DLP - Recognizing Bias
DLP - Recognizing Bias
DLP - Recognizing Bias
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students are expected to;
d. evaluate biases found in text by determining the authors use of diction and
evidences; and
B. Reference: https://depedtambayan.net/grade-8-english-module-
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Procedure
1. Greetings
Hello there, grade 8 learners, and welcome to
another fun and exciting adventure together.
Welcome to our English class. This is Ma’am
Bernadette, your pre-service teacher for
today’s discussion.
2. Opening prayer
So, let’s begin our day with an opening
prayer. May I request Angela to lead the
Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
3. Classroom management
How are you this morning?
Student answer
How do you determine the author’s To determine the author’s biases and
biases? to understand her/his underlying
purposes, you must look at the use of
evidences and diction.
G. Analysis
Is our activity easy or hard?
Students answerd
What makes it easy/hard?
H. Abstraction
What I Have Learned
After you have examined and evaluated
biases, let’s check what you learned from the
discussion and the given tasks by doing the
activity below.
Directions: Respond to the three prompts
based on the learning you gained in this
lesson. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
Three things that I learned from the lesson:
Two things that I liked from the lesson:
One question that I still want to ask:
I. Application
Pick Me!
Directions: Pick out the words or expressions
that make the sentence biased. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Women are very sensitive compared to
2. We will never gain any benefit from playing
mobile games.
3. Filipinos are the best English speakers all
throughout Asia.
4. By giving aid to his people, the governor is
a hero to his constituents.
5. Divorce of parents always tears children's
6. Love is the most powerful force that spins
the earth.
7. Men are better drivers than women.
8. Elderly people are no longer productive at
9. Chubby kids are prone to get sick.
Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
10. Marrying at an early age is a disgrace.
J. Generalization
To sum up our discussion, what is bias?
How can you identify bias?
For Or Against
Directions: Based on the given paragraphs, identify the idea which the author favors.
Write the word FOR under the topic if the author is biased towards it. If not, write
AGAINST. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals. However, dogs are a better
choice for they are fun to play with, and they can be trained as service dogs to help
humans. Cats, on the contrary, can only serve as a house pet.
I like soda better than juice. I prefer soda because it is not too sweet unlike juice.
Though juice tastes good, soda has this acidity that make you burp.
Jeepneys have been one of the main modes of transport in the Philippines. They are
also the livelihood source of many Filipinos, However, they often cause road
congestions and traffic jams. Also, they are obsolete that may compromise the safety of
the passengers and may pose a threat to the environment. As such, these jeepneys do
not meet the standard of modernization of a public utility vehicle. With these, phasing
them out appears to be a much better choice.
After getting a lot of practice in examining bias, let us measure your understanding of
the lesson.
Directions: Analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
A. bias
B. judgment
C. objective
D. subjective
A. evidences
B. experiences
C. facts
D. reality
B. Use of credentials
D. Use of words
A. always
Republic of the Philippines
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
B. decision
C. making
D. responsible
A. amazing
B. conservation
C. different
D. protection
7. “To have a vaccine for COVID-19 before the opening of classes on August
A. before
B. opening
C. unbelievable
D. vaccine
A. brand new
B. buying
C. money
D. waste
C. Putting rubbing alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses.