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2.atomic Structure and The Periodic Table

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Chap 2 Aomie stnncture and te perivde teble

A tom consists o s mre_por t cles, e l e c t r a s
protons n d neu tron, JJ_ Tnomson discovered elt
electrons in 89. Arnest Ernest uthorfo rd
dis coveved the_proton in 0q 17.Jmes chadetucE
discovered e neutron in 1932

Structuve ost onotom

Altteouoh scienb'stt have diseovered mony 2 theh
Subatomic particle, Chomistry is only ConCerh h
Peetvonsprotons_and netreng.
|Nome ymbol Relative mess elative charge fesion okub a PoS:6
Pro ton nucleus
ueleu 5

eletkron e nery levelss surrown

i'ng h e nucleS

Alotoms ot any element hove e some otom

number which i s dif terent from he atomc hu
n any o e r e l e m e nt

The umbe o f electns n aa netral a tOm

onelement i's eua to Ehe numero[pTt

proton in the nucleus t o t oto

he elec tron S urroundfhenecleus in we).
defined elener9y levecalled n tan shetls

Atomtc numher maSs nmber_dMd isotopes

Atmic tumbe Y he nmber o proton in
h e nueleus o hat atpmis he
atohie number or_ pro-ton_ numb0
o hot aton. L6 is inditates by Z?
n e periodie tobley Be elenents
aYe, aTonged acourdlina ohej
Sn Crens
IMO otom nunmbeer.
Ma6 number he Sum hehe number
of potons
and the uhumber ot nutronS
in the
nucleus otrot atom } Colles mass
n umber on nucleam
*nambo . Zts
ind rCoted by AA-2tn
otopes t is the atoms o the An clemin
havig Some number Orotons or Sd
atomic num bor but diterent me
number of
nerons or dItterent mass
Lsoto pes o numbeC.
e same element
bentea L Chemjta Aave
ney have iden tica pro Derese becau)
electroniie contigutatity
Spectrong ty and Telotive maSses 2 atms setopes
n s hoBeculess
af spactrometry pertrn
Thexe are
threcty p r

Mass spectronetry
e 2R Qnftaved ipectro netry)
A NMP 5pectro metYy
19 , franeig Aston in ertes
Mass shectrometery h
nhe înstrument Called_mass Spectrometer
A mass Spectomete mesnre: e mas5

o at nd molecule

tproduces positive ions that are deflectes by

magnetc e t field accordinq to their masS

Vatio 1E al6o Calculate the re laHve

chaYa n d o splays this
abundances ot each DoSitrve-in
OS percentage

he positivell Charge atom

positiveions Could e
orposibiely shaaa ooleales or positively e harged
HYaomên t o molecules

Woykat masS0et rometer

There are 5 hin9s that ha ppen when aSampk s

insected in a mass petrometerhe 5 hi'ngs

O e'
OVapo risation
omis ati on
()Acce lera tion of the ineaond
() Deflection o the ions
S De te ctm f the ions
Ele ctricfield Vopor isadsemp/
oni'sation chomben
'electon 9un

ondet éeto

Voporisation e somple being analysed mest

bein heaaseeus State sot o t k
perticles con isveS. throuLgh he ma chn
The s Somple is turned inetovapour or
os sing on electta

Lonjsatton The vapours bombaree iA

hiahs erqy Cletrons lis electras
collide h the otonson mole.cules of e
Smple, So, U o r moe electronj are
Temoed trom the t o nS on moleculer
to for postie CLarge
Aeceleatinn e positive h s ave r e
tcelerated bynelectric field Eovords he
Choroed plate. Te electric freld are produced by
hgh e epte vol tag. bo tneen
e plnte2.
Deflect on' he_poi tive ton en_enter and are
deflec teo by a untorm mao neticr ield, he
omount_odeflectia deendS on he he
maSS to ehar9e o the ions, Jons
rattor h
Loarge may.-to- eharga r e deflec tad 1ess
han ons wha asmal &hne SS- to-Cherge rato
2f altheions have the same harga ruS"ally
h e tent of the defleckion is innly
in verge ly propor ttona o te majs
Deteti o n/Amplither Detecton ln the detector te tons
aYe dete cted.
63 0

Q A mple Copper Contains t o iso topes

65 If te relative aomic mass o Copper 's 635,
Colculote te relatiye abundonge of Poh /so pe
63S- 65x+6Sx 100

350z 631 + 6So0 - 6 S

2 2-150

Cur %
Cor ine has two isotopes Cone,Ho
m.any peaus Can be tomed by Clori ne nolule
with Chorge pls h a t willoete maSs
by Chage fvatio f eaoh rr rpak
CChs), -Cs C7)3
35+355 35437 e37437

3Oxygen hes tree totopes o1, O, O

Ho man y peous Con be for med by *ygea
Oxy9 en witk eAbro,e t+, What will be h e
mas by chorae atroo ech peauA
O-o,TO-O, o-o 0,0-10-
32 33 34 35
QBr@mine hos two (sotopes Br and Br Hov Hov
manypeaus Con be 0btain@d by Bromine olecule
wthi snle posi ive chorg
"Br-B , p -

7 Br B Br
160 62
eter miaiqYelabive molec C on mass of o polyatom 2Carb
C4ydfocarbon er deriva tirs hydoc
Molecalor on peak /(M Peaut Te peou whith rs for
Ur thest o te right in moaLs 5pectrum 1 eo
yap leholeculo on peak, his peau has the 9rea t t
value.This peak t s tormed when te orgahi
nolecule leses an electran in HmaCS 5pect'9me ter
he lauatuon or the for matio Chis_ peau s
butan S an 2Xanpl e

CHo9)+ e |Ca +2e

An electron ollrdes u h abu tane mo/ecules ans WhocA
ent_o electvon. tp59, tom ing a pos/tive ion trom
the molecule.Te z alue 0f thelLHio peak at 53
etdhth indiale s he R:M-Mof Butame

(M pe 1hehe Spectru may show very Smallpeal
s t to
u the right onolecular lon_peaki h ich s
Colled (M+ Peak his is caused by he presene of
lneturally ocCC Yong isotopes ot tor boh-13 rother
than the usual Carhon - 2 Ysotope n he moleaule
Ap ximately 99 6 ot oll Corbonatom one car bo h 2
n d Omaining GperCent
'sotope aand Carhon (3 ist9pes.
se Peokhe alest pesale is
alled the base
Deakh boa se penk vepresents e
h hghest wtendanu abunddah ce and is Sho-%
elative intensi ty of
epresents the most 5table ragmeht.
Ses Ëot osSpectrometer
) n adorder to oletermine he RA of an elecd
Detec tion of drdaS in bar ine Samp e
ve) C14 datingpharmaconbiceal industr y

Atohicorbita And electronic ontinucoti

Orit t he Pace around the necleus ot
On ortom whee the propabiy ottind
eletton is maximuum hore than US7o
There ore t y pe ot orbtal
OS orkital ) Porbital ) ) orbitol
Shape orbita 5 orbi talSperr ta shape.
P orbit»l-dumb bel
Electronic contigurotion
i s the avrongemebt of eletron in eir Yesprtve
p orblta ls aroluhd the nucleus r ronge mlhAt|
D1 eectnonS 's explained euontun h um ber o
Onguantun she bls. e fouc 9uantem number are
Prncipols Eon q uan ttm number
SeCondory orS bstitry auontum hum bar
mog netic uantum nh inun ber
5 p i n Mantu m humbe r

Pincipal ontum hurmber/tLoaryhs theory tells

a b o u t the numb en ot s hellsaan tatom
On elemert Zt alsoalso i v e ides aboat h e

Si2eo the atonhis auantum number s

indicated by 'n'. value ot n=)2,3, .

u b 5 t t u r y o r secordyary uontum num berlh is

antum heory tells Ls aboutt the number of
Subshells n èochshell.Eissen oted by
h e value o s Cgual to n-
-0-5The shtbs'sub shells are 5,P8tlhe maXim
P C a pa brlity ot holding electrms ot escA Subshe!||
EL-2 S ven below5 2 Pa6 JelO f i 4 .
3 nl- l-lz>1s
*n 2 s02s,L 2
n 3 = 03s 3p,z 2 3d.
h= l=0 us, l->1p, 2- 4J, 3»qf
MoQ netic ausntu m hum b
about henumber
Thisqnantum (heory tells us
Orbitals in each subshells, Lt is denoted
y ml, Te nlue of ml is ca al to t 1LA

hz - 1 =o m0-19rbital)
h2 2- 1> ml-t,9A (2orbita
t3-1a,2ml= 2,,01l,2[S orbi

pin guantum number

his antum
heoiny tells us ahaut e spin
ot eletrons in each orbital,It is denote
by m5 h e valueof h 5 E ,

2Pin Dajriaq ehd electroniCongunt

Hundsrule 16 states that, the electrons
willo ccuepy he orbitols sinaly etore
po iring tkingDlace
NC) 252 23
O)1s2s 2 P2P, 2P,
Poly clutsion prindide. is _p rinci ple states
hot two eleckrons Con not
occupy t e Sane
orbitol unless hey have opposi te s pin
25 2p
3 3K
5 5 5 S+,
6 p 6d sF,

1g 25 2p 3 3p 3d° 4p's dsps%s

+T 2F

Sho heelectron ic Conbiqura ton rst 20

elemenb5 of e period iC Eable by usin92P hototro
H, l6'
He S?
ls 26
Be t2 23
B 1 252p
1 5 23 2p
N 15 23 2ps
Og s 2 2p
IS2s1s2s 2p5
Ne 152 23 2
Nan lst22 2035
Mg12 122 2p+3
AIB1 22p 3513p*
Si 1S 252p 353p
Pis lS2 2p 3s 3p
S1 1s25 2pb 3s3p
Cla (5 2s2p 353 ps
Ari Is253p 353p
62 25 2p 3s-p4us S

Co9 15 2, 2p 33p 45.

Como Le tely Alles or bi tals are tie mast stade
+of f l ed orbi tals ae les stable than tte
Comletely tled or bi tals
Parbially fi lled or bils are e least sta ble
PPy P 2 P Py P2
Except completely fila
a ha lf- filled, all ot
a bher are
joor br'al! Klled
Stocw etement * rbitalG
5 Dlocu element he 5 blocueleme t are
Groyp-land 2 and block element hos
iahe iahest enero elec tr on i an S-orbita
lonisotiom enemies
st onisation eergy-L6 fs te moom ouht btenergy
uie to femore Onl nole of electron ro
One mole ot ga 5eous atom to tomm ohe ma
hole ot 5ingle bositively Charged 9seons

X(9)e hLg) x*)

oni sdtioh ener iS alwa y5 endo tern Matre
hd ionisatton efaenerai- I t is
the omoun t ot endrgy |

required to o remove one mol e ot e lectron trbm

One noe of Single poSitiely Charg.ed 92sCous.
iors to fovm one mole doub le pos1tive ly
Chargd aseoUS nnS.
x)-e x* (o)
hcCeSive jonisaton_energy H the eleCtrons ae
Yemoved trom 1 mol otf aaseOus atom, then
finst second third tourth,all the loni5aton
eheray talt0qether S Called Suuccessive
ionisatioh eneray. Successive îohisatlon
ra dualy increases as the electrons are
Yemoved from inner shelL S0. tte force
ottraction bet ween the nucleu5 and
uterm0st shellelectronincreases
radually, For that rereason, higher amount
Thoteneray veguived to remove the eLtsn_
why first jonisation energy value
ncxeo ses eqfoduoy
eaeqYeneray depends-on 3 tactor
Nuclear Charae(Peatan num
Atom ic radius Siie
) Sei Shieldino at theatom
ionisation eneroy trand dom oro4p
2,1 "ODo-n te gfonp n mer ot
Noll) 2,8 electrons intreases.S9 te nuder
>23/8,1 o shell also increas eS
Rbl37) 2 8, 13/8, 2AtomiC radius o si2e s
Cs S5> 2,3/
18,12 the
atom increasts
FC37) 22 18,32,1B,8) 0ShAeld' ng elort inUaic
(E Moctve nucleur ohar o
Te fprce attattan betwcen
the nu tteus
and o termst. Shel
There foe tte tirst vjonelection
detroaseS encgay
Potassium ond sodium both ore the nemhers
5ame g coup but the first ion (sotion eneroy
is much more tor sodium thet tton ttat oF

AnsA iis ove Jowm the group he Na the aton

YadiS of the atom increa 30s, 50 the shreldin g
efkec év inveses

tirst inisation Cnergy trond olcross he
ACros5 the period, the frst vonisation energy
9enerally t inceases erfrom lefeto
ightalono (he period ot t e perios. tabk.

P-2iBe 35 CN
6 2
2 2,2 23 2,4 25 2,6 2 2.8

P-3, No Mo Al Si p s5 cA
Mo 3 IS 1617 18
282 28,3 28,4 2785 2/6 23? 2,88

Acro ss the period the mnun ber t

Across eteetsns
increnses by ) but the humbe 0t Shells Vmain
Lbut s heilding e4tect naih
tneressa5b same ,
SAme,4eciive vmutlear clharge increase SO
the dorce of attraction tbeten

ohd Outermost shel elec trn incyeases 12

owter mOst
Jistante betveen he nucler and nd

She eAeciron is almost tte some olthou>b

S122 ot the otom Slightly
decreoses oue to
noCose in nucleur chorae for thot ress@n

tirst ionis ation eheray gradually intreoseS

exception in period 2
ist ionisatonenerey ot boron should
gfeater kan Berylliam,but oetlactually -
soen Ehan BerylL nExplaine reason-
Ans'Be1S2s? B15 252 2p,
otoa has to loose he electron trom 2s
eheM c h is closer to ho nucleenS S O
he torce ot ottroctiom betheen boron ontermot|
Shell_electron Ond nucleus i s mOvp, On e
other honod 0ron hos to 90se te electrn
rom 2Px Subuhell Lich is frther from
enc{ous So t e korce ofattr»ctt on betreen
Locons outer most shel electron fs ond nucleus
ig 1e5S,5o, less amount ot energy !s needed t o
remore he electro from hE Lorons outernet
She l l o n thot o aryllian outermost Shell
Eypldin why first ionsotin erergy
OXYgen is
is less han hot first ior i9ation
Chergy ot nitrogen

AnsN 2\$22522 P 2R, 2P

O I2 2s 2P 2Py 2P2
tvogen hes to losae be electron From
2P subshell _in which theye in no 1P orb/tal
whith completely
is Alles,so no spin Poinng
O c c a Un h o t e r hond ox yaen has to lose
the eectron trom 29 shsubshelln which one
ot the p orbital is eompletely Filled ,sp Spin
pair in DCCiars29,te to reg o t atattracto
between n i t r o g e n ofet 5hell electron ond

ucleuS deceases, Soit is oser tor the

9En t o remove t e electron rom t5
ohtm St_5hell.

Explain why Fist tonisotion nergy ofA

ALuminium is Less a n ha of Magnesiy *
AnsA E+l,2 26s2P22 P. 2P,2sa
Al M9 1s 25* 2p 2P22 P23P
agn2Sin m has fo9ose the e e c tron fron
Subshell whieh is elosor o te n
p SubsheM, o the torce ot attractio 1oetveen
aonesiam ufer most shell a And e nuleiS 15 9ra
han he
ef Th foreeftrortin hetween Aluminam
outtm95t shell and nuleus,So ess amOuh enray
5needed to remove the romn
outêrmSt shel aiad than hat tot Mgne5
Mggnes um outemo5

Explain hy he tret conisotion energy osulfi

less tat than tb thott of phoporus

P15252Pi 2P,2 2P 322P 3P 3P,

S 1s2s2Pt 2P2P 35*3 P 3 P, 3P2
Phosphorou has to 0ose an electra ntrom 3p
SubshelLin which there is ho Porbi ta ) which
coMpletely killed, 50 _no spin pairin a ecCurs
Onether On the o theer kod hand áultuy has d
gne toh plesely filledP orbitoal inin h i h
CCurs or which YeSulbive foreg
nCreose ttYaetion torce decrease 50 t e
9nisation energy ot Sulfur i's less ka Phosprs
Rrst ionisation ene gy of tree
Shon in he diagra m
periossP-1,23 ,



be c

ThisFrst ionisoton eherqies n )mol of

elemen ts wi m_ COn Sacutie at0 mie. nbers
are hown below
AI680 8 2030 96 01233.
O which element s an iner t 9s 2 8

2whtth ele ment toald be X na coralpn t

Cmpob 1d th N X A

Which elemenb (oulJ be Ys an ionia

Cmunt YH2 D
Ahe Prst five ioniso tton o i n jho)
are. S28, 13 vS,153,1831
Theor bi tals rom whith tirst_ fve eleetrons
reaoved elurjng jonjs.ot on tortin9
i t electrons are 3pA Ssa3 2 PI 29
&he Ast eight ionisot/on neray o an eleet
De in KJ/mol 721,152 2 322u356,691
9-85,323 287,20253The e lenent ls.
OSent h whith o ronpn the periodi
h e Hst Fve jonisoatton encoy ot n eennt
X Ae Showh 15 the table
ts 2ne 3rd 41s
n163112351287039R B4y

Wrob is he most Le ormula ot the lompoud

when X lournsin Oxyz en'

Coleulate bthe humber of unpai red elec tron in

n nitrogen otom in1ts 9To ud Sto te 2 3.

which Pir pair g otomiC nwmber prepresentt

elemen whith are both in 9-Bloch athe
period table. A= 4,8 6,12 c-3,tte

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