Marketing Communication
Marketing Communication
Marketing Communication
Each of these frameworks has two components. One refers to the original
interpretation of
advertising, and another refers to incorporate the impact of digital media and
***Design of the message includes four specific structural elements. Explain
structural elements of the message in ONE of the following examples
Message balance:
It states that the effectiveness of any single message is dependent on a variety of
factors. So
the style of a message should reflect a balance between the need for information and
need for pleasure or enjoyment.
Conclusion drawing:
Concerns whether or not a firm conclusion should be drawn for the receiver
One-sided and two-sided messages:
This concerns how the case (or justification) for an issue is presented.
Order of presentation
Concern the order in which important points are presented.
We consider that there are three groups of environmental influences that impact the
management of marketing communication. Define these three groups and briefly
Internal influences: the internal environment refers to the organization and the way it
works, what its values are, and how it wants to develop. Including brand strategy,
organizational culture, available resources, and socio-political climate.
Market influences: characterized by partial levels of control and typified by the impact
competitors. Including political, economic, social, technological, legal, and
External influences: characterized by the organization’s near lack of control. Including
customers, agencies, competitors, media and messages.
Explain the linear communication model. What type of the media best fits with this
The linear or one-way communication process suggests that messages are developed
by a
source, encoded, transmitted, decoded and meaning applied to the message by a
The noise in the system may prevent the true meaning of the message from being
while feedback to the source is limited. The effectiveness of this model is determined
by the
strength of the linkages between different components. The mass media like TV and
is the best type of media that fits linear model, since mass media doesn’t require
and response.
Informational or rational appeals can be presented through four main types of appeals,
identify them and explain:
Factual: the objective of this appeal is to provide detailed information. Commonly
associated with high-involvement decisions to help the receiver make the purchasing
Slice of life: present the message that the receiver can identify immediately with the
scenario being presented, usually used to help the receiver to realize the problem and
provide them with a solution.
Demonstration: present the problem to the audience as a demonstration.
Comparative advertising: Messages are based on the comparison with competitors,
the aim of establishing and maintaining superiority.
emotions- and feelings-based appeals: fear, humor, shock, animation, sex, music and
fantasy and surrealism.
Essay Question
A) How does consumer make buying decisions on high involvement product/low
involvement product? Explain what types of media/message would be particularly
useful through different steps of the decision process.
B) Explain the brand identity prism.
C) Explain perceptual mapping as a tool to manage companies positioning.
D) What are the roles of personal selling?
E) Explain sales promotion.
a) When the individual is highly involved in a purchase, Extended Problem Solving
is the appropriate decision sequence, it includes following 5 steps, each of steps has its
own primary media/message type:
Awareness: printed advertising with high information, low frequency, and rational
Extensive information search: websites, it can be updated quickly and allows visitors
control the speed of search and process information
Attitude development: websites, literature, word-of-mouth
Trial/experimentation: promise and benefit expectation
Long-run behavior: promise fulfillment , warranties
When the individual is lowly involved in a purchase, Limited Problem Solving (LPS)
is the
appropriate decision process:
Awareness: broadcast advertising with low information, high frequency and emotional
Short internal information search: sales promotions, packaging, web/social media
Trial/Experimentation: point of purchase merchandising
Attitude development: product purchase, word-of-mouth
Long-run behavior: advertising, sales promotions
b) Brand identity prism consists 6 factors:
Physique: the main physical strength of the brand and its core added value
Relationship: the way that a brand behaves and acts towards others.
Customer reflection: the way customers see the brand
Personality: The human characteristics that best represent the identity
Culture: A set of values that are central to a brand’s aspirational power and essential
communication and differentiation
Self-image: how individuals feel about themselves, relative to the brand
c) Perceptual mapping is an important tool in the development and tracking of
ing communications strategy. It enables brand managers to identify gaps and
in the market and allows organizations to monitor the effects of past marketing
d) Personal selling is a sales and marketing technique that intend to create a unique
seller-buyer relationship through personal communication to reach sales objectives.
e) Sales promotion offers buyers additional value, as an inducement to generate an
immediate sale. These inducements can be targeted at consumers, distributors, agents
members of the sales force.