2nd Demo LP
2nd Demo LP
2nd Demo LP
Class what was our last lesson? (The students are expected to answer)
Classroom rules
Class before we begin our lesson, please be
reminded of the following class rules:
Listen and follow instruction.
Respect the teacher and other student.
Click raise a hand and ask your turn to
speak so we can all listen to each
other's views
If possible, avoid leaving the meeting
except for important personal Yes sir.
2nd Demo LP
Am I clear?
A. Activity
The teacher will present a sentence containing
redundant words that have different functions. Then,
he will ask students to read the sentence observing
the correct articulation of the highlighted word to
make sense.
C. Abstraction
Class, this afternoon, you will learn the importance
of using the correct pronunciation of a word so that
you will be understood by your listener when
conveying a message.
/f/- fan
2nd Demo LP
In the words van and fan, each word begins with
almost the same sound /f/, and /v/. In van, the
fricative (in phonetics, a consonant sound, such as
English f or v, produced by bringing the mouth into
position to block the passage of the airstream, but not
making complete closure, so that air moving through
the mouth generates audible friction) is voiced and in
fan it’s voiceless. In this case, the difference in
voicing is meaningful: it leads to an entirely
different word, and all fluent speakers notice this
difference! Within the mental grammar of English
speakers, the difference between voiced and
voiceless sounds is meaningful in some environments
but not in others.
as in bad and bed, bag & beg, had & head, ham &
hem, jam & gem, pan & pen, pat & pet, sad &
said, sat & set
Fato- “fate”
Fatto- “fact”
Ok great!!!
Let’s go back on our previous activity.
Notice that we are using two the same word that
functions differently in a sentence- as a noun and as
a verb.
The noun is pronounced (rekɔːʳd) re-cord The verb
is pronounced (rɪkɔːʳd ) re-cord
As a noun, refuse (pronounced REF-yooss) is food
waste, scraps, or garbage. As a verb, refuse
(pronounced ree-FYOOZ) means to reject. In English, we have to consider the correct
application of distinctive sounds in a word to
REFRESH signal its contrastive meaning, so that our
As a noun, refresh (pronounced RE-fresh). As a listener could understand what we are trying
verb, refresh (pronounced re-FRESH). to convey
Ok very good!
D. Application
Then let us put that learning into action!
be accepted.
Hey Marites, enough with your gossip. And
List of words by the way, you are not a judge (noun) to
contract judge (verb) me.
Independent Practice
“Read Me”
Utilizing your output on the previous activity,
I want you to do recording while reading your
constructed sentences. Please observe the
correct pronunciation, intonation and
appropriate application of phonological
elements in reading your work. Then attached
it on the Google form link that I send you on
your group chat. This output will be graded
basing on the set criteria. (see the attached
criteria below).
2nd Demo LP
IV. Evaluation:
Reflective Essay: Write a three-paragraph essay reflecting on our discussion today. Be guide by
the rubric below.
V. Assignment
Pitch Virtually no error, and Some accurate Errors are evidently
the placement of stresses, but there are observed due to its
stress is applied frequent and/or improper application
accurately. repeated errors. of stress in a word.
Diction The student articulates Student is sometimes No clue as to what the
clearly and the words articulating the words, student is reading.
of the sentence are but the text is often Possibly speaking in a
understandable. not discernable. different language.
Pronunciation The words in the Few words in the Majority of the words
sentence are sentence are in the sentence
pronounced correctly mispronounced but mispronounced are
making it very clear still understandable. making it more
and precise to be confusing to
understood. understand.