DN06009-D - Flyback
DN06009-D - Flyback
DN06009-D - Flyback
Is Now
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Other Specifications
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4
Output Voltage 5.0 V N/A N/A N/A
Ripple 200 mV p/p N/A N/A N/A
Nominal Current 1.0 A N/A N/A N/A
Max Current 1.1 A N/A N/A N/A
Min Current zero N/A N/A N/A
PFC (Yes/No) No
Minimum Efficiency 65%
Operating Temp. Range 0 to +60°C
Cooling Method/Supply
Others CCCV (Constant Current – Constant Voltage) output load profile for typical battery charger.
D1 L1
18, 2W 1N4007 820uH T1
C5 7,8
MBR350 R4
AC C1 R2 +
1 nf D2 Isense 10 nf
input C4
4.7nf 400Vdc 1 kV 150K
C2A C2B 470uf 0.68, 1W 5V@1A
"x" x2 6.3V C7 _
MUR160 5,6
4 Output
1N914A R7
3 Q1
C9 D4 10
2 D5
U1 2K R6 Jmpr
R5 Vtrim
3 2
U2 1
1 R3
4 C6 100pf 200
+ C3
10uf 3 opto 2
1. Zener D5 and resistor R6 sets the output voltage. Vout = Vz + 0.9 volts approximately.
Use R6 instead of a jumper to incrementally raise output voltage higher than Vz + 0.9 value.
2. R4 sets current limit threshold. I limit = 0.65/R4
3. Schematic shows "generic" passive component types. Surface mount parts may have different ID prefixes.
4. L1 is Coilcraft RFB0807-821L or similar (820 uH, 300 mA).
5V Secondary (5, 6 - 7, 8) 10 turns of #24HN spiral wound over one layer with
0.050" (1.3mm) end margins. Triple insulated #24
can be subsituted without end margins.
NOTE: Existing vendor for this specific part is Mesa Power Systems, Escondido, CA. 1-800-515-8514
1 2
© 2006 ON Semiconductor.
Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this design note “AS IS” and does not assume any liability arising from its use; nor
does ON Semiconductor convey any license to its or any third party’s intellectual property rights. This document is provided only to
assist customers in evaluation of the referenced circuit implementation and the recipient assumes all liability and risk associated
with its use, including, but not limited to, compliance with all regulatory standards. ON Semiconductor may change any of its
products at any time, without notice.