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Introduction To IT Systems Lab

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Introduction to IT Systems Lab

Course Objectives

➢Familiarize the students with basic functions and

features of Computer, Operating system and Internet
➢Enable the students in preparing documents,
spreadsheets and presentations.
➢Provide the basic programming skills in Python.

Basic Information

Course Code 1008

Semester 1

Credits 2

Course Category Engineering Science

Periods/Week 3 (L:1 T:0 P:2)

Periods/Semester 45

Course Outcomes

Duration Cognitive
COn Description
(Hours) Level
Utilize the basic functions and features of computer,
CO1 9 Applying
Operating System and Internet applications.
Make use of Stand-alone and Cloud-based office
CO2 tools to prepare documents, spreadsheets and 11 Applying
Develop algorithms and flowcharts for solving
➢ 5 Applying
simple problems.

CO4 Develop Python programs to solve simple problems. 18 Applying

Lab Exam 2

CO – PO Mapping


➢ CO1 3

CO2 3 3

CO3 3

➢ CO4 3 3 3
➢ 3-Strongly mapped 2-Moderately mapped 1-Weakly mapped


➢ Candidates in each semester shall be assessed by

● Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
● End Semester Examination (ESE).
➢ Mode Examination : Mode 'I'
➢ The ratio of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) to End Semester Examination
(ESE) -> 3 : 2 (75:50)

➢ (The ESE for each course shall be conducted either as Mode 'B' or as Mode 'I' as included in the Programme scheme of the Curriculum.

Mode 'B' are examinations conducted by the CTE and

Mode 'I' are examinations conducted at the Institution level. )

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

➢ The CIA consists of Formative and Summative Assessments.

➢ The CIA shall be done by appropriate Rubrics.
➢ The CIA shall be done based on the Cognitive levels of revised
Blooms Taxonomy suggested in the curriculum.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) - Practicals

➢ Summative Assessment
➢ Tools : Lab Examination
➢ Marks : 20% of the total internal mark
➢ Guidelines :
➢ Two summative assessments are mandatory.
➢ Attendence

➢ Marks : 20% of the total internal mark

➢ This is only for CIA. Marks for attendance will not be
considered for attainment
calculation of course outcome.
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) - Practicals

➢ Formative Assessment
➢ Tools : Lab Work
➢ Marks : 50% of the total internal mark
➢ Guidelines :
➢ List
of lab experiments must be given which may include
some mandatory experiments.
➢ The faculty concerned may include additional experiments.
➢ Foreach experiment, assessment may be made and marks
should be awarded as per an assessment rubric.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) - Practicals

➢ Formative Assessment
➢ Tools : Open ended Experiments /Micro Projects
➢ Marks : 10% of the total internal mark
➢ Guidelines :
➢ Time for Open ended experiments /Micro project is included
in the lab hours.
➢ For first and second year students open ended experiments/
Micro project may be given as a group work and for final
year it may given as an individual work.

Module I - Outcomes

Duration Cognitive
MOn Name of the Experiment
(Hours) Level

CO1: Utilize the basic functions and features of computer, Operating

System and Internet applications.
Demonstrate basic functions of Computer, various Computer
M1.01 2L + 2P Understanding
Hardware Components, ports/interfaces and related cables.

Identify operating system functions, file & directory

M1.02 1L+ 2 P Applying
management Commands.

Utilize web browsers, search engines, email and other web
M1.03 2P Applying
portals for familiarizing Internet

Module I Experiments

➢ Experiment I – Computer System

 Demonstration of Computer Hardware and Software Components.
 Identification of Hardware and Software Components

Module I Experiments

➢ Sample Questions
 Give examples for application programs in free and non free softwares
domain (at least two) in the following areas. (Also specify the supporting
operating systems)
➢ Office suites
➢ Web browsers
 List the hardware and software of computer given in the lab.
 Match different memory devices and their storage capacity.
 Write the detailed specification of a personal computer. Also specify the

Module I Experiments

➢ Experiment II – Operating Systems

 Explain the need of operating systems and its functions.
 List different type of Operating Systems
➢ Free/Open Source Operating Systems
➢ Proprietary Operating Systems
 Explain File System Structure – Home folder Concept in GNU/Linux
Operating System
 Create file and directories using GUI /CLI
 Copy, Move, List, Remove files and directories using GUI /CLI.

Module I Experiments

➢ Sample Questions
 Create the following directories and files in your Home directory.

Module I Experiments

 Create a new file notes.odp in the physics directory.

 Copy the files in the physics directory to the IT_systems directory.
 Move the file ex1.dwg to the Graphics directory.
 Perform the following operations using commands
➢ Create a directory Sports in the common directory.
➢ Create a file rules.txt in the Sports directory.
➢ Copy rules.txt to the Maths directory.
➢ Move the file ex1.odt file in the IT_systems to the Chemistry directory.
➢ List the files and folders in the Foundation directory.
➢ Remove the file notes.odt from the Physics directory.
 Redraw the above figure.

Module I Experiments

➢ Experiment III – Internet

 Experiment with the Web browsers, Search Engines and Email

Module I Experiments

➢ Sample Questions
 Write down a small number of queries for a web search engine. Make sure that the
queries vary in length and make use of advanced search features. Try to specify
exactly what information you are looking for in some of the queries. Run these
queries on two web search engines and compare the top 10 results for each query by
relevant judgments. Write a report that answers at least the following questions:
➢ What is the precision of the results?
➢ What is the overlap between the results for the two search engines?
➢ Is one search engine clearly better than the other? If so, by how much?
➢ How do short queries perform compared to long queries?
 Download a <document> from <website> , save it the directory <directory> and send
it to <email account> by email.

Module II - Outcomes

Duration Cognitive
MOn Name of the Experiment
(Hours) Level

CO2: Make use of Stand-alone and Cloud-based office tools to prepare documents,
spreadsheets and presentations.

M2.01 Outline the features of OpenOffice software. 1L Understanding

M2.02 Make use of OpenOffice writer to prepare documents 3 Applying

M2.03 Make use of Open Office Calc to prepare spreadsheets 2 Applying

M2.04 Make use of Open Office Impress to prepare presentations 2 Applying

Make use of cloud-based office tools to prepare documents,

M2.05 3 Applying
spreadsheets and presentations

Module II Experiments

➢ Experiment IV – Open Office Writer

Illustrate the features of Open Office

Prepare a document using Open Office Writer
➢ Sample Questions
 Download the <file> and format the document as given below.
➢ Modify paragraph style “Text Body”:

right-click any paragraph
➢ choose option Edit Paragraph Style… (not Paragraph…)
➢ check that top bar of pop-up menu does indeed display “Paragraph Style: Text Body” make following

under tab Indents & Spacing increase line spacing to 1.5 lines

under tab Alignment choose Options › Justified

under tab Text Flow activate Hyphenation › Automatically,increasing Characters at end of line as well as
Characters at beginning of line from 2 to 3; also tick options Orphan Control and Widow Control

Module II Experiments

➢ Experiment V – Open Office Calc

Prepare a spreadsheet using Open Office calc
➢ Sample Questions

Download the <file> and format the document as given below.
● Adjust the width of column A so the item descriptions fit OK.

In cell D3, use a formula to calculate the cost, based on the price in B3 and the
quantity in C3.

Auto-fill this formula down to row 9.
● In column F, calculate the total price by subtracting the discount from the
subtotal. Note: (The discount is pre-calculated using conditional functions.)

Find sum of sum of Subtotal, discount and total in D10, E10 and F10 respectively

Module II Experiments

➢ Experiment VI – Open Office Presentation

 Prepare a Presentation using Open Office Impress
➢ Sample Questions
 Prepare presentation ....

Module II Experiments

➢ Experiment VII – Cloud based Applications

 Prepare a Document/spreadsheet/google form using cloud based application
 Give importance to Collaborative work
➢ Sample Questions
 Prepare ....

Module III - Outcomes

MOn Name of the Experiment n

CO3: Develop algorithms and flowcharts for solving simple problems.

Develop algorithms and flowcharts – sequence, selection

M3.01 5L Applying
and iteration.

Module III Experiments

➢ Experiment VIII – Algorithm/Flowchart

 Explain Problem Solving Steps
 Illustrate the problem solving - algorithm and flowchart
➢ Sample Questions
 Develop algorithm/flowchart for sequence, selection and iteration.

Module IV - Outcomes

MOn Name of the Experiment Duratio Cognitive

n Level
CO4: Develop Python programs to solve simple problems.

M4.01 Develop Python programs with interactive input & output and 1L+2P Applying
simple arithmetic expressions

M4.02 Develop Python programs using simple if, if-else, nested if 2L+4P Applying
➢ statements with relational and logical operators

M4.03 Use iterative programming constructs in Python to solve 1L+2P Applying


Module IV Experiments

➢ Experiment IX – Introduction to Programming with

➢ Sample Questions
 Write a program to find the average of three numbers
 Write a program to convert temperture in Farenheit to Celsius
 Write a program to convert to distance in feet and inches to meter and
 Write a program to find the area of a triangle.

Module IV Experiments

➢ Experiment X – Conditional Structures

➢ Sample Questions
● Write a program to find the largest of three numbers
● Write a program to grade if mark is given
● Write a program to solve qudratic equation

Module IV Experiments

➢ Experiment XI – Looping Structures

➢ Sample Questions
● Write a program to find the sum of first n numbers
● Write a program to print multiplication table
● Write a program to find nCr

Open Ended Experiments

➢ Sample Open Ended Experiments

(Not for End Semester Examination but compulsory to be included in Continuous Internal Evaluation.
Students can do open ended experiments as a group of 2-3. There is no duplication in experiments
between groups.)
➢ Prepare a project report consisting of 10 pages. The report must
include Cover Page, certificate, and table of contents, images, tables
etc and email to faculty in charge as attachment.
➢ Prepare a presentation of the topics covered in Introduction to IT
Systems Syllabus. Use images, tables and embed video and audio in
the presentation.
➢ Prepare a rank List of all the students in your class.
➢ Prepare Electricity Bill, Payroll etc.
Thank You


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