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Abhijeet Cbap Project

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The key takeaways are the stakeholders, proposed system, scope, requirements and process flow for WhatsApp Pay.

The stakeholders involved are WhatsApp users, banks, credit card providers.

The functional requirements include creating a payment tab linked to banks, QR code screen, bank page for transactions and notifications for payments.

WhatsApp Pay


ACTOR What he can do on the Software Created

users These stakeholder user will use the chatting,messagingthrough
The stakeholders can also send transfer money to friends,paybill etc

Banks Bank also started using whatsapp to give information to customer.

The bank should create database with inormation of the dierent users
as well as backup system
Verifying transaction method.

Credit card Credit card provider must program the system to allow only valid card
provider holders to complete transactions

Bank(debit The bank (credit card provider) should create a method to verify
card provider) transaction and data credentials to allow the system complete the

Risk Identification

1.Occurrence of fraud and other cyber attack can risk for this application.
2. The system might fail which the will inconveniece various stakeholder.

SWOT Analysis of WhatsApp pay

Perform SWOT Analysis for the system.

Strengths:Whatsapp is available on all smartphone platform. The application is very easy and it is
used by many user worldwide.

It is application are easy for calls and messaging.

Work smoothly without any problem as compared other competitors.

Weakness: Without internet it does not work properly.

We can call or message a person only those members who are using this application
Opportunity:Multiple opportunities are available in digital payment.
Inspite cash or card swipe many customer depend on digital payment.
Threat:There are many digital payment service option in market like googlepay,
paytm,phonepay etc.
This application is used for entertainment.
What is the proposed solution or system? Mention in points how the system itself will be for the
● User friendly interface
● Convenience in terms of payment, sending or receiving money.
● Safe and secure means to conduct online transaction.

SCOPE using Use Case Diagram (UML)

Create a use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the

Whatsapp chat box-This option is useful for messaging friends and family members.
We can create group also and through group we can do messaging.

Whatsapp voice call- This option is to call friends and family members.

Whatsapp video call- This option is to video call friends and family members.

Payment-through this option we can link our bank account details debit card and creditcard details. We
can send money to anyone in our contact.

Location- We can send live location location for those who are in contact list
Attachment-We can send photos,videos,files to our contact list.

The bank stakeholder need to provide bank platform to perform payment task.
We have to depend on bank to provide payment platfrom and it is supposed to be live always as
stakeholder can use any time this payment option.
Bank server has to be good connectivity.

Business Requirements:

Business Objective:

 Mention the objectives for this initiative.


1. Create payment tab and payment option which has to be link with bank page.

2. Create QR code screen .

3. Need bank page for transaction.

4. Linking has to be done in payment tab where once payment is done notification has to
be received by both sender and receiver.

1. Need a developer team who have knowledge java script to create payment tab.
2. Need a person for contacting stakeholder to get all requirementor bank payment page.
3. Sprint meeting with stakeholder and bank team for payment page
4. Testing phase to test payment is successfully completed through whatsapp.
5. One person for contacting banks to get all requirement o bank's payment.
System Requirement:
● Payment option must be developed on Whatsapp Screen.

● In payment option it shows all the top banks names and credit card linking.

● Option to connect bank payment link through UPI secure pin.

● Option to to send or reject the request or payment.

● QR code option to be displayed for each Whatsapp user.

● Request option need to be created for payment.

Process or whatsapp pay

Whatsapp login
Whatsapp page Payment UPI

Select person from

contact list
Link bank account Debit/credit card

Payment option is set Select payment option

from whatsapp chat

Receiver recieved payment request

Enter amount wish to tranfer

Payment has to be done Enter Secure pin

Decline or not

Click tranfer button

Payment notiication issend to

sender and reciever

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