Rubric For Writing Complete Sentences
Rubric For Writing Complete Sentences
Rubric For Writing Complete Sentences
Each sentence has a Each sentence has a My sentences may not include
subject and a predicate. subject and a predicate, a subject or predicate. There
Sentence The sentences are easy although the use of some may be a run-on sentence or
Structure to read and understand. words may make the sentence fragment.
sentence a bit unclear.
All words in my I may have misspelled a I may have misspelled one or
sentences are spelled word that would not be more words which can be
correctly. If I did not found in classroom found in classroom resources
Spelling know how to spell a resources or word lists. or word lists.
word, I used my
A capital letter begins A capital letter begins each I have one or more errors for
each sentence. There is sentence and ending not capitalizing the beginning
correct ending punctuation is correct. A of sentences and/or using
Punctuation punctuation in all proper noun may not be incorrect ending punctuation.
sentences. Proper nouns capitalized. There may be errors in proper
are capitalized. nouns.
I formed my letters to the I formed most of my letters My writing looks rushed and
best of my ability. The to the best of my ability. may be difficult to read. The
spacing between words, Most of the spacing spacing is not the best I can
Neatness and letters within words, between words, and letters do. Several words/letters do
(if handwritten) is well done. within words, is well done. not rest on the lines.
All my writing rests on All my writing rests on the
the lines. lines.
4 3 1
Got it Almost There Re-do
(if handwritten)
4 3 1
Got it Almost There Re-do
(if handwritten)