Hydraulic Calculation Sheet Influent Data
Hydraulic Calculation Sheet Influent Data
Hydraulic Calculation Sheet Influent Data
Influent data
Daily Average flow = 7500 m3/d
Hourly Average flow = 312.5 m3/hr
Design factor flow = 1.00 (for biological)
Design daily flow = 7500 m3/d
Design hourly flow = 313 m3/hr
Peak flow factor = 3.00 (head works)
Peak daily flow = 22500 m3/d
Peak hourly flow = 938 m3/hr
= 0.26 m3/sec
= 450 mg/
1. Deceleration chamber:
Max Flow "Qmax" = 0.26 m3/sec
Take detention time = 60 (30-120) sec
Volume of deceleration tank = 16 m3
Assume depth = 2 m
Assume "L" = 2 m
Get "B" = 3.97 m
Take "B" = 4 m
Actual Volume = 16 m3
Check R.T = 60 sec
2. Approach channel:
Flow Rate = 0.26 m3/sec
Velocity = 0.6-1.5 m/s
At peak flow take Velocity = 1.2 m/s
Cross Sectional area of channel = 0.22 m3
Take width = 2*depth B.H.s
Depth = 0.33 m
width = 0.66 m
Take width = 0.7 m
Take depth = 0.35 m
Actual velocity = 1.1 m/s
According to Manning equation:
Hydraulic radius = 0.18 m
Channel slope s = 0.0020
Minimum flow factor = 0.5
Minimum flow = 0.0477 m3/sec
Water depth at min flow = 0.10 m
Minimum velocity = 0.68 m/s
3. Mechanical Screen
Max flow "Qmax" = 0.26 m3/sec
Take number of units = 2 on duty
Max flow per each screen = 0.13 m3/s
Take width of screen "w" = 0.45 m3
i. Determine Water Depth "d":
Depth at maximum flow "dmax" = (Qmax/Vmax*W)
Take max approach velocity
(Before screen) = 0.6 m/sec (AS Egyptian code)
Depth = 0.5 m
ii. Determine number of bars ":
Angle of bars inclination "q" from HZ = 60 (60-90)
Clear area through screen =n*L*S
n= number of space between bars
"L"=Length of submerged part of screen =d/sinq
= 0.57 m
S= clear space between bars = 0.015 m
Range: 15-25 (AS Egyptian code)
Assume velocity between screen bars "V2" = 1.30 m/sec
≤1.5 m/sec
Clear area through screen=Qmax/V2 = 0.10 m2
Number of opens / screen = 11.99
Take number of opens / screen = 14
Number of bars = 13
iii. Determine of bars size "s'":
W = n*s + (n-1)*s' = 0.4485
s' = 0.018 m
18.5 mm
Range: 10-20 mm safe (AS Egyptian code)
Take bar size = 18.5 mm
Actual screen width "W" = 0.45 m
iv. Determine of approach velocity at maximum flow "V1":
V1=Qmax/(W*dmax) = 0.6 m/sec
Range: 10-20 m/sec safe (AS Egyptian code)
Through Velocity between screen bars "V2"=Qmax/ (n*d*s)
= 1.29 m/sec
v. Check of head loss through screen "HL"
HL=1.4 ∗ (𝑉22 − 𝑉12 )/(2g)
HL = 0.092 m
<0.15m safe
Assuming 50% clogging
HL = 0.45 m
Range: 0.15-0.6 m safe (AS Egyptian code)
Assuming 50% clogging
HL = 0.2 m
Range: 0.15-0.6 m safe (AS Egyptian code)
Qp = 0.26 m3/sec
number of GRIT CHAMBER on duty = 2 on duty
flow per each GRIT REMOVAL CHAMBER = 0.13 m3/s
Assume Retention time "T" = 4 min
Range (2-5) min (AS Egyptian code)
Volume of one grit removal chamber = 31.77 m3
Assume Water depth "d" = 2 m (2-5)
Surface Area "S.A" = 15.89 m2
"L" = 7.5 m
Get "W" = 2.12 m 7.5-20
Take "W" = 2.5 m 2.5-7
Actual Volume of each chamber (v) = 37.50 m3
Retention Time "R.T"=V/Qp = 283.28 sec
= 4.72 min
Range: 2-5 min safe (AS Egyptian code)
Check on first stage
Number of grit chamber on duty in first stage = 2
Retention time "R.T" = V/Qp = 424.92 sec
= 7.08 min
Summary for "Grit removal chamber"
Item Design DataDesign criteria Unit
Number of units "n" 2
Depth of water "d" 2 m
Length "L" 7.5 10-20 m
Width "W" 2.5 m
5. Design of distribution chamber on Aeration tank:
Retention time = 0.5-1 min
Design flow Rate = (Qp+Qr) = 0.35 m3/s
Flow per each GRIT REMOVAL CHAMBER = 0.13 m3/s
Assume Retention time "T" = 60 sec
Range (30-120) sec (AS Egyptian code)
Required Volume = 21.09 m3
Assume depth = 1.6 m (2-5)
Length = 6.5 m2
Width = 2 m
Check R.t = 59 sec
Range (30-120) sec (AS Egyptian code)
6. Aeration tank:
Qdesign (Qavg) = 7500 m3/d
BODout = 60 mg/l
Temp of mixed liquid = 26 C
Primary Wastewater characteristics :
BOD = 500 mg/l
SBOD = 0.5 * BOD = 250 mg/l
COD = 1000 mg/l (2-5)
sCOD = 0.5 * COD = 500 mg/l
bCOD = 0.25 * COD = 250 mg/l
TSS = 500 mg/l
VSS = 0.8 * TSS = 400 mg/l
rbCOD / BOD = 1.6 "assumed"
bpCOD / pCOD :
⁄𝑝𝑐𝑜𝑑 = 1.6
bpCOD / pCOD = 0.80 mg/l
nbVSS :
𝑛𝑏𝑉𝑆𝑆 = (1 − 𝑏𝑝𝐶𝑂𝐷/𝑝𝐶𝑂𝐷)𝑉𝑆𝑆
nbVSS = 80 mg/l
Take nbVSS = 100 mg/l
iTSS = TSS – VSS = 100 mg/l
Determine Substrate (S):
𝑆 = (𝐾𝑠(1 + (𝑘𝑑)𝑆𝑅𝑇)⁄(𝑆𝑅𝑇(𝑌𝐾 − 𝐾𝑑) − 1)
S = 2.94 gbCOD/m3
Cell debris "fd" = 0.10
Range: 0.08-0.2 (AS Egyptian code)
𝑄𝑌(𝑆𝑜 − 𝑠)
𝑃𝑥, 𝑉𝑆𝑆 = [ + "(fd)(Kd)QY(So-S)SRT"/"1 + (𝐾𝑑)𝑆𝑅𝑇" ] + 𝑄𝑥𝑜, 𝑖
1 + (𝐾𝑑)𝑆𝑅𝑇
Px ,VSS = Px,bio + QXo,I = 1548.9 kg/d
𝑃𝑥, 𝑇𝑆𝑆 = [ + (fd)(Kd)QY(So-S)SRT"/0.85(1 + (𝐾𝑑)𝑆𝑅𝑇) ] + 𝑄𝑥𝑜, 𝑖+Q(TSSo-VSSo)
Tank volume
𝑄(𝐿𝑖 − 𝐿𝑒)
Assume F/M = 0.086 g/g.d
Total Volume "V" = 12385 m3
Select no. of Tanks = 3
Each of volume = 4129 m3
Take dimension
Select Depth = 5.50 m
Select Width = 15 m
Select Length = 50 m
Actual total Tanks volume = 12375 m3
Determine MLVSS
Fraction VSS = [(Xvss)(V) / (X,TSS)(V)] = 0.63
MLVSS = fraction VSS * MLSS = 2222 mg/l
Determine volumetric BOD loading and F/m ratio
𝐹 𝑄. 𝑆𝑜
𝑀 𝑋. 𝑉
F/M ratio = 0.087 g/g.d
Range: 0.04-0.1gBOD/gVSS.d (AS Egyptian code)
𝐵𝑂𝐷 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑄.
BOD loading = 0.30 kg/m3.d (AS Egyptian code)
Range: 0.1-0.3KgBOD/m3.d
Calculate the O2 demand for BOD removal
RO 𝑅𝑂 = 𝑄(𝑆𝑜 − 𝑆) − 1.42((1+𝐾𝑑∗𝑆𝑅𝑇) = 2820 Kg/d
= 117 Kg/h
Oxygen required for nitrification :
Nox = 40
On = 1299 Kg/d
= 54.1 Kg/h
Actual Oxygen required = Oxygen for BOD removal +Oxygen for nitrification
O2 required = 1.25 (Ro+On) = 215 kg/d
Xr solids concentration in return sludge = 7000 mg/l
Qr = 7500 m3/d
"RAS" Ratio of Qr to Qav = 100 %
Check detention time "T" = 20 hr
Range: 20 -30 hr (AS Egyptian code)
7. Design of distribution chamber on FSTS:
Retention time = 0.5-1 min
Design flow Rate = (Qav+Qr) = 0.17 m3/sec
Assuming Retention time = 60 sec
Range: 30-120 sec (AS Egyptian code)
Required Volume = 10.42 m
Assume depth = 1.5 m
Length = 3.5 m (2-5)
Width = 2 m3
Check R.T = 60.5 m3
Range: 30-120 sec safe (AS Egyptian code)
8. Secondary Clarifier:
Qavg = 7500 m3/d
Qpeak = 22500 mg/l
Qreturn = 7500
Tank dimension :
Number of tanks = 3 mg/l
Diameter of tanks = 17 mg/l
i- check of solid loading Rate :
Surface Area "S.A". for one Tank = 227 m2
N = 3
Total surface Area = 681 m2
MLSS = 3500 g/m3
= 3.5 Kg/m3
a-At Average flow :
inlet flow (Qavg+Qr) = 15000 m3/d
9. Contact Tank:
Qav = 313 m3/sec
Retention time = 20-30 min = 30 min
Volume of contact tanks "v"=Qav*R.T = 156 m3
"L" = 10 m
"W" = 5 m
"d" = 3 m
Take "n" = 1 m (2-5)
Actual Volume "V" = 150 m3
Actual Volume "R.T" = 29 min
Summary for "contact tank"
Item Design Data Design criteria Unit
Number of contact tank "n" = 1
Length "L" = 10 m
Width "W" = 5 m
Depth of water "d" = 3 m
10. Chlorination building:
Choose chlorine dosage = 10 ppm
Design flow rate = 7500 m3/d
Chlorinator capacity = 10 kg/hr
11. Thickeners:
Hydraulic load < = 6 m3/m2/hours (Metcalf & Eddy)
Mass load < = 30 kg/m2/d
Range: 20:30 kg/m2/d
Retention time > = 12 hours
Range: 12-48 hr
Sludge quantity = 2440 kg/d
Sludge flow = 346 m3/day
Concentration a / calculation = 7 kg/m3
Treatment volume a/ calculation = 346 m3/day
Number of units = 3 units
Required surface depending on =
Required surface depending on hydraulic load = 1 m2 (AS Egyptian code)
Required surface depending on Mass load = 27 m2
Minimum required surface(large value) = 27 m2
Strict diameter = 5.9 m
Adapet diameter = 6.5 m
Adopted unitary surface = 33 m2
Total surface area of thickeners = 100 m2
Adopted cylindric height = 3 m
Unitary volume = 100 m3
Total volume = 299 m3
Actual Retention time = 21 hours
Range: 12-48 hr (AS Egyptian code)
Check solid loading rate = 25 kg/m2/d
Average effluent concentration = 21.0 kg/m3
Assuming solids capture efficiency = 90%
Thickened sludge flow = 105 m3/day
Thickened sludge Quantity = 2196 kg/d
Supernatant flow rate = 242 m3/day
Solids out the thickener in supernatant = 244 kgMS/day
Supernatant solids concentration = 1010 g/m3
12. Drying Beds:
Sludge flow rate = 105 m3/day
Amount of solids = 2196 Kg/d
According to Egyptian code
Period of drying = 5 d
Thickness of sludge cake = 10-----20 cm
Sludge volume during 5 days (1.25*4 day) = 523 m3
Assuming sludge layer depth = 0.20 m
Required surface area = 2614 m2
Total no of beds = 12
Length = 22 m
Width = 10 m
Drying beds for stage one = 8
Drying beds for stage two = 4
Actual total surface area = 2640 m2
Average effluent concentration = 180 kg/m3
Assuming solids capture efficiency = 95%
Outlet sludge flow rate from drying beds = 12 m3/day
Amount of solids withdrawal from drying beds = 2086 kg/day
Supernatant flow rate = 93 m3/day
Solids out of the drying beds in supernatant = 110 kgMS/day
Supernatant solids concentration = 1181 g/m3
Total supernatant flow rate (drying beds + thickeners)
= 335 m3/day
Summary for "drying beds"
Item Design Data Design criteria Unit
Number of unit in operation "n" = 12
Length "L" = 22 m
Width "W" = 10 m