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Manual Oximetro

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Pulse me: Measuring ranga: 30BPM - 240BPM

Measurement aa:uracy: ± 1BPM or 1% of the measured value (whicheYe'" is greater)
Display 4. Battery modeI: 2 AAA 15V aIkafine batteries;
Power-on K.ey/Function K.ey s.~ consumption: Iess 1han 30mA
6. AutorMtic shutdown: when no finger is ir61!rted, it wiU shut down automiJtic:aUy after as
Dimensions: 6OmmX32mmx35mm
8. Opercrting environment Operating ~ 5 -c- 4O-C
Stot-age temperature: -10 • e - 40 • e
Ambient tunkity: 15% - 8QIM¡ wori<ing 1Q1M¡- SOCMt storage
Atmospheric pressure: 7CicPa - 1061cPa
Oisdaimer. The EMe ofthis product foIlowsthe IEC60601-1- 1-2 standard.
10. Pulse WéM! measurement sensitMty under weak perfusion oonditions:
The necessary test equipment (BlO-TEK NDEX pulse oximeter) can rneasure the avaiIable
pulse wave signa! with an amplítude of 6% ofthe analog pulse wave signa! ampIitude.
Stlck one flnger completely into the measuring J*U of the Oxímeter, keep Ihe fingemall suñace

upward, and reIease the dip. Then press !he power button lo power '1. Anti-interfelence ability of ambient rJght: use 810- TEK INOEXpulse OlIimetel tI!StI!r to
on tM OxImeter. appIy interfereIacesignaI test, the insbument can -work normally.
&. If you do not )'el completely Insert your finger into the caYity.
the n1easUn!l11ent result may be lnaccurate. - - -
~Oo not vtbrate yourftnger during measurement. PrefeAbIy, PoMr off the instnDnent and remove the batteries befare cleanlng. Ensure that the appNranc.e uf
ensure that your body does not move. ~r the rucflngs becDme the Instrument is neat, dust..free, and dirt-free. (Jean the outer surt.Ke cf the Instrument rlflli.ldlng
stable.reacI the measured mues uf oxygen satumion and the pulse the LEO screen) using ~ medial alcohol and a piece of dry 50ft doth.
rate on the saeen. CautIon: Avoid Ilquld flowIng loto the IMtrUment duringduning.
NOTE:The Oximeter win il1ItomatIcally shut down 10 seconds laU!t' after your finger 1eave5 away. CItudan: Do not immerse any pan of the instrument into any Iiquid.

Before musurement wittllhe instnment. wipe the rubber finger pad using a piece of dry 50ft doth
&. Replace the batteries when the battery capKity is tnsuffldent and the symboI f Cl I flldlers on dipped wtth 75"" medica! .1cohoI. Cl9n the finger lO be meuured uslng the medkaI alcohol for
the scrHf\. disinlection pwposes before Md lIftB uslng.
Open the battery cover wtth your fingen, you can repi«e the ~ lCCordlng te the COm!Ct .& Do not dísinfect the Instrument by means of hlgh-temperature Ihlgh-preuure or gas
battery poIarity. dlsWe<tion.
__ m
• Remove abe batteries from the battery sIot and properly store them if 'fOU do not plan to use
1. Display mode: LEO display the Oxkneter for II long period of time.
2. BIood oocygen saturation: measuring range: 70% - 99% • AvoId uslng the OxIrneter In an envIronrnent WIth Inflamrnable gases Ot uslng It in an
environment where the tempemure or humldlty is excesIvely high or Iow.
Measurement accuracy: ± 2% within 7~ - 99%, s7~ acaJraCy is not deftned • ChedI the KCUracy al the ~ ytur~ and pulse rafe readlngs by usIng an ~te
- Resolution: bIood oxygen saturcrtion t 1% allbration ¡ppiratus.
Pulse Oximeter • '.
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1.OM hanglng JOpe;

2.storage bag;
• Do not Ittempt to rnaintlln the Oximeter unIess you are professlonal engIneets. Only
2.Two MA batteries;
professtonals wlth malntenance qualtflcatjon are aIIowed 10 perfonn Interior rnalntenlnce
3.OM user' s
• Periodlcally change !he contad position between the Oximeter probe lI1d the finger for a
rneasurement thlt Iasts I long time. Adjust !he posltlon ~!he probe before !he
rneasurement Iasts two hours, .nd check !he tntegrfty ~ sido, the blood draJlation
condltlon of the flnger iS well as !he posItIon al !he ftnger. 1II Type BF appIIed.PIt1
• Thls product Is nol Ippllcable 10 !he examlnatlon ~ newbom bables. & CautIon: Pleue lee thls manual.
• Seek fM medlcal Clre In time If the mHSUred vaIue goes beyond lhe nonnal renge whlle %8p02 5ymboI of oxygen saturation.
you are sure thlt the lt:!StMnent does not malfvnctlon.
bDmPR 5Ymbol of pulse rateo
• Do not dlrectJy expose your eyes to Ilght-emlttlng components of tite Oximeter, as Chat
could cause hlrm 10 your eyes.
• For detalls about dlnk.ll IImltatlons Ind contrllndlaltlons. piase carefully consult relevant
a No S!)02 alarms.

medlcal Uteratures. 6) Consult the instructions for use.

The foIlowlng factors may cause dlstuJblnce to M affect the atamICY of eumlnltton: The degree of protection agaJnst hannful Ingress of water and partIcuIate
• ThIs product Is used In an envlronment InYofvIng htgh-tn!quency devtces. such as rnatter.

high-frequency electric knlves and CT apf*atuses.
• The probe of the Oldmetef 15 placed on Che same body part or 11mb as with bIood pressure
cuff arterial duct or intravenous Injection. -
:R' When end users abandon thls product. they must send the product to !he
coIlec:tion place for .

• The user Is In sudden ~18C arrest or shock Rlte,
wlth naiI poIIsh or a falce ftngemaIt may cause wrong readlngs ~ pulse oxygen

against 111combinable hemogIobin

H ~I
Oxygen saturation Is the percentage of oxyhemogJobln (Hb02) thlt 15comblned wIth oxygen
(Hb). It is an Important physiologlcal parameter Involved In
.,..d drculation. The oxygen saturation al arterial bIood In a normal human body is,"",

w.mInI= Do not use the OxImeter In ara envIronment wIth any fbmmable gases, fammable Oxygen saturation Is an important Indkator or the oxygen condItion In the human body. In general,
anesthetic, or other flarnmable substances. the norrnaJ vaIues al oxygen saturatlon shall not be Iower thañ 94%. If the measured wlue of oxygen
w.mInI: Keep untt end lanyard away from chlldren as the Induded lanyerd may present In saturatIon Is Iower than 9496.an Insuffldent suppIy of oxygen Is consldered.
entanglement or choklng hazard to sma8 chlldren. Aduft supervision requlred; never luve chlldren The puIse.1'Ite Is the number of pulse bNts per minute. Normally, the pulse rete Is consIstent wIth
unattended with unlt or lanyard
w.mfna: Do not throw the batterles loto file, as that could cause an expfosion.
the heIrt me. In gene,.
the pulse rate of every people Is 60 10 90 beats per minute.

WIIml,.: Do not attempt lo charge the Induded batterles, as that could cause leakage, tire dlsaster,
or even expIosIon. D1spose the usad batteries In .a:orcfance lo the local laws and ~Jons. Based on full digital ttchnoIogy, the Anger Pulse Oximeter norHlWaslv.ly musures the actual
'WImInc: Do not use the Oximeter In In MRI or CT envlronment. content (oxygen saturatlon) of oxyhemogIobin (Hb02) In arterial bIood ustng die optlcal
w.mJn¡: CautIon: Do not operate the Oximeter If It Is wet. AYOid movIng the oximeter from a coId 10
transmtttance .rnethod.
I hot and humid environment
The Rnger Pulse 0xImeter measures the bIood oxygen Slturation and pulse rata of • human body
w.mma: InstaJl the batter!es'properly before powertng on the Oximeter for normal use. PIease
remove thebatterles 1f)'OU are not plaMlng lo use the Oxtmeter for • long ~ vil finger artery. lt is appflClble 10 I wIde range of fleIds, such as famllles, hospItals (Indudlng
WlImIrII: Oose the battery cover when the instrument Is In use. opemion rooms of tite depertments of internal medicine and surgery, the department of
Wlmlnl: The patlent Is In Intended operator. anesthesiology, the depanment of paediatrics. and intenslve are rooms), oxygen han. social
~Do not modtfy the device and use the devlce for other purpose$. medkaI care 1nstitutIons, and sports " heaIth. Use thIs Instnnnent for measurement before or after
\VamInc:The FunctIonal tester cannot be used 10 evaluate the acancy of pulse oxImetry probes
sports. Yoo are not advised 10 use thIs Instrument during sports acttvItles. Do not use it for
or pulse oximetry monitoes.
continuous care for patlents.

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