The Mindset of Wealth
The Mindset of Wealth
The Mindset of Wealth
Do you often wonder how other people manage to create a lifestyle full of abundance and prosperity?
Have you ever found yourself asking what his/her secret is, or worse, chalking it all up to luck? If so, you
are not alone. As human beings, we all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others in a survival of
the fittest sort of way. When we fall short, rather than see what action steps we can take to create
change, we say other people have it better or that they’re just plain lucky.
Do you know that there are ways to prosperity that have little to do with luck and a lot to do with
creating a wealthy mindset first? Abundance is not only for the "chosen few." It’s everyone’s birthright.
How many times have you heard stories of people pulling themselves up from nothing to create mass
success and fortune? It can happen for you too.
You’re probably asking yourself how or even shaking your head while thinking “this is for other people
and not for me.” That’s a great place to start – with your thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your
mindset, and change your life.
You don’t simply wake up one morning and declare you will be more mindful of your prosperity.
It takes practice.
You need to want this so much in your life that you focus on it daily and willingly move forward --
taking the steps to make it a reality.
Any goal worth achieving requires action on your part. You have to move forward and take the steps to
reach your goal.
As a human being, when you want something, you’d want to have it immediately with the least effort
possible. It is not usually human nature to naturally take small steps towards achieving the goal. Most
people who realize that they’d have to do a whole lot of tasks to get something they want end up
settling to just giving up on the dream/desire and don’t even bother to try.
Have you experienced that too? Sometimes you set goals so high that there is no other place to go but
down. You fall short, become overzealous too quickly, and don’t follow any guidance. But don’t worry.
There is a way around all of this.
A good idea is only really good if it has an action plan. If you want to be prosperous, you need to have a
prosperity-mindset action plan.
For some, setting a goal means taking out pen and paper, creating lists and making graphs. All those
things are well and good; however, it is necessary to start with what’s in your mind first. Why?
Your thoughts drive your actions and your actions take you to your destination. So it's important to
make sure that your thoughts steer you down the right road – the road to prosperity.
Get your thoughts down on paper before creating any type of to-do list or action plan. It all begins with
your mind. Learn how to train your mind with these 8 key steps.
Focus on what you are creating and why you are you creating it. Make your WHATs and your WHYs
clear to you first before you move on to the HOW part of it. Those who are too focused only on the end
goal tend to leave out the big picture, which is what you are creating and why you are creating it. An
example would be "create a coaching business that inspires women to break through their abundance-
blocks." While it may sound like part of an elevator speech, it is more of a declaration to yourself and to
others. Don’t lose sight of your WHAT and your WHY – these are what will keep you motivated despite
the challenges you’ll encounter along the way. You can tackle the HOW to-do list later.
Attach emotion to all that you are doing. Yes, associate emotion to even the mundane stuff. Get excited
about creating that to-do list, feel exhilarated about the scary unknown, and get inspired so you can
inspire others.
Don’t look at a to-do list as a boring, mundane chore. View it as a piece of your vision. Look upon it as a
step closer to creating a life that you love where all your dreams come true.
The same way you would use key words for SEO purposes on your blog or website, apply keywords to
yourself too. Choose a few words and create yourself as those words. Be energized, be vibrant, be
inspiring, create momentum, etc.
Chances are you have some old dialogue running in the background telling you something is impossible.
When you hear that old dialogue, restate it to “I’m possible.” Check in with your thoughts. Do you feel
other people have it better than you do? Do you have a woe is me attitude?
If you want to have a mindset of prosperity, set up a reward system for every time you use a positive
word. Deduce points for when you use terms such as “I can’t,” “I don’t know,” “I’m not…” Once you make
a conscious effort to keep these self-sabotaging words out of your thoughts, you will begin to notice a
shift. There will be a shift in your vocabulary too. You will catch yourself saying things such as, “I
wish…” “I want…” and “If only...” Then, you will begin to change those phrases to “When I become…” “I
am going to…”
You get to choose your thoughts daily. If you have a negative thought, turn it into an opposite. If you are
mad, turn that into a positive by acknowledging that feeling as a call-to-action.
The words you speak could dictate your life. If you spend too much time speaking about woe is me
subjects, chances are you will energetically attract more of that into your life. You will be amazed at
how this single most important shift in your mindset will change your thoughts, change your words,
and change your life
Your feelings are a guidepost. If you have a feeling of sadness, see what you need to do to recreate it into
joy. What’s missing in your life that will give you more prosperity? Don’t just sweep those feelings away.
Chances are you had a negative thought first, and the negative feelings followed. Change your thoughts,
and you’ll see that your feelings will change too.
Keep identifying those old negative thought patterns as they come to you. The more quickly you catch
yourself, the more aware you become. The more aware you become, the faster you can steer clear from
having negative feelings and the more you can smile to yourself and think, “I’ve got this.”
8. Don’t do it alone.
The most successful people have other people holding them accountable for their thoughts. They are
not afraid to be authentic, and they surround themselves with positive people. Assess the people in your
life, and decide whom you need to distance from and whom you need to keep closer to you. Have you
ever seen someone so enthusiastic that you just can’t help but laugh despite your negative thought
Thoughts for Sustaining a Mindset of Wealth
Being able to start changing your mindset is already a great achievement, but it has to be sustained for
it to really yield to great results. Although it’s a cliché, the saying “Practice makes perfect” is really true
and should be applied.
Keep pushing the negative thoughts out by replacing them with positive ones. It’s that simple. The more
you practice this, the more it will become a habit and eventually it will become second nature. You will
have put your wealthy mindset on cruise and you will automatically do it with little or any effort. So
ALWAYS replace those negative ideas with successful mantras.
Here are some positive thoughts you can feed your mind in order to have a mindset ripe and ready for
5. I am a creator of prosperity.
6. Abundance is my birthright.
8. I deserve prosperity.
When you recognize your negative thoughts or mindset of lack, replace the negative thoughts with
positive I-can-do-it thoughts. When you do this, you are actually retraining your brain to drive you
straight towards prosperity and wealth. In short, you are rerouting your path in life, as well as changing
your ultimate destination.
Ways of Being to Create the Mindset of Wealth
If you are focusing on lack and being stingy with money, the chances are high that there won’t be room
for anything more. Look at how you are behaving and replace that negative behavior as well.
1. Act fulfilled.
Feel grateful for what you do have, instead of worrying so much about what you don’t have. Knowing
that you are already fulfilled and that prosperity is yours every day is a great way of staying in the
moment of gratitude.
2. Create momentum.
Contrary to popular belief, momentum is a way of starting out small and growing bigger and better.
Most people believe that momentum is starting out with a bang and skyrocketing. Momentum is a
continual movement and motion.
Every day, take time to step out of your comfort zone in the smallest of ways. Do you want prosperity?
Well, your ego wants you stuck in comfort to protect it in all ways.
4. Be excited.
Be excited ahead of time for that great and prosperous event coming your way. You will be astonished
by how it will provide a life of prosperity for you.
5. Be exhilarated.
Remember how you felt before you took a daring leap of faith or even before getting on that roller
coaster? Be that way every day to create a mindset of prosperity.
Each moment you live in a prosperous moment is a moment closer to living a long life of prosperity.
7. Be engaging.
Get other people excited about life and living, and you will see your relationships prosper as well.
8. Become joyful.
Would a life of prosperity come from a pessimistic mindset? No, it would come from a joyful mindset.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
9. Be enthusiastic.
Bring others on board your prosperity train. When you are enthusiastic you become contagious.
Notice colors, sounds, sights and be vibrant. Your vibrancy will attract more positivity in your life.
How to Reset Your Mindset
Often, the way we think sabotages our opportunity to prosper. If you read Robert Kiyosaki’s famous
book -- the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – you will learn how the way people are taught to think will greatly
affect the way a man will live his life. If you have been unsuccessful with your attempts to become rich
in the past or if you are still not living a prosperous life now, perhaps it is because of the mindset we
have adapted from our society is hindering us.
To achieve a prosperous way of living, a wealthy mindset has to be achieved. And to attain that,
resetting the mind first is necessary. Apart from what’s already discussed above, here are more ways to
achieving a wealthy mindset:
1. Rather than getting bogged down and overwhelmed by a million different ideas, stick with one
idea. Try it. If it doesn’t work, choose another idea. Making mistakes is a natural part of learning.
Don't beat yourself up about them. Remind yourself that mistakes are opportunities to learn and
stepping-stones to greater prosperity.
2. Don’t associate failure with quitting or giving up; associate it with learning how to do things
better and better every time. If you want to have a mindset of prosperity then there is no room
for feeling you are a failure; only a mindset of “well that didn’t work, let’s check out what does.”
3. Think upon not having to be perfect, but just be in action. Someone with a growth mindset can
bounce from thoughts of imperfection to recreating those thoughts rather quickly. As long as
you know you are human, then you know life and that you are not perfect. As long as you are in
action, you will prosper. Choosing to stay stuck in feeling badly will halt your prosperous tracks
4. Highlight your abilities, gifts, and talents. In order to change your mindset, you need to move
away from a mindset that focuses on what you cannot do and to one that focuses on what you
can and will do.
5. Work on your weaknesses. It’s going to be more beneficial to you if you learn how to overcome
these weaknesses. Do you procrastinate, and is this procrastination stopping you from
prosperity? What can you do differently? Get an accountability partner. When you feel you need
to procrastinate, reach out and ask someone to guide you back to the task at hand. Maybe you
could give yourself a 15-minute break to daydream and that will reset your brain.
6. Break barriers by looking at them as fun, exciting, and exhilarating challenges – You can choose
your perception at any time. Is something standing in your way? Rather than go into woe is me
mode, try taking it on as a challenge that is exciting, fun, and constructive to you.
7. Reward your passion. When you get excited about something, reward yourself. Rejoice to times
when you are passionate about your prosperity goals. The more attention you pay to this
mindset, the more prosperous you will become. When you notice that you get excited and
passionate about something, write it down. Take note of it, and recreate it again and again. This
is your passion, and is very essential to your journey to success.
8. Downplay the negative results. Don’t get caught in your failures. Keep moving forward. Instead
of sulking, get back into track with your goals. Feeling bad after a failure is normal, but don’t
stay in that feeling too long. You need to brush it off and push it aside and keep on putting one
foot in front of the other. Prosperity doesn’t come to those who feel sorry for themselves or
those who quit.
9. Give attention to your “want-to-do list.” How many times have you filled your phone apps and
your paper to-do list with household and family chores? What about your “want-to-do” items?
Where are they? If you want a prosperous life, you must include the things you love that bring
you joy. Prosperity comes from adding things into your life that bring you joy in the first place. If
you have a mindset of joy, lack will not follow, but prosperity is sure to follow.
10. Visualize your prosperous life -- the big house, the fancy car, the grand vacation. Keep
reminding yourself it is possible. Give yourself time to daydream – and do it by visualizing what
makes your heart sing and your lips smile.
Before I end this guide, I’d like to leave you with some questions that you should ask your self. These
questions will help you reassess the way you view things presently and how you can take action to align
your mindset to wealth and success:
When you ask yourself this question, you create a space to think anew. What if you expanded yourself a
little more each day? How would that show up in your life? Imagine going a little further each day and
waking up to the realization you are in flow and are achieving prosperity daily.
Examine which areas in your life are perfectly in balance and which areas are out of balance. Where can
you stretch? Can you do it at work, at home, or in your personal goals?
Can you take on a challenge and have it show up as exciting and not frightening? Once you get that you
can change your perception to take on new challenges and view them positively, you will find
abundance of prosperity being born right out of your mind.
Ask yourself where the value is for other people in what you do. Are you a life coach? Are you a writer?
Do you sell products or services that would make a difference in someone’s life? Once you see the value
in making a difference to others, prosperity will come knocking at your door.
When it comes to personal goals that lead to prosperity, let’s be honest, we don’t always take it
seriously. What if you were to attach deadlines to our goals? Think of it as something on your to-do list
that has to get done. Otherwise, you will be holding prosperity at bay, once again.
Are you excited about what you are taking on in life and does it spark interest in other people? If so,
why not keep the spark going until it becomes a full-fledged flame.
If you are ho-hum about your goals, your goals will be ho-hum for you. Prosperity doesn’t follow a ho-
hum attitude; it follows enthusiasm like a match to wood.
8. Are others being inspired by my path?
Are you inspired by what you do? Do your natural gifts and talents inspire you? What about others – are
they inspired by you? When you blaze a trail of inspiration, prosperity will become part of who you are
and what you give.
Are other people motivated and enthusiastic along with you? Once you take on enthusiasm as a way of
being, others will follow suit. Anytime enthusiasm is involved, success, abundance, and prosperity
follow behind shortly after.
Here’s a good question. Ask yourself daily if you are willing to take the steps and do the work for the
result of prosperity.
How badly do you want prosperity versus wanting to hold on to your old beliefs and habits?
12. Am I willing to embrace the work necessary to get me to the other side?
Embrace the work, but view it as the means to an end or the road to take to reach your desired
Are you ready to stop blaming the circumstances blocking your prosperity and willing to take
Learn how to say no. When you first begin, it will feel terrible, but it does get easier.
If you are doing it all, then nothing is getting done wholly. Learn how to delegate in order to make room
for abundance.
Are you goals impactful enough? Look and see if you can amp them up.
Are you willing to look at your old approaches to prosperity and admit that some of them did not work
for you?
18. Do I fully understand the power I have to rewire my brain for prosperity?
Do you have a good grasp on how powerful your mind is in creating a life of prosperity?
19. Can I fully focus my energy and create emotional engagement with prosperity as a way of life
Will I take responsibility for eating healthy, energy foods, and staying hydrated in order to be at my
optimum levels?
21. Am I willing to feed my mind with positive books, thoughts, and people?
What are you feeding your mind? What you feed it will affect the fruits of your thoughts.
22. How can I recreate my role inside my head from procrastinator or not good enough to abundant
and prosperous?
People who procrastinate often do so because of feelings of not being good enough. Are you willing to
throw that notion away?
Small steps lead up to giant achievements. Are you recording your every achievement no matter how
big or how small?
When you use this guide -- learn the keys, change your thoughts, create new ways of being, and ask
yourself the tough questions -- you rewire your brain from one of lack to one of ultimate prosperity and
wealth. Remember that for you to be truly successful, you have to believe that you deserve it and that
you can do it. Create a mindset that will lead you to the prosperous life you and your family deserves.
To empower you to develop your Mindset of Wealth faster, I have designed a Millionaire DNA
Affirmation for you. Read it at least once a day for the next 90 days and watch the magic unfold in your
life…just like how it has happened to my life.
I am worthy
I love myself and I love others as myself
I welcome success with open arms
I achieve success with ease and peace in my heart
I attract people and opportunities
I grow my self worth and networth
I believe in abundance
The more I give the more I receive
I give generously to myself and others
I am capable to create massive value to many others
I make a difference to this world
I make positive choices that improve quality of lives
I celebrate my success