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ToR Geophysical Survey-Chure Kailali

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Terms of Reference (ToR)

Consulting Services for Hydrogeological Study by Geo-physical Vertical
Electric Sounding (VES) Method

Fiscal Year: 2078-079

1. Background
Nepal is very rich in its water resources. Despite the large availability, access of water is not so
easy and equal for all population of the country. Rugged and difficult terrain, deep river valleys,
sparsely distributed settlements and poorly developed infrastructures are the major factors that
deprive the easy and equal access to water for irrigation, industry and household use.

As groundwater becomes the most convenient and important source of water in Tarai and midhill
valley, Dun Valleys and some of Inter Mountain Basins like Kathmandu and Pokhara. There is
need of accessing the very source in the hilly and mountainous regions as well. Since ancient
time, most of the people in the mountainous area depend up on Kuwa, Pandhera, etc. (form of
dugwell and Stone Spout respectively) for drinking water. This kind of water source is the form of
groundwater; the Spring Water.

In this context, Chure Rural Municipality Office, Kailali is planning to explore the groundwater
resources at the Municipality Office Area. This study should carry out Electrical Resistivity
Tomography (ERT) in specified locations through consulting services. From this study, the
Municipality Office envisages to access the hydrogeological condition of the deep as well as
shallow aquifers within the study area.

2. Study area
The present study area is located in Municipality Office Building area.

3. Scope and Objective

The main objective of the present geophysical exploration is to understand the hydrogeological
condition of deep/shallow aquifers within the study area. The specific objective of the study is to
carry out Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) in the above-mentioned locations. To meet the specific
objectives, the scopes of works are as follows:

 Hydrogeological Survey (Primary hydrogeological data collection, assessment of local

water sources, soil, lithology, existing tubewell, construction method etc
 Make assessment of topographical, morphological and geological features of the area
 Geophysical Survey (Vertical Electric Sounding VES for subsurface exploration by using
GD 10 Mainframe
 Compute, analyze and make interoperation of acquired data with advance added software
in scheduled and systemic manner of existing engineering practices (Geophysical data)
 Make suggestion and recommendations on hydrogeological condition on the basis of
VES, with interpretation, geological and geomorphological observations.

4. Materials and methods

The methodology of the study that the consultant should follow consist of materials& equipment
arrangement, literature& secondary information collection and review, field planning, geological
observation and geophysical (VES) survey, data computation, processing and interpretation; and
finally report preparation.

1.4.1 Desk Study and Field Planning

Essential equipment & materials for the field visit are Geo-physical equipment (can acquire of VES
data), Topographical Map, GPS (Global Positioning System), Photographic Camera, Brunton
Compass etc. Literatures and information related to topography, climate, geology of the area
should also be collected and reviewed. The general geology of the area needs to be taken from
the geological map of the area prepared by Department of Mines and Geology. The description of
the geology of the area should be done from the published and unpublished literatures and verified
in the field by observation and field measurement.

1.4.2 Fieldwork and Data Acquisition

For the study, schlumberger configuration needs to be used to obtain the resistance of ground
surface. During the data acquisition, sudden topographic variations and possible source of noise
like electric high voltage lines, buried pipe lines are to be avoided. GPS should be used to record
the position of sounding point. Measuring tape and compass are other equipment needed for the
field work. Field photographs should be taken do characterized the topographical and
morphological character of the area.

The surveyed data should be recorded in standard data sheet in tabular format; which are used for
analysis and interpretation. The apparent resistivity is to be plotted against electrode spacing
(AB/2) on semitransparent log-log paper to check the consistency of the acquired data.

The team is to visit the Sub-Project and need to conduct meetings with the farmers and undertake
field visits to the command area and probable main structure sites.
In summary the visit should focus on:
• Tubewell drilling site and command area of unit tubewell
• Terrain of the command area and adjacent area
• Problem areas such as landslide zones, river training, etc.
1.4.3 Data Processing, Interpretation and Report Preparation
The acquired field data should be computed on spreadsheet and plotted. Computer added
program needs to be used for data analysis and interpretation. Primary and Secondary data shall
be analyzed regarding standard norms and practices.

5. Expected Outcome of the Study

The Expected outputs of the Geophysical Survey (VES) are as follows:
 Detail VES survey of selected locations of the Study area.
 Comprehensive discussion, analysis and interpretation of geo-physical data.
 Comprehensive report of the study with maps and photographs.
6. Personal Input
The following technical experts and assistants are envisaged for the completion of the study is
given below;
Table: schedule of personnel inputs
SN Menpower unit Input Quantity Remark
Team Leader/Hydro-geologist Expert P-month 1.5
Geophysist P-month 0.5

The inputs of the consultants are categorized into two: home based and field based. Home based input means
working in Kathmandu, and field-based means working in the field in the specified location. Responsibilities given
below are indicative. The experts will perform their duties as required to complete the assignment in time.
1. Team Leader (hydrogeologist expert)
Qualification: Minimun 5 years of experience in geophysical survey, investigation, sound knowledge of
geophysical instruments, geology, hydrology, a ability to lead the multi-disciplinary team and minimum
Master's degree in geology, hydrogeology, engineering, geophysics.

a) Take full responsibility of the consulting team and the outputs required as per the scope of the
services, prepare work schedules and implementation plans of the services and take lead role in
coordinating with the Clients and stakeholders;
b) Ensure services provided under the contract are of high quality and confirming to the standard. Assist
and guide team members in performing their roles and responsibilities to best meet the objective and
scope of the services;
c) Prepare the investigation criteria with the help to conduct geophysical survey with the consideration of
primary and secondary data and information;
d) Provide guidance for the field survey and investigation teams based on reconnaissance visit and study
of secondary data and information;
e) Preparation of final report, drawings with the coordination with all team members.
2. Geophysicist
Qualifications: Minimum 2 years’ experience in the geophysical and analysis, ability to work with a multi-
disciplinary team; minimum Masters’ level degree in geophysics, geology, hydrogeology, engineering
geology, civil engineering.

a) Handle geophysical instrument and complete ERT/VES data acquisition.
b) Data plotting and interpretation
c) Analysis of the data and preparation of subsurface lithological profile
d) Assist team leader in all aspects of projects;
e) Recommendation for suitability of groundwater development
7. Timeline
The total duration of this consulting service is 2 months. The Consultants are required to submit all
the deliverables within the stipulated time.
8. Schedule of Implementation
The time schedule for the completion of the report is as follows:

1 Draft Report 1 Copies 15 days after the date of agreement

2 Final Report 3 Copies with Pendrive 30 days after the date of agreement
9. Schedule of Payment
Schedule of Payment for this work will be as follows:

1 Submission and approval of Draft Report 40%

2 Submission and approval of Final Report 60%

10. Instruction to the Consultant

Following Terms of References shall be binding to the consultant
 It is important to stress to the beneficiaries the fact that this study is not guarantee for the
implementation of irrigation system. It is just one preparatory step in the sub project
implementation procedure.
 This study is to be carried out by the interdisciplinary team, and consultant interaction
among team members is stressed.
 The consultant must keep an understanding in the proposed and be in constant
consultation with the employer or the representative of the employer that would supervise
the study throughout the study period.
 The consultant should consciously avoid biases of only looking at site.
 The consultant team should make every effort to study the entire aspect of groundwater
 Consultant should talk to as local people and representative of the water user association
as possible and come to understand the importance of the system.
 The consultant's staff shall work as a team with the team members supporting each
other's activities. All activities shall be carried out with the cooperation of the local
population in consultation with the employer.
 The consultant's team members shall gather as much information as possible form written
materials, study maps, and photographs. They shall identify important information, which
are particularly knowledgeable about ground water irrigation system; they should
familiarize themselves with and understand policy, existing irrigation program and
 The objective of the proposed study are to investigate the technical aspect of ground
water resources in order to develop a irrigation system and to proceed with the
implementation of the studied irrigation system.
11. Management Organization
The implementing agency will be the Ground Water Resources and Irrigation Development
Division Office (GWIDD) Gulariya under the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
(MOPID) of Lumbini Provincial Government of Nepal. The Division Chief of GWIDD will execute
the consulting services contract and is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the services
and for any assistance to the Consultants as required by the Contract.

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