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Exploration On Bus Differential Protection Intelligent Transformation of 500 KV Conventional Substation

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct.


Exploration on Bus Differential Protection

Intelligent Transformation of 500 kV
Conventional Substation
YANG Yue 1 Lv XuDong 1 Liu YongJie 1 Zhang GanFeng 1
(1.Maintenance Company of STATE GRID ZheJiang Electric Power Company )

 condition-based maintenance.So in the future the intelligent

Abstract—This paper takes the intelligent transformation substation will get comprehensive promotion in the
of Zhejiang 500kV Lanting Substation for example,as the infrastructures and technical renovation projects.
practical intelligent transformation experience of conventional As the first intelligent transformation of 500kV
substation is so little at present, the paper puts forward four conventional substation in the Zhejiang Electric Power
different retrofit schemes after deeply discuss on the retrofit Company.after intelligent transformation of Lanting
scheme of bus differential protection intelligent transformation in
Substation,all protections are adopted for both input and
a conventional substation.and compares their advantages and
disadvantages as well as applicability.First scheme is the retrofit output GOOSE signals. Because of the protection is not
scheme by the transitional the sub computer of the bus differential possible at the same time to complete the transformation, the
protection;Second scheme is the retrofit scheme by conventional conventional protection will coexist with intelligent
CT and intelligent terminal direct access digital bus differential protection.During the transformation ,facing the new
protection;Third scheme is the retrofit scheme by digitization of problems of old protection contact and new protection
interval after unified access digital bus protection;Fourth scheme GOOSE signal transfer, compared with the transformation of
is the retrofit scheme by bus splitting intelligent.After the paper to the conventional substation, retrofit scheme will be more
substation operation reliability and the project of transforming complex.At this stage the smart substation primary
operational as a higher priority, and to compare their advantages
equipment is not realized, primary device ,protection device
and disadvantages as well as applicability. Decide to take some
kind of retrofit scheme, and carry out detailed analysis and and intelligent terminal is still using the cable connection, and
research retrofit scheme taken. It has a certain practical value. during the period of transformation, demolition, lap, snapline,
and explores transformation model of similar projects and debugging, transmission, etc still need to be carried
provides practical ideas for implementing intelligent out.Therefore, the study on the transformation of the transition
transformation of 500 kV substations with security and reliability. period of bus differential protection cannot be interactive
Index Terms—500kV˗ bus differential protection˗intelligent information etc is the key.
transformation˗retrofit scheme
 ,1752'8&7,21 The original relay protection system of Lanting
As the second 500kv substation in zhejiang province in Substation uses conventional microcomputer relay
1991, Lanting substation has been put into operation for 23 protection equipments or relay
years so far. Most of the relay protections have a long-time protection equipments,protection equipments use control-cable
running,an increasing number of defects and spare parts are by direct sampling direct trip,protection coordinates through
difficult to purchase.The reform is urgent.With intelligent the connection. The protection device through a serial port or
substations widespread reform running in Zhejiang province, network access protection and fault recorder sub station,
the intelligent relay protection technology is mature.The protective equipment used factory itself communication
application of IEC-61850 communication technology not only protocol,which does not support the DL/T860 standard,
can significantly reduce the quantity of the relay protection protection signal through the connection to the signal screen,is
testing, reduce the substation transformation period, speed up shown in the light plate.
the construction, at the same time it can realize relay protection Therefore, the problems existing in the process of
equipment online monitoring, provide reliable technical implementation of the transformation:the new protection and
support for the development of the relay protection control equipment and auxiliary systems support the
DL/T860 specification of equipment, in addition to the
hardware alarm signal and analog signal sampling, are

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014

canceled the point to point cable connection.The secondary of Shenzhen Nari Corporation BP-2B busbar differential
equipment without the transformation only has contact protection device.
output, is unable to support the DL/T860 standard.Then, the (b) Change of Lanting Pavilion line protection in
series equipment and public facilities that has Zhejiang province typical
transformed , such as bus differential protection designconfiguration, failure criterion and reclosing in line
etc, cannot interact information.So focusing on the protection the first screen,failure tripping (start) in busbar
engineering transition scheme is bus differential protection. But Lanting Pavilion bus protectiononly
protection,discussing the following one by one. constitutes a failure starting circuit, starting BP-2B failure, the
The existing bus differential protection situation failure of the input circuit of REB-103 starting to spare.
500kV bus differential protection: the first set and the (c) For circuit breaker with double jump ring connected
second set are all ABB REB103 products, with the relationship with the first group, REB-103jump, BP-2B is connected with
with other protection: second groups of jump ring. For only one set ofjump
ring circuit breaker, two sets of protection are access to
On the side of the jump ring.
Function remarks (d) Because of the limitation of main transformer
equipmen protection, protection of busbar protection and transformer
protection "220kV bus protection action of main
The input current of transformer jump start the three side" as well as the main
Primary CT transformer protectionand bus differential "lift the low voltage
each branch blocking" loop are missed, the corresponding
protection circuit for standby bus differential.
500 Failure to start the Coordination with other protection˖

kV bus trip On the side of remar

bu Differential equipmen ks
Side circuit
s busbar startup The input current of
breaker Primary CT
diff failure each branch
ere Differential Only adjacen nput
ntia busbar atresia Reclo t line interval 220kV isolation switch auxilia
l sing existing bus ry contacts

pro Operation different The input circuit

The bus trip
tect of relay panel ial Hand contact breaker auxiliary

ion The protectio contact

central signal Alarm signal n The bus trip

screen Line (main

Line protection
RTU Alarm signal transformer protection

Fault recorder Alarm signal startup failure to start)

220kV bus differential protection˖
(a) 20kV bus differential protection configurates 2 sets Second sets
of protective equipment, including ABB REB103 The bus trip
impedance busbar differential protection equipment, and a set of line

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014

the outer power is intelligent transformation,after the

protection oper transformation of the interval hanging the 2 mother, and access
of digital bus differential protection device. When all
ation box the interval reconstruction afterthe renovated coupling interval
access digital bus differential protection, to complete
The the transformation plan.
Advantages: the transformation process is simple, the
central signal Alarm signal wiring workload.
Disadvantages: the transformation process requires separate
screen operation while transforming the bus for a long
time, the total load on a bus, single operating
RTU Alarm signal mode, operating bus fault will cause the blackout area
expanded, greatly reducing the reliability of the system.
Fault recorder Alarm signal 1.3 Third scheme: Single interval after the digital
1.1 First scheme:Reconstruction scheme of bus transformation of unified access of digital bus
differential protection sub machine transition differential protection scheme
Ransformation of the former to add multiple mother keep in The transformation process of AC sampling using
touch and AC sampling differential protection of traditional conventional transformermodel, can be used to retrofit
sub computer access to the original,and conversion to digital scheme first single interval after the digital
quantity through the optical fiber access digital bus differential transformation and unity will interval
protection host. In the process of transformation, has access digital mother after the transformation of the differential
completed theintelligent terminal intelligent protection.
reconstruction interval to protect the host through the optical The project is divided into the following two stages:
fiber access bus differential, traditional interval is not The first stage, the original traditional interval
modified by bus differential protection differential CT, circuit protection of digital transformation
protection host machine access. Complete of analog connection, while retaining access to regular bus
theintelligent transformation, intelligent terminal busbar differential protection. According to the order of all the interval
differential protection host access all intervals, busbar of the digital transformation, has been put into operation in the
differential protection sub machine can be completelyremoved. process of reform ofconventional mother differential
Advantages: the transformation process does not affect protection.
the protection mode of operation station and load The second stage, the digital bus differential
distribution, and is suitable for various kinds of main protection access all intelligent reconstruction interval, the test
wiring;reduction of the correctly after the operation, the conventionalbus differential
transformation period equipment outage time, by the protection out of operation and cancel all
transformation of equipment only outage time, bus differential analog connection, the entire renovation process is complete.
protection exit time is short, the operation reliability of power Advantages: no need to increase the bus differential
grid high; reduce the construction difficulty, improve work protection sub machine.
efficiency; investment small, only need to increase the sub Disadvantages: single interval protection must have not
machine cabinet. only can accept thedigital quantity and analog
Disadvantages: increased bus differential quantity can accept the function, the first stage and the
protection sub machine connection,transformation process second stage in the process of reform of the need
of field wiring workload increase. to reform the protection ofAC sampling interval and the input /
In addition, the bus differential protection and bus output analog wiring changes, the first phasechange to keep
differential host access sub machine and local CT the bus differential correlation circuit wiring,
AC sampling, to solve the synchronization problem. the second stage will be removed related terminal
1.2 Second scheme: The conventional CT and wiring, wiring changes and construction process is
complicated, running interval follow-up workload after
intelligent terminal direct access of digital bus transformation, increase security
differential protection scheme risks and power transformation process times, and reduces
The main wiring for double bus single line, can the working efficiency.
allow 1 (3), 2 segment bussplitting operation, transformation of 1.4 Fourth scheme: Bus intelligent design
the former all interval hanging 1 mother,access the To implement this scheme also requires a
traditional bus protection device, in the process of host + sub machine model forintelligent
transformation, all the intervals in addition to mother of

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014

transformation. Transformation can be divided into the As an equipment to reduce the outage time transformation
following two stages: process and the busequipment in a protected operation, use the
The first stage, a bus after power failure interrupted busbar following project implementation plan:
connection, the busneed to transform the interval of the For dual protection configuration, a set of protection is put
connected completely isolated, then theintelligent into operation, will beanother set of protection from
transformation part of this interval. running, and will protect the host and the sub
The second stage, interval operation after the transformation machine related circuit wiring access of digital bus
of the former, thenpower is connected to the differential, after all the wiringchange completed and
busbar, similarly, phase completed the transformation of the tested after the digital bus differential protection and
rest of the interval. hostmachine is put into operation.
Advantages: two simple For the single heavy protection configuration, if the mother
wiring, power transformation interval direct access difference protectionrequired for access into
to busintelligent equipment. the AC sampling and spare contacts, can not returnthere
Disadvantages: power frequency, the are bus differential protection case, the relevant circuit
corresponding switching frequently, reducethe reliability of wiring access of digital bus differential protection of host
power grid operation; mode arrangement complex, load and sub machine, all completed andwiring changes were
transferdifficulties; difficulty in construction, the construction measured after the digital bus differential protection and
period is longer, more risk factors, the work efficiency is low. host machine is put into operation. If there is no spare
1.5 Scheme selection contact, for reducing the power cut time once equipment, need
In summary, a flexible operation, high to withdraw from the busbar protection of
reliability, flexible arrangement of powertransformation existing, and completed as soon as possible digital bus
plan, busbar differential protection exit time is short, the differential host and submachine wiring modification
operation reliability of power grid high; reduce the and testing protection, put into operation immediatelyafter
construction difficulty, improve work the test normal.
efficiency; investment; scheme two divided running bus for a Considering the importance of bus differential protection, in
long time, a greater impact on the stability of the system, and addition to improve the protection
if the fault not immediately resume power supply; scheme of debugging pre alignment process, verify
three single spaced protection must not only can accept the backup protection program and configuration file, also
the digital quantity and can accept analog functions, increase need to host the busbar protection and submachine after
the reform cost,and running interval after the transformation of transformation in connection with debugging, to ensure the
the subsequent workload,increase security accuracy of wiring and testing integrity.
risks and power transformation process times, and reduces 2.2The second stage is the blackout interval
theworking efficiency; scheme four power outages for many differential bus protection host access
times, the corresponding switching operation is transformation
frequent, reduce the reliability of power grid operation, at the Digital
same time, low work efficiency, security risks. Considering transformation with second stage power reconstruction interva
from the substation operation reliability l,reconstruction interval time of equipment
and engineering operation, decided to adopt the scheme needed power, exit the original traditional bus differential
of digital busbar differential protection modification. protection. This stage is the key intelligent
The following will "program" for detailed analysis, research. transformation main bus differential protection, the following
steps including the transformation process:
 %86',))(5(17,$/ 3527(&7,21 6&+(0( Cut a equipment reconstruction interval, the interval
2) ,17(//,*(1775$16)250$7,21 related to protection andcircuit wiring intelligently, and will
protect the related wiring change bus, get rid ofbusbar
The station is required to put two times each equipment in differential protection sub machine has completed the
place and completed the debugging work according to transformation ofinterval connection, and is connected with the
the plan, the next step is to cut access relatedprimary corresponding interval CT andintelligent terminals, and
equipment.Protection and renovation process replace the bus differential protection host configurationfile.
intelligent station bus, can be divided into three stages. On the completion of the transformation of bus differential
2.1 The first stage is the bus differential host and protection for debugging, verification of busbar differential
sub machine wiring protection transformation protection logic, keep in touch, ICD,CID, SCD files and
and put into operation related virtual terminal wiring is correct.
The transformation of input interval time interval
sampling equipment, protection of AC the correctness

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014

and synchronization of bus differential, observe thedifference interface device; interface device through the GOOSE message
stream and into the correct, if the bus differential and the new bus differential is connected after the completion
protection can be put into normal operation, the bus differential of the new bus differential operation. (I, II bus can stop the
protection. wheel of 500kV)
2.3The third stage for all reconstruction interval Stage 2: each interval wheel stop, to complete the
are host access bus differential protection replacement work of each interval switch protection and related
After all the power transformation intervals were access bus work, after transformation, access to new bus differential.
differential protectionafter the host, sub machine can
be completely removed, the completion of the
transformation of busbar differential protection. 3.2 Determination of 500kV protection intelligent
2.4Busbar differential protection modification transformation scheme
The "host + sub machine" model in the
transformation, must complete the test
work necessary, protection can be put into, specific should

complete the followingtest:
Synchronous test of A. busbar differential
protection sub machine and theinterval of CT hard wiring
Due to the influence of bus differential
protection differential current calculation of synchronous AC
sampling, so need to protect the machine and the interval of
CT hard wired synchronization difference on the parent test.
Protection configuration testing in the process of
reconstruction of B. busbar differential As the number of
substation general renovation intervals,modification time, mod
ification process is relatively complex, protection
configuration smoothly influenced the reform process of bus Figure 3-1Schematic diagram of scheme 1 reconstruction
differential. It is suggested that in the process of scheme
readjustment separate for each phase ofrenovation on the bus 
differential protection configuration file test, at the same 3.3 The specific transformation steps of 500kV
time saved configuration file backup. busbar differential protection˖
FBI special testing process can ensure the correctness of
By increasing the transition scheme of seamless link
the transformation-process of configuration files and
interface device to realize the new busbar differential
consistency, and greatly saves the device
protection and old interval device loop of 500kV busbar
finally run configuration files and debugging
differential protection modification. As shown in Figure 2, exit
time transformation process, ensure the busbar differential
the bus differential protection device, relative loop access
protection modification work smoothly on schedule,according
transition interface device the original bus differential and the
to operation. protection and switch, and then convert the GOOSE signal and
a new differential bus
 .9%86%$5',))(5(17,$/3527(&7,2102',),&$7,21 communication.
6&+(0( 7+(),567&+$1*(%8672&+$1*('85,1*7+(
The following to the Lanting Pavilion 500kV substation
busbar differential protection modification, 220kV busbar
differential protection modification as an example of the
transformation scheme.
3.1 The principle of 500kV bus differential
protection modification
Stage 1: the first stop of bus, the new mother mother
differential difference current access; the original outlet loop in
poor, mother on the input amount, incorporated into the

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014

5; 5; ᮄᮁ䏃఼
ᓔܹ 7;

5; 5;
᥹ষ㺙㕂 ᮁ䏃఼ 5;
7; 7; 5; ᮄᮁ䏃఼
ֱᡸ1-6 7;
5; ˄㗕˅
7; ᮄᮁ䏃఼
7; 7;
5; ֱᡸ1

7; 5;
䯁䞡 G O O SE㔥
䏇䯌ᓔߎ 7; 5;
5; 5; 7; ֱᡸ1
7; 7;
5; 5;
5; 7; ⚍ᇍ⚍ 7; 5; ᮄᮁ䏃఼
5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 7; 7;
7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 5;
5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 7;
7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 5; ᮄᮁ䏃఼
Ѹᤶᴎ 7;
5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5;
7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7;
ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑
㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ
І1 І2 І3 І4 І5 І6
ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑 ᱎ㛑
㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ 㒜ッ
І1 І2 І3 І4 І5 І6

Figure3-2To complete the CT access operation schematic ᓔ݇ ᓔ݇ ᓔ݇ ᓔ݇ ᓔ݇ ᓔ݇

diagram of the new bus differential ッᄤ


Figure3-3 Schematic diagram of a transformation in the last

To complete a single interval after the transformation, the
new mother related loop access the interval protection and
switch differential protection, and the original bus differential
relative loop exit operation. After all the interval (6) after the  .9%86%$5',))(5(17,$/3527(&7,2102',),&$7,21
completion of the transformation, quit all running the original
bus differential protection related circuit loop, all perfect new 6&+(0( 7+(),567&+$1*(,17(59$/$1'7+(1&+$1*(
bus %867+(75$16,7,213(5,2'7+(2/'%86',))(5(17,$/
differential. 23(5$7,21 
7; 5; ༅♉ᓔܹ 4.1 The principle of 220kV bus differential
protection modification
7; 5;
GOOSE㔥 5; ֱᡸ2-6
㔥㒰ষ 5;
5; ֱᡸሣ˅ Stage 1: the first is not running the new differential bus,
5; interface device operation, continue to run the old bus
; 䏇䯌ᓔߎ differential;

Stage 2: wheel stop each interval standby windings, access to
Ѹᤶᴎ ᮄᮁ䏃
a new parent difference, at the same time the old mother
5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5;
5; ఼ֱᡸ
1 difference corresponding interval of tripping outlet access

interface device, converted into GOOSE, new line protection
І6 start failure GOOSE sent to the interface device, turn into hard
contact access mother difference; the transition period mother
differential continues to run, not running the new bus
ッᄤ differential. (220kV mother difference if the failure without
current criterion, each interval protection also need to increase
Figure3-2 the first string spacing protection reconstruction after the failure of current discriminating device)
the sketch map Stage 3: all intervals after transforming, put into operation
the new bus differential, difference and the demolition of old
interface device;
4.2 Determination of 220kV protection intelligent
transformation scheme

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2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2014) Chengdu, 20-22 Oct. 2014


Intelligent reconstruction of conventional 500000

volt substation busbar differential protection, the key is the
transformation period of conventionalprotection and intelligent
protection coexist with problems. Asked motherdifference
protection GOOSE with signal transfer function protective
hard contactwith the new mother difference, at the same time
as the asynchrony preserving
transformation, device, equipment and protection
of an intelligent terminal is still using the cable
connection, still need to
dismantle, lap, on line, debugging, drivework during the
renovation, and transform the problem during the transition
between the bus protection of information interaction is
not affected by etc..Reconstruction of order, the first bus
differential protection to change spacingprotection of
500kV busbar differential protection modification, the
Figure 4-1 scheme 1 reconstruction scheme
transition period to run the new bus differential protection, the
4.3The specific transformation steps of 220kV first stop of bus, the newmother current access to the difference
busbar differential protection:˖ between the
220kV partially protected the transformation original mother, the motheron export circuit, input into
principle.The 220kV part uses the first reconstruction interval the interface device, interface device through theGOOSE
equipment protection, and then transform the busbar message and the new bus connected, after the completion
differential protection; of new busbar differential operation. The first interval
Differential interface device to increase female protection and then change bus differential protection 220kV
transformation process, protection and old new interval differential bus protection reform during the transition
difference connected through an interface device switching period, the old bus differential protection, not to run the
protection (conversion of contact and GOOSE signal); new bus differential protection, the interface
Note: current, voltage loop invariant mother difference device operation, continue to run the old busstop, round the
protection, knife auxiliary contact loop invariant, the auxiliary interval, alternate winding access new busbar
contact new busbar differential protection access another set of differential, whiletripping export access interface
CT secondary and knife (through the intelligent terminal) device old mother difference the correspondinginterval, to
Second wheel stop when the mother difference protection GOOSE, the new line protection and failure GOOSE to
circuit to complete demolition and second sets of new the interface device, turn into
differential bus circuit lap) hard contact access mother; mother difference during the
The transformation process requires a current increase in each transition to continue running, not running the
interval of new protection discriminating device (because the new bus. All intervals after transforming, put into
REB103 does not contain the failure of current discriminant operation new busbar differential, demolition of old and
function). poor interface device. At this point, can complete all the busbar
༅♉߸ 5;
differential protection modification.
7; 5;
߿㺙㕂 7;

5; 䖛⏵ ༅♉ਃ↡Ꮒ
ᤶ 7;
5; ᥹ষ
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Yang Yue˄1987-˅,male,bachelor,assistant engineer,engaged
in relay protection maintenance work,the whole process of the
500kV variable in Lanting Pavilion intelligent reconstruction
Lv XuDong˄1981ˉ˅,Male,bachelor degree,senior engineer,
engaged in relay protection maintenance work,,the whole
process of the 500kV variable in Lanting Pavilion intelligent
reconstruction project.
Liu YongJie˄1976ˉ˅,Male,bachelor degree,senior technician,
engaged in the relay protection management work.
Zhang GanFeng˄1989-˅,male,bachelor,assistant engineer,
engaged in relay protection maintenance work, the whole
process of the 500kV variable in Lanting Pavilion intelligent
reconstruction project.

CONTACT ˖Yang YueˈMaintenance Company of STATE
GRID ZheJiang Electric Power Company ˈXiaoshan district,
hangzhou city, zhejiang province red Ken road 318ˈ310000
PHONE NUMBER ˖15258857007

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