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Summative Test-Tnct 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Salvacion, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte


Summative Assessment
2ND Semester S.Y. 2021 -2022

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: _________________________________

Grade & Section: _______________________________________

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Shade the corresponding letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet. Good luck and GOD bless!

7. While your friends are singing to you the song happy

birthday, they intentionally leave out the last word. Your
1. Who among the following developed the Gestalt Theory?
mind immediately fills out the last word. Which Gestalt
a. Gestalt c. Kohler
Principle is applied?
b. Koffka d. Wertheimer
a. similarity c. closure
b. symmetry d. figure-ground
2. Which Gestalt law was demonstrated in the following
8. Which of the following advances the principle that things
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that are alike tend to be grouped together?
a. continuation c. proximity
a. similarity c. closure
b. similarity d. symmetry
b. symmetry d. figure-ground
3. What Gestalt principle is applied when grouping together
9. The human mind prefers complete shapes, so our mind
objects according to their color, size, orientation, or even
automatically fills in gaps between elements to perceive a
complete image. What Gestalt principle supports this
a. continuation c. proximity
b. similarity d. symmetry
a. similarity c. closure
4. What does ASEAN stand for?
b. symmetry d. figure-Ground
a. Association of Southern Asian Nationals
b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
10. Standing on a street corner, you observed three people
c. Association of Southeast African Nations
crossing the street together. If you perceived the three
d. Associate of Southeast Asian Nations
people as one group, what principle are you applying?
a. similarity c. proximity
5. Which of the following pertains to a word used to describe
b. closure d. figure-ground
the growing interdependence of the world's economies,
cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border
11. What gestalt principle is used in this image?
trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of
a. similarity c. proximity
investment, people, and information?
b. closure d. figure-ground
a. globalization c. cooperation
b. assimilation d. fair market
12. What gestalt principle is used in this image?
a. similarity c. proximity
6. Which among the following is consistent with Gestalt
b. closure d. figure-ground
theory of perception?
a. Perception develops largely through learning
13. What gestalt principle is used in this image?
b. The mind organizes sensations into meaningful
a. similarity c. proximity
b. closure d. figure-ground
c. Perception is the product of heredity.
d. Perceptions results directly from sensation.
14. What gestalt principle is used in this image?
a. similarity c. proximity
b. closure d. figure-ground
22. Which of the following is the identification of new trends
15.What is gestalt? or attempting to see the future?
a. The brain organizes a simple, whole perception before a. Trends analysis c. Trend spotter
realizing the sum of its parts. b. trend spotting d. Trend
b. The brain never stops perceiving.
c. The brain cycle through more data than we actually 23. Which of the following statements is correct?
need so it simplifies it. A. Network is a group of people whom we interact daily.
d. The brain cannot find deeper meaning from stimuli. B. Trends have much longer lifespan than fads.
C. A trend progresses in upward direction.
16. It is a practice that stabilizes and transforms into a habit, D. A fad progresses in a downward direction.
lifestyle, or an enduring product.
a. fad c. trend a. a, b, c c. a, b, c, and d
b. rage d. viral b. a and b d. a only
24. It perceives into fast instinct which results to cognitive
17. Myles uses Gmail to communicate to her loved ones
abroad. Which factor of trend does this show?
a. emotional intuitive thinking
a. Human needs c. Globalization
b. intuitive thinking
b. Historical forces d. Digital Connectivity
c. strategic analysis
d. spiritual intuitive thinking
18. Salt lamp was invented to provide lighting system among
far-flung areas of Mindanao. Which factor of trend does
this show? 25. It involves is the capacity to pick up fast on the
a. Human Needs c. Globalization people’s personality traits.
b. Historical forces d. Digital connectivity a. emotional intuitive thinking
19.North Korea, Russia and USA are developing CCTVs and b. intuitive thinking
other mechanism for better surveillance. Which factor of c. mental intuitive thinking
trends does this show? d. spiritual intuitive thinking
a. Human Needs c. Globalization
b. Historical Forces d. Digital Connectivity 26. It is the ability to select the perfect path to reach and
overcome personal challenges.
20. Read the following statements and tell whether they are a. emotional intuitive thinking
true. (A) Fads have sustained behavior that turns into a b. psychic thinking
lifestyle, mindset, and values. (B)Victor Magtanggol, a c. mental intuitive thinking
teleserye aired in GMA is an example of fad. d. spiritual intuitive thinking
a. The first statement is true and correct.
b. Both statements are correct. 27. It refers to the information which the organization’s
c. The first statement is false, but the second one is internal and external factors are able to formulate good
true decision making.
d. Both statements are false. a. emotional intuitive thinking
b. intuitive thinking
21. Read the following statement below and tell whether c. strategic analysis
these are true. d. spiritual intuitive thinking
A. Globalization increases the interaction between
states and societies. 28. It is an advantage that is beneficial in achieving
B. Through this, trends and innovations are carried on a goals.
global scale. a. SWOT analysis
b. opportunities
c. strategic analysis
a. The first statement is true, but the second one is d. threats
b. Both statements are true. 29. It is an external factor that gives good advantage to
c. The first statement is false, but the second one is an organization.
true. a. strengths
d. Both statements are false. b. weaknesses
c. threats
d. opportunities
b. labor drain
30. This serves as an edge from others. c. ecological imbalance
a. strengths d. tax exemption
b. weaknesses
c. threats 41. This refers to the development of worldwide production
d. opportunities markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for
consumers and companies involving particularly movement of
31. It is an external factor that can badly affect an material and goods between and within national boundaries.
organization. a. economic globalization
a. strengths c. threats b. industrial globalization
b. weaknesses d.opportunities c. financial globalization
d. political globalization
32. It is where the organization needs to improve.
a. strengths c.threats 42. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are examples of _____
b. weaknesses d.opportunities globalization.
a. economic c. ecological
33. It is a thinking process based on quick cognitive b. geographical d. technological
process or instinct.
a. decision making c.anticipation 43. Which of the following aspects of globalization refers to
b. intuition d.logic the development and growing influence of international
organizations such as the UN or WHO means
34. It is derived from accumulated experiences. governmental action takes place at an international level?
a. intuition c.phenomenon a. cultural c. sociological
b. strategy d.anticipation b. economic d. political

35. It involves researching an organization's business 44. Which of the following international organization was
and operations. founded on 1947, which functions on dealing with the
a. Intuition thinking c.phenomenon global rules of trade between nations, dismantling trade
b. strategic analysis d.anticipation barriers and promoting non-discriminatory international
36. It is the ability to gather people’s personality traits a. IMF c. APEC
a. Mental intuitive thinking b. ASEAN d. WTO
b. Spiritual intuitive thinking
c. Psychic intuitive thinking 45. What aspect of globalization involves the sharing of
d. Emotional intuitive thinking ideas, attitudes and values across national borders which
to people’s interconnectedness and interaction?
37. It is based on perception rather than facts. a.Geographical c. Cultural
a. Mental intuitive thinking b. Technological d. Sociological
b. Spiritual intuitive thinking
c. Psychic intuitive thinking 46. What cost of globalization will a country experience when
d. Emotional intuitive thinking its people consider the products of foreign countries as
superior and patronize the same more than the products
38. It is the ability to choose the best path to overcome a of their own country?
personal difficulty, without too much mentor effort. a. brain drain c.cultural exchanges
a. Mental intuitive thinking b. free trade d.cultural loss
b. Spiritual intuitive thinking
c. Psychic intuitive thinking 47. The following is true about globalization, EXCEPT:
d. Emotional intuitive thinking a. critics of globalization said that it is beneficial only to the
highly industrialized countries.
39. The Philippines is a founding father of which of the b. globalization increases free trade which of goods and
following international organizations? services across countries.
a. UN c. IMF c. the interconnectedness of people regardless of once
b. WTO d. ASEAN geographical location is a product of globalization.
d. countries of the world including those in the African
40. Which of the following is the benefit of globalization? continent were able to adopt and embrace globalization
a. cultural exchanges easily.
48. One of the benefits of globalization is the increase in 55. The iPhone, started by Apple, has widespread effects in
investment. This happens when? the
a. industrialized countries like the US will assist the smartphone industry all over the world. People in many parts
developing countries to become financially and economically of the world camp outside of the Apple stores whenever a new
stable iPhone model
b. Big corporations in the Philippines will invest in government is released. Which element of a trend is depicted in the
projects. situation?
c. International Organizations like the UN will assist in nation a. result c. support
building especially in the poor countries b. scope d. sustainability
d. Multinational Corporations like Unilever will invest either 56. The KPOP singing groups have quite a number of
short-term or long-term in the Philippines which can provide followers in the Philippines and in South Korea, but are barely
jobs many known in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and America.
Based on the statement above, how will you categorize
49. Which of the following organization deals with global rules KPOP?
of trade between nations which aims to dismantle trade a. It is a trend because it persists without publicity.
barriers and promote nondiscriminatory international trade? b. It is a trend because it has a worldwide support.
a. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation c. It is a trend because it is attractive to the young Filipino.
b. World Trade Organization d. It is a fad because it is limited to the areas it relates to and
c. United Nations caters to a particular group of people.
d. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
57. Which of the following characteristics both describe a
50. What intergovernmental organization aims to maintain trend and a fad?
international peace and security, develop friendly relations a. Both have cleared support.
among nations, achieve international cooperation and be a b. Both are attractive to the public.
center of harmonizing the actions of nations? c. Both endure with or without publicity.
a. International Monetary Fund d. Both are accepted by a wide audience.
b. United Nations
c. Association of Southeast Asian Nation 58. Which of the following describes the emergence of a
d. World Trade Organization trend?
a. It is limited to a particular area only.
51. What recurrent phenomenon or movement is geared b. It persists from a week to around a few months.
towards a particular direction and implies change? c. It caters to and accepts by a limited group of people.
a. fad c. pattern d. It continues for a long period of time without the aid of
b. trend d. development advertisements or publicity.

52. The capacity to identify an emerging trend is rooted in our 59. Which social media is popular for its number of user
capacity to recognize patterns. Which of the following is the accounts that is now over 100 million?
correct process of a. Amazon c. Friendster
pattern recognition? b. Facebook d. YouTube
a. Representation, Generalization, Adaptation, and Evaluation
b. Adaptation, Representation, Evaluation, and Generalization 60. Which online encyclopedia is most widely used as a
c. Adaptation, Evaluation, Generalization, and Representation source of unlimited and updated information?
d. Representation, Adaptation, Generalization, and Evaluation a. Amazon c. Google
b. Friendster d. Linked
53. It is a product or idea that is very popular for a short time.
Which of the following is described in the sentence?
a. fad c. pattern
b. trend d. trend line

54. Fashion trends are very important to different fields such

education, technology, and business. Which element of a
trend is implied in the statement?
a. appeal c. scope
b. result d. value

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