Ece Good Manual
Ece Good Manual
Ece Good Manual
Course Title
No. Code CODE
Long Term
8 Advances in Low Power VLSI
20EVE12 ASIC Design 20EVE241 20EVE251 20EVE14 VLSI Testing 20EVE23 System Verilog 20EVE334 Reliability of
(VLSI related) VLSI Design Design
VLSI Systems
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
7 20EVE242 Nanoelectronics
Signal Representation: Low pass representation of bandpass signals, Low pass representation of
bandpass random process [Text 1, Chapter 2: 2.1, and 2.9 only].
Modulation: Representation of digitally modulated Signals, Modulation Schemes without memory
(Band Limited Schemes - PAM, BPSK, QPSK, MPSK, MQAM, Power Limited Schemes – FSK, MFSK,
DPSK, DQPSK), modulation schemes with memory (Basics of CPFSK and CPM – Full Treatment of
MSK), Transmit PSD for Modulation Schemes. (Section 3.4) [Text 1, Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3].
Demodulation: Vector Channel, Vector Channel +AWGN, Performance parameters, Optimum
Coherent Detection for power limited and Bandlimited schemes, Optimal Coherent detection for
schemes with memory, Optimal Non – Coherent detection for schemes without and with memory
(FSK, DPSK, DQPSK), Comparison of detection schemes [Text 1, Chapter 4: 4.1, 4.2.- 4.2.2, 4.3, 4.4,
4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.5 and 4.6].
Bandlimited Channels: Bandlimited channel characterization, signaling through band limited
linear filter channels, Sinc, RC, Duobinary and Modified Duobinary signaling schemes, Optimum
receiver for channel with ISI and AWGN.
Linear Equalizers: Zero forcing Equalizer, MSE and MMSE, Baseband and Passband Linear
Equalizers. Performance of ZFE and MSE (Excluding 9.4-3, 9.4-4) [Text 1, Chapter 9: 9.1, 9.2 - 9.2.1,
9.2.2, 9.2.3, 9.3-9.3.1, 9.3.2 and 9.4].
Non-Linear Equalizers: Decision - feedback equalization, Predictive DFE, Performance of DFE
[Text 1, Chapter 9: 9.5: 9.5-1 only] .
Adaptive equalization: Adaptive linear equalizer, adaptive decision feedback equalizer, Adaptive
Fractionally spaced Equalizer (Tap Leakage Algorithm), Adaptive equalization of Trellis - coded
signals [Text 1, Chapter 10: 10.1, 10.1-1, 10.1-2, 10.1-3, 10.1-6,10.1-7, 10.2, 10.3].
Spread spectrum signals for digital communication: Model of spread spectrum digital
communication system, Direct sequence spread spectrum signals, some applications of DS spread
spectrum signals, generation of PN sequences, Frequency hopped spread spectrum signals, Time
hopping SS, Synchronization of SS systems [Text 1, Chapter 12: 12.1, 12.2 (except 12.2.1), 12.2.2,
12.2.5, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5].
‘Digital Communications’, John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, Pearson Education, ISBN:978-
9332535893, 5th edition, 2014
Reference Books:
1. ‘Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications: Fundamentals & Applications’,
Bernard Sklar, Pearson Education, ISBN:9788131720929, 2nd edition, 2009
2. ‘Digital Communications Systems’, Simon Haykin, Wiley, ISBN: 9788126542314, 1st edition,
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Introduction, decimation by a factor 'D', Interpolation by a
factor 'I', sampling rate conversion by a factor 'I/D', Implementation of sampling rate conversion,
Multistage implementation of sampling rate conversion, Applications of multirate signal processing,
Digital filter banks, two channel quadrature mirror filter banks, M-channel QMF bank (Text 1).
Linear prediction and Optimum Linear Filters: Random signals, Correlation Functions and
Power Spectra, Innovations Representation of a Stationary Random Process. Forward and
Backward Linear Prediction. Solution of the Normal Equations. The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm.
Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error Filters (Text 1).
Adaptive filters: Applications of Adaptive Filters-Adaptive Channel Equalization, Adaptive noise
cancellation, Linear Predictive coding of Speech Signals, Adaptive direct form FIR filters-The LMS
algorithm, Properties of LMS algorithm. Adaptive direct form filters- RLS algorithm (Text 1).
Power Spectrum Estimation: Non parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation - Bartlett
Method, Welch Method, Blackman and Tukey Methods.
Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation: Relationship between the auto correlation
and the model parameters, Yule and Walker methods for the AR Model Parameters, Burg Method
for the AR Model parameters, Unconstrained least-squares method for the AR Model parameters,
Sequential estimation methods for the AR Model parameters, ARMA Model for Power Spectrum
Estimation (Text 1).
WAVELET TRANSFORMS: The Age of Wavelets, The origin of Wavelets, Wavelets and other reality
transforms, History of wavelets, Wavelets of the future.
Continuous Wavelet and Short Time Fourier Transform: Wavelet Transform, Mathematical
preliminaries, Properties of wavelets.
Discrete Wavelet Transform: Haar scaling functions, Haar wavelet function, Daubechies Wavelets
(Chapters 1, 3 & 4 of Text 2).
1. ‘Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications’, John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.
Manolakis, Pearson, Fourth edition, 2007
2. ‘Insight into Wavelets- from Theory to Practice’, K P Soman, Ramachandran, Resmi, PHI, Third
Edition, 2010
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Threshold Logic: Introductory Concepts, Synthesis of Threshold Networks, Capabilities,
Minimization, and Transformation of Sequential Machines: The Finite- State Model, Further
Definitions, Capabilities.
Fault Detection by Path Sensitizing, Detection of Multiple Faults, Failure-Tolerant Design, Quadded
Logic, Reliable Design and Fault Diagnosis Hazards: Fault Detection in Combinational Circuits.
Fault-Location Experiments, Boolean Differences, Limitations of Finite – State Machines, State
Equivalence and Machine Minimization, Simplification of Incompletely Specified Machines.
Structure of Sequential Machines: Introductory Example, State Assignments Using Partitions, The
Lattice of closed Partitions, Reductions of the Output Dependency, Input Independence and
Autonomous Clocks, Covers and Generation of closed Partitions by state splitting, Information Flow
in Sequential Machines, decompositions, Synthesis of Multiple Machines.
State Identifications and Fault-Detection Experiments: Homing Experiments, Distinguishing
Experiments, Machine Identification, Fault Detection Experiments, Design of Diagnosable Machines,
Second Algorithm for the Design of Fault Detection Experiments, Fault-Detection.
‘Switching and Finite Automata Theory’, Zvi Kohavi, TMH, ISBN: 978_0_07_099387_7, 2 nd
Edition, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Digital Circuits and logic Design’, Charles Roth Jr., Cengage Learning, 7 th edition, 2014.
2. ‘Fault Tolerant and Fault Testable Hardware Design’, Parag K Lala, Prentice Hall Inc. 1985.
3. ‘Introductory Theory of Computer’, E. V. Krishnamurthy, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1983
4. ‘Theory of computer science – Automata, Languages and Computation’, Mishra &
Chandrasekaran, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2004.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
What is IoT ?
Genesis, Digitization, Impact, Connected Roadways, Buildings, Challenges
IoT Network Architecture and Design
Drivers behind new network Architectures, Comparing IoT Architectures, M2M architecture, IoT
world forum standard, IoT Reference Model, Simplified IoT Architecture.
IoT Network Architecture and Design
Core IoT Functional Stack, Layer1 (Sensors and Actuators), Layer 2 (Communications Sublayer),
Access network sublayer, Gateways and backhaul sublayer, Network transport sublayer, IoT
Network management.
Layer 3 (Applications and Analytics) – Analytics vs Control, Data vs Network Analytics, IoT Data
Management and Compute Stack
Engineering IoT Networks
Things in IoT – Sensors, Actuators, MEMS and smart objects.
Sensor networks, WSN, Communication protocols for WSN
Communications Criteria, Range, Frequency bands, power consumption, Topology, Constrained
Devices, Constrained Node Networks
IoT Access Technologies, IEEE 802.15.4
Competitive Technologies – Overview only of IEEE 802.15.4g, 4e, IEEE 1901.2a
Standard Alliances – LTE Cat 0, LTE-M, NB-IoT
Engineering IoT Networks
IP as IoT network layer, Key Advantages, Adoption, Optimization, Constrained Nodes, Constrained
Networks, IP versions, Optimizing IP for IoT.
Application Protocols for IoT – Transport Layer, Application Transport layer, Background only of
SCADA, Generic web based protocols, IoT Application Layer
Data and Analytics for IoT – Introduction, Structured and Unstructured data, IoT Data Analytics
overview and Challenges.
IoT in Industry (Three Use cases)
IoT Strategy for Connected manufacturing, Architecture for Connected Factory
Utilities – Power utility, IT/OT divide, Grid blocks reference model, Reference Architecture, Primary
substation grid block and automation.
Smart and Connected cities –Strategy, Smart city network Architecture, Street layer, city layer, Data
center layer, services layer, Smart city security architecture, Smart street lighting.
Text Book:
‘CISCO, IoT Fundamentals – Networking Technologies, Protocols, Use Cases for IoT’, David
Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, Pearson Education,
ISBN: 978-9386873743, First edition, 2017
Reference Book:
‘Internet of Things – A Hands on Approach’, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Orient
Blackswan Private Limited - New Delhi, First edition, 2015
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Linear Algebra-I: Introduction to vector spaces and sub-spaces, definitions, illustrative example.
Linearly independent and dependent vectors- Basis-definition and problems.
Linear transformations-definitions. Matrix form of linear transformations – Illustrative examples
(Text Book 1).
Linear Algebra-II: Computation of eigen values and eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices –
Given’s method. Orthogonal vectors and orthogonal bases. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process
(Text Book 1).
Calculus of Variations: Concept of functional- Eulers equation. Functional dependent on first and
higher order derivatives, Functional on several dependent variables. Isoperimetric problems-
variation problems with moving boundaries. (Text Book 2).
Probability Theory: Review of basic probability theory. Definitions of random variables and
probability distributions, probability mass and density functions, expectation, moments, central
moments, characteristic functions, probability generating and moment generating functions-
illustrations. Poisson, Gaussian and Erlang distributions examples (Text Book 3).
Engineering Applications on Random processes: Classification. Stationary, WSS and ergodic
random process. Auto-correlation function - properties, Gaussian random process (Text Book 3).
Text Books:
1. ‘Linear Algebra and its Applications’, David C Lay, Steven R Lay and J J McDonald, Pearson
Education Ltd., 5th Edition, 2015
2. ‘Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations’, Elsgolts L, MIR Publications, 3 rd Edition, 1977
3. ‘Probability, Statistics and Random Process’, T Veerarajan, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Co., 3rd Edition,
Reference Books:
1. ‘Introduction to Linear Algebra’, Gilbert Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 5th Edition, 2016
2. ‘Schaum’s Outlines of Theory and Problems of Matrix Operations’, Richard Bronson, McGraw-
Hill, 1988
3. ‘Probability and Random Process with application to Signal Processing’, Scott L Miller, Donald G
Childers, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Parallel Computer Models: The State of Computing, Multiprocessors and multicomputers,
Multivector and SIMD computers.
Program and Network Properties: Conditions of parallelism, Program Partitioning & Scheduling,
Program Flow Mechanisms.
Principles of Scalable Performance: Performance Metrics and Measures, Parallel Processing
Applications, Speedup Performance Laws, Scalability Analysis and Approaches.
Processors & Memory Hierarchy: Advanced processor technology, Super Scalars & Vector
Processors, Memory Hierarchy Technology, Virtual Memory Technology.
Bus, Cache and Shared Memory: Bus Systems, Cache Memory Organizations, Shared Memory
Organizations, Sequential & Weak Consistency Model.
Pipelining & Superscalar Technologies: Linear Pipeline Processors, Nonlinear Pipeline
Processors, Instruction Pipeline Design, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Superscalar Pipeline Design.
Multivector & SIMD Computers: Vector Processing principles, Multivector Multiprocessors,
Compound Vector Processing, SIMD Computer Organization.
Scalable, Multithreaded and Data Flow Computers: Latency Hiding Techniques, Principles of
Multithreading, Fine Grain Multi Computers, Scalable and Multithreaded Architectures, Data Flow
and Hybrid Architectures.
Parallel Models, Languages and Compilers: Parallel Programming Models, Parallel Languages &
Compilers, Dependence Analysis and Data Arrays, Code Optimization and Scheduling, Loop
Parallelization and Pipelining.
Parallel Program Development and Environments: Parallel Programming Environments,
Synchronization and Multi Processor Modes, Shared Variable Program Structures.
‘Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability’, Kai Hwang &
Narendra Jotwani, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN: 978-93-392-2092-1, 3rd Edition, 2016
Reference Books:
1. ‘Computer Architecture, Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design’, M.J. Flynn, Narosa Publishing,
2. ‘Parallel programming in C with MPI and OpenMP’, Michael J Quinn, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. ‘An Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms’, Ananth Grama,
Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2004.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: Overview of nanoscience and engineering. Development milestones in
microfabrication and electronic industry. Moores’ law and continued miniaturization, Classification
of Nanostructures, Electronic properties of atoms and solids: Isolated atom, Bonding between
atoms, Giant molecular solids, Free electron models and energy bands, crystalline solids, Periodicity
of crystal lattices, Electronic conduction, effects of nanometer length scale, Fabrication methods:
Top down processes, Bottom up processes methods for templating the growth of nanomaterials,
ordering of nanosystems (Text 1).
Characterization: Classification, Microscopic techniques, Field ion microscopy, scanning probe
techniques, diffraction techniques: bulk and surface diffraction techniques, spectroscopy
techniques: photon, radiofrequency, electron, surface analysis and dept profiling: electron, mass,
Ion beam, Reflectometry, Techniques for property measurement: mechanical, electron, magnetic,
thermal properties (Text 1).
Inorganic semiconductor nanostructures: overview of semiconductor physics. Quantum
confinement in semiconductor nanostructures: quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots,
super-lattices, band offsets, electronic density of states (Text 1).
Carbon Nanostructures: Carbon molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nanotubes, application of
Carbon Nanotubes (Text 2).
Fabrication techniques: requirements of ideal semiconductor, epitaxial growth of quantum wells,
lithography and etching, cleaved-edge over growth, growth of vicinal substrates, strain induced
dots and wires, electrostatically induced dots and wires, Quantum well width fluctuations,
thermally annealed quantum wells, semiconductor nanocrystals, colloidal quantum dots, self-
assembly techniques.
Physical processes: modulation doping, quantum hall effect, resonant tunneling, charging effects,
ballistic carrier transport, Inter band absorption, intra band absorption, Light emission processes,
phonon bottleneck, quantum confined stark effect, nonlinear effects, coherence and dephasing,
characterization of semiconductor nanostructures: optical electrical and structural (Text 1).
Methods of measuring properties: atomic, crystallography, microscopy, spectroscopy (Text 2).
Applications: Injection lasers, quantum cascade lasers, single-photon sources, biological tagging,
optical memories, coulomb blockade devices, photonic structures, QWIPs, NEMS, MEMS (Text 1).
1. ‘Nanoscale Science and Technology’, Ed Robert Kelsall, Ian Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, John
Wiley, 2007
2. ‘Introduction to Nanotechnology’, Charles P Poole, Jr, Frank J Owens, John Wiley, Copyright
2006, Reprint 2011.
Reference Book:
‘Hand Book of Nanoscience Engineering and Technology’, Ed William A Goddard III, Donald W
Brenner, Sergey E. Lyshevski, Gerald J Iafrate, CRC press, 2003
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction to ASICs: Full custom, Semi-custom and Programmable ASICs, ASIC Design flow, ASIC
cell libraries.
CMOS Logic: Data path Logic Cells: Data Path Elements, Adders: Carry skip, Carry bypass, Carry
save, Carry select, Conditional sum, Multiplier (Booth encoding), Data path Operators, I/O cells, Cell
ASIC Library Design: Logical effort: Predicting Delay, Logical area and logical efficiency, Logical
paths, Multi stage cells, Optimum delay and number of stages, library cell design.
Programmable ASIC Logic Cells:
MUX as Boolean function generators, Acted ACT: ACT 1, ACT 2 and ACT 3 Logic Modules, Xilinx LCA:
XC3000 CLB, Altera FLEX and MAX, Programmable ASIC I/O Cells: Xilinx and Altera I/O Block.
Low-level design entry: Schematic entry: Hierarchical design, The cell library, Names, Schematic
Icons & Symbols, Nets, Schematic Entry for ASICs, Connections, vectored instances & buses, Edit in
place, attributes, Netlist screener.
ASIC Construction: Physical Design, CAD Tools System partitioning, Estimating ASIC size.
Partitioning: Goals and objectives, Constructive Partitioning, Iterative Partitioning Improvement,
KL, FM and Look Ahead algorithms.
Floor planning and placement: Goals and objectives, Measurement of delay in Floor planning,
Floor planning tools, Channel definition, I/O and Power planning and Clock planning.
Placement: Goals and Objectives, Min-cut Placement algorithm, Iterative Placement Improvement,
Time driven placement methods, Physical Design Flow.
Routing: Global Routing: Goals and objectives, Global Routing Methods, Global routing between
blocks, Back-annotation. Detailed Routing: Goals and objectives, Measurement of Channel Density,
Left-Edge Algorithm, Area-Routing Algorithms, Multilevel routing, Timing –Driven detailed routing,
Final routing steps, Special Routing, Circuit extraction and DRC.
‘Application - Specific Integrated Circuits’, Michael John Sebastian Smith, Addison- Wesley
Professional, 2005
Reference Books
1. ‘CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective’, Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris and
Ayan Banerjee, Addison Wesley/ Pearson education, 3rd edition, 2011
2. ‘VLSI Design: A Practical Guide for FPGA and ASIC Implementations’, Vikram Arkalgud
Chandrasetty, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4614-1119-2 , 2011
3. ‘An ASIC Low Power Primer’, Rakesh Chadha, Bhasker J , Springer, ISBN: 978-14614-4270-7
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
Synchronization – Signal Parameter estimation, Carrier Phase Estimation, Symbol Timing
Recovery, Performance of ML estimators. [Text 1, Chapter 5]
Fading – Large scale, small scale; Statistical characterization of multipath channels – Delay and
Doppler spread, classification of multipath channels, scattering function; Binary signaling over
frequency non selective Rayleigh fading channel [Text 1, Chapter 13].
Fading Contd.: - Diversity techniques for performance improvement with binary signaling over
FNS, Slow fading channels – power combining and Maximal ratio combining; Frequency selective
channels – Rake receivers, Performance, Tap weight Synchronization, Application to CDMA [Text 1,
Chapter 13].
Multicarrier Signalling: A brief overview of Frequency Diversity [Text 2, Sec 3.4.1, 3.4.2].
Multicarrier Communications in AWGN channel- Single carrier vs Multicarrier, OFDM, FFT
Implementation, Spectral Characteristics, Power and bit allocation, Peak to Average Power Ratio,
Channel Coding Considerations [Text 1, 11.2.1 to 11.2.9] and [Text 2, Sec 3.4.4].
Capacity of wireless channel: AWGN channel capacity [Sec 5.1 All subsections], Resources of
AWGN channel [5.2 All sub sections], Linear time invariant Gaussian channel [5.3 All sub sections],
Capacity of Fading Channels [Sec 5.4 All subsections] [Text 2 Chapter 5].
MIMO spatial multiplexing and channel modeling: Multiplexing capability of deterministic
MIMO channels, Physical modeling of MIMO channels, Modeling of MIMO fading channels [Text 2,
Chapter 7].
MIMO capacity and multiplexing architectures: The VBLAST architecture, Fast fading MIMO
channel, Capacity with CSI at receiver, Performance gains, Full CSI, Performance gains in a MIMO
channel, Receiver architectures – (Linear decorrelator, Successive cancellation, Linear MMSE
receiver), Information theoretic optimality, Connections with CDMA multiuser detection and ISI
equalization, Slow fading MIMO channel [Sections 8.1 to 8.4, Text 2].
Introduction: Compression techniques, Modelling & coding, Distortion criteria, Differential
Entropy, Rate Distortion Theory, Vector Spaces, Information theory, Models for sources, Coding
uniquely decodable codes, Prefix codes, Kraft McMillan Inequality.
Quantization: Quantization problem, Uniform Quantizer, Adaptive Quantization, Non-uniform
Quantization; Entropy coded Quantization, Vector Quantization, LBG algorithm, Tree structured VQ,
Structured VQ.
Differential Encoding: Basic algorithm, Prediction in DPCM, Adaptive DPCM, Delta Modulation,
Speech coding–G.726, Image coding.
Transform Coding: Transforms – KLT, DCT, DST, DWHT; Quantization and coding of transform
coefficients, Application to Image compression – JPEG, Application to audio compression.
Sub-band Coding: Filters, Sub-band coding algorithm, Design of filter banks, Perfect reconstruction
using two channel filter banks, M-band QMF filter banks, Poly-phase decomposition, Bit allocation,
Speech coding– G.722, Audio coding–MPEG audio, Image compression.
Wavelet Based Compression: Wavelets, Multi resolution analysis & scaling function,
Implementation using filters, Image compression–EZW, SPIHT, JPEG 2000.
Analysis/Synthesis Schemes: Speech compression–LPC10, CELP, MELP.
Video Compression: Motion compensation, Video signal representation, Algorithms for video
conferencing & video phones–H.261, H.263, Asymmetric applications–MPEG 4, MPEG 7, Packet
Loss less Coding: Huffman coding, Adaptive Huffman coding, Golomb codes, Rice codes, Tunstall
codes, Applications of Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, Algorithm implementation, Applications
of Arithmetic coding, Dictionary techniques–LZ77, LZ78, Applications of LZ78– JBIG, JBIG2,
Predictive coding– Prediction with partial match, Burrows Wheeler Transform,
Applications– CALIC, JPEG-LS.
‘Introduction to Data Compression’, K Sayood, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd. & Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1996.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and Applications to Speech and Video’, N Jayant and P
Noll, Prentice Hall, USA, 1984.
2. ‘Data Compression: The Complete Reference’, D Salomon, Springer, 2000.
3. ‘Fundamentals of Multimedia’, Z Li and M S Drew, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Basic MOS Device Physics: General considerations, MOS I/V Characteristics, second order effects,
MOS device models.
Single stage Amplifier: Basic Concepts, Common Source stage (Text 1)
Single stage Amplifier: Source follower, common-gate stage, Cascode Stage, choice of device
Differential Amplifiers: Single ended and differential operation, Basic differential pair, Common
mode response, Differential pair with MOS loads, Gilbert cell (Text 1)
Passive and Active Current Mirrors: Basic current mirrors, Cascode Current mirrors, Active
Current mirrors.
Operational Amplifiers (part-1): General Considerations, One Stage OP-Amp, Two Stage OP-Amp,
Gain boosting (Text 1)
Operational Amplifiers (part-2): Common Mode Feedback, Slew rate, Power Supply Rejection.
Phase Locked Loops: Simple PLL, Charge pump PLLs, Non-ideal effects in PLLs, Delay-Locked
Loops, Applications (Text 1)
Data Converter Architectures: DAC & ADC Specifications, Current Steering DAC, Charge Scaling
DAC, Cyclic DAC, Pipeline DAC, Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC, Integrating ADC, Successive
Approximation ADC (Text 2)
1. ‘Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits’, Behzad Razavi, TMH, 2007
2. ‘CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation ‘, R. Jacob Baker, Wiley, Second Edition
Reference Book
‘CMOS Analog Circuit Design’, Phillip E. Allen, Douglas R. Holberg, Oxford University Press,
Second Edition
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
The image mathematical and physical background: Linearity, The Dirac distribution and
convolution, Linear integral transforms, Images as linear systems,
Introduction to linear integral transforms: 2D Fourier transform, Sampling and the Shannon
constraint, Discrete cosine transform, Wavelet transform, Eigen-analysis, Singular value
decomposition, Principal component analysis, Other orthogonal image transforms, Images as
stochastic processes.
Image pre-processing: Scale in image processing, Canny edge detection, Parametric edge models,
Edges in multi-spectral images, Pre-processing in frequency domain, Line detection, Corner
detection, Maximally stable extremal regions,
Image restoration: Degradations that are easy to restore, Inverse filtration, Wiener filtration.
Image segmentation: Threshold detection methods, Optimal thresholding, Multi-spectral
thresholding, Edge-based segmentation, Edge image thresholding, Edge relaxation, Border tracing,
Border detection as graph searching, Border detection as dynamic programming, Hough
transforms, Border detection using border location information, Region construction from borders,
Region-based segmentation, Region merging, Region splitting, Splitting and merging, Watershed
segmentation, Region growing post-processing. Matching: Matching criteria, Control strategies of
Evaluation issues in segmentation: Supervised evaluation, Unsupervised evaluation
Advanced segmentation: Mean Shift Segmentation, Active contour models-snakes, Traditional
snakes and balloons, Extensions, Gradient vector flow snakes, Geometric deformable models-level
sets and geodesic active contours, Fuzzy Connectivity,
Contour-based shape representation and description: Chain codes, Simple geometric border
representation, Fourier transforms of boundaries, Boundary description using segment sequences,
B-spline representation, Other contour-based shape description approaches, Shape invariants.
Knowledge representation: Statistical pattern recognition, Classification principles, Classifier
setting, Classifier learning, Support Vector Machines, Cluster analysis
Neural nets: Feed-forward networks, Unsupervised learning, Hopfield neural nets
Optimization techniques in recognition: Genetic algorithms, Simulated annealing
Fuzzy systems: Fuzzy sets and fuzzy membership functions, Fuzzy set operators, Fuzzy reasoning,
Fuzzy system design and training.
‘Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision’, Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle,
Cengage Learning, ISBN: 978-81-315-1883-0, 2013
Reference Books:
1. ‘Computer Vision and Image Processing’, Scott E Umbaugh, Prentice Hall, 1997.
2. ‘Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing’, A K Jain, Pearson, 2004.
3. ‘Digital Image Processing’, S Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Digital Control Systems: Review of Difference equations, Z – transforms and Inverse Z transforms,
The Z- transfer function (Pulse transfer function), The Z -Transform Analysis of Sampled data
Control Systems, The Z and S - domain relationship, Stability analysis (Jury’s Stability Test and
Bilinear Transformation) (Text 1, Text 2).
State Models & Solution of State equations: State models for Linear Continuous Time and Linear
Discrete Time systems, Diagonalization, Solution of State Equations (for both Continuous and
Discrete Time systems), Relevant problems (Text 1).
State Feedback Systems: Concepts of Controllability and Observability (for both Continuous and
Discrete Time systems), Pole Placement by State Feedback (for both continuous and discrete Time
systems), Observer System (Full order and Reduced order observers for both Continuous and
Discrete Time systems), Relevant problems (Text 1, Text 2).
Regulators: Dead beat Control by State Feedback, Optimal control problems using State Variable
approach, State regulator and Output regulator, Concepts of Model Reference Adaptive Control
(MRAC) (Text 1, Text 2).
Nonlinear Control Systems: Behavior of Nonlinear Systems, Common Physical Nonlinearities,
Describing Function Method, Stability Analysis by Describing Function Method, Phase Plane
Method, Stability Analysis by Phase Plane Method (Text 1).
Text Books:
1. ‘Control Systems Engineering’, I J Nagrath & M Gopal, New Age International Publishers, Fifth
edition, 2007.
2. ‘Discrete Time Control Systems’, K Ogata, 2nd edition, PHI, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Modern Control Engineering’, K Ogata, PHI, 5th Edition, 2010.
2. ‘Modern Control System Theory’, M Gopal, New Age International, 2012.
3. ‘Digital Control and State Variable methods’, M Gopal, Tata McGraw Hill, 4 th edition, 2012.
4. ‘Advanced Control Theory’, A Nagoorkani, RBA publications, 2006.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Functional Elements and Current Practice in Networking: Networking as Resource Sharing,
Analogy with the Operating System of a Computer, The Functional Elements: Multiplexing,
Switching, Routing, Network Management, Traffic Controls and Timescales, Current Practice:
Network Infrastructure, Networking Architectures, Telephone and ISDN Networks, X.25 and Frame
Relay Networks, The Internet, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks. (Text 1)
Wireless Networks: Bits over a Wireless Network, TCP Performance over Wireless Links, Adaptive
and Cross-Layer Techniques, Random Access: Aloha, S-Aloha, and CSMA/CA, Wireless Local Area
Networks, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Link Scheduling and Network Capacity, Scheduling
Constraints, Centralized Scheduling, Capacity of a WANET, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview.
(Text 1)
Packet Processing: Addressing and Address Lookup, Addressing, Addressing in IP Networks:
Subnets and Classless Inter domain Routing, Efficient Longest Prefix Matching: Level-Compressed
Tries, Hardware-Based Solutions, Packet Classification
Routing: Engineering Issues, Shortest Path Routing of Elastic Aggregates, Elastic Aggregates and
Traffic Engineering, Optimal Routing, Algorithms for Shortest Path Routing: Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
The Bellman–Ford Algorithm, Routing Protocols, Distance Vector Protocols, Link State Protocols.
(Text 1)
Traffic Management: Introduction, framework for traffic management, traffic models, traffic
classes, traffic scheduling (Text 3).
Control of Networks: Objectives and methods of control, routing optimization in circuit and
datagram networks, Queuing models in circuit and datagram networks (Text 2).
Congestion and flow control: Congestion control, Window congestion control, Rate congestion
control, control problems in ATM Networks (Text 2), flow control model, flow control classification,
open loop flow control, closed loop flow control (Text 3).
3. ‘An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking’, S. Keshav, Pearson Education, ISBN: 978-
81-317-1145-3, 2011
Reference Book:
‘Computer Networks’, Andrew S Tanenbaum, Pearson Education, 4th edition
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction and Overview:
High Power High Frequency Transistors: A Material’s Perspective: Introduction, Johnson’s
Figure of Merit, Output Power Figure of Merit 2, Achieving Mobile Carriers for Wide Band Gap
Semiconductors, Low Field Mobility Considerations, Channel Temperature Considerations,
Heterojunction Advantages (Chapter 2).
Isotope Engineering of GaN for Boosting Transistor Speeds: Introduction, Current Saturation,
The Effect of Non-equilibrium LO Phonons is Twofold, Derivation of the Electron-LO Phonon
Interaction Hamiltonian, Evaluating the Probability of Scattering into the LO Phonon Mode q,
Evaluation of the Phonon Population in Each Mode, Momentum Relaxation Time, Calculating
Velocity vs. Field Dependence, Analysis, “Creative Disorder”, Summary of the Theoretical Analysis,
Experimental Feasibility of Introducing Isotopic Disorder in GaN HEMTs (Chapter 3).
Linearity Aspects of High Power Amplification in GaN Transistors: “Creative Disorder”,
Summary of the Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Feasibility of Introducing Isotopic Disorder in
GaN HEMTs, Overview of Non-linearity and Its Impacts, Trade-Offs Against Other Metrics, Origins of
Non-linearity in GaN HEMTs, Transconductance, Capacitance, Self-heating, Trapping, Large-Signal
Modelling, Special Concerns for GaN, Available Models, Physically Derived Models, Circuit Models,
Device-Level Design for Linearity, Linearizing the Transconductance Profile, BRIDGE FET
Technology, Field Plate Technology, Circuit-Level Techniques for Linearity (Chapter 4).
III-Nitride Tunneling Hot Electron Transfer Amplifier (THETA):
Overview of the Chapter Analysis of Hot Electron Transport and Monte Carlo Simulation, Electron
Transport Scattering Mechanisms, Monte Carlo Simulation Small Signal Models for High-Frequency
Performance ,Effect of Base Thickness and Doping on β, gm, Delay Component, ft, and fmax, Effect of
Emitter-Base Current Density on Delay Component, ft, and fmax , Unipolar Transport in III-Nitride
Alloys, Polarization-Engineered Vertical Barriers, Leakage in Vertical AlGaN/GaN Heterojunctions,
Polarization-Engineered Base-Collector Barriers, Design, Growth, Fabrication, and Characterization
of THETA ,Generation I: Common-Emitter Current Gain , Ga Polar THETA with Current Gain >1, N
Polar THETA Hot Electron Transport in Vertical AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures, Negative Differential
Resistance in III-Nitride THETA, Generation II: Current Gain > 10 in III-Nitride HETs , Emitter-Base
Barrier Engineering, Current Gain Above 10 in III-Nitride HETs, Effect of Barrier Thickness on
Current Gain (Chapter 5).
Plasma-Wave Propagation in GaN and Its Applications:
Electron PlasmaWaves: Physical Origin, Drude Conductivity and Distributed Models for HEMTs,
Hydrodynamic Transport Equations and Non-linear Effects, Electron PlasmaWaves in GaN
Experimental Demonstration, Direct Electrical Probing, Quasi-Optical Excitation, Prospective
Applications, RTD-Gated HEMT (Chapter 6).
Resonant Tunneling Transport in Polar III-Nitride:
Introduction, Background on Resonant Tunneling Devices, III-Nitride-Based Resonant Tunneling
Devices, Polar Double-Barrier Heterostructures, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of III-Nitride RTDs,
GaN/AlN Resonant Tunneling Diodes, Polar RTD Model,New Tunneling Features in Polar RTDs,
Polar RTD at Resonance, Polarization-Induced Threshold Voltage, Measurement of the Magnitude of
the Polarization Fields,III-Nitride Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators, High Current-Density
RTDs, III-Nitride RTD-Oscillator (Chapter 8).
Text Book:
‘High-Frequency GaN Electronic Device’, Editors: Patrick Fay, Debdeep Jena, Paul Maki,
Springer International Publishing, 2020
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Implementation Strategies For Digital ICS: Introduction, From Custom to Semicustom and
Structured Array Design Approaches, Custom Circuit Design, Cell-Based Design Methodology,
Standard Cell, Compiled Cells, Macrocells, Megacells and Intellectual Property, Semi-Custom Design
Flow, Array-Based Implementation Approaches, Pre-diffused (or Mask-Programmable) Arrays, Pre-
wired Arrays, Perspective-The Implementation Platform of the Future.
Coping With Interconnect: Introduction, Capacitive Parasitics, Capacitance and Reliability-Cross
Talk, Capacitance and Performance in CMOS, Resistive Parasitics, Resistance and Reliability-Ohmic
Voltage Drop, Electromigration, Resistance and Performance-RC Delay, Inductive Parasitics,
Inductance and Reliability-Voltage Drop, Inductance and Performance-Transmission Line Effects,
Advanced Interconnect Techniques, Reduced-Swing Circuits, Current-Mode Transmission
Techniques, Perspective: Networks-on-a-Chip.
Timing Issues In Digital Circuits: Introduction, Timing Classification of Digital Systems,
Synchronous Interconnect, Mesochronous interconnect, Plesiochronous Interconnect,
Asynchronous Interconnect, Synchronous Design — An In-depth Perspective, Synchronous Timing
Basics, Sources of Skew and Jitter, Clock-Distribution Techniques, Latch-Base Clocking, Self-Timed
Circuit Design, Self-Timed Logic - An Asynchronous Technique, Completion-Signal Generation,
Self-Timed Signaling, Practical Examples of Self-Timed Logic, Synchronizers and Arbiters,
Synchronizers-Concept and Implementation, Arbiters, Clock Synthesis and Synchronization Using a
Phase-Locked Loop, Basic Concept, Building Blocks of a PLL.
Designing Memory and Array Structures: Introduction, Memory Classification, Memory
Architectures and Building Blocks, The Memory Core, Read-Only Memories, Nonvolatile Read-Write
Memories, Read-Write Memories (RAM), Contents-Addressable or Associative Memory (CAM),
Memory Peripheral Circuitry, The Address Decoders, Sense Amplifiers, Voltage References,
Drivers/ Buffers, Timing and Control.
Designing Memory and Array Structures: Memory Reliability and Yield, Signal-to-Noise Ratio,
Memory yield, Power Dissipation in Memories, Sources of Power Dissipation in Memories,
Partitioning of the memory, Addressing the Active Power Dissipation, Data retention dissipation,
Case Studies in Memory Design: The Programmable Logic Array (PLA), A 4 Mbit SRAM, A 1 Gbit
NAND Flash Memory, Perspective: Semiconductor Memory Trends and Evolutions.
‘Digital Integrated Circuits-A Design Perspective’,Jan M Rabey, Anantha Chandrakasan,
Borivoje Nikolic, PHI, 2nd Edition
Reference Books
1. ‘Application Specific Integrated circuits’, M. Smith, Addison Wesley, 1997
2. ‘VLSI Test Principles and Architectures’, Wang, Wu and Wen, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006
3. ‘MOS ICs: From Basics to ASICs’, H. Veendrick, Wiley-VCH, 1992
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
Information theory: Introduction, Entropy, Source coding theorem, discrete memoryless channel,
Mutual Information, Channel Capacity Channel coding theorem (Chap. 5 of Text 1).
Introduction to algebra: Groups, Fields, binary field arithmetic, Construction of Galois Fields GF
(2m) and its properties, (Only statements of theorems without proof) Computation using Galois field
GF (2m) arithmetic, Vector spaces and Matrices (Chap. 2 of Text 2).
Linear block codes: Generator and parity check matrices, Encoding circuits, Syndrome and error
detection, Minimum distance considerations, Error detecting and error correcting capabilities,
Standard array and syndrome decoding, Single Parity Check Codes (SPC), Repetition codes, Self dual
codes, Hamming codes, Reed-Muller codes. Product codes and Interleaved codes (Chap. 3 of Text 2).
Cyclic codes: Introduction, Generator and parity check polynomials, Encoding of cyclic codes,
Syndrome computing and error detection, Decoding of cyclic codes, Error trapping Decoding, Cyclic
hamming codes, Shortened cyclic codes (Chap. 4 of Text 2).
BCH codes: Binary primitive BCH codes, Decoding procedures, Implementation of Galois field
arithmetic. (6.1, 6.2, 6.7 of Text 2) Primitive BCH codes over GF (q),
Reed -Solomon codes (7.2, 7.3 of Text 2).
Majority Logic decodable codes: One -step majority logic decoding, Multiple-step majority logic
(8.1, 8.4 of Text 2).
Convolution codes: Encoding of convolutional codes: Systematic and Nonsystematic Convolutional
Codes, Feedforward encoder inverse, A catastrophic encoder, Structural properties of convolutional
codes: state diagram, state table, state transition table, tree diagram, trellis diagram.
Viterbi algorithm, Sequential decoding: Log Likelihood Metric for Sequential Decoding (11.1,11.2,
12.1,13.1 of Text 2).
1. ‘Digital Communication systems’, Simon Haykin, Wiley India Private. Ltd, ISBN 978-81-265-
4231-4, First edition, 2014
2. ‘Error control coding’, Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello. Jr, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2 nd edition, 2004
Reference Books:
1. ‘Theory and practice of error control codes’, Blahut. R. E, Addison Wesley, 1984
2. ‘Introduction to Error control coding’, Salvatore Gravano, Oxford University Press, 2007
3. ‘Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications’, Bernard Sklar, Pearson Education
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2001
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Spatial Signals: Signals in space and time, Spatial Frequency vs Temporal Frequency, Review of Co-
ordinate Systems, Maxwell’s Equation, Wave Equation. Solution to Wave equation in Cartesian Co-
ordinate system –Wave number vector, Slowness vector.
Wave number-Frequency Space Spatial Sampling: Spatial Sampling Theorem-Nyquist Criteria,
Aliasing in Spatial frequency domain, Spatial sampling of multidimensional signals.
Sensor Arrays: Linear Arrays, Planar Arrays, Frequency – Wave number Response and Beam
pattern, Array manifold vector, Conventional Beam former, Narrowband beam former.
Uniform Linear Arrays: Beam pattern in θ, u and ψ -space, Uniformly Weighted Linear Arrays.
Beam Pattern Parameters: Half Power Beam Width, Distance to First Null, Location of side lobes
and Rate of Decrease, Grating Lobes, Array Steering.
Array Design Methods: Visible region, Duality between Time -Domain and Space -Domain Signal
Processing, Schelkunoff’s Zero Placement Method, Fourier Series Method with windowing,
Woodward -Lawson Frequency-Sampling Design.
Non parametric method -Beam forming, Delay and sum Method, Capons Method.
Text Book:
‘Optimum Array Processing Part IV of Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory’, Harry L.
Van Trees, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 9780471093909, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Array Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques’, Don H. Johnson, Dan E. Dugeon, Prentice
Hall Signal Processing Series, 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0130485137.
2. ‘Spectral Analysis of Signals’, Petre Stoica and Randolph L. Moses, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-
113956-8, 2005.
3. ‘Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas’, Sophocles J. Orfanidis, ECE Department, Rutgers
University, 94 Brett Road Piscataway, NJ 88548058.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Automotive Fundamentals, the Systems Approach to Control and Instrumentation: Use of
Electronics in the Automobile, Antilock Brake Systems (ABS), Electronic steering control, Power
steering, Traction control, Electronically controlled suspension (Chap.1 and 2 of Text).
Automotive instrumentation Control: Operational amplifiers, Digital circuits, Logic circuits,
Microcomputer fundamentals, Microcomputer operations, Microprocessor architecture, digital to
analog converter, analog to digital converter, Microcomputer applications in automotive systems,
Instrumentation applications of microcomputers, Microcomputer in control systems (Chap.3 and 4
of Text).
The basics of Electronic Engine control: Integrated body: Climate controls, Motivation for
Electronic Engine Control, Concept of An Electronic Engine Control System, Definition of General
Terms, Definition of Engine Performance Terms, Electronic fuel control system, Engine control
sequence, Electronic Ignition, Sensors and Actuators, Applications of sensors and actuators, air flow
rate sensor, Indirect measurement of mass air flow, Engine crankshaft angular position sensor,
Automotive engine control actuators, Digital engine control, Engine speed sensor, Timing sensor for
ignition and fuel delivery, Electronic ignition control systems, Safety systems, Interior safety,
Lighting, Entertainment systems (Chap. 5 and 6 of Text).
Vehicle Motion Control and Automotive diagnostics: Cruise control system, Digital cruise
control, Timing light, Engine analyzer, On-board and off-board diagnostics, Expert systems. Stepper
motor-based actuator, Cruise control electronics, Vacuum - antilock braking system, Electronic
suspension system, Electronic steering control, Computer-based instrumentation system, Sampling
and Input\output signal conversion, Fuel quantity measurement, Coolant temperature
measurement, Oil pressure measurement, Vehicle speed measurement, Display devices, Trip-
Information-Computer, Occupant protection systems (Chap. 8 and 10 of Text).
Future automotive electronic systems: Alternative Fuel Engines, Collision Wide Range Air/Fuel
Sensor, Alternative Engine, Low Tire Pressure Warning System, Collision avoidance Radar Warning
Systems, Low Tire Pressure Warning System, Radio Navigation, Advance Driver information
System. Alternative-Fuel Engines, Transmission Control, Collision Avoidance Radar Warning
System, Low Tire Pressure Warning System, Speech Synthesis Multiplexing in Automobiles, Control
Signal Multiplexing, Navigation Sensors, Radio Navigation, Sign post Navigation, Dead Reckoning
Navigation Future Technology, Voice Recognition Cell Phone Dialing Advanced Driver information
System, Automatic Driving Control (Chap. 11 of Text).
Text Book:
‘Understanding Automotive Electronics’, William B. Ribbens, SAMS/ Elsevier publishing, 6 th
Edition, 1997.
Reference Book:
‘Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics- Systems and Components, Networking and
Hybrid Drive’, Robert Bosch Gmbh, Springer Verlag, 5th Edition, 2007.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
A Preliminary Taxonomy for Machine Learning in VLSI CAD
Machine learning taxonomy, VLSI CAD Abstraction levels (Text Book:1 – 1.1, 1.2)
Machine Learning for Compact Lithographic Process Models
Introduction, Lithographic Patterning Process, Representation of Lithographic Patterning Process –
Mask, Imaging, Resist & Etch Transfer Function (Text Book:1 – 2.1, 2.2).
Machine Learning of Compact Lithographic Process Models (Cont.,)
Compact process model machine learning problem statement, CPM Task, CPM Training Experience,
Performance metrics, Supervised learning of a CPM (Text. Book:1 – 2.3)
Neural Network Compact Patterning Models
Neural Network Mask Transfer Function, Neural Network Image Transfer Function, Neural
Network Resist Transfer Function, Neural Network Etch Transfer Function (Text. Book:1 – 2.4).
Machine Learning for Mask Synthesis
Introduction, Machine Learning guided OPC, MLP Construction, ML-EPC, EPC Algorithm (Text
Book:1 – 3.1, 3.2,, 3.3.2,
Machine Learning in Physical Verification
Introduction, Machine Learning in Physical Verification – layout feature extraction & encoding,
models for hotspot detection.
(Text.Book:1 – 4.1, 4.2)
Machine Learning in Mask Synthesis and Physical Design:
Machine Learning in Mask Synthesis – mask synthesis flow, Machine Learning for sub-resolution
assist features, Machine Learning for optical proximity correction.
Machine Learning in Physical Design - for datapath placement, routability driven placement, clock
optimization, lithography friendly routing (Text Book: 1 – 4.3, 4.4).
Machine Learning for Manufacturing
Gaussian Process-Based Wafer-Level Correlation Modeling and Its Applications
(Text Book: 1 – 5.1).
Machine Learning for Yield and Reliability:
High-volume manufacturing yield estimation – Histogram with random sampling, Histogram with
GP-ST-PS, Kernel density estimation. (Text Book: 1 – 5.2.11).
Machine learning based aging analysis (Text Book: 1 – 9.1).
Learning from limited data in VLSI CAD, Iterative feature search (Text Book: 1 – 13.1, 13.2).
Comparative study of Assertion mining algorithms in GoldMine (Text Book: 1 – 20.1).
‘Machine Learning in VLSI Computer Aided Design’, Editors: Ibrahim (Abe) M Elfadel, Duane S
Boning, Xin Li, Springer International Publishing, 2019
Reference Books
Automation – Need and Benefit: Instrumentation subsystems- Structure, Signal Interface
Standards, Input data reliability enhancement, Isolation and Protection, human interface
subsystems - Operation panel, Construction, control subsystems – Structure, interfacing,
automation strategies- Basic and advanced strategies.
Data Acquisition and Control Unit: Hardware and Software- Basic modules, functional modules,
DACU capacity expansion, system cables, Integrated assemblies, DACU construction, Data exchange
on bus, Software structure, application programming, Programmable control subsystems.
Data Communication and Networking: Communication network, signal and data transmission,
Data communication protocol, Inter process communication, cyber security, Safe and redundant
Fieldbus Technology & Safety Systems: Centralized, remote- input-output, Field bus- input-
output, communication, device integration, Other networks. Safety systems introduction, Process
and Machine safety management.
Management and Information Technology in Industrial Processes: Introduction, Classification
of industrial processes, Manufacturing and utility processes, industrial robotics, operation
technology and IT, before and after convergence, ISA 95 standard, new developments.
‘Overview of Industrial Process Automation’, K L S Sharma, 2 nd edition, ELSEVIER, 2016.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Foundations: Terminology, Steganography, substitution ciphers and transpositions ciphers, Simple
XOR, One-Time Pads, Computer Algorithms (Text 2: Chapter 1: Section 1.1 to 1.6).
SYMMETRIC CIPHERS: Traditional Block Cipher structure, Data encryption standard (DES), The
AES Cipher. (Text 1: Chapter 2: Section2.1, 2.2, Chapter 4).
Introduction to modular arithmetic, Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, primality
testing, Chinese Remainder theorem, discrete logarithm. (Text 1: Chapter 7: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, The RSA algorithm, Diffie - Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic
Curve Arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Text 1: Chapter 8, Chapter 9: Section 9.1, 9.3, 9.4).
Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers: Linear Congruential Generators,
Linear Feedback Shift Registers, Design and analysis of stream ciphers, Stream ciphers using LFSRs,
A5, Hughes XPD/KPD, Nanoteq, Rambutan, Additive generators, Gifford, Algorithm M, PKZIP (Text
2: Chapter 16).
One-Way Hash Functions: Background, Snefru, N-Hash, MD4, MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA],
One way hash functions using symmetric block algorithms, Using public key algorithms, Choosing a
one-way hash functions, Message Authentication Codes. Digital Signature Algorithm, Discrete
Logarithm Signature Scheme (Text 2: Chapter 18: Section 18.1 to 18.5, 18.7, 18.11 to 18.14 and
Chapter 20: Section 20.1, 20.4).
E-mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy-S/MIME (Text 1: Chapter 17: Section 17.1, 17.2).
IP Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Policy, Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP),
Combining security Associations. (Text 1: Chapter 18: Section 18.1 to 18.4).
Web Security: Web Security Considerations, SSL (Text 1: Chapter 15: Section 15.1, 15.2).
1. ‘Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice’, William Stallings, Pearson
Education Inc., ISBN: 978-93325-1877-3, 6th Edition, 2014
2. ‘Applied Cryptography Protocols, Algorithms, and Source code in C’, Bruce Schneier, Wiley
Publications ISBN: 9971-51348-X, 2nd Edition
Reference Books:
1. ‘Cryptography and Network Security’, Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH, 2007
2. ‘Cryptography and Network Security’, Atul Kahate, TMH, 2003
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Overview of MEMS and Microsystems: MEMS and Microsystem, Typical MEMS and Microsystems
Products, Evolution of Microfabrication, Microsystems and Microelectronics, Multidisciplinary
Nature of Microsystems, Miniaturization. Applications and Markets.
Working Principles of Microsystems: Introduction, Microsensors, Microactuation, MEMS with
Microactuators, Microaccelerometers, Microfluidics.
Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication: Introduction, Atomic Structure
of Matters, Ions and Ionization, Molecular Theory of Matter and Inter-molecular Forces, Doping of
Semiconductors, The Diffusion Process, Plasma Physics, Electrochemistry.
Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design: Introduction, Static Bending of Thin Plates,
Mechanical Vibration, Thermomechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Thin Film Mechanics, Overview on
Finite Element Stress Analysis.
Scaling Laws in Miniaturization:
Introduction, Scaling in Geometry, Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics, Scaling in Electrostatic Forces,
Scaling of Electromagnetic Forces, Scaling in Electricity, Scaling in Fluid Mechanics, Scaling in Heat
Overview of Micro-manufacturing: Introduction, Bulk Micro-manufacturing, Surface
Micromachining, The LIGA Process, Summary on Micromanufacturing.
Microsystem Design: Introduction, Design Considerations, Process Design, Mechanical Design,
Using Finite Element Method.
Text Book:
‘MEMS and Micro systems: Design, Manufacture and Nanoscale Engineering’, Tai-Ran Hsu, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0470-08301-7, 2nd Edition, 2008
Reference Books:
1. ‘Micro and Nano Fabrication: Tools and Processes’, Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jurg Leuthold,
Springer, 2015
2. ‘Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)’, Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya, Brajesh Kumar Kaushik,
Cengage Learning.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: Need for low power VLSI chips, charging and discharging capacitance, short circuit
current in CMOS leakage current, static current, basic principles of low power design, low power
figure of merits.
Simulation power analysis: SPICE circuit simulation, discrete transistor modeling and analysis,
gate level logic simulation, architecture level analysis, data correlation analysis in DSP systems,
Monte Carlo simulation. (Text 1)
Probabilistic power analysis: Random logic signals, probability & frequency, probabilistic power
analysis techniques, signal entropy.
Circuit: Transistor and gate sizing, equivalent pin ordering, network restructuring and
reorganization, special latches and flip flops, low power digital cell library, adjustable device
threshold voltage. (Text 1)
Logic: Gate reorganization, signal gating, logic encoding, state machine encoding, pre-computation
logic (Text 1).
Low power Clock Distribution: Power dissipation in clock distribution, single driver Vs
distributed buffers, Zero skew Vs tolerable skew, chip & package co design of clock network (Text
Low power Architecture & Systems: Power & performance management, switching activity
reduction, parallel architecture with voltage reduction, flow graph transformation (Text 1).
Low power arithmetic components: Introduction, circuit design style, adders, multipliers,
division (Text 2).
Low power memory design: Introduction, sources and reductions of power dissipation in memory
subsystem, sources of power dissipation in DRAM and SRAM (Text 2).
Algorithm & Architectural Level Methodologies: Introduction, design flow, Algorithmic level
analysis & optimization, Architectural level estimation & synthesis (Text 2).
Advanced Techniques: Adiabatic computation, pass transistor, Asynchronous circuits (Text 1).
1. ‘Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design’, Gary K. Yeap, Kluwer Academic, 1998
2. ‘Low Power Design Methodologies’, Jan M.Rabaey, Massoud Pedram, Kluwer Academic,
Reference Books
1. ‘Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design‘, Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad, Wiley, 2000
2. ‘Low power digital CMOS design’, A.P.Chandrasekaran and R.W.Broadersen, Kluwer
Academic, 1995
3. ‘Low power VLSI CMOS circuit design’, A Bellamour and M I Elmasri, Kluwer Academic,
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
Antenna Fundamentals and Definitions: Radiation Mechanisms, Overview, EM Fundamentals,
Solution of Maxwell's Equations for Radiation Problems, Ideal Dipole, Radiation patterns,
Directivity and Gain, Antenna impedance, Radiation efficiency, Antenna polarization.
Arrays: Array factor for linear arrays, Uniformly excited equally spaced linear arrays, Pattern
multiplication, Directivity of linear arrays, Nonuniformly excited equally spaced linear arrays,
Antenna Synthesis: Formulation of the synthesis problem, Synthesis principles, Line sources
shaped beam synthesis, Linear array shaped beam synthesis, Fourier series, Woodward - Lawson
sampling method, Comparison of shaped beam synthesis methods, low side lobe narrow main beam
synthesis methods, Dolph Chebyshev linear array, Taylor line source method.
Resonant Antennas: Wires and Patches, Dipole antenna, Yagi-Uda antennas, Micro-strip antenna.
Broadband antennas: Traveling wave antennas Helical antennas, Biconical antennas, Sleeve
antennas, and Principles of frequency independent antennas, Spiral antennas, and Log - periodic
Aperture antennas: Techniques for evaluating gain, Reflector antennas- Parabolic reflector
antenna principles, Axi-symmetric parabolic reflector antenna, Offset parabolic reflectors, Dual
reflector antennas, Gain calculations for reflector antennas, Feed antennas for reflectors, Field
representations, Matching the feed to the reflector, General feed model, Feed antennas used in
CEM for antennas: The method of moments: Introduction of the methods moments, Pocklington's
integral equation, Integral equation and Kirchhoff’s networking equations, Source modeling
weighted residual formulations and computational consideration, Calculation of antenna and
scatter characteristics.
‘Antenna Theory and Design’, Stutzman and Thiele, John Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2010
Reference Books:
1. ‘Antenna Theory Analysis and Design’, C. A. Balanis, John Wiley, 2 nd Edition, 2007
2. ‘Antennas and Wave Propagation’, J. D. Krauss, McGraw Hill TMH, 4th Edition, 2010
3. ‘Antennas and propagation’, A.R.Harish, M.Sachidanada, Pearson Education, 2015
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Digital Models for the Speech Signal: Process of speech production, Acoustic theory of speech
production, Lossless tube models, and Digital models for speech signals (Text 1).
Time Domain Models for Speech Processing: Time dependent processing of speech, Short time
energy and average magnitude, Short time average zero crossing rate, Speech vs silence
discrimination using energy & zero crossings, Pitch period estimation, Short time autocorrelation
function, Short time average magnitude difference function, Pitch period estimation using
autocorrelation function, Median smoothing (Text 1).
Digital Representations of the Speech Waveform: Sampling speech signals, Instantaneous
quantization, Adaptive quantization, Differential quantization, Delta Modulation, Differential PCM,
Comparison of systems, direct digital code conversion (Text 1).
Short Time Fourier Analysis: Linear Filtering interpretation, Filter bank summation method,
Overlap addition method, Design of digital filter banks, Implementation using FFT, Spectrographic
displays, Pitch detection, Analysis by synthesis, Analysis synthesis systems (Text 1).
Homomorphic Speech Processing: Homomorphic systems for convolution, Complex cepstrum,
Pitch detection, Formant estimation, Homomorphic vocoder.
Linear Predictive Coding of Speech: Basic principles of linear predictive analysis, Solution of LPC
equations, Prediction error signal, Frequency domain interpretation, Relation between the various
speech parameters, Synthesis of speech from linear predictive parameters, Applications (Text 1).
Speech Enhancement: Spectral subtraction & filtering, Harmonic filtering, parametric re-
synthesis, Adaptive noise cancellation.
Speech Synthesis: Principles of speech synthesis, Synthesizer methods, Synthesis of intonation,
Speech synthesis for different speakers, Speech synthesis in other languages, Evaluation, Practical
speech synthesis (Text 1).
Automatic Speech Recognition: Introduction, Speech recognition vs. Speaker recognition, Signal
processing and analysis methods, Pattern comparison techniques, Hidden Markov Models, Artificial
Neural Networks (Text 2).
Audio Processing: Auditory perception and psychoacoustics - Masking, frequency and loudness
perception, spatial perception, Digital Audio, Audio Coding - High quality, low-bitrate audio coding
standards, MPEG, AC- 3, Multichannel audio - Stereo, 3D binaural and Multichannel surround sound
(Text 3).
Text Books:
1. ‘Digital Processing of Speech Signals’, L. R. Rabiner and R. W. Schafer, Pearson Education
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
2. ‘Fundamentals of Speech Recognition’, L. R. Rabiner and B. Juang, Pearson Education (Asia)
Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. ‘Fundamentals of Multimedia’, Z. Li and M.S. Drew, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
Reference Book:
‘Speech Communications: Human and Machine’, D. O’Shaughnessy, Universities Press, 2001.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
ARM Organization and Implementation: 3-stage pipeline ARM organization, 5-stage pipeline
ARM organization, ARM instruction execution, ARM implementation, The ARM coprocessor
The ARM Instruction Set: Introduction, Exceptions, Conditional execution, Branch and Branch
with Link (B, BL), Branch, Branch with Link and eXchange (BX, BLX), Software Interrupt (SWI), Data
processing instructions, Multiply instructions, Count leading zeros (CLZ - architecture v5T only),
Single word and unsigned byte data transfer instruction, Half-word and signed byte data transfer
instructions, Multiple register transfer instructions, Swap memory and register instructions (SWP),
Status register to general register transfer instructions, General register to status register transfer
instructions, Coprocessor instructions, Coprocessor data operations, Coprocessor data transfers,
Coprocessor register transfers, Breakpoint instruction (BRK - architecture v5T only), Unused
instruction space, Memory faults, ARM architecture variants.
Architectural Support for High-Level Languages: Abstraction in software design, Data types,
Floating-point data types, The ARM floating-point architecture, Expressions, Conditional
statements, Loops, Functions and procedures, Use of memory, Run-time environment.
Architectural Support for System Development: The ARM memory interface, The Advanced
Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA), The ARM reference peripheral specification, Hardware
system prototyping tools, The ARMulator, The JTAG boundary scan test architecture, The ARM
debug architecture, Embedded Trace, Signal processing support.
ARM Processor Cores: ARM7TDMI, ARM8, ARM9TDMI, ARM10TDMI, Discussion, Example and
Memory Hierarchy: Memory size and speed, On-chip memory, Caches, Cache design - an example,
Memory management, Examples and exercises.
Architectural Support for Operating Systems: An introduction to operating systems, The ARM
system control coprocessor, CP15 protection unit registers, ARM protection unit, CP15 MMU
registers, ARM MMU architecture, Synchronization, Context switching, Input/ Output, Example and
ARM CPU Cores: The ARM710T, ARM720T and ARM740T, The ARM810, The Strong ARM SA-110,
The ARM920T and ARM940T, The ARM946E-S and ARM966E-S, The ARM1020E, Discussion,
Example and exercises.
Embedded ARM Applications: The VLSI Ruby II Advanced Communication Processor, The VLSI
ISDN Subscriber Processor, The One C™VWS22100 GSM chip, The Ericsson-VLSI Bluetooth
Baseband Controller, The ARM7500 and ARM7500FE, The ARM7100 364, The SA-1100 368,
Examples and exercises.
The AMULET Asynchronous ARM Processors: Self-timed design 375, AMULET1 377, AMULET2
381, AMULET2e 384, AMULET3 387, The DRACO telecommunications controller 390, A self-timed
future? 396, Example and exercises.
Text Book
‘ARM System-On-Chip Architecture’, Steve Furber, Addison Wesley, 2nd edition.
Reference Books
1. ‘The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3’, Joseph Yiu, Newnes, (Elsevier), 2nd edition,
2. ‘On-Chip Communication Architectures: System on Chip Interconnect’, Sudeep Pasricha and
Nikil Dutt, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008
3. ‘Reuse Methodology Manual for System on Chip designs’, Michael Keating, Pierre Bricaud
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2nd edition, 2008
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: Probability Theory, Model Selection, The Curse of Dimensionality, Decision Theory,
Information Theory
Distributions: Binary and Multinomial Variables, The Gaussian Distribution, The Exponential
Family, Nonparametric Methods (Ch. 1, 2).
Supervised Learning
Linear Regression Models: Linear Basis Function Models, The Bias-Variance Decomposition,
Bayesian Linear Regression, Bayesian Model Comparison
Classification & Linear Discriminant Analysis: Discriminant Functions, Probabilistic Generative
Models, Probabilistic Discriminative Mode (Ch. 3, 4).
Supervised Learning
Kernels: Dual Representations, Constructing Kernels, Radial Basis Function Network, Gaussian
Support Vector Machines: Maximum Margin Classifiers, Relevance Vector Machines
Neural Networks: Feed-forward Network, Network Training, Error Backpropagation (Ch. 5, 6, 7).
Unsupervised Learning
Mixture Models: K-means Clustering, Mixtures of Gaussians, Maximum likelihood, EM for Gaussian
mixtures, Alternative View of EM.
Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis, Factor/Component Analysis,
Probabilistic PCA, Kernel PCA, Nonlinear Latent Variable Models (Ch. 9, 12).
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Bayesian Networks, Conditional Independence, Markov Random
Fields, Inference in Graphical Models, Markov Model, Hidden Markov Models (Ch.8,13).
Text Book:
‘Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning’, Christopher Bishop, Springer, 2006.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
An Introduction to Electrical Drives & its Applications: Electrical Drives, Advantages of
Electrical Drives, Parts of Electrical Drives, Choice of Electrical Drive, Status of DC and AC Drives,
Fundamental Torque Equations, Speed Torque Conventions and Multiquadrant Operation.
Applications: Rolling mill drives, cement mill drives, paper mill drives and textile mill drives.
Selection of Motor Power Rating: Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling, Classes of
motor duty, determination of motor rating.
DC Motor Drives 1: Starting braking, transient analysis, single phase fully controlled rectifier,
control of DC separately excited motor, Single-phase half controlled rectifier: control of DC
separately excited motor.
DC Motor Drives 2: Three phase fully controlled rectifier: control of DC separately excited motor,
three phases half controlled rectifier: control of DC separately excited motor, multiquadrant
operation of DC separately excited motor fed form fully controlled rectifier. Rectifier control of DC
series motor, chopper controlled DC drives, chopper control of separately excited DC motor.
Chopper control of series motor.
Induction Motor Drives: Operation with unbalanced source voltage and single phasing, operation
with unbalanced rotor impedances, analysis of induction motor fed from non-sinusoidal voltage
supply, starting braking, transient analysis. Stator voltage control variable voltage frequency
control from voltage sources, voltage source inverter control, closed loop control, current source
inverter control, current regulated voltage source inverter control.
Synchronous Motor Drives: Operation form faced frequency supply, synchronous motor variable
speed drives, and variable frequency control of multiple synchronous motors. Self-controlled
synchronous motor drive employing load commutated thruster inverter.
Text Book:
‘Fundamentals of Electrical Drives’, G K Dubey, 2nd Edition, 5th reprint, Narosa publishing house.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Electrical Drives’, N K De and P K Sen, PHI, 2007.
2. ‘A First Course on Electric Drives’, S K Pillai, Wiley Eastern Ltd 1990.
3.‘Power Electronics, Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications’, V R Moorthi, Oxford University
Press, 2005.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Development Steps, BI Definitions, BI Decision Support Initiatives, Development Approaches,
Parallel Development Tracks, BI Project Team Structure, Business Justification, Business Divers,
Business Analysis Issues, Cost – Benefit Analysis, Risk Assessment, Business Case Assessment
Activities, Roles Involved In These Activities, Risks of Not Performing Step, Hardware, Middleware,
DBMS Platform, Non Technical Infrastructure Evaluation
Managing The BI Project, Defining And Planning The BI Project, Project Planning Activities, Roles
And Risks Involved In These Activities, General Business Requirement, Project Specific
Requirements, Interviewing Process.
Differences in Database Design Philosophies, Logical Database Design, Physical Database Design,
Activities, Roles And Risks Involved In These Activities, Incremental Rollout, Security Management,
Database Backup And Recovery.
Growth Management, Application Release Concept, Post Implementation Reviews, Release
Evaluation Activities, The Information Asset and Data Valuation, Actionable Knowledge – ROI, BI
Applications, The Intelligence Dashboard.
Business View of Information technology Applications: Business Enterprise excellence, Key purpose
of using IT, Type of digital data, basics of enterprise reporting, BI road ahead.
Text Books:
1. ‘Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision Support
Applications’, Larissa T Moss and Shaku Atre, Addison Wesley Information Technology Series,
2. ‘Fundamentals of Business Analytics’, R N Prasad, Seema Acharya, Wiley India, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager's Guide’, David Loshin, Publisher: Morgan
Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-196-4.
2. ‘Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005’, Brian Larson, McGraw Hill,
3. ‘Foundations of SQL Server 2008’, Lynn Langit, Business Intelligence –Apress, ISBN13: 978-
14302-3324-4, 2011.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction to DSP Systems: Typical DSP Algorithms, DSP Application Demands and Scaled
CMOS Technologies, Representations of DSP Algorithms.
Iteration Bounds: Data flow graph Representations, loop bound and Iteration bound. Algorithms
for Computing Iteration Bound, Iteration Bound of multi rate data flow graphs.
Pipelining and Parallel Processing: pipelining of FIR Digital Filters, parallel processing, Pipelining
and parallel processing for low power.
Retiming: Definition and Properties, Solving Systems of Inequalities, Retiming Techniques.
Unfolding: An Algorithm for Unfolding, Properties of Unfolding, Critical path, Unfolding and
Retiming, Application of Unfolding.
Folding: Folding Transformation, Register Minimization Techniques, Register Minimization in
Folded Architectures, Folding of Multirate Systems.
Systolic Architecture Design: systolic array design Methodology, FIR systolic array, Selection of
Scheduling Vector, Matrix-Matrix Multiplication and 2D systolic Array Design, Systolic Design for
space representation containing Delays.
Fast convolution: Cook-Toom Algorithm, Winograd Algorithm, Iterated convolution, cyclic
convolution Design of fast convolution Algorithm by Inspection.
Pipelined and Parallel Recursive and Adaptive Filter: Pipeline Interleaving in Digital Filter, first
order IIR digital Filter, Higher order IIR digital Filter, parallel processing for IIR filter, Combined
pipelining and parallel processing for IIR Filter, Low power IIR Filter Design Using Pipelining and
parallel processing, pipelined adaptive digital filter.
Text Book
‘VLSI Digital Signal Processing systems, Design and implementation’, Keshab K.Parthi, Wiley,
Reference Books
1. ‘Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing’, Mohammed Isamail and Terri Fiez, Mc
Graw-Hill, 1994
2. ‘VLSI and Modern Signal Processing’, S.Y. Kung, H.J. White House, T. Kailath, Prentice Hall,
3. ‘Design of Analog - Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunication and Signal Processing’, Jose
E. France, Yannis Tsividis, Prentice Hall, 1994
4. ‘DSP Integrated Circuits’, Lars Wanhammar, Academic Press Series in Engineering, 1st
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Faults in digital circuits: Failures and Faults, Modeling of faults, Temporary Faults. (Text 1)
Logic Simulation: Applications, Problems in simulation based design verification, types of
simulation, The unknown logic values, compiled simulation, event-driven simulation, Delay models,
Element evaluation, Hazard detection, Gate-level event-driven Simulation. (Text 2)
Test generation for Combinational Logic circuits: Fault Diagnosis of digital circuits, Test
generation techniques for combinational circuits, Detection of multiple faults in Combinational logic
circuits. (Text 1)
Testable Combinational logic circuit design: The Read-Muller expansion technique, Three level
OR-AND-OR design, Automatic synthesis of testable logic. (Text 1)
Testable Combinational logic circuit design: Testable design of multilevel combinational circuits,
Synthesis of random pattern testable combinational circuits, Path delay fault testable combinational
logic design, Testable PLA design. (Text 1)
Test generation for Sequential circuits: Testing of sequential circuits as Iterative combinational
circuits, state table verification, Test generation based on Circuit Structure, Functional Fault
models, test Generation based on Functional Fault models. (Text 1)
Design of testable sequential circuits: Controllability and observability, Ad-Hoc design rules for
improving testability, design of diagnosable sequential circuits, the scan-path technique for testable
sequential circuit design, Level Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD), Random Access Scan Technique,
Partial scan, testable sequential circuit design using Nonscan Techniques, Cross check, Boundary
Scan. (Text 1)
Built-In Self Test: Test pattern generation for BIST, Output response analysis, Circular BIST, BIST
Architectures. (Text 1)
Testable Memory Design: RAM Fault Models, Test algorithms for RAMs, Detection of pattern-
sensitive faults, BIST techniques for RAM chips, Test generation and BIST for embedded RAMs.
1. ‘Digital Circuit Testing and Testability’, Lala Parag K, New York, Academic Press, 1997
2. ‘Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design’, Abramovici M, Breuer M A and Friedman A D,
Wiley, 1994
Reference Books
1. ‘Essential of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed Signal Circuits’, Vishwani D
Agarwal, Springer, 2002
2. ‘VLSI Test Principles and Architectures’, Wang, Wu and Wen, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
Introduction to optical networks: Optical Networks, optical packet switching, Propagation of
signals in optical fiber: Different losses, Nonlinear effects, Solitons. Optical Components (Part-
1): Couplers, Isolators and Circulators (1.3, 1.6, 2.1 up to 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 of Text).
Optical Components (Part-2): Multiplexers and Filters, Optical Amplifiers, detectors. Modulation
- Demodulation: Formats, Ideal receivers, Practical direct detection receivers, Optical
preamplifiers, Bit error rates, Coherent detection (3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.5, 4.4.6, 4.4.7 of
Transmission System Engineering: System model, Power penalty, Transmitter, Receiver,
Client Layers of optical layer: SONET/SDH: Multiplexing, layers, Frame structure. Asynchronous
Transfer Mode: ATM functions, Adaptation layers, Quality of Service (QoS) and flow control,
Signaling and Routing (5.1 up to 5.4, 5.6, 6(introduction), 6.1(introduction), 6.1.1, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, J.1 up
to J.5 of Text).
WDM network elements: Optical line terminals, Optical line amplifiers, Optical Add/ Drop
Multiplexers, Optical cross connects.
WDM Network Design: Cost trade-offs, LTD and RWA problems, Routing and wavelength
assignment, Wavelength conversion (Chapter 7 (full), 10 (introduction), 10.1, 10.2 of Text).
Control and Management (Part-1): Network management functions, management framework,
Information model, management protocols, Layers within optical layer.
Control and Management (Part-2): Performance and fault management, Impact of transparency,
BER measurement, Optical trace, Alarm management, Configuration management, Optical Safety
(8(introduction), 8.1, 8.3, 8.5 (introduction), 8.5.1 up to 8.5.4, 8.6, 8.7 of Text).
Text Book:
‘Optical Networks’, Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N. Sivarajan and Galan H Sasaki, Morgan Kaufman
Publishers, 3rd edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Optical fiber communication’, John M. Senior, Pearson edition, 2000.
2. ‘Optical fiber Communication’, Gerd Keiser, John Wiley, New York, 5 th Edition, 2017.
3. ‘Fiber Optic Networks’, P. E. Green, Prentice Hall, 1994.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Adaptive systems: Definitions and characteristics - applications - properties-examples - adaptive
linear combiner input signal and weight vectors - performance function-gradient and minimum
mean square error - introduction to filtering-smoothing and prediction - linear optimum filtering-
orthogonality - Wiener – Hopf equation performance Surface.
Searching performance surface-stability and rate of convergence: learning curve-gradient
search - Newton's method - method of steepest descent - comparison - gradient estimation -
performance penalty - variance - excess MSE and time constants – mis adjustments.
LMS algorithm convergence of weight vector: LMS/Newton algorithm - properties - sequential
regression algorithm – adaptive recursive filters - random-search algorithms - lattice structure -
adaptive filters with orthogonal signals.
Applications-adaptive modeling: Multipath communication channel, geophysical exploration, FIR
digital filter synthesis.
Applications: inverse adaptive modelling, deconvolution and equalization, General Description of
Inverse Modeling, Adaptive Equalization of Telephone Channels, Adapting Poles and Zeros for IIR
Digital Filter Synthesis.
Text Book:
‘Adaptive Signal Processing’, Bernard Widrow and Samuel D Stearns, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. ‘Theory and Design of Adaptive Filters’, John R Treichler, C Richard Johnson, Michael G
Larimore, Prentice-Hall of India, 2002
2. ‘Adaptive Signal Processing-Theory and Application’, S Thomas Alexander, Springer-Verlag.
3. ‘Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing’, D. G. Manolakis, V. K. Ingle and S. M. Kogar,
McGraw Hill International Edition, 2000.
4. ‘Adaptive Filter Theory’, Simon Haykin, Pearson Education, 2003.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction to RF Design, Wireless Technology and Basic Concepts: A wireless world, RF
design is challenging, The big picture. General considerations, Effects of Nonlinearity, Noise,
Sensitivity and dynamic range, Passive impedance transformation. Scattering parameters, Analysis
of nonlinear dynamic systems, conversion of gains and distortion
Communication Concepts: General concepts, analog modulation, digital modulation, spectral re-
growth, coherent and non-coherent detection, Mobile RF communications, Multiple access
techniques, Wireless standards, Appendix 1: Differential phase shift keying.
Transceiver Architecture: General considerations, Receiver architecture, Transmitter
architectures, Direct conversion and two-step transmitters, RF testing for heterodyne, Homodyne,
Image reject, Direct IF and sub sampled receivers.
Low Noise Amplifiers and Mixers: General considerations, Problem of input matching, LNA
topologies: common-source stage with inductive load, common-source stage with resistive
Mixers-General considerations, passive down conversion mixers, Various mixers- working and
VCO and PLLs- Oscillators- Basic topologies VCO and definition of phase noise, Noise power and
trade off. Resonator VCO designs, Quadrature and single sideband generators. Radio frequency
Synthesizers- PLLS, Various RF synthesizer architectures and frequency dividers, Power Amplifier
‘RF Microelectronics’, B. Razavi, PHI, second edition
Reference Books
1. ‘CMOS Circuit Design, layout and Simulation’, R. Jacob Baker, H.W. Li, D.E. Boyce, PHI,1998
2. ‘Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits’, Thomas H. Lee, Cambridge University press, 1998
3. ‘Mixed Analog and Digital Devices and Technology’, Y.P. Tsividis, TMH, 1996
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Definition of VR, modern experiences, historical perspective.
Hardware, sensors, displays, software, virtual world generator, game engines, human senses,
perceptual psychology, psychophysics.
Geometric modelling, transforming rigid bodies, yaw, pitch, roll, axis-angle representation,
quaternions, 3D rotation inverses and conversions, homogeneous transforms, transforms to
displays, look-at and eye transforms, canonical view and perspective transforms, viewport
Light propagation, lenses and images, diopters, spherical aberrations, optical distortion; more lens
aberrations; spectral properties; the eye as an optical system; cameras; visual displays. Parts of the
human eye, photoreceptors and densities, scotopic and photopic vision, display resolution
requirements, eye movements, neural vision structures, sufficient display resolution, other
implications of physiology on VR.
Depth perception, motion perception, vection, stroboscopic apparent motion, color perception,
combining information from multiple cues and senses, implications of perception on VR.
Graphical rendering, ray tracing, shading, BRDFs, rasterization, barycentric coordinates, VR
rendering problems, anti-aliasing, distortion shading, image warping (time warp), panoramic
Velocities, acceleration, vestibular system, virtual world physics, simulation, collision detection,
avatar motion, vection
Tracking systems, estimating rotation, IMU integration, drift errors, tilt and yaw correction,
estimating position, camera-feature detection model, perspective n-point problem, sensor fusion,
lighthouse approach, attached bodies, eye tracking, inverse kinematics, map building, SLAM.
Sound propagation, ear physiology, auditory perception, auditory localization; Fourier analysis;
acoustic modelling, HRTFs, rendering, auralization.
Perceptual training, recommendations for developers, best practices, VR sickness, experimental
methods that involve human subjects
Text Book
‘VIRTUAL REALITY’, , Steven M. LaValle. Cambridge
University Press, 2016
Reference Book
‘HANDBOOK OF VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS: Design, Implementation, and Applications’,
Kelly S. Hale Kay M. Stanney, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2015
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction to power electronics: Introduction to Power Processing, Several Applications of
Power Electronics, Elements of Power Electronics.
Principles of Steady State Converter Analysis: Inductor Volt-Second Balance, Capacitor Charge
Balance, and the Small-Ripple Approximation, Boost Converter Example, Cuk Converter Example
Estimating the Output voltage ripple and inductor current ripple in converters Containing Two-Pole
Low-Pass Filter (Text 1).
Converter Dynamics and Control: AC Equivalent Circuit Modeling, The Basic AC Modeling
Approach, State-Space Averaging, Circuit Averaging and Averaged Switch Modeling, The Canonical
Circuit Model, Modeling the Pulse-Width Modulator, Analysis of Converter Transfer Functions,
Graphical Construction of Impedances and Transfer Functions (Text 1).
Controller Design: Introduction, Effect of Negative Feedback on the Network Transfer Functions,
Construction of the Important Quantities 1/(1 + T) and T/(1 + T) and the Closed-Loop Transfer
Functions, Stability, The Phase Margin Test, The Relationship Between Phase Margin and Closed-
Loop Damping Factor, Transient Response vs. Damping Factor, Regulator Design, Measurement of
Loop Gains (Text 1).
Modern Rectifiers and Power System Harmonics: Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal
Systems, Pulse-Width Modulated Rectifiers.
Resonant Converters: Sinusoidal Analysis of Resonant Converters with examples (Text 1).
Power supply applications: Switching DC Power Supplies, Motor drive applications: Introduction
to Motor Drives, DC-Motor Drives, Residential and Industrial Applications, Electric Utility
Applications (Text 2).
Text Books:
1. ‘Fundamentals of Power Electronics’, Erickson and Maksimovic, 2 nd Edition, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
2. ‘Power Electronics converters, Applications and Design’, M Ned Mohan, Tore Undeland and
William P Robbins, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Switching Power Supply Design’, Abraham Pressman, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1998.
2. ‘Power Electronics Handbook’, Muhammad H. Rashid, 2 nd Edition, Academic Press, 2007.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: Sensor Mote Platforms, WSN Architecture and Protocol Stack (Chap. 1 Text 1).
WSN Applications: Military Applications, Environmental Applications, Health Applications, Home
Applications, Industrial Applications (Chap. 2 Text 1).
Factors Influencing WSN Design: Hardware Constraints Fault Tolerance Scalability Production
Costs WSN Topology, Transmission Media, Power Consumption (Chap. 3 Text 1).
Physical Layer: Physical Layer Technologies, Overview of RF Wireless Communication, Channel
Coding (Error Control Coding), Modulation, Wireless Channel Effects, PHY Layer Standards (Chap. 4
of Text 1).
Medium Access Control: Challenges for MAC, CSMA Mechanism, Contention-Based Medium
Access, Reservation-Based Medium Access, Hybrid Medium Access (Chap. 5 of Text 1).
Network Layer: Challenges for Routing, Data-centric and Flat Architecture Protocols, Hierarchical
Protocols, Geographical Routing Protocols (Chap. 7 of Text 1).
Transport Layer: Challenges for Transport Layer, Reliable MultiSegment Transport (RMST)
Protocol, Pump Slowly, Fetch Quickly (PSFQ) Protocol, Congestion Detection and Avoidance (CODA)
Protocol, Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport (ESRT) Protocol, GARUDA (Chap. 8 Text 1).
Application Layer: Source Coding (Data Compression), Query Processing, Network Management
(Chap. 9 Text 1).
Time Synchronization: Challenges for Time Synchronization, Network Time Protocol, Timing-Sync
Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN), Reference-Broadcast Synchronization (RBS), Adaptive Clock
Synchronization (ACS) (Chap. 11 of Text 1).
Localization; Challenges in Localization, Ranging Techniques, Range-Based Localization Protocols,
Range-Free Localization Protocols. (Chap. 12 Text 1).
1. ‘Wireless Sensor Networks’, Ian F. Akyildiz and Mehmet Can Vuran, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
ISBN 978-0-470-03601-3 (H/B), 2010
2. ‘Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing and Communications Perspectives’, Ananthram
Swami, et. al., John Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISBN 978-0470-03557-3, 2007
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: History, Reconfigurable vs Processor based system, RC Architecture.
Reconfigurable Logic Devices: Field Programmable Gate Array, Coarse Grained Reconfigurable
Reconfigurable Computing System: Parallel Processing on Reconfigurable Computers, A survey of
Reconfigurable Computing System. (Text 1)
Languages and Compilation: Design Cycle, Languages, HDL, High Level Compilation, Low level
Design flow, Debugging Reconfigurable Computing Applications. (Text 1)
Implementation: Integration, FPGA Design flow, Logic Synthesis.
High Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Devices: Modelling, Temporal Partitioning Algorithms.
(Text 2)
Partial Reconfiguration Design: Partial Reconfiguration Design, Bitstream Manipulation with
JBits, The modular Design flow, The Early Access Design Flow, Creating Partially Reconfigurable
Designs, Partial Reconfiguration using Hansel-C Designs, Platform Design. (Text 2)
Signal Processing Applications: Reconfigurable computing for DSP, DSP application building
blocks, Examples: Beamforming, Software Radio, Image and video processing, Local Neighbourhood
functions, Convolution. (Text 1)
System on a Programmable Chip: Introduction to SoPC, Adaptive Multiprocessing on Chip. (Text
1. ‘Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-Programmable Gate
Arrays’, M. Gokhale and P. Graham, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-26105-8, 2005
2. ‘Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications’, C.
Bobda, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6088-5, 2007
Reference Books
1. ‘Practical FPGA Programming in C’, D. Pellerin and S. Thibault, Prentice-Hall, 2005
2. ‘FPGA Based System Design’, W. Wolf, Prentice-Hall, 2004
3. ‘Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs: Accelerating the Design Process’, R. Cofer and B.
Harding, Newnes, 2005
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Verification Guidelines:
The verification process, basic test bench functionality, directed testing, methodology basics,
constrained random stimulus, randomization, functional coverage, test bench components, layered
Data Types:
Built in Data types, fixed and dynamic arrays, Queues, associative arrays, linked lists, array
methods, choosing a storage type, creating new types with type def, creating user defined
structures, type conversion, Enumerated types, constants and strings, Expression width.
Procedural Statements and Routines:
Procedural statements, Tasks, Functions and void functions, Task and function overview, Routine
arguments, returning from a routine, Local data storage, time values.
Converting the test bench and design:
Separating the test bench and design, The interface construct, Stimulus timing, Interface driving
and sampling, System Verilog assertions.
Introduction, Randomization in System Verilog, Constraint details, Solution probabilities, Valid
constraints, In-line constraints, Random number functions, Common randomization problems,
Iterative and array constraints, Random control, Random Number Generators.
Threads and Interprocess Communication:
Working with threads, Disabling threads, Interprocess communication, Events, semaphores,
Mailboxes, Building a test bench with threads and Interprocess Communication.
Functional Coverage:
Coverage types, Coverage strategies, Simple coverage example, Anatomy of Cover group and
Triggering a Cover group, Data sampling, Cross coverage, Generic Cover groups, Coverage options,
Analyzing coverage data, measuring coverage statistics during simulation.
‘System Verilog for Verification – A guide to learning the Test bench language features’,
Chris Spear’, Springer Publications, Second Edition, 2010
Reference Book
‘System Verilog for Design- A guide to using system Verilog for Hardware design and
modeling’, Stuart Sutherland, Simon Davidmann, Peter Flake Springer Publications, Second
Edition, 2006
Approved Ph. D Coursework Examination Courses
Course Code Course Name
Multimedia Communications: Introduction, Multimedia information representation, multimedia
networks, multimedia applications, Application and networking terminology (Chap. 1 of Text1).
Information Representation: Introduction, Text, Images
(Chap. 2- Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of Text 1).
Information Representation: Audio and Video (Chap. 2 - Sections 2.4 and 2.5 of Text 1).
Distributed multimedia systems: Introduction, main Features of a DMS, Resource management of
DMS, Networking, Multimedia operating systems (Chap. 4 - Sections 4.1 to 4.5 of Text 2).
Multimedia Processing in Communication: Introduction, Perceptual coding of digital Audio
signals, Transform Audio Coders, Audio Sub band Coders (Chap. 3 - Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 3.7 of Text
Multimedia Communication Standards: Introduction, MPEG approach to multimedia
standardization, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, Overview of MPEG-4
(Chap. 5 - Sections 5.1 to 5.4 and 5.5.1 of Text 2).
Multimedia Communication Across Networks: Packet audio/video in the network environment,
Video transport across generic networks, Multimedia Transport across ATM Networks (Chap. 6 -
Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 of Text 2).
Text Books:
1. ‘Multimedia Communications’, Fred Halsall, Pearson education, 2001, ISBN - 9788131709948.
2. ‘Multimedia Communication Systems’, K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic, Dragorad A. Milovanovic,
Pearson education, 2004. ISBN - 9788120321458.
Reference Book:
Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, ‘Multimedia: Computing, Communications and Applications’,
Pearson education, 2002, ISBN -9788177584417.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction-Genesis and significance of bio electric potentials, ECG, EEG, EMG and their
monitoring and measurement, Spectral analysis.
Filtering- Digital and Analog filtering, Correlation and Estimation techniques, AR / ARMA models.
ECG-Pre-processing, Measurements of amplitude and time intervals, Classification, QRS detection,
ST segment analysis, Base line wander removal, waveform recognition, morphological studies and
rhythm analysis, automated diagnosis based on decision theory ECT compression, Evoked potential
EEG: Evoked responses, Epilepsy detection, Spike detection, Hjorth parameters, averaging
techniques, removal of Artifacts by averaging and adaptive algorithms, pattern recognition of alpha,
beta, theta and delta waves in EEG waves, sleep stages.
EMG-Wave pattern studies, bio feedback, Zero crossings, Integrated EMG. Time frequency methods
and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing.
‘Biomedical Digital Signal Processing’, Willis J Tompkins, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
Reference Books:
1.‘Biomedical Signal Processing (in IV parts)’, R E Challis and RI Kitney, Medical and Biological
Engg. and current computing, 1990-91.
2. Special issue on ‘Biological Signal Processing’, Proc. IEEE 1972.
3.‘Biomedical Signal Processing’, Arnon Cohen, Volumes I & II, CRC Press.
4.‘Time frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing’, Metin Akay, IEEE Press, 1999.
Current Published literature.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Wave propagation in networks: Introduction, Reasons for using RF/Microwaves, Applications, RF
Waves, RF and Microwave circuit design, Introduction to Components Basics, Analysis of Simple
Circuit in Phasor Domain, RF Impedance Matching, Transmission Media, High Frequency
Parameters, Formulation of S-parameters, Properties of S-Parameters, Transmission Matrix,
Generalized S-parameters.
Smith chart and its Applications: Introduction, Smith Chart, Derivation of Smith Chart, Smith
Chart Circular and Radial Scales, Application of Smith chart.
Basic consideration in active networks: Stability Considerations – Stability Circles, Graphical
and analytical solution of stability criteria; Gain Considerations – power gain concepts, mismatch
factor, input and output VSWR, Maximum gain design, unilateral figure of merit; and Noise
Considerations - sources of noise, noise model of a noisy resistor, equivalent noise temperature,
noise figure, noise figure of cascaded networks, constant noise figure circles.
RF/Microwave Amplifiers: Small Signal Design: Introduction, Types of amplifier, Design of
different types of amplifiers
RF/Microwave Frequency Conversion: Mixers: Introduction, Mixer Types, Conversion Losses for
SSB Mixers, SSB versus DSB mixers, One diode mixers, Two diode Mixers.
RF/Microwave Control Circuit Design: Introduction, PN Junction Devices, Phase shifters, Digital
phase shifters, Semiconductor phase shifters, PIN diode attenuators.
RF and Microwave IC design: MICs, MIC materials, Types of MICs, Hybrid verses Monolithic ICs,
Chip mathematics
Text Book:
‘Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics (Illustrated)’, Matthew M. Radmanesh, Pearson
India, 2015.
Reference Book:
‘RF circuit design theory and applications’, Reinhold Ludwig, and Pavel Bretchko, Pearson
Education edition, 2004.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Introduction: Basic Cryptographic primitives used in Blockchain – Secure, Collison-resistant hash
functions, digital signature, public key cryptosystems, zero-knowledge proof systems. Need for
Distributed Record Keeping, Modelling faults and adversaries, Byzantine Generals problem,
Consensus algorithms and their scalability problems, Why Nakamoto Came up with Blockchain
based cryptocurrency?
Technologies Borrowed in Blockchain – hash pointers, Consensus, Byzantine Models of fault
tolerance, digital cash etc. Bitcoin blockchain - Wallet - Blocks - Merkley Tree - hardness of mining –
transaction verifiability - anonymity - forks - double spending - mathematical analysis of properties
of Bitcoin. Bitcoin, the challenges, and solutions
Abstract Models for BLOCKCHAIN - GARAY model - RLA Model - Proof of Work (PoW) as random
oracle - formal treatment of consistency, liveness and fairness - Proof of Stake (PoS) based Chains -
Hybrid models (PoW + PoS).Bitcoin scripting language and their use
Ethereum - Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) - Wallets for Ethereum - Solidity - Smart Contracts -
The Turing Completeness of Smart Contract Languages and verification challenges, Using smart
contracts to enforce legal contracts, comparing Bitcoin scripting vs. Ethereum Smart Contracts.
Some attacks on smart contracts
Hyperledger fabric, the plug and play platform and mechanisms in permissioned blockchain.
Beyond Cryptocurrency – applications of blockchain in cyber security, integrity of information, E-
Governance and other contract enforcement mechanisms. Limitations of blockchain as a
technology, and myths vs. reality of blockchain technology
Text Books
Reference Books
1. ‘Research perspectives and challenges for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency’, Joseph Bonneau et
al, SoK, IEEE Symposium on security and Privacy, 2015
2. ‘The bitcoin backbone protocol - analysis and applications’, J.A.Garay et al, EUROCRYPT
LNCS VOl 9057, (VOL II ), pp 281-310, 2015
3. ‘Analysis of Blockchain protocol in Asynchronous networks’, R.Pass et al, EUROCRYPT, 2017
4. ‘Fruitchain, a fair blockchain’, R.Pass et al, PODC, 2017
5. ‘Blockchain: The Blockchain for Beginnings, Guild to Blockchain Technology and Blockchain
Programming’, Josh Thompson, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2017
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Basic Simulation Modeling: Nature of simulation, Systems, Models and Simulation, Discrete-
Event Simulation, Simulation of Single Server Queuing System, Simulation of inventory system,
Parallel and distributed simulation and the high level architecture, Steps in sound simulation study,
and Other types of simulation, Advantages and disadvantages.
(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 of Text).
Review of Basic Probability and Statistics: Random Variables and their properties, Simulation
Output Data and Stochastic Processes, Estimation of Means, Variances and Correlations, Confidence
Intervals and Hypothesis tests for the Mean
Building valid, credible and appropriately detailed simulation models: Introduction and
definitions, Guidelines for determining the level of models detail, Management’s Role in the
Simulation Process, Techniques for increasing model validity and credibility, Statistical procedure
for comparing the real world observations and simulation output data.
(4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2 of Text).
Selecting Input Probability Distributions: Useful probability distributions, activity I, II and III.
Shifted and truncated distributions; Specifying multivariate distribution, correlations, and
stochastic processes; Selecting the distribution in the absence of data, Models of arrival process.
(6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12 of Text).
Random Number Generators: Linear congruential Generators, Other kinds, Testing number
Generating the Random Variates: General approaches, Generating continuous random variates,
Generating discrete random variates, Generating random vectors, and correlated random variates;
Generating arrival processes.
(7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 of Text).
Output data analysis for a single system: Transient and steady state behavior of a stochastic
process; Types of simulations with regard to analysis; Statistical analysis for terminating
simulation; Statistical analysis for steady state parameters; Statistical analysis for steady state cycle
parameters; Multiple measures of performance, Time plots of important variables. (9.2, 9.3, 9.4,
9.4.1, 9.4.3, 9.5, 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 of Text).
Text Book:
‘Simulation modeling and analysis’, Averill Law, McGraw Hill, 4 th edition, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Simulation modeling and analysis with ARENA’, Tayfur Altiok and Benjamin Melamed, Elsevier,
Academic press, 2007.
2. ‘Discrete event system Simulation’, Jerry Banks, Pearson, 2009
3. ‘Applied simulation modeling’, Seila Ceric and Tadikamalla, Cengage, 2009.
4. ‘Discrete event simulation’, George. S. Fishman, Springer, 2001.
5. ‘System modeling and simulation’, Frank L. Severance, Wiley, 2009.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Evolution Beyond Release 8, LTE-Advanced for IMT-Advanced, LTE Specifications and 3GPP
System Architecture Based on 3GPP SAE:
Basic System Architecture Configuration with only E-UTRAN Access Network, System Architecture
with E-UTRAN and Legacy 3GPP Access Networks, System Architecture with E-UTRAN and Non-
3GPP Access Networks, IMS Architecture, PCC and QoS.
Introduction to OFDMA, SC-FDMA and MIMO in LTE:
LTE Multiple Access Background, OFDMA Basics, SC-FDMA Basics MIMO
Physical Layer:
Transport Channels and their Mapping to the Physical Channels, Modulation, Uplink User Data
Transmission, Downlink User Data Transmission, Uplink Physical Layer Signaling Transmission,
PRACH Structure, Downlink Physical Layer Signaling Transmission.
Physical Layer Procedures, UE Capability Classes and Supported Features, Physical Layer
Measurements and Parameter Configuration.
LTE Radio Protocols:
Protocol Architecture, The Medium Access Control, The Radio Link Control Layer, Packet Data
Convergence Protocol.
Radio Resource Control (RRC): X2 Interface Protocols Understanding the RRC ASN.1 Protocol
Definition, Early UE Handling in LTE.
Mobility: Mobility Management in Idle State, Intra-LTE Handovers 190, Inter-system Handovers
Differences in E-UTRAN and UTRAN Mobility.
Radio Resource Management:
Overview of RRM Algorithms, Admission Control and QoS Parameters, Downlink Dynamic
Scheduling and Link Adaptation, Uplink Dynamic Scheduling and Link Adaptation, Interference
Management and Power Settings, Discontinuous Transmission and Reception (DTX/DRX), RRC
Connection Maintenance.
Layer 1 Peak Bit Rates, Terminal Categories Link Level Performance, Link Budgets Spectral
Efficiency Latency, LTE Reframing to GSM Spectrum Dimensioning.
Text Book:
‘LTE for UMTS Evolution to LTE-Advanced’, Harri Holma and Antti Toskala, John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd., Second Edition - 2011, Print ISBN: 9780470660003.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Fundamentals of LTE’, Arunabha Ghosh, Jun Zhang, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Rias Muhamed,
Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series from Ted
Rappaport, 1st Edition, Sept 2010.
2. ‘LTE – The UMTS Long Term Evolution; From Theory to Practice’ by Stefania Sesia, Issam
Toufik, and Matthew Baker, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Generation and Detection of X-Rays: X-Ray generation and X-Ray generators, Filters, Beam
Restrictors and Grids, Screens, X-Ray Detectors.
X-Ray Diagnostic Methods: Conventional X-Ray Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Angiography,
Mammography, Xeroradiography, Image Subtraction.
X-Ray Image Characteristics: Spatial Resolution, Image Noise, Image contrast.
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Determination of biological effects, Short term and Long
term effects.
X-Ray Tomography: Conventional Tomography, Computed Tomography - Projection function,
Algorithms for Image Reconstruction, CT number, Image Artifacts.
Digital Radiography: Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), Dual Energy Subtraction, K-Edge
subtraction, 3-D Reconstruction.
Recent Developments: Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor (DSR), Imatron or Fastrac Electron Beam
Generation and Detection of Ultrasound: Piezoelectric effect, Ultrasonic Transducers,
Transducer Beam Characteristics, Axial and Lateral resolution, Focusing and Arrays.
Ultrasonic Diagnostic Methods: Pulse Echo systems - A mode, B mode, M mode and C mode,
Transmission Methods, Doppler methods, Duplex Imaging.
Biological Effects of Ultrasound: Acoustic phenomena at high intensity levels, Ultrasound
Generation and Detection of Nuclear Emission: Nuclear Sources, Radionuclide Generators,
Nuclear Radiation Detectors, Collimators.
Diagnostic methods using Radiation Detector Probes: Thyroid Function test, Renal function
test, Blood volume measurement.
New Radio Nuclide Imaging methods: Longitudinal Section Tomography, SPECT and PET
Characteristics of Radionuclide Images: Spatial Resolution, Image contrast, Image Noise.
Generation and Detection of NMR signal: The NMR Coil/Probe, The transmitter and the Receiver,
Data acquisition.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods: Spin Echo Imaging, Gradient Echo Imaging, Blood flow
Characteristics of MRI images: Spatial Resolution, Image Contrast.
Imaging Safety.
Text Book:
‘Principles of Medical Imaging’, Kirk Shung, Michael B Smith, Benjamin M W Tsui, Academic
Press, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. ‘Fundamentals of Medical Imaging’, Zhong Hicho and Manbir Singh, John Wiley, 1993.
2. ‘Nuclear Medicine Introductory Text’, Peter Josefell & Edwards Sydney, William Blackwell
Scientific Publishers, London.
PhD Coursework Courses-2020 (ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION)
As per the regulation 2020
Electromigration Reliability
Why Electromigration Reliability?, Why system-level EM Reliability Management? Physics- based
EM Modeling, Electromigration Fundamentals, Stress based EM Modeling and stress diffusion
equations, Modeling for transient EM effects and Initial stress conditions, post voiding stress and
void volume evolution, compact physics based EM model for a single wire, other relevant EM
models and analysis methods. (Text Book:1 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 up to 2.6, 2.9).
Fast EM Stress Evolution Analysis
Introduction, The LTI ordinary differential equations for EM stress evolution, The presented Krylov
fast EM stress analysis, Numerical results and discussions (Text. Book:1 – 3.1 up to 3.4).
EM Assessment for Power Grid Networks
New power grid reliability analysis method, cross-layout temperature and thermal stress
characterization, impact of across-layout temperature and thermal stress on EM. (Text.Book:1 – 7.1,
7.2, 7.4, 7.5).
Transistor Aging Effects and Reliability:
Introduction, Transistor reliability in advanced technology nodes, Transistor Aging, BTI- Bias
Temperature Instability, HCI – Hot Carrier Injection, Coupling models for BTI and HCI degradations,
RTN – Random Telegraph Noise, TDDB – Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown. (Text Book: 1 –
13.1, 13.2).
Aging Effects in Sequential Elements:
Introduction, Background: flip flop timing analysis, process variation model, voltage droop model,
Robustness analysis, reliability-aware flip-flop design (Text Book: 1 – 16.1 up to 16.4).
‘Long-Term Reliability of Nanometer VLSI Systems’, Sheldon X. D. Tan, Mehdi Baradaran
Tahoori, Taeyoung Kim, Saman Kiamehr, Zeyu Sun, Shengcheng Wang, Springer International
Publishing, 1st Edition, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-26171-9
Reference Books