2.atomic Structure and The Periodic Table
2.atomic Structure and The Periodic Table
2.atomic Structure and The Periodic Table
A tom consists o s mre_por t cles, e l e c t r a s
protons n d neu tron, JJ_ Tnomson discovered elt
electrons in 89. Arnest Ernest uthorfo rd
dis coveved the_proton in 0q 17.Jmes chadetucE
discovered e neutron in 1932
Mass spectronetry
e 2R Qnftaved ipectro netry)
A NMP 5pectro metYy
19 , franeig Aston in ertes
Mass shectrometery h
nhe înstrument Called_mass Spectrometer
A mass Spectomete mesnre: e mas5
o at nd molecule
ondet éeto
Cur %
Cor ine has two isotopes Cone,Ho
m.any peaus Can be tomed by Clori ne nolule
with Chorge pls h a t willoete maSs
by Chage fvatio f eaoh rr rpak
CChs), -Cs C7)3
35+355 35437 e37437
7 Br B Br
160 62
eter miaiqYelabive molec C on mass of o polyatom 2Carb
C4ydfocarbon er deriva tirs hydoc
Molecalor on peak /(M Peaut Te peou whith rs for
Ur thest o te right in moaLs 5pectrum 1 eo
yap leholeculo on peak, his peau has the 9rea t t
value.This peak t s tormed when te orgahi
nolecule leses an electran in HmaCS 5pect'9me ter
he lauatuon or the for matio Chis_ peau s
butan S an 2Xanpl e
(M pe 1hehe Spectru may show very Smallpeal
s t to
u the right onolecular lon_peaki h ich s
Colled (M+ Peak his is caused by he presene of
lneturally ocCC Yong isotopes ot tor boh-13 rother
than the usual Carhon - 2 Ysotope n he moleaule
Ap ximately 99 6 ot oll Corbonatom one car bo h 2
n d Omaining GperCent
'sotope aand Carhon (3 ist9pes.
se Peokhe alest pesale is
alled the base
Deakh boa se penk vepresents e
h hghest wtendanu abunddah ce and is Sho-%
elative intensi ty of
epresents the most 5table ragmeht.
Ses Ëot osSpectrometer
) n adorder to oletermine he RA of an elecd
Detec tion of drdaS in bar ine Samp e
ve) C14 datingpharmaconbiceal industr y
hz - 1 =o m0-19rbital)
h2 2- 1> ml-t,9A (2orbita
t3-1a,2ml= 2,,01l,2[S orbi
tirst inisation Cnergy trond olcross he
ACros5 the period, the frst vonisation energy
9enerally t inceases erfrom lefeto
ightalono (he period ot t e perios. tabk.
P-2iBe 35 CN
6 2
2 2,2 23 2,4 25 2,6 2 2.8
P-3, No Mo Al Si p s5 cA
Mo 3 IS 1617 18
282 28,3 28,4 2785 2/6 23? 2,88
exception in period 2
ist ionisatonenerey ot boron should
gfeater kan Berylliam,but oetlactually -
soen Ehan BerylL nExplaine reason-
Ans'Be1S2s? B15 252 2p,
otoa has to loose he electron trom 2s
eheM c h is closer to ho nucleenS S O
he torce ot ottroctiom betheen boron ontermot|
Shell_electron Ond nucleus i s mOvp, On e
other honod 0ron hos to 90se te electrn
rom 2Px Subuhell Lich is frther from
enc{ous So t e korce ofattr»ctt on betreen
Locons outer most shel electron fs ond nucleus
ig 1e5S,5o, less amount ot energy !s needed t o
remore he electro from hE Lorons outernet
She l l o n thot o aryllian outermost Shell
Eypldin why first ionsotin erergy
OXYgen is
is less han hot first ior i9ation
Chergy ot nitrogen
be c