rudaw, 2017b).
In contrary with regional statistics, injuries resulting from road traffic accidents at local
level in PACs were not identified as an issue; this may reflect the low traffic volumes in

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rural areas. Nevertheless, this remains an issue in the KRI generally and therefore the
risk of injuries resulting from road traffic accidents cannot be dismissed.
25% of households in the PACs had at least one member over the age of five suffering
from a chronic illness, and for 3%, at least one member aged five or under. In 1% of
households there was at least one member in each age group suffering from a chronic
Based on FGD with women and KII with health staff, other less common health problems
experienced in the PACs included cancer, respiratory issues, vaginal infections and heart
attacks (particularly amongst the elderly). Across all interviews and focus groups, reports
of respiratory problems connected to environmental issues such as air pollution were
uncommon. Comments about unpleasant smells related to the existing gas processing
facility were made in a small number of interviews with village Anjuman, but these were
not seen to be negatively impacting upon the health of PAC members. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Official statistics on the incidence of HIV and AIDS were unavailable at the time of writing.
Media reports, however, suggest that in 2018 there were 32 patients carrying HIV and
AIDS in the KRI, 23 of whom were male and nine female (Basnews, 2018). This indicates
that the prevalence of HIV and AIDS across the region is low. This is supported by data
at the national level; according to the WHO (2019), less than 0.1% of Iraq’s population
are living with HIV. HIV and AIDS were not identified as health problems in the PACs
during primary baseline data collection. This could be attributed to the potentially
sensitive nature of the topic or the lack of testing services available. The percentage of
Kurdistan’s population tested for HIV in 2018 was 7.8% (UNICEF, 2018a); neither of the
primary health care (PHC) centres in Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari offer testing
services for HIV. Mental health

Previous studies have shown that road traffic accidents in the KRI can have a profound
psychological impact on a large proportion of survivors and on the family of the deceased.
Experiences of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and other mental
illness have been identified amongst survivors of the Anfal campaign of the late 1980s
(see Section 3.4.2) (Bolton et al., 2013). The more recent conflict involving ISIS has had
similarly traumatic effects on survivors and placed considerable pressure on the region’s
health care system. The Erbil Psychiatric Hospital reportedly receives five new patients
per day (EPIC, 2017).
There were limited reports of mental health problems in the PACs. Two exceptions are
in Khor Mor Gawra and Khor Mor Bichuk, where one or two people with mental illnesses
were identified by the village Anjuman. Social ills

Substance abuse amongst adolescents, especially smoking, is becoming an increasingly
important public health concern (Mahmood et al., 2018). A recent survey of high school
students in the capital city of Erbil found approximately 42% of students are smokers. It
is estimated that, across the four governorates, approximately 10,000 individuals take
illegal drugs (Ekurd, 2019).
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During interviews with households in PACs, social ills were not reported. Nutrition and food security

Kurdish households experience greater food security and daily calorie intake levels than
households in the rest of Iraq (World Bank, 2015). A person in the KRI consumes, on
average, 3,100 kilocalories per day whereas a person in the central and southern
governorates of Iraq consumes, on average, 2,510 calories (World Bank, 2015).
Consistent with data at the regional and governorate level, food security is not a major
health concern in the PACs, having reportedly improved in recent years. Data gathered
during women’s FGD and interviews with village Anjuman and SDMs indicate that
households are generally able to secure enough food year-round. Moreover, malnutrition
is not an issue that affects local children (KII with health staff).
Nevertheless, of 145 households interviewed, one or two households were identified as
being food insecure in Cham Surkhaw and Takhta Mina Saru (KII with village Anjuman)
and relied on support from other community members. Women’s health

The KRI out-performs the rest of Iraq with respect to several aspects of women’s health.
Maternal mortality rates are lower in the KRI compared to Iraq as a whole, at 30 deaths
per 100,000 live births compared to 84 (Shabila and Al-Hadithi, 2018; Vilardo and Bitta,
2018). Moreover, the proportion of women receiving postnatal care across the KRI is
higher; the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Planning (2012) found that
approximately 47% of women from the KRI received postnatal care after their last birth
compared to approximately 38% at the national level.
Nevertheless, many challenges to women’s health in the KRI, and the following remain
the most significant:
• an average prevalence rate of 40% for female genital mutilation (FGM): this
figure is highest in Sulaymaniyah, reaching close to 70% in some rural parts of
the governorate (Ahmed et al., 2019)
• high levels of violence against women: a recent study found that 45% of female
participants had experienced spousal violence in the previous year and 59%
over the course of their lifetime (Shabila and Al-Hadithi, 2018).
A number of positive steps have been taken towards improving the situation surrounding
women’s health in the KRI, including the passing of a law on domestic violence and the
establishment of an increasing number of local non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
which advocate for women’s rights (Qudrat and Jaff, 2019).
Data on FGM and the incidence of violence against women could not be obtained during
primary baseline data collection. Whilst KII with village Anjuman and medical staff
confirmed that gender-based violence (GBV) is an issue in the PACs (corroborating data
at the regional and governorate level), the rate of violence is unknown. This was attributed
to the fact that GBV predominantly occurs within the household and is regarded by most
people as a private matter (KII with medical staff). Despite this, medical staff indicated
that the situation surrounding GBV has improved in recent years due to the increasingly
educated nature of the local population and awareness campaigns on social media.

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182279-17 (05) Access to health care services
Access to public health care is guaranteed by the KRG’s draft constitution. A study by
Moore et al. (2014) concluded that public health care access is generally good. The
majority of persons live within 30 minutes of some form of PHC centre, most of which
provide most of the basic primary care services for a very low price (World Bank, 2017).
PACs appear to have reasonable access to health care, supporting data on access to
health care at the regional level. Most households interviewed (80%) sought medical
treatment from a medical health facility for their illnesses and ailments (see Figure 3-18).

90% 80%
Percentage of Households

10% 2% 2%
Medical Health Traditional Healer Self Medicated Mixture
Treatment Type

Figure 3-18 Treatment type sought by households

Source: Household interviews

There are two PHC centres within the AOI, namely Qadir Karim Medical Centre and
Takeya Jabari Health Care Centre. These centres are located approximately nine km and
fifteen km from the existing facility respectively.
Of the 145 households interviewed, 28% seek medical treatment from Qadir Karim
Medical Centre. None of the households reported visiting Takeya Jabari Health Care
Centre for treatment; this may be attributed to the fact that Qadir Karim Medical Centre
is the nearest facility to the PACs and the types of services offered are very similar.
Despite this, the quality of services and care available at Qadir Karim Medical Centre was
consistently described as poor (FGD with women), motivating PAC members to seek
medical treatment from facilities outside the AOI. Whilst the costs associated with using
these facilities are unknown, PAC members indicated that they are generally accessible.
There are no hospitals in the AOI. The nearest hospital is located approximately 140 km
from the PACs in the city of Chemchemal. Ambulance transportation from the PHC
centres in Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari to the hospital in Chemchemal is available to
patients free of charge. Nevertheless, the most commonly cited medical facility after
Qadir Karim’s was Kirkuk Hospital, accounting for 21% of households interviewed. PAC
members also use hospitals in the city of Sulaymaniyah.
A small proportion of households interviewed (20%) chose alternative treatment options.
This was mainly attributed to a combination of two factors: distance and/or cost, which
indicates that health care access remains an issue for some members of the PACs.

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182279-17 (05) Cultural health practices
Studies have shown that traditional medicine is used to treat a variety of health problems
in Kurdistan. A survey of traditional healers in the Governorate of Erbil identified the use
of 32 plants to treat ailments such as common cold, hypertension, allergies, ulcers and
arthritis (Naqishbandi, 2015). In the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah, research conducted
by Ahmed (2016) found that medicinal plants also play an important role in the treatment
of respiratory issues, inflammation and ‘women’s’ diseases.
At the local level, however, traditional medicine was not reported as a common form of
medical treatment in the PACs. Of the 145 households interviewed, only 2% reported
seeking medical assistance from a traditional healer (see Figure 3-18). In support of this
finding, the harvesting of wild plants for medicinal purposes was not reported during
discussions around natural resource use in interviews and focus groups with households,
land owners and land users.

3.4.6 Education Education system

Schooling in the KRI consists of three levels: basic school (covering classes one to nine),
high school (covering classes 10 to 12) and higher education (Vernez et al., 2016). Basic
school (primary education) is compulsory for all individuals and starts at the age of six.
In September 2015, Kurdish replaced Arabic as the main medium of instruction for the
first three years of primary education (PA, 2017).
Public education is funded by the KRG and provided free of charge, from primary through
to secondary school. A number of private establishments provide education for a fee,
ranging from 100 United Stated dollars (USD) to 4,000 USD annually, depending on the
institution (PA, 2017). Literacy rates and school attendance

As of 2018, over 45% of Kurdistan’s population aged six years and above have no
primary education. Despite this, 79% of people can read and 78% can write, indicating
an illiteracy rate of approximately 21%. In Sulaymaniyah, 34.2% of the school aged
children (aged 6 to 17) are currently attending school, 48.8% are enrolled but not
attending and 17.1% have never attended school (IOM 2018a).
Literacy rates in the PACs are low relative to the KRI as a whole. In Shekh Hameed, Khor
Mor Gawra and Takeya Jabari between 60 and 65% of the population are literate,
increasing to 75% in the case of Qadir Karim (KII with schoolteachers).
Literacy is gender-biased and only 70% of females at the regional level can read and
write, compared to around 85% of males (IOM, 2018a). Consistent with regional level,
data on literacy and gender at local level also varies. Interviews with school teachers
revealed that 80% of men and 70% of women were literate in Qadir Karim, followed by
75% of men and 50% of women in Shekh Hameed, 70% of men and 55% of women in
Takeya Jabari and 75% of men and 25% of women in Khor Mor Gawra.
The number of students enrolled in public and private schools varies geographically, with
the greatest number of students enrolled in the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah, reflecting

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the larger population size of this governorate relative to Erbil, Dohuk and Halabja (IOM,
2018a) (see Figure 3-19).

1,600,000 1,581,202

Number of Students

600,000 519,340 473,492
400,000 263,237
200,000 25,133
KRI Erbil Sulaymaniyah Dohuk Halabja

Figure 3-19 Students enrolled in public and private schools in the KRI, 2017 – 2018
(KRSO, 2019)

FGD with women in PACs indicated that children’s education is considered to be highly
important. Consistent with this belief, primary school attendance rates in the PACs are
high. In Shekh Hameed, Khor Mor Gawra, Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari, between 95%
and 100% of children are attending primary school on a regular basis (KII with
schoolteachers). School attendance rates decline at the secondary level with rates of
60%, 40% and 30% reported in Khor Mor Bichuk, Khor Mor Gawra and Taza Shar
respectively (FGD with women). Consistent with data at the regional level, secondary
school attendance rates are lower amongst girls from the PACs. Fears around the mixing
of boys and girls and the potential for relationships to start at an early age (i.e. before
marriage) were cited during KII with teachers and FGD with women.
According to interviews with women in PACs, while some children attend schools in the
AOI, the majority of households send their children to schools outside the AOI (see Figure

Percentage of Households

40% 32%
School Within AOI School Outside of AOI
Location of School

Figure 3-20 Children attending school within versus outside the AOI

Source: Household interviews

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There are four schools in the PACs, specifically Qadir Karim Primary and Secondary
School, Takeya Jabari Primary and Secondary School, Shekh Hameed Primary School
and Khor Mor Gawra Primary School.
None of the households with children of school-going age send their children to Takeya
Jabari Primary and Secondary School; this may be attributed to the fact that the other
three schools are closer to the PACs. Moreover, observations at Takeya Jabari Primary
and Secondary School indicate that the infrastructure of the school is in poor condition
relative to the other schools in the AOI.
As shown in Figure 3-20, the children of families in PACs such as Khor Mor Gawra and
Paryawla attend school in cities such as Kirkuk and Tuz Khurmatu. An additional 20
primary schools and 25 secondary schools outside the AOI were identified during the
household interviews. Households’ decision to send children to such schools reflects the
fact that most PACs do not have their own school, particularly at the secondary level.
Whilst the quality of education does not differ markedly in cities, schools in these locations
are also favoured because of the greater availability of teachers. Higher education

There are numerous public and private universities in the KRI. The majority of Kurdistan’s
students attend public universities, which tend to be much larger than private universities
and do not charge tuition fees. The average annual cost of tuition fees at a private
institution is 2,000 USD (PA, 2017).
The largest universities across the KRI are Salahaddin University – Erbil, the University
of Sulaymaniyah and the University of Dohuk. The University of Sulaymaniyah offers
undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various fields of study including engineering,
science, administration and economics. In the 2016-2017 academic year, a total of
22,555 undergraduate students and 1,211 graduate students were enrolled at the
university (University of Sulaymaniyah, 2017).
There are no universities in the AOI; consistent with data at the regional and governorate
level, students from the PACs must travel to cities to attend university. The closest
university to the PACs is Charmo University, located in the city of Chemchemal. Charmo
University consists of two colleges – the College of Public Administration and Natural
Resources Management and the College of Education and Natural Sciences – and 10
departments. Discussions about opening new departments in fields such as petroleum
engineering are currently underway, reflecting the growth of the oil and gas industry and
associated labour market requirements in recent years (CPDG, 2018a).
Anecdotal evidence indicates that approximately 50 students from Qadir Karim Primary
and Secondary School go on to study at university every year. However, only one of the
households interviewed has a member that is currently attending university (located in
Kirkuk). Moreover, very few members of the households interviewed have a technical
vocational qualification or university degree.

3.4.7 Economy and livelihoods

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the KRI in 2017 was USD 28.1 billion,
representing 20% of the GDP of Iraq (PwC, 2018). The region has achieved high rates
of economic growth over the past decade, averaging 12% in 2012 and 8% in 2013 (Invest

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in Group, 2013a). Following the cessation of Saddam Hussein’s government in 2003, the
Governorate of Sulaymaniyah has experienced an economic boom, owing to a
substantial increase in foreign investments and tourist arrivals (NGO Coordination
Committee for Iraq, 2015). Figure 3-21 presents the distribution of the KRI’s GDP by

3% 6%

19% Agriculture
Public administration


Figure 3-21 Distribution of GDP by sector, 2017 (PwC, 2018)

Kurdistan’s economy is heavily dependent on services and public administration, which

represent 45% and 27% of the KRI’s GDP respectively (see Figure 3-21. The
manufacturing sector at regional level remains nascent and only a small proportion of
GDP is derived from agriculture (PwC, 2018).
The importance of the different economic sectors varies considerably geographically.
Thus, there is a predominance of crop farming and livestock rearing in rural areas and in
the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah as a whole.
The main economic activities in PACs are the agricultural sector (crop farming and
livestock rearing), followed by formal employment in public and private sectors.
According to OPEC (2013 cited in Kamal, 2018), the KRI has approximately 43.7 billion
barrels of proven oil reserves and between 3 and 6 trillion cubic metres of gas,
representing 30% of Iraq’s proven oil reserves and 89% of all gas reserves nationwide.
With plentiful supplies, the oil and gas sector is regarded as integral to the region’s
economic development (PwC, 2018). Kurdistan’s oil sector developed rapidly between
2007 and 2013; by the end of 2013, the KRG had issued 58 Product Sharing Contracts
with foreign and local companies (Heshmati and Auzer, 2018).
Notwithstanding the overall trend in economic development, the KRI experienced an
economic crisis in 2014, triggered by plunging oil prices (World Bank, 2016a). This
intensified pressure on the region’s economy, exposing the dangers associated with
being over-reliant on the energy sector (Heshmati and Auzer, 2018).
Households in the AOI have diversified livelihood strategies and tend not to rely on single
income sources. The main types of livelihoods are farming, livestock rearing, formal
employment and small businesses/services.

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182279-17 (05) Business and enterprise
A variety of businesses have been established in the Kurdistan Region. Statistics
provided by the Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO, 2019) indicate that there are
approximately 5,800 restaurants and cafes, 91,000 wholesale and retail traders and
3,000 street vendors. Wholesale and retail trade generated close to 172,000 jobs and an
overall income of approximately USD 2.8 million in 2013.
However, the establishment of new businesses can be a lengthy and complicated
process (IRIS, 2017a). Further challenges to private sector development relate to the
region’s weak financial infrastructure and low access to finance (World Bank, 2016a).
Consistent with the data gathered during household interviews, there is a very low level
of business and enterprise development in the AOI. Amongst local businesses,
particularly small ones, there is a strong preference for cash in business transactions;
approximately 3% of companies in Kurdistan rely on the banking sector for investment
and working capital, compared to 20% in other parts of the Middle East and North Africa
(World Bank, 2016a).
There are very limited businesses providing goods and services, except in Qadir Karim
and Takeya Jabari, which have considerably larger populations than the other PACs.
Qadir Karim was commonly identified as a place where people go to buy basic items such
as food during focus groups with women. However, other household items (e.g. furniture,
clothes, school materials, livestock and farming equipment) are typically purchased from
further afield. In both household interviews and women’s FGD, Chemchemal was
identified as the main location from which to buy goods and services outside the AOI,
followed by Kirkuk and Tuz Khurmatu.
It is important to note that business development at local level is closely linked to the
existing facility with third party contractors and sub-contractors (CPDG, 2019f), many of
whom are local to the AOI, competing for work. In this context, Pearl Petroleum plays an
important role in the generation of opportunities in fields such as construction,
transportation and operations for local companies, where they exist. Stakeholder
engagement conducted as part of the ESIA indicates that local companies expect to be
prioritised over those from other parts of the district and wider region when new business
opportunities arise. Tourism
With its relative political stability and security, abundance of natural attractions and
approximately 3,500 historical and religious landmarks, there is potential for tourism in
Kurdistan (Altaee et al. 2017). As of 2017, the region received approximately 2.25 million
(predominantly domestic) tourists, representing an increase from 1.8 million in 2016
(Foreign Policy, 2019). Cities such as Sulaymaniyah and Erbil have been promoted
based on their offering of first-class hotels, cultural features (e.g. museums, a citadel)
and leisure activities (e.g. shopping malls and theatres) (General Board of Tourism of
Kurdistan, 2015b).
Tourism is not a major income source in the PACs. Nevertheless, interviews with village
Anjuman and SDMs revealed that tourists visit the following PACs during Spring (March,
April and May): Awaye Jalal, Cham Surkhaw, Kani Qadir Qala, Ibrahim Ghulam, Qarah
Chewar, Qadir Karim, Takeya Jabari and Zhazh. Interviewees stated that tourists are
attracted by the natural landscapes and scenery of the local area. Tourists typically visit
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the PACs on day trips, though some stay for two or three days. The majority of tourists
stay with relatives and thus it is not common to rent accommodation; some tourists camp
in tents along the edges of streams and near seasonal springs. Crop farming

As of 2017, there are approximately 6.42 million donums 12 of arable land in Kurdistan,
equivalent to approximately 642,000 hectares (KRSO, 2019). The vast majority of arable
land (approximately 5 million donums or 500,000 hectares) is rain-fed; the remainder is
irrigated (Ministry of Agriculture, 2017 cited by KRSO, 2019). The average amount of
arable land cultivated by farmers is approximately 100 donum, equivalent to 10 hectares.
During the growing season of 2001/2002, about 676,500 metric tons of crops were
harvested in the governorates of Erbil and Duhok alone.
A wide variety of crops are grown in the KRI, including grains (e.g. wheat, barley, rice,
corn), vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants) and fruits (e.g. grapes, apples,
pomegranates) (World Bank, 2015). The KRI’s share of national crop production is high
with cereals such as wheat, rice and barley being the most common crops and
representing approximately 90% of KRI’s total agricultural output (World Bank, 2016a).
However, statistics provided by the Ministry of Agriculture indicate that approximately 7
billion USD worth of fruit and vegetables were imported into the Kurdistan Region
between 2004 and 2014 (Ekurd, 2017). This suggests that cultivation of crops that
requires intensive irrigation is often a challenge for the region dependent on the rainfall
as a water source.
Consistent with data at the regional level, grains such as wheat and barley were listed as
primary crops grown by the households interviewed during primary baseline data
collection in FGD and KII (see Figure 3-22). According to a land owner in Khor Mor
Bichuk, rice and alfalfa is also cultivated, albeit to a lesser extent. ‘Other’ produce (e.g.
tomatoes) are primary crops for a small minority of households due to irrigation
challenges (FGD with land users, Qarah Chewar and Taza Shar).



43% Barley

Wheat and barley



Figure 3-22 Primary crops grown by households

Source: Household interviews

12 A donum, also known as dunam or dunum, was the Ottoman unit of land area equivalent to the English acre. It

remains in widespread use in the KRI today. One donum is equivalent to approximately 0.25 acres or 0.1
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The average size of agricultural land holdings in the AOI is 80 donums (or 8 hectares).
The amount of wheat and barley produced by households in a given year varies
depending upon the fertility of the land and levels of rainfall (KII with land owner, Khor
Mor Bichuk). Data gathered during household interviews indicates that, on average, nine
tons of wheat and 21.1 tons of barley are produced annually per household. Annual levels
of barley production ranged from one to 35 tons amongst households interviewed. Annual
levels of wheat production ranged from 0.5 to 60 tons except for one household, which
reported produces 300 tons of wheat per year.
The main challenges associated with crop farming reported during baseline data
collection included damage caused by pests, insects and occasionally livestock; a
shortage of water for irrigation, the risk of crops catching fire during hot weather and in
the dry season; and a decline in government support for farmers. Livestock rearing

In KRI, animal husbandry is widely practiced and constitutes an important source of
income and subsistence. Popular animals used for breeding include sheep, goats,
buffalo, cattle, and chickens. Some of this production is large-scale, representing the
main source of income for the farmer. Small-scale "backyard" livestock production is
common, with families keeping small numbers of livestock and poultry. Animal products
and meat are periodically sold for cash income, and animal products are consumed within
the household as an important source of protein.
Consistent with data at the regional level, livestock such as sheep, goats and chickens
are the most commonly owned by the households interviewed during primary baseline
data collection; a smaller proportion of households own ducks, donkeys and cattle (see
Figure 3-23).
7% 8%
10% Cattle

25% Chickens
37% Other

Figure 3-23 Livestock owned by households

Source: Household interviews

The average number of livestock owned by the households interviewed varies according
to livestock type (see Table 3-33).

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Table 3-33 Number of livestock owned amongst households

Average number Smallest number Largest number

owned owned owned
Cattle 9 1 50
Chicken 29 2 230
Sheep 167 2 650
Goats 77 5 500
Ducks 7 1 25
Donkeys 1 1 3

Source: Household interviews

Livestock types and numbers vary widely between households and across the PACs.
Chickens, sheep and goats were identified during household interviews in all the selected
PACs; no cattle were identified during household interviews in Awaye Jalal, Kani Qadir
Qala, Khor Mor Gawra, Mamisik and Zhazh. The number of sheep ranged from two to 10
amongst households interviewed in Khor Mor Bichuk, compared to between 70 to 550
amongst households interviewed in Kani Qadir Qala. The number of chickens ranged
from seven to 230 in Awaye Jalal, compared to a range of six to 50 in Shekh Hameed.
Livestock rearing is a year-round activity and the income is mainly derived from sale at
livestock markets in cities such as Chemchemal. During Eid Qurban, PACs may sacrifice
meat for poorer members of the community.
Access to grazing land is a vital provisioning ecosystem service for livestock rearers.
During focus groups with land users in Taza Shar, Qarah Chewar and Khor Mor Gawra,
it was reported that while grazing predominantly takes place on village land adjacent to
the PACs, some use pastures located between 2 to 5 km from the PACs. Individuals
travel to these pastures with a few other household members or in small groups with
other households.
Groundwater is a key provisioning ecosystem service providing water for livestock;
seasonal springs and ponds are relied upon to a lesser extent (household interviews,
FGD with land users). An example of a groundwater well used to water livestock in Takhta
Mina Saru is presented in Figure 3-24. A generator is used to pump water to a storage
area on the surface where it is consumed by livestock.
During primary baseline data collection, water scarcity and poor water quality were
commonly cited issues in the context of livestock rearing. According to focus group
participants in Taza Shar, groundwater well water levels are decreasing, corroborating
trends at the regional level with regards to the declining availability of groundwater across
the KRI.

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Figure 3-24 Livestock well in Takhta Mina Saru Fisheries and aquaculture

Fishing is uncommon in the vast majority of the PACs, owing to the lack of water
resources available (household interviews, KII with village Anjuman and SDMs). Two
exceptions are Ali Mustafa and Cham Surkhaw; in these PACs, aquaculture is
undertaken by residents in small private dams which accumulate water from seasonal
springs. The type of fish cultivated is carp. The dams in Cham Surkhaw are currently in
need of repair (KII with village Anjuman). Natural resource use

Natural resource harvesting is an important source of income in a small number of PACs.
Rainwater, freshwater from streams and seasonal springs, wild foods (e.g. berries, nuts,
mushrooms), grasses, wood, stones and clay were identified by the households among
natural resources collected locally. Wood and mud for livestock enclosures and shelter
and grass or vegetation for livestock grazing are the most common types of natural
resources collected, collected by 31% and 30% of households respectively.
Approximately one fifth of households (22%) collect stones and aggregates for
construction. Wood and mud were mentioned as common construction material used for
livestock shelters, while grass and vegetation were collected to feed the livestock and for
heating. Three households reported use of river sand and clay for construction and
Whilst over 10,000 people practice beekeeping in the KRI, apiculture is uncommon in the
PACs (FGD with land users). Only three or four hives belonging to a household in Khor
Mor Gawra were observed during primary baseline data collection. Employment
Precise data on employment by sector were unavailable at the time of writing. Accounting
for more than 50% of employment (26% in non-military employment), the KRG is the
main employer in the region (World Bank, 2016a). This is one of the highest public sector
employment rates in the world.

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The public sector employs 75% of the working women. Men’s occupational status is more
varied, with 44% of working men in the public sector, 12% in the private sector, 21% are
daily workers, 21% self-employed and 2% unpaid family workers (IOM, 2018a).
The KRG has been working to transition public sector employees into the private sector
(Joseph and Sumer, 2019). The success of this strategy has been limited by a weak
private sector that lacked long-term investment and historical reliance on public sector as
the most secure type of employment.
Formal employment was identified as an important source of income in all PACs, except
for Awaye Jalal, Chala Dwana and Mamisik. The extent of formal employment as a
percentage of household members varies across PACs (see Figure 3-25). Whilst 24% of
household members interviewed in Taza Shar are formally employed, far fewer (7%) are
formally employed in Kani Qadir Qala. (No household members are formally employed
in Mamisik, but this PAC consists of only one household).
The existing facility is a leading employer in the PACs, making the AOI atypical of the
region, where the public sector is still the dominant source of formal employment. The
availability of jobs at the facility, coupled with the limited opportunities for employment
locally, has created high expectations of Pearl Petroleum in relation to employment
amongst PAC members.

26% 24%
24% 22%
Percentage of Household

22% 19%
18% 15%
16% 13%

8% 7%
2% 0%
Awaye Kani Khor Mor Khor Mor Mamisik Shekh Taza Zhazh
Jalal Qadir Gawra Bichuk Hameed Shar

Figure 3-25 Percentage of formally employed household members

Source: Household interviews
Note: Percentages shown excludes those unable to work because of age, educational commitments,
retirement or disability.

Recruitment at the existing facility follows an established process whereby the SDM of
Qadir Karim is engaged by and agrees with Pearl Petroleum the distribution of
employment opportunities across the local communities; contractors and sub-contractors
are required to honour this agreement when hiring personnel. Support is provided to
persons who experience difficulties with reading and writing when applying for
employment at the existing facility.
As of 2018, the KRI had an overall unemployment rate of 9%, declining from 13% in 2015
(PwC, 2018). Unemployment is higher amongst females (20.1%) compared to males
(8.1%) and particularly affects young people. Many unemployed youths are university
graduates, owing to the fact that the KRI’s education sector has developed at a rate faster
than the labour market can absorb (World Bank, 2015).
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Unemployment also varies geographically, with higher rates reported in Dohuk compared
to Erbil and Sulaymaniyah (see Figure 3-26) (KRSO, 2019).

Unemployment Rate (%) 16.0% 13.8%

9.2% 9.4%
Erbil Sulaymaniyah Dohuk

Figure 3-26 Unemployment by governorate, 2017 (KRSO, 2019)

Note: No data available on the unemployment rate in Halabja.

Unemployment rates in the PACs are extremely high relative to the region. Approximately
80% of household members were unemployed at the time of the household survey, of
whom 69% were actively seeking work and 31% were not. These figures exclude those
unable to work because of age, educational commitments, retirement or disability.
Figure 3-27 shows unemployment as a percentage of household members interviewed
across the PACs. Over 60% of household members interviewed in Kani Qadir Qala, Khor
Mor Bichuk and Mamisik were unemployed and seeking work at the time of the household
survey. Except for Khor Mor Gawra, 20% or more household members in the PACs were
unemployed and not seeking work.
Percentage of Household

70% 60% 63% 60% 63%
60% 54%

50% 43%
35% 38%
40% 30% 31%
30% 20% 19% 21% 21%
Awaye Kani Qadir Khor Mor Khor Mor Mamisik Shekh Taza Shar Zhazh
Jalal Qala Gawra Bichuk Hameed

Unemployed and Seeking Work Unemployed and Not Seeking Work

Figure 3-27 Percentage of unemployed household members

Source: Household interviews
Note: Percentages shown exclude those unable to work because age, educational commitments,
retirement or disability.

Consistent with data at the regional level, unemployment is an issue which particularly
affects female PAC members. No women are employed in Awaye Jalal, Kani Qadir Qala,
Taza Shar, Shekh Hameed and Zhazh (FGD with women). A very small number of

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women are employed as teachers in Khor Mor Gawra and Khor Mor Bichuk (FGD with
women). Approximately 95% of female household members reported to be unemployed
at the time of the household survey, approximately 46% of whom were seeking work.
These figures do not include females who are unable to work because of factors such as
age, educational commitments, retirement or disability.

3.4.8 Workers’ rights and working practices

Iraq has ratified 68 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, including
the eight “fundamental conventions”, covering subjects that are considered to be
fundamental principles and rights at work (ILO, 2019).
At the regional level, the principal legislation governing labour matters in the public and
private sector is Labour Law No. 71 of 1987 (Clyde & Co., 2015). In 2015, the federal
government issued Labour Law No. 37 to replace the 1987 Labour Law, detailing
international requirements and offering protections to all kinds of workers. This law has
not yet been legally adopted by the KRP; as a result, the KRI continues to follow the 1987
regulation (Lexology, 2019).
Labour rights are generally not well institutionalised and levels of awareness with regards
to labour rights amongst employers and employees in the KRI are low. Employers are
legally obliged to provide their employees with a written contract of employment from their
first working day. However, a recent study found that only 32% of 1,000 workers sampled
had employment contracts, which are a key mechanism through which to protect the
rights of workers (Qadr et al., 2016). Those contracts that were in place were sometimes
written in Arabic or English only, and not in Kurdish.
All persons employed by Pearl Petroleum (either directly or indirectly through one of its
contractors) are provided with an employment contract on their first day of employment.
Contracts are provided to Local Nationals 13 in Kurdish; foreign workers’ contracts are
typically provided in English. Employment contracts are prepared and issued by the
Human Resources Department and contain various provisions including (but not limited
to) a description of job title and job role, salary and working hours.
The 1987 Labour Law does not oblige employers in the KRI to hire a certain percentage
of Iraqi nationals. An exception to this rule is where an Iraqi investment licence is
required. In this instance, 50% of the employees must be Iraqi nationals (Amereller,
2014). Foreign workers may not be employed until they acquire a work permit. Employees
of branches of foreign companies in the KRI are exempt from this requirement (Amereller,
The existing facility is subject to a contract with the KRG and does not fall under an Iraqi
investment licence. Nevertheless, the employment of Local Nationals over individuals
from other parts of Iraq and other countries is strongly encouraged. Local Nationals
currently represent over 80% of the workforce at the existing facility, occupying skilled
and semi-skilled positions in a wide range of departments. Foreign workers are
predominantly expatriates from countries such as the United Kingdom (UK) who fulfil
leadership and supervisory positions. Over time, a small number of Local Nationals have
progressed into similarly senior roles on site and, in the future, Pearl Petroleum plans to
increase this number further.

13 Local Nationals are defined as persons from the KRI.

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The 1987 Labour Law confines routine working periods to a maximum of eight hours per
day, six days per week (Amereller, 2018). Additional restrictions are imposed on certain
kinds of work, for example work that is performed at night, work that is considered to be
arduous or work that is hazardous to human health (Lexology, 2019). Overtime is
permitted in exceptional cases, though strictly regulated, and must not exceed 300 hours
per year (Amereller, 2018). Workers are entitled to a break of 30 to 60 minutes per day
and 20 days of paid holiday per year, with subsequent increases as established by law
(Amereller, 2018; Lexology, 2019). Despite such legal provisions, violations of working
hours, overtime and holiday leave are reportedly common (Qadr et al., 2016). Minimum
wages are fixed by the MoLSA and, as of 2018, equate to approximately USD 200 per
month (Lexology, 2019).
The working hours of employees at the existing facility are defined in workers’
employment contracts. Wage levels are benchmarked by the Human Resources
Department against other employers in the industry to ensure alignment with market
rates. A proportion of the workforce work on rotation with four weeks on and four weeks
off. Operations staff (e.g. technicians, engineers) work shifts of 12 hours per day with
work breaks in between. At certain times of year (e.g. during Ramadan and in the summer
when temperatures are especially high), the length of the working day and number of
work breaks are adjusted to avoid issues such as fatigue and heat exhaustion. Overtime
is uncommon and tends to only occur as a result of unplanned events/emergencies.
Discrimination against women in the context of employment is prohibited by national
legislation and women are entitled to equal pay and working conditions by law.
Nevertheless, as outlined in Section 3.4.11, labour market participation rates for women
in the KRI are extremely low. The majority of working women (94%) are employed by the
government, working predominantly in sectors such as finance and education.
Approximately 1% of working-age women in Kurdistan are employed in the private sector
(World Bank, 2016a). The oil and justice sectors are considered to be male dominated
(Oxfam, 2018).
Pearl Petroleum’s employment policy is to recruit qualified personnel on the basis of their
suitability for work, governed by factors such as education, experience, skills and other
attributes (CPDG, 2019f). Despite this, no women were working at the existing facility at
the time of writing. This may be attributed to several factors, including high levels of
illiteracy (see Section and domestic roles and responsibilities. In the future, Pearl
Petroleum intends to increase female participation in the workforce, particularly in the
Social Performance Department (SPD) through the recruitment of female Social
Engagement Officers (SEOs).
At the international level, all nine of the ILO’s OHS conventions have been ratified by the
KRG (ILO, 2019b). At the regional level, the main legislation governing OHS is the 1987
Labour Law (KRG, 2018).
The number of recorded workplace accidents and deaths across the Kurdistan Region
have decreased over time; whereas there were 69 recorded deaths in 2014, only three
fatalities were recorded in 2018. It is, however, important to note that statistics
surrounding workplace accidents, injuries and fatalities may be underreported, both by
employers and employees. In the construction industry, for example, official statistics
regarding workplace deaths are reported to be far lower than the reality (Jamal, 2014).

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A wide variety of policies and guidelines exist for the purpose of minimising risks to
workers at the existing facility, covering topics such as working in adverse weather
conditions, working at heights and using power tools. Weekly and monthly departmental
safety meetings and regular toolbox talks are another important way of promoting safe
and healthy working conditions. In 2018, zero fatalities and lost time injuries (LTIs), three
medical treatment/restricted work cases and 26 first aid cases were recorded by Pearl
Petroleum on site; a record of zero fatalities has been maintained since 2013 (CPDG,
All contractors are required to perform their work in a manner that is consistent with legal
requirements and international guidelines governing OHS (CPDG, 2019e). In this
context, contractors are further required by Pearl Petroleum to implement a health and
safety management system which covers all areas of works (including those performed
by any sub-contractors) and submit monthly health and safety reports (CPDG, 2019e).
Auditing is an important means through which to monitor contractors’ health and safety
The right of all persons to form and join unions and professional associations is legally
recognised in the KRI (Qadr et al., 2016). The main union federation is the Kurdistan
United Workers’ Union (KUWU), which organises private sector workers across the
following sectors: oil and gas, food and agriculture, services, textiles, transportation,
construction and industry. In 2018, a women’s committee was established to increase
the participation of women in union elections (Qadr et al., 2016; The Militant, 2019).
Despite this, only a small proportion of Kurdistan’s workforce belong to unions and very
few workers participate in union meetings or partake in union activities.
In accordance with regional law and international standards, Pearl Petroleum recognises
the rights of workers to freedom of association and peaceful assembly, alongside the
right to engage in collective bargaining activities (CPDG, 2019f). Nevertheless, consistent
with trends at the regional level, no members of the workforce at the existing facility
currently belong to trade unions and no collective bargaining agreements are in place.
Iraq has ratified the key ILO conventions concerning child labour. At the regional level,
the KRG has established laws which contain provisions related to child labour, including
the 1987 Labour Law, the Ministry of Education Law and the Child Protection Law (DOL,
2017). The minimum working age in the Kurdistan Region is 15, however light work for
children aged 13 to 15 years is not explicitly prohibited (Terre des Hommes, 2016). An
estimated 6% of children aged between five and 14 years are engaged in child labour in
the KRI (UNICEF, 2018a). A child under 18 years of age is not permitted to undertake
hazardous work, for example at construction sites or chemical plants.
Access to the existing facility is strictly controlled by security personnel and all persons
entering the site are required to have clearance, thereby minimising the risk of child
labour occurring within the site boundary. Contractors are required to ensure that
statutory requirements regarding child labour are fulfilled (CPDG, 2019e). The auditing
of contractors by Pearl Petroleum is an important means of monitoring contractors’ social
performance and identifying issues such as child labour within the supply chain.

3.4.9 Land
Land use and ownership in the KRI is regulated by a number of laws and legislative acts
supported by ongoing land reform and cadastral improvements. The combination of

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regional laws enacted by KRP and national laws enacted by the federal government
contain regulation relevant to land use and ownership. Land use

The KRI covers an area of 46,861.41 km, approximately three quarters of which is
agricultural land. Crop land is the main type of agricultural land, accounting for 34.5%;
pastureland and forests account for 20% and 15.5% of agricultural land use respectively.
The most common type of land use in the PACs is agricultural land, which is mainly used
for crop farming and livestock rearing. At the time of the household survey, 61% of the
households interviewed reported having access to arable land. Figure 3-28 presents the
percentage of households with access to arable land across the PACs.

100% 100%
Percentage of Households

80% 63% 65%

60% 56%
60% 54%

40% 33%

Awaye Kani Khor Mor Khor Mor Mamisik Shekh Taza Shar Zhazh
Jalal Qadir Gawra Bichuk Hameed

Figure 3-28 Access to arable land amongst households

Source: Household interviews

As shown in Figure 3-28, approximately two thirds of households interviewed in Awaye

Jalal, Kani Qadir Qala, Khor Mor Gawra and Shekh Hameed reported using arable land
at the time of the household survey. This figure rises to 100% of households in Zhazh
and 0% for the household in Mamisik (where there is only one household). Land holdings

The size of landholdings changed as a result of a series of agrarian reforms in the 1970s.
These reforms reduced the maximum size of landholdings to between 100 and 1,500
donums (10 and 150 hectares) for irrigated land; non-irrigated land was reduced to
between 2,500 and 5,000 donums (250 and 500 hectares). Land holdings above these
maximums were often expropriated (Ministry of Planning, 2017). In 1975, an additional
reform sought to break up large estates of Kurdish land holders. The expropriation of land
during the era of the Baathist regime resulted in the government acquiring large
proportions of arable land which, subsequent to its fall, became contested. Whilst the AOI
was targeted during the era of the Baathist regime, being particularly affected by the Anfal
Campaign of the 1980s, the ownership of the land remained with the original residents
(though they were absent from the PACs for a number of years).
The current average landholding size in the KRI is 100 donums (10 hectares). The size
of land holdings in the AOI vary. Some land owners were unwilling or unable to disclose
the amount of land owned. The largest total land holding claimed by a single household
was 425 donums (42.5 hectares); the average land holding was 80 donums (8 hectares).

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Household interview data indicates that the majority of households (48%) own or use one
plot of land. However, land may also be split into separate parcels to separate crop types.
A small proportion of the households interviewed own or use six or seven plots of land
(see Figure 3-29). The average number of land plots owned or used by the households
interviewed is 2.5.

50% 48%
Percentage of Households

20% 14%
10% 12% 10%
10% 6%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Plots

Figure 3-29 Number of plots owned or used by households

Source: Household interviews Land tenure

The following types of land tenure categories are applicable to the KRI:
• private land, whereby the land owner has the right to buy and sell land and to
raise capital against the value of the land; this type of land can be owned either
by inheriting or by transferring ownership from someone through buying 14
• public land which is leased by the government on a long-term or short-term
Public land is owned by the KRG and further distinguished according to the following
• rights to use land, which refers to agricultural lands belonging to a person to
be used for agricultural purposes; this can be either inherited from parents,
bought or sold
• held (ceased) lands, which refers to lands that have been properly held by the
owner for a side, group or charity purposes
• disputed lands, which refers to agricultural lands that have not yet been
clarified; disputes over the right to use the land are ongoing
• agricultural lands and split decision, which refers to agricultural land rented to
farmers by the Ministry of Agriculture for some years under renewable
• rocky and pasture lands, which is sometimes used by farmers for agricultural
• abandoned land, which refers to land belonging to the Ministry of Finance and
left to be used for public interest; this type of land is mostly available in urban

14This includes inherited land, which has been passed from generation to generation but frequently results in an
unmanageable number of owners (USAID, 2019a).
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Current data on the distribution of land according to land tenure category is scarce
(USAID, 2019a). All land is generally categorised as either urban or rural. Land ownership

Though a semi-autonomous region today, Kurdistan’s long history as part of Iraq means
that it has had numerous land management systems dating back many centuries. Some
of these systems have evolved locally across tribes, geographic locations and religions,
whereas others have been imposed or imported. The current land ownership system is a
set of embedded and overlapping systems which contain many historical elements that
can be either contradictory or cooperative, opposed or aligned, applicable only to certain
groups and discriminatory to others (Al-Ossmi et al., 2015 cited in USAID, 2019a; Stigall,
2009 cited in USAID, 2019a). This can create ambiguity and conflicting claims over land
The KRG is cognisant of the fact that land ownership issues require attention and need
to be resolved, particularly in rural areas. A common problem associated with the
confirmation of ownership rights in the KRI is the lack of documentation that attest to land
and property ownership, lease, access and use. Therefore, the KRG’s Regional Strategic
Development Vision for 2020 contains a development goal relevant to land issues, which
is aimed at land titling and ownership reforms.
In the AOI, the land ownership situation is predominantly defined by traditional rights
where land is inherited through generations. During a large-scale redistribution of
landholdings in 1958, land was divided between farmers based on a map approved by
the Ministry of Agriculture. The process of land redistribution was stopped in 1963 and
the new government declared all land to be owned by the state with individuals being
classed as land users. However, those who have some form of documentation issued by
the Iraqi government, or who inherited land through the traditional land system, believe
they privately own their land. Sometimes they sell the land despite the fact that the
ownership rights could be legally challenged.
All of the land owners and approximately 90% of the households interviewed during
primary baseline data collection reported that they inherited the land they own and thus
possess traditional land rights. Traditional land rights can be inherited by men only,
placing women (particularly widows who have also lost their children) in a precarious
position with regards to access to land. Interviews with land owners revealed that their
family members had lived on the land for the last 100 to 120 years. The majority of land
owners, however, do not possess formal documentation (e.g. title deeds) proving their
ownership of the land; only 2.6% of households interviewed can prove ownership rights
by a title deed or letter of allotment.
Those PAC members who do not hold traditional land rights or titles gain access to land
through renting. Persons wishing to cultivate state-owned land obtain usage rights from
the Ministry of Agriculture through a formal process. On the other hand, the rental of
private land is highly informal and predominantly based on verbal agreements between
friends and relatives. Whilst rental fees were not disclosed during interviews and focus
groups, participants indicated that rental fees vary depending upon the location, quality
and size of the land. In the case of private land, the payment of rental fees may be either
in cash or in-kind (e.g. such as sharing harvest). Only 6.1% of the households interviewed
during primary baseline data collection reported to be renting land, only 0.4% of whom

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have signed lease agreements. A profile of the flowline land owners and land users
interviewed during primary baseline data collection is presented in Figure 3-30.

Flowline Land Owners and Land Users

A series of KII and FGD with flowline land owners and land users were conducted in October 2019. These activities
sought to collect data on:

• land tenure arrangements, land access and ownership

• land-based livelihood activities (crop farming, livestock rearing and natural resource use)
• land-related and livelihood-related conflicts and disputes
• land-owners’ and land-users’ perceptions towards the Project.
The data were compiled, interpreted and triangulated to develop the socio-economic baseline.

A mixture of land ownership and usage arrangements were described during KII and FGD. The land associated
with the flowline land owners is privately owned and was acquired by these individuals through inheritance. This
land has typically been owned for over 100 years by the same family, having been passed down through
generations. Contrary to trends observed during household interviews, the flowline land owners reportedly possess
formal documentation proving their ownership of the land.

Alternatively, the land associated with the flowline land users is eased to these individuals by friends or family or the
Ministry of Agriculture. The rental of land from friends or family is highly informal and often based on verbal
agreements whereas land which is rented by the Ministry of Agriculture is based on a formal process. Some of the
flowline land users reportedly possess formal documentation (e.g. letters from the Ministry of Agriculture) proving
their right to use the land whereas others do not.

Land is primarily used for crop farming, with some livestock rearing taking place (mainly sheep, goats and
occasionally cows). Natural resources, including wild plants (gundelia and mushroom, grass and berries) are also
collected and consumed, or sold for cash income. Land boundaries are typically clearly demarcated by the use of
stones or strips of non-cultivated land.

Key challenges for land owners and land users include drought, insufficient water supply and inadequate water
quality, attacks on livestock (from wild animals, such as wolves), lack of veterinary services, wildfires and lack of
support from government and organisations (e.g. lack of agricultural inputs). Conflicts over land are rare; the few
disputes that do occur are mostly related to land demarcations or trespassing by livestock. Conflicts are typically
resolved by elders and relatives within a matter of days.

Figure 3-30 Profile of flowline land owners and land users

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Land prices in urban areas are high and unaffordable to many. Moreover, fiscal policy
related to land use in the KRI imposes a 2% tax on the rental of lands (World Bank,
2016b), which further increases the cost of land itself (Ministry of Planning, 2017).
Consequently families increasingly informally occupy public land or agricultural land in
peri-urban areas through informal transactions.
According to the World Bank (2016b), there are several constraints to accessing land for
private sector investment, including:
• difficulties in clarifying land ownership in rural areas
• difficulties in obtaining land under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Water Resources (MoAWR) in rural areas
• difficulties in obtaining access near airports owing to security concerns.
Accessing land for construction purposes is challenging because it requires a
construction permit, which is obtained through a lengthy and costly process. Procedure for access to land for oil and gas activities
In the oil and gas sector, access to land located in rural areas can be obtained with the
permission of the KRG Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and only for agreed
durations (MNR, 2013b). In May 2013, the MNR issued a decree stipulating that
companies undertaking exploration and production activities must pay annual rents to
owners and/or users on whose land oil well drilling blocks are located. Landowners and/or
users and local communities can apply for land-related compensation by completing
standard application forms available from the Ministry. An initial committee is established
by the District Manager during the pre-acquisition phase, composed of representatives
from the district authorities and the Ministry (Directorate) of Agriculture. This committee
processes the written request from the company to access land and identifies the land
area, coordinates and land owners by undertaking a site visit.
During the actual land acquisition phase, another committee is established by the MNR
composed of representatives of the MNR, the Ministry (Directorate) of Agriculture, the
Directorate of Real Estate Registration, a land surveyor, local authorities from the district
and a company representative. The committee determines the level of crop and land
compensation to be paid based on several criteria, including the land area, the type of
land, how the land is used, whether it is cultivated, and the previous year’s type of crop
as assessed through a survey and land boundary records from the Ministry of Agriculture.
The local land office also plays an important role in identifying and certifying the category
of the land.
A Higher Committee, formed at the level of the Governorate during the compensation
phase, consists of members from the Council of Ministers, the MNR, the Governorate,
the Ministry (Directorate) of Agriculture and the Directorate of Real Estate Registration.
This committee evaluates the compensation request forms from the affected people and
the proposed rates and directs a disbursement request to the MNR. The MNR prepares
the agreement to be signed with the land owners and/or users.
Companies are also required to pay annual rents to community members who lose
access to the use of public pastures on which drilling blocks are located (MNR, 2013b).
Roads used by companies are to be returned to the original users after 50 years.

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182279-17 (05) Procedure for access to land at the existing facility
In 2007, the KRG signed a Petroleum Development Agreement with Pearl Petroleum to
appraise the KM gas field and provide gas supplies for use at power stations in the
Kurdistan Region (Pearl Petroleum, 2018). The construction of the existing facility began
in 2008; operations began in 2010.
In accordance with the land boundaries defined by the Ministry of Agriculture and the
Directorate of Agriculture for Chemchemal, the land that falls within the boundary of the
existing facility can be categorised as agricultural, pastoral or rocky land and is divided
between households belonging to the following three PACs: Khor Mor Gawra, Khor Mor
Bichuk and Awaye Jalal. Through the Directorate of Agriculture for Qadir Karim (the sub-
district where the existing facility is based), the affected land parcels in the respective
PACs have been verified and supporting cadastral maps have been produced.
In 2011, a ministerial order (No. 7592, dated 02 October 2011) was issued requiring
compensation for persons from the above PACs who historically used land within the
boundary of the existing facility. None of these persons were living on the land; they were
using it for agricultural/pastoral purposes only and thus no physical displacement
occurred as a result of the construction of the existing facility. A committee was
established in January 2012 to handle the compensation process, comprising
representatives from the MNR, the MoAWR, the local government authorities and Pearl
Petroleum 15. The total number of affected land users identified in Khor Mor Gawra, Khor
Mor Bichuk and Awaye Jalal were 41, 37 and 17 respectively.
All of the land users were required to provide evidence (e.g. witnesses) proving that they
were the proper users of the land. None of the land users claimed ownership rights as
none of them possessed documentation (e.g. formal title deeds) proving their ownership
of the land, reflecting the situation at the regional level. Only land usage rights were
claimed by the land users. Evidence of these rights was provided through the traditional
land use arrangements, where the land user raises a claim, supported by two witnesses,
with the Anjuman of the village to the related government department. In this context, the
related government department was (and remains) the Directorate of Agriculture for Qadir
All of the users of the land within the boundary of the existing facility have been
compensated through the one-off provision of cash compensation. The compensation
rate paid was calculated according to market value which, at the time, was approximately
one million Iraqi Dinars (IQD) per donum (approximately USD 833). Compensation was
paid during two sessions at the MNR (between 22 and 24 January 2011 and on 15
February 2012). The total amount of compensation paid to the 95 land users in the three
PACs was IQD 1,896,080,000 (USD 1,580,067).
Upon payment of compensation, each land user signed an agreement with the MNR
confirming the following details:
• their full name
• the plot size and location of the land for which they had been compensated
• the amount of compensation paid

15 These activities were undertaken prior to the publication of more recent ministerial instructions requiring the

establishment of three separate committees to handle land-related issues for oil and gas operations in the KRG
(see Section
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• their understanding and acceptance that:
o as a result of compensation, they no longer had rights to use the land
o their compensation was a one-off payment and no additional
compensation would be paid
o the land was now allocated to the MNR for petroleum purposes according
to regional law and regulations.
The contents of the agreement were explained orally to land users to confirm their
understanding and acceptance of the agreement. Records of each agreement were
retained by the MNR and Pearl Petroleum. In line with regional regulatory requirements,
a completion audit was undertaken by joint committees, comprising representatives from
regional and local government and Pearl Petroleum, to confirm that the affected land
users had been compensated in line with the terms of their agreement. Following the
completion audit, Pearl Petroleum has remained in contact with the MNR to discuss any
related complaints or comments received.
During stakeholder engagement for the ESIA, some of these land users expressed
dissatisfaction with the compensation process that was followed, the amount of
compensation that they received and the frequency of their compensation payment (one-
off rather than yearly). They were advised to report their grievances to Pearl Petroleum’s
SPD by RSK (through its local in-country partner), using the Community Grievance
Management Procedure (see Section 4.6). At the time of writing, however, Pearl
Petroleum has not received any related grievances.
In relation to the above concerns, Pearl Petroleum note that the compensation process
• implemented in accordance with the regulations of the KRG
• transparent and understandable to all affected persons, with the conditions of
compensation payments being clearly stated in supporting documentation (e.g.
the compensation agreements between the affected land users and the MNR)
• accepted by the affected land users, who agreed to a one-off compensation
payment and understood that no additional compensation would be paid.
Pearl Petroleum further note that the amounts of compensation paid was higher than the
amounts that land users typically receive in similar situations across Kurdistan.
Outside the boundary of the existing facility, but within the boundaries of the Khor Mor
concession area, there are three well pads (KM3, KM6 and KM9) which are used by Pearl
Petroleum but are located on land that has been the property of the government since
the 1970s, when it was acquired by the government for oil and gas exploration purposes.
According to anecdotal evidence, there is dissatisfaction amongst the former land
users/land owners and their descendants, who allege that compensation issues were not
properly resolved at the time of acquisition. In addition, there are cases whereby sections
of pipeline, connected to the existing facility but located outside the Khor Mor concession
area, have allegedly been constructed on land prior to the compensation process (led by
the MNR and MoAWR) being finalised.
Such issues are in the process of being addressed by the MNR with a Land Acquisition
and Compensation Committee having been established in mid-2019 (with participation
from other governmental agencies) to expedite the process.

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182279-17 (05) Procedure for access to land for the KM250A Project
The process of compensating persons who use land that will be affected by the
installation of new flowlines required for the Project is ongoing. The compensation
process is being led by the MNR and MoAWR with Pearl Petroleum playing a supporting
and facilitating role as appropriate. In line with regional government protocol, a Land
Acquisition and Compensation Committee has been formed, consisting of a
representative from Pearl Petroleum, alongside other individuals (e.g. representatives
from the MNR and local authorities and a land surveyor).
A survey to formally identify the affected land owners/land users has been completed.
The survey entailed the collection of data on the boundaries of the affected land (including
GIS coordinates), the contact details of the affected land owners/land users and the
type(s) of land affected. The preliminary findings of the survey indicate that:
• the types of affected land are agricultural, pastoral and rocky
• no persons are living on the affected land and thus no physical displacement is
anticipated (economic displacement only)
• the affected land was not expropriated by the Baathist government historically
(see Section, though this will be further verified as part of the activities
of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Committee.
The resulting documentation from the survey is in the process of being finalised in line
with the current Project schedule.
As outlined in Section and Section, a series of mitigation measures will be
undertaken, including the development and implementation of a Livelihood Restoration
Plan (LRP) by Pearl Petroleum, for the purpose of ensuring that affected land users are
compensated by the Project in accordance with regional regulations and international
standards (specifically IFC Performance Standard 5).
Under IFC Performance Standard 5, a Project which involves economic displacement
requires the development of an LRP in order to compensate affected persons and/or
communities. As stated in Section 2.5.1, the Project will require land for the construction
of up to five additional flowlines external to the boundary of the existing facility. This will
result in the economic displacement of affected land owners/land users and therefore an
LRP will need to be developed.
The LRP will include:
• a gap analysis of the differences between international standards and regional
• principles of land access
• an entitlements matrix based on a mitigation and compensation framework
• details of the valuation of assets and establishment of compensation rates
• the land access procedure
• provisions for vulnerable people
• management of change procedures
• monitoring and evaluation.

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Land-related conflict in Iraq and the KRI has a long history originating from successions
of invasions and conflicts which have resulted in the major displacement of populations
from their lands and properties over time. Waves of internal displacement, resettlement
and attempts to reclaim land have been ongoing sources of land conflict (World Bank,
According to World Bank (2016b), current land-related conflicts in the country and
Kurdistan Region can be categorised as follows:
• conflicts associated with three contemporary periods of large-scale population
displacement (the Baathist regime, coalition forces and ISIS conflict)
• the overlap and confusion between land rights for individuals and rights
claimed by groups involving ethnic territoriality
• a weak state presence and capacity in large areas of the country, and the filling
of this vacuum with tribal, Islamic, militia, and hybrid forms of managing land
Contemporary conflicts concerning land in the KRI typically revolve around land
ownership, particularly in rural areas. Lack of documentation, combined with cases of
fraud, land confiscations and other factors, have resulted in competing claims over land
and property. The issue is particularly contentious in rural areas where land is a vital
provisioning ecosystem service and source of income generation for households.
Ongoing debates and parliamentary hearings are currently taking place aimed at
addressing ownership disputes that have been illegally appropriated or used in the
Kurdistan Region (KRP, 2019). In the AOI, land disputes are known to occur in the PACs
over boundary demarcations between neighbours and/or when livestock enter land that
is owned by other households.
Left unresolved, such issues may complicate future processes of land acquisition in the
AOI in the future. Some PAC members reported that the number of land-related disputes
have increased in recent years, owing to an increase in awareness of land rights and
different types of land tenure. Land disputes are predominantly resolved by village
Anjuman, elders and, where necessary, local government authorities. Disputes and
conflicts which cannot be resolved locally are escalated to higher levels, including the

3.4.10 Infrastructure and services Water and sanitation

According to UNICEF (2018b), the KRI has made considerable progress in improving
access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in recent years. The majority of
households (90%) are connected to the public water supply network; fewer households
(5%) rely on wells (open or closed), water tanks (3%) and surface water sources (e.g.
springs, rivers and lakes) (less than 1%) (IOM, 2018a). Rural areas also rely on natural
springs, shallow wells and rivers for their water supply (Yousef et al., 2018). In 2018, the
International Organisation for Migration (IOM) reported report that most households are
now connected to the public sewage network with covered canal (51%) or septic tanks

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Pressure on the region’s water resources has been exacerbated by changes in climate.
Reduced rainfall and snowfall have resulted in rapidly declining water levels in the KRI,
including in springs and shallow wells, particularly in the driest districts of Erbil and Dohuk
(IRIS, 2017b). Further threats to water supply in Kurdistan include deteriorating
infrastructure as well as upstream water use and damming in neighbouring countries
(IRIS, 2017b). An estimated 50% to 60% of distributed drinking water is lost due to
leakages or illegal private connections to the grid.
Management of wastewater remains a challenge in the KRI. Except for in the
Governorate of Sulaymaniyah, the number of physical facilities (namely wastewater
treatment plants and sewerage collection networks) are insufficient (World Bank, 2015).
This has led to the discharge of wastewater directly into rivers and other water bodies,
thereby increasing public health risks (including outbreaks of water-borne diseases) and
environmental pollution. The influx of Syrian refugees and IDPs into Kurdistan in recent
years has exacerbated existing pressure on sanitation infrastructure in the region (World
Bank, 2015).
Groundwater wells, often connected by pipe to water tanks close to villages, are the main
source of water for PAC members. Some of these wells are owned by Pearl Petroleum,
whereas others have been drilled by the residents themselves. Surface water is available
from streams at certain times of year but many dry up during the dry season and some
have dried up permanently. The majority of PACs rely on interior flushing toilets
connected to septic tanks or soakaways for sanitation.
Challenges associated with water were consistently reported during primary baseline
data collection and included issues with the reliability, quantity and quality of water
available in the PACs. Generally, water shortages were reported to be an important
community issue. Corroborating data at the regional level, increasing water scarcity was
identified as a problem facing crop farmers and stakeholders engaged in livestock rearing
(FGD with land users). Furthermore, requests for improved water supply were common
during KII with village Anjuman and SDMs.
Conversely, challenges associated with sanitation were not typically reported during
primary baseline data collection. Nevertheless, diarrhoea is one of the most common
health problems experienced in the PACs (see Section 3.4.5) indicating that sanitation
remains an issue in the AOI. Waste disposal

The management of municipal solid waste (MSW) remains an important challenge in the
KRI. Approximately 7,500 tons of waste are sent to the region’s landfills daily (Rudaw,
2017a). Population growth, economic development and the influx of refugees and IDPs
in recent years has increased MSW generation and pressure on existing infrastructure
(Aziz et al., 2019). According to the World Bank (2015), the additional population
produced more than 1,690 tons of solid waste per day in 2015, representing an increase
of 26% on the KRI’s daily per capita generated solid waste in 2014. Waste management
challenges are pronounced in major cities such as Erbil and Sulaymaniyah as a result of
urbanisation. Furthermore, hazardous waste disposal facilities in the region are limited
and generally do not meet international standards.
In the PACs, the main methods of solid waste disposal as reported during household
interviews are presented in Figure 3-31.

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100% 100% 100% 100%

Percentage of Households
80% 66.5% 71%
60% 45%
33.5% 38%
40% 29%
Awaye Kani Khor Mor Khor Mor Mamisik Shekh Taza Zhazh
Jalal Qadir Gawra Bichuk Hameed Shar
Burned in Private Waste Pit Disposed of at Waste Collection Point

Figure 3-31 Methods of solid waste disposal

Source: Household interviews

Almost all food waste is fed to livestock; some households in Awaye Jalal, Khor Mor
Bichuk, Taza Shar and Zhazh burn food waste in private waste pits.
Except for in Mamisik (which consists of only one household), interviewed households
mainly dispose of solid waste at waste collection points in the PACs. A private company
– Shkar – is contracted by the local government to collect waste from these points weekly;
the waste is subsequently burned or deposited in landfills (KII with SDMs). Alternatively,
over a quarter of households interviewed in Khor Mor Bichuk, Shekh Hameed, Taza Shar
and Zhazh burn solid waste in private waste pits.
Despite a growing interest in recycling at the regional and governorate level, reports of
recycling in the PACs were extremely uncommon. During the household interviews, one
of the internally displaced families reported that they recycle aluminium. This, however,
is to generate income rather than manage waste. Energy
Until 2007, the KRI suffered an acute electricity crisis and an absence of locally generated
power; many businesses and residents typically had access to electricity for only two
hours a day (PwC, 2018). By 2017, gas supplies accounted for approximately 80% of the
energy used for electricity generation in the KRI (PwC, 2018). Though a significant
proportion of the electricity generated in Kurdistan is consumed domestically, the region
has the greatest electricity access in Iraq, enabling it to supply power to other parts of the
country (MNR, 2013a).
The average public electricity supply is limited to 17 hours per day. The number of hours
of electricity across the governorates is presented in Figure 3-32.

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19 18.5

Mean Number of Hours of

16 15.67 15.67
Erbil Sulaymaniyah Dohuk

Figure 3-32 Public electricity supply by governorate, 2018 (IOM, 2018a)

Note: No data available on public electricity supply in Halabja.

The availability of electricity fluctuates seasonally as well as spatially; in 2016, for

example, parts of Kurdistan lacked power for an average of four hours per day in the
spring compared to 13 hours per day in the winter, owing to government-mandated shut-
downs (WRI, 2018).
Generators are commonly used in the absence of electricity from the grid. The
demographic survey undertaken by the IOM (2018a) found that shared generators are
more common in urban areas, whilst private generators are more common in rural areas.
In Sulaymaniyah, households have an average of 19 hours of electricity per day.
Approximately 85.5% of households use a shared generator and 0.9% own private
generators. Most households use kerosene as their main heating source (96%) and 95%
of households use coolers as their main source of cooling (IOM, 2018a).
Electricity is the main source of energy for lighting in the majority of the PACs (KII with
village Anjuman and SDMs). Of the 145 households interviewed, 76% rely on electricity
provided by Pearl Petroleum; the remainder (24%) derive electricity from private
generators. In Zhazh, Pearl Petroleum also provide households with the fuel (diesel)
required to run private generators.
Except for private generators, the PACs of Chala Dwana, Mamisik and Qarah Chewar
currently have no access to electricity and typically rely on traditional energy sources
such as candles and oil lamps for lighting (KII with village Anjuman). Requests for
electricity were consistently made during primary baseline data collection in these PACs.
The use of solar power as an energy source is uncommon in the AOI, corroborating data
on the limited development of solar power at the regional level.
The main source of energy for cooking is gas (KII with village Anjuman and SDMs). Of
the 145 households interviewed, 95% reported using gas cannisters for cooking; a small
proportion (4%) use firewood. The use of firewood was also reported by village Anjuman
in Cham Surkhaw, Paryawla and Takhta Mina Saru.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that gas cannisters are purchased by households from
Qadir Karim and/or from a truck which passes through some of the PACs every two to
three days. The cost of gas is considered to be inexpensive with each cannister lasting
approximately one month, depending on the size of the household.

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182279-17 (05) Housing
The vast majority of people in Kurdistan live in their own houses. Overall, 79% of the
population live in households they own and have completely paid for (Ministry of
Planning, 2013). This statistic drops slightly in urban areas (to 77%) and increases in
rural areas (to 89%).
The demographic survey of the KRI undertaken by the IOM (2018a) found that, in 89%
of cases, houses are occupied by a single household, with only 9% of houses
accommodating more than one household. Shared housing is more common in urban
areas, where families are more likely to share parts of a single house or live in flats (IOM,
2018a). This is driven by higher property and rental prices in urban areas. Despite rapid
construction, housing remains in high demand across the region (Ministry of Planning,
2013); housing and rental prices also increased by 20% and 15% in 2018 respectively
(Rudaw, 2019). Pressure on the housing market has increased in line with the influx of
Syrian refugees and IDPs (see Section 3.4.4).
The majority of households are connected to the public water supply network and most
households are connected to the public sewage network. Housing styles and materials
vary geographically, reflecting differences in climate and locally available materials
(Khoshnaw, 2019). The use of steel and concrete can be observed in major cities such
as Erbil; the use of more traditional materials (such as stone, wood and fired bricks) can
still be observed in parts of the countryside (Khoshnaw, 2019).
Many houses in the AOI are located within walled/barbed wire compounds and consist
mainly of concrete block walls and concrete or iron/tin roofs (see Figure 3-33).

Figure 3-33 Example housing in Khor Mor Gawra

The age of residential structures in the AOI varies. The majority of the 145 households
interviewed live in houses which are up to 10 years old (see Figure 3-34). Two exceptions
are Khor Mor Gawra and Taza Shar, where approximately half of the households
interviewed live in structures that are between 11 and 20 years old.

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100% 100%

Percentage of Households
70% 74%
60% 49%
40% 30% 33% 31%
16% 15% 18%
20% 7% 10%
Awaye Kani Qadir Khor Mor Khor Mor Mamisik Shekh Taza Shar Zhazh
Jalal Qala Gawra Bichuk Hameed

0 to 10 years 11 to 20 years Unknown

Figure 3-34 Age of household structures

Source: Household interviews

Data gathered during the household interviews indicates that:

• the majority of households interviewed (82%) live in structures comprised of
concrete walls; mud and wooden planks are the second and third most
common type of material for walls (representing 11% and 1.5% of households
• the majority of households interviewed (72%) live in structures with concrete
rooves; a small proportion (15%) live in structures which have mud roofs
• the majority of households interviewed (83%) live in structures that have
concrete floors; ceramic tiles and wooden planks are the second most common
material for floors (each representing 4% of households). Transport Roads
The KRI has a road network of 23,400 km (World Bank, 2015). This network includes
primary roads (linking governorate centres with one another and border crossings),
secondary roads (linking areas within districts and sub-districts) and tertiary roads (linking
communities in rural areas with one other and with arterial roadways) (Invest in Group,
2013c). The primary and secondary road network is mostly paved, with 52 km being
identified as earth, gravel or tracks. Tertiary roads are mostly unpaved and are in poor or
very poor condition.
The existing road network in the Project area is the principal means of transporting
personnel and equipment to the Project site. There are no buses or public transportation
networks available. Generally, most people reported using private cars to go to school,
medical centres, shopping and work and 65% of the households interviewed own cars.
The road conditions vary significantly from good asphalt paved roads, to high-grade and
low-grade gravel roads, down to dirt roads in very poor condition. The main road between
Qadir Karam and Khor Mor is considered to be in especially poor condition. Bridge
crossings do not identify the load capacity and could represent a safety hazard or heavy
The northern portion of the existing facility is easily accessed by a paved Qadir Karam –
Khor Mor - Nojol Road, crossing the Rokhana River through a bridge in Qadir Karam.
The southern portion also has easy access by a paved road which runs from Kirkuk along

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the Imam Qasim Mountain/foothills. Access to the south-eastern part is mainly through
low- or high-grade gravel roads from Ibrahim Ghulam, most of which are in poor condition.
Access to some areas (especially south-east) is limited by the potential presence of mine
fields. Traffic
A road traffic and pedestrian count survey was undertaken by RSK in September 2019
in order to understand the existing traffic demand for both light vehicles, heavy vehicles
and pedestrians. The surveys were undertaken in the AOI where Project-related traffic
during the construction phase is expected to represent a significant increase of traffic on
the local public road network. These include main road transportation routes north-east
of the site, near the villages of Cham Surkhaw and Qadir Karim, and south-west of the
site, near the villages of Khor Mor Gawra and Khor Mor Bichuk. The survey locations are
presented in Table 3-34 and illustrated in Figure 2-6 (Section
The traffic count survey (15-minute periods) consisted of:
• manual counting at six strategic locations, north and south directions for each
• two survey periods:
• morning survey between the hours of 0700 and 1000
• afternoon survey between the hours of 1300 and 1600
• classification of vehicles as motorcycle, car, van, medium goods vehicle (MGV)
or heavy goods vehicle (HGV).
Survey results are illustrated in Appendix 2 (Figure A2.1 to A2.6). The busiest periods on
the local road network are between the hours of 0800 and 1000, 1400 and 1600.

Table 3-34 Traffic survey locations

Location Description

Near the village of Zardah, the first entry point into the AOI along
Traffic count location 1
the main road transportation route.

After the junction near the village of Cham Surkhaw; this route will
Traffic count location 2
then continue towards the site.

Traffic count location 3 Near the junction towards the village of Mamisik.

Traffic count location 4 Near the junction towards the Project site.

Traffic count location 5 Near the junction towards Khor Mor Gawra.

Near the junction towards the villages of Khor Mor Bichuk, Awaye
Traffic count location 6
Jalal and Taza Shar. Land use along access routes

The land use survey (results in Appendix 2, Figure A2.1 through A2.6) was implemented
along the main transportation route to and from the Khor Mor site, and concerned five
villages; Zardah village, Ali Mustafa village, Aliawa village, Qadir Karam village and Khor
Mor Gawra village along the main transportation route. The survey confirmed the

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presence of individual housing units, roadside shops, mosques, graveyards, barn
houses/livestock pens, fish farms and bridges crossing waterways, including dried
waterways. At Qadir Karam village, there is a military checkpoint, oil field police camp
and police base nearby.
The land along the public road towards Mamisik village mostly consists of wheat farms
and grazing lands for livestock. Other features present along this route include a tanker
parking area, abandoned housing units and a military camp. The land surrounding Taza
Shar village is used for wheat farming and livestock grazing, and barns are located near
the village. There is also a military checkpoint at a bridge crossing a dry waterway at
Taza Shar village.
The survey indicated that sensitive receptors within the transport AOI 16 consisted
primarily of residential living areas. The access road survey, which was implemented
indicated that. Commercial areas and agricultural/grazing support facilities were located
beyond 150m from the roads that were the subject of this survey. Airports
The KRI is serviced by two international airports, one located in Erbil and one located in
Sulaymaniyah. The number of passengers, airport movements and cargo handled by the
region’s largest airport – Erbil International Airport (EIA) – has shown an overall increase
between 2008 and 2018. The construction of a third international airport, located in
Dohuk, began in 2012 and, when complete, will handle 328,000 passengers, 8,700 tons
of cargo and 3,450 aircraft movements per year (Airport Technology, 2019).
There are no airports in the AOI. The closest airport to the PACs is Sulaymaniyah
International Airport (approximately 140 km away).

3.4.11 Community safety, security and welfare Standards of living

The relative security and political stability enjoyed by the region for much of the past two
decades has led to positive achievements in the Human Development Index (HDI) 17 of
Kurdistan (UNDP, 2014). It now has some of the lowest poverty rates in the country
(Vishwanath et al., 2015). Figure 3-35 shows the poverty rate for the KRI and the
respective governorates (note: no data available on the poverty rate in Halabja).

16 For all Project phases: 150 m either side of road transport routes where the project’s contribution to road
transport is expected to be significant.
17 The HDI is a composite measure of human development which takes into account life expectancy at birth,

education and per capita income. The HDI was developed by the United Nations and classifies countries into four
tiers of human development: very high, high, medium and low.
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9.00% 8.60%
Poverty Rate (%) 5.46%
5.00% 4.46%
KRI Erbil Sulaymaniyah Dohuk

Figure 3-35 Poverty rates in the KRI, 2018 (KRSO, 2019)

Living standards are generally lower in rural parts of Kurdistan, owing to numerous factors
such as lower levels of literacy and educational attainment and scarcer opportunities for
employment (Harun et al., 2015). With an HDI value of 0.764 and poverty rate of 4.46%,
the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah has a higher level of human development and lower
level of poverty than other parts of the KRI.
Village Anjuman and SDMs reported a mixture of socio-economic classes within their
communities. 50% of population in approximately two thirds of the PACs considered
themselves as middle class, having more than one source of income, owning assets
(such as land, a car and/or farming equipment) and having ability to hire agricultural
labour if needed.
PAC members identified to be lower class was based on their reliance only on one source
of income, lack of land and/or other assets and employment as agricultural laborers
themselves. The proportion of lower-class PAC members ranges from less than 10% of
the population in Ali Mustafa, Awaye Jalal, Chala Dwana and Taza Shar to 80% and
above in Khor Mor Gawra and Qadir Karim.
Approximately one third of residents living in Ibrahim Ghulam, Khor Mor Bichuk, Qarah
Chewar, Shekh Hameed and Takeya Jabari were identified as belonging to the upper
class due to having more than one income source, having their own business or large
amount of land and assets to cultivate that land, as well as having ability to hire people
to do farming and livestock rearing.
Household interview data indicates that the ownership of consumer goods by PAC
members is high, with up to 80% of the households in PACs such as Khor Mor Bichuk
and Zhazh owning a car. All interviewed households except for the one household in
Mamisik reported to have mobile phones, and every household in Kani Qadir Qala, Khor
Mor Gawra, Khor Mor Bichuk, Taza Shar and Zhazh reported to own a television. Up to
75% of households interviewed owned a fridge, increasing to 86%, 88% and 93% in
Zhazh, Khor Mor Gawra and Kani Qadir Qala respectively. The ability to afford such items
indicates that households enjoy a certain level of disposable income.
Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that PACs comprise a mixture of socio-
economic classes with a number of poorer households identified by village Anjuman and
SDMs, particularly in Cham Surkhaw, Khor Mor Gawra and Qadir Karim. Moreover,
demands for improvements in health care, schools, water supply and electricity were

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consistently made during stakeholder engagement for the ESIA, indicating that
community aspirations for higher living standards and a better quality of life are high. Security and safety

The KRI enjoys a higher degree of peace and stability than other parts of Iraq and
neighbouring countries and is considered to be relatively secure (OSAC, 2019). Violence
in the region has remained low for many years, indicating a high level of internal security
not found in the rest of the country (World Bank, 2015). Kurdistan’s armed forces, the
Peshmerga, play a particularly important role with respect to regional security. Their
presence, along with the Asayish officers (local police forces) who come from the PACs,
private security personnel and the Oil Field Protection Force at the existing facility, are
all contributing factors to relatively high security levels in the AOI. This may play a further
role in moderating crime levels.
Risks to the safety and security of PAC members as a result of unexploded ordnance
have been pertinent in the past. Victims of land mines were identified during interviews
with village Anjuman in Khor Mor Gawra and Khor Mor Bichuk. The sub-district of Qadir
Karim (where the Project will be based) has a total of 43 cleared minefields; at the time
of writing, the clearance of four minefields is ongoing and nine minefields are still to be
cleared. The latter have been marked for safety reasons and are located some distance
from the facility and to the south-west of the Project site
Several other threats to public safety remain, including a high level of traffic accidents at
regional level, gender-based violence and the widely spread and culturally acceptable
ownership of guns. The latter was confirmed during interviews with the village Anjuman
and SDMs; men can often be seen walking around carrying guns in Qadir Karim, Takhta
Mina Saru and Khor Mor Gawra.
Consistent with data at the regional level, there are low levels of crime in the PACs (FGD
with women, KII with village Anjuman and SDMs). This was attributed to a number of
factors. The village Anjuman of Khor Mor Gawra stated that because most communities
are close knit, often consisting of people either from the local area or who have been in
the area for a long time who know one another very well. Despite low levels of crime,
risks to the safety and security of PAC members remain. Gender
The United Nation’s (UN) Gender Inequality Index (GII) 18 indicates that women in the KRI
experience greater equality than women in the remainder of Iraq and other countries in
the Middle East (see Table 3-35).

18 The GII is a composite measure reflecting inequality in achievement between men and women in three

dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and participation in the labour market (UNDP, 2017a). It ranges
from zero to one, where the lower the score the more equality there is between men and women (Open
Democracy, 2016).
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Table 3-35 GII values for the KRI, Iraq and other countries in the region

Country GII Global ranking

Iraq 0.506 123
Kurdistan Region 0.410 -
Iran 0.461 109
Syria 0.657 136
Turkey 0.317 69

Source: Open Democracy (2016); UNDP (2017a)

Women in the KRI have more legal rights than women in other parts of the country (Kaya,
2017). The KRG has introduced new legislation and amended existing laws to advance
the status of women in society. The Government has also ratified the principles of the
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and launched
a National Strategy to Confront Violence against Women in 2012.
Notwithstanding these improvements, Kurdish society remains patriarchal and male-
dominated (Samad, 2018). As stated in Section 3.4.6, literacy levels and school
attendance rates are lower amongst females compared to males (IOM, 2018a).
Unemployment rates are 12% higher for women than men, and female labour market
participation rates are 50% lower (KRSO, 2019). Household level data is consistent with
these findings.
Forced marriage was reported during FGD with women. Participants of focus groups in
Khor Mor Bichuk, Khor Mor Gawra and Taza Shar stated that local girls, sometimes as
young as 13, are coerced into marrying partners without their agreement.
Vulnerability is defined as a set of specific characteristics that might influence the
likelihood of a household of experiencing hardships and result in increased poverty (IOM,
2018b). Vulnerable groups

People living with impairments, regardless of their nature, may be particularly vulnerable
to material hardship and poverty owing to their dependency on others for support.
Approximately 3% of the KRI’s population are physically or mentally impaired,
representing 2.4% of females and 3.5% of males (IOM, 2018a). The number of persons
living with an impairment is also higher in urban areas compared to rural areas (at 3%
and 2.5% respectively), and in persons aged 65 years and above compared to persons
below the age of 14 (at 18.5% and 1.3% respectively) (IOM, 2018a). Elderly or young households

In households where there is a large proportion of young or elderly members, the burden
on remaining family members to provide income and support increases significantly.
In approximately 13% of households across the KRI, over two-thirds of members are
under the age of 14 or above the age of 65. The overall dependency ratio for the region
is 64, lower than the national dependency ratio of 77 (Trading Economics, 2016).

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Sulaymaniyah has a lower dependency ratio than Erbil and Dohuk, with 59 dependents
per 100 individuals of working age compared to 65 and 69 respectively. Female-headed households

Female household heads tend to be less educated and to head smaller, poorer
households compared to men. These factors coupled with female inequality in other parts
of society increases female-headed households’ vulnerability to material hardship and
poverty considerably. Approximately 10% of all households in the KRI are headed by
females (IOM, 2018a). Households facing unemployment

The KRI had an unemployment rate of 9% in 2018 (KRSO, 2019). Amongst the
households surveyed by the IOM (2018a), approximately 27% of household heads were
unemployed at the time of the survey. Without a stable income or livelihood activity, and
in the absence of state support, such households are particularly challenged in terms of
their ability to meet their basic human needs and avoid falling into poverty. Refugees and internally displaced persons

As outlined in Section 3.4.4, there were an estimated 1.5 million refugees and IDPs in
Kurdistan in 2019. A total of 16 internally displaced families were identified across five
PACs during household interviews. None of these families owned any land. Three
families were experiencing difficulties accessing food. Approximately half of the members
of these families were unable to work because of age or disability. Children
Whilst the lives of children in the KRI have improved (UNICEF, 2018b), some children
remain vulnerable. Access to education and educational attainment is lower amongst
children from poorer backgrounds (UNICEF, 2018b), whose families may be unable to
afford school-related costs (e.g. transportation, uniforms) or may require them to
undertake household tasks (e.g. agricultural and domestic work).
The loss of hundreds of Kurdish Peshmergas during the war against ISIS has also
produced a large number of widows and orphaned children, many of whom struggle to
access food, water, shelter, health care and education (KSCF, 2014). Some orphans
have turned towards child labour to provide for themselves and remaining family
members (KSCF, 2014). Crop farmers and livestock rearers

Crop farming and livestock rearing are important livelihood activities, particularly in rural
parts of Kurdistan. Over the last decade, scientific studies have highlighted the increasing
impact of climate change on the region’s agricultural sector (see Aziz, 2014;
Abdulrahman, 2018). Drought occurrences have posed particular threats to the well-
being of crop farming and livestock rearing households; those which are solely dependent
on these livelihood activities, and lack alternative sources of income, are particularly
vulnerable to material hardship and poverty.

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Elderly widows, many of whom lost their husbands as a result of the Anfal campaign were
reported in Khor Mor Bichuk, Khor Mor Gawra, Zhazh and Kani Qadir Qala. They rely on
their relatives, community members and/or government support. Those without relatives,
or who are experiencing health problems connected to old age, may be particularly
Key findings on vulnerable groups at the local level are presented in Table 3-36.

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Table 3-36 Key findings and analysis of vulnerable groups

Group Key findings Analysis of vulnerability

People living with physical and/or mental impairments have the

potential to be vulnerable as they may struggle to find employment, or
Of the 145 households interviewed, a total of 10 undertake livelihood activities and, as such, may not have the
households (approximately 7%) have at least one family capacity to provide for themselves, leading to a reliance on relatives,
member living with a disability. community members and/or the government for income and support.
People living with People living with a mental and/or physical impairments Those living without relatives may be particularly vulnerable.
physical and/or were also identified in Cham Surkhaw, Paryawla and People living with physical and/or mental impairments may also be
mental impairments Takhta Mina Saru. subject to discrimination or marginalisation in the workplace or
Types of impairment include mental illness, blindness, community. Differential treatment and/or exclusion in these settings
deafness and physical disabilities (resulting from land may lead to social isolation and reinforce the vulnerability of this
mines). group.
Discrimination may also lead to poorer access to physical health care,
thereby exacerbating the health problems experienced by this group.

Not considered to be vulnerable except for households which have a

significant proportion of young or elderly members. In these
Of the 145 households interviewed, a total of 136
households, there may only be one or two members of working age,
households (93%) had at least one family member that was
leading to lower income levels relative to other households, difficulties
Elderly or young classed as being too old or young to work at the time of the
in meeting basic needs (e.g. food) and increasing the risk of children
households household survey.
dropping out of school to engage in child labour.
The burden of elderly and/or young persons on working
Households with a significant proportion of young or elderly members,
family members was not reported to be an issue.
who do not have diversified livelihood strategies, may be particularly

Likely to be vulnerable owing to high levels of female unemployment

Female-headed Of the 145 households interviewed, a total of 10 household
and illiteracy and lack of assets (e.g. land) and limited role in
households heads (1%) were female-headed.
community decision-making.

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Group Key findings Analysis of vulnerability

Approximately 80% of household members of working age

reported to be unemployed at the time of the household
Challenges typically associated with unemployment (e.g.
Households facing Not considered to be vulnerable except for households facing
access to food, education and health care) were not
unemployment unemployment who also lack alternative sources of income.
reported to be issues.
In the absence of employment, PAC members rely on other
income-generating activities (IGAs) (e.g. crop farming,
livestock rearing) to survive.

Total of 16 internally displaced families identified across

five PACs during household interviews.
None of these families own land.
Three of these families experience difficulties accessing
food, representing half of all households who reported that
food security was an issue at the time of the household
The majority of the members of these families (96%) have Likely to be vulnerable owing to lack of assets (e.g. land), food (in the
no education or did not complete primary school; only 2% case of some families), low levels of education and high
completed primary school and only 1% completed unemployment.
secondary school. The primary data indicates that communities have been benevolent
Approximately half of the members of these families are towards IDPs in the PACs, which may help to reduce their
unable to work because they are either too young, too old vulnerability to an extent.
or have a disability 19; the remaining half were unemployed
at the time of the household survey.
Internally displaced families were further identified in Ali
Mustafa and Chala Dwana, working as shepherds on low
No refugees were identified in the AOI during primary
baseline data collection.

19 Only one internally displaced household reported that they had a member who was living with a disability.
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Group Key findings Analysis of vulnerability

As a general group, children are likely to be vulnerable to injuries

associated with road traffic accidents and construction sites as they
tend to have a poorer sense of road safety and be less risk averse
compared to adults.
Children with disabilities have the potential to be vulnerable as they
Children from poor economic backgrounds are attending may experience discrimination and marginalisation at school and/or in
schools in Khor Mor Gawra, Shekh Hameed, Qadir Karim the local community
and Takeya Jabari. Children from poor economic backgrounds are likely to be vulnerable
One or more orphans are living in the following PACs: given the limited ability of low-income families to meet their basic
Shekh Hameed, Zhazh, Qadir Karim, Takeya Jabari, needs (e.g. food) and educational needs (e.g. transportation, clothing,
Children Awaye Jalal, Ibrahim Ghulam and Paryawla. stationary). They may also be required to contribute to household
tasks (e.g. livestock rearing), leading to poor school attendance and
Orphans in many of the PACs are reported to be well cared increasing the risk of children dropping out of school altogether.
for by relatives.
Depending upon circumstance, orphans have the potential to be
No child-headed households were identified during vulnerable. Whilst many were reported to be supported by family
household interviews. members (e.g. uncles), some of these people are on low incomes and
struggle to meet the basic needs of themselves and their families.
Whilst no child-headed households were identified in the PACs during
primary baseline data collection, there is the potential for orphaned
children to become heads of households, acting as primary caregivers
for younger siblings.

Crop farmers and livestock rearers are faced with drought

and water scarcity, amongst other challenges related to Not considered to be vulnerable except for those who lack alternative
their livelihoods. IGAs or are hired to do crop farming or livestock rearing; hired
These PAC members were not identified to be vulnerable, agricultural labour in the PACs typically have only one source of
Crop farmers and income and earn low wages.
owing to the fact that crop farming and livestock rearing is
livestock rearers
often combined with other IGAs. Livestock rearers from internally displaced households are likely to be
Livestock rearers in Ali Mustafa and Chala Dwana come vulnerable given the additional challenges typically faced by these
from families which have been internally displaced by the households in terms of lack of assets and low levels of education.
ISIS conflict.

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Group Key findings Analysis of vulnerability

Elderly widows have the potential to be vulnerable as they may

experience difficulties in undertaking livelihood activities due to
Elderly widows who lost their husbands as a result of the declining fitness and health, thereby constraining their ability to
Elderly widows Anfal campaign were reported in Khor Mor Bichuk, Khor provide for themselves, leading to a reliance on relatives, community
Mor Gawra, Zhazh and Kani Qadir Qala. members and/or the government for income and support.
Those living without relatives may be particularly vulnerable.

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3.4.12 Cultural heritage and archaeology Tangible cultural heritage

The KRI is recognised as possessing significant cultural heritage including many
important prehistoric archaeological sites. However, the archaeological potential of the
region remains widely unknown (MapCom, 2018). The study area has some sensitive
cultural heritage receptors in the form of cemeteries, some of which appear to be very
old and related to settlements which are no longer present.
During the Saddam Hussein era, the Kurds within Iraq were persecuted, ethnic cleansing
was reported, and during the years 1986 – 1989 the al Anfal campaign aimed to destroy
Kurdish ethnicity within Iraq. As a result, whole villages were forced to relocate, with the
entire villages being destroyed. This was evidenced during a previous site visit by ERM
in 2015, conducted as part of an environmental impact assessment for the existing Khor
Mor gas plant construction, with a number of destroyed villages observed. The rubble
from the villages appears to be undisturbed, acting as a form of permanent memorial and
reminder of the campaign (ERM, 2015). During the MapCom field survey (2018) and
interviews with local residents, some sites were considered important sites of
archaeology, such as an old mosque (200 years old) in Shekh Hameed village and old
remains of Girdi Awaye in Awaye Jalal.
A number of small graveyards are present in the AOI at the following villages:
• Ali Mustafa
• Qarah Chewar
• Aliawa
• Shekh Hameed
Other notable sites include:
• An ancient memorial cemetery is situated 2 km from Zhazh village. It has been
visited by archaeologists and has been registered as a place of cultural
• Qarah Chewar shrine (aka Shekh Hassan Qarah Chewar Marqad), at Qarah
Chewar village, is approximately two centuries old and contains graves of
famous Islamic men (sheikhs). It is frequently visited by those practicing their
• Kharaba Kona, at Takhta Mina Saru village, contains ancient relics made of
clay and rock. It is visited by archaeologists but is off limits to tourists.
• Qshlagh place, at Ibrahim Ghulam village, is an ancient place of community
• Mosques were observed during the land use survey (Appendix 2, Table A2.3
and A2.4) at Qarah Chewar and Aliawa village. It is likely that other mosques
are located in the AOI. Archaeology
An archaeology survey was conducted in November 2019 by an archaeologist from the
Directorate of Antiquities of the Garmiyan Region. There are various identified
archaeological sites surrounding the main Project site (see Figure 3-36 and Appendix 2).
Only one, Sarcham Tepe (see Figure 3-37), is located near a KM25A Project construction
site, concerning the proposed flowlines. The site is a hill with rectangle shape with
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approximate dimensions of 20 m by 30 m. Sarcham Tepe is thought to date from the
Sassanid period (226-637 AD). The site is approximately 5 m higher than the surrounding
flat area. The proposed flowline is not expected to disturb the site, although possible
movement of flowline locations following additional surveys could bring flowline
construction activities closer to the site. According to the Directorate of Antiquities, the
Sarcham Tepe grave site is not threatened.
The Tapa Julaka grave site (Ottoman 1500 to 1918 AD) is located adjacent to the berm
to the west of the KM site. The rectangular site is approximately 150 m by 100 m and
approximately 1 m higher than the surrounding flat area. There are no on-going activities
associated with KM250A Project or the existing gas plant in the vicinity of the Tape Julaka
grave site. According to the Directorate of Antiquities, the Tapa Julaka grave site is not

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Figure 3-36 Archaeological sites in the general Project area

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Figure 3-37 View of the area of Sarcham Tepe (left) and Tape Julaka (right)
archaeological sites Intangible cultural heritage

There are many festivals in the AOI, affiliated with the various tribal groups. The
celebrations begin following the improvement in weather conditions (autumn) and are
mainly based around food, socialising and sometimes music. Often the different tribes
will attend one another’s festival celebrations.
The tribal festivals celebrated within the AOI include Shekhan Festival, Zanga Festival
and Jabari Festival. The tribes’ leaders will organise the events in either March or April,
however these festivals do not occur regularly every year.
During these festivals, the tribes people partake in singing and dancing around bonfires,
feasting, horse riding and wearing traditional clothes. During the Shekhan Festival, there
are also readings of the village history and photos of the dead are shown in appreciation.
Kurdish New Year, also known as Newroz, is celebrated in March and, similar to tribal
celebrations, is based on eating together and socialising. Wedding celebrations often last
three days and residents from other villages often join in on the celebrations of feasting
and dancing (Khor Mor Gawra).

3.5 Ecosystems services

IFC PS6 defines ecosystem services as ‘the benefits that people, including businesses,
derive from ecosystems.’ PS6 organises ecosystem services into four types:
i. provisioning services, which are the products people obtain from ecosystems
ii. regulating services, which are the benefits people obtain from the regulation of
ecosystem processes
iii. cultural services, which are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from
iv. supporting services, which are the natural processes that maintain the other
Key findings on ecosystem services in the Project socio-economic AOI (Figure 3-16) are
provided in the following sections.

3.5.1 Provisioning services

Key provisioning services within the Project socio-economic AOI are as follows:
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• Rainwater is a vital provisioning service for households engaged in crop
farming (see Section Almost half of the households interviewed in the
AOI rely on crop farming for income generation and subsistence. Consistent
with data at the regional level, the production of crops like wheat and barley in
the AOI is predominantly rain-fed; the use of irrigation is limited. The baseline
data revealed an increase in challenges surrounding rainwater (e.g. drought
periods) in recent years, with negative outcomes for crop farming.
• Freshwater is a vital provisioning service for all of the PACs (see Section PAC members rely on a combination of groundwater and surface
water sources for drinking, domestic purposes (for example cooking, cleaning),
livestock rearing and (in some cases) irrigation. Groundwater, extracted from
Pearl Petroleum- and community-owned wells, is particularly important for
drinking and livestock rearing. Streams, ponds and seasonal springs are relied
upon to a lesser extent. Access to freshwater is essential to household incomes
and livelihoods, health and well-being. Challenges with regards to water
quality, quantity and reliability were widely reported during social baseline data
collection. FGD with land owners and land users indicated that levels of
groundwater in the AOI are declining.
• Land is a vital provisioning service for all of the PACs, providing the
fundamental resources (e.g. soils, water, pasture) on which key local livelihood
activities such as crop farming and livestock rearing depend (see Section
3.4.9). Given the scarcity of alternative income-generating activities (e.g.
formal employment), the importance of land is particularly high relative to other
parts of the region. Some households in the PACs further rely on land for the
purpose of harvesting natural resources such as wild foods (e.g. berries, nuts,
mushrooms) and wild plants/grasses. Wild foods were not, however, reported
to be a major food source relative to other food sources. Wild plants and
grasses are an important source of fodder for livestock, though households
typically have a certain degree of disposable income and also secure livestock
feed from locations outside of the AOI. Two regional wheat cultivars (Triticum
aestivum and Triticum durum are known in the Chemchemal area (Section
Very little information is available on the local use of cattle, sheep and other grazing
animals (for example for meat, skins, etc.).
The following provisioning services were identified, but are considered to be of minor
importance to PAC members relative to rainwater, freshwater and land:
• Construction materials: approximately one fifth of the households interviewed
gather local aggregates (e.g. stone) for residential construction purposes whilst
approximately one third of the households interviewed gather wood and mud
to construct residential buildings and/or livestock enclosures/shelters.
However, households typically have a certain degree of disposable income and
secure construction materials from outsides outside of the AOI.
• Medicinal plants: contrary to data at the regional level, the harvesting of wild
plants for medicinal purposes is uncommon in the AOI, with few households
relying on traditional medicine to treat health problems.
• Wild animals: the hunting of species such as eagles and gazelles is uncommon
in the PACs, particularly compared to in the past, owing to legal restrictions
imposed by the KRG. None of the households interviewed reported relying on
wild animals for income generation and other purposes (e.g. subsistence).
• Fish: the capture of wild and reared fish is not a common livelihood activity in
the AOI, owing to issues with water scarcity. Aquaculture is undertaken in a
small number of PACs but was not identified to be an important source of
income and major source of subsistence.
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• Firewood: the use of firewood was reported by a small proportion of households
(4%) interviewed but the vast majority rely on gas cannisters for cooking (this
reflects the sparse presence of firewood in the general Project area).

3.5.2 Regulating services

The lack of forests or vegetative cover in the Project area limits the range of regulating
services (including carbon absorption, erosion control, soil retention and retention of
water). As per Section, in the valleys and river embankments within the Project
area the soil is mainly alluvium consisting of gravel and sand. This facilitates groundwater
recharge (a regulating service).
The presence of bats in the area regulates exposure of crop and livestock to pests and

3.5.3 Cultural services

Stakeholder engagement has not indicated any cultural services provided by ecosystems
within the Project socio-economic AOI.

3.5.4 Supporting services

Water cycling occurs on a limited basis within the Project area, due to the limited
presence of perennial rivers and streams.

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4.1 Introduction
In October 2019, a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP, RSK, 2019) was compiled for
the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). This section describes how
stakeholder engagement activities have been undertaken since the beginning of the ESIA
and outlines how stakeholder engagement will be continued following the completion of
the ESIA. This chapter includes:
• objectives of the stakeholder engagement
• stakeholder identification and analysis
• details of the activities undertaken
• an analysis of stakeholder issues and concerns raised
• the Grievance Management Procedure
• ongoing engagement activities.
This chapter will be updated with the outcomes of the ESIA public disclosure prior to the
final submission of the ESIA.

4.2 Objectives of the stakeholder engagement

The objectives of stakeholder engagement during the ESIA are to:
• inform stakeholders in an accessible and appropriate manner about the Project
and the ESIA, opportunities for them to engage, and the Project grievance
• ensure that stakeholders understand how they might be affected by the Project
and their potential role in impact identification and management
• obtain the input of stakeholders into Project impact identification and impact
• provide opportunities for stakeholders to express their opinions and concerns
about the Project and the ESIA, and ensure that these opinions and concerns
are considered in the ESIA and any related management decisions
• during public disclosure, to provide feedback to, and hear comments from, the
stakeholders on the impact assessment and associated management or
mitigation measures.

4.3 Stakeholder identification and analysis

4.3.1 Stakeholder identification

Stakeholders are defined as persons or groups external to a project’s core operations
that may be affected by the project, have an interest in it or have influence over it.
Stakeholders were identified based on:
• Pearl Petroleum staff and contractors’ general knowledge of the area
• site visits conducted by Pearl Petroleum staff and contractors (including the
ESIA consultants)
• the ESIA consultants’ general knowledge of the area and previous experience
conducting ESIA in Kurdistan
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• desktop research
• an understanding of the preliminary potential impacts of the Project and the
area of influence (AOI, Figure 3-16) in which these are expected to occur
• the snowballing effect, where encountered stakeholders identify additional
The process for stakeholder identification is dynamic and an ongoing process throughout
the ESIA.

4.3.2 Scoping phase Stakeholder analysis

Project stakeholders were identified based on a methodology that was set out for
stakeholder analysis. The methodology analyses the:
• level of influence that stakeholders have on the project, rated as low, medium
or high
• level of impact that the Project has on stakeholders, rated as low, medium or
Stakeholders were identified and grouped into categories. Table 4-1 shows the
stakeholder level of influence and level of impact. Once the analysis was completed, the
mapping of each stakeholder was undertaken. Detailed mapping can be found in Figure
4-1 below. Table 4-1 also refers to the labels for which Figure 4-1 was mapped.

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Table 4-1 Project level of influence and impact on the Project

Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
Regional government
High- Administers all operations regarding the
petroleum industry in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) (KRI) Low- Potential contribution of the
(including the MNR Representative for Project to the long-term development 1
the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah) Actively involved in the review and approval of ESIA goals of the MNR
studies for the petroleum industry – ability to
facilitate or block Project
Medium- Can provide information (e.g. regarding Low- Potential disturbances to
Ministry of Agriculture and Water local land owners) agricultural land and water by the 2
Can damage/boost reputation Project

Medium- Can provide information (e.g. on

environmental conditions and concerns in the
Governorate of Sulaymaniyah and the Khor Mor Low- Potential for the Project to lead to
Board of Environment 3
area) environmental impacts
Can damage/boost reputation
Minister of Housing and Low- Potential for the Project to affect
Reconstruction (including the Medium- Can damage/boost reputation public infrastructure (e.g. particularly 4
Department of Roads) roads and bridges)

Medium- Can provide information (e.g. on history of Low- Potential for the Project to have
Anfal in Khor Mor area, people affected by Anfal) disproportionate impacts on people
Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs 5
affected by Anfal (a potentially
Can damage/boost reputation vulnerable group)
Medium- Can provide information (e.g. regarding
unexploded ordinance that may be disturbed by the Low- Potential for the Project to disturb
Mine Action Agency Project) unexploded ordinance in Khor Mor 6
Can damage/boost reputation

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Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
District government
High- Can provide information
Can damage/boost reputation Low- Potential for the Project to lead to
District Manager (Mayor) of
Can facilitate the Project and Project-related environmental and/or socio-economic 7
activities (e.g. ESIA studies) changes within their jurisdiction
Important role in decision-making at the district level
Sub-district government
High- Can provide information
Can damage/boost reputation
Medium- Potential for the Project to
Sub-District Manager (SDM) (Mayor) Can facilitate the Project and provide support (e.g. lead to environmental and/or socio-
if/when issues concerning the communities arise) 8
of Qadir Karim economic changes within their
Must give consent before Project-related activities jurisdiction
(e.g. ESIA studies) can be undertaken within their
High- Can provide information
Can damage/boost reputation
Medium- Potential for the Project to
Can facilitate the Project and provide support (e.g. lead to environmental and/or socio-
SDM (Mayor) of Takeya Jabari if/when issues concerning the communities arise) 9
economic changes within their
Must give consent before Project-related activities jurisdiction
(e.g. ESIA studies) can be undertaken within their

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Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
Local leadership (village Anjuman)
High- Can facilitate the Project and provide support
(e.g. if/when issues concerning the village arise)
Can spread positive/negative publicity about the High- Potential for the Project to
Village Anjuman of Zhazh, Khor Mor Project amongst community generate benefits, lead to
Gawra, Khor Mor Bichuk, Awaye Jalal, environmental and/or social changes
Can exert strong influence over community 10
Taza Shar, Shekh Hameed, Kani within their community
members and their perceptions of the Project
Qadir Qala and Mamisik
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) Close proximity to Project
The direct link between the Project-affected
community (PAC) and the existing facility/Project
High- Can facilitate the Project and provide support
(e.g. if/when issues concerning the village arise)
Village Anjuman of Chala Dwana, Aziz Can spread positive/negative publicity about the
Project amongst community Medium- Potential Project-related
Bag, Takhta Mina Saru, Ibrahim benefits
Ghulam, Cham Surkhaw, Aliawa, Can exert strong influence over community 11
Qarah Chewar, Ali Mustafa and members and their perceptions of the Project Potential impact of Project upon
Paryawla community members
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies)
The direct link between the PAC and the existing

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Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
PACs (including men and women and flowline land owners and land users affected by the Project)

Zhazh, Khor Mor Gawra, Khor Mor High- Potential Project-related benefits
Bichuk, Awaye Jalal, Taza Shar, Medium- Support for or resistance to the Project Potential impact of Project upon
Shekh Hameed, Kani Qadir Qala and Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) community members
Mamisik Close proximity to Project
Chala Dwana, Aziz Bag, Takhta Mina Medium- Potential Project-related
Saru, Ibrahim Ghulam, Cham Medium- Support for or resistance to the Project benefits
Surkhaw, Aliawa, Qarah Chewar, Ali 11
Mustafa, Paryawla, Qadir Karim and Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) Potential impact of Project upon
Takeya Jabari community members

Medium- Potential Project-related

Medium- Support for or resistance to the Project benefits
Qadir Karim and Takeya Jabari 12
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) Potential impact of Project upon
community members
Medium- Can facilitate the Project High- Potential impact of Project upon
Flowline land owners and land users
Support for or resistance to the Project land-based livelihood activities of 13
affected by the Project
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) flowline land owners and land users

Civil society

Medium- Can spread positive/negative publicity Low- Potential impact of Project on

Organisation for Protecting the about the Project issues targeted by non-governmental
Environment organisations (NGOs) (e.g.
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) environmental)
Medium- Can spread positive/negative publicity Low- Potential impact of Project on
Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights about the Project groups targeted by NGO (e.g. women, 15
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) children, disabled persons)

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Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
Local social services
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Qadir Karim Medical Centre Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 16
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Qadir Karim Primary and Secondary Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 17
School demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Takeya Jabari Health Care Centre Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 18
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Takeya Jabari Primary School Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 19
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Shekh Hameed Primary School Low- Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 20
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Kani Qadir Kala Primary School Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 21
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project
Medium- Potential impact of Project on
Khor Mor Gawra Primary School Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies, 22
demand for their services
particularly in relation to vulnerable groups)

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Label for
Stakeholder name and category Level of influence Level of impact stakeholder
Educational institutions and academia

Low- Support for or resistance to the Project Low- Potential for the Project to
University of Sulaymaniyah generate employment and training 23
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies) opportunities for graduates
Low- Potential for the Project to
Low- Support for or resistance to the Project generate employment and training
Charmo University opportunities for graduates 24
Can provide information (e.g. for ESIA studies)

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Figure 4-1 Stakeholder mapping

4.3.3 Disclosure phase

In line with international best practice, the stakeholders included in scoping stakeholder
engagement will be consulted again for disclosure.

4.4 Stakeholder engagement activities

4.4.1 Scoping phase Arranging the meetings

Community stakeholder engagement meetings were held between 5 and 12 October
2019. A total of 184 stakeholders were met across ten meetings. Figure 4-2 shows the
locations in which community level meetings were held.
The SEP compiled for the ESIA contained provisions for a number of meetings at the
non-community level to engage with stakeholders from regional, district and sub-district
government, civil society and educational institutions/academia (see Table 4-1).
Pearl Petroleum holds regular meetings with the MNR regarding the KM250A Project and
general matters. Feedback and input are obtained from the MNR, particularly on key
issues such as social impacts, water and waste. The MNR has advised waiting until
disclosure before holding further non-community engagement meetings, at which point a
selection of other government ministries and other non-community stakeholders will be
contacted to discuss the Project.

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Figure 4-2 Locations of community level stakeholder engagement meetings

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The main engagement methods for scoping stakeholder engagement at the community
level included:
• correspondence exchange (phone calls) with village Anjuman to schedule the
• individual, small group and community meetings to disseminate information
and discuss the ESIA and Project-related issues and concerns.
Pearl Petroleum’s Social Performance Department (SPD) arranged all meetings with
stakeholders. Upon receiving the phone call from the SPD, the village Anjuman were
asked to mobilise their communities on the date, time and in the location specified. The
Anjuman were also requested to ensure that women were represented at all meetings.
The proposed date and time of the meetings was chosen to ensure maximum attendance
from stakeholders and minimum interference to their daily routines. Venues were
selected for ease of access to stakeholders, and seating capacity. In keeping with local
protocol, all SDMs (Mayors) were met with prior to the community engagements. Presentation materials used

Several materials (see Appendix 5) were prepared to enhance communication during the
stakeholder meetings and ensure an informed discussion. These included:
• a PowerPoint presentation in English and Kurdish
• a Background Information Document (BID) in English and Kurdish
• posters in English and Kurdish. Conducting the meetings

Community stakeholder engagement meetings were conducted by two ESIA consultants;
one of the consultants facilitated the meetings whilst the other consultant recorded
meeting attendance, meeting minutes and took photographs (where permission was
granted). A representative from Pearl Petroleum’s SPD was present at the meetings to
introduce the ESIA consultants to the communities and answer any technical questions
relating to the Project.
Meetings began with introductions and opening remarks by Pearl Petroleum’s SPD about
the purpose and format of the meeting to set the group at ease. The ESIA consultant
responsible for facilitating the meetings highlighted that stakeholder participation was
voluntary, and that stakeholders could decline to participate at any point during the
meeting. The facilitator then asked participants for their permission to take photographs
of the meeting and explained that no photographs will be taken unless consent is given.
Following this, the ESIA consultant introduced stakeholders to the Project, the ESIA,
stakeholder engagement and the Grievance Management Procedure (Section 4.6) using
visual aids (BID and posters, Appendix 5).
A Kurdish version of the BID was distributed to all stakeholders who attended the
Following the presentation, the meeting was opened for discussion and stakeholders
were invited to ask questions, raise concerns and issues and provide suggestions and
comments. The ESIA consultants responded, using the visual aids and reference
material outlined above.

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All meetings were held in Kurdish. Sufficient time was allocated to the question and
answer session to allow for all stakeholders present to have their voices heard. An
attendance sheet was used to record the details of the persons present at each meeting.
During the meetings, details of the Project’s community Grievance Management
Procedure were also disclosed.
As noted in Section, the village Anjuman were asked to ensure that women were
represented at all community meetings. Efforts were made to ensure that women had an
equal opportunity to participate in the meetings and to learn about the Project and ESIA.
Women were encouraged to share their issues and concerns during the meetings. As
part of social baseline data collection, women’s focus groups were also held (facilitated
by a female ESIA consultant), providing further opportunities to learn and ask questions
about the Project and the ESIA. Recording the engagement activities

All stakeholder suggestions, comments and responses from the stakeholder team were
recorded on the agreed meeting minutes template and group photographs were taken
after seeking permission from the participants. Figure 4-3, Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5
present a sample of the photographs taken at the community stakeholder meetings in
Khor Mor Bichuk, Shekh Hameed and Awaye Jalal.

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Figure 4-3 Community meeting at Khor Mor Bichuk, 5 October 2019

Figure 4-4 Community meeting at Shekh Hameed, 5 October 2019

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Figure 4-5 Community meeting at Awaye Jalal, 8 October 2019

As noted in Section, women’s focus groups were undertaken to provide further
opportunities to learn and ask questions about the Project and the ESIA. An example of
a women’s focus group is shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Women’s focus group discussion at Khor Mor Gawra, 5 October 2019

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4.4.2 Disclosure phase
Further stakeholder engagement meetings will be held during the public disclosure phase
of the ESIA with the aim of ensuring that stakeholders are informed about and
comprehend the outcome of the ESIA – in particular the identified impacts and mitigation
measures – and that they can provide comments and questions related to the draft ESIA
report to be addressed in the final ESIA report.
In line with international best practice, the stakeholders included in scoping stakeholder
engagement will be consulted again for disclosure. Arranging the meetings

The steps for arranging the stakeholder engagement meetings during scoping (Section will be similar during disclosure. Presentation materials used

A non-technical summary (NTS) in English and Kurdish, outlining the results of the ESIA
and mitigation measures, will be used during disclosure. Conducting the meetings

Two ESIA consultants will conduct the meetings; one of the consultants will facilitate the
meetings whilst the other consultant will record meeting attendance, meeting minutes and
take photographs (where permission is granted). A representative from Pearl Petroleum’s
SPD will be present at the meetings to introduce the ESIA consultants to the communities
and answer any technical questions relating to the Project.
As during scoping, meetings will begin with introductions and opening remarks. The
facilitator will highlight that participation is voluntary and will request permission to take
photographs of the meeting. The outcomes of the ESIA study will then be presented to
the stakeholders by an ESIA consultant using the NTS and stakeholders will be given the
opportunity to raise questions and comment on the study findings.
Meetings will be held in Kurdish and a Kurdish version of the NTS will be distributed to all
attending stakeholders. Recording the engagement activities

The steps for recording the stakeholder engagement meetings during scoping will also
apply during disclosure (Section

4.5 Analysis of stakeholder issues and concerns raised

This section presents the analysis of issues raised by stakeholders.
Stakeholder issues and concerns were categorised by topic and sub-topic:
• stakeholder engagement (Project and ESIA-related)
• social (employment, community development and infrastructure, land and
property, land-based livelihoods, workers’ safety, security and welfare)
• environmental (general impacts)

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• Project characteristics (security)
• other comments made.
Figure 4-7 shows the frequency by which certain stakeholder issues were raised during
community meetings. The largest number of issues raised were in the social category
and these were analysed further (Figure 4-8). Other comments raised related to workers’
health and safety, with some suggesting that they had been dismissed or compensated
unfairly by Pearl Petroleum following injury or retirement in the past. It was explained that
some jobs at Pearl Petroleum are only temporary and other questions would require
follow-up. Similar to community meetings, the most prevalent type of issue raised during
women’s focus groups were in the social category.
A small proportion of stakeholders during the community meeting in Takeya Jabari were
concerned around the environmental impacts of the Project, and the damage that Project
vehicles could have on the road infrastructure.
Issues and concerns raised regarding the social topic were analysed further (Figure 4-8).
In nine of the ten community level meetings held, opportunities for employment during
the Project were the predominant issue. Concerns were also raised in Zhazh, Awaye
Jalal and Khor Mor Gawra about the number of graduates who are unemployed, and
whether there will be available job opportunities for them. Women from the PACs of Kani
Qadir Qala, Khor Mor Bichuk and Khor Mor Gawra emphasised the need for training and
skills development opportunities for women and expressed an interest in employment
opportunities related to the Project.
During community meetings, stakeholders also raised questions about community
development and infrastructure, with several (Qadir Karim, Shekh Hameed, Zhazh,
Awaye Jalal, Takeya Jabari, Taza Shar and Kani Qadir Qala) emphasising the need for
facilities such as medical centres, schools, electricity and water systems in their villages.
Such needs were similarly conveyed during women’s focus groups with particular
reference to improved roads, school services (e.g. transportation), electricity supply and
water provision Furthermore, stakeholders were concerned over the quality of the road
systems in the PACs. Some stakeholders in Qadir Karim enquired about training courses
for youths looking for employment opportunities in towns and villages surrounding the

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Questions were raised in relation to compensation for land owners. Some stakeholders
in Khor Mor Bichuk, Khor Mor Gawra and Shekh Hameed were dissatisfied with the rate
of compensation that they received for their land during previous land acquisition at the
existing facility (a single payment). It was explained that it was in the contract that was
signed, and that stakeholders could contact Pearl Petroleum’s SPD to discuss the issue
further and raise a formal grievance should they wish to, following the Community
Grievance Management Procedure (see Section 4.6). Stakeholders in Shekh Hameed
also raised concerns over the ‘one-off’ payment method that they will receive, and the
low prices estimated for their land.

Figure 4-7 Frequency of issues raised by topic across community meetings

Figure 4-8 Frequency of issues raised by social sub-topic across community


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As stated in Section, scoping phase engagement meetings with non-community
stakeholders (aside from the MNR) have not been possible within the context of this
ESIA. During the meetings with the MNR on the 13 November 2019 and 11 December
2019, senior representatives from the MNR raised concerns about the potential for the
Project to lead to significant social impacts. Environmental issues related to water, waste
and air quality were acknowledged but considered to be of less significance relative to
social impacts. Emphasis was placed on the importance of maximising local employment
and business opportunities, based on open and transparent criteria, and ensuring that
any social investment initiatives related to the Project and/or the existing facility benefits
local communities as a whole.

4.6 Community Grievance Management Procedure

In line with Pearl Petroleum’s Social Performance Standard (2019), the Community
Grievance Management Procedure for the Project follows the existing Community
Grievance Management Procedure. Developed in May 2019, the procedure is fully
operational and open to all stakeholders, including those at the non-community level.
Figure 4-9 shows a summary of the community Grievance Management Procedure. The
procedure is comprised of six steps; receipt, assessment and recording, investigation,
resolution, implementation, and close out. Where a grievance is confirmed to be valid,
follow-up actions are undertaken to resolve the grievance. Typically, this involves face-
to-face meetings between representatives from Pearl Petroleum and the complainant,
the outcomes/results of which are recorded in documents which are then signed by both
parties. This process will apply to any of the grievances expressed during stakeholder
engagement for the KM250A Project (see Section 4.5) where a formal complaint is

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Figure 4-9 Project community Grievance Management Procedure

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4.7 Ongoing engagement
Stakeholder engagement will continue during the public disclosure phase of the ESIA
and following the submission of the final ESIA report in order to provide stakeholders with
Project updates, as appropriate, across the Project lifetime. These activities will be
described in the SEP that is implemented by Pearl Petroleum at the existing facility.
Engagement with the PACs will follow the established mechanisms through Pearl
Petroleum’s SPD and its team of Social Liaison Officers. The community Grievance
Management Procedure will remain fully operational and will provide stakeholders with
ongoing means to lodge Project-related grievances and concerns.

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5.1 Introduction
This section concerns identification, quantification (where possible and appropriate), and
assessment of the environmental impacts associated with construction, pre-
commissioning, commissioning, operation and decommissioning phases of the Project.
A methodology has been selected that takes into account the impacts on the physical
environment (air quality, soil, surface and ground water quality), the biological
environment and the socio-economic environment (human activities).
This section provides details of the assessment methodology used to assess impacts on
the physical environment (air quality, soil and groundwater quality), impacts on the
ecology (flora, fauna), and disturbance of human activities. This section records the
findings of the assessment as follows:
• Sections 5.2 to 5.5) lays out the scope of this impact assessment and provides
a detailed methodology for assessing the significance of expected impacts.
• Section 5.7) outlines the findings for each impact for planned activities (without
and with application of mitigation measures) and are presented in tabular form
at the end of each impact sub-section.
• Section 5.8 presents the cumulative impacts in general.
• Section 5.9 presents an impact assessment associated with ecosystem
• Section 5.10 sets out the findings of an assessment of unplanned scenarios.
Planned activities are either those that correspond to routine or non-routine operations of
the KM250A Project. Routine operations concern normal functioning of all plant
processes. Non-routine operations concern response to upsets at the plant requiring
flaring or blowdown to avoid overpressure, or minor spills or leaks that only affect the
immediate process area. Non-routine events will be minimised through implementation
of controls developed and implemented by the KM250A process safety team (Hatch,
Unplanned activities are those that create conditions that are usually considered
emergencies, with risk of injury or loss of life to workers and damage to infrastructure.
Flare thermal radiation and dispersion studies were undertaken (Hatch, 2019i) to
determine the potential flaring requirements, associated flare system sizing and assess
the potential safety impacts of flaring and flame out events. Flare stack heights and
exclusion zones were determined to ensure on-site personnel are not subject to
unacceptable thermal radiation levels and that there is no significant offsite safety impact
from flaring. The dispersion of polluting air emissions outside of the KM site fenceline will
create potential offsite environmental impacts from flaring, especially concerning noise,
visual impact, and air quality due to combustion products. The environmental and social
impacts of flaring events are discussed in the planned activities impact assessment.
Section 6 subsequently sets out the impacts controls and mitigation measures related to
planned activities, Residual impacts are then presented in relation to initial impacts
identified as ‘significant’, based on any expected reductions in impact significance that
would be likely to result from application of the mitigation measures. The most significant

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negative impacts are then discussed in detail. As per best international practice,
mitigation measures are required for significant negative impacts only, although
measures to enhance benefits have been proposed as well, where appropriate. The main
goal of this process is to reduce impact significance to levels that are ‘as low as
reasonably practicable’ (ALARP).

5.2 Scope of the environmental and social impact assessment

The scope of this ESIA is limited to issues which Pearl Petroleum can control or influence.
The approach to evaluation of environmental and social impacts associated with the
planned Project concerns assessment of the sensitivity of potential receptors and the
magnitude of potential impacts on those receptors associated with Project activities in
relation to each of the Project development phases. Sensitivity and magnitude rankings
associated with each impact are used to assess the significance of the respective
The general approach for the framework is to:
• Summarise existing environmental and social conditions of the Project footprint
and surrounds, including the sensitivity of receptors, which may be affected by
changes in the existing conditions (where ‘receptors’ also includes ‘sites’,
‘environmental, social and health values’ and/or ‘resources’, where relevant).
• Consider potential, credible environmental, social and health issues associated
with the Project during all phases, and consequent credible impacts within the
context of the existing conditions. Identification and evaluation of the potential
impacts is based on knowledge of the existing environment, the Project
description, experience with similar operations in similar biophysical and social
environments, and issues of concern to stakeholders.
• Identify appropriate management and mitigation measures. The measures
identified must be technically and economically feasible within the context of
the Project and reflect Pearl Petroleum’s commitment to protect the
environment and contribute to the sustainable social and economic
development of communities.
• Assessment of potential residual impacts over the life of the Project assuming
the successful implementation of the identified management and mitigation
The assessment is based on:
• fulfilment of KRI legal and regulatory requirements
• compliance with the relevant environmental quality standards specified in the
national (Iraqi) regulations that are relevant to the proposed site activities
• compliance with Pearl Petroleum policies, standards and procedures
• compliance with the international conventions and regional agreements signed
and ratified by Iraq
• compliance with International Finance Corporation (IFC) environmental, health
and social (EHS) guidelines (IFC, 2007) Performance Standards (IFC, 2012),
IFC cumulative impact assessment and management guidance for the private
sector in emerging markets (IFC, 2013)
• compliance with commitments to the International Environmental Guidelines
and Industry best practices as an expression of Best Available Techniques
(BAT) for gas plant construction and associated operations performed in
settings similar to Khor Mor.

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Where objective, quantitative criteria, guidelines or standards are not available or are
subject to interpretation, impact significance is determined according to the qualitative

5.3 Identification of Project aspects and potential impacts

Within the context of this ESIA, an aspect is ‘an element of an organisation’s activities,
products or services that can interact with the environment’ (International Standards
Organisation 14001). In the ESIA, an ‘aspect’ of the proposed activities that can cause
changes to environmental and social baseline conditions has a possible ‘impact’.

5.3.1 Environmental impacts

An environmental aspect is ‘an element of an organisation’s activities, products or
services that can interact with the environment’ (International Standards Organisation
14001). In the ESIA, an ‘aspect’ of the proposed activities that can cause changes to the
environmental and social baseline conditions has a possible ‘impact’. Aspects of the
Project that can cause changes to the baseline environmental and social conditions have
been identified and grouped according to:
• physical presence
• physical disturbance of the environment and of ecology (e.g. changes to the
land or its uses, harm to plants and animals)
• change to the quality of the air (by the emission of pollutants)
• change to the quality of the soil (e.g. due to the storage of chemicals)
• changes to the quality of the groundwater or surface water (e.g. by the
discharge of various types of liquids)
• use of utilities/resources (water, fuel, etc)
• nuisance due to the generation of noise, vibration, odour or change to the visual
amenity of the area
• disturbance of people and communities, including socio-economic impacts
(e.g. by noise from equipment, fugitive emissions, interference with road traffic,
and land take impact on grazing animals).
Environmental impacts that were identified and considered relevant to the KM250A
Project are summarised in Table 5-1

5.3.2 Social impacts

Ten socio-economic topics were identified as relevant during the social baseline surveys
and ESIA-related stakeholder engagement. These topics are:
• local and regional economy
• employment and skills development
• labour and working conditions
• land access and livelihoods
• community safety and security
• public health
• infrastructure and services
• cultural heritage
• traffic
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• visual impacts
• vulnerable groups.
Each of these have been assessed against the Project aspects, in order to identify
potential impacts. The following sections provide further detail of the receptor context and
relevance, description of impact magnitude arising from the Project aspects and the
proposed mitigation measures. Summary tables are provided for each impact in the
following sections. Residual impacts are then assessed.
Social impacts that were identified and considered relevant to the KM250A Project are
summarised in Table 5-2.

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Table 5-1 Environmental impact identification matrix

Ecological and

Noise quality

Soil quality

Air quality

Construction phase
Early works (civil work, site preparation, earth works for foundation and internal roadways) X X X X
Installation of main equipment X X X X
Use of construction equipment X X X X
Site gravelling and levelling X X X X

Self-contained construction camps including accommodation; catering/welfare facilities; workshops, warehouses and storage yards X X X

Gas plant construction X X X

Flowlines construction including: RoW preparation, stripping and grading; Pipe stringing; Welding; Excavating trenches; Lowering; Backfilling
Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials X X
Transportation of process equipment, pipe racks, piping and other materials by roads X X X
Construction workforce commuting to/from site X X
Site security X
Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

KM250A Project Testing Gas plant units

activities Flowline hydrotesting and commissioning (water intake, discharge and safety issues) X X X
Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials X
Operations phase

Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials X X

Export of gas, LPG and condensate via pipelines or bulk transport X X
Emergency response and relief, flare and blowdown systems X
Maintenance activities X X X
Permanent operations workforce and accommodation (80-100 ppl/rotational) X

Shutting-down and de-pressurizing gas plant and eventual decommissioning of a gas processing facility located within the existing site boundary,
- remove all hydrocarbons to render the plant inert
- remove all chemicals and certify that the whole plant is hydrocarbon and hazardous chemical-free
- disconnect and dismantle the equipment, and remove modules and scrap from the site for refurbishment or recycling
- demolish structures and paving and remove the materials from site as inert waste
- level the site and undertake soil and groundwater survey to determine whether any remediation is needed.
- spread stored topsoil for site rehabilitation

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Table 5-2 Socio-economic impact identification matrix

Local economy

and livelihoods

Public health

and services
Land access

Labour and


safety and
and skills




Construction phase
Early works (civil work, site preparation, earth works for foundation and internal roadways) X X X X X X
Installation of main equipment X X X X X X
Use of construction equipment X X X X X
Site gravelling and levelling X X X X X
Self-contained construction camps including accommodation; catering/welfare facilities; workshops, warehouses and
storage yards
Gas plant construction X X X X X X X
Flowlines construction including: RoW preparation, stripping and grading; Pipe stringing; Welding; Excavating trenches;
Lowering; Backfilling (reinstating)
Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials X X X
Transportation of process equipment, pipe racks, piping and other materials by roads X X X X
Construction workforce commuting to/from site X X X X X
Site security X X X X X X
Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase
KM250A Testing Gas plant units X X X X
Project Flowline hydrotesting and commissioning (water intake, discharge and safety issues) X X X X X X
activities Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials
(aspects) Operations phase
Requirements for chemicals and other raw materials X
Export of gas, LPG and condensate via pipelines or bulk transport X X X X X
Emergency response and relief, flare and blowdown systems
Maintenance activities X X X X
Permanent operations workforce and accommodation (80-100 ppl/rotational) X X X X X X
Shutting-down and de-pressurizing gas plant and eventual decommissioning of a gas processing facility located within
the existing site boundary, including:
- remove all hydrocarbons to render the plant inert
- remove all chemicals and certify that the whole plant is hydrocarbon and hazardous chemical-free
- disconnect and dismantle the equipment, and remove modules and scrap from the site for refurbishment or X X X X X X
- demolish structures and paving and remove the materials from site as inert waste
- level the site and undertake soil and groundwater survey to determine whether any remediation is needed.
- spread stored topsoil for site rehabilitation

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5.4 Impact assessment approach
The assessment of the proposed Project’s environmental and social impacts was
undertaken within the context of the respective area of influence (AOI):
• Soil (see Section 3.2.3)
• Water resources (see Section 3.2.4)
• Noise (see Section 3.2.5)
• Air (see Section 3.2.6)
• Biodiversity (see Section 3.3)
• Social, socio-economic and cultural heritage (see Section 3.4).
Visual impacts, which are at least partly a matter of perception, are discussed within the
social/socio-economic section.
A schematic of the impact assessment process for planned activities is provided in Figure

Figure 5-1 Schematic of the impact assessment process

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Various types of impacts were considered in this analysis, as follows:
• negative or positive (benefits)
• direct: an impact that results from a direct interaction between some feature of
a planned action and the receiving environment (e.g., land take)
• indirect: an impact that results from other developments or activities that may
occur as a consequence of the original development
• reversible or irreversible
• secondary: an impact that follows on from the primary interactions between a
Project and its environment as a result of subsequent interactions within the
environment (e.g., impact on land users through loss of land)
• cumulative.
Perceived impacts, based on the views of stakeholders, may not be scientifically derived,
but must nonetheless be considered.
The identified impacts are assessed according to the following criteria and associated
• the magnitude of impact
• the sensitivity of impact.
The significance of an impact (rated major, high, moderate, minor, slight or positive) is a
function of the magnitude of the impact and sensitivity of the potentially affected
The assessment criteria for determining magnitude of the impact and sensitivity of the
respective receptor(s) is described in the following sub-sections. These are followed by
a description of the methodology for determining the significance of the impact.

5.5 Impact assessment methodology

5.5.1 Planned activities

Sections through describe the methodology for assessing impacts for
planned Project activities (for all Project phases) for all impacts except those related to
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Section describes the methodology applied
for GHG emissions. Impact magnitude

The magnitude of an impact is determined following consideration of a number of factors,
as follows:
Severity considers the scale or degree of change from the existing situation as a result
of the impact.
Geographic extent considers if the effect is national (or international), regional, local or
Duration considers the timescale of the effect, i.e., if it is temporary, short term or long
term. This takes into account reversibility of the effect, where an irreversible impact is
one where recovery on a reasonable timescale is not possible. Duration is determined
with respect to specific environmental and social impacts.

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Frequency considers the regularity of the effect, i.e., continuous, frequent, infrequent or
Regulations, standards and guidelines: the status of the impact in relation to
regulations (e.g., discharge limits), standards (e.g., environmental quality criteria) and
guidelines. Regulations, standards and guidelines include both Iraq and international best
practice standards.
Table A6.1 in Appendix 6 presents the criteria used to evaluate the magnitude of potential
impacts (slight, low, medium and high impact) on specific aspects of the physical,
biological and socio-economic environments based on the above criteria. Receptor sensitivity

Receptor sensitivity (or sensitivity of the receiving environment) is defined as the
susceptibility of the receptor to change, including its capacity to adapt to, or accommodate
(resilience), the kinds of changes that the Project may bring about. Each identified receptor
may have a different sensitivity to the potential impacts.
The sensitivity of the receptor is classified as low, medium or high. Sensitivity is based on
a variety of criteria, for example the carrying capacity of an area in terms of wildlife, or air
pollution and its impact on human health. Table 5-3 provides a commonly-used set of
criteria for broad determination of the sensitivity of a receptor. The specific criteria used to
evaluate the sensitivity of the possible receiving environment/receptors for this Project for
each impact category are shown in Table A6.2 in Appendix 6.

Table 5-3 Criteria for determining receptor sensitivity

Intensity Description
The receiving environment or receptors where disturbance due to the
Low Project impacts is minimal or tolerant to changes from the Project. (e.g.
desert, industrial areas)
The receiving environment or receptors are moderately sensitive or
reasonably tolerant of changes, where it may cause some disturbance
The receiving environment or receptors where people or habitats are
High particularly susceptible to changes from the Project (e.g. residential areas,
schools, ecological sensitive areas) Impact significance

The assessment of impacts would be undertaken by examining both the magnitude of
the impact and the sensitivity of the receptor that is affected. Together, the magnitude of
the impact and the sensitivity of the receptor(s) allow forecast of the significance of the
impact. This interaction between magnitude and sensitivity can be expressed in matrix
form, thereby bringing a transparent structure to complex interactions (Table 5-4). The
first (top) row represents the receptor sensitivity ratings ranging from high to low, as
defined in Appendix 6 (Table A6.2). The first (left-hand) column represents the expected
magnitude of the impact, based on negative magnitude ratings of the impact ranging from
high to slight as defined in Appendix 6 (Table A6.1). The last row in that column
represents positive (beneficial) impacts, for example increase in employment due to the

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The significance of the overall assessment for each environmental aspect were defined
as follows, based on best international practice:
• major significance: impacts that have the potential to cause irreversible or
widespread harm to an environmental or social value that is unique or has a
limited capacity to adapt to change. Avoidance through appropriate design
responses is the only effective mitigation.
• high impact: impacts that have the potential to exacerbate threatening
processes affecting the intrinsic characteristics and structural elements of an
environmental or social value or its ability to function. While replacement or
recovery is possible, avoidance through appropriate design responses is
• moderate impact: impacts that have the potential to degrade or upset an
environmental or social value due their scale or its susceptibility to change. The
value’s abundance or resilience to change ensures that replacement and
recovery is achievable.
• minor impact: when an environmental or social value with a low sensitivity is
exposed to minor alterations that will not affect its viability, provided standard
controls are adopted.
• slight impact: when an environmental or social value with a low sensitivity is
exposed to minor alterations which will not result in any noticeable change.
• positive impact: impacts that have the potential to create beneficial or uplifting
effects on an environmental or social value.
Major, high and moderate impacts are considered ‘significant’ and thus warrant
identification of possible mitigation measures.
Impacts of minor or slight impact are considered not to warrant additional mitigation
measures, although in some cases low-cost actions are proposed that would be expected
to further reduce corresponding impact significance.

Table 5-4 Matrix of significance for planned activities

Sensitivity of receptor
of impact
High Medium Low

High Major High Moderate

Medium High Moderate Minor

Low Moderate Minor Slight

Slight Minor Slight Slight

Positive Positive Positive Positive

Positive impacts, particularly within the socio-economic sphere (for example increase in
local employment due to the Project), can result from Project activities. In this
circumstance, such impacts have not been ranked but were assigned a ‘positive impact’
for simplicity (see Table 5-4) and discussed as appropriate, based on the assumption
that any measures that would optimise benefits will be effectively implemented.

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The assessment of residual impacts is based on the effective implementation of:
(i) avoidance, mitigation and management measures for adverse impacts
(ii) measures to optimise benefits Assessment of the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA, 2017) guidelines
state the following with regard to assessment of the impacts of GHGs:
• all projects create GHG emissions that contribute to climate change
• climate change has the potential to lead to significant environmental effects
• there is a GHG emission budget that defines a level of dangerous climate
change whereby any GHG emission within that budget can be considered as
Therefore, in the absence of any significance criteria or a defined threshold, all GHG
emissions can be considered significant and mitigating measures should be identified.
This is the general approach taken. The estimated Project GHG emissions will be
estimated and compared to the Iraqi total to determine whether it constitutes a large portion
of national GHG emissions.

5.5.2 Risk assessment methodology for unplanned activities

An unplanned event is defined as ‘a reasonably foreseeable event that is not planned to
occur as part of a project, but which may conceivably occur as a result of project activities
(e.g. accidents), even with a low probability’. Unplanned events may occur during any
phase of a project. The risk assessment is based on application of experience of events
or incidents to predict risk in the future. Consequences of potential impacts are first
determined using severity levels and definitions.
The KRG requires that the impact of unplanned events on public health and safety and
the likelihood of their occurrence 20 be taken into consideration, including:
• traffic likely to be generated, including the impact of increased traffic on the
local communities as well as the level of risk and methods of prevention of oil
spills on roads and highways
• fugitive emissions and unplanned gas releases (by flaring)
• fires, spills, or other accidents.
A desk study was carried out by the front end engineering and design contractor for the
Project (Hatch) for unplanned events which is summarised in the document ‘CPF Fire &
Dispersion Hazard Analysis’ (Hatch, 2018), including a desktop risk assessment and
The objective of the hazard analysis for unplanned activities was to identify representative
accidental release failure cases for the proposed KM500 facilities and carry out sufficient
consequence modelling to provide input into the central processing facility equipment
layout and spacing. Consideration of releases from the existing Khor Mor facilities is
excluded from this assessment.

20 See ‘Technical Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessments for Petroleum Operations in the Kurdistan

Region of Iraq’ (March 2015).

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The hazardous consequences identified in the risk analysis study were as follows:
• flammable gas cloud
• jet flame
• flash fire
• explosion
• pool fire
• toxic gas cloud.
Minor leaks, spills, fugitive emissions and venting are not considered within the
framework of this unplanned activity risk assessment as they occur routinely and can be
easily controlled by routine procedures. The impact of increased traffic on local
communities as well as the level of risk and methods of prevention of oil spills on roads
and highways are similarly not covered by the Hatch assessment. The potential impacts
of these events will be addressed in the ESIA report section on planned activities,
although they are considered non-routine.

5.6 Identification of mitigation measures and assessment of

residual impacts
Where necessary, mitigation measures have been proposed to further reduce the
potential impact to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) or to maximise any
potential benefits. This has generally been done in the case of ‘significant’ impacts. The
approach taken to identify and incorporate mitigation measures into the project has been
based on the best practice hierarchy of decisions and measures, in order of priority, as
• avoid at source/reduce at source
• abate on-site
• abate offsite/at receptor
• repair or remedy.
The above hierarchy is aimed at ensuring that, wherever possible, potential negative
impacts are mitigated at the source rather than mitigated through restoration after the
impact has occurred.
The mitigation measures will be tracked through to the Project commitments register as
clear unambiguous commitments. The commitments register is the authoritative source
of all mitigation measures that the project proposes to implement.
Mitigation measures and other actions judged necessary for reducing impacts below
‘significant’ are ‘SMART’, that is, they have been developed according to the following
• Specific – target a specific area for improvement
• Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress
• Assignable – specify who will do it

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• Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available
• Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
In some cases, additional measures may be proposed even though significance is rated
at minor or less. As mentioned earlier, additional measures for positive impacts may be
proposed in order to maximise the benefits.

5.7 Impact assessment for planned activities

5.7.1 Air quality Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Several small villages (Table 3-14) located within the KM250A Project air quality AOI are
considered to be sensitive receptors in terms of atmospheric emissions released during
the Project construction phase, in addition to emissions released from the existing gas
plant. Residential areas along site access routes have also been designated sensitive
receptors due to emissions from Project traffic. There are both agricultural and grazing
areas within the AOI. There is also an accommodation camp within the Khor Mor site
fenceline, and there will be a construction camp, similarly within the site fenceline. The
sensitivity of receptors has been rated medium. Project aspects

All construction activities that generate dust or combustion emissions, including KM250A
Project traffic. Magnitude of potential impacts

The level of atmospheric emissions released by construction activities (i.e. site clearance,
preparation, excavation and grading) will affect air quality in the short term. Impact will
largely be at the site and immediate vicinity for the duration of construction activities. The
scale of impact will depend on the type of construction activity, prevailing meteorological
conditions and the effectiveness of control measures. In general terms, there are two key
sources of emissions:
• exhaust emissions from site plant, equipment and vehicles
• fugitive dust emissions from site activities.
Further details are provided in the following sections.

Exhaust emissions from plant and vehicles

The operation of vehicles and equipment powered by internal combustion engines can
result in an increase in air emission of exhaust gases containing the pollutants nitrous
oxides (NOx), particulate matter particles smaller than 10 microns (PM10), volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), and carbon monoxide (CO). The quantities emitted depend on
factors such as engine type, service history, pattern of usage and fuel composition
(details on the moving and non-moving equipment that will be active during the
construction phase of the Project are described in Section

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Vehicle and plant movements result in emissions to atmosphere of exhaust gases, but
such emissions are unlikely to be significant as vehicle movements to and from the site
will be on a temporary basis, and plant emissions are unlikely to be significant when
compared to background nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and PM10 concentrations.
Emissions from plant and vehicles operating at the gas plant or flowline construction sites
have a very localised impact and are unlikely to have an impact on air quality at the
nearest human receptors. There will be a temporary increase in the movement of heavy
goods vehicles on the road network will increase for the duration of the works which could
lead to a rise in pollutant concentrations. However due to the short-term nature of the
works, coupled with the limited number of receptors that could be affected, the
significance of the potential impact was assessed as minor adverse.

Fugitive dust emissions

Fugitive dust emissions generated by construction activities are likely to be variable in
nature and will depend upon the type and extent of the activity, soil type and moisture,
road surface conditions and meteorological conditions. Periods of dry weather combined
with higher than average wind velocities have the potential to generate more dust.
Construction activities that are considered to be the most significant potential sources of
fugitive dust emissions include:
• site clearance
• site preparation
• excavation.
Fugitive dust arising from construction phase activities is mainly of a particle size greater
than the PM10 fraction (the maximum particle size that can potentially affect human
health), nonetheless construction-related activities may contribute to local PM10
concentrations. Appropriate dust control measures can be highly effective for controlling
emissions from potentially dust generating activities identified above, and adverse effects
can be significantly reduced or eliminated.
Fugitive dust emissions will likely increase as a result of construction activities,
particularly due to earthworks and trackout21. Fugitive dust release can be strongly
influenced by wind direction and speed. The typical wind direction in the area is north-
westerly. Some residential receptors are located downwind of the site boundary, which
could be impacted by fugitive dust release; however due to the distance to the receptors
from the site it is considered unlikely. Furthermore, background PM10 concentrations are
below 50% of the relevant standard. As such, the impact significance with respect to
fugitive dust release from construction related activities is a minor adverse impact.

21‘Trackout’ is solid material from a site that adheres or agglomerates on the exterior of a motor
vehicle (including tires), then subsequently falls onto a paved public roadway.
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Impact significance for the construction phase is summarised in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on air quality during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Site clearance, preparation, excavation
and grading leading to potential increase Medium Low Minor N
in air emissions (exhaust)
Site clearance, preparation, excavation
and grading leading to a potential periodic
Medium Low Minor N
increase in fugitive dust levels due to
vehicle movements Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

During pre-commissioning the potential impacts are considered to be temporary and
similar to the construction phase potential impacts discussed in the sections above. There
are no other distinct impacts related to this phase, compared to construction phase
Frequent flaring, start-up and shut-down activities are anticipated during the
commissioning phase of the Project. However, the potential impacts are considered to
be temporary and of the same significance as the operations phase impacts discussed
in the sections below. There are no other distinct impacts related to this phase, compared
to the construction or operations phase impacts.
Due to the temporary nature of the potential pre-commissioning impacts, no long-term
residual effects are anticipated, therefore these impacts are not assessed further. Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

As for the construction phase of the Project, the sensitivity of receptors has been rated
medium. Project aspects

All operations phase activities that generate atmospheric emissions (point source and
fugitive), including both routine and non-routine activities. Magnitude of potential impacts

Non-greenhouse gas emissions

The operation of the Pearl Petroleum KM250A Project will result in emissions from the
sources shown in Table 5-6 below. In addition, there will be emissions from the pilot flares
(high pressure – HP, low temperature - LT and low pressure - LP) and low-low pressure
(LLP) flare. During non-routine operations at the plant, flaring through the HP and LP
flares may occur; this would cause emissions that occur simultaneously with those from
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the point sources and LLP flare as well as full emissions from the HP and LP flares. Table
5-7 below presents design specifications of the flares assessed in this study.
Condensate storage tank vent gas will be sent to the LLP flare. Fairly continuous fugitive
losses can be expected from the condensate tank at the plant. The condensate storage
tank is fuel gas blanketed such that when the tank is filled the fuel gas in the vapour
space of the tank is vented as the liquid level rises (tank filling) and when the liquid level
falls (tank emptying) new fuel gas is fed to the tank under pressure control. The fuel gas
in the tank will interact with the condensate in the tank such that the composition of the
fuel gas changes as it absorbs some of the components from the condensate. The vented
gas will comprise loss from condensate and blanketing gas. Condensate gas comprises
primarily pentane (47%), methane (10%) and toxics, namely benzene and toluene. The
fuel/blanket gas comprises primarily methane (89%) and other fuel gas fractions.
VOC emissions from the condensate tanker loading station are generated (approximately
1300 tonnes/year) primarily by residual tanker VOCs from previous loads that are
displaced by the condensate during filling. Pearl Petroleum is considering various
abatement measures, including flaring and a vapour recovery unit. These options will be
further investigated during the detailed engineering phase of the Project. Either option
will significantly decrease the risk of benzene exposure with regard to tanker loading
station workers. Furthermore, once the condensate pipeline is put into operation, there
will be no further need for condensate storage or tanker loading at the site. This will also
reduce the risk of tanker accidents on the road from the KM site to end users.

Table 5-6 Point source specifications

Number of
Sl No. Source Fuel Rating (MW)
1 Booster compressor Gas 3 19.5
2 Sales gas compressor Gas 4 28.1
3 Power generation turbine Gas 5 20.25
4 Hot oil heater Gas 1 67.73
5 Thermal oxidiser Sour Gas 1 4.35

Table 5-7 Flare specifications

Mass flared in
Flare stack Gas
unplanned Flare stack
Sl NO Flare diameter velocity
condition height
(inches) (m/s)
HP flare (with LT
1 521095 30 50 330
2 LP flare 14416 8 20 171.50
3 LLP flare 485 18 25 8.65

The impact on ambient air quality from the KM250A Project has been assessed through
an atmospheric air dispersion modeling study (ADMS) of emissions from the point
sources and flaring operations. Two scenarios were modeled in the ADMS, namely:

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1. Scenario 1: Planned routine operations which would cause emissions from the
point sources, pilot flares and LLP flare
2. Scenario 2: Planned non-routine conditions/plant upset condition which would
cause emissions from the point sources (including the LLP flare), HP flare and
LP flare.
The ADMS was carried out using the most recent update of the EPA-prescribed
AERMOD modeling system, which is a steady state plume model that predicts dispersion
based on planetary boundary layer turbulence structure and scaling concepts, including
treatment of both surface and elevated sources, and simple and complex terrain.
AERMOD is used for a range of assessments, including simultaneous modeling of
multiple emission sources and types (point, flare volume, area, open pit, line), varying of
emissions across seasons, account for aerodynamic downwash and predicting
concentrations in either gridded or discrete receptors. The main steps in performing the
modelling study were:
1. Characterise emission sources for emission rates and source specifications,
namely physical parameters such as stack diameter and height and emission
parameters namely exit temperature and velocity.
2. Determine averaging periods based on applicable regulator standards
3. Process meteorological data, typically five years.
4. Characterise the site where the sources are located including any building
5. Acquire and process terrain information
6. Perform model runs
7. Analyse results and compare results against ambient standards
8. Visualise results.
Assumptions associated with the air quality modelling are presented in Appendix 7 (Table
A7.1 to A7.3).

Source characterisation
At this stage of the Project design, there is limited information available concerning the
emission sources. The point sources modeled in the ADMS was characterised using data
provided by the client, engineering assumptions and United States Environmental
Protection Association (EPA) air pollutant (AP) emission factors. Table 5-8 below
provides stack parameters for the point sources modeled in the ADMS.

Table 5-8 Point source stack parameters for modelling

Stack Stack Exit Stack

Sl No. Source height diameter velocity temp
(g/s) (g/s) (g/s) (g/s)
(m) (m) (m/s) (K)
1 20 0.4064 6.39 823 0.89 0.08 0.23 0.02
Sales gas
2 20 0.4064 6.9 823 0.97 0.09 0.25 0.02
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Stack Stack Exit Stack
Sl No. Source height diameter velocity temp
(g/s) (g/s) (g/s) (g/s)
(m) (m) (m/s) (K)
3 generation 20 0.4064 8.89 823 0.56 0.05 0.14 0.01
Hot oil
4 20 1.5 10.85 550 2.91 0.84 2.44 0.16
5 35 0.9 15.03 1255 0.68 141.38 0.17 0.01

Flares in AERMOD are modeled as point sources, as a specific flare option is not
available in AERMOD. While EPA Screen provides for a flare option, this model is
suitable only for screening purposes and not for refined modeling. EPA Screen has built-
in algorithms to account for buoyancy from the calculated heat release

Building downwash
Building downwash refers to the effect that wind flowing around and over buildings can
have on plume from stacks. EPA’s Building Profile Input Programme (BPIP) is an
algorithm used to determine downwash effects for single and multi-tiered buildings and
structures. The following buildings have been assessed using BPIP (Figure 5-2):
1. Accommodation camp
2. Training center
3. Warehouse
4. LPG office
5. Laydown yard and warehouse
6. Drilling warehouse
7. Medical center.

Figure 5-2 Buildings assessed in BPIP for downwash effects

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Meteorological data
To perform the ADMS, Weather Research Forecast (WRF) prognostic data sets (2014-
2018) for the Khor Mor site area processed using Mesoscale Model Interface Programme
(MMIF) for AERMOD was obtained from Lakes Environmental, a certified meteorological
data provider and processed using the Mesoscale Model Interface Programme (MMIF)
for AERMOD. WRF data was preferred over Pearl Petroleum data (2012 to 2016) as
WRF wind data is classified to a 36-point classification preferred for modeling (10
degrees) as opposed to a 16-point compass (22 degrees). Actual vector observations
were also not recorded in the Pearl Petroleum data sets.
The WRF model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system
designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting applications. WRF
meteorological models provide for reliable and accurate predication when on-site real
time hourly meteorological monitoring data is not available or not in a format suitable for
use in AERMOD. Execution of the MMIF was carried out following the EPA
recommendations in the document: Guidance on the Use of the Mesoscale Modeling
Interface Program (MMIF) for AERMOD Applications.

Sensitive receptors (see Table 5-9) used for this analysis are the same points at which
baseline diffusion tube data was collected for various pollutants relevant to the KM250A
Project (see Figure 3-5). Seven of these locations are villages within the KM250A Project
air quality AOI. The eighth receptor is a key strategic location to the north of the site.

Table 5-9: List of sensitive receptors

Sl.No Receptor ID Location Coordinates

1 MP1 Khor Mor Gawra 480777, 3887187
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 483341, 3885132
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 485519, 3883077
4 MP4 Shekh Hameed 486766, 3881799
5 MP5 Khor Mor Bichuk 481840, 3886313
6 MP6 Mamisik 487404, 3887588
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 489432, 3894931
8 MP8 Key location 481604, 3890474

Model predictions and conclusions

Model runs were performed for NO2, SO2, CO and PM10 for Scenario 1 (normal or routine
operations) and Scenario 2 (flaring operations which are considered non-routine). The
findings and conclusions from the results are discussed below.

Model results for NO2

The model runs were carried out for the 1-hour, 24-hour and annual averaging period.
The results are provided in Table 5-10 through Table 5-12.
For the 1-hour averaging period, the model predictions show compliance to the Project
Standard of 200 µg/m3 at all sensitive receptors except at sensitive receptor MP5 (Khor
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Mor Bichuk) in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The maximum offsite predicted concentration
exceeds the Project Standard in both scenarios, however the 95th percentile
concentration is below the Project Standard. Further analysis of the results shows that
the incremental concentrations from unplanned flaring is within the ambient limits
adopted by the Project.
For the 24-hour averaging period, the model predictions show compliance to the Project
Standard of 94 µg/m3 in both scenarios. The maximum reported offsite concentration is
also below the Project. standard for the annual averaging period, the model runs were
performed only for routine operations (Scenario 1); the modelling results show
compliance to the Project Standard of 40 µg/m3.
Representative dispersion isopleths are provided in Figure 5-3 to Figure 5-5.

Table 5-10 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – NO2

Model predicted concentrations

(µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
1 MP1 Khor Mor Gawra 151.71 151.71
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 55.78 55.78
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 56.76 56.76
4 MP4 Sheikh Hameed 21.48 21.48
5 MP5 Khor Mor Bichuk 218.63 218.63
6 MP6 Mamisik 73.07 73.07
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 45.12 45.12 200

8 MP8 Key location 65.22 65.22

9 Maximum - 372.68 372.68
10 95th percentile 138.86 138.86

Red – exceeds Project Standard

Table 5-11 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – NO2

Model predicted concentrations

(µg/m3) Project
Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
1 MP1 Khor Mor Gawra 15.64 15.64 94
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 3.95 3.95

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Model predicted concentrations
(µg/m3) Project
Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 2.83 2.83
4 MP4 Sheikh Hameed 1.37 1.38
5 MP5 Khor Mor Bichuk 17.78 17.78
6 MP6 Mamisik 14.15 14.25 94
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 4.00 4.02
8 MP8 Key location 10.92 10.93
9 Maximum
offsite - 65.83 65.86

Red – exceeds Project Standard

Table 5-12 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – NO2

concentration Baseline Cumulative Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location (µg/m3) concentration impact Standard
Routine (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1)
Khor Mor
1 MP1 1.37 2.5 3.86596
2 MP2 0.24 2.2 2.44269
3 MP3 0.20 1.4 1.6037
4 MP4 0.12 2.4 2.5189
Khor Mor
5 MP5 0.97 2.7 3.66703 40
6 MP6 Mamisik 1.63 2.5 4.12611
7 MP7 0.14 2.5 2.64379
8 MP8 1.09 4.6 5.68966
9 offsite - 4.35 - 4.34667
Red – exceeds Project Standard

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Figure 5-3 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period (Scenario 2) - NO2

Figure 5-4 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period (Scenario 2) - NO2

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Figure 5-5 Model predictions for annual averaging period - NO2

Model results for SO2

The model runs were carried out for the 1-hour, 3-hour, 24-hour and annual averaging
period. The results are provided in Table 5-13 to Table 5-16. The results are as follows
• For the 1-hour averaging period, the model predictions show exceedance of
the Project Standard of 262 µg/m3 at all sensitive receptors except at MP6
(Mamisik) and MP7 (Qadir Karam) in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
• For the 3-hour averaging period, the model predictions show compliance to the
Project Standard of 262 µg/m3 at all sensitive receptors in both scenarios
except at MP2 (Awaye Jalal). The maximum reported offsite concentration
exceeds the Project Standard.
• For the 24-hour averaging period, the model predictions show compliance with
the interim limit (Appendix 3, Table A3-6) at all sensitive receptors. The
maximum reported offsite concentration exceeds the interim limit, however, the
95th percentile concentration is below the interim limit.
• For the annual averaging period, the model predictions show compliance with
the interim limit at all sensitive receptors. The maximum reported offsite
concentration shows compliance with the interim limit in the cumulative
assessment, when concentrations reported in the baseline survey are added
to the model predictions.
Analysis of the results show that the exceedance is caused by SO2 emissions from the
thermal oxidiser.
Representative dispersion isopleths are provided in Figure 5-6 to Figure 5-9.

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Table 5-13 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – SO2

Model predicted concentrations (µg/m3)

Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Thermal Standard
operations operations oxidiser (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2) alone
Khor Mor
1 MP1 398.88 398.88 397.15
2 MP2 Awaye
1750.86 1750.80 1746.20
3 MP3 Taza
742.16 742.16 738.45
4 MP4 Sheikh
618.25 618.24 618.24
5 MP5 Khor Mor
523.89 523.88 523.54
6 MP6 Mamisik 242.04 242.03 240.99 262

7 MP7 Qadir
166.31 166.27 164.96
8 MP8 Key
350.25 350.25 348.88
9 Maximum -
offsite 2563.12 2563.12 2563.12
10 95th percentile -
offsite 638.20 638.20 638.20
Red – exceeds Project Standard

Table 5-14 Model predictions for the 3-hour averaging period – SO2

Model predicted concentrations

(µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Thermal Standard
operations operations oxidiser (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2) alone
Khor Mor
1 MP1
Gawra 196.72 196.72 194.07
2 MP2 Awaye
Jalal 810.72 810.73 808.79
3 MP3 Taza
Shaher 247.47 247.48 246.24 262*
4 MP4 Sheikh
Hameed 207.20 207.21 206.28
5 MP5 Khor Mor
Bichuk 204.35 204.35 204.35

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Model predicted concentrations
(µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Thermal Standard
operations operations oxidiser (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2) alone
6 MP6 Mamisik 165.81 165.81 164.83
7 MP7 Qadir
Karam 57.88 57.94 57.41
8 MP8 Key
location 128.19 128.19 126.75
9 Maximum offsite -
1753.78 1753.78 1753.78
10 95th percentile -
offsite 327.00 327.00 327.00
Red – exceeds Project Standard
* The Government of Iraq (GoI) ambient air quality standard for SO2 at an averaging period of 1-hour is stricter
than the KRG’s standard at an averaging period of 3-hours. It is standard practice for ambient air quality
standards to be less strict at shorter averaging periods. Therefore, the GoI standard for SO2 at an averaging
period of 1-hour is set as the Project Standard for both 1-hour and 3-hours.

Table 5-15 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – SO2

Model predicted concentrations (µg/m3)

Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Thermal Standard
operations operations oxidiser (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2) alone
Khor Mor
1 MP1 38.69 38.70 37.79
2 MP2 102.72 102.73 102.47
3 MP3 33.27 33.29 33.05
4 MP4 31.32 31.34 31.20
Khor Mor 20 (interim
5 MP5 49.63 49.66 49.52
Bichuk limit 125)
6 MP6 Mamisik 27.78 27.90 27.42
7 MP7 7.55 7.57 7.35
8 MP8 33.09 33.09 32.58
Maximum -
9 offsite 490.00 490.01 489.96
95th percentile -
10 offsite 77.16 77.16 --
Red – exceeds interim limit
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Table 5-16 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – SO2

Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
l.No Receptor ID Location Routine Thermal Standard
operations oxidiser (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) alone
1 MP1 Khor Mor Gawra 4.04 3.89
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 4.68 4.64
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 1.85 1.83
4 MP4 Sheikh Hameed 2.49 2.48
5 MP5 Khor Mor Bichuk 8.68 8.52 20 (interim
limit 125)
6 MP6 Mamisik 2.01 1.86
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 0.37 0.36
8 MP8 Key location 1.34 1.24
Maximum offsite -
9 47.0 46.94
Red – exceeds interim limit

Figure 5-6 Model predictions for 3-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2

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Figure 5-7 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2

Figure 5-8 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2

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Figure 5-9 Model predictions for annual averaging period (thermal oxidiser) – SO2

Model results for CO

The model runs were carried out for the 1-hour and 8-hour averaging period. The results
are provided in Table 5-17 and Table 5-18. The results are as follows
• For the 1-hour averaging period, the model predictions show exceedance of
the Project Standard of 34.368 µg/m3 at MP1 (Khor Mor Gawra) and MP5 (Khor
Mor Bichuk) in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The maximum reported offsite
concentration also exceeds the Project Standard.
• For the 8-hour averaging period, the model predictions show compliance to the
Project Standard of 10,310 µg/m3 at all sensitive receptors in both scenarios.
A representative isopleth is provided in Figure 5-10.

Table 5-17 Model predictions for the 1-hour averaging period – CO

Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
1 MP1 Khor Mor 39.15 39.15
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 30.67 30.67
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 20.25 20.34
4 MP4 Sheikh 13.81 13.81

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Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
5 MP5 Khor Mor 56.17 56.17
6 MP6 Mamisik 18.85 18.86
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 11.63 11.63
8 MP8 Key location 16.83 16.83
9 Maximum offsite - 96.27 96.27
Red – exceeds Project Standard

Table 5-18 Model predictions for the 8-hour averaging period – CO

Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
1 MP1 Khor Mor
Gawra 11.17 11.17
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 4.63 4.77
3 MP3 Taza Shaher 4.12 4.49
4 MP4 Sheikh
Hameed 2.69 4.14
5 MP5 Khor Mor 10,310
Bichuk 13.67 13.67
6 MP6 Mamisik 9.89 9.90
7 MP7 Qadir Karam 3.01 3.50
8 MP8 Key location 7.00 7.00
9 Maximum offsite - 30.92 30.95
Red – exceeds Project Standard
10,310 µg/m3 = 9 ppm

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Figure 5-10 Model predictions for 1-hour averaging period – CO

Model Results for PM10

The model runs were carried out for the 24-hour and annual averaging period. The
results are provided in Table 5-19 and Table 5-20. The model results show
compliance to the Project Standards at all sensitive receptors. The maximum
reported offsite concentration is also below the Project Standard.
A representative isopleth is provided in Figure 5-11.

Table 5-19 Model predictions for the 24-hour averaging period – PM10

Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
1 MP1 Khor Mor 0.33 0.33

2 MP2 Awaye Jalal 0.16 0.24

3 MP3 Taza Shaher 0.09 0.23

4 MP4 Sheikh 0.06 0.22


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Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3) Project
Sl.No Receptor ID Location Routine Non-routine Standard
operations operations (µg/m3)
(Scenario 1) (Scenario 2)
5 MP5 Khor Mor 0.37 0.37

6 MP6 Mamisik 0.30 0.37

7 MP7 Qadir Karam 0.09 0.19

8 MP8 Key location 0.23 0.24

9 Maximum - 1.44 1.47

Red – exceeds Project Standard

Table 5-20 Model predictions for the annual averaging period – PM10

Model predicted
concentrations (µg/m3)
Project Standard
Sl.No Receptor ID Location
Routine operations
(Scenario 1)

Khor Mor
1 MP1 0.04
2 MP2 Awaye Jalal

3 MP3 Taza Shaher


4 MP4 Sheikh
5 MP5 Khor Mor
6 MP6 Mamisik
Qadir Karam
7 MP7 0.02

8 MP8 Key location


Maximum -
9 offsite 0.11
Red – exceeds Project Standard

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Figure 5-11 Model predictions for 24-hour averaging period – PM10

When the facility is in operation, small quantities of non-combusted hydrocarbons may

escape as fugitive emissions from pipe flanges, valves, compressors and pumps.
Vehicles operating at the site during operations and delivering supplies to the site or
carrying out inspections along the pipeline routes will run on diesel fuel and will emit
exhaust gases.

Impact significance rating

Although there is an existing source of air emissions in this area (the existing Khor Mor
gas plant), baseline data indicate that the operations phase AOI for air quality (up to
10 km from the main Project site during routine operations) is generally un-degraded (with
the exception of SO2).The magnitude of NO2 during routine operations phase activities
within the expected AOI has been rated as high in relation to the 1-hour limit at one or
more sensitive receptors. The magnitude in relation to the 24-hour and annual limits are
rated as slight. The overall (worst case) impact magnitude rating is therefore rated as
high (see Table 5-21 below).
Fugitive VOC emissions can be expected from tanker truck condensate loading activities.
Vented gas will comprise pentane (21%), hexane (22%) and toxics such as benzene and
toluene. Emissions could occur from operation of any of the nine tanker loading bays
(eight working, one standby). A vapor extraction system with design capacity of 750
Am3/hour 22 will be included to minimize fugitive losses. Extracted vapor will be vented
and will be diluted with forced air. KM250A Project studies (Hatch, 2019i, 2019u, 2019v)
suggest a minimum stack height of 10 m to limit occupational exposure.

22 Am3 is gas volume in m3 at the actual operating conditions of the process.

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The impact magnitude of SO2 emissions is rated as high in relation to the 1-hour, 3-hour
and 24-hour limits, and medium for the annual limit. The worst-case magnitude is
therefore rated as high. The impact magnitudes for CO and PM10 are rated as slight.

Summary of conventional emissions

A summary of unmitigated potential impacts on air quality during the KM250A Project
operations phase is presented in Table 5-21. The results above indicate that the
difference in ground level concentration between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are
negligible for all polluting parameters. Therefore, only one impact rating is presented for
each polluting parameter.

Table 5-21 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on air quality during operation

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Emissions from routine or non-routine
operations of the gas plant leading to
High Medium High Y
increase in NO2 ambient ground level
Emissions from routine or non-routine
operations of the gas plant leading to High Medium High Y
Increase in SO2 levels in ambient air
Emissions from routine or non-routine
operations of the gas plant leading to Slight Medium Slight N
increase in CO levels in ambient air
Emissions from routine or non-routine
operations of the gas plant leading to Slight Medium Slight N
increase in PM10 levels in ambient air Greenhouse gas emissions

Current total carbon dioxide (tCO2) emissions (from the existing KM facility) covering both
Scope 1 and Scope 2 23 have been separately calculated (PwC, 2018). In 2017, ongoing
operations produced around 120,000 tCO2 of Scope 1 emissions. This constitutes a 53%
decrease from the operations’ 2013 Scope 1 emissions and a 10% decrease compared
to the 2016 figure. For Scope 2, operations produced around 800 tCO2 in 2017, which is
an 8% decrease from emissions in 2013 and a 7% decrease from emissions in 2016.
A preliminary estimate of GHG emissions due to KM250A Project operations was based
only on gas plant activities (GHG emissions associated with offsite buildings are not
included, and electricity will not be purchased from the national grid). The main sources
of GHG emissions are as follows:
• power generation
• hot oil system
• flaring (occasional for the HP and LP flares, and continuously for the LLP flare)
• thermal oxidiser: 60% of KM500 values.

23 Scope 1 concerns direct GHG emissions from site sources that are controlled by Pearl Petroleum. Scope 2

concerns indirect GHG emissions that are emitted in the generation of electricity.
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The contribution of VOCs has been excluded.
The estimated GHG emissions for the KM250A Project are presented in Table 5-22.

Table 5-22 Estimate of GHG emissions during KM250A operations

Source Emissions rate (tCO2e/year)

Power Hot oil Flare Thermal

generation – heater(s) (HP/LT, LP) oxidiser
gas engine

CO2 18,441 55,869 1,995 7,714

methane 1,060 30 0 0

NO2 0 79 0 0

Total 19,051 55,978 1,995 7,714

Note: NO2 is not a GHG; it contributes to the creation of atmospheric ozone

tCO2 – total carbon dioxide

KM250A Project operations phase gas plant GHG emissions are likely to be largely
neutralised by the reduction of high-carbon diesel for relatively low-carbon gas at
Kurdistan power plants as a result of the Project. The net impact of the Project with
respect to GHG emissions is therefore positive. More precision will be obtained during
the construction phase of the Project once equipment is specified.

Summary of greenhouse gas emissions

A summary of unmitigated potential impacts of GHG emissions during operations
presented in Table 5-23.

Table 5-23 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts of GHG emissions during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Operation of gas train leading to potential
decrease in GHG emissions from regional power Positive Medium Positive N
plants due to substitution of KM250A sales gas for
current diesel fuel at those installations Decommissioning phase

The expected impacts of decommissioning are considered to be similar to the
construction phase, especially concerning the use of moving and non-moving equipment
(see Section The only distinct impacts related to this phase, compared to
construction or operations phase impacts, concern possible release of VOCs from
disposal of liquid hydrocarbons remaining in vessels and piping at the site, and disposal

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of major pieces of equipment. These impacts must be re-evaluated once a
Decommissioning Plan is developed.

5.7.2 Soil Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The sensitivity of the soil along the flowline rights of way is medium. This sensitivity is
based on the presence of steppe grassland within the flowline corridors which is not used
for crop cultivation and is used for grazing in some areas. The sensitivity of soil within the
KM site fenceline is low. Project aspects

Construction activities that have the potential to cause direct or indirect impacts on soil
quality include, but are not limited to:
• site vegetation clearing and topsoil stripping
• grading, levelling and compacting
• excavation for foundations, sub-structures and safety ditch
• trenching activities for buried flowlines and cables (power and fibre optic)
• backfilling and reinstatement
• pavement laying and installation of structures
• storage and handling of hazardous waste/materials, sewage sludge, and oils,
lubricants and chemicals, as well as refuelling and maintenance activities of
machinery, equipment and vehicles
• storage and handling of large quantities of fuel required for operation of
machinery, equipment and vehicles
• use of temporary sanitary facilities. Magnitude of potential impacts

The Project aspects cited above have the potential to lead to the following impacts on
• localised soil erosion
• compaction and topsoil loss
• changes to the existing topography and drainage patterns
• potential increased risk of contamination due to loss of containment of fuel
storage tanks
• potential increased risk of contamination due to improper storage or handling of
hazardous waste/materials, sewage sludge and oils, lubricants and chemicals.

Loss of land/soils used for agriculture

The soil AOI was designated as the physical footprint of the Project at the main Project
site and along the new flowline corridors (see Section Potential impacts on soil
during construction of the gas plant would occur due to soil compaction, increased
susceptibility of the soils to wind and water erosion, contamination of soils with petroleum
products, loss of topsoil productivity, increased desertification and disturbance of
biological soil crusts.
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The soil within the plant footprint area is not used for agriculture so no further assessment
of this potential impact is required. Installation of the flowlines (described in Section 2.5.5)
will cause the most significant impact on soils due to the high level of physical disturbance
during excavation, grading, trenching, backfilling and restoration activities. The
magnitude is low given that it is understood that the areas crossed by the routes are not
used for agriculture, and the sensitivity is medium given that the land is used for grazing.
The pre-mitigation impact significance is minor.

Reduced soil quality

Accidental releases of chemicals, fuels, wastewater and other construction wastes on
land within the plant footprint area will pose a localised effect on the soil quality. Leaks
and spills will be contained within the construction areas. The magnitude is rated low
given the likely extent and duration. Without mitigation, the impacts are expected to be
The primary risk of a release is through a spill by a tanker carrying condensate offsite
(the point of sale is at the Khor Mor site fenceline; tankers will be operated by an
independent party under MNR oversight). Furthermore, there is potential for the use of
the Jambur condensate pipeline pending discussions between the KRI and the federal
Iraq government. This would reduce risk posed by transport of condensate by tanker
truck. Summary
The impact significance is presented in Table 5-24 below.

Table 5-24 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Ground excavation for flowlines leading
Low Medium Minor N
to loss of land/soils
Storage and handling of fuels, chemicals
and waste leading to reduction in soil Low Low Slight N
quality Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The sensitivity of the soil along the flowline rights of way is medium. This sensitivity is
based on the presence of steppe grassland within the flowline corridors which is not used
for crop cultivation and is used for grazing in some areas. Project aspects

Pre-commissioning activities that have the potential to cause direct or indirect impacts on
soil quality include flowline hydrotesting and discharge of hydrotest water. Following
construction, all flowlines will be hydrotested so that any leaks can be identified and
repaired (a planned activity). Hydrotest water will be treated with biocide and oxygen

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scavenger to inhibit corrosion and its pH adjusted with caustic soda and buffered with
bicarbonate. Magnitude of potential impacts

Hydrotest water will not be discharged to ground unless it meets the required Iraqi
discharge standards (Appendix 3, Table A.3-2). Depending on quality, leaks or unplanned
releases of water used for flowline hydrotesting to the ground may cause local
contamination and alter the characteristics of the soil and groundwater. The magnitude
is low given the short duration and local extent of potential impact and the sensitivity of
soil along the flowlines is medium. Without mitigation, this has the potential to have a
minor impact on soil. However, hydrotest water will not be discharged by soakaway
unless it meets the appropriate standards. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential KM250A Project pre-commissioning and
commissioning impacts on soil is presented in Table 5-25.

Table 5-25 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during pre-

commissioning and commissioning

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Leaks and discharge of hydrotesting
water to ground leading to soil Low Medium Minor N
contamination Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

As for the operations phase of the Project, the sensitivity of the soil in the Project
operation areas is low given that the land is not intended for agricultural use. Project aspects

Gas plant operations have the potential to result in the following impacts on soils:
• potential increased risk of contamination due to improper storage or handling
of fuels, hazardous waste/materials, sewage sludge and oils, lubricants and
• potential increased risk of contamination due to loss of containment of
condensate during transportation, custody of condensate will be passed over
to the KRG/MNR, who will be responsible for providing tanker trucks, at the
fenceline). Magnitude of potential impacts

The potential impacts on soil quality during the operations phase within the plant area
typically relate to unplanned leaks and spills of fuel, chemicals and waste (hazardous
materials). The magnitude is slight and thus could give rise to slight impacts on soils
within the site area.

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Operation of the buried flowlines are expected to have no impact on soil during routine
planned operations.
Stormwater run-off from the Project gas plant site could result in localised soil
contamination if runoff is contaminated with hydrocarbons (for example). As a built-in
design measure the ground surface at the condensate tanker loading area, the
condensate transfer pump and storage tanks will be concrete paved and include sumps
with gratings to collect leaks and sized to collect first 25 mm of the rainfall from the area.
The hydrocarbon-affected water or leaks will be drained to storage tanks for further
treatment and disposal. Suitable valve chambers will be provided to prevent accidental
spillage of produced fluids into the storm water drainage.
All access roads within the facility will be asphalt concrete or cement concrete paved
(except for the perimeter access road that will be unpaved). The area will be graded in
slope to have natural storm water flow towards natural storm drainage area. Gutter
systems will be constructed in such a manner that water should not pond on the roadway
or flow at random over fill slopes. The magnitude of this impact is slight (localised extent
and infrequency) and sensitivity of the soil is low, and thus the significance is slight. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential KM250A Projects operations phase impacts on soil
is presented in Table 5-26.

Table 5-26 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Storage and handling of fuels, chemicals
Slight Low Slight N
and waste leading to soil contamination Decommissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

As for the decommissioning phase of the Project, the sensitivity of the soil in the areas
outside of the Khor Mor fenceline (that is, the flowline rights of way, where there is some
grazing and a number of water wells) is low. Project aspects

Decommissioning phase activities with the potential to impact soil quality include:
• dismantling of equipment and infrastructure
• machinery and vehicle operations, including refuelling
• use of temporary sanitary facility for site workers
• transport and removal of hazardous materials
• fuel storage and vehicle maintenance.
These activities may cause possible leakage or spills of liquids on soil. A
Decommissioning Plan will be produced which may include the removal of hydrocarbons,
decommissioning of production equipment and removal of modules, substructures and

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equipment, and their transport for disposal or reuse. The decommissioning procedures
will reflect applicable MNR laws and regulations in place at the time, and if correctly
managed, physical disturbance of soil associated with dismantling of equipment and
infrastructure is not considered to require further assessment. Magnitude of potential impacts

The potential for leaks or spills is considered to have a significance of slight given the
slight magnitude (limited duration and localised extent) and low sensitivity of the soil. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential KM250A Project decommissioning phase impacts on
soil is presented in Table 5-27.

Table 5-27 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on soil during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Storage and handling of fuels, chemicals
Slight Low Slight N
and waste leading to soil contamination

5.7.3 Water resources Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Groundwater is the most important source of public water supply to the local communities
and therefore the sensitivity of groundwater in the AOI is high. Project aspects

The main Project activities with possible impacts on groundwater are groundwater
abstraction and storage and handling of hazardous substances. Magnitude of potential impacts

Abstraction of groundwater leading to aquifer drawdown

There are several existing groundwater abstraction wells and springs in the AOI. During
the construction phase water for dust suppression alone will require an estimated
43,200 m3 over four months (see Section 2.7.1). Water will also be consumed by workers
(drinking and sanitary). The abstraction of groundwater to supply construction activities
therefore has the potential to have a direct impact on the water table through drawdown,
which may reduce the yield of nearby boreholes and wells, and therefore the magnitude
is ranked as medium. The unmitigated significance is high.

Reduced groundwater quality

Potential impacts to the quality of groundwater within the AOI may arise during
construction due to the improper storage and handling, or loss of containment, of fuels,

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sewage sludge, and oils, lubricants and chemicals. Such impacts may also arise due to
refuelling and maintenance activities of machinery, equipment and vehicles, . Impacts to
groundwater quality could occur through leaching of contaminants from the soil to shallow
groundwater The magnitude of this impact is likely to be low (limited extent and duration)
and the sensitivity of the groundwater receptor is high as explained above. Without
mitigation, this could give rise to moderate impacts. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential KM250A Project construction phase impacts on
water resources is presented in Table 5-28.

Table 5-28 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Aspect Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Groundwater abstraction leading to aquifer
Medium High High Y
Storage and handling of fuels and
chemicals leading to leaks/spills and Low High Moderate Y
reduced groundwater quality Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Groundwater is the most important source of public water supply to the local communities
and therefore the sensitivity of groundwater in the AOI is high. Project aspects

The main Project activities with possible impacts on groundwater concern groundwater
abstraction and the discharge of water used for hydrostatic testing. Magnitude of potential impacts

The abstraction of groundwater to supply pre-commissioning and commissioning
activities) has the potential to have a direct impact on the water table through drawdown,
which may affect the yield of nearby boreholes and wells. The magnitude of this potential
impact is ranked as low given the relatively short duration. The unmitigated significance
is moderate.
Management of wastewater from hydrostatic testing of the flowlines and plant pipework
may be contaminated with additives used to protect piping during the testing process.
However, Pearl Petroleum will only discharge this water to ground if it meets KRI
standards for such discharges. If not, this wastewater will be treated in an evaporation
pond. In either case, the impact magnitude is considered to be slight, giving an impact
significance rating of minor.

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A summary of unmitigated potential impacts on groundwater during the Project pre-
commissioning and commissioning phase is presented in Table 5-29.

Table 5-29 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during pre-
commissioning and commissioning

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Groundwater abstraction leading to aquifer
Low High Moderate Y
Generation of wastewater from hydrostatic
testing of piping leading to possible Slight High Minor N
contamination of soil and groundwater Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Groundwater is the most important source of public water supply to the local communities
and therefore the sensitivity of groundwater in the AOI is high. Project aspects

The main Project activities with possible impacts on groundwater concern groundwater
abstraction and storage and handling of hazardous substances. Magnitude of potential impacts

Abstraction of groundwater leading to aquifer drawdown

The abstraction of groundwater to supply operations has the potential to have a direct
impact on the water table through drawdown, which may have an indirect impact on the
yield of nearby boreholes and wells. During operations, groundwater will be used to
support camp offices (domestic use) and for other operational requirements. There are
several existing groundwater abstraction wells and springs in the AOI and therefore the
magnitude is ranked as medium. The unmitigated significance is high.

Reduced groundwater quality

The improper storage and handling, or loss of containment, of fuels (e.g. tanker trucks),
sewage sludge, oils, lubricants and chemicals has the potential to cause potential impacts
to groundwater quality. In addition, this may occur due to refuelling and maintenance of
machinery, equipment and vehicles. The magnitude is slight given the local extent and
short duration of potential impacts this could give rise to minor impacts.
The operation of waste accumulation areas and waste disposal sites may result in
impacts on groundwater quality. The evaporation pond will be suitably lined so an
assessment of potential impacts to groundwater will not be progressed any further. The
improper storage of hazardous waste at these locations may lead to the mobilisation of
contaminants into the subsurface and thus impact the quality of shallow groundwater.

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Given a magnitude of slight (short duration and local extent) and a sensitivity of high,
the impact is minor. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential KM250A Project operations phase impacts on
groundwater is presented in Table 5-30.

Table 5-30 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on water resources during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Aspect Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Groundwater abstraction leading to aquifer
Medium High High Y
Storage and handling of fuels and
chemicals leading to leaks/spills and Slight High Minor N
reduced groundwater quality
Storage of hazardous solid and liquid
waste leading to reduced groundwater Slight High Minor N
quality Decommissioning phase

During the decommissioning phase, it is expected that the operating processes will be
shut down systemically in compliance with safety protocols, and the liquid and solid
contents and wastes will be removed for treatment and disposal. Impacts are expected
to be similar to those projected for the construction phase (see Section

5.7.4 Noise Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Workers at the site are assumed to be accustomed to noise associated with construction
sites. Furthermore, personal protection equipment (PPE) will be provided. However, both
permanent Project workers and construction workers will be housed at camps within the
Khor Mor site fenceline. Off-work workers will have the same sensitivities as residents of
nearby villages. The latter are assumed to be accustomed to noise from operations of
the existing Khor Mor plant. However, there are agricultural and grazing areas outside of
the site fenceline as well as schools and clinics. An overall noise sensitivity level of high
has been assigned. Project aspects

The construction of the KM250A Project will generate high levels of noise. To determine
whether the construction works will give rise to adverse impacts at sensitive receptors
within the construction phase noise AOI (including residents of surrounding villages and
workers at the site), a quantitative noise assessment has been undertaken.

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The construction activities associated with the KM250A Project that have the potential to
be significant in terms of noise are noted below:

• site preparation, drainage installations and general earthworks

• internal road construction
• foundations for plant/equipment
• installation of plant/equipment and prefabricated structures
• site clearance
• trenching, pipe installation and backfill.

Traffic Movements
A quantitative assessment has been undertaken to determine the potential noise impacts
associated with vehicle movements associated with the construction phase of the Project.
It is anticipated that there will be heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) movement, including up
to twenty two-way wagon movements during the day and twenty crew bus movements to
transport local workers (about 300 in number) to and from the site.
The specific routes and frequency of HGVs has not been defined at this stage. For the
purposes of this assessment a realistic worst case in which all vehicles will take the same
currently low-density traffic route to and from the site has been assumed. The wagons
used to transport the materials to/from the site are likely to be spaced throughout the day,
rather than occurring within a concentrated period. An hourly flow of twenty HGVs has
been assumed.
Noise from HGV movements have been calculated using the haul road calculation
formula contained within Section F.2.5 of BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014. The assessment
has been undertaken on the basis of:
• maximum pass-by data for HGV based on a sound power level of 104 dB(A)
• peak hourly one-way flow comprising of twenty HGVs
• mean speed of 48 km/hour (30 miles per hour) when HGVs are travelling near
to or through residential areas.
The resulting noise levels have been calculated at a range of typical setback distances
as noted in Table 5-31. This enables the influence of HGV movements to be considered
against the defined acoustic criteria.

Table 5-31 Noise from construction phase HGV movements on highway network

Noise level at a range of setback distances, dB LAeq,1hr

HGVs per hour
10 m 25 m 50 m 75 m 100 m 200 m 300 m

20 57 53 50 48 47 44 42

There is potential for sensitive receptors to be situated at a range of setback distances

from the highway and therefore the noise levels incident at roadside properties will vary
by location. Based on the values presented in Table 5-31, the road traffic noise levels will
not exceed the Project Standard daytime noise limit for residential areas of 50-60 dB(A).

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On the basis of the predicted levels, the noise from construction phase HGV movements
has the potential to give rise to short-term, minor adverse impacts during daytime hours
at receptors situated close to the main road.
It is recommended that the noise assessment is updated to reflect the traffic management
plan once specific transport routes and vehicles numbers are confirmed.
Other sources of noise during the Project construction phase
Specific details regarding the construction activities to be undertaken will be available
during the EPC phase of the Project. Therefore, the assessment of construction phase
impacts is based on RSK’s experience of similar works. If the final plant selections or
working arrangements differ significantly to the assumptions that have been made, this
assessment will need to be updated.
Estimated noise levels during the construction phase have been predicted at existing
sensitive receptors in the surrounding study area using the noise propagation algorithms
contained within British Standard (BS) 5228-1:2009+A1:2014. It has been assumed that
construction work will be undertaken largely during daytime hours (with possible
exceptions), seven days a week. For the purpose of this assessment it has been
conservatively assumed that the surrounding land is flat and acoustically reflective i.e. no
acoustic screening from intervening topography or ground absorption.
The anticipated plant items and associated sound pressure levels generated during the
primary phases of work are presented in Table 5-32.

Table 5-32 Construction phase plant list

Noise Total
No. of
BS5228 at % on noise at
Activity Plant items in
Ref. 10m, Time 10 m,
dB(A) dB(A)
KM250A Project
Tracked excavator C.2.3 78 80 3
Roller (rolling fill) C.2.37 79 50 2
Excavator mounted
C.9.13 95 30 1
Site rock breaker
Grader C.6.31 86 50 2 93
drainage &
earthworks Dozer C.2.12 81 80 3
Articulated dump
C.4.1 81 80 3
Lorry C.2.34 80 30 1
Tracked excavator C.5.35 74 80 2
Dozer C.5.13 82 80 2
Articulated dump
Internal road C.5.17 81 80 2
truck 88
Vibratory roller C.5.20 75 50 2
Asphalt paver +
C.5.31 77 80 2
tipper lorry

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Noise Total
No. of
BS5228 at % on noise at
Activity Plant items in
Ref. 10m, Time 10 m,
dB(A) dB(A)
Lorry C.2.34 80 30 1
Tracked excavator C.4.64 75 80 2
Dump truck C.2.30 79 50 2
Vibratory plate
C.2.41 80 30 2

Foundations Delivery wagons -

C.11.7 79 20 2
for plant/ arrive/depart 86
equipment Concrete mixer truck
C.4.32 78 50 2
+ pump
Poker vibrator C.4.33 78 30 4
Vibratory tamper C.4.35 63 30 2
Compressor D.6.19 72 30 2
Wheeled mobile
C.4.43 70 30 2
Telescopic handler C.4.54 79 30 2
Hand-held welder C3.31 73 30 2
Installation of
plant/ Generator for
C3.32 73 30 2
equipment & welding 88
prefab. Petrol hand-held
C.4.70 91 20 2
structures circular saw
Angle grinder
C.4.93 80 20 2
(grinding steel)
Lorry with lifting
C.4.53 77 30 2
Tracked excavator C.2.3 78 80 2
Dozer C.2.12 81 80 2
Flowline -
Site Dump truck C.2.30 79 80 2 87
Dozer (towing roller) C.2.36 81 50 1
Lorry C.2.34 80 30 1
Tracked excavator C.4.64 75 80 2
Excavator mounted
C.9.13 95 30 1
Flowline - rock breaker
Trenching, Dumper C.4.3 76 80 2
pipe 92
installation Dozer C.2.12 81 80 2
and backfill Grader C.6.31 86 50 1
Lorry with lifting
C.4.53 77 20 2

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The predicted noise levels at the surrounding sensitive receptor areas (see Table 5-9 and
Figure 3-4) resulting from the primary construction activities for the KM250A Project and
associated flowlines are presented in Table 5-33.

Table 5-33 Predicted construction phase noise levels at sensitive receptors

Noise levels at receptor areas Project Standard

(dB, LAeq) (dB, LAeq)

camp (KM250) (R6)

Permanent accom.
Khor Mor Bichuk

Awaye Jalal (R4)

07:00 to 18:00

18:00 to 22:00

22:00 to 07:00
Khor Mor Gawra



Construction activity

Mamisik (R2)

Camp (R5)

KM250A Project (R3)

Site preparation 46 44 49 52 64 58
Internal road construction 41 38 44 47 58 52
Foundations for
38 36 41 44 56 50 45-55 40-50
50-60 See See
Installation of plant &
41 39 44 47 59 53 note note
prefab structures

Site clearance 38 44 38 39 44 44
Trenching, pipe installation
42 49 42 44 49 48
and backfill
Red - exceeds Project Standard for day time (07:00 to 18:00)
Note - in exceptional cases, construction activities will occur in the evening (18:00 to 22:00) or night-time
(22:00 to 07:00) Magnitude of potential impacts

Based on the predicted noise levels presented above, it is evident that the construction
phase noise levels will be highest at the accommodation camps (R5 and R6), with noise
levels ranging by activity, from 44 to 64 dB LAeq; the elevated noise levels are a function
of the proximity to the boundary of the KM250A Project site. When considering the offsite
villages (R1-R4), the highest noise levels are predicted to occur at Awaye Jalal (R4) to
the south of the KM250A Project site with noise levels ranging by activity from 44 to 52 dB

In the absence of appropriate mitigation measures, the construction phase noise levels
have the potential to give rise to medium-term, minor adverse impacts when works are
undertaken during daytime hours. If the works extend into the night-time period (giving a
night-time limit in residential areas of 40 to 50 dB), the unmitigated noise levels have the
potential to give rise to medium-term, major adverse impacts.

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Table 5-34 presents a summary of the potential construction phase noise impacts.

Table 5-34 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Construction activities - daytime
leading to potential increases in Slight High Minor N
ambient noise
Construction activities - night-time
leading to potential increases in High High Major Y
ambient noise
Construction traffic leading to potential
Slight High Minor N
increase in ambient noise Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

There are no specific noise impacts during the pre-commissioning stage. Noise levels
during pre-commissioning are expected to be substantially lower that those occurring
during the construction phase and hence will not give rise to potentially significant
impacts. On this basis, pre-commissioning noise has been scoped out of the assessment.
Commissioning phase noise levels are expected to be similar to those predicted for the
operations phase of the Project as defined below. Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section Project aspects

This concerns Project traffic (tanker movements), high noise-generating equipment
associated with KM250A Project operations (including compressors and generators).
Non-routine flaring will also generate high levels of noise. Magnitude of potential impacts

Project Traffic
A quantitative assessment has been undertaken to determine the potential noise impacts
associated with tanker movements associated with the operations phase of the Project.
It is anticipated that the development will generate up to 50 two-way tanker movements.
The assessment has considered a daytime hourly flow of ten tankers, which assumes
that the tanker movements will typically be spaced throughout the day, rather than
occurring within a concentrated period.

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Noise from tanker movements have been calculated using the haul road calculation
formula contained within BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014. The assessment has been
undertaken based on:
• maximum pass-by data for HGV based on a sound power level of 104 dB(A)
• peak hourly one-way flow comprising of ten tankers
• mean speed of 48 km/hour (30 mph) when HGVs are travelling near to or
through residential areas.
The resulting noise levels have been calculated at a range of typical setback distances
as noted in Table 5-35. This enables the influence of offsite tanker movements to be
considered against the defined acoustic criteria.

Table 5-35 Noise from operations phase HGV movements on highway network

Noise level at a range of setback distances, dB LAeq

HGVs per hour
10 m 25 m 50 m 75 m 100 m 200 m 300 m

10 54 50 47 45 44 42 41

There is potential for sensitive receptors to be situated at a range of setback distances

from the highway and therefore the noise levels incident at roadside properties will vary
by location. On the basis of the values presented in Table 5-35, the road traffic noise
levels will not exceed the Project Standard daytime noise limit for residential areas
situated adjacent to main roads of 50-60 dB(A).

On the basis of the predicted levels, the noise from operations phase tanker movements
have the potential to give rise to short-term, minor adverse impacts during daytime hours
at receptors situated close to the main road. The noise assessment should be updated
to reflect the Traffic Management Plan once specific transport routes and vehicles
numbers are confirmed.

Site operations
The noise levels generated by the operation of the KM250A Project have been calculated
using the computational noise modelling software SoundPlan (v8.1). The software
calculates industrial noise from mobile and static sources in accordance with International
Standard ISO 9613-2:1996 'Acoustics, attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors.
General method of calculation'.

The ISO 9613-2 method predicts noise levels under meteorological conditions favourable
to noise propagation from the sound source to the receiver, such as downwind
propagation. The modelling parameters are presented in Table 5-36 and are considered
to provide realistic worst-case predictions. The methodology takes account of the
following physical effects:

• geometrical divergence
• atmospheric absorption
• ground effect

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• reflection from surfaces
• screening by obstacles.

At this stage in the assessment, vendor datasheets are not available for the proposed
plant installations. In the absence of vendor/measurement data, the noise emissions from
the proposed plant items will generally not exceed a level of 85 dB(A) at 1 m as defined
in the KM250A Project ‘Basis of Design, rev B’ (Hatch 2019c). The main exceptions are
the temporary generators which has been modelled as 97 dB(A) at 1 m and the
maintenance flaring which has been modelled with an assumed sound power level of
115 dB(A).

Peak noise associated with non-routine flaring events are assumed to result in a sound
power level of 126 dB(A) at each of the two flares. The predicted noise levels during non-
routine flaring events are only expected to occur for a 15-minute duration, no more than
twice a year.

Table 5-36 Operational phase modelling parameters

Parameter Setting

International Standard ISO 9613-2:1996 'Acoustics, attenuation of

sound during propagation outdoors. 'General method of calculation'
Mixed ground (0.4 coefficient) – hardstanding areas and sand
25 oC
Met Conditions 60% humidity
Wind from source to receiver
Not applied i.e. results represent free-field noise levels

Receptor Height A receptor height of 1.5 m above ground level has been assumed

Routine scenario - Noise contribution from the primary components

of KM250A Project under routine operating conditions.
Scenarios Non-routine scenario - Noise contribution from the primary
components of KM250A Project, in addition to non-routine flaring
The prominent noise producing items of plant associated with the
KM250A Project have been established from the Hatch Master
Equipment List (Hatch, 2019m). The equipment list was annotated by
the Hatch engineering team to identify significant plant items in terms
of noise generation.
Source Modelling/ All calculations have been performed in the eight octave bands centred
Data between 63 hertz (Hz) and 8 kilohertz (kHz). Note: in the absence of
spectral noise data, this information will be derived from similar plant
installations taken from RSK’s database.
It is assumed that the proposed plant installations will operate
continuously during both daytime and night-time periods.

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Parameter Setting

No allowance has been made for directivity of the plant noise emissions
i.e. model assumes omni-directional propagation.
With the exception of the flares, all plant items have been modelled
with a source height of 2 m above local ground level. The LP and HP
flares have been modelled with a source height of 20 m and 50 m
above local ground level respectively (assumed to flare concurrently).

Assessment 1-hour assessment period for both daytime and night-time assessment
Period periods
The noise prediction model has incorporated 10 m elevational contours
beyond the KM250A Project site.
The model does not incorporate features on site which may provide
partial screening (e.g. columns, pipe racks, structural steelwork, and
small equipment). Consequently, the contribution of certain sources,
particularly those located well within the facility, may be overestimated.
No allowance has been made for barriers or large obstructions,
therefore the results represent robust predictions. Note: a substantial
structure (building) or barrier can provide a sound reduction of 5-15
dB(A) if it obscures the source from view at the receiver position.
The KM250A Project plot plan has been taken from Hatch drawing ref.
Site Layout
‘H358098-00000-250-290-0002 Rev. 1’

The predicted KM250A Project operations phase noise levels at the surrounding sensitive
receptor areas are presented in Figure 5-12, Figure 5-13 and Table 5-37; for context, the
existing baseline noise environment has also been presented. The predicted values do
not include existing noise sources associated with the wider facility on the basis that these
form part of the current noise environment captured during the baseline survey.

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Figure 5-12 Predicted operations phase noise levels under routine conditions (1.5 m above ground level)

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Figure 5-13 Predicted operations phase noise levels under non-routine conditions (1.5 m above ground level)
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Table 5-37 Baseline and predicted operations phase noise levels

Noise levels at receptor areas, (dB)

Residential Project
Khor Mor Bichuk

Khor Mor Gawra


camp (KM250)

Awaye Jalal


Baseline – Daytime ambient, LAeq,15hr 41 36 43 47 52 - 50-60

Baseline – Night ambient, LAeq,9hr 50 40 41 43 51 - 40-50

Baseline – Daytime background,
33 27 33 36 40 - 50-60
Baseline – Night background, LA90,9hr 35 27 34 38 47 - 40-50
As above
Predicted KM250A Project noise
levels, LAeq,1hr – Routine operating 27 25 23 39 48 50
on night-time
or daytime)
As above
Predicted KM250A Project noise
levels, LAeq,1hr – Non-routine 33 30 27 49 56 60
on night-time
operating conditions
or daytime)
Red – exceeds Project Standard

Under routine operating conditions, it is evident that the operations phase noise levels
will be highest at the adjacent Project camp locations with predicted noise levels up to 50
dB LAeq,1hr. When considering the offsite villages, the highest noise levels under routine
operating conditions are predicted to occur at Awaye Jalal to the south of the site with
predicted noise levels of 39 dB LAeq,1hr.

For the Project camp areas, the absolute noise levels during routine operating conditions
should not adversely affect the functionality of the camp areas during daytime or night-
time periods, particularly when considering the noise attenuation provided by boundary
treatments e.g. walls, the external envelope of the accommodation blocks and the
screening provided by the buildings themselves.

During non-routine flaring, a substantial increase in noise, most notably at the Project
accommodation camp locations and Awaye Jalal, has been predicted. As noted above,
the non-routine flaring events are only expected to occur for a 15-minute duration, no
more than twice a year. On this basis, the elevated noise resulting from these infrequent
and short duration non-routine events are not considered to give rise to significant
adverse noise impacts.

On the basis of routine operating conditions, the predicted noise levels have the potential
to give rise to long-term, minor adverse impacts during both daytime and night-time
periods at the surrounding villages. During non-routine operating conditions, the
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predicted noise levels have the potential to give rise to long-term, minor adverse impacts
at the surrounding villages. The impact significance for the non-routine operating
condition reflects the limited timescales over which flaring will occur throughout the year. Summary
Table 5-38 presents a summary of potential impacts on noise during the operations phase
of the KM250A Project.

Table 5-38 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Potential noise impacts due to routine
KM250A Project operating conditions - Slight High Minor N
Potential noise impacts due to routine
KM250A Project operating conditions – Slight High Minor N
Potential noise impacts due to non-
routine KM250A Project operating Slight High Minor N
conditions Decommissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section Project aspects

Decommissioning phase activities expected to generate noise are associated with:
• noise from machinery and dismantling activities
• site clearing, grading and levelling. Magnitude of potential impacts

The noise associated with the decommissioning process will be limited in duration and
extent, with predicted noise levels that are similar to those identified during the
construction phase. At this stage, it is assumed that the decommissioning works will be
undertaken during daytime hours only. On this basis, there is potential for the
decommissioning activities to give rise to noise impacts of minor significance (see Table

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Table 5-39 presents a summary of the potential decommissioning phase noise impacts.

Table 5-39 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on noise during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Aspect Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Potential increases in ambient noise
due to daytime decommissioning Slight High Minor N

5.7.5 Biological environment Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Parts of the KM250A Project footprint and the surrounding environs comprise natural
habitat and may be inhabited by vulnerable or threatened species. The flowlines will be
developed in some areas of natural habitat, although at certain points the flowlines will
be within the same right of way (RoW) of existing flowlines. The impact assessment has
been undertaken based on ecological and biodiversity baseline characteristics of the
construction phase biodiversity/ecology AOI, which includes the area within and
surrounding the Project fenceline (see Section 3.3.1) and within the new flowline RoWs.
Receptor sensitivity varies. Habitat and biodiversity within the Khor Mor site fenceline are
considered of relatively low importance and presence. Furthermore, the site contains an
existing industrial facility and is likely to tolerate some disturbance. These habitat and
species have been assigned a sensitivity of medium. Sensitivity of vulnerable plant
species is considered high (one herbaceous plant species, Thymus neurophyllus,
triggers critical habitat being of restricted range - see Section Project aspects

The following construction phase activities have the potential to cause direct or indirect
impacts on ecology and/or biodiversity within the AOI:
• habitat clearance and landscaping within the Project area may result in direct
permanent loss of natural and modified habitats
• site clearance for temporary units such as camps, office buildings, utility areas
and storage areas may result in direct temporary habitat loss and poor re-
colonisation of flora following reinstatement due to soil erosion or compaction
• site clearance and vehicle movements may result in direct mortality of fauna
• the accidental transfer and spread of alien invasive plant species during
construction and earth moving activities may impact habitats and native flora
• noise and visual disturbance may cause indirect impacts on fauna species at
the site and in surrounding area

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• construction workers based on the site may cause indirect impacts on species
and habitats through inappropriate disposal of waste and wastewater and
human disturbance
• oil or chemical spills from construction activities may directly impact
surrounding flora and fauna and cause injury or mortality through
contamination of food and water sources. Magnitude of potential impacts

Habitats and flora

Site clearance, stripping of topsoil, site preparation, excavation and grading works
undertaken within the Project has the potential to result in direct permanent loss of natural
Mesopotamian shrub desert habitat (steppe grassland) and modified habitats
(agricultural land). These natural habitats are not of conservation importance at the
national or global scales. The ongoing stakeholder consultation will provide information
on any grazing that may take place in the AOI associated with the flowlines.
The clearance works will result in the loss of native common vascular plant species and
may potentially result in the loss of individual plants that are endemic, rare or threatened
at the national or global scales. No nationally rare flora species where observed during
the field surveys; but the surveys provided just a snapshot in time rather than a full
species assemblage. Flora species found within the Chemchemal KBA with potential to
occur in the Project area are Xi Zang Xiao Mai (Triticum aestivum; IUCN 2019 listed Data
Deficient) and Triticum durum (not assessed by IUCN 2019). These species are cultivars
specific to the region and therefore of significance as genetic resources. Species of
national or international conservation importance identified from the critical habit
assessment such as Thymus neurophyllus (herbaceous plant) that has a restricted range
may be present in the Project area but were not observed during field surveys.
Terrestrial habitats within the vicinity of the Project footprint are at risk of being damaged
by Project activities during construction. It is therefore anticipated that site preparation
works and associated facilities will result in the degradation or loss of terrestrial habitats
from land adjoining the Project footprint (for example through the transport of vehicles,
stockpile sites, vehicle access routes, equipment storage facilities etc.) but within the
Khor Mor site fenceline. The construction phase will result in temporary and permanent
habitat loss as detailed in Table 5-40. The habitats do not support flora species of
conservation importance at the global scale and as such the habitats within the Project
footprint are considered to be of moderate sensitivity.
Although there is aquatic habitat within the AOI (one pond and some ephemeral
reedbeds) they will not be directly affected by the development. Potential indirect impacts
include sedimentation and pollution caused by the construction phase activities such as
ground clearance and vehicle fuelling.

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Table 5-40 Estimation of habitat loss through site clearance activities

Category Area (km2) Type of loss

Steppe Grassland 1.592 Permanent

Cultivated Land 3.244 Permanent
Steppe Grassland 1.004 Temporary

The increased movement of people into a region can have detrimental effects on natural
habitat as workers and families increase their utilisation of natural resources for example
wood for fuel, collection of medicinal plants, hunting of wild animals and fishing. The
extent of in-migration due to the Project is expected to be small as the workforce are
likely to be local and therefore impacts are considered to be of a low magnitude. The
workforce will be housed in a construction camp within the existing fenceline or will be
employed from the local area, and so are unlikely to have detrimental effects on natural
habitat outside of construction works. Local workers living at their homes will be bused
offsite to their respective villages at the end of every working day. Workers based at
construction camps within the fenceline will not be allowed to go beyond the fenceline,
and will be instructed regarding risks to sensitive habitat or species.
There is also risk of habitat loss and degradation through accidental spills or seepages
of hazardous substances (i.e. diesel fuel, oil, concrete etc) and grey-water or septic
systems. This impact would most likely occur within the construction site fenceline and
near the construction camp where sewage will be generated.
Project-related movement of people and vehicles arising from construction activities
increases the risk of the introduction and transfer of invasive alien species of vascular
plants into the Project area. Alien invasive species are often aggressive competitors,
rapidly outcompeting existing plant species thus degrading the floristic diversity of
habitats and dominating areas. The use of herbicides, burning, mowing and clearing
generally favours disturbance-tolerant invasive plants which can rapidly colonise human-
disturbed areas. Likely colonisation sites will be on the edges of new and old access
routes and tracks and cleared areas (ISSG, 2018). Whilst the presence of alien invasive
vascular plants within the AOI is currently unknown, seeds or rhizomes of invasive
species (e.g. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Spp.) which is problematic in the region
(Ministry of Environment, 2010)) could potentially be transferred from affected areas into
the Project area by vectors e.g. workers and Project vehicles. No invasive alien species
were observed during the field surveys.
Fugitive dust emissions measured as particulate matter of varying particle size (e.g. PM10
and PM2.5) will be generated by land clearance and earthwork activities (see also Section Construction of the plant, pipeline and access routes will expose the area to
wind erosion, resulting in dust generation. Dust emissions generated by the habitat
clearance and landscaping are likely to be wider-reaching depending on weather
An accumulation of dust on leaves can block stomata and thereby impact on normal
photosynthetic, transpiration and cellular respiration rates (Sharifi et al., 1997) and finer
dust can be directly taken into the stomatal openings (Farmer, 1993) impairing the
biological fitness of plants. Prolonged smothering can result in the mortality of the plants.
Habitats and flora located near the dust emission sources are expected to experience
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the greatest impacts during construction. Assessment of impacts from dust and gaseous
emissions were identified as of minor significance and hence impacts on flora are also
considered minor.
Vehicles and plant machinery that use diesel fuel will generate combustion emissions
such as CO, SO2, NOx, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and VOCs. Respiration of
nitrogen and sulphur oxides can potentially have a significant impact on the biological
fitness of vascular plants (Emberson et al., 2001). However, the magnitude of air quality
impacts from the combustion of diesel fuel during construction is expected to be relatively
low. Consequently, impacts on flora is also expected to be low.
The Project will mainly result in the loss of areas of previously cultivated land and modified
habitats within the KM site fenceline with some small patches of natural habitat affected,
leading to an impacts severity of moderate. The un-mitigated significance is rated as
As the flowlines will be buried and the land restored, flowline impact will be moderate.
Restoration of habitat (particularly over the buried flowlines) can be negatively affected
by soil erosion and/or compacted soils if not managed adequately during the construction
phase. This impact has been given a significance rating of moderate.
The gas plant footprint is not considered to be an important habitat for vulnerable species.
Significance of this impact has been rated as moderate.

Fauna, avifauna and their habitats

It is expected that vegetation clearance works undertaken within the KM250A Project site
and associated flowlines has the potential to result in permanent and temporary loss of
fauna habitat. Fauna habitat loss is expected to initially result in the displacement of some
fauna species from within these areas. It is anticipated that due to the current level of
disturbance in the AOI and low fauna habitat availability, fauna habitat loss is likely to
result in the displacement of a few individuals of fauna such as birds, reptiles and small
mammals (short tailed bandicoot rat and Indian mongoose for example). The existing
level of habitat connectivity within the AOI is high enough that resources and habitat
availability will allow the movement of fauna during all Project phases. Furthermore, the
existing Khor Mor site fenceline already forms a barrier to movement for some species.
The KM250A Project will not change this, and local fauna are assumed to have adapted.
Fugitive dust emissions (e.g. PM10 and PM2.5) and combustion emissions air pollutants
(i.e. SO2, CO, NOx, particulate matter and VOCs) will be generated during the
construction phase which will be localised and staged over a short construction period.
Significant dust emissions are expected to result from the use habitat clearance grubbing
and grading works prior to mitigation. Dust emissions are likely to be wider reaching in
windy conditions. The magnitude of impacts to fauna arising from the inhalation of these
dust emissions and air pollutants is dependent on the quantity, composition, respiratory
rates and health of fauna. Emissions can cause irritation and impairment of respiratory
functions, skin irritation and vision impairment of fauna. Potential impacts may be
cumulative in nature. Pollutants could also be ingested (for example when deposited on
plants or fruit which is then consumed) and then adversely affect the health of fauna.
The predominant noise emissions generated during the pre-construction and
construction phase will be generated by sources such as vehicle traffic, plant vehicles,

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and machinery (i.e. pile drivers, excavators/grader and vibratory rollers). Construction
noise emissions will be generated over a two-year period. It is anticipated that ground
vibration generated during construction by vehicle traffic, plant vehicles, and machinery
will be comparatively more localised. Unfamiliar and/or loud noise and vibration
emissions are known to evoke a flight reaction in fauna.
Mammals and birds are also known to experience stress, reduced biological fitness and
decreased breeding success on exposure to noise (Francis and Barber, 2013). Chronic
stress can increase species’ susceptibility to diseases, pathogens and parasites
(Dhabhar, 2002; Sapolsky et al., 2000). High noise and vibration levels may also
compromise hearing by damaging inner-ear structures, provided that the acoustic energy
is within an animal’s sensory range and the animal is close to the source (Barber et al.,
2010). The social behaviour of birds and mammals could be adversely affected if
vocalisations are masked or the perception of sound is inhibited by high noise and
vibration levels, as a large proportion of these species rely on acoustic signals for
courtship and mating and predator detection and avoidance.
However, some birds and mammals are known to develop short-term adaptations to
noise, such as vocal adjustments (i.e. changing song frequencies, amplitude or timing;
Barber et al., 2010). Species that are quickly able to adapt to changes in ambient noise
and vibration levels are less affected than species that are unable to adapt. If noise or
vibration is perceived as a threat, animals can increase vigilance and anti-predator
behaviour (Francis and Barber, 2013). It is anticipated that noise and vibration emissions
arising from habitat clearance and construction activities will result in the displacement of
fauna from habitats within the AOI . Species such as raptors and graminivorous birds are
likely to be temporarily displaced from the site during construction but suitable habitat is
present in the wider area, so this displacement is unlikely to affect species survival.
Light spill is known to cause disturbance to crepuscular (fauna that are active primarily
during dawn and dusk) and nocturnal species and can cause a range of behavioural
changes such as altered feeding and roosting patterns. Light spill may affect the circadian
rhythms and cycles of activity of nocturnal, crepuscular and diurnal species, including
disruption of seasonal acclimatisation, disruption of predator-prey relationships,
increased prey intake and altered reproduction behaviour (Gaston et al., 2013; Longcore
and Rich, 2004). Many species use lightscapes (e.g. moonlight) as cues for movement
around their environment and altering these lightscapes by light pollution may disrupt
these movements by disorienting the animal (Gaston et al., 2013). This can potentially
result in physiological stress and thereby reduced biological fitness. It is expected that
artificial lighting may result in the localised displacement of crepuscular and nocturnal
species such as foraging bats and small mammals like the Indian mongoose from within
the Project area.
Construction activities (i.e. habitat clearance, earth works, excavating and levelling works
etc) present a risk of accidental fauna collisions with vehicles and machinery resulting in
injury or mortality to some individuals. Fauna will be most at risk in the construction
footprint and access tracks where the majority of vehicle movement and machinery
activity will occur, and fauna will be particularly vulnerable during habitat clearance works.
Whilst the likelihood of death or injury may be partly reduced as medium sized fauna and
avifauna are expected to avoid areas of high construction activity due to disturbance (i.e.
noise, vibration, artificial lighting and presence of humans etc), small-ranging species,
slow moving species and small sized mammals which are less able to quickly move away
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from operating machinery and vehicles and are expected to be killed or injured during the
construction phase prior to mitigation.
Construction activities may result in introduction of invasive species to the site (for
example via the import of gravel and other raw materials), but the likelihood is low. The
significance of this possible impact has been rated slight. Fauna currently inhabiting
areas in and around the Project footprint are accustomed to noise from the existing gas
plant and related activities, although construction activities may have more direct impacts
on habitat. A significance of moderate has been given to possible noise impacts.
Although the existence of bird nesting activities can change with time it is likely that some
ground nesting birds will be present in and around the Project footprint, the possible
impact of Project construction activities on such activities is considered moderate. No
bird species of conservation importance were observed during the baseline surveys but
species such as steppe eagle (IUCN EN) and sociable lapwing (IUCN CR) have the
potential to be present from known distributions. .
Direct mortality of species from collisions with equipment and vehicles and through site
clearance works may occur and has been given a moderate significance rating, although
species likely to be affected are not considered to be of conservation importance.
Injury/mortality of fauna and flora from illegal hunting and collection of natural resources
by workers is considered to have a low probability given that influx (in-migration) is not
expected to be significant as employees will be from the local region and most
construction workers will be living in a designated construction camp on the site, and so
has been given an impact rating of minor. Permanent loss and fragmentation of breeding
and foraging habitat (fauna) will result in a significance rating of moderate.
The possible impact of habitat loss and injury/mortality of flora and fauna from food and
surface water contamination from chemical spills and sedimentation due to the Project is
related to the impact of contamination of soil and sources of water during the construction
phase (see Sections and This impact has been rated moderate. Summary
Construction phase Project impacts are summarised in Table 5-41.

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Table 5-41 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on ecology and biological
environment during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Development of Project footprint leading to
potential direct permanent loss of
Medium Medium Moderate Y
ecologically significant habitat and
Development of Project footprint (for areas
to be restored after construction such as
storage areas, construction camp,
flowlines) leading to potential direct
Low High Moderate Y
temporary loss of ecologically significant
terrestrial habitat and vegetation within
flowline RoW and other temporary
Various construction activities leading to
permanent loss and fragmentation of Low High Moderate Y
breeding and foraging habitat (fauna)
Site preparation leading to soil erosion or
compaction resulting in poor re- Medium Medium Moderate Y
establishment of vegetation
Transport of materials to the site leading to
introduction of alien invasive species out- Slight Medium Slight N
competing native species
Various construction activities leading to
Medium Medium Moderate Y
noise and disturbance to fauna
Various construction activities leading to
disturbance, loss of prey availability and
Medium Medium Moderate Y
potential accidental mortality to foraging
and nesting birds
Illegal hunting and collection of natural
resources by Project workers leading to Slight High Minor N
injury/mortality of fauna and flora
Site clearance works leading to direct
mortality of species from collisions with Low High Moderate Y
equipment and vehicles
Inadvertent chemical spills leading to
habitat loss and injury/mortality of flora and
Medium Medium Moderate Y
fauna from food and surface water
contamination Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

This phase will involve hydrotesting of piping at the site and the flowlines, testing of
equipment and plant start-up. Very little impact on the biological environment would be
expected during this phase, with the possible exception of flowline hydrotesting.
Construction activities will have essentially ended, and traffic to and from the site will
have significantly diminished. The unmitigated potential impacts during the pre-

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commissioning and commissioning phase of the Project are expected to be similar to the
operations phase impacts below. Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section Project aspects

The following operations phase activities have the potential to cause direct or indirect
impacts on the environment if not mitigated, above and beyond the impacts of existing
site activities:
• barriers and fencelines around the Project facilities causing restrictions to the
movement of fauna
• operational activities such as movement of people and vehicles and gas flaring
have the potential to cause noise and visual disturbance,
• air quality issues resulting in potential increase of NOx and other emissions
affecting flora communities
• the operation may cause light pollution that may affect nocturnal species
• the disposal of impacted wastewater from operations may affect the quality of
groundwater causing amphibian, mammal and bird mortality or reduced vitality
• unplanned spills or events may cause release of oil to the environment causing
direct impacts on habitats and flora and fauna species through impacts to water
sources and terrestrial habitats. Magnitude of potential impacts

Habitats and flora

Fugitive dust emisions and combustion emissions air pollutants (i.e. SO2, CO, NOx,
particulate matter and VOCs) will be generated during the operations phase through the
movement of vehicles and through some operational processes. Dust emissions are likely
to be much lower than during the construction phase as roads will be paved.
Project induced in-migration typically causes increased pressure on natural resources in
an area as more people use resources such as wood for fuel. However, in this area wood
is not a common heating or cooking fuel and therefore impacts are likely to be of slight
Emissions have the potential to affect the biological fitness of vascular plants (Emberson
et al., 2001) but the magnitude of this potential impact is considered low.
Unplanned events such as spills of hydrocarbons from vehicles and other operational
events are unlikely but present a risk to habitats and flora. Stomata of plants can become
smothered and lethal effects can occur from contaminants causing death of plants and
vegetation communities. Effects are less likely on larger woody species and trees.
Although air emissions from the Project will increase overall site air emissions, the
significance of the possible impact on habitat and flora is considered minor.

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Barriers and fences around the operational site have the potential to cause restriction of
movement of fauna and fragmentation of habitats. Many species in the area are wide
ranging and highly mobile (e.g. wild cat) and can easily navigate around barriers without
major disruption. However, small species including small mammals and reptiles may be
affected by long-term range restrictions. As the existing facility is already fenced, habitat
fragmentation from additional fencing is not considered to be a significant impact.
The operation of the plant will produce noise and visual disturbance from movement of
people and vehicles and maintenance activities. These activities can result in stress,
reduced biological fitness and decreased breeding success in mammals and birds
(Francis and Barber, 2013). Sudden noise can cause a flight response especially to
infrequent noises. It is anticipated that noise and vibration emissions arising from
operational activities will result in the displacement of fauna from habitats within the
Project footprint and surrounding environs.
Light spill is known to cause disturbance to crepuscular (fauna that are active primarily
during dawn and dusk) and nocturnal species (i.e. bats) and can cause a range of
behavioural changes such as altered feeding and roosting patterns. Light spill from the
operational facility is likely to cause displacement of fauna from habitats within the Project
footprint and surrounding habitats.
The fenceline will keep fauna away from the Project’s operating facilities, thus limiting
exposure to site activities. Significance is therefore rated as slight. Similarly, noise and
vibrations are likely to have minor impacts on mammals and birds (existing activities
within the fenceline are likely to cause birds to avoid the site). Hunting is likely to be
minimal for the same reasons cited in the construction phase impact section (see Section, and so is rated at minor significance. Summary
Table 5-42 presents a summary of unmitigated potential Project impacts on ecology and
biology during the operations phase.

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Table 5-42 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on ecology and biological
environment during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Aspect Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Barriers and fencelines restricting
Slight Low Slight N
movement of fauna
Air quality issues resulting in a potential
increase of air emissions affecting flora Low Medium Minor N
Noise and visual disturbance affecting
Low Medium Minor N
birds and mammals
Contamination of fauna food and water
Low Medium Minor N
supply from human waste
Lighting from the operation affecting
Low Medium Minor N
nocturnal species
Illegal human activities such as hunting
Slight High Minor N
and collecting natural resources
Disturbance from noise and vibration from
Medium Medium Moderate Y
people using the office area
Injury/mortality of flora and fauna from
food and surface water contamination from Medium Medium Moderate Y
chemical spills and sedimentation Decommissioning phase

During the decommissioning, demolition and removal of all facilities on completion of
operation, the activities that could potentially have a significant impact on ecology and
biological environment include site clearance and ground restoration activities that would
result in the limited removal of flora and associated fauna occurring within the Project site
area. The potential impacts during this phase on habitats, flora and fauna are considered
of negligible significance as there are not expected to be habitat and species of
conservation importance at this phase. Indirect effects on species outside of the
construction footprint from noise and disturbance are the same as discussed for the
construction phase. Impacts on critical habitat qualifying species

The following species (present in the region) are considered to trigger critical habitat:
• Euphrates softshell turtle (reptile)
• steppe eagle (bird)
• Thymus neurophyllus (herbaceous plant)
• yellowfin barbel (fish)
• Siebenrock's Caspian turtle (reptile).
A detailed assessment of potential impacts on critical habitat qualifying species is
provided in the Critical Habitat Assessment (RSK, 2020) and a summary provided below.

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Impacts on all of the critical habitat qualifying species were considered to be insignificant
(minor or slight) and no biodiversity offsetting/net gain is required.
The Euphrates softshell turtle and the Siebenrock's Caspian turtle utilise lakes and
ponds. There is one pond within the existing facility fenceline (but not within the KM250A
Project area) which will not be directly affected by the habitat clearance required for
development. Potential impacts include sedimentation and pollution caused by the
construction phase and accidental spills of fuel during an unplanned event in the
operations phase. Impacts on the Euphrates softshell turtle and Siebenrock's Caspian
turtle (if present) will be minor.
The steppe eagle is a species with a large home range who may either winter or pass
through the KM250A Project AOI on migration. Potential impacts include disturbance
during construction operations which may result in a temporary avoidance of the area.
Measures set out in Section 6.5 will minimise impacts from disturbance. As these raptors
use large expanses of land and the proportion of habitat affected is small compared to
overall availability, impacts on these species are considered to be minor.
Thymus neurphyllus is a poorly understood herbaceous plant species endemic to the
region. It is likely to be associated with natural habitats on steeper rocky substrates.
Potential impacts include direct loss through habitat removal and poor reinstatement
following temporary habitat loss however residual impacts are considered to be minor.
The yellowfin barbel and binni are freshwater fish that inhabit large rivers, lakes and
reservoirs. These habitats do not occur within the 1 km and 2 km AOI and no impacts are
expected on any of these habitat types outside of the AOI through construction activities.
As such impacts on this species is expected to be slight.

5.7.6 Waste management

This section concerns the possible impacts on existing capacity in the general Project
area for managing wastes that will be generated by the KM250A Project. The impacts of
inadequate waste management (on air quality, soil and water resources) are addressed
in those sections (respectively Sections 5.7.1, 5.7.2 and 5.7.3). Construction phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Pearl Petroleum has experience with waste management in the general Project area
based on the operating Khor Mor gas plant and other Pearl Petroleum facilities in
Kurdistan. There is some capacity for management of sanitary (municipal type) waste in
the KRI. There is limited recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, but in general
KRI capacity for managing hazardous waste (including final disposal) is very limited,
however, these will be stored at on-site facilities that will meet international standards.
Overall sensitivity of the receptor (offsite waste management facilities that will receive
Project waste) is rated medium. Similarly, residents along the transport route for waste
chemicals and waste oils that are transported to offsite management facilities are
considered to have medium sensitivity.

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182279-17 (05) Project aspects
During the construction phase, waste is expected to be generated on-site from several
activities, including:
• site preparation (earthworks, site grading, etc.)
• facilities installation
• flowline laying activities
• infrastructure construction
• maintenance of vehicles and equipment
• excavation works
• management of construction waste
• management of chemicals, fuel and other materials. Magnitude of potential impacts

Inadequate waste disposal has the potential to result in contamination of the physical
environment and subsequent public health issues. Waste generated during the
construction phase of the Project will be collected in suitable containers that have proper
signage and labels. It will be stored on-site in areas designated with paving and bunds to
prevent leachate and the spreading of liquids, and windbreaks and fencing to prevent
foraging by vermin and the consequent increase of birds and mammals of prey. Without
mitigation, a minor impact is anticipated.
Poor waste handling, storing or disposal resulting in leaks from storage receptacles or
spills for either hazardous wastes have the potential to cause negative impacts on soil
and groundwater during construction activities, as described, respectively, in Sections and
Hazardous wastes will be appropriately segregated, waste containers will be maintained
in good condition, properly labelled, kept closed and safely stored. However, there are
no third-party hazardous waste disposal facilities in the region, other than some recycling
facilities for non-hazardous waste, waste chemicals, waste oil and used batteries. There
is some risk to spillage of liquid hazardous wastes. Packaging, transport vehicles and
transfer of care, custody and control will be designed in line with international (UN)
standards. Drivers will be trained regarding safe conduct and response to emergencies
enroute. Therefore, the magnitude of this impact is considered to be low, This gives an
impact significance of minor.
Exceeding the capacity of regional non-hazardous regional waste management facilities
is considered unlikely and will not be considered here. Although construction wastes may
be higher in volume on a monthly basis than wastes generated during the Project
operations phase, the time period of the construction phase is much shorter. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential impacts of Project construction activities on regional
waste management is provided in Table 5-43.

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Table 5-43 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Improperly stored waste leading to
potential increase in vermin around waste
storage areas and the consequent Low Medium Minor N
increase in availability of prey for
carnivorous birds and mammals
Transport of hazardous wastes offsite
leading to contamination of agricultural Low Medium Minor N
land and/or groundwater aquifers. Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

The unmitigated potential impacts during pre-commissioning and commissioning phases
are expected to be similar to the operations phase impacts (see Section below). Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section The sensitivity of humans to the possible presence of vermin or
disease vectors is considered medium. Project aspects

All operations and utilities and Project administration. Magnitude of potential impacts

All operational waste will be managed in accordance with Pearl Petroleum’s Waste
Management Procedure (WMP) and Waste Management Facilities Project Charter. Non-
hazardous wastes will be segregated and stored in designated locations until a suitable
time allows for incineration (on-site) or recycling (on or offsite); alternatively, they will be
sent to an approved offsite waste disposal facility. The possible impact magnitude on
regional waste storage capacity is considered low as the volume generated is not
expected to be high. This gives a significance rating of minor.
The possible impact of incineration is described in Section 5.7.1.
Any hazardous process waste materials that cannot be reused or recycled on-site will be
stored on-site or managed offsite if facilities for such substances exist within the KRI, in
accordance with the provisions of the WMP, and applicable MNR legal and regulatory
requirements. Waste stored on-site will be managed according to international standards.
The possible attraction of vermin and disease vectors therefore has been assigned an
impact magnitude of low, giving an impact significance rating of minor.
Liquid hazardous waste, such as water produced from plant operations, may include
hydrocarbons or synthetic formulations (for example used oils), methanol and corrosion
inhibitor leading to potential impact on soil and water resources. Without mitigation, this
could give rise to negative impacts, as described in Sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.3).

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Wastewater from accommodation and offices could also leading to potential impacts on
soil and groundwater. Without mitigation, this could give rise to a minor impact.
The potential impacts of transport of hazardous wastes offsite are similar to those raised
for the construction phase (see Section Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential impacts of waste management during the Project
operations phase is presented in Table 5-44.

Table 5-44 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Strain on existing landfills due to the
Low Low Slight N
generated non-hazardous solid wastes
Improperly stored waste leading to
potential increase in vermin around waste
storage areas and the consequent Low Medium Minor N
increase in availability of prey for
carnivorous birds and mammals
Transport of hazardous wastes offsite
leading to contamination of agricultural Low Medium Minor N
land and/or groundwater aquifers. Decommissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section Project aspects

At the end of the lifetime of the KM250A Project infrastructure it will be decommissioned,
aboveground infrastructure removed and the area rehabilitated to a suitable standard to
be agreed with MNR and, as appropriate, local stakeholders.
Decommissioning of the facilities and equipment will generate both primary materials
used to construct the Project (i.e. concrete, steel etc.) and hazardous waste (i.e. oily rags,
contaminated soil or spill kit materials etc.). Hazardous wastes generated may include:
• liquid and solid contents and wastes from decommissioned equipment
• used spill kits/oily rags
• waste oil/oily water from drip trays
• wastewater. Magnitude of potential impacts

During the decommissioning phase it is proposed that materials/equipment be recycled
and reused where possible before disposing of the residual waste in an attempt to reduce
pressure on existing landfill sites. Consequently, the expected impact from

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decommissioning waste in terms of regional landfill capacity without suitable mitigation
measures in place is expected to give rise to moderate impacts.
Hazardous waste will be segregated and disposed of in accordance with applicable
regulations and the WMP. The volumes of hazardous waste generated are expected to
be low as it is intended that most of the materials salvaged from the decommissioned
facility will be recycled. The adverse impact from spills of wastes generated on the
surrounding environment is described in Sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.3. Summary
A summary of unmitigated potential impacts of waste management during the
decommissioning phase is presented in Table 5-45.

Table 5-45 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on waste management during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Generation and accumulation of solid
wastes (i.e. materials and equipment) Medium Medium Moderate Y
during decommissioning.

5.7.7 Socio-economic Construction phase Local economy

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The communities in the AOI are predominantly small in population, with the majority
consisting of fewer than 100 residents. Some of the Project-affected communities (PACs)
have experienced population growth due to the return of residents who had migrated from
the area during the years of the Baathist regime or for economic reasons (e.g. to re-
engage in former livelihood activities such as crop farming and livestock rearing). Others
have experienced population decline due to a lack of employment opportunities and
access to basic services. The populations of the PACs remain highly mobile; a number
of part time households (i.e. households which, for various reasons, are absent from the
PACs at certain times in the year) were identified in the communities during primary
baseline data collection.
Whilst there is a very low level of business and enterprise development in the AOI, work
at the existing facility is frequently outsourced to third party contractors and sub-
contractors, many of whom are local to the area. The availability of alternative business
opportunities for these companies within the AOI is limited, resulting in fierce competition
between local companies over contracting opportunities with Pearl Petroleum.
Households in the PACs enjoy some disposable income, marked by the ownership of
consumer goods such as mobile phones, televisions and fridges. In the absence of locally
available goods and services, PAC members typically purchase daily necessities and
other household items from locations outside the AOI, particularly cities such as
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Chemchemal and Kirkuk. The majority of PACs are also engaged in crop farming and/or
livestock rearing; a proportion of the outputs associated with these activities (e.g. crops,
livestock produce) are consumed by the household for subsistence purposes.
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be high.

Project aspects
It is estimated that between 500 and 1,000 workers may be required during the
construction phase, with the possibility of more workers during the peak construction
There will be opportunities for local companies to win contracts to supply goods and
services to the Project.

Magnitude of potential impacts

Companies participating in the Project supply chain will benefit economically during the
construction phase. There will be opportunities to win contracts providing goods and
services to, for example, the construction camp as well as to supply construction
materials. Project-related procurement from local businesses will generate multiplier
effects across the local economy. This impact is positive.
The economic opportunities generated by the Project may lead to inflation in the price of
basic goods and services. Given that PAC members have a certain level of disposable
income, tend to travel outside the AOI to purchase daily goods and necessities and
produce some of their own food through livelihood activities such as crop farming and
livestock rearing, the magnitude of this impact is low. However, vulnerable groups
(people living with physical and/or mental impairments, female-headed households,
internally displaced people and elderly widows) may be particularly sensitive to this
impact, owing to issues such as low incomes, high unemployment and lack of assets
(e.g. land).
The generation of employment and other opportunities associated with the Project has
the potential to stimulate in-migration (influx) into the AOI. This could potentially lead to
conflict between economic migrants and the local population as well as competition for
land, housing and basic services such as schools and medical facilities, many of which
are already under-resourced and over-stretched. The provision of some basic services
(e.g. water and electricity) by Pearl Petroleum in some of the PACs risks further
encouraging in-migration. Baseline data indicates that operations at the existing facility
has not stimulated in-migration into the AOI to date. Nevertheless, the potential for influx
as a result of the Project remains. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-46.

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Table 5-46 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on the local economy
unmitigated during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Opportunities for local and
regional businesses to supply
goods and services to the
Project, generating multiplier Positive High Positive N
effects across the local
Local price inflation indirectly
arising from economic
opportunities generated by the Low High Moderate Y
Project, leading to increased
living costs for PAC members.
Project-induced in-migration,
leading to increased competition
Medium High High Y
for land, housing and basic
services. Employment and skills development

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Unemployment rates in the PACs are high. Approximately 80% of household members
were unemployed at the time of the household survey, of whom 69% were actively
seeking work.
Literacy rates in the PACs are low relative to the KRI as a whole; in some communities,
only 60 to 65% of residents are literate, compared to an average of literacy rate of 79%
at the regional level.
Pearl Petroleum is a particularly important source of formal employment in the PACs;
alternative employment opportunities are scarce, with a small number of PAC members
finding employment as civil servants, for example teachers, Peshmergas (military
personnel) and Asayish officers (members of the local police force). As a result,
expectations of the Project’s ability to provide local employment opportunities are high
and competition for jobs is fierce. The belief that Pearl Petroleum should give priority to
local people and businesses with respect to economic opportunities is common across
the PACs Some PACs believe they are more entitled to employment opportunities than
other PACs, based on their closer proximity to the existing facility. An established
recruitment process is in place at the existing facility. Personnel are recruited based on
their suitability for the work, governed by factors such as education, experience, skills
and other attributes (CPDG, 2019f). The Sub-District Manager is engaged in, and agrees
with, Pearl Petroleum’s distribution of employment opportunities across the local
communities. Contractors and sub-contractors are required to honour this agreement.
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be high.

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Project aspects
It is estimated that between 500 and 1,000 workers may be required during the
construction phase, with the possibility of more workers during the peak construction
It is anticipated that employment will be of a temporary nature and that a large proportion
of the construction workforce will be released at the end of construction.

Magnitude of potential impacts

People from the PACs and the wider region will have the opportunity to benefit from direct
and indirect employment opportunities associated with the Project. Increased incomes
will lead to improvements in household living standards and well-being. This impact is
Construction workers will receive on-the-job training in areas such as occupational health
and safety (OHS) and basic construction activities. Despite the temporary nature of
employment during construction, the skills and experience gained by construction
workers during this period will improve their health and safety awareness and enhance
their future employment prospects. It will also help to strengthen the OHS culture
amongst the local workforce. This impact is positive.
There is potential for the recruitment of workers from the AOI and wider region by the
Project to lead to skills shortages in other sectors. Those working in the public sector, for
example, may be attracted by Project-related employment opportunities, particularly if
the salaries associated with these jobs are more favourable. This may in turn have
negative outcomes for the quality of public service provision if public sector workers find
employment with the Project and are not replaced. Those who are unable to afford
services provided by the private sector, such as private education and private health care,
may be particularly sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
There is the potential for unmet expectations of Project-related benefits to lead to
dissatisfaction within the PACs (e.g. due to the number of employment opportunities
available relative to demand or due to discrepancies between the skills required to secure
employment and the skills available locally). This could lead to grievances and a general
loss of support for the Project amongst the PACs which, if not addressed satisfactorily,
could lead to road blocks and other forms of protest. The magnitude of this impact is
There is potential for tensions to arise between those who benefit economically from the
Project and those who do not. Tensions may arise between PACs as well as within
households or between individual PAC members if economic opportunities are, or are
perceived to be, unfairly distributed. There is a strong belief amongst community
members that they should be given priority for jobs over individuals from other parts of
the district and wider region. Therefore, tensions may also arise between the local
population and non-local workers recruited from outside the AOI. If not adequately
addressed, tensions could deteriorate further other time and lead to conflicts between
groups. The magnitude of this impact is high.
The majority of local employment will occur during construction; a large proportion of the
workforce will be released when this phase of the Project is complete. The retrenchment
of workers at this stage has the potential to lead to economic shock and a decline in living

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standards at the household level if suitable preparations for the termination of
employment contracts are not made 24. Employees may also feel dissatisfied with Pearl
Petroleum, particularly if the notice period for retrenchment is, or is perceived to be,
inadequate, potentially leading to road blocks and other forms of protest. The magnitude
of this impact is high.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-47.

Table 5-47 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on employment and skills

development during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Project-related employment opportunities,
leading to an improvement in household Positive High Positive N
living standards and well-being.
Project-related training opportunities,
leading to improved OHS awareness and
the enhancement of future employment Positive High Positive N
Project-related employment opportunities,
leading to skills shortages in other sectors. Medium High High Y
Unmet expectations, leading to
dissatisfaction and loss of support for the High High Major Y
Project amongst PACs.
Tensions between those who benefit
economically from the Project and those High High Major Y
who do not leading to conflict.
Retrenchment of workers, leading to
economic shock and reduced living High High Major Y
standards at the household level. Labour and working conditions

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The enforcement of labour rights in line with international conventions and national and
regional legislation in the KRI is limited; awareness of labour rights and OHS amongst
employers and employees is low (Qadr et al., 2016). Many workers in the region lack
employment contracts and violations of working hours, overtime and holiday leave are
widespread (Qadr et al., 2016). There is a culture of non-compliance by companies with
existing OHS regulations, which can be attributed to several factors, including the lack of
punishment for non-compliance and a perception (amongst some companies) that OHS
measures are a financial burden. In rural parts of the KRI, there is a tendency for small
entrepreneurs (e.g. plumbers, carpenters) to take their children to work in order to learn
the skills associated with their parents’ trade.

24It is possible that future facility expansion will reduce the scale of retrenchment, but no details are currently
available. Therefore, this cannot be considered in the assessment of impact significance.
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Work at the existing facility, in fields such as construction and transportation, is typically
outsourced to contractors and sub-contractors. Pearl Petroleum has established systems
in place in order to manage the potential risk of labour rights violations occurring amongst
existing contactors.
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be high.

Project aspects
It is estimated that between 500 and 1,000 workers will be required during the
construction phase, with the possibility of more workers during the peak construction
period. The vast majority of employment will be conducted through contractors and sub-
contractors; working hours will be flexible and will vary according to season/local weather
Non-local workers (from other parts of Kurdistan or further afield) will be housed in a
construction camp located within the boundary of the existing facility; the construction
camp will be designed, built and operated in align with IFC/EBRD requirements
(considering issues such as a safe and healthy location, the application of appropriate
construction standards, the provision of adequate and sanitary living conditions and the
provision of appropriate leisure and health facilities).
Construction works will be located both within and outside of the boundary of the existing
facility, including along up to five additional flowlines that are to be installed.

Magnitude of potential impacts

There is the potential for labour rights violations to occur within the Project supply chain
during the construction phase, leading to negative impacts on workers’ health and well-
being. Violations may include discriminatory recruitment and employment practices,
unfair treatment or exploitation of workers, failure to issue employment contracts,
excessive working hours, lack of payment and other entitlements (e.g. sick leave) and
child labour. The risk of these violations occurring is particularly high where companies
contracted by the Project outsource their work to sub-contractors as the activities of these
companies tend to be less visible and are therefore more difficult to monitor. The
magnitude of this impact is high.
There is potential for contractors and sub-contractors to fail to meet international
standards on OHS. There are generally low levels of health and safety awareness in the
PACs, including awareness of the right to a safe and healthy workplace. Failure to honour
international standards on OHS during Project construction will increase the risk of
workplace accidents occurring, leading to the injury, permanent incapacity and potential
mortality of workers. The magnitude of this impact is high.
Unequal working conditions and disparities in renumeration may lead to tensions within
and/or between different groups of workers, including those who come from the PACs,
those who come from the wider region (i.e. other parts of Kurdistan) and those who come
from other countries (i.e. expatriates). If disregarded, tensions could deteriorate further
over time and lead to conflicts between different members of the workforce. In the
absence of proper management, there is also the potential that discrepancies in working
conditions and wages may lead to grievances and a general loss of support for the Project
amongst workers from the PACs, potentially resulting in road blocks and other forms of
protest. The magnitude of this impact is high.

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The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-48.

Table 5-48 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on labour and working

conditions during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Labour rights violations in the Project
supply chain, leading to negative
impacts on workers’ health and well- High High Major Y
Failure to meet international OHS
standards by contractors and sub-
contractors, leading to increased risk of High High Major Y
workplace accidents.
Tensions within and/or between
different groups of workers resulting
High High Major Y
from disparities in wages and working
conditions, leading to conflict. Land access and livelihoods

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Agricultural activities such as crop farming and livestock rearing are the main sources of
livelihood and income in the PACs. A small number of PACs also rely on the harvesting
of natural resources such as rainwater, freshwater, wild plants and grasses. Whilst some
households have diversified livelihood strategies, others rely solely on agriculture for
income and have lower resilience to external shocks such as crop failure.
Grazing land is essential for those with livestock, with some livestock rearers travelling
up to 5 km to access pasture land. Access to water for livestock relies on groundwater
wells and, to a lesser extent, ponds and seasonal springs. Challenges with regards to the
availability of water for livestock rearing have increased in recent years due to increased
drought frequencies and declining levels of groundwater resources.
Issues surrounding land access and ownership in the AOI are contentious and complex.
Land ownership is predominantly based on traditional land rights whereby PAC members
inherit land from elderly family members. The majority of land owners, however, do not
possess formal documentation (e.g. title deeds) proving their ownership of the land.
Within the AOI, land-related conflicts have occurred over the demarcation of land
boundaries and/or livestock trespassing on land that is owned by other households; the
majority of conflicts are not severe, being typically resolved between those concerned
within hours or couple of days. Some PAC members are dissatisfied with previous
processes of land acquisition and compensation at the existing facility (Section
The sensitivity of this receptor (land owners, households whose livelihood depends on
farming or livestock rearing) is considered to be high.

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Project aspects
The construction of up to five additional flowlines external to boundary of the existing
facility, which will require additional land not currently used by the Project and the
imposition of access restrictions during construction.

Magnitude of potential impacts

The construction of new flowlines external to the boundary of the existing facility will lead
to the temporary loss of access to land used for livelihood activities such as crop farming,
livestock rearing and the collection of natural resources (e.g. grass and vegetation for
livestock). Given the limited availability of formal employment opportunities in the AOI,
agricultural activities such as crop farming and livestock rearing are vital income-
generating activities. Households may experience a decrease in income, food security
and living standards. Households which are solely reliant on agriculture and lack
alternative sources of income may be particularly sensitive to this impact. The magnitude
of this impact is high.
Land acquisition and compensation for loss of crops and pasture land has the potential
to exacerbate existing conflicts over land and/or generate new ones. Conflicts over land
have occurred within and between the PACs in the past and some PAC members remain
dissatisfied with previous processes of land acquisition and compensation at the existing
facility. Dissatisfaction with the handling of land acquisition and compensation for the
Project may also lead to a general loss of support for the Project, potentially resulting in
roadblocks and other forms of protest. Given that conflicts between land users are
predominantly non-severe and quickly resolved, the magnitude of this impact is medium.
The construction of new flowlines may form a barrier that temporarily disrupts access to
watering wells and pastureland for livestock. Barriers can be formed by piles of soil from
RoW clearing, strung pipe or fences surrounding open trenches. This may impact upon
the livelihoods of households engaged in livestock rearing. Households that are solely
reliant on livestock rearing and lack alternative sources of income may be particularly
sensitive to this impact. Disrupted access to watering wells and pastureland may also
increase pressure on alternative pasture land and watering wells, potentially resulting in
conflict between users. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Activities (e.g. excavation works) during the construction period may increase the risk of
accidents involving livestock. Animals could, for example, fall into open trenches,
resulting in injury and potential mortality. Loss of livestock will in turn have an impact
upon household income, food security and living standards. Households which have
small herds and/or lack additional sources of income to livestock rearing will be
particularly sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-49.

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Table 5-49 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on land access and livelihoods
during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Temporary loss of access to land used for
crop farming, livestock rearing and natural
High High Major Y
resource harvesting, leading to decreased
income, food security and living standards.
Exacerbation of existing conflicts and/or
generation of new conflicts during the
Project land acquisition and compensation Medium High High Y
process, leading to loss of support for the
Temporary reduction in access to watering
wells and pastureland for livestock, leading
to loss of livelihood and increased Medium High High Y
pressure on alternative pasture land and
watering wells.
Accidents involving livestock, leading to
Medium High High Y
injury and potential mortality. Community safety and security

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The presence of Peshmerga and Asayish officers, alongside private security personnel
and the Oilfield Protection Force at the existing facility, contributes to high levels of
security in the AOI. Rates of crime and anti-social behaviour are low.
A general sense of peace and stability exists within the PACs, which are predominantly
close-knit and consist of residents who are either local to the area or who have been in
the area for a long time.
The Qadir Karam sub-district where the Project will be based has a total of 43 cleared
minefields, four ongoing minefield clearances and nine minefields still to be cleared.
Minefields still to be cleared have been marked for safety reasons and are located some
distance from the facility and to the southwest of the Project site.
Existing traffic levels in the AOI are low and road traffic accidents were not identified as
a major threat to community safety during primary baseline data collection. Nevertheless,
vehicle collisions are amongst the leading causes of injury and mortality across the KRI
as a whole and hence the safety risks associated with such incidents remain. Road
crossings near to schools were reported to be high-risk areas by teachers from schools
in the AOI, owing to the absence of speed reduction measures (e.g. speed bumps) and
traffic warning signs.
Non-local workers at the site are normally housed at and restricted to the site, so there is
little or no contact with local communities. Nonetheless, such contact would engender
risk by local residents, such that their sensitivity to such contacts is considered high. The
sensitivity of local stakeholders that are at risk with respect to traffic accidents is
considered to be high. Sensitivity to the presence of security personnel is also rated

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Project aspects
The construction of the Project will require the transportation of goods, materials and
personnel to and from work sites; there are sensitive social receptors, including
residential areas, schools, and mosques, graveyards and other tangible cultural heritage
locations, along main transportation routes.
Construction of up to five additional flowlines external to the boundary of the existing
facility, requiring the mobilisation of equipment and undertaking of activities such as
The existing facility is fenced and equipped with 24-hour security measures in order to
ensure the safety of staff and physical assets.

Magnitude of potential impacts

Construction external to the boundary of the existing facility may increase the risk of
accidents involving community members. Inadequate control of access to work sites may
result in the community gaining entry and sustaining injuries from interactions with
construction equipment and materials or by falling into open trenches. In previous
construction projects, children have been particularly vulnerable to this impact. The
magnitude of this impact is high.
An increase in the volume of traffic on the local road network during the construction
period may lead to an increase in the risk of road traffic accidents involving community
members. Children and teachers may be particularly sensitive to this impact due to the
lack of speed reduction measures and road signs near schools in the AOI, although the
access route land use survey indicated that only houses were within the 150m AOI on
either side of the routes surveyed. 25 The magnitude of this impact is high.
The recruitment of non-local workers (from other parts of Kurdistan or further afield)
during the construction period may lead to tensions with members of the PACs. Whilst
these workers will be housed in a construction camp located within the boundary of the
existing facility, they may possess different cultural values from the PACs and their lack
of local social ties may result in anti-social and/or culturally inappropriate behaviour
towards PAC members. If disregarded, tensions could deteriorate further over time and
lead to conflicts between non-local workers and PAC members. Women, children, people
living with physical and/or mental impairments and the elderly may be particularly
sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
During the construction period, PAC members may approach Project work sites in search
of employment or for other reasons. This may lead to negative interactions with security
personnel responsible for protecting work sites and implementing safety measures. The
use of inexperienced or inadequately trained security personnel may lead to conflict and
potentially the inappropriate use of force. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Dissatisfaction amongst PAC members, with regards to the handling of social issues by
the Project (e.g. employment and business opportunities or land acquisition and
compensation procedures) may lead to a loss of support for the Project and an increase

25For example, according to the access route land use survey conducted within the framework of this ESIA, Khor
Mor Gawra is situated approximately 170 m away from the main transportation road, west of the Project site. The
PAC is surrounded by agricultural and grazing lands with barns, on both sides of the route. There is also a
graveyard and Khor Mor Gawra Primary School along the main road. At Shekh Hameed, there is a school and
mosque near the roadside.
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in the number of roadblocks and other forms of protest across the AOI. Baseline data
indicates that such events have been staged by members of the PACs in relation to
activities at the existing facility in the past. An increase in roadblocks and other forms of
protest may contribute to an increased security presence in the AOI and a reduction in
the overall sense of peace and stability in the PACs. The magnitude of this impact is
The flaring of gas during non-routine events may lead to anxiety, irritation and a reduction
in the overall well-being of PAC members associated with perceived impacts to their
health. Individuals living with underlying mental health conditions will be particularly
sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-50.

Table 5-50 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on community safety and

security during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Increased risk of accidents involving
community members at work sites, leading High High Major Y
to injury and potential mortality.
Increased volume of traffic, leading to an
increased risk of road traffic accidents High High Major Y
involving community members.
Tensions between non-local workers and
members of the PACs, leading to conflict. Medium High High Y
Negative interactions between community
members and Project security personnel,
leading to conflict and potentially the Medium High High Y
inappropriate use of force.
Dissatisfaction with the handling of social
issues by the Project amongst PAC
members, leading to an increase in the Medium High High Y
number of road blocks and other forms of
Anxiety, irritation and a reduction in overall
well-being amongst the PACs resulting Medium High High Y
from gas flaring during non-routine events. Public Health

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Health problems in the PACs include flu-like symptoms (e.g. sore throats, fevers),
diarrhoea and respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma). Respiratory conditions were not
regarded as being connected to environmental issues such as poor air quality locally.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and high blood pressure are
common, particularly amongst the elderly generation, reflecting the predominance of
NCDs at the regional level. A minority of PAC members are living with mental illnesses
and physical disabilities. The majority of PAC members seek medical assistance from

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health facilities with a small number relying on alternative treatment options (e.g. self-
medication, traditional medicine).
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be medium.

Project aspects
It is estimated that between 500 and 1,000 workers may be required during the
construction phase, with the possibility of more workers during the peak construction
Non-local workers (from other parts of Kurdistan or further afield) will be housed in a
construction camp located within the boundary of the existing facility; local workers will
be recruited from the PACs and will commute to the site using local roads on a daily
All construction activities involving the emission of noise, pollution, dust and waste by the
Project could potentially impact baseline health conditions in the AOI.

Magnitude of potential impacts

The recruitment of non-local workers (e.g. from other parts of Kurdistan or further afield)
during the construction period has the potential to lead to the transmission of
communicable diseases between these workers and members of the local workforce from
the PACs. Communicable diseases may in turn be transmitted by local workers to PAC
members as they interact with relatives, friends and neighbours, impacting upon health
and well-being at the community level. Children, the elderly and persons living with a
compromised immune status may be particularly sensitive to this impact. The
transmission of communicable diseases may also lead to increased pressure on local
health care facilities. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
There is the potential that an increase in ambient noise levels during the construction
period (e.g. due to increased traffic volumes, the operation of construction equipment)
may lead to anxiety, irritation and a reduction in the overall well-being of PAC members.
Individuals living with underlying mental health conditions will be particularly sensitive to
this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
There is the potential for a decline in local air quality due to combustion emissions
generated by construction activities to lead to an increase in respiratory conditions or
exacerbate existing respiratory conditions in the PACs. The elderly and children will be
particularly sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-51.

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Table 5-51 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on public health during

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Transmission of new communicable
diseases between the non-local and
local Project workforce, leading to a
reduction in health and well-being at Medium Medium Moderate Y
the community level and increased
pressure on local health care
Anxiety, irritation and reduced well-
being amongst PACs resulting from Medium Medium Moderate Y
an increase in ambient noise levels.
Increase in respiratory conditions or
exacerbation of existing respiratory
Medium Medium Moderate Y
conditions resulting from a decline in
local air quality. Infrastructure and services

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Water is a highly sensitive and important issue in the AOI. Problems with the quality,
quantity and reliability of water are common across the PACs with implications for the
livelihoods, health and well-being of PAC members. Challenges surrounding water are
reported to have intensified in recent years as a result of drought periods and the
declining availability of groundwater in local wells.
Electricity is the main source of energy for lighting in the majority of the PACs, accounting
for approximately three quarters (76%) of the households interviewed during primary
baseline data collection. Schools and health care facilities similarly rely on electricity to
provide public services, though issues with the reliability of electricity supply were
reported by some facilities, reflecting trends across the KRI more generally. The
remainder of the households interviewed (24%) derive electricity from privately owned
generators powered by diesel. Some PACs and households have no access to electricity
and rely on traditional energy sources (e.g. candles, oil lamps) for lighting. Improved
electricity supply is a common aspiration locally.
Health services in the AOI are under-resourced and over-stretched. Existing facilities face
challenges in relation to their ability to meet local demand and the quantity of medical
supplies available.
The disposal of solid waste at designated waste collection points is the main method of
waste disposal in the PACs; some households burn solid waste in private waste pits. The
adequacy of existing waste management infrastructure in the AOI is a challenge,
particularly in the larger PACs, where the dumping of waste in open areas takes place.
PACs typically rely on the existing road network to commute to settlements outside the
AOI for health care, education, the purchasing of goods and services, the sale of
agricultural produce and (in a minority of cases) employment. There are no public
transportation networks (e.g. buses). Local road conditions vary significantly from good
asphalt paved roads, to high-grade and low-grade gravel roads, down to dirt roads in very
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poor condition. The volume of traffic on the local road network is highest between the
hours of 08:00 – 10:00 and 14:00 – 16:00.
The sensitivity of the respective receptors in relation to provision of the above
infrastructure and services is considered to be high.

Project aspects
The construction of the Project will rely on the use of the local road network to transport
goods, materials and personnel to and from work sites.
Waste generated by construction activities will be managed by the Project and will not
rely on local waste management infrastructure
Requirements for water will be managed by the Project and will not rely on water sources
in the PACs.
The medical needs of contractor and sub-contractor employees will be met by the Project
and will not require assistance from local health facilities.
Bridges may need to be upgraded and electricity pylons may need to be moved to allow
access for Project vehicles.

Magnitude of potential impacts

The transportation of materials, equipment and personnel will lead to an increase in the
volume of traffic on the local road network during the construction period, including HGVs.
This may lead to a deterioration in existing road conditions, which may in turn cause
damage to vehicles, result in longer journey times and increase the risk of accidents for
local people. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Whilst the waste generated by construction activities will be managed by the Project (see
Section 5.7.6), there is potential for improper handling and disposal of waste, particularly
amongst sub-contractors. This may lead to a deterioration in local environmental
conditions and the spread of diseases where water sources become contaminated by
Project-related oils, metals and sanitary waste. The contamination of local water
resources by sanitary waste is a particular concern given that related illnesses (e.g.
diarrhoea) are already one of the main health problems experienced in the PACs.
Children, the elderly and persons living with a compromised immune status may be
particularly sensitive to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Whilst the Project will provide medical assistance to contractor and sub-contractor
employees, the potential for these staff (particularly those working for sub-contractors) to
seek treatment from local health services outside working hours remains. This may
increase pressure on existing facilities in the AOI, which are already under-resourced and
over-stretched, leading to negative outcomes for health care provision for the PACs. The
magnitude of this impact is medium.
Whilst Project requirements for water will not reduce access to water in the PACs,
problems associated with the quantity and quality of water available in the PACs were
reported during primary baseline data collection. Therefore, there is the potential for the
Project to be incorrectly blamed on reduced access to water by PAC members. This may
in turn lead to a general loss of support for the Project, potentially resulting in roadblocks
and other forms of protest. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

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During the construction period, bridges may need to be upgraded and electricity pylons
may need to be moved to allow access for Project vehicles. There is also the potential
for accidental damage to power lines or other community infrastructure. Upgrading,
movement or damage to such infrastructure may lead to loss of access and/or power for
households and public services (e.g. schools and health care facilities). Given that
problems with power supply are commonly experienced by some of the households,
schools and health care facilities in the AOI, the magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-52.

Table 5-52 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services

during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Deterioration in existing road conditions,
leading to vehicle damage, longer journey
Medium High High Y
times and increased risk of accidents for
local people.
Improper handling and disposal of Project
waste, leading to a deterioration in
Medium High High Y
environmental conditions and potential
outbreak of diseases.
Use of local health services by contractor
and sub-contractor employees, leading to
Medium High High Y
negative outcomes for health care
provision for the PACs.
Blame directed towards the Project by
PAC members over perceived reduction
Medium High High Y
in access to water, leading to loss of
support for the Project.
Upgrading, movement or damage to
community infrastructure, leading to loss
Medium High High Y
of access and/or power for households
and public services. Cultural heritage

Potential impacts on cultural heritage within the Project cultural heritage AOI is only
expected during the construction phase of the Project.

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

The cultural heritage baseline (see Section 3.4.12) indicated that tangible cultural
heritage sites within the cultural heritage AOI include cemeteries, villages destroyed
during the war (preserved in memoriam), graveyards, shrines and mosques. There are
also various archaeological sites identified in previous studies, mostly to the west,
southeast, south and southeast of the main Khor Mor site, although there is one site close
to one of the proposed new flowline routes (Sarcham Tepe, thought to date at the earliest
from the Sumerian Early Dynastic, Akkadian and New Sumerian periods, 3000 to 2000

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Very little is known about the Sarcham Tepe site. As a precaution, the sensitivity of this
site is considered to be medium.
Intangible cultural heritage within the cultural heritage AOI include various festivals
(largely in March or April, although they do not occur every year), as well as wedding
celebrations that can last three days. The sensitivity of these events is considered to be

Project aspects
Project activities related to installation of the new flowlines could have an impact on one
of the identified archaeological sites, although very little is known about that site.
All Project activities implemented during the construction phase could potentially affect
the existing baseline conditions of cultural events (especially in March or April).

Magnitude of potential impacts

There is the potential for damage of the existing cultural heritage site near the expected
route of one of the flowlines during installation of flowlines to. However, little is known
about this site, and it appears to only have local value. Furthermore, Pearl Petroleum
corporate policy requires that the Chance Finds Procedure be applied to all construction
activities. The magnitude of this impact is slight.
If construction activities (including work on the flowlines, work at the main KM250A
Project site, and construction traffic along local access roads) occur during intangible
cultural heritage events, the Project activities may cause interference (noise in particular),
depending on the location of these events. The magnitude of this impact is low.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-53.

Table 5-53 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on cultural heritage during


Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Risk for cultural heritage
artefacts or other evidence Slight Medium Slight N
during earthworks/excavation
Risk for festivals, weddings and
Low Medium Minor N
other intangible cultural heritage Traffic on access roads near the Project site

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Traffic surveys at key points along selected Project access roads indicate that local traffic
is relatively limited and does not consist of heavy vehicles, aside from tanker trucks
carrying condensate from the existing Khor Mor site to Chemchemal and some local
HGVs (about 15% of afternoon traffic at certain locations during the traffic survey; these
include trucks carrying scrap metal). The traffic survey indicated that local traffic is
dominated by light vehicles. As noted earlier, the roads pass through various villages that

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contain residential areas, schools, a limited number of commercial zones, agricultural
and livestock rearing facilities, mosques and other features. Some of the villages are
near, but not on, main transportation routes. There are a limited number of alternative
routes for local transport.
Some access roads are not designed to sustain heavy vehicles. Local roads are therefore
rated medium in terms of sensitivity. The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be
medium in terms of inconvenience to users of the local road system.

Project aspects
Vehicle movements during construction have the potential to impact traffic on access

Magnitude of potential impacts

The high level of Project traffic on access roads during the construction period are
considered to have high impact magnitude within the local AOI in terms of safety risk to
the PACs, potential interference with existing traffic, and possible deterioration of the
existing road network (some of which is already in a degraded state) due to the additional
volume of traffic and the use of HGVs.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-54.

Table 5-54 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on traffic during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Increased community safety See Section
risks from the frequent passage
of tanker trucks leading to a
higher number of injuries and
Interference with users of the
public road network arising from
High Medium High Y
temporary road closures and
Deterioration of the physical
condition of the public road
network leading to vehicle
High Medium High Y
damage, longer journey times
and increased risk of accidents
for local people. Visual impacts

The existing facility contains fractionation towers, flares and other structures that create
visual impacts in relation to some of the sensitive receptors (see below). The KM250A
Project will similarly feature some of the same infrastructure at height (the HP flare, for
example, is 50 m in height); these will be installed during the construction phase.
Furthermore, cranes will be located on-site during the construction phase (Table 5-32).

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Baseline context and receptor sensitivity
The main sensitive receptors are the PACs located near the Project site and the
permanent worker camp within the fenceline of the existing facility. Workers are
accustomed to visual aspects of the existing facility. PAC members are likely to be
accustomed to the presence of the kinds of structures that will be installed by the Project,
so sensitivity to landscape changes and night lighting (which is used at the existing
facility) in terms of additional tall structures is considered to be low. Although night
lighting is already in place at the existing facility, a sensitivity ranking of medium has
been assigned to the supplemental night lighting that will be active at Project construction
sites (both within the existing facility fenceline and along the routes of the new flowlines
during their installation).

Project aspects
Changes to landscape and visual impacts will occur during construction due to the
physical presence of construction machinery, the workforce and perimeter fencelines.
The existing Khor Mor operating facility has lighting at night for reasons of safety; this will
be the case for the KM250A Project as well.
Light will be generated at night during construction by artificial lighting along perimeter
fences and in working areas. A downlighting strategy will be used during construction and
operations that will minimise the generation of light outside the perimeter area, so that
harsh lights are not directed to people moving outside the Project boundaries.

Magnitude of potential impacts

The area surrounding the existing facility features small communities, people using local
road networks, small farms and grazing. The additional site illumination may disturb sleep
and other night-time activities. However, residents of nearby communities are used to
experiencing the visual impacts arising from activities at the existing facility. Worker
camps within the fenceline during the construction phase of the Project and permanent
worker camps must also be taken into consideration, although both construction and
permanent workers are used to such sites, and construction workers will be present for
relatively short duration.
The magnitude of the impacts of construction activities (including lighting, whether at
night or during the day) in terms of quality of life for local PACs and PAC members, taking
into account downward facing lighting and other standard lighting approaches for
reduction of impacts, is low.

The significance of potential visual impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table

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Table 5-55 Summary of unmitigated potential visual impacts during construction

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Placement of construction
equipment (including cranes)
leading to disturbance of visual Low Low Slight N
perspective by local
Night lighting leading to
disturbance of sleep and other
Low Medium Minor N
night-time activities at local
residences Vulnerable groups

Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Vulnerable groups in the AOI include people living with physical and/or mental
impairments, households with a significant proportion of elderly or young members,
female-headed households, households facing unemployment which lack alternative
sources of income, households which have been internally displaced, children from poor
economic backgrounds and elderly widows. Challenges which are typically experienced
by these groups and contribute to their vulnerability include reliance on others for income
and support (particularly for people living with disabilities and elderly widows), high
unemployment, low levels of literacy and lack of assets (particularly for female-headed
households and households which have been internally displaced) and (for children from
poor economic backgrounds) an inability to meet basic and educational needs. Support
is provided by Pearl Petroleum to persons who are unable to read and write when
applying for jobs at the existing facility.
Across all PACs, women and girls face challenges such as gender-based violence (GBV),
forced marriage, high levels of illiteracy, lower levels of school attendance relative to boys
and high rates of unemployment. Lack of education and cultural values/norms constrain
access to employment and work opportunities for female PAC members considerably.
Women typically fulfil a wide range of domestic roles at the household and community
level, reinforcing their primary role as caregivers and homemakers.
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be high.

Project aspects
All Project activities implemented during the construction phase (as listed in Table 5-2)
could potentially affect the existing baseline conditions of vulnerable groups and women.

Magnitude of potential impacts

There is the potential for vulnerable groups to struggle to access economic benefits
arising from the Project (e.g. employment opportunities) due to barriers such as illiteracy,
age, physical and/or mental disabilities and cultural values/norms. This may in turn
exacerbate pre-existing vulnerabilities in the AOI and contribute to increased levels of
inequality at the local level. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

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There is the potential for women to struggle to access economic benefits arising from the
Project (e.g. employment opportunities) due to barriers such as high levels of illiteracy
and cultural values/norms. This may in turn contribute to increased levels of gender
inequality at the local level. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
There is the potential that the employment of women by the Project may challenge
existing power structures and social dynamics at the household and community levels,
leading to an increase in conflict and GBV amongst households. The magnitude of this
impact is high.
Vulnerable groups (e.g. female-headed households, people living with physical and/or
mental impairments, elderly widows) may be unable to effectively engage and participate
in the Project land acquisition and compensation process due to low levels of literacy,
mobility issues or for other reasons. This may in turn lead to discrimination, exacerbate
pre-existing vulnerabilities and contribute to greater levels of inequality in the AOI. The
magnitude of this impact is medium.
Vulnerable groups may experience difficulties in accessing information about the Project
due to factors such as lack of education, physical and/or mental impairments, age and
cultural values/norms. This may in turn lead to lower levels of awareness about the
Project and the potential benefits that may arise. Persons living with physical or mental
disabilities may be unable to participate in Project-related engagement meetings or to
raise questions. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Women may experience difficulties in accessing information about the Project due to
factors such as high levels of illiteracy; this may constrain their ability to understand
Project-related presentations and written materials, leading to lower levels of awareness
about the Project and the potential benefits that may arise. Women’s role as primary
caregivers and homemakers in the PACs may also constrain their access to Project-
related information by limiting their opportunities to attend Project-related engagement
meetings and voice concerns about the Project. Moreover, women are typically under-
represented in meetings and decision-making at the community level, which may further
constrain access to Project information. The magnitude of this impact is medium.

The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-56.

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Table 5-56 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on vulnerable groups during

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Reduced ability of vulnerable
groups to access Project-related
economic benefits, leading to Medium High High Y
increased levels of vulnerability
and inequality.
Reduced ability of women to
access Project-related economic
Medium High High Y
benefits, leading to increased
levels of gender inequality.
Challenges to power structures
and social dynamics as a result
of women’s employment by the
High High Major Y
Project, leading to an increase
in conflict and GBV amongst
Reduced ability of vulnerable
groups to effectively engage and
participate in the Project land
acquisition and compensation Medium High High Y
process, leading to
discrimination and increased
Reduced ability of vulnerable
groups to access Project-related
information, leading to lower
Medium High High Y
levels of awareness about the
Project and the potential
associated benefits.
Reduced ability of women to
access Project-related
information, leading to lower
Medium High High Y
levels of awareness about the
Project and the potential
associated benefits. Pre-commissioning and commissioning phases Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

See Section Project aspects

See Section; also, flowline hydrotesting and commissioning (Sections

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182279-17 (05) Magnitude of potential impacts
The following potential socio-economic impacts, identified during construction, may also
occur during the pre-commissioning and commissioning phases of the Project (unless
otherwise noted):

Local economy (see Section

• Opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods and services to
the Project, generating multiplier effects across the local economy.
• Local price inflation indirectly arising from economic opportunities generated by
the Project, leading to increased living costs for PAC members.

Employment and skills development (see Section

• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to an improvement in
household living standards and well-being.
• Project-related training opportunities, leading to improved OHS awareness and
the enhancement of future employment prospects.
• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to skills shortages in other
• Unmet expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support for the Project
amongst PACs.
• Tensions between those who benefit economically from the Project and those
who do not, leading to conflict.
• Retrenchment of workers, leading to economic shock and reduced living
standards at the household level.

Labour and working conditions (see Section

• Labour rights violations in the Project supply chain, leading to negative impacts
on workers’ health and well-being.
• Failure to meet international OHS standards by contractors and sub-contractors,
leading to increased risk of workplace accidents.
• Tensions within and/or between different groups of workers resulting from
disparities in wages and working conditions, leading to conflict.

Community safety and security (see Section

• Tensions between non-local workers and members of the PACs, leading to
• Negative interactions between community members and Project security
personnel, leading to conflict and potentially the inappropriate use of force.
• Dissatisfaction with the handling of social issues by the Project amongst PAC
members, leading to an increase in the number of road blocks and other forms
of protest.

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• Risk to safety of local residents of Project traffic (although this will be
considerably less during pre-commissioning and commissioning than during the
construction or operations phases).

Public health (see Section

• Transmission of new communicable diseases between the non-local and local
Project workforce, leading to a reduction in health and well-being at the
community level and increased pressure on local health care facilities.
• Anxiety, irritation and reduced well-being amongst PACs resulting from an
increase in ambient noise levels.

Infrastructure and services

It is anticipated that the hydrotesting of flowlines during the pre-commissioning and
commissioning phases of the Project will require significant amounts of water (see
Section 2.7). The wastewater resulting from this activity is expected to be held in large
storage areas (ponds) and will not be suitable for human consumption. Problems
associated with the quantity and quality of water available were commonly reported
during primary baseline data collection. Therefore, whilst Project requirements for water
will not reduce access to water in the PACs, there is the potential that PAC members will
associate hydrotesting with issues surrounding local water quality and quantity. This may
in turn lead to a general loss of support for the Project, potentially resulting in road blocks
and other forms of protest. The magnitude of this impact is medium.
Other possible impacts concerning infrastructure and services were addressed in the
construction section:
• Improper handling and disposal of Project waste, leading to a deterioration in
environmental conditions and potential outbreak of diseases.
• Use of local health services by contractor and sub-contractor employees, leading
to negative outcomes for health care provision for the PACs.

Vulnerable groups (see Section

• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related economic
benefits, leading to increased levels of vulnerability and inequality.
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related economic benefits, leading
to increased levels of gender inequality.
• Challenges to power structures and social dynamics as a result of women’s
employment by the Project, leading to an increase in conflict and GBV amongst
• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related information,
leading to lower levels of awareness about the Project and the potential
associated benefits.
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related information, leading to lower
levels of awareness about the Project and the potential associated benefits.

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A detailed assessment of these impacts is presented in Section These impacts,
however, are expected to be less significant during pre-commissioning and
commissioning compared to construction, owing to the fact that there will generally be
less Project activity, and hence fewer workers, goods and services will be required and
fewer Project activities will be taking place.
The significance of potential impacts related to infrastructure and services prior to
mitigation are summarised in Table 5-57.

Table 5-57 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services

during pre-commissioning and commissioning

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Association of hydrotesting with
problems surrounding local
water quality and quantity,
Medium High High Y
leading to a loss of support for
the Project amongst PAC
members. Operations phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Kurdistan’s regional economy is dependent on services, public administration and
increasingly oil and gas production. The KRI has approximately 43.7 billion barrels of
proven oil reserves and between three and six trillion cubic metres of gas (m3),
representing 30% of Iraq’s proven oil reserves and 89% of all gas reserves nationwide
(OPEC 2013 cited in Kamal 2018). With plentiful supplies, the oil and gas sector is
regarded as integral to the region’s economic development (PwC, 2018). The sensitivity
of this receptor is considered to be medium.
See also Section for baseline context and receptor sensitivity related to traffic
on access roads near the Project site during construction.
See also Section for baseline context and receptor sensitivity related to visual
impacts during construction. PACs are likely to be sensitive to daytime flaring (to which
a sensitivity ranking of medium has been assigned, and night-time flaring, to which a
sensitivity ranking of high has been assigned). Project aspects

Project aspects during the operations phase include:
• export of gas, LPG and condensate via pipelines or bulk transport
• requirements for chemicals and other raw materials
• permanent operations workforce and accommodation (80-100
• maintenance activities
• Project traffic to and from the site on local access roads

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• the presence of tall structures installed at the site adding to disturbance of well-
being of residents of local communities
• generation of light at night by artificial lighting along perimeter fences and in
working areas
• generation of light during routine operations from the flare pilots for two flare
stacks (with heights of 50 m for the HP flare and 20 m for the LP flare)
• generation of noise and light during non-routine flaring events (impacts of noise
generated during flaring events is addressed in Section Magnitude of potential impacts

Potential socio-economic impacts, identified during construction, may also occur during
the operations phase of the Project. A detailed assessment of these impacts in relation
to the construction phase is presented in Section These impacts, however, are
expected to be less significant during operations compared to construction, owing to the
fact that there is generally less Project activity and hence fewer workers, goods and
services will be required and fewer Project activities will be taking place.
The following potential socio-economic impacts, (unless otherwise noted) may also occur
during the operations phase of the Project:

Local economy (see Section

• Opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods and services
to the Project, generating multiplier effects across the local economy.
• Local price inflation indirectly arising from economic opportunities generated
by the Project, leading to increased living costs for PAC members.

Regional economy
• The operation of the Project will contribute to the development of the KRI’s oil
and gas sector and regional economic growth by increasing the production and
sale of gas, LPG and condensate. It is anticipated that the export of products,
procurement of goods and services and employment will contribute to regional
energy supply and gross domestic product (GDP) during this period. This
impact is positive.

Employment and skills development (see Section

• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to an improvement in
household living standards and well-being.
• Project-related training opportunities, leading to improved OHS awareness and
the enhancement of future employment prospects.
• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to skills shortages in other
• Unmet expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support for the Project
amongst PACs.
• Tensions between those who benefit economically from the Project and those
who do not, leading to conflict.

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Labour and working conditions (see Section
• Labour rights violations in the Project supply chain, leading to negative impacts
on workers’ health and well-being.
• Failure to meet international OHS standards by contractors and sub-contractors,
leading to increased risk of workplace accidents.
• Tensions within and/or between different groups of workers resulting from
disparities in wages and working conditions, leading to conflict.

Land access and livelihoods

Restrictions on the rights of crop farmers to use and develop land for agricultural
purposes during the operation of the Project (e.g. through the enforcement of safety and
security restrictions along the flowline corridors) may have negative impacts upon crop
farming livelihoods. Following the installation of the flowlines, crop farmers may be
prohibited from using mechanised ploughing equipment and from planting deep-rooted
crops directly above the flowlines, thereby limiting the types of crops that can be grown
and used to generate income. Households which are solely reliant on crop farming and
lack alternative sources of income may be particularly sensitive to this impact. The
magnitude of this impact is medium.

Community safety and security

During operations, there is the potential that local community members may approach
and attempt to interfere or tamper with Project infrastructure (e.g. flowlines), generating
health and safety risks for local communities, the local environment and the Project
workforce (e.g. maintenance workers, security personnel). The magnitude of this impact
is high.
Other possible impacts (similar to those identified for the construction phase) are as
• Tensions between non-local workers and members of the PACs, leading to
• Negative interactions between community members and Project security
personnel, leading to conflict and potentially the inappropriate use of force.
• Dissatisfaction with the handling of social issues by the Project amongst PAC
members, leading to an increase in the number of road blocks and other forms of
• Risk to safety of local residents of Project traffic, primarily concerning tanker
trucks, which will operate throughout the day.

Public health
• Transmission of new communicable diseases between the non-local and local
Project workforce, leading to a reduction in health and well-being at the
community level and increased pressure on local health care facilities.
• Increase in respiratory conditions or exacerbation of existing respiratory
conditions resulting from a decline in local air quality.

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Infrastructure and services
Potential impacts include:
• Improper handling and disposal of Project waste, leading to a deterioration in
environmental conditions and potential outbreak of diseases.
• Use of local health services by contractor and sub-contractor employees, leading
to negative outcomes for health care provision for the PACs.
• Blame directed towards the Project by PAC members over perceived reduction
in access to water leading to loss of support for the Project.

Traffic on access roads near the Project site

Project traffic during the operations phase is expected to be significantly less than during
construction and will be limited to the occasional transport of supplies to site and waste
offsite. However, approximately 50 tanker truck round trips per day are anticipated for the
transportation of condensate offsite. A magnitude in terms of deterioration in existing road
conditions leading to vehicle damage, longer journey times and increased risk of
accidents for local people is high. The potential for environmental impacts related to
accidents that cause spills concerning the transport of fuel, condensate and other
hazardous substances is addressed in the sections on soil and water resources.

Visual impacts
The magnitude of tall structures installed at the site adding to disturbance of well-being
of residents of local communities is low.
The magnitude ranking of the impacts of operations phase lighting (whether at night or
during the day), in terms of quality of life for local communities, taking into account
downward facing lighting and other standard lighting approaches for reduction of impacts,
is low.
The generation of light from flaring will be most noticeable during night-time periods. The
quantity of gas flared, and the frequency of flaring incidents, will be minimised by Pearl
Petroleum as flaring natural gas represents a loss of revenue and waste of the resource
that Pearl Petroleum is involved in gathering and processing. The magnitude ranking for
daytime flaring under non-routine events is low
The height of high-level flares during non-routine events (for example, shutdowns of one
or both trains) will determine the distance from which they are visible. The flares will only
be used for process upsets and emergencies. Under clear air conditions, a 50 m high
flare would, theoretically, be visible up to 30 km from the site.
The magnitude ranking for daytime flaring under non-routine events is low. The
magnitude ranking for night-time non-routine flaring is medium.

Vulnerable groups (see Section

• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related economic
benefits, leading to increased levels of vulnerability and inequality.
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related economic benefits, leading
to increased levels of gender inequality.

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• Challenges to power structures and social dynamics as a result of women’s
employment by the Project, leading to an increase in conflict and GBV amongst
• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related information,
leading to lower levels of awareness about the Project and the potential
associated benefits.
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related information, leading to lower
levels of awareness about the Project and the potential associated benefits. Summary
The significance of potential impacts related to the regional economy; land access and
livelihoods; community safety and security; traffic on access roads near the Project site
and visual impacts, prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-58, Table 5-59, Table
5-60, Table 5-61 and Table 5-62 respectively.

Table 5-58 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on the regional economy

during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Contribution of the Project to the
development of Kurdistan’s oil
and gas sector and regional Positive Medium Positive N
economic growth

Table 5-59 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on land access and livelihoods
during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Restriction on the rights of crop
farmers to use and to develop
land during the operation of the
Project, leading to limitations on Medium High High Y
the types of crops grown and
used to generate income

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Table 5-60 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on community safety and
security during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Health and safety risks for local
communities, the local
environment and the Project
workforce due to interference or
tampering with Project High High Major Y
infrastructure by community
members, leading to
environmental damages, injury
and potential mortality

Table 5-61 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on traffic during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Interference with users of the
public road network arising from
High Medium High Y
temporary road closures and
Deterioration of the physical
condition of the public road
network leading to vehicle
High Medium High Y
damage, longer journey times
and increased risk of accidents
for local people.

Table 5-62 Summary of unmitigated potential visual impacts during operations

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact Required
significance (Y/N)
Tall structures installed at the
site adding to disturbance of
Low Low Slight N
well-being of residents of local
Daytime non-routine flaring
leading to disturbance of well-
Low Medium Minor N
being of residents of local
Night time non-routine flaring
leading to disturbance of well-
Medium High High Y
being of residents of local
Night lighting leading to
disturbance of well-being of Low Medium Minor Y
residents of local communities

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182279-17 (05) Decommissioning phase Baseline context and receptor sensitivity

Pearl Petroleum is a particularly important source of formal employment in the PACs
(both directly and indirectly through its contractors and sub-contractors); alternative
employment opportunities are scarce.
Whilst there are several challenges pertaining to infrastructure and service provision in
the PACs, Pearl Petroleum also plays an important role in providing support to local
communities through various Social Investment Programmes (SIPs). These include the
provision of water and power (electricity) and the upgrading of infrastructure such as
schools and health care facilities. Long-term plans to support local communities include
the provision of learning and medical equipment, scholarships and training courses for
prospective university students and local teachers and agricultural programmes to
improve the livelihoods of local farmers and livestock rearers (CPDG, 2019g).
The sensitivity of this receptor is considered to be high.
Otherwise receptors are the same as those highlighted in Section Project aspects

See Section Magnitude of potential impacts

The following potential socio-economic impact, identified during construction, may also
occur during the decommissioning phase of the Project:

Employment and skills development

The main potential impact concerns retrenchment of workers, leading to economic shock
and reduced living standards at the household level. Detailed assessment of this impact
is presented in Section This impact, however, is expected to be less significant
during decommissioning compared to construction, owing to the fact that fewer
employment contracts will be terminated at this stage.

Infrastructure and services

The main potential impact concerns closure and eventual decommissioning of the
Project. The closure of the Project has the potential to lead to a deterioration in living
standards and well-being where PACs become dependent on the support and services
provided by Pearl Petroleum during its lifetime. PAC members may experience difficulties
in sustaining access to power and water, for example, if they become dependent on Pearl
Petroleum and suitable alternatives are not found. The scope of this impact assessment
is only on the Project, rather than the existing facility as a whole. The magnitude of this
impact is high.
Traffic impacts during the decommissioning phase will be similar to those experienced
during the construction phase of the Project (see Section

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The significance of potential impacts prior to mitigation are summarised in Table 5-63.

Table 5-63 Summary of unmitigated potential impacts on infrastructure and services

during decommissioning

Unmitigated Mitigation
Impact Magnitude Sensitivity impact required
significance (Y/N)
Deterioration in PAC living standards and
well-being if the PACs become dependent on
Pearl Petroleum and related economic High High Major Y
opportunities, support and services are

5.8 Cumulative impacts

Possible cumulative impacts for the KM250A Project in relation to other development
activities within the various AOIs for the KM250A Project relate to future expansion at the
Khor Mor site. Although details regarding the potential configuration (and thus impacts)
of future expansion projects are not currently known, the likely adverse impacts are as
• Increased air emissions (similar to those released through the various phases
of the KM250A Project).
• Increased groundwater consumption, leading to possible depletion of the local
aquifer, on which both Pearl Petroleum and local residents rely.
• Increased local traffic resulting in increased risk to local populations and
increased pressure on local roads (especially during the construction and
operations phases of future projects).
• Increased pressure on Pearl Petroleum Khor Mor waste management facilities
(especially on-site hazardous waste storage facilities and offsite non-
hazardous waste management/disposal facilities).
• Additional pressure on habitat and biodiversity via installation of additional
Positive impacts would include a solution to retrenchment (as construction workers could
be recruited for future projects), and increased use of local goods and services (including

5.9 Ecosystems services

Key findings on the impacts of ecosystem services (ES) in the Project AOIs are
summarised in Table 5-64.

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Table 5-64 Summary of possible KM250A Project ecosystems and impacts

Does the Project have direct

Is the Project likely to have an Does the Project depend Type of
Relevant to management, control or Priority
Type of ES impact or result in adverse upon this ES for its ES
the Project? significant influence on the ES?
impacts on PACs? operations? (1 or 2)
Yes – land is a vital ecosystem
service in PACs, providing the
Yes – the Project will require
fundamental resources (e.g. soil, No – whilst the Project will need
land take for the construction
water, pasture, cultivars) on continued access to the land
of up to five additional
which local livelihood activities acquired during construction for
Provisioning flowlines and new well pads
Yes such as crop farming and maintenance purposes, no 1 Yes
service - land (with corresponding safety
livestock rearing depend. In the additional land take will be
zones) external to the
absence of land, household required by the Project during
boundary of the existing
income and food security, and operations.
facility during construction.
therefore health and well-being,
would be severely affected.
Yes – freshwater is a vital
Yes – the Project will require ecosystem service in the PACs.
water for various activities Local livelihood activities,
Provisioning during the construction phase particularly livestock rearing, Yes – during operations, the
service – (e.g. dust suppression, depend on this resource. Project will rely on water for
freshwater compaction) as well for direct Freshwater is also relied upon for processing purposes, for direct
(including Yes consumption by the direct human consumption, consumption by the operations 1/2 Yes
groundwater construction workforce. Water domestic purposes and (to a workforce and during non-
and/or surface will be further required during lesser extent) to irrigate crops. In routine events (e.g. fire
water) pre- the absence of freshwater, outbreaks).
commissioning/commissioning household income, health and
for hydrotesting. well-being would be severely
No – some households gather
local aggregates (e.g. stone),
Provisioning Yes – the Project will require
wood, mud and other materials in No – construction aggregates
service – aggregates (e.g. gravel) and
Yes the AOI for construction will not be required by the -- -
construction other materials during the
purposes. Whilst these resources Project during operations.
materials construction phase.
benefit households by helping to
provide shelter for household
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Does the Project have direct
Is the Project likely to have an Does the Project depend Type of
Relevant to management, control or Priority
Type of ES impact or result in adverse upon this ES for its ES
the Project? significant influence on the ES?
impacts on PACs? operations? (1 or 2)
members, the baseline data
indicates that households do not
rely solely on those which are
locally available (supplies from
further afield/outside the AOI are
also relied upon).
* Type 1 ES are those most likely to be impacted significantly by Project operations and may therefore result in direct adverse impacts to PACs’ livelihood, health, safety and/or
cultural heritage. Type 2 ES are those on which the Project directly depends upon for its primary operations.

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5.10 Impact assessment for unplanned activities

5.10.1 Impact assessment for unplanned activities

As mentioned earlier, an unplanned event is defined as a reasonably foreseeable event
that is not planned to occur as part of the project, but which may conceivably occur as a
result of project activities (for example accidents) with a low likelihood of occurrence.
Unplanned events leading to environmental or social impacts are assessed in the
sections below.
Reference is made to various studies undertaken for the KM500 expansion (of which the
KM250A Project is Phase 1), especially the Hazard Identification study (HAZID, Hatch
2019j), the Central Processing Facility Fire & Dispersion Hazard Analysis, (FDHA, Hatch
2018) and the Hazard and Operability study (HAZOP, Hatch 2019k). The aim of these
studies was to identify hazards from KM500 operations and assess the on-site, rather
than offsite, impacts.
Further details are presented in the following sections.

5.10.2 Hazard Identification study

The objectives of the HAZID were to:
• identify major accident events associated with operation of the facilities
• evaluate the impacts for each identified hazard
• allow an interdisciplinary review of the existing operations, where information
is available
• recommend potential risk reduction measures to design out the hazards and/or
environmental impacts, or if this is not possible, introduce engineering or
operating measures to prevent or control the risks or specify appropriate
mitigating measures to minimize the effects. Methodology
A meeting of a group of experts was convened for implementation of the HAZID. The
purpose of the workshop was to identify hazards. Solutions were proposed in terms of
actions; actions were evaluated during action close-out.
The following steps were adopted for the HAZID:
• Distinct areas of activity with the potential to give rise to hazardous conditions
within the defined KM500 scope were identified.
• Guidewords were used as prompts to identify hazards.
• The potential safety consequences of each hazard were recorded on
worksheets along with existing or planned safeguards that eliminate, prevent,
detect, control or mitigate the hazard. During the meeting worksheets were
projected onto a screen so all attendees could see and review entries as they
were made.
• The identified hazards were ranked according to risk, taking into account the
identified safeguards.
• Actions were raised if additional measures were required to adequately
mitigate a hazard.

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• Each recommendation was assigned to Pearl Petroleum or an appropriate Hatch
discipline to complete. Summary of results

The HAZID resulted in identification of the following major hazards:
• earthquake (see Section
• lightning strike
• subsidence
• security threat from local community
• terrorist attack on plant
• unexploded ordinance
• construction activities over existing flowline/ pipelines
• loss of containment from in-boundary wells
• loss of containment due to hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or carbon dioxide corrosion
• loss of containment due to external corrosion
• fire in chemical storage areas
• human error due to inexperience with operating new plant
• inadequate emergency plan (for new plant hazards)
• loss of containment due to poor integration of control systems
• adverse interactions between simultaneous operations (SIMOPs) during the
construction and operations phases, including:
o physical impact by construction activities, e.g. vehicles, dropped objects
o loss of containment from the operating plant
o ignition sources related to construction activities
o increased manning
• emergency shut down (ESD) failure due to poor integration of systems
• electrocution due to new medium voltage supply.

5.10.3 Facility Fire & Dispersion Hazard Analysis

The objective of the FDHA was to identify representative accidental process release
failure cases for the proposed KM500 facilities and carry out sufficient consequence
modelling to provide input into the CPF equipment layout and spacing. Methodology
The following approach was adopted for the FDHA:
• failure case identification and definition
• consequence modelling to determine hazard over a range of hazard
• risk assessment, including identification of the generic hazard, determination
of causes, specific assessment of the consequences for each scenario (hole
size for each failure case), and prevention and mitigation controls for each
failure case

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• ranking failure cases according to risk
• development of recommendations where considered appropriate to reduce risk
Potential releases from existing Khor Mor facilities were not considered.
The main hazard consequences considered in this analysis are summarised below:
• flammable gas cloud - An unignited leak from the process equipment of vapour
or flashing liquid: There is no direct harmful impact of a flammable gas cloud
on personnel but there is the potential for ignition to result in a flash fire.
• jet flame - Immediate ignition of a pressurized flammable gas or
flashing/atomised liquid leak will result in a jet flame: Jet flame impact and
exposure to high thermal radiation levels from the flame are fatal to personnel.
• flash fire - Delayed ignition of a gas cloud in an unconfined, low congestion
and/or low reactivity material will result in a flash fire: Personnel within a flash
fire are generally assumed to be fatalities and there is no impact on personnel
outside of the fire. Equipment is not typically considered to be damaged by a
flash fire.
• explosion - Delayed ignition of a flammable gas cloud of reactive material or
within a confined or congested area may result in a vapour cloud explosion,
with an overpressure generated outside of the gas cloud boundary: Personnel
within the ignited gas cloud are expected to be fatalities. Harm to personnel
from explosion blast effects outside of the gas cloud can occur at lower
overpressures as a result of impact with objects, with higher overpressures
being required for the blast wave to cause direct internal injury. Equipment and
building damage can result from explosion overpressure. Equipment failure
would lead to process escalation.
• pool fire - Ignition of a flammable liquid pool will result in a pool fire: In addition
to the flame impingement and thermal radiation hazard from pool fires,
significant quantities of smoke are generated, which can adversely impact
personnel due to reduced visibility and/or the impact of smoke inhalation.
• toxic gas cloud - An unignited release of fluid containing H2S will generate a
toxic gas cloud, which may also be flammable depending on the composition
of the released material: Unignited toxic gas clouds can pose a significant
threat to personnel. Summary of results

The FDHA presents hazard ranges for accidental process releases from the proposed
KM500 facilities. Failure cases were assessed for 19 isolatable process sections; three
hole sizes were modelled for each identified failure case.
The main contributors to the flammable hazards from KM500 facilities were: inlet
separation, gas dehydration, liquified petroleum gas recovery and condensate export.
Most results anticipated that direct impacts for the various flammable scenarios would
concern the immediate process area or, at worst, neighbouring process areas. No offsite
thermal radiation impacts were anticipated.
The potential for a toxic gas cloud (H2S concentration of 5 to 10 parts per million, ppm)
that would extend beyond the fenceline was identified for a large leak from the amine
regeneration unit. Assessment of the potential offsite impact of this event was outside of
the FDHA scope.

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The FDHA risk ranking focussed on on-site impacts. No ‘critical’ scenarios were
identified; this was attributed to the separation distance between plot areas and a low
manning level on the site with respect to operations.
Various preventive and mitigating controls, in relation to ensuring the safety of plant
personnel, were identified in the risk assessment. These included the following:
• preventative maintenance
• facilities upstream of gas desulphurisation (amine unit) designed to meet
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standards 26
• emergency response plan
• flammable gas detection
• toxic gas detection
• fire detection
• ESD and blowdown
• ,minimal manning in process areas of plant
• restriction/control of lifts over pressurised equipment
• ignition controls
• plant layout (to ensure adequate separation between sources of risk and other
process units, as determined by the modelling that showed minimum impact

5.10.4 Hazard and Operability study

The objective of the HAZOP was to identify and qualitatively assess potential process
safety and operability issues associated with operation of the KM500 facilities and to
identify any gaps in management of these issues. Recommendations were raised to
design out any gaps in the management of hazardous scenarios identified, but where
that was not possible, additional engineering preventative and/or mitigating measures
were recommended to reduce the risk. Methodology
The HAZOP technique is a means of systematically reviewing a process, as designed, to
identify potential hazardous events and operability problems. The HAZOP was conducted
using engineering line diagrams and was at a coarse level only, with a more detailed
HAZOP to be completed at later stages of the design.
The study was carried out by a multi-disciplinary team of individuals led by an
independent chair using a set of guidewords to ensure thoroughness and a structured
approach to the study. Guidewords were combined with process parameters to develop
deviations from the designed operating conditions. Where safety or operability issues
were identified, actions were raised to ensure the issue was addressed.
The HAZOP considered deviations from routine operating modes of the process plant,
including start-up, operation, and shutdown, in order to identify hazards and safeguards
that must be put in place.

26Equipment and piping are designed for H2S (sour) service. NACE material requirements for H2S service ensure
resistance to sulphide stress cracking for petroleum production, drilling, gathering / flowline equipment and
processing facilities to be used in H2S-bearing hydrocarbon service.
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The key HAZOP findings related to the following process control issues:
• response time of high high-pressure trip on inlet gas separator and test
• overpressure of inlet gas separator and test separator on common mode failure
of choke valve pressure control
• loss of amine leading to stress corrosion cracking
• low temperature embrittlement of high pressure (HP) and low pressure (LP)
cold separator piping to de-ethaniser column
• design criteria for condensate stabiliser
• HP/LP flare interface upstream of the sales gas compressor inlet scrubber
• local collection of liquids at the sales gas booster compressor package
• overfill of condensate storage tanks
• overpressure of new condensate tanker loading.

5.10.5 General conclusions

The potential offsite impacts from unplanned events on the KM500 facility, based on the
HAZID, FDHA and HAZOP, is presented in Table 5-65. As mentioned above, these
studies did not assess offsite impacts, however it is possible to identify potential offsite
impacts based on the nature of the events. The main hazardous consequence that could
affect offsite sensitive receptors is the toxic gas cloud and smoke from pool fires.
Although not covered by the above studies, within the framework of this ESIA flaring is a
planned non-routine activity; the possible offsite impacts are discussed in Section
(air quality) Section (noise) and Section (visual).

Table 5-65 Potential offsite impacts for unplanned events

Event Source Potential Environmental Description

offsite impact

Potential for short-term deterioration

of ambient air quality at sensitive
Hydrocarbon Air quality
Smoke Short-term impact of disturbance of
pool fire Socio-economic
well-being of residents of PACs
within primary sphere of influence
(see Figure 3-16)
Contaminated spent firewater could
Soil pollute surface soil, surface water
Firewater Water resources and water resources (see Sections
run-off 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 for similar impacts in
Biological the case of planned activity non-
environment routine events, especially concerning
spills). Polluted water or soil could

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Event Source Potential Environmental Description
offsite impact

lead to injury/mortality of aquatic or

terrestrial flora and fauna. It is
expected that fire water will be
contained in the site drains, thus
avoiding any offsite impacts.

Potential for an on-site process gas

release from the amine regeneration
unit resulting in H2S levels of 5 - 10
ppm offsite. This may result in harm
Biological to aquatic or terrestrial flora or fauna
Process gas environment and/or an odour impact for residents
FDHA Toxic gas
release of nearby communities. Further
Socio-economic assessment is required to determine
the expected elevation of these gas
clouds at sensitive receptors and
potential ground level concentrations
of H2S.

Plant shutdown is a possible

response to a major unplanned
Major process process release. This may result in
release HAZID, Cessation
cessation of services provided by
FDHA & of Socio-economic
Major process Pearl Petroleum to local
HAZOP services
upset communities, with consequent loss of
benefits (especially employment),
either short-term or long-term.

5.11 Associated facilities

As described in Section 2.10, five production wells will be developed in association with the
KM250A Project. A comprehensive separate detailed ESIA will be developed for these facilities. A
high-level summary of expected potential impacts of these facilities is provided in Table 5-66. This
analysis has been developed based on baseline information collected for this (KM250A Project)
ESIA, on the existing ESIA undertaken for wells KM9, KM10 and KM12 (MapCom 2018), and on
RSK experience with onshore oil and gas drilling.
To facilitate the identification of potential impacts, the following AOIs were considered:
• the well site footprint (access road, drilling location, rig camp)
• the zone of visual impact, including the zone that experiences artificial lighting
coming from the well site
• the area within which dust may settle (approximately 100 m radius from the well

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• the area in which air quality may be degraded as a result of a well test (extending
approximately 8 km downwind of the well flare)
• the area in which air quality may be degraded as a result of routine emissions
during exploration drilling (this involves small mobile sources that are not suitable
for mathematical modelling, so the area is not defined, but in practice will be local
to the equipment and temporary while the equipment is running)
• the area within which noise may be audible (generally limited to the well site)
• the areas into which grazing herds may be displaced if they would otherwise
have grazed over the well site footprint (this is difficult to define as herds move
regularly anyway in search of grazing areas)
• the road network where construction traffic may result in a noticeable increase in
traffic levels
• the area that could be affected by accidental contamination of groundwater or
hazardous materials spill that cannot be contained at the well site.
Catastrophic events may also occur during drilling. For example, if ‘kill weight’ mud cannot be
circulated through the well in time, a ‘blowout’ may ensue. Gas may escape freely from the well
into the environment, until the pressure is relieved, or the well is brought back under control. The
well casing may collapse and cut off the pathway by which the hydrocarbons can escape to the
surface, or engineers may regain control of the hydrocarbon flow by capping the well or by drilling
a relief well. When an uncontrolled release of gas from the wellbore comes into contact with a
source of ignition, the resulting explosion and fire can result in damage to the rig and its fuel storage
Blow out prevention and other precautionary measures that will be built into the design of the
equipment and into drilling procedures significantly reduce the probability of a blowout.
Furthermore, the Pearl Petroleum Emergency Response Plan covers such events in the case that
a blowout cannot be prevented. Further details with respect to blowouts or other possible
unplanned events will be provided in the HAZID/HAZOP that will be undertaken for the production

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Table 5-66 Potential impacts for associated facilities (five production wells)

Area of concern Project aspect Potential impact

Air Quality Site preparation and levelling (mobilisation) Dust (particulate matter) can arise at the site and on unpaved roads. In this arid
and return of site to its original conditions region groundwork during construction and the movement of heavy vehicles on
following well completion (demobilisation) gravel roads or unpaved can raise dust. Exposure to increased levels of dust can
and vehicle traffic on unpaved roads. affect the health of local people and exacerbate respiratory illnesses. Generally,
dust particles settle on the ground within approximately 100 m, so outside of
villages dust is not likely to be a significant impact. Dust raised within villages by
passing traffic to be controlled by measures like those adopted within this ESIA.

Operation of construction equipment Emissions from diesel generators, vehicles and other equipment, including CO,
(including generators and vehicles and CO2, NOx, SO2, H2S, VOCs and particulate matter. Emissions are not likely to
other moving equipment have an impact on PACs.

Operation of drilling equipment (including

drilling machinery and compressors)

Flaring during drilling Possibly high ground level concentrations of NOx and SO2 at PACs.

Noise Operation of construction equipment The production wells will be in remote locations, such that human receptors are
(including generators, vehicles and other unlikely to be present, unless individuals (including herders) pass through the site.
moving or stationary equipment
Noise and vibration may cause temporary displacement of species from breeding
and foraging habitat. This will be of relatively short duration.
Operation of drilling equipment (including
drilling machinery and compressors)

Flaring during drilling

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Area of concern Project aspect Potential impact

Water Resources Accidental releases from fuel storage tanks Fuel storage tanks at the well sites will include spill containment measures, thus
and Soil limiting possible leaks or spills to soil and subsequent leaching to groundwater.

Accidental releases of drilling and related This could result in contamination of soil and groundwater. However, the use of
fluids water-based muds significantly reducing the possibility of harmful effects.

Drilling the production wells could provide Deep groundwater flows are most likely protected by overlying, less permeable
a conduit for water from saline aquifers to strata.
mix with the fresh groundwater.
While the well is being drilled it will be filled with drilling mud that has a density
sufficient to balance the groundwater pressure. The purpose of this is to prevent
groundwater from entering the well, where it could affect the ability of the drilling
mud to remove cuttings from the well. The upper sections of the well will be drilled
in a few days, and then a casing will be installed. Once the casing has been
cemented (during completion) the well will be isolated from groundwater flows, and
the aquifers will be isolated from each other.

Leaching from reserve pits Reserve pits will be lined, thus reducing the possibility of harmful effects.

Loss of vegetative cover This could result in erosion and changes in natural drainage patterns.

Worker sanitary facilities Sanitary wastes will be collected and managed offsite.

Transport of diesel fuel by tanker truck The capacity of a road tanker (c. 30-40 m3) defines an upper limit for a diesel
release away from the site. However, away from the rig site, there will not be
secondary containment of the spill.

Biodiversity Removal of vegetation within Project Breeding and foraging habitat loss and/or fragmentation for small mammals and
footprint (including the access road) avifauna.

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Area of concern Project aspect Potential impact

Waste pits Discharge and storage of drilling waste in water pits has the potential to affect birds
and animals that are attracted to the water and either drown (because they cannot
climb up the sides of the pit) or become contaminated with oil. Migrant birds may
be particularly at risk along with predatory birds, of which there are some
threatened species in the Project area.

Accidental releases of fuel or drilling Potential contamination of food and water sources used by fauna
related fluids

Flaring Noise and light disturbance causing temporary displacement of fauna from
breeding and forage habitat

Socio-economic – Procurement of goods and services Opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods and services,
local economy generating multiplier effects across the local economy.

Socio-economic – Recruitment of workforce In-migration, leading to increased competition for land, housing and basic services.
employment and
Employment opportunities, leading to an improvement in household living standards
skills development
and well-being.

Training opportunities, leading to improved OHS awareness and the enhancement

of future employment prospects.

Unmet expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support for the production
wells amongst PACs. Tensions between those who benefit economically and those
who do not, leading to conflict.

Retrenchment of workers, leading to economic shock and reduced living standards

at the household level.

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Area of concern Project aspect Potential impact

Socio-economic – Use of contractors and sub-contractors Labour rights violations in the supply chain, leading to negative impacts on workers’
labour and working health and well-being. Failure to meet international OHS standards by contractors
conditions and sub-contractors, leading to increased risk of workplace accidents.

Socio-economic – Acquisition of land for well sites Loss of access to land used for crop farming, livestock rearing and natural resource
land access and harvesting, leading to decreased income, food security and living standards.
Exacerbation of existing conflicts and/or new generation of new conflicts during the
land acquisition and compensation process, leading to loss of support by PACs.

Socio-economic – Transportation of process equipment, drill Increased volume of traffic, leading to increased noise and an increased risk of road
community safety pipe and other materials by road traffic accidents involving community members and livestock.
and security
Workforce commuting to/from site during
all phases (mobilisation, drilling and

Site security Negative interactions between community members and security personnel, leading
to conflict and potentially the inappropriate use of force.

Flaring Anxiety, irritation and a reduction in overall well-being amongst the PACs resulting
from the noise and light generated by gas flaring.

Socio-economic – Transportation of process equipment, drill Deterioration in existing road conditions, leading to vehicle damage, longer journey
infrastructure and pipe and other materials by road times and increased risk of accidents for local people.
Workforce commuting to/from site during
all phases (mobilisation, drilling and

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Area of concern Project aspect Potential impact

Mobilisation and drilling activities Blame directed towards the production wells by PAC members over perceived
reduction in access to water, leading to loss of support amongst PACs.

Socio-economic – Mobilisation and drilling activities Risk for cultural heritage artefacts or other evidence.
cultural heritage

Socio-economic – Recruitment of workforce Reduced ability of vulnerable groups and women to access economic benefits,
vulnerable groups leading to increased levels of vulnerability and inequality.

Acquisition of land for well sites Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to effectively engage and participate in the land
acquisition and compensation process, leading to discrimination and increased

Mobilisation and drilling activities Reduced ability of vulnerable groups and women to access information, leading to
lower levels of awareness about the production wells and the potential associated

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This section only considers the application of mitigation measures for impacts identified
as significant (i.e. impacts that have a significance rating of moderate or higher) and not
for impacts identified as insignificant (i.e. impacts which are minor or slight). However, in
some cases, measures are suggested that will further reduce impacts that are already
rated insignificant (this is in keeping with good international industry practice). Phases for
which mitigation measures are not necessary have not been included.
Some mitigation measures apply to more than one impact.
A construction phase environmental and social management plan, designated by Pearl
Petroleum as the Health, Safety, Security (HSSE) & Social Performance (SP)
Management Plan (HSSE&SP MP), will be developed by Pearl Petroleum within the
framework of the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP Management System (MS) for the KM250A
Project (see Section 10). The engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
Contractor will develop an HSSE&SP MP for the KM250A Project within the framework
of the construction phase based on the Pearl Petroleum construction phase HSSE&SP
MP. Pearl Petroleum will also develop HSSE&SP MPs for subsequent stages of the
Project (that is, operations and decommissioning). Implementation of the mitigation
measures highlighted in this section will follow the corresponding HSSE&SP MPs.
Opportunities to maximise positive impacts have also been identified in this section.

6.1 Air quality

6.1.1 Construction phase

Air quality impacts during the construction phase of the Project were all rated insignificant.
Nonetheless, various measures are provided below that will further reduce impacts:
• EPC Contractors will develop and implement vehicle maintenance program
and equipment maintenance programs (e.g. power generators, construction
• EPC Contractors will develop and implement a Dust Management Plan
allowing for dust suppression by spraying water onto dirt tracks and flowline

6.1.2 Operations phase

The atmospheric air dispersion modeling study (ADMS) has shown that maximum offsite
concentrations from the Project during routine or non-routine operations will cause an
exceedance of the Project Standards for nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 1-hour averaging period)
and sulphur dioxide (SO2 ,1-, 3- and 24-hour averaging periods), resulting in high
significance ratings.
Pearl Petroleum is committed to meeting the KM250A Project Standard for SO2 and NO2
emissions. Furthermore, the EPC Contractor is contractually obliged to meet the Project
Standards. Taking guidance from the World Health Organisation ambient air quality
guidelines (adopted by IFC, 2007), Pearl Petroleum will take a stepped-approach to meet

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the interim targets and guideline values, closely monitoring and reviewing the design
deliverables to ensure compliance, with a focus on the thermal oxidiser. At the 95th
percentile, operations will comply with the WHO/IFC interim target 1, which is equivalent
to the KRG standard (Appendix 3, Table A3-6).
In the case of NO2, the exceedance can be attributed to the combined effects of all point
sources operating at the same time. Further evaluation during the detailed engineering
phase including re-run of air quality model with detailed design specifications to confirm
compliance with the Project Standards (ENV01). Pearl Petroleum is confident that this
stepped- approach will result in compliance with the Project Standards.
In the case of SO2, the exceedance is almost entirely caused by emissions from the
thermal oxidiser. The elevated SO2 concentrations in the exit flue gas is due to high
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the acid gas feed to the unit (from the amine treatment unit).
A sulphur recovery unit (SRU) is planned for the future for the acid gas stream (this the
SRU will remove sulphur from the acid gas and convert it to elemental sulphur). Further
evaluation of compliance solutions (such as a sulphur recovery unit, flue gas scrubbers,
thermal oxidiser design specifications, caustic wash) will be undertaken during the
detailed engineering phase (ENV02). The air quality model will be re-run with detailed
design specifications to confirm compliance with the Project Standards (ENV01). Pearl
Petroleum is confident that this stepped-approach will result in compliance with the
Project Standards.
A summary of the operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts for air
quality is presented in Table 6-1. These mitigation measures allow full compliance
with lender requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS
guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings
below ‘significant’.

Table 6-1 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts -
air quality

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Emissions from routine or non-routine operations of the
gas plant leading to increase in NO2 ambient ground High ENV01 Minor
level concentrations
Emissions from routine or non-routine operations of the ENV01
gas plant leading to Increase in SO2 levels in ambient High Minor
air ENV02

6.2 Soil
Impacts on soil during the construction phase of the Project were all rated insignificant
(minor or below) so no mitigation measures are required.

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6.3 Water resources

6.3.1 Construction phase

Groundwater abstraction is likely to cause impacts without the necessary mitigation
measures that will ensure the protection of groundwater. In addition, potential impacts on
groundwater quality due to the storage of fuels and chemicals will also require mitigation
to reduce the significance to acceptable levels of minor or less.
The measures recommended to mitigate potential impacts from abstraction are as
• Pearl Petroleum Health Safety and Environment (HSE) department will
undertake a quantitative impact assessment to evaluate the drawdown impact
on local water users (ENV03). If an impact is likely then relocate the proposed
location of the camp abstraction borehole(s) to a location where no impact will
A Water Management Plan will be developed (ENV04) with the aim of ensuring
that water resources used in the KM250A Project during the construction and
commissioning phases are used in an environmentally and socially sustainable
way, and that any potential negative impacts that may occur as a result of the
KM250A Project are prevented or, if this is not possible, are as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP).
• An abstraction permit will be obtained from local authorities (ENV05).
These measures will reduce the residual significance of this impact to minor.
The measures recommended to mitigate potential impacts from the storage of fuels and
chemicals are as follows:
• Refuelling will be undertaken at designated areas according to industry
guidelines (ENV06).
• Chemicals and hydrocarbons will be stored within secondary containment and
according to industry guidelines (ENV07).
The measures will reduce the residual significance of this impact to minor.
A summary of the construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts for
groundwater is presented in Table 6-2. The mitigation measures allow full compliance
with lender requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS
guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings
below significant.

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Table 6-2 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
– water resources

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Groundwater abstraction leading to aquifer
High ENV04 Minor
Storage and handling of fuels and chemicals leading ENV06
to leaks/spills and reduced groundwater quality Moderate Minor

6.3.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

To avoid excessive drawdown of local water resources during hydrotesting and to avoid
leaks and spills leading to reduced groundwater quality, Pearl Petroleum will apply the
same measures developed for the construction phase (see Table 6-2).

6.3.3 Operations phase

To avoid leaks and spills leading to reduced groundwater quality, Pearl Petroleum will
apply the same measures developed for the construction phase (see Table 6-2).

6.3.4 Decommissioning
To avoid leaks and spills leading to reduced groundwater quality, Pearl Petroleum will
apply the same measures developed for the construction phase (see Table 6-2).

6.4 Noise
During the construction phase of the KM250A Project there is potential for significant
adverse impacts if construction works are undertaken (exceptionally) during the night. At
this stage, the detailed methodology for the construction works has not been defined and
consequently specific mitigation measures cannot be given.

Standard best practice control measures shall be adopted on-site to ensure that noise
management forms an integral part of the contractors’ scope of works.

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for noise impacts at
surrounding receptors in the event that night-time working is deemed necessary:

• Adopt quiet working methods, where reasonably practicable, using plant with
lower noise and vibration emissions (ENV08).
• Avoid or limit noisy construction activities during the night-time period (ENV09)
• Use acoustic screens and/or enclosures for static items of plant which generate
noise levels that have the potential to cause disturbance (ENV010).
• Carry out regular inspections of noise mitigation measures to ensure integrity
is maintained at all times (ENV011).
• Provide briefings for all site-based personnel so that noise issues are
understood, and mitigation measures are adhered to (ENV012).

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It is considered that with the implementation of a series of mitigation measures, together
with careful planning and sequencing of the works, the likely night-time noise impacts
during the construction phase of the works can be managed to achieve appropriate levels
at the surrounding sensitive receptors.

Following the introduction of an appropriate scheme of mitigation, the construction

activities associated with the proposed development are predicted to constitute a
medium-term, minor adverse impact.

A summary of the construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts for noise
is presented in Table 6-3. The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-3 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts -

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Construction activities – night-time leading to potential
Major ENV10 Minor
increases in ambient noise

6.5 Biological environment

6.5.1 Construction phase Habitats
This document will set out ways in which potential impacts on sensitive habitats will be
reduced and will include the following:
• Limit vegetation removal to the extent required for construction activities,
including storage and laydown areas, and safety requirements.
• Limit driving to designated routes on existing roads, where possible.
• Areas identified as potential natural habitat in the impact assessment sections
will be avoided, where possible.
• Restore natural habitats on pipeline route and storage areas after construction
activities are complete including returning the segregated topsoil to the site and
reseeding or replanting areas with native species. To be developed through
the production of a Bio-restoration Plan which will form part of the construction
phase contractor HSSE&SP MP.
• Develop a Biodiversity Management Plan (to include bio-security and bio-
restoration) (ENV13) which will form part of the construction phase contractor
HSSE&SP MP and will incorporate the following considerations:
o any ecology restoration will utilise native plant species

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o all equipment/machinery will be sourced locally to avoid the spread of
invasive species.
• Contractor will implement erosion and sediment control measures.
• Contractor will implement soil conservation measures. Flora
Mitigation is required to retain the population of important plant species if present within
natural habitats. To mitigate the potential impacts of development, the following
measures will be implemented:
• Undertake a preconstruction survey for important plant species in areas
identified as potential habitat in particular along flowlines where routes are
likely to be re-surveyed (ENV14).
• Evaluate practical alternatives to avoid or reduce impacts to the important plant
species if these species are identified within areas subject to land disturbing
activities (ENV15).
• Prohibit the collection of natural resources, such as plant materials for
firewood, food or medicine (ENV16).
• Use appropriate technique (seed harvesting/cutting/translocation) to move
individual plants from the construction footprint if the individual cannot be
avoided during land disturbing activities (ENV17). Fauna
The following measures will be used to reduce impacts on fauna during the construction
• Undertake site clearance with due consideration to main breeding season
• Conduct preconstruction surveys to identify any active burrows or nests of
sensitive species (see above).
• Establish a 10 m buffer zone, if possible and practical, around the burrow or
nest where no construction may occur until monitoring indicates that the
species has left the nest/burrow. if sensitive species active nests or burrows
are found within areas subject to land disturbance (ENV19).
• Evaluate alternatives to relocate the species, if sensitive species active nest or
burrow cannot be avoided; and seek approval from regulator (ENV20).
• Prohibit deliberate disturbance or killing of fauna by site workers - any
unintentional killing or injury of species to be reported and tracked internally. If
required adaptive management may be used to reduce unanticipated impact
on animals (ENV21).
• Limit vegetation removal to the extent possible (ENV22).
• Consider animal bypass around flowline construction zones, as deemed
necessary (ENV23).
• Restore habitats in temporary workspaces after construction activities are
complete including returning the segregated topsoil to the site and restore
ecology with native species (ENV24).
• Reduce the time between construction and reinstatement for works undertaken
in sensitive habitats to the extent possible (ENV25).

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• Contractor to ensure that contractor Waste Management Plan provides for
avoidance of waste storage or other waste management procedures that
reduce potential forage by nuisance species (ENV26).
• Undertake toolbox talks with staff to educate them on what species are likely
to be present on-site and on correct actions to be taken if any animals are
encountered (ENV27).
The contractor HSSE&SP MP will also incorporate waste management, pollution control
and air quality/dust control measures that will also reduce potential impacts on ecology
and biological environment.
The impact of noise and visual disturbance affecting birds and mammals is considered
moderate. This impact can be mitigated by restricting or limiting such activities in sensitive
areas to daytime hours only to the extent possible.
The possible introduction of alien invasive species out-competing native species is
considered low risk (that is, insignificant), nevertheless the chances of this occurring can
be further reduced by the following measures:
• source construction materials and equipment from in-country, to avoid
transportation of foreign species to the region
• contractor to develop a biosecurity plan that incorporates the following
• utilise native plant species in any ecology restoration.
The risk of contamination of fauna food and water supply from human waste is considered
moderate. This risk can be reduced by ensuring that the EPC Contractor meets effluent
quality criteria established by Pearl Petroleum with respect to any wastewater discharges. Summary
A summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts is presented
in Table 6-4. The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-4 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
– ecology and biodiversity

Unmitigated Residual
Poential impact impact impact
significance significance
Development of Project footprint leading to potential ENV13
direct permanent loss of ecologically significant habitat Moderate Minor
and vegetation ENV14
Development of Project footprint (for areas to be
restored after construction such as storage areas, ENV16
construction camp, flowlines) leading to potential direct ENV17
Moderate Minor
temporary loss of ecologically significant terrestrial ENV18
habitat and vegetation within flowline RoW and other ENV19
temporary facilities.
Various construction activities leading to permanent ENV21
loss and fragmentation of breeding and foraging Moderate Minor
habitat (fauna) ENV22

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Unmitigated Residual
Poential impact impact impact
significance significance
Site preparation leading to soil erosion or compaction ENV23
Moderate Minor
resulting in poor re-establishment of vegetation ENV24
Various construction activities and human activities ENV25
Moderate Minor
leading to noise and disturbance to fauna ENV27
Various construction activities leading to disturbance, Minor
loss of prey availability and potential accidental
mortality to foraging and nesting birds Moderate

Site clearance works leading to direct mortality of

Moderate Minor
species from collisions with equipment and vehicles
Inadvertent chemical spills leading to habitat loss and
injury/mortality of flora and fauna from food and Moderate ENV26 Minor
surface water contamination

6.5.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phase

There are no additional mitigation measures beyond those proposed for the construction
and operations phase (See Section 6.5.3).

6.5.3 Operations phase

During the operations phase the following mitigation measures will be utilised to reduce
potential operational impacts on fauna and fauna:
• develop and implement vehicle maintenance program to manage gaseous
emissions from vehicles (see Section 6.1.2)
• utilise the preconstruction survey conducted to delineate sensitive habitats and
restrict access to these areas (see Section 6.5.1)
• limit driving to designated routes (see Section 6.5.1)
• design permanent truck route to avoid sensitive habitats (see Section 6.5.1)
• limit office operations to daylight hours, where possible (ENV28)
• develop and implement a Lighting Plan for the new and existing facilities to limit
spread by using directional lighting, hoods, etc. and only light the working areas
A summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts is presented
in Table 6-5. The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

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Table 6-5 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts –
ecology and biodiversity

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance

Disturbance from noise and vibration from people using ENV28

Moderate Minor
the office area ENV29

Injury/mortality of flora and fauna from food and surface See

water contamination from chemical spills and Moderate Section Minor
sedimentation 6.3.3

6.5.4 Decommissioning phase

There are no mitigation measures proposed in addition to those proposed for the
construction phase.

6.6 Waste management

The risk of a strain on existing landfills due to the generation of non-hazardous wastes
by the Project during the decommissioning stage may be significant.
• Discussions should be held with MNR and other parties regarding the fate of
buried pipelines which are sometimes left in place subsequent to
decommissioning by agreement of all parties (ENV30).
• This risk will be further reduced by recycling and reuse of materials/equipment
where possible offsite (ENV31).
In this way, residual impact can be brought down to minor.
A summary of the mitigation measures and mitigated impact significance for waste
management is presented in Table 6-6. The mitigation measures allow full
compliance with lender requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and
EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings
below significant.

Table 6-6 Summary of decommissioning phase mitigation measures and residual

impacts - waste management

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance

Generation and accumulation of solid wastes (i.e. ENV30

Moderate Minor
materials and equipment) during decommissioning. ENV31

6.7 Socio-economic
The following section outlines the mitigation and monitoring measures that will avoid,
reduce or remediate the potential negative socio-economic impacts of the Project
alongside measures that will enhance the potential positive socio-economic impacts.

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6.7.1 Construction phase Local economy Maximise positive impacts

The following measures are proposed to maximise positive impacts related the local
economy during construction:
• Opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods and services
to the Project, generating multiplier effects across the local economy:
o Pearl Petroleum will prioritise the sourcing of goods and services from
local and regional businesses, providing required quality and delivery
timescales can be met (SOC01).
o Pearl Petroleum will support the development and capacity building of
local and regional businesses, either directly or as part of government or
sector-wide initiatives (SOC02).
o Pearl Petroleum will compile an annual environmental and social
performance report, made available to stakeholders, which details how
local and regional businesses have been prioritised in the sourcing of
goods and services and provided with capacity building support (SOC03). Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to the local economy during construction:
• Local price inflation indirectly arising from economic opportunities generated by
the Project, leading to increased living costs for PAC members:
o Prior to construction, a benchmarking exercise will be undertaken by
Pearl Petroleum to gather data on the average price of local basic goods
and services. The data will primarily be used by Pearl Petroleum to
monitor changes in the cost of goods and services against baseline
conditions. This information may also help to ensure there is not a large
disparity between the price of goods and services procured by the Project
and those purchased by local communities (SOC04).
o Pearl Petroleum will implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan
that includes monitoring socio-economic changes in local communities
(e.g. in living standards, household well-being and access to food and
other daily necessities) through regular community meetings and through
regular price surveys. The Social Monitoring Plan will be integrated into
the monitoring plans implemented by Pearl Petroleum at the existing
facility. Particular focus will be placed on vulnerable groups (SOC05).
o Pearl Petroleum will undertake targeted engagements with vulnerable
people should local price inflation become an issue. Based on these
engagements, additional support measures (e.g. the provision of goods
to vulnerable people) will be designed and implemented on a case-by-
case basis with support from third parties (e.g. development agencies) as
appropriate (SOC06).

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o Pearl Petroleum will implement the existing Community Grievance
Management Procedure to ensure that PAC residents and other
stakeholders have unrestricted access and opportunity to raise concerns
and grievances related to the Project (SOC07).
• Project-induced in-migration, leading to increased competition for land, housing
and basic services:
o Pearl Petroleum and contractors will jointly develop an influx
management strategy (including a “no hiring at the gate” policy), providing
clear information on the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-
related employment and business opportunities (SOC08).
o Information about the Project’s recruitment strategy and key messages
about the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related
employment and business opportunities will be given to local
communities by Pearl Petroleum’s Social Performance Department
(SPD) to ensure that stakeholder expectations are suitably managed
o Similar information and messages will be included in the worker codes of
conduct used by Pearl Petroleum, contractor and sub-contractor
employees in order to ensure that accurate information is conveyed to
interested parties (SOC10).
o Pearl Petroleum will implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan
that includes monitoring socio-economic changes in local communities
(e.g. in population size, the arrival of economic migrants) through regular
community meetings and other activities. The monitoring plan will be
integrated into the monitoring plans implemented by Pearl Petroleum at
the existing facility (SOC11).
o Pearl Petroleum will work with, and where feasible support, local
authorities in planning for and managing the spatial changes (e.g. in land
use) and increasing demands on infrastructure and services that occur
as the local area surrounding the Project grows (SOC12). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation during construction are
summarised in Table 6-7. The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards, and reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-7 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on the local economy

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Opportunities for local and regional
businesses to supply goods and services to
Positive SOC02 Positive
the Project, generating multiplier effects
across the local economy.

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Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Local price inflation indirectly arising from SOC04
economic opportunities generated by the SOC05
Moderate Minor
Project, leading to increased living costs for SOC06
PAC members. SOC07
Project-induced in-migration, leading to SOC09
increased competition for land, housing and High SOC10 Minor
basic services. SOC11
SOC12 Employment and skills development Maximise positive impacts

The following measures are proposed to maximise positive impacts related to
employment and skills development during construction:
• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to an improvement in
household living standards and well-being:
o Pearl Petroleum will prioritise the employment of people from local
communities, followed by people from other parts of the Kurdistan Region
o As part of the tendering process, contractors will be required to state the
proportion of workers who will be hired from local communities and/or the
wider region in order to maximise their employment opportunities. Local
content targets will vary according to the scope of work being undertaken.
Contractors’ recruitment activities will be overseen by Pearl Petroleum’s
SPD to ensure adherence to local hiring requirements (SOC14).
o Information about the Project’s recruitment strategy and key messages
about the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related
employment and business opportunities will be given to local
communities by Pearl Petroleum’s SPD to ensure that stakeholder
expectations are suitably managed (SOC15).
• Project-related training opportunities, leading to improved OHS awareness and
the enhancement of future employment prospects:
o At the end of employment, workers’ involvement in the Project will be
formally recognised by Pearl Petroleum and contractors through the
provision of references and/or certificates outlining workers’ job role(s),
the duration of their employment and other details (e.g. training
undertaken) as appropriate (SOC16).
o As part of the tendering process, contractors will be required to include
training and competency development in order to support capacity
building amongst the Project workforce and within the Project supply
chain. Contractors will also be required to provide formal recognition of
this training for workers (e.g. through references and/or certifications)
where possible (SOC17).

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o Where possible, Pearl Petroleum will provide on-the-job training to the
Project workforce in order to enable workers to gain new or improved
skills. Formal recognition of this training (e.g. through the provision of
references and/or certifications) will be provided for workers where
possible (SOC18).
o Over time, Pearl Petroleum will ensure that the proportion of foreign
workers will be reduced and replaced by personnel who come from local
communities and other parts of Kurdistan (SOC19). Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to employment and skills development during construction:
• Project-related employment opportunities, leading to skills shortages in other
o Pearl Petroleum will gather data on average incomes associated with the
public and private sector. The data will primarily be used by Pearl
Petroleum to benchmark wage levels in the local area. This information
may also help to ensure that there is not a large disparity between Project-
related pay and pay in other sectors (SOC20).
o Pearl Petroleum will implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan
that includes monitoring socio-economic changes in local communities
(e.g. sources of employment, changes in wage levels) through regular
community meetings and other activities. The monitoring plan will be
integrated into the monitoring plans implemented by Pearl Petroleum at
the existing facility (SOC21).
o Pearl Petroleum will review its existing process for recruitment to ensure
that it is able to cope with an increase in the number of jobs available as
a result of the Project; changes to the existing process will be made as
appropriate (SOC22).
• Unmet expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support for the Project
amongst PACs:
o Where appropriate, each contractor shall develop a Local Community
Employment Plan (LCEP), prioritising the employment of people from
local communities, followed by people from other parts of the Kurdistan
Region. The LCEP will be developed in consultation with local authorities
and will be aligned with the overarching recruitment strategy of the
Project. Each contractors’ recruitment activities will be overseen by Pearl
Petroleum’s SPD to ensure adherence to local hiring requirements
o Pearl Petroleum will manage its overall relationship with local
communities through a range of strategies, including regular engagement
and ongoing social investment. The latter will include long-term capacity
building and skills development programmes (SOC24).
o See also SOC07 and SOC15.

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• Tensions between those who benefit economically from the Project and those
who do not, leading to conflict:
o The development of LCEPs by contractors will contain provisions to
ensure that Project employment opportunities for local people reflect
engagement with local authorities and are perceived to be equitably
distributed across the communities through ongoing engagement with
village Anjuman (SOC25).
o Pearl Petroleum’s existing systems for managing conflict, for example
grievances and road blocks, will be internally reviewed to ensure that they
are sufficiently robust to manage conflicts which may arise as a result of
the Project; changes to existing systems will be made as appropriate
o See also SOC07, SOC15 and SOC24.
• Retrenchment of workers, leading to economic shock and reduced living
standards at the household level 27:
o Contractors will be required to develop retrenchment plans with the aim
of ensuring social cohesion and reducing the impacts of the termination
of employment contracts. Pearl Petroleum’s overall approach will be
aligned with IFC guidelines on retrenchment (SOC27).
o During the recruitment process, and for the duration of their employment,
Pearl Petroleum and contractors will be transparent about the temporary
nature of workers’ employment on the Project and will regularly remind
workers of this fact. The duration of workers’ employment will be clearly
stated in their employment contracts. The need to prepare for the
termination of their employment contracts will also be discussed with
workers (SOC28). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-8.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings for Project related employment opportunities to
below significant. For the residual significant impacts for unmet expectations,
tensions and retrenchment of workers, application of the mitigation measures and
accepted international practices (GIIP) result in manageable risks vis-à-vis
sensitive receptors in relation to lender requirements (including but not limited to
the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards.

27 it is possible that future facility expansion will reduce the scale of retrenchment, but no details are currently

available. Therefore, this cannot be considered in the impact mitigations.

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Table 6-8 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on employment and skills development

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Project-related employment
opportunities, leading to an
Positive SOC14 Positive
improvement in household living
standards and well-being.
Project-related training opportunities, SOC16
leading to improved OHS awareness SOC17
Positive Positive
and the enhancement of future SOC18
employment prospects. SOC19
Project-related employment SOC20
opportunities, leading to skills High SOC21 Minor
shortages in other sectors. SOC22
Unmet expectations, leading to
dissatisfaction and loss of support for Major Moderate
the Project amongst PACs.
Tensions between those who benefit SOC25
economically from the Project and Major SOC15 Moderate
those who do not, leading to conflict. SOC07
Retrenchment of workers, leading to
economic shock and reduced living Major Moderate
standards at the household level. Labour and working conditions Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to labour and working conditions during construction:
• Labour rights violations in the Project supply chain, leading to negative impacts
on workers’ health and well-being:
o Contractors will be selected by Pearl Petroleum through a robust pre-
qualification and due diligence process. Standards on labour and working
conditions, aligned with those prescribed by the International Finance
Corporation (IFC), will be included in all contractual documents (SOC29).
o Contractors will develop and implement worker grievance procedures;
these will be approved by Pearl Petroleum and will be aligned with Pearl
Petroleum’s overarching Worker Grievance Procedure. The grievance
procedure will be available for use by all workers, including sub-contractor
employees (SOC30).
o Pearl Petroleum will hold regular meetings (e.g. toolbox talks) with Project
personnel, including contractor and sub-contractor employees, to ensure
that workers are satisfied with their employment and workplace;
opportunities for workers to raise concerns and report problems will be
provided at these meetings (SOC31).

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o As part of the worker induction process, Contractors will be required to
explain to employees (including sub-contractor employees) their legal
rights and entitlements alongside the content of their employment
contracts (SOC32).
o Where appropriate and feasible, Pearl Petroleum will oblige each
contractor to be transparent on their supply chain. A risk-based screening
assessment will prioritise the types of goods and services to be procured,
which will be subject to an audit by Pearl Petroleum against national and
regional regulatory requirements and international standards. Audits will
include consideration of worker grievance procedures (SOC33).
• Failure to meet international OHS standards by contractors and sub-contractors,
leading to increased risk of workplace accidents:
o Contractors will develop and implement health and safety plans and work
management procedures; these will be approved by Pearl Petroleum and
will be aligned with Pearl Petroleum’s overarching health and safety
systems and international standards. Auditing will be undertaken by Pearl
Petroleum to ensure contractor compliance with health and safety plans
and work management procedures (SOC34).
o OHS training programmes that are culturally and linguistically appropriate
will be developed and implemented by Pearl Petroleum and contractors,
as appropriate. The training programmes will be updated based on
changes in the scope of work being undertaken, incident statistics and
regulatory requirements (SOC35).
• Tensions within and/or between different groups of workers resulting from
disparities in wages and working conditions, leading to conflict:
o Contractors will ensure that remuneration is justified and adequate for the
level of expertise and experience provided. Details of remuneration will
be included in employment contracts with workers (including sub-
contractor workers) (SOC36). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-9.
Application of the mitigation measures and accepted international practices (GIIP)
result in manageable risks vis-à-vis sensitive receptors in relation to lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards.

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Table 6-9 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on labour and working conditions

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Labour rights violations in the Project SOC30
supply chain, leading to negative impacts Major SOC31 Moderate
on workers’ health and well-being. SOC32
Failure to meet international OHS
standards by contractors and sub- SOC34
contractors, leading to increased risk of Major Moderate
workplace accidents.
Tensions within and/or between different
groups of workers resulting from disparities
Major SOC36 Moderate
in wages and working conditions, leading to
conflict. Land access and livelihoods Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to land access and livelihoods during construction:
• Temporary loss of access to land used for crop farming, livestock rearing and
natural resource harvesting, leading to decreased income, food security and
living standards:
o Pearl Petroleum will endeavor to ensure that no Project land take will
occur unless the Rental Value and Compensation Committee process
has been completed such that timely compensation is paid to Project-
Affected Persons (PAPs), including land users (e.g. livestock rearers).
Pearl Petroleum will also endeavor to prevent access to land by Project
personnel (including Pearl Petroleum staff, contractors and sub-
contractors) if there is no consent or agreement in place (SOC37).
o A Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) will be developed and implemented
by Pearl Petroleum in order to address the short- and long-term economic
impacts from temporary and permanent (life of Project) loss of access to
land. The LRP will include a gap analysis of the differences between
international standards and regional processes, principles of land access,
an entitlements matrix based on a mitigation and compensation
framework, details of the valuation of assets and establishment of
compensation rates, the land access procedure, provisions for vulnerable
people, Management of Change Procedure and monitoring and
evaluation. The LRP will be integrated (where relevant and appropriate
to do so) with the Rental Value and Compensation Committee’s own
activities so that compensation is paid a single time and multiple
compensation payments are avoided (SOC38).

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o The LRP will be supported by stakeholder engagement with the PAPs by
Pearl Petroleum to ensure that the livelihood restoration strategy is clearly
explained and accepted, that the approach to legacy issues is clear and
that PAPs understand that they are all treated equally (SOC39).
o The LRP will be monitored by Pearl Petroleum for a period of up to five
years following implementation to assess the effectiveness of livelihood
restoration measures and implement corrective actions, as appropriate
o A cut-off date will be agreed between Pearl Petroleum and the
Government prior to the commencement of survey activities for the LRP.
The cut-off date will be clearly communicated to the PAPs (SOC41).
o Land entry, exit and reinstatement procedures will be developed and
implemented by contractors and sub-contractors working on third party
lands and will include information to affected land owners and land users
o See also SOC07.
• Exacerbation of existing conflicts and/or generation of new conflicts during the
Project land acquisition and compensation process, leading to loss of support for
the Project:
o Pearl Petroleum will seek to support the efforts of local authorities in
resolving existing conflicts over land in the Project area (SOC43).
o Pearl Petroleum will undertake regular meetings with village Anjuman and
local communities, including the PAPs, to ensure that information about
the Project’s land acquisition and compensation strategy is clearly
communicated and that stakeholder concerns are effectively addressed
o See also SOC07.
• Temporary reduction in access to watering wells and pasture land for livestock,
leading to loss of livelihood and increased pressure on alternative pasture land
and watering wells:
o Pre-construction surveys will be undertaken by contractors to identify any
watering wells and pasture land to which access must be maintained
o During construction, the contractor will leave gaps in soil stacks and pipe
strings along the RoW to ensure that access to watering wells and
pasture land is maintained. Crossing points will be provided across open
trenches and welded pipes as necessary (SOC46).
o In the event that loss of access to watering wells and/or pasture land is
unavoidable, alternative water supplies and pasture land/appropriate
compensation will be provided by Pearl Petroleum in line with the LRP
• accidents involving livestock, leading to injury and potential mortality:

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o Contractors’ health and safety plans and work management procedures
shall identify risks and contain provisions to ensure community safety,
including safety barriers (e.g. fences) around open excavations to prevent
local communities and livestock from falling into trenches (SOC48).
o Culturally appropriate safety signage and information will be posted in
local communities and near to work sites (by Pearl Petroleum or
contractors, as appropriate) to raise awareness about risks to the safety
of persons and livestock (SOC49).
o See also SOC07. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-10.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-10 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on land access and livelihoods

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Temporary loss of access to land used for SOC39
crop farming, livestock rearing and natural
Major SOC40 Minor
resource harvesting, leading to decreased
income, food security and living standards. SOC41
Exacerbation of existing conflicts and/or
generation of new conflicts during the SOC43
Project land acquisition and compensation High SOC07 Minor
process, leading to loss of support for the SOC44
Temporary reduction in access to watering
wells and pasture land for livestock, leading SOC45
to a loss of livelihood and increased High SOC46 Minor
pressure on alternative pasture land and SOC47
watering wells.
Accidents involving livestock, leading to
High SOC49 Minor
injury and potential mortality.
SOC07 Community safety and security Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to community safety and security during construction:

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• Increased risk of accidents involving community members at work sites, leading
to injury and potential mortality:
o Contractors’ health and safety plans shall identify risks and contain
provisions to ensure community safety, including safety barriers (e.g.
fences) around open excavations to prevent local communities and
livestock from falling into trenches (SOC48).
o Culturally appropriate safety signage and information will be posted in
local communities and near to work sites (by Pearl Petroleum or
contractors, as appropriate) to raise awareness about risks to the safety
of persons and livestock (SOC49).
o A community safety awareness campaign will be developed and
implemented by Pearl Petroleum in local communities with a particular
focus on high-risk groups (e.g. children) which may involve school visits
to raise awareness on road safety risks (SOC50).
• Increased volume of traffic leads to an increased risk of road traffic accidents
involving community members:
o Where appropriate, each contractor will develop a work-specific Traffic
Management Plan (TMP) which identifies sensitive social receptors along
transportation routes and outline mitigation measures (e.g. speed limit
restrictions, vehicle maintenance activities, awareness campaigns,
recruitment of traffic wardens) to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents
occurring (SOC51).
o See also SOC50.
• Tensions between non-local workers and members of the PACs, leading to
o Contractors will develop and implement workers’ codes of conduct; these
will be approved by Pearl Petroleum, will be aligned with Pearl
Petroleum’s existing code of conduct for workers and will include training
for all Project personnel on local customs, culture and tradition,
interacting with local communities, expected behaviour and the
Community Grievance Management Procedure. This training will be
delivered as part of the worker induction process. Compliance with
workers’ codes of conduct will be a contractual requirement for all
employees, including sub-contractor employees (SOC52).
o The out-of-hours movement of non-local workers (from other parts of
Kurdistan or further afield), for reasons not related to work, will be
prohibited by Pearl Petroleum in accordance with construction camp rules
• Negative interactions between community members and Project security
personnel, leading to conflict and potentially the inappropriate use of force:
o Established arrangements for security provision at the existing facility will
be reviewed by Pearl Petroleum to ensure that they are sufficiently robust

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to manage security issues which may arise as a result of the Project;
changes to existing arrangements will be made as appropriate (SOC54).
o Pearl Petroleum will ensure that training for Project security personnel
includes rules of engagement and human rights (e.g. the Voluntary
Principles of Security and Human Rights) (SOC55).
• Dissatisfaction with the handling of social issues by the Project amongst PAC
members, leading to an increase in the number of road blocks and other forms of
o Pearl Petroleum will undertake regular meetings with village Anjuman and
local communities to ensure that information about the Project is clearly
communicated and that stakeholder concerns are effectively addressed
o Pearl Petroleum will implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan
that includes monitoring relations between local communities and the
Project and any changes in perceptions towards Pearl Petroleum through
regular community meetings and other activities. The Social Monitoring
Plan will be integrated into the monitoring plans implemented by Pearl
Petroleum at the existing facility (SOC57).
o Pearl Petroleum will provide local communities with regular updates on
the Project through community meetings; reporting to local communities
will be integrated within the overarching Stakeholder Engagement Plan
(SEP) that is implemented by Pearl Petroleum at the existing facility
o See also SOC07 and SOC24.
• Anxiety, irritation and a reduction in overall well-being amongst the PACs
resulting from gas flaring during non-routine events:
o Pearl Petroleum’s SEP shall be reviewed to ensure that information on
Project activities such as the potential for non-routine flaring events to
occur occasionally is included; updates to the SEP will be made, as
appropriate (SOC59).
o See also SOC07. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-11.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

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Table 6-11 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on community safety and security

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Increased risk of accidents involving SOC48
community members at work sites, leading Major SOC49 Minor
to injury and potential mortality. SOC50
Increased volume of traffic, leading to an
increased risk of road traffic accidents Major Minor
involving community members.
Tensions between non-local workers and SOC52
High Minor
members of the PACs, leading to conflict. SOC53
Negative interactions between community
members and Project security personnel, SOC54
High Minor
leading to conflict and potentially the SOC55
inappropriate use of force.
Dissatisfaction with the handling of social SOC24
issues by the Project amongst PAC SOC07
members, leading to an increase in the High SOC56 Minor
number of road blocks and other forms of SOC57
Anxiety, irritation and a reduction in overall
well-being amongst the PACs resulting High Minor
from gas flaring during non-routine events. Public health Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to public health during construction:
• Transmission of new communicable diseases between the non-local and local
Project workforce, leading to a reduction in health and well-being at the
community level and increased pressure on local health care facilities:
o Contractors’ health and safety plans shall contain provisions to ensure
the fitness of workers (e.g. pre-deployment medical screenings which
includes tests for communicable diseases) during the recruitment
process; these will be aligned with the provisions contained within Pearl
Petroleum’s overarching health and safety systems (SOC60).
o Contractors’ health and safety plans shall include health and hygiene
training for all employees, including sub-contractor employees, to
minimise the spread of communicable diseases (SOC61).
• Anxiety, irritation and reduced well-being amongst PACs resulting from an
increase in ambient noise levels:
o See mitigation measures in Section 6.4 (Noise).

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o Contractors’ health and safety plans shall identify the risks to public health
associated with their scope of work and detail mitigation measures as
appropriate (SOC62).
o See also SOC07.
• Increase in respiratory conditions or exacerbation of existing respiratory
conditions resulting from a decline in local air quality:
o See mitigation measures in Section 6.1.1 (Air Quality).
o See also SOC07 and SOC62. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-12.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-12 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on public health

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Transmission of new communicable
diseases between the non-local and local
Project workforce, leading to a reduction in SOC60
Moderate Minor
health and well-being at the community SOC61
level and increased pressure on local
health care facilities.
See Noise
Anxiety, irritation and reduced well-being Section
amongst PACs resulting from an increase Moderate 6.4 Minor
in ambient noise levels. SOC62
See Air
Increase in respiratory conditions or Quality
exacerbation of existing respiratory Section
Moderate 6.1.1 Minor
conditions resulting from a decline in local
air quality. SOC62
SOC07 Infrastructure and services Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to infrastructure and services during construction:
• Deterioration in existing road conditions, leading to vehicle damage, longer
journey times and increased risk of accidents for local people:
o A pre-construction survey will be undertaken (by Pearl Petroleum or
contractor, as appropriate) to assess the condition of roads to be used by

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the Project (including but not limited to traffic signage, bridges and other
road infrastructure) (SOC63).
o A post-construction survey will be undertaken (by Pearl Petroleum or
contractor, as appropriate) covering all of the areas surveyed pre-
construction to assess the condition of roads and road-related
infrastructure used by the Project; any actions (e.g. repairs) arising from
the post-construction survey will be closed out in a timely manner
o Where appropriate, each contractor will develop a work-specific Traffic
Management Plan (TMP) which will include restrictions on vehicle
movements to defined access routes and demarcated work areas
o See also SOC07.
• Improper handling and disposal of Project waste, leading to a deterioration in
environmental conditions and potential outbreak of diseases:
o See also SOC07 and SOC62.
• Use of local health services by contractor and sub-contractor employees, leading
to negative outcomes for health care provision for the PACs:
o As part of the worker induction process, Contractors will be required by
Pearl Petroleum to communicate that medical assistance to all employees
(including sub-contractor employees) is provided by the Project. Workers
will be prohibited from using local health services at this time (SOC66).
• Blame directed towards the Project by PAC members over perceived reduction
in access to water, leading to loss of support for the Project:
o Pearl Petroleum will monitor water supplies in local communities against
baseline conditions; the monitoring plan will be integrated into monitoring
plans implemented by Pearl Petroleum at the existing facility (SOC67).
o Pearl Petroleum will develop and implement water efficiency training
programmes in local communities with the aim of promoting sustainable
water consumption (SOC68).
o See also SOC56, SOC57 and SOC58.
• Upgrading, movement or damage to community infrastructure, leading to loss of
access and/or power for households and public services:
o Pre-construction surveys will be undertaken (by Pearl Petroleum or
contractor, as appropriate) to identify community infrastructure (e.g.
bridges, electricity pylons, power lines) which will need to be upgraded,
moved or will be potentially damaged by the Project (SOC69).
o Any planned activities which may affect community infrastructure (e.g.
bridges, electricity pylons, power lines) will be communicated to local
authorities and affected communities by Pearl Petroleum in a timely
manner. Information provided to stakeholders will include (but not be

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limited to) the nature, timing and duration of the planned activities
o Any damage to community infrastructure will be repaired in a timely
manner by the contractor (SOC71).
o See also SOC07 and SOC58. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are presented in Table 6-13.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-13 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on infrastructure and services

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Deterioration in existing road SOC63
conditions, leading to vehicle damage, SOC64
High Minor
longer journey times and increased risk SOC65
of accidents for local people.
Improper handling and disposal of SOC62
Project waste, leading to a deterioration
High Minor
in environmental conditions and
potential outbreak of diseases. SOC07
Use of local health services by
contractor and sub-contractor
employees, leading to negative High SOC66 Minor
outcomes for health care provision for
the PACs.
Blame directed towards the Project by SOC57
PAC members over perceived
High SOC67 Minor
reduction in access to water, leading to
loss of support for the Project. SOC68
Upgrading, movement or damage to SOC70
community infrastructure, leading to
High SOC71 Minor
loss of access and/or power for
households and public services. SOC07
SOC58 Traffic on access roads near the Project site Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to traffic during construction:
• Pearl Petroleum will request permission from the Erbil Directorate of Roads
and Bridges to implement any road diversion and will provide prior notification

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to the public and appropriate road signage before any road diversions
• Pearl Petroleum will seek to avoid diversions during peak hours or creating
blockages or diversions during peak activities on weekends (SOC73).
• The physical condition of the road will be monitored on an as needed basis, to
raise concerns and work with the local governments to make repairs (SOC74). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-14.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-14 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on traffic

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Interference with users of the public High SOC72 Minor
road network arising from temporary
road closures and deviations.
Deterioration of the physical condition High SOC74 Minor
of the public road network. Vulnerable groups Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to vulnerable groups during construction:
• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related economic benefits,
leading to increased levels of vulnerability and inequality:
o Pearl Petroleum will identify vulnerable groups in its SEP and provide
targeted assistance, where possible and appropriate, to ensure that they
have equal access to Project-related information and equal opportunities
to raise questions and concerns (SOC75).
o Pearl Petroleum will ensure that recruitment processes for the Project are
based on the skills required for the role with no discrimination according
to age, sexuality or gender, ethnicity, religion and/or political opinion
o Illiterate persons will continue to be provided with additional support by
Pearl Petroleum when applying for jobs on the Project (SOC77).
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related economic benefits, leading
to increased levels of gender inequality:
o Pearl Petroleum will develop and implement a gender inclusion strategy
containing various measures to promote the inclusion of women in the
Project. The strategy will firstly assess the barriers to female participation

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in the Project workforce and seek to identify short-, medium- and long-
term actions to address them. Consideration will be given to including, for
example, recruitment targets for women for contractors and sub-
contractors, provisions to ensure women feel safe in the workplace and
in Project accommodation and provisions to ensure that women are fairly
engaged with during the recruitment process. Where appropriate and
feasible, the Project will work in partnership with third parties (e.g.
development agencies) to develop and implement the gender inclusion
strategy. The provisions of the gender inclusion strategy will be integrated
into management plans for the Project, as appropriate (SOC78).
o See also SOC76.
• Challenges to power structures and social dynamics as a result of women’s
employment by the Project, leading to an increase in conflict and GBV amongst
o As part of the gender inclusion strategy, the potential risks that may be
associated with women’s participation in the Project will be assessed by
Pearl Petroleum. Measures to mitigate these risks in the short-, medium-
and long-term will be identified. Consideration will be given to, for
example, targeted engagements with men to raise awareness about the
benefits associated with women’s involvement in the Project (SOC79).
• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to effectively engage and participate in the
Project land acquisition and compensation process, leading to discrimination and
increased inequality:
o A comprehensive survey to establish the vulnerability of flowline land
owners and land users will be undertaken as part of the LRP (SOC80).
o Based on the results of the survey, the LRP will specify additional support
measures to ensure that vulnerable people are not disadvantaged during
the Project land acquisition and compensation process (SOC81).
• Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related information,
leading to lower levels of awareness about the Project and the potential
associated benefits:
o See SOC75.
• Reduced ability of women to access Project-related information, leading to lower
levels of awareness about the Project and the potential associated benefits:
o Pearl Petroleum will ensure that its Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
provides special measures, where possible and appropriate, to ensure
that women have equal access to Project-related information and equal
opportunities to raise questions and concerns (SOC82). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-15.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings to below significant for

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• reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related economic
benefits, leading to increased levels of vulnerability and inequality
• reduced ability of vulnerable groups to effectively engage and participate in the
Project land acquisition and compensation process, leading to discrimination
and increased inequality
• reduced ability of vulnerable groups to access Project-related information,
leading to lower levels of awareness about the Project and the potential associated
The application of the mitigation measures and accepted international practices
(GIIP) result in manageable risks vis-à-vis sensitive receptors in relation to lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards for the residual significant impacts for
• reduced ability of women to access Project-related economic benefits, leading
to increased levels of gender inequality
• challenges to power structures and social dynamics as a result of women’s
employment by the Project, leading to an increase in conflict and GBV amongst
• reduced ability of women to access Project-related information, leading to lower
levels of awareness about the Project and the potential associated benefits.

Table 6-15 Summary of construction phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on vulnerable groups

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Reduced ability of vulnerable groups SOC75
to access Project-related economic Minor
High SOC76
benefits, leading to increased levels of
vulnerability and inequality. SOC77
Reduced ability of women to access
Project-related economic benefits, SOC78 Moderate
leading to increased levels of gender SOC76
Challenges to power structures and
social dynamics as a result of
women’s employment by the Project, Major SOC79 Moderate
leading to an increase in conflict and
GBV amongst households.
Reduced ability of vulnerable groups
to effectively engage and participate in
the Project land acquisition and Minor
compensation process, leading to
discrimination and increased SOC81
Reduced ability of vulnerable groups
to access Project-related information,
leading to lower levels of awareness High SOC75 Minor
about the Project and the potential
associated benefits.
Reduced ability of women to access
Project-related information, leading to
lower levels of awareness about the High SOC82 Moderate
Project and the potential associated

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6.7.2 Pre-commissioning and commissioning phases
The following mitigation and monitoring and enhancement measures, proposed for the
construction phase of the Project (see Section 6.7.1), are also applicable during pre-
commissioning and commissioning:
• SOC01 through SOC07
• SOC13 through SOC36
• SOC52 through SOC58
• SOC60 through SOC62
• SOC66
• SOC75 through SOC79
• SOC82.
For the additional impacts identified during pre-commissioning and commissioning, the
following mitigation and monitoring measures are proposed. Infrastructure and services Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to infrastructure and services during pre-commissioning and commissioning:
• Association of hydrotesting with problems surrounding local water quality and
quantity, leading to a loss of support for the Project amongst PAC members:
o Prior to the commencement of hydrotesting, Pearl Petroleum will develop
and implement a targeted community information campaign on
hydrotesting to ensure that local communities understand the noise,
water and any other impacts associated with this exercise (SOC83). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-16.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-16 Summary of pre-commissioning and commissioning phase mitigation

measures and residual impacts on infrastructure and services

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Association of hydrotesting with
problems surrounding local water
quality and quantity, leading to a loss of High SOC83 Minor
support for the Project amongst PAC

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6.7.3 Operations phase
The following mitigation and monitoring and enhancement measures, proposed for the
construction phase of the Project (see Section 6.7.1), are also applicable during
• SOC01 through SOC07
• SOC13 through SOC26
• SOC29 through SOC36
• SOC52 through SOC58
• SOC60 through SOC68
• SOC72 through SOC79
• SOC82.
For impacts identified during operations only, the following mitigation and monitoring and
enhancement measures are proposed. Regional economy Maximise positive impacts

The following measures are proposed to maximise positive impacts related to the regional
economy during operations:
• Contribution of the Project to the development of Kurdistan’s oil and gas sector
and regional economic growth:
o Pearl Petroleum will seek to maximise this benefit as far as possible
through, for example, considering opportunities to work with universities
as part of the SIPs to support additional knowledge transfer and/or the
use of technology that promotes the efficiency of power supply systems
o Pearl Petroleum will develop a draft plan for providing transition training
to allow skilled employees to better access employment in other sectors;
the level of interest in such training amongst workers will be evaluated
prior to the finalisation and implementation of the plan (SOC85). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-17.

Table 6-17 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on the regional economy

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Contribution of the Project to the
development of Kurdistan’s oil SOC84
Positive Positive
and gas sector and regional SOC85
economic growth.

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182279-17 (05) Land access and livelihoods Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to land access and livelihoods during operations:
• Restriction on the rights of crop farmers to use and to develop land during the
operation of the Project, leading to limitations on the types of crops grown and
used to generate income:
o Where the Project affects the livelihood activities of crop farmers,
appropriate compensation will be provided in line with the LRP (SOC86).
o See also SOC07. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-18.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-18 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on land access and livelihoods

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Restriction on the rights of crop
farmers to use and to develop
land during the operation of the SOC86
High Minor
Project, leading to limitations on SOC07
the types of crops grown and
used to generate income. Community safety and security Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to community safety and security during operations:
• Health and safety risks for local communities, the local environment and the
Project workforce due to interference or tampering with Project infrastructure by
community members, leading to environmental damages, injury and potential
o Culturally appropriate safety warnings and information will be posted in
local communities and near to Project infrastructure by Pearl Petroleum
to raise awareness about the risks of interfering or tampering with Project
infrastructure (SOC87).
o Pearl Petroleum will develop and implement community safety
awareness campaigns in local communities with the aim of discouraging
interference or tampering with Project infrastructure (SOC88).

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o Emergency response planning is addressed in Section 11. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-19.
The mitigation measures allow full compliance with lender requirements (including
but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and other Project Standards, and
reduce residual impacts ratings below significant.

Table 6-19 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual impacts
on community safety and security

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Health and safety risks for local
communities, the local
environment and the Project
workforce due to interference or
tampering with Project Major Minor
infrastructure by community
planning (see
members, leading to
Section 11)
environmental damages, injury
and potential mortality. Traffic on access roads near the Project site

Pearl Petroleum will apply the same mitigation measures developed for the construction
phase (see Section Visual impacts Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

Measures to reduce the impact of night-time non-routine flaring leading to disturbance of
well-being of residents of local communities, for example installation of glazed windows
or shades for residences with a clear view of the flare (S0C89). Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-20.
Application of the mitigation measures and accepted international practices (GIIP)
result in manageable risks vis-à-vis sensitive receptors in relation to lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards.

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Table 6-20 Summary of operations phase mitigation measures and residual visual

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Night time non-routine flaring leading to
disturbance of well-being of residents of local High SOC89 Medium

6.7.4 Decommissioning phase

The following mitigation and monitoring measures, proposed for the construction phase
of the Project (see Section 6.7.1), are also applicable during decommissioning:
• SOC27
• SOC28
• SOC72 through SOC74.
For additional impacts identified during decommissioning, the following mitigation and
monitoring measures are proposed. Infrastructure and services Proposed mitigation and monitoring measures

The following mitigation measures are proposed to limit the potential for impacts related
to infrastructure and services during decommissioning:
• Deterioration in PAC living standards and well-being if the PACs become
dependent on Pearl Petroleum and related economic opportunities, support and
services are withdrawn:
o As part of its ongoing social investment in local communities, Pearl
Petroleum will develop and implement programmes which promote the
long-term sustainability and independence of communities. The
avoidance of dependency will be considered in the design of all SIPs and
planning for the end of Pearl Petroleum interventions will be considered
from the outset (SOC90).
o Consideration will be given to technical solutions to sharing costs and
accountability for the provision of power and water by Pearl Petroleum
o Consideration will be given by Pearl Petroleum to prioritising social
investment that diversifies the local economy and reduces local
communities’ reliance on Pearl Petroleum at Khor Mor (SOC92).
o Consideration will be given to skills and training to support regional
development priorities by Pearl Petroleum (SOC93).
o Consideration will be given to strategic engagement structures, such as
community committees and participatory monitoring, to build community
capacity to manage their development by Pearl Petroleum (SOC94).

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o Consideration will be given by Pearl Petroleum to leveraging its
operations at Khor Mor to encourage other development entities to
engage in the area (SOC95).
o Consideration will be given to working in partnership with third parties
(e.g. development agencies) by Pearl Petroleum to implement the SIPs
o See also SOC24. Summary
The significance of potential impacts following mitigation are summarised in Table 6-21.
Application of the mitigation measures and accepted international practices (GIIP)
result in manageable risks vis-à-vis sensitive receptors in relation to lender
requirements (including but not limited to the IFC PS and EHS guidelines) and
other Project Standards.

Table 6-21 Summary of decommissioning phase mitigation measures and residual

impacts on infrastructure and services

Unmitigated Residual
Potential impact impact impact
significance significance
Deterioration in PAC living
standards and well-being if the SOC91
PACs become dependent on Pearl SOC92
Major High
Petroleum and related economic SOC93
opportunities, support and services SOC94
are withdrawn.

6.8 Associated facilities

Potential impacts of the five production wells to be installed were described in Section
5.11. High-level mitigation measures (similar to those described for the KM250A Project)
for those impacts that may be significant are presented in Table 6-22. The five new
production wells will be subject to an additional detailed ESIA to confirm the impacts and
mitigation measures presented.

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Table 6-22 Mitigation measures for associated facilities (five production wells)

Area of Potential impact Mitigation

concern measure(s)
Air quality Dust (particulate matter) Standard GIIP
Emissions from diesel generators, vehicles and other equipment, measures to be
including CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, H2S, VOCs and particulate matter applied (see
Section 6.1).
Flaring Modelling during
the new well
Water Loss of vegetation cover leading to erosion and changes in ENV03 - ENV07
resources and natural drainage patterns
soil On-site storage and handling of fuels and chemicals leading to
leaks/spills and reduced groundwater quality
Diesel tanker truck leaks or spills
On-site refuelling
Groundwater abstraction leading to aquifer drawdown
Biodiversity Breeding and foraging habitat loss for small mammals and ENV13 - ENV22
avifauna from vegetation clearance on project footprint and ENV24 -
Noise and vibration from construction and drilling equipment ENV13 - ENV25
causing temporary displacement of species from breeding and and ENV27 -
foraging habitat ENV29
Potential contamination from accidental releases of fuel or drilling ENV06 and
related fluids of food and water sources used by fauna ENV07
Noise and light disturbance from flaring causing temporary ENV29
displacement of fauna from breeding and forage habitat
Waste Waste pits After the
management disposed
material has
dried out, the pits
should be
capped with clay
and backfilled
with excavated
Socio- Opportunities for local and regional businesses to supply goods SOC01 to
economic – and services, generating multiplier effects across the local SOC03
local economy.
economy In-migration, leading to increased competition for land, housing SOC08 to
and basic services. SOC12
Socio- Employment opportunities, leading to an improvement in SOC13 to
economic – household living standards and well-being. SOC15
employment Training opportunities, leading to improved OHS awareness and SOC16 to
the enhancement of future employment prospects. SOC19

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Area of Potential impact Mitigation
concern measure(s)
and skills Unmet expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support SOC07, SOC15,
development for the production wells amongst PACs. Tensions between those SOC23 and
who benefit economically and those who do not, leading to SOC24 to
conflict. SOC26
Retrenchment of workers, leading to economic shock and SOC27 and
reduced living standards at the household level. SOC28
Socio- Labour rights violations in the supply chain, leading to negative SOC29 to
economic – impacts on workers’ health and well-being. Failure to meet SOC35.
labour and international OHS standards by contractors and sub-contractors,
working leading to increased risk of workplace accidents.

Socio- Loss of access to land used for crop farming, livestock rearing SOC07 and
economic – and natural resource harvesting, leading to decreased income, SOC37 to
land access food security and living standards. SOC42
and Exacerbation of existing conflicts and/or new generation of new SOC07, SOC43
livelihoods conflicts during the land acquisition and compensation process, and SOC44
leading to loss of support by PACs.
Socio- Increased volume of traffic, leading to increased noise levels and SOC50 and
economic – an increased risk of road traffic accidents involving community SOC51
community members and livestock.
safety and
Negative interactions between community members and security SOC54 and
personnel, leading to conflict and potentially the inappropriate use SOC55
of force.
Anxiety, irritation and a reduction in overall well-being amongst SOC07 and
the PACs resulting from the noise and light generated by gas SOC59
Socio- Deterioration in existing road conditions, leading to vehicle SOC07 and
economic – damage, longer journey times and increased risk of accidents for SOC63 to
infrastructure local people. SOC65
and services Blame directed towards the production wells by PAC members SOC56 to
over perceived reduction in access to water, leading to loss of SOC58, SOC67
support amongst PACs. and SOC68
Socio- Reduced ability of vulnerable groups and women to access SOC75 to
economic – economic benefits, leading to increased levels of vulnerability and SOC78
vulnerable inequality.
groups Reduced ability of vulnerable groups to effectively engage and SOC80 and
participate in the land acquisition and compensation process, SOC81
leading to discrimination and increased inequality.
Reduced ability of vulnerable groups and women to access SOC75 and
information, leading to lower levels of awareness about the SOC82
production wells and the potential associated benefits.

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7.1 Introduction
All activities associated with the KM250A Project other than road transport, the flowlines,
and operation of the well pads, are to be located within the existing, fenced boundary of
the site. The flowline corridors will fall outside the site boundary; final routing of these
corridors will take into consideration any concerns identified with respect to field surveys
and conclusions of this environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). The siting
of the new access gate and truck inspection building will similarly take into consideration
the findings of the ESIA.
Pearl Petroleum has considered various technology, process and operating regime
alternatives during the FEED stage of the Project. Final selection of technology and
processes will be recommended by the EPC Contractor to Pearl Petroleum once that
contractor has been selected. This is to be determined based on:
• potential environmental and social impacts and ensuing that the Project
Standards associated with emissions and effluent limits are achieved during
routine operations
• occupational health and safety risks to the workforce and process safety risks
to local communities
• reliability and operability

The principles and techniques applied during the Project life cycle will be tailored to the
hazards and risks associated with the Project and consistent with good international
industry practice (GIIP), as reflected in various internationally recognised sources,
including the IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability
(IFC PS) (2012) and the accompanying IFC Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
Guidelines (see Section 9.8.1 and 9.8.2).

7.2 Technical alternatives considered

Alternative technologies and designs have been considered for various aspects of the
Project during the pre-FEED work. The key alternatives considered for the Project are
shown in Table 7-1. In addition to the alternatives given in Table 7-1, there are some
features that add value to the engineering concepts:
• use of gas engine drivers for sales gas compression and power generation,
which increases plant availability, reduces unplanned maintenance and
avoids the use of diesel engines to generate power
• plot plan layout to ensure safe locations for occupied buildings (for example
the control room)
• equipment spacing to enhance safety and allow future simultaneous
operations (SIMOPS) when installing future plants
• civils drainage design to minimise impact on the existing water catchment

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7.3 ‘Do nothing’ alternative
As per KRI ESIA legal requirements and guidelines, the “Do nothing” alternative also
need to be considered. Under this alternative, no positive or negative environmental or
social impacts would be realised. However, the ‘Do nothing’ alternative is not a viable
option since it would compromise compliance of Pearl Petroleum’s commitment to the
KRG under the Gas Sales Agreement and, consequently, it would not fulfil the KRG’s
goals to expand oil and gas exploration and production capacity.

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Table 7-1 Key alternatives considered in the KM250A Project

Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
KM250A gas processing
There are no key constriants in
facility will receive the raw
using either of the options, however
gas from the production wells
using molecular sieve can reduce
and further processing of the
the air emissions, as there are no
inlet raw gas will be
hydrocarbon and aromatic
conducted at the KM250A
emissions expected and there will
premises and the final
be no chemical spillage. Glycol
Gas dehydration products including sales gas, Molecular sieve vs. glycol Molecular sieve
needs to transported to the site in
LPG and condensate will be
regular quantities, added at the
exported to the end-users via
wellhead and then ultimately
pipeline or trucks. Sales gas
removed from the raw gas stream
must meet specifications for
(to the extent possible). This is an
moisture content. Raw gas
expensive option and I suspect this
must therefore be dehydrated
is an advantage over the sieve.
to meet these specifications.
Reciprocating compressors
(rental) will be used for the
KM250A Project.
There are no key constraints in
Reciprocating compressors
using either of the options, however
Compression of gas will be are used for the flash gas
Centrifugal vs. reciprocating centrifugal compressors generate
Compression required at various parts of compressor and for the de-
compressors less noise and increase availability
the gas treatment process. ethaniser overhead
by reducting maintenance
compessor. Centrifugal
compressors will only be
installed post KM1000

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Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
DEA units have higher CAPEX than
MDEA units, however DEA units
have lower OPEX (especially with
respect to the regeneration system
reboiler fuel).
DEA units have higher operational
Raw gas must be efficiency, which will reduce reboiler
Di-ethylamine (DEA) vs.
Gas desulphurised in order to fuel requirements.
methyl di-ethylamine (MDEA) DEA
desulphurisation meet product sulphur content DEA can accommodate higher
specifications process gas operating temperatures
than MDEA (MDEA units are limited
to 55°C process gas temperature).
As the maximum inlet temperature
to the amine column will rise once
inlet compression is installed,
MDEA is unsuitable.
A non-regenerable metal sulphide
has been selected (same as
Mercury removal is included
existing Cryo#). It is located
because aluminium plate-fin
downstream of the dehydration
exchangers are selected for Metal sulphide system vs.
system as it can share the same
Mercury removal the LPG recovery section. It other mercury extraction Metal sulphide sytem
liquids protection system and is not
also eliminates mercury HSE systems
part of the dehydration regeneration
concerns for maintenance
circuit system even if this increases
plant dry out time (absorbent only
replaced every 5-10 years).

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Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
The Project has selected a For the KM250A Project a thermal
thermal oxidiser for disposing oxidiser is to be installed largely to
of waste acid gas (H2S) with eliminate H2S and minimise the
future provision for installing CAPEX for the Project. Production
Disposal of acid
a sulphur recovery unit Acid gas thermal oxidiser vs. rates of H2S will be limited for the
waste gas from Acid gas thermal oxidiser
(SRU) or other solution to be SRU (or other solution) KM250A Project. Once gas
sulphur removal
selected during the EPC production is increased through
detailed design phase. The future KM expansions a SRU will be
H2S is combusted, resulting installed to accommodate higher
in emissions of SO2. overall volumes of H2S.
Health and safety risks associated
with cold venting from the top of the
tank mean this option is not in
alignment with GIIP, as condensate
vapours can contain hazardous
Options are:
Cold vent from the top of the
Cold venting remote from the tanks
(that is, the existing condensate
Cold vent remote from the storage tank and the to be built
Vent gas from condensate tanks KM250A Project condensate
Disposal of vent
storage is to be routed to an Flare remote from the tanks storatge take, vents for which will be
gas from new
‘LLP’ flare remote from the Vapour recovery unit to connected) only has a marginal cost LLP flare
storage tank on a continuous recover VOCs saving over flaring.
storage tank.
basis. A condensate export pipeline to
Install a second condensate
export pipeline in the future Chemchemal is expected to be
to eliminate the need for installed in circa 2 years, which
additional condensate means that investment in a vapour
storage. recovery unit for condensate tank
offgas is not justified (condensate
will enter the pipelie directly from
the process; condensate storage
tanks will only be used in
emergencies). Emissions from

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Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
condensate storage will be
signifiicantly reduced once the
condensate export pipeline is
A vent/flare would still be requried
for vent gas even if a vapour
recovery unit were installed to allow
for shutdown of the vapour recovery
unit during maintenance periods.
Installation of a second pipeline
would move the tanker loading
venting to Chemchemal.
Options are: Occupational Health and Safety
risks as well as risk of fire or
Cold vent from each tanker explosion associated with cold
Cold vent remote from the venting from the top of the tankers
tanker loading mean this option is not acceptable.
Flare remote from the tanker Cold venting is not aligned with
Vent gas from tanker loading loading GIIP.
Disposal of vent facility is routed to a cold vent Combined LLP flare for A condensate export pipeline to Cold vent remote from the
gas from tanker (with forced air dilution) tanker loading and storage Chemchemal is expected to be tanker loading.
loading facility? located close to the tanker tank venting installed in circa two years which
loading station. means that the investment in a
Vapour recovery unit to
recover VOCs vapour recovery unit is not justified
Install a second future as the duration of emissions will be
condensate export pipeline to time limited. Emissions from tanker
remove the need for tanker loading will transfer to Chemchemal
loading truck loading facilities once the
condensate export pipeline is
There is not expected to be any
venting from truck loading at KM

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Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
once the new condensate export
pipeline to Chemchemal is installed
such that investment in a flare is not
considered appropriate.
Connecting the tanker vent with the
condensate tank vent that goes to
the LLP flare would entail significant
cost and design complexity.
A vent/flare would still be required
for vent gas even if a vapour
recovery unit were installed to allow
for a shutdown of the vapour
recovery unit.
The cost and lead time of a new gas
export pipeline would significantly
Sales gas from KM250A is to affect KM250A Project economics.
be exported via the existing The Project start-up would need to
Install a new gas export Export via the existing 24”
24” pipeline with gas be delayed and the initial CAPEX
Export of sales gas pipeline as part of the pipeline utilising temporary
pressure boosted at Khor would be significnatly higher.
KM250A Project booster compression.
Mor by temporary
compression. Temporary compression involves
energy usage (fuel gas) to export
sales gas.

Gas leaves the condensate The volumes of flash gas are

stabiliser feed separator and relatively high and flash gas
condensate stabiliser at contains high concentrations of H2S,
Single relatively low pressure . This such that venting/flaring of flash gas
compression stage gas needs to be captured Use a two-stage compressor would produce a high environmental
for flash gas and compressed in order to Vent/flare flash gas impact.
Compression return the gas to the gas Use of a two-stage compressor
processing section of the would entail additional CAPEX and
plant. A single stage the energy usage for compression
compressor has been would be higher.

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Alternative methods
Requirement Key Issues Selected Option
Design Technology options
selected; this allows
operation at the minimum
pressure required by the
condensate stabiliser. This
results in a higher operating
temperature and reboiler
energy usage.
Turboexpander/recompressor results in lower compression costs
To hydrocarbon Raw gas needs to be chilled (and energy usage) compared to J-
J-T valve T valve operation.
dewpoint sales gas to cause heavy ends (C3+) to Turboexpander/recompressor
to meet the export drop out of the gas phase Refrigeration Refrigeration would entail high with a aluminimum plate fin
specification and and be recovered as Shell and tube HX vs CAPEX. exchanger pre-cooler.
recover LPG condensate/LPG. aluminium plate fin Aluminium plate fin exchanger is far
exchanger more efficient at energy recovery
than a shell and tube exchanger.
Move the condensate/oil storage
and oil plants further south, away
Possibility of maintaining the from the processing facilities, by
Location of elevation higher than the extending the southern site
Need for ‘cut and fill’ for
condensate/oil process plant elevation vs. boundary further south. Tanks will not be located at
ensuring level storage tank
storage and oil keeping originally expected higher elevations.
areas Locating at higher location will
plant location at same elevation of
process plant. reduce future cut and fill volume
even if this is not considered best
industry practice.

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8.1 Introduction
This section is presented in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources Technical
Guidelines for EIAs. The technical guideline requires an uncertainties section to :
• outline information or data gaps about any particular aspect of the receiving
environment that was unable to be collected, and any attempts to gather the
• provide an explanation should the attempts to get the information were not
• outline instances where the specific activities or technologies to be applied
during the Project are unknown at the time of report preparation and the most
probable methods to be adopted and a prediction of the impacts based on that
Predictions of project potential impacts may be assessed using tools ranging from
quantitative techniques such as air emissions modelling or noise modelling (as was the
case in this environmental and social impact assessment, ESIA) to qualitative techniques
based on expert judgment and historical information. The accuracy of these assessment
tools depends on the quality of the input data and available information. The nature of
any uncertainties associated with assumptions that are made during the course of impact
assessment are discussed with the client. For qualitative predictions/assessments, some
uncertainty may sometimes be reduced or eliminated through stakeholder consultation.
Environmental and social risk can be difficult to predict with certainty when the design
process is in progress, as is the case for the KM250A Project. This ESIA was developed
post-front end engineering and design stage, and thus relied on access to basis of design
and basic engineering data and information, uncertainty stemming from ongoing
development of the Project design is inevitable. Furthermore, the environmental and
social context of the Project site varies from season to season and year to year. Where
these uncertainties are critical to interpretation of ESIA findings, they must be clearly
stated and approached conservatively (‘the precautionary approach’) in order to identify
the broadest range of likely residual impacts and necessary mitigation measures. This
section of the report highlights the uncertainties related to the KM250A Project ESIA.
The objectives of this section are to provide details on uncertainties encountered with
respect to this ESIA, and to provide clarification on methods used to reduce those
uncertainties, and how the results should be interpreted in light of remaining
This ESIA was prepared based on findings of desktop research (previous field surveys
conducted by others), and various field surveys conducted by RSK to fill gaps in the
desktop research. Field surveys to inform the impact assessment were undertaken from
August through November 2019. Predictive models were undertaken for air quality and
noise in order to establish possible concentration of air contaminants and high levels of
noise at sensitive receptors within the respective Project AOIs. Details are discussed in
the following sections.

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8.1 Key uncertainties

8.1.1 Lender requirements

The KM250A Project initiated funding discussions with the Overseas Private Investment
Corporation (OPIC) in 2019. In January 2020, OPIC was restructured and is now
operating as U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). DFC combines
OPIC and the U.S. Development Credit Authority. It is assumed that DFC will have similar
lender requirements as OPIC, however, at the time of writing, this has not been
ascertained. It is assumed that this ESIA is compliant with DFC environmental and social
requirements for lending.

8.1.2 Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement at the community level was undertaken in October 2019.
Further stakeholder engagement will be undertaken during the disclosure phase of the
ESIA regarding the outcome of the ESIA. This ESIA will be updated following disclosure
to incorporate the inputs from the future stakeholder engagement activities.
Stakeholder engagement findings are based on focus group discussions, key informant
interviews and household surveys. Each person or group of persons was selected to
ensure that they adequately represented their respective population categories.
However, there is some level of uncertainty in access to stakeholders to ensure that the
groups or persons consulted represent the full range of Project-affected people and that
their views are adequately taken into account in the impact assessment process.
Through on-going engagements with stakeholders at the community level via Pearl
Petroleum’s Social Performance Department (SPD) and external community Grievance
Management Procedure (Figure 4-9), Pearl Petroleum will ensure adequate
consideration of stakeholder concerns with respect to the KM250A Project will be

8.1.3 Baseline socio-economic conditions

The following challenges were encountered and managed during the gathering of primary
and secondary social baseline data for the ESIA:
• The last census was held in Iraq in 1997 and did not include the Kurdistan Region
of Iraq (KRI); in the absence of a formal census, secondary data from trustworthy
sources (e.g. KRG ministries and international organisations such as the World
Bank) have been utilised.
• As of March 2014, the KRI comprises four governorates (see Section 3.4.3 on
administrative structure and governance). The most recently established
governorate – Halabja – was previously part of the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah.
Secondary data on Halabja is often subsumed within data on Sulaymaniyah at
the governorate level and therefore it is not always possible to differentiate
between the two. Disaggregated data on Halabja has been provided as far as
• Data provided by informants may be affected by translation from Kurdish to
English; triangulation has been used to reduce this data risk.

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• Data on the incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), mental health issues, social ills, gender-
based violence (GBV) and female genital mutilation (FGM) were difficult to obtain
at the local level. This may be attributed to a number of reasons, including the
potentially sensitive nature of the topics.
• Data on annual income and expenditure were difficult to obtain at the local level
with 70% of households interviewed being unwilling to disclose information. This
may be attributed to several reasons including:
o lack of knowledge about income earnings and money spent by
o fear that levels of income and expenditure will influence households’
eligibility for employment opportunities and/or other benefits associated
with the existing facility
o concerns about pride in the case of low-income households.
• Data were collected in each Project-affected community (PAC) in accordance
with Table 3-30. However, the village Anjuman of Aliawa declined to participate
in an interview at the time of the social baseline surveys. To manage this problem,
data provided by the village Anjuman of the remaining PACs have been relied
upon. Approximately 95% of the village Anjuman who were targeted participated
in key informant interviews; the data gathered from these leaders is considered
to be valid across the AOI.
• As outlined in Section, 145 household interviews were conducted during
the surveys, representing 80% of households in the primary sphere of influence.
It was not possible to interview every household as some households are only
living in some of the PACs part-time and were not present at the time of the social
baseline surveys (see Section 3.4.4). To manage this problem, data provided by
the village Anjuman have been relied upon. Village Anjuman have extensive
knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of their communities and the
households within them. As such, the data provided by these leaders and the
80% of households who were interviewed is considered sufficiently robust to
develop the socio-economic baseline.
Though these challenges have been managed as far as possible, they create
uncertainties regarding baseline socio-economic conditions in the AOI. The inability to
obtain primary data on sensitive topics such as income levels and health issues (e.g. HIV
and AIDS, GBV and FGM) limits the level of understanding that has been developed in
relation to these topics at the local level. Moreover, the inability to interview every
household in PACs belonging to the primary sphere of influence (e.g. because they were
not present at the time of primary baseline data collection) means that it has not been
possible to establish a completely representative sample of households in these PACs.

8.1.4 Air quality

Various previous studies contained information on field surveys undertaken in the Project
area. However, methodologies used to collect air quality data contained in previous
studies were not verifiable. Furthermore, the placement of air monitoring stations in those
studies was not always suitable in terms of the KM250A Project. Furthermore, the

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sampling points used in previous studies did not include all sensitive receptors within the
KM250A Project air quality AOI. A one-month air quality monitoring programme was
therefore implemented to gather accurate information on current air quality baseline
conditions at locations that suited the requirements of the KM250A Project ESIA.
Therefore, to reduce uncertainties and to gather information on current air quality
baseline conditions in the air quality AOI, a one month air quality field survey via passive
diffusion tubes (as described in Section was undertaken in September 2019 at
eight sampling stations. The sampling locations were chosen to represent as best as
possible the sensitive receptors within the air quality AOI, as well as upstream and
downstream air quality. The diffusion tubes were sent to a laboratory in the UK for
analysis. This resulted in reliable and up-to-date baseline data for air quality within the
AOI. The results of this field survey were used to establish the air quality baseline and to
support the prediction of Project impacts on air quality.
Taking three to four weeks of data ensured that daily variations would not unduly affect
the results. Nonetheless, the air quality data collected was limited in that it represents
only one month, and thus do not represent baseline conditions in the AOI throughout the
entire year, during which weather and meteorological conditions are likely to change.
Air emissions modelling (see Section was undertaken to predict the impact of
emissions during the operating phase of the KM250A Project on air quality at sensitive
receptors within the air quality AOI. The input data for the model was based on best
engineering judgement and assumptions regarding plant design characteristics that have
not yet been finalised, including stack or flare exit velocity, height and diameter, and, for
non-routine flaring, the likely flaring scenarios. Nonetheless the input data set is
considered conservative.

8.1.5 Soil and water resources

Soil quality sampling and analysis was undertaken previously at well sites (MapCom,
2018). However, no soil samples were taken within the KM site fenceline. Therefore, as
part of this ESIA, soil samples were taken at key locations at the KM250A Project site
within the soil AOI (that is, physical footprint of the Project, reflecting the expected
disturbance of soil within newly developed areas of the main site). Samples were taken
for future reference at the main Project site in areas where hazardous materials or waste
will be stored when Project operations begin.
Sampling of streams, springs and groundwater within the water resources AOI was
undertaken to reduce uncertainty associated with previous water sampling results
(Section in terms of location and sampling and analysis methodology. The results
considerably strengthen AOI baseline data.
Best engineering judgement was combined with existing geological and groundwater
quality data to assess expected impacts of KM250A Project water consumption on the
local groundwater aquifer. This approach was necessarily qualitative as very little data
was available concerning groundwater level, flow and recharge. Recommendations were
developed regarding long-term monitoring of groundwater resources that will allow Pearl
Petroleum to accurately monitor the impacts of water abstraction by Pearl Petroleum as
water demand at the site increases with the KM250A Project and future expansion at the
Khor Mor site and thus reduce future uncertainties regarding sustainability of local
groundwater resources.

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8.1.6 Noise
Previous noise measurements were not suitable for the current ESIA as they were
restricted to well pad locations. No noise measurements had been taken at the Khor Mor
site fenceline nor at sensitive receptors (villages) outside of the Khor Mor site fenceline.
In August 2019, RSK measured baseline noise at various locations within the noise AOI
at sensitive receptors. Noise measurement and analysis was conducted following British
Standards. Noise measuring equipment was calibrated as required by those standards.
Noise measurements were taken over 24 hours at some monitoring points and for 30
minutes at others, according to the nature of the location (see Section
Like air quality, noise levels may change over the course of a year. This may add some
uncertainty to the results.
As for air emissions modelling, various assumptions have been made to inform the
construction phase noise assessment, such as the type of plant being used, the number
of plant items operating, the running time throughout the day, the contractor’s working
hours etc. This was largely based on front end engineering design information received
from Pearl Petroleum. As mentioned earlier, this has inherent uncertainty, as the Project
design is in an early stage of development. If the final construction or plant equipment
selection, procedures or working arrangements differ significantly from the assumptions
that have been made, it may be necessary to re-visit the assessment. Furthermore, at
this stage in the KM250A Project, vendor datasheets are not available for certain plant
installations. In the absence of vendor/measurement data, it is assumed that the noise
emissions from the proposed plant items will not exceed a level of 85 dB(A) at 1 m. For
the flare, it has been assumed that the sound power level will not exceed 133 dB(A). To
reduce future uncertainty regarding the results of this ESIA, vendor and additional noise
measurement data should be obtained for all installations, sufficient to validate or modify
the predicted noise levels.
Other assumptions made in respect of the proposed plant installations include
dimensional data, height of the source emissions above ground level and the source
directivity. Together, the assumptions were conservative and therefore will reduce
uncertainties regarding the modelling results by generating a worst-case scenario.

8.1.7 Biodiversity/ecology
Previous ESIAs and baseline studies associated with this site were consulted to
determine whether additional field survey was necessary (see Section 0), and if so, the
necessary scope of those surveys. Previous studies were found not to be representative
of the KM250A Project biodiversity and ecology AOI.
The ecological field survey conducted in October 2019 within the Khor Mor fenceline, just
outside of the Khor Mor site fenceline, and along the RoWs for the new flowlines. Given
the limited time period of the survey, it may not have provided a detailed record of the
species present throughout the year, as some species of flora may not be flowering,
making identification more difficult, and some fauna species may be absent from the site
during the survey period. Nonetheless, this survey provided an overview of species
presence and an understanding of the habitats within the Project area rather than a
detailed ecological baseline. However, the use of already existing biodiversity information
at Khor Mor, online resources, grey literature and an understanding of the habitats on-
site that complemented the field survey meant that assumptions could be drawn

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regarding the likely species present throughout the year (especially regarding birds and
other migratory species) without positive identifications during the field surveys. This
significantly reduced the uncertainty associated with development of the
biodiversity/ecology baseline.

8.1.8 Cultural heritage

Previous studies identified several possible archaeological sites of interest outside of the
Khor Mor site fenceline within the cultural heritage AOI (see Section 3.4.12). One of these
sites was in the approximate area of the RoW of one of the proposed KM250A Project
flowlines. Uncertainty exists regarding the possible presence of other archaeological sites
of interest in the area of the new flowlines, and concerning the nature and value of the
identified site. A walkover by a team archaeologist was implemented in the area of the
planned flowlines and information was gathered during the stakeholder engagement
interviews from local communities. There was no further evidence of possible
archaeological sites at grade. Uncertainty will be further mitigated through the use of a
chance finds procedures during flowline construction.

8.2 Conclusions
The impact assessment presented in this report was based on assumptions that were
conservative but in keeping with both good international industry practice and Ministry of
Natural Resources guidelines. Where necessary, field surveys were undertaken to
ensure that available data reflected an accurate view of existing baseline conditions. As
the period of field surveys was limited to the period August through November 2019,
supplemental data was used to ensure reasonably sound knowledge of baseline
information throughout the year. Conservative assumptions were made regarding Project
design data and information to account for any future changes as the design process
evolves. Taken together, the above measures ensure that uncertainties associated with
the conclusions of this ESIA (largely the environmental and social risks estimated via
qualitative or quantitative impact assessment, and the mitigation measures proposed for
reducing the significance of significant impacts) are considered sound and reliable as a
basis for decisions related to the Project.

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9.1 Introduction
This section provides a high-level description of the current regulatory framework
associated with the KM250A Project and provides current information relating to the
• Iraq's ratification of pertinent international conventions
• national legislation that applies to the Project
• Kurdish institutions involved in environmental management
• Project Standards
• lender requirements.

9.2 International conventions and agreements

Iraq has signed, ratified or acceded to international conventions and agreements,
including those listed in Table 9-1, which are relevant to the Project. These include social
conventions that aim to protect universal human rights and the rights of vulnerable groups
and protect intangible cultures and cultural heritage sites of particular importance. They
include agreements that set standards for employment and health.
Various environmental conventions concern the use, emission or trans-boundary
movement of certain types of substances, for example, the Montreal Protocol prohibits
ozone-depleting chemicals. Some conventions identify specific international targets, for
example, the 2015 Paris Agreement stipulates that countries will determine the reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions necessary to limit global temperature increases. Other
environmental conventions aim to protect sensitive habitats, such as wetlands or
drylands or promote initiatives to designated areas for the protection of biodiversity.

Table 9-1 International conventions signed/ratified by Iraq

International convention Date Iraq status

Social, health and cultural heritage

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Signed, 1948

1969 Ratified, 1971

International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(see note)

Core conventions of the ILO: -

C182: Elimination of the Worst Form of Child Labour Ratified, 2001
C138: Minimum Age Convention Ratified, 1985
C100: Equal Remuneration Ratified, 1963
C29: Forced Labour Ratified, 1962
C98: Right to Organised and Collective Bargaining Ratified, 1962
C111: Discrimination, Employment and Occupation Ratified, 1959

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International convention Date Iraq status

Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Accepted,

Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1973

Paris Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Acceded,

Heritage 1974

Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural 2003

Ratified, 2010

International Health Regulations 2005 Ratified, 2007


1971 Acceded,
Ramsar Convention

UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of

1975 Acceded 2014
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

1985 Acceded,
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

1987 Acceded,
Montreal Protocol

Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements Acceded,

of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal 2011

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto 1992

Signed, 2009

1992 Acceded,
Rio de Janeiro Convention on Biological Diversity

1994 Acceded,
Bonn Convention on Combating Desertification

UN Convention to Combat Desertification 1996 Ratified, 2010

The Paris Agreement 2015 Signed, 2016

Note: Except for the First and Second Protocols

9.3 Iraq federal and regional legal system

The Iraq constitution (October 2005) allows for semi-autonomous administrative regions.
A region may have its own constitution and exercise legislative, executive and judicial
authority over itself to the extent that these powers do not conflict with federal authority.
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is recognised as a semi-autonomous region of Iraq
under the 2005 constitution with its own regional government. The Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG) is the official ruling body of the KRI and is democratically elected to
exercise executive power according to the laws of the Kurdistan region, as enacted by
the Kurdistan Parliament.

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Under the constitution, the federal authorities have exclusive powers over a wide range
of matters (such as foreign policy, national security, policies relating to water sources
from outside Iraq), but the constitution has included provisions for shared responsibility
between the federal authorities and the administrative regions for the management and
development of oil and gas resources and the following areas:
• regulation and distribution of the main sources of energy
• environmental policy
• development and general policy
• public health
• education
• policy and organisation of the main internal water sources to guarantee fair
In general terms, if an Iraqi (federal) law was passed before 199128 then it applies to
Kurdistan. On matters where there is no equivalent Kurdish law, then the relevant post-
1991 Iraqi legislation applies. Where an Iraqi law that applies to the Kurdistan region
conflicts with a Kurdish law, the Kurdish law takes precedence. However, if the law relates
to an area within federal jurisdiction as defined by the Iraqi constitution, then federal Iraqi
law applies.

9.4 Kurdistan Region of Iraq institutional framework

The institutional framework and regulatory agencies responsible for overseeing the oil
and gas activities within the KRI are:
• Kurdistan parliament (legislative body of the KRI and passes its laws)
• KRG governs KRI in accordance with laws enacted by the Kurdistan parliament
• Regional Council formulates the general principles of petroleum policy,
prospect planning, field developments and approves petroleum contracts
• Environmental Protection and Improvement Board oversees environmental
• The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR ) oversees and regulates all
petroleum operations in the KRI on behalf of the KRG, jointly with the Prime
Minister (representing the Regional Council).
Other agencies and ministries such as the Directorate of Labour and Social Security, the
Directorate of Residency and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources have
regulatory oversight for their areas of competence, which include activities of international
oil companies operating in the KRI.

9.5 Environmental legislation in Kurdistan

Environmental law in Kurdistan (and throughout Iraq) is in an evolutionary phase. The
reconstruction and development of the region is the driving force behind clarifying and
strengthening environmental, safety and social governance.

28 Following the First Gulf War Iraqi forces finally left Kurdistan in October 1991, leaving the region with de facto

autonomy. Hence, Kurdish laws as such were created and enforced past that date, and are recognised in
Kurdistan as the only applicable laws.
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The applicable legislation consists of either laws (local and federal) or instructions. A law
is a binding legislative act and it must be applied in its entirety across the KRI. The details
for implementing the laws are usually explained by instructions. The instructions clarify
or amend existing legislative provisions included in the laws and the guidelines, and
contain additional guidance and information.

9.5.1 Environmental protection improvement and environmental impact

assessment requirements
The legal framework for the protection of the environment in Kurdistan is currently
provided for by the Law of 2008 ‘Environmental Protection and Improvement in Iraqi
Kurdistan Region’ (Law number (8) of 2008). In 2010, an independent Environmental
Protection and Improvement Board was established in KRI by Law of Environmental
Protection and Improvement Board (Law number (3) of 2010). Law number (3) of 2010
defines the Environmental Protection and Improvement Board structure and members
and defines the Board’s responsibilities.
Where environmental standards for environmental media such as air, noise or water are
not provided within the Kurdistan Law number (8) of 2008, standards within the equivalent
Iraqi laws are considered applicable in Kurdistan; these are specified in Section 9.7.
Law number (8) of (2008) provides the directions for:
• the establishment of the regional environmental protection and improvement
council and regional governorates
• the establishment of an environmental fund for financing environmental
protection and improvement programs, conservation programs and to achieve
the goals of the law (fund is partly made up of fines and duties levied according
to this law)
• the inspection of institutions, projects and activities by the environmental
observation teams of the MNR to monitor legal compliance
• the evaluation of environmental impacts and the issuing of environmental
certificates of acceptance (details provided below)
• the assignment of responsibility for environmental pollution and compensation
of damages
• the protection of water, air and soil as well as the improvement, conservation
of biodiversity, recycling of waste and dangerous substances, although no
threshold limits for emissions, discharges or volumes are stated in the
• the use of pesticides and chemical compounds
• the management of large-scale environmental incidents (disasters)
• the provision for stopping work, withdrawing environmental consent, fines and
Chapter 5 of the Law sets out the requirements for the evaluation of potential
environmental impacts and issuing environmental consents. An environmental impact
assessment (EIA) must be carried out for any project or activity with a potential
environmental impact.
In February 2015, in reliance upon the powers conferred by Article 53 and Article 60 of
the Oil and Gas Law number (22) of 2007, MNR issued ‘Instruction number (1) of 2015
on the EIA of Petroleum Operations’ that became effective from April 2015. The
instructions set out the requirements and processes of the MNR for the EIA for petroleum

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operations and it defines the entities to which the instructions apply. It states that
submission of an acceptable EIA to MNR is a prerequisite for operation.
During March 2015, technical guidelines on EIAs for petroleum operations in the KRI
were issued by the Health, Safety and Environment Department of MNR to provide
additional guidance and information on the requirements in the instructions. Chapter 4 of
the Guidelines provides details of the EIA report content, and in Chapter 5 the EIA
submission and review process is explained.
This ESIA report (which also includes social impact assessment) will follow the content
outline as described in the technical guidelines on EIAs for petroleum operations in the
KRI (Chapter 4). The approval process for EIAs is depicted in Figure 9-1.
Article 12 of Kurdistan Law number (8) of 2008 sets out broad guidelines for the minimum
requirements of an EIA. These include:
• evaluation of the positive and negative effects of the project on the environment
• definition of the proposed approach to preventing and mitigating causes of
pollution in a way that achieves compliance with the environmental regulations
and regulatory requirements
• identification of the risks of an environmental emergency arising from the
project and actions to be taken
• identification of alternative technologies that may be utilised that are
environmentally cleaner and that would better preserve natural resources
• identification of means to decrease waste and means to recycle waste products
from the project
• estimation of the value of any environmental benefits and the costs of
environmental damage that the project may produce.
The EIA should be submitted to MNR for their evaluation and final decision. MNR may
impose conditions on the environmental consent. Under Article 15, related agencies must
work in coordination with MNR in approving environmental consents for projects and
reporting back to MNR on their compliance with any consent conditions.

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Figure 9-1 MNR submission and review process

9.5.2 Legal basis for categorisation of projects and environmental conditions Siting
The Iraqi Law regulating mineral investment Number (91) of 1988 provides that the
following areas cannot be allocated as land for mineral investment:

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1. Areas that include a sacred site, public cemetery or is located less than 500 m of
it, unless granted approval by related authorities for that site. Every religious
place or building supervised by a recognised religious body shall be considered
a sacred site.
2. Areas that contain or are located within less than 500 m of a historical site,
according to provisions of the Archaeology Law, unless granted approval by the
competent authorities.
3. Lands containing agricultural projects, forests, dam and reservoir sites, tunnels
and main streams connected to them, unless granted approval by the competent
authorities, taking into consideration the stipulated conditions for the protection
of agricultural products and compensation for damages incurred.
4. Lands located within and outside municipal boundaries of cities.
5. Land dedicated to or maintained for the following:
o railway with a distance less than 500 m from each side
o main road with a distance less than 1000 m from each side
o bridges with a distance less than 1500 m from them excluding what have
been approved by the competent authorities
o land which belongs to military authorities or which has special military
importance, only upon approval of the military authorities
o oil and gas fields and lands by less than 500 m from oil pipelines, oil
products and gas, unless granted approval by the competent authorities
o factories sites, departments, socialist sector, mixed and private sectors,
unless granted approval of the competent authorities
o land that is less than 1000 m from electric transmission lines, unless
granted approval of the competent authorities
o land which is less than 500 m from coaxial cable lines by, unless granted
approval of the competent authorities.
Article 11 under Chapter 4 of Kurdish Law number (8) of 2008, Environmental
Classification and Requirements for Project Development, provides for planning at the
regional level. Noise
Article 27/2 of Kurdish Law number (8) of 2008 concerns the permissible levels for noise.
Instruction number (1) of 2011 for noise reduction in the KRI contains the following
• Article 1:
o 4 - Noise is defined as sounds annoying human and animals when heard,
due to the high and variable frequency, and it consists of three types:
external noise, internal noise and back noise.
o 6 - Unacceptable noise is defined as the undesirable sound which
disturbs mind and mood or raises nerves and exceeds 85 dB on daytime
and 70 dB night-time.
o 9 - The standard for the level of noise at the workplace is the constant
(continuous) noise allowed at the working site is 85 dB.
o 10 - The change rate is defined as the level of noise that exceeds the
standard level that will require a decrease in worker exposure.

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o 17 - Rest times are from 11pm to 6 am and from 3 pm to 6 pm in summer,
and from 10 pm to 7 am and from 2 pm to 5 pm in winter.
• Article 2 holds that the environmental departments receive citizen’s complaints
related to noise (emitted from buildings, vehicles, or machines or equipment on
roads or from persons or any other sources that cause disturbance). After a
finding that the noise is unacceptable, the complaint will be submitted to the
Provincial Council, to give an opinion.
• Article 5:
o Sounds exceeding 70 dB are considered harmful to human health, and it
is advised not to be exposed to such noises.
o Exposure of human ears to sound intensity exceeding 65 dB are
considered to have a negative impact on the quality of life.
o Sound intensity exceeding 60 dB are considered as noise.
• Article 7 holds that the maximum exposure to noises for residents of surrounding
areas for all projects is 60 dB in daytime and 55 dB in night-time.
The acceptable limit of noise for construction activities is defined in this instruction (see
Table 9-2). Table 9-3 defines maximum allowable noise in the workplace.

Table 9-2 Acceptable limit of noise for construction activities

Industrial areas Trade areas Residential areas Schedule

85 dBA 80 dBA 75 dBA Daily: from 7am to 7 pm
70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA Daily: from 7pm to 7am

Table 9-3 Sound intensity inside the workplace and indoor places

acceptable noise
Determination the type of place and activity
equivalent dB
1. Workplaces with night shift until 8 hours 85
2. Workplaces that require hearing of acoustic signs and good
speech hearing
3. Workrooms to follow up, measure and set up operation 65
4. Workrooms of computer units or typing machines or similar to that 70
5. Workrooms of activities that require routine mental focus 60 Air
Based on the provisions of Article (10), Law number (3) of 2010 and provisions of the
both Articles 26 and 27/1 of Law number (8) of 2008, Instruction number (2) of 2011 was
• Article 3: The sources of common air pollutants including those concerning oil
storage are to be identified and concerned parties shall provide the
Environmental Protection and Improvement Board in the KRI with
concentrations of each pollutant with annual emissions.
• Article 4: The national standard for each level of the common pollutants is
issued by the Environmental Protection and Improvement Board in the KRI.

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• Article 6: It is prohibited to use machinery, equipment, vehicles, engines and
generators that produce air pollutants exceeding the acceptable limits.
• Article 7: Environmental Protection and Improvement Board in the KRI
specialises, in coordination with the relevant ministries, to prepare the
information system related to air quality in KRI. All private and public concerned
persons should:
o supply the Environmental Protection and Improvement Board in the KRI
with all data and available information in their records
o submit data and information of the numbers and nature of storages
containing hazardous materials and chemicals that impact the
atmosphere and public health.
• Article 8: Parties that cause air pollution from their activities must:
o submit an environmental impact statement before commencing the
establishment. Including the procedures for ambient air quality protection
o inform the Environmental Protection and Improvement Board in the KRI
of methods and systems used for mitigating air pollution and for fixing
potential defects
o have measuring devices and monitor the main air pollutant. Results of
measurements should be provided to the Environmental Protection and
Improvement Board in the KRI
o establish and maintain a database in terms of air quality protection.
• Article 9: the owner of the development project should submit an EIA statement
before commencement that includes the following:
o evaluation of positive and negative impacts of the project on air quality
o suggestions of methods to reduce and address the causes of air pollution
to achieve compliance with the instructions
o potential air pollution and the precautions needed to be taken
o possible alternatives to use environmentally cleaner techniques to reduce
air pollution.

9.5.3 Oil and Gas Law

The Oil and Gas Law of the KRI (Law number (22) of 2007) applies to petroleum
operations within KRI. The Law establishes the public entities responsible for the control
and management of exploration, production sharing and development of resources.
Articles that specifically refer to environmental protection or stipulate environmental
requirements are summarised below:
• Articles 25 and 26 on the granting of an Access Authorisation, particularly
Article 26 (3rd) (2) where the Access Authorisation shall include conditions for
protecting the environment, preventing, reducing and remedying pollution and
other environmental harm from petroleum operations, securing the health,
safety and welfare of persons involved in or affected by the petroleum
operations, giving preference in employment in the petroleum operations to
citizens of the KRI and other citizens of Iraq and the acquisition of goods and
services from persons based in the KRI and other parts of Iraq.

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• Article 36 (1st): decommissioning the contract area at the end of the period of
authorisation or when no longer used for petroleum operations.
• Article 53 (13th) specifies that the Access Authorisation holder shall report on
compliance with obligations set out in the authorisation relating to protection
and restoration of the environment.

9.5.4 Petroleum Development Agreement

In 2007 the KRG signed a Petroleum Development Agreement with Pearl Petroleum to
provide gas supplies for use at the power stations that were then under construction at
Erbil and Chemchemal and also to appraise the Khor Mor field.
Pearl Petroleum submitted a Field Development Plan (FDP) to MNR following the
Declaration of Commerciality. The MNR requires that FDPs enclose a Local Development
Plan which should incorporate:
• a workforce development plan, which includes workforce planning, recruitment
and retention plans, localisation, competency development and management,
industry collaboration, outreach, local leadership and management
development, and technology transfer
• a local enterprise development plan, which includes local supply and services
status, local supply and contracting strategy, local enterprise development, and
local supplier and services standards
• a community development plan, which includes community engagement,
community impact assessment, community employment and community

9.5.5 Investment law

KRI Law number (4) of 2006 is applicable to any economic activity or investment project
set up by a natural or artificial person on an allocated plot of land, and with a national or
foreign capital to which the provisions of this Law and relevant regulations and directives
apply. Under article 8, clause 5 of the Law all investors shall safeguard the environment,
maintain public health and safety, and comply with standardisation and quality control
systems, in accordance with international standards.

9.6 Land and property legislation in Iraq and Kurdistan

At the Iraqi national level, several laws contain provisions relevant to land, including:
• the Constitution 29
• the Civil Code of 1951 30
• Resolution No. 333 Promulgating Law No. 42 of 1987 31

29 The Iraqi constitution attempts to strike a balance between needs of the individual and those of the state and

protects tasarruf rights holders (who comprise approximately 70% of all land in Iraq) from expropriation without
compensation (World Bank, 2016b).
30 The Civil Code stipulates how property rights such as tasarruf are regulated, and a couple of important aspects

of tasarruf are worth noting. A person in possession of miri land is entitled to tasarruf rights, which can be used
as security for a loan. However, if a tasarruf holder leaves land unused for three years without cause, rights to the
land are forfeited. With the death of a tasarruf holder, the rights are passed to the deceased’s heirs. If the heirs
do not accept the tasarruf, it is then auctioned off (World Bank, 2016b).
31 The law is focused on the reorganisation of land ownership for lands subject to agricultural projects. It also

provides remedies for compensation to land owners for expropriation (USAID, 2019a).

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• Resolution No. 176 Promulgating Law No. 18 of 1993 Relative to the Body of
Administration and Investment of Awaqf Properties 32
• Iraqi Company for Contracts for Land Reclamation (Law No. 116 of 1981)33
• the Agrarian Reform Law No. 117 of 1970 34
• Law No. 02 of 1983 on Pasture 35
• Resolution No. 150 of 12 October 1997 Concerning the Sale of Plots of Land
for Housing Owned by the State to Farmers 36.
At the KRG level, several region-specific laws contain provisions relevant to land,
• Resolution Relative to Corporeal Compensation for Appropriated Real Estates
and Amortisation of the Right of Disposal of Vacant Agricultural Reform Lands,
No 90. of 1996 37
• Resolution to Prevent Alienating of Estate Property of Iraqi Citizens Who Left
Iraq, No. 21 of 1996 38
• Resolution Concerning Agricultural Land, Unofficial Title, No. 211 of 199139.

9.7 Selection of Project Standards

The environmental instructions set locally by the Environmental Protection and
Improvement Board are enforced in the KRI, focusing on different environmental
conditions and allowable limits of pollutants in various aspects of the environment,
including air and noise instructions. Where environmental standards are not available in

32 The resolution establishes the ‘Body of Administration and Investment of Awaqf Properties’ that is legally,
financially and administratively independent, but connected with the Ministry of Awaqf and Religious Affairs. The
body administers and develops land and property received as an endowment and acts as a council for all issues
in terms of the administration and investment in Awaqf (also known as waqf) properties. The body is managed by
a council comprising the Minister, several experts, three lawyers and officials from government (USAID, 2019a).
33 The law establishes the Iraqi ‘Company for Contracts of Land Reclamation’ under the Council of Ministers. The

Company implements reclamation projects and acts as a contractor for reclamation projects. The Company is
charged with carrying out its duties both inside and outside Iraq. The Company can sell and lease reclaimed
lands and the properties of the company are considered ‘state domains’ (USAID, 2019a).
34 This law covers a variety of agricultural land ownership issues, including the maximum size limit of lands that

can be owned privately without authorisation. The Agrarian Reform Authority can requisition lands above the
stated limit and stipulate the forms of compensation that the owner of the requisitioned excess land is due. The
Authority takes over the responsibilities of the survey committees regarding lands not yet surveyed, and those
lands against which survey decisions are still pending. The Authority will distribute agrarian reform lands to
peasants both individually and collectively (USAID, 2019a).
35 This law intends to manage pasture lands by planning grazing according to scientific approaches, and

engaging in the protection of natural vegetation and water resources and the organisation of their use. The Law
covers state-owned lands allocated for pasture. The Law states that the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian
Reform is to regulate and organise livestock movements according to seasons and regions. The law prohibits the
drilling of artesian wells and cutting plants in pasture lands (USAID, 2019a).
36 The Resolution stipulates that state-owned land not burdened by ‘disposal rights’ shall be sold to farmers, and

pre-existing agricultural contracts are revoked and pre- existing rights extinguished. The Resolution provides
limits of the allocation to farmers — not more than 1,000 m2 with no house and 2,000 m2 for a plot with a house
(USAID, 2019a).
37 This law provides for compensation for the alienation of agricultural land, with alternative land as a first priority

and cash compensation as a secondary priority. The law also prohibits compensation in-kind or cash for certain
types of land (USAID, 2019a).
38 The resolution stipulates that the transfer of real estate owned by Iraqi citizens who left the country is to be

prevented in all cases (USAID, 2019a).

39 The resolution stipulates that agricultural lands owned by the state, which are cultivated by persons

themselves or through others, shall be considered as property of the state with no compensation due, and shall
be registered in the name of the Ministry of Finance as ‘pure’ property. The Ministry of Agriculture shall dispose of
such lands in accordance with laws and regulations in force (USAID, 2019a).
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the Kurdistan legislation, the equivalent standards set up in Iraqi federal laws are
applicable in Kurdistan (for example for water quality).
The KM250A Project Standards were selected from KRI, Government of Iraq (GoI) and
relevant international standards including the World Bank Group/International Finance
Corporation (IFC) standards and World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. The most
stringent applicable standards were selected as the Project Standard. A summary of the
applicable standards and the selected Project Standard is provided in Appendix 3.

9.7.1 Soil quality standards

A summary of the applicable soil quality standards and the selected Project Standard is
presented in Appendix 3 (Table A3.1).
There are no published KRI standards for soils. The Iraq Ministry of Oil adopts Australian
generic assessment criteria for inorganic (metal compounds) and organic compounds
(such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, various hydrocarbons
fractions, phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) by land use (for the health
investigation levels):
• A - Standard residential with garden/accessible soil (home-grown produce
contributing less than 10% of vegetable and fruit intake; no poultry): this
category includes children’s day-care centres, kindergartens, preschools and
primary schools
• B - Residential with minimal opportunities for soil access: it includes dwellings
with fully and permanently paved yard space such as high-rise apartments and
• C - Parks, recreational open space and playing fields: it includes secondary
• D - Commercial/Industrial: includes premises such as shops and offices as well
as factories and industrial sites.
The Australian guidelines also include soil assessment levels for ecological investigation
levels that are intended for urban areas and may not be sufficiently protective where
areas of high ecological value (such as national parks and nature reserves) are involved.
Additionally, the Iraq Ministry of Oil has adopted Dutch guidelines for concentrations of
the zinc, lead and the hydrocarbon fraction C10 –C40. These guidelines represent the
Tier 1 screening (maximum concentration and intervention values).

9.7.2 Water quality standards

A summary of the applicable water quality standards and the selected Project Standard
is presented in Appendix 3 (Table A3.2 and A3.3).
In the absence of water quality standards in the Kurdistan Law number (8) of 2008, the
following Iraqi standards apply for the Project:
• Regulation number (25) of 1967 ‘Protection of Rivers and Public Water from
Pollution’ sets quality standards for surface water in bodies including canals
and for groundwater in wells and establishes methods to prevent the excessive
use of the available water resources (Appendix 3, Table A3.2).
• Regulation number (2) of 2001 ‘Protection of Water Resources’ sets standards
for the discharge of wastewater into water sources and is regulating the

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utilisation of water for purposes other than domestic use (Appendix 3, Table
• Standard Specification number (417) of 2001 for potable drinking water issued
by Iraq’s Central Agency for Meteorology and Quality Control (Appendix 3,
Table A3.3).

9.7.3 Noise standards

A summary of the applicable noise standards and the selected Project Standard is
presented in Appendix 3 (Table A3.4 and A3.5).
Instruction number (1) of 2011 for noise reductions in Kurdistan region establishes the
limits for daytime, evening time and night-time exposure in residential and trade areas,
and it sets higher limits for industrial areas. These standards take account of annoyance,
as well as health factors and exposure period.
Daytime and night-time periods are defined as 07:00-22:00 and 22:00-07:00 respectively
by the IFC however, KRG guidelines include evening and night-time periods. The stricter
time period comes from KRG legislation and shall therefore be the selected Project
The relevant KRG legislation also outlines acceptable noise level limits for construction
activities. These are assessed against the noise requirements as per the GoI and IFC
in Appendix 3 (Table A3.5).

9.7.4 Air quality standards

A summary of the applicable air quality standards and the selected Project Standard is
presented in Appendix 3 (Table A3.6 to Table A3.8).
The Project air quality standards were selected following review of KRG ambient air
quality standards, Government of Iraq (GoI) standards, and IFC EHS requirements. In
general, the most severe of the three was selected as the Project Standard, following
best international practice. Air emissions modelling results were tailored to accommodate
the standards for facilitating comparison. For example, modelling outputs were generated
for short-term ground level concentrations (1-hour, 3-hour or 24-hour standards) or long-
term (annual) ground level concentrations. The results of the air quality passive diffusion
tube field survey were converted to an annual basis to allow comparison to annual
The GoI ambient air quality standard for SO2 at an averaging period of 1-hour is stricter
than the KRG’s standard at an averaging period of 3-hours. It is standard practice for
ambient air quality standards to be less strict at shorter averaging periods. Therefore, the
GoI standard for SO2 at an averaging period of 1-hour is set as the Project Standard for
both 1-hour and 3-hours.
The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2005) ambient air quality guidelines (adopted by
IFC, 2007) interim limit 1, which is similar to the KRG standard will also be considered.

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9.8 Requirements for Project financing

9.8.1 International Finance Corporation Performance Standards

Pearl Petroleum is committed to providing compliance with the pertinent national
environmental legislation and international lending requirements of the International
Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PSs) on Social and Environmental
Sustainability (2012) and Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines of the
World Bank Group. Meeting these standards will also meet International lender
requirements. The PSs are designed to help avoid, mitigate, and manage environmental,
health, safety and social risks and impacts and include stakeholder engagement and
disclosure obligations of the client in relation to project level activities. The IFC requires
its clients to carry out an ESIA in accordance with PS1 and additional PSs 2-8 as
applicable (see Table 9-4):

Table 9-4 Overview of IFC PSs

IFC PS Key points relevant to the Project

PS1 underscores the importance of managing social and environmental

performance throughout the life of a project by using a dynamic social and
environmental management system. Specific objectives of this PS are:

• to identify and evaluate environmental and social risks and impacts of

the project
• to adopt a mitigation hierarchy to anticipate and avoid, or where
avoidance is not possible, minimize, and, where residual impacts
remain, compensate/offset for risks and impacts to workers, Affected
PS1: Assessment Communities, and the environment
and Management of • to promote improved environmental and social performance of clients
Environmental and through the effective use of management systems
Social Risks and
• to ensure that grievances from Affected Communities and external
communications from other stakeholders are responded to and
managed appropriately
• to promote and provide means for adequate engagement with Affected
Communities throughout the project cycle on issues that could
potentially affect them and to ensure that relevant environmental and
social information is disclosed and disseminated

The Project has committed to abiding by PS1, including full consultation with local
communities and setting up mechanisms for working with Affected Communities.

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IFC PS Key points relevant to the Project

The requirements set out in this PS have been in part guided by a number of
international conventions negotiated through the International Labour Organization
(ILO) and the United Nations (UN). Specific objectives of PS2 are:

• to establish, maintain and improve the worker-management

PS2: Labour and • to promote the fair treatment, non-discrimination and equal opportunity
Working Conditions
of workers and compliance with national labour and employment laws
• to protect the workforce by addressing child labour and forced labour
• to promote safe and healthy working conditions, and to protect and
promote the health of workers.

The Project will need to ensure that it upholds labour rights and provide safe
working conditions during both construction and operation .

PS3 outlines a project approach to pollution prevention and abatement in line with
international available technologies and practices. It promotes the private sector’s
ability to integrate such technologies and practices as far as their use is technically
and financially feasible and cost-effective in the context of a project that relies on
commercially available skills and resources. Specific objectives of PS3 are:
PS3: Resource
Efficiency and • to avoid or minimise adverse impacts on human health and the
Pollution Prevention environment by avoiding or minimising pollution from project activities
• to promote the reduction of emissions that contribute to climate change.
Consideration of resource efficiency and pollution prevention have been made
during project planning. The findings of the ESIA will further advise the design
of the Project.

This PS recognises that project activities, equipment, and infrastructure often bring
benefits to communities including employment, services, and opportunities for
economic development. However, projects can also increase risks arising from
accidents, releases of hazardous materials, exposure to diseases, and the use of
PS4: Community security personnel. While acknowledging the public authorities’ role in promoting the
Health, Safety and health, safety and security of the public, this PS addresses the project sponsor’s
Security responsibility in respect of community health, safety and security.

The ESIA process will include the production of Environmental and Social
Management Plans which will feed into the construction and operational
Management Systems. These plans and procedures to include community health,
safety and security plans.

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IFC PS Key points relevant to the Project

Involuntary resettlement refers both to physical and economic displacement as a

result of project-related land acquisition. Where involuntary resettlement is
PS5: Land unavoidable, appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on displaced
Acquisition and persons and host communities should be carefully planned and implemented.
Involuntary No physical displacement will be required during the KM250A Project. No additional
Resettlement land- take is required at the gas plant. Future land use surveys will determine
whether any economic displacement will result from land- take at the wells and

This Performance Standard reflects the objectives of the Convention on Biological

Diversity to conserve biological diversity and promote the use of renewable natural
resources in a sustainable manner. This Performance Standard addresses how
PS6: Biodiversity project sponsors can avoid or mitigate threats to biodiversity arising from their
Conservation and operations as well as sustainably manage renewable natural resources. Specific
Sustainable objectives of this Performance Standard are:
Management of • to protect and conserve biodiversity
Living Natural
• to promote the sustainable management and use of natural resources
Resources through the adoption of practices that integrate conservation needs and
development priorities.

A critical habitat screening assessment and field surveys have been conducted.

Performance Standard 7 recognises that Indigenous Peoples, as social groups with

identities that are distinct from dominant groups in national societies.
PS7: Indigenous
Peoples There are no known Indigenous Peoples within the Study Area. PS7 will be followed
should any indigenous or minority groups be found to be present in the area during
baseline survey work although this is considered unlikely.

Consistent with the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage, this Performance Standard aims to protect irreplaceable cultural
heritage and to guide project sponsors on protecting cultural heritage in the course
PS8: Cultural of their business operations.
The ESIA baseline surveys included walkover surveys and discussions during
stakeholder consultation. Should any sites of cultural heritage be identified, PS8 will
be followed.

9.8.2 International Finance Corporation Environmental, Health and Safety

The IFC EHS guidelines are a series of technical reference documents with general and
industry specific examples of good international industry practice (GIIP). When host
country regulations are missing or differ from the levels and measures presented in the
EHS guidelines, projects are expected to achieve whichever is more stringent. If less
stringent levels or measures than those provided in these EHS Guidelines are

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appropriate, in view of specific project circumstances, a full and detailed justification for
any proposed alternatives is needed as part of the site-specific environmental
assessment. This justification should demonstrate that the choice for any alternate
performance levels is protective of human health and the environment. Applicable World
Bank Group/IFC Guidelines are included in Table 9-5.

Table 9-5 Applicable IFC/World Bank EHS guidelines

IFC guideline Content

Policy on environmental IFC commitments to environmental and social

and social sustainability sustainability and PS 1 – 8
(January 2012)

EHS Guidelines for Technical reference document that addresses onshore oil
Onshore Oil and Gas and gas exploration and production operations.
Development (April 2007)

General EHS Guideline Provides an approach to the management of significant

sources of emissions, including specific guidance for
1.1 Air Emissions and
assessment and monitoring of impacts. It provides
Ambient Air Quality (April
additional information on approaches to emissions
management in projects located in areas of poor air quality.

General EHS Guideline Provides information about common techniques for energy
1.2 Energy Conservation
(April 2007)

General EHS Guideline Provides information on common techniques for

wastewater management, water conservation, and reuse.
1.3 Wastewater and
Ambient Water Quality
(April 2007)

General EHS Guideline Water conservation programs and measures.

1.4 Water Conservation

(April 2007)

General EHS Guideline Hazardous materials management to avoid or, when

avoidance is not feasible, minimise uncontrolled releases
1.5 Hazardous Materials
of hazardous materials or accidents (including explosion
Management (April 2007)
and fire) during their production, handling, storage and use.

General EHS Guideline Principles for general waste management as well as

specific guidance for dealing with hazardous waste.
1.6 Waste Management
(April 2007)

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IFC guideline Content

General EHS Guideline Addresses impacts of noise beyond the site boundary
including prevention and control, noise level guidelines for
1.7 Noise (April 2007)
different receptors; and monitoring.

General EHS Guideline Management approaches to land contamination due to

anthropogenic releases of hazardous materials, wastes, or
1.8 Contaminated Land
oil, including naturally occurring substances.
(April 2007)

General EHS Guideline These address project activities taking place outside of the
traditional project boundaries, but nonetheless related to
3.0 Community Health and
the project operations, including: Water Quality and
Safety (April 2007)
Availability, Traffic Safety, 3.5 Transport of Hazardous
Materials, 3.6 Disease Prevention, 3.7 Emergency
Preparedness and Response

General EHS Guideline These outline additional, specific guidance on prevention

and control of community health and safety impacts that
4.0 Construction and
may occur during new project development, at the end of
Decommissioning (April
the project or due to expansion or modification of existing
project facilities. The environment section (4.1) includes
topics such as noise and vibration, soil erosion, air quality,
solid waste, hazardous materials, wastewater discharges
and contaminated land. The community health and safety
section (4.3) includes topics such as general site
hazardous, disease prevention and traffic safety.

9.8.3 U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

The KM250A Project initiated funding discussions with the Overseas Private Investment
Corporation (OPIC) in 2019. In January 2020, OPIC was restructured and is now
operating as U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). DFC combines
OPIC and the U.S. Development Credit Authority. Preliminary information suggests that
DFC will have similar lender requirements as OPIC. DFC applicants should be guided by
World Bank Group/IFC PSs (see Section 9.8.1), industry sector guidelines, internationally
recognised worker rights, and host country laws, regulations and standards related to
environmental and social performance, including host country obligations under
international law.
The requirement to meet the Project-specific performance requirements extends to on-
site contractors and sub-contractors that work for a substantial duration of time on the
Project or are material to the primary operations of the Project. Applicants are responsible
for ensuring that on-site contractors and sub-contractors meet the performance
For existing projects (for example privatisation projects), the performance requirements
must be attained within a reasonable period following the receipt of DFC support, except

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for labour rights requirements, which must be met from the outset. If material compliance
has not been demonstrated at the time of DFC approval, applicants are required to
prepare and implement a corrective action or remediation plan demonstrating how
compliance with the Project-specific requirements will be achieved within the specified
time period. Remediation plans for Category A projects 40 are subject to public disclosure
and third-party audits.
Applicants seeking DFC support must demonstrate compliance with host country
environmental, health, safety and social requirements. Where host country requirements
differ from the PSs, industry sector guidelines, and internationally recognised worker
rights, the Project is expected to meet whichever is more stringent.

40 OPIC defines Category A projects as those ’Business activities with potential significant adverse

environmental or social risks and/or impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented.’
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10.1 Introduction
This section details the framework for the management of health, safety, security,
environmental (HSSE) and social performance (SP) issues associated with the KM250A
Project and describes the key elements that form the health, safety, security,
environmental and social management framework that will apply to the KM250A Project,
• Pearl Petroleum HSSE and SP policy and management system (MS)
• Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP standards
• Pearl Petroleum KM250A Project HSSE&SP Management Plan (MP)
The latter complies with Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) Ministry of Natural Resources
(MNR) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 1
requirements for the environmental and social management plan. Details concerning the
safeguards, measures and plans that constitute the Pearl Petroleum KM250A Project
HSSE&SP MP (‘KM250A HSSE&SP MP’) are provided in Section 11.
Details are provided regarding the following essential mechanisms embedded in the
KM250A HSSE&SP MP for implementing the same:
• roles and responsibilities
• communications
• management of change.
The Pearl Petroleum KM250A HSSE&SP MP will extend through all phases of the
KM250A Project and is intended to inform Pearl Petroleum and contractor personnel
(including the construction phase engineering, procurement and construction, EPC,
Contractor) of their roles and responsibilities in delivering the Project in compliance with
Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP standards. As per the Field Development Plan (FDP) (Pearl
Petroleum 2018), the development of specific HSSE&SP requirements will occur in a
phased manner consistent with the requirements for the respective phases.
Figure 10-1 below illustrates the application of the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS,
spanning the transition from the current system used in the existing operation, through to
the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS, which will be the basis for the KM250A HSSE&SP
MP for the KM250A Project and future expansion projects.

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Figure 10-1 KM environmental and social framework

10.2 Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS

As per Figure 10-1, the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS establishes the framework and
standards for the KM250A Project, incorporating where appropriate existing HSSE&SP
requirements established in the current operations.
The Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS has been developed considering national
environmental and social requirements of the KRI, recognised health and safety and
environmental management standards such as Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series 18001, International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001, and
international standards such as the IFC environmental and social requirements
(especially the IFC Performance Standards and the IFC Environmental Health and Safety
Section 9 describes the KRI legal framework, key legislative requirements and
international guidelines and standards that will be applicable to the KM250A Project.
Pearl Petroleum (and any contractor) shall be responsible for identifying and obtaining all
necessary permits for activities within their scope of work.
Compliance with the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS will be monitored during all phases
of the KM250A Project. Audit and assurance activities will be established to provide
feedback regarding the effectiveness of systems, processes and controls.
Overall details on the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS and further details on the SP
Standard are provided in the following sections.

10.2.1 Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP requirements

As described in the FDP Pearl Petroleum requires that HSSE&SP is an integral part of
all phases of Project execution. The selected concept, design and work programme will

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demonstrate that risks are managed to levels deemed as low as reasonably practicable
HSSE&SP considerations will include prevention of personal injury, occupational illness,
major accidents, property damage and environmental and social impact due to activities
associated with the Project. This will require rigorous identification of hazards, thorough
analysis of risks, and development of effective risk controls.
The Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS framework is structured in three levels as defined
below and illustrated in Figure 10-2:
• Level 1: HSSE&SP Policy and HSSE&SP MS Framework and Standard
• Level 2: HSSE&SP Standards – standard procedures that collectively cover all
• Level 3: Local HSSE&SP procedures and supporting tools –
asset/location/project specific procedures, site work instructions and guidance.

Figure 10-2 HSSE mangement structure

10.2.2 HSSE&SP Policy, Standards and Procedures

Specific corporate standards are listed in Figure 10-3. HSSE&SP Policy, HSSE&SP MS
Framework and Standards are outlined in Table 10-1. These provide the framework and
requirements for KM250A Project specific HSSE&SP procedures. Human Rights Policy
and Code of Conduct (to manage potential human rights issues associated with the
KM250A Project) and Human Resources Policy (to manage labour and working
conditions and includes an internal worker grievance mechanism; already being applied
at the existing KM site) will be incorporated within the KM250A Project HSSE&SP MP.

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Figure 10-3 Corporate standard elements

Table 10-1 HSSE&SP policy, standards, procedures and supporting tools

Level Item Description Status

HSSE&SP Policies and Framework

1 HSSE&SP Policy Details the HSSE&SP principles and Current operations are
expectations for doing business in an conducted under the Crescent
environmentally and socially responsible QHSE Policy. A revised
manner integrated HSSE&SP Policy has
been established for the
KM250A Project and future
HSSE&SP The 16 Standard Elements (Figure 10-3) Developed and in process of
Management System set out the management measures implementation.
Framework and required to reduce the potential health,
Standard Elements safety security, environmental and
social impacts, and to enhance the
benefits of the proposed Project
HSSE&SP Standards

2 HSSE Leadership HSSE&SP Standards to support the HSSE&SP Standards are the
HSSE&SP Policy and Management major part of the HSSE&SP MS
OHS Management
System Framework. development and enhancement
programme and will be applied to

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Level Item Description Status

Plant Integrity These standards apply to all Pearl the KM250A Project.
Petroleum assets and locations and may
be supplemented by local Level 3 HSSE&SP standards ensure
instructions or guidance consistency of performance
Security Management across the organisation and
standardise requirements.

Social Performance
Hazard Identification,
Risk, Assessment
and Control
Management of
Personnel Training
and Competence
Communication and
Documentation and
Management and
Preparedness and
Incident Management
Monitoring and
Periodic Review and
Asset/Location/Project-Specific HSSE&SP Procedures*

3 Projects Project Specific HSSE&SP Procedures Development in progress to fit

and supporting tools provide additional Project Schedule and activity
direction and guidance on how to plan. Alignment and Bridged with
implement best practice at project EPC Contractor and interface
locations. with existing operations.
Examples are as follows:
• Project HSSE&SP Plans
• EPC Contractor HSSE&SP Plan
• HSSE&SP Bridging

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Level Item Description Status

• Land Access Procedure

• Chance Finds Procedures
• Grievance Management Procedure
Operations Operations Specific HSSE&SP A full suite of operational
Procedures and supporting tools provide HSSE&SP documents are
additional direction and guidance on developed and implemented into
how to implement best practice at asset Kurdistan (Khor Mor) existing
locations. operations.
Examples are:
• Location Emergency Response Plan
• Permit to Work Procedure
• Local Waste Management Plan
Drilling Drilling Specific HSSE&SP Procedures Drilling specific documents
and supporting tools provide additional detailing minimum HSSE&SP
direction and guidance on how to requirements to be adhered to by
implement best practice at asset Drilling and Workover
locations. Contractors.
Examples are: Implemented in current
• Drill-site Emergency Response Plan Kurdistan Drilling Operations.
• Blowout Contingency Plan
• Well-site Waste Management Plan
* Developed specifically to align to asset locations and activities e.g. operations, projects, drilling

Pearl Petroleum seeks to develop strong, mutually beneficial relationships with the
communities and other stakeholders wherever it operates, contributing to economic and
social development. Essential to this is understanding and minimising any adverse social
and human rights impacts which may result from its activities. The SP Standard sets out
the basic framework for implementing Pearl Petroleum’s HSSE&SP Policy. The SP
Standard is supported by a set of related Operating Procedures and Guidelines designed
to assist with implementation.
Specifically, Pearl Petroleum will:
• Comply with applicable environmental and social laws, regulations and
obligations and, where these do not exist adopt and apply standards that are
in alignment with the intent of its Policy and international good practice.
• Allocate resources commensurate to social risks, potential impacts and socio-
economic opportunities to ensure appropriate implementation of social
performance management plans throughout the project lifecycle.
• Ensure appropriate governance and management systems are in place to
identify, measure, manage, monitor and oversee its social performance.
• Embed social performance across the organisation through a culture of shared
responsibility and accountability which integrates social performance
considerations into business decision making.
• Include appropriate social performance requirements in contractual
agreements when significant potential adverse social impacts and/or
opportunities to deliver socio-economic development exist.

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• Regularly monitor and evaluate social performance activities and capabilities
to ensure compliance with its Policy and to facilitate continuous improvement.
Within the SP functional remit are the following key areas:
• social impact assessment, mitigation planning and implementation;
• land access and compensation;
• local stakeholder engagement and community consultation; and
• social investment.
The main elements of the SP Standard are presented schematically in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4 Structure of Pearl Petroleum SP Standard

10.3 KM250A HSSE&SP MP

The KM250A HSSE&SP MP is aligned with the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS. The key
objectives of the KM250A HSSE&SP MP include:
• achieve intended environmental and social management outcomes and mitigate
the KM250A Project’s identified environmental and social impacts to the levels
predicted in the ESIA
• describe the requirements that shall be met to ensure that the commitments
made in the ESIA for the Project are fully implemented
• provide a mechanism to achieve compliance with legal obligations and
demonstrate conformance with the corporate environmental and social policies
and standards (see Section 10.2)
• provide a mechanism to monitor the effectiveness of the mitigation measures
• provide a framework to manage HSSE and SP risks during the construction stage
of the Project to conform with applicable policies, regulations and standards and
ensure that Project HSSE&SP commitments are attained.

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The KM250A HSSE&SP MP is considered a "live" document that can evolve during the
life time of the Project consistent with a continual improvement approach (as defined by
ISO 14001).
The management of Project HSSE&SP risks will follow a ‘cascade’ approach, reflecting
good international practice as follows:
• The guiding management plans are outlined in the KM250A HSSE&SP MP and
are derived from related policies and standards (cf. the HSSE&SP MS).
• Contractors must develop their own KM250A HSSE&SP MP (to be approved by
Pearl Petroleum).
• Contractors must implement and enforce the KM250A HSSE&SP MP measures
in their own activities and those of any of their sub-contractors and other service
• Contractors will undertake periodic monitoring of the performance of HSSE&SP
MP implementation (and report to Pearl Petroleum).
• Pearl Petroleum conducts its own overall monitoring of contractor performance
(and reports to lenders).
• Lenders and external advisors conduct independent audits.
Pearl Petroleum and any contractor will develop KM250A HSSE&SP MPs that reflect
their work activities and responsibilities to comply with Pearl Petroleum HSSE and SP
requirements. The KM250A HSSE&SP MPs will incorporate topic-specific management
plans that propose mitigation and control measures to address the Pearl Petroleum
HSSE&SP MS requirements and ESIA commitments.
Contractors shall develop and implement a process for identifying and maintaining a list
of applicable regulations, permits, codes and work place standards and practices.
Contractors shall submit data as necessary to the regulator as per the licence or consent
conditions and shall maintain copies of all permits and authorisations in English and
Kurdish. Monitoring will be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation
measures, action plans and corrective actions. Inspection and audits will be conducted
to assess compliance to regulations, corporate standards, and obligations.
MNR ESIA guidelines and KRI legal requirements call for a review of the performance of
the KM250A HSSE&SP MP every six months. Updates and revisions to the HSSE&SP
MP will be implemented as appropriate to reflect the findings of monitoring, inspections
and audits, as well as to accommodate any new mitigation required and to reflect lessons-
learned from the monitoring.
The Project HSSE&P MP will subsequently be updated and revised as appropriate for
each phase of the Project to reflect the different HSSE&SP risks at that stage and any
lessons learned to date. The operations phase KM250A HSSE&SP MP, which will
support development of HSSE&SP related operational management plans and
procedures not currently in place, will be drafted during the end of the construction stage
and disclosed not later than six months before the start of KM250A Project commercial
The Commitments Register (Appendix 8) documents all commitments that have been
made in the ESIA in relation to the various KM250A Project phases and includes
mitigation measures, management and monitoring activities.

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The ESIA Commitments Register has been developed to provide:
• a description of the commitment made in the ESIA
• the Project stage(s) to which the respective commitment is applicable
• responsibility for implementation.

10.4 Roles and Responsibilities

10.4.1 Globally at Pearl Petroleum

All Pearl Petroleum employees shall:
• be aware of and demonstrate HSSE&SP commitment through their actions
• perform job functions in a manner which prevents accidents, eliminates harm
to people and does not damage the environment
• actively participate in HSSE&SP meetings
In addition to the above, Line Managers shall:
• be a visible proactive leader of HSSE&SP and assist in implementation of the
• ensure that resources are in place to execute an effective HSSE&SP MS
• ensure that Project, contractor and supplier facilities, and locations are in
alignment with the HSSE&SP goals of the Project
• evaluate and select contractors who adhere to the high HSSE&SP
expectations of the Project.
The Project HSSE and SP team shall:
• lead co-ordination with other HSSE and SP teams
• lead co-ordination on environmental permitting and other studies
• maintain Project records and documentation
• compile Project scorecard data (key performance indicators, KPIs) and other
summary data
• monitor and assign responsibility for completion of HSSE&SP action items
included in an action tracker
• conduct management and provide technical oversight for Project’s contractors.
Site Project HSSE and SP teams will be responsible for the safe and efficient
implementation of Project activities in full compliance with the KM250A Project HSSE&SP

10.4.2 Current Pearl Petroleum HSSE and SP teams

The KM250A Project Director holds overall accountability for HSSE&SP performance of
the Project, alongside and integral to all other aspects of KM250A Project delivery. The
Corporate Head of HSSE and the KM250A Project HSE Manager are accountable to the
Project Director for ensuring that systems are established, implemented and maintained
to ensure delivery of required performance and management of risk. HSSE performance
requirements will be clearly assigned and visible within Pearl Petroleum’s management
team members holding specific HSSE responsibilities in their areas of accountability.

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Key HSSE&SP team positions and responsibilities in relation to the KM250A Project are
as follows:
• Corporate Head of HSSE: Provides strategic HSSE direction and governance
to all areas of Pearl Petroleum. Designs, manages and implements all
environmental, health and safety policies for Pearl Petroleum. Provides
technical expertise and directions on all issues relating to HSSE matters for the
entire company. Maintains a high level of HSSE knowledge and awareness in
order to promote a safe working environment. Reports to the Executive
Director, Projects. Based in Sharjah.
• Project HSE Manager: Provides the support necessary to contribute towards
efficient health, safety and environmental management in order to create
secure, safe and healthy working conditions throughout the KM500
construction site, while protecting the environment during the Project execution
phase. Reports to the Construction Manager. Based at KM site.
• Regional Senior HSSE Manager: The role provides HSSE functional
leadership and assurance regarding all in-country activities undertaken by
Pearl Petroleum,. Manages the relationship with the regulator, ensuring that all
activities undertaken meet regulatory requirements, and that the regulator
remains aware of and engaged with Pearl Petroleum forward plans.
Responsible for building the organisational capability and culture, such that
HSSE considerations become an integral part of all site activities. The Senior
HSSE Manager provides high-quality coaching and development, effective
communications into the organisation, and builds the functional capability
within the functional team. Based in Erbil.
• Social Performance Manager: In cooperation with Pearl Petroleum Field SP
Managers, the SP Manager manages and oversees all SP activity in Kurdistan
and coordinates SP activities in support of exploration, appraisal, capital
project and production operations activities, as well as supporting and inputting
to early development planning for the business. The role primarily engages key
stakeholders to secure broad-based support for activity and manage social
risks associated with managing all Field resources and work program. The
position is also responsible for ensuring that host communities and the region
benefit from the presence of SP activities. The SP manager is responsible for
developing and implementing Pearl Petroleum’s Framework and strategy in the
areas of SP grievance management and community relations. In consultation
with Kurdistan Field SP Manager, the Social SP Manager formulates short and
long-term SP objectives, KPI’s and plans, ensuring they benefit the local
communities as well as the company’s objectives. The SP Manager works
closely with the line management and HSSE managers and Asset Protection
functions as well as HR.
• Social Performance Field Manager: The SP Field Manager oversees and
coordinates all field-based SP activities in support of exploration, appraisal,
capital projects and production operations activities, as well as supporting and
inputting to early development planning for the business. The SP Field
Manager engages with host communities and other key stakeholders to secure
broad-based support for activity and manage social risks associated with
managing all field resources and work program. The SP Field Manager is also
responsible for ensuring that host communities and the region benefit from the
presence of SP activities. The SP Field Manager is the lead expert in field
implementation of the Pearl Petroleum’s strategy in the areas of SP (including
impact assessment and management, community and stakeholder relations,
land access and social investment). In consultation with the Kurdistan Social
Performance Manager, this expert formulates and implements a social

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investment programme that meets both business objectives and ensures that
neighbouring communities benefit on an enduring basis.

10.4.3 Contractors
Contractors’ roles and responsibilities for compliance with environmental and social
requirements are reflected in relevant contractor performance guidelines and HSSE&SP
exhibits to their contracts. The contractors shall ensure as minimum the following:
• strict adherence to relevant laws, regulation and guidelines
• providing all workers with written contracts describing their rights under
national labour law
• providing appropriate on-the-job training to enable local employees to improve
their skills whilst working on the Project
• planning of each task to include documented safety, environmental and social
risk identification and assessment
• applying appropriate control measures to reduce safety risks, environmental
impacts and social disturbance
• monitoring parameters agreed with Pearl Petroleum and providing all
monitoring results
• communicating HSSE&SP incidents to Pearl Petroleum and rectifying
• attending meetings and workshops as directed.
During operations, the Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring conformity with
HSSE&SP requirements as detailed in the HSSE&SP MS and the Project HSSE&SP MP.
The on-site supervisors and personnel will monitor key environmental and social
performance indicators to ensure targets are met. They will monitor effectiveness of the
mitigation measures and report the performance to the senior management and to the
government agencies, as required.
The operations phase contractors will also be required to demonstrate how they will
comply with all relevant legislation and industry good practice, and how they will
implement the proposed mitigation measures. The contractors will monitor environmental
and social performance to evaluate actual performance against its objectives.

10.5 Communication

10.5.1 Internal communications

Relevant issues are communicated to all Project employees who are encouraged to
provide feedback on all such issues. Internal communication takes the form of formal and
informal mechanisms including:
• weekly HSSE and SP meetings
• HSSE and SP notice boards
• distribution to managers/supervisors by e-mail for broadcast
• HSSE and SP toolbox talks.
The Project HSSE and SP Managers are responsible for convening and chairing weekly
meetings of their respective teams and shall be also responsible for posting relevant
information on communication channels.

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In addition to the formal capture of issues and concerns at structured meetings, internal
communications may be received as: e-mails from staff, letters from staff and internal
phone calls from staff that require a written response. An internal grievance procedure is
in place for the workforce.

10.5.2 External communications and stakeholder engagement principles

Pearl Petroleum maintains proactive and open engagement with local communities and
other stakeholders via external communication and engagement activities as outlined in
the Pearl Petroleum SP Standard. The objectives of external communication and
stakeholder engagement are to build positive relationships with neighbouring
communities and contribute to a secure operating environment. Frequent meetings are
held between Pearl Petroleum and local communities, coordinated through and with the
village leaders (Anjuman). These communication and engagement platforms will be used
to provide local residents with Project updates and address questions related to Pearl
Petroleum and contractors’ activities.
All external communications and engagement activities shall be referred to and
conducted by Pearl Petroleum’s Social Performance Department (SPD). Pearl
Petroleum’s SPD calls for maintaining communications with community stakeholders,
particularly Project-affected communities, during all phases of the KM250A Project.
A number of mitigation measures identified during the ESIA requires Project information
to be made accessible and available to local communities and other interested
stakeholders. This is being addressed by Pearl Petroleum based on the Stakeholder
Engagement Plan (SEP) for the ESIA phase (see Section 4).
The community Grievance Management Procedure ensures that stakeholders have an
easy means of lodging any grievances related to the KM250A Project and ESIA (Section
All external HSSE communications are documented in the communications register
recording the following:
• date of communication
• name of the person
• contact details (i.e. telephone number and e-mail)
• how the communication was received (i.e. letter, e-mail or phone call)
• nature of the communication (e.g. request for information, complaint, concern)
• brief details of the response.

10.6 Management of Change

Changes to the Project may occur subsequent to preparation and submission of this
ESIA. A Management of Change Procedure will be implemented, that includes:
• environmental and social appraisal of the change
• health and safety evaluation
• consultation with engineering and HSSE&SP disciplines
• consulting MNR on the need for amendments to the ESIA permit
• subject to MNR direction, undertaking environmental and social evaluation of the
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• identifying new or revised mitigation measures
• identifying changes to the KM250A HSSE&SP MP and supporting management
The Project HSSE&SP MP will be based on a four-step iterative process aligned with the
Plan-Do-Check-Act model as represented in Figure 10-5. The concept reflects an
adaptive management loop allowing for accommodation of changes that occur as the
Project moves through the various implementation stages.

Figure 10-5 Plan-do-act-check methodology

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11.1 Introduction
This section provides details of the existing and future safeguards, measures and plans
that will be applied during implementation of the KM250A Project in order to reduce or
eliminate potential impacts that have been identified during the environmental and social
impact assessment (ESIA) process. These safeguards, measures and plans sit within the
overall framework of the Pearl Petroleum Health, Safety, Security, Environmental and
Social Performance (HSSE&SP) Management Plan (MP) as described in Section 10,
which is in turn aligned to the Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP Management System (MS).

11.2 General approach

The approach to environmental and social management for the KM250A Project is
presented below. Selected proposed safeguards, measures and plans for each phase
are further described in the subsequent sections. Existing plans and procedures are
available from Pearl Petroleum.
The KM250A HSSE&SP MP will evolve with each Project phase. A construction phase
HSSE&SP MP will first be developed prior to the start of that phase. Six months prior to
the commissioning and operations phase of the Project, the KM250A HSSE&SP MP will
be adapted to KM250A operations to meet the requirements of that phase of the Project.
Finally, prior to decommissioning, the KM250A HSSE&SP MP will be adapted to this final
phase of the Project. Further details of this approach are provided in the following
The KM250A Project HSSE&SP MP and supporting documentation for the construction
and pre-commissioning phases will describe HSSE and social management during that
phase of the Project, will detail both Pearl Petroleum and contractor responsibilities, and
will reflect construction commitments made in the ESIA (Kurdistan Region of Iraq and
Iraqi legal requirements and good international industry practice, GIIP). Relevant
documents that already exist and are already being applied at the existing operation will
be signposted in the construction phase KM250A HSSE&SP MP.
Some of the existing HSSE&SP documents may need to be enhanced in order to
incorporate relevant KM250A Project commitments; these enhancements will also be
applicable in the operations phase, as appropriate. Any requirements that are applicable
only to the Project construction phase will be detailed only in the construction phase
KM250A HSSE&SP MP and supporting documentation. The construction phase KM250A
HSSE&SP MP and supporting documentation will describe how the requirements of the
Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS will be applied specifically during the construction phase
of the Project.
The construction phase engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) Contractor
(and any contractors hired independently of the EPC Contractor) will be required to
develop their own KM250A HSSE&SP MP and supporting documentation that bridges
the requirements in line with the KM250A HSSE&SP MP and supporting documentation.
HSSE&SP requirements for contractors will be included the KM250A HSSE&SP exhibits
to the contracts. Sub-contractors will be required to comply with contractor HSSE&SP

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MPs and will be monitored on the same basis by the main contractors and by Pearl
The KM250A HSSE&SP MP, including the safeguards, measures and plans developed
for construction phase activities will be enhanced and adapted to ensure that any
operational commitments made in the ESIA, legal requirements, and GIIP are
A separate set of environmental and social documentation will be developed to address
the environmental and social impacts present during decommissioning. As possible, the
decommissioning phase KM250A HSSE&SP MP will be based on the construction phase
and operations phase versions of the KM250A HSSE&SP MP.
Details of the contents of the KM250A HSSE&SP MP for each phase of the KM250A
Project are provided in the following sections.

11.3 Construction phase

The construction phase KM250A HSSE&SP MP will include, but may not be limited to,
the following:
• reference to Project legal and other requirements including the commitments
• Project policies
• health, safety, security, environmental and social organisation, including:
• definition of interfaces between Pearl Petroleum and contractors
• roles and responsibilities of all concerned personnel
• Pearl Petroleum and contactor HSSE&SP MP and related documentation
• key performance indicators (KPIs)
• environmental and social management measures and crisis and continuity
management, emergency response and incident reporting (see Text Box 11.1)
• information management and document control
• monitoring, checking and corrective action including monitoring, compliance
assurance and auditing, non-compliance reporting, corrective and preventative
• HSSE&SP processes for review and management of change.
Textbox 11.1 provides a list of key existing plans and procedures that will be incorporated
into the KM250A HSSE&SP MP. Some of these existing plans and procedures may need
to be adapted to the KM250A Project. The KM250A HSSE&SP MP will be the basis for
the contractor KM250A HSSE&SP MP.
Within the framework of the existing SP Standard, Pearl Petroleum will develop and
implement a comprehensive construction phase Social Monitoring Plan that includes
monitoring socio-economic changes in local communities (e.g. in living standards,
household well-being and access to food and other daily necessities) through regular
community meetings and through regular price surveys.

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Text Box 11.1
Existing Plans and Procedures
• Recruitment Strategy
• Capacity Building and Skills Development Programme
(including Occupational Health and Safety Training
• Training and Capacity-building Plan
• Worker and Security Code of Conduct
• Worker Grievance Management Procedure
• HSE Plan and related procedures
• Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
• Community Grievance Management Procedure
• Chance Finds Procedure
• Waste Management Procedure
• Emergency Response Plan
• Spill Prevention and Response Procedure
• Fire Department Standard Operating Procedure

The construction phase contractor(s) will also be expected to develop the following:
• Gender Inclusion Strategy, which will provide for assessment of the potential
risks that may be associated with women’s participation in the KM250A Project
will be assessed
• Community Health, Safety and Security Plan
• Local Goods and Services Plan (including Local Community Employment
Plans and Retrenchment Plans), to ensure maximum use of local goods and
services (including labour)
• Dust Management Plan, allowing for dust suppression by spraying water onto
dirt tracks and flowline RoWs
• Lighting Plan, that will include minimisation to the extent possible of impacts
on nearby sensitive receptors (villages and habitats)
• Retrenchment Plan with the aim of ensuring social cohesion and reducing the
impacts of the termination of employment contracts. The overall approach will
be aligned with IFC guidelines on retrenchment.
• Health and Safety Plan(s) and Work Management Procedure(s); these will be
approved by Pearl Petroleum and will be aligned with Pearl Petroleum’s
overarching health and safety systems and international standards. Auditing
will be undertaken by Pearl Petroleum to ensure contractor compliance with
health and safety plans and work management procedures.
• Where appropriate, each construction contractor will develop a work-specific
Traffic Management Plan (TMP) which identifies sensitive social receptors
along transportation routes and outline mitigation measures (e.g. speed limit
restrictions, vehicle maintenance activities, awareness campaigns, recruitment
of traffic wardens) to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents occurring.

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Although much of the KM250A HSSE&SP MP will be based on existing plans and
procedures, various new plans will need to be developed by Pearl Petroleum. Summaries
of the contents of key new plans (as per Section 6 and the Commitments Register,
Appendix 8) are provided in the following sections.
Sustainable management of water resources in the area of the Khor Mor site is a key
concern for Pearl Petroleum. Pearl Petroleum and local residents are dependent on
groundwater for all water needs. The conclusion of the KM250A Project groundwater
impact assessment was that Project groundwater abstraction will not have a significant
impact on the groundwater aquifer in this region. However, Pearl Petroleum is concerned
that future expansion will put pressure on the local aquifer if it is not managed sustainably.
Therefore, Pearl Petroleum will develop a Water Management Plan with the aim of
ensuring that water resources used in the Project during the construction and
commissioning phases are used in an environmentally and socially sustainable way, and
that any potential negative impacts that may occur as a result of future phases of the KM
Expansion are prevented or, if this is not possible, are ALARP.
Towards development of a baseline set of data for the Water Management Plan, Pearl
Petroleum is in the processing of setting up a monitoring network for groundwater
resources via a series of boreholes. Following collection of approximately one year of
data on groundwater level, quality, direction, etc. resource availability will be modelled to
allow forward planning. Extraction of groundwater will be planned to allow adequate
recharge of the principle groundwater aquifer.
The Water Management Plan will contain information on the following topics:
• processes for the sustainable management of water resources
• general water conservation techniques
• requirements relating to the abstraction of water including the need to
undertake impacts assessment to assess the drawdown impact on local people
• requirements relating to the discharge of water including testing prior to
discharge and, if necessary, treatment such that the water meets defined
• monitoring and reporting requirements.
The requirements of the existing Pearl Petroleum HSSE&SP MS documents ‘Use of
Energy, Material and Resources’ and ‘Water Quality Management Procedure’ will be
referenced within this plan as required.

11.3.1 Social Investment Program

The SP Standard provides the basis for initiatives and projects that are consistent with
the following key themes:
• access to water and energy
• enterprise development
• education
• health.
These will be implemented amongst local stakeholder within the framework of the Social
Investment Programme (SIP). Several long-term social investment programmes have
been developed as part of the SP Standard (2018-2022), they are aimed at local social
and economic development and creation of benefits for stakeholders within Pearl
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Petroleum’s areas of operation. Social investment spend that is mandated by the KRG is
subject to agreement with the MNR. Project-related social investment mitigation
measures will be integrated into this plan as appropriate.
As part of a five-year component of the Social Investment Programme (SIP), Pearl
Petroleum will seek to establish and support the industry trade skills training provision
and formal recognition via certification or references in order to build local sustainable
capability. Pearl Petroleum has developed and implemented training programs and
initiatives to improve existing skills of local workers, most noticeably by providing monthly
English language classes conducted by two full-time English trainers and by delivering
elementary development programs for further training and development across a range
of disciplines. Technical functional training is coordinated and delivered under the
direction of dedicated operations and maintenance support supervisors and forms an
integral part of the overall competency programme in place. Furthermore, local national
trainees will undergo intensive classroom and on-the-job training to ensure they are
competent to move into permanent positions within the gas plant at the time of
commissioning the KM250A facility. These efforts will help Pearl Petroleum to achieve
their long-term nationalisation objectives.

11.3.2 Local Community Employment Plan

The Local Community Employment Plan (LCEP) prioritises the employment of people
from local communities, followed by people from other parts of the KRI. The LCEP will be
developed in consultation with local authorities and will be aligned with the overarching
recruitment strategy of the Project. Each contractors’ recruitment activities will be
overseen by Pearl Petroleum’s SP Department to ensure adherence to local hiring

11.3.3 Influx Management Strategy

The Influx Management Strategy will outline the Project activities to manage the potential
influx of people in search of Project-related economic opportunities or will provide
references to other plans where such measures are detailed. It will provide the basis for
consideration of measures to minimise potential influx, including (but not limited to)
recruitment and procurement procedures, community engagement activities, and
engagement with the local authorities. The potential for influx will be embedded in the
monitoring activities, such that changes to the baseline conditions in Project-affected
communities are identified and any evidence of new settlements of temporary or
permanent nature, as well as any community health issues, noise and traffic, sanitary
conditions and evidences of extra pressure on existing utilities, infrastructure and other
services, are documented and mitigation developed. The differing roles of the Project and
local authorities will be outlined and respected, with Pearl Petroleum potentially providing
support in spatial and/or infrastructure planning if appropriate.

11.3.4 Livelihood Restoration Plan

Issues associated with land management, acquisition, provision of access during
construction and mitigation of physical and economic displacement are managed by Pearl
Petroleum in compliance with the national land regulation and the Pearl Petroleum SP
Standard. Whilst the MNR is responsible for land acquisition, access and compensation
with respect to oil and gas operations in the KRI, Pearl Petroleum has a critical role in
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supporting and facilitating the process and ensuring that they comply with international
standards to which Pearl Petroleum is committed.
Pearl Petroleum is working with the MNR on the development of the comprehensive land
acquisition plan to reflect both national regulatory requirements and good international
industry practice and to ensure that the acquisition process is conducted in alignment
between the various authorities and Pearl Petroleum. The land acquisition and
compensation process is subject to formal monitoring and evaluation process by Pearl
Petroleum and the MNR. Pearl Petroleum has determined that economic displacement
and livelihood loss are likely to occur within the framework of the Project. The assessment
and compensation process will be managed by a Project-specific Livelihood Restoration
Plan containing a summary of findings and any necessary mitigation actions. The land
entry process will require that the EPC Contractor and other construction contractors to
undertake pre-construction survey and assets inventory prior the start of construction.

11.3.5 Traffic Management Plan

A Traffic Management Plan will be developed with the aim of minimising any disruption
to local traffic related to Project activities and minimising any traffic-related risks to the
public. Topics that are likely to be included in the Traffic Management Plan include:
• identifying vehicle routes, route planning and alternative routes
• pre- and post- construction survey requirements
• notification requirements for example:
• notifying the municipalities and police of all approved Project transport routes
• notifying the public of temporary road diversions and closures
• requirements for a journey management system
• driver requirements such as:
o sources of and number of qualified drivers required
o training and approval requirements for drivers
o hours of driving and rest periods
o security arrangements for drivers, vehicles and loads
o arrangements for driver communication with control points and vehicle
o vehicle requirements
• requirements for the diversion and closure of roads
• the emergency recovery of vehicles
• traffic control procedures, including entering and exiting construction areas and
the working strip
• identifying emergency service vehicle parking areas.
• identifying construction personnel parking areas
• monitoring and reporting requirements.
The Traffic Management Plan will reference existing documents where relevant, for
example, the ‘Driver and Vehicle Policy for Khor Mor LPG’ document.

11.3.6 Biodiversity Plans

Biodiversity management measures will be included in the HSSE&SP MP. These will
define the approach to reduce impacts on biodiversity and will address:

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• construction planning surveys and pre-clearance surveys
• application of the mitigation hierarchy to ecological receptors: avoid,
minimisation, rehabilitation, compensation
• construction phase biodiversity considerations, such as: signage, reducing
habitat disturbance, habitat and species protection
• erosion and sediment control measures and soils conservation techniques
• the need for a Biosecurity Plan that describes measure to prevent the
introduction of invasive species
• the need for a Bio-restoration Plan that details the measures necessary to
restore natural habitats on pipeline route and storage areas after construction
activities are complete.
The Bio-restoration Plan will be directed at restoration of natural habitats on KM250A
Project flowline routes and storage areas after construction activities are complete. This
will include guidance on returning the segregated topsoil to the site and reseeding or
replanting areas with native species.
Pearl Petroleum will expect the contractor to develop a Biosecurity Plan that incorporates
the following considerations:
• any ecology restoration will utilise native plant species
• all equipment/machinery will be sourced locally to avoid the spread of invasive

11.4 Monitoring and reporting

The monitoring and reporting requirements will be specified in the HSSE&SP MP to
ensure that monitoring, inspection and audit are undertaken in a systematic way in order
to monitor the success of the environmental and social mitigation measures as well as
gather data on environmental and social performance, investigation of incidents and
nonconforming monitoring results. A monitoring programme will be developed for the
project including the monitoring requirements described in the Commitments Register.
The HSSE&SP MP will address:
• a monitoring programme describing monitoring locations (based upon the
sensitive receptors) and monitoring methodologies (frequency, equipment to
be used)
• inspections and audit programme
• non-conformance procedure
• investigation of non-conformances and incidents
• action tracking system
• responsibilities for reporting, content, level of detail and format of reports and
reporting deadlines
• internal and external notifications.

11.5 Operations phase

For management of the HSSE&SP MP framework associated with the Project operations
phase, the documentation developed for KM250A construction will be updated and
implemented throughout the remaining lifetime of the KM250A Project. Where necessary
further procedures, plans and strategies will be developed for the operations phase and

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will form part of the HSSE&SP MP, which in turn will be incorporated into the Corporate
HSSE&SP MS. The structure of the operational stage management plans will generally
follow the requirements applicable for the construction management plans as specified in
this HSSE&SP MP (see Section 11.3), adapted to meet operations phase risks and
issues as needed. The operations phase framework will be completed not later than six
months before the KM250A Project enters operation.
Additional requirements that will be implemented for the operations phase include but
may not be limited to the following:
• development of a Lighting Plan to reduce the long-term impact of light from the
• review, and enhancement where required, of existing security arrangements
• development of a draft Transition Training Plan to allow skilled employees to
better access employment in other sectors (note: the level of interest in such
training amongst workers will be evaluated prior to the finalisation and
implementation of the plan).

11.6 Decommissioning
The detailed programme for decommissioning will be determined and agreed with the
MNR authorities prior to shut down. Decommissioning and dismantling are expected to
be performed by specialist contractors supported by a core team of Project operations
and maintenance personnel and will feature:
• use of heavy machinery and plant for demolition
• management of waste streams generated during decommissioning
(equipment, piping and leftover chemicals)
• transport of demolition wastes to an approved landfill
• dismantling equipment to manageable sections
• removal of building structures and paved surfaces
• drainage of oil-based liquids and lubricants from equipment, including vessels
and piping
• waste management in accordance with the Pearl Petroleum Waste
Management Procedure and waste hierarchy principals.
Post-closure monitoring will be carried out before transferring the land to the next land

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for first 250MMSCFD for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant
182279-17 (05)
Table A1.1 Soil analytical survey results, mg/kg

Parameter S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Arsenic 4.65 5.98 4.12 7.42 5.32 20
Zinc 24.2 26.1 23.8 20.7 23.9 200
Cadmium 1.1 4.1 1.1 2.6 37 3
Chromium* 46 35 23 25 54 1vi/400III
Manganese 423 433 354 222 362 500
Magnesium 58.6 65.5 40.4 31.8 72.8 -
Copper 31.8 38.8 42.0 32.1 39.7 100
Lead 4.1 3.8 8.5 9.4 8.3 300
Nickel 43 27 34 32 75 60
Iron 32.4 32.1 29.3 42.6 34.2 -
TPH 3.2 5.2 5.2 6.3 10.2 -
Source: MapCom (2010)

Notes: Red = exceeds Project standard, TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbons (unspecified fraction), BDL = below detection limit
(detection limit not reported), * = valency unspecified, III = Chromium III, VI = Chromium VI.
Table A1.2 Chemical properties of soil sampling sites in the study area of Khor Mor block

Canadian guideline
Extractable metals/ Unit of for KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM- KM-
guideline for
sampling sites measurement residential/industrial SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 SS6 SS7 SS8 SS9 SS10 SS11 SS12
Major cations
Aluminum mg/kg DW 22500 19500 16200 20600 22000 27500 19600 16200 15200 17800 14700 22700
Antimony mg/kg DW 7.5 40 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50
Arsenic mg/kg DW 11 18 6.05 2.95 1.56 4.72 5.09 4.29 4.88 3.57 3.83 4.83 3.40 6.75
Barium mg/kg DW 390 670 62.3 81.6 31 99.5 106 77.8 97.8 89.9 96.2 103 139 57.4
Beryllium mg/kg DW 4 8 0.745 0.602 0.544 0.717 0.793 0.832 0.748 0.500 0.465 0.535 0.490 0.755
Bismuth mg/kg DW <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
Boron mg/kg DW 120 120 5.6 4.4 3 6.1 8.4 11.1 6.4 9.4 8.7 10.4 9.3 6.1
Cadmium mg/kg DW 1.2 1.9 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40
Calcium mg/kg DW 98800 62200 88700 100000 92300 88700 93500 166000 168000 149000 140000 103000
Chromium mg/kg DW 160 160 53.0 44.2 36.1 38.4 43.3 60.0 37.8 56.8 55.6 63.0 53.7 49.6
Cobalt mg/kg DW 22 80 12.7 10.8 9.04 11.1 12 15.2 11.3 11.2 10.3 11.6 10.6 12.4
Copper mg/kg DW 140 230 28.3 17.7 14.7 22.0 22.4 30.6 21.1 20.7 19.1 21.6 22.2 28.4
Iron mg/kg DW 31700 28500 25200 29700 31400 36500 29400 23300 21600 24300 22200 31300
Lead mg/kg DW 45 (120) 120 9.4 7.2 6.2 9.5 9.7 10.4 10.1 6.3 5.5 6.0 8.3 9.5
Lithium mg/kg DW 49.6 33.8 29.7 46.3 50.3 56.5 43.5 28.0 27.2 30.2 27.5 49.3
Magnesium mg/kg DW 18100 12500 10200 13100 14200 18100 11400 16300 15700 19200 12100 17400
Manganese mg/kg DW 638 788 682 639 628 638 618 506 455 466 514 531
Mercury mg/kg DW 0.25 (0.27) 3.9 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20
Molybdenum mg/kg DW 6.9 40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 0.64 0.57 0.53 0.49 <0.40
Nickel mg/kg DW 100 270 70.4 50.6 39.1 48.3 53.8 80.0 48.6 80.6 75.6 86.9 74.8 66.4
Phosphorus mg/kg DW 474 450 410 446 492 491 510 550 415 490 791 462
Potassium mg/kg DW 2710 1810 1330 2200 2620 3360 2220 3250 2430 3110 3440 2680
Selenium mg/kg DW 2.4 5.5 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0
Silicon mg/kg DW 196 240 232 228 230 226 217 201 192 200 235 207
Silver mg/kg DW 20 40 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50
Sodium mg/kg DW 134 71 44 116 123 162 106 177 176 199 117 111
Strontium mg/kg DW 800 110 123 212 420 234 206 353 426 320 183 829
Sulphur mg/kg DW 112 88 83 97 121 110 126 402 333 369 323 121
Tellurium mg/kg DW <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
Thallium mg/kg DW 1 3.3 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50
Tin mg/kg DW <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
Titanium mg/kg DW 166 476 444 244 343 362 310 406 410 426 303 166
Vanadium mg/kg DW 86 86 45.1 43 42.9 38.6 40.2 48.0 37.9 44.8 43.2 47.2 39.8 45.0
Zinc mg/kg DW 340 340 57.4 49.3 41.7 56.3 59.8 68.4 57.0 40.0 34.5 40.0 42.5 56.8
Zirconium mg/kg DW <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Petroleum hydrocarbons
C10 - C12 fraction mg/kg DW <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0
C10 - C40 fraction mg/kg DW <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20
C12 - C16 fraction mg/kg DW <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0
C16 - C35 fraction mg/kg DW <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
C35 - C40 fraction mg/kg DW <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Physical parameters
Dry matter @ 105°C % 90.2 89 86.9 90.2 90.2 89.9 89.6 84.7 86.3 85.7 83.8 91.1
pH (H2O) 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.1
Benzene mg/kg DW <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Toluene mg/kg DW <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030
Ethylbenzene mg/kg DW <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020
meta- & para-Xylene mg/kg DW <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020
ortho-Xylene mg/kg DW <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Sum of BTEX mg/kg DW <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090 <0.090
Sum of xylenes mg/kg DW <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 <0.030

Source: MapCom (2018)

Table A1.3 Physical, chemical and biological properties of groundwater and surface water
system in the study area (MapCom, 2010)

S.N Parameter (units) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 WB Norms

1. Temp. (ºC) 22.4 19.8 20.6 19.5 21.7 -
2. pH 7.7 8.1 8.2 7.3 7.8 6.5 – 8.5
3. EC (µs.cm-1) 685 742 514 683 455 400 – 600
4. T.S.S. (ppm) 82 110 65 92 45 250
5. D.O. (mg.I-1) 4.8 5.2 6.8 4.7 7.2 7.0
6. B.O.D5 (mg.I-1) 12 8.0 12 16 3.1 0.0 – 1.0
7. C.O.D (mg.I-1) 84 74 56 58 32 10 – 20
8. SO4= (mg.I-1) 215 310 345 410 280 200 – 400
9. NO3 (mg.I-1) 64 45 52 37 54 45
10. MPN (Cells. 100 mI-1) 2.2 9.2 2.2 9.2 9.2 0.0
Source: MapCom (2010)

Note: WB = World Bank, Temp. = Temperature, ºC = degrees Celsius, pH – potential of hydronium, EC = Electrical
Conductivity, µs.cm-1 = micro siemens per centimetre, mg.I-1 = milligram per liter, TSS = Total Suspende Solids, D.O. =
Dissolved oxygen, B.O.D5 = Biological Oxygen Demand of five day incubation time, C.O.D = Chemical Oxygen Demand, SO 4=
= Sulfate, NO3 = Nitrate, MPN = Most Probable Number of Fecal coliform bacteria.
Table A1.4 Physical, chemical and biological properties of groundwater and surface water system in the study area (MapCom, 2018)

Sampling sites GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 GW7 GW8 WHO Norms
Parameters Unit
Aggregate parameters
Calcium Hardness mmol/L 2.9 2.7 4.82 1.42 1.93 2.41 1.14 2.43
Hardness mmol/L 3.4 2.56 6.91 1.63 3.22 2.79 1.47 2.81
Hardness as CaCO3 324 256 691 163 322 279 147 281 500
Magnesium Hardness 33.8 28.9 210 21.7 129 38.6 33.2 38.2
Dissolved metals/major cations
Aluminium mg/L 0.016 0.014 0.020 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.010 0.015
Antimony mg/L <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0 10 <0.0 10 <0.0 10 <0.010 <0.010
Arsenic mg/L <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0 050 <0.0 050 <0.0 050 <0.0050 <0.0050 0.001
Barium mg/L 0.220 0.106 0.0684 0.0287 0.108 0.196 0.171 0.200
Beryllium mg/L <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020 <0.00020
Boron mg/L 0.025 0.017 0.255 0.019 0.093 0.034 0.034 0.034
Cadmium mg/L <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 <0.00040 0.003
Calcium mg/L 101 81.2 166 50.1 69.6 87.2 40.5 89.0 150
Chromium mg/L <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0011 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0011 0.05
Cobalt mg/L <0.002 0 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020
Copper mg/L <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0044 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 2
Iron mg/L <0.0020 <0.0020 0.0050 <0.0020 0.0996 <0.0020 <0.00050 <0.0020 0.3
Lead mg/L <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 0.01
Lithium mg/L 0.0069 0.0069 0.0297 0.0037 0.0306 0.0059 0.0054 0.0072
Magnesium mg/L 7.11 6.39 44.5 4.64 28 8.40 7.30 8.34 100
Manganese mg/L <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 <0.00050 0.4
Molybdenum mg/L <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0.00 <0.00
Nickel mg/L <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 0.07
Phosphorus mg/L <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050
Potassium mg/L 1.76 0.132 15.9 0.104 1.91 0.525 0.338 0.465 250
Selenium mg/L <0.010 <0.010 <0.000 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 0.01
Silver mg/L <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.0010 <0.0010
Sodium mg/L 8.28 7.59 64.4 6.74 90.1 12.3 12.3 12.2 200
Thallium mg/L <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.010
Vanadium mg/L 0.0015 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0071 0.0021 0.0035 0.0019
Zinc mg/L <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.0020 <0.010 0.0384 0.0218 0.0042 0.0231 3
Petroleum hydrocarbons
C10 - C12 Fraction µg/L <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
C10 - C40 Fraction µg/L <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0
C12 - C16 Fraction µg/L <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
C16 - C35 Fraction µg/L <30.0 <30.0 <30.0 <30.0 <30.0 <30.0 <30.0 <30.0
C35 - C40 Fraction µg/L <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0
Physical parameters
Turbidity NTU <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
Total metals/major cations
Magnesium mg/L 8.21 7.04 51 5.28 31.4 9.39 8.06 9.28
Mercury µg/L 0.047 <10.0 0.046 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0
Potassium mg/L 2.10 0.146 18.2 0.126 2.21 0.608 0.424 0.587
Sodium mg/L 9.63 8.49 75.2 7.66 100 13.6 13.7 13.6
Other parameters
pH - 7.42 7.62 7.88 7.72 7.48 7.93 7.58 7.93 6.5-8.5
EC µS.cm-1 520 761 923 290 631 772 547 772 1000
Salinity ppt 0.26 0.23 0.45 0.14 0.32 0.37 0.24 0.37
TDS ppt 338 494.6 599.9 188 410 501 355 501 500
Well Depth m Spring Spring 55 - 2.5 6 6
Water Table Depth m Spring Spring 6 - 20cm 2.5 2.5
Temperature Co 19.4 19.7 21.11 21.7 19.9 20.3 19.8 20.3
DO ppm 2.99 2.84 2.69 7.99 4.23 3.45 2.87 3.45
BOD5 ppm <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
COD ppm <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Bacteriological analysis
MPN MPN/ml 160 5 28 14 1 240 1 92 <5
T.P.C - 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 100
Non-metallic inorganic parameters
Base neutralizing (Acidity) capacity pH 8.3 mmol/L 0.417 0.235 0.203 <0.150 <0.150 1.61 <0.150 <0.150 3
Base neutralizing (Acidity) capacity pH 4.5 mmol/L <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150
Acid neutralizing capacity (alkalinity) pH 4.5 mmol/L 5.17 3.66 5.67 3.11 1.06 4.27 2.48 4.21 3.00
Acid neutralizing capacity (alkalinity) pH 8.3 mmol/L <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150 <0.150
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD 5) mg/L <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 1.6 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 5
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD-Cr) mg/L <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 13 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Sulphate as SO4 2- mg/L 10.5 10.3 130 6.34 117 11.3 6.64 11.8 250
Nitrate mg/L 17.8 19.7 98.7 29.9 282 20.6 19.6 20.8 50
Nitrates as N mg/L 4.02 4.46 22.3 6.76 63.8 4.66 4.43 4.70
Sulphate as SO4 2- mg/L 46.9 70.8 388 17.5 242 73.9 34.0 77.2 250
Table A1.5 Rare plant species identified by Nature Iraq (2017)

IUCN (2019) Habitat of Countries of occurrence

Scientific name
status occurrence according to IUCN (2019)
Austria, France, Germany &
Wetlands (inland),
Data Switzerland. However, it was
Typha lugdunensis artificial / aquatic &
Deficient probably introduced to
Forest, wetlands
Least (inland), grassland,
Equisetum arvense >30 countries
Concern artificial / aquatic &
Forest, grassland,
Rubus caesius shrubland, marine >30 countries
coastal / supratidal
Iran, Lebanon-Syria, North
Quercus Not
Caucasus, Transcaucasus;
macranthera assessed
Linum velutinum Iraq (NE-Iraq)
Carlina kurdica Iraq (NE-Iraq), Syria (Jazira)
Least Artificial/Terrestrial,
Pisum sativum >30 countries
Concern Shrubland
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,
Paronychia kurdica Syria Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Dianthus Not
Iran (W-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq)
basianicus Assessed
Ornithogalum Not
Northern Iraq
iraqense Assessed
Table A1.6 Results of fauna species screening

Likelihood of
of species
IUCN species occurring
Scientific to use
Common name (2019) Species range Habitat type in project footprint
name habitats in
status – assuming the
the study
site is fenced
It is poorly known, but it appears to be a Unlikely due to
terrestrial species which prefer moist Unlikely restricted range
Bunni's Short- EN
Nesokia habitats, such as marshes and swamps. due to however further
tailed Bandicoot Iraq, presence in Iran is uncertain
bunni Endemic to the marshlands of south- restricted analysis is required
eastern Iraq in the Tigris and Euphrates range to validate this
Valleys. assumption.
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, China,
Global thought to
Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan,
VU; be
Gazella Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia; Oman, Pakistan, Inhabits a wide range of semi-desert and
Goitered gazelle Medite restricted to Unlikely
subgutturosa Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, desert habitats
rranea Chamcham
Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United
n CR al KBA &
Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan & Yemen
IBA but
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait; Oman, Qatar, Deserts, including sand dunes and areas
Arabian Sand Gazella
VU Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, of sand and gravel as well as coastal flats; Possible Unlikely
Gazelle marica
United Arab Emirates & Yemen it avoids steep and rocky areas.
wide range of habitats including desert and
Panthera Medite
leopard >30 counties including Iraq semi-desert, mountainous habitats & Unlikely Unlikely
pardus rranea
n CR

Global Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan;

VU; Bulgaria; China; Egypt (Sinai); Georgia;
Greece; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Possible assuming
Vormela Europ
marbled polecat Israel; Kazakhstan; Lebanon; Mongolia; Desert, semi-desert and steppe habitats Possible individuals can
peregusna e VU;
Montenegro; North Macedonia; Pakistan; climb over the fence
Medite Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia;
rranea Syrian Arab Republic; Turkey;
Likelihood of
of species
IUCN species occurring
Scientific to use
Common name (2019) Species range Habitat type in project footprint
name habitats in
status – assuming the
the study
site is fenced
n VU Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan
Forest, desert, rocky areas (e.g. inland
grey wolf Canis lupus LC >30 counties including Iraq cliffs, mountain peaks), shrubland, Possible unlikely
grassland & wetlands (inland)
Afghanistan; Albania; Armenia;
Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bosnia and
Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; China;
Croatia; Estonia; Finland; France;
Georgia; India; Iran, Islamic Republic of;
Iraq; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan; Korea,
Desert, forest, wetlands (inland),
brown bear Ursus arctos LC Democratic People's Republic of; Latvia; Unlikely Unlikely
grassland, & shrubland.
Mongolia; Montenegro; Nepal; North
Macedonia; Norway; Pakistan; Poland;
Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia;
Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden;
Tajikistan; Ukraine; United States;
Afghanistan; Algeria; Armenia;
Azerbaijan; Burkina Faso; Cameroon;
Chad; Djibouti; Egypt; Ethiopia; Georgia;
Global India; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq;
NT; Israel; Jordan; Kenya; Lebanon; Libya;
Hyaena Wetlands (inland), savanna, shrubland,
striped hyaena Medite Mali; Mauritania; Morocco; Nepal; Niger; Possible Unlikely
Hyaena forest, grassland.
rranea Nigeria; Oman; Pakistan; Saudi Arabia;
n VU Senegal; Syrian Arab Republic;
Tajikistan; Tanzania, United Republic of;
Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uganda;
Uzbekistan; Western Sahara; Yemen

wild boar Sus scrofa LC >30 counties including Iraq Wide variety of temperate and tropical Possible Unlikely
habitats including semi-desert to tropical
Likelihood of
of species
IUCN species occurring
Scientific to use
Common name (2019) Species range Habitat type in project footprint
name habitats in
status – assuming the
the study
site is fenced
rain forests, temperate woodlands,
grasslands, shrubland, often raiding
agricultural land for food.

Note: LC = IUCN listed Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable; EN = Endangered; CR = Critically Endangered
Table A1.7 Rare and threatened bird species with ranges that overlap the study area

Common Scientific Habitat of occurrence Migratory Congregatory
name name (IUCN, 2019) status status
Desert, wetlands (inland), Congregatory
sociable Vanellus Full
CR grassland, (and
lapwing gregarius migrant
artificial/terrestrial dispersive)
Marine intertidal, wetlands
(inland), grassland, Full
saker falcon Falco cherrug EN (and
shrubland, migrant
Marine coastal/supratidal,
caves and subterranean
habitats (non-aquatic),
rocky areas (eg. inland
Northern bald Geronticus cliffs, mountain peaks), Full
EN (and
ibis eremita wetlands (inland), Migrant
grassland, shrubland,
artificial/terrestrial –
possibly extinct in Iraq
(IUCN, 2019)
Rocky areas (e.g. inland
cliffs, mountain peaks), Congregatory
Egyptian Neophron Full
EN wetlands (inland), (and
vulture percnopterus migrant
grassland, shrubland, dispersive)
savanna, artificial/terrestrial
Wetlands (inland), Congregatory
white-headed Oxyura Full
EN artificial/aquatic & marine, (and
duck leucocephala migrant
marine coastal/supratidal dispersive)
Rocky areas (e.g. inland Congregatory
Aquila Full
steppe eagle EN cliffs, mountain peaks), (and
nipalensis migrant
grassland, savanna dispersive)
Grassland, Full Not
great bustard Otis tarda VU
artificial/terrestrial migrant congregatory
Wetlands (inland), marine Congregatory
Marmaronetta Full
Marbled Teal VU coastal/supratidal, (and
angustirostris migrant
artificial/aquatic & marine dispersive)
Lesser grassland, rocky areas (eg. Congregatory
Anser Full
White-fronted VU inland cliffs, mountain (and
erythropus migrant
Goose peaks), shrubland, dispersive)
wetlands (inland)
Forest, wetlands (inland), Congregatory
greater Clanga Full
VU shrubland, artificial/aquatic (and
spotted eagle clanga migrant
& marine, grassland dispersive)
Asian Chlamydotis Desert, grassland, Full Not
houbara macqueenii artificial/terrestrial migrant congregatory
European Streptopelia Forest, artificial/terrestrial, Full Not
turtle-dove turtur shrubland migrant congregatory
Table A1.8 Avifauna species identified from previous surveys (Nature Iraq)

Scientific name English name IUCN (2019) status Status

Ammoperdix griseogularis See-see Partridge LC Resident
Milvus migrans Black Kite LC Passage migrant
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture EN Passage migrant
Passage migrant
Circus cyaneus Hen Harrier LC
and winter visitor
Pallid Harrier Passage migrant
Circus macrourus NT
and winter visitor
Falco cherrug Saker Falcon EN Passage migrant
Eurasian Passage migrant
Accipiter nisus LC
Sparrowhawk and winter visitor
Passage migrant
Buteo buteo vulpinus Steppe Buzzard LC
and winter visitor
Buteo rufinus LC Passage migrant
Greater Spotted
Aquila clanga VU Passage migrant
Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle CR Passage migrant
Eastern Imperial Passage migrant
Aquila heliaca VU
Eagle and winter visitor
Passage migrant
Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel LC
and winter visitor
Vanellus indicus LC Resident
Vanellus leucurus LC Passage migrant
Columba livia Rock Dove LC Resident
Eurasian Collared
Streptopelia decaocto LC Resident
Laughing Dove LC Resident
Athene noctua Little Owl LC Resident
Apus apus Common Swift LC Passage migrant
Coracias garrulus European Roller LC Passage migrant
European Bee-
Merops apiaster LC Passage migrant
Summer breeder
Upupa epops Eurasian Hoopoe LC and passage
Lanius collurio Red-backed shrike LC Passage migrant
Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike LC Passage migrant
Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike LC Passage migrant
Lanius nubicus Masked Shrike LC Passage migrant
Pica pica Eurasian Magpie LC Passage migrant
Passage migrant
Corvus monedula Western Jackdaw LC
and winter visitor
Passage migrant
Corvus frugilegus Rook LC
and winter visitor
Corvus corax Northern Raven LC Resident
Resident and
Melanocorypha calandra Calandra Lark LC
passage migrat
Resident and
Ammomanes deserti Desert Lark LC
passage migrant
Galerida cristata Crested Lark LC Resident
Passage migrant
Alauda arvensis Eurasian Skylark LC
and winter visitor
Riparia riparia Sand Martin LC Passage migrant
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow LC Passage migrant
Cecropis daurica LC Passage migrant
Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler LC Passage migrant
Western Rock
Sitta neumayer LC Resident
Phylloscopus collybita Common Chiffchaff LC Passage migrant
Passage migrant
Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling LC
and winter visitor
Western Black
Phoenicurus ochruros LC Passage migrant
Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common Redstart LC Passage migrant
Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline Wheatear LC Passage migrant
Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear LC Passage migrant
Passage migrant
Oenanthe finschii Finsch’s Wheatear LC and possible
Eastern Black-
Oenanthe melanoleuca LC Possible Breeder
eared Wheatear
Oenanthe albonigra Hume’s Wheatear LC Resident breeder
Passer domesticus House Sparrow LC Resident
Passage migrant
Carpospiza brachydactyla Pale Rockfinch LC and possible
Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail LC Passage migrant
Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail LC Passage migrant
Motacilla alba White Wagtail LC Passage migrant
Anthus spinoletta Water Pipit LC Passage migrant
Fringilla coelebs Common Chaffinch LC Passage migrant
Carduelis carduelis European Goldfinch LC Passage migrant
Passage migrant
Emberiza melanocephala LC and possible
Miliaria calandra Corn Bunting LC Passage migrant
Table A2.1 Soil sampling location photographs












Soil sampling laboratory results:

Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79963-1 79963-2 79963-3

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal
Sampling Date 14/11/2019 14/11/2019 14/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Soil Soil Soil
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SS01 / X-484346 - SS02 / X-483340 - SS03 / X-484181 -
Y-3887945 / 0.1- Y-3887510 / 0.1- Y-3887266 / 0.1-
0.4m 0.4m 0.4m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection


Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg <0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5

Arsenic (As) mg/kg 4.1 3.6 3.0 1.0
Barium (Ba) mg/kg 101 123 137 3.0
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 19.0 21.1 20.0 3.0
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 8.1 9.4 7.0 1.0
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 75.6 79.7 80.1 1.0
Selenium (Se) mg/kg <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 3.0
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 47.6 53.3 51.5 3.0
Chromium (VI) mg/kg <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.017 0.017 0.013 0.010

VPH C5-C10 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05

EPH C10-C40 mg/kg 53 <50 89 50

Page 1 of 6
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79963-4 79963-5 79963-6

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal
Sampling Date 14/11/2019 14/11/2019 14/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Soil Soil Soil
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SS04 / X-483599 - SS05 / X-484681 - SS06 / X-483669 -
Y-3886433 / 0.1- Y-3886904 / 0.1- Y-3887283 / 0.1-
0.4m 0.4m 0.4m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection


Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.5

Arsenic (As) mg/kg 2.7 3.4 4.9 1.0
Barium (Ba) mg/kg 112 270 134 3.0
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 17.9 21.7 20.5 3.0
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 6.7 7.1 6.9 1.0
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 67.8 81.6 80.7 1.0
Selenium (Se) mg/kg <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 3.0
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 47.5 56.8 52.3 3.0
Chromium (VI) mg/kg <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.012 0.035 0.014 0.010

VPH C5-C10 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05

EPH C10-C40 mg/kg <50 72 <50 50

Page 2 of 6
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79963-7 79963-8 79963-9

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal
Sampling Date 14/11/2019 14/11/2019 14/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Soil Soil Soil
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SS07 / X-483823 - SS08 / X-483923 - SS09 / X-484210- Y-
Y-3887283 / 0.1- Y-3886816 / 0.1- 3886672 / 0.1-0.4m
0.4m 0.4m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection


Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg <0.5 0.7 0.6 0.5

Arsenic (As) mg/kg 3.9 3.7 4.1 1.0
Barium (Ba) mg/kg 182 99.5 95.4 3.0
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 19.4 17.6 17.1 3.0
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 6.2 6.2 6.5 1.0
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 76.0 72.4 69.9 1.0
Selenium (Se) mg/kg <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 3.0
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 55.6 48.3 46.9 3.0
Chromium (VI) mg/kg <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.014 0.012 0.012 0.010

VPH C5-C10 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05

EPH C10-C40 mg/kg 65 <50 <50 50

Page 3 of 6
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79963-10 79963-11 79963-12

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal Karrar Kamal
Sampling Date 14/11/2019 14/11/2019 14/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Soil Soil Soil
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SS10 / X-484246 - SS11 / X-484281 - SS12 / X-484060 -
Y-3886585 / 0.1- Y-3887167 / 0.1- Y-3887549 / 0.1-
0.4m 0.4m 0.4m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection


Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.6 0.5

Arsenic (As) mg/kg 2.8 3.4 4.3 1.0
Barium (Ba) mg/kg 91.0 98.6 93.8 3.0
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 16.8 22.1 19.7 3.0
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 6.4 7.6 7.9 1.0
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 67.9 84.7 74.8 1.0
Selenium (Se) mg/kg <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 3.0
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 46.9 57.4 53.8 3.0
Chromium (VI) mg/kg <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.013 0.020 0.015 0.010

VPH C5-C10 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05

EPH C10-C40 mg/kg <50 <50 <50 50

Page 4 of 6
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79963-13
Date Received 16/12/2019
Sampled By Karrar Kamal
Sampling Date 14/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Soil
Sampling Location Not Given
Client Sample ID SS13 / X-484346 -
Y-3887945 / 0.1-
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection


Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg <0.5 0.5

Arsenic (As) mg/kg 3.4 1.0
Barium (Ba) mg/kg 117 3.0
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 19.7 3.0
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 6.9 1.0
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 76.1 1.0
Selenium (Se) mg/kg <3.0 3.0
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 51.6 3.0
Chromium (VI) mg/kg <0.4 0.4
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.013 0.010

VPH C5-C10 mg/kg <0.05 0.05

EPH C10-C40 mg/kg <50 50

Method of Analysis
Method Name Reference
Chromium (Hexavalent) [HACH 8023] Solids-DXB HACH [8023]
EPH C10-C40 by GC-FID [EPA 8015B] SSS-DXB$ EPA [8015B]
Mercury by PSA [EPA 245.7] SSS-DXB$ EPA [245.7]
Metals ICP OES [APHA 3120 B] SSS-DXB$ APHA [3120 B]
VPH C5-C10 by GC-FID [EPA 8015B]-SSS-DXB$ EPA [8015B]
* Reference Method Modified

Page 5 of 6
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79963

Report No : 111036
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/ Soil subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

. Tested By : AAP, JCH, SKR
. Date Tested: 23/12/2019 to 24/12/2019

. Please note that if the sample has to be diluted due to the matrix, the reported Limit of Detection (LOD) value will increase from the method LOD.
. Any APHA methods stated herein are documented in-house procedures, referenced to 23rd edition.
. Test methods marked with $ are EIAC (formerly DAC) accredited.

Page 6 of 6
Table A2.2 Water sampling location photographs

Paryawla – well



Khor Mor Gawra – spring

Taza Shar – spring

Shekh Hameed – spring



Zhazh – spring

Takhta Mina Saru – spring

Ibrahim Ghulam – spring

Water sampling chemical laboratory results:

Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-1 79957-2 79957-3

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Kormor Gawra- Taza Shaher -Spring Sheikha Hammeed-
Spring / X-480842- / X-485378- Y- Spring / X-486333-
Y-3886081 3882854 Y-3881433
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Inorganic Parameters

pH Value @ 20°C pH units 8.2 7.8 7.7 -

Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 239 328 375 5
Turbidity NTU <0.1 1.8 2.8 0.1
Total Hardness mg/L 191 370 370 1
Surfactants Anionic mg/L 0.015 0.018 0.017 0.002

Fluoride mg/L 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1

Nitrate mg/L 0.66 0.49 1.02 0.04
Nitrite mg/L 0.016 0.020 0.026 0.016
Sulphate mg/L 23.0 33.0 42.0 5
Chloride mg/L 7.0 9.5 11.0 2

Aluminium (Al) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Chromium (VI) mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.14 0.23 0.28 0.01
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Calcium (Ca) mg/L 66.0 135 136 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Iron (Fe) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 1 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-1 79957-2 79957-3

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Kormor Gawra- Taza Shaher -Spring Sheikha Hammeed-
Spring / X-480842- / X-485378- Y- Spring / X-486333-
Y-3886081 3882854 Y-3881433
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Metals - Continued

Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 6.4 7.9 7.2 0.1

Manganese (Mn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Nickel (Ni) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Selenium (Se) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/L 11.6 12.2 8.0 0.1
Zinc (Zn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Mercury (Hg) µg/L <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 0.030

EPH C10-C40 µg/L <50 129 <50 50

VPH C5-C10 µg/L <7 <7 <7 7

Acenaphthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Acenaphthylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Chrysene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 2 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-1 79957-2 79957-3

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Kormor Gawra- Taza Shaher -Spring Sheikha Hammeed-
Spring / X-480842- / X-485378- Y- Spring / X-486333-
Y-3886081 3882854 Y-3881433
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

PAH's - Continued

Fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Fluorene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Naphthalene µg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02
Phenanthrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pesticides - Organochlorine

BHC alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1

BHC beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC delta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC gamma (Lindane) µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Chlordane µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDD-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDE-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDT-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan sulphate µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin aldehyde µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Methoxychlor µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Aldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Page 3 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-1 79957-2 79957-3

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Kormor Gawra- Taza Shaher -Spring Sheikha Hammeed-
Spring / X-480842- / X-485378- Y- Spring / X-486333-
Y-3886081 3882854 Y-3881433
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Pesticides - Organochlorine - Continued

Dieldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Heptachlor µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Heptachlor epoxide µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Pesticides - Organophosphorous

Chlorpyrifos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Dichlorvos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Dimethoate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Disulfoton µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Fenchlorphos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Methyl Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Phorate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Famphur µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Guthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
o,o,o-triethylphosphorothionate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Sulfotep µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Thionazin µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Tokuthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Ethoprophos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Total Phenol mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005

Page 4 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-4 79957-5 79957-6

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-2 / X-486130- Y- SP-4 / X-489330- Y- GW-5 / X-487354- Y-
3881866 3877453 3887512
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Inorganic Parameters

pH Value @ 20°C pH units 7.9 7.9 7.9 -

Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 341 228 444 5
Turbidity NTU 0.7 0.3 4.3 0.1
Total Hardness mg/L 185 178 218 1
Surfactants Anionic mg/L 0.017 0.018 0.017 0.002

Fluoride mg/L 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.1

Nitrate mg/L 0.58 1.24 1.86 0.04
Nitrite mg/L 0.020 <0.016 0.259 0.016
Sulphate mg/L 61.0 12.0 66.0 5
Chloride mg/L 10.0 8.5 24.5 2

Aluminium (Al) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Chromium (VI) mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.13 0.04 0.09 0.01
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Calcium (Ca) mg/L 62.6 62.9 51.2 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Iron (Fe) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 7.0 5.1 22.0 0.1

Page 5 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-4 79957-5 79957-6

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-2 / X-486130- Y- SP-4 / X-489330- Y- GW-5 / X-487354- Y-
3881866 3877453 3887512
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Metals - Continued

Manganese (Mn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Nickel (Ni) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Selenium (Se) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/L 6.6 7.0 60.9 0.1
Zinc (Zn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Mercury (Hg) µg/L <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 0.030

EPH C10-C40 µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

VPH C5-C10 µg/L <7 <7 <7 7

Acenaphthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Acenaphthylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Chrysene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Fluorene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 6 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-4 79957-5 79957-6

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-2 / X-486130- Y- SP-4 / X-489330- Y- GW-5 / X-487354- Y-
3881866 3877453 3887512
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

PAH's - Continued

Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Naphthalene µg/L <0.02 0.04 <0.02 0.02
Phenanthrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pesticides - Organochlorine

BHC alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1

BHC beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC delta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC gamma (Lindane) µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Chlordane µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDD-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDE-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDT-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan sulphate µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin aldehyde µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Methoxychlor µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Aldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Dieldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Heptachlor µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Page 7 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-4 79957-5 79957-6

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 11/11/2019 11/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-2 / X-486130- Y- SP-4 / X-489330- Y- GW-5 / X-487354- Y-
3881866 3877453 3887512
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Pesticides - Organochlorine - Continued

Heptachlor epoxide µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Pesticides - Organophosphorous

Chlorpyrifos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Dichlorvos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Dimethoate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Disulfoton µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Fenchlorphos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Methyl Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Phorate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Famphur µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Guthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
o,o,o-triethylphosphorothionate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Sulfotep µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Thionazin µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Tokuthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Ethoprophos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Total Phenol mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005

Page 8 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-7 79957-8 79957-9

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 12/11/2019 12/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-3 Zhazh-Spring / X- Takhta mina -Spring
478101- Y-3889592 / X-484711- Y-
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Inorganic Parameters

pH Value @ 20°C pH units 8.0 7.9 7.7 -

Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 337 1450 306 5
Turbidity NTU 0.7 4.7 0.9 0.1
Total Hardness mg/L 262 677 210 1
Surfactants Anionic mg/L 0.016 0.017 0.015 0.002

Fluoride mg/L 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.1

Nitrate mg/L 0.66 0.89 1.99 0.04
Nitrite mg/L 0.016 0.168 0.016 0.016
Sulphate mg/L 50.0 437 13.0 5
Chloride mg/L 9.5 334 10.5 2

Aluminium (Al) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Chromium (VI) mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.13 0.05 0.27 0.01
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Calcium (Ca) mg/L 93.4 180 64.4 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Iron (Fe) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 9 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-7 79957-8 79957-9

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 12/11/2019 12/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-3 Zhazh-Spring / X- Takhta mina -Spring
478101- Y-3889592 / X-484711- Y-
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Metals - Continued

Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 7.1 55.1 11.9 0.1

Manganese (Mn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Nickel (Ni) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Selenium (Se) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/L 6.6 186 16.2 0.1
Zinc (Zn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Mercury (Hg) µg/L <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 0.030

EPH C10-C40 µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

VPH C5-C10 µg/L <7 <7 <7 7

Acenaphthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Acenaphthylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Chrysene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 10 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-7 79957-8 79957-9

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 12/11/2019 12/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-3 Zhazh-Spring / X- Takhta mina -Spring
478101- Y-3889592 / X-484711- Y-
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

PAH's - Continued

Fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Fluorene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Naphthalene µg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02
Phenanthrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pesticides - Organochlorine

BHC alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1

BHC beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC delta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC gamma (Lindane) µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Chlordane µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDD-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDE-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDT-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan sulphate µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin aldehyde µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Methoxychlor µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Aldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Page 11 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-7 79957-8 79957-9

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 11/11/2019 12/11/2019 12/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID SP-3 Zhazh-Spring / X- Takhta mina -Spring
478101- Y-3889592 / X-484711- Y-
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Pesticides - Organochlorine - Continued

Dieldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Heptachlor µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Heptachlor epoxide µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Pesticides - Organophosphorous

Chlorpyrifos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Dichlorvos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Dimethoate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Disulfoton µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Fenchlorphos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Methyl Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Phorate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Famphur µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Guthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
o,o,o-triethylphosphorothionate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Sulfotep µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Thionazin µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Tokuthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Ethoprophos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Total Phenol mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005

Page 12 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-10 79957-11 79957-12

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 12/11/2019 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Ibrahim Ghulam- Paryawala Well / X- WW-2 / X-481888-
Spring / X-492210- 476313- Y-3892673 / Y-3885416
Y-3887439 5.26m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Inorganic Parameters

pH Value @ 20°C pH units 8.2 8.3 8.1 -

Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 398 600 215 5
Turbidity NTU 0.4 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Total Hardness mg/L 147 60.0 140 1
Surfactants Anionic mg/L 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.002

Fluoride mg/L 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.1

Nitrate mg/L 0.66 2.17 0.40 0.04
Nitrite mg/L 0.016 0.023 0.020 0.016
Sulphate mg/L 97.0 192 33.0 5
Chloride mg/L 20.5 50.0 7.5 2

Aluminium (Al) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Chromium (VI) mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.05 0.02 0.16 0.01
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Calcium (Ca) mg/L 29.1 14.0 43.0 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Iron (Fe) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 13 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-10 79957-11 79957-12

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 12/11/2019 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Ibrahim Ghulam- Paryawala Well / X- WW-2 / X-481888-
Spring / X-492210- 476313- Y-3892673 / Y-3885416
Y-3887439 5.26m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Metals - Continued

Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 18.5 6.5 7.8 0.1

Manganese (Mn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Nickel (Ni) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Selenium (Se) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/L 76.7 165 13.2 0.1
Zinc (Zn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Mercury (Hg) µg/L <0.030 <0.030 <0.030 0.030

EPH C10-C40 µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

VPH C5-C10 µg/L <7 <7 <7 7

Acenaphthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Acenaphthylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Chrysene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 14 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-10 79957-11 79957-12

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 12/11/2019 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Ibrahim Ghulam- Paryawala Well / X- WW-2 / X-481888-
Spring / X-492210- 476313- Y-3892673 / Y-3885416
Y-3887439 5.26m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

PAH's - Continued

Fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Fluorene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Naphthalene µg/L <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02
Phenanthrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pesticides - Organochlorine

BHC alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1

BHC beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC delta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC gamma (Lindane) µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Chlordane µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDD-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDE-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDT-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan sulphate µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin aldehyde µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Methoxychlor µg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Aldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Page 15 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-10 79957-11 79957-12

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 12/11/2019 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID Ibrahim Ghulam- Paryawala Well / X- WW-2 / X-481888-
Spring / X-492210- 476313- Y-3892673 / Y-3885416
Y-3887439 5.26m
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Pesticides - Organochlorine - Continued

Dieldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Heptachlor µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Heptachlor epoxide µg/L <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Pesticides - Organophosphorous

Chlorpyrifos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Dichlorvos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Dimethoate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Disulfoton µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Fenchlorphos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Methyl Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Parathion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Phorate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Famphur µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Guthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
o,o,o-triethylphosphorothionate µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Sulfotep µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Thionazin µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Tokuthion µg/L <50 <50 <50 50
Ethoprophos µg/L <50 <50 <50 50

Total Phenol mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005

Page 16 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-13 79957-14

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID WW-3 / X-482156- WW-6
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Inorganic Parameters

pH Value @ 20°C pH units 8.1 7.9 -

Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 203 215 5
Turbidity NTU <0.1 0.7 0.1
Total Hardness mg/L 134 141 1
Surfactants Anionic mg/L 0.016 0.017 0.002

Fluoride mg/L 0.4 0.6 0.1

Nitrate mg/L 0.71 0.18 0.04
Nitrite mg/L <0.016 0.020 0.016
Sulphate mg/L 24.0 36.0 5
Chloride mg/L 7.0 8.0 2

Aluminium (Al) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Chromium (VI) mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.05
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.21 0.14 0.01
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.001
Calcium (Ca) mg/L 42.0 43.0 0.1
Copper (Cu) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Iron (Fe) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Magnesium (Mg) mg/L 7.1 8.3 0.1

Page 17 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-13 79957-14

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID WW-3 / X-482156- WW-6
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Metals - Continued

Manganese (Mn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Nickel (Ni) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Selenium (Se) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Sodium (Na) mg/L 12.2 14.4 0.1
Zinc (Zn) mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Mercury (Hg) µg/L <0.030 <0.030 0.030

EPH C10-C40 µg/L <50 <50 50

VPH C5-C10 µg/L <7 <7 7

Acenaphthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Acenaphthylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(a)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Chrysene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Fluoranthene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Fluorene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Page 18 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-13 79957-14

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID WW-3 / X-482156- WW-6
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

PAH's - Continued

Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01

Naphthalene µg/L <0.02 <0.02 0.02
Phenanthrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pyrene µg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.01
Pesticides - Organochlorine

BHC alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1

BHC beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC delta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
BHC gamma (Lindane) µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Chlordane µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDD-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDE-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
DDT-p,p' µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan alpha µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan beta µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endosulfan sulphate µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Endrin aldehyde µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Methoxychlor µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.1
Aldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Dieldrin µg/L <0.03 <0.03 0.03
Heptachlor µg/L <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Page 19 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Sample ID 79957-13 79957-14

Date Received 16/12/2019 16/12/2019
Sampled By Not Given Not Given
Sampling Date 13/11/2019 13/11/2019
Sampling Time Not Given Not Given
Sample Sub Matrix Ground Water Ground Water
Sampling Location Not Given Not Given
Client Sample ID WW-3 / X-482156- WW-6
Analyte Units Results Results Results Method Limit
of Detection

Pesticides - Organochlorine - Continued

Heptachlor epoxide µg/L <0.03 <0.03 0.03

Pesticides - Organophosphorous

Chlorpyrifos µg/L <50 <50 50

Dichlorvos µg/L <50 <50 50
Dimethoate µg/L <50 <50 50
Disulfoton µg/L <50 <50 50
Fenchlorphos µg/L <50 <50 50
Methyl Parathion µg/L <50 <50 50
Parathion µg/L <50 <50 50
Phorate µg/L <50 <50 50
Famphur µg/L <50 <50 50
Guthion µg/L <50 <50 50
o,o,o-triethylphosphorothionate µg/L <50 <50 50
Sulfotep µg/L <50 <50 50
Thionazin µg/L <50 <50 50
Tokuthion µg/L <50 <50 50
Ethoprophos µg/L <50 <50 50

Total Phenol mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.005

Method of Analysis
Method Name Reference
Chloride [APHA 4500 Cl- B]-DXB APHA [4500 Cl- B]

Page 20 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.
Method of Analysis
Method Name Reference
Chromium (Hexavalent) [HACH 8023] Water-DXB HACH [8023]
EPH C10-C40 by GC-FID [EPA 8015B] Water-DXB$ EPA [8015B]
Fluoride [HACH 8029]-DXB HACH [8029]
Hardness (Total) [APHA 2340 B]-DXB APHA [2340 B]
Mercury by PSA [EPA 245.7] P&E-DXB$ EPA [245.7]
Metals ICP OES [APHA 3120 B] P-DXB$ APHA [3120 B]
Nitrate [HACH 8039]-DXB HACH [8039]
Nitrite [HACH 8507]-DXB HACH [8507]
Organochlorine Pesticides in Water [EPA 8081 A]-DXB$ EPA [8081 A]
Organophosphorous Pesticides in water [EPA 8270 D]-DXB EPA [8270 D]
PAH in Water [EPA 8270 D]-DXB$ US EPA [8270 D]
pH [APHA 4500 H+ B]Water-DXB$ APHA [4500 H+ B]
Phenol (Total) [HACH 8047]-DXB HACH [8047]
Solids (Total Dissolved) [APHA 2540 C]Water-DXB$ APHA [2540 C]
Sulphate [APHA 4500 SO42- C]-DXB APHA [4500 SO42- C]
Surfactants Anionic [HACH 8028]-DXB HACH [8028]
Turbidity [APHA 2130 B]-DXB APHA [2130 B]
VPH C5-C10 by GC-FID [EPA 8015B]-Water-DXB$ EPA [8015B]
* Reference Method Modified

. Tested By : AAP, JCH, SKR, SMO
. Date Tested: 19/12/2019 to 24/12/2019

. Please note that if the sample has to be diluted due to the matrix, the reported Limit of Detection (LOD) value will increase from the method LOD.
. Any APHA methods stated herein are documented in-house procedures, referenced to 23rd edition.
. Test methods marked with $ are EIAC (formerly DAC) accredited.

Please note that the metals results reported above are dissolved metals.

. Please see the table below detailing the surrogate recovery of Naphthalene-D8* for the samples shown. The normal acceptable recovery range is 70-
130%, however, the values shown are slightly below this for some of the samples due to the sample matrix effect. The recovery of the counterpart
analytes may therefore also be slightly reduced. All other surrogate compounds had acceptable recovery.
. Sample ID
Surrogate Compounds 79957/1 79957/2 79957/4 79957/5 79957/6 79957/7 79957/8 79957/9 79957/10 79957/12
79957/13 79957/14
Naphthalene-D8* 72 75 65 74 72 70 70 71 73 75 66
66 70 74

Page 21 of 22
Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C P: +971 (0)4 8851001
Plot 598-221, Dubai Investments Park, F: +971 (0)4 8854004
P.O. Box 34924 me.dxbnorlims@element.com
Dubai, United Arab Emirates element.com

Analytical Report Job Ref. No. : 79957

Report No : 111038
Date Reported : 25/12/2019
Approved by:
Al Majal Business Park
Basrah, Iraq

Jessica Hommelhoff Asst. Laboratory Manager–Chemistry & Microbiology

All work and services carried out by Al Futtaim Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C are
Project ID: 182279/Water subject to, and conducted in accordance with, the standard Terms and Conditions of Al Futtaim
Crescent Element Materials Technology Dubai L.L.C, which are available at
Project Name: https://www.element.com/terms/terms-and-conditions or upon request.
Project Location: Kormor
This document may not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval
Tel. No: +964 782 784 6339 of the issuing laboratory. These results pertain only to the item(s) tested as sampled by the
client unless otherwise indicated.

Page 22 of 22
Water sampling bacterial laboratory results:
Al Majal Business Park
Berjessah, Az Zubayr, Basra


Laboratory Job Number: 19/10710

Issue Number: 1 Date: 16 November, 2019

Client: RSK Environment IIc, Iraq

PO Box 45103 Abu Dhabi
902 Silver Wave Tower
Suite 1202
Mina Road
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Project Manager: Jessica Hommelhoff

Project Name: Crescent
Project Ref: 182279
Order No: N/A
Date Samples Received: 12/11/19
Date Instructions Received: 12/11/19
Date Analysis Completed: 16/11/19

Prepared by: Approved by:

Farhan Shaher Luhaib Hayder Naseer

Senior Technician Laboratory Supervisor

Page 1 of 3
Laboratory Job Number: 19/10710 Client Project Name: Crescent

Client Project Ref: 182279

Lab Sample ID 19/10710/1 19/10710/2 19/10710/3 19/10710/4 19/10710/5 19/10710/6 19/10710/7

Client Sample No Kormor Taza Sheikh SP-2 SP-4 GW-5 SP-3

Gawra-Spring Shaher-Sprin Hameed-Spri
g ng

Client Sample ID 480842-38860 485378-38828 486333-38814 486130-38818 489330-38774 487354-38875

81 54 33 66 53 12

Limit of Detection
Depth to Top

Depth To Bottom

Method ref
Date Sampled 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19 11-Nov-19

Sample Type Water - W Water - W Water - W Water - W Water - W Water - W Water - W

EcoliA No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth Test kit

Coliforms (total)A 1000 100000 100 100 100 100000 1000 cfu/ml Test kit

Page 2 of 3

Notes - Soil analysis

All results are reported as dry weight.
Natural stones >10mm are removed or excluded from the sample prior to analysis and reported results corrected to a whole sample

Notes - General

Reports shall not be reproduced without the written permission of RSK.

Samples submitted by others. Sampling is outside of our control.

Subscript "A" indicates analysis performed on the sample as received. "D" indicates analysis performed on the dried sample, crushed to
pass a 2mm sieve, unless asbestos is found to be present in which case all analysis is performed on the sample as received.
For samples that are oil all analysis is performed on the as received sample and this supercedes any “D” subscript.
For samples that are aggregate, stones, concrete or any similar matrices all analysis is performed on the dried and crushed sample.

Uncertainty has been calculated for all procedures and summary data is available upon request.
All calibrations performed by the laboratory are traceable to NIST standards.

IS indicates Insufficient sample for analysis.

NDP indicates No Determination Possible.
NAD indicates No Asbestos Detected.
Superscript * indicates that all analysis for that sample was performed by a subcontract laboratory.
Superscript # indicates method accredited to ISO 17025.
Analytical results reflect the quality of the sample at the time of analysis only. Opinions and interpretations expressed are outside the
scope of our accreditation.

Please contact us if you need any further information.

Page 3 of 3
Al Majal Business Park
Berjessah, Az Zubayr, Basra


Laboratory Job Number: 19/10723

Issue Number: 1 Date: 16 November, 2019

Client: RSK Environment IIc, Iraq

PO Box 45103 Abu Dhabi
902 Silver Wave Tower
Suite 1202
Mina Road
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Project Manager: Jessica Hommelhoff

Project Name: Crescent
Project Ref: 182279
Order No: N/A
Date Samples Received: 13/11/19
Date Instructions Received: 13/11/19
Date Analysis Completed: 16/11/19

Prepared by: Approved by:

Farhan Shaher Luhaib Hayder Naseer

Senior Technician Laboratory Supervisor

Page 1 of 3
Laboratory Job Number: 19/10723 Client Project Name: Crescent

Client Project Ref: 182279

Lab Sample ID 19/10723/1 19/10723/2 19/10723/3

Client Sample No Zhazh-Spring Takhta Ibrahim

mina-Spring Ghulam-Spri

Client Sample ID 478101-38895 484711-38771 492210-38874

92 9 39

Limit of Detection
Depth to Top

Depth To Bottom

Method ref
Date Sampled 12-Nov-19 12-Nov-19 12-Nov-19

Sample Type Water - W Water - W Water - W

EcoliA No Growth No Growth No Growth Test kit

Coliforms (total)A 10000 100000 10000 cfu/ml Test kit

Page 2 of 3

Notes - Soil analysis

All results are reported as dry weight.
Natural stones >10mm are removed or excluded from the sample prior to analysis and reported results corrected to a whole sample

Notes - General

Reports shall not be reproduced without the written permission of RSK.

Samples submitted by others. Sampling is outside of our control.

Subscript "A" indicates analysis performed on the sample as received. "D" indicates analysis performed on the dried sample, crushed to
pass a 2mm sieve, unless asbestos is found to be present in which case all analysis is performed on the sample as received.
For samples that are oil all analysis is performed on the as received sample and this supercedes any “D” subscript.
For samples that are aggregate, stones, concrete or any similar matrices all analysis is performed on the dried and crushed sample.

Uncertainty has been calculated for all procedures and summary data is available upon request.
All calibrations performed by the laboratory are traceable to NIST standards.

IS indicates Insufficient sample for analysis.

NDP indicates No Determination Possible.
NAD indicates No Asbestos Detected.
Superscript * indicates that all analysis for that sample was performed by a subcontract laboratory.
Superscript # indicates method accredited to ISO 17025.
Analytical results reflect the quality of the sample at the time of analysis only. Opinions and interpretations expressed are outside the
scope of our accreditation.

Please contact us if you need any further information.

Page 3 of 3
Al Majal Business Park
Berjessah, Az Zubayr, Basra


Laboratory Job Number: 19/10883

Issue Number: 1 Date: 16 November, 2019

Client: RSK Environment IIc, Iraq

PO Box 45103 Abu Dhabi
902 Silver Wave Tower
Suite 1202
Mina Road
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Project Manager: Jessica Hommelhoff

Project Name: Crescent
Project Ref: 182279
Order No: N/A
Date Samples Received: 14/11/19
Date Instructions Received: 14/11/19
Date Analysis Completed: 16/11/19

Prepared by: Approved by:

Farhan Shaher Luhaib Hayder Naseer

Senior Technician Laboratory Supervisor

Page 1 of 3
Laboratory Job Number: 19/10883 Client Project Name: Crescent

Client Project Ref: 182279

Lab Sample ID 19/10883/1 19/10883/2 19/10883/3 19/10883/4

Client Sample No Paryawla well WW-2 WW-3 WW-6

Client Sample ID 476313-38926 481888-38854 482156-38846

73 16 12

Limit of Detection
Depth to Top 5.26

Depth To Bottom

Method ref
Date Sampled 13-Nov-19 13-Nov-19 13-Nov-19 13-Nov-19

Sample Type Water - W Water - W Water - W Water - W

EcoliA No Growth No Growth No Growth No Growth Test kit

Coliforms (total)A 10 10 10 100 cfu/ml Test kit

Page 2 of 3

Notes - Soil analysis

All results are reported as dry weight.
Natural stones >10mm are removed or excluded from the sample prior to analysis and reported results corrected to a whole sample

Notes - General

Reports shall not be reproduced without the written permission of RSK.

Samples submitted by others. Sampling is outside of our control.

Subscript "A" indicates analysis performed on the sample as received. "D" indicates analysis performed on the dried sample, crushed to
pass a 2mm sieve, unless asbestos is found to be present in which case all analysis is performed on the sample as received.
For samples that are oil all analysis is performed on the as received sample and this supercedes any “D” subscript.
For samples that are aggregate, stones, concrete or any similar matrices all analysis is performed on the dried and crushed sample.

Uncertainty has been calculated for all procedures and summary data is available upon request.
All calibrations performed by the laboratory are traceable to NIST standards.

IS indicates Insufficient sample for analysis.

NDP indicates No Determination Possible.
NAD indicates No Asbestos Detected.
Superscript * indicates that all analysis for that sample was performed by a subcontract laboratory.
Superscript # indicates method accredited to ISO 17025.
Analytical results reflect the quality of the sample at the time of analysis only. Opinions and interpretations expressed are outside the
scope of our accreditation.

Please contact us if you need any further information.

Page 3 of 3
Air quality laboratory results:
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


CUSTOMER RSK Environment Llc (UAE) Attn: Andreea Stroe
PO Box 46112
Al Ghaith Tower, Suite 1202
Hamdan Bin Mohamed St.
Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

Sample Exposure Data µg H2S µg H2S -
g/m *
Location Number Date On* Date Off* (hr.) on tube Blank ppb *

Kormar Gamara Village 1431399 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 764.67 0.08 0.04 

0.08 0.06
Kormar Bichuck Village 1431394 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 815.50 <0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Taza Shahaw Village 1431395 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 814.83 <0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Aweya Jalal Village 1431397 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 790.33 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.02
Shikhhsmeed Village 1431396 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 792.75 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01
Mamsik Village 1431401 24/08/2019 23/09/2019 726.33 <0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Qadev Qarm Village 1431398 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 774.58 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02
MP8 1431400 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 746.00 <0.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Field Blank 1431402 0.04

Laboratory Blank 0.02

Results reported as <0.044µg on tube are below the reporting limit.

Tubes have exceeded shelf-life. Results may be compromised.
Overall M.U. ±18.6% Limit of Detection 0.044µg on tube

Analysed on CARY 60
Analyst Name Sam Minns Report Checked By Andrew Poole

Date of Analysis 15/10/2019 Date of Report 22/10/2019

Analysis carried out in accordance with documented in-house Laboratory Method GLM5

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07476R Page 1 of 1
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


Report Number N07442R

Customer RSK Environment LLC (UAE)
PO Box 46112
Al Ghaith Tower, Suite 1202
Hamdan Bin Mohamed St.
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Booking In Reference T1299
Despatch Note Number 73775
Date Samples Received 10/10/2019
Diffusion Tube Type Tenax

Quantitative Analysis of BTEX

Identification and estimation of ng on tube in accordance with ISO16000-6
Estimation of Total VOC (C6 to C16) on Tenax Diffusion Tubes in accordance with ISO16000-6

Tube Number GRA02624

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1310
Exposure Time (mins)* 45880
Sample ID Kormor Gawra Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 5.6 0.2 0.5
Toluene 6.6 0.1 0.5
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 617 6.7 33
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 338 3.7 38
Acetophenone** 79 0.9 4.1
Phenylmaleic anhydride 67 0.7 5.1
Benzaldehyde** 61 0.7 2.8

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1097 12.0 74.4

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 1 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


Tube Number 001685
Gradko Lab Reference 04N1311
Exposure Time (mins)* 48930
Sample ID Kormor Bichuk Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 5.0 0.1 0.5
Toluene <5.0 <0.1 <0.4
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 924 9.4 46
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 339 3.5 36
Acetophenone** 112 1.1 5.5
Phenylmaleic anhydride 98 1.0 7.0
Benzaldehyde** 79 0.8 3.4

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1804 18.4 117

Tube Number GRA09924

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1312
Exposure Time (mins)* 48890
Sample ID Taza Shahar Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 5.6 0.2 0.5
Toluene <5.0 <0.1 <0.4
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 1204 12 60
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 296 3.0 31
2-Phenacyl-quinoxaline 193 2.0 20
Acetophenone** 139 1.4 6.8
Phenylmaleic anhydride 134 1.4 9.5
Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 2 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 2042 20.9 133

Tube Number GRA10201

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1313
Exposure Time (mins)* 47420
Sample ID Awey el Talal Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 5.5 0.2 0.5
Toluene <5.0 <0.1 <0.4
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 963 10.2 49.6
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 281 3.0 31
2-Phenacyl-quinoxaline 158 1.7 17
Acetophenone** 118 1.2 6.0
Phenylmaleic anhydride 102 1.1 7.5

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1706 18.0 114

Tube Number GRA08280

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1314
Exposure Time (mins)* 47565
Sample ID Shehik Hanced Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 6.0 0.2 0.6
Toluene 6.2 0.1 0.5
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene 5.1 0.1 0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 3 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 1019 11 52
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 239 2.5 26
Acetophenone** 112 1.2 5.7
Phenylmaleic anhydride 108 1.1 7.9
Benzaldehyde** 82 0.9 3.7

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1801 18.9 120

Tube Number GRA09570

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1315
Exposure Time (mins)* 43580
Sample ID Mamsik Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 5.4 0.2 0.6
Toluene 12.2 0.3 1.0
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene 10.2 0.2 0.7
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 678 7.8 38
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 212 2.4 25
Nonanal** 128 1.5 8.3
Acetophenone** 89 1.0 4.9
Phenylmaleic anhydride 70 0.8 5.6

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1579 18.1 113

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 4 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


Tube Number GRA04440
Gradko Lab Reference 04N1316
Exposure Time (mins)* 46475
Sample ID Qader Karam Village

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene <5.0 <0.2 <0.5
Toluene <5.0 <0.1 <0.4
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 614 6.6 32
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 222 2.4 25
Acetophenone** 92 1.0 4.7
Benzaldehyde** 56 0.6 2.5
Phenylmaleic anhydride 53 0.6 4.0

ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1094 11.8 73.6

Tube Number GRA10309

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1317
Exposure Time (mins)* 44760
Sample ID MP8

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene 6.8 0.2 0.7
Toluene 11.1 0.2 0.9
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene 7.2 0.1 0.5
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Benzoic acid 458 5.1 25
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone 422 4.7 49
Acetophenone** 80 0.9 4.3
Benzaldehyde** 63 0.7 3.0
Phenylmaleic anhydride 57 0.6 4.4
Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 5 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Total VOC (C6 to C16) 1462 16.3 101

Tube Number GRA06147

Gradko Lab Reference 04N1318
Exposure Time (mins)* 49440
Sample ID Field Blank

BTEX ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*

Benzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.5
Toluene <5.0 <0.1 <0.4
Ethylbenzene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
m/p-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3
o-Xylene <5.0 <0.1 <0.3

Top 5 VOC ng on tube ppb in air* µgm-3*
Phthalic acid, isoporpyl propyl ester 6 0.1 0.6

1 Compound detected

ng on tube
Total VOC (C6 to C16) <5

Results are not Blank corrected.

Overall MU ±17.8% for quantitative analysis of BTEX compounds.
Estimated results as ng on tube are calculated by reference to toluene in accordance with ISO 16000-6
Results for Total VOC as µgm-3 are calculated by reference to alkane molecular weights.

Results greater than 1000ng (excluding Total VOC results) are outside of our UKAS accredited calibration range.

Results reported as <5ng on tube are below the reporting limit.

Reporting limits for BTEX 5ng
Estimated results reported as <5ng on tube are below the reporting limit for the non-specific standard toluene.

2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone is not present in mass spectrum libraries. It has been tentatively identified by
comparison of the mass spectrum and retention times of the standard 2,5-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone.
2,6-Diphenyl-p-benzoquinone may be an artifact due to degradation of Tenax by nitrogen dioxide.
Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 6 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


Compounds shown in italics are tentatively identified due to quality match of less than 85%

**Compounds may be an artifact due to reaction of ozone with the Tenax sorbent.

Uptake Rates:
Benzene 0.70 ng.ppm-1.min-1.
Toluene 1.03 ng.ppm-1.min-1.
Ethylbenzene 1.46 ng.ppm-1.min-1.
m/p Xylene 1.46 ng.ppm-1.min-1.
o-Xylene 1.46 ng.ppm-1.min-1.
All other compounds: 2.00 ng.ppm-1.min-1.

Analysts Name Katya Paldamova Date of Analysis 21/10/2019

Report Checked By Mariella Angelova Date of Report 31/10/2019

Analysis has been carried out in accordance with in-house method GLM 13

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07442R Page 7 of 7
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


CUSTOMER RSK Environment Llc (UAE) Attn: Andreea Stroe
PO Box 46112
Al Ghaith Tower, Suite 1202
Hamdan Bin Mohamed St.
Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

gSO4 
Sample Date Date Exposure SO4
2- SO2 SO2

g/ml g/m * ppb*

Location Number Exposed* Finished* Hours* - Blank

Kormar Gamara Village 1431383 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 764.67 0.82 0.73 11.66 4.37
Kormar Bichuck Village 1431374 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 815.50 1.77 1.69 25.25 9.47
Taza Shaher Village 1431375 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 814.83 1.55 1.46 21.87 8.20
Aweya Jalal Village 1431377 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 790.33 1.61 1.53 23.54 8.83
Shikh Hameed Village 1431376 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 792.75 1.30 1.21 18.64 6.99
Mamsik Village 1431381 24/08/2019 23/09/2019 726.33 0.85 0.77 12.92 4.84
Qadev Karam Village 1431378 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 774.58 1.08 1.00 15.69 5.88
MP8 1431380 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 746.00 1.02 0.94 15.37 5.76

Field Blank 1431382 0.08

Laboratory Blank 0.03

Comment: Results are blank subtracted

Overall M.U. ±9.6% Reporting Limit 0.09µg SO4
Analysed on Dionex ICS1100 ICU11
Analyst Name Sam Minns Report Checked By Andrew Poole

Date of Analysis 25/10/2019 Date of Report 29/10/2019

Analysis has been carried out in accordance with in-house method GLM1

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07593R Page 1 of 1
(A division of Gradko International Ltd.) 2187
St. Martins House, 77 Wales Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 0RH
tel.: 01962 860331 fax: 01962 841339 e-mail:diffusion@gradko.co.uk


CUSTOMER RSK Environment Llc (UAE) Attn: Andreea Stroe
PO Box 46112
Al Ghaith Tower, Suite 1202
Hamdan Bin Mohamed St.
Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

- µg/ml
Sample Date Date Exposure NO3 - O3 O3
- 3
Location Number Exposed* Finished* Hours* µg/ml µg/m * ppb*

Kormar Gamara Village 1431389 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 764.67 0.92 

0.90 68.10 34.05
Kormar Bichuck Village 1431384 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 815.50 1.43 1.41 99.90 49.95
Taza Shahaw Village 1431385 20/08/2019 23/09/2019 814.83 1.68 1.67 118.27 59.13
Aweya Jalal Village 1431387 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 790.33 1.47 1.46 106.61 53.31
Shikh Hameed Village 1431386 21/08/2019 23/09/2019 792.75 1.11 1.09 79.55 39.77
Mamsik Village 1431391 24/08/2019 23/09/2019 726.33 1.59 1.58 125.42 62.71
Qadev Karam Village 1431388 22/08/2019 23/09/2019 774.58 1.16 1.15 85.54 42.77
MP8 1431390 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 746.00 1.55 1.54 119.23 59.62

Field Blank 1431392 0.02

Laboratory Blank 0.01

Comment: Results are blank subtracted

Overall M.U. ±10.2% Reporting Limit 0.049µg/ml NO3
Analysed on Dionex ICS1100 ICU10

Analyst Name Sam Minns Report Checked By Andrew Poole

Date of Analysis 25/10/2019 Date of Report 29/10/2019

Analysis has been carried out in accordance with in-house method GLM 2

Samples have been tested within the scope of Gradko International Ltd. Laboratory Quality Procedures. Results within this report relate only to
samples as received. Data provided by the client and any subsequent calculations shall be indicated by an asterisk (*), these calculations and results
are not within the scope of our UKAS accreditation. Any queries concerning data in this report should be directed to the Laboratory Manager
Gradko International Ltd. This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of Gradko International Ltd.
Form LQF32b Issue 9 – August 2019 Report Number N07595R Page 1 of 1
During the land use survey, the following features were identified:

Table A2.3 Summary of land use features

Feature Locations Considerations

Dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,

Residential buildings Ali Mustafa, Khor Mor Gawra, Shekh Hameed
maintaining full access, community road safety.

Dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,

Agricultural buildings Ali Mustafa, Khor Mor Gawra maintaining full access, community road safety, animal

One location identified along route (see Dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
Commercial buildings
coordinates in subsequent table) maintaining full access, community road safety.

Maintaining full access, presence of grazing animals,

Land use types Along entire transportation routes occasional road crossings by animals, dust, noise,
vibration from passing vehicles, community road safety.

Public buildings - schools Khor Mor Gawra, Shekh Hameed Proximity to road side, community road safety.

Infrastructure Mamisik, Qadir Karim, Shekh Hameed Protection of local infrastructure.

Places of worship Awaye Jalal, Shekh Hameed Timing of religious celebrations and ceremonies.

Four locations identified along the route (see Maintaining full access, awareness of funeral
coordinates in subsequent table) processions.

Various locations (including Mamisik, Taza Shar,

Water points Seasonal use by livestock rearers, pollution.
Shekh Hameed)

Security features Junction of Qadir Karim and Kirkuk roads Security terms and conditions.

These features are further elaborated upon in the following table:

Table A2.4 Details of land use features

Coordinates Feature Location / Considerations Photograph

Khor Mor Gawra Primary School

Public building - school Considerations: Community road safety,
traffic management and school schedule

Shekh Hameed Primary School

Public building - school Considerations: Community road safety,
traffic management and school schedule

Awaye Jalal
35.108735 Place of worship -
44.820016 mosque Considerations: Place of local significance
and worship. Schedule of local religious
activities to manage traffic and access.
Shekh Hameed
35.07888 Place of worship -
44.854116 mosque Considerations: Place of local significance
and worship. Schedule of local religious
activities to manage traffic and access.

Access to one house is approximately 100

metres from the road side
35.21463 Residential buildings -
cluster of houses Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety.
Ali Mustafa
35.20112 Residential buildings -
44.790301 cluster of houses Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety.
Ali Mustafa and access road to Bariula

Residential buildings, Considerations: Maintaining full access,

other - cluster of dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
44.790301 houses, access road community road safety, deterioration of road
conditions, overhead power lines crossing
the road.

Ali Mustafa
Residential buildings,
35.199504 agricultural buildings - Considerations: Maintaining full access,
44.793867 cluster of houses and dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
animal shelter community and road safety, animal welfare.
35.131106 Residential buildings – Abandoned properties on either side of the
44.861126 abandoned houses road on route to Mamisik
Shekh Hameed

35.080837 Residential buildings – Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.852539 housing units dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, deterioration of road
conditions, overhead power lines crossing
the road.

35.202144 Other – access road to

Considerations: Maintaining full access.
44.811118 residential building
Residential buildings, Considerations: Maintaining full access,
35.213547 graveyards – house dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
44.850751 under construction, community road safety, awareness of
graveyard funeral processions.


35.214946 Residential buildings - Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.856572 cluster of houses dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety.
Considerations: Maintaining full access,
35.212057 Residential buildings – dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
44.875358 housing units community and road safety, deterioration of
road conditions.
Houses located on both sides of road.

35.205744 Residential buildings - Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.879739 housing units dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community and road safety, deterioration of
road conditions.

Old property and graveyard

Residential buildings, Considerations: Maintaining full access,

35.204555 dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
graveyards – housing
44.879489 unit, graveyard community road safety, deterioration of road
conditions, awareness of funeral

House located on side of road

35.198026 Residential building – Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.876224 housing unit dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, deterioration of road
Khor Mor Gawra

35.125034 Residential buildings – Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.789886 cluster of houses dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, deterioration of road

35.114111 Other – abandoned

Shekh Hameed
44.810818 structures
Awaye Jalal

35.110507 Residential buildings – Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.816425 housing units dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community and road safety, deterioration of
road conditions, overhead electricity lines.

Taza Shar

35.091496 Residential buildings – Considerations: Maintaining full access,

44.842766 housing units dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community and road safety, deterioration of
road conditions, overhead electricity lines.
Animal shelter located near to dry water
35.212755 Agricultural buildings,
water point – animal Considerations: Maintaining full access,
44.828577 shelters, water point dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, animal welfare,

Animals shelter for goats, sheep and ducks

35.176166 Agricultural buildings –
44.856105 animal shelters Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, animal welfare.

Khor Mor Gawra

35.124447 Agricultural buildings –
44.792151 animal shelters Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, animal welfare.
Close to Taza Shar
35.10837 Agricultural buildings –
44.820715 animal shelters Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, animal welfare.

35.157516 Commercial buildings – Considerations: Dust, noise, vibration from

collection of small passing vehicles, maintaining full access,
44.830778 shops community road safety.
35.203436 Considerations: Maintaining full access,
Agricultural buildings –
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
44.879185 animal shelters
community road safety, animal welfare.
Grazing land on route to Mamisik
Land use – grazing land Considerations: Presence of grazing
animals, occasional road crossings by
Grazing land on either sides of the road
Land use – grazing land Considerations: Presence of grazing
animals, occasional road crossings by
Land used for wheat farming on route to
Shekh Hameed
35.117486 Land use – agricultural
44.806755 land Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety.
Land used for wheat farming on route to
Shekh Hameed
35.075073 Land use – agricultural
44.857162 land Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety.
Grazing land on either sides of the road
Land use – grazing land Considerations: Presence of grazing
animals, occasional road crossings by
Land used for wheat farming
35.14863 Land use – agricultural
44.844631 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
Land used for wheat farming and dry water
path on route to Mamisik
35.148732 Land use, water point –
agricultural land, dry
44.845396 water path Considerations: Maintaining full access,
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, pollution.
35.143204 Considerations: Presence of grazing
Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.854907 animals.

Land used for wheat farming

35.141508 Land use – agricultural
44.857615 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
Land used for wheat farming on route to
35.12771 Land use – agricultural Mamisik
44.859544 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.

Land used for wheat farming on route to

35.117857 Land use – agricultural Mamisik
44.865078 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.

Land used for wheat farming

35.104041 Land use – agricultural
44.827317 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
Land used for wheat farming
35.097517 Land use – agricultural
44.835701 land
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
Graveyard located opposite Ali Mustafa

35.20112 Considerations: Maintaining full access,

Graveyard dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, deterioration in road
conditions, awareness of funeral

Considerations: Maintaining full access,

35.124582 dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
Graveyard community road safety, deterioration in road
44.791646 conditions, awareness of funeral
Graveyard on route to Shekh Hameed

35.083803 Considerations: Maintaining full access,

Graveyard dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
community road safety, deterioration in road
conditions, awareness of funeral

35.210752 Other - access road to

Considerations: Maintaining full access.
44.784875 agricultural land
35.086511 Land use – agricultural
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
44.847453 land
Considerations: Presence of grazing
35.201549 Land use, place of animals, occasional road crossings by
worship – grazing land animals. Place of local significance and
44.804078 and mosque worship, schedule of local religious activities
to manage traffic and access.
44.817747 Considerations: Presence of grazing
Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
433.84024 animals.
35.212061 Land use – grazing land Considerations: Presence of grazing
(and access road to animals, occasional road crossings by
44.841182 grazing land) animals, maintaining access.
35.193643 Considerations: Maintaining full access,
Land use – agricultural
dust, noise, vibration from passing vehicles,
44.872109 and grazing land
community road safety, animal welfare.
35.166975 Considerations: Presence of grazing
Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.842947 animals.
35.158012 Considerations: Presence of grazing
Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.826355 animals.

35.132835 Considerations: Presence of grazing

Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.820536 animals.
35.123721 Considerations: Presence of grazing
Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.794543 animals.

On route to Mamisik
35.13687 Water source,
infrastructure – dry Considerations: seasonal water use by
44.861373 water path and bridge livestock rearers, protection of local
On route to Taza Shar
35.092737 Water source – dry
44.841349 water path Considerations: seasonal water use by
livestock rearers.
Considerations: seasonal water use by
35.087597 Water point, land use –
livestock rearers, presence of grazing
dry water path, grazing
44.724987 animals. occasional road crossings by
On route to Mamisik
35.155575 Water point – dry water
44.833112 path Considerations: seasonal water use by
livestock rearers.

35.084317 Considerations: Presence of grazing

Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.7117 animals.
Considerations: Presence of grazing
35.125689 Land use, other –
animals, occasional road crossings by
grazing land, access
44.813932 animals, maintaining access, deterioration of
road conditions.
35.1229 Land use – agricultural
Considerations: Maintaining full access.
44.783429 land
35.213117 Water source, Considerations: seasonal water use by
infrastructure – dry livestock rearers, protection of local
44.831321 water path and bridge infrastructure.
35.214463 Water source, Considerations: seasonal water use by
infrastructure – dry livestock rearers, protection of local
44.854687 water path and bridge infrastructure.
35.174043 Water source – dry Considerations: seasonal water use by
44.852911 water path livestock rearers.
35.163321 Water source – dry Considerations: seasonal water use by
44.837084 water path livestock rearers.

35.124356 Water source – dry Considerations: seasonal water use by

44.785665 water path livestock rearers.
Junction of Qadir Karim and Kirkuk roads
35.214993 Security feature –
44.779476 military checkpoint Considerations: security terms and
conditions, traffic and congestion.

Checkpoint and access road to Qadir Karim

35.207747 Security feature, other –
military checkpoint,
44.880145 access road Considerations: security terms and
conditions, traffic and congestion.
35.105456 Security feature, water
Considerations: security terms and
point - military
44.82487 conditions, traffic and congestion.
checkpoint, water path
Qadir Karim
35.200722 Security feature –
44.878919 military checkpoint Considerations: security terms and
conditions, traffic and congestion.
River crossing on route to existing facility at
Water point, Qadir Karim
infrastructure – river,
44.879185 bridge Considerations: seasonal use by livestock
rearers, protection of local infrastructure.

On route to Mamisik
Infrastructure - bridge
44.836649 Considerations: protection of local
On route to Mamisik
35.150045 Infrastructure, land use
44.838452 - bridge, grazing land Considerations: protection of local
infrastructure, presence of grazing animals,
occasional road crossings by animals.
On route to Shekh Hameed

35.095857 Infrastructure, water

point – bridge, dry water Considerations: protection of local
44.837719 path infrastructure, seasonal use by livestock

Considerations: Presence of grazing

35.191113 Water point, land use animals, occasional road crossings by
44.871295 river, grazing land animals, seasonal use by livestock rearers,
35.181023 Security feature - police Considerations: security terms and
44.864196 camp (OFPF) conditions.

35.172402 Security feature - police Considerations: security terms and

44.850395 base (OFPF) conditions.
35.15272 Security feature - former Considerations: security terms and
44.821091 checkpoint conditions.
35.125156 Security feature – Considerations: security terms and
44.811679 security tower conditions.
35.122324 Security feature - Considerations: security terms and
44.800199 military base conditions.
On route to Shekh Hameed
35.120763 Security feature -
44.802169 military base Considerations: security terms and

On route to Mamisik
35.12338 Security feature -
44.861878 military camp Considerations: security terms and
35.09226 Security feature - Considerations: security terms and
44.766788 military base conditions.

35.088912 Considerations: Presence of grazing

Land use – grazing land animals, occasional road crossings by
44.755051 animals.
35.121915 Other – former concrete
Khor Mor Bichuk
44.800313 patch plant

Figure A2.1 Percentage of vehicle types (location one)

Figure A2.2 Percentage of vehicle types (location two)
Figure A2.3 Percentage of vehicle types (location three)
Figure A2.4 Percentage of vehicle types (location four)
Figure A2.5 Percentage of vehicle types (location five)
Figure A2.6 Percentage of vehicle types (location six)

1. Site Modern Name (local name): Sarcham Tepe

2. Site Ancient Name: ___________

3. Governorate: Sulaymaniyah

4. District: Chemchemal Sub-district: Qadir Karim

5. GPS Coordinates: 44.839762, 35.126667

6. Location Description:

Sarcham Tepe is located near the archaeology investigation site of the flowline (i.e. FL-Arch.7). The
site’s area is a hill with rectangle shape, its dimensions are 20x30 metres. The height to the site is
approximately five metres higher than the surrounding flat area. The nearest PAC is Khor Mor Gawra,
which is located to the north-west of this site. There is an unpaved road connecting to the site. There
are wheat and barley farms nearby. There are signs of grazing in the area around the site. The site
(the hill) is not protected by fence or security guards.

Historic Temporal Period(s):

☐ Sumerian (Early Dynastic), Akkadian and New Sumerian periods (3rd Dynastic of Ur) 3000-2000 BC

☐ Old Babylonian period (including Isin-Larsa period) 2025-1595 BC

☐ Medium Babylonian period (Kassite Dynastic) 1595 -1162 BC

☐ New Babylonian Period (including Land sea Dynastic, Chaldean Dynastic) 1124-539 BC

☐ Achaemenid period 539-331 BC

☐ Seleucid period 331-126 BC

☐ Parthian period 126 BC-227 AD

☐Sassanid period 226-637 AD

☐ Islamic periods 637-1258 AD

☐ Ottoman period 1500-1918 AD

Has the site been excavated? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Has the site been looted? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Is the site threatened? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Figure A2.7 Sarcham Tepe viewpoint one

Figure A2.8 Sarcham Tepe viewpoint two

Figure A2.9 Sarcham Tepe viewpoint three


Note: Due to the COVID-19 situation at the time of report preparation, the archaeological record was
taken from a screen shot and the archaeologist could not access the original file
Soil standards
Table A3.1: Summary of soil quality standards (mg/kg)

Australian Australian health investigation

Dutch Selected
ecological levels
Metals intervention Project
A B C D value standard
Arsenic (total) 20 100 400 200 500 - 20
Beryllium - 20 80 40 100 - 20
Cadmium 3 20 80 40 100 - 3
Chromium (III) 400 12% 48% 24% 60% - 400/12%
Chromium (VI) 1 100 400 200 500 - 1
Cobalt 50 100 400 200 500 - 50
Copper 100 1000 4000 2000 5000 - 100
Lead 600 300 1200 600 1500 530 300
Manganese 500 1500 6000 3000 7500 - 500
Methyl Mercury - 10 40 20 50 - 10
1 15 60 30 75 - 1
Nickel 60 600 2400 600 3000 - 60
Zinc 200 7000 28000 14000 35000 720 200
Aldrin + Dieldrin - 10 40 20 50 - 10
Chlordane 0.5 50 200 100 250 - 0.5
DDT+DDD+DDE 1 200 800 400 1000 - 1
Heptachlor 0.5 10 40 20 50 - 0.5
- 20 80 40 100 - 20
Benzo(a)pyrene 1 1 4 2 5 - 1
Phenol - 8500 34000 17000 42500 - 8500
PCBs (Total) 1 10 40 20 50 - 1
5000 for
- C10-C40 90
(constituents): 90 360 180 450
(mineral oil)
>C16 – C35
- 5600 22400 11200 28000 - 5600
>C35 Aliphatics - 56000 224000 112000 280000 - 56000
Australian Australian health investigation
Dutch Selected
ecological levels
Metals intervention Project
A B C D value standard
Boron - 3000 12000 6000 15000 - 3000
50 500 2000 1000 2500 - 50
Cyanides (free) 10 250 1000 500 1250 - 10
Water standards
Table A3.2: Summary of Iraqi water quality standards and wastewater discharge standards

Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits

(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
Colour Normal Normal Normal Normal - - Normal
Temperature - - - - 35°C 45°C -
- - - - 60 750
Hydrogen Ion
Concentration 6.5 to 8.5 8.5 8.5 6 to 9.5 6 to 9.5 6.5 to 8.5
More than 5 More than 5 More than 5 - - More than 5
BOD5 5 5 3 40 1,000 5
COD (Cr2 O7
- - - - 100 - -
Cyanide 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.5 0.02
Fluorine 0.2 or more according to what exist naturally in the source 5.0 10 0.2
Free Chlorine Trace Trace Trace Trace Trace 100 Trace
Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
If the ratio of the quantity of waters
200 200 200 200 discharged to the quantity of the water source
is 1:1,000 or less, then it is allowed to
increase the concentration in the source by
1% of the normal concentration in the source
before discharging.
If the ratio of the quantity of the discharged
Chlorides waters to the quantity of the sources waters is 200
more than 1:1,000, then the concentration of
Or more according to what is normal in the source.
chlorides in the discharged waters must not
exceed 600 mg/L.
If the concentration of fluorides in the source
waters is less than 200 mg/L, then each case
is considered separately by the side
responsible for applying the regulation.
Phenol 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01- 0.05 5 - 10 0.005
200 200 200 200 If the ratio of the quantity of the discharged
waters to the quantity of the source waters
1:1,000 or less, then it is allowed to discharge
waters to the source in concentration and
Sulphates quantities leading to the increase in the 200
Or more according to what is normal to the source. concentration of sulphates in the source by
1% of the normal concentration in the source
before discharge.
If the ratio of the quantity of the discharged
Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
waters to the quantity of the source waters is
more than 1:1,000, then the concentration of
sulphates in the discharged waters must not
exceed 400 mg/L.
If the concentration of sulphates in the source
waters is less than 200 mg/L, then each case
is considered separately by the party
responsible for applying the regulations.
Nitrates 15 15 15 50 50 - 15
Phosphates 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.4 3 - 0.04
Ammonium 1 1 1 - - - 1
DDT insecticides 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
Lead 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.05
Arsenic 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Copper 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.2 - 0.05
Nickel 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
Selenium 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 - 0.1
Mercury 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.001
Cadmium 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.005
Zinc 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 2 0.1 0.5
Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
Chromium 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.05
Aluminium 0.1 0.1 0.5 - 5 20 0.1
Barium 1 1 1 1 4 0.1 1
Boron 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cobalt 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.5 0.5 0.05
Iron 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 2 15 0.3
Manganese 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 - 0.2
Silver 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.02
Total It is allowed to discharge the total of
Hydrocarbons hydrocarbon materials to the water sources
- - - - -
and their A-1 and A-2 according to the concentrations
Derivatives and limitations shown in the table, provided
that these concentrations are measured
before being mixed with the waters of the
water source and it is not possible to
discharge any hydrocarbon materials to the
water sources A-3 and A-4.
- - First: 10 mg/L and according to the following
and their
derivatives limitations.
The ratio of the quantity of the discharged
waters to the quantity of the water source is
not less than 1:1,000.
Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
The condition of the river should be in
continuous flow.
Second: 5 mg/L according to the following
The ratio of the quantity of discharged waters
to the quantity of the source waters is not less
than 1: 500 or less.
The condition of the river should be in
continuous flow.
Third: 3 mg/L and according to the following
The ratio of the quantity of discharged waters
to the quantity of source waters is not less
than 1: 300.
The condition of the river should be in
continuous flow.
Sulphides - - - - - 3 -
Ammonia - - - - - 10 -
Ammonia gas - - - - - 6 -
Sulphur Dioxide - - - - - 7 -
- - - - Not permitted -
Limits for receiving water body Discharge limits
(mg/L) (mg/L)
A-1: Streams, A-3:
Rivers and brooks and Lakes, A-4: B-1: B-2: Selected Project
their canals and basins and Springs, Remaining waters Remaining waters standard
tributaries their original others of wells and discharged to the discharged to the
and and water groundwater water source public sewages
branches secondary compounds
Calcium Carbide - - - - - Not permitted -
Organic Solvents - - - - - Not permitted -
Benzene - - - - - 0.5 -
Chlorobenzene - - - - - 0.1 -
TNT - - - - - 0.5 -
Bromine - - - - - 1-3 -
Table A3.3: Drinking water standards (Iraqi Standard Specification number 417 of 2001)

Maximum allowable limit

Natural characteristics
Colour 10 units
Turbidity (NTU) 5 units
Taste Accepted
Smell Accepted
pH value 6.5 – 8.5
Chemical characteristics
Arsenic 0.01
Cadmium 0.003
Chrome 0.05
Cyanide 0.02
Fluoride 1.0
Lead 0.01
Mercury 0.001
Nitrate 50
Nitrite 3
Selenium 0.01
Aluminium 0.2
Chloride 250
Copper 1.0
Total hardness (as CaCO3) 500
Iron 0.3
Manganese 0.1
Sodium 200
TDS 1,000
Sulphate 250
Zinc 3.0
Calcium 50
Magnesium 50
Barium 0.7
Nickel 0.02
Dissolved hydrocarbons 0.01
Carbon-chloroform extracted 0.3
Industrial detergents 0.3
Phenolic compounds 0.002
Maximum allowable limit
Biological characteristics
Coliform (100 ml after 24hr at 35°C) <1.1
E. Coli (100 ml after 24hr at 44°C) <1.1
Escherichia coli (250 ml after 24hr at 35°C) Zero
Plate count (1 ml after 24hr at 35°C) Zero
Organic chloro (chlorinated) 0.07
Organic phosphorus 0.000005
Multi chloro-diphenolic 0.001
Total Alfa radiation 0.1
Total Beta radiation 1
Noise standards
Table A3.4: Maximum noise level limits

One Hour LAeq (dBA)

Receptor Time period

KRG GoI IFC Project
07:00 – 18:00 50-60 50-60
55 55
Residential 18:00 – 22:00 45-55 45-55
22:00 – 07:00 40-50 45 45 40-50
07:00 – 18:00 55-65 55-65
70 70
Commercial 18:00 – 22:00 55-60 55-60
22:00 – 07:00 45-55 70 70 45-55
07:00 – 18:00 60-70 60-70
70 70
Industrial 18:00 – 22:00 55-65 55-65
22:00 – 07:00 50-60 70 70 50-60

NOTE: IFC guideline values are for noise levels measured out of doors. Daytime and night time periods are defined as 07:00-
22:00 and 22:00-07:00 respectively in the IFC guideline. The stricter time period comes from KRG legislation and shall therefore
be adopted by the Project.

Table A3.5: Acceptable noise level limits for construction activities

One Hour LAeq (dBA)

Receptor Time period

KRG GoI IFC Project
07:00 – 19:00 75 55 55 55
19:00 – 07:00 60 45 45 45
07:00 – 19:00 80 70 70 70
19:00 – 07:00 65 70 70 65
07:00 – 19:00 85 70 70 70
19:00 – 07:00 70 70 70 70
NOTE: IFC guideline values are for noise levels measured out of doors. Daytime and night time periods are defined as 07:00-
22:00 and 22:00-07:00 respectively in the IFC guideline. The stricter time period comes from KRG legislation and shall therefore
be adopted by the Project.
Air quality standards
Table A3.6 Ambient air quality standards

Selected Project
Parameter Averaging Period Unit KRG GoI WHO/IFC
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 1 year µg/m³ 20 - 60 47
(0.018 ppm) 20 - 47
24 hours µg/m³ 125 -150 105 20 (interim 2,4
(0.04 ppm) limit 125) 20
3 hours µg/m³ 350 262

1 hour µg/m³ 262

262 (0.1ppm)
(0.1 ppm)
10 minutes µg/m³ 500 500
Carbon monoxide (CO) 8 hours ppm 10 9-10 9-10
1 hour ppm 30 35 30
Nitrous dioxide (NO2) 1 year µg/m³ 100 75 40 2
(0.04 ppm) 40
24 hours µg/m³ 150 94
(0.05 ppm)
1 hour µg/m³ 200 -400 200 200
Suspended particles (such 1 year µg/m³ 60 60
as black 100 -150
smoke) 100 - 150
24 hours µg/m³

Total 1 year µg/m³ 90 150 90

suspended particles 24 hours µg/m³ 230 350 230
Particulate 1 year µg/m³ 50 20 20

matter (PM10)
24 hours µg/m³ 150 150 50 50
Selected Project
Parameter Averaging Period Unit KRG GoI WHO/IFC
Particulate 1 year µg/m³ 15 15 10 10

matter (PM2.5)
24 hours µg/m³ 35 35 25 25

Falling dust (residential t/km²/month

zone) 30 days 10 10

Falling dust t/km²/month

(industrial zone) 30 days 20 20

Hydrocarbons 3 hours ppm 0.24 0.24

Benzene 1 year mg/m³ 0.003 0.003
1 Where necessary, the values as per the standard are specified with relevant units in brackets. Units were converted between ppm and µg/m³ at 25ºC and pressure of 1 atm.

2 Legislated standard is significantly less stringent than IFC. As outlined in the IFC’s Performance Standard 3 (Resources Efficiency and Pollution Prevention), the EPC Contractor will
need to evaluate whether the legislated standards are appropriate in view of specific project circumstances and provide justification for any proposed derogations through the Project’s
environmental and social risks and impacts identification and assessment process.

3 The GoI ambient air quality standard for SO2 at an averaging period of 1 hour is stricter than the KRG’s standard at an averaging period of 3 hours. It is standard
practice for ambient air quality standards to be less strict at shorter averaging periods. Therefore, the GoI/ standard for SO2 at an averaging period of 1 hour is set
as the Project Standard for both 1 hour and 3 hours.

4 Air quality guideline value, as per IFC General Environmental Health and Safety Standards (2007) referencing WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines (125 µg/m3 is the
interim limit).
Table A3.7 Maximum Allowable Emissions Limits of Air Pollutants Emitted from Stationary
Parameter Sources2 Maximum Allowable Emissions Limits
KRG GoI IFC Selected
Visible emissions
sources 250 250
Opacity All sources 20% 20%
monoxide (CO) All sources 500 100 1004
Nitrogen oxide All sources Varies depending on 150 150
(NOx) Combustion Source
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
All sources 500 75 754
Total suspended particles Combustion
(TSP) sources 250 250
All sources 5 5
Mercury and its compound
(Hg) All sources 0.5 0.5
Hydrogen sulphide
(H2S) All sources 5 5
Total volatile organic compounds
(VOC) All sources 20 100 20
Particulate matter (PM10) All sources 10 10
1 All units are in milligram per normal cubic meters (mg/Nm3) where normal cubic meters are

measured at 25oC and 1 atm.

2 Relevant combustion sources as defined by Law no. 27, 2009 include incinerators and boilers.
3 The limit of “visible emissions” does not apply to emissions of water vapour and a reasonable
period for cold start-up, shutdown or emergency operation.
4 In this case, the legislated standard is significantly less stringent than those provided by the IFC. As
outlined in the IFC’s Performance Standard 3 (Resources Efficiency and Pollution Prevention), the
EPC Contractor will need to evaluate whether the legislated standards are appropriate in view of
specific project circumstances and provide a full and detailed justification for any proposed derogations
through the Project’s environmental and social risks and impacts identification and assessment
Table A3.8 Maximum allowable emissions limits of air pollutants emitted from
hydrocarbon fuel combustion sources

Parameter Maximum Allowable Emissions

Combustion / Limits (mg/Nm3)1
Technology Fuel Selected
GoI IFC4 Project
Visible 250 250
Carbon All
monoxide (CO) 500 500
Nitrogen Engine - spark ignition 183
oxide (NOx) gas fuels 350 (200)2 1838
Engine - dual fuel 366
gas fuels 350 (400)2 350
Engine liquid fuels
500 500
Turbine gas fuels 47
70 (25 478
Sulfur All
500 500
(SO2) Engine liquid fuels 500 Use of 500
1.5% or Use of 1.5%
less or less
Sulphur Sulphur
Fuel9 Fuel9
All fuels
Total 250 250
suspended Engine liquid fuels
particles 250 250
Engine Llquid fuels 45.8
Particulate matter (50)2,7 45.87,8
Excess O2 Engines and turbines
content (dry gas) all fuels 15% 15%
1 All units are in milligram per normal cubic meters (mg/Nm3) where normal cubic meters are
measured at 25oC and 1 atm.
2 The units used by the IFC are in Nm3 at 1 atm, 0°C which are shown in brackets. This has been
converted to ensure a consistent basis for Nm3 at 25oC and 1 atm.
3 The units used by the IFC are in ppm. Units were converted between ppm and mg/Nm³ at 25oC
and pressure of 1 atm.
4 IFC guidelines only apply to small combustion facilities which operate more than 500 hours per year
with an annual capacity utilisation factor of more than 30%.
5 The NOx guidelines for liquid engines in the IFC vary with bore size diameter.
6 This IFC guideline applies to natural gas turbines which have a heat input of 15 – 30 MW on a
heat basis.
7 This IFC guideline can be increased to 92 mg/Nm3 if it can be justified by project
specific considerations.
8 In this case, the legislated standard is significantly less stringent than those provided by the IFC. As
outlined in the IFC’s Performance Standard 3 (Resources Efficiency and Pollution Prevention), the
EPC Contractor will need to evaluate whether the legislated standards are appropriate in view of
specific project circumstances and provide a full and detailed justification for any proposed
derogations through the Project’s environmental and social risks and impacts identification and
assessment process.
9 This IFC guideline can be increased to 3% if it can be justified by project specific considerations.
Table A4.1 List of vascular plant species for baseline botanical survey (2019)

IUCN (2019)
Scientific name Habitat of occurrence Countries of occurrence according to IUCN (2019)
Native to It is native to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq,
Lebanon, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
Grasslands, disturbed areas (i.e.
Algeria, Tunisia, Albania, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Spain
Centaurea solstitialis Not assessed roadsides, abandoned fields &
and former Yugoslavia. This species is classed as an exotic /
waste land) and cropland.
invasive species in several counties including but not limited to
Australia, Argentina, Chile & USA (CAB International, 2019).
Zoegea leptaurea Not assessed Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon & Turkey
Anchusa italica Not assessed >39 countries including Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq & SE-Iraq)
Turkey, Iran, Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq), Lebanon, Syria Armenia &
Onosma sericeum Not assessed
Capsella bursa-
Least Concern Artificial / terrestrial, grassland > 39 countries
Marine intertidal, artificial/terrestrial,
wetlands (inland), rocky areas (e.g. Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Moldova,
Eruca vesicaria Least Concern
inland cliffs, mountain peaks) & Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey & Ukraine
Lomelosia leucactis
(synonym Scabiosa Not assessed Iraq (NW-Iraq)
Not assessed Turkey, Iran (N-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq), Lebanon & Syria
(synonym Scabiosa
gypsophiloides Turkey, Iran (S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq), Israel,
Not assessed
(synonym Gypsophila Kuwait, Lebanon, Sinai peninsula & Syria
Dianthus crinitus Not assessed Turkey, Aegean Islands, N.W. Africa, Caucasia, Turkestan, Iran
IUCN (2019)
Scientific name Habitat of occurrence Countries of occurrence according to IUCN (2019)
Pakistan (eFlora.org, Date unknown).
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria; Cyprus, Egypt; France,
Greece, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco,
Wetlands (inland), artificial/aquatic
Chrozophora tinctoria Least Concern Pakistan, Palestine, Portugal, Qatar, Romania; Saudi Arabia;
& marine
Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine &
Not assessed Turkey, Iran & Iraq (NE-Iraq)
Phlomis bruguieri Not assessed Iran, Iraq, Lebanon-Syria & Turkey
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt; Greece, Iran, Iraq,
Gagea reticulata Kazakhstan, Kriti, Kuwait, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, North
(synonym Gagea Not assessed Caucasus, Pakistan, Palestine, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sinai,
tenuifolia) South European Russi & Tadzhikistan Transcaucasus; Turkey;
Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; West Himalaya
Artificial / terrestrial, grassland,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,
Aegilops umbellulata Least Concern marine coastal/supratidal, other &
Serbia, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey & Turkmenistan
Artificial / terrestrial, forest & Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan; Lebanon, Palestine,
Aegilops speltoides Least Concern
grassland Syrian & Turkey
Artificial / terrestrial, rocky areas
Avena sterilis subsp.
Least Concern (e.g. inland cliffs, mountain peaks) >30 countries including Iraq
& grassland
Grassland, shrubland, artificial /
Hordeum bulbosum Least Concern 28 countries including Iraq
Hordeum murinum
Not assessed >30 countries including Iraq
subsp. glaucum
Forest, wetlands (inland), artificial /
Phragmites australis Not assessed >70 countries including Iraq
aquatic & marine
Table A4.2 Species of avifauna recorded within the baseline survey area (2019)

Common Habitat of occurrence Migratory Congregatory
Scientific name (2019)
name (IUCN, 2019) Status Status
masked Forest, shrubland, Full Not
Lanius nubicus LC
shrike savanna migrant congregatory
Marine Intertidal,
Grassland, Shrubland,
Full Not
crested lark Galerida cristata LC Artificial/Terrestrial,
migrant congregatory
Artificial/Aquatic &
Marine, Savanna
Forest, Rocky areas (eg.
inland cliffs, mountain
peaks), Wetlands
house Passer Not a Not
LC (inland), Grassland,
sparrow domesticus migrant congregatory
Artificial/Aquatic &
Marine, Shrubland
common Shrubland,
Columba Full Not
wood- LC Artificial/Terrestrial,
palumbus migrant congregatory
pigeon Forest
Marine Intertidal, Desert,
Isabelline Oenanthe Full Not
LC Shrubland, Grassland,
wheatear isabellina migrant congregatory
Rocky areas (eg. inland
cliffs, mountain peaks)
Full Not
whinchat Saxicola rubetra LC Shrubland, Grassland,
migrant congregatory
laughing Streptopelia Full Not
LC Artificial/Terrestrial,
dove senegalensis migrant congregatory
Shrubland, Rocky areas
Hume's Oenanthe Not a Not
LC (eg. inland cliffs,
Wheatear albonigra migrant congregatory
mountain peaks).
Forest, Rocky areas (eg.
inland cliffs, mountain
common Not a Not
Corvus corax LC peaks), Grassland,
raven migrant congregatory
Forest, Rocky areas (eg.
inland cliffs, mountain
Eurasian Not a Not
Pica pica LC peaks), Grassland,
magpie migrant congregatory
Rocky areas (e.g. inland
cliffs, mountain peaks), Altitudinal Not
rock Sitta tephronota LC
Wetlands (inland), migrant congregatory
Artificial/Terrestrial, Congregatory
Eurasian Falco Full
LC Shrubland, Forest, (and
kestrel tinnunculus migrant
Grassland dispersive)
black Francolinus Not a Not
LC Artificial/Terrestrial,
francolin francolinus migrant congregatory
Forest, Wetlands Congregatory
red-wattled LC; VU Not a
Vanellus indicus (inland), Grassland, (and
lapwing in migrant
Artificial/Terrestrial dispersive)
Wetlands (inland),
Iraq Turdoides Artificial/Terrestrial, Not a Not
babbler altirostris Artificial/Aquatic & migrant congregatory
Marine Intertidal, Forest,
white- LC; VU Artificial/Terrestrial,
Halcyon Not a Not
throated in Artificial/Aquatic &
smyrnensis migrant congregatory
kingfisher Europe Marine, Wetlands
Forest, Shrubland, Full
black kite Milvus migrans LC (and
Desert, Grassland, migrant
Marine Intertidal,
Wetlands (inland),
Forest, Shrubland,
graceful Not a Not
Prinia gracilis LC Savanna,
prinia migrant congregatory
corn Emberiza Grassland, Full Not
bunting calandra Artificial/Terrestrial migrant congregatory
Cercotrichas Wetlands (inland), Full Not
tailed LC
galactotes Grassland, Forest, migrant congregatory
Shrubland, Savanna
LC; NT Congregatory
Wetlands (inland), Full
hen harrier Circus cyaneus in (and
Shrubland, Grassland, migrant
Europe dispersive)
Desert, Rocky areas (eg.
see-see Ammoperdix Not a Not
LC inland cliffs, mountain
partridge griseogularis migrant congregatory
peaks), Shrubland
Forest, Congregatory
Spanish Passer Full
LC Artificial/Terrestrial, (and
sparrow hispaniolensis migrant
Shrubland, Grassland dispersive)
Caves and Subterranean
Habitats (non-aquatic),
Eurasian Not a Not
Bubo bubo LC Forest, Grassland,
eagle-owl migrant congregatory
Streptopelia Artificial/Terrestrial, Not a Not
collared- LC
decaocto Shrubland migrant congregatory
cattle egret Bubulcus ibis LC Forest, Wetlands Full Congregatory
(inland), Grassland, migrant (and
Artificial/Terrestrial dispersive)
Marine Intertidal, Desert,
Menetries's Full Not
Sylvia mystacea LC Shrubland, Savanna,
warbler migrant congregatory
Marine Intertidal,
white Artificial/Terrestrial, Full Not
Motacilla alba LC
wagtail Grassland, Wetlands migrant congregatory
(inland), Desert
PowerPoint Presentation
Khor Mor 250
Objectives of Meeting

• Introduce the Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment (ESIA) team

• Provide an overview of the Project

• Outline the ESIA process and ESIA report

• Provide opportunities to raise questions and

concerns related to the Project and ESIA
Pearl Petroleum

• Formed as a consortium in 2009 with Dana Gas

and Crescent Petroleum as shareholders

• The Austrian Mineral Oil Administration (OMV),

the Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited
Company (MOL) and the German RWE
subsequently joined the consortium (with a ten
per cent share each)

• Crescent Petroleum and Dana Gas operate major

gas fields in Kurdistan (Chemchemal, Khor Mor
and Block 19/20) as Operator on behalf of Pearl
The ESIA Team

• RSK – the ESIA lead – is a leading international environmental,

social and engineering services company. A diverse team of
environmental and social specialists from RSK will undertake the
ESIA in collaboration with local specialists from national universities
and NGOs.

• Hatch is a leading international management, engineering and

development consultancy. Hatch has undertaken the Front-End
Engineering Design (FEED) and will continue to provide support
during the ESIA.

• The Operator will work with RSK and Hatch during the undertaking
of the ESIA.
Khor Mor Existing Gas Processing Facility

• Close to the village of Khor Mor in the governorate of

Sulaymaniyah (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)

• Constructed from 2007 – 2011

• 600 hectare (ha) site, 50 ha of which is currently occupied

• Extraction of hydrocarbon from the Khor Mor reservoir

• Separation of hydrocarbon into main products: natural

gas, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and condensate

• Natural gas is transported to power stations in

Chemchemal, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah
Khor Mor Existing Gas Processing Facility
Khor Mor Existing Gas Processing Facility
The Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project


• To contribute to the region’s energy supply

through more efficient, cleaner electricity

• To contribute to local employment and services

The Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project

• Construction of a new gas processing facility

(within the existing site boundary), additional
flowlines from new gas field production wells to
the processing facility and supporting

• Construction anticipated to start up by mid 2020,

with completion and first production of
gas/liquids by early 2022

• Requirement of an ESIA by the Ministry of Natural

Resources (MNR)
Overview of the ESIA Process


Baseline studies are Mitigation measures are
undertaken to understand recommended to avoid or The revised ESIA
the local socio-economic reduce the negative Report is submitted
and natural environment. impacts identified in the to the national
Specialists speak to impact assessment and regulators for
people and carry out maximise the potential approval, which is
research in local
positive benefits. These are required for the
communities to better
understand the included in management project to proceed.
environment and the way plans for the project.
people live.
Regulatory and Institutional Framework for ESIA

• Legislative requirements of the KRG

o Instructions (No. 1) of 2015 on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Petroleum
o Technical Guidelines on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Petroleum Operations in
the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

• International best practice

o International Finance Corporation‘s (IFC’s) Performance Standards (PS) on Environmental and
Social Sustainability (2012)
o IFC Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Operator’s internal corporate standards and requirements

o Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) Policy Statement
o Social Performance Standard
Baseline Studies

Information on local socio-economic and environmental

conditions will be obtained via:

• Previous ESIAs submitted in Kurdistan

• Secondary sources (desktop research)

• Primary baseline data collection:

o Physical environment surveys (air quality, noise)
o Biodiversity surveys (fauna, avifauna, habitats, flora)
o Socio-economic surveys (local communities, village
Anjuman, health staff, teachers)
Impact Assessment, Mitigation and Management

• Potential for the Project to impact the physical environment (e.g. air, water), socio-economic environment
(e.g. people, economy) and the ecological environment (e.g. flora, fauna)

• Impacts with high or moderate significance warrant mitigation measures to reduce them to as low as
reasonably practicable (ALARP) and maximise any potential benefits

• Approach taken to identify and incorporate mitigation measures for the Project is based on the best
practice hierarchy of decisions and measures in order of priority, as follows:
o Avoid at source/reduce at source
o Abate on site
o Abate off-site/at receptor
o Repair or remedy

• Mitigation measures identified in the ESIA will be implemented via an Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP) during Project implementation
Stakeholder Engagement

• Objectives:

o To inform stakeholders about the Project and ESIA

o To obtain the input of stakeholders into Project
impact identification and management
o To provide opportunities for stakeholders to
express Project- and ESIA-related opinions and
o To provide feedback to stakeholders on the findings
of the ESIA study
Grievance Management Procedure


• To ensure that stakeholders have an easy

means of lodging grievances related to the
Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project and ESIA
and to ensure that there will be a follow-up.
Using the Grievance Management Procedure

1. Report your grievance to Operator’s Social Performance Department (SPD).

2. The SPD will investigate your grievance. Additional information may be requested from yourself (or other
individuals, where relevant) at this time.

3. The findings of the investigation and a proposed resolution will be discussed with you.

4. If you accept the resolution, it will be implemented as quickly as possible. If you reject the resolution, your
grievance will be escalated to an Appeals Committee for review and eventual resolution.

5. Following implementation of the resolution, you will be notified by the SPD and the grievance will be
officially closed out.

Note that further details on reporting grievances will be provided to community leaders.
Description of the ESIA report

Key sections of the ESIA report will include:

• Description of the proposed Project, including operations and activities

• Baseline characteristics of the socio-economic and natural environment within the expected
area of influence

• Potential impacts of the Project

• Mitigation measures

• Relevant national regulations and international requirements

• Environmental and social management plan


Indicative dates for the ESIA:

• Undertaking of the ESIA and preparation of the draft ESIA report – August 2019
to December 2019

• Disclosure of the draft ESIA report and submission of the final ESIA report –
January 2020
Pearl Petroleum operates the 482000 483000 484000 485000


Khor Mor gas facility located

Kor Mor Development
Village Locations

KM 10 Flowline

close to the village of Khor Khor Mor Block

KM Plant Fence
Road Network

Mor in the governorate of

Sulaymaniyah in the
Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
This facility extracts hydrocarbon
from the Khor Mor reservoir, which 3888000

was first discovered in the 1930s.

The hydrocarbon is then separated Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 38N
Projection: Transverse Mercator
Datum: WGS 1984
Units: Meter


• Natural gas

Document Path: P:\180000 - Middle East\182279 Crescent Kurdistan EIA\01 - GIS\LPG Site.mxd
• Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Kor Mor Expansion

• Condensate. LPG Site

The gas is used in power © Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2019
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community
National Geographic, Esri, Garmin, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, increment P Corp.

stations in Chemchemal,
Sulaymaniyah and Erbil to
produce more efficient, cleaner
The Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project is a
natural extension to the existing facility at
Khor Mor.
The Project involves the construction
of a new gas processing facility inside
the existing site, alongside new
flowlines from new gas wells near the
facility. There will also be new
supporting infrastructure outside the
site boundary.
Once completed, the Project will increase
production at the site, contributing
further to the region’s energy supply and
providing local employment and services
opportunities in the Kurdistan Region of
What are the key components?

n New gas processing facility

n New well flowlines
n A Central Control Building and
n New site utilities and power
n Construction workshops, yards,
offices and accommodation camp
n Physical environment
n Socio-economic environment
n Ecological environment
Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Process


The aim of this phase is Baseline studies are The draft ESIA report
to identify the scope of undertaken to understand Based on the baseline Mitigation measures are containing conclusions The revised ESIA Report is
the ESIA, the study area, the local socio-economic studies, the potential recommended to avoid regarding possible impacts submitted to the national
available information and natural environment. impacts and benefits of or reduce the negative is submitted to the regulators for approval,
and high-level potential Specialists speak to people a project are identified impacts identified in the national regulators who which is required for the
impacts that need to be and carry out research and evaluated in terms of impact assessment and provide feedback and may project to proceed.
further evaluated during in local communities to the significance of their maximise the potential request additional studies
the ESIA. better understand the effects on people, their positive benefits. These are or changes. The outcomes
environment and the way livelihoods and the natural included in management of the ESIA are also
people live. environment. plans for the project. presented to stakeholders.

We would like to hear from you if you have
any questions.

If you have any questions or would like START

to report an issue, you can speak to a
member of Pearl Petroleum’s Social Report your grievance
Performance Department when they
visit your community, or you can
Pearl’s Social Performance Department (SPD) will
contact call them on: investigate as quickly as possible.
Additional information may be requested from you (or
Tel: 0773 085 0929 other individuals) at this time.

Tel: 0773 667 0641

Email: kmseo2@crescent.ae

The findings of the investigation and a proposed

resolution will be discussed with you.

Your grievance will be escalated to

NO an Appeals Committee for review.
Your grievance will be escalated to You YES DO YOU ACCEPT
an Appeals Committee for review.

Following implementation, you will be The Appeals Committee will propose additional
notified by the SPD and your grievance will actions or an alternative resolution. If you do not
be officially closed. END agree, you are entitled to take legal action and
the final decision will be taken by the arbitrator
or courts.

Background Information Document (BID)
Project Information
Khor Mor 250 Expansion
The Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project is a
Project natural extension to the existing facility at Khor
Background Information Document Mor. The existing facility extracts hydrocarbon
from the Khor Mor Reservoir, which is then
Pearl Petroleum was founded in 2009 and is separated into natural gas, Liquified
jointly owned by five shareholders, the largest Petroleum Gas (LPG) and condensate. Natural
being Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum. The gas is transported from the existing facility to
company operates major gas fields in power stations in Chemchemal, Sulaymaniyah
Kurdistan (Chemchemal, Khor Mor and Block and Erbil. The site currently has a total of seven
19/20) production wells; four are located within the
site boundary and three are located outside
Environmental and Social Impact
the site boundary.
Assessment (ESIA)
The Khor Mor 250 Expansion Project involves
the construction of a new gas processing In line with national legislation and
facility within the existing site boundary, international standards, an ESIA of the Khor
alongside new flowlines (from new production Mor 250 Expansion Project will be
wells to the new processing facility) and new undertaken.
supporting infrastructure outside the site The ESIA will require completion of various
boundary. studies and engagement with stakeholders
In addition, the Project will include the to ensure it meets international standards.
following components: The ESIA will identify potential impacts, both
o new well flowlines positive and negative, and recommend
o a Central Control Building and actions to manage potential significant
Laboratory negative impacts and maximise positive
o new site utilities and power generation benefits.

The company is planning to expand its existing o construction workshops, yards, offices Stakeholder engagement is an important
gas facility – Khor Mor – located close to the and accommodation camp. part of the ESIA process and a national
village of Khor Mor in the governorate of Once completed, the Project will increase the requirement. Stakeholder engagement
Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. production of gas and liquid products at the involves sharing Project information with
site, contributing further to the region’s stakeholders. Engagement meetings will
The Project will involve the design,
energy supply through more efficient, cleaner provide an opportunity for stakeholders to
procurement and construction of a new gas
electricity generation and providing local ask questions and make comments about
processing facility capable of processing and
employment and services opportunities in the the Project, and to listen and respond to
producing natural gas and liquid products.
Kurdistan Region of Iraq. their concerns via the ESIA process.
The ESIA Process How will you be involved?

The aim of this phase is to identify the scope of the ESIA, the
study area, available information and high-level potential
impacts that need to be further evaluated during the ESIA.

Baseline Studies

Baseline studies are undertaken to understand the local

socio-economic and natural environment. Specialists speak
to people and carry out research in local communities to
better understand the environment and the way people live. Potential Benefits and Impacts
During the ESIA Process
• physical environment
During the ESIA process, government
Impact Assessment authorities, civil society, educational • socio-economic environment
institutions and local communities are • ecological environment
Based on the baseline studies, the potential impacts and
benefits of a project are identified and evaluated in terms of engaged with through individual, small
the significance of their effects on people, their livelihoods
Grievance Management Procedure
group and community meetings.
and the natural environment.
A grievance management procedure has
The purpose of these meetings is to provide
been established to provide you with an
you with details about the Khor Mor 250
Mitigation and Management easy means of reporting any grievance
Expansion Project and ESIA, obtain your
input into the ESIA and seek your opinions related to the Khor Mor 250 Expansion
Mitigation measures are recommended to avoid or reduce
the negative impacts identified in the impact assessment and concerns about the Project and ESIA. Project and ESIA.
and maximise the potential positive benefits. These are
After the Completion of the Draft ESIA To report a grievance, please speak to a
included in management plans for the project.
Report member of Pearl’s (Dana Gas’) Social
Performance Department (SPD) when they
Disclosure After the completion of the draft ESIA report, are in your community or contact them on:
the same individuals, groups and
The draft ESIA report with conclusions regarding possible Tel: 0773 085 0929
communities will be met with, in addition to
impacts is submitted to the national regulators who provide
feedback and may request additional studies or changes. any other stakeholders identified during the Tel: 0770 667 0641
The outcomes of the ESIA are also presented to ESIA.
stakeholders. Email: kmseo2@crescent.ae
The purpose of these meetings is to provide
you with a summary of the findings of the
Regulatory Approval
ESIA study, especially the identified impacts
The revised ESIA report is submitted to the national and mitigation measures, and obtain your
regulators for approval, which is required for the project to feedback on these findings so that they can
proceed. be included in the final ESIA report.
Table A6.1: Criteria for determination of magnitude of potential environmental and social impacts on each receptor 1

Impact magnitude rating

Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High

Project contribution
between 25% and 50%
of AAQS and predicted
Project contribution between
Project contribution environmental
50% and 100% of AAQS and
between 25% and 50% of concentration > 100% of
Project contribution < 25% predicted environmental
Un-degraded AAQS and predicted AAQS or Project
of AAQS (see Project concentration > 100% of
airshed environmental contribution between
standards for air quality) AAQS or predicted
concentration < 100% of 50% and 100% of AAQS
Air quality environmental concentration >
AAQS and predicted
100% of AAQS
concentration < 100% of

Degraded or Project contribution Project contribution

Project contribution < 10% Project contribution greater
ecologically between 10% and 15% of between 15% and 25%
of AAQS than 25% of AAQS
sensitive airshed AAQS of AAQS

Daytime noise
levels (Leq 1hr All daytime
<65 65-70 >70-75 >75
dBA) during exposure periods
Night-time noise
levels (Leq 1hr All daytime
<50 50-55 >55-60 >60
dBA) during exposure periods
Daytime noise Noise <40 40-45 >45-50 >50
levels (Leq 1hr disturbance

1 This concerns conventional air pollutants with local and / or regional impact. GHGs are handled differently, as per the overview of methodology in the body of the report.
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
dBA) during impact
operation magnitude
Amenity impact
<5 5-10 >10-15 >15
Night-time noise disturbance
<35 35-40 >40-45 >45
levels (Leq 1hr impact
dBA) during magnitude
operation Amenity impact
<5 5-10 >10-15 >15
25% to 50% of soils
Less than 25% of soils More than 50% of soils
Disturbance of soils with disturbed have a
disturbed have a medium or disturbed have a medium or
low erosion potential in medium or high erosion
Soil erosion high erosion potential and high erosion potential and are
landscapes with slopes potential and are in
are in landscapes with in landscapes with slopes 4%
<4% landscapes with slopes
slopes 4% to 30% to 30%
4% to 30%
Clearly evident (i.e.
perceptible and readily
No perceptible or readily Major (i.e. order of magnitude)
Riparian erosion Perceptible change in measurable) change
measurable change from change from baseline riparian
(see also Surface baseline riparian erosion from baseline riparian
baseline riparian erosion erosion rates, and affecting a
Water) rates erosion rates, but
Soil rates large geographic area
affecting a small
geographic area
Loss of land/soils Less than 25% of the soils Between 25% to 50% of Greater than 50% of the soils
No impact to soils that are
used for impacted are used for the soils impacted are impacted are used for
used for agriculture
agriculture agriculture used for agriculture agriculture
Alteration of chemical Increase in concentration of Degradation of soil Degradation of soil quality
composition of soil by organic or inorganic quality providing providing ongoing
adding toxic material, compounds or other ongoing contamination contamination source and/or
Soil quality
slight increase in total contaminants in soil source and/or resulting resulting in high risk to
contaminative potential. presenting a minor risk to in high risk to potential potential receptors.
Concentrations not environmental, biological receptors, including Concentrations exceeding
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
exceeding guideline and human (site users only) local community. investigation levels.
values. receptors. Concentrations Effects are widespread.
Concentrations exceeding exceeding investigation
investigation levels. levels.
Effects confined within the Effects extend beyond
Project footprint or to a the area of disturbance
small, isolated location(s) to the surrounding area
outside the Project area. but are contained within
the general area.
Alteration of existing profiles
Changes to site profiles or Earthworks altering great enough (>±3 m) to
Changes to site profiles or
elevations (<±0.5 m), profiles and elevations impact neighbouring land (e.g.
elevations (<±1 m), and/or
and/or compaction or (<±3 m); and/or drainage flows onto
Topography and compaction or disturbance
disturbance of surface placement of hard-stand neighbouring land),
drainage of surface soils / placement
soils / placement of hard- or poorly managed subsidence, and/or placement
characteristics of hard-stand not resulting
stand not resulting in drainage system of hard-stand and/or poorly
in measurable alteration to
measurable alteration to resulting in alteration of managed drainage system
drainage characteristics
drainage characteristics drainage characteristics resulting in alteration of
drainage characteristics
Addition of foundation
Addition of foundation Addition of foundation
materials, reworking or
materials, reworking or materials, reworking or Mining or exploitation of
Subsurface removal of soils altering
removal of soils altering a removal of soils altering a geological formations (e.g.
lithology a shallow high-
shallow low-sensitivity shallow medium-sensitivity quarrying activities).
sensitivity geological
geological succession. geological succession.
Groundwater quality
Groundwater quality Groundwater quality
impacts are likely to Groundwater quality impacts
impacts are likely to be impacts are likely to be well
Groundwater result in occasional are likely to routinely or
well within ambient ranges within ambient ranges or
quality and exceedances of ambient permanently exceed ambient
Hydrogeology or Iraq standards and Iraq standards and
spatial extent ranges or Iraq standards ranges or Iraq standards over
isolated in extent (i.e. localised in extent (i.e. 1 to
and extend area-wide large areas (i.e. >100ha)
<1ha) 10ha)
(i.e. 10 to 100ha)
Duration Short-term, localised Short-term, localised effects Localised effects on Severe effects on groundwater
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
effects on groundwater on groundwater quality, but groundwater quality that quality that are likely to be long
quality, but likely to be which are likely to return to are likely to be lasting (e.g. months or more)
highly transitory (e.g. equilibrium conditions within reasonably long lasting or permanent, and/or give rise
lasting a matter of hours) a short timeframe (i.e. (e.g. weeks or months) to indirect ecological and/or
and well within natural hours or days at most) and/or give rise to socio-economic impacts
fluctuations indirect ecological
and/or socio-economic
There are known or
There are known or
expected groundwater There are known or expected
There are no known or expected groundwater
users within the likely groundwater users within the
Groundwater expected groundwater users within the likely area
area of influence of likely area of influence of
Resource and users within the likely area of influence of Project
Project abstraction Project abstraction boreholes,
Availability of influence of Project abstraction boreholes, but
boreholes, and their and their supplies will be
abstraction boreholes. their supplies may not be
supplies may be affected by the Project
reduced by the Project.
reduced by the Project
Changes to surface
Changes to surface water
water features (e.g.
Changes to surface water features (e.g. reworking or
Changes to surface water reworking or removal of
features (e.g. reworking or removal of soil or structures,
features (e.g. reworking or soil or structures,
removal of soil or addition of access roads and
removal of soil or addition of access roads
structures, addition of tracks, increased traffic)
structures, addition of and tracks, increased
Surface water access roads and tracks, leading to widespread (i.e.
access roads and tracks, traffic) leading to area-
features increased traffic) not >100ha) alteration of surface
increased traffic) leading to wide (i.e. 10 to 100ha)
leading to measurable water bodies, changes to
localised (i.e. 1 to 10ha) changes to preferential
Surface water changes in the surface preferential flow pathways and
changes in flow pathways flow pathways during
water system (i.e. rivers, regime during the rainy
during the rainy season the rainy season, or
streams or canals) season, or resulting in large
resulting in diversion
scale re- diversion works
Decrease in surface water Decrease in surface water Decrease in surface Decrease in surface water flow
flow downstream of project flow downstream of project water flow downstream downstream of project asset is
Flow Rate asset not discernible by asset is likely to be of project asset is likely to cause users to use
local users at any time of discernible by local users sufficient to cause less water than they normally
the year. but is unlikely to cause complaints from local use and to seek one or more
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
users to use less water than users but is unlikely to supplementary sources of
they normally use at any cause users to use less water to make up the deficit
time of year. water than they would during the dry season.
normally use or to seek
a supplementary source
of water at any time of

Reduction in water
quality (suspended
Reduction in water quality sediment, turbidity,
(suspended sediment, colour, odour and taste) Reduction in water quality
turbidity, colour, odour and downstream of project (suspended sediment,
Reduction in water quality
taste) downstream of asset is sufficient to turbidity, colour, odour and
(suspended sediment,
project asset is likely to be cause complaints from taste) downstream of project
turbidity, colour, odour and
discernible by local users local users but is asset is likely to cause users
taste) downstream of
Surface water but is unlikely to cause unlikely to cause users to use less water than they
project asset not
quality users to use less water than to use less water than normally use and to seek
discernible by local users
they normally use or to they would normally use supplementary sources of
at any time of year.
seek supplementary or to seek water to make up the deficit at
Concentrations not sources of water at any supplementary sources all times of the year.
exceeding Iraq standards time of year. of water at any time of Concentrations exceeding Iraq
Concentrations not year. standards
exceeding Iraq standards Concentrations
exceeding Iraq
Minor disruption of Moderate disruption of Affects an entire population or
behaviour or species behaviour or species species in sufficient magnitude
Disruption of behaviour or
interactions not impacting interactions to cause a decline in
species interactions that is
overall health/integrity of Affects a portion of a abundance and/or change in
Biodiversity Flora and fauna barely detectable with
the population of the population and may distribution beyond which
respect to natural
species. bring about a change in natural recruitment
Affects a specific group of abundance and/or (reproduction, immigration
localised individuals within distribution over one or from unaffected areas) would
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
a population over a short more generation, but not return that population or
time period (one generation does not threaten the species, or any population or
or less), but does not affect integrity of that species dependent upon it, to
other trophic levels or the population or any its former level within several
population itself population dependent generations
on it Introduction of alien invasive
Minor shift away from
baseline conditions. Direct Post-development Post-development character,
or indirect impacts will be character, composition, composition, and/or attributes
discernible but underlying and/or attributes of of baseline habitat will be
Disruption of habitat is character composition baseline habitat will be fundamentally changed and
barely detectable with and/or attributes of baseline partially changed but the the overall integrity of the
Habitats condition will be similar to overall integrity of the habitat or species within it are
respect to natural
variability pre development habitat is not threatened threatened
circumstances or patterns. Approximately 5 to 20% Approximately 20 to 100% of a
Approximately 1 to 5% of a of a habitat is within the habitat is within the Project
habitat affected within the Project AOI AOI
Project AOI
Change in classification
Protected areas No change in status of of protected area or
Delisting of protected area or
or proposed N/A protected area or proposed proposed protected area
proposed protected area
protected areas protected area to a lower level of
The Project results in a The Project results in a The Project results in the loss
small reduction in the moderate reduction in of all or a significant proportion
availability or functionality of the availability or of the availability or
Disruption of ecosystem functionality of an ecosystem
the ecosystem service, functionality of the
Ecosystem service is barely service, and/or has
and/or has implications for ecosystem service,
services detectable with respect to implications for the majority of
a small number of people and/or has implications
natural variability people within the Project AOI
relative to the population for a substantial number
within the Project AOI of people relative to the The long-term viability of the
There is a perceptible population within the service is threatened
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
difference from baseline Project AOI
conditions. Does not threaten the
long-term viability of the
Job creation, although Unfulfilled expectations of job
significant, falls short of creation leading to
local expectations, demonstrations, sabotage, and
Job creation benefits are contributing to contributing to social unrest
Local job creation meets,
barely detectable to community
Job creation but does not exceed local Significant generation of local
stakeholders in dissatisfaction; or local
expectations employment, resulting in long-
surrounding communities job creation improves
income levels, but not term local economic
for all sections of the improvement and community
population benefits

Small changes to livelihood,

with only minor impacts on Complete loss of livelihood
Partial restriction of
productivity or profitability resources attributable, or
Impacts to livelihoods are access to livelihood
which are neither sufficient perceived to be attributable to
Livelihoods of barely detectable to resources, or markets,
Socio-economic to make those livelihood the Project, involuntary
local populations stakeholders in which results in changes
activities unviable, nor (if relocation of households,
surrounding communities to productivity or
impacts are positive) businesses or productive
sufficient to attract resources
competitors in that sector
Air quality noise, dust,
Perceptions of air quality, vibration, dust, light
Severe deterioration in the
noise, vibration, dust, light pollution or other
living environment due to
Impacts on quality of life pollution or other nuisances impacts cause
Quality of life for Project impacts ion air quality
are barely detectable to contribute to low-level noticeable and serious
local residents noise, dust, vibration, dust or
stakeholders in community dissatisfaction, interference with daily
and communities light pollution, irrespective of
surrounding communities irrespective of measured life, irrespective of
measured data or applicable
data or applicable legal or measured data or
legal or agreed limits
agreed limits applicable legal or
agreed limits
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
Minor increase in social
pathologies, including
antisocial behaviour,
Low-level discord between vandalism, crime, Severe social cohesion
Project impacts on social incoming workers or alcohol / drug abuse, problems, inter-ethnic tensions
cohesion with surrounding contractors, migrants and thefts, minor acts of or violence, threats to security
Social cohesion
communities are barely local communities, resulting violence, prostitution and safety, potentially resulting
detectable in loss or reduced levels of in work stoppages or delays,
trust. Incoming workers’ or threats to productivity
families subject to unfair
treatment, discrimination
or lack of opportunities
Seasonal and/or minor
Major economic impacts:
localised price impacts Significant price impacts
significant overall impacts on
Local economy, Impacts on prices for local (inflation or deflation) on attributed to the Project,
local market prices and
markets and goods and services are food and consumables, due resulting in changes to
availability of goods, including
prices barely detectable to market re-adjustments overall standards of
housing, services and
accompanying incoming living
workforce and their families
Limited effect on travel Significant effect on travel
pattern or travel time pattern or travel time and on
No travel pattern or travel and safe transport of safe transport of people,
time change to local goods, material and goods, material and animals
population. No disruption to animals (i.e. effect on Effect on travel time and cost
Transportation N/A travel time and cost can
safe transport of people, cannot be tolerated by users
goods and material or be tolerated by users) and authority intervention will
animals Low cost transport be required (e.g. road
network improvement improvement, subsidies,
will be required alternative transport)
Regional public concern National public concern
Local public awareness Local stakeholders, e.g. Impact on local and national
Local public concern
Reputation but no discernible concern community, NGO, stakeholder relations. National
Local media coverage
No media coverage industry and government and NGO
government, are aware involvement with potential for
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
Extensive attention in international NGO action
local media. Some Extensive attention in national
regional or national media. Some international
media coverage coverage
Potential for regulatory action
leading to restricted operations
or impact on operating
Disagreements over
Poor worker-
employment conditions
Conditions of employment resulting in tense worker-
relationships, resulting
generally comply with management relationships,
in partial (one or more,
Conditions of international (especially lack of cooperation and less
but not all contractors) Serious labour unrest -
employment ILO) and KRG than optimal productivity
temporary work demonstrations, strikes or
(includes requirements, with Employees or workers stoppages or disruptions sabotage, resulting in
contractors and occasional minor required to pay employment
School-age children production delays or losses.
suppliers) exceptions (e.g. agents fees
consistently missing
occasional missed Perception of unequal pay school due to Project-
attendance at school). for similar work (e.g. related work.2
nationalities, women,
different contractors)
Dissatisfaction with
Dissatisfaction regarding Recruitment perceived Serious inter- or intra-
transparency of recruitment
recruitment methods is to be biased in favour of community unrest attributed to
Recruitment procedures, wage levels or
barely detectable within selected tribal / ethnic recruitment bias in favour of
methods conditions offered,
stakeholders in groups, contributing to one or more groups (justified
contributing to decline in
surrounding communities community tensions or otherwise)

Site security and Dissatisfaction regarding Potential safety hazard Minor accident, Severe injury or fatal accident,
community safety site security and (unattended plant, unfenced attributed by the attributed by the community
community safety is barely equipment dump, etc.) community (with or (with or without justification) to

2 ILO guidelines hold that children over twelve years of age may, outside the hours fixed for school attendance, be employed on light work which is not such as to prejudice
their attendance at school or their capacity to benefit from the instruction there given.
Impact magnitude rating
Receptor Impact type
Slight Low Medium High
detectable within causing community anxiety without justification) to the Project
stakeholders in lack of due care on the
surrounding communities part of the Project

Some degradation of
None or very limited
archaeological or other
impacts to archaeological or
cultural heritage Permanent or irreversible loss
other cultural heritage
resources or degradation of critical
resources, to the extent that
Negligible or slight the asset(s) is marginally Clear modification of archaeological or other cultural
changes to the setting of altered critical resources so that heritage resources
Archaeology and
Archaeology an archaeological or the archaeological or Comprehensive changes to
cultural heritage Impacts limited to non-
cultural heritage asset or cultural heritage asset is the setting of an
critical resources
group of assets Considerable changes archaeological or cultural
Minor changes to the heritage asset or group of
to the setting of an
setting of an archaeological assets
archaeological or
or cultural heritage asset or
cultural heritage asset or
group of assets
group of assets

AAQS = ambient air quality standards
Un-degraded airshed: baseline < AAQS.
Degraded airshed: baseline > AAQS and/or ecologically sensitive habitats.
Leq 1hr = equivalent continuous sound pressure level over a one-hour period.
Amenity impact magnitude: incremental increase above background levels (L eq 1 hour – L90 1 hour) where background noise level is greater than 30 dB(A) L90 during the night and
35 dB(A) L90 during the daytime.
Impact magnitude for operational noise is based on sensitive receptors in predominantly residential or rural areas. Where residential areas are located within
commercial/industrial districts or on the main road, a relaxation to the operational phase impact magnitude of 10 dB(A) will apply e.g. worker’s camps. This follows the principles
of Kurdistan local standards (add cross reference).
‘<’ = less than.
‘>’ = greater than.
Table A6.2: Sensitivity criteria for the potential environmental and social impacts/receptors

Sensitivity criteria
Low Medium High
Receptors where people or habitats are
Receptors where sensitivity to air Receptors moderately sensitive to air
particularly susceptible to air pollution, e.g.
Air quality pollution is minimal, e.g. industrial areas pollution, where it may cause some
residential areas, schools, healthcare clinics
and desert. disturbance, e.g. agricultural areas.
and ecologically sensitive areas.
Receptors where people or habitats are
Receptors where sensitivity to Receptors moderately sensitive to noise,
particularly susceptible to noise, e.g. residential
Noise distraction or disturbance from noise is where it may cause some distraction or
areas, schools, healthcare clinics and
minimal, e.g. industrial areas, desert. disturbance, e.g. agricultural areas.
ecologically sensitive areas.
Soils with medium and/or high erosion potential
Soils with medium and/or high erosion
that drain to water resources that support
potential that drain to water resources
economically important or ecologically
Soils with low erosion potential, and/or that support diverse aquatic habitats or
significant aquatic species or provide essential
Soil erosion are resistant to compaction and are a locally important source of potable
habitat for those species or are a locally
scarring. water for communities living nearby,
important source of potable water for
and/or the surface is prone to
communities living nearby, and/or are sensitive
compaction and scarring.
to compression.
Flat sloped, shallow and/or well Riparian zones with medium slopes and Steep riparian zones with limited or no
Riparian erosion
vegetated riparian zones some vegetation vegetation
Soils that are suitable for agricultural
Soils that are not suitable for agriculture, Soils that are used for agricultural production or
Loss of land/soils use, but are used for grazing and limited
i.e. desert soils of low fertility without are located in an area that is regionally
used for agriculture subsidence agriculture, or are located in
available water supply important for agricultural production
an area not intended for agricultural use
Soils of moderate geological, ecological
Soils of no geological, ecological or Soils of important geological, economic or
or economic value, and/or soils that
Soil quality economic value, and/or soils that have ecological value, and/or soils that have the
have the ability to recover only over
the ability to recover quickly ability to recover only over many seasons.
multiple seasons.

The groundwater resource has little to The groundwater resource has local The groundwater resource has local
Hydrogeology no role in terms of supply services for importance in terms of supply, but there importance in terms of supply, with no suitable
local communities is ample capacity and/or adequate technically or economically feasible
opportunity for alternative sources of alternatives, or is important at a regional or
Sensitivity criteria
Low Medium High
comparable quality trans-boundary watershed level for supply
Water non-potable for humans but
Water non-potable and unsuitable for
suitable for irrigation and watering Water is used for industrial, irrigation, watering
irrigation or watering livestock
livestock livestock or potable uses
Surface waters No use for navigation or industry
Water used for navigation, industry or Supports human needs
Water supply meets local needs and agriculture and human needs Area lacking water resources
there is no shortfall of resources
Water supply does not meet local needs
Regionally significant populations of globally
Species are globally common but are
threatened or endangered species (i.e. listed
Species are not protected or listed rare in Iraq, or important to ecosystem
as Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically
functioning (e.g. predator / prey
Species are abundant / common and Endangered species by IUCN), which are or
Flora and fauna species), or a species that is under
not critical for ecosystem functions are likely to be found within the Project AOI,
threat or has a declining population
Areas of little or no vegetation and are likely affected by the Project
Species listed as Near Threatened by
Species important to ecosystem functioning,
such as predator or prey species
Sites designated for protection at national or
Habitats that are suffering significant international level
decline at a national or regional level Habitats recognised as intact or unique (e.g.
Sites of local biodiversity value that are
not intact, fragile or unique. May include Areas of high species or habitat true deserts, fragile soils, wetlands) or areas
wildlife corridors diversity, or ‘naturalness’ recognised by NGOs as having high
Habitats that are capable of unassisted environmental value (e.g. Key Biodiversity
Habitats that recover quickly following Areas)
disturbance (i.e. habitats comprising recovery to natural conditions following
Habitats disturbance, although this may require Habitats that are unlikely to return to natural
species that readily re-colonise
disturbed areas) several years (e.g. reed beds and other conditions without some intervention (such as
habitats where growing conditions are re-seeding or planting), but which are capable
Habitats that can be classified as favourable) of assisted recovery (including most semi-
‘modified’ in accordance with IFC deserts)
Performance Standard 6 (IFC, 2012) Habitats that can be classified as
‘natural’ in accordance with IFC Habitats that can be classified as ‘critical’ in
Performance Standard 6 (IFC, 2012) accordance with IFC Performance Standard 6
(IFC, 2012)

Ecosystem services The ecosystem service is of low The ecosystem service has moderate The ecosystem service is of high importance to
importance to beneficiaries (local, importance to beneficiaries and beneficiaries and has moderate replaceability
Sensitivity criteria
Low Medium High
regional and global) or is of moderate moderate replaceability (some spatial (some spatial alternatives); is of moderate
importance but with many spatial alternatives), high importance to importance to beneficiaries and has few or no
alternatives available beneficiaries and many spatial spatial alternatives; or is essential to
alternatives, or low importance and few beneficiaries but has many spatial alternatives
to no spatial alternatives
Households with adequate employment
/ income to meet their basic needs,
enjoying a standard of living above the Households with inadequate income to Households with inadequate income and
Employment local average meet basic needs, and/or one or more without an individual in regular or sufficient
members actively seeking work employment
Households with no individuals actively
seeking work
Low income or unemployed persons with no
Middle to high-income persons or Middle-income persons or families with access, or severely limited access, to services
families limited access to goods / services
Local communities Vulnerable households
Persons with ample access to goods Nomads and semi-nomads who pass
and services through the Project AOI Nomads and semi-nomads who utilise the
Project AOI to maintain their livelihood
Occupants of well-established, existing
households, not members of any Periodically employed persons and Highly vulnerable or sensitive populations or
Social cohesion marginalised group, permanently minority groups with no legal right to minority groups who perceive themselves as
employed, and with sufficient resources occupy their land/ homes targets of discrimination
to maintain livelihoods and security
Owners and employees of businesses whose
Owners and employees of well- Owners and employees of small and markets will be displaced or expanded by
established businesses with secure medium-sized enterprises with a secure increased Project activity
contracts associated with the Project or market position Any people or businesses subject to
Project-dependent services, fully able to Businesses with an indirect interest, but involuntary relocation or economic
Local economy, maintain their market presence, or not a wholly dependent relationship to displacement
markets and prices enterprises without any direct interest in the Project Businesses which lose oilfield contracts on
oil-field-related business Middle-income household residents which they have been reliant, or which win
Well-paid or relatively wealthy residents, Producers or consumers of produce significant new contracts on the Project
able to withstand price fluctuations likely to be subject to price fluctuations New businesses created to take advantage of
increased opportunities afforded by the Project
Sensitivity criteria
Low Medium High
Marginalised people reliant on livelihoods
unconnected to the oil industry, such as
herders and producers of raw materials which
are marketed remotely from the site, whose
produce will not be subject to price inflation
Poor households, i.e. those living below the
national poverty line
Physical resources
Individuals or households with access to
and infrastructure Households which partially rely on
their own adequate and reliable facilities Households wholly dependent on affected
(e.g. utilities, affected infrastructure, including
(e.g. transport, electricity, private public infrastructure for the supply of services
transport network, transport, recreation, electricity and/or
education) and are not directly affected or utilities
educational, education.
by changes to these utilities
Road users
Limited number of alternative routes
(including Convenient alternative routes available No alternative route easily available
The Project AOI includes locally or
The Project AOI does not include known The Project AOI includes internationally
nationally recognized, environmentally
Reputation culturally, environmentally or politically recognized, environmentally or politically
or politically significant or sensitive
significant or sensitive areas significant or sensitive areas
Expat workers, highly-paid workers,
temporary migrant workers with little or Full-time local employees (including
Workers Low paid/casual/occasional workers
no long- term direct interest in the contractors)
Unemployed, seeking work on the Project
Recruitment Those already employed or not seeking Project employees, seeking work for
methods employment family members or friends Tribal, ethnic or minority group members who
perceive discrimination
Archaeological and cultural heritage Archaeological and cultural heritage Nationally and internationally significant
assets of local importance assets or regional importance archaeological and cultural heritage
Archaeology and
Archaeological and cultural heritage Archaeological and cultural heritage monuments protected by the Kurdistan
cultural heritage
assets compromised by poor assets with potential to contribute to government, Iraqi federal law and/or
preservation, and/or poor survival of regional research objectives international conventions
Sensitivity criteria
Low Medium High
contextual associations Area where archaeological or other Undesignated sites of the quality and
Archaeological and cultural heritage cultural heritage resources are present, importance to be designated
assets of limited value, but with potential and/or area where chance of Assets that can contribute significantly to
to contribute to local research objectives disturbance of previously unknown or acknowledged national research objectives
unrecorded buried archaeology is
Areas of negligible or low potential for Area where significant or important
previously unrecorded buried archaeological or other cultural heritage
archaeology resources are present, and/or area where
chance of disturbance of previously unknown
or unrecorded archaeology is high
The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) AERMOD or CALPUFF models are
used for evaluating the possible impacts of point source air emissions. This allows for
assessing impact in a wider range of local meteorological conditions and also factors in
the influence of terrain on dispersion. To perform the modeling study, USEPA
recommends that equivalent emission parameters, referred to as ‘Pseudo-parameters’
have to be estimated for stack height, diameter and exit velocity. Pseudo-parameters
account for hot, turbulent and buoyant plume.
These parameters do not necessarily have any physical relevance; however, they are
calculated so as to simulate the movement of the exhaust plume as would be from a
point source. The pseudo parameters calculated in this study and which was used for
modeling are:
1) Effective Stack height
The effective stack height is the total height of the flare, including flame and nominal
(physical) height of the flare. The following equation is used to estimate effective height:

Hs = Physical stack height above ground
Heff = Effective stack height
QT = Total heat available from combustion in Joules/s,
F = % heat lost by radiation (a function of molecular weight of the flared gas stream)
Qn = Net heat release
2) Effective exit velocity
Effective exit velocity is the velocity of the plume following combustion and is calculated
as a representative value at the flame tip. Exit velocity of the plume is dependent on the
‘lift rate’ of the exhaust gases caused by the heat from combustion. While there is no
specific threshold on gas exit velocity, the USEPA and other regulators have suggested a
minimum gas exit velocity of 20m/s to provide sufficient momentum and prevent stack tip
3) Effective stack diameter
The effective stack diameter considers that the size of the flame and exhaust gases are
potentially larger than original inner diameter or flare nozzle tip. Effective diameter is
therefore calculated using the following formula:

Deff = effective diameter at the flame tip (m)
Veff = effective exit velocity (m/s)
Fb, actual = Heat released by combustion (m4/s3)
The calculated pseudo-parameters which were used as inputs to the modeling study, are
presented in Table A7.1 below.

Table A7.1 Flare stack parameters for modeling

Effective Effective Exit Stack

Sl NO2 SO2 CO PM10
Source Height Diameter Velocity Temp
NO (g/s) (g/s) (g/s) (g/s)
(m) (m) (m/s) (K)

HP Flare
1 (with LT 100.1 38.75 20 1273 64.30 97.63 349.87 50.95

2 LP Flare 40.22 7.56 20 1273 1.78 2.72 9.67 1.35

3 29.27 2.77 20 1273 0.12 0 0.68 0.04

Receptors were placed in a nested grid as described in Table A7.2 below (see also
Figure A7.1). Receptors were placed to a distance of 50 km from the facility. Terrain
elevations were extracted and assigned to the model domain from the SRTM 30 digital
elevation model. Sensitive receptors were jointly identified with the client and are listed in
the table below. Terrain elevations were processed and assigned to the receptors using

Table A7.2: Nested grid receptor spacing

Distance from Source Spacing (m)

0-200 20

200-500 50

500-1000 100

1000-2000 200

2000-5000 500

5000-10000 1000

10000-20000 1000

20000-50000 5000
Figure A7.1 Nested receptor grid
Table A8.1 Environmental commitments register

UNIQUE ID / Phase (select from

NUMBER list)

Further evaluation during the detailed engineering phase including re-run of the air quality model with detailed design specifications to confirm compliance with the
ENV01 Operations Pearl Petroleum
Project Standards.

ENV02 Consider alternative treatments of sour gas and evaluate compliance solutions during the detailed design phase. Operations Pearl Petroleum

ENV03 Undertake a quantitative impact assessment to evaluate the drawdown impact on local water users. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV04 Develop a Water Management Plan to ensure future sustainable management of water resources. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV05 Ensure that an abstraction permit is obtained from local authorities. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV06 Undertake refuelling at designated areas according to industry guidelines. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV07 Store chemicals and hydrocarbons within secondary containment and according to Good International Industrial Pratices (GIIP). Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV08 Adopt quiet working methods, where reasonably practicable, using plant with lower noise and vibration emissions. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV09 Avoid or limit noisy construction activities during the night-time period. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV10 Use acoustic screens and/or enclosures for static items of plant which generate noise levels that have the potential to cause disturbance. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV11 Carry out regular inspections of noise mitigation measures to ensure integrity is maintained at all times. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV12 Provide briefings for all site-based personnel so that noise issues are understood, and mitigation measures are adhered to. Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV13 Produce a Biodiversity Management Plan (to include bio-security and bio-restoration). Construction Pearl Petroleum

ENV14 Undertake a preconstruction survey for important plant species in areas identified as potential habitat in particular along flowlines where routes are likely to be re-surveyed. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV15 Evaluate practical alternatives to avoid or reduce impacts to the important plant species if these species are identified within areas subject to land disturbing activities. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV16 Prohibit the collection of natural resources, such as plant materials for firewood, food or medicine. Construction EPC Contractor

Use appropriate technique (seed harvesting/cutting/translocation) to move individual plants from the construction footprint if the individual cannot be avoided during land
ENV17 Construction EPC Contractor
disturbing activities.
ENV18 Undertake site clearance with due consideration to main breeding season. Construction EPC Contractor

Establish a 10 m buffer zone, if possible and practical, around the burrow or nest where no construction may occur until monitoring indicates that the species has left the
ENV19 Construction EPC Contractor
ENV20 Evaluate alternatives to relocate the species, if sensitive species active nest or burrow cannot be avoided; and seek approval from regulator. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV21 Prohibit deliberate disturbance of killing of fauna by site workers - any unintentional killing or injury of species to be reported and tracked internally. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV22 Limit vegetation removal to the extent possible. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV23 Consider animal bypass around flowline construction zones, as deemed necessary. Construction EPC Contractor

Restore habitats in temporary workspaces after construction activities are complete including returning the segregated topsoil to the site and restore ecology with native
ENV24 Construction EPC Contractor

ENV25 Reduce the time between construction and reinstatement for works undertaken in sensitive habitats to the extent possible. Construction EPC Contractor

Ensure that the Waste Management Plan (WMP) provides for avoidance of waste storage or other waste management procedures that reduce potential forage by nuisance
ENV26 Construction EPC Contractor

ENV27 Undertake toolbox talks with staff to educate them on what species are likely to be present on-site and on correct actions to be taken if any animals are encountered. Construction EPC Contractor

ENV28 Limit office operations to daylight hours, where possible. Operations EPC Contractor

ENV29 Develop and implement a Lighting Plan (LP) for the new and existing faculties to limit spread by using directional lighting, hoods, etc. and only light the working areas. Operations EPC Contractor

Discussion should be held with the Ministry of Natural Resources and other parties regarding the fate of buried pipelines which are sometimes left in place subsequent to
ENV30 Construction Pearl Petroleum
decommissioning by agreement of all parties.

ENV31 This risk will be further reduced by recycling and reuse of materials/equipment where possible offsite. Construction Pearl Petroleum
Table A8.2 Social commitments register

UNIQUE ID / Phase (select from

NUMBER list)


SOC01 Prioritise the sourcing of goods and services from local and regional businesses, providing required quality and delivery timescales can be met. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum



SOC02 Support the development and capacity building of local and regional businesses, either directly or as part of government of sector-wide initiatives. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum



Compile an annual environmental and social performance report, made available to stakeholders, which details how local and regional businesses have been prioritised in
SOC03 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
the sourcing of goods and services and provided with capacity building support.



Prior to construction, undertake a benchmarking exercise to gather data on the average price of local basic good and services; use the data to monitor changes in the cost of
SOC04 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
goods and services against baseline conditions.



Implement a comprehensive Social Monitoring Plan that includes monitoring socio-economic changes in local communities (e.g. in living standards, household well-being
SOC05 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
and other daily necessities) through regular community meetings and through regular price surveys.



Undertake targeted engagement with vulnerable people should local price inflation become an issue. Design and implement additional support measures (e.g. the provision
SOC06 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
of goods to vulnerable people) on a case-by-case basis with support from third parties (e.g. development agencies) as appropriate.



Extend the existing Community Grievance Management Procedure to the KM250A Project to ensure that Project affected communities and other stakeholders have
SOC07 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
unrestricted access and opportunity to raise concerns and grievances related to the Project.


Pearl Petroleum
Develop an Influx Management Strategy (including a 'no hiring at the gate' policy), providing clear information on the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related
SOC08 Construction
employment and business opportunities.
EPC Contractor
Provide information on the Project’s recruitment strategy and key messages about the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related employment and business
SOC09 Construction Pearl Petroleum
opportunities to local communities to ensure that stakeholder expectations are suitably managed.

Pearl Petroleum
SOC10 Include similar information and messages in the worker codes of conduct in order to ensure that accurate information is conveyed to interested parties. Construction
EPC Contractor

SOC11 Ensure that the Social Monitoring Plan (see SOC05) includes monitoring changes in population size and the arrival of economic migrants . Construction Pearl Petroleum

Work with, and where feasible support, local authorities in planning for and managing the spatial changes (e.g. in land use) and increasing demands on infrastructure and
SOC12 Construction Pearl Petroleum
services that occur as the local area surrounding the Project grows.


SOC13 Prioritise employment of people from local communities, followed by people from other parts of the Kurdistan Region. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum



State the proportion of workers who will be hired from local communities and/or the wider region in order to maximise their employment opportunities. Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor


Oversee Contractors’ recruitment activities to ensure adherence to local hiring requirements. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum


Give information about the Project’s recruitment strategy and key messages about the scale, scope and process of accessing Project-related employment and business
SOC15 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
opportunities to local communities to ensure that stakeholder expectations are suitably managed.


Pearl Petroleum
EPC Contractor

At the end of employment, formally recognise workers’ involvement in the Project through the provision of references and/or certificates outlining workers’ job role(s), the Pearl Petroleum
SOC16 Pre-commissioning
duration of their employment and other details (e.g. training undertaken) as appropriate.
EPC Contractor

Pearl Petroleum
EPC Contractor

As part of the tendering process, include training and competency development in order to support capacity building amongst the Project workforce and within the Project
SOC17 Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor
supply chain, and provide formal recognition of this training for workers (e.g. through references and/or certifications) where possible.
Provide on-the-job training to the Project workforce in order to enable workers to gain new or improved skills and provide formal recognition of this training (e.g. through
SOC18 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
references and/or certifications) to workers where possible.


SOC19 Ensure that the proportion of foreign workers is reduced and replaced by personnel who come from local communities and other parts of Kurdistan. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum



Gather data on average incomes associated with the public and private sector to benchmark wage levels in the local area; use the data to benchmark wage levels in the Pre-commissioning
SOC20 Pearl Petroleum
local area (this should be coordinated with SOC05).



SOC21 Ensure that the Social Monitoring Plan (see SOC05) includes sources of employment and changes in wage levels. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum


Review the existing process for recruitment to ensure that it is able to cope with an increase in the number of jobs available as a result of the Project; make changes to the
SOC22 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
existing process as appropriate.

Where appropriate, develop a Local Community Employment Plan (LCEP), which will become part of the existing Local Goods and Services Plan, prioritising the
EPC Contractor
employment of people from local communities, followed by people from other parts of the Kurdistan Region.
Oversee contractors’ recruitment activities to ensure adherence to local hiring requirements. Pearl Petroleum


Manage overall relationship with local communities through a range of strategies, including regular engagement and ongoing social investment. Include long-term capacity
SOC24 Pearl Petroleum
building and skills development programmes in the latter. Operations


In the Local Community Employment Plan (see SOC23), include provisions to ensure that Project employment opportunities for local people reflect engagement with local
SOC25 Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor
authorities and are perceived to be equitably distributed across the communities through ongoing engagement with village Anjuman.


Internally review existing systems for managing conflict, for example grievances and road blocks, to ensure that they are sufficiently robust to manage conflicts which may
SOC26 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
arise as a result of the Project; make changes to existing systems as appropriate.



SOC27 Develop retrenchment plans with the aim of ensuring social cohesion and reducing the impacts of the termination of employment contracts. Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor


Pearl Petroleum
EPC Contractor

During the recruitment process, and for the duration of their employment, ensure transparency with workers regarding the temporary nature of their employment on the Pearl Petroleum
SOC28 Project and regularly remind workers of this fact. Clearly state the duration of workers’ employment in their employment contracts and discuss with workers the need to Pre-commissioning
prepare for the termination of their employment contracts. See also SOC22 and SOC23. EPC Contractor

Pearl Petroleum
Other contractor


Select contractors through a robust pre-qualification and due diligence process and include standards on labour and working conditions, aligned with those prescribed by the
SOC29 Pearl Petroleum
International Finance Corporation (IFC), in all contractual documents.


Construction EPC Contractor

Ensure that KM250A worker grievance procedures are developed and implemented in compliance with Pearl Petroleum’s overarching worker grievance procedure and are
Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor
available for use by all workers.

Decommissioning Other contractor

Construction Pearl Petroleum

Approve contractors' worker grievance procedures (which should align with the existing Worker Grievance Management Procedure). Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum

Decommissioning Other contractor

Construction Pearl Petroleum

Hold regular meetings (e.g. toolbox talks) with Project personnel, including contractor and sub-contractor employees, to ensure that workers are satisfied with their Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
employment and workplace; provide opportunities for workers to raise concerns and report problems at these meetings.
Operations Pearl Petroleum

Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

Construction EPC Contractor

As part of the worker induction process, explain to employees (including sub-contractor employees) their legal rights and entitlements alongside the content of their Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor
employment contracts.
Operations Other contractor

Decommissioning Other contractor

Construction Pearl Petroleum

Where appropriate and feasible, oblige each contractor to be transparent on their supply chain. Undertake a risk-based screening assessment to prioritise the types of goods Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
and services to be procured; subject these goods and services to an audit against national and regional regulatory requirements and international standards.

Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

Construction EPC Contractor

Develop and implement contractor Health and Safety Plans and Work Management Procedures that align with the existing Pearl Petroleum Occupational Health and Safety Pre-commissioning EPC Contractor
Decommissioning Other contractor
Construction Pearl Petroleum

Approve contractors' Health and Safety Plans and Work Management Procedures; undertake auditing to ensure contractor compliance with these plans and procedures. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum

Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

Pearl Petroleum
EPC Contractor

Pearl Petroleum
EPC Contractor
Develop and implement Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training programmes that are culturally and linguistically appropriate; update training programmes based on
changes in the scope of work being undertaken, incident statistics and regulatory requirements.
Operations Pearl Petroleum

Pearl Petroleum
Other contractor

EPC Contractor
Ensure that remuneration is justified and adequate for the level of expertise and experience provided; include details of remuneration in employment contracts with workers
SOC36 Pre-commissioning
(including sub-contractor workers).
Decommissioning Other contractor

Ensure that no Project land take will occur unless the process of the corresponding KRG agency has been completed such that timely compensation is paid to Project-
SOC37 affected persons (PAPs), including land users (e.g. livestock rearers). Pearl Petroleum to prevent access to land by Project personnel (including Pearl Petroleum staff, Construction Pearl Petroleum
contractors and sub-contractors) if there is no consent or agreement in place. See also SOC38.

Develop and implement a Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) to address the short- and long-term economic impacts from temporary and permanent (life of Project) loss of
access to land. Include, in the LRP, a gap analysis of the differences between international standards and regional processes, principles of land access, an entitlements
SOC38 matrix based on a mitigation and compensation framework, details of the valuation of assets and establishment of compensation rates, Construction Pearl Petroleum
the land access procedure, provisions for vulnerable people, Management of Change Procedure and monitoring and evaluation. Integrate the LRP (where relevant and
appropriate to do so) with the Rental Value and Compensation Committee's own activities.
Support the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) by stakeholder engagement with the Project affected people (PAPs) to ensure that the livelihood restoration strategy is clearly
SOC39 Construction Pearl Petroleum
explained and accepted, that the approach to legacy issues is clear and that PAPs understand that they are all treated equally. See also SOC38.

Monitor the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) for a period of up to five years following implementation to assess the effectiveness of livelihood restoration measures;
SOC40 Construction Pearl Petroleum
implement corrective actions, as appropriate. See also SOC38.

Agree a cut-off date with the Government prior to the commencement of survey activities for the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) and clearly communicate the cut-off date
SOC41 Construction Pearl Petroleum
to the Project affected people. See also SOC38.

SOC42 Develop and implement land entry, exit and reinstatement procedures on third party lands, including information to affected land owners and land users. See also SOC38. Construction EPC Contractor

SOC43 Seek to support the efforts of local authorities in resolving existing conflicts over land in the Project area. Construction Pearl Petroleum

Undertake regular meetings with village Anjuman and local communities, including the Project affected people (PAPs), to ensure that information about the Project’s land
SOC44 Construction Pearl Petroleum
acquisition and compensation strategy is clearly communicated and that stakeholder concerns are effectively addressed. See also SOC05.

SOC45 Undertake pre-construction surveys to identify any watering wells and pasture land to which access must be maintained. Construction EPC Contractor

Leave gaps in soil stacks and pipe stings along the right of way to ensure that access to watering wells and pasture land is maintained. Provide crossing points across open
SOC46 Construction EPC Contractor
trenches and welded pipes as necessary.

In the event that loss of access to watering wells and/or pasture land is unavoidable, provide alternative water supplies and pasture land/appropriate compensation in line
SOC47 Construction Pearl Petroleum
with the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP). See also SOC38.

Identify risks in health and safety plans and work management procedures and, within this, include provisions to ensure community safety, including safety barriers (e.g.
SOC48 Construction EPC Contractor
fences) around open excavations to prevent local communities and livestock from falling into trenches.

Pearl Petroleum
Post culturally appropriate safety signage and information in local communities and near to work sites to raise awareness about risks to the safety of persons
SOC49 Construction
and livestock.
EPC Contractor

Develop and implement a community safety awareness campaign in local communities with a particular focus on high-risk groups (e.g. children), potentially involving school
SOC50 Construction Pearl Petroleum
visits to raise awareness on road safety risks.

Where appropriate, develop a work-specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that aligns with the Pearl Petroleum Traffic Management Plan and that identifies sensitive social
SOC51 receptors along transportation routes and outlines mitigation measures (e.g. speed limit restrictions, vehicle maintenance activities, awareness campaigns, recruitment of Construction EPC Contractor
traffic wardens) to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents occurring.
Develop and implement Workers’ Codes of Conduct (that aligns with the Pearl Petroleum Worker and Security Code of Conduct), inclusive of training for all Project EPC Contractor
personnel on local customs, culture and tradition, interacting with local communities, expected behaviour and the Community Grievance Management Procedure. Deliver Pre-commissioning
training as part of the worker induction process and ensure that compliance with workers' codes of conduct is a contractual requirement for all employees.
Decommissioning Other contractor

Approve Workers' Codes of Conduct developed by contractors. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum


Prohibit the out-of-hours movement of non-local workers (from other parts of Kurdistan or further afield) for reasons not related to work, in accordance with construction
SOC53 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
camp rules.

Review established arrangements for security provision at the existing facility to ensure that they are sufficiently robust to manage security issues which may arise as a result
SOC54 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
of the Project; make changes to existing arrangements, as appropriate.

SOC55 Ensure that training for Project security personnel includes rules of engagement and human rights (e.g. the Voluntary Principles of Security and Human Rights). Pearl Petroleum


Undertake regular meetings with village Anjuman and local communities to ensure that information about the Project is clearly communicated and that stakeholder
SOC56 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
concerns are effectively addressed.


Ensure that the Social Monitoring Plan (see SOC05) provides for monitoring relations between local communities and the Project and any changes in perceptions Pre-commissioning
SOC57 Pearl Petroleum
towards Pearl Petroleum.



Provide local communities with regular updates on the Project through community meetings; integrate reporting to local communities within the overarching
SOC58 Pearl Petroleum
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) implemented at the existing facility. See also SOC03 and SOC24.


Review the KM250A Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) periodically to ensure that information on Project activities such as the potential for non-routine flaring
SOC59 Operations Pearl Petroleum
events to occur occasionally is included; make updates to the SEP, as appropriate.

Include provisions in contractor Health and Safety Plans to ensure the fitness of workers (e.g. pre-deployment medical screenings which includes tests for communicable
SOC60 EPC Contractor
diseases) during the recruitment process.


EPC Contractor
SOC61 Include health and hygiene training for all employees, including sub-contractor employees, in health and safety plans to minimise the spread of communicable diseases. Pre-commissioning

Decommissioning Other contractor


SOC62 Identify the risks to public health associated with their scope of work in Health and Safety Plans and detail mitigation measures as appropriate. Pearl Petroleum


Undertake a pre-construction survey to assess the condition of roads to be used by the Project (including but not limited to traffic signage, bridges and Pearl Petroleum
SOC63 Construction
other road infrastructure). EPC Contractor

Undertake a post-construction survey covering all of the areas surveyed pre-construction to assess the condition of roads and road-related infrastructure Pearl Petroleum
SOC64 Construction
used by the Project; close out any actions (e.g. repairs) arising from the post-construction survey in a timely manner.
EPC Contractor

SOC65 Include in In Traffic Management Plan(s) (TMPs) (see SOC51) any necessary restrictions on vehicle movements to defined access routes and demarcated work areas. EPC Contractor

As part of the worker induction process, communicate that medical assistance to all employees (including sub-contractor employees) is provided by the Project; prohibit EPC Contractor
SOC66 Pre-commissioning
workers from using local health services at this time.
Decommissioning Other contractor
SOC67 Monitor water supplies in local communities against baseline conditions; integrate this monitoring into monitoring plans implemented at the existing facility. Pearl Petroleum

SOC68 Develop and implement water efficiency training programmes in local communities with the aim of promoting sustainable water consumption. Pearl Petroleum

Pearl Petroleum
Undertake pre-construction surveys to identify community infrastructure (e.g. bridges, electricity pylons, power lines) which will need to be upgraded, moved or potentially
SOC69 Construction
damaged by the Project.
EPC Contractor

Communicate any planned activities which may affect community infrastructure (e.g. bridges, electricity pylons, power lines) to local authorities and affected
SOC70 Construction Pearl Petroleum
communities in a timely manner; ensure that information provided stakeholders includes (but is not limited to) the nature, timing and duration of the planned activities.

SOC71 Repair any damage to community infrastructure in a timely manner. Construction EPC Contractor

Request permission from the Erbil Directorate of Roads and Bridges to implement any road diversion; provide prior notification to the public and appropriate road signage
SOC72 Operations Pearl Petroleum
before any road diversions.


SOC73 Seek to avoid diversions during peak hours or creating blockages or diversions during peak activities on weekends. Operations Pearl Petroleum



SOC74 Monitor the physical condition of the road on an as needed basis in order to raise concerns and work with the local governments to make repairs. Operations Pearl Petroleum


Provide targeted assistance, where possible and appropriate, to vulnerable groups identified in the KM250A Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) to ensure that they Pre-commissioning
SOC75 Pearl Petroleum
have equal access to Project-related information and equal opportunities to raise questions and concerns.

Ensure that recruitment processes for the Project are based on the skills required for the role with no discrimination according to age, sexuality or gender, ethnicity, religion
SOC76 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
and/or political opinion.

SOC77 Continue to provide illiterate persons with additional support when applying for jobs on the Project. Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum


Develop and implement a gender inclusion strategy (as part of the existing Pearl Petroleum Social Performance Standard) containing various measures to promote the
inclusion of women in the Project. Consider including recruitment targets for women for contractors and sub-contractors, provisions to ensure women feel safe in the
SOC78 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
workplace and in Project accommodation and provisions to ensure that women are fairly engaged with during the recruitment process. Where appropriate and feasible, work
in partnership with third parties (e.g. development agencies) to develop and implement the gender inclusion strategy.

Assess the potential risks that may be associated with women’s participation in the Project and identify measures to mitigate these risks in the short-, medium- and long-term
SOC79 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
as part of the gender inclusion strategy. Consider targeted engagements with men to raise awareness about the benefits associated with women's involvement in the Project.

SOC80 Undertake a comprehensive survey to establish the vulnerability of flowline land owners and land users as part of the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) (see also SOC38). Construction Pearl Petroleum

Based on the results of the survey, specify in the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) additional support measures to ensure that vulnerable people are not disadvantaged
SOC81 Construction Pearl Petroleum
during the Project land acquisition and compensation process (see also SOC38).


Ensure that the KM250A Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) provides special measures, where possible and appropriate, to ensure that women have equal access Pre-commissioning
SOC82 Pearl Petroleum
to Project-related information and equal opportunities to raise questions and concerns.

Develop and implement a targeted community information campaign on hydrotesting to ensure that local communities understand the noise, water and any other impacts
SOC83 Pre-commissioning Pearl Petroleum
associated with this exercise.

Seek to maximise the Project's contribution to the development of Kurdistan's oil and gas sector and regional economic growth through, for example, considering
SOC84 Operations Pearl Petroleum
opportunities to work with universities as part of its Social Investment Programmes.

Develop a draft plan for providing transition training to allow skilled employees to better access employment in other sectors; evaluate the level of interest in such training
SOC85 Operations Pearl Petroleum
amongst workers prior to the finalisation and implementation of the plan.

SOC86 Where the Project affects the livelihood activities of crop farmers, provide appropriate compensation in line with the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP). Operations Pearl Petroleum
Post culturally appropriate safety warnings and information in local communities and near to Project infrastructure to raise awareness about the risks of
SOC87 Operations Pearl Petroleum
interfering or tampering with Project infrastructure.

SOC88 Develop and implement community safety awareness campaigns in local communities with the aim of discouraging interference or tampering with Project infrastructure. Operations Pearl Petroleum

Develop and implement measures to reduce the impact of night-time non-routine flaring, for example installation of glazed windows or shades for residences with a clear
SOC89 Operations Pearl Petroleum
view of flare flames.

Develop and implement programmes which promote the long-term sustainability and independence of communities. Consider the avoidance of dependency will in
SOC90 Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum
the design of all Social Investment Programmess (SIPs) and consider planning for the end of Pearl Petroleum interventions from the outset.

SOC91 Consider technical solutions to sharing costs and accountability for the provision of power and water. Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

SOC92 Consider prioritising social investment that diversifies the local economy and reduces local communities' reliance on Pearl Petroleum at Khor Mor. Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

SOC93 Consider skills and training to support regional development priorities. Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

Consider strategic engagement structures, such as community committees and participatory monitoring, to build community capacity to manage
SOC94 Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum
their development.

SOC95 Consider leveraging its operations at Khor Mor to encourage other development actors to engage in the area. Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

SOC96 Consider working in partnership with third parties (e.g. development agencies) to implement its Social Investment Programmes (SIPs). Decommissioning Pearl Petroleum

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