Azoteq - Ci - Iqs333-0-Qfr-2337996
Azoteq - Ci - Iqs333-0-Qfr-2337996
Azoteq - Ci - Iqs333-0-Qfr-2337996
ProxSense® Series
Main Features
Available options
TA QFR(5x5)-32
-20°C to 85°C IQS333
FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 ANALOGUE FUNCTIONALITY............................................................................................................................... 3
3 DIGITAL FUNCTIONALITY .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................ 4
5 USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS .........................................................................................................................11
6 PROXSENSE® MODULE .......................................................................................................................................17
7 COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................................................22
8 RF NOISE ...........................................................................................................................................................27
9 COMMUNICATION COMMAND/ADDRESS STRUCTURE .....................................................................................29
10 IQS333 OTP OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................40
11 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................41
12 PACKAGE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................45
13 DEVICE MARKING ..............................................................................................................................................50
14 ORDERING INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................50
15 ERRATA .............................................................................................................................................................51
16 DATASHEET REVISION HISTORY.........................................................................................................................51
APPENDIX A. CONTACT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................52
Functional Overview
through a charge transfer process that is
1 Introduction periodically initiated by the digital circuitry.
The IQS333 is a 9 channel projected (7 The capacitance measurement circuitry
self) capacitive proximity and touch sensor makes use of an internal reference
featuring an internal voltage regulator and capacitor CS and voltage reference (VREF).
reference capacitor (CS).
The measuring process is referred to as a
The device has 7 possible pins for the conversion and consists of the discharging
connection of the sense electrodes, which
of Cs and Cx capacitors, the charging of Cx
consist of 7 Self electrodes, or 3
transmitters and 3 receivers. Three pins are and then a series of charge transfers from
used for serial data communication through Cx to Cs until a trip voltage is reached. The
the I2CTM compatible protocol, including an number of charge transfers required to
optional RDY pin. Up to 9 configurable reach the trip voltage is referred to as the
outputs provide 8 PWM or general purpose Counts (CS) value.
I/O’s. There is also a dedicated pin for
driving a buzzer. The analogue circuitry further provides
The device automatically tracks slow functionality for:
varying environmental changes via various • Power On Reset (POR) detection.
filters, detects noise and is equipped with
• Brown Out Detection (BOD).
an Automatic Tuning Implementation (ATI)
to adjust the device for optimal sensitivity. • Internal regulation provides for
accurate sampling.
1.1 Applicability
All specifications, except where specifically
3 Digital Functionality
mentioned otherwise, provided by this The digital processing functionality is
datasheet are applicable to the following responsible for:
• Managing BOD and WDT events.
• Temperature -20°C to +85°C • Initiation of conversions at the selected
• Supply voltage (VDDHI) 1.8V to 3.6V rate.
• Processing of CS and execution of
2 Analogue Functionality algorithms.
CRX and CTX electrodes are arranged in a • Monitoring and execution of the
ATI algorithm.
suitable configuration that results in a
mutual capacitance (Cm) between the two • Signal processing and digital filtering.
electrodes. CTX is charged up to a set • Detection of PROX and TOUCH
positive potential during a charge cycle events.
which results in a negative charge buildup • Managing outputs of the device.
at CRX. • Managing serial communications.
The resulting charge displacement is then
measured within the IQS333 device
4 Hardware Configuration
The IQS333 can be configured to charge in Self- or Projected-Capacitive mode through the
memory map by the host controller. The IQS333 is default in Self-Capacitive mode, and can
be set to Projected-Capacitive mode by setting the “Proj Mode” bit in Register 0x01, byte 0.
In Self-Capacitive mode, the IQS333 has 7 channels. It can be used as 7 discrete buttons OR
1 slider and 4 buttons, OR 2 sliders with 1 button.
In Projected-Capacitive mode, the IQS333 has 9 channels. It can be used as 9 discrete
buttons OR 1 slider with 6 buttons, OR 2 sliders with 3 buttons.
4.1 IQS333 Pin Out
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
PWM6 1 24 N/C
IQS333 xi z
3 22 VREG
21 CTRX0
PWM3 4
20 CTRX1
PWM2 5
19 CTRX2
PWM1 6
PWM0 7 18 GND
nMCLR 8 17 N/C
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Do not connect to GND
1 1
Tx0 GND Slider
Rx0 Rx1 Rx2 Rx0
5 to 12mm
Rx3 Rx3
Rx4 Rx5
Tx0 Tx0
Figure 4.7 Projected XY-cross slider, made possible by the reuse of the Rx
electrodes. As these sliders do not wrap around, the full resolution
specified will not be achievable.
allows the device to sense through overlay materials with low dielectric constants, such as
wood or porous plastics.
For more guidelines on the layout of capacitive sense electrodes, please refer to application
note AZD008, available on the Azoteq web page:
l1 CH0
3 Tx0
6 Tx1
9 Tx2
Rx0 Rx1 Rx2
Figure 5.1 IQS333 Channel Mapping in Projected mode. By default CH0 charges all
the channels, but can be set to only use Tx0 as shown.
2 Wheel 1
5 Wheel 2
enters low power modes. The AC filter can BP rate. The LP charge cycle timing is
be disabled in Register 0x08, byte 2 illustrated in Figure 5.3. The bit0 in
(Prox_Settings2). Register 0x01, byte 0 (Sys_Flags0), will
The AC filter is implemented on all indicate if low power is active, or the device
channels, to aid in the slider coordinate is zoomed in.
calculations, but touch events are
When designing for low power operation,
determined on unfiltered count values.
the VREG capacitors should ensure that
5.10 Power Modes VREG does not drop more than 50mV during
low power operations.
5.10.1 LP Modes
The IQS333 IC has a wide range of
configurable low power modes, specifically
designed to reduce current consumption for
low power and battery applications.
The power modes are implemented around
the occurrence of a charge cycle every tLP
seconds. The value of tLP is determined by
the custom (LPvalue) value between 1 and
255 in Register 0x0A, byte 2, multiplied by
16ms. Only CH0 is charged during LP, and
is forced active (CH0 cannot be disabled).
The other active channels will be
periodically charged to keep their LTA filter
values up to date.
Lower sampling frequencies typically yield
significant lower power consumption (but
also decreases the response time)
NOTE: While in any power mode the
device will zoom to Boost Power (BP)
mode whenever the condition (CS – LTA)1
> PROX_TH or TOUCH_TH holds,
indicating a possible proximity or touch
event. This improves the response time.
The device will remain in BP for tZOOM (4
seconds) after the last proximity event on
CH0 is cleared and then return to the
selected power mode. A proximity event
during the zoom time will reset the timer.
The Zoom function allows reliable detection
of events with counts being produced at the
CS-LTA in Projected mode. LTA-CS in Self capacitive
sensing mode.
Scan Period = LP x 16ms
t comms
tprocess 1.4 ms
tcomms 6 ms
All channels active, and all data read during communication window. Projected mode, all other settings default.
can be set at 1MHz (default), 500kHz, applications using Halt Charge, pin 11 and
250kHz (not recommended for projected) pin 12 needs to be connected to GND.
or 2MHz.
5.17.2 Force Halt
Higher charge transfer speeds are
The Force Halt bit in Register 0x08, byte 2
preferred for applications that require
(Prox_Settings2) can be set to halt all
increased immunity against aqueous
current LTA values and prevent them from
being adjusted towards the CS values.
5.15 Cs Size Setting this bit overrides all filter halt
Another method to adjust the sensitivity of settings and prevents the device from
the IQS333 is to change the size of the performing re-ATI events in cases where
internal Cs capacitor. The size on default is the CS values persist outside the ATI
60pF, but can be changed to 30pF by boundaries for extended periods of time.
setting the Cs_Size bit in Register 0x08,
byte 0 (Prox_Settings0). Choosing the Reseed will also not be possible.
smaller Cs size will effectively reduce the 5.17.3 CTX / CRX Float
number of counts before ATI, thus
changing the multiplier and compensation During the charge transfer process, the
values required to reach the ATI target. channels that are not being processed
during the current cycle, are effectively
5.16 Projected Bias
grounded to decrease the effects of noise-
The IQS333 has the option to change the coupling between the sense electrodes.
bias current of the transmitter during
Grounding these traces is useful in
projected sensing mode. A larger bias
current is required to use larger electrodes, applications with long tracks between IC
but will also increase the IC power and sense electrode.
consumption. The bias current is default on In Register 0x08, byte 5, there is the
10µA, and can be changed in Register
option to specify which channels’ transmit
0x08, byte 0 (Prox_Settings0).
and/or receive electrodes to float when they
5.17 Additional Features are not charged. This is particularly useful
5.17.1 Halt Charge for applications with self-capacitive
wheels/sliders with thick overlays, where
Setting the Halt Charge bit in Register more sensitivity is required. Sensitivity will
0x08, byte 1 (Prox_Settings1), will stop all be increased when floating the wheel
conversions. channels, as they charge in series, and not
This function is typically useful for ultra-low parallel.
power requirements, where the IQS333 can
be controlled by a host MCU and does not 6 ProxSense® Module
require wake-up on proximity or touch
The IQS333 contains a ProxSense®
events. This is a low power alternative to
module that uses patented technology to
switching off, where no sensing is required,
provide detection of proximity and touch
to avoid resetting the memory map.
conditions on numerous sensing lines.
During Halt Charge, a 512ms wake up
The ProxSense® module is a combination
timer is used. The VREG capacitor needs
of hardware and software, based on the
to ensure VREG does not drop more than
principles of charge transfer
100mV during Halt Charge. A capacitor of
4.7uA or bigger is suggested. For
Copyright © Azoteq (Pty) Ltd 2018. IQS333 Datasheet Page 17 of 52
All rights reserved. Revision 1.13 May 2018
IQ Switch®
ProxSense® Series
Scan Period
Figure 6.1 IQS333 Charge Sequence timing diagram in Boost Power mode.
Typical timings of the charge sequence shown above are listed in Table 6.1. These timings are
only as reference, as they will differ with each application, depending on the setup of the
IQS333. For example, the sense (or charge time) is affected by the target counts and charge
transfer frequency, while process time is dependent on the turbo mode activation, ATI
checking for counts within the pre-set band, filter settings and slider calculations.
Communication time is affected by the MCU clock speed and the amount of data read (as well
as the sequence thereof) and can be bypassed with using Event Mode. Communication time
and the number of active channels will influence the Scan Period. Values shown below are for
default settings.
Table 6.1 Typical Timings
Typical timings of IQS333
tsense 600 µs
tprocess 1.4 ms
tcomms 6 ms
Scan Period1 26 ms
All channels active, and all data read during communication window. Projected mode, all other settings default.
2. ATI_PARTIAL = 1. The designer can LTAnew = CS + 8 (CS – 8 for Self). The LTA
specify the multiplier settings. These will then track the CS value until they are
settings will give a custom base even.
value from where the compensation
Performing a reseed action on the LTA
bits will be automatically
filters, will effectively clear any proximity
implemented to reach the required
and/or touch conditions that may have
target value. The base value is
been established prior to the reseed call.
determined by two sets of multiplier
bits. Sensitivity Multipliers which will 6.6.6 Alternative ATI
also scale the compensation to The Alternative ATI implementation
normalise the sensitivity and ensures that all the multiplier values are
Compensation Multipliers to adjust identical for all the channels and adjusts
the gain. only the compensation in order to achieve
the desired count value. The multipliers are
6.6.4 Re-ATI selected from the channel with the smallest
multipliers according to the full ATI
An automatic re-ATI event will occur if the
algorithm. Alternative ATI can be enabled
counts are outside its re-ATI limits. The re- in Register 0x08, byte 0.
ATI limit or ATI boundary is calculated as
the target value divided by 8. For example: 6.6.7 ATI ERROR
The ATI error bit (read only) in Register
- Target = 512, Re-ATI will occur if CS is
0x08, byte 1 (Prox_Settings1) indicates to
outside 512±64. the user that the ATI targets where not
A re-ATI event can also be issued by the reached. Adjustments of the base values or
ATI BANDs are required.
host MCU by setting the REDO_ATI bit in
Register 0x08, byte0 (ProxSettings0). The 6.6.8 ATI Band
REDO_ATI bit will clear automatically after The user has the option to select the re-ATI
the ATI event was started. band as 1/8 of the ATI target (default) or ¼
of the ATI target counts by setting the ATI
Note: Re-ATI will automatically clear all
BAND bit in Register 0x08, byte 1
proximity, touch and halt status bits. (Prox_Settings1).
6.6.5 Reseed
Setting the Reseed bit in Register 0x08,
byte 0), will shift all LTA filters to a value of
7 Communication
The IQS333 device interfaces to a master controller via a 3-wire (SDA, SCL and RDY) serial
interface bus that is I2CTM compatible, with a maximum communication speed of 400kbit/s.
7.1 Control Byte
The Control byte indicates the 7-bit device address (64H default) and the Read/Write indicator
bit. The structure of the control byte is shown in Figure 7.1.
By default the device operates in full The SHOW_RESET bit will be cleared (set
streaming mode. There is an option for an to ’0’) by writing a ’1’ into the ACK_RESET
event-driven I2C communication mode (also bit in Register 0x08, byte 3
called “Event Mode”), with the RDY pin (ProxSettings3). A reset will typically take
ONLY indicating a communication window place if a timeout during communication
after a prescribed event has occurred. occurs.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Value 54 (Decimal)1
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Value 02 (Decimal)
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Wheel 1 Low
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Wheel 1 High
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Product and Version numbers are 32 14 for QFN20 devices – alpha customers only
Wheel 2 Low
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Wheel 2 High
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Touch Byte 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit 0 of the first byte (CH0) will indicate proximity events; the rest of the bits indicate touches
as shown.
Touch Byte 1
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CH0 Low
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CH0 indicates Proximity, not Touch.
Copyright © Azoteq (Pty) Ltd 2018. IQS333 Datasheet Page 31 of 52
All rights reserved. Revision 1.13 May 2018
IQ Switch®
ProxSense® Series
CH n High
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Name
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Name
CH0 Multipliers
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W Name Base Value Multipliers
Compensation Multipliers
CH n Multipliers
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W Name Base Value Multipliers
Compensation Multipliers
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte 0
CH n Compensation Value
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte n
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Proximity Threshold
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Timeout Period
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PWM Speed
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Active Chan 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W Name CH7 CH6 CH5 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 CH0
Active Chan 1
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Buzzer 0
Access Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 = Self (Default)
1 = Projected
Bank3: bit 2:1 I2C SubAddr1: I2C SubAddr0 : I2C Sub-Address selection
00 = 0x64 (Default)
01 = 0x65
10 = 0x66
11 = 0x67
11 Specifications
11.1 Absolute Maximum Specifications
The following absolute maximum parameters are specified for the device:
Exceeding these maximum specifications may cause damage to the device.
• Operating temperature -20°C to 85°C
• Supply Voltage (VDDHI – VSS) 3.6V
• Maximum pin voltage VDDHI + 0.5V (may not
exceed VDDHI max)
• Maximum continuous current (for specific Pins) 10mA
• Minimum pin voltage VSS - 0.5V
• Minimum power-on slope 100V/s
• ESD protection ±8kV (Human body model)
Table 11.1 IQS333 Self Capacitive General Operating Conditions1
Internal regulator output 1.8 ≤ VDDHI≤ 3.6 VREG 1.62 1.7 1.79 V
Operating current shown in this datasheet, does not include power dissipation through I 2C pull up resistors.
Internal regulator output 1.8 ≤ VDDHI≤ 3.6 VREG 1.62 1.7 1.79 V
Communication and charge frequency to comply with sample rate as reported earlier in this datasheet.
Debounce of 2 up and 2 down, 9 active channels in Event Mode
12 Package information
12.1 IQS333 Package dimensions
C1 0 0.05 0 0.05 mm
C2 0.203TYP 0.203TYP mm
P 0.5TYP 0.5TYP mm
W 0.25TYP 0.25TYP mm
IQS333 IQS333
-0-QNR -0-QFR
Y1 X2
X1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
1 24
2 23
3 22
4 21
Y2 C2
5 20
6 19
7 18
8 17
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Dimension Dimension Unit
C1 4.90 4.85 mm
C2 4.90 4.85 mm
X1 0.30 0.25 mm
X2 3.25 3.65 mm
Y1 0.90 0.8 mm
Y2 3.25 3.65 mm
R1 5.00 mm
R2 5.00 mm
14 Ordering Information
Order quantities will be subject to multiples of a full reel. Contact the official distributor for
sample quantities. A list of the distributors can be found under the “Distributors” section of
IQS333 z ppb
15 Errata
15.1 Last Active Channels
The IQS333 only accepts settings for active channels. Therefore, to update any settings for
channels that are not enabled by default (only channels 0 to 3 are active by default), these
channels need to be activated first (followed by a STOP command), before settings can be written
to the IQS333 in the next communication window. Channels are only activated on the IC after
exiting the communication window. Settings here include everything specific to an individual
channel, such as base values and touch thresholds.
Tel +1 512 538 1995 +86 755 8303 5294 +27 21 863 0033
ext 808
Fax +1 512 672 8442 +27 21 863 1512
The following patents relate to the device or usage of the device: US 6,249,089; US 6,952,084; US 6,984,900; US
8,395,395; US 8,531,120; US 8,659,306; US 9,209,803; US 9,360,510; US 9,496,793; US 9,709,614; US 9,948,297; EP
2,351,220; EP 2,559,164; EP 2,748,927; EP 2,846,465; HK 1,157,080; SA 2001/2151; SA 2006/05363; SA 2014/01541; SA
AirButton®, Azoteq®, Crystal Driver, IQ Switch®, ProxSense®, ProxFusion®, LightSense™, SwipeSwitch™, and the