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Arjun PL Vlsi3

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ECT 304: VLSI Circuit Design

Module 3

Dynamic Logic Design
• Static CMOS logic with a fan-in of N requires 2N devices.
• The pseudo-NMOS logic style requires only N+1 transistors to
implement an N input logic gate, but unfortunately it has static
power dissipation.
• An alternate logic style called dynamic logic obtains a similar
result, while avoiding static power consumption.
• With the addition of clock input, it uses a sequence of pre-charge
and conditional evaluation phases.

Dynamic Logic: Basic Principles

• The PDN (pull-down network) is constructed exactly as in

complementary CMOS.
• The operation of this circuit is divided into two major phases:
• Precharge phase
• Evaluation phase

• The mode of operation is determined by the clock signal ‘CLK’.3

Dynamic Logic: Basic Principles
• Precharge:
• When CLK = 0, the output node ‘Out’ is precharged to VDD by the PMOS
transistor Mp.
• During that time , the evaluate NMOS transistor Me is off, so that the pull-down
path is disabled.
• So there is no static power dissipation.

• Evaluation:
• For CLK = 1, the pre-charge transistor Mp is off, and the evaluation transistor Me
is turned on.
• The output is conditionally discharged based on the input values and the pull-down
• If the inputs are such that the PDN conducts, then a low resistance path exists
between Out and GND and the output is discharged to GND 4
Dynamic Logic: Basic Principles
• Evaluation:
• If the PDN is turned off, the pre-charge value remains stored on the output
capacitance CL , which is a combination of junction capacitances, the wiring
capacitance, and the input capacitance of the fan-out gates.
• During evaluation phase, the only possible path between the output node and a
supply rail is to GND.
• Once Out is discharged, it cannot be charged again until the next pre-charge
• The inputs of the gate can thus make at most one transition during evaluation.
• The output can be in the high impedance state during the evaluation period if the
pull-down network is turned off. This does not happen in static CMOS.

Dynamic Logic: Basic Principles
• Evaluation:
• Consider an example:

• During pre-charge phase (CLK = 0), the output is pre-charged to VDD, regardless
of the input values, because the evaluation device is off.
• During evaluation (CLK = 1), a conducting path is created between ‘Out’ and the
‘GND’, if (and only if) A.B+C is TRUE.
• Otherwise, the output remains at the pre-charged state of VDD.
• The following function is thus realised :
Out =
Dynamic Logic: Advantages
• The number of transistors required for a circuit with fan-in N is
(N+2), in contrast to 2N in case of static CMOS circuits.
• It is non-ratioed. i.e, the sizing of PMOS pre-charge device is not
important for realising proper functionality of the gate.
• The load capacitance is about 50%less than static CMOS and is
closer to nMOS circuits. Thus the speed of operation is faster than
that of the static CMOS circuits.
• Lower static power dissipation.
• No short circuit power dissipation.
• No glitching power dissipation.
Dynamic Logic: Disadvantages
• Charge Leakage problem
• Charge sharing problem
• Clock Skew problem
• Reduction in voltage levels in cascaded blocks

Dynamic Logic: Charge Leakage
• The operation of a dynamic gate depends on the storage of
information in the form of charge on the MOS capacitors.
• But this charge gradually leaks away due to leakage currents,
eventually resulting in a malfunctioning of the gate.

Dynamic Logic: Charge Leakage
• Source 1 and 2 are the reverse-biased diode and the sub-threshold
leakage of the NMOS pull-down device M1, respectively.
• Source 3 and 4 are the reverse-biased diode and the sub-threshold
leakage of the PMOS pre-charge device Mp, respectively.
• Solution:
• Use of higher threshold voltage transistors.
• Use weak PMOS (low W/L) transistors as pull-up device (Bleeder Transistor).

Dynamic Logic: Charge Sharing

• Before the switches are closed, the charge on CL is given by

QA = VDD.CL and charges at node B and C are QB = 0 and
QC = 0.
Dynamic Logic: Charge Sharing
• After the switches are closed, there will be redistribution of
charges based on charge conservation principles and the voltage
VA at node A is given by,
CL. VDD = (CL + C1 + C2)VA.
i.e., VA = (CL/ (CL + C1 + C2). VDD
• Solution:
• A weak PMOS is added as pull-up transistor. The transistor
always remains ON and behaves like a pseudo-NMOS circuit
during evaluation.

Dynamic Logic: Charge Sharing
• Solution:
• Although there is static power dissipation due to this, during the
evaluation phase, it helps to maintain the voltage by replenishing
the charge loss due to leakage current or charge sharing .

Dynamic Logic: Clock Skew
• It occurs when multi-stages are used (cascading) .

• Clock skew problem arises because of delay due to resistance and

parasitic capacitances associated with the wire that carry the clock
pulse and this delay is approximately proportional to the square of
the wire length.
Dynamic Logic: Clock Skew
• Stage ‘i’ is in pre-charge phase and stage ‘i+1’ in evaluation

• Clock skew results in hazards and race conditions.

• This problem can be overcome, if the output can be set to low
during pre-charge.

Dynamic Logic: Cascading Issues

• During pre-charge phase, the outputs of both inverters are pre-

charged to VDD.
• Assume that the primary input ‘In’ makes a 0 to 1transition .

Dynamic Logic: Cascading Issues
• On the rising edge of the clock, output ‘Out1’ starts to discharge.
• The second output should remain in the pre-charged state of VDD
as its expected value is 1 (Out1 transitions to 0 during evaluation).
• Due to the propagation delay for the input to discharge Out1 to
GND, the second output also starts to discharge.
• As long as the Out1, exceeds the switching threshold of the
second gate (approx. VT,n ), a conducting path exists between
Out2 and GND, and charge is lost at Out2.
• Thus Out2 can be at an intermediate voltage. This leads to reduced
noise margins and potential malfunctioning.
Dynamic Logic: Cascading Issues
• The cascading problem arises because outputs of the each gate –
and hence the inputs of the next stages – are pre-charged to 1.
• The solution for cascading problems is to set all inputs to 0 during
pre-charge phase.

Domino Logic
• It consists of an n-type dynamic logic block followed by a static

Domino Logic
• During pre-charge, the output of the n-type dynamic gate is
charged up to VDD and the output is set to 0.
• During evaluation, the dynamic gate conditionally discharges, and
the output of the inverter makes a conditional transition from
0 →1.
• Regardless of the input voltages applied to the dynamic CMOS
stage, it is not possible for the buffer output to make a 1→0
transition during the evaluation phase.
• Consider a chain of Domino gates. During pre-charge, all inputs
are set to 0.
Domino Logic
• During evaluation, the output of the first Domino block either
stays at 0 or makes a 0→1 transition, affecting the second gate.
• This effect might ripple through the whole chain, one after the
other, similar to a line of falling dominoes – hence the name.

Domino Logic
• Domino CMOS gates allow a significant reduction in the number
of transistors required to realise any complex Boolean functions.
• Consider the function Z = AB + (C+D) (E+F) + GH.

Domino CMOS 22
Conventional CMOS
Domino Logic - Advantages
• Lower power consumption.
• Reduced chip area.
• Higher speed of operation (only rising edge delay)
• No short-circuit power dissipation.
• No glitching power dissipation.

Domino Logic - Limitations
• Each gate requires an inverting buffer.
• All the gates are non-inverting in nature.
• Higher switching activity.

Domino Logic – Charge Sharing

Domino Logic
• Dealing with Non-Inverting Property of Domino Logic:
• A major limitation in Domino Logic is that, only non-inverting logic can be
• This can be dealt with – reorganising the logic using simple Boolean transforms
such as De Morgan’s Law. But , it is not always possible .

Domino Logic - Variations
• Different types of Dominos are – Multiple Output Domino
Logic, Compound Domino etc.

Domino Logic - Variations
• O1 = (ABC)’ ; O2 = (DEF)’ and O3 = (GH)’ and

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic
• In domino CMOS logic gates, all logic operations are performed
by the nMOS transistors acting as pull-down networks, while the
role of pMOS transistors is limited to pre-charging the dynamic
• As an alternative and a complement to nMOS-based domino
CMOS logic, we can construct dynamic logic gates using pMOS
transistors as well.
• NP – CMOS consists of alternating nMOS and pMOS stages.

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic
• The pre-charge and evaluate timing of nMOS logic stage is
accomplished by the clock signal CLK (ϕ), whereas the pMOS
logic stages are controlled by the inverted clock signal (CLK)’ or
• Working:
• When the clock signal is low, the output nodes of nMOS logic
blocks are pre-charged to VDD through the pMOS pre-charge
• Whereas, the output nodes of pMOS logic blocks are pre-
discharged to 0V through the nMOS discharge transistors driven by
NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic
• Working:
• When the clock signal makes a low-to-high transition (Inverted
clock signal makes a high-to-low transition at the same time), all
cascaded nMOS and pMOS logic stages evaluate one after the

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic
• Advantages:
• A static CMOS inverter is not required at the output of every
dynamic logic stage.
• NORA logic allows pipelined system architecture.
• Disadvantages:
• Charge sharing problem.
• Charge leakage problem.
• P-tree blocks are slower than the n-tree modules, due to lower
current drive of the pMOS transistors in the logic network.

NP – Domino or NORA CMOS Logic

Semiconductor Memories
• An overview of the different memory types and their
classifications can be shown as:

Semiconductor Memories

Semiconductor Memories
• A typical memory array organisation is as below:

Semiconductor Memories
• The data storage structure, or core consists of individual memory
cells arranged in an array of horizontal rows and vertical columns.
• Each cell is capable of storing one bit of binary information.
• Each memory cell shares a common connection with the other
cells in the same row, and another common connection with the
other cells in the same column.
• There are 2N rows, also called word lines, and 2M columns, also
called bit lines. Thus the total number of memory cells in this
array is 2Mx2N.

Semiconductor Memories
• To access a particular memory cell, i.e., a particular data bit in this
array, the corresponding bit line and the corresponding word line
must be activated (selected).
• The row and column selection operations are accomplished by
row and column decoders., respectively.
• The row decoder circuit selects one out of 2N word lines according
to an N-bit row address, while the column decoder circuit selects
one out of 2M bit lines according to an M-bit column address.

Semiconductor Memories
• Once a memory cell or a group of memory cells are selected, a
data read and/or a data write operation may be performed on the
selected single bit or multiple bits on a particular row.
• The column decoder circuit serves the double duties of selecting
the particular columns and routing the corresponding data content
in a selected row to the output.
• Here, the individual memory cells can be accessed for data read
and/or data write operations in random order, independent of their
physical locations in the memory array. Thus called Random
Access Memory (RAM).
Read Only Memory ( ROM)
• Read only memories are used to store constants, control
information and program instructions in digital systems.
• It is considered as components that provide a fixed, specified
binary output for every binary input.
• It is a simple combinational Boolean network, which produces a
specified output value for each input combination, i.e., for each
• Thus storing binary information at a particular address location
can be achieved by the presence or absence of a data path from the
selected row (word line) to the selected column (bit line).
Read Only Memory ( ROM)
• ROM holds programs and data permanently even when the
computer is switched off.
• Data can be read by the CPU in any order, so ROM is also direct
• The contents of ROM are fixed at the time of manufacture.

Approaches for implementing ROM cells
• Diode ROM:
• Bit line (BL) is clamped to ground
•WL enabled – diode turn on
•Results value 1 on bit line

•No physical connection between WL & BL

•Value on BL is low independent of value on

•Presence or absence of diode determines the

value on ROM cell
•Presence - cell storing 1
•Absence - cell storing 0

•It does not isolate bit line (BL) from
word line(WL).
•It is only used in small memories. 44
Approaches for implementing ROM cells
• MOS ROM 1:
•Diode is replaced by gate-source connection
of NMOS transistor, whose drain is connected
to supply voltage.

•Working is same as diode ROM

•Output current is provided by MOS transistor

in the cell.

•More complex cell.
•It needs large area.
•Extra supply contact must be distributed
to every cell.

Approaches for implementing ROM cells
• MOS ROM 2:
•Bit line is resistively clamped to the supply
voltage, or the default value of the output must
equal 1.

•Presence or absence of transistor determines

the value on ROM cell
•Presence - cell storing 0
•Absence - cell storing 1

•More complex.
•It needs large area.

ROM cell array
• Different types of implementation of ROM arrays are:
• NOR-based ROM array
• NAND-based ROM array
• OR-based ROM array

4x4 MOS NOR ROM cell array

•Each column consists of

pseudo-NMOS NOR gate driven
by some of the row signals. i.e.,
the word line.

4x4 MOS NOR ROM cell array
• Only one word line is activated (selected) at a time by raising its
voltage to VDD, while all other rows are held at a low voltage level.
• If an active transistor exists at the cross point of a column and the
selected row, the column voltage is pulled down to the logic low
level by that transistor.
• If no active transistor exists at the cross point, the column voltage is
pulled high by the PMOS load device.
• Thus, a logic “1” –bit is stored as the absence of an active transistor,
while a logic “0”-bit is stored as the presence of an active transistor
at the cross-point.
4x4 MOS NAND ROM cell array

•Each bit line consists of a

depletion-load NAND gate,
driven by some of the row
signals, i.e., the word lines.

4x4 MOS NAND ROM cell array
• In normal operation, all word lines are held at the logic HIGH voltage level
except for the selected line, which is pulled down to logic LOW level.
• If a transistor exists at the cross point of a column and the selected row, that
transistor is turned off and column voltage is pulled HIGH by the load
• On the other hand, if no transistor exists (shorted) at that particular cross
point, the column voltage is pulled LOW by the other NMOS transistor in
the multi-NAND structure.
• Thus, a logic “1”-bit is stored by the presence of a transistor that can be
deactivated, while a logic “0”-bit is stored by a shorted or normally ON
transistor at the cross-point.
4x4 OR ROM cell array

4x4 OR ROM cell array
• Function Table

R0 R1 R2 R3 C0 C1 C2 C3

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Static Read-Write Memory (SRAM)
• The memory circuit is said to be static if the stored data can be
retained indefinitely, as long as the power supply is on, without
any need for periodic refresh operation.
• The data storage cell, i.e., the one-bit memory cell in the static
RAM arrays, invariably consists of a simple Latch circuit with two
stable operating points.
• Depending on the preserved state of the two inverter latch circuit,
the data being held in the memory cell will be interpreted either as
logic ‘0’ or as logic ‘1’.

Static Read-Write Memory (SRAM)
• To access (read and write) the data contained in the memory cell
via a bit line, we need at least one switch, which is controlled by
the corresponding word line.
• Usually, two complementary access switches consisting of NMOS
pass transistors are implemented to connect the 1-bit SRAM cell
to the complementary bit lines (column).

Static Read-Write Memory (SRAM)



• The memory cell consists of simple CMOS inverters connected
back to back, and two access transistors (M5 and M6).
• The access transistors are turned ON whenever a word line is
activated for read or write operation, connecting the cell to the
complementary bit line columns.
• SRAM has 3 operational modes:
• Hold state: value of bit is stored in the cell for future use.
• Write: 1 or 0 is fed to cell.
• Read: value of stored bit is transmitted to the outside world.
• Pair of cross coupled inverters provides storage while access
transistor provide read and write operation.
• Access transistors are controlled by word line signal WL that
defines operational modes.
• WL = 0, both access transistors are OFF and the cell is in hold
• In READ operation, bit and bit’ lines are output.
• In WRITE operation, bit and bit’ lines are inputs.

CMOS SRAM READ operation

CMOS SRAM READ operation
• Assume that logic’0’ is stored in the cell.
• Both bit lines are pre-charged to VDD.
• The transistors N3 and P1are turned OFF, while the transistors N1
and P2 operate in linear mode.
• Read cycle is started by asserting WL enabling access transistor.
• During READ operation, value stored in Q and Q’ are transferred
to the bit line by leaving BL’ in its pre-charged value and by
discharging BL through N1 and N2.


• Assume that logic’0’ is stored in the cell.
• A ‘1’ is written in the cell by setting BL = 1 or BL’ = 0.
• This cause the flip-flop to change state.
• Q = 0 and Q’ = 1
• WL = 1
• BL and BL’ are inputs
• BL’ = 0 and BL = 1
• Q=1


• Advantages:
• Static power dissipation is very small.
• High noise immunity due to larger noise margins.
• The ability to operate at lower supply voltage.
• Disadvantages:
• Large cell size

Dynamic Read-Write Memory (DRAM)
• The only problem with SRAM cell is that, it occupies a significant
amount of silicon space.
• This problem is addressed in the dynamic read-write memory
• In dynamic RAM, binary data is stored as charge in a capacitor.
• The memory cell consists of a storage capacitor and an access
• In DRAM, the binary data is stored as charge in the capacitor,
where the presence and absence of charge determines the value of
stored bit.
Dynamic Read-Write Memory (DRAM)
• But data in capacitor cannot be stored for a long time because a
capacitor holds an electrical charge for a limited amount of time as
the charge gradually drains away.
• DRAM cells requires a periodic refreshing of the stored data.
• The use of capacitor as the primary storage device enables the
DRAM cell to be realized on a much smaller area.
• Access devices or switches are used for READ/WRITE

One-Transistor (1-T) DRAM

One-Transistor (1-T) DRAM
• 1-T DRAM cell consists of one explicit storage capacitor (C1)
and one access transistor (M1).
• Binary data are stored as the presence or absence of charge in the
storage capacitor.
• Capacitor C2 represents the much larger parasitic column
capacitance associated with the word line.
• Charge sharing between this large capacitance and the very small
storage capacitance plays a very important role in the operation of
the 1-T DRAM cell.

One-Transistor (1-T) DRAM
• To consider read/write operations, we have to take into account a
significant parasitic column capacitor C2 associated with each
• The control line is controlled by the row address decoder.
• Before any operation is performed, each column capacitance is
pre-charged high.
• The cell is selected for a read/write operation by asserting its word
line high (R = 1). This connects the storage capacitance C1 to the
bit line (D).

One-Transistor (1-T) DRAM
• The write operation is performed by applying either high or low
voltage to the bit line, thus charging (write ‘1’) or discharging
(write ‘0’) the capacitor through the access transistor.
• During read operation, there is a flow of charges between the
storage capacitor C1 and the column capacitor C2.
• As a result the column capacitor voltage either increases (read
‘1’) or decreases (read’0’) slightly. This difference can then be
amplified by the sense amplifier.

One-Transistor (1-T) DRAM
• Read operation destroys the charge stored on the storage capacitor
C1 (“destructive read out”).
• Therefore, the data must be restored (refreshed) each time the read
operation is performed.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• This DRAM cell utilise a single transistor as the storage device
and one transistor each for READ and WRITE access switches.
• The column pull up transistors and the column READ/WRITE
circuitry is also there.
• Here the binary data is stored in the form of charge in the parasitic
node capacitance C1.
• The cell has 2 separate bit lines for “data read” and “data write”,
and 2 separate word lines to control the access transistors.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• The storage transistor M2 is turned OFF or ON depending on the
charge stored in storage capacitor C1 and the pass transistors M1
and M3 act as access switches for data WRITE and READ
• Selection lines for reading and writing must be separated because
the stored charge on C1 would be lost if M3 is turned ON during
• Two column capacitances C2 and C3 are at least one order of
magnitude larger than the internal storage capacitance C1.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Write “1” operation:

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Write “1” operation:
• Pre-charge C2 and C3. (Charged to logic ”1” level).
• For the write “1” operation, the inverse data input (DATA’) is at
logic “0”. Thus the data write transistor MD is turned OFF.
• Set WS = 1. Then M1 turns ON, i.e., the charge on C2 is shared with
• Since the capacitance C2 is very large compared to C1, the storage
node capacitance C1 attains approximately same logic-high level as
• After write operation (WS = 0), M1 turns OFF. Since C1 is charged
up to logic “1”, M2 turns ON.
Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Read “1” operation:

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Read “1” operation:
• Pre-charge C2 and C3. (Charged to logic ”1” level).
• Set RS = 1. Then M3 turns ON.
• As C1 is having logic “1”, M2 is also ON.
• Thus C3 discharges through M2 and M3 and the falling column
voltage is interpreted by the “data read” circuitry as a stored
logic “1”.
• Here the charge stored in C1 is not disturbed.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Write “0” operation:

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Write “0” operation:
• Pre-charge C2 and C3. (Charged to logic ”1” level).
• For the write “0” operation, the inverse data input (DATA’) is at
logic “1”. Thus the data write transistor MD is turned ON.
• Set WS = 1. Then M1 turns ON and voltage level on C1 and C2 are
pulled to logic “0”, through M1 and MD.
• After write operation (WS = 0), M1 turns OFF. Since C1 is
discharged up to logic “0”, M2 turns OFF.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Read “0” operation:

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Read “0” operation:
• Pre-charge C2 and C3. (Charged to logic ”1” level).
• Set RS = 1. Then M3 turns ON.
• As C1 is having logic “0”, M2 is OFF.
• Thus C3 will not discharge through M2 and M3 as there is no
conducting path and the logic-high level on the column voltage is
interpreted by the “data read” circuitry as a stored logic “0”bit.
• Here the charge stored in C1 is not disturbed.

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM

Three-Transistor (3-T) DRAM
• Advantages:
• Less number of transistors required.
• Does not dissipate any static power for data storage.
• Use of periodic pre-charge cycles instead of static pull-up further
reduces the dynamic power dissipation.
• Disadvantages:
• Additional peripheral circuitry required for scheduling the non-
overlapping control signals and the refresh cycles (2 to 4 ms).


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