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Emb MCQ 5

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

International University of Africa

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Final. Examination – Course of Growth and Development
Batch 8 - semester 2
Date: 17-10-2005 Time: 10:00 – 01:00 ‫ معتصم الفيل‬.‫ د‬:‫المنسق‬
Section (A) MCQs:
The multiple choice questions (MCQs):

This part consists of (30) questions. Each question is made of one statement and (many) answers. Put the letter (T) in front of the
correct answer and the letter (F) in front of the wrong answer:
1- The menstrual cycle:
a. It occurs every 15 days.
b. The menstrual period usually lasts for 3-7 days.
c. The blood loss during a cycle is about 50 mls.
d. Ovulation usually takes place about the day 14 th of the cycle.
e. L.H is involved in the process of ovulation.
2- The following hormones are secrete by anterial pituitary gland:
a. F.S.H.
b. L.H.
c. Gonadotrophin releasing hormone.
d. Oxytocin.
e. Prolactin.
3- The followings are abnormal findings in the newborn:
a. Birth weight of 4.5 kgm.
b. Goitre.
c. Head circumfrence 35 cms.
d. Wildly opened posterior fontenelle.
e. Pulse rate of 130/minute.
4- The problems associated with preterm baby include:
a. R.D.S.
b. Poor sucking reflex.
c. Jaundice.
d. Low birth weight.
e. Hypothermia.
5- The criteria which used in apger score are:
a. Heart rate
b. Colour of the body
c. Reponse to stimulus
d. Muscle tone
e. Moro reflex
6- The following are true about labour:
a. The first stage is the stage of dilatation of the cervix
b. The 2nd stage is the stage of delivary of the baby
c. Rupture of membranes is a sign of labour
d. The 3rd stage lasts longer than the first stage.
e. The 3rd stage may be complicated by post partum haemorrhage.
7- Perinatel mortality:
a. Only includes deaths in the first week of life
b. It includes deaths in the first 4 weeks of life
c. It’s expressed as deaths per 1000 live birth
d. It gives an indication about the quality of the maternal and child healths service in the community.
e. Pre-term labour is a major cause.
8- Maternal mortality can be decrease by:
a. Improvement of socio-ecnomic standard of the community
b. Reducing the number of village midwives
c. Training of traditional birth attendants
d. Improvement in the family planing service
e. Increase in the number of ante-nantal clinics.
9- The following are true about fetal circulation:
a. Oxygenated blood returned from the placenta by umbilical artery
b. The blood is carried from liver sinusoid to inferior vena cava by Ductus Venous
c. After birth the ducts venosus become converted into a ligamentum venosum
d. Foramen ovale is due to perforation in the interventricular septum of the fetal heart
e. The ducts arteriosus joins between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta
10- The following are the fetal factors which adversely affect the growth of the baby in the uterus:
a. Malaria
b. Afican trytpano somiasis
c. Garman measles
d. Cytomegalo virus
e. Toxoplasmosis
11- Fetilization:
a. Occur in ampulla of the tube
b. May occur in other part of the tube
c. Hyaluronidase enzyme important in dispersal of corona cells
d. Penitration of zona pellueida is aided by acrosome enzyme
e. Not determine chromosomal sex of embryo
12- Implantation:
a. Prosess of Erabeding the blastocyst inside the endometirum
b. Occur at 9 day after ovulation
c. Ectopic implantation may occur in the tube
d. After implantation the endmetium is called decidua
e. The decidence is formed even in case of ectopic implantation
13- The following events occurs durining the third week of intra utrine life:
a. The formation of primitive streak
b. The formation of amniotic sac
c. The formation of untraembryonic mesoderm
d. The formation of notochord
e. The maturation chorionic villi
14- Blastocyst:
a. Has single layer wall
b. Has inner cell mass and cavities scattered between them
c. The inner cell mass form two rows.
d. The trophblast differenntiation into two layers
e. The primary ectodurm flat cell
15- In the development of the ectoderm:
a. It reflects during lateral folding of the embrye to give the epidermis of the body wall
b. It is induced by the notochord to give the neural plate
c. The neural crests are remainants resulting from fussion of the two neural fold
d. It’s defferentiation will give the nervous system only
e. Has no role in the formation of embrynicand fetal membranes
16- Concerning the mesoderm:
a. It is derived from the epibast
b. The sclerotome will give most of the bones of the skeleton
c. Intermediate mesoderm will give all the blood vessels
d. The lateral mesodeum will give all the skeletal muscles
e. Splanchinic mesoderm will give the smooth muscle and blood cells only.

17- The events occur during the third month of intrauterine life are:
a. The embny is about 18 cm in (CRL) length
b. The size of the head is 1/3 of body
c. The legs are shorter and less developed than the upper limbs
d. The secondary ossification centres bigin to appea
e. The external genitalia could be recognized by ultrasound
18- The yolk sac:
a. Its inner layer is of endodermal origin
b. It’s outer layer is somatic nesoderm
c. It gives off the germ cells
d. It results in the formation of gut
e. Part of it is incorporated within the umblical cord.
19- Causes of congenital abnormalities:
a. Thalidomide
b. X-rays
c. Penicillin
d. Diphlteria
e. Streptomycin
20- Types of congenital difects:
a. Cleft palate
b. Scoliosis
c. Hip dislocation
d. Undescended testicle
e. Achondroplasia
21- DNA is composed of the following:
a. Cytosine
b. Guanine
c. Tyrosine
d. Insoine
e. Adenine
22- Down’s syndrome:
a. Trisomy of chromosome 18
b. Carrier of philadelphia chromosome
c. Trisomy of chromosome 21
d. Is xxy trisomy
e. Associated with mental retardation
23- Carrier woman (defected gene) was married to nromal gentleman off-spring may:
a. All sons are affected
b. All daughtes are normal
c. Half sons are affected
d. Half daughtes are carrier
e. 25% of daughtes are carrier
24- Familial hyper cholestrslemia is:
a. Autosomal dominalt trait
b. Mono-genic disease
c. Multifactorial disease
d. Autosomal ressive trait
e. Caused by depression and stresses
25- Secondary sexual characteristic in females:
a. Breast development is due to prolactin
b. Vaginal secretion is acidic
c. Pubarcle is appearance of hair below the umblicus
d. Doudelin bacteria is important in acne
e. Vocal cords enlaged under progsterone effect

26- In males:
a. Testosterone increase RBC’s count
b. Pubic hair apex is downwards
c. Spermatogensis means increase in number of sperms
d. During puberty fat deporits arround genital area
e. Recession of the head hair is uncommon
27- Concerning bone growth:
a. Membranons bone develop by deposition of mineral salts in cartilage model.
b. Secondary ossification centres usually appear after birth.
c. The part of long bone which ossity in primary centre is called diaphysis
d. Osteoblasts later became osteocytes
e. Osteoclasts are important in bone remodeling
28- Concerning the periosteum:
a. Is a loose fibrous tissue
b. Is responsible for growth of length of bones
c. Help in attachment of ligaments and muscles
d. Important in repair of fractures of bones
e. Contains only osteoclasts
29- A baby ( 6 – 9 ) month is expected to:
a. Sit without support
b. Crwal
c. Transfer objects
d. Say mama and Baba
e. Walk with help of the furniture
30- With regard to the ominotic Sac:
a. It is entisely derived from the ectoderm.
b. Initially is surrounded with trophoblast.
c. It increases outside the chorionic cavity.
d. Its folding will result in the formation of the body cavities
e. Finally it is fused with chorionic plate

Section (B) Short Notes:

a) Write briefly on 2 of the following 3 questions not more than 15 lines:

1- Strucutre of fuction of the placenta

2- Origin and defferentiations of the extraembnyonic mesoderm.
3- Spermatogenesis.

b) Write briefly on 3 of the following 5 questions not more than 15 lines:

1- Mutations, types and consequences

2- Physiological changes in the male at puberty
3- Advantage of breast feeding to the mother and baby
4- The first visit of a pregnant woman to ANC
5- Mention the common medical & health problems of elderly patients

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