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Of Your Slips, Bumps, & Shudders With These Unique TCC Control Fixes

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...to our premier issue of

Sonnax Technical Bulletin,
a compilation of technical
O F Y O U R S L I P S , B U M P S , & information and product
S H U D D E R S W I T H T H E S E bulletins. Each issue of
U N I Q U E T C C C O N T R O L F I X E S Sonnax Technical Bulletin
will have a theme and will
deal with problems related
Although there are many causes of nents examined in turn, the princi- to that theme.
Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) ple remains that multiple control
Sonnax hopes that you find
related problems, a great majority components work together and can
this information useful and
of these problems are caused by stand independently or jointly as
valuable and encourages your
valve or bore wear in a variety of the cause of TCC-related problems. comments. Please contact us
TCC control components. Sonnax via the information given on
has spent hundreds of hours diag- In the system shown, the first com- the back of this bulletin.
nosing the root cause of these ponent involved is the Actuator
failures and has developed many Feed Limit Valve. This valve deter-
products that not only fix these mines the signal pressure available CONTENTS
problems but also actually save to the TCC PWM Solenoid. The APPLICATION / COMPLAINTS PAGE
you money. PWM Solenoid CC signal then 4L60-E PWM & NON-PWM 4
strokes the Isolator and Regulator 1870 slip code, low
TCC apply pressure
How does TCC control component Valves, establishing a regulated
wear cause TCC problems? To apply pressure which is made avail- 4T60 & E (‘96 & earlier) 6
answer this, let’s look at the lock-up able to the TCC Apply Valve. Code 1870, falling out
of lock-up hot
system for a late design 4L60-E Changes in duty cycle at the PWM
PWM controlled TCC. (see Figure 1 Solenoid are used to increase or 4T60-E 8
Converter overheat,
on page 2). It is important to decrease this regulated apply pres- code 039, 740, & 1870
remember that this is an example sure. The TCC Apply Valve must
of only one system and the specific then deliver the regulated apply 4L80-E 9
Converter shudder,
paths it uses to apply the Converter pressure to the Torque Converter burned converters
Clutch. Many different systems Clutch Piston. 4L80-E 10
may be found, not only in designs Wrong gear starts, solenoid
codes, clutch band failure
from different manufacturers, but Problems may arise when wear at
even in the system and paths of any single component causes a E40D 4R100 11
similar unit such as the 4L60-E – reduction in the pressure intended Converter overheat, high
line pressure, code 62
non PWM design. While the specif- for torque converter apply (see problems
ic circuits of the system in question Figures 2-4 on page 3).
must be understood and its compo- (continue on the next page)



Actuator Feed Limit Valve


PR Valve

TCC Isolator &

Regulator Valves

TCC Apply Valve

Path used to control TCC apply pressure.


End Plug

Pressure loss caused by wear results in
reduced AFL signal available to PWM
Figure 2 Actuator Feed Limit Valve solenoid.

Regulated Apply
CC Signal
PWM Isolator Line
Solenoid Valve

Wear Regulator
Annular Groove
Apply Valve Pressure loss caused by wear results in a
reduction of the intended regulated
Figure 3 TCC Isolator & Regulator Valve apply pressure.

Regulated Apply
Feed TCC Signal

Exhaust Release
To Cooler


Pressure loss caused by wear prevents

valve from stroking properly. Regulated
Apply apply pressure may be reduced or even
Figure 4 TCC Apply Valve prevented from being fed to the converter.

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