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Volume 35 - Issue 4
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CNC West
April/May 2017 • Volume XXXV No 4
Since upgrading to Southwestern In-
dustries CNC Mills, Adapt Automa-
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so the satellite seems to hang in place over
Stratospheric Ballooning Com- one spot.
pany World View Opens Arizona Work is expected to last through May 2019.
Headquarters The Navy contract has options which could bring
its value to $11.5 million and extend work to
Tuscson, AZ World View plans to develop a
August 2021. The Naval Research Laboratory of
balloon system to carry tourists and scien-
Washington, D.C. awarded the deal.
tists to the edge of space. That system will
Malin Space Science Systems builds special-
operate under a commercial license from the
ized space instruments and has a business pro-
FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation.
cessing imagery from cameras that NASA sends
The Tucson facility will be used by the
into space.
company to build high altitude balloons, ini-
tially for use as so-called “stratollites”
that will fly in the stratosphere to carry
imaging, communications or other payloads.
Some of those balloons will be launched from
Pacific Ship Repair and Fabrica-
a pad immediately adjacent to the building, tion Awarded $17.5M Navy
known as Spaceport Tucson. Contract
The company has long-term plans to fly people The U.S. Navy announced Feb. 9 that it
on its balloons as well. awarded San Diego-based Pacific Ship Repair
World View said their plans are not affected and Fabrication Inc. a $17.5 million contract
by a legal dispute between Pima County and an modification, exercising an option to repair
Arizona think tank that argued the incentive and alter the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer
deal the county made with the company to build USS Momsen.
the $15 million facility violated state law and Work will be performed in the Momsen’s home
the state constitution. [Arizona Daily Star] port of Everett, Wash. The company has two
facilities on Washington’s Puget Sound as well
as near Naval Base San Diego on 32nd Street.
Work is expected to last through September.
Former NASA Administrator Will
be the Commencement Speaker
at the University of Arizona. Boeing to Produce High-Tech Air-
The university said in February that Charles Plane Systems in Oregon
Bolden, who left the agency at the end of Work on flap actuation systems for the Next
February at the end of the Obama administra- Generation 737, 737 MAX and 777 is coming to
tion, will give the commencement address May Boeing Portland, though the company said it
12. The university is involved in a number won't add any new jobs.
of NASA missions, including the OSIRIS-REx Boeing said it will manufacture and assemble
asteroid-sample return spacecraft launched key parts of its “Next Generation” planes at
last September. its plant in Gresham, bringing to the U.S.
work that had previously been done overseas.
The company said the move wouldn’t expand
San Diego Company Wins $10.9 employment at the Gresham plant, which it calls
Boeing Portland, where it employs more than
Million Navy Contract 1,600 people. The new work, though, ensures
The U.S. Navy awarded Malin Space Science a stable workforce even as the plant grows
Systems Inc. of Sorrento Mesa a $10.9 million more productive, said Don Hendrickson, program
contract for space-qualified visible cameras manager on the project.
for geosynchronous operations.
According to the Feb. 22 contract announce-
ment, Malin will have to equip the camera with
an extra-thick housing so it can stand up to
the radiation present at geosynchronous or-
bit. In geosynchronous orbit, the speed of the
satellite matches the rotation of the Earth, Continued on page 88......
8 www.CNC-West.com CNC WEST April/May 2017
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A robotic claw, one of several innovative tools developed at JPL for exploring icy, ocean worlds like Europa. Image Credit: NASA/
Want to go ice fishing on Jupiter’s moon Europa? There’s Space Technology Program. “We’re working with NASA
no promising you’ll catch anything, but a new set of robotic Headquarters to identify the specific systems we need to
prototypes could help. build now, so that in 10 or 15 years, they could be ready for
Since 2015, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasa- a spacecraft.”
dena, California, has been developing new technologies for Those systems would face a variety of challenging envi-
use on future missions to ocean worlds. That includes a sub- ronments. Temperatures can reach hundreds of degrees be-
surface probe that could burrow through miles of ice, taking low freezing. Rover wheels might cross ice that behaves like
samples along the way; robotic arms that unfold to reach sand. On Europa, surfaces are bathed in radiation.
faraway objects; and a projectile launcher for even more dis- “Robotic systems would face cryogenic temperatures
tant samples. and rugged terrain and have to meet strict planetary protec-
All these technologies were developed as part of the tion requirements,” said Hari Nayar, who leads the robotics
Ocean Worlds Mobility and Sensing study, a research proj- group that oversaw the research. “One of the most exciting
ect funded by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Direc- places we can go is deep into subsurface oceans -- but doing
torate in Washington. Each prototype focuses on obtaining so requires new technologies that don’t exist yet.”
samples from the surface -- or below the surface -- of an icy
“In the future, we want to answer the question of wheth-
er there’s life on the moons of the outer planets -- on Eu-
ropa, Enceladus and Titan,” said Tom Cwik, who leads JPL’s Continued on Page 42........
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Tim Van Mechelen and Case Van Mechelen of Adapt automation Inc.
SINCE 1971
t’s a funny thing,” describes Tim Van Mechelen, in short supply of floor space. “We do all our own wiring,
president of Adapt Automation Inc. “Forty years plumbing, manufacturing, electrical and design. Every single
we made advanced automation systems for facto- piece is done by hand because we are making one or two of
ries all over the world using only manual machines. Then Pat- something. Because of that we are limited in how much space
rick Fitzsimmons at Southwestern Industries convinced us to each area can utilize in the shop. How we use what we have is
try one of their ProtoTRAK SMX mills and we were hooked.” very important.”
Since 1971 Adapt Automation Inc. has been a family run Adapt Automation builds fully customized one off factory
business in Santa Ana, California. Originally started by Tim’s automation machinery for the automotive, medical, aero-
father Case Van Mechelen and a few of his buddies, Adapt space, electronics, and the food service industries. “We do it
has always been in the automation game. “Dad is 79 now and all,” continues Tim. “We service a niche market where some-
still involved in the business,” tells Tim. “He is the last of the one is doing something manually and he wants an automated
original owners and is here every day doing his thing.” With machine to do it instead. Our end products can be anything
50,000sq.ft. and 50 plus employees Adapt Automation is still from screwing something into something else to advanced
bought a ProtoTRAK SMX mill,” details Tim. “It is a single axis, Once the first machine was on the floor and running ev-
single servo machine that is super cost effective and was easy to eryone wanted one. Danny had the training from Southwestern
learn. We don’t have the need for a 20-axis machine that runs Industries and passed his knowledge down to the others as nec-
a lot of widgets.” They bought one, then another, then another essary. “We had no complaints from anyone getting a new ma-
and a few months ago added three more along with a TRAK chine,” explains Tim. “None of my guys are what you might call
TRL 1630SX lathe. young, but no one fought us on the change. All of them were ex-
Adapt’s shop foreman was reluctant to change, but it only cited. So much so we kept buying them so all our guys had their
took that first machine to alter that opinion. Adapt’s machinists own ProtoTRAK SMX mills.” Tim expressed how much happier
literally have decades of manual experience so they needed a the team is now, and how productivity has increased through
machine that would translate that expertise easily into the new job satisfaction. “The fact that they have improved quality and
CNC workflow. “We put our best guy on it,” details Tim. “Pat- production is just icing on the cake.”
rick Fitzsimmons from Southwestern is the sales guy and the Like Southwestern Industries, Adapt Automation is a com-
trainer, so he came in and spent half a day with Danny showing pany that serves a niche market. Their products are designed to
him how to use the controls. By the end of his 12 hour shift go from “napkin design” to “finished product” in the shortest
he liked it, he liked it a lot. You can run it in manual or CNC time frame. Even though prototyping is not what Adapt Auto-
mode so it is super flexible, especially for those who have never mation does, the same “one and done” principles often apply.
run a CNC before. The learning curve was near nonexistent.” “We don’t build parts for aircraft,” explains Tim. “We build ma-
Transitioning to the new controls was virtually seamless thanks chines that make parts that could go in an aircraft. So, our re-
in part to ProtoTRAK’s advanced features in a simple to use in- quirements are a little different. Patrick understood that when
terface. All the mills can run G-code, and CAM, but they really pitching the idea of the ProtoTRAK SMX mill to us.” Adapt
shine utilizing the ProtoTRAK conversational language. The Automation works mostly in hardened steels, and doesn’t mass
powerful control allows the operator to create difficult geom- produce anything. So, speed isn’t the “end all be all” for produc-
etry without the need of going to a computer. Plug in the data tion but it doesn’t hurt to have it. “Accuracy and repeatability
and it will do the math for you without any guesswork. “The are necessary to us,” continues Tim. “But we are not judged in
ProtoTRAK controls almost speak English,” details Danny. “If the same way a job shop might be. We have a spec and we run
you can read a blueprint then it is simple to learn and use. I was to it but no one is auditing us and counting the widgets being
surprised how quickly I could do my job. It is a lot easier and dropped per hour.”
faster for me to make the parts we need.” As a company building one off manufacturing solutions
Adapt Automation tries to source as much as they can utilizing
readily available stock parts like nuts and bolts. “We try and mills have spindles and iron made overseas, but all the controls,
buy off the rack as much as we can,” describes Tim. “Anything wiring and brackets are assembled and manufactured right
we can buy pre-made helps the bottom line.” One third of the here in California. I like that I’m getting that kind of quality for
parts on any given automation product are available to buy off a small investment. The value is there with all the Southwestern
the shelf. One third Adapt’s manufacturing team makes, and Industry machines we own. You get way more out of the ma-
the last third of the equation is assembly and making it work. chines than the price you pay. It is like setting your car on cruise
“Every custom part or assembly used on our machines was control compared to using the manual machines.” Since Adapt
manufactured using the ProtoTRAK SMX mill or the TRAK Automation are not a production based job shop it is difficult to
TRL 1630SX lathe. If we need 100 of something or a specialized quantify the improvement, but management has noticed how
EDM part we send it out, but other than that we manufacture output is noticeably better, moral is better, and they love having
everything else we need. Since adding CNC to the shop we send a shop filled with new looking machines. “We got a great deal
fewer parts out than we did before.” on this last purchase of four machines, but really every machine
Adapt Automation’s relationship with Southwestern Indus- has been a bargain. The guys love them and we love them.”
tries is more than just machines, it is about service and the con- Adapt Automation’s niche is truly custom automation. They
fidence in knowing support is just a call away. “Southwestern are selling a service that includes design it, build it, and install it
Industries has been really helpful all the way through the pro- on the factory floor. “One of the biggest reasons we can do what
cesses of buying and running the machine tools,” details Tim. we is that we have found a way to make useful very useful, and
“Everyone delivers service when they are selling you something, do away with anything that isn’t useful,” concludes Tim. “It is
but the true test is when something goes wrong. Thankfully the our own style of lean manufacturing. If you are not smart, then
machines are really reliable, but I can’t say enough about the you are not competitive in price. We realized a long time ago
service when we need it. Proof is in the pudding and that is why that treating our employees well pays dividends. Case is very
we have seven of them.” In the 6 years since Adapt Automation loyal to them and they do anything we need because of that.
began adding ProtoTRAK mills to their work flow they have We have guys that have been with us for 40 plus years, twenty
lost only one day on one machine. A servo motor went bad and years, ten years. They are our most valuable assets and we are
Southwestern was out the next day and had it fixed. “I like how happy to give them great tools to build the machines that are
they are local,” details Tim. “They are right down the road from building the world.”
us and stock everything we might need. The ProtoTRAK SMX
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CNC WEST April/May 2017 www.CNC-West.com 29
Article by Sean Buur Photos by Sean Buur & Premier Waterjet
2. 4.
1- Premier Waterjet just added a new Okuma GENOS M560-V 3 axis vertical mill to expand their capabilities. He was drawn to the Okuma for its build quality and stability. He
purchased it from the local dealer Arizona CNC, the same company who sells the OMAX waterjet. 2 - Mark taught himself to run the waterjet and has a machinist friend who is
helping him adjust to the new Okuma. 3 - He just completed a set of test molds for his parent’s fishing lure business. They have 70+ products and are the first big customer he has
landed to feed the new machine. 4 - His goal is to keep the mill work in-house, that was being sent out for extra processing after he machined it on the waterjet.
jobs are welcome at Premier Waterjet. I routinely cut sheets of constructed machine was important to me.” Four months ago
brass only 0.005 thick.” Mark took delivery of an Okuma GENOS M560-V 3 axis verti-
Premier Waterjet moved into their new 4300 sq. ft. location cal mill. Designed on the Thermo-Friendly Concept and con-
about a year and a half ago. It is still a one-man operation, al- trolled by the open-architecture, user-friendly OSP-P control,
though Molly, his co-worker and shop dog assures customers the GENOS M560-V is touted by the manufacture as delivering
of quality parts with on time delivery. “It is just me here,” tells “affordable excellence.”
Mark. “When I moved into the new shop I knew I wanted to Mark didn’t have any specific products in mind when buying
expand and add value to my customers. A mill was the next his mill so a machine that offered a wide range of capabilities
progression for me as a company. A lot of the waterjet work I was preferred. The Okuma GENOS M560-V fit the bill nicely. A
do is cutting a profile out of a chunk of stainless. It then gets driving factor in adding a mill to Premier Waterjet’s capabilities
sent to a milling house for finishing. With a mill, my hope is was his family’s business making fishing lures. The fishing lure
to keep it all under my roof.” Mark went to Arizona CNC, who company offers 70+ different products and was sending molds
he has a great relationship with, to see what they had. They are out to shops around the country. “There is only one shop in
the local dealer for OMAX and carry the full line-up of Okuma the small Arizona town where my parents live,” explains Mark.
machines. “I’ve had great service and support from Arizona “That shop is overloaded and couldn’t get to the new molds for
CNC over the years, so I was hoping they had a machine that another six months. By adding the mill, I had already gained
matched my want list. I have a good relationship with them and my first customer.” He is just finishing up the first test molds
trust them, and that is what I want from a distributor.” and will begin production on the rest of the new products in
After researching the different brands and options, Mark the coming month. “It is a win for me to already have work, and
was drawn to the Okuma’s quality. “Since this was my foray into a bigger win for my parents because the molds stay nearly in
milling I was open to recommendations,” tells Mark. “I wasn’t house. Copying molds is a big problem in the fishing business
locked in by any brand loyalty. Some of the other products I so even though they have their business and I have mine, it still
looked into might be more popular, but didn’t have the quality keeps things in the family.”
and stability of the Okuma. Okuma’s feature list was impres- Mark has found the transition to the new Okuma is a little
sive, and the build quality was first rate. Having a stable well- different than running his OMAX waterjet. There has been a
Bottom left - Mark takes his machining seriously but his posted office hours on the door are the best we’ve ever seen.
Top right- Top right- Mark has a Hexagon Metrology - Romer laser scanner that allows him to reverse engineer a part
with Design X software from 3D Systems.
learning curve for him moving from 2D to 3D, but with a little mill they can get, but Mark put a lot of time into researching his
assistance he is figuring things out. “We have a copy of Solid- options. He might have spent a little more money, but overall he
Works, but ended up pairing up with SolidCAM software,” got a way better product. I love the Okuma…it is fast, accurate,
details Mark. “There are numerous CAM software companies well built, has thermal compensation. You know when you cut
out there, but SolidCam’s integration into SolidWorks is what something it is nuts on. It really is leaps and bounds ahead of
sold me on it. Their tech support has been phenomenal. Say you its class.”
have a part and you don’t know what feature you should use in Mark and Premier Waterjet are pretty well set for the imme-
their software, give them a call if you struggle more than five diate future and whatever parts come their way. As a one man
minutes. They hop on your system via GoTo Meeting and take show he punches well above his weight class both in services
you step by step through the process. I have a machinist friend and in abilities. Premier Waterjet is one of the only companies
who helps me out and even he is blown away by SolidCAM.” in the local area willing to cut ultra thin brass and aluminum
Premier Waterjet has had the Okuma only a few months, and Mark has spent the last 8 years building a solid reputation
but has been steadily making strides forward. The first part in the industry. “It is never a dull day,” concludes Mark. “We
Mark machined was a bracket for his porch light. He couldn’t have jobs ranging from medical stainless, and aerospace alu-
find a lighting kit that incorporated the “dusk till dawn” fea- minum to composites and glass wall tile. It keeps things fresh
ture so he modified a standard light to fit his needs. “I did a and challenging. It is a good feeling to be known as “the guy”
simple program to cut a new backing plate,” explains Mark. “I in town with unique capabilities on the waterjet side. Now with
machined it, added a sensor, painted and now I have a porch the Okuma mill I hope to expand on that reputation.”
light again. It was important to me to start with a basic part and
work my way up to more complex operations. Everyone has to
start somewhere and I needed a new light - it was a win-win.”
Darin, Mark’s machinist buddy dropped by the shop and was
quick to offer his 2 cents on Mark and Premier’s latest addition
to the shop. “I was glad to see Mark purchase a machine like the
Okuma,” explains Darin. “So often people just buy the cheapest
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CNC WEST April/May 2017 www.CNC-West.com 39
© 2016 Ganesh Machinery. All rights reserved. Specifications, features, options, and colors are subject to
change without notice. Products shown with options equipment.
Supplied by Mike Neville CAD/CAM Reseller/CNC Manager CG Tech
n a perfect world, post processed toolpaths create error 2. Method improvement testing. Utilizing the g-code veri-
free code. But, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. fication, a current programs run time can be compared with
An incorrect toolpath parameter setting, or incorrect an improved toolpath run time, and the cost benefit of imple-
tool choice within the CAM system, or even a post proces- mentation can be compared at the programming level before
sor containing one or more bugs, can result in code which is deployment to the shop floor. Again, this reduces prove out
flawed. time, and costly testing time, freeing the machine up for valu-
The typical primary reason for implementing G Code Veri- able production time.
fication is for checking toolpath motion, to ensure that there is 3. Calculating minimum cutter extension. Utilizing the
no motion that will cause a cutting tool or holder/workpiece, now common availability of tool vendor STEP models, veri-
machine tool/workpiece or cutting tool or holder/machine fication can be carried out using an accurate solid model of
tool collision, or to compare the cut part against the design the tool holder and cutting tool. As the G-code is processed
model for consistency. through Verification, the software dynamically adjusts to the
The purchase of G-code verification software is often tool extension, whilst maintaining its contact with the work-
borne out of one of the collisions mentioned above happening. piece. All the while, it maintains a defined minimum clearance
But G-code verification software can be used for much more setting. Once completed, the minimum tool extension value
than that, and can actually provide productivity in program- for each tool can be applied to the tool in the tool manager.
ming, and even cutting tool performance. Here are some key 4. Reports, with Setup information (including the mini-
benefits I have found, when utilizing G-code Verification: mum cutter extension from Point 3) can be output, providing
1. Reducing prove out times at the machine. Utilizing Ma- valuable setup information to the shop floor, providing anoth-
chine Simulation, the code can be checked virtually, and any er area of productivity improvement.
time consuming reprogramming errors, such as over travels, 5. Shop Floor Graphical Information. Utilizing a freeware
syntax errors, or incorrect toolpaths, means that the machine Viewer, the operator (or any other shop floor staff for that mat-
tool is not tied up in the middle of a prove out while a program ter) can view a recording of the verification, of which the view
is corrected. can be dynamically manipulated, to gain an insight into the
A hole in the ice a coring drill attached to it; if scientists want pristine samples,
Brian Wilcox, an engineering fellow at JPL, designed a they’ll need to bore through up to eight inches (about 20 cen-
prototype inspired by so-called “melt probes” used here on timeters) of Europa’s surface ice, which is thought to shield
Earth. Since the late 1960s, these probes have been used to complex molecules from Jupiter’s radiation.
melt through snow and ice to explore subsurface regions. After deployment from a boom arm or a projectile launch-
The problem is that they use heat inefficiently. Europa’s crust er, the claw could anchor itself using heated prongs that melt
could be 6.2 miles deep or it could be 12.4 miles deep (10 to into the ice and secure its grip. That ensures that a drill’s bit
20 kilometers); a probe that doesn’t manage its energy would is able to penetrate and collect a sample.
cool down until it stopped frozen in the ice.
Wilcox innovated a different idea: a capsule insulated by a Wheels for a cryo-rover
vacuum, the same way a thermos bottle is insulated. Instead
of radiating heat outwards, it would retain energy from a In July, NASA will mark a 20-year legacy of rovers driv-
chunk of heat-source plutonium as the probe sinks into the ing across Martian desert, harkening back to the July 4, 1997
ice. landing of Mars Pathfinder, with its Sojourner rover.
A rotating sawblade on the bottom of the probe would But building a rover for an icy moon would require a re-
slowly turn and cut through the ice. As it does so, it would think.
throw ice chips back into the probe’s body, where they would Places like Saturn’s moon Enceladus have fissures that
be melted by the plutonium and pumped out behind it. blow out jets of gas and icy material from below the sur-
Removing the ice chips would ensure the probe drills face. They’d be prime science targets, but the material around
steadily through the ice without blockages. The ice water them is likely to be different than ice on Earth.
could also be sampled and sent through a spool of alumi- Instead, tests have found that granular ice in cryogenic
num tubing to a lander on the surface. Once there, the water and vacuum conditions behaves more like sand dunes, with
samples could be checked for biosignatures. loose grains that wheels can sink into. JPL researchers turned
“We think there are glacier-like ice flows deep within to designs first proposed for crawling across the moon’s sur-
Europa’s frozen crust,” Wilcox said. “Those flows churn up face. They tested lightweight commercial wheels fixed to a
material from the ocean down below. As this probe tunnels rocker bogey suspension system that has been used on a num-
into the crust, it could be sampling waters that may contain ber of JPL-led missions.
biosignatures, if any exist.”
To ensure no Earth microbes hitched a ride, the probe
would heat itself to over 900 degrees Fahrenheit (482 de-
The next steps
grees Celsius) during its cruise on a spacecraft. That would
Each of these prototypes and the experiments conducted
kill any residual organisms and decompose complex organic
with them were just starting points. With the ocean worlds
molecules that could affect science results.
study complete, researchers will now consider whether these
inventions can be further refined. A second phase of devel-
A longer reach opment is being considered by NASA. Those efforts could
eventually produce the technologies that might fly on future
Researchers also looked at the use of robotic arms, which missions to the outer solar system.
are essential for reaching samples from landers or rovers. On This research was funded by NASA’s Space Technology
Mars, NASA’s landers have never extended beyond 6.5 to 8 Mission Directorate’s Game Changing Development Pro-
feet (2 to 2.5 meters) from their base. For a longer reach, you gram, which investigates ideas and approaches that could
need to build a longer arm. solve significant technological problems and revolutionize
A folding boom arm was one idea that bubbled up at JPL. future space endeavors.
Unfolded, the arm can extend almost 33 feet (10 meters).
Scientists don’t know which samples will be enticing once
a lander touches down, so a longer reach could give them
Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
For more information on Ocean Worlds Europa Tech-
more options.
nologies, visit:
For targets that are even farther away, a projectile launch-
er was developed that can fire a sampling mechanism up 164
feet (50 meters).
Both the arm and the launcher could be used in conjunc-
tion with an ice-gripping claw. This claw could someday have
All loans, lines of credit and other financing subject to credit approval. Equipment leasing and financing offered through First American Equipment Finance, a
I like to make things very exact. If it’s a plus or minus four or
s Brian Evanson enthusiastically explains the finer five, I’ll make it a plus or minus one.”
details of a recent job order, it’s clear that the career Those exacting methods mean that very little material is
manufacturer has chosen the right line of work. scrapped at BD Customs, a bonus for the small-but-mighty
As a lifetime resident of Ontario, Calif., and the surround- job shop powered by Evanson’s ingenuity — in addition to one
ing area, Evanson — owner of Ontario-based BD Customs — part-time employee and Evanson’s wife, Crystal.
is both in his element and firmly entrenched in the region’s Evanson machines in up to three axes, but also offers lim-
manufacturing scene. ited 4-axis capabilities. Two mills and three lathes comprise
Evanson is a manufacturer with both a knack and a passion the machinery lineup, which includes manual machines, a Hi-
for manipulating metal, so it’s unsurprising that he began his tachi Seiki HITECH 23J, a Yam CNC CK-2, and a Haas VF-3
career on the shop floor at the age of 15. After spending sev- and VF-4.
eral years with various companies, he was co-owner of SoCal To manufacture his wide range of parts, Evanson uses the
Machine from 2005 to 2010, and struck out on his own with Surfcam Traditional computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM)
BD Customs in 2010. solution, by Vero Software. He first used Surfcam in 1991 and,
“I took a metal shop class in junior high and I was hooked,” though he’s gained experience with different types of CNC
Evanson says of catching the manufacturing bug. “I want to be programming software since, Surfcam remains his solution of
tearing through metal, making shiny stuff and having fun, and choice.
“I know of shops that have switched from other systems to Evanson credits the ease of use inherent to Surfcam for help-
Surfcam just to get through the aerospace inspection process ing him to juggle his diverse workload and consistently turn out
because of the quality of the surface in Surfcam,” he says. “There high-quality parts.
are things you can do in Surfcam that you just can’t do with To handle his computer-aided-design (CAD) duties —
other solutions.” which range from altering an existing design to designing from
While Evanson seeks to continually diversify his client base, scratch or even from a simple paper drawing — Evanson uses
he serves just about every industry, and roughly 70 percent of the SOLIDWORKS® CAD solution, by Dassault Systèmes. Be-
his customers are repeat customers of five or more years. cause a SOLIDWORKS plug-in is available for Surfcam, Evan-
Among products programmed in Surfcam Traditional and son is able to easily open a SOLIDWORKS file from within the
manufactured by BD Customs are reproduction vintage car Surfcam interface.
parts, custom kits for Harley Davidson motorcycles, com- “It’s really helpful because you get not just a surface part, but
ponents for amusement-park attractions, replacement parts a beautiful surface part with all of the wire it took to make it,”
for printers, CNC toolholders, robotic assemblies, molds for Evanson says of the interoperability between the two CAD and
the production of weights for resistance training, aluminum CAM systems.
wheels, and much more. Molds account for about 20 percent of Powerful associativity between the systems means that,
Evanson’s workload, and all are designed to produce urethane when changes are made to SOLIDWORKS design models,
products. Surfcam Traditional automatically identifies the design revi-
Evenson runs a small but mighty shop in Ontario, CA with his wife Crystal and one part time employee.
Bottom left - The ability to run simulations and choose from among different part-viewing options within the Surfcam Traditional interface makes it easy to inspect parts and
verify programs before they hit the shop floor.
Right - Evanson credits the interoperability between Surfcam Traditional and his CAD system for helping him to save programming time when he makes changes to solid models.
sions and offers to regenerate the affected toolpaths within the in reference to machine zero when a part is oriented, which he
Surfcam Operations Manager. feels makes it easier to manipulate part orientation and delivers
“It cuts down your programming time massively,” Evanson greater programming flexibility.
says of the plug-in. Evanson also takes advantage of Surfcam Traditional’s
Among additional features within Surfcam Traditional that TRUEMill machining cycle, which is an optimized roughing
help Evanson to achieve the greatest possible efficiency are the toolpath that can be completed with a one-step 3D roughing
Z-roughing and Z-finishing cycles. through pre-finishing operation.
The Z-rough cycle, which — as its moniker implies — en- TRUEMill delivers a synchronized multiple-tool strategy
gages the Z-axis, is designed specifically to remove a large that coordinates up to eight tools in a single operation. The
amount of material as quickly as possible in preparation for toolpath creates uniform step height across all surfaces, regard-
additional operations. Using a 2-axis (X,Y) pocketing cycle in less of how many tools are used. It also removes material at sig-
Z-axis increments, the Z-roughing operation is an efficient nificantly faster rates, and at greater depths of cut.
method for removing material from around a part before the “The brilliance of the toolpath is really in the hard materi-
finish cutting. Z-roughing is also used to remove large amounts als,” Evanson says of the TRUEMill machining cycle. “When I
of material from inside a cavity. used a standard pocketing program to perform roughing, I was
Z-finishing is an efficiency-boosting strategy that works breaking tools. I broke three tools making one pocket. With
especially well on steep walls. It engages the Z-axis to follow TRUEMill, I used one tool for three large pockets in hardened
a constant toolpath around the part profile to create an even, stainless steel.”
high-quality finish. Surfcam Traditional and its machining strategies deliver
“They’re basic 3D things, but Z-rough and Z-finish can do more than enough power and flexibility to help Evanson tackle
90 percent of my work,” Evanson says. “I use them all the time.” the wide range of projects that land on his desk and, ultimately,
Evanson also notes that Surfcam offers a “hard zero point” his shop floor.
Figure 2- Bore probe feature from 1st op mid 2nd cycle to assure Figure 3- Bore Probe before 2nd op from Fusion 360 CAM
concentricity during the 2nd op
primarily for
second op-
eration ma-
chining, the
a s h o p ’s
workflow by
bringing an additional spindle quickly
and easily to an operator idled by the
cycle time of his primary machine.
Like all TRAK Machine Tools’ prod-
ucts, it utilizes proven ProtoTRAK
CNC technology with easy to learn
and use conversational language pro-
gramming. Programs can be generated
either at the machine or remotely to
perform tasks normally associated with
second operation machining including:
drilling, tapping, countersinking, face
milling, and the machining of profiles,
pockets, and bolt hole patterns.
Other TRAK 2OP standard features
include an 8-station tool changer that
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New Products
Tool data, both in and out of the the desired process sequence. Interfac- is designed to achieve greater cutting
a61nx-5E machines, can be accessed ing with a tool presetter also reduces speeds than existing brass wire as a
and modified from the MAS-A5 user errors by automatically capturing tool- result of Japanese craftsmanship,” said
interface. A variety of file formats for offset data, which can be transferred a company spokesperson. “JQ wire is
tooling and part information are sup- from the presetter to the MAS-A5 made at Sodick-owned factories in
ported and can be displayed to assist system control. Japan.”
with part loading/unloading and tool- Standard control features include Sodick begins by melting its own
setting operations. The Tool-Life Pre- in-cell production scheduling, equip- raw copper and zinc, analyzing the
dict function enables the MAS-A5 to ment status monitoring, NC program nascent mixture for optimal purity.
gather tool-life data per NC program. management and on-board reporting. Virgin wire is then drawn at a stan-
When a request is opened, this function dardized size, before being annealed
informs the operator of how long a tool and redrawn through diamond dies
is used in each NC program execution, New High-Quality EDM engineered to provide a pristine sur-
as well as how many spare tools per Wire face. After reaching its final size, JQ
machine are required to finish any work —Sodick wire is subjected to a battery of quality
that is currently loaded. EDM manufacturer Sodick has assurance tests, including laser round-
The MAS-A5 then schedules work announced a new line of EDM wire ness measurement, tensile strength
only for the machines that meet tool- consumables, JQ (Japan Quality) wire. testing, straightness inspection and
life and availability requirements for “JQ wire is an uncoated brass wire that microscopic surface inspection.
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New Products
– CGTech’s CNC simulation, verifica- With more manufactures adopting
tion and optimization software – were AM into their daily operations, the
demonstrated. timeliness of adding this new capabil-
During the customer-driven event, ity in VERICUT is critical. The new
multiple topics were covered. Attend- AM capability in VERICUT V8.1
ees were noticeably excited when the simulates the same NC code that will
new Additive Manufacturing (AM) drive the CNC machine, enabling
simulation capability was introduced, companies to virtually experiment with
which is expected to be included in the combining additive and traditional
Additive Capability in next release of VERICUT Version 8.1. “subtractive” metal removal processes
VERICUT Unveiled at CG- “Additive Manufacturing applica- to determine optimal safe “Hybrid”
Tech’s User Group Meet- tions are limitless for manufacturers,” production methods. “This gives our
said Gene Granata, VERICUT Prod- customers a competitive edge to create,
ing uct Manager. “CGTech has always customize, and/or repair products, and
This year’s VERICUT Users’ been forward thinking. Adding this in the process, redefine current produc-
Exchange (VUE) in Irvine was a suc- cutting-edge technology to VERICUT tion technology,” said Granata.
cess with new and loyal customers in provides unique solutions that address
attendance. Irvine VUE kicked off the needs of our customers taking
the first of 25 North American VUEs advantage of the rapidly expanding
where several new features being AM market.”
added to the next version of VERICUT
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Theisinger was named as one of Time maga- Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies
zine’s 100 most influential people in the (SpaceX) and France’s Arianespace, which
world in 2013, paired with JPL colleague have already been flying satellites for com-
Richard Cook. At different times, Theisinger panies for years, and are readying more pow-
and Cook each managed the Mars Exploration erful rockets.
Rover Project, which built Spirit and Op-
portunity, and the Mars Science Laboratory
Project, which built Curiosity. The former
project still operates the golf-cart-size Lockheed Work for New Mexico
Opportunity, which landed with air-bag-
cushioned bounces in 2004. The latter proj- and Colorado
ect operates the car-size Curiosity, which Lockheed Martin Corp. - Space Systems Co.,
landed with a sky-crane maneuver in 2012. Santa Maria, California, has been awarded a
contract for engineering, development, and
sustainment support. Contractor will provide
engineering and operations services in sup-
More Air Force Work for Honey- port of the Space and Missile Systems Center
Ground systems and Space Operations division.
well Work will be performed at Kirtland Air Force
Honeywell International, Tempe, Arizona, Base, New Mexico; and Schriever Air Force Base,
has been awarded a modification to exercise Colorado, and is expected to be complete by
an option on previously awarded contract Jan. 5, 2019.
FA8109-16-D-0016 to overhaul and repair air-
craft accessories and aircraft instruments
to support and sustain the A-10, B-52, C-130,
C-135, C-5, E-3, F-15 and F-16 weapon sys- Lockheed Martin Work in Palm-
tems. Contractor will provide overhaul and dale, CA.
repair of aircraft accessories and aircraft Lockheed Martin Corp., Palmdale, Califor-
instruments items produced under the basic nia, has been awarded a contract for support
contract to insure serviceable assets are of the Variable Stability In-Flight Simula-
available. tor. Contractor will support general support
Work will be performed at Tempe, Arizona; fleet aircraft which are used by the Air Force
Tucson, Arizona; Phoenix, Arizona; Torrance, Test Pilot School located at Edwards Air Force
California; and Clearwater, Florida, and is Base, California. Support includes basic F-16
expected to be complete by Feb. 28, 2021. engineering support, documentation, special
projects and logistical support.
Work will be performed at Palmdale, Cali-
fornia, and is expected to be complete by Dec.
Kent, WA Space Company Gets 31, 2021.
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Instant VMC
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