SWOT Analysis of NCELL Company: - Suman Pokharel
SWOT Analysis of NCELL Company: - Suman Pokharel
SWOT Analysis of NCELL Company: - Suman Pokharel
-Suman Pokharel
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NCELL is a telecommunication company/ISP (internet service
provider) of Nepal which provide mobile services GSM,
internet,3G etc..
• largest market share:- Nell is the largest telecom service
provide (GSM) having 40% or above market share. It has
crossed more than 80 lakhs costumer. Beside, it is also leading
ISP in Nepal.
• strong distribution network:- with the equal distribution of
costumer all over Nepal, it has established 15 or more NCELL
care center in the major cities of the country that gives full
phase costumer services besides, there are hundred of NCELL
shops all over the country.
• Advertise:- NCELL is been strong advertisement on TV, news
paper, FM, and many other placed. NCELL are one of its
biggest strength.
This study source was downloaded by 100000784233913 from CourseHero.com on 06-06-2022 06:57:06 GMT -05:00
High cost: - NCELL takes high cost in every services, ex. GSM,
3G, MMS, Message, Internet services so many user are degraded.
High advertising costs:- NCELL is been paying high cost for its
advertising agency.
This study source was downloaded by 100000784233913 from CourseHero.com on 06-06-2022 06:57:06 GMT -05:00
Big market:- Here are no many ISP who not gives excellent services, if
NCELL gives excellent services it not share only 40% or above
market, it share 100% market.
This study source was downloaded by 100000784233913 from CourseHero.com on 06-06-2022 06:57:06 GMT -05:00
• Competitions:- NCELL is facing high
competitions mainly from NTC and other
telecommunication companies. NTC and
NCELL have entered into a price war for
giving GSM and internet services.
• political instability:- it is a high influence in
the way companies in Nepal. They are
frequently changing minister and un-
amended regulation. So they are change
rules regulation and taxations.
• changing customer demands:
This study source was downloaded by 100000784233913 from CourseHero.com on 06-06-2022 06:57:06 GMT -05:00
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