CALC - Bungalow - Purlin Design
CALC - Bungalow - Purlin Design
CALC - Bungalow - Purlin Design
Date: 08/01/2020
Subject: Windload Calculation
Computed by: JMG Date: 6/21/2022
Checked by: GJC/TTF Date:
Summary of Computation
Step 1:
Occupancy Category (Risk Category - pg. 20) = IV
Step 2:
Basic Wind Speed, V (For Bataan - pg. 92) = 245 kph
= 68.06 m/s
Step 3:
a. Wind directionality Factor, Kd or Kzt (pg. 95) = 0.85
b. Exposure Category (pg. 89) = C
c. Topographic Factor, Kzt (pg 100) = 1.0
d. Gust Effect Factor, G ( pg. 108) = 0.85
Step 4:
Velocity Pressure Exposure Coeff, Kz or Kh ( pg 121) = 1.05
Using Interpolation: At z = 12.3 m
z C
12 1.04
12.30 1.05
15 1.09
Step 5:
Velocity Pressure, qh (pg. 207)
qh = 0.631Kz*Kzt*Kd*V2 N/m2
qh = 2595.923 N/m2
qh = 2.596 kPa
Step 6:
a. Internal Pressure Coeff, GCpi (pg. 114)
Partially Enclosed Buildings
+0.18 (pressure acting toward the internal surfaces)
-0.18 (pressure acting away from the internal surfaces)
Step 7:
Design Wind Pressure, Formula : (pg. 191)
p = qh [(GCp) - (GCpi)] (in N/m2)
Wind Direction
Wind Direction
Spacing = 2.00 m
Table 2: Summary of the Design Wind Load for TRUSS/RAFTERS
= 2.00 m
Normal Loads per Linear Meter Load Combinations (per NSCP 2015)
DL = DL*s*cos Θ*1000 203.4.1 Basic Load Combinations
210.29 N/m Case 1 (DL + LL) Case 2 (0.6DL ± 0.6WL)
LL = LL*s*cos Θ*1000 WN = 435.29 N/m WN = 1026.17 N/m
225.00 N/m WT = 753.94 N/m WT = 656.51 N/m
WL = WL*s*1000 Case 3 (DL + LL ± 0.6WL) Case 4 (DL + 0.75LL ± 0.45WL)
1500.00 N/m WN = 1335.29 N/m WN = 1054.04 N/m
Tangential Loads per Linear Meter WT = 364.23 N/m WT = 656.51 N/m
DL = DL*s*sin Θ*1000
364.23 N/m Governing Loads: Governing Moments:
LL = LL*s*sin Θ*1000 WN = max (Case1,~4) MN = w*(T-T distance)2/11
1335.29 N/m 485.56 Nm
389.71 N/m WT = max (Case1,~4) MT = w*(Tangential distance)2/11
753.94 N/m 274.16 Nm
(fbx/Fb+fby/Fb) = ((MH^103/Sx)/Fb)+((MT^103/Sy)/Fb)
= 0.81 ≤ 1.0 Safe
Therefore use: LC 100x50x15x2.5
FOR-ENG-009 Rev.: 00 Eff. Date: 08/01/2020
Subject: Loadings for Rafters
Computed by: JMG Date: 6/28/2022
Checked by: GJC/TTF Date:
Summary of Loads - Rafter Tributary Width 2.5 m
Loadings Load (kPa) Load (kN/m)
Dead Load
Rafters SW (STAAD) -1.000
Purlin Self Weight -0.12 -0.302
GI. Roofing -0.08 -0.200
Total Dead Load -0.20 -0.502
MEP/ Ceiling Utilities -1.00 -2.500
Live Load
LL (roof) -0.75 -1.875
LL (catwalk) (0.25) -1.90 -0.475
Wind Load - Normal to Ridge
Wind Load - Parallel to Ridge
1 DL 12 1.4DL
2 LL 13 1.2DL+1.6LL+0.5LR
3 LR 14 1.2DL+1.6LR+0.5LL
4 WL1 15 1.2DL+WL1+0.5LL+0.5LR
5 WL2 16 1.2DL+WL2+0.5LL+0.5LR
6 WL3 17 1.2DL+WL3+0.5LL+0.5LR
7 WL4 18 1.2DL+WL4+0.5LL+0.5LR
8 WL5 19 1.2DL+WL5+0.5LL+0.5LR
9 WL6 20 1.2DL+WL6+0.5LL+0.5LR
10 WL7 21 1.2DL+WL7+0.5LL+0.5LR
11 WL8 22 1.2DL+WL8+0.5LL+0.5LR
1 2 3 4 5 6
Designation Weight Area Depth Width Length
kg/m mm2 mm mm mm
LC 100X50X12.5x1.2 2.3 237.1 1.2 50 12.5
LC 150X50X14.5x1.2 2.89 297 150 50 14.5
LC 150X50X14.5x2.0 3.88 495.2 150 50 14.5
LC 65x30x15x2.0 2.17 277 65 30 15
LC 65x30x15x2.5 2.63 336 65 30 15
LC 65x30x15x3.0 3.06 390 65 30 15
LC 65x30x15x3.5 3.46 441 65 30 15
LC 65x30x15x4.0 3.83 487 65 30 15
LC 65x30x15x4.5 4.16 530 65 30 15
LC 75x38x15x2.0 2.58 329 75 38 15
LC 75x38x15x2.5 3.14 401 75 38 15
LC 75x38x15x3.0 3.68 468 75 38 15
LC 75x38x15x3.5 4.18 532 75 38 15
LC 75x38x15x4.0 4.64 591 75 38 15
LC 75x38x15x4.5 5.08 647 75 38 15
LC 90x45x15x2.0 3.04 387 90 45 15
LC 90x45x15x2.5 3.71 473 90 45 15
LC 90x45x15x3.0 4.36 555 90 45 15
LC 90x45x15x3.5 4.97 633 90 45 15
LC 90x45x15x4.0 5.55 707 90 45 15
LC 90x45x15x4.5 6.10 777 90 45 15
LC 100x50x15x2.0 3.35 427 100 50 15
LC 100x50x15x2.5 4.11 523 100 50 15
LC 100x50x15x3.0 4.83 615 100 50 15
LC 100x50x15x3.5 5.52 703 100 50 15
LC 100x50x15x4.0 6.18 787 100 50 15
LC 100x50x15x4.5 6.81 867 100 50 15
LC 120x40x20x2.0 3.51 447 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x2.5 4.3 548 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x3.0 5.07 645 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x3.5 5.8 738 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x4.0 6.449 827 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x4.5 7.16 912 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x5.0 7.79 993 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x5.5 8.39 1069 120 40 20
LC 120x40x20x6.0 8.96 1141 120 40 20
LC 120x60x20x3.0 6.01 765 120 60 20
LC 120x60x20x4.5 8.57 1092 120 60 20
LC 120x60x20x5.0 9.36 1193 120 60 20
LC 120x60x20x5.5 10.12 1289 120 60 20
LC 120x60x20x6.0 10.84 1381 120 60 20
LC 125x50x15x3.0 5.42 690 125 50 15
LC 125x50x15x3.5 6.21 791 125 50 15
LC 125x50x15x4.0 6.96 887 125 50 15
LC 125x50x15x4.5 7.69 980 125 50 15
LC 125x50x20x2.5 4.79 611 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x3.0 5.65 720 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x3.5 6.48 826 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x4.0 7.29 927 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x4.5 8.04 1025 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x5.0 8.77 1118 125 50 20
LC 125x50x20x5.5 9.47 1207 125 50 20
LC 150x50x18x3.0 6.15 783 150 50 18
LC 150x50x18x5.5 10.38 1322 150 50 18
LC 150x50x20x5.5 10.55 1344 150 50 20
LC 150x50x20x6.0 11.31 1441 150 50 20
LC 150x65x20x2.0 4.76 607 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x2.5 5.87 748 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x3.0 6.95 885 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x3.5 7.99 1018 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x4.0 9.01 1147 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x4.5 9.98 1272 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x5.0 10.93 1393 150 65 20
LC 150x65x20x5.5 11.85 1509 150 65 20
LC 150x75x20x3.0 7.42 945 150 75 20
LC 150x75x20x4.5 10.69 1362 150 75 20
LC 150x75x20x5.0 11.72 1493 150 75 20
LC 150x75x20x5.5 12.71 1619 150 75 20
LC 150x75x20x6.0 13.67 1741 150 75 20
LC 150x70x25x5.0 12.11 1543 150 70 25
LC 150x70x25x5.5 13.14 1674 150 70 25
LC 150x70x25x6.0 14.14 1801 150 70 25
LC 175x50x20x2.0 4.68 597 175 50 20
LC 175x50x20x2.5 5.77 736 175 50 20
LC 175x50x20x3.0 6.83 870 175 50 20
LC 175x50x20x3.5 7.86 1001 175 50 20
LC 175x50x20x4.0 8.85 1127 175 50 20
LC 175x50x20x4.5 9.81 150 175 50 20
LC 185x50x20x2.0 4.84 617 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x2.5 5.97 761 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x3.0 7.07 900 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x3.5 8.13 1036 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x4.0 9.16 1167 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x4.5 10.16 1295 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x5.0 11.13 1418 185 50 20
LC 185x50x20x5.5 12.06 1537 185 50 20
LC 200x70x15x3.0 8.13 1035 200 70 15
LC 200x75x20x2.5 5.86 747 200 75 20
LC 200x75x20x3.0 7.25 923 200 75 20
LC 200x75x25x2.0 6.02 767 200 75 25
LC 200x75x25x2.5 7.44 948 200 75 25
LC 200x75x25x3.0 8.83 1125 200 75 25
LC 200x75x25x3.5 10.19 1298 200 75 25
LC 220x75x25x2.0 6.33 807 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x2.5 7.83 998 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x3.0 9.3 1185 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x3.5 10.74 1368 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x4.0 12.15 1547 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x4.5 13.52 1722 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x5.0 14.86 1893 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x5.5 16.16 2059 220 75 25
LC 220x75x25x6.0 17.44 2221 220 75 25
LC 255x90x25x2.5 9.11 1161 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x3.0 10.83 1380 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x3.5 12.53 1596 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x4.0 14.19 1807 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x4.5 15.81 2015 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x5.0 17.41 2218 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x5.5 18.97 2417 255 90 25
LC 255x90x25x6.0 20.5 2611 255 90 25
W SHAPES (dxw)