737 Digital Flight Control System
737 Digital Flight Control System
737 Digital Flight Control System
The BOEING AIRLINER is pubhshed quarterly by the Commercial Airplane DivisIon of The BOEING Company. Seaulc. Washmgton.
Cablcaddrc:ss. BOEING·AIR. Addrcssall oommunicallons to Customer Scrvices OrganlUotion, The BOEING Company, Bol 3707. seattle
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Lee Speight
Sel1lice Engineering
he history of the engine mounting cone bolt can
be traced back to tbe engineering concept of The engine must be easily removable for periodic main-
suspending engines beneal.h the wings or mount- tenance and overhaul, and provide the required level of
ing on the art fuselage of modem jet-powered airplanes. performance and reliability. To meet these criteria, me
Such external mounting permits the engine to be sus- three engine mounting vibration isolators were designed
pended from vibration isolators. When combined with with a conical socket and a mating cone-shaped bolt. This
sound-proofing in tbe cowling, inlet, and exhaust, this has design permits the cone bolts to be attached to the engine
proven to be effective in dealing with the noise and mounting flanges, the engine hoisted into position, and
vibration created by engines. The external mounting the bolts inserted into the conical sockets. The conical
concept introduces some specific engineering design design minimizes the possibility of improper alignment
criteria that determine the function and shape of the and wear on the mounting hardware and the airplane
engine mounting cone bolts. structure.
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1 9 8 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
ration consists of two forward cone bolts attached to
vibration isolators that are housed in the forward engine
mount support fining which. in tum. is attached to the
wing at the front spar. The forward cone bolts support
part of the engine weight and inertia loads as well as
transmit the thrust load to the airfnune. The aft cone bolt
suppor1S the rear end of the engine and is attached to the
aft vibration isolator whk:.h is housed in a fitting that is
pin-connC(:ted to the outboard track of the inboard flap
and permits fore and aft movement of the engine due to
thermal expansion. At the forward mOl!nt the fuse points
are located at the front spar and at the aft ends of the
thrust links. A thread relief area in the aft cone bolt
provldes the fuse.
The engine separation feature is accomplished on all Boeing Service Bulletin 737-71-1069, released on
models of Boeing jet airplanes by providing structural December 13, 1982, called for installation of a secondary
fuses in the engine mounting structure. On the Model support. This support consists of a cable installed across
737.100/·200, the three·point engine mounting configu· the aft cone bolt interface to support the engine in case
Fonrard engine mount cone boll sho,", attached to Secondary support cable and braclt.ets installed 01'1 engine
engine mounting nange. per Sern« Bulletin 737·71·1069.
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AlRLL"'ERlJAN·MAR 1989
of breakage of the an cone OOh. The cable is rigged for the results of these inspections weekly until a once-
one-half inch slack so that the aft end of the engine will around-the-neet inspection had been completed. During
drop this distance and the broken cone bolt may be the first six months, Boeing received reports from
detected by visual means. This feature is enhanced by the 45 operators covering 1674 aft cone oolt inspections on
installation ofa warning stripe on the fixed fairing which 837 airplanes. These reports revealed that no cracks had
is covered by the thrust reverser fairing. A mismatch of been found. As a precaution, several operators had re-
fairings, uncovering the warning stripe occurs if the moved cone bolts that had appeared irregular during the
bolt is broken and the engine is being supported by the ultrasonic inspections; however, subsequent magnetic
secondary support cable. The secondary support was an particle testing revealed that none of these bolts had
optional instaUation and may not have been incorporated cracked.
by all operators.
The National Transportation Safety Board called a
In January 1986, a fatigue fracture of an aft cone oolt meeting in New York on March 4, 1988, to determine
resulted in the breakage of the secondary support cable. if there was any problem with the cone bolt threads or
The aft end of the nacelle was observed to be drooping self-locking feature of the special cone bolt nut that would
by ground personnel while the airplane was in its takeoff allow the nut to loosen in service after it had been
roll. The flight crew was notified, the engine was shut properly installed. Thread measurements were made on
down, and an uneventful single-engine landing was ac- new, used, and overhauled cone oolts and samples of the
complished. A design review and subsequent lesting of special self-locking nuts that are used on the cone bolts.
the secondary support revealed that the supporl cable There were no significant discrepancies found on any of
might not preclude the possibility of an engine separation the parts measured and the over all quality of the threads
in the case of a broken aft cone OOlt. A design change was judged as very good. The Boeing maintenance
was made to replace the support cable with a bolt that manual procedures and recommendations were also
incorporates a crushable honeycomb core block which reviewed and found to be adequate. I t was concluded that
will absorb energy developed should the engine drop. The there were no problems with the quality of the threads
new secondary support oolt provides a degree of re- and that the maintenance procedures were adequate to
dundancy and still conforms to the design criterion of ensure that the nut will not loosen after it has been
allowing a safe separation in case of breakage of the properly installed. The Boeing review of the NTSB
forward engine mounl. meeting report resulted in a recommendation to remind
the operators to observe the existing installation
However, before the revision to the secondary support procedures and to insure that the threads are inspected
could be implemented, another incident occurred. On for conformity to the MIL-S-8897 standard as specified
December 5, 1987, a fatigue fracture of an aft cone oolt in the overhaul manual prior to reuse. Boeing Service
and the subsequent loss of the secondary support resulted Letter 737-71-27, dated December 21, 1988, Engine
in an engine separation. The engine separated during Mount Cone Bo/t Installation and Overhaul, reinforces
c1imb-out at 4000 feet altitude. The airplane made an Boeing's maintenance procedures.
uneventful single-engine landing. Investigation revealed
that the aft cone bolt fractured due to slow-growth fatigue NEWLY DESIGNED SUPPORT
over more than one-half the cross-sectional area. The
remainder of the aft cone oolt and OOth forward cone The redesign of the secondary support, as offered by
OOlts broke in rapid ductile separation. This incident Revision I to Boeing Service Bulletin 737-71-1069, was
resulted in Airworthiness Directive AD 88-01-07, issued accepted by tbe FAA as the terminating action for the
on December 24, 1987. This final rule, effective on repetitive inspections required by AD 88-02-07. A final
January 25, 1988, requires inspection of the aft cone oolt rule, Amendment 39-6044, to the AD became effective
within 300 landings and thereafter at intervals not to on December 17, 1988, requiring incorporation of Service
exceed 600 landings. Bulletin 737-71-1069 R-I within the next 4000 landings.
The service bulletin provides two installation kits, The
INSPECTIONS basic kit, PIN 65C275 I5-5, contains the parts necessary
to install the complete secondary support assembly, and
Boeing developed an ultrasonic procedure to inspect an is required on airplanes that did not have the original
installed aft cone OOlt. A calibration standard, dummy secondary support installed. This installation requires
bolt PIS 365, was designed. This dummy oolt, along with support or removaJ of the engine. The supplemental kit,
detailed instructions, was furnished to the operators so PIN 65C2752 I 5-9, contains the parts necessary to
that they could utilize existing ultrasonic test equipment modify the original secondary support installation. This
10 inspect the cone bolts for fatigue cracks without kit replaces the cable with a bolt and energy-absorbing
removing the engines. This information was provided in crush core material while retaining the attachment bolts
Boeing AJert Service Bulletin 737-7IA1212, released on and brackets. Installation of the supplemental kit does
December 22,1987. Boeing requested operators to report not require supporting or removal of the engine. Included
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Engine build-up hardware and cone bolt for new Art engine mount with secondary support bolt and
se<o.da", ,"pport ,.'blllation as dep;(it§v;,e crush-c:ore energy absorber.
BuUetin 737-71-1069, Revision 1. .. 107--
in both kits are instructions for applying the aft mount matm: showing the certified configuration of cone bolt
indicator markings which are required on the outboard part numbers and engine that may be used on 737-100/-
side of the wing/nacelle fairing and the thrust reverser 200 airplanes.
deOector door fairing. These markings consist of a red
pointer on the fixed nacelle aft fairing pointing to a green The cone bolts are replaced at each engine change with
band on the thrust reverser door fairing. A misalignment either a new or overhauled bolt. The cone bolts are
of these stripes indicates a fractured cone bolt. overhauled by the supplier or operators may overhaul
Replacement of the cone boh is required before night. their own in accordance with Barry Controls Overhaul
Repetitive inspection of the indicator markings is Manual 71-20-03. Overhaul of the cone bolt includes
required at intervals not to exceed three calendar days refurbishment of the wear surfaces, inspection of critical
(72 hours) on in-service airplanes according to provisions fit dimensions. thread inspection, and magniOuxing for
of the revised AD. Boeing Operations Bulletin 88-3, fatigue cracks. Approximately one half of the used cone
dated August 5. 1988, recommends checking the indi- bolts have been rejected during overhaul due to thread
cator Stripes during the exterior walk-around inspection damage or wear that exceeds the overhaul limits.
on night crew changes or first night of the day.
In addition to the redesigned secondary support, cone
bolts will be shot peened to increase their fatigue life. The 737-100/-200 engine mounting cone bolts have a
Boeing Specification Drawing 10-60517 has been revised good in-service reliability record. Fatigue failures of the
to add shot peening to the currently preferred bolts. The cone bolt have been attributed to installation error.
new shot peened cone bolts are identical to the superseded Replacement of existing cone bolts with imprOVed shot
cone bolts except for the addition of shot peening in the peened cone bolts will provide greater fatigue life for the
thread relief area and new part numbers. Revision E to installation. A secondary support has been designed to
Service Letter 737-71-3, incorporates the two improved minimize the possibility of an engine separation in case
shot peened cone bolts and outlines the effectivity. The of a broken aft cone bolt. Revision I to Service Bulletin
shot peened cone bolts will replace the existing cone boils 737-71-1069 provides terminating action for the
on an attrition basis. Shot peening is nOt recommended repetitive inspections required by Airworthiness
for used cone boIts. However, spares of existing preferred Directive 88-01-07. Incorporation of this service bulletin
cone boils that have not been used or overhauled may and operator attention to existing maintenance manual
be shot peened and the part number changed. The shot procedures will result in a higher level of confidence in
peened cone bolts will be available from the supplier, the engine mounting cone bolts and provide a secondary
Barry Controls, after the first quarter of 1989. The load path to protect against engine separation in case of
specification drawing defines the vibration isolators and a fractured aft cone bolt.
cone bolts. Boeing Service Letter 737-71-3E contains a
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A l R L l N E R / J A N · M A R 1989
A/bert F. Emanuel
Aircraft Safety Engineer
Renton Product Safety
here have been twenty-one reported ingestions One personnel ingestion has occurred since the last
AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
BOEING SAFETY PROGRAM All CFM·56 powered 137s have nacelle markings clearly
indjcating tbe bazard zone boundary aft of the inlel lip
Boeing has an active program designed to inronn for above-idle power (see Figure 2). Decals for marking
operators of the hazard of working in the vicinity of an the JT8D powered 737s can be obtained by ordering the
operating engine. This program includes the distribu- kits described Service BulJetin 737·11.IOIOR.I, dated
tion of posters, a video tape presentation. Maintenance June 21, 1984.
Manual warnings, nacelle warning decals, and articles
contained in the October·December 1983, October- INLET HAZARD ZONE RAMP MARKINGS
December 1984, and July-September 1985 editions of the
AIRLINER magazine. Some operators are painting the inlet hazard zone
boundary on the ramp surface al parking locations (see
Inlet hllZ.lLTd zone definitions are published in all 737 Figure 3) to provide a clear definition of that boundary
series Maintenance Manuals (71-סס-OO). The hazard zone 10 ground personnel. While this practice can be an aid
dimensions shown in Figure 1 apply to all 737 aircraft. 10 safelY, an incorrect hazard zone will be displayed if
Beside the published hazard zones, the following con· Ihe airplane is nOI parked in correct relationship to the
siderations apply: painted boundaries. (See Boeing Service leller 737·SL·
71-28, dated January II, 1989.)
• For reported surface winds greater than 25 knots,
increase the hazard zone boundary.
•••• • 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Figure I.
Inlet hazard zones as depicted in the
737 Maintenance Manual.
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A l R L I N E R l J A N · M A R 1989
The hazard zone boundary dimensions include an allow-
ance ror the error inherent in estimating the dislance to
the inlet. When the boundaries are painted on the ramp,
there is no longer a requirement ror estimating the dis-
tance, and the error allowance can be used to speciry the
accuracy with which the airplane must be parked to avoid
violating the actual hazard zone. Figure 4 shows the
required accuracy ror relating the inlet lip to the painted
boundary ror any 137 aircraft. Figure 5 shows the per-
tinent dimensions relating the inlet lip, landing gear,
and passenger door ror the various 737 series airplanes,
emphasizing the requirement to clearly differentiate the ,
parking guidance ror each 737 series. It is essential that
the ramp markings are nOI inadvertently applied to air-
planes ror which they are not intended. Figure 4. The airplane must be accurately spoUed
on the ramp markings to be effective.
111111. . .
Figure 5. Pertinent dimensions required for proper spotting or the 737 on a parking ramp are sbown in this illustration.
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8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989
The Queen is 20
A. T. Lloyd
Editor. AIRLINER Magazine
uring the early 19605, the air transportation
AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1 9 8 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Innovations with the ~odel 747, in addition to its
enormous size, included a wide-body with twin asiles, an
upper deck and raised cockpit (which affords greater
cargo space), passenger accommodations in the forward
portion of the body, large high-bypass ratio engines, and
an inertial navigation system,
The 747's maiden flight occurred on 9 February 1969, • Around-the-world record 29-30 January 1988. 747SP
with Jack Waddell, pilol; Brien Wygle, copilot; and Jess flew 23,125 miles, with three stops, in 36 hours,
Wallick, flight engineer; at the controls. 34 minutes, 15 seconds elapsed time.
1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A l R L I N E R / J A N - M A R 1989
ENGINE DEVELOPMENT The flI'St 747 passenger~rgo convertible airplane,
destined for service with World Airways, was certified
Powerplant technology has always been a major factor on 30 October 1972.
in the evolution of airplanes. Since the beginning of the
747 program a number of improvements have been made A side cargo door was certified for the 747 on I S February
in the engines being offered for the airplane. Engines from 1974. This modification was accomplished on a Sabena
General Electric, PraU & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce are passenger airplane and the Cambi was born. These air-
all available for the 747 and each manufacturer has met planes are capable of carrying a combined passenger/
the challenge of developing powerplanls with ever cargo load.
increasing thrust ratings. Engine certification evolution
is shown in Table 1. The Pan American 747 fleet has undergone modification
to pennit these airplanes to be part ofthe U.S. Air Force's
AIRPLANE GROWTH Civil Air Reserve Fleet (CRAF'). The first conversion was
completed on I June 1985, at Boeing's Wichita facility.
Improvements in aerooynamics and structures coupled In February 1986, the airplane successfully demonstrated
with higher powered engines have resulted in ever its capabilities when it participated in OPERATION
increasing gross weight capabilities of the 747. Table 2 TEAM SPIRIT, an annual deployment to Korea.
illustrates the weight growth of the airplane. and
compares these weights with that of the 707-nOB. UNIQUE APPLICATIONS
Over the years the Model 747 has been modified to meet Over the years, the 747's capabilities have been expanded
new customer requirements and to take advantage of to include the following applications:
the latest state-of-the-art changes in technology. The
elttended upper deck produced the Model 747-300. The • Space Shuttle carrier. A former American Airlines
latest digital avionics have resulted in the Model 747-400. 747-100 was modified for use by NASA in 1978 to
carry the Space Shuttle. Initially, the 747 carried the
CARGO CAPABILITIES shuttle for test nights. Today, the 747 is employed in
ferrying the shuttle from its landing site in the
While initially conceived as a cargo carrier, the 747 was California desert to its launch base in Florida.
first offered as a passenger airplane. Later, cargo carrying
features were added. The cargo--capable airplanes may be • E-4 Airborne Command Post. Four 747s, designated
equipped with either a visor-type nose door, a side cargo E-4Bs, serve as airborne command posts for
door aft of the left wing, or both. America's National Command Authority.
The first 747 freighter, certified on 8 March 1972, was • Aerial Tanker. Three 7475 were delivered to the
delivered to Lufthansa. Imperial Iranian Air Force for use 85 aerial tankers.
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Table I. Certification evolution ror 747 engines. Table 2. Model 747 gross weight tapabilities~
CV ~
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
Rockwell Space Shuttle was test-dropped and ferried on Digital ffigbt deck on the Model 747-400.
this 747. Here. a Northrop T·38 accompanies the shuttle
One of (our E-4B Sentry airborne
The first airplane, RAOOI, has served over the years in
command posts operated by the USAF.
both the flight test and crew training roles.
-- - -
customers in 47 countries. In excess of 900 of these
airplanes have been sold to date.
--- -
00 With a daily utilization of 10.37 hours per day, 747s have
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a - FlRST FllGKT
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0'''' The Model 747 has proven to be an incredible airplane.
Over the past 20 years the derivative series has grown to
""-. meet the ever-changing needs of the market place. It now
carries most of the world's international air travelers and
is expected to be the primary international transport
through the tum of the century.
Fuel Conservation AlRUNER
O peratlDrls NEWSLETTER No. 33 January-March 1989
many new personnel entering the 767 EROPS VALIDATION
Introduction ....•.•.•.• I business of nying and many TEST FUGHT
Extended Range changes in airline night crew
Update •.•.•.•...... 1 management and training depan- One of the new requiremems pre-
Another View of the ment personnel. With the influx of scribed in the revised AC 120-42
GolNo Go Decision .. 2 new personnel, we believe it is is that the manufacturer should
Go-Around Decision .•.• 4 appropriate to have a brief review conduct a test flight to validate
of matters to consider about re- expected airplane handling quali-
jected takeoffs PRIOR to entering ties and performance considering
the cockpit. engine failure and electrical power
Introduction losses. The requirement goes on to
The thIrd anicle is a reprint of an state that the adequacy of remain-
This edition of the Newsletter anicleentitled Go-Around Decision ing airplane systems and perform-
discusses three items of operational that appeared in the January- ance and flight crew ability to deal
interest, Extended Range Opera- March 1984AIRLINER. With the with the emergency considering
tions, rejected takeofTs and the onset of the bad weather season. we remaining flight deck information
go-around decision. As was an- believe it is timely to review some will be assessed.
nounced in the April - June 1988 of the factors affecting this im-
edition of the Newsletter, the portant decision. A 4 hour 10 minute validation
Federal Aviation Administration flight using a 767-300 powered by
(FAA), is currently in the final EXTENDED RANGE CF6-8OC2 86 engines was flown
stages of revising Advisory Circu- OPERATIONS UPDATE on October 7, 1988. The flight
lar 12Q.42 which sets the require- demonstrated performance con-
ments for approval of extended AC 120-42 Revision Due siderations such as engine-out
range operations with twin engined in January 1989 driftdown profile, level off height,
airplanes. The article. Extended speed capability and fuel bum.
Range Operations - Update dis- In the April-June 1988 Fuel Con- System operations such as APU
cusses what are anticipated to be servation and Operations News- start, and airplane operation and
the new requirements of the letter we indicated that the US handling including approach and
Advisory Circular and our plans to Federal Aviation Administration landing with electrical power
supply appropriate supporting (FAA) was reviewing the feasi- supplied by the Hydraulic Motor
Operations Manual performance bility of further extending the Generator were also successfully
data. EROPS Area ofOperation. A draft demonstrated (see Figure I).
revision of Advisory Circular
The second article is Another AC 12042 Extended Range Opera- OPERATIONS l\tANUAL
Review of the GO/NO GO Deci- tion with Two-Engined Airplanes DATA FOR EROPS
sion. This subject has been dis- has been released. This revision
cussed in greater depth in previous includes provisions to extend the In the past, Boeing has assisted
AIRLINERS as well as various diversion time from an adequate EROPS operators on an individual
past Aight Operations Symposia airport to 180 minutes. The final basis in developing data required
that were held in Seattle. However, issue of the revision is expected in to support each operation. Because
since the original discussion of the January 1989. of the increase in the number of
matter appeared in the 1984 EROPS operators, we have com-
AIRLINER article, Takeoff Gol mitted to add a new section to the
No Go Decision, there have been
The new section is designed as a In order to qualify an operation for in AC 120-42. This scenario re-
self contained reference section, EROPS, the operator must estab- quires planning the fuel load to
providing all the performance data lish that any point along the include the larger of: a) the fuel
needed to plan and conduct an proposed route of Oighl is within required to divert to the alternate
EROPS diversion of up to and the specified maximum diversion assuming the loss of pressurization
beyond 180 minutes. time at the normal one-engine only (i.e. two engine operation at
inoperative speed for ISA, zero IlXXXJ feet); or b) the fuel required
Generally, the four types of wind conditions. Operators can to divert to the alternate assuming
EROPS performance data opera- choose any single engine speed up the simultaneous loss of pressuri·
tors need will be provided, to VmolM mo to establish their zation and one engine (i.e. one
including: area of operation. The new section engine operation at IQCXX) feet).
will provide time/distance data for Appropriate time - distance -
• Data to establish an area of three fixed Machllndicated Air- fuel planning data are included.
operation speed Schedules plus Long Range
Cruise for operators to choose Enroute Obstacle Oearance
• Data to calculate the critical from to optimize their particular
fuel required for diversion. operation. Operators must show that the net
flight path wiJl clear all enroute
• Data to ensure enrouee ob- Critical Fuel obstacles at the appropriate one
stacle clearance engine inoperative diversion speed.
EROPS operators must show that Net level off data for the appro-
• Data to actually operate the the fuel carried is adequate to meet priate diversion speeds will be
flight to the diversion landing the critical fuel scenario presented included.
Inflight driftdown and diversion Statistics show that approximately The circumstances surrounding a
time-fuel-distance data for one 6 of 100,000 takeoffs are aborted. GO/NO GO decision are not
engine inoperative are included for The data shows that the vast always as clear as one would desire.
the four speed schedules. Gross majority of RTO's are initiated An engine failure may be well
altitude capability and cruise from speeds well below V I. The defined with clear instrumentation
tabulations are likewise provided. same historical data shows that and airplane response signals.
about 35 out of 100,000,000 takeoff However, the majority of RTO's
Other Data and Other Models altempts become RTO accidenls are initiated for reasons other than
with the aircraft running off the engine failures, for example,
Should an operator have a unique side or end of the runway. Most of vibration due to tire or wheel
requirement where additional data theSe accidents resulted from problems or takeoff warning
is required, the Boeing Flight RTO's initiated after VI, or other system indications.
Operations Engineering organiza- complicating factors such as
tion will assist. slippery runways, strong cross- But the most important fact to
winds, or equipment failures. remember is simple - once be-
The first issues of Section 23.60 yond VI, there should be no
Extended Range Operation have Just in case you face this GO/NO consideration of stopping: it will be
been released for certain 767 GO decision on your next flight, virtually impossible if operating at
configurations. The data for other consider the following: a performance limit weight
767, and 737/757 configurations condition.
approved for EROPS will follow. Defining the Takeoff Decision
Speed Calling VI
GO/NO GO DECISION v 1 is commonly referred to as the Standard practice is for the pilot
takeoff decision speed. This is an not flying to call Vee~ne as the
Much has been written about the oversimplification. In reality, V 1 is aircraft reaches V 1 speed. It is
decision to reject a takeoff (RTO) an action point; it is the speed by extremely important that this call-
from a speed near or equal to VI. which the GOINO GO decision out be timely, crisp and audible.
Several major forums have in- must have been made, and the Consider the human factors and
cluded extensive coverage and speed by which appropriate action airplane dynamics that may com-
discussion of the subject in recent must be initiated. Looking at it plicate the RTO initiated from just
years. Generally, the articles and another way, VI is the point in the at V I. It may take one second or
discussions have been excellent takeoff after which the takeoff more for the pilot not flying 10 see
and are definitely worthwhile must continue if stopping action the airspeed needle reach V I speed,
reading and occasionally re· has not already been initiated. VI callout Vee-one and for it to regis-
reading. The fact remains, the is commonly associated with ter with the pilot flying. During
Takeoff Go/No Go Decision is one engine failure recognition but in this time. the aircraft has accel-
of the most infrequent but critical reality, the need for GOINO GO erated another 3 to 5 knots and
decisions a crew may ever have to decision is more often than not due consumed an additional 200 to 300
make. The balance continues to to other causes. feet of runway. Even one second
favor the GO side: Stopping the after the aircraft has passed V I, it
airplane from VI under limiting Scheduling VI is too late to make a stop decision.
runway conditions is one of the
most demanding maneuvers a pilot It is relatively easy for the New pilots now entering the
may ever face, Success depends performance engineer to calculate industry and multi year veterans
upon the pilot's timely decision Vt such that all of the limiting alike must constantly prepare
and rapid completion of the stop- criteria are met. Generally, V I themselves to face the GO/NO GO
ping procedure. Once the airplane must be equal to or greater than Decision. Both must tboroughly
has accelerated to a speed greater VMCG, the ground minimum understand the concept of VI and
than V I, there is virtually no control speed. VI must be equal to avoid the consequences of a bad
chance to stop within the run- or less than VMBE and VR, the NO GO decision.
way length remaining when oper· maximum brake energy and
ating al a performance limit weight rotation speeds. This data can be Note: Excellent reference mate-
condition. presented in a variety of formats rial regarding the GOINO Deci-
for crews to use for each takeoff. sion can be found in the April-June
Airport Technology
he Boeing Airport Technology Group has long In a recent typical scenario, the Airport Technology
been involved in inspecting and testing the Group received a request from an airline whose pilou had
strength capabilities of both paved and unpaved been registering concern of rough runway conditions at
runways for customer airlines. This activity has often a particular airport. Most airlines have few of the
allowed the introduction of Boeing jet service into areas resources necessary to analyze the severity of runway
nOI previously !.hought possible. More recently, however, roughness, nor can they readily quantify the effect that
the emphasis of runway evaluation has been shifting to it has on the airplane. The airline might have already
the analysis of rough runway conditions at both small talked with the airport authority or the appropriate
and large airports. The kind of roughness of typical governmental agency about the problem, but these
concern is lhal which causes enough on-board vibration agencies are not usually in a position to make ajudgement
to prevent pilots from reading inSLrumentsduring takeoff, as to what the impact of the roughness is on the airplane.
or roughness thai is so severe thai the nose and main gear Also, they are not usually prepared to make immediate
oleos compress to the limit, or the kind of roughness that improvements unless they can get precise detailed
is not SO noticeable, bUI in which the fatigue life of the information that both locates and quantifies the
landing gear or related structure is reduced significantly. roughness on a given runway.
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3
The Airport Technology Group, can provide assistance differences between commercial and military airplane
on runway and airport problems to customer airlines on operating requirements, the USAF criteria line was
a timely basis, responds to requests like these as quickly developed to more stringent standards than that for
as possible. This article describes the process the group commercial applications. This line is an airplane design
follows in helping the airline to solve some airfield criterion, not specifically a runway roughness criterion,
problems, such as a rough runway condition. and it is shown here for comparison purposes. The FAA
and ICAO roughness criteria are for new construction.
ANALYSIS OF ROUGHNESS The central portion of this figure shows that commercial
airplanes can tolerate some runway deterioration above
Boeing criteria for tolerable runway bump severity the neW construction roughness level, but they are not
(roughness) is shown in Figure I. This criteria has been intended for military bailie conditions or airplane design
shown to be applicable to typical commercial passenger criteria appropriate to military applications. Our eltper-
jet transports. Other criteria lines developed by various ience has shown that pilot reports of rough runway
agencies such as the United States Air Force (USAF), conditions tend to emerge as the runway bumps approach
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the line designating the acceptable threshold, which is an
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), are shown indication of runway deterioration with age and usage.
in relation to Boeing criteria in Figure 2. Because of basic Additionally, as the bumps get nearer to the unacceptable
line, roughness becomes noticeably intolerable, both to
the pilots and passengers.
14---------------=:===----------AIRLlNERIJAN-MAR 1989
shows that as the vertical acceleration at the airplane CG ideal indicator because of the differences in wheel base,
increases, the number of occurrences required to reach mass, speed, and suspension between the vehicle and an
the landing gear fatigue life decreases. Thus it is essential airplane. Visual observation will normally not reveal a
that vertical CO accelerations be limited to a practical runway roughness problem, either, because the bumps
level SO as to minimize cumulative effects on the landing are often too long in length to appear to the eye.
gear structure.
The limiting vertical acceleration for a single event
encounter with runway roughness is shown on Figure 3 When there is no recent survey data available (which is
to be about 0.35g. This level of g-loading corresponds usually the case), the airline makes a formal request for
approximately to the effect of a runway bump in the Boeing's assistance. When there is recent survey data
region between the acceptable and unacceptable lines available from the airport authority, it often is not done
labeled excessive in Figure J. Roughness above the to enough detail to allow for an adequate analysis.
excessive level is understood to be the limit for a runway
10 be declared unfit for further high-speed ground A practical roughness evaluation requires a profile
operations of aircraft, since the fatigue effect can occur elevation survey along the centerline of the runway over
in an immediate fashion, particularly if the tires oleo, the reported rough areas, plus survey lines along the
and landing gear have not been recently serviced. When same area where the main gear track would normally
roughness of this magnitude occurs, air crews and pas- be - about 3 to 3.5 meters (10 to 12 feet) either side
sengers alike will experience acute discomfort, and flight of the centerline. This can be done with an ordinary
deck induced instrument interference can be severe. surveyor's level and rod or by the use of a laser in-
There is additionally a potential for a short term loss of strument and a rod that detects laser beams, such as that
aircraft steerage, as well as excessive nose and main gear used by Boeing. A Iypical Boeing surveying setup is
loading. The problem that has been encountered histori- shown in Figure 4. Note that the only other equipment
cally is that no one knows quite what to do once this kind required in addition to the laser equipment is a vehicle
of roughness has been detected subjectively, as described equipped with a 12-voh battery and a two-way radio for
above. communications with the airport tower. The communi-
cations with the tower are important to wam the survey
A determination of how rough a runway really is and crew of airpla ne uaffic on the runway. The level and rod
where the roughness exists is not always readily available. method of surveying requires a crew of three - one each
Pilot comments are usually the first indications of rough for the rod, level, and survey notes. The laser rod and
runway conditions, but the understanding and isolation level method requires only a crew of two, because a level
of the roughness itself can only be understood by a surface operator is nOI required. Typically, when surveying wilh
profile survey. Even a high-speed run over the runway laser equipment, the team can easily be called ofTan active
in an automobile or ground test vehicle is less than an runway for aircraft operations and can quickly resume
AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 5
the surveying afterwards. A survey team can survey roughness of the runway, hence requmng the more
200 meters (660 feet) of runway per hour if not inter· detailed survey. The profiles shown in Figures 5 and 6.
rupted by aircraft traffic. in addition to being excellent analytical tools, render a
visual indicat.ion of the best means of repair. Depressions
Upon complet.ion of the survey, the data is taken back can be Iilled with patching materials or small area over-
to the office for entry into a spreadsheet program on a lays, and high spots can be milled down to acceptable
personal computer. Typical plots of the data (normalized roughness levels.
to remove the effects of runway slope) are shown in
Figures 5 and 6, with the elevations shown on the vertical Figure 7 shows the ploUed discrete roughness as bump
axis in an exaggerated form for ease of evaluation. height versus bump length. As can be seen, a few bumps
are above the tolerable line for this particular runway.
The Boeing surveys are done on 2.5 to 3.0 meter (8 to but none are in the unacceptable range. Consequently,
10 foot) stations, while other surveys, such as those the Boeing recommendations for this particular survey
provided by the airpon authority or airline, are often allowed for continued operations in this case, bUI with
done on 10 to 20 meter (33 to 66 foot) stations. These warnings as to the deteriorating runway pavement con-
broader surveys do not adequately reveal the true dition. If a survey reveals bumps in the unacceptable
1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A I R L I N E R / J A N - M A R 1989
Runway surface deterioration contributing to surface roughness and increased foreign object damage (FOD) potential.
Damage due to load over a poorly Surface ravelling caused by poor Concrete slab comer cracking
completed base which induced a quality mixture of asphalt and resulting from load on an
depression with dense alligator aggregate, damage was accelerated unsupported corner. Damage
cracking and eventual pavement by aircraft braking and turning in area expanded due to inade-
breakup (central discoloration tbis area. quate maintenance.
caused by fuel spill which accelerated
pavement deterioration).
range, it would be recommended that no further com- are not usually aware of the impact of runway roughness
mercial jet transport operations be allowed on that on the airplanes that operate there. This is where Boeing
portion of the runway until the runway is repaired. has been able to help both the airport operalOrs and the
It should be noted that on the Boeing criteria chart airline make rational decisions as to the besl COllrse of
(Figure 7, for example) temporary, short term aircraft aclion. The profile surveys themselves are very valuable
operations on roughness that is mid-way between the in indicating whether a particular depression or high spot .
acceptable and unacceptable lines can be tolerated. When can be repaired, either by patching or milling of the local
surface overlays are constructed on active runways surface area (Figures 5 and 6). The surface profiles in
during oIT-peak hours, temporary surface ramps at the the report that Boeing prepares 10 describe the survey
midpoint between the two lines are suggested as satis- analysis are made available to the airport for their use
factory for short term usage. Entire runways can be 10 facilitate surface repairs. Boeing offers Ihis service to
overlayed during ofT-peak hours when done with tem- any customer airline thai wishes it, in the desire to help
porary ramps that meet this criteria. remedy the situation at hand.
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 7
Ron Ch, istianson RolfHansen
he Digital Flight Control Syslem (DFCS) on the Alert, Mach Trim and Speed Trim functions. The DFCS
1 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989
AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9
_. '1,:: ,,, - .
.- . -. .- .
. ".
Figure 2a. Integrated flight management system witb the EFIS option.
Flight director takeoff guidance is provided in pitch and The LVL CHG mode commands the airplane to fly the
roll from liftoff to nap!>·up maneuvering speed for normal MCP selected speed in either knots or Mach by varying
and one-engine inoperative conditions, and during wind- pitch attitude while the AIT controls the throttles to the
shear conditions. These provisions make it possible to appropriate N I value for an ascent or moves the throttles
simplify uaining and operating procedures when the to the aft limit for a descent.
Oight director is used. A flight director comparator in
each FCC reduces the probability of misleading guidance. As the MCP selected altitude is approached, the altitude
acquire (ALT ACQ) transition mode is automatically
CL~B/CRlRSEIDESCENT invoked while the A/T reverts to the SPEED control
mode. The ALT ACQ mode controls the airplane to a
The AFDS pitch modes and transition modes that exist .05g path during level offal the selected altitude until the
on the later model 737s for the climb/cruise/descent altitude hold mode engages. The altitude acquire mode
phases of flight are level change (LVL CHG), vertical willtransilion into ALT HOLD mode from any pilch
navigation (Y-NA Y) path, V·NAV Speed, altitude ac- cruise mode.
quire (ALT ACQ) and altitude hold (ALT HOLD), and
vertical speed (Y IS). The roll modes are lateral naviga- The LVL CHG mode controls the airplane to a maxi·
tion (L-NA Y), VHF omnidirectional rangellocalizer mum speed of VmofMmo and a minimum speed of 1.3
(VOR/LOC), and heading select (HOG SEL). VSTALL (Alpha Roor). However, if the command fails
2 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989
to satisfy a minimum descent rate when operating on The LNA V mode is a IatenJ path mode which utilizes
YmofMmo in descent or a minimum climb rate when roll commands from the FMC. an Inertial Navigation
operating on Alpha Floor in climb, the autopilot will System (INS) or OM.EGA Navigation System. For FMC
disengage and the Flight Directorcommand bats will bias LNAV operation, the FCC imposes a 30 degree bank
out~f-view. angle limit.
Althougb not an AFDS mode. the altitude alert function APPROACH MODE CAPABILITIES
is an important part of the altitude acquire and altitude
hold modes. The standard altitude alert function warns The 737-200 Advanced and later models are certified
with a single aural alert and constant illumination of for dual channel (fail-passive) autoland to CAT ilIA
the altitude alert lights when the airplane is between minimums (700-foot R VR and SO foot decision height)
9<X) and 300 feet during approach to the selected altitude, and (for FAA certification) dual FlO or single channel
a single aural alert and nashing altitude alert lights occur AlP to CAT II minimums (1200-foot R VR and tOO-foot
if the altitude deviates between 300 and 900 feet from the decision height).
selected altitude.
The fail~passive design is achieved through mechanical
VNAV,LNAV force voting of tbe commands from the two channels
combined with monitors which compare each channel
The Right Management Computer (FMC) provides with surface position. An exceedance of a monitor
target commands and mode requests to the AFDS and threshold causes the AlP to disconnect leaving the air·
A/f in VNAV and LNA Y operation. VNAV Path is a plane in a neutral or, when below 400 feel, in a slightly
path following mode which utilizes vertical speed (VIS), nose-up state of trim.
altitude acquire or altitude hold mode for vertical path
control with A/f controlling to FMC Speed. VNA Y The autoland performance of the 737 derivatives as
Speed provides speed control through the elevator with demonstrated for certiflCation is shown in Figure 3.
A/f controlling N I values during climb or night idle
during descent.
AIRUNER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = : : = = = : : : : . - - 2 1
During the course of the 737-400 development, success- developed for the basic 737-300 configuration. The
ful aUlOland operations have been made in 43 knots -2 FCC, which is not compatible with the -I FCC,
headwind and 16 knots crosswind. In-service autoland incorporated windshear guidance and control improve-
success rates have been 99.1% for reporting airlines using ments and EFIS interfacing requirements. The -3 FCC,
the 737-300 and between 95.5 to 99% for the 737-200 which is compatible with the -2 FCC. add mainly aero-
Advanced. It is believed that these figures primarily dynamic requirements for the 737-400. There has been
reflect the reliability and operational characteristics of but one significant change on the MCP to date, namely
the DFCS. the change from paddle type AlP engage switches to push
button type AlP engage switches, which is standard on
Autoland flare starts at 50 feet of radio altitude during the 737-400.
the autoland mode sequence. The flare control law con-
trols radio altitude rate as a function of radio altitude. The -4 FCC is being developed for the basic 737-500 and
The AIT starts retarding the throttles nominally at will be compatible with the -2 and the -3 FCes. Beside
27 feet of radio altitude with the rate of retard varied aerodynamic changes for the -500 being added in this
so that the throttles will reach idle at touchdown. A FCC, the MCP!FCC will have optional provisions for
transition from inertial altitude rate to the radio altitude speed intervention and altitude intervention, functions
derived altitude rate is accomplished afier the initiation which are available when operating in the FMC VNA V
of the flare maneuver. This makes the autoland control mode. Speed intervention enables the flight crew to
law relatively insensitive to runway approach terrain override the FMC target speed; altitude intervention
varialions. enables the nighl crew to bypass FMC intermediate
altitude restrictions.
Dual FlO or dual AlP go-around capability is provided
in the 737 AFDS and in the AlT. The basic operation The Advanced 737-200 with the Speny SPI77 (digital!
in the AlP - F/O go-around mode is the control of analog) AFDS provided the first opportunity in the
airspeed with the target speeds being the flap retraction 737 family to achieve a more comprehensive BITE capa-
speeds. In the event of loss of performance (as measured bility associated with digital systems. The introduction
by rate-of-climb) such as during windshear conditions, of the 737-300 with the full digital flight control system
the speed submode is phased OUI and substituled with (DFCS), along with other digital systems in the Flight
pitch altilude control 10 preserve rate-of·c1imb. However, Management System (FMS), elevated the maintenance
nose-up commands are limited to keep maximum alpha capability to a significantly higher level.
to a value below stick shaker alpha.
The SP-300 DFCS BITE utilizes the Flight Management
AI go·around, based on a weight estimate, the AIT Computer System Control Display Unit (FMCS COU)
controlled thrust is nominally set to an NI limit value as a means of providing control cabin convenience to
which will give about 1000 to 2000 feet/min rate-of-climb the maintenance team. The operalor can, by pressing
depending upon acceleration. However, if windshear buttons, reading instructions, and performing other
conditions cause the climb rate and/or speed to decrease minor tasks within the control cabin, review in·flight fault
significantly, full go-around power is automalically status or perform tests 10 verify operational status. Thus
applied. Full G/A power is also set regardless of weight maintenance personnel can display failures recorded by
with a second push of either takeoff/go-around (TO/GA) the DFCS BITE (internal and interfacing LRUs) during
switch. the last 10 flights or perform 19 quick (automatic) tests,
20 interactive tests, 6 flight control surface tests, rigging
737 AFDS DEVELOPMENT checks, and digital/analog sensor checks. These functions
provide the maintenance personnel with the ability to:
A new FCC or MCP version with a derivative part
number may be developed in order to incorporate prod- • Isolate malfunctions and perform a quick test of the
uct improvements, to update the control laws to account OFCS and interfacing line replaceable units (LRUs)
for aerodynamic differences of a new airplane model, or within 3 minutes.
10 implement a cUSlomer request. The intermixing of new
and previous FCC versions is accomplished through • Perform tests to insure proper operation of LRUs
program pin selection with airplane wiring. An airplane following maintenance.
with specific program pin wiring will activate the new
features of the new FCC version while disabling previous • Perform tests to insure the proper operation of the
FCC versions. automatic landing system.
Since the introduction of the 737-300, three versions of • Perform extensive tests required for more complex
the FCC have been developed. The 10-62038-1 FCC was problems using the overnight maintenance functions.
2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1989
• Perform rigging checks after replacement of DFCS FCC is perfonned to insure operational capability upon
flight control components or to check proper adjust- returning to the application (flight) program.
ment of rigging components.
• Display the inputs from critical analog and digital
signals. Current Status - The Current Status test provides a
rapid check of the FCC and all interfacing LRUs. This
The simplicity and versatility of the DFCS BITE are its group starts with a quick test (40 seconds, fully auto-
greatest attributes. With power applied to the airplane matic) which checks all discretes. active LRUs, passive
and circuit breakers closed, a maximum of four actions LRUs. position sensors, and actuators. Figures 4 and 5
(pushing buttons) will get the operator to the DFCS are examples of typical displays which may appear on the
BITE Index page. This consists of two pages of main- FMCS CDU. ]f a fault is detected, the test will stop and
tenance functions. The first page is for line maintenance the LRU which most probably has caused the failure will
and includes choices of CURRENT STATUS tests, IN be identified. A choice is then available to re-run the
FLIGHT FAULTS, LRU INTERFACE, or LAND failed test or continue on with the remainder of the tests.
VERI FY tests. These tests are used for tum-around When all of the tests have been completed, a summary
type of troubleshooting. The second page is for over- page will identify any LRUs that failed during the tests.
night maintenance and includes choices of GROUND If all of the quick tests pass, the operator is given the
FUNCfIONAL tests, RIGGING, or SENSOR VALUES. choice of continuing with tests of the autopilot, flight
These tests are used when more extensive time consuming director, Mach trim, speed trim or altitude alert. These
problems exist on the airplane. tests include interactive (operator action) and flight
control surface tests, where applicable.
The DFCS BITE requires a minimum ofwrilten material
in order to perform the tests. The FMCS CDU screen In Flight Faults - The In Flight Faults test provides the
displays instructions or choices of responses as a result maintenance personnel with faults detected during the
of testing. If initial conditions are required prior to last flight. By entering code 300 on the keyboard and
running a test, the instructions are displayed. When a lest pressing line select key 6R, a more detailed explanation
has been completed or if an observation and response is of all faults which have occurred over the past 10 flights
required, the choice of answers is displayed and the can be displayed.
operator responds accordingly. Examples would be YES,
NO, CONTINUE, PRESS IF NO RESPONSE. When LRU Interface - The LRU Interface test provides a
all desired testing has been completed, instructions are choice of performing interface tests for FCC A, FCC B
given to the operator to perform the actions required to or both. There are two pages which can be displayed on
return the airplane to its normal configuration. As the the FMCS CDU and the operator merely presses the
BITE program is exited, a power-up self test of the button next to the LRU which requires testing. This
Figure 4. Typical FMCS CDU display. Figure 5. Typical FMCS CDU disP~
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3
provides a check for post maintenance verification. There Mach Trim system. Tests include single or dual channel
are 16 LR U selections plus one which provides checks tests, hardoyer tests, and tests at various pitot conditions
of the flap position sensors, spoiler position sensors, for feel systems. An example is shown in Figure 5.
control wheel steering transducers, elevator/aileron
actuators and position sensors, neutral shin sensor, and Sensor Values - The sensor values tests allow for read-
stabilizer position sensor. ing analog inputs, digital inputs, or the Standard Option
selections for the airplane. The analog inputs include
Land Verify - The Land Verify test is used to verify aileron, elevator, localizer, glide slope, low range radio
complete CAT IlIA autoland system status. This test altimeter, stabilizer, angle of attack vane and more. The
checks the dual channel operation of items required for digital inputs include IRU acceleration and rate inputs
approach, nare, and go-around. Pitch and roll confidence along with DADe computed airspeed.
tests, sensor LRU tests, and servo tests are performed.
Throughout the 737 development, the basic DFCS design
Ground Functional Test - The Ground Functional tests objectives have been to improve the product whenever
are used when more extensive airplane testing is required. possible to increase its utility, accuracy, serviceability
These tests can be performed on FCC A, FCC B or both. and maintainability while retaining commonality in all
A choice is also given the operator ofselecting a complete important functions so as not to affect flight crew training.
functional test (19 quick tests, 20 interactive tests, and
6 surface tests), deleting certain tests or selection of This process has always relied on inputs from our cus-
certain tests. Regardless of the selection, the system will tomer.> who are in a position to apply to the system the
automatically lead the operator through the quick, inter- widest operational envelope.
active, and surface (if applicable) tests.
As the 737-400 is about to be put into service and the
Rigging - The rigging tests provide a means to check -500 is on the drawing board, we are confident that the
surface rigging or to re-rig a system after a rigging related DFCS will continue to contribute to tbe success of the
component has been replaced. Tests cover the elevator, 737 airplane.
aileron, flaps, stabilizer, control wheel steering, and
, - - ----
AT Lloyd
Editor, AIRLINER Magazine
he Model 307 Stroroliner made its first flight fifty The Strotolinen cruised at 140-220 miles per hour and
2 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1989
above the sidewaU. Some of the seats could be converted crews, these airplanes new 4S,lXXJ hours with the Air
into berths. Transport Command and made 3,lXXJ trans·Atlantic
crossings. In 1944, these airplanes were returned to
Introduction of the Model 307 marked a turning point Boeing for refurbishmenL New 8-17G wings, landing
for commercial aviation in that it was the first four· gear and horizontal tail surfaces were retrofitted. Newer
engined transport to be used in scheduled domestic 1200 horsepower engines replaced the earlier 1100
service. Until 1946, the Strotoliner was the largest horsepower engines. A 8-29 electrical system was
commercial aircraft in commercial operation in the installed. The passenger capacity was increased from 33
United States. to 38. A night engineer was added to the airplane which
was a first for a domestic airline crew. (The first Boeing
The first Model 307, built for Pan American, was retained airplane to have a night engineer was the XB-IS.) The
for testing at Boeing. The remaining three Pan American pressurized cabin was eliminated and the airplanes were
airplanes served on their Latin American routes. They redesignated as SA-3Q7B-ls. These upgraded airplanes
operated between Miami and the Panama Canal Zone, remained in TWA service until 1951.
connecting with west coast planes, and between Miami
and Belenem to meet airplanes from the South American Howard Hughes' airplane, later named The Flying
East Coast. These Stratoliners were configured with Penthouse, ended up with its fuselage becoming a house
38 passenger seats. boat. During the 1960s and 19705 several Model 307s
were operated by the United Nations International Con·
Trancontinental Western used their 33-passenger Model trol Commission and new between Saigon and Hanoi. A
3078s for their coast-to-cost operation. These airplanes Stratoliner served as the personal transport of Haiti's
operated the fastest transcontinental scheduled service in chief of state Pappa Doc DuValier and now resides at the
the United States. Pima County Air Museum in Tucson, Arizona.
During World War II, the USAAF took over the TWA
neet and redesignated the airplanes as C·75s. Using TWA ~r;:;::;:;;""----::--:::-:-::::;':---::j
The Flying Penthouse, carrying civil NCl9904, was
formerly owned by entrepreneur Hnward Hughes and
ended its life as a houseboat,
TWA's NXI940 left night test status to become NCI940.
Region Seven
Region Three Fl 0 HooI', REGIONAl DIRECTOR. (85+ 1
'MONTEVIDEO A. C........ REGINAL DIReCTOR. (598+2) 92110115 132-8135
BUENOS AIRES It TO".I. (lioii + 11 82().()820 e. W. B.tItlllum., R. T...ln. R. W.bb.
MEXICO CITY W. GI....,. (152+5)182"118 C85+ 11loII1·801"
RIO DE JANEIRO It Lotson. L Ric""dson.155+21j 393-83"3 AUCKLAND L 511..... 18.. +9) 2715-388 \ or 2153898...1. 3881
SANTIAGO A. Colon. (58+215157"582 JAKARTA T ar"".(82 ... 211550181"
SAO PAULO J. Con... ll. (155+ I 1111.. 3.fI .. 28 KUALA. LUMPUR J. a.fbI,. (80+3) 7011U1559
MELBOURNE C.........Wong.181 +3) 338-3113.
tt. SIlmn..-. (81 +3) 3300-30&0
Region Four SYDNEY M. H.m,IIOf1. (81 +21889-1258