2022 Mock JEE Main - 1 - Paper
2022 Mock JEE Main - 1 - Paper
2022 Mock JEE Main - 1 - Paper
Marking Scheme
1. Section – 1: +4 for correct answer, –1 (negative marking) for incorrect answer, 0 for all other cases.
2. Section – 2: +4 for correct answer, –1 (negative marking) for incorrect answer, 0 for all other cases.
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
9R 17 R 3R 8R
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 6 4 5
5. The near point of a person is 75 cm. In order that he may be able to read book at a distance 30 cm, the
power of spectacles lenses should be:
(A) -2 D (B) +3.75 D (C) +2 D (D) +3 D
6. A Carnot engine takes in 3000 kcal of heat from a reservoir at 627°C and gives a part of it to a sink at
27°C. The work done by the engine is :
(A) 4.2 106 J (B) 8.4 106 J (C) 16.8 106 J (D) Zero
7. Magnetic field at P due to given structure is:
0 I 0 6 I
(A) 4 2 R (B)
4 5 R
0 5 I 0 2 I
(C) 4 6R (D) 4 R
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
17. In the following circuit, the emf of source is E0 200 volt, R = 20 , L = 0.1 henry, C = 10.6 farad
and frequency is variable. The current at frequency f = 0 and f is:
M1 M 2l1 M1l2
(A) (l1 l2 ) l1 (B)
M2 M1 M 2
l1 l2
(C) (D) l1l2
19. The radioactivity of a sample is R1 at a time T1 and R2 at a time T2 . If the half life of the specimen is
T, the number of atoms that have disintegrated in the time (T2 T1 ) is proportional to:
(A) ( R1T1 R2T2 ) (B) ( R1 R2 )
( R1 R2 )
(C) (D) ( R1 R2 )T
20. The combination of gates shown in the circuit is equivalent to:
Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be
attempted. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical
value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If
the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the sign for
positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)
1. When a rubber ball is taken to a depth of 200 m in deep sea, its volume decreases by 0.2%. The bulk
modulus of rubber is _____ 109 N / m 2 . Density of sea water 1103 kg / m3 and g 10 m / sec2 .
2. A circle shaped uniform wire is bent to form a square. The equivalent resistance between two
diametrically opposite points of the circle was 6 . The resistance of each side of the square of will
be _______. (in )
3. A bus is moving on a plane inclined at 60° to the vertical with an acceleration of 9.8ms 2 parallel to
the plane downward. A bob is suspended by a string from the roof of the bus. The angle in degrees
which the string makes with the vertical is ______. (Take g 9.8 ms 2 )
4. A telephonic communication service is working at carrier frequency of 1 GHz. Only 5% of it is utilized
for transmission. Find the number of telephonic channels that can be transmitted simultaneously if each
channel requires a bandwidth of 10 kHz.
5. A pipe of length 170 cm is closed from one end. Number of possible natural oscillation of air column
in pipe whose frequency lie below 1000 Hz is _______. Velocity of sound in air is 340 m/sec.
6. The voltage drop across 1 resistance in the given figure will be ________V.
7. A block moving horizontally on a smooth surface with a speed of 40 ms 1 splits into two equal parts.
If one of the parts moves at 60 ms 1 in the same direction then the ratio of final kinetic energy to
initial kinetic energy will be x : 4 where x = ______.
8. A capacitor of 50F is connected in a circuit as shown in figure. The energy stored in capacitor is
________ J .
9. A particle of mass 1 kg is hanging from a spring of force constant 100 Nm1. The mass is pulled
slightly downward and released so that it executes free simple harmonic motion with time period T.
The time when kinetic energy is 1/3 of potential energy is T/x. The value of x
is _____.
10. The electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E (50 NC 1 )sin (t x / c)
The energy contained in a volume V is 5.5 1012 J . The value of V is _______ cm3 .
12 2 1 2
(Given 0 8.8 10 C N m )
will be the amount of gas adsorbed per gm of adsorbent? log10 3 0.4770
(A) 0.9gm (B) 0.6gm (C) 0.3gm (D) 0.1gm
5. Given below are two statements : one is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason
Assertion (A) : The modern periodic law states that physical and chemical properties of elements are
periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
Reason (R) : Moseley observed that a plot of vs atomic number (Z) is a straight line thereby
leading to the modern periodic law. ( : characteristic frequency of any element with atomic number
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
6. Given below are two statements : one is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason
Assertion (A) : Depressant NaCN is used to separate ZnS and PbS ores in the froth floatation process.
Reason (R) : It selectively prevents PbS to come to the froth but allows ZnS to come with the froth.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
(A) (2Z)-2-Bromo-3-chlorohex-4-yn-2-ene
(B) (2E)-2-Bromo-3-chlorohex-4-yn-2-ene
(C) (2Z)-2-Bromo-3-chlorohex-2-en-4-yne
(D) (2E)-2-Bromo-3-chlorohex-2-en-4-yne
14. Given below are two statements : one is labeled as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as Reason
Assertion (A) : Treatment of hydrogen bromide with propene yields 1-bromopropane as the major
product in the presence of benzoyl peroxide.
Reason (R) : Benzoyl peroxide helps to drive the reaction through free radical mechanism to form the
final product.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
15. Out of the given compound, which is most reactive towards solvolysis in the presence of formic acid?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
17. OH / 1. Ph MgBr Zn Hg
CH3 C (CH2 )4 C CH3
2. H3O
Conc. HCl
|| ||
The product ‘C’ can be :
Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be
attempted. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical
value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If
the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the sign for
positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)
1. The molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 57.2 gm of washing soda in 1.25 L of water is
y 102 mol / kg. The value of y is : (Atomic masses : Na 23, C 12, O 16, H 1 )
2. Halogens (except fluorine) have (n-1) number of empty orbitals having 1 = 2 in their nth excited state.
The value of ‘n’ is _______.
3. According to the following figure, the magnitude of activation energy of the given reaction
is equal to ________kJ/mol. (Use R = 8 J / mol-K)
4. A 4 B3 is a sparingly soluble salt of molar mass M0 (gm / mol) and its solubility is ‘s’ gm/L. The
solubility product satisfies Ksp 4 3
where x, y & z are integers. The value of
(x y) / z is :
5. For certain electrochemical reaction, value of cell potential at 25ºC and 27ºC are 0.52V and 0.51 volt
respectively. If temperature coefficient of the cell potential is –x, then value of 1000x is ____.
6. A first order reaction gets 99.9% completed in ‘n’ half-lives. Find the value of n/2.
(Use log10 2 0.3) . (Integer answer)
7. The number of halogen(s) forming halic (III) acid(s) is ______.
8. The number of hydrogen bonds associated with the compound Nickel bis(dimethylglyoximate) is
9. The total number of reagents from those given below, that can convert Benzene diazonium chloride
back to Benzene is ________.
(I) H2O (II) H3PO2 (III) NaNO2 , Cu /
(IV) H2O, Zn dust (V) KI (VI) EtOH
10. Cr and Al do not dissolve in a mineral acid X due to the formation of passive film of oxide on the
surface. The number of atoms in one molecule of the acid ‘X’ is :
(A) a x
log e a (B) 2a x
log e a
(C) 2a x
log10 a (D) 2a x
log a e
11. If e 2 y , and y 0 when x 5, then value of x when y = 3 is:
e6 9
(A) e5 (B) e6 1 (C) (D) log e 6
12. Let f be a non-negative function defined on the interval [0,1]. If 1 ( f '(t ))2 dt
f (t )dt , 0 x 1 and f (0) 0, then:
Section 2 contains 10 Numerical Value Type Questions Out of which ONLY 5 (any) questions have to be
attempted. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical
value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If
the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the sign for
positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)
1. The sum of the rational terms in the expansion of 2 31/ 5 is_____.
3. The least natural number ‘a’ for which x ax 2 2 for all x R , is______.
cos x
4. For an integer n, the integral cos3 (2n +1) x dx has the value_______.
5. Let f ( x) x 2 et f ( x t )dt and f (0) 0. Then [ f (3)] where [.] represent greatest integer
function, equals to_______.
6. The number of points P on circle (x –3) (x – 4) + (y –1) (y –2) = 0 such that area of PAB is 1/2 sq.
units where A(3, 2) and B(4, 1) is_______.
7. The distance between the point with position vector iˆ 5 ˆj 10kˆ and the point of intersection of the
x 2 y 1 z 2
line with the plane x y + z = 5, is_______ (units).
3 4 12
8. Six boys and six girls sit in a row at random, then the probability that six girls sit together is 1/k, then
the value of k is_______.
9. The number of ways in which the letters of the word ARTICLE can be rearranged so that even places
are always occupied by consonants, is_______.
10. Co-efficient of variance of two series are 75% and 90% and their standard deviations 15 and 18. Then
the sum of their mean is_______.