Muscle Answers
Muscle Answers
Muscle Answers
1. Epimysium surrounds
A. skeletal muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. skeletal muscle fascicles
E. skeletal muscles
2. Perimysium surrounds
A. skeletal muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. skeletal muscle fascicles
E. skeletal muscles
3. Endomysium surrounds
A. skeletal muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. skeletal muscle fascicles
E. skeletal muscles
4. Fascicles are
A. groupings of skeletal muscle fibers
B. groupings of arteries supplying skeletal muscle fibers
C. groupings of veins supplying skeletal muscle fibers
D. groupings of nerve fibers innervating skeletal muscle fibers
E. groupings of collagen surrounding skeletal muscle fibers
6. Myofibers are
A. muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. groupings of actomyosin fibers
E. actomyosin fibers
7. Myofibrils are
A. muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. groupings of actomyosin fibers
E. actomyosin fibers
8. Myofilaments are
A. muscle fibers
B. cardiomyocytes
C. smooth muscle cells
D. groupings of actomyosin fibers
E. actomyosin fibers
9. The sarcolemma is
A. the plasma membrane of muscle cells
B. the endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells
C. the contractile unit of muscle cells
D. the ATP generating machinery of muscle cells
E. the connective tissue layer between the plasma membrane and the endomysium
34. Acetylcholine is
A. the only natural trigger for skeletal muscle contraction
B. a common natural trigger for skeletal muscle contraction
C. the only natural trigger for smooth muscle contraction
D. a common natural trigger for cardiac muscle contraction
E. the only natural trigger for cardiac muscle contraction
42. At the myotendinous junction, muscle fibers penetrate the tendon with processes rich in
A. desmin
B. actin
C. myosin
D. tubulin
E. keratin
56. All of the following are differences between diads and triads except
A. The t-tubule of diads have one associated terminal cisternae, while triads have two
B. Diads have larger t-tubules than triads
C. Diads are localized to the Z-line, while triads are localized to the I-band/A-band transition
D. Diads and triads use different channels during excitation coupling
E. Relaxation is primarily driven by pumping calcium into the t-tubule of diads and the
terminal cisternae of triads