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Date: 10/02/2022

Advt. No. SVSU/ 2022/ Estt. / Cont./001

Offline applications are invited on the prescribed application form, available on the University website i.e.
www.svsu.ac.in from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following posts as under on contractual basis
for 03 years. The last date for submission of the applications, along with enclosures is 25/02/2022 up to 05:00 PM

Post Name of the Post Remuneration/Salary No. of posts &

Code Category
01 Joint Director Consolidated Salary – Rs. 106,650/- pm Two (02) – UR
02 Deputy Director Consolidated Salary – Rs. 78,800/- pm Two (02) - UR
03 Sr. Skill Coordinator Consolidated Salary – Rs. 48,600/- pm One (01) - UR
04 Assistant Deputy Director Consolidated Salary – Rs. 48,600/- pm Six (06) 05- UR,
01 - SC
05 Assistant Skill Consolidated Salary – Rs. 32625/- pm One (01) - UR

Abbreviations: UR- Un-Reserved, pm – per month

For detailed terms & conditions along with prescribed qualifications, eligibility criteria and selection criteria,
please visit the University website www.svsu.ac.in

The filled application form must be signed on each page by the applicant. Such signed copy of application form
along-with all supporting self-attested documents should be sent at the following address latest by 25/02/2022 up
to 05:00 PM; -

The Assistant Registrar (Establishment), Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Plot No. 147, Sector 44,
Gurugram-122003 (Haryana).

Eligibility and Qualification/ Experience for Posts

S. No Name of Post(s) No. of Consolidated Qualification/ Experience Desirable

/ mode of Post(s) Salary
1. Joint Director 02 106650/- (1) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the a) An outstanding professional
(Contract) marks in Engineering, Management, Health- with complete knowledge of
Care, Computer Science, Social Science. vocational education, skill
development ecosystem and its
(2) A minimum of 15 years of stakeholders.
teaching/Industry experience or experience in b) Have in-depth knowledge and
research at the University/National level understanding of National
institutions and/or research/policy papers. Standard & Qualification
Contribution to educational innovation, Framework.
design of new curricula and technology– c) Overall sectorial & Industry
mediated teaching Learning process. knowledge ability to analysis /
collate demands and prepare a
sustainable plan/models of skill
(i) An outstanding professional, with an programs / courses / work- study
exceptional accomplishment established in model and skilling framework.
the relevant field, who has made significant d) Establish national and
contributions to the knowledge in the international sectorial
concerned/allied/relevant discipline, to be partnerships.
substantiated by credentials. e) Support in establishing digital
(ii) Professional should have experience in f) Develop entrepreneurship
any of the sectors viz. automobile, development program.
agriculture, apparel & textiles, IT&ITES, g) IT skills are mandatory.
healthcare, Banking & Finance, retail, h) Preference will be given to
hospitality, electrical & electronics, postgraduate in management and
construction, transport and logistics. Ex-servicemen/retired employee.

(3) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric

2. Deputy Director 02 78800/- (1) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of a) An outstanding professional
the marks in Engineering, Management, with complete knowledge of
(Contract) Health-Care, Computer Science, Social vocational education, skill
Science. development ecosystem and its
(2) A minimum of 10 years of stakeholders
teaching/Industry experience or experience in b) Have in-depth knowledge and
research at the University/National level understanding of National
institutions. And/or research papers. Standard & Qualification
(i) Professional should have experience in c) Overall sectorial & Industry
any of the sectors viz. automobile, knowledge ability to analysis /
agriculture, apparel & textiles, IT&ITES, collate demands and prepare a
healthcare, Banking & Finance, retail, sustainable plan/models of skill
hospitality, electrical & electronics, programs / courses / work- study
construction, transport and logistics. model and skilling framework
d) Establish national and
(3) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric international sectorial partnerships
e) Support in establishing digital
f) IT skills are mandatory
g) Preference will be given Ex-
servicemen/retired employee.
2 Assistant Deputy 06 48600/- (1) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of a) An outstanding professional
Director the marks in Engineering, Management, with complete knowledge of
Health-Care, Computer Science. vocational education, skill
(Contract) development ecosystem and its
(2) A minimum of 5 years of stakeholders
teaching/Industry experience or experience in b) Have in-depth knowledge
research at the University/National level and understanding of National
Standard & Qualification
i) Professional should have experience in Framework
any of the sectors viz. automobile, c) Overall sectorial & Industry
agriculture, apparel & textiles, IT&ITES, knowledge ability to analysis /
healthcare, Banking & Finance, retail, collate demands and prepare a
hospitality, electrical & electronics, sustainable plan/models of skill
construction, transport and logistics. programs / courses / work- study
model and skilling framework
(3) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to d) Support in establishing digital
Matric courseware
e) IT skills are mandatory
f) Preference will be given
4. Senior Skill 01 48600/- (1) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of a) Ability to understand
Coordinator the marks along with Good Academic skill effectiveness
(Contract) Record from a recognized university methodology and enhancement
(2) At least 5 years of experience around
content and curriculum development in b) Knowledge of handling
domain viz. banking & finance and IT & classroom, student and overall
ITES. Proficiency to impart effective sales learning management
training skills

i) Expertise in imparting training including

soft skills, English communication skills and
human resource development.

3) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric

5. Assistant Skill 01 32625/- (1) Bachelor Degree with at least 55% of a) Experience in data
Coordinator marks from a recognized university tabulation and analysis,
(Contract) exposure to digital
(2) 5 years of administrative experience, platform and web based
also exposure in content and curriculum assessment
development in soft skills, proficiency to
impart training. b) Well versed in high
impact presentation
preparation skills
3) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric

c) Preference 1- 2 years of skills

(Application for Recruitment on Contract Basis)
Affix Recent
1. Advertisement No. : Passport
2. Post applied for :
3. Full Name : Duly Singed
(in Blocks)

4. Date of Birth : / / (DD/MM/YYYY)

5. Age as on………… :
6. Gender :
7. Nationality :
8. Aadhaar No. :
9. Father’s Name/ :
Husband’s Name

10. Mother’s Name :

11. Address for :

12. Permanent Address :

13. Telephone No. : Mobile

Landline (with STD Code)
14. Category : Gen/ SC/ST/ BC/ ESM/ Others
15. State to which you :
16. Details of Educational Qualification (From matriculation/ SSC onwards)

Examination Universities/ Board/ Month/ Marks %age Subjects

Passed Institution/ Council of Year of Obtained/ of
Examination Passing Total Marks Marks
* Please attach relevant certificates.
17. Details of previous/ current employment: Give particulars below
Name of the Period of Service Designation Nature of duties Total monthly
Organization performed emoluments
From To

* Additional sheet may be enclosed for any other details of

experience Please attach your latest detailed C.V
Please attach relevant documents in support of the above

18. State of Health :

19. If selected, specify the minimum :

required joining time

20. Mention your knowledge in the field of computer (A separate sheet

may be attached, if required)

21. Name, address and contact numbers of two references with whom
the Candidates has worked/ known in the last preceding five years:

1. 2.

I hereby declare that all information given above are true, complete and
correct. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any
stage or not satisfying the eligibility criteria according to the requirement of
the relevant advertisement, my candidature may be cancelled, even after my

I undertake to abide by all the terms & conditions of the University.

Date: ……………………… Signature of the Candidate

Name of the Candidate

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