Wideband Pass Filter With OP Amplifier: I (Section 1)
Wideband Pass Filter With OP Amplifier: I (Section 1)
Wideband Pass Filter With OP Amplifier: I (Section 1)
Dordas, Mereeson M.
Manao, Antoinette A.
aamano@mymail.mapua.eduu.ph bbrmendoza@mymail.mapua.edu.ph
Abstract — Modern Computers can be referred to as mainly between the cut-off frequencies and they are f L❑ and
hardware or software programs that can be instructed to carry
out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations that can be
f H , where f Lis the lower cut-off frequency and f H is the
displayed in the screen or electrical circuits. Computers are higher cut-off frequency.
built by putting other different components that enables the
device to execute different tasks depending on what The center frequency is denoted by {f} rsub {C} and
instructions the user gave. it is also called as resonant frequency or peak frequency.
The f L must always be less than the value of . The pass band
This project focuses on TINA PRO simulations that of the filter is nothing but the bandwidth. The gain is filter is
simulates the wideband pass filter with operational amplifiers maximum at resonant or center frequency and this is
that computes the referred as total pass band gain. This pass band gain is
In this paper, includes the discussion of the functionality denoted by ‘ Amax ’
ofeach component were able to build showing that by Band Pass Filter are commonly used in transmitters and
implementing different logic gates and other components we receivers that are wireless. In a transmitter, the main purpose
can execute the input data given by the user into instructions
of such filter is to restrict the output signal bandwidth to the
and come up with a working (partially) computer, the
simulation of this project is possible with the help of a software
band allocated for the transmission. This prevents other
called Logisim. stations from interfering with the transmitter
A filter is a device in signal processing used to allow
Keywords – Bandpass Filter, Low Pass Filter, High Pass wanted frequency components from the signals and to
Filter, Operational Amplifier , Wideband pass filter, Active Band remove the unwanted ones. The background noise of the
Pass Filter
interfacing signals is reduced by eliminating some
frequencies , which is known as filtering. Filter circuits can
I. INTRODUCTION (SECTION 1) be designed to combine the properties of the LPF (Low Pass
As mankind progresses that gives birth to digital Filter) and HPF (High Pass Filter) into a single filter, which
technology, many electronic devices are invented such as is known as a bandpass filter. This filter can be created by
cellphones, telephones, laptops and other technology that combining a low pass filter and a high pass filter.
makes our life easier. Each electronic device consists of a
transmitter and receivers that converts the information into a III. Low Pass Filter (SECTION 1)
signal suitable for transmission over a given A low pass filter is a filter that passes signals with a
communications medium then the receivers that will accept frequency lower than a selected cut-off frequency and
the transmitted message from the channel and convert them attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cut off
into a form understandable to humans. frequency, the exact frequency response of the filter depends
on the filter design. For a low pass filter this pass band starts
II. Bandpass Filter (SECTION 1) from the initial for a low pass filter and continues up to the
specified cut-off frequency point at a certain decibels down
. from the maximum pass band gain. Equally, the pass band
Band Pass Filter is a circuit which allows only particular begins from the this low decibel cut-off frequency for a high
band of frequencies to pass through it. This Pass Band is
pass filter and continues to infinity or to the full open loop
gain for an active filter.
VIII. Active Bandpass filter (SECTION 1)
An active bandpass is a bandpass filter provide the input
signal. In comparison , a passive bandpass filter does not
provide the input signal with any amplification at all, so the https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/
bandpass filter peak would be the same as the input voltage analogue_circuits/operational-amplifier-op-amp/
signal. The peak of the bandpass filter will be much greater
in the active bandpass filter than the input voltage signal bandpass-active-filter-design.php
because there is passive or active bandpass filter allows a
certain range of frequencies to pass through and greatly
attenuates all frequencies beyond this pass band. All that is
required are resistors and capacitors for passive need either
transistors or operational amplifiers to amplify the circuit.
a. Motivation (SECTION 1)
b. Objective (SECTION 1)