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خواص صخور المكمن رقم 1

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ENG. Majed S. Enfis

MSc. Degree
Faculty of Engineering
Drilling Engineering Specialist
Email: majedtiama2020@gmail.com
Phone: (00218) 91-4989426

Petroleum System
• A petroleum system consists of different geological components
needed to generate and store hydrocarbons.
• These components are source rock, migration path, reservoir
rock, trap, and seal.
• Source rock is the rock containing organic matter in sufficient
quantity, and is under suitable conditions for the formation of

• Migration path is the pathway that the hydrocarbons take to
move away from the source rock to the point where they can
find a suitable trap.
• The forces driving the movement of hydrocarbons out of the
source rock come from tectonic stresses, which are coupled
with capillarity and buoyancy (density difference); since
hydrocarbons are lighter than water, they move upward.
• Reservoir rock is the rock that is able to store hydrocarbons in
its pores. The hydrocarbons will continue migrating upward
until they reach a seal.
Seal. This is an impermeable layer of rock that blocks the
hydrocarbons from further migration.
Trap is a configuration of rocks, ensuring that the hydrocarbons
are stored in it. Traps can be structural, stratigraphic, or a
combination of both.

Lithology of Petroleum Reservoirs
• Lithology is the general physical characteristics of a rock.
• Reservoir rocks can be divided into two types: sandstone and
• Sandstones are formed from grains that have undergone
sedimentation, compaction, and cementation.
• Carbonates are principally formed on carbonate platforms by
a combination of biogenic and abiogenic processes.

The major characteristics of both sandstone and carbonate rocks

Sandstone Carbonate
• Usually composed of silica • Two major types are
grains (mainly quartz and limestone (CaCO3) and
some feldspar). dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2).
• Consolidated (the rock is • Pore space consists of inter-
combined as one unit) or or intragranular porosity as
loosely consolidated. well as areas of dissolution
• May contain swelling clays (vugs) and fractures.
(clays have negative impact
on reservoir quality).
What is Petrophysics?
• Petrophysics is the study of rock properties and rock-fluid
• These properties, which we will study extensively in the
following chapters, include: porosity, rock compressibility,
single-phase permeability, fluid saturation, electrical
properties of reservoir rocks, wettability, capillary pressure,
and relative permeability.
• Petrophysics can be divided into core and wireline petrophysics.

Rock samples are extracted from the reservoir through coring and
can be subjected to two categories of laboratory analysis: routine
core analysis and special core analysis.

Routine Core Analysis


Porosity Grain Density Permeability Fluid Saturation

Special Core Analysis


Electrical Capillary Relative

Properties Pressure Permeability

Why Do We Need to Understand Petrophysics?
Petrophysics is a fundamental science for petroleum engineers.
Most of the petroleum engineering topics branch out from
petrophysical concepts.
An understanding of petrophysical properties helps us in:
• Estimating the quantity of hydrocarbons present in the reservoirs
• (e.g. porosity and fluid saturation).
• Understanding how the hydrocarbons will flow from the
reservoir to the well during production (e.g. permeability,
wettability, and relative permeability).
1. Core and Plug Preparation:

• A way of measuring well conditions downhole by studying

samples of reservoir rocks, core analysis gives the most accurate
insight into the porosity and permeability, among other
characteristics, of the well.

• A core is a sample of rock in the shape of a cylinder. Taken from

the side of a drilled oil or gas well, a core is then dissected into
multiple core plugs, or small cylindrical samples measuring about
1 inch in diameter and 3 inches long. These core plugs are then
dried and measured. 15
• In order to complete a core sample, drilling must be halted at the
top of the subsurface of the reservoir. The drillstring is removed
from the wellbore, the drillbit removed and a rotary coring bit is
attached in its place.
• Similar to a drillbit, the rotary coring bit consists of solid metal
with diamonds or tungsten for cutting at the reservoir rock; but
unlike a drillbit, a rotary coring bit has a hollow center.
• On a rotary coring bit, the cutting apparatus surrounds a hollow
center, called the core barrel, where the core sample is stored.

• This core barrel is made up of an inner and outer barrel separated
by ball bearings, which allow the inner barrel to remain stationary
and retain the core sample while the outer barrel is rotated by the
drillstring and cuts the core.
• The core catcher is located within the core barrel. The core catcher
has finger-like apparatuses that move the core sample farther into
the barrel and keep it from falling back into the well.

• After the core sample has been cut from the well, the drillstring is
raised, and the rotary coring bit, barrel and catcher are removed and
the core sample is retrieved. The drillbit is reattached, and drilling
can commence again.

Types of Cores:
Ranging in size from approximately 1.75 to 5.25 inches in diameter
and about 4 feet to 20 feet in length,
a) Full-diameter core is the typical coring sample that is taken
from a well. Because reservoir rocks that are highly fractured,
and thus very porous, are not retained in the core barrel, loss of
core can be a very strong sign for the reservoir rock.
b) Oriented cores are marked with a groove along the length of the
sample to indicate the geographic or magnetic north.

c) Native state cores are bagged, or encircled by a rubber sleeve as
the sample is drilled in order to contain all the fluids in the core
under reservoir conditions.

d) Sidewall coring A less expensive and less time-consuming option

to obtain a core sampling, and it involves retrieving several small
core samples measuring approximately 1 inch in diameter and
1.75 inches long.

One type of sidewall coring requires a percussion sidewall coring tool

to be lowered into the wellbore. The instrument contains 30 small
coring tubes called bullets that have explosive charges behind them.
The detonation of these bullets launches them into the sides of the
wellbore to take the samples. The bullets are connected to the
instrument via wires, and when the percussion sidewall coring tool is
raised, the samples follow.

Lessening the amount of change enacted on the sample, another

method of obtaining sidewall core samples is to lower a rotary
sidewall coring instrument into the well. This device includes a small
bit that rotates to drill the sample, which then falls into the tools. The
rotary sidewall coring instrument can obtain a number of different
samples throughout the well, which are separated from each other via
discs within the tool. 21
2. Core Slabbing:
Core slabbing is the first step in the preparation of samples for core
laboratory experiments. The radial core slabbing saw is a machine for
cutting rocks into the smaller parts. This is basically for cutting a big size
outcrop rock into the smaller parts and/or cutting the longer cores to the
shorter ones.
Radial core slabbing saw is designed for diamond
cutting discs only, which is connected to the motor with
a shaft and two pulleys and the use of the cooling waters
improves the slice quality and cutting speed and reduces
the heat which is produced by sawing process.
3. Plugging Using Plug Drill Press

The core cutting machine is designed to

cut specimens from cores of between 4 to
6 inches, or from blocks of a similar size.
The produced plugs are in two different
sizes of 1 and 1.5 inches. This machine
can be installed on any table.

4. Trimming Core Plugs:

After preparing plugs in core drill

machine, all of them should be cut into
desired size. This can be done by
trimming machine.

5. Cleaning and Drying the Core Samples:

Before measuring porosity and permeability, the core samples

must be cleaned of residual fluids and thoroughly dried. The
cleaning process may also be a part of fluid saturation

Laboratory Methods:

1. Direct Injection of Solvent

The solvent is injected into the sample in a continuous process.

The sample is held in a rubber sleeve thus forcing the flow to be
uniaxial. 25
2. Centrifuge Flushing

A centrifuge which has been fitted with a special head sprays warm
solvent onto the sample. The centrifugal force then moves the solvent
through the sample. The used solvent can be collected and recycled.

3. Gas Driven Solvent Extraction

The sample is placed in a pressurized atmosphere of solvent

containing dissolved gas. The solvent fills the pores of sample. When
the pressure is decreased, the gas comes out of solution, expands, and
drives fluids out of the rock pore space. This process can be repeated
as many times as necessary. 26
4. Soxhlet Extraction
A Soxhlet extraction apparatus is the most
common method for cleaning sample, and is
routinely used by most laboratories.


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