Biological Science, An Introduction
Biological Science, An Introduction
Biological Science, An Introduction
Asking a biologist to define “life” is like asking a geologist to define “rock.” Hence, both
terms refer to natural states of matter.
The best we can do is to characterize a living organism in terms of its physical attributes such
as size, form, chemical composition, activities, and other observable features.
By identifying the characteristics that we shared by all organisms, perhaps we can put into
words what we all intuitively know to be LIFE.
Complex Organization
- one of the characteristics of living things
- even simple organisms such as microscopic bacteria are much more complex than the
most sophisticated computers.
- This complexity is built from special types of chemical substances that are found only
in the biological structures
- From these structures arise the activities that are uniquely “life.”
- Included among these activities are the other MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF
i. Metabolism
- the most fundamental of all biological activities
- every organism is a “chemical factory” carrying out thousands of different chemical
- energy-requiring process
~ organisms use food – both as chemical building blocks and as energy
~ Green plants are the ultimate source of energy-laden food.
ii. Growth
- increase in size or mass
- it results from the various metabolic processes that build complex molecules within
- accompanied by development
~ an orderly progressive series of events that gives form to the body and
results in specialization of activities within the organism
~ each different kind of organism has its own specific pattern of growth and
development and this fact enables us to distinguish an ant from a goat, a tiger
from a tulip, and so on.
iii. Sensitivity
- the ability to detect and respond to changes in the environment
- e,g. sunflower bends toward the sun; Canadian geese fly south for the winter; frog
snatches a fly with its tongue
- sensitivity does not always imply the existence of sophisticated sense organs and a
well-developed nervous system
e.g. single cell bacteria can sense food nearby and move toward it
iv. Reproduction
- the act f producing new individuals that are like the parent
- undoubtedly the most distinctive characteristic of living things
- provides for the continuity of life through the generations that links all present life
forms to their ultimate ancestors
I. Evolution
living things have changed, are changing, and will continue to change
a unifying principle in biology and will continue to be a major framework that will
bind diverse specializations within the life sciences
living things have changed with time
Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882)
- the idea of evolution is of little value without a reasonable mechanism to explain
how it works
- offered the powerful principle of Natural Selection
all creatures wage a constant struggle against environmental constraints to
survive and reproduce more of their kind
those individual better suited to the environment survive and reproduce in
greater proportion than those less fit, leaving more offspring with their
specific characteristics.
~ traits are passed along in the form DNA, the genetic material.
produced an enormous diversity of living things, because each type adapted
to its own particular environment.
~ this theory states that life has a purely chemical basis and its operation
can be explained entirely in terms of the physical laws that pertain to all
natural phenomena
~ life and its processes could be studied using the powerful analytical
tools of the chemist and physicist.
~ given the natural properties of molecules found in cells, there is nothing
mystical or “vital” about the chemical processes in which they participate.
~ the phenomenal advances in biochemical research have brought us to
the point where we can manipulate the genetic constitution of certain types of
cells almost at will.
e.g. bacteria produce human hormones
~ with new advances in molecular biology coming every now and then,
we can look forward to solve some medical problems.
The making of careful observation and experiments, and later using the data obtained to
formulate general principles.
BIOLOGY is a natural science and it has certain implications with regard to how
biologists study life
Three (3) General Recognized Ways to Obtain New Knowledge in Biology :
1. Intuition
“mental flash” or insight
An important process in our daily lives
Not always reliable
2. Authority
sources of facts
authorities often contradict one another
Entails a series of biological steps that in actual practice are not always taken in
sequence. In fact, discoveries are often made by mistakes in the application of this
3. A Working Hypothesis
made even before an experiment is made
a prediction regarding the problem or a tentative solution to the problem
Biologists nowadays have seen the importance of the contributions of chemistry in biology.
Weight – refers to the gravitational attraction exerted by a large body of matter on an object.
~ it is dependent on gravity, therefore, it depends upon the distance of the body from
the center of the earth and so may vary from place to place.
1. Physical Properties
- properties of matter which can be observed without changing the substance into some
new kind of matter.
- E.g. odor, color, taste, transparency, and physical states are determined by our senses
and therefore, they are not always reliable.
- Density, boiling point, and freezing point are physical properties that are reliable
because they can be measured and numerical values are assigned to them.
2. Chemical Properties
- those properties that can be observed only when the substance undergoes a change in
- Determines the ability of the substance to react with other substances
e.g. C + O2 CO2;
FeO2 + coke metallic iron + CO2
1. Gas
- substance(s) that neither have definite shape nor definite volume.
2. Liquid
- substance(s) that have definite volume but no definite shape; they just follow the
shape of the container.
3. Solid
- materials that have definite volume and definite shape
4. Plasma
- mixture of sub-atomic particles nuclei and electrons
Parts of an Atom
i. Nucleus
- the tiny central part of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons
a. Protons
- positively charged particles of an atom
- electronic charge of +1.
b. Neutrons
- the neutral particles of an atom
c. Electrons
- negatively charged particles of an atom that are found outside and revolving around
the nucleus
- electronic charge -1
- have very little mass, the total mass of an atom is contributed by the protons and
neutrons in the nucleus.
iii. Shells
- traveling electrons at the same average distance from the nucleus
1. Pure Substances
- those whose composition in terms of its elemental constituents does not change when
subjected to process such as freezing, boiling, condensation, evaporation,
recrystallization, and solution
- e.g., Cu2+, sugar cane, distilled water
a. Metals
~ good conductor of heat and electricity
~ e.g., Zn, Fe, Al, Tu, Ag, Pb
b. Non-metals
~ good insulators against heat and electricity
~ e.g., Na, H+, O2, He
c. Metalloids
~ borderline forms of elements or intermediate elements
since they possess both the characteristics of metals and non-
~ e.g., arsenic, boron, germanium, silicon
a. Organic Compounds
~ contain carbon atoms
~ e.g., Methan, CHO, CHON, Gasoline, Kerosene
b. Inorganic Compounds
~ do not have carbon atoms
~ e.g., CO2, NaCl, H2O, SO2, NH4+
2. Mixture
- made up of two or more pure substances jumbled together either homogenously or
- Homogenous mixtures are made up of components that cannot be easily distinguished
even though with the aid of a powerful microscope
e.g., salt + H2O; sugar + H2O
- Heterogenous mixtures are made up of components that are easily identified
e.g., oil + H2O; rock + H2O
- Three (3) Kinds of Chemical Bonding:
1. Water
60 – 90% of the protoplasm
Universal solvent
Retain heat well
2. O2 and CO2
repiratory and circulatory organs
the simplest and most abundant
primary products of photosynthesis in green plants
Three (3) Classes:
a. sugars
b. starches
c. cellulose
Function – main energy source
2. CHONs
most important organic compound
contain C, H, and O2, plus nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous, and iron
20 Amino Acids building blocks of proteins
energy source
enzyme and hormone
Antigens and antibodies
are fats
contain C, H, and with less oxygen than in carbohydrates
insoluble in H2O
soluble only in organic liquids (e.g., chloroform, acetone)
Two Kinds:
simple lipids
complex lipids
Glycerol and Fatty acids building blocks of lipids
4. Nucleic Acid
large and the most complex organic molecules
protein synthesis
Two (2) Kinds:
DNA – found only inside the nucleus of the cell
RNA – found both inside and outside the nucleus
Polypeptides building blocks of nucleic acids
1. Vitamin A (Retinol)
- essential for normal bone and skeleton growth
- for healthy skin
- for normal night vision
2. B1 (Thiamine)
- prevents Beri-beri and diseases of the nervous system
- for good appetite
- for good muscle tone
- for carbohydrate metabolism
3. B2 (Riboflavin)
- for growth
- for healthy skin and eyes
- promotes the body’s use of O2 in converting food into energy
4. B6 (Pyridoxine)
- helps the body utilize amino acids
- for healthy teeth and gums, blood vessels, nervous system, and red blood cells
5. B12 (Cyanocobalamine)
- essential for proper development of RBCs
- for proper functioning of the nervous system
6. Folic Acid
- needed for RBC production
7. Pantothenic Acid
- helps the body convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy
8. Biotin
- needed for healthy circulatory system
- for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin
9. Niacin
- essential for cell metabolism and absorption of carbohydrates
- helps maintain healthy skin
11. Vit D
- prevents Rickets
- called the sunshine vitamin
13. Vit K
- essential for normal blood clotting
Trace elements needed in small amounts by plants, animals, and human beings
E.g., Iron Phosphorous
Sulfur Copper
Calcium Cobalt
Manganese Magnesium
Zinc Iodine
Chlorine Flourine